Parish of Manchester, in the Said County Of
5559 parish of Manchester, in the said county of Lan- of messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, caster, or by a junction with the line of railway of and to levy tolls, rates, and duties upon, or in the said Manchester and. Birmingham Railway respect of, the said proposed railway or railways Company, at or near the station aforesaid, in the and works; and to vary and extinguish all rights said townshipof Heaton Norris, which said railway and privileges in anywise connected with the lands, or railways, and other works, are intended to be tenements, and hereditaments proposed to be taken, made, and to pass from, in, through, or into, the for the purposes thereof; and to confer exemptions several parishes, townships, townlands, chapelries, from the payment of tolls, rates, and duties, and hamlets, and extra-parochial places following, or other rights and privileges. some of them, that is to say, Liverpool, Liverpool, And it is intended to apply for powers in the Walton-on-the-Hill, West Derby, EdgeHill, Old said Act or Acts to enable the company or com- Swan, Knotty Ash, ToxtethPark, the district of Saint panies thereby incorporated, to sell, let, or transfer Michael's ToxtethPark,Toxteth Park,Everton, Ever- to any other company or companies the said intend- ton, Childwall, Childwall, Wavertree, Wavertree, ed railway or railways and works, or any part or Mossley Hill, Allerton, Childwall, Much Woolton; parts thereof, and all or any powers obtained in re- Gateacre, Thingwell, Broad Green, Little Woolton, ference thereto ; and to authorize such other com- Hale, Halewood, Halewood Green, Hale Bank, pany or companies to purchase, take, and use tho Huyton, Roby, Huyton, Halewood, Tarbock, Little same, every or any part or parts thereof; and Tarbock, Prescot, Prescot, Whiston, Sutton, Hals- generally to enter into, and carry into efieet all nead, Cronton, Ditton, Pecks Hill, Ditchfield Green, necessary arrangements in reference thereto.
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