20 MUSIC DISCIPLE Father of ‘American Idol’ winner counts his many blessings

24 MEMORIAL MASS ‘Mountaintop Mass’ honoring Father McGivney draws 1,000 in the rain

26 SPECIAL REPORT The canonization of Blessed Paul VI and Blessed Oscar Romero

Parish follows pope’s initiative to ‘Share the Journey’ with Syrian family


Catholic Cemeteries Association of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Inc. Advanced Planning of your Cemetery needs is a loving gift that relieves your family of a difficult decision in the midst of their grief. Let our caring team of Family Service Advisors help you navigate through this process with dignity and ease.

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Call us at 203-239-2557 or visit our website at to find which of our 30 locations best serves your needs. — Visit us at the CT Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, October 20, 2018 —

Catholic Cemeteries Association Supports the 11th AnnuAl CT CaTholiC Men’s ConferenCe Saturday, October 20, 2018 The goals of the conference are to promote men’s spirituality in a day-long retreat conference filled with camaraderie, great speakers, eucharistic adoration, confession and vigil Mass with our Archbishop Leonard Blair.

Keynote: Fr. William Casey, C.P.M. (Fathers of Mercy) Robert (Bob) Kroll, founder of With All Your Heart Jason Calvi, correspondent for EWTN News Nightly Deacon Doug Hoffman, Norwich Diocese Q&A with Archbishop Blair, and others.



CathCem_8.375x10.75-bleed-mag.indd 1 8/28/2018 9:29:14 AM AdvertISement


Catholic Cemeteries Association 4 ARCHBISHOP’S DESK of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Inc. ‘Going it alone’ Advanced Planning of your Cemetery needs 6 LIVING THE FAITH Sharing questions is a loving gift that relieves your family of a difficult decision in the midst of their grief. 8 CATHOLIC LIFE 6 8 Let our caring team of Family Service Advisors help you Smile, God loves you! navigate through this process with dignity and ease. 10 FORGIVENESS He never saw it coming

11 REFLECTION For Catholic Transcript readers!! Flying Bring this ad to any of our Purchase Save 12 IN THE KNOW WITH FATHER JOE locations during the month Tandem Crypt ...... $500.00 Why do I need a relationship of October and receive the Single Crypt ...... $300.00 with Jesus to be happy? 10 11 12 following specials: 2 Graves ...... $150.00 14 COVER STORY Creating a ‘culture of encounter’: Parish follows pope’s initiative to ‘Share the Call us at 203-239-2557 or visit our website at Journey’ with Syrian family to find which of our 30 locations best serves your needs. 19 WOMEN’S CONFERENCE — Visit us at the CT Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, October 20, 2018 — Women’s conference to offer inspiration and interactive spiritual workshops 20

Catholic Cemeteries Association Supports 20 MUSIC DISCIPLE the 11th AnnuAl Father of ‘’ winner counts his many CT CaTholiC Men’s ConferenCe blessings Saturday, October 20, 2018 22 PRAYER GARDEN Parish prayer garden and The goals of the conference are to promote men’s spirituality in a day-long green offers a spiritual oasis retreat conference filled with camaraderie, great speakers, eucharistic adoration, for all confession and vigil Mass with our Archbishop Leonard Blair. 24 MEMORIAL MASS 14 22 Keynote: Fr. William Casey, C.P.M. (Fathers of Mercy) ‘Mountaintop Mass’ honoring Robert (Bob) Kroll, founder of With All Your Heart Father McGivney draws 1,000 Jason Calvi, correspondent for EWTN News Nightly in the rain Deacon Doug Hoffman, Norwich Diocese Q&A with Archbishop Blair, and others. 26 SPECIAL REPORT The canonization of Blessed Paul VI and TiCkETS ArE oN SALE NoW AT Blessed Oscar Romero 28 THINGS TO DO 30 IN YOUR COMMUNITY 24 26


CathCem_8.375x10.75-bleed-mag.indd 1 8/28/2018 9:29:14 AM ARCHBISHOP’S DESK

‘Going it alone’

ometime ago, I made a resolution that I would abstain from eating meat on Fridays. I reflected on the fact S that every time I pray an act of contrition, I pledge “to do penance.” Yet it occurred to me how rarely I do any voluntary penance (there are plenty of involuntary ones for all of us). In light of the grave scandals that have afflicted the Church because of the depravity of some bishops and priests, all the more keenly do I feel the need not only to pray, but also to do personal acts of penance.

As I say, however, it was a while ago that I thought of returning to the traditional Catholic practice of abstinence faithfully every Friday. I have to tell you though that my good resolution has been difficult. The reason is simple. Most of the time in my busy schedule, ARCHBISHOP often “out and about,” I don’t even remember when it’s LEONARD a Friday. By the time I do, I’m already halfway through P. BLAIR my ham sandwich. Because I am trying to maintain is the 13th this discipline on my own, I have few if any reminders PHOTO BY AARON JOSEPH bishop of to help me to be faithful to it. the Catholic Archdiocese I am resolved to persevere, but it is hard to “go it of Hartford. alone.” My frustration leads me to some reflections on what this means for all of us in a wider context. We can all email or text one another from a I believe that the reason for the great decline in the distance, but what is going to give us a deep practice of the faith that we are witnessing is not just and secure sense of belonging, participating lack of catechetical instruction, although that’s an important factor. Nor is it necessarily the result of a and fulfilling life’s obligations in keeping with personal decision on the part of people to reject God, our nature as social beings made up of body religion or the Church in the midst of today’s great and soul? trials. What is evident is the lack of the strong support system of family, neighborhood and local community that once sustained the practice of the faith. Put very simply, if you are an individual who is part The diminishment or even breakdown of a shared of a faithful, church-going family, you will likely go to community life is very damaging to people’s practice Mass, too. If almost everyone in your neighborhood of the Christian faith. The Church, by definition, is not worships every Sunday, you will be much more a collection of autonomous and isolated individuals; motivated to do the same. If your community respects rather, it is “the people of God” united in communion the Lord’s Day by refraining from unnecessary work as the mystical body of Christ through the power of the and business, you are not likely to mow your lawn that Holy Spirit. Pope Benedict once observed that people day. And yes, if your fellow Catholics abstain from “often confuse freedom with a lack of constraints, meat every Friday, and everyone knows it, then you as with the conviction that we can do everything alone,” an individual will not easily forget that it’s a Friday. without God or the Church. This, however, is an It is not my intention to indulge in an uncritical nos- “illusion” that “soon turns to disappointment, creating talgia for a past. Our world has changed a lot in the last disquiet and fear.” half century. However, even apart from religion, there is Clearly we cannot do everything alone, nor should a high human price to be paid emotionally and socially we, especially in those things that pertain to our faith. when we are all left to “go it alone.” We can all email or Sometimes there is talk of reinstating abstinence on text one another from a distance, but what is going to Fridays, thus making it a communal practice once give us a deep and secure sense of belonging, participat- again. I know from experience that it would certainly ing and fulfilling life’s obligations in keeping with our help me. If you should see me on a Friday, don’t hesi- nature as social beings made up of body and soul? tate to say, “Archbishop, remember what day it is.”


‘Yendo solo en la lucha’

ace ya un tiempo, tomé la resolución de que me abstendría de comer carne los viernes. Reflexioné sobre el hecho de que cada vez que oro un acto de H contrición, me comprometo a “hacer penitencia”. Sin embargo, se me ocurrió que rara vez hago una penitencia voluntaria (todos hacemos muchas penitencias involuntarias). A la luz de los graves escándalos que han afligido a la Iglesia debido a la depravación de algunos obispos y sacerdotes, siento aún más intensamente la necesidad no solo de orar, sino también de hacer actos personales de penitencia.

Sin embargo, aunque ya hace un buen tiempo que nos dejan “ir solos”. Todos podemos enviarnos he pensado en volver a la práctica católica tradicional correos electrónicos o mensajes de texto a distancia, de la abstención de carne fielmente todos los viernes; pero ¿qué nos va a dar un sentido de seguridad y debo decirles que mi bien intencionada resolución pertenencia profunda y, participando y cumpliendo ha sido difícil. La razón es simple; la mayor parte del las obligaciones de la vida de acuerdo con nuestra EL ARZOBISPO tiempo estoy “fuera de casa” y en mi apretada agenda, naturaleza como seres sociales con cuerpo y alma? LEONARD ni siquiera recuerdo cuándo es viernes; y cuando P. BLAIR lo recuerdo, ya estoy a la mitad de mi sándwich de es el décimo jamón. Estoy tratando de mantener esta disciplina por tercer obispo de mi cuenta, pero tengo poco o ningún recordatorio que la Arquidiócesis Todos podemos enviarnos correos Católica de me ayudarme a ser fiel a ella. electrónicos o mensajes de texto a Estoy decidido a perseverar, pero es difícil “hacerlo Hartford. distancia, pero ¿qué nos va a dar un sentido solo”. Mi frustración me lleva a reflexionar sobre lo de seguridad y pertenencia profunda y, que esto significa para todos nosotros en un contexto más amplio. participando y cumpliendo las obligaciones Creo que la razón del gran declive en la práctica de la vida de acuerdo con nuestra naturaleza de la fe que estamos presenciando no es solo la falta como seres sociales con cuerpo y alma? de instrucción catequética, aunque ese es un factor importante. Tampoco es necesariamente el resultado de una decisión personal de parte de las personas para rechazar a Dios, la religión o la Iglesia en medio de las La disminución o incluso la ruptura de una vida grandes pruebas de hoy. Lo que es evidente es la falta comunitaria compartida es muy dañina para la de un fuerte sistema de apoyo por parte de la familia, práctica de la fe cristiana por parte de las personas. el vecindario y la comunidad local; el mismo que La Iglesia, por definición, no es una colección de alguna vez sostuvo la práctica de la fe. individuos autónomos y aislados; más bien, es “el En pocas palabras, si usted es una persona que pueblo de Dios” unido en comunión como el cuerpo es parte de una familia fiel que va a la iglesia, es místico de Cristo a través del poder del Espíritu Santo. probable que vaya a misa también. Si casi todos en su El Papa Benedicto observó una vez que las personas vecindario van a misa cada domingo, estarán mucho “a menudo confunden la libertad con la falta de más motivados para hacer lo mismo. Si su comunidad restricciones, con la convicción de que podemos hacer respeta el Día del Señor absteniéndose de trabajos todo solos”, sin Dios ni la Iglesia. Esto, sin embargo, es y negocios innecesarios, no es probable que corte el una “ilusión” que “pronto se convierte en desilusión, césped ese día. Y sí, si sus compañeros católicos se creando inquietud y miedo”. abstienen de comer carne todos los viernes, y todos Es claro que no podemos hacer todo solos, ni lo saben, entonces usted, como individuo, no olvidará deberíamos hacerlo, especialmente aquellas cosas fácilmente que es viernes. que pertenecen a nuestra fe. A veces se habla de No es mi intención entregarme a una nostalgia reinstaurar la abstinencia los viernes, convirtiéndola acrítica por un pasado. Nuestro mundo ha cambiado nuevamente en una práctica comunitaria. Sé por mucho en el último medio siglo. Sin embargo, incluso experiencia que sin duda me ayudaría. Si llegas a aparte de la religión, hay un alto precio humano verme un viernes, no dudes en decirme: “Arzobispo, que se debe pagar emocional y socialmente cuando recuerde qué día es”.


