.•• T..'T-.V'\-:'W'r^«l I 20 Pages THE WASHINGTON


Martin, harpist, whiBe bolectlons were bBaullfully rendered aud much appreciat- A FATAL RUNAWAY A HEALTHFUL GREETING ed. Mr. Wccka, however, was alinoct a wholosbowln himself, ai.d doHttbtod the very larce audloi.cu by bis clever tones Mldincl Corlcyof Oxford Thrown From First National Rank Points Wild Great loins and rocltntlOD", and ulso prceonttd n moat Pride to Us Business Strides. Binuslna comedy In vihlcb ho was asaMed Carriage and Killed Near BattzvIIIe. by MUB Jlllson. . On Friday ovonltiR of next week, Dec. Owing to a Recently Dislocated Shoulder, He The Savings Department lias Proved a (heat JOtb, tboro will bo a rtct-ptlon and dance given by tho mtmbers if the ABSCCIHIIOO SKULLCRUSHED Was Not Able to Coatnrf the Horse. Success-Intercit Attracts Hoarders. tn honor of tho Indies who negated at the iccoiit Bezanr. The Invitations have al- Sad Ending of Samuel Hann's Council Grants Increase in Rates The Club Points With" Pride to nwdy befiii Issued and a very pleasant and Alvah Force and Carrie Hoppock Mlclinol Corloy of Oxford wns thrown To tho business, commercial, and orjoynblc evenire IB cor.lldenlly aullcipat- from A carrlngo Wednesday night and rn- financial activities of Warren county Fooled Poultry Show People. Spree !n llackeltsiown. calved Injuries from which be died at S For the Next Two Years. Its Twelve Years' History. ed. Tnuru will bo dnntlnc music ami o'clock Thursday morning. nono send a more healthful greeting trdti, and rofrrHtimbiitR wlllnltfobotorvcd. Mr. Corlcy. who was a brother of P. J, than does tbe First National Bank of On Jar.iiary Wth t ho third entertainment Washington, N. J. Tho STAR has fre- of tho Rcdpnth Bureau will bo given, ASSAULTED IN BARROOM PROPOSITION MODIFIED quently referred to Us strength nnd THIRTEEN iNOT UNLUCKY wbvn tho Eva Rmtltitt Mncey Co. will WERE MARRIED BEFORE importance In tho financial world, its render a choice proyrumnie of claftlcal conservative, yet wltbnl liberal man* music. The Cliangewaler Couple Received Big The Result of Bantering, a Free-tor-AII nccurrca. uiiy a muo over a wees u«u Company Is to Furnish Arcs for $60 a Started V\ith That Number Members— Tho memhorrtlilp of tbe Association was, ho had bin colkr bnno dislocated and wbon agement, and tho progressive world in April, 1S92, limited to one luindred, nnd Present For Public Wedding Fight Ensues in One of the Holds. tlio hnrso becamo tmtnunBcablo ntnr tho Year and Incandescenls for $15. of today understands that liberality Memberships Now One Hundred. It la very unufiunl for il.erctoboa vuc»ncy. new, hrldso nbout 10 o'clock, ho only had which ia the euence of progress. This Ooncrally thoro U a list of names waiting tho uuftofono arm, nndcould not control bank provides ItscuBtomers with every to bo balloted on. Was Evidently Walking the Railroad Track thft animal The Lights Are to be Burned on Moonlight 1 Baiaor Supplied funds Tor ilic New Fmnlsh- ad Kepi liic Ceremony ot Last June a In rounding a curve fn the rond, tho onr- facility of modern backing , Buch as Sicrel, So Say I lie Neighbors. Toward Home When Struck by Train. rlnco struck nn omtinnbment and Mr. Cor- Schedule—No Opposition In Council. eaffl depoflit vault*, n dfpurtmenfc of xs—Testimonial Reception Next Week. lny wan thrown violently to tho ground. savings, and discerning liberality In its MR. BURDGE WAS EASV. !.'•' AH a result of Imbibing too ranob in Ho was found lvlnir unconscious along the Councilman Curl won a very mnoh loan drpnrtmont. The time WBP, and It is juot twelve yenra apo that thirteen 'Ami wliL-n you KC tu imt your nrmn uround road, by pnmo Butlzvlllo pcoplo wbo con- IjDuneU Money, WHMI MIMI ;COIII;; to alcohollo drinks and becauao his con' eurpriped man when he entered the not so very long ago, when the banking young men metatttia cowttlutid «»r >»lr. f. Ami Hiiiiii'ze li«r M you iiuvt-reniiincit before, VPved him to a hntol. Intprestft of tbe country was a CIOBB by T. B. VanUoroii and formtd thu Wm-blng- Kurinlumd Wlio Did Not tu fused brain would not heed tho warn' Dr. Hoagland of Oxford wan called and council chamber at 7:45 o'clock Mon- If Hhi> Hii>H ttlic'H K<>l'iK (nl'it, flie'H u Ing of friends, Samuol Hann of Haek- day evening and (bund M«yor John- Itself. It was jealnuB of Ita privflegea ton Attilmlc AHsnoclhllon. Ttio uuinlwr Ketiirn. after an examination flald tbero was no and resented any pnblicily of KB affairs, ihirtcun baB uhually btou detmcri unlucky, For HIII-'M tit-vn tlii-re I eft.re iniiny n tinif." oUatownmttu sudden and untlmel; charco for recovery, his skull hoinir frne- ston and tho other borough fathers but In tbla Instarcu tbo contniry hn« btvn Caleb S. Burdge ia a well-to-do farm- Wlrour low had DO home and was looking for ' road for ft i'ew months, but did not as a number of the Council men wished patronage has more than trebled lefiB successful bapo bull club has been run pbid their good money to ate a suppoaedJy work Saturday, aa he Baid be bad an GRETHER'S SECOND ESCAPE. to attend trm W. A. A entertainment-, under Us aupplcefi, tbo athletic features a job. Burdge liked the cbap and af- Oasblul country couple married. during the pat-t few years. The official ter looking him over concluded to hire appointment to raeot Thomas Hag* the Mivor derided to hold the meet- stitement, published In these colnmna have been oveiflbacfowid by its tcclul aod If tbo storks that are being told by the gerty of AUamucby in Hackettstown ing at 7 o'clock. club life BBpectB, him for a while. The stranger had an rcuidents ot* Utiangewater are true, and Lett Jail Sunday Whllo Wiitehmnu last week, is the best demonstration of there Is good reason to believe tboy, are, that afternoon. - Snp't. Ward of the Electric Light Co. Tb firt't prtnldent of tbe Association VIBB accent which corresponded with his Early in the morning Hann started WHS Kemllngn Paper—Cflpiured thin confidence. name, which waB John Shemousky. Mlts lioppock and Mr. Force were mar- In a Burn Not Far Away. notiflf d Mr. Carl of the chango of honr, Mr. P. T. B VatiUoren, and the charter ried once before—about five moutLB ago. to drink with the evident desire of get- but as he did not appear at 7:1C the Under the present munagempnt its members were iVIcEbra. L. J. Budd, A. j. He and Caleb got along very nicely Tbbt tho couple had been man and wife ting intoxicated, and that he succeeded If OharloB GretW of Easton escapes Mayor callpd fio Council to order. Af- depoaita have increased from $200,000 Craft, Aaron Dalrymple, Hurry W. Dll-and after tbo grain was harvested and Bluce last June was not known by the peo- is vouchod for by many wbo saw bim the gallows, it will probably be because to over a half million dollars, and tta riine, Harry Hiche, Wm. H. ft'cKlnney, tbe work well along, John one day ple of Ubangewatttr until after tuo second tT authorizing rho navmentofW. W. Dr. A. G. Soitcul. A. Woyi o Suiith, Al- paid be bad a Bweetheait down about ceremony was pet formed last week. "i- reeling about the BtreetB. of the runny oppartnnlties for escape ChrlBtine'a bill for $3.00, one day's pay patrons areettraoted from every.part bert Canfleld.B. W. CypLeia, William S. About two o'clock in tho afternoon from the Monroe county Jail at Srrouda- tin Comrolfislonpr or Aopcalp, and Geo. of 'bis and adjoining counties. Hklnmr, WIDlam M. Skinner aid P. T. B Pbillipsburg and wanted to get mar- About blx weeks ago tho papeia pub- he waB in the Hotel Clarendon bar* burg, where the convicted murderer 1B To many the vatt amount of unem- VdiiDoion. Of ibtsi1, Biz are bUllnctive ried. Caleb said "all right," but at liehtd H tcnsational btory to tbe effect tbat H. Linct-'s bill for f 6 00 for .carting the same time wondered why such fel- Alvab Force and MIfls Carrie Hoppcck, a room drinking with Beveral other men, conflnpd. brush, the new light proposition was ployed capital on depoBlt in our fount} truinbtrH. ThCBCCccvdingpreBtdonishHve young Changowater couple, lelt their among whom was a prominent citizen, Sunday morning Grether escaped brought up for action. banks is a matter of wonder. Yet to bein Mi'BErB. Theodore B. Dawcs, Wm. H, lows want to make women's lives mis- positions In the Woolen Mill to husk corn, who, m tha spirit of fun, aald he would from tho jail while tho watchman was rhopo who know something of the M(Kinnty,Al«x. J Crait, FrRicis A. Vln- erable. But John not only wanted a belletlug they could make money in that Mr. Stevtns was the only other ab- cent. HHrry W. Dlldine, Wm. H. dklunor, wife, but be wanted money, and, call- give tbe drunken man u dollar if he reading the tSund«y pnperR and he was sentee, ho not bf-ing a!>le to bo present thrift and economy of our people the Joseph R. Thbtchtr, C. W. Cyphers and manner to pay tbe expenses of a wedding, wonld strike on tbe nose another mem- not raptured until about five o'clock shotving in below, rather than nbove, ing Onlfeh to one side, be boned him This Btory attracted tbe attention of the on account of huHineBs in Brooklyn. Cbnrlea II. Dorr, Tlio pr< Bei t« Hirers art- for a loan of f40 for a few days. "Of ber of tlio party. Hann refused and In thn afternoon. Thia makeR the sec- Since tho provlous meeting, Super- expectation. A vaat additional nmount Charlie H. Dtrr, piesldcni; L. C Opd.vke, jnterprlslng managers of tuu 'Fanciora' being a small man bo probably realized ond time Grftlier has escaped owing hatt been attracted, to the savings v!ct!