Assessment of Small Strain Dynamic Soil Properties of Railway site , by Bender Element Tests

Rajat Debnath NIT Agartala: National Institute of Technology Agartala Rajib Saha (  [email protected] ) NIT Agartala Sumanta Haldar IIT Bhubaneswar: Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar

Research Article

Keywords: Shear modulus, Shear wave velocity, Bender element test, Indo Bangla Railway Project, Agartala, Peat soil.

Posted Date: April 27th, 2021


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Rajat Debnath Ph.D. Scholar, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Agartala Jirania-799046, (w), India. Email: [email protected]

Rajib Saha Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Agartala Jirania-799046, Tripura (w), India. Email: [email protected]

Sumanta Haldar Associate Professor of Civil Engineering School of Infrastructure Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (IIT Bhubaneswar) Bhubaneswar – 751013, Odisha, India. Email: [email protected]

Submitted for possible publication in Natural Hazards

Address for correspondence:

Rajib Saha Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department, National Institute of Technology Agartala Jirania-799046, Tripura (w), India, Mobile No. 09436125024 Email: [email protected]


Small strain dynamic properties of soil is the primary input parameter in seismic ground response analysis studies.

This study examines the small strain shear modulus (Gs or Gmax) and damping ratio (ξ) using bender element tests on subsoil samples along with evaluation of liquefaction potential (Sandy soil) collected from a railway construction site at Agartala, India. The objective of this study is to develop a database and empirical relationship on dynamic properties of soil Agartala which may help to carry out site specific seismic hazard studies of Agartala city. In present study, both undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected from twelve boreholes near the study area which is mainly of soft marshy ground with localized deposits of peat layer. Similar type of soil is often found in various parts of Agartala basin and other regions of India. Experimental results indicate that Vs, Gmax and ξ vary within a wide range depending upon the type of soil and a closed form empirical equation are proposed to calculate

Gmax for different types of soil which would be applicable for evaluating dynamic properties for similar nature soil available across various sites of India.

Keywords: Shear modulus, Shear wave velocity, Bender element test, Indo Bangla Railway Project, Agartala, Peat soil.


Determination of small strain dynamic parameters of soil such as Vs, Gmax, and  plays a vital role in carrying out several earthquake geotechnical engineering applications, such as, ground response analysis, soil-structure interaction analysis, liquefaction potential evaluation and earthquake resistant design of different foundations as well as geotechnical structures. Bender Element (BE) test is found to be well recognized to obtain accurate values of Vs,

Gmax and from element testing (Lings et al. 2001, Lee et al. 2006, Jung et al. 2007, Kumar et al. 2010, Jaya et al.

2012, Gu 2013, Gu 2015, Cai et al. 2015, Ogino et al. 2015). Vs measurement by BE test was originally introduced by Shirley and Hampton (1978) and further utilized widely by many researchers. BE testing is widely accepted due to its various advantages, such as, (i) low cost experiment and easy to perform in the laboratory, (ii) strains produced in the piezo-electric transducer are in the range of 10-6 which is well within the elastic limit of all varieties of soil and hence this test is non-destructive, (iii) methods adopted for data interpretation are simpler, and

(iv) BE can be incorporated with other apparatus such as oedometer, and triaxial cell (Dobry et al. 1987, Fam et al. 1995, Brignoli et al. 1996, Brocanelli 1998, Valle et al. 2012). Several researchers highlighted on field based geophysical experiments which may be applied to obtain Vs profile of the ground (Zhang et al. 2004, Xu et al. 2006,

Sil 2013). However, determination of Vs from field experiment is an indirect method based on several assumptions. Several correlations based on field Vs measurement and standard penetration test (SPT) also presented in many literatures using which an estimation Vs can also be determined, (Jafari 1997, Chien 2000, Kiku 2001, Hasancebi 2007, Dikmen et al. 2009, Anbazhagan et al. 2012, Sil et al. 2013). Hence, It clearly indicates that BE results are more reliable since it is a direct assessment technique and several dynamic parameters, such as Vs, Gmax, and  can be calculated from a single experiment. In addition, advanced tests such as, resonant column (RC) and torsional shear (TS) test were also performed by many researchers to validate the results of BE test

(Kumar et al. 2010, Gu et al. 2013, Yang 2013, Cai et al. 2015, Dammala et al. 2019). It was reported that BE results were found to be in good agreement with RC and TS tests.

On the other hand, a number of studies also highlighted the importance of confining pressure (CP) and range of input frequency which influences Vs measurement during BE test (Jung et al. 2007, Karl et al. 2008, Kumar et al. 2010, Jaya 2012, Gu et al. 2013, Cai et al. 2015, Prasanth et al. 2018, Dammala et al. 2019). However, a considerable research on dynamic characterization of various types of soil based on BE experiment was reported

(Brignoli et al. 1996, Brocanelli et al. 1998, Lings et al. 2001, Reddy et al. 2010, Murillo et al. 2011, Valle et al.

2012, Li et al. 2012, Payan et al. 2016). Several studies presented empirical correlations for different types of soil to calculate Vs, Gmax, and,  based on BE test results (Andrus et al. 2000, Arroyo et al. 2003, Kumar et al. 2010, Bai et al. 2011). Few studies highlighted dynamic characterization of peat clay using BE test (Kramer et al. 2000, Kishida et al. 2006, Karl 2008, Rahman 2015). Further, several works on BE testing were also performed in India on mainly alluvium sandy soil (Jaya et al. 2008, Kumar et al. 2010a, 2010b, Jaya et al. 2012, Dammala et al.

2017a,b, 2019, Prasanth et al. 2018).

