Ages of Pre-Rift Basement and Synrift Rocks Along the Conjugate Rift and Transform Margins of the Argentine Precordillera and Laurentia
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Making the Southern Margin of Laurentia themed issue Ages of pre-rift basement and synrift rocks along the conjugate rift and transform margins of the Argentine Precordillera and Laurentia William A. Thomas1, Robert D. Tucker2, Ricardo A. Astini3, and Rodger E. Denison4 1Geological Survey of Alabama, 420 Hackberry Lane, P.O. Box 869999, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35486-6999, USA 2U.S. Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, National Center, MS 926A, Reston, Virginia 20192, USA 3Laboratorio de Análisis de Cuencas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Avenida Velez Sarsfi eld 1611, Ofi cino 7, 2° Piso, X5016GCA Córdoba, Argentina 415141 Kingstree Drive, Dallas, Texas 75248, USA ABSTRACT with Grenville-age rocks along the conjugate 1996, 1999, 2003; Astini and Thomas, 1999; margins of the Precordillera and Laurentia. Ramos, 2004). The Laurentian origin of the Pre- New geochronologic data from basement Ages from one newly analyzed collection, cordillera terrane is based on a variety of data rocks support the interpretation that the however, are older than those from other from Precambrian basement rocks, Early Cam- Argentine Precordillera (Cuyania) terrane basement rocks in the Precordillera. These brian synrift deposits, and a Cambrian–Ordovi- was rifted from the Ouachita embayment of ages, from granodioritic-granitic basement cian passive-margin carbonate succession (e.g., the Iapetan margin of Laurentia. New data clasts in a conglomerate olistolith in Ordo- Astini et al., 1995; Astini, 1998; Astini and from the Ozark dome show a range of ages vician slope deposits, are 1370 ± 2 Ma and Thomas 1999; Thomas and Astini, 1999, 2003; in two groups at 1466 ± 3 to 1462 ± 1 Ma 1367 ± 5 Ma. These older ages from the Pre- Ramos, 2004). Proposed alternative interpreta- and 1323 ± 2 to 1317 ± 2 Ma, consistent with cordillera are consistent with indications that tions include different times of rifting, different existing data for the Eastern Granite-Rhyo- the Iapetan margin in the Ouachita embay- times of accretion, different palinspastic sites lite province and Southern Granite-Rhyolite ment of Laurentia truncated the Grenville along the Laurentian margin, and a Gondwanan province, respectively. Similarly, a newly front and left older rocks of the Southern rather than Laurentian origin (e.g., Dalla Salda determined age of 1364 ± 2 Ma for the Tisho- Granite-Rhyolite province (1390–1320 Ma) et al., 1992a, 1992b; Dalziel, 1997; Keller et al., mingo Granite in the Arbuckle Mountains at the rifted margin. 1998; Pankhurst et al., 1998; Rapela et al., 1998; confi rms previously published analyses for Chronostratigraphic correlations of syn- Keller, 1999; Cawood et al., 2001; Aceñolaza this part of the Southern Granite-Rhyolite rift and post-rift sedimentary deposits on the et al., 2002; Finney, 2007). Ultimately, resolu- province. Along with previously reported Precordillera and on the Texas promontory tion of the tectonic history of the Precordillera ages from basement olistoliths in Ordovi- of Laurentia document initial rifting in the is signifi cant to interpretation of the structural cian slope deposits in the Ouachita embay- Early Cambrian. Previously published data style, trace, and age of the margins of Iapetus, ment, the data for basement ages support from synrift plutonic and volcanic rocks in the as well as to global plate reconstructions. The the interpretation that rocks of the Southern Wichita and Arbuckle Mountains along purpose of this article is to integrate new data for Granite-Rhyolite province form the margin the transform-parallel intracratonic South- resolution of the ages of basement and synrift of Laurentian crust around the corner of the ern Oklahoma fault system inboard from rocks on both sides of the Iapetan rift. Ouachita embayment, which is bounded by the Ouachita embayment document crystal- Rifting of the Argentine Precordillera from the Ouachita rift and Alabama-Oklahoma lization ages of 539–530 Ma. New data from the Ouachita embayment of Laurentia defi nes transform fault. In contrast, both west and synrift volcanic rocks in the Arbuckle Moun- the conjugate margins of the Ouachita rift as the east of the corner of the Ouachita embayment, tains in the eastern part of the Southern Okla- eastern rift margin of the Texas promontory of Grenville-Llano basement (approximately homa fault system yield ages of 539 ± 5 Ma Laurentia and the western rift margin of the 1325–1000 Ma) forms the rifted margin of and 536 ± 5 Ma, confi rming the age of synrift Precordillera (directions are present day with Laurentia. volcanism. Precordillera palinspastically restored) (Fig. 1). New U/Pb zircon data from basement Similarly, the Alabama-Oklahoma transform rocks in the southern part of the Argentine INTRODUCTION fault separates the northwest-trending edge of Precordillera indicate crystallization ages of the Ouachita embayment from the Precordillera. 