-prtPldtn'; Jol'n WvNully, rccordlrg COUISP," said bp, "I'll be back after tbe Poultry Association, and they Immediate* intendent Ward had reduced thp num- BtcretHiy; tk-ury T. Cornish, Uuai clal Kec- hone> moon and then I'll work him all ly Btnt a ropreaentbtlve to Cbaugewator to tbat ho was no match (Or, tho other to tho lack of vigilance of the keepers, ber of hours for shutting off tho banks and truBt companies of ether induce the couple to be mettled publlcaly fellow. ' who have been rpppatedly warnpd by citie-H, and there IB undoubtedly a va6t retar>: li. B ' Bowman, truituret; and out." "Yep," eaid Caleb, "that's all lights on moonlight nigh'a from 77 (o Mensru. A. .1. Crhft, E. A. Cole, Aflion H. right," and John soon bad the wad In at tho Association^ exhibition in Newark. Finally be aald to the one who made the Easton authorities to guard the 70 hours each month, anil had agreed ndditional sum hid away In the bureau Viugb.ll P. Cumiuiua i-ud WillUid Alle- When tbe representative arrived at tbe proposition : "What will you give murderer closely, but they evidently drawers and stockings of our thrifry bis trousers pockit. "Now," said the Ohangewater, bo learned that the young to charge each month only for the flrnt people, making no returns and the Pr, trustetn. crafty John, "Mr. Bordge, Iwould like me if I hit you on tho nose?" Accord- let. Grethpr play on thpir sympathies. ten hours overtime. [( 1 people bad left Nov. Stb for tbo borne of Ing to witnesses, for reply be received prey of fir. , an incentive to thieve* Tbe readoiB of tho STAR are well ac- to borrow a watch and your overcoat. Mr. Force's pareLts in Rockport, and Day Watchman-Relnhnrt in taking Tbe new proposition-Is practically an qunluttd with the vitrlru» enter tain merits You see, I am going to get married after an interview with Misa Hoppock's , a stunning blow accompanied by tbo Grether to the bfitbroom Sunday morn- atid of wild speculation. These dan- given frnni time to time under the auspices remark, ''That's what I'd give you." Btatedin the last issue ^f the STAR gers are more real than imaginary, ae and I want to make my woman and parents, bo went to Kockport aud by Ing forgot to lock the corridor doors, Tbe company agrees to fui^Ish for two at tho Washington Attjetic ABhCclntlon. ber people believe I am rich. So if agreeing to pay tbe couple $100 In cash Haun was at the mercy of tho bigger and when the murderer Baw the watch- experience baB demonstrated; and the Soventl (uctthsful mitistrel S"IOWH have and giving ttiem a handsome parlor suit, man who struck bim several times, un- man deeply interested in the news- years aro lightR at 560 and incandes- wonder to thoughtful people is not n orEHn'zed.aiid the new Wahbingtou yon will let me have these things I'll be secured their consent to be married as ;.:••":tl! a third man requested the instiga- papor ho qalekly slippfld out of the cent lights at ?15 per year each, op the that the idle capital id BO large, but OptTii tiouBo wan opened by an entortaln- be all right and will come back In a a public attraction.' moonlight schedule, which means tcp that the aavlnga deposits of our people nient given r*y ttis W. A A. which proved few days and return them." Caleb tor of tne quarrel O deslbt from fur- window with another prironer, Dan in be oi e of tlio greatt&t succtsats, both The public weddlDg was advertised ex- ther striking the belpleBS one. VanBnskirk. // shutting off of the Hghta for seventy are aot yaEtlyJncroased. A year ago scratched bis head and did a lot of tensively and proved a big draw iDg card hours a month. we directed public attention to the fliiaticlally and In every ether le-'pect, that hard thinking, and then, man-like, let at tbe exhibit Thursday evening. Tbe peacemaker waB told to mind Grether waB found bid in e in a barn tbo town haa ever witnessed. A very foe the fellow have jast what he aflked for. .. his own business or be wonld get the three miles from the jail, The Easton The lights are t^ be tarnad on three safeguards thrown aronnd National performance WRS B'ST civen ID the Opera When tbe curtain was raised on the quarters of an hour after sunset and Banks that do not exiet In the case of House cf Gilbert & Sullivan's "PirateBof John went away with the valuables to stage in the exhibition hall, Miss Hop- Bame medicine. Being Bomewhat of a people are so disgusted over the second get married. He evidently did cot pock and Mr. Force were seated on tbo fighter, the man "Bailed in" and aoon escape that they freely predict that shut off ono hour and a quarter before savingB banks and trutt companies. Pet;zAticc," whlcli 1H Hill spoken of an Bunriae. For the first ten hours over- The First Ndtiooal Bank of Washing- beit'fr tne tnoBt peifoct amattur perform- find his prospective bride right away, Bota of the parlor suit which wna p: rt; of had the best of Hann's opponent. Grether will yet:escape the gallowe. ai-ce given In WushlrRton. for he has never returned and our their wedding present. The couple was At this stage of tbe excitement the When he surrendered to the poBse time tbe lights are burned each month ton, N. J., not only returns to the showered with rice from tbe gallery and the company will receive two cents for depositors in its SavlDgs Department LnsL April a Bfzawr way organized in farmer friend has not beard from him. proprietor of 'he place separated the there were oriea of "lynch him," The woman was seen at her home, but other parts of tbe hall and pandemonium combatants and incidentally gave the "string him op," but the Bearchers arc and one-half cent for Incandescent tbe same rate of Interest that savings order to provide fu' ds for tho complete broke loose when the couple was intro- lights, per hour, but bo charge for ad- bankn and trust companies pay, hnt e-furnishing and re-docornting of tbe she aaid sbe would not marry such a duced as a "bluahing bride" and "bashful .„ ^would-be.,peacemaker a few convinc- managed to get him safely behind the .iremfRfB, HiidflRafn one of thoEiimtt W. A. scallawag, as be was a rogue and- she. - ing blows. "Things settled down to baraagain. ditional overtime. . •-••-; the deposits are safeguarded by the A succetBes waBncorded.' Hevont>-twoof their normal condition again and after National Government in the iQTeKtual hington's beat known Indies aseiated would have nothing to do with bim. """The" couple" were certainly excellent Itisaftid that Wtttchman Reinbart, The proposition was accepted and way that does m t exist in tlx-ir case; Tbe last she haard of him he was at actorB, for they were tbe picture of rural peaceful apologies and^siplanatlonp, who was on gaard In the jail when 1 In n>nktng the BfZiar the greit trluutph It Attorney Jeffery wna instructed to and behind that , ID this caB°, a surplus undoubtedly was, and In order to sbow tbe Wilkesbarre, Pa, The police of that simplicity and innocence. But how they the men separated apparently as good Grether made both his escapee, has draw up the contract in legal form and city, are on hiB trail and will bring must have bit their lips to repreaB the friendB aa.before..the^fracas. Accord- fund exlnt's that exceeds its capital, Bra itudo of the members i.f the AsBocia- laughter they must have felt as they been forced to resign.. present it at the next meeting.'' and more then thrcoqnartera of a tlou to tbcBe ladles, a special commemorA- him to justice, if possible. ing to those who Bbotild know, Haun It is the general opinion of tbe pub- Mr. Curl was at first Inclined to be tive souvenir WHB ordered to be prepared thought of how they were "goylng" tho : bad no money in bis-possession aud million dnllarn of Hve afwtp. It is not public. lic that Grether had an unknown as- indignant at the Council for having ;be only purpose of the STAR to extend ai.d to be placed In a prominent position bad been imposing on the hospitality sistant who helped him escape and voted on the contract without him, but BH a permanent record of the Bazaar ard You can buy Utopian Art Pottery, Justice Samuel P. Lacey performed T;.of the other men. - its Holiday- greetings to this.Bank, those who took part In it. This Bouvenir, hand oainted.at leas than one-fourth value the ceremony, after which President A. furnished him with n revolver. Van was'satisfled no slight wan intended ! L."Sparks, on behalf rf .the association, The laat time Hann was seen alive Buskirk has not yet been captured. » • . » I ». iji'j_ri.__ tl'fH i ii fl nt at. H W. f!hrinLinn n .Tewulrv Store. •""••-•• ongratulatcd the newly wedded couple. ., waa about ten o'clock when he told Sheriff .V. O. Mervine 1B censured fc And now for tbe awakening. some friendB that he was going to his management of the jail and there According to a number of reliable people jump a train and ride to Porfc Murray. talk of impeaching him If bodoesne f Changewater, Mrs. Hoppock, mother of His companions advised him against ho briee, told a couple of her neighbors resign. Tho Sheriffs critics say the hnt her daughter and Mr. Force bad been riakiog bis life in such a manner and he allowed the prisoners the greatee etrtiLly marrlud live months ago. argued that be was In no condition to freedom in the Jail and'recently eve Misa Qoppock, it appears, was not a walk along tbe tracks, much less to at- allowed one man to shovel snow arouti aaid even when she married Force for she tempt the dangerous .feat'of getting the yard without a guard over him. ad been a widow for two years previously on a moving train while intoxicated, SheriffV.O. Mervlne;-DeputyShorii nd hnb a son by ber first busbaud, Morris Despite the protests of bis friends he •"oloy, whom Bbe married about four yearB John Mervine, the former's son/an go A ad so the shy bride of the poultry started in the direction of tbe depot, Watchman W. H. Itainhart, a brothci xhlbit bad a couple of previous meetings . unsteady on his legB and mumbling to of the Sheriff's wife, have been h Hth Hymen When eeen by a STAB repor- to himself that be was not drunk and dieted. . » , • or yesterday, Mrs. Hoppock, tbe bride's would jump the train. not ber, denied that ber dangbter had About 11,30 o'clock Frank Snyder, JOHNSONBUKG. VC aarried Force previouB to last week; she the night operator ut the station, and lfio stated In strong terms tliat her daugh- Tbla community was shocked to hea er had not-forked In thtVniill sicce last Bert Sutton, a flagman, were walking tbo sudden death of Joseph B. Luse. M: uk, and tbat tho couple did not bave to ?