In view of the above context, it is evident that site specific assessment of dynamic characteristics is important and rational for performing seismic design of various civil infrastructures. Present study is an attempt in this direction to perform dynamic characterization of soil collected from proposed India Bangladesh railway project site at Agartala, the capital of NE state Tripura by performing BE test and subsequent analysis on liquefaction potential of that zone. The prime focus of present study is to obtain the dynamic characteristics of subsoil of study area upto maximum 20-25 m depth below ground level since the study area lies within Indo-Bangla potential seismic zone (Tripura fold zone) and close to Chittagong fault line. Further, as per Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

IS: 1893 (Part 1)-2002 the study area was recognized as severe earthquake prone zone of the country. Figure 1 presents the site location map along with GPS coordinates from where both disturbed (DS) and undisturbed (UDS) soil samples were collected for testing. On the other hand, the seismic hazard of Agartala is growing up tremendously as it is the second highest populated city with population density of 10,119 persons per square kilometer after Guwahati (capital of ) at NE India. The growth is increased manifold times and in faster rate since infrastructural development is underway after recognition of smart city. In addition, Agartala was selected as business corridor of South-East Asian countries through Bangladesh which accordingly enhances the global importance in the upcoming days. Further to be noted that in the recent past a moderate earthquake of Mw of 5.7 occurred on 3rd January 2017 at Tripura which had resulted significant liquefaction in north district of Tripura (Das et al. 2018, Anbazhagan et al. 2019, Saha et al. 2020). Hence, evaluation of liquefaction potential of the present site with similar soil properties, which is located at an approximate distance of 80 km from the reported liquefaction region is also considered in the scope of present study. Probabilistic approach based on Vs proposed by Cetin et al.

(2004) is adopted in present study to evaluate liquefaction susceptibility. Finally, present experimental study will help to generate database as well closed form empirical expressions on small strain dynamic properties, such as, Vs,

Gmax, along with liquefaction potential of typical Agartala soil. The outcome of this study will help to perform seismic site-specific hazard studies on Agartala and other regions with similar soil properties in a reasonably accurate manner and vulnerability studies of different types of structures located in those regions.

Seismicity of the study area and site characterization of target site

As per seismological zonation, the whole North-East (NE) India including Agartala, the capital of Tripura (23.750 –

23.900N and 91.250 – 91.350E) categorized under highest seismic zone V. The seismo-tectonics of NE area is complicated because of interaction between the active north-south convergence along the Himalaya, the east-west convergence and folding within the Indo-Burma ranges which attribute a deformation known as subduction (Kayal

2008). Two third boundary of Tripura including Agartala and some parts of Assam, Mizoram are sharing international border with Bangladesh. In past, several moderate (Mw  5 to 7) to few mega range (Mw  7) earthquakes had occurred in this region mainly due to the presence of numerous active faults and this region was recognized as Indo-Bangla potential seismic zone. Based on the past earthquakes and geomorphological survey, this zone was subdivided into five parts as presented in Table 1. As per the tectonic framework, it is observed that the study area Tripura lies within Tripura fold belt zone which is in the proximity of the Bengal basin and Indo-Burmese arcs in the West and Eastern side respectively. Tripura fold belt zone is moderately active and interpreted as plate boundary activity which caused some moderate to damaging earthquakes (for instance, 1984 Cachar earthquake, Mw

> 5.8). Figure 2 presents seismo-tectonic map of the study area.

The upcoming Agartala (India) – Akhaura (Bangladesh) railway connectivity project site within Indian territory at Agartala (23°46՜40՜՜ N to 23°55՜0՜՜ N and 91°14՜0՜՜ E to 91°20՜50՜՜ E) is selected as study area for the present work. The total length of the project is 15 km, out of which 5.0 km railway line along with one station yard

(at Nischintapur) is under construction within Indian territory and the site is located at southern part of Agartala municipal area (AMC) as shown in Figure 1. This international railway project funded by Government of India will be instrumental for development of socio-economic condition of both the countries and especially development of whole NE region of our country. The construction of proposed railway embankment and viaduct involved geotechnical investigation of nearly 50 boreholes upto a maximum depth of 18 to 25 meter below ground level for the total stretch of 3.64 km in India side. Both undisturbed and disturbed soil samples were collected from twelve boreholes during site exploration program at site which are reported in present study. It was found that subsoil profile observed at twelve boreholes will reasonably represent the spatial variation of the whole stretch. Another unique feature of the site is low lying soft marshy ground with deposits of decomposed organic matters. A variation in subsoil stratification is observed and accordingly the stratification profile along with field SPT results are presented in four categories as shown in Figure 3(a) to (d) respectively.

From the subsoil stratification observed in Figure 3(a) to (d), it is realized that about fifty percent of the total length of the project comprises of highly compressible peat clay layer (OH) to very soft clay mixed with decomposed organic substances (CI-CH) with high water content having significant thickness approximately ranges from 5.0 m to 10.0 m below existing ground level. The organic samples had undergone anaerobic decomposition, and were amorphous in nature. This highly compressible poor layer is found to be followed by moderate to good bearing layers of silty sand/clayey silty sand (SM/SC) to poorly graded clean sand/gravelly sand (SP/GP) upto termination depth. This may be confirmed from stratification presented for BH01 to BH06. However, BH07 to