It turns out that Grace was a gifted artist with an extensive body of work. None of us knew anything about it. We had never asked. That sharing question invited Grace to talk about her passion. On another occasion, a leader invited those of us in the group to share how our parents chose our names. When it was my turn, I explained that my parents had made a deal: My mother named my older sister, and my father could name the next child. That next child was me. He chose Victoria Regina. My mother was hoping for Mary Regina, but a deal is a deal. After I was born, however, Sharing questions my mother broke down and wept. Regina means queen, so Mom oberta Hestenes was a small group dynamics lamented that she’d rather name her baby after the Queen of Heaven expert in California in the 1980s. As head of her than after the queen of England. R parish council, she began each council meeting Mary Regina it was. with updates on various church projects. My husband and I often use sharing questions at the dinner At one particular meeting, and care for three young children. table. Our questions have included Roberta called on a man named Things are pretty tough right now.” the following: What was your worst Fred, who reluctantly admitted that Roberta was speechless. She had job? Describe your dream vacation. he had not completed his assigned no idea what was happening in What was your most disastrous project. Roberta was irritated but Fred’s life. She had never asked. date? If you were marooned on a simply directed him to complete it That day, Roberta Hestenes desert island with just three books, for the next meeting. pledged that whenever she led any what books would you choose? M. REGINA CRAM (Note: Dummy’s Guide to Ship is a writer, A month later, Fred was again group, she would offer people the speaker and unprepared. This time, Roberta opportunity to share what was go- Building is not eligible.) author. was angry. Other people’s work ing on in their lives. It might be the In 30 years of posing sharing She and her depended upon Fred’s project. He only time all week when someone questions, I have never regretted husband live was creating a bottleneck. Again expressed genuine interest. the time spent on it. Such sharing in Glastonbury she asked him to complete it in My husband Peter and I were builds community, develops and have time for the next meeting. fortunate to train under Roberta intimacy, encourages the brethren four children At the following meeting, Hestenes. She instilled in us an and reminds us that we are the and seven Roberta decided to begin with “a appreciation for sharing questions. body of Christ, joined and knit grandchildren. sharing question” a question I once posed a sharing question together into one. posed with the goal of stimulating to a women's Bible study group. conversation before launching “Suppose you’re moving out of into church business. “If you wish your home. In addition to people, to share,” she encouraged, “tell animals, furniture, photos, etc., Such sharing builds about a high point and a low point what three items would you take?” of the past week.” We meandered around the group community, develops intimacy, They made their way around the until we got to a gentle woman I’ll encourages the brethren and room until they got to Fred. “A high call Grace. She thought a moment, reminds us that we are the point?” he mumbled. “There really then said quietly, “Well, I suppose body of Christ, joined and knit wasn’t one. It’s all pretty much a I’d take my portfolio.” together into one. low point. My wife is terminally Silence. ill and we’ve brought her home to “Um, what portfolio would that die. I’m trying to hold down a job be?” someone asked.

6 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG THROUGH YOUTH TO THE WORLD The Society for the Propagation of the Faith We celebrate World Mission Sunday VOICES for MISSION La Sociedad para la Propagación de la Fe by remembering the revitalizing mission WORLD MISSION SUNDAY at the heart of our Christian faith – to bring the Gospel to all! The collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith ensures the work and service of the Mission Church, as it supports priests, religious and lay leaders who offer the Lord’s mercy and concrete help to the most vulnerable communities in the Pope’s missions. Thank you for your generosity.

For further information about World Mission Sunday and the Propagation of the Faith, please contact: The Catholic Mission Aid Office A TRAVÉS DE LA JUVENTUD AL MUNDO for the Archdiocese of Hartford For further information about the ProPagation of the faith please contact:Reverend Rev. Robert Robert B.T. Vargo,Russo, Archdiocesan Director Director VOCESMission Office para for LA the MISIÓN Archdiocese of Hartford • 467 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, 467CT Bloomfield 06002 • Avenue, Tel. (860)Bloomfield 242-5573 CT 06002 x 7440 DOMINGO MUNDIAL DE LAS MISIONES (860) 242-5573 x 7440

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4 ARCHBISHOP’S DESK Salt and light for the world

12 IN THE KNOW WITH FATHER JOE St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford, CT How do I love someone St. Peter Claver Church in West Hartford, CT I can't stand?

24 V ENCUENTRO Unidos por la fe, feligreses se preparan para enriquecer la iglesia de los Estados Unidos please register by October 5, 2018 with Mark Sullivan

Maria, Reina [email protected] 860 523-1405 de la Paz Parish: A journey toward peace and

26 24 ENVIRONMENT 22 ORDINATION Catholic schools rise to ANNUAL APPEAL Two candidates for the priesthood the Laudato Si’ challenge Appeal money is a PAL to Torrington, will see dream fulfi lled on June 23 7 SERVING THE COUNTIES OF HARTFORD, NEW HAVEN AND LITCHFIELD, CONNECTICUT New Haven and other youth Archbishop Cronin and three agencies HART07_08_18.indd 1 SERVING THE COUNTIES OF HARTFORD, NEW HAVEN AND LITCHFIELD, CONNECTICUTcelebrate4/30/18 2:53 PM their 50th anniversaries 1 6/21/18 3:07 PM HART0618.indd 1

Archbishop14 O ce for18 Catholic Connecticut21 Permanent23 deacons and Daniel A. Cronin Social Justice Ministry Catholic Conference reinstitution in the U.S.


HART0918.indd 1 8/6/18 1:31 PM CATHOLIC LIFE

y father had a collection of inspirational sayings taped to his workbench: “A job worth doing is worth doing right”; and “Believe it M can be done.” One that particularly annoyed me was a greeting card with a yellow smiley face and the words: “Smile, God loves you!”

Back then, we didn’t do too much smiling because ents, who were from a generation with different values he suffered from alcoholism and our home was and deficiencies. Discipline was more important than anything but a smile-inducing place. love, so we never thought it was unusual not to be told, “Smile, God loves you!” I always found that “I love you.” I realize now, however, that they loved us saying troubling, probably because I never really felt and did the best job they could with the tools they had. loved. Many adult children of alcoholics suffer from My wife, who was put up for adoption by her moth- the feeling of being “unlovable.” It’s a sadness they er, is also haunted by the thought her parents didn’t carry around all their lives. They don’t believe they love her. Childhood experiences like this can have a deserve to be loved and that feeling of inadequacy lasting effect and influence our view of God’s love. can haunt them. Countless young people today don’t believe they’re In a sense, my mother suffered a similar spiritual worthy of being loved, largely because their parents disability. She could never bring herself to say those are products of a culture in which people seek three dreaded words, “I love you,” to me and my fulfillment in the pursuit of pleasure and possessions. sisters, probably because her parents never said them As a result, children turn to drugs, gangs and all sorts to her. So we grew up never being told we were loved. of destructive relationships and behavior to replace an Of course, our parents were products of their par- emptiness that only God can fill.

8 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG 65 Years of Bringing Good News to Life® Pray the Daily Mass with ORTV “The Celebration of the Eucharist” is televised daily, Follow @FrJohnGatzak reaching the homebound in the archdiocese and Follow @WJMJRadio beyond. The daily TV Mass is celebrated by priests from Follow WJMJ on TuneIn throughout the Archdiocese of Hartford, Diocese of OfficeRadio TV Bridgeport and Diocese of Norwich on a rotating basis.  The Mass is broadcast at 10 a.m., 7 days a week on WCCT-TV.  Find it on Optimum Cable Channel 20; on Comcast, Frontier and Cox Cable Channel 11; on DishTV and Direct TV Channel 20; and on Cablevision Channel 960, serving Fairfield County. nick fradiani, Sr. 88.9 FM, Hartford  The Mass also airs at 5 a.m. on Saturday has performed six inspirational 93.1 FM, Hamden and Sunday. songs especially for the 107.1 FM, New Haven  On-line streaming is available at Office of Radio & Television live weekdays or anytime on-demand. Hartford area that are now available on his 860-242-8800 blessed assurance cD Waterbury/NeW HaveN area become a part of the celebration for a donation of $15. 203-758-7367 The TV Mass is broadcast live Monday–Friday. Join the toll-free outside local calliNg areas live broadcast congregation at ORTV studios in Prospect Proceeds from this CD will 877-342-5956 by calling 203-758-7367 for more information. benefit the Celebration of the Eucharist daily television Mass. e-mail: [email protected] Invite your parish priest to celebrate the Mass at ORTV. [email protected] Send in your requests for prayers for the living or Go to deceased, and your special intentions. or call 203-758-7367

We always tried to tell our kids that we loved them, smiling, laughing ... and loving. He came to although sometimes we had to grit our teeth. Love, realize it was true that “God loves you” because of course, isn’t the gushy emotion you see on TV and God showed him. it isn’t romantic exploitation. It’s the willingness to My mother changed, too. Sort of. Even though sacrifice for someone else, and very often it involves she still couldn’t bring herself to utter, “I love you" the possibility of being hurt. in response when our daughters said, “We love you, It took me a long time to realize God’s love is Grandma,” she expressed it by responding, “Me, entirely different from human love, and it too.” That was good enough for us. took me even longer to believe I was God takes us where we’re at and special to God despite my defects. To moves us forward. Fortunately, we my thinking, there were so many don’t have to be perfect to be loved others competing for his love that by him, and we don’t have to JOE PISANI it was like Social Security be worthy. Best of all, we don’t of Orange a divine entitlement program have to earn his love because it’s is a writer where everyone got something, unconditional. Isn’t that a relief? whose work even if it was only a little. Bishop Fulton Sheen once has appeared Fortunately, his love is infinite, offered this advice, “Think a little in Catholic so there’s more than enough to go less about whether you deserve to publications around and then some. Even be loved by him; he loves you even nationwide. though he has countless children, though you are not deserving. It is his He and his wife Sandy have four he loves us individually and intimately love alone that will make you deserving. daughters. because we’re his creations. It’s as if each Most of us are unhappy because we never of us is the sole love in his eyes. give God a chance to love us; we are in love only Another lesson I learned is that God’s love can heal with ourselves. Say to yourself over and over again even the deepest wounds. After decades of destructive regardless of what happens: ‘God loves me!’ And then drinking, my father found Alcoholics Anonymous add: ‘And I will try to love him!’” and lived the last 25 years of his life sober, praying, So smile, God loves you!