• along tho tracks about a quarter of a Luse bad boon complaining a few da s b IUSIE corn to get money enough to get mile west of tho depot when they dis- he waa not thought to bo seriously 0 covered the body of Hann lying be- Friday morning, when ho did not appe tween the west bound track and the at breakfast, his grandson, Qeo. Van Hoi She admitted, however, tbat her daugh- went to his room and found hi don or had mtirricd Mr. Foley some years ago '•' ;:'siding. '•'• v.'v ". .'.-. - -;..;'"•;•-:'• : •-...... Tbe funeral took 'place" Monday'u o n nd that she bad been a widow two years. Tbe body was stilt warm when found Rnv. J. It. Laird of tbe Christian oh MrB. Eoppock at flrst said thnt she had _ bat death bad probably been instanta- officiating. tot beard from her daughter ainco she neous, as the man's skull was split eft ChnngQWRter on Nov. Stb, but later from the forehead to tbe back of the The " beautiful" la in evidences [and mo ontmdicted herself by saying that her ry Bload heard that Mrs. Hoppock was tho No inquest was held as the manner bis leaving; It) not con 11 nod to hia conp eg luthorlty for tbe statement tbat ber in wbicb the ekull was cracked was re- tion but Is shared by tbe public n n fj laughter and Mr. Force were married In He is a good preacher and a good c e fine. . • garded as conclusive proof that only of our town. the terrific blow of a locomotive could If tbe yonng couple were miirne th a last have inflicted such an injury. Mnt. EllzabBth Milior has returned froi Juneune,, as is believedbeie , t.hr>r ««*,»9* noJt the.!f.^ coun; a visit to herdau?t>tsr, Mrs. Amanda H ry "yaps" ihe of ;,he poultry Someone circulated a report that show and the public fe osfd them to be. Hann bad met with foul play, but thiB thor of Newark^ interests center, but it would have a ed by,Mr. Fraocla A. Vincent, now adorn! Deatti of a Yoi Mrs. W. W./yVHlet Is able to bo a nd ad a ed a qua e of an bo fo minor proved without foundation. him before taking action. Janta Ulaus go into the homes of the ;he parlor of tho Association and contain! Afl g no so B e be d . Death of >lr*. Gria!rl{« St A STAR representative interviewed a tho house nft(.r an illness of GOine \ e k locked bureau drawers and hidden tho names of the Beventy-two ladies who o pdav fi'ftemoon at 2 o'clock over tho .Our new blacksmith, Mr. ,Lozlo as B the new con r s eet £,h ing IO graciously assisted on thia memorable em soL aQ ongdp " Many of the elviftrlj- .re^d ^-ntimbercf.prominent citizens.of Huck-. cosb tho borough ^3,165 per yeai sto k ngs and 1 bem of a bet e a ...•. ettstown and all were of tho opinion busy na the- proverbial" boor-Jj'or a oa occasion. M nd M s Cha es xo n veara apo knew nnA roKp^ ed tbe pa8t-we. bavo had but ODD,ami b b an nc e ae of O?R _ he p ev o s f a mo e p ofl ab e wa of keep ng Aa a o ho B _a bo orae S3 Ta e It B o c cbarosiag personslitj^ff Kliwh^Hi. the ^T^~- tu~ui"lb\f UuTurlUu&td"lIi&,ii~iUufc asefl was tfcft,wife of Charles church last week'/ than to smoke ,two poor onee. The they become ,ab once a part of your tho Aasoclation is worthy of nny olty fora year, hut about n month ngo herStewart-and VTAS *.bont seventy-live day-old baby at the home of bis wife's person who is a judge of candy, knows ' clurb house. Everything la provided for Illness biienme nlnrmlrg. As dropsy of parents on the Rockport road on the Prof. Miller and hid assistant, MIssGlbbH, earning capacity. It ia nob tbe hun- tbo comfort and convenience of the mem- tho" heart bad duvuloped It wna seen by years" of sge. The ftincral waa held ., outskirts of Hackeltstown. He was a attondod tho Teaohora' luBbituto tbla by the quality of the sweetness whether dreds made, but the dollar saved, that Sunday st 'ths nfltional capital and woclc, It 1H but justice to say of our ib ia made of all sugar or nob, and would bers and there la no more pleasant loung- thoso who had grown to love her so dear- native of • Stephensburg. About six 1 count when the emergency or opporoppor- ing placo In tho town than tho. rooms of ly thnt there wns but slight chance.for her was attended by Mrs. S, E. Graft and teachers that they are capable, palnstatclug rather have five cenra worth of good tlio W. A. A. --.-.- . monthe ago he became a member cof and popular with both parents and pupils, nandy than tan cents' worth of candy tunity comes, and .tlio. First National recovery. Mondny afternoon abo sank Mrs.-.JAmcs L. Boyd, sister and siBter- Monitor Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., and Bank of Washington^offers you the The new furnfahings ioclnde an nlegant peacefully into death's dronmlptw sleep. tnOawJ^ respectively, of the late Mrs. that organization will defray the fun- made to Bell cheap; and if ever you buy opportunittit y t^ftc^mafcc e your savingsi , upholttorod sofa, lounge, rockers and Tho Intermont wosmndo In tho Washing- Steward--"She is \ survived by two; OANDY DEPARTMENT AT LAU-good candy the time of times to do BO other ohnlra, covered with dark croon ton cemetery, ••-,- "eral expenses. BA0H3'. OUR OANOY DBPART- is OhristmaB time. Wo will make up smnll though r(ftey may seem, a part brothers, Jamea L. Boyd and Henry It is said that Hann's widow, owing of the earning; capacity of skilled bauds leather, wbilo Bomoofthe replaced furni- Boyd. and tbroe sisters, Mra. ^V. Q. _:::;j __ frcBb^fsr.V-day.tbis month—they'll,be turo.httrt atlded to tho comfort and.appear- "^lu/iiiuk of-yoom,-eouiu-uOt~liavo ths It goes to show that tlie^pooplo appre- fresbTtbe day you" buy: them—:a large and -" clear- hsad s. -~~c;^rr^~^^r^i^^*- anp"e~nf'the~ billiard* nnd "CBrdrooniB."" A" Qreve!ll>2v-A^^ Mary J..Bnwrnari,,.aud.i. body brought to the bouse until Wed- ciate our efforts to please. We soil only assortment of extra ftne home-made comuilttee of Indies have hfioii asked to Tho purchaser-not complying with the Mrs. S. R'Crafti all of this borough. ~ nesday morninK.whon the funeral was good, wholesome candy, but oxpect to noil candies. We ahall make them as fine Friends of R\ii. Uowol], tho fugitive select the rew dniperieanndbrlc*a-brHo^ terms of sale, I now ofler at privntosslo held, with interment at Pleasant Grove. It, "as we do all other goods," at reason- secretary of tbe t?reckpd Stock Building Tho whole quarters have boon re-nalut- Oro, pneer, black maro, 15 hands, 6 yenra ,, , Notice. • « , ; and aa delicious as possible and-shall & Loan ARsociatlon bf-Millvllle, h ay o re- old, record 2.264, 'rial 2.1S*. Sire, Oro About a year ago Paul Everltt, em- able prices. • crowd infctthem all the sweetness poa- ed nnd tho WRIIB of the parlor nnd card Anyone havincr bills of account against >' Soe what wo offer atlOda tb. : ceived word from Sowell to the f fleet that rooms hayo been hung with new pnpor. Wilkes. Paced bnlf mile In 1 07 at Strouds- tbe Into John Yawcor, residing between !?-;-. ployed at tbe.,depot,: found Hann lying aiblb'-lo" gtt'lu to'them* *'-"Wei sball'offer- ha Is^indorgolng an- oporation for.hia cyca t drunk acroaa the tracks alnii/jb In the This work was done" by WmrBonordr- ™~ burc'ln•igfl2.-"Greaf-"pfiOOi "Oii fir.ow.^Cfir, :Port-Murrky aud--KttrravltlerWin"pl«aoM- them every day thiB month at special arid BB soon KR ho la in condition be will he aeon at Ht,. Cloud Hotel. Speed phown. present thorn at once to elthor of the sub- .; same place where his dead body was raturn to Mlllvlllo and facovt.be chnrgea For tho lost two years tbo Entertain- Cnll on or address JOSEPH B. CORNISH. .orices—50a caudy for 40c, 3Oo caudy for agalnnt bim. Tno assets of Jtho defunct ment Com mitt oo have given a serif e of en- scribcrd, who are acting for the heirs.' ' t discovered Saturday night. « i. « .<' «i soofl Ib! 203 per pound. This week we are Executor HjjM.iCox, Deb's*. SAMUEL MOWDER, air. Haggerty, who had an appoint- aBscolation have been turo'Si'^over to tbe tertainments furnished by tho Bodpatb Tbo tompornry location is near tbe ale- ahowlng an oxtra Hue home-made Cumberland Trust Compnny'iaa aa&Ignee. Lyceum Bureau of Boston. These por- '""•-• - •-::;———M jA5t?S YAWOER. ment with Hann Saturday .afternoon, vator—oppoelto tho'Not ion Department. mixed Cindy "at 25o per pound. It's by Tcrmnncea havo boon, In every caao, suc- By spring $8,000 will have broo spent P. O. Address: Port Golden,-N. J. t.-. V , expressed his regret on not being able • "WM. LAUBAOII &SON, Eaaton, Pa. » -— *• ,-^v- o v. cesses, and tho private theatre of the As- on enlarging and furnishing the Henry W. far the greatest bargain ever offered This edition of tbo STAR ttc^eds 4,100 , to keep his engagement, as he thinks Don't lay your paper aside until you have tbe oandy loving public of * this city.) sociation hna boon crowded. On Monday Merrlam home for disabled Presbyterian A train of sixteen trolley oai*J that : If he had met Hann tbo fatality would rend tbo largo apaco."ad" about Ohrlstuas copies. The lndlcatloDB arcA however, of this week tbo Edwin R, Weeks Co. gave ministers, lu Newton. When tho Improve- passed through Wnshlngton on the Lack- , ( ; I: See Udhlein'H candy windows and that there will be no more tbati'onoagb to ; have been averted. ~j" " ' ; .; pr'ceents., ,.. ,, '- " ; a very socceoaful porformnnco. Mr. Ed-ments nre completed tbe homo will. havo a wanna last Saturday attracted much at- look around tlie'Btore inside. UEIILETN. tusetthe demand. . :. wnrd R. Weeha was ably assisted by Miss twenty-ono additional rooms nnd tbe clei- tention. The cars were boarded upon the.;i The old reliable Juan ffr Portuondo The old rellablo ;Juttn_P, Portuondo Graco Jillson, an accomplished nnd charm- cymen now.occupylng the Perth Amboy aldes'-Rnd Inoloaed like a house. They OigaratTielaworth's. . " Igarab^Ietaworlh'o. '."":."™-*:- • BanEor.Quopn.Olgaro at Tletaworth.'s." ".^OhoIceEt lino of Cigars at TIetsworth'8. ing noprano singer, and Miss Allco Mead Homo will be transferred to Newton. were going to Seattle, Washmgtoc. • • •;,' 1 ,1H£ WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, liH>2.

