Acacia gilliesii LC Taxonomic Authority: Steud.  Global Assessment  Regional Assessment Region: Global  Endemic to region Synonyms Common Names furcata Hook. & Arn. BREA Spanish; Castilian Acacia furcatispina Burkart TINTITACO Spanish; Castilian Manganaroa furcata (Hook. & Arn.) Speg.

Upper Level Kingdom: PLANTAE Phylum: TRACHEOPHYTA Class: MAGNOLIOPSIDA Order: Family: LEGUMINOSAE Lower Level Taxonomy Rank: Infra- rank name:  Hybrid Subpopulation: Authority:

General Information Distribution Acacia gilliesii has a relatively widespread distribution in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.

Range Size Elevation Biogeographic Realm Area of Occupancy: Upper limit: 1500  Afrotropical Extent of Occurrence: Lower limit: 0  Antarctic Map Status: Depth  Australasian Upper limit:  Neotropical Lower limit:  Oceanian Depth Zones  Palearctic  Shallow photic  Bathyl  Hadal  Indomalayan  Photic  Abyssal  Nearctic Population There is currently no data available relating to population size.

Total Population Size Minimum Population Size: Maximum Population Size: Habitat and Ecology This taxon is recorded from deciduous woodland and scrub.

System Movement pattern Crop Wild Relative  Terrestrial  Freshwater  Nomadic  Congregatory/Dispersive  Is the species a wild relative of a crop?  Marine  Migratory  Altitudinally migrant

Growth From Definition Growth From Definition Shrub - size unkno Perennial shrub (any size), also termed a Phanerophyte if >1m or a Chamaephyte if <1m

Threats Despite being present within areas which are subject to intense grazing by goats, sheep and cattle, this taxon is not regarded as being at risk of population decline.

Past Present Future 13 None    Conservation Measures A. gilliesii is known to occur within the protected areas network, however seeds have yet to be collected and stored in a seed bank as a method of ex situ conservation.

In Place Needed 3 Research actions   3.2 Population numbers and range   3.4 Habitat status   3.5 Threats   3.6 Uses and harvest levels   3.9 Trends/Monitoring   4 Habitat and site-based actions   4.4 Protected areas   5 Species-based actions   5.7 Ex situ conservation actions   5.7.2 Genome resource bank  

Countries of Occurrence

PRESENCE ORIGIN Year Breeding Non- Passage Possibly Extinct Presence Native Introduced Re- Vagrant Origin Round Season breeding migrant extinct uncertain Introduced uncertain only season only Argentina             Chaco             Córdoba             Formosa             Salta             San Juan             Santiago del Estero             Tucumán             Bolivia             Paraguay            

General Habitats Score Description Major Importance 1 Forest 1 Suitable Unset 1.5 Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry 1 Suitable Unset 3 Shrubland 1 Suitable Unset 3.4 Shrubland - Temperate 1 Suitable Unset Species Utilisation  Species is not utilised at all

Trend in the level of wild offtake/harvest in relation to total wild population numbers over the last five years: Trend in the amount of offtake/harvest produced through domestication/cultivation over the last five years: CITES status: Not listed

IUCN Red Listing Red List Assessment: (using 2001 IUCN system) Least Concern (LC)

Red List Criteria: Date Last Seen (only for EX, EW or Possibly EX species): Is the species Possibly Extinct?  Possibly Extinct Candidate?  Rationale for the Red List Assessment A. gilliesii has a large geographical distribnution and is known to occur within the protected areas network. Despite some threats to the species habitat A. gilliesii is not suspected to be threatened or in decline at present. A rating of Least Concern is given. Reason(s) for Change in Red List Category from the Previous Assessment:  Genuine Change  Nongenuine Change  No Change  Genuine (recent)  New information  Taxonomy  Same category  Genuine (since first assessment)  Knowledge of Criteria  Criteria Revisio and criteria  Incorrect data used  Other  Same category but previously change in criteria Current Population Trend: Stable Date of Assessment: 08/09/2010 Name(s) of the Assessor(s): Groom, A. Evaluator(s): Notes:

% population decline in the past: Time period over which the past decline has been measured for applying Criterion A or C1 (in years or generations): % population decline in the future: Time period over which the future decline has been measured for applying Criterion A or C1 (in years or generations): Number of Locations: Severely Fragmented: Number of Mature Individuals:

Bibliography Delucchi, G. and Correa, R.F., 1992, Situacion ambiental de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. A. Recursos y rasgos naturales en la evaluación ambiental. Provinicia de Buenos Aires Comisión de Investigaciones Cientificas, La Plata., , , International Legume Database and Information Service, 2005, Acacia furcatispina04/04/2010, , , Killeen, T., 1997, Comments on the species summaries for Bolivia., , , Oldfield, S., Lusty, C. and MacKinven, A., 1998, The World List of Threatened Trees. World Conservation Press, Cambridge, UK., , World Conservation Press, Cambridge, UK., Prado, D.E., 1996, Completed data collection forms for trees of Argentina and neighbouring countries., , , World Conservation Monitoring Centre, 1998, Acacia furcatispina. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, , , Zuloaga, F.O., 1997, Catálogo de las plantas vasculares de la Argentina, 74, , Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard., Zuloaga, F.O.; Morrone, O.; Belgrano, M. J.; Marticorena, C. & Marchesi, E. (eds.), 2008, Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares del Cono Sur (Argentina, Sur de Brasil, Chile, Paraguay y Uruguay), 107, , Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard.,