9 FORGIVENESS He never saw it coming

itch never saw it coming. Not at all. It just never M occurred to him.

At Dynamic Catholic’s Passion and Purpose for Marriage events, we focus on providing helpful and inspiring ways for couples to re-en- ergize their relationships. I enjoy these half-day events because they are filled as much with laughter as with serious moments. As part of that experience, couples are invited to do a simple fill-in-the-blank exercise. It goes something like this: The man and woman sit, hold hands you said, and then we’d switch. But What Mitch thought had been and face each other. The wom- instead, she sat there for a long just a single moment of frustra- an goes first. I invite her to say, time in silence. I started getting tion had instead been something “Please forgive me for .” nervous. Still more silence. Finally completely different for his wife. She should fill in the blank with she said, ‘Please forgive me for For her, that argument was a something simple for which she being bitter.’” life-changing conversation. He desires her husband’s forgiveness. Over the phone, Mitch’s voice had not given that fight a second I instruct him to respond with only got very serious. thought, while she had been con- these three words: “I forgive you.” “I was taken aback. I had no tinually reliving it for two years. No more, no less. idea what she was talking about. Mitch never saw her honesty Then the spouses switch roles, I didn’t know what to say or do, coming. He thought there was and the husband fills in the so I said, ‘What do you mean? nothing between them at all. same blank and asks his wife for Bitter? About what?’ Instead, she spoke the truth and forgiveness. Again, she responds “My wife continued, ‘Two years revealed the wall of bitterness that with just those three words: “I ago, when we had that fight. Do you had slowly grown to separate them forgive you.” remember?’” over two years. What Mitch had Two days after leading one of Mitch shook his head tentatively, seen as a small, almost insignifi- these events, I received a phone not really recalling what she was cant thing was actually huge in his call from an attendee, Mitch. He DR. ALLEN describing. wife’s eyes and in their marriage. R. HUNT insisted on talking to me. Frankly, “You know. That night you got up At that moment, God removed is senior I assumed he wanted to complain and stormed out of the bedroom. the scales that had prevented Mitch advisor for about something. On the contrary, the Dynamic You went downstairs and slept in from clearly seeing his wife and her he eagerly wanted to share what Catholic the guest room in the basement.” deep hurts. His eyes opened. His had happened during that simple Institute. A light went on in Mitch’s head. heart softened. And he knew what fill-in-the-blank exchange with He remembered the argument. needed to happen next. his wife. He had assumed this When he had gotten up out of bed, He quickly forgave her exchange might be helpful for he had screamed at her, “That’s it! bitterness. And then he promptly other couples but certainly not for I’ve had enough. I just can’t take apologized for having created it in him and his wife. this life anymore.” the first place with his harsh words “I couldn’t believe it,” he said. She said, “Ever since then, I’ve and cold demeanor. “I thought I knew what was going wondered if you were going to Forgiveness given; forgiveness to happen. My wife was going to leave us. I’ve been anxious. I’ve received. Mitch had called to say say something kind of generic that been scared that the next fight thank you because he had never she wanted me to forgive. Next, would be our last. And I’ve become seen it coming but he was sure I’d give her a basic forgiveness like bitter. Please forgive me.” glad that it did.


t has always made me uncomfortable when the other passengers clap for the pilot after an airplane lands. Culturally speaking, we clap when a person or people have done a particular act deserving recognition and merit. We CODY GUARNIERI I is a criminal defense lawyer don’t clap for the taxi driver who got us to the airport. We don’t clap for the with a Hartford law firm and ferry captain, train conductor or even Uber driver, despite the efficiency and is a member of St. Patrick– reliability of the transportation. St. Anthony Parish in Hartford.

Nevertheless, on a number of flights that I have Of course, my concern is that it is really the “time” of been on in recent years, particularly to appealing one of the other 70 passengers and locations (vacation areas), when the airplane lands, I’m now stuck for the ride. a number of passengers start clapping. I generally don’t mind flying on an easy, beautiful, A large part of my law practice involves represent- sunny day. There is something cathartic about the ing people or the estates of people when there is a anxiety and fear of taking off being overcome and claim that they have been injured or someone died then being above the clouds with nothing but the because of alleged failures of the medical profes- heavens above. The serenity of the world from above sionals who were taking care of that person. In the is enchanting and leads me to contemplate my sense law, we allege that the doctor or other medical pro- of purpose and existence. Both the Old Testament vider failed to meet the “standard of care” for their and New Testament of the Bible betray our people’s medical specialty. long tradition of a mystical connection to the skies: As part of that practice, I travel around the country “Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who for depositions, court-like proceedings where created all these? He who brings out the starry host someone testifies before a court reporter, of expert one by one and calls forth each medical witnesses. In recent years, I have traveled of them by name. Because of his for depositions to Arizona, California, Texas, Florida, great power and mighty strength, Lift up your eyes and look to Virginia and several other states. I was in Orlando not one of them is missing.” (Is the heavens: Who created all last week and will be in Richmond next week. As 40:26) “After Jesus said this, he these? He who brings out the a result, I regularly travel on commercial airlines looked toward heaven and prayed: starry host one by one and (except when the airline cancels, which is a topic for ‘Father, the hour has come. Glorify calls forth each of them by a whole other kind of column). your Son, that your Son may glorify name. Because of his great I think people are driven to clap when the you.’” (Jn 17:1) Certainly the Bible airplane lands because, despite the fact that we hurl portrays a symbolic connection power and mighty strength, ourselves through space at mind-numbing speeds in between the presence of God and not one of them is missing. our tin can automobiles every day, we believe that it solitude above us. (Is 40:26) is an inherently risky activity when we travel 35,000 I believe that God will deliver feet above the ground at more than 500 miles per me safely to wherever he intends hour. There is also the discomfort of knowing that for me to be. I hope it is swiftly to my anticipated you cannot exit before the next stop. destination and home again. I say a Hail Mary at On the rare occasion that I’ve told a friend or takeoff asking for just that intercession; it makes me relative that I’m not a big fan of flying, I usually hear feel more in control of my destiny. Then I expect the the same thing: “When it’s your time, it’s your time.” pilot to bring me safely to my destination.


FATHER JOE KRUPP is a former comedy writer who is now a Catholic priest. @Joeinblack

DEAR FATHER JOE: I feel like I’m a pretty happy person why do I need a relationship with Jesus?

I often find it helpful to start by a relationship with Jesus to be happy agreeing on our terms, so let’s start because I was made to be in relationship Donate Your Car! by looking at the word “happy.” with him. The dictionary defines happy as feel- Let me break that down a bit. I am a ing or showing pleasure or contentment. Catholic, a Christian. Because of that, I I want to clarify this because of that believe that God is my maker. I believe word “feeling” in the middle of the defi- that I am not a random occurrence but nition. Often, that is where I get stuck. an intended creation of our God. Most of us can’t help our feelings; they What was I created for? Well, as the come, they go some we can explain, catechism puts it, “The desire for God Most types of motorized vehicles accepted, others we can’t. To put it bluntly, as a is written in the human heart, because running or not. All proceeds benefit children general rule, we cannot control how we man is created by God and for God; and and families in need in Connecticut. feel, only how we act. At the same time, God never ceases to draw man to him- certain things can certainly encourage self. Only in God will he find the truth happy feelings and I’m going to proceed and happiness he never stops searching on the assumption that this is what we for.” If I do what I am made for, I will are talking about: “Why will a personal feel the rightness of it right down to my relationship with Jesus encourage happy bones. I personally have experienced Catholic Charities feelings in me?” With that in mind, I am this and often meet others who have as Archdiocese of Hartford going to share with you why being in a well. I was made to know Jesus, to love CCUSA PHOTO BY LAURA SIKES personal relationship with Jesus makes him and to serve him. I was created by For more information, visit me happy. love to be loved and I can’t be loved To me, the first thought that came outside of a relationship. or call 855-660-4483 to me is rather simple: I believe I need The second truth about a relation-


Every gift makes a difference. Thank you for your continued support ship with Jesus that makes first about embracing and of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal! me happy comes from Jesus’ maintaining a relationship talks and stories about the with God. Then I will natu- day of judgment. On more rally grow (through his grace) Please join us if you than a few occasions, in knowing and Jesus gives an image SIDENOTE: understanding him of the moment of I do not intend better. have not made your gift us to read our judgment and Until my judg- this as an we learn that Jesus excuse to stay ment, though, I knowing us is the intentionally will always be more $10 M Goal key. Let’s look at ignorant or stop wrong about God Our the example from growing in our than I am right. I 95.57% knowledge of Matthew 25. In this can’t control that, God. I hope that Faith parable, Jesus is de- is obvious because I’m a falli- scribing the kingdom if I don’t make ble, fragile human. of heaven as being the effort to What I will be judged Our like a wedding feast. know someone, on is what I can I cannot deepen Future At the end of the sto- control my effort my relationship ry, there are people with them. It’s to dedicate time and who do not get into true for people, energy to knowing the wedding feast, and also true him better, to loving Look in your heart for God. and the reason they him and being loved today, and join us are turned away is by him and that simple Jesus, the bride- makes me very happy. as we strengthen groom, says to them, “I do not Every day, every second, Our Faith, know you.” (Mt 25:12) Jesus is extending his hand Our Future. This makes me happy for a out to us and asks us to take Share your gifts lot of reasons. Obviously, I’d it, to be in a relationship with like the moment of judgment him. We foster that relation- of love and hope to go well, that’s just common ship through personal prayer, with others. sense. But there is more to it the sacraments, reading about than that. Look at what isn’t him, talking to him and lis- there at judgment my tening to him. Scan here $9,557,000 has been rightness or my correctness. The more I learn of Jesus, to make a gift by pledged, representing It’s about relationship the more I realize how ex- 95.57% of the Smartphone $10,000,000 goal. and that makes me really, traordinary it is to be loved by really happy. him. The more time I spend Background photo - view of Hartford sky from Glastonbury, ©Stephen Ippolito Photography, I mess up a lot. I have held reading of him, sharing my Please do not mail cash. Make checks payable and mail to: ideas about God for years pain and struggles with him, Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, P.O. Box 28, Hartford, CT 06141 that I find out are wrong. I’ve the more I become convinced No Appeal funds are used for administrative costs. been wrong in my words, in that we were made by love for my actions and even in my love. St. Catherine of Siena Name ______thoughts. For each of these, put it this way: “All the way Address ______I’ve asked God’s forgiveness, to heaven is heaven, because but I’m also aware that I can’t Jesus said, ‘I am the way.’” ______get to heaven by I pray we all em- City/State/Zip ______myself. Until Jesus brace this wonder: Parish/City ______gets me there (God the Author of love willing!), I will wants to be in re- Total Gift: $ ______Check Credit Card always be more lationship with us. Card type ______Exp. Date ______/ ______wrong than right May God bless our Please charge my credit card $ ______about him. efforts to respond FATHER JOE KRUPP Card # ______– ______– ______– ______Imagine my is a former comedy well to this call. relief, then, when I writer who is now a Enjoy another Signature ______recognize that faith day in God’s Catholic priest. 100% of your gift will be allocated to Archdiocesan agencies and happiness are @Joeinblack presence. and local charities that rely on your support.