AT THE BRYANT STORE. For several years past we have made special efforts for the Holiday season, and the reputation- we have established we intend to maintain. This ye.ir promises to exceed all former years and we are now ready to offer to you the largest and best selected stock of Holi- day goods ever offered by any house in or anywhere near this Borough. We opened on .Saturday,, T)e^

havc°bcen gathering together fur the past three months, and assure you you.,will find_jiothmg:._equal-to it in this section. Bear in mind we offer nothing outside of good, sensible and useful presents, but in the stock is something"for alMVomthe smairboy: or girl to grandpa or grandma. . ' We kindly solicit your early inspection, offering you the freedom of our entire store, and will be pleased to have "you come in- as often as you like, look over the entire stock and feel under no obligations to buy whatever. If we have goods to please you, select any- thing yoy u want,, have it pup t aside and we will deliver it to you at'any time you may instruct us. No deposit will be j required; pay for them when delivered. Below we mention several lines, but this does not tell it all Boys' Hats, in just tbe right shape Pine Japanetts, plain, 10J: G for 50;. Gloves, and color, 492 to }IAO. Umbrellas .Tapanette, with Bilk initial, 10c; 0 for Suspenders. Rain Coats and A Novor such an offaring before. Every Boys' Plush Caps, 25c to 49c. etaud around in tempting groups like 5

,, During theseobusy day&our splendid greparations=tell. Every wish is promptly .and fully met—-Suits, Coats or Furrfrishing§,;.;6|;._; Man or Boy of whatever particular sort desired=isiiiere and in most 'satisfactory, variety. KEvery departrnentin.gala Holiday, trim. ^Hun- dreds of sensible suo-gestions are offered'in beautiful, useful and acceptable Christmas gifts. ="Eet us once more ask you to make this your headquarters, whent;in town; tell ybuririends to meet you here and feel free to do just as you please and we=assure you we will do all in

Any .goods bought now and not satisfactory will bexRcerfully exchanged or taken back after the Holidays. " Clothier and furnisher Clothier and furnisher

".'.":" :3i:.":'""


them.;.This necessitated keeping several above the peak and pushed it over the fine horses for that purpose, and it was perpendicular cliffs. Had this deed been one of the great events of my life when done in the days of Henry Johnston, HE RENIEniiBERS I wiis allowed it horse to go to the train- swift and sure retribution would have ing. ' ' " •" '... . •'.:••..: '. followed. BuXof all the names that are, The first churches in our neighborhood carved in the great pine tree 011 the sum- were the old Greenwich and Mansfield. mit of "Old l'iut," the name of this in- 90 YEARS BACK human seller appcaretli not. ' We usually went to Greenwich, although my father belonged to the Christian de- : Daniel Williamson of Bloomsbury nomination, and we frequently had* a '.JUNCTION.. minister of that sect to hold meetings in Mrs. Issue CUamborUtn of Eaycnno a Patriarch Indeed. City la spaodinz a wosk with her mother, the school hoiihc that was 011 our farm. Mrs. A Wnldman. We always kept open house for them and many a one was scut away with a Tiie ladles of I ho Luthoran church In WILL BE-93NRXT MARCH Glon G-udnor will bold a food and band* bngof o.its and provisions in his snddl borcblofbaiiaroa Dec. 10;b and lltti. His Great Grandfather a Local Pioneer— bags to last several days. When we went cream and other refreshments will bu Ills Father a tieneral. to Greenwich we rode horseback or hook- on enlo. ed up to a big wagon and took everybody Mis? Margaret Rhino hart, who DRS boon in the neighborhood, the neighbors tak- spending a month In Pen Argyl, has re- Tells Interesting Tales and Customs ol Lanx ing turns at thin. Ago—Negro Burglar Sliot. turned to bor homo liore. The first conveyance of n better kind MaurlcoSplILinoof Orange apont Sun- Father•' Time""sociiis"to have passed thai I remember "was* a ^igi" This had day with lifrf fattier;JamosSoIlUue.. ~ " ; Easton's Best Dry Goods House Some people hy while reaping his harvest two'wheels and resembled a roadcart Tho Methodist Sunday eehool will hold of dcntli, yet life at its longest set-inn too somewhat. It had large springs that tholrOhrlBtnjin ontortatnmont on Qbrlat* & ••> fe« ,..M Known Just Now As came way up around the back of the ve- man ovonlntr. A musicil program is being short for many, ami at its shortest too d. The araiill sum of ten cools s lonj,' for others People in Kf.)°(l health hicle and wan strapped across; the shafts were crooked. My father purchased one will bu charged for udmission. enjoy life to the limit, while those afllict- Wo aro Borry to loam that onoofour cd with disease pray only for deliverance. hen I was a boy. The first buggy in our neighborhood was purchased by Peter cttizonp, Charles Tomey, will movo bis One of the old men of this nj*e and of family to BayonuoCIty next week. this vicinity is .Mr. Daniel Williamson of Willever, who declared he would lend it to no.man. I was a youiig man and con- Dr. Fulper'a ttouso is noirly completed Uloomsljury. We will let him tell his aod In about two wooks ho will occupy it. "•'life's sloiy in his own way as he .related cluded U> go over and try to borrow it of he old gentleman lo tike a young lady Mina Julia Miller entertained tho Pedro it to a representative qf^Jie. STAR : out. IIu was under some obligation li» Hub on Hulurdny uvouini*. "I was born March 23, iSio, in War- ic for loaning him my saddle to go to Saturday owning Vila* Julia Miller on- ren county, then a part of Sussex county, training. The old gentleman was pretty tortalned th« Ptdro and Eucbru club of about two miles west of Ashnry, at the well worked up. He did not want to goJunction. The prizes was won by Mrs. old Williamson farm,, which--was pur- back on his word nor could he very -veil Wm. Hunt and Mr. Edward Klddlo and ' chased by my great-grandfather, James tho booby prlzo by Miss Eva 3oll and Prof, Are showing the Largest and Best Assortment refuse, sn he tnttl ni»_« to go and borrow R. J. Eiltnbersor, Amotiy "lbose::,tbat ;::. -Williamson,' in 1740, from William ati.l it of his wife. This I did not want to do, of articles suitable for gifts ever shown in this Hannah Hencric, wlin intiertleil it from wore prosont were Mr, and Mrs, C. F Finally he'told me to come over and Adams and daughters, Misses Verna and her father one of the original proprietors Rnhv; ltfr.itnl.4n . R Iwir.l Rlrtdle, Mr. section of the country. This Christmas season of Wrst Jersey rrnvisiccrforfthe fimirof Win. Soil and daughter, MleafcJva; Mr. and twenty-five pounds. This farm descend- Mrs. John Staples, Prjf. R. J. Eilonberger, ed to my grandfather, .and then to my Mrtj. Joseph Flynnj Mr. and MrB.. Ohio father, General James Williamson', and Adams, Mrs. Fred King, Mrs. Wm. Hunt, They Have Special then to myself, who am the fourth gen- Mr. and Mra, Frank Adams. All reported eration to own it. The old farm house a tioo time. , has received many additions to it, but Holiday Assortments two of the rooms are of the original . NEW HAMPTON. house where I was born. In my early A new floor-has been put on the years I helped oil the farm as only a boy bridge HCTOBB tho Alueconolcong at Itt- can, and attended school at a school laydalo aod tho pier of ttio Big all bridge in almost every department in the store at house on the farm. At that time it was uuroes thotldo dream bas been repaired. The old pldiikH from the big bridge were very moderate prices. The store is well worth customary lo have only three months sjld publicly on Saturday. school, which was held in the winter. When I was eighteen 1 taught in this Mrs. Hamilton Bowlbv, whom we inen- a visit if only to see the many beautiful Gift tlonod latt wotlc aa bclog on tbo sick Hat, same school house, There were 110 ex- h muuti Improved. Articles that they have brought out :: :: :: aminations in those days. The leather Mm. B. E. WjckoiT passed a few days of Usually went around among the different thlb week with relatives in EaBtou. families of the neighborhood who sub- Mrs. Sarah Cramer, Rev. John B, Kughr scribed the required amount which was and Mrs. Kuglor held a sale ofaomeof two dollars per scholar for the term. I their household goods last Saturday, and had thirty pupils, consequently received MK. DAXIKL WIMilAMSON. have sine a moved to CilntOD, which place -sixty dollars for the three mouths' work. hook up without nsking, which I did and taty will muko their home. I taught reading, writing, nrithmctie and I suppose tlie old man's conscience was Mr. and Airs. Walter Pence and Mr. and spelling. If irteachur could read aytl clear. Mrs. Frank Apgar of High Bridge were was good in arithmetic, and the use of All our grain \v;i$ taken to New Hruiis- gucBta of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman over Sunday. . the rod. it was all that was necessary. wick in bitf wagons, but we marketed ; I married Miss Rncliul Williamson, our poultry and pork in Philadelphia. MISH Celo.fcte Riddle, who has been on daughter of Richard Williamson of Rin-We would toad our produce the night be- the sick list, IB about again. '.. .gocs,.X. J.