He's Gotta Have It All: the Commercial Impulse in the 21
HE’S GOTTA HAVE IT ALL: THE COMMERCIAL IMPULSE IN THE 21ST-CENTURY SPIKE LEE JOINT by Jesse Williams, Jr. A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Faculty of the Graduate School at Doctor of Philosophy in English Middle Tennessee State University 2013 Dissertation Committee Dr. Laura Dubek, Chair Dr. Will Brantley Dr. Robert Holtzclaw For Roger Ebert, who “saw it all.” ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my parents for not raising a quitter. As a result, entering the academic profession will ensure that I will not quit digging in their pockets. Likewise, thank you to the College of Graduate Studies for the Provost’s Writing Fellowship and the Department of English for the Peck Award: the stipends were much appreciated. Thank you to Dr. Philip Phillips for his graduate seminar, in which this project originated, and for his enthusiasm and encouragement. Finally, to my dissertation committee, especially the chair: I salute you. Your patience knows no bounds. iii ABSTRACT The 2008 publication of Paula J. Massood’s The Spike Lee Reader by Temple University Press legitimized Spike Lee as a focus for academic study. A writer, director, and actor, Lee produced the first of his twenty-eight feature films, She’s Gotta Have It, in 1986, and in the last twenty-seven years, countless interviews, movie reviews, children’s books, and unauthorized biographies about the filmmaker have entered the marketplace. Although there are several book-length studies on the Spike Lee Joint, Massood’s is the first to contextualize the filmmaker’s entire oeuvre within the framework of cinema studies.
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