AAA-2018_Magazine-half-page-VERT-4.1875x10.75.indd 1 8/29/2018 4:00:30 PM COVER STORY

Parish follows pope’s initiative to ‘Share the Journey’ with Syrian family

Story by Photography by MARIA ZONE AARON JOSEPH

14 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG LEARN MORE his November will mark two years since about St. Peter Claver Parish at Ibrahim Aldabaan and his wife, Adeebah, T migrated to the United States from the war-torn country of Syria, where they lived with The international odyssey their five children Naji, Amal, Hala, Rahaf The family spent a couple of years in Jordan and and Ahmed who range in age from 5 to 17. collected the documentation needed to come to the United States. Upon their arrival to this country, They gave up everything to start a new life in they received assistance from Integrated Refugee America their family and friends, a business that Immigrant Services (IRIS) and were moved into a provided the family with financial stability and their residence in Manchester. Shortly after relocating into four-bedroom home. They were forced to leave all of their new home, however, they received a death threat this behind when civil war broke out and they feared and had to be relocated. for their safety. Another organization, Refugee Advocacy Adeebah described the distressing sounds of Services (RAS), helped the family find a home in bombings near and far, tanks roaring down their West Hartford. Comprised of 120 volunteers and neighborhood streets and flyovers by military aircraft. currently serving 73 refugee families from Syria, “I tried to protect the kids as much as I could, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Congo, RAS helps families protect their ears, because it was so loud,” she said. make the transition to life in America through job It was Ibrahim’s close brush with death that made it placement, housing, English language lessons and crystal clear that the family had to flee. He recounted tutoring, plus transportation to medical and dental the horrifying ordeal when soldiers came to his appointments and assistance in obtaining driver’s home and took him for what they claimed would be a licenses and auto insurance. 20-minute interrogation. That interrogation turned It did not take long for residents of West Hartford into 40 days in captivity, during which he was beaten to learn of the Aldabaans’ harrowing experiences. brutally while he was blindfolded and had his hands A member of St. Peter Claver Parish reached out to tied behind his back. help. After all, the family exemplified the plight of “No one knew where I am. Even me, I don’t even migrants and refugees, a cause that Pope Francis know where I am,” said Ibrahim, who is learning has given global attention to in his campaign, “Share English. He and Adeebah spoke to the Catholic the Journey.” Launched last year, its objective is to Transcript with the help of an interpreter. help dispel a “culture of indifference” and promote a To this day, he has no idea why he was taken nor “culture of encounter,” as he described it. why he was allowed to return home. He does know “The message is so simple. It is love your neighbor that he is lucky to be alive. as you love yourself. That’s it,” said Father Robert Kwiatkowski, pastor of St. Peter Claver. “Everyone is our neighbor. It’s not just people within our borders, it’s every one of our neighbors. If someone needs help, we are the ones who are supposed to be standing up and helping. This is what Jesus wants. He always went out to people who were hurting, who were in need of something.” The pope’s message was one that Father Kwiatkowski knew his parishioners would want to hear. Laurie Janecko, director of religious education and youth ministry at St. Peter Claver, took charge of organizing a parish event at which Ibrahim and Adeebah, along with their eldest son Naji, spoke about the family’s experiences. “They hungered for safety, hungered for silence;

The parishioners at St. Peter Claver Parish in West Hartford have extended they didn’t want to be awakened by explosions in the their welcome to migrants and refugees in response to the Catholic middle of the night,” explained Janecko. “They are not Church’s ‘Share the Journey’ global initiative. hungry for food, they are hungry for everything else.”


Standing in front of the gardens at St. Peter Claver Parish are, back row, left to right, Adeebah, Ibrahim and Nancy Latif. From front row, left to right, are Ahmed, Rahaf, Hala, Amal and Laurie Jenecko.

“It’s worth pointing out that this is the story of a Muslim Syrian family, told by a Jewish American, being listened to and supported by a group of Catholic Americans. That is a beautiful thing,”

Jake Halpern

An award-winning author Present at the parish gathering was freelance writer work help bring awareness to the refugee crisis, Jake Halpern, who lives in southern Connecticut. “Welcome to the New World” earned author Halpern Halpern had made contact with the family and illustrator Michael Sloan the 2018 Pulitzer Prize in through IRIS. When the Aldabaans arrived in this editorial cartooning. state, he asked their permission to chronicle their Halpern used the parish gathering as an opportunity experiences, which he told in a non-fiction graphic to thank publicly the family for allowing him to share narrative entitled, “Welcome to the New World.” their journey. It was published by “It’s worth pointing out that this is the story of a Jake Halpern The New York Times. Muslim Syrian family, told by a Jewish American, interviewed the “All too often, [refugees] being listened to and supported by a group of Aldabaans and, with the help of seem invisible to us,” he said. Catholic Americans. That is a beautiful thing,” illustrator Michael “Welcome to the New emphasized Halpern. Sloan, turned World” originally appeared their life story in serial form in The New into a Pulitzer York Times Sunday Review. Prize-winning The graphic narrative graphic narrative It can be viewed online at “Welcome to the “Welcome to the New World” can New World.” Not only did the creative be viewed online at

16 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG Gratitude and new dreams Adeebah and her son, Naji, also expressed their family’s gratitude. “Every refugee did not come from nowhere. They had a tough life,” said Naji. “I just want to thank everyone who cares and who helps [refugees].” Adeebah added, “I wasn’t surprised because, when I come to America, I found that people were very nice and wanted to see me smiling and happy.” Although it has been a shared journey, it has been an extremely difficult one. Still, the Aldabaans are forging ahead. With the help of their new friends, they are hopeful about the future. “I do this not for me. I do this for my family, my children,” said Ibrahim. They are starting a catering business. Once a week, Adeebah cooks and sells Arabic and “I do this not for me. Syrian dishes at a local food court. She served some of her favorite dishes at the parish event. I do this for my family, To her astonishment, the parishioners liked my children.” them so much that St. Peter Claver has asked her to start a cooking workshop featuring Ibrahim Aldabaan Middle Eastern food. Adeebah has also tapped into her talent as an artist to help support her family. Throughout her family’s predicament, she drew charcoal sketches. She was thrilled to discover that people were willing to pay her for them. She gave one sketch of the Blessed Mother, to Father Kwiatkowski as a thank- you gift for inviting her family to the parish. “This is a warm and welcoming community,” Father Kiatkowski said of his parishioners. “They welcome everyone. It’s who they are, so I am not really surprised that they embraced this family. They know that that’s what Jesus would do.”

Adeebah and Ibrahim, left, review Adeebah’s sketches on a table at St. Peter Claver parish hall. The “Blessed Mother” charcoal sketch, center of group above, is the one that Adeebah gave Father Kwiatkowski as a thank-you gift.


SHARE THE JOURNEY: The work of Catholic Charities with refugee families


atholic Charities in the C Archdiocese of Hartford has settled refugee families in the Hartford area for more than 60 years. It offers comprehensive refugee support services to individuals and families who have fled from their home countries and cannot return because they school, go to doctor’s appoint- have a well-founded fear of ments, shop for clothes, hunt for The Mlebinge family, a persecution. Catholic jobs and even assist in the birth of Charities family of eight Catholic Charities offers a new addition to the family. originally from resettlement services, housing, refugee The head of the Mlebinge the Congo, employment, English as a resettlement household, Bisoci, maintains that were resettled second language (ESL) classes, statistics: God sent the volunteers to her in Hartford with the help cultural orientation and overall family. She said she feels there is of Catholic acculturation to American life. 2013: 241 no way to repay the team for their Charities’ Over the last five years, generosity. The church became Migration, community partnerships have her family and she “does not want Refugee and 2014: 312 enabled Catholic Charities to [it] to lose us.” Immigration Services (MRIS) settle more than 1,300 refugees. The countries that Catholic 2015: 281 staff and For example, through a Charities has served are Congo, parishioners partnership with St. Teresa of Somalia, Burma, Nepal, Ukraine, from St. Teresa Calcutta Parish at St. Bridget 2016: 325 Burundi, Sudan, Iran, Iraq of Calcutta Church in Manchester, Catholic and Syria. Parish at St. Bridget Charities assisted the Mlebinges, A presidential executive order 2017: 176 Church in a family of eight, to resettle in has required discontinuance of Manchester. Hartford. The family had lived in a resettlement of refugees from The family refugee camp for more than two 2018: Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Syria. spent two decades. 100 projected Catholic Charities has not settled decades in a refugee camp. Over six months, the parish people from these countries since assisted Catholic Charities by Total: 1,335 the end of 2017. The decline in working with the family. Volun- resettlements is a direct impact of teers helped to enroll children in the presidential executive order.

FOR MORE INFORMATION on Catholic Charities’ resettlement program, visit



Women’s conference to offer inspiration and interactive spiritual workshops

rchdiocesan employees are putting the final touches on their preparations for the second annual A Archdiocese of Hartford Women’s Conference.

