Catholic Charities Feelings in Me?” with That in Mind, I Am This and Often Meet Others Who Have As Archdiocese of Hartford Going to Share with You Why Being in a Well

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Catholic Charities Feelings in Me?” with That in Mind, I Am This and Often Meet Others Who Have As Archdiocese of Hartford Going to Share with You Why Being in a Well THE MAGAZINE OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF HARTFORD OCTOBER 2018 WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG 20 MUSIC DISCIPLE Father of ‘American Idol’ winner counts his many blessings 24 MEMORIAL MASS ‘Mountaintop Mass’ honoring Father McGivney draws 1,000 in the rain 26 SPECIAL REPORT The canonization of Blessed Paul VI and Blessed Oscar Romero Parish follows pope’s initiative to ‘Share the Journey’ with Syrian family SERVING THE COUNTIES OF HARTFORD, NEW HAVEN AND LITCHFIELD, CONNECTICUT AdvertISement Catholic Cemeteries Association of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Inc. Advanced Planning of your Cemetery needs is a loving gift that relieves your family of a difficult decision in the midst of their grief. Let our caring team of Family Service Advisors help you navigate through this process with dignity and ease. For Catholic Transcript readers!! Bring this ad to any of our Purchase Save locations during the month Tandem Crypt .................. $500.00 of October and receive the Single Crypt ..................... $300.00 following specials: 2 Graves ........................... $150.00 Call us at 203-239-2557 or visit our website at to find which of our 30 locations best serves your needs. — Visit us at the CT Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, October 20, 2018 — Catholic Cemeteries Association Supports THE 11TH ANNUAL CT CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE Saturday, October 20, 2018 The goals of the conference are to promote men’s spirituality in a day-long retreat conference filled with camaraderie, great speakers, eucharistic adoration, confession and vigil Mass with our Archbishop Leonard Blair. Keynote: Fr. William Casey, C.P.M. (Fathers of Mercy) Robert (Bob) Kroll, founder of With All Your Heart Jason Calvi, correspondent for EWTN News Nightly Deacon Doug Hoffman, Norwich Diocese Q&A with Archbishop Blair, and others. TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW AT 2 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG CathCem_8.375x10.75-bleed-mag.indd 1 8/28/2018 9:29:14 AM AdvertISement CONTENTS Catholic Cemeteries Association 4 ARCHBISHOP’S DESK of the Archdiocese of Hartford, Inc. ‘Going it alone’ Advanced Planning of your Cemetery needs 6 LIVING THE FAITH Sharing questions is a loving gift that relieves your family of a difficult decision in the midst of their grief. 8 CATHOLIC LIFE 6 8 Let our caring team of Family Service Advisors help you Smile, God loves you! navigate through this process with dignity and ease. 10 FORGIVENESS He never saw it coming 11 REFLECTION For Catholic Transcript readers!! Flying Bring this ad to any of our Purchase Save 12 IN THE KNOW WITH FATHER JOE locations during the month Tandem Crypt .................. $500.00 Why do I need a relationship of October and receive the Single Crypt ..................... $300.00 with Jesus to be happy? 10 11 12 following specials: 2 Graves ........................... $150.00 14 COVER STORY Creating a ‘culture of encounter’: Parish follows pope’s initiative to ‘Share the Call us at 203-239-2557 or visit our website at Journey’ with Syrian family to find which of our 30 locations best serves your needs. 19 WOMEN’S CONFERENCE — Visit us at the CT Catholic Men’s Conference Saturday, October 20, 2018 — Women’s conference to offer inspiration and interactive spiritual workshops 20 Catholic Cemeteries Association Supports 20 MUSIC DISCIPLE THE 11TH ANNUAL Father of ‘American Idol’ winner counts his many CT CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE blessings Saturday, October 20, 2018 22 PRAYER GARDEN Parish prayer garden and The goals of the conference are to promote men’s spirituality in a day-long green offers a spiritual oasis retreat conference filled with camaraderie, great speakers, eucharistic adoration, for all confession and vigil Mass with our Archbishop Leonard Blair. 24 MEMORIAL MASS 14 22 Keynote: Fr. William Casey, C.P.M. (Fathers of Mercy) ‘Mountaintop Mass’ honoring Robert (Bob) Kroll, founder of With All Your Heart Father McGivney draws 1,000 Jason Calvi, correspondent for EWTN News Nightly in the rain Deacon Doug Hoffman, Norwich Diocese Q&A with Archbishop Blair, and others. 