BH09 also confirms presence of organic clay layer (CI-CH) having lesser thickness at shallow depth. On the other hand, BH10 to BH12 indicates that the top virgin layer consists of medium/stiff clayey silt/silty clay layer having moderate thickness and further followed by silty/clayey sand (SM-SC) and poorly graded clean sand (SP) respectively upto termination depth. However, it may be noted that the horizontal extent of bottom sand layer is found to be continued longitudinally irrespective of boreholes. The subsoil profile encountered in the boreholes indicates relatively younger alluvial/fluvial sedimentation formation of Holocene age which is also experienced in most of the parts of Agartala basin and can be considered as typical Agartala soil. Total nine undisturbed (UDS) and three disturbed (DS) samples are collected from different boreholes. Nine UDS samples are collected from shallow depth highly compressible soft to medium cohesive/very soft peat clay layers available in BH01-BH06 and medium to stiff soil layers of silty clay (CI-MI) are present in BH10-BH12. Similar nature of alluvium nature of subsoil deposits is available in various parts of India. Table 2 and 3 present details of physical and static engineering parameters of UDS and DS samples respectively. It is to be noted that consolidated undrained (CU) triaxial test with pore water pressure measurement is carried out on both UDS and reconstituted DS samples prepared maintaining identical in-situ density and at varying cell pressure (CP). However, the shear strength parameters are reported in terms of total stress. Constant head permeability test is performed on reconstituted soil samples to obtain hydraulic conductivity of soil (i.e coefficient of permeability) of all types. It is found that organic soil and sand poses least and highest permeability respectively. All static tests are performed following relevant Indian standards. A comparison of index and engineering properties of subsoil collected from target site and similar nature of soil from other regions which are mainly clayey in nature reported by (Prasad et al. 2013, Celik et al. 2014, Subramanian et al. 2015,

Kumar et al. 2018) is presented in Table 4 and in case of loose sandy nature soil a comparison is drawn in the form of grain size graph which indicates that the sandy soil of Indo-Bangladesh region is highly prone to liquefaction.

Bender element test and sample preparation

Test apparatus

BE tests have grown popularity in the recent years due to the non-destructive (NDT) mode of testing, and wide range of frequencies which can be applied on the soil in the form of sine waves. Waves being low strain are well within the elasticity of most of soils, have gained popularity, since its first usage Shirley and Hampton (1978).

Piezoelectric transducers present in the BE apparatus, consists of two elements, namely transmitter and receiver, which are placed at top and bottom. At the top, S-wave transmitter is kept and the receiver is kept at bottom, which are shown in a schematic diagram in Figure 4. The elements are 2 mm in width and 10 mm in height. Sinusoidal waveforms having varying excitation frequencies are generated with a maximum voltage of 20V which is controlled by the power generator. Input frequency of the apparatus can extend upto a maximum value of 10 kHz. For the present study, sine waves were generated within a wide range of input excitation frequencies of 0.50-10 kHz, due to limitations of the apparatus. Source and receiver signals are recorded in the digital oscilloscope. The soil specimens in the triaxial cell are kept under isotropic confining pressure of 50, 100, 200, and 400 kPa before the test for a considerable period of time, to undergo adequate amount of consolidation.

Sample collection and preparation

Undisturbed soil (UDS) samples are collected from site by sampling tube having 10 cm diameter and 40 cm length having inside clearance ranging from 1 to 3% and area ratio < 10% conforming to IS:11594-1985. Three sets of

UDS samples were collected for OH, CH and CI-MI soil types from BH 01to BH 03, BH 04 to BH 06 and BH 10 to

BH 12 respectively from a depth varying from 1.50 - 4.50 m below EGL. Collected sampling tubes were waxed on both the open ends, covered with plastic packets, and taped immediately in order to minimize the moisture loss.

Samplers were kept vertically in upright position in a room having 85% humidity with a constant room temperature of 20°C. SM samples were obtained in disturbed form BH 07, 08 and 09 by split spoon sampler. UDS specimens of

CH, OH and CI-MI were prepared from UDS samplers as shown in Figure 5(a) maintaining a height (H) to diameter

(D) ratio of 2.00. Reconstituted samples were prepared for SM soils at relative density of 40% on the basis of maximum and minimum dry densities presented in Table 3. Further, the sand samples are prepared by tamping the sand in three layers with H/D = 2 under in-situ condition which is presented in Figure 5(b).

Methodology of shear wave velocity evaluation by bender element test

Shear wave velocity measurement

BEs are mounted at the top and bottom of a triaxial apparatus as shown in Figure 4(a) and the shear waves are being transmitted through the piezoceramic BE and the signals are recorded in the digital oscilloscope. Sample results obtained for four different soil samples are presented in Figure 6. Determination of travel time to evaluate shear wave velocity can be carried out by three different methods, (a) the first time of arrival, (b) the first peak to peak and

(c) the cross-correlation method. First peak to peak method was adopted for the present study due to its simplicity in travel time calculation which was also adopted by several other researchers (Leong 2009, Youn 2009, Cai et al. 2015). In the first peak to peak method, arrival time refers to the time (tpp) between peak of source signal and received signal ignoring initial weak portion of the signal which is attributed due to near field effects (if any). The length travelled by the signal is the height of the soil sample which is being referred to as length of travel time (Ltt).

The corresponding time required to travel that length recorded in the digital oscilloscope helps in evaluating the Vs of the soil which can be conducted at varying CP and fin. Four different confining pressure of 50, 100, 200, and 400 kPa are considered in present study. The shear wave produced by BE is always accompanied with compression, and reflected shear waves which are basically signals of opposite polarity and are referred to as near field effects which appears before any signal, as shown in Figure 7. The presence of near-field effect affects the shape of the received signal and it creates difficulty in finding accurately the arrival of shear waves in the BE test (e.g. Brignoli et al.