This year’s theme will be “Woman is the World’s isometric and stretching exercises to renew the body, Harmony,” taken from a morning meditation by mind and soul. Pope Francis. “Visio Divina,” which shares roots with the ancient The event will be offered from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on practice of Lectio Divina, will invite participants to Saturday, Nov. 3 at the Hartford Marriott Farmington encounter the divine through images. Photographs, in Farmington. icons and fine art will be used as the focal point for Last year’s inaugural conference drew 320 prayer or a related Scripture reading. attendees. This year, organizers are preparing for 400, “Praying in Color” will allow participants to use the thanks to promotion in local parishes and “goodwill visual and tactile activities of doodling, drawing and ambassadors” who attended last year and are giving coloring to achieve greater focus during prayer. the conference positive word-of-mouth reviews. The keynote address will be given “There’s nothing like someone telling you about by Kerry A. Robinson, who has chosen There’s their experience,” says Nicole Perone, coordinator the title “Women and the Church: nothing like of the women’s conference and archdiocesan director Leadership, Fidelity and Being the someone of adult faith formation. “Nothing else beats some- Church We Want to See.” Robinson one’s testimony.” is the founding executive director telling you According to Perone, the first such conference in the and global ambassador of Leadership Roundtable, about their archdiocese was well received, and now she and her an organization that promotes best practices experience. fellow organizers are tweaking the women’s event to and lay expertise in the management, finances, Nothing respond to feedback from last year’s attendees. communications and human resources development of else beats The first major change is the new venue, a move the Church in the United States. someone’s from the Marriott in downtown Hartford to the one Her talk will be a celebration of women’s leadership in Farmington, which offers more space for a greater and unique gifts, and a discussion of how they can testimony. variety of activities throughout the day. continue to contribute to the Church’s mission, vitality “It will be the same Marriott experience and have and effectiveness. the feel of a day away,” Perone says. Responding to another request from conference- However, the new site will provide double the space goers, this year’s conference will also offer workshops NICOLE for eucharistic adoration and confession, both of which on four faith topics given by women representing every PERONE proved very popular last year. Eight priests, including stage of life, so women of all ages might relate to their bilingual priests, will be on hand to hear confessions. “lived experience,” Perone says. Former conference-goers also suggested prayer The event will close with a vigil Mass celebrated by activities, such as the rosary. “So we came up with Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Peter Rosazza. spiritual breakouts to give them some choice,” Perone says. The activities are built on popular devotions and practices with the addition of “a new twist.” LUNCH IS INCLUDED IN THE REGISTRATION FEE, AND THE HOTEL For instance, “SoulCore Rosary” will blend reciting HAS AMPLE FREE PARKING. REGISTRATION INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE the rosary with a combination of core-strengthening, AT WWW.CATHOLICEDAOHCT.ORG OR AT 860.242.5573, EXT. 2677.


Father of ‘American Idol’ winner STORY BY MARY CHALUPSKY

PHOTOGRAPHY BY counts his many blessings TOM DZIMIAN

hen Guilford's James Shanley and Father Andres talent show. He’s been performing own Nick Mendoza. “They taught me that professionally ever since. Fradiani, Jr. you can ask Mary to ask Jesus for “I went through a period where W anything,” he said. I wasn’t practicing my faith,” won the hugely popular An accomplished songwriter, said Nick Sr. “But it all changed “American Idol” contest singer and recording artist himself, during the Idol experience because in 2015, it was his dad Nick Sr. has been performing in I prayed so much. That’s when (Nick Sr.) who was in the clubs and restaurants in Connecti- things started happening.” audience, wildly clapping cut and even internationally for Included in the happenstance with one hand and holding decades. was the fact that his son “made “It was the Beatles” on the “Ed the show” on the Solemnity of the a rosary in the other. Sullivan Show” in 1964, he stated, Immaculate Conception. Then, as that ignited his passion for music. it turned out, the finale was held on “It was just incredible,” said Nick “It kind of saved me,” said Nick. “It May 13, the memorial of Our Lady Sr. “Every time I watch the video, I was everything to me at that young of Fatima. just get so emotional.” age; and it hasn’t changed since.” Another connection, he said, Not only did the iconic show Also influential were his was that while his son rehearsed change the life of the son, it grandmother’s musically talented during the day, Nick Sr. would transformed the father’s life brothers and teachers, notably go to St. Victor Church in West professionally and spiritually. the late Sister of Mercy Albertine Hollywood to pray and recite a “My faith blossomed,” said Nick Schulz, whose passion for music rosary. By coincidence, St. Jude’s Sr. “I was asking and asking for my inspired Nick Sr. in the seventh Children’s Hospital was one of son, and something else happened. grade at St. Vincent de Paul School the charities that Idol participants I realized that it’s not about asking, in East Haven to perform during visited. Nick said that the day but worshipping and thanking God. Advent and for other school events. his son won and he was “saying “I felt that saying the rosary His great uncle gave him a guitar goodbye to the church,” he noticed was a very powerful thing,” he at age 8, and he began playing that the statute of Mary in front of continued. “I didn’t realize how Beatles songs and other popular the church was a gift from actor powerful the beads were; but the music. He formed a band. At age Danny Thomas “the guy who rosary is powerful.” 13, Nick and the group won first started St. Jude Hospital.” He credits two priests, Father place in a local Exchange Club “It was amazing,” said Nick. “I just felt my faith getting stronger and stronger. I was just thanking God so much for these blessings. “I tried so hard all my life to get somewhere,” he continued, “and to “My music see my son do it … to see where he has been is today … it’s something I couldn’t everything have imagined. for me. It’s “And it’s not just because he my life.” won,” he said, “but because I got NICK closer to God during the whole FRADIANI experience.” As for his own journey, he said, “My music has been everything for me. It’s my life.

Nick Fradiani Jr., left, and Nick Fradiani Sr., right, perform together at the Big E in September 2017.

20 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG agreed Nick Jr., who also sang when he attended St. Mary School in Branford. The son added, “He brought music into my life. It changed my life and brought us closer together.” Since winning Idol three years ago, the younger Nick Fradiani has released two albums, completed two full tours of 38 cities in the United States, sung at the White House for veterans, opened for Bon Jovi recently at Mohegan Sun and recorded Leonard Cohen’s song “Hallelujah” with his father. He also is writing his own music. “It’s been an incredible experience,” said the Idol winner, who gives credit to his father. “He’s MUSIC FOR A GOOD CAUSE Nick Fradiani Sr. recently released a new CD, “Blessed Assurance,” a great dad. He works hard, and which contains inspirational songs for the benefit of the Office of Radio it’s good to know I’ve got my dad to and Television (ORTV). The CD will be mailed to those who make a turn to for advice.” donation to ORTV, including callers who participated in the June radio-a- His father also knows someone thon held to raise funds for ORTV’s daily televised Mass. Nick is donating has his back. all proceeds to ORTV. Songs from the CD are also available through iTunes. The CD also can be purchased for $15 by contacting ORTV at “It’s a hard business, especially or by calling 203.758.7367. for someone who believes in God like I do,” he said. “But I’ve learned that it’s all about simplicity. You “I’ve traveled all over the world become a moniker for Father don’t need someone to pat your back to play,” he said, performing on Gatzak’s enormously popular all the time when you have God.” cruise ships and at casinos and daily televised Mass. Today, the elder Fradiani is busy restaurants including Trump Plaza. Nick Sr. began to pass on his performing and recording. He sings and plays piano, guitar love of music to his young son, “Idol changed me, giving me and bass guitar. He has recorded giving him a set of drums at age 2, the opportunity” and exposure to three albums, “Rhapsody,” “Living then later teaching him piano and reignite his music career, he said. on the Edge of Time” and “Aruba how to hold a guitar. The senior Fradiani, who Nights.” His first single, “Midnight “I sang a song to my son, ‘To periodically performs on the ORTV Lady,” is still popular in Paris Love Somebody,’ recorded by Celebration of the Mass, recently and Italy. the Bee Gees,” he said, that they released a new CD, “Blessed After Father John P. Gatzak perform together now. “I also Assurance,” which was produced officiated at his marriage to wife took my little boy with me” to by Father Gatzak and ORTV. He is Elizabeth in the ’80s, Nick Sr. performances, he said. He recalled also working on a worship album turned his attention to raising his a time when he and 6-year-old scheduled to come out later this son Nick Jr., who will be 33 in Nick Jr. sang Neil Diamond tunes. year, on which he and his son will November, and daughter Kristen, “I think he thought I was a nerd,” perform a song. now 26, who loves music but the father said with a laugh. Since recording the album, he pursues her interests as an animal In the early years, the father-son said, “I’m in such a good place activist. Father Gatzak is executive passion was all about sports; music right now. It’s transformed me. director of the Archdiocese of was just for fun. “Nick was a strong When I was recording in the Hartford’s Office of Radio and athlete,” said his dad. But that studio, I felt the Holy Spirit was Television (ORTV), and general all changed when a sports injury with me. manager of radio station WJMJ. four years after graduating from “People ask me if I’m ‘born “Father John and I have a Guilford High School turned his again,’” Nick Sr. reflected. “No, I’m wonderful friendship,” said Nick, son’s interest back to the guitar. just thankful for everything Christ who wrote and recorded the song “That love of music and sports has done for me. I just want to “Rainbow Day” in 1989 that has formed our two bonding interests,” honor him in my performances.”


Parish prayer garden and green offers a spiritual oasis for all

reat weather makes everything more enjoyable, G including outdoor parish gatherings and outdoor prayer.

Members of St. Paul Parish in Kensington have a new place to enjoy both amid a white marble replica of the Pieta, beautiful plantings, an open-air pavilion and a large grassy lawn. The “St. Paul Parish Prayer Gar- den and Parish Green” is located on Alling Street, directly across the street from the church, parish STORY AND center, friary and St. Paul School. PHOTOGRAPHY BY It was dedicated in June 2017 and SHELLEY WOLF has been in use ever since. “It’s utilized by the church and the school, and we love it,” said many unique features include Diane C. Funk, business manager Stations of the Cross on granite for the parish and school. piers, a small boulder fountain, limited parking for its church and The garden and green areas steel benches, memorial school in its lots and along Alling are open to the public and are plaques and pavers, a large lawn and Peck streets. Meanwhile, being enjoyed by town residents, surrounded by trees and parking across Alling Street, the town- too, she said. for more than 100 cars. owned Kensington Grammar “The neighborhood kids will “We’re very happy with the School had been closed for more come down and play there. We project,” said Jonathan Tunsky, than 20 years, was in disrepair and see young families bringing their a senior landscape architect was attracting vandals. children. People stop by all the with TO Design who oversaw When a developer sought time. We see them sitting in front the construction. “It came out permission from the town zoning of the Pieta, on the benches,” wonderful, I think. We feel it’s board to build multi-story Funk added. “It’s great for the definitely one of our best projects.” apartments on the site, the parish community and I know the The project was designed by got involved. “We knew we had to town was very happy to see [the principal designer Phil Barlow. step up and oppose that because property] developed.” The garden and green endeavor we had such a parking problem,” Last spring, the project also began more than five years ago as a Funk said. gained some unexpected attention. response to the problems of limited The zoning board denied the Designed by TO Design of New parking in the residential area and project, the developer backed Britain, it garnered first place in of neighborhood blight. out and St. Paul purchased the the landscape architecture/public St. Paul Parish, which is staffed property. spaces category in a statewide by the Conventual Franciscans, The parish donated $400,000 competition by the Connecticut has more than 5,000 registered from its savings and got a Building Congress. families and more than 15,000 $200,000 loan from the Knights In addition to the statue and parishioners. The parish was of Columbus in order to buy the pavilion, the 1.85-acre parcel’s growing and struggling with land. In 2013, it began a capital