1205 ± 1 Ma and 1204 ± 2 Ma, consistent with The Precordillera in the Andean frontal thrust This article has two objectives: (1) to review previously reported ages (approximately belt in northwestern Argentina is an exotic ter- existing data and present new U/Pb isotopic 1250–1000 Ma) of basement rocks from other rane, which is interpreted to have been rifted ages of Precambrian basement rocks on oppo- parts of the Precordillera. These data docu- from the Ouachita embayment of southern site sides of the rift-and-transform boundary of ment multiple events within the same time Laurentia in Cambrian time and accreted to the the Precordillera and the Ouachita embayment span as multiple events in the Grenville orog- western margin of Gondwana during Ordovi- of Laurentia, and (2) to review existing data and eny in eastern Laurentia, and are consistent cian time (Fig. 1) (e.g., Thomas and Astini, present new U/Pb isotopic ages that bear on the Geosphere; December 2012; v. 8; no. 6; p. 1366–1383; doi:10.1130/GES00800.1; 11 fi gures; 1 table. Received 18 February 2012 ♦ Revision received 11 June 2012 ♦ Accepted 26 June 2012 ♦ Published online 18 October 2012 1366 For permission to copy, contact [email protected] © 2012 Geological Society of America Downloaded from by guest on 29 September 2021 Conjugate margins of the Argentine Precordillera and Laurentia SUPERIOR KEWEENAWAN GRENVILLE PENOKEAN Figure 1. Regional map of Pre- cambrian age provinces of south eastern Laurentia, show- ing the palinspastic location of the Precordillera in relation CENTRAL PLAINS to the known (solid line) and Southern Oklahoma inferred (dashed line) trace faul GRANITE- t syste of the Grenville front (adapted RHYOLITE conjugate craton(s) within Rodinia assembly m from Thomas, 2006). Abbrevia- A-O TRANSFORM tion: A-O transform—Alabama- DGE RIFT EXPLANATION Oklahoma transform. RODINIA ASSEMBLY OUACHITA BLUE RI Grenville front LLANO EMBAYMENT ALABAMA IAPETAN RIFT f PROMONTORY OUACHITApalinspastic RIFT site o intracratonic Argentine fault Precordillera TEXAS TRANSFORM RIFT PROMONTORY FA SCALE N ULT 0200400 600 km age of rifting. These data provide further vali- cover, are exposed around the Llano uplift and tains boulders of basement rocks (Fig. 2) (Stone dation of the Laurentian origin of the Precordi- Ozark dome, and in late Paleozoic fault blocks and Haley, 1977; Bowring, 1984), providing llera terrane and the palinspastic restoration of in the Arbuckle Mountains (Fig. 2). Along both another source of data for the age of basement the Precordillera in the Ouachita embayment of the Ouachita rift and Alabama-Oklahoma trans- rocks. Outcrops around the basement uplifts, Laurentia. form margins of the Ouachita embayment, in in addition to deep wells, provide data to con- the late Paleozoic Ouachita thrust belt, passive- strain the lithostratigraphy and chronostratigra- BACKGROUND margin Cambrian–Ordovician off-shelf deep- phy of the passive-margin carbonate-shelf suc- water mud-dominated facies were thrust over cession (Johnson et al., 1988). Along the Iapetan rifted margin of south- the coeval shelf-carbonate facies on Laurentian In the Argentine Precordillera (Cuyania) eastern Laurentia, a large-scale transform off- continental crust; the Precambrian crystalline micro conti nent terrane (Fig. 3), Paleozoic sedi- set of the rift outlines the Ouachita embayment basement rocks and post-rift passive-margin mentary rocks are imbricated by frontal Andean between the Texas and Alabama promontories shelf-carbonate cover remained in the Ouachita thrust faults, including both thin-skinned east- (Figs. 1 and 2). The rift margin has been covered footwall and were only mildly shortened by directed thrust faults and basement-rooted west- by passive-margin strata of Cambrian–Ordovi- late Paleozoic Ouachita thrusting (summary in directed Pampean (broken foreland) thrust faults cian age, by allochthons and foreland-basin sedi- Thomas, 2011). The Southern Oklahoma fault (Ramos et al., 1986; Ramos, 2004, 2010). Cam- ment of the late Paleozoic Appalachian-Ouachita system encompasses Cambrian synrift volcanic brian–Ordovician passive-margin carbonate- orogen, and by synrift and post-rift strata asso- and plutonic rocks, which are exposed in late shelf rocks and rare Cambrian synrift rocks are ciated with Mesozoic rifting and opening of the Paleozoic high-amplitude fault-bounded uplifts imbricated in the frontal Andean thrust sheets Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean (Fig. 2). The of the Arbuckle and Wichita Mountains (Fig. 2). (Fig. 3), which are detached locally