1996, Jovicic et al. 1996, Cai et al. 2009, Leong et al. 2009, Chan et al. 2010, Kumar 2010). Hence, simultaneous increase of input frequency and by varying the frequencies at higher intensities leads to a better and reliable prediction of travel time of shear waves. Present study considers range of frequency from 0.5 kHz to 10 kHz to minimize near field effects.

Results and Discussion

Shear wave velocity of soil (Vs)

Shear wave velocity (Vs) of soil is calculated for a frequency range of 0.5 kHz to 10 kHz. A convergence study is performed to find out the Vs which remains constant with an increase in frequency and confirms reducing distortion caused by near field effects. A non-dimensional parameter, i.e ratio of wavelength path (Ltt) to that of wavelength

(  ) of a particular signal is used for the convergence study. Figure 8 (a) to (d) presents sample results of measured

L shear wave velocities with respect to tt for four different type of soils considered in present study respectively. 

Each soil type is tested under four different confining pressures which are also presented in the same figures. It is observed from Figure 8 (a) to (d) that the converging trend of Vs are observed in four different types of soil at

Ltt different values of which lies within 1.40 to 4.40. Further, Figure 9 (a) to (d) also indicates range of Vs  encompassing confining pressure of 50, 100, 200 and 400 kPa in order of 74.32 – 108.65 m/sec, 145.45 – 168.44 m/sec, 60.61 – 76.21 and 148.15 -234.64 for CI-CH, CI-MI, OH and SM type soil respectively. Experimental Vs of all twelve samples are presented with respect to confining pressure in Figure 9 (a) to (d). An increasing trend of Vs with increase in confining pressure is observed irrespective of type of soil samples, similar trend was observed by

(Leong et al. 2009, Kumar et al. 2010, Dammala et al. 2019).

Small strain shear modulus (Gmax)

Small strain shear modulus (Gmax) was recognized as a key parameter in earthquake geotechnical engineering design practice. Beside this, Gmax plays an important role in characterization of soil deformability from the view point of propagation of waves. The well accepted expression of Gmax derived from the elastic wave propagation analysis is presented herein.

G  V 2 max s (1) where,  = density of soil specimen.

Two main parameters that mainly influences Gmax, are CP and initial void ratio (e) as suggested elsewhere

(Chien et al. 2002, Mayoral et al. 2008, Bai et al. 2010). CP plays a vital role in determining the stiffness of the material. Variation of Gmax with CP for 4 types of soil are shown in Figure 10. Gmax values varied from 10.4 ~22.4

MPa, 41.8 ~57.1 MPa, 5.3 ~ 8.7 MPa, and 38.6 ~ 104.6 MPa in case of CH, CI-MI, OH, and SM respectively.

Similar trend between Gmax with respect to CP are available in literature (Youn et al.2008, Jaya, Cai, Dammala et al. 2019). An average percentage of increment in Vs with confining pressure for different type of soil is presented in Table 5. It is observed that the effect of confining pressure is maximum and minimum in order of 58.35% and 15.81% respectively in case of SM and CI-MI type of soil respectively.

Proposed empirical relationship to determine Gmax

Site specific evaluation of Gmax with the help of empirical equation has been proposed by various researchers

(Saxena and Reddy 1989, Chien and Oh 2002, Jaya et al. 2012, Dammala et al. 2019) which are also used in site response studies. Equations proposed by various researchers are different. However, these can be broadly classified into two forms, as presented in equation (2) and (3).

G  A F e)(  P m)1(  m max a c (2)

G  1000  (K )  m max 2 max c (3) From different forms of equations for evaluating site specific Gmax, equation proposed by Hardin (1978) as stated in equation (4) has been adopted for the present study which is an extension of equation (2) by adopting F(e)

2 as 1/(0.3+0.7e ), as the equation proposed is one of the most widely adopted equation to evaluate Gmax for various earthquake applications and has been adopted by various researchers due its dimensional consistency and F(e) value can be adopted for soil having wide range of void ratio and (K2)max is maximum soil modulas coefficient.

1m ' m A Pa  c Gmax  2 3.0( 7.0e ) (4) where, Gmax is maximum shear modulas (MPa), A is a constant term depended on soil, Pa is standard atmospheric pressure, σc՜ confining pressure acting on soil specimen, e is considered as initialvoid ratio in present study. m is stress depending factor.

In the present study, BE tests were performed on four types of soil samples at varying confining pressure.

Nonlinear regression curve is used to best fit the results and the equation of the curve is arranged in the form of

Equation 4 in order to obtain the constant parameters for different soil types. Figure 11 shows the regression equation of different types of soil and the various constant parameters such as A, m and coefficient of correlation

(R2) are also stated . The values of A, m and R2 can be evaluated from Figure 11 (a) to (d) for SC, CI-MI, OH, and

SM respectively, taking initial void ratio into consideration. Constant term parameters obtained from the present study are compared with well accepted expressions reported in literatures as presented in Table 6. It is observed that the variation of fitting parameters is significant with the existing values which indicate the importance of development of site-specific parameters. Hence, the predicted expression of Gmax will be more useful for typical soil deposits available in Tripura.

Comparison of field and laboratory determination of Vs

Attempt also made to calculate Vs based on in-situ standard penetration test (SPT) results. Depth wise SPT results for each borehole are available in Figure 3. Correlations proposed by Dikmen (2009) is used for evaluating in-situ Vs for the present study. The correlations proposed were based on extensive study which compares in-situ Vs obtained by

MASW and data set of SPT borings (0.5m to 30.45m) at 264 different locations of alluvial site. The empirical expressions proposed by Dikmen (2009) for different types of soil are presented herein. V 58N .039 s  60 , for all soil types (5)

V N .0 48 s  44 60 , for cohesive soils (6)

V  73N .0 33 s 60 ,for cohesionless soils (7)

Table 7 presents comparison of Vs obtained from correlation with N60 value and BE test carried out in present study on UDS samples at similar confining pressure of 100 kPa. It is observed that Vs obtained from empirical correlation exhibits well agreement with experimental results.