22 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG we sold them as memorials. So that’s going to be an annual event again.” But because the parish is expanding, the green could be developed by future parishioners if they want to build a larger parish center or if the school needs to expand. “There was a little foresight there,” Funk said, in leaving an open green with a perimeter of shade trees. On the opposite end of the parcel, two brownstone-like pier caps salvaged from the old school sit atop brick pillars at the entrance to the prayer garden. A path winds through cherry trees, river birches and Japanese elements to the Berlin Historical The 1.85-acre white pines on the way to the Pieta, Society before the school prayer garden which is surrounded by benches. and parish green was demolished. at St. Paul Parish Tunsky said, “We were trying to Then the new plan began to take in Kensington create a sense of privacy, but we shape, beginning with the intent includes a white didn’t want it to be too private.” to create at least 100 additional marble replica Day lilies, liriope and euonymus parking spaces for the parish and of the Pieta, a blanket the ground. Hydrangea, boulder fountain school, Funk said. But the plan and an open-air mountain laurel and azalea shrubs evolved into something more due pavilion. add texture and color. fundraising campaign to pay back to Father Schlageter. In late July, the Conventual the five-year loan and fund the “He just had this vision of a Franciscans who staffed St. Paul remainder of the project. beautiful prayer garden and a were reassigned. Father Schlageter The parish set a campaign goal of green that the kids at the school left for St. Anne Catholic Church $1,379,000. It surpassed its goal, would be able to use and [possibly in Columbus, Ga. Father Timothy receiving $1,665,980 in pledges, develop] down the road for future Lyons relocated to the Immaculate Funk said. The school and several generations, if they wanted to do Conception Friary in Rensselaer, donors also contributed. any expansion,” she said. N.Y., and Father Charles The cost of the project was The green and the adjoining Jagodzinski moved to the Senior $1,782,000. With the purchase pavilion are used by the school for Friars Residence in Hamburg, N.Y. of the land at $600,000, it came recess and outdoor gym classes in The leadership team was to a grand total of $2,380,000, the spring and fall, by the youth replaced by three different Funk said. minister for various activities Franciscan friars. Father Joseph According to Funk, this is the throughout the year and by the Benicewicz was appointed pastor, parish’s last year in paying back the parish for its annual outdoor Mass effective Aug. 2. He is being loan. “The project is 100 percent and picnic in September. assisted by parochial vicars Father paid for,” she said. “We also established what Michael Englert and Father Funk credits the parish’s KGS we call ‘Christmas on the Piotr Tymko. Committee, which shepherded the Green,’” Funk added. While the priests have project, and former pastor Father “We brought in a huge changed, the fruits of Robert Schlageter for envisioning Christmas tree, we the vision remain. a brighter future for the blighted did a carol sing and As the plaque on property. we had an official the prayer garden While many in town hoped the Christmas tree says, the garden will old school could be saved, it was lighting. We did continue to be “a deemed beyond repair. So the luminaries all over place to rest, a place parish donated several historic the parish green and to pray.”


Archbishop Leonard P. Blair, top, celebrates Mass before 1,000 of the faithful gathered at Holy Land USA in Waterbury. ‘Mountaintop Mass’ Members of the Knights of Columbus, center, the organization founded by Father Michael McGivney, assemble for the Mass honoring Father McGivney offered in his honor. Archbishop Blair, bottom, speaks to Mass-goers. draws 1,000 in the rain


ore than 1,000 people gathered in the rain on top of Holy Land USA in Waterbury as Archbishop M Leonard Blair celebrated Mass on Aug. 11 to honor Venerable Father Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus and a native of Waterbury.

The faithful came from across the state for the “Mountaintop Mass” on Pine Hill at the former reli- gious theme park, known for its 60-foot illuminated cross, which can be seen for miles from the highway. The hilltop offers a view of the places where Father McGivney was born, baptized, educated and buried for 92 years until his remains were moved to the Church of St. Mary in New Haven, where he began the Knights of Columbus. In the early afternoon, people began gathering on the hilltop, many of them shuttled to the top in golf carts on the repaved roads. They sat under tents and umbrellas in the area of the large cross that with 13 priests and three deacons on a stage under a looks out over the city. They prayed the tent that had a large banner proclaiming, “Welcome rosary and listened to praise and worship to Holy Land USA.” Above them, swallows swooped music. Although rain fell throughout the through the air in joyful flight. day, it didn’t dampen their spirits. Looking out at hundreds of people on the hillside, Archbishop Blair concelebrated the Mass huddled under colorful umbrellas, Archbishop Blair

24 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG said, “My brothers and sisters, what a powerful thing it is for us to be gathered on this holy mountain in Waterbury, just as Christ taught the people on the mountain in today’s Gospel.” He urged them to bring the message of the Holy Land Mass to others and evangelize Catholics who no longer practice their faith or who walk away from it because of “the many hard sayings of Jesus that the Church proclaims in fidelity to the Gospel.” “Our response cannot be smugness,” he said. “You and I need to go out to the peripheries, we need to go out into this vast world, and into Waterbury, which we see all around us from this mountaintop, and by our words and our good example, we need to inspire other people to faith. We need to inspire them to faith, hope and love.” Land USA, which owns the park. He said, “This cross that is lit up every night “This was a significant religious event is a powerful spiritual reminder to everyone of for the city and the state, in the spirit of the importance of God in a world where people the New Evangelization,” said Father Sul- are absolutely forgetful of God, sometimes not livan. “It was a celebration of Holy Land deliberately, but because they’re so consumed by the and Father McGivney’s life and legacy. things of this world. How important it is for the cross “The Holy Spirit was present today,” he to be shining brightly on this mountain.” said as he stood beneath the 60-foot cross Archbishop Blair said that when he first arrived in and gazed out at the city below. “I believe Connecticut, he made a donation to Holy Land and something truly wonderful is going to was given a tile, like other donors, on the newly erect- come from this and that it will reignite the ed cross. For his inscription, he chose Ave crux, spes faith in many people.” unica, which means “Hail to the cross, our only hope.” Brian Caulfield, vice postulator for The organizers of the so-called Holy Land Father McGivney’s cause for sainthood Mountaintop Mass believe the event will cause a and a member of the Knights, said he revitalization of faith and increased devotion to the hopes the Mass will inspire increased “I believe founder of the Knights of Columbus. devotion to the priest. something The event was the brainchild of Father James “Waterbury is Father McGivney’s hometown, and truly Sullivan, pastor of the Church of the Assumption in people recognize him as a holy man who grew up in wonderful Ansonia, in collaboration with the Knights and Holy their midst,” he said. “The Knights wanted to bring people together to pray and raise is going to his profile around Connecticut. come from I’m sure he has a special place in this and his heart for Connecticut Catho- that it will lics. We ask people to pray to him reignite the in a time of need.” faith in many Caulfield estimated that since the priest’s cause for sainthood people.” began in 1997, there have been FATHER more than 1,000 favors granted JAMES to people who prayed for Father SULLIVAN McGivney’s intercession. The Mass was on the eve of Father McGivney’s birthday, Aug. 12, 1852. He died of pneumonia at age 38 on Aug. 14, 1890.

People, top, experience on-and-off showers during the event. Father James FOR MORE INFORMATION Sullivan, center, addresses the crowd. The Knights and the faithful, bottom, stand in or to become a member of the Father McGivney Guild, front of the iconic 60-foot illuminated cross that can be seen from miles away. which is free, go to



“Love is total that very special form of personal friendship in which husband and wife generously share everything, allowing no unreasonable exceptions and not thinking solely of their own convenience. Whoever really loves his partner loves not only for what he re- ceives, but loves that partner for the partner’s own sake, content to be able to enrich the other with the gift of himself.”

Paul VI (Humanae Vitae, 8-9)

priest. Because of his service to the Church in these many positions before his papacy, Montini developed a relationship with St. John XXIII and a close friendship with Pius XII, whom he spent many years serving. As pope, Paul VI continued the Second Vatican Council after Father John P. Who, what, where of the canonization Gatzak, bowing the death of St. John XXIII. He above, is being The canonization of both Pope Paul VI and Archbishop Oscar oversaw the council through its ordained to the Romero, along with four others, will take place in St. Peter’s conclusion in 1965 and carried out priesthood by its decisions. Paul VI’s papacy was Pope Paul VI on Square on Oct. 14, 2018. The ceremony will happen during the also marked by various reforms, June 29, 1975, 2018 world Synod of Bishops covering “Young People, the the feast of partially because of Vatican II, Saints Peter and Faith, and Vocational Discernment” which is taking place but never did he stray from the Paul. Pope Paul in Rome Oct. 3-28. principles of the Church. He is VI proclaimed particularly known for the reform 1975 a Holy Year. To commemo- of the liturgy which allowed for the rate it, he de- Pope Paul VI: A man who papacy in 1963, Montini had a wide Mass to be said in the vernacular or cided to ordain lived faithful to the truth breadth of experience working Latin. For this reason, he was often those eligible with Church hierarchy. He held a accused by the right for being too for ordination. Born Giovanni Battista Montini position in the Roman Curia, was liberal or by the left for being too in September of 1897, Pope Paul appointed head of the Secretariat conservative. However, he really VI’s life as bishop of Rome was of State, became archbishop of just walked the middle way. marked by his faithfulness to Milan, and, in 1958, he was made In addition, Paul VI was known Church teaching and his carrying a cardinal by Pope St. John XXIII. for being the first pope to visit out of the work of his predecessors. As a result, Montini surprisingly six continents. His work toward Preceding his election to the never held a position as a parish ecumenism and his encyclical

26 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG condemning birth control, Humanae Vitae, also marked his papacy. In November of 1970, there was an assassination attempt on Paul VI in the Philippines. This attempt was stopped and did not hinder the rest of his visit. Pope Paul VI’s health began to decline and he passed on July 14, 1978. He died shortly after Sunday Mass. The process of his sainthood started under St. John Paul II on on May 11, 1993. Paul VI’s life was one dedicated to the truth and the carrying on of the legacies of his predecessors. REUTERS

