Tacit Collusion in Oligopoly Edward J. Green,y Robert C. Marshall,z and Leslie M. Marxx February 12, 2013 Abstract We examine the economics literature on tacit collusion in oligopoly markets and take steps toward clarifying the relation between econo- mists’analysis of tacit collusion and those in the legal literature. We provide examples of when the economic environment might be such that collusive pro…ts can be achieved without communication and, thus, when tacit coordination is su¢ cient to elevate pro…ts versus when com- munication would be required. The authors thank the Human Capital Foundation (http://www.hcfoundation.ru/en/), and especially Andrey Vavilov, for …nancial support. The paper bene…tted from discussions with Roger Blair, Louis Kaplow, Bill Kovacic, Vijay Krishna, Steven Schulenberg, and Danny Sokol. We thank Gustavo Gudiño for valuable research assistance.
[email protected], Department of Economics, Penn State University
[email protected], Department of Economics, Penn State University
[email protected], Fuqua School of Business, Duke University 1 Introduction In this chapter, we examine the economics literature on tacit collusion in oligopoly markets and take steps toward clarifying the relation between tacit collusion in the economics and legal literature. Economists distinguish between tacit and explicit collusion. Lawyers, using a slightly di¤erent vocabulary, distinguish between tacit coordination, tacit agreement, and explicit collusion. In hopes of facilitating clearer communication between economists and lawyers, in this chapter, we attempt to provide a coherent resolution of the vernaculars used in the economics and legal literature regarding collusion.1 Perhaps the easiest place to begin is to de…ne explicit collusion.