Anuario Latinoamericano Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales vol. 6, 2018 pp. 121–143 The role of the state of Hidalgo in the public DOI: 10.17951/al.2018.6.121-143 policies for the Hidalgo inhabitants abroad El papel del Estado de Hidalgo en las políticas públicas para los Hidalguenses en el exterior Edgar Manuel Castillo Flores* Political ScienceS at the UniverSity of the State of hidalgo PachUca, Mexico
[email protected] Berenice Alfaro Ponce** Political ScienceS at the UniverSity of the State of hidalgo PachUca, Mexico
[email protected] AbsTRACT In 1990, the migration of the inhabitants of the Hidalgo state to the United States was intensified, becoming an emergent social phenomenon. In response to this, in 1999, the authorities of the state of Hidalgo made some intervention efforts. The aim of this document is to describe the antecedents of the public policies developed by the Hidalgo government in the care of its migrants in the United States, through a methodology of historical and qualitative analysis that investigate three governmental periods of management and various initiatives developed by the state. * B.a. in Political Sciences and Public administration by the autonomous University of the State of hidalgo, Master in local development by the Polytechnic University of Madrid and Ph.d. by the complutense University of Madrid, with a double degree in government, Public Policies, Sociology and anthropology. currently he is a full-time researcher seconded to the academic area of Political Science and Public administration with a required PRODEP profile and a coordinator of the B.a in Political Sciences and Public administration.