Archbishop Oscar Romero: Salvador, his dear friend and Jesuit the ways in which the Salvadoran A woman holds Dedicated to the poor and priest Father Rutilio Grande was government was exploiting a picture of late Archbishop Oscar assassinated for his work with the people’s basic human rights and vulnerable no matter the cost Arnulfo Romero poor. This greatly influenced the persecuting those who stood up for during a Mass Oscar Romero was born on rest of Archbishop Romero’s life the poor; he did this especially on to commemo- Aug. 15, 1917, in El Salvador. He and time as archbishop. After this his popular radio program, where rate the 35th grew up to be a faith-filled and tragic event, Romero stated, “When he listed off the weekly deaths, anniversary of his assassination in I looked at Rutilio lying there dead, disappearances and tortures that devoted young man. So, it was no San Salvador on surprise when, at the age of 13, I thought, ‘If they have killed him few others publicly spoke about March 24, 2015. he entered a minor seminary to for doing what he did, then I too due to government censorship. pursue the Catholic priesthood. have to walk the same path.’” As a result of his courage in In 1942, a year after completing From then on, Romero’s life was speaking out against the injustices his studies in Rome, Romero dedicated largely to helping the of the Salvadoran government and was ordained. poor and speaking out against the his striving to promote the peace Father Romero returned to assassinations and torture that and love which the Catholic Church El Salvador, where he served were rampant in his native country. upholds, Archbishop Oscar Rome- as a parish priest for more than He passionately spoke out against ro was assassinated while cele- 20 years. During this time, brating Mass on March 24, 1980. he devoted himself to many The Church recognizes Romero good works such as starting an as a martyr today and will always Alcoholics Anonymous group remember him as a man deeply ded- and directing the archdiocesan icated to the Church and the poor. newspaper, in which he defended the magisterium against the more progressive clergy of the day. After these many years of service “When we struggle for human rights, for as a parish priest, Father Romero was made an auxiliary bishop of freedom, for dignity, when we feel that it is the Archdiocese of San Salvador a ministry of the Church to concern itself for in 1970. In 1974, he was made those who are hungry, for those who have no bishop of the Diocese of Santiago schools, for those who are deprived, we are not de Maria. And finally, only three departing from God’s promise. He comes to free years later in 1977, Romero was us from sin, and the Church knows that sin’s made archbishop of San Salvador consequences are all such injustices and abuses. where he remained for the rest The Church knows it is saving the world when it of his life. undertakes to speak also of such things.” Only a month after he was appointed archbishop of San SERVICE NEWS CATHOLIC From The Violence of Love by Oscar Romero

27 THINGS TO DO ‘COME AND FOLLOW ME’ The Foundation for the Advancement of Catholic Schools (FACS) is hosting its 12th annual Archbish- Are you following Archbishop Blair and the op’s Columbus Day Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, Archdiocese of Hartford on social media? Oct. 5 at The Omni Hotel in New Haven. The net proceeds will fund scholarships for Catholic elementa- @ArchbishopBlair ATTEND A @ArchdioceseHart ry school students in the greater New Haven area. To BREAKFAST! register, visit @ArchdioceseOfHartford The Catholic Lawyers Guild of the Archdiocese of Hartford is sponsoring a Red Mass for legal profes- sionals at St. Patrick—St. Anthony Parish, located at the Ruth Institute, will speak on “Understanding the 285 Church St. in Hartford. This votive Mass to the Sexual Revolution.” Judith Mascolo, a board-certified Holy Spirit is a devotion for justice. The Mass will be family physician and medical director of St. Gerard’s celebrated by Archbishop Leonard P. Blair and will be Center for Life, will discuss abortion pill reversal. Lisa offered at 12:05 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 10. A recep- A. Maloney, executive director of Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center of Southeastern Connecticut and pres- tion with invited speaker will follow. No registration is DEVOTION required. For more information, contact Cody Guarni- FOR JUSTICE! ident of the Connecticut Pregnancy Care Coalition, will eri at [email protected]. discuss “The Newly Established Connecticut Pregnancy Care Coalition (CPCC) and the Battle to Protect Pro-life The 19th annual Respect Life Conference, pre- Pregnancy Resource Centers.” Elaine Blondin Mello, sented by the Pro-Life Outreach Ministry at Our Lady founder and executive director of “A Better World,” will Queen of Angels Parish, is set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on offer a talk titled “You’ve Saved a Life Now What?” Oct. 13 at the Holy Angels campus, 585 Main St. in Registration is $25 and includes lunch. Checks should Meriden. Archbishop Blair will open the conference. be made payable to Respect Life Conference and mailed Keynote speaker Jennifer Roback Morse, founder of to P.O. Box 392, Meriden, CT 06450. The event is free for clergy and religious, but registration is required. For information, call 203.235.6104.

Archbishop Blair will preside at the Wedding Anni- Archdiocese of Hartford versary Sunday Mass for couples who are celebrating Office of Safe Environment significant anniversaries at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 467 Bloomfield Ave. 14 at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. Mar- Bloomfield, CT 06002 ried couples observing their 25th, 50th, 60th or other HOW TO REPORT AN INCIDENT OF SEXUAL special wedding anniversary this year are invited and ABUSE TO THE ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD encouraged to attend. Couples will renew their wed- ding vows and will have the opportunity to have their If you have knowledge or suspect that a minor or vulnerable picture taken with the archbishop. To register, contact adult (an adult with an intellectual disability) has been sexually your local parish. abused, in any manner, by personnel of the Archdiocese of Hartford, you are urged to report this information to: The 11th annual Connecticut Catholic Men’s Kathleen D. Nowosadko Conference will open at 8 a.m. on Oct. 20 at St. Paul Victim Assistance Coordinator Catholic High School in Bristol. Lunch is included. 860-541-6475 • [email protected] The conference will conclude with a vigil Mass at 4 p.m. with Archbishop Blair. Archbishop Blair also will Incidents involving sexual abuse of minors conduct a Q&A session. Tickets are available at www. (persons under the age of 18) should be reported to: State Department of Children and Families Care-line Speakers will include Father Bob 1-800-842-2288 Casey, Bob Kroll, Jason Calvi and Deacon Doug Hoff- man. Information is available at 860.484.7950. Incidents involving sexual abuse of vulnerable adults aged 18 – 59 should be reported to the: The 25th anniversary of Pope St. John Paul’s pro- Connecticut Department of Developmental Services – phetic document Veritatis Splendor will be the focus of AID Division for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities an upcoming formation event for clergy, religious and 1-844-878-8923 professionals who minister to persons who experience Incidents involving sexual abuse of vulnerable adults same-sex attraction and questions about sexual identity. aged 60 and over should be reported to: The conference will center on the theme “Proclaiming Department of Social Services for the Elderly the splendor of truth with love” and will feature presen- 1-888-385-4225 tations from acclaimed theologians, including Dr. Janet

28 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG Smith, Dr. Mary Healy and Father Paul Sullins. Partici- pants will also hear witness testimonies from two Cour- age members featured in the documentary “Desire of the Everlasting Hills” Paul Darrow and Rilene Simpson. The gathering, the fourth Truth & Love conference to date, will take place Oct. 22-24 at the Pastoral Center in Bloomfield. It is open to clergy, religious and anyone working in pastoral ministry, education or the healing professions. Registration information is available at Truth & Love is an initiative of Courage International.

The Archdiocese of Hartford’s Office of Catholic Social Justice Ministry will cel- ebrate its 50th anniversary at its annual dinner on Tuesday, Oct. 23 at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville. The event will begin with a reception at 5 p.m. and will feature Timothy Shriver, chairman and CEO of Special Olympics, as the invited PHOTO BY DR. JOHN WENCESLAO speaker. Information about the October dinner is available at 860.242.5573, ext. 2688, or [email protected]. A ‘walker for immigrants’

Sing along with Dan Schutte, the composer of “Here BY REV. JAMES A. SHANLEY I Am Lord,” “City of God,” “Mass of Christ the Savior” and much more, in concert at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, I first met Al Dornan, his wife, Carmen, and their Oct. 26 at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, 265 Stratton ATTEND only son, Aaron, in 1995 at St. Elizabeth Seton Brook Rd., West Simsbury. Dan will also lead a work- A CONCERT Church in Rocky Hill (now part of St. Josephine WITH FAMILY! shop for choir members (and those who would like to Bakhita Parish). Faithful participants at the “early be choir members) from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Mass” on Sunday morning, they were active mem- Oct. 27, also at St. Catherine. The weekend events are bers of a growing community. In 1998, 20 years sponsored by National Pastoral Musicians (NPM)-Hart- ago, Aaron died in a car accident days after grad- ford Chapter. For the concert, a minimum donation of uating from the Watkinson School in Hartford. The $10 per person is suggested, $25 per family. The work- lives of his parents were forever changed. shop requires membership in NPM-Hartford at $20 per These past years, with both successes and person or at $100 per parish plus $5 per person. For challenges, have brought Al to where he is today: more information, email [email protected]. a "78-year-old white man,” as he describes himself, who “walks miles every day for immigrants, for The Pro-Life Ministry of the Archdiocese of Hartford dreamers,” in solidarity with all who hope and again is joining the national and now-international 40 pray that Congress will do something about this Days for Life campaign to pray for an end to abortion. important issue. This year’s campaign is running from Wednesday, You can read more about him online, but I want Sept. 26 to Sunday, Nov. 4. The group will hold a 40 to invite you to join him join him on Sunday, Days for Life closing ceremony at the Cathedral of Oct. 21 at 2 p.m. in downtown Hartford, starting at St. Joseph in Hartford, following the 11 a.m. Mass on the Federal Office Building, 450 Main St., andjust Sunday, Nov. 4. The closing event will include guest PRO-LIFE walk as a witness to the work that needs to speakers, Matt Britton and Tibor Basky, from the MINISTRY! be done and immigration policies that need to group’s international team. For more information, be discussed. email [email protected]. He has walked for more than 200 days maybe you can walk with him for at least one!

READ MORE FOR MORE THINGS TO DO Read an article about Al Dornan by visit The Hartford Courant, posted June 7, 2018, at Type “Al Dornan” in the search box.