Determination of damping ratio of soil ( )

Three most widely adopted methods are used to determine soil from BE test, are Rayleigh-Ritz analysis (Karl et  al. 2008), analysis based on multiple reflections Karl et al. (2008), and self-correcting method (Karl et al. 2008).

However, multiple reflections-based analysis is utilized in present study to estimate  . This method has advantage of measurement of same wave on sender and receiver cap of BE. Multiple reflection in BE appear as repetitions of first arrival with decayed peaks which gets shifted with time.

Time histories recorded by BE are denoted by di (t) and dj (t) where the subscript ‘i’ and ‘j’ denotes order of first and subsequent arrival of shear waves, represented as a function of time at applied input frequencies of 3, 4, and 5 kHz respectively for the present study, similar methodology was adopted by Karl et al. (2008). Arrival of shear waves are separated by rectangular windows with the peak showing maximum amplification of that particular window. Obtained time histories di (t) and dj (t) are converted to frequency domain, which are represented as

ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ di  di w)( and d j  d j w)( , with di (w) and d j (w) being Fourier transform of di (t) and dj (t) respectively.

di and d j are required to evaluate attenuation coefficient ( s ) which is defined as natural logarithm of spectral

ratio of two amplitudes di and d j divided by travel path length 2(j-i)L of the respective wave where L represents the length of soil specimen as stated in equation 8. 1 d   ln i s (2j  i)L d j (8) where, j and i are reflections of jth and ith arrival, in such a way that the first arrival is denoted as (i=1) and the subsequent arrivals of second, third and fourth arrivals are denoted as (j=2, 3, 4), arrivals of different waves, with d1

st nd rd th  s denoting 1 arrival and d2, d3, and d4 denoting 2 , 3 and 4 arrival of waves. By plotting a graph between and  varying input frequency (fin), a linear relationship is obtained as shown in Figure 12. is calculated from the slope

(S) of the line as per the following equation suggested elsewhere (Karl et al. 2007).

SV   s 2 (9)

where, Vs = shear wave velocity of soil, S = Slope of linear trend line.

Correction for boundaries

In a BE cell due to presence of piezoceramic BEs which are present at top and bottom plate of triaxial cell supporting a soil specimen, impedance changes are bound to happen between soil and piezoceramic BEs. Such changes of impedances at an interface causing reflection and transmission of waves, are to be minimized by boundary propagation factor.

1 K c  1 K (10) where, c = boundary constant factor, K=ρVs, ρ= density of soil.

Santamarina and Fratta (1996) reported a frequency dependent boundary constant factor c(ω) for a frequency range below 1 kHz, whereas in case of frequencies higher than 1 kHz, boundary constant c is used. In order to minimize the effect due to boundary conditions, a constant boundary condition factor c is used which can be evaluated from equation 10 for reducing the boundary condition effects on ξ.


Time histories are obtained for four soil types where arrival of peaks upto 3rd order adopting similar methodogy as adopted by Karl et al. (2008). Varying input frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 10 kHz are used for the present study. However,  evaluation is mainly limited to three frequencies 3, 4, and 5 kHz which would be enough for obtaining slope.

Time histories divided into rectangular windows 12 having window length of 2.510-4, 2510-4, 5010-5, and 2510-4 seconds for OH, CH, CI-MI, and SM soil respectively. Peaks obtained are represented in the form of time histories which are d1(t), d2(t), and d3(t). Time histories obtained were converted in frequency domain by

  Fourier transform. Accordingly, s is calculated. Graphs are plotted between s and input frequency of 3, 4, and 5 kHz for four different type of soil as shown in Figure 12 (a) to (d) respectively. Slope was generated from the graph which was used in the determination of  by applying equation 9. Constant boundary factor (c) is applied in case of all soil types which is obtained from equation 10 which ranged from 0.97 to 0.99 for all four varieties of soil.

Finally, Table 8 presents calculated ξ for four varieties of soil after boundary effect correction. Values of S for

 different soil varieties are evaluated from the graph plotted between s and frequency (Hz). The calculated  values are found to be having wide range for four different type of soil which varied from 8.90 to 22.10%. The OH classified type soil exhibited highest  of 19.90% whereas CH type is found to exhibit the lowest value, i.e. 9.30%.

However, an average  of 19.90, 9.30, 15.10 and 12.70 % in case of OH, CH, SM, and CI-MI respectively which are also found to be in well agreement as reported by previous researchers and may as well be adopted for similar natured soil available across various other regions as stated in Table 4.

Assessment of liquefaction potential of Target site

The liquefaction susceptibility assessment of target site is performed considering subsoil deposit encountered at

BH07 to BH09 and following Cetin et al. (2004) based on SPT values. The method was proposed based on probabilistic analysis which seems to be advanced one. PGA of 0.4g and Mw of 7.5 are considered in the present analysis to obtain the depth wise factor of safety (FOS) against liquefaction for each of boreholes. Input of earthquake parameters are assumed considering the target site is located in severe seismic zone of the country as per

BIS code (IS 1893 Part 1 2016). The reason of selection of three boreholes mainly due to presence of silty sand

(SM-SC) layers at shallow to moderate depth of the boreholes. On the other hand, the comparison of grain size results of sand samples of target site and liquefaction case study site at North Tripura during 2017 Tripura EQ, as shown in Figure 13 reported elsewhere (Saha et al. 2020) along with other liquefaction potential sites of India possessing similar particle size lying under highly prone liquefaction zone as presented in Figure 14.