( whose wife was Sarnli V.'il- fore and start about lour o'clock the Mr. and Mrs. Abram Frttts were given a " liaiuson of Ileatyestown, so you see we text morning, going over the mountain reception on their return from their are full-blooded" Willrunsons. We had wedding tour,at the home of tho groom on it lUoomsbiiry and crossing the Dela- Monday. *\ four children; two died in infancy and ware at Mi1 ford; going down on the -;'O:ICL so:i'.iftcr lie grew., to iiinjihcsoi!.... My Pennsylvania side or lite river," reach- Veeder Wellor of Now York Isspendine .-..WASHINGTON--.^ .tf .T ifl MB PH1LL1PSBURG a week with tiis~fathorV Peter WellerV wife died after we had been married ing I'hilnd.-Iphin by night, which was Veoder, who formerly bold a position in a OXFORD 1 ij III STEWARTSVILLE about eleven years, and I never remar- consideredjsi pretty good day's work for station on tho elevated road In New York, ried. I have one son, Charles M. Wil-our hor.sc:>. We usually brought back a has recently been appointed to the position UAlfil d liamson, with whom I now reside, and sack of jreei\coffee, which we browned of custom house Inspector In that oity. three grandchildren and fivcgreal-tjraiid- ourselves. Ovor twenty of Miss Sadie Welter's chil.iren. friends gavo her a surprise on last Fri- I remember one time father and two Jt I.had four brothers and sisior<, all of iiL-iglibui^ iiiuvcd uiic ur Lite \Viiini».'-lu day ,oveninp, -A very-;pleasant time was OUR MOTTO: "REASONABLE PRICES AND RELIABLE QUALITY." •-- whom lived to be- nearly eighty. -I am t'hiliidclphia, on sled*. ..On -returning had. Refreshments weroserved, and danc- ing added to the overling's enjoyment. the last and will be ninety-three in March. they were to bring a load of store goods, My father lived to be eighty-five and for a merchant, but on reaching Willow Mrs. Martha Beavers is spending a week Children's Sleds. Roasting Pans. then died from injuries received from Jrove the snow had all melted so they at the resldonce of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heating Stoves. 0 his horse running away, so you see weborrowed a wagon, loaded on the goods Waller/ ""'" '.-''' I liave 20 different styles and sizes, New lot just received from factory at . Various sizes for all kinds of roasts. are a long-lived race, I have always and, taking their horses, came on home from $6.50 up. Johnston's Stoves have Kalamazoo, Mich., frotrr3^c"to $1.50. The Holidays will soon be here—get a - lived a very quiet life ; am an inveterate returning when the next snow- came VLENXA.. been known for=25 years. We try to roaster for the turkey. ...'..' smoker—usually a box of cigars a week, ir the sleds. Andrew Bartow one day last week suo- ceoded in capturing two foxes—ono a rcd ake our word GOOD. but can't see that it lias shortened my When the first railroad in this section ( Silver-Plated Ware. days. I have always been, a Democrat. tho other a groy. Window Glass. —X.J. Central—was put through, father Tho Sunday school of the Christian We have sold good Plated Ware for 20 Andrew Jackson was the first President I was invited by the officials to make the church ia contemplating holding a Chrlst- years. Si 1 ver Plated Ware should be As I was sitting at my desk, writing voted for, and I have voted for every :rip with the first train. Of couse we ail m:ia entertainment 011 tho evening of Blankets. bought only of reliable people. Don't tills ad, I heard the wind howling and Democratic Presidential candidate since. watched anxiously, for many in the Doc, 25th. Stable Blankets, from gi.ioup. g'et stuck. blowing. Is.it blowing through any of I find people are very different from neighborhood had never seen a train of IJ. ^V. WilUamg has broken ground Horse Blankets, from 75c up. your.broken glass? I SEI.L GLASS. what they were in my boyhood days. :ars before, and an old colored man whofor the erection of a blacksmith shop near Lap Robes, from $3.25 up. , Then they were more hospitable and ran to sec the sight grew frightened and bis lumberyard in Danville Nice stock to select from. there was more home life; now they ran away screaming, that the devil and Mrs. D. M. Vreoland spent a few days Graphophones. liis dragons-were'comingi"- ;: -: ' ": -•'•'•'• last week with her Biater-in-law, Mrs. Goo, 1 Oil Heating Stoves. "•'-have'i'ruwii-ti* 1 -restless—visit 'less, travel Dorcas, In Bangor, Pa. •'•- $i2.oo;kiud reduced to $10.00. •^niore. They arc like "Tlie-Ayfiiidorini: My brother lived.n short , Miss Vida ;; Cummins, tfrota . the section am] we have niauy lestiuiouials as .;_ Lined Goa^Skiil, 6pc. . , Better.buy one oTthe abpVe^for. your:.- 7 see (roiiiVuTold"TuTcoiiii'IT book that my the noble red man who, at thai time corf ••"" ••' "'"' """-'- to its helping the'cattle, and thereby bene- Mule Skin''30c if wife, fora Christmas present; it will do first lionsc-kcepe^i received oiiejuloHar. a roamed the forests of Schooley's Moun- Mrs. William MHlor pisnod a fow days Also other styles.. "" her more good than a, diamond ring. week'and at llic'emt of the year she put tain range who committed the deed, this week tit tho homo of ucr father, Stew- fiting the banners. " i forty-four dollars out on interest.' In '42either, but awnite man, an early seller. art Hann, at Pleasant Grovo. • ,:. This seller owned an old horse thai had Littlo llgon flaaso is very sick nttbls \ I paid harvest hands fifty cents ad-i^] f wrlllDg. Wo all wiah him a speedy re- . A great day for, the young Jyien was become blind and infirm by age and hard covery. , training day. My father had command service toils owner, and wishing to gel Tho Binlllug fftcea of tho ltookport boys ;.->f a regiment of.mili lia and used do meet rid of it quickly, led it out to the summit aro soon ovar this way quito often. Won- WASHINGTON OXFORD different parts of the county to drill of Point Mountain, on the sloping ground der what tho attraefons "are 7" , ;


tobur, sentenced to five yearn in prison by JmlgivSh Ionian. I 10.1)7 convuriions nt the Wesley M.' K. church, riilllipaburg, Muring revival Torturing Pain in My Back. meeting. HISTORY qf the YEAR I 11. It i« junt it hundred years ugo to. Christmas day that conl wns first burned in this "DR. DAUID KEHHEDY'S i 13. A lnr»e fnuiie addition erected for A Chronological %ebiclv $f the Local TLbents gf the Year the inirrcnsnij,' hurtiiiess of J- It. Bryunt, tlm WnaMnjjtoh clothirr. - - - ., | From the Star's Columns 0 & A Complete Record sf 1 111. The Uti'kii wan tin'' nlimulo'ns* Port Games Morris nn » division point. Happenings in Handy Form For Preservation j IU. Tlte schools re-open nt Ilneketts- RELIEVED ME !N THREE DAYS" town for tlio first time since the holi- day vnc-nUon. Says Mrs. Charles G. McKay of Amsterdam, N. Y. IS. llnrris &, Harrington,of Xew York, 1 1 LOCAL OCCIIKRENCKS. ti'iirrliige.factory for tho manufacture of iniri'lia-*!* tin A1II*H*' ''Orjmn factory and Mrs. CharlpB O. McKay of 1R3 Division stroet, Amsterdam, N. Y., and whose In>;ach pound package of ~ | [11:1110 Imiiiiuurs. T : are ri'iiwdclinji ^,'t for. the innnufacturc busbauil ppciiiiiud tho itunurtattt imsition of Treasurer of the City Board of Excise, December, 1901. I 20. Juiiics . M. i'ltts, ot Washington, of hall clocks. ' -.'.••• eays: " For tho past 20 ywu-a I lmvo been a sufferer from a v •_'. 'livuu iimvi'at the liouic of Cliarln i,,,,M iK0 Mj, .,,„,.„ r00,,,5 nlld wijj „. 1 17. A blizzard swet-jw over nil tlie At- tortminj; pain In my h c"»' There was no doubt in my Klein, SU'woruvilli-. _ ! turn I,, the inurauitilo linsincss. Inntiu states itnd us far wc.^t as Chicago. mind but that * wan Buttering trot.i kidney complaint* 17. A bill of $10.ft77 iinlcml pnlil.nt • 1. I'll.. I'r.'sl.yti'iy of -V'Kton meets | o0, |.;. T. Skerry X- Co.. of New York, I tried various niwlirinos and-liniments but thoy guvo me .11 rliilliiislnii'c. Lev. I". \. behelly up-' 1,,,,. ciiuiigevvntcr snull' mill for the man- the spsriion of the LeKishitnro for, the only tcnniorary relief. My husband Haw Or. David Hen- ' liuintnl nioili'Wtor• of Hie session of the ,,riivl 1 ire'of woolen varns and will em- tost of CJov. Jhirphy'st inniignratioii. Sicily's Favofito Remedy ndyertiscil, and purchased nl)ot- 1 20. Salvator Vasi-ola setitoiicrd to six l!looiii»liiiry I'liiin-li. ,,|,>y |-,u |ml,,is. • • ile, whidi I bepiu taking and In throe days f was relieved yenr*. in the stntu juij-ou fur bnniing i j. Tliu new umlihiijK ol the Centenary. ofl, •rim Liiekuwwina" station at Stew-' of thoso torrihio paiam, and continuing using It, WSQ Uoll^'iate•Institute, llnekoltstown, dell- ..,,t-villu is l.eiiu! remodeled, hiinir* at. Columbia, cured* Previous to my taking • Favorite Remedy ' I would i-ntiil. Kntiri. iiliml estimated to be -AI. lokn Trlw; 1. 