26 SPECIAL REPORT The canonization of Blessed Paul VI and TICKETS ARE ON SALE NOW AT Blessed Oscar Romero 28 THINGS TO DO 30 IN YOUR COMMUNITY 24 26 COVER PHOTO BY AARON JOSEPH 3 CathCem_8.375x10.75-bleed-mag.indd 1 8/28/2018 9:29:14 AM ARCHBISHOP’S DESK ‘Going it alone’ ometime ago, I made a resolution that I would abstain from eating meat on Fridays. I reflected on the fact S that every time I pray an act of contrition, I pledge “to do penance.” Yet it occurred to me how rarely I do any voluntary penance (there are plenty of involuntary ones for all of us). In light of the grave scandals that have afflicted the Church because of the depravity of some bishops and priests, all the more keenly do I feel the need not only to pray, but also to do personal acts of penance. As I say, however, it was a while ago that I thought of returning to the traditional Catholic practice of abstinence faithfully every Friday. I have to tell you though that my good resolution has been difficult. The reason is simple. Most of the time in my busy schedule, ARCHBISHOP often “out and about,” I don’t even remember when it’s LEONARD a Friday. By the time I do, I’m already halfway through P. BLAIR my ham sandwich. Because I am trying to maintain is the 13th this discipline on my own, I have few if any reminders PHOTO BY AARON JOSEPH bishop of to help me to be faithful to it. the Catholic Archdiocese I am resolved to persevere, but it is hard to “go it of Hartford. alone.” My frustration leads me to some reflections on what this means for all of us in a wider context. We can all email or text one another from a I believe that the reason for the great decline in the distance, but what is going to give us a deep practice of the faith that we are witnessing is not just and secure sense of belonging, participating lack of catechetical instruction, although that’s an important factor. Nor is it necessarily the result of a and fulfilling life’s obligations in keeping with personal decision on the part of people to reject God, our nature as social beings made up of body religion or the Church in the midst of today’s great and soul? trials. What is evident is the lack of the strong support system of family, neighborhood and local community that once sustained the practice of the faith. Put very simply, if you are an individual who is part The diminishment or even breakdown of a shared of a faithful, church-going family, you will likely go to community life is very damaging to people’s practice Mass, too. If almost everyone in your neighborhood of the Christian faith. The Church, by definition, is not worships every Sunday, you will be much more a collection of autonomous and isolated individuals; motivated to do the same. If your community respects rather, it is “the people of God” united in communion the Lord’s Day by refraining from unnecessary work as the mystical body of Christ through the power of the and business, you are not likely to mow your lawn that Holy Spirit. Pope Benedict once observed that people day. And yes, if your fellow Catholics abstain from “often confuse freedom with a lack of constraints, meat every Friday, and everyone knows it, then you as with the conviction that we can do everything alone,” an individual will not easily forget that it’s a Friday. without God or the Church. This, however, is an It is not my intention to indulge in an uncritical nos- “illusion” that “soon turns to disappointment, creating talgia for a past. Our world has changed a lot in the last disquiet and fear.” half century. However, even apart from religion, there is Clearly we cannot do everything alone, nor should a high human price to be paid emotionally and socially we, especially in those things that pertain to our faith. when we are all left to “go it alone.” We can all email or Sometimes there is talk of reinstating abstinence on text one another from a distance, but what is going to Fridays, thus making it a communal practice once give us a deep and secure sense of belonging, participat- again. I know from experience that it would certainly ing and fulfilling life’s obligations in keeping with our help me. If you should see me on a Friday, don’t hesi- nature as social beings made up of body and soul? tate to say, “Archbishop, remember what day it is.” 4 Catholic Transcript | OCTOBER 2018 | WWW.ARCHDIOCESEOFHARTFORD.ORG DESDE EL ESCRITORIO DEL ARZOBISPO ‘Yendo solo en la lucha’ ace ya un tiempo, tomé la resolución de que me abstendría de comer carne los viernes. Reflexioné sobre el hecho de que cada vez que oro un acto de H contrición, me comprometo a “hacer penitencia”. Sin embargo, se me ocurrió que rara vez hago una penitencia voluntaria (todos hacemos muchas penitencias involuntarias). A la luz de los graves escándalos que han afligido a la Iglesia debido a la depravación de algunos obispos y sacerdotes, siento aún más intensamente la necesidad no solo de orar, sino también de hacer actos personales de penitencia. Sin embargo, aunque ya hace un buen tiempo que nos dejan “ir solos”. Todos podemos enviarnos he pensado en volver a la práctica católica tradicional correos electrónicos o mensajes de texto a distancia, de la abstención de carne fielmente todos los viernes; pero ¿qué nos va a dar un sentido de seguridad y debo decirles que mi bien intencionada resolución pertenencia profunda y, participando y cumpliendo ha sido difícil.
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