First, the depth wise FOS against liquefaction for BH07 to BH09 are calculated following Cetin et al. (2004) based on cyclic stress ratio (CSR) and cyclic resistance ratio (CRR). Details of calculation are not presented for the sake of brevity of the paper. However, Figure 16 presents sample results of FOS against liquefaction in case of BH07. In fact, FOS tends to estimate liquefaction potential at a particular depth and does not specify liquefaction severity of that location. This shortcoming can be addressed by liquefaction potential index

(LPI) which measures the intensity of liquefaction effect in a borehole as suggested elsewhere (Sonmez et al. 2003).

Table 9 presents the correlation between FOS and LPI value. Finally, the LPI for BH 07, BH08 and BH 09 were evaluated following Iwasaki et al. (1982) and presented in Table 10 which helped to determine liquefaction vulnerability of that region. Results indicate that the site is highly prone to liquefaction as per limiting ranges of LPI presented in Table 9.

Summary and conclusions

Present study primarily focusses on dynamic properties characterization of subsoil deposit of proposed India

Bangladesh railway construction site at Agartala by performing BE tests on four different category of soil samples in the laboratory along with proposal of site specific empirical correlations. Further, determination of physical and engineering characteristics of subsoil deposits upto 20.0 m depth were conducted in the first phase of the study. In

second phase, the dynamic properties such as Vs, Gmax,  and fc are obtained from BE tests and finally an attempt was made towards liquefaction assessment of the target site. Based on this, the study offers following salient conclusions.

1. It is found that major portion of the site consists of marshy land with very soft organic peat clay and the

percentage of decomposed organic matters varies along depth and horizontally. The maximum percentage of

decomposed matter found in order of 36%. Further, silt mixed with fine sand layer is also found in shallow to

moderate depth of boreholes which are highly prone to liquefaction and special attention should be given

towards liquefaction while carrying out any construction in this region. L 2. From BE tests, it is found that the near field effects gets subdued at tt of 2.80, 2.00, 4.40, and 1.45 for soil 

types of CH, CI-MI, OH, and SM-SC respectively.. The range of average VS is calculated to be 74.32 – 108.65

m/sec, 145.45 – 168.44 m/sec, 60.61 – 76.21 m/sec and 148.15 -234.64 m/sec for CI-CH, CI-MI, OH and SM

types of soil respectively. It is observed that Vs tends to increase with increase in CP. An empirical prediction

model of Vs from present study is presented for different soil types which may be adopted for similar natured

soil available in other regions for site specific studies. Further, set of empirical correlation equations of Gmax are

proposed as a function of initial void ratio (e) and CP for four different soil types which may help to carry out

site specific seismic site response studies accurately.

3. Damping ratio   for four different soil types are calculated based on BE test using peak to peak method. This

range of  are observed in order of 19.90%, 9.30%, 15.10% and 12.70 % in case of OH, CH, SM, and CI-MI

respectively. The values obtained would be substantial in carrying out site specific studies for similar natured


4. Liquefaction assessment of the target site was performed. The LPI values ranges from 18.32 -23.74 indicating

that the region is highly prone to liquefaction.

Summarily, the outcome of this study would help to estimate dynamic properties of typical subsoil of similar nature soil available in Tripura. Suggested correlations will be useful in seismic hazard/earthquake geotechnical engineering related studies of Tripura and India. However, present study also highlights dynamic characteristics of typical soft peat clayey type soil which is abundantly available in northeastern region of India and various other parts of India.


The authors acknowledge the support of Technical Education Quality Improvement Program (TEQIP) for providing funds which was used for logistic support at IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Bhubaneswar and the authors would also like to thank Mr. Sangeet Kumar Patra, Ph.D. scholar, IIT Bhubaneswar for assisting to carry out laboratory tests at IIT Bhubaneswar.


Funding- Funding was provided by Technical Education Quality Improvement Program

(TEQIP) for providing funds which was used for logistic support at IIT (Indian Institute of

Technology) Bhubaneswar for carrying out experiments for the present study.

Conflict of interest/competiting interest- No conflict (or) competiting interest.

Availability of data and material-All data and models generated or used during the study appear in the article.

Code availability- All codes used during the study appear in the article.

Authors’ contribution-

Rajat Debnath- Visualizing and conceptualizing the problem, conducting experiments, analyzing data, writing and formatting the manuscript.

Rajib Saha- Visualizing and conceptualizing the problem, review and editing of manuscript, supervision of work.

Sumanta Haldar- Visualizing and conceptualizing the problem, review and editing of manuscript, supervision of work.


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Table 1 Maximum level of earthquake in different tectonic zone at NE India and Bangladesh

Sl. No Tectonic Block Maximum magnitude of earthquake 1 Bogra fault zone/Bengal basin 7.00

2 Tripura fold belt zone 7.00

3 Assam fault zone 8.50

4 Shilong plateau 7.00

5 Sub Dauki fault zone 7.00

Particle size distribution Triaxial

) (Sand, Silt, Clay) shear c Void C  s at ) strength


Gs ratio




(SL) parameters

(PL) (Organic matter, OM) (kN/ (LL) 3 2 (e0)

specimen [cu (kN/m ) (%) m ) Index (

Plastic Limit

Liquid Limit

Borehole No.