29 The magazine of the Archdiocese of Hartford Journalistic Service in Connecticut since 1829 Appointments TELEPHONE: 860.286.2828 or 1.800.726.2391 The Most Rev. Leonard P. Blair, S.T.D., has made the following appointments: WEBSITE: EMAIL: [email protected] Distribution: more than 180,000 Rev. Carlos A. Piedrahita: from parochial vicar Rev. Adam Zawadzki, OP: priestly faculties OCTOBER 2018 of the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, through Dec. 31, 2018 with principal Waterbury to candidacy with the Society of responsibilities with the Catholic Deaf Archbishop Leonard P. Blair PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER St. Sulpice, effective June 1, 2018. Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Hartford at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, New Britain, Rev. William Agyemang: from pastor of Father James A. Shanley while Father Thomas Coughlin, OP, Miss, is on North American Martyrs Parish, East Hartford EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF sabbatical. COMMUNICATIONS AND to parochial vicar of the Basilica of the PUBLIC RELATIONS Immaculate Conception, Waterbury, effective Rev. Mitchell Sawicki, OFM, Conv.: appointed July 9, 2018. chaplain to the Felician Sisters Provincial Roberta W. Tuttle House, Our Lady of the Angels Convent, Rev. Stuart H. Pinette: from administrator EXECUTIVE EDITOR Enfield, effective Aug. 2, 2018. of St. Marianne Cope Parish, East Windsor Leslie DiVenere to pastor of St. Marianne Cope Parish, East Rev. Kingsley C. Ihejirika: from parochial vicar GRAPHICS EDITOR Windsor, effective July 11, 2018, for a term of Most Holy Trinity Parish in Wallingford to of six years. administrator of St. Justin–St. Michael Parish, Mary Chalupsky Hartford, effective Sept. 10, 2018. Shelley Wolf Rev. Thomas J. Sas: reappointed to pastor STAFF REPORTERS of St. John Fisher Parish, Marlborough, Rev. John Granato: from pastor of St. John effective July 16, 2018, for a term of six years. Paul the Great Parish, Torrington to pastor Katie Burns of St. Katharine Drexel Parish, New Britain, M. Regina Cram Rev. Matthew G. Gworek: internship with effective Aug. 21, 2018. Cody Guarnieri Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation, Allen R. Hunt Toronto, Canada, until Jan. 31, 2019, effective Rev. Jorge E. Castro: from pastor of Most Aaron Joseph Father Joe Krupp Aug. 1, 2018. He will return as parochial vicar Holy Trinity Parish, Wallingford to parochial Joe Pisani of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Hamden vicar of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Dr. John Wenceslao upon completion of internship. Hamden, effective Aug. 21, 2018. Maria Zone CONTRIBUTORS Rev. Andrzej Pogorzelski: from parochial Rev. Andres Mendoza: from pastor of St. vicar of SS. Cyril and Methodius Parish, Katharine Drexel Parish, New Britain to pastor CONNECTING PEOPLE WITH Hartford to senior status, effective of Most Holy Trinity Parish, Wallingford, JESUS AND HIS CHURCH Aug. 1, 2018. effective Aug. 21, 2018. WWW.FAITHCATHOLIC.COM Rev. Monsignor Gerard G. Schmitz: appointed Rev. Timothy E. Ryan: from parochial vicar Patrick M. O’Brien PRESIDENT/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER interim assistant to chaplain at St. Thomas of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish, Manchester More Chapel and Golden Center at Yale to administrator of North American Martyrs Elizabeth Martin Solsburg University, New Haven, effective Aug. 1, 2018. Parish, East Hartford, effective Aug. 21, 2018. VICE PRESIDENT/EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Rev. Robert Schlageter, OFM, Conv.: Rev. Emmanuel I. Ihemedu: from pastor of St. Cynthia Vandecar completed assignment as pastor of St. Paul Justin-St. Michael Parish, Hartford to pastor DIRECTOR OF PRODUCTION Parish, Kensington, effective Aug. 1, 2018. of St. John Paul the Great Parish, Torrington, AND CUSTOMER SERVICE effective Aug. 21, 2018. Rev. Charles Jagodzinski, OFM, Conv.: Marybeth Hicks completed assignment as parochial vicar Rev. John F. Brinsmade: from administrator MARKETING DIRECTOR of St. Paul Parish, Kensington, effective of St. Raphael Parish, Milford to pastor of Aug. 1, 2018. St. Raphael Parish, Milford, effective Jennifer Pomicter Aug. 3, 2018. GRAPHIC DESIGNER Rev. Timothy J. Lyons, OFM, Conv.: completed assignment as parochial vicar Rev. Francis H. Crombie: priestly faculties for CATHOLIC TRANSCRIPT (USPS 0094-540, ISSN 1081-4353) is published monthly, except for February and August, of St. Paul Parish, Kensington, effective calendar year 2018, effective July 5, 2018. He by The Catholic Transcript, Inc., 467 Bloomfield Ave., Aug. 1, 2018. is a priest of the Diocese of Springfield, Mass., Bloomfield, CT 06002-2999. Periodicals postage paid at in residence at St. Joseph Residence, Enfield. Hartford, CT and at additional mailing offices. Rev. Joseph Benicewicz, OFM, Conv.: POSTMASTER: Send address changes to appointed pastor of St. Paul Parish, Rev. Karl Davis, OMI: renewal of priestly The Catholic Transcript, Inc. Kensington, effective Aug. 2, 2018. faculties for the calendar year 2018. 467 Bloomfield Ave., Bloomfield, CT 06002-2999. Rev. Michael Englert, OFM, Conv.: appointed CHANGE OF ADDRESS: REV. RYAN M. LERNER, CHANCELLOR, Email [email protected] parochial vicar of St. Paul Parish, Kensington, AUG. 17, 2018 ADVERTISING POLICY STATEMENT: Catholic Transcript effective Aug. 2, 2018. does not endorse the services and goods advertised in its * Clergy who are not incardinated in the Rev. Piotr Tymko, OFM, Conv.: appointed pages. Acceptance of advertisers and advertising copy is Archdiocese of Hartford must request subject to the editor’s approval, and Catholic Transcript parochial vicar of St. Paul Parish, Kensington, permission from the archbishop to minister here; that reserves the right to reject or edit any advertising copy. effective Aug. 2, 2018. is, they request faculties. No alcoholic beverages, political advertising or materials contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church or the Rev. Mitchell Sawicki, OFM, Conv.: appointed policies of the Archdiocese of Hartford will be accepted. ** Because deacons and priests Advertising will not be accepted from entities that — in chaplain of St. Joseph Residence, Enfield, have received the sacrament of the judgment of the editor — have as their primary focus effective Aug. 2, 2018. holy orders and therefore never products, services or positions that are contrary to the retire in the canonical sense, official teaching of the Catholic Church or the policies Rev. Joseph Maduka Ukwu: temporary the term “senior“ priest or of the archdiocese. Neither the publication nor publisher priestly faculties, from July 6, 2018, to shall be liable for damages if an advertisement fails to be deacon describes their status. published or for any error in an advertisement. Nov. 1, 2018. He is a priest of the Diocese of Okigwe, Nigeria. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK: FACEBOOK.COM/CATHOLICTRANSCRIPT


Obituaries DEACON EDWARD J. SZEWCZYK, 89, of Suffield, husband of Helene (Adamski) Szewczyk, died at home on July 26, 2018. He was born June 18, 1929, in Springfield, Mass. He served in the

CATHERINE WALSH/SISTERS OF MERCY National Guard, then earned a bache- lor’s degree from Hampden College of Pharmacy in Chicopee, Mass. He owned and operated Southwood Pharmacy in Enfield for 54 years before retiring. He was a member of St. Joseph Parish in Suffield, where he had served as a deacon for many years. He was a founding member of the Enfield Northeast Community Leadership Team members are (from left): Sister Patty Moriarty; Sister Maureen Lodge of Elks 2222 and had twice been Mitchell, president; Sister Peg Sullivan, vice president; and Sister Ruth Kelly. its exalted ruler. He also had been president of the state association of Elks. Edward served on the Suffield Sisters of Mercy select new leaders Board of Education and the Board of New England Bank and Trust. He also The Sisters of Mercy have installed Sister A passion for service, which the served on the board of the Westwind Ruth Kelly and Sister Patricia Moriarty of Sisters of Mercy call their fourth vow, Club in Nassau, Bahamas. Connecticut as part of the Northeast Com- infused the installation ritual, as did the Besides his wife, he is survived by his four sons, Michael, of Las Vegas, munity’s new leadership team. sisters’ mission of working for change Nev., Thomas, of Enfield, William, of They were installed during the summer on behalf of women, immigrants and the Olney, Md., and Edward, of Suffield; a at the University of St. Joseph’s Connor climate, plus seeking an end to racism sister, Theresa Charkiewicz Rudolph of Agawam, Mass.; 11 grandchildren; and Chapel in West Hartford. and violence. 11 great-grandchildren. He was prede- Other Mercy sisters installed as leaders The Northeast Community leadership ceased by a brother, James. include Sister Maureen Mitchell, president, team’s term of service began on July 1 A Mass of Christian Burial was cele- brated on Aug. 4 at St. Joseph Church and Sister Peg Sullivan, vice president. in Cumberland, R.I. in Suffield. Burial was in St. Joseph Cemetery. SISTER KATHRYN WRINN, (Edward Marie), of the Sisters of Mercy, died peacefully at her home at CREA House in Hartford on Aug. 9, 2018. summer 2018 Born April 28, 1932, and raised in Meriden, the youngest daughter of the late Edward and Marie Wrinn, Sister Kathryn entered the Sisters of Mercy on Sept. 8, 1953, and professed her vows on June 28, 1956. She received a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Connecticut and earned a master’s degree in sociology with community concentration at The Catholic University of America. She taught for 25 years in elemen- tary and secondary diocesan Catholic schools throughout Connecticut prior to nearly a decade as a Maryknoll Sisters Associate in Tanzania. Sis- ter Kathryn’s time in Tanzania was a life-changing experience, inspiring her to advocate for economic, social and environmental change when she returned to the United States. After serving as justice coordinator, including socially responsible investing for her Mercy Community for several years, Sister Kathryn lived what she Sayings for the seasons believed as co-founder and associate director of CREA (Center for Reflec- Father Ronald T. Smith and his parish team take tion, Education and Action), until her a humorous approach to sharing teachings from sudden death. the Bible and Laudato Si’ with their neighbors A Mass of Resurrection was celebrat- as part of Holy Apostles Parish at St. John the ed on Aug. 20 at St. Mary Home chapel Evangelist Church on East Street in New Britain. in West Hartford. spring 2017

31 Catholic Transcript 467 Bloomfield Ave. Bloomfield CT 06002

Archdiocese of Hartford


The Comprehensive Women’s Health Center at Saint Francis is proud to offer: • The latest imaging technologies, including breast tomosynthesis (3-D mammography), breast ultrasound machines and breast MRI • Same-day mammogram results provided by specialty-trained radiologists • Preventive care and treatment featuring a wellness nurse navigator to assist with areas of breast health, heart health, diabetes, and stress management • Three female, fellowship-trained breast surgeons, available on-site for follow-up consultations, ongoing treatment, and preventive care • Acupuncture, massage, nutritional consultations, energy therapies, and other integrative medicine offerings • Women’s Infusion Center and genetic counseling • Convenient, complimentary valet parking