0. 11. M, StcwnrtJ- 21. The jrasonic frnteraily holds a Imvo to lie on tliu couch nearly half of tho time unablo to da Miirth tellUHIUi iiulelitciliiMS, »3j,000.! VJH,., u;m (.l>ntri,c.t^ for the enlargement l)iun[iii'l nt lllooin-'bury. my work. I now .lo nil r.iy household work and feel first- ' .".. X.'t rrei'ifts i'[ the presentation of, ,,f their liuUilinj; near the Siiunrc. '• 2". The inaniijrt'ini'iil of (he l.nekn- class in every way." ; "KMiirivhln," liy tin: Ladies Aid Society | .M $1.-|S,UUO worth of ' Pnliiuiiiarrv' wanim aiiiioiiiiccs lhal the pension sys- Kidney disyaso in one- of tho most fatal maladies known, !of lW Wii.liiiii-toii l'lesliyternm j|jllinjt Coiiiim.iy's stock sold. The pro"- tem will go into effect Msm-li 1. • * moro KO beennso it coini-H often without wiiiiiiiiff. Tho daily 2S. Over non llwl Men of thi* stnte (iwiUiB from Brislifn disease testify to the sudden and fatal from now until Christmas will be found a free . ihiinli. sl.v.Ui:,. | HI. „„ |i,,, ,.,K.|; ,„.,- tn,i is 5;.oo. I 3. Di'rki'rtown. Su-.ex comity, post- •>,[, A]vn ,j. Wnlteis ships IO/IOO iiltcml Hi,- ntinmil lomicil in Trenton. results of imliiYeronco to nature's warnings, which, if ob- game, amusing and instructivc-sodiffcrcntkinds. oliii'i' nililicil nf #7110 worth of stunips jimniils of prod > to l'utrrson in one March. served niid urnjter urecautions taken, no one need fear this nnil $!IK> In wish. .hvifk nml Knink A. -Minixle over three dreadful trouble .•?;>(l,000 worth property Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game • 7. Tin' Villa;;!' S|iiare. 11 nuii|iie fair llllw lraultrv fmm .Markslioro station. l\. About -$.-)0,000 worth of nu.|iiei- i.f 111.- l.iiduV timid of St. IV! J7. SI. .liilmV iluv was ol.sprved bv di->linvi'd bv the spring tlond i.i Wiinvn. - TRV THIS KIBNEV TEST. at Your Grocers. H'l'- eluil.'li. nit- 610(1. ilhi- Miisi.ui,' l.odp''nl IMvid.:re. 3. Tliu ilo'od at Cohinibin iltriiiiiuvr*.":tlio Put somo of your nriuo inn Rljiss tumbler; if: in 2-1 hours it liiwu bciliment, ; S. A smit day at the \\ iiflunpUiu 31.: -js. Tin- fnir umliT I lie auspices of St. iMnliiis Kill Gmi|>iinv .^0.000. or amilky, cininly conililion; if it U imlo or iliscolorcd. n»;iy or stringy, your : K. I'liilivlu over SiUHIO pli'djed toward i|,,s,,', ,.|mn.|,, (Ixforil. closed. Contest "v. 'Ilii- \\ nM ton M. R V\MYK\I ot>- kidneys aro disou^oil unil yiut ncnl u KOO<1 medicine, tind 'Favoriio Remedy' IH thg ni'» ehmi'h ilebl and orjsm fund. [,„. n,,. tvii> to Ireland won bv Michael M'l'Vl'-> I III' ttllV II .Missiunary day. Dnr- best ouo you ciiu tuko. It sjicuiUly enrea such diuiKerous sviuiitoins as pnin in thu S. ISev. K. .1. Ili'inki' preaohi'd Ills fan- Swi'i'wy. iiijr Hit' imsl'vi1 • i?:tl0 hurt been niHcd | buck," frcfiuent (lesiio to urinate, especially lit tii^ht, wiiViinK bnrnint; pliin in well -cim.'ti at lireenwieh IWiyte -js. I>hilti|i-i1mr!r ITnlloiuil Hank slock r.ir iiiiMimw. ' ; passing water, Btainiug your linen l),v thtt r.rinu nml inaliilhy to hold it, anil tho 1:1. l)r. diiirk* \V. .Mi'Ciiruiick ri'sijjn unpleasant and dangerous effects produced on tho system by the usu of whiskey, R, H. Macy k Co's Attractions Arc Their Low Prices. nun I'hiircli. M'lN (,,!• $U7..-,n'n -hiiie. The I'liillips- , .!i...'IVueln'is; In-lilute cinin'iies at \mrg „..,,,.,. >tc,,.|; ,,.||s f,,,. s21.no 11 slinn-. |in«iil>'iK'V of lilt- C. U, 1.. lliii'kt'tlslow...i i winoor.becr . Dr. fi. A! NV.1.1,'. of iirooklvn.- rfcriw! lv \Vii*liilll;tiiii: I.'" li'iii'iici.-. iiltt-nd: . ;;„. ;,I,,i, ^n,fc-l.WKlr hmwr: "200 p'™. I If yon suffer from kidnry. liver or blmlucr IViiiil.l,, in any fr.nu. diabctc.1. , 1 1-i A buruhir |miof Mifi' with deno.it .,|,. . tii-ii>:il••. Xi'iiro and while woman J llr. Mi'l'iinnirk. Kir HI. Tin- -iiiiill-inix i'|iiili.inie wU Brigllt's disoase, rlieuuuitisui dyspepriin. cczetiin. or nuy form of blood diseiise, or, '1'iwi* in-lallcd in the I'ir-t National ]„„.', „„, J,,.|ial,il in Wiishinaton. |»IX i'|iMi l.,mk "I .Wn.hinaliin. :l|. W. A. A. aive New Ymirf« dnllee. llai'ki'lt.~uraini'kflt.sUiwii about $1.1,oiKISlfj.OiHl.. [ If a. woman, from tile 1-ujl.iiesses peculiar to yonr sex. und are not already con- '10. Ur. (i. II. W'liitiii'v bi'i-oiucs uetiii" nnced that Dr. DuviilKenncilv's Fuvorito Kemcdy i^ Iho iiicdiciiio you neeil, you VI. The IIM L'onii-li plan.. .-inpp.il iu :u .p,,,!,,,. I'itiuy main's hi- debut 11- iO. Dr. (i. II. U'liitiU'v lu'f he Pliili|ipiiii'-. Suinvim' ('uiiii ju-tice ill Waricncounty.', !>vo>iili>udrillt ..off llitinf ' C.. C. If ' for foufour luonths'' may have a trial bottle, absuluti'ly free, with a valuable lunlical pamphlet, by I -111 LiimlvV new clod; factory niiiehin-i sending yonriuime. with post ojlicouddresa to thoDr. David Kennedy Corporation, 1'J. liny 11. Sinebiir. of Xewtmi. liar- ' 1 B'way at 6tU Aw. £& J41S to iSlU St. ier, nioviv In Wn.-hiimtou. ' January, 1902. cry i» bpiuViusiallcl iu the o'lil Allogn- Uoudotit, X. Y., mentioning this paper. 1 1-J.Th, Kni»ht:ofj«^hi^^ 1 N(,w tI^iiy [uij^otr ^ uf h oi"iiu factorv oil I'.loail slri'i't. I All ilruynlHtH wll Dr. Ilnvlil Ki'iinoily's Favorite Keiaeily In the NKW &0 CKNT St'/B NEW YORK CITY- 1 •!». Tlic 1,111 nii|mi|iriiiliiW 5l'2.-,,0OO fnrJona'UKTi'suliirJl.oOiilwliollI™. ^^ ...^ the Plea-nut Ciovc I'lmrcii. li 'fill' Itraird of h'n.'i .\l I Have Moved coiitlai.loi-. •1. llrtTinvicli vot' -Ullli' III.- leu ||,,. l'|ii|i|,|,ini.-. | J 12. A iccmil lirrakitij! wi'i'k nt W'a-h- jicu.rcenr centt tax nmanil lli hav; e iiiiuiidiini i.m.1- . 21. One ,-a-e of .iniill-iiiK-m '>*'"">•. % ili^tou jiii-l-ollii'i'. In two ilnys uiol'c •• Tl,,- S-'OOO inmtsiiiii' »u tin- Secon.l j|. ,.\ ,„.„• ,.,,uncil of tin- -luiiior Or-] £ AT MILLERS thill! 1011.000 pici'e* of Illiiil si'llt oul. I•rT'-livli'ri'in cliunll. llxfonl. paid off. ,!,,,• of Aincrii-aii Meclianii-s in-liluleil J To Their New Store 12. llloomsbur.v lictl-l of an i'i»lit- •' .Iinl-e Shiiiniiin slvi* bal«|Uet in ,,t Slewcrt-ville. 6 |,,o,,,r of .lu-li.r l-il-.:.-.v nt H"l-I Hi'lvi- 21. l!ev. II. I'. KiiiL'. liu-li.r of Coluul- i Broadway • •" lii'lv-'lcr.- I.l.i mid llniiifsiiiirj! M. K. I'lmivlii's. JIIV-J % Checkers 3c, 5c, 10c, 15c. 34th to 35th st ha- two lllij!i'l'« ain|iulalcil whifh she •• '.Vr -,"'1 Mr- IciilJ aivi' a •lauci- , „ „ birllnlay |>:irt)- by ineinber.- ol ^j Blackboards iiijuii'il in a niiiiili'r. -t't'iV.-niii iv h.-ra-i'. Aloul -i-venly-live |,,,|, ,.,,,,1.r,.1.alioii-. . j Checkers and Board 5c, 10c, at Sixth Ave. '12. Tin' 1:1th Clui-tuias miiulu'i- of Hie ..li'.'l-p'i-fM. 11. A iuili' "f inai-iibini load i- beinp , tJ Air Guns 60c, 85c and $1.00 "Stnr" U-m.il. nulilh-il -nid FriwiiU' " 1 !:•> -i 11 l'"ll-- Inviii'.' M'1-vi'.l thi-ce.inili ilinutuli lllairslown. ' j - - , - 25C.50C. ... The Old IVIacy System at the New Macy Store. 1-Mitiou." It \va< the lai'i:i-t iicw>|iii|iei- veil- in ill'- H:II.-IH'-.'ri'limi- I" hi-- 22. -len-y nraui. ,,f Oxfnnl.^nililii'd of, ^ evi'i" i-sui'il by n New .Ii'i-cy wi'i'klv. Trains of Cars , n-i'isliiiy iinw'iili'i'iilily ovi'l- a' ton unil ''TViVkiVt'lt'iiivii iu I he llniii> of an ''•J2.'x"iriy every M-eTion of the -teaia 'j Dominoes 5c, ioc, 15c, 20c We Give No Credit. co>tiii^' uver $:>m to innilui-i'. , oM, 'e of -mall-pov. An oiubivak nf .,i.,,,, i,, U,e Haeketl.-tmvn II. K. church ^ Rubber Balls and 25c. j Kt. Goltleili Swart/., a povei-ly -trii-k- r „- ,'.,.,!l u",l ..'.I,' il.'i.th. MimU-il.nl Imcki'd bv in-rtliif! .-..1.1 water. | , 1 We Give No Discounts. en olil rJiTiuali. i-oiuinits -uii'iih' at 1 nilllli"- tm-ri'il ii'l" •' I"'" h">'"i'. '"' ->:l. Thiilv-four ]ier-on- umie with til.'. % . lli'lviileii'. i-luii-i.''"iif Dr. I.. I'. D'HIIMI. •fliuivlics M.i,.lc.l.,,r,,'l'rib.liyli.rlnii eliuivh i Tin Flutes Parchesi Si.00. S 1"). 'I'lii* i:reale>t fri^het in fi.rty vcir.1^ , tebool- elo-en. " "": :'2i. Mm factory of ll.-rl»;i-i -Wlor. i \ \ We Give No Commissions. . visilcil the Delaware Valley. So .'lircct -, Mi-iMorial -i'1-vi.-i- in mi'iiioi-y of (•„.. ,u 11,,,-ki'tl'town. imt in operalio-- - -Mi-.'Kunk!e lu-lil in 111.- A-bllry 1'ic- „.,,;„ ,,-ith union worliiui'li. Fountain Pens 50c. Dolls ic up to S3.00. luail from west in two day* following. iVvtcri-n i'1'iirt ?•>• T1"' American llorsi- Shoe Lo. |iui But-We Sell Cheaper Than | IB. Kcv.-K..fl..Rnj.'1'iiiil I'l.blrcssi's tlie : -Ir. O. I.'. A. M. in tlieir eoilncil room; '", f I CB.Vi (•„. laiiv'.ia.-c Ihi' ice ,.|,:,.,.- properly at l'liillipburj! tor u Banks 5c up Dolls Shoes and Stockings >| Any Other House. ! subject. "Traiilin^ lor Citizenship." UUrrit^J- M"!*"M-I1- <- »•» '^.'T'WO bunco „„'„ call upon Fa,™ j IS. The citizi-ns nf llloomsbiiry or- > ,,"J,;:H .bicob IS. llnvi' at lloi'kporl and nml Dice and Cups Trumpets, Paints iL'anizcil a lloanl of Trade. I .. •...', UV. ,...,, \r.u. i-n,.,n:l.,v e, I- ,,,^,, s.fiil itlleoinl. to bunco 111!