Water content

Plasticity Index / (degs)]

IS classificationIS 

Identification of

Specific Gravity

Shrinkage Limit

Description of soil

Blackish gray very 0, 22, 44 OH 213.73 14.22 1.26 135 - - - 6.37/0 2.69 0.899 BH01 U0101 soft peat mixed (OM-34) clay

Blackish gray very 0, 26, 45 OH 203.52 14.61 1.27 132 - - - 7.35/0 2.58 0.918 BH02 U0201 soft peat mixed (OM-29) clay

Blackish gray very 0, 24, 40 OH 217.83 13.83 1.20 140 - - - 6.86/0 2.76 0.934 BH03 U0301 soft peat mixed (OM-36) clay

BH04 U0401 Light gray very 7, 38, 55 CH 33.35 18.86 2.72 48 22 26 22 11.76/ 2° 0.91 0.233 soft clayey silt

BH05 U0501 Light gray very 6, 40, 54 CH 36.12 18.63 2.73 52 28 24 24 10.78/2° 0.99 0.210 soft clayey silt

Dark gray very soft 4, 38, 50 BH06 U0601 clayey silt mixed (OM-8) CH 34.53 18.53 2.74 55 26 29 28 12.75/1° 0.95 0.240 with decomposed organic matters

BH10 U1001 Brownish medium 19, 39, 42 CI-MI 27.34 19.42 2.71 35 19 17 15 32.36/3° 0.74 0.158 to stiff clayey silt

BH11 U1101 Brownish medium 30, 42, 28 CI-MI 26.84 19.52 2.72 36 16 26 16 33.34/2° 0.73 0.160 to stiff clayey silt

BH12 U1201 Brownish medium 34, 46, 20 CI-MI 27.12 19.71 2.70 38 17 21 18 35.30/5° 0.71 0.152 to stiff clayey silt Table 2. Index and engineering properties of undisturbed soil samples

Table 3. Index properties of disturbed sandy soil

) )




C Particle size Water C Triaxial shear distribution Content Specific   , Void strength (Sand, Silt, (%) Gravity  s at d max, d d min ratio parameters 3 3 2

sample (KN/m ) Clay) (Gs) (kN/m ) (e0) [cu (kN/m ) /

Borehole No.

Coefficient Coefficient of Coefficient of

Curvature, ( (degs)]

IS classification IS classification

Identification of

Uniformity, (

Description of soil Description of soil

BH07 DS07/4.5 Greyish silty sand SM-SC 70, 09, 21 23.56 2.67 18.14 19.10, 14.50, 12.52 0.570 8.11 1.66 26°

Light brown silty 74, 10, 16 19.20, 14.68, 12.62 BH08 DS08/6.0 SM-SC 23.02 2.66 17.95 0.520 7.23 2.01 25° sand

BH09 DS09/6.0 Whitish silty sand SM 84, 16 21.02 2.68 19.02 19.42, 15.71, 13.83 0.640 6.23 1.45 28°

Table 4. Comparison study of Target site soil with soils properties with available soils in other region

Soil type Index properties Clayey soils available across various states of (Present Study) India Liquid Plastic Plasticity limit limit Index Guwahati soil (Kumar et al. 2018) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 41.50 22.60 18.90

Chennai marine clay (Subramanian et al. 2015) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 48-55 22-26 26-29 54.00 30.00 24.00

South Gujarat Clay (Patel et al. 2010) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index

50.58 18.86 17.20

Light to dark Chennai Clay (Kumar et al. 2014) grey very soft Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index clayey soil 36.50 12.62 23.88 (BH 07 BH09) – Karnataka Clay (Nagaraj et al. 2010) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index & 53.60 24.80 28.80

Brownish 35-38 17-19 17-21 Guwahati soil (Kumar et al. 2018) medium to stiff Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index silty clayey soil 47.00 25.00 22.00 (BH 10 – BH12) Bihar Clay (Prasad et al. 2013) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 37.00 25.80 11.20

Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (Ramasamy et al. 2013) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 53.00 33.00 20.00

Bangalore, Karnataka (Sivapullaiah et al. 2005) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 38.00 19.00 19.00 Kashmir valley, Jammu and Kashmir (Dubey et al. 2015) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 33.05 14.48 18.57 Peat soils available across various countries

Malaysia (Adnan et al. 2017) Blackish gray Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 211 - - very soft peat 135-140 - - mixed clay (BH 01-03) Turkey (Celik et al. 2014) Liquid limit Plastic limit Plasticity Index 125 - - 1

2 3 Table 5. Variation of Gmax in percentage with change of CP 4 Sl. Identification of sample % change in Gmax due to variation 5 No. in CP 46.19 1 Soft Clay (CH) 6 15.81 2 Silty Clay (CI-MI) 7 25.74 3 Organic soil (OH) 8 58.35 4 Sandy soil (SM-SC/SM) 9























31 Table 6. Empirical equations of Gmax from present study and published literature

General form of equation Soil type Present study Published literature

A=225.00, m=0.55; (Kim 2014) Clayey soil A=130.71, m=0.33; (CH) A=546.00, m=0.35; (Jung 2007) G  A F e)( m max c

A=586.50, m=0.47; (Dammala 2019) Sandy soil A=290.10, m=0.40; (SM/SM-SC) A=87.30, m=0.55; (Chien and Oh 2002) 32
























55 Table 7. Comparison of Vs obtained from field and laboratory at similar confining pressure 56

Depth of sample Identification of SPT Vs obtained from correlation, proposed Vs obtained below G.L sample value by Dikmen (2009) with SPT value from BE test (m) (m/s) (m/s)

