GGD-89-48 High Yield Bonds
GAO Iteport, to Congressional Rcqueskrs -..- ~--. .--- March 1!))I!) HIGH YIELD BONDS Issues Concerning Thrift Investments in High Yield Bonds i ,I unitedstates General Accounting Office GAO Wahington, D.C. 20548 General Government Division B-231276.8 March 2, I989 The Honorable Donald W. Riegle Chairman, Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs United States Senate The Honorable Henry B. Gonzalez Chairman, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs House of Representatives This report completes our responseto the requirements of Section 1201 of the Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 (P.L. lOO-86),which directed us to study several aspects of the high yield bond market As required by the act, we did our work in consultation with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal ReserveSystem, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Labor. Copies of this report are being provided to those agenciesand are available to others on request. This report was prepared under the direction of Craig A. Simmons, Director, Financial Institutions and Markets Issues, Other major contributors are listed in the appendix. Richard L. Fogel Assistant Comptroller General Ekecutive Summ~ The growth of the high yield (“junk”) bond market in the 1980s has Purpose been fraught with controversy. Numerous congressionalhearings have focused on the role of these bonds as a tool to finance takeovers-of com- panies. Major figures in the high yield bond market have been the target of investigations by congressionalcommittees, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Justice Department.
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