Picture Books Ping Pongr Authors and Old

Jccivcd while isi.thi'ii' ninpiny. , . Cnunei!. -No. !'••,-•''•• °- I - A. ..M.. of t ,,.V.,iTis). IIHIMJ who imrticipatnl in the -•• -. ..: Maid Games ; .- IS. The first lleriputh Lyceum "series Wellington. liiittrnjic agninit David Umly. an nrol I Bones, Mouth Organs of entertiUnini'iH> given by tlie W. A. l-i. Diitiiu- Allni. «i Sareptu. while. ,i(r,o. Warrants for the arrest ofN2 Settlers' Rates hunting at Di-luwnrr. --lips on tho ice:' ., «j , [~.?\w \. j • • Cards 10c to 50c. Association.;--, Illir tn nV( t j 10. Thu Cifpital Cement Company lias Ins litio ilinchiir"!.1-.. shoot in 1: him=elf in 2ti. Tlu> state appropriations amount j option on 000 acres of land near Stew- tli« luifk and cau-ing :'.$200,000 for completion of : Then you c/ight to be interested in the fact that DAILY, during pornted with an authorized * capital I Hi. Outbri'ak nf whf'oping cough at nliWiiv reformatory. -Stuffed Dogs 27. The Tliiyninkp'r* nf. Bloonislrtiry October, the Rock Island will sell tickets to California, Oregon, : of 53,000,000. • • . . Brimiiuin. '• •'..'..' .•.".,.•"•" •;..•. • ' Accordeons 19. The proceeds of the Christmas ba- Hi. A cii>« of ?n)itll-pox in each of [>lil a lianquet. '•• ' Drums c •. :Washington, British Columbia, Idaho, Utah and Montana, at zaar .given by the Methodists in ITuck- the following towns has liven reported: 27. Tho Kaster nnmlier of the Wash- about TWO-THIRDS THE REGULAR RATE. To iiiuslrate: I ettstown amount lo 5-175. Gt-nnan Val!py. Tftwntljury,1 I'rec Union, ington Star issued, contniningll columns Penknives 5c to 25c. Regular rate, Chicago to San, Francisco and Los Angeles is $52.50; 23. Rev. J. W. Bell, pastor of the if readiii" matter and 47 columns of ads. Dark Lanterns •ntystown Presbyterian church, dies • for the Washing- 2fl. Twenty-one men are placed under to Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, $51* 50. Rock Island's October . *iy. Tool Chests ioc to $1.00 ,.,.ter an illness of two weeks. Survived Company is being •oiid to appear nt^conrt in Lnndy case. Magic Lanterns rate is $33.00. • ...-••-•...• .:-.-.;; - . .- ••-.••.. •-.- • : : ' by a wife, a crippled son and two other in |>u-iti« ml $3,000 expended 30. Rev. Y.. A. Boom resiens the pna- Here are come more liiterontln^ [children.' Tntennent at Hack ettstown. oriito of Washington Baptist church. J Candles and Ornaments for fnrrs; itouk Mtuul rtinx tourist 31. Tho Washington M. E. churcli Printing Presses rilt-t'|»M ilnlly, CnJcilKO to Los j 23. Mr.-and Mrs. Joseph H. Hawk, of 10. The Ldwin company and the Tay- M' Christmas Trees Aii)rt*lBi»anil San FmnclMCO vln i Kennedy station, celebrate their .25th lor Iron Com puny issue tmk-rc for till clioir pive a foncprt. .-The TCastor cantata Bl Piwo. Tliey Iwive CMcnKO The Risen Lord," by Schnecker, jriven. S:',i'2 11. in , ami nuike quicker voddinir anniversary. workmen to In; vaccinatml. time to Southern California I 23. K«v. J. R. Bryan and wife, of 17. Mr. and Mrs. V. X. Jenkins cele- :il..Tustice? TTend rick son and Fort de- tliaii elm Mar earn ovor nny SomoTvillc, formerly of Washington, cel- [braU; tlimr 2">lh wedilinir anniversary at ride that Washington -is a borough. •••-••• other line. Tourist can* for San :. Washington Avenue, f Frnnclfco nml I>OH AIIKGIUH »ln lebrato their soldcn wedding anniversary. tlit: home of his mother in Newark. ' ' April. ; Colonirlo und Utah leave Chl- j 24. Warren" Castk. Xo. 12, Knights of 20. Thft Hoard of Director* of the WASHINGTON, N. J. CIVKO 10:00 ]). in., TuyudnyM , tlie Golden Eagle, distribute chickens • IlaeketUtmvn National Uank re-olccted 1. Tho Kinpire Steel and Iron Compa- CHAS. A. MILLER, nml TtuirHtlnyn. I'ortluiul oar among -10 widows in Washington. I for the elovonth consncutive year. ny, of Oxford, voluntarily increased the lciivert OltleiiKo 10:00 p. in. lViiges of their employes ten per cent. TuomhuH. 25. Rev. Henry M. Bnien. of Belvidere, 21. Franklin Murphy inaugurated a3 sails for Korea! stopping at Yokoliomn Oovernor of New Jersey; 0,000 men in James Whin suecci-iU General Mana- No better time 0! j-ear to visit the ; and Honolulu. tin* parade. ger Xorton. Paciiic.Coast than now. tto route 2o. H. S, Crane purchases the Rees 23. ITnukctULowh still in the grasp of 1. Howard Unrron become proprietor there so good as the Rock Island. the small \iox •epidomi*:.-;-. Tn tlirr-o week-J .of. the Hotel lielvidore. Of* enses and 3 deaths.' T>r. F. JI. Cook 2. Tlie' Newark" Conference of the JI. !•!•'. churcelmrch conventsconvenes;.: nli t..t ;Kl 15Hxnhr*ti h '.Vitl" A, H. HOFFET, Gen'l Eastern Pass.Agt,,.401Broadway, New M PUBLIC SALE ippointcppointeidl Viicvaccinen , physicianphysician... •?.\. Lackawanna stoek reaches its HLshop Joyce presiding:. hijrhest price—?27-l per share. 2. Uev. C. W. MeConnick, . ex-Pi-esident AT SAGE'S —-OF— . . of tile C. C. I., transferred lo a church 23. J. P.. TTITiiinptont , WaahingionWlsliin , ne of tile C. C. I., tra fd C •' L ,uircs more store room for his incroas it Hartford. Conn. 3. 'I'lio work of huildill clocks nt tile in;.' business. " |- ,). iiiu nuih ui ...... ,....D ... j Two Big Farms 23. The Washington Mfjr. works ship new Washington factory begun. 1 "i,000 piano backs within a year. " 7. liny lluglies, liiiviiig.been mus- AND A SPROUT LOT. 2.1. Peter Hess, n dnifr clerk in Phil-1 terod out of tho army in Porto Kico, lipsburjr. eats 15 pies in 13 niimitcs. [returns to bis home in" Junction. TIIL> HUhHcrlhijri*. IH-ITH ofihe e»tutu of Win. OPERA HOUSE LIQUOR STORE 23. liliiirstown Prcsbylerian church 1 S. J. It. 11. Smith appointed assistant Ilcity, ilfcuirteil, liavlnir it KIT tnl net to m'trlu supports a missionary in India at tlic! secretary of the -*•**'• un tlif «aid t'Htute, will f-llt fit imbllc RILIU, fit s. ;Miiony the new appointments made at the request of a large number ot former Ut'(it.v'rt Haw mill, near Vonwelt, on tost of. . TUESD.VY. DKCEM'fJKIt lOtii, UlOii at the Newark conference were Dr. J. _25. An on the Penney Ivan in You will find for the Holidays the finest a||ortment of patrons, has reopened the stock brokerage twol)tKf«rnitt >u\il n *\ift>nt lot. ilwrtliu.l lil fi...Inhnstnn, lTiickettstown; Rev. W. H. briefly as follows: FiirmVXo. 1. known UH business formerly., conducted by him in the this Cunriul HuniiiiMl-'iiriiiDlH HUHHICU nliout WHISKIES, WINES, BIlkNDIES, etc, in^this section. Opera House Building..' oiiL" mile west of I'li>iiHantI,Orf>v«, nnil CONTAINS. •JTsfj AVAU'.H 2R 1 U S Srnn .u_.. i-rt «,. nt «-hii.],Vnr«. tlllablii litu C { "t I'j$S!»T" " ' " I"*" 5S Ne^on ^Presbytery meots at ^3tbeKs7-3ond3; Grainr Gotten t WlJ Uii' -iVi'i'i -iPV w J"'jtowliimiRV, nf in-iton. is (Occlcil moderator, odmitor "-"'••• ' »• ^ iilciimiiit surprise pmty given 'and Provisions bought and sold lixUiirhij; w'tjiir In"n 1J*"'imr"^"c'lf tlic'Variiii ! Oxford, is lpt • -itirtiiii>iil:l^l timber for KL>nvr«1 u ^ " • ' " 'air. nml Mrs. -John JlisSL-y, nioonisbnry. 10. liidcpcnilpucc township applies for on margin or for delivery :; :: bury in Califon, whisrc he 'will rirnctiec. Independence township .app K. burn A'IMI i>t.li^roiitl>iill. tllbiiilo litnil In a (air puniny in the Kut/.e huilding. Htnt.'ol (niltlvatlon. Tlieru 1H un nlnni'liiut ;--13rDr..S. 31. Duniell.nssiRiieil us per- Huiiply of Hiirtim wiiter ntull iioint.M.iiiHlnti.v " 2. ilarvo.y Thutchur returns home:nf- nenb pastor of the new Gerinnn Val- CALIFORNIA imantltf ofllinliurtor twaenil UHCH.II-IHO IL ti:U:rr active servic-service in the Philippines. |niam:iii> JIH-SIAJI U< I,,V. ,.w.. >.- ; line npplu orctmr.l. This'tinitrovtitientH In- fi. 'I'ht: epidemic at Hnckettstown h:ia ley uhapel witli.reaidenec Tinckettstown. cludu a. iwo-Hturj* Htoitc nml Inline ilwulllni:, bum uml nllior ontlnillillnKH. TIIIH tami run its coiirsn, Total numlicr of eases 1-1. Shaffer & Beam assume chnrgo of ^The celebrated Burt &JPackard $4 Shoes |; hart an excellent rppiiUilton wlit'ii tcnanteil tn dnte U(i. Dr. V. M. Cook lins vncci- the meat inarltet formerly conducted by by eiTller ownurti, nr.il could bo niuilo a v«ry tuii.ffd 1.000. ptoplo since January 3, v\. M. Hrink. t, • W1NBS,.,°~'; '.