CH (U0401) 3.00 03 75.00 80.00

CH (U0501) 3.00 04 85.59 84.00

CH (U0601) 3.00 04 85.59 87.00

OH (U0101) 3.00 01 58.00 64.40

OH (U0201) 4.50 01 58.00 66.00

OH (U0301) 4.50 02 76.00 69.20

SM-SC (DS07/4.5) 3.00 12 165.74 168.00

SM-SC (DS08/6.0) 4.50 11 161.05 166.00

SM (DS09/6.0) 6.00 14 174.40 174.00

CI-MI (U1001) 3.00 12 152.86 153.00

CI-MI (U1101) 4.50 12 152.86 150.00

CI-MI (U1201) 1.50 13 157.71 156.00










66  67 Table 8. Calculated damping ratio ( ) for four different type soil samples



Liquefaction Factor of safety Liquefaction potential Identification of sample criteriaSlope (S)10-3 (FS)Boundary DampingIndex (LPI) ratio Average Damping constant (c) (ξ)  (%) Ratio ( ) (%)

CH (U0401) 19.90 8.90

9.33 CH (U0501) 21.20 0.98 9.60

CH (U0601) 19.60 9.50

OH (U0101) 5.50 22.10

0.99 19.92 OH (U0201) 5.80 19.57

OH (U0301) 5.60 18.09

SM-SC (DS07/4.5) 4.25 14.90

0.99 15.10 SM-SC (DS08/6.0) 4.10 14.40

SM (DS09/6.0) 4.38 16.10

CI-MI (U1001) 4.70 12.10

0.99 12.70 CI-MI (U1101) 4.88 12.80

CI-MI (U1201) 4.96 13.20








76 Table 9. Liquefaction criteria based on FS and LPI, as per Sonmez et al.(2003)


77 Non-Liquefiable FS  1.2 LPI = 0 78 Very low 1.2 > FS  1.0 2  LPI > 0 79 Low 1.0 > FS  0.95 5  LPI > 2 80 High 0.95 > FS  0.85 15  LPI > 5 81 Very high 0.85 > FS LPI > 15 82























105 Table 10. Determination of LPI considering PGA of 0.40g and Mw 7.5 for Target site



Bore Depth (m) Average Unit weight Soil rd Fines N160cs Factor LPI of hole SPT (KN/m3) Type content of Safety Bore hole














(%) (FS)

0-3.20 10 18.80 Clay like 1.114 70 24.50 2.58 23.74>15.00 BH07 3.20-11.20 11 18.14 Sand like 0.974 30 15.65 0.49 (Highly liquefiable) 11.20-14.60 57 20.12 Clay like 0.834 75 40.85 2.95

14.60-24.00 96 20.80 Sand like 0.693 05 56.40 1.60

0 - 2.70 04 14.00 Clay like 1.113 78 10.43 1.40 21.33>15.00 BH08 2.70 – 5.70 12 17.95 Sand like 1.032 26 14.95 0.52 (Highly liquefiable) 5.70 - 8.20 35 18.80 Sand like 0.954 22 25.50 0.86

8.20 -25.00 87 21.00 Sand like 0.794 08 43.23 1.60

0 – 4.20 04 14.50 Clay like 1.114 80 19.54 1.56 18.32>15.00 (Highly BH09 4.20 – 8.80 12 19.02 Sand like 1.014 16 21.62 0.71 liquefiable)

8.80 – 24.00 35 21.00 Sand like 0.774 06 56.96 2.17 119




Figure 1

Site location map of study area at Agartala, capital of Tripura, NE state of India Note: The designations employed and the presentation of the material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Research Square concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This map has been provided by the authors. Figure 2

Seismotectonic map of Northeast India Note: The designations employed and the presentation of the material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Research Square concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This map has been provided by the authors. Figure 3

Longitudinal cross-section of: - (a) BH 01-BH 03, (b) BH 04- BH 06, (c) BH 07- BH 09, (d) BH 10- BH 12 Figure 4

(a) Schematic presentation of BE apparatus. (b) Bender Element triaxial cell Figure 5

(a) Undisturbed soil specimens for BE test (H/D=2.00). (b) Sandy specimen prepared by tamping method Figure 6

Sample BE graphs in case of: - (a) OH (U0101). (b) CI-MI (U1001) (c) SM-SC (DS01/6.0) (d) CH(U0401)

Figure 7

Near eld effects observed in a signal. Figure 8

Convergence study results highlighting the variation of Vs with respect to Ltt/λ at different conning pressure for different soil type (a) CH (U0601) (b) CI-MI (U1001) (c) OH (U0101). (d) SM-SC (DS07/4.5). Figure 9

Variation of VS with conning pressure for (a) CH (b) CI-MI (c) OH (d) SM-SC Figure 10

Variation of Gmax with conning pressure for soil samples (a) CH (b) CI-MI (c) OH (d) SM-SC Figure 11

Fitted Gmax graphs of:- (a) CH (b) SM (c) OH (d) CI-MI Figure 12

Sample graphs between attenuation coecients with respect to frequency for: (a) CH. (b) OH. (c) SM-SC. (d) CI-MI Figure 13

(a) Map showing study area and epicenter of 3rd January 2017 earthquake. (b) & (c) Liquefaction with ground cracking at Kanchanbari. (d) & (e) Initiation of ow liquefaction at the bank of Juri river (near epicenter) Note: The designations employed and the presentation of the material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of Research Square concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. This map has been provided by the authors. Figure 14

Physical properties of Agartala sand (Indo-Bangladesh region) lying under highly liqueable prone zone. Figure 15

Sample graph showing factor of safety for liquefaction in case of BH 07.