•: ti]inibl.>'|)li;i:i: *J( proiiorty. Aiiyoiiifdt'Mlrliiif R. l-'niiik 0. Wright, of ""iJo^er;"--trircii-", • 14, ..Washington contributed. $84.35. tor ;i pureliuHc a tiirni lorrprirHorml occupiMicy 1 $3.48. r- * will flnil HIIH ii tireat opporttiiilty.1 It in lated worthless notes iiinoilntiug to more ward MeKinloy Memorial Fund. .f $i oo Per Qallon.^ •-« locatud but one mile from ilii; Antliony pout- v-' "" v™>few( I i-"- 'Tim Morris eannl opuncd for navi- « Same shoe, without their name on, for $3.18. tllciv mid Htore ami "In a most liuiiltby in. County clcclions. Robert S. Price .The KproiitlotcmiHlMtri nf Ho ncren covered - " '--"-*- nml tlie ••:.,"•:/• Mail orders given prompt attentibnjj^ " o;| v •<*ir~ • ,.' "••• \vltli tlmbyr of nboiit -"> JCIITH' ttrowtb and Is inciilL-il near I'cmvell. Blankets,and Ro,bes from 98c to $20.00. This cHtuttMUttfabi' cloned, juulcoii-eiiuunt- enna ly tlu> Halo isiioMtlvii. TurniH will lie innde fcnuwuon (lav ol nab;. Punt-ollUiu adilrcH« 348 Northampton Street, ^_ E#P» P - of tho llrHt tw'o IK Tort Murray, S. .T., and STORE, that of the land Chester, N.• J. , z^^zz^^,^7r.VNNAlb.T.,_. ;':'.:•••;. S6TGREEN:TRAD1NC3 STAMPS GIVEN HERE:-**;,, .^ J:. AHTHUn 11KATV,


D., L. & W. RAILROAD. TUn VCAD Aincrifitii Institute of Mining Knginccrs 000 to secure tlio Jiigcrdoll-Scrgctintdrill i WiW. A. STRYKER, € lilC ICAK. "vinit Kilison'a plant nt New Village. •.-Viuiiiipaiiy'ii worlia. :: : to E. Wiihlnjton Avimn, W.ihlniton.V J. •' rttinttnuedfram naiiaai I.J.Mr. HIHI MM. Jacob Plumcrfclt eel- U. A comjmtiy ineorpomtcd ut Glen Passenger Time Table. Would You {Continued from page 6 j ubruU'SOtli mmiTOnmry at Fro« Union. Gardner known us Syrueo llun cemetery C0UH8ALLOR.AT-UW, v': 'i : : CoiiltKCTKI) TO OCTOHKIl 'JG, lOOi!. .„ .„_.—. „ 1([ j[cv_ jpj.p.y nofft colored, " Hies iissueiation. SUPREME COURT COMMISSIONER AND; ~:-• T11A1NS AltltlVlXO AT WASHINGTON. , lii. (Jiouiul broken for nuw St. Itoao llm conii." | 11. Aiiiniii! convention of Wnrrcn SPECIAL HASTED IH CHANCERY. It. C. tliiutli. Oxfuid. • "JU. The Davis uiite-miptiiil case'won county \V. C. T. U. held in Wnsliiiiyton.' Practitioner In All Uuttod States, Btotu ana • Like to Feel 17. !•*. T.'JUWIHHI lo-upiiointcd County liy .Mrs. Jacob David, Hockporl. j II. »ev. and Mrd. Jlurioti-'Iis Eldridge: County 0'ourtn. : !; >'_• ; • .Siiju-rint undent l>\- the .State Hoard of '21. Clo.-nn;,' (ixi-rcwf-j of the Towns-' (jiven a reception »t WiisTiinyton by;

ti,4un. ni |, uniiyi , ironi new IOTK vw.ruUTKOII. "" ' bury. Ucluwimi ami Hope .sdiools. j KnptlsR I O.B7 a.m.,eict pt.Suudny, trom E'hllllpHiiur^c. 22. Klwt Xalimiat Ituuk, Wilmington,' IS. Mow* Alliurt, Hope, i-elulimlu The Stari 7.S5 a, in., HiindiiyH nily. from Kan tun. CHAS. B. SMITH, M.D./ ( cotiil)iin>» saving Iwmk lit-nc-IIU. Sit It Itirtliday. : j In married life is penernlly ; 7.88 u. in., .•x,r[)t Sumluv, fioni KIIHIIJII. 136 W. Waihlngton Avenue, Wuhlnglon, H, J. 8.1(0 n. tn., dnlly, from Ilulfnlu. YoungAgain? •22, Ki^'Iith animal Kpworth IA-H»IIQ 17. The (.'. C. I. at UackvlUtown. re- made on an equal footing IMG t\. m.,c.ici'i)t Sunday, from I'liWiimlmrjr. of ticaltti in man and wife. (flto0a.m. _ lQAQn.in,,vxvvitLiiuntlny,trum Svvr York mnforenw held at Hlaiirftown. • tipcnn under iiiiiiia»i.'ineiit of Dr. Nolilc. j Old people certainly have bad But how soon, in many e Hou 1 tolt i>. in, via Newark. it-dollar syrttciu. '2H. Party iS'oiw of Veteran* oryiuiizci 13. Dr. 'I'lionm^ • h.- Vcdrick, of the s (0:30 to 8. p. in. ;_ lO.U'Jn. in., except Sunday, from I'lymouth. feelings that those below fifty 17; I'an'wcll iccc|)tion toudcrwl Kcv. at, Itelviderc. I lVary Arctic ••.•qjuiMlioii, arrives iti Xew • cases, the wife loses the -H: 8 to I) n. tn., 1 to 2 p. m. 10.U1 a. m.,«xcept.SiimI.,v, from New York 15. A. Itoom of Unptist cliurcli. 2!). .St. JoMcph'it II. C. churdi, Waah-j Vnrk. I start and fades in face and via I'IIUTBOII. hardly understand. ; 11.40 a. in., except Htinday, Imm Hampton I». Tin: \V, A. A. Ilaxtnir clodGH with in»ti»n, expends neailv .?:i,000 UII (in- IS. Hotel Xew WiinUor, Wasliington, fails in flesh, while her It is discouraging-.to find that net |>im-i!i'drt of ui-aly $U0fl. . ipriivcinont«. - .*. . \ in clunyu of Kliplinlet Jloovur. . ,\ husband grows even more 11.40 a. ml, SitiidnyH only, from Xuw York little tasks that once were easy I'J. The: Hackottstown Coniinon Coun- June. | IK. $100 cleared at, Methodist supper,' riiKKL'il and robust. F. P. MCKINSTRY, M. D., via 1'ritcntnii, >n|11 lll| There is one chief cause j 11.48 a. m., dally, from Xew York via l'ut- cil ^ranlri liceiiMt'rf to four bars after a 4/ SUH:,,.V tMI(i Warrcii's Cliri.itiiin Kn- ' -^ i'"y. I are now very hard. : for this wifely failure and j W. Waihlnoton Avonuo, Wsshlnston, N. J. enon, "di-y" year. .- \ .• . f .ii.,,um'ptSi]!ultiy from lllnciintnton. nearly all are weak. netted $.'») "•';,.-!iiati-s •••••''/•• f IS. IUt annual HninlaviiL-liool ii^.-iocm-1 OtDcu Hourn{ 1 to H ti l ti( 1 there,is irregularity or an j U.IJ7 p.m., except Smicl-V. from New York 11). $.*i2"> is tin.' ainoui'.L of ])ioiuinniH of "*s, C'tiildrcnV day was ol Served in the " <*'*"V4*tition hcht at Helvidere. | ,.-__,,. ^nt o J.JJ Worst of all is that feeling of unhealthy drain, inflara- r the Vn-rtbyti'iian pew sale. Wnsliin»ton. Now Hampton Junction, •-'• W'l-tuiiii-ler IVo^l.yUiriaii diurch, _ y« 1 to 2 p. ni, ' •; 4.0. )p.ii!.,iliiny,froin X«w York vlu Newnm. languor, of inability to act, of mation, ulceiationor ,,4.,'tn p. in., except Suudny, fiv.m Hampton 20. William Huron and family thrown ifcivMm., SU-witrUvillL. and Columbia. l'liillip:l.iir« dfrfij-ati-.l. . | weariness at'trifling exertion.: ./;; frnintlioir carriage and injured Hlijjlitly. ~c]iiii-t.-1t**s. :..'"": """"'''" ' 1 21. .Nnrth llackellstown 1 aliurnai'lc j female weakness, the gen- CHAS. M. WILLIAMS, M. D., S.40 p. m.,'dally, trmn Itutfalo anITI . in.ilillll,' dullyft»fi»»i Illillllftul, from. I'liillli.NlHirjc. Nothing will make the old young 1 paired. ; IIW. Washington Avo., Wishlngton, N. J. . fl!0HJ.US pI-. . in.., except SiHKtny, from Xew Yor app..int<-d SI. Louis ftiir i-nminiMioncr*. (.hiirc;ti at Oxford laid bv ltt.'Jlev. I'o.v. ?}• J *'- Thonms S. J5.;driek, su.»eou j 1 j vln Vi.u'nrlr . Hll l lir v Dr. Pierce's Favorite a to io ii;.iii i;'"V iV""~' via KiiwurK. again,,. but Viriol will prevent 2-2. The Kitlaliiiny Hotel, Delaware 10 ,^;[;-lt()oo to \,K exiiendcil on mac.i- l' ' ' . Aittic uxpcdition. wi-lcomed ; V Zt 1t Prescription cures woman- 1 to 11 p. tn. 0.20 p. in., except Sunday, from Xew York Walcr Cap, jnirdiasi'd liy Atlantic 0it>" tljiiiT* t'(>:iif^ in I'rankliu and fJreenwioli. i''. '*''' ' '» at a rerepl ion and hani|iiet • via I'aterfiiii. ninety-nine out of one hundred old ly diseases. It establishes { 6:JI0to8p. in, party for. $711,000. .. .hu,(ti( u public school coininenL-e- '" St- i:itlit^ l'r)t(>l- Wasbiii»ton. j HS G.Cfi p. in., dnlly, from lllinlrn. people from feeling so old. 1;)i ( regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals n Specialty 7.0,1 p.m., KundayH onlr.from New York via 2:t. Tin:' Kiupiri* Steel ami Iron Cos ||K.llt (K.(.urri, | 2'.\. Newton I'n-sbytcry IIHT-IS at I'lnl- j Newark. .. There is no humbug about it. fiirniiw at Oxford <-<»mpelted to JIO out ,, . ertain. lip-bur. l!ev. Hliell.y elected moderator. inflammation and ulceration and cures S.a.lii, in., ilntly.from New York via. I'titcrnon. W- 1{(1{I M(1|1 of ort Mum jmt ; female weakness. It makes weak women • of cnniniission for several months ow- i (•),„, , . f. small-po\'in railroad -'• l*(>pil*t'°»rl ^utor Co. granted pipe 10.no p. m., ilnlly, from Ne York via Put- We found out about Vinol and tried -( L ilsl t) strong and sick vrouien well. P. N. JACOBUS, M.D., erttnn, ; inj,' to dama»es caused l»v intu in cupola „,,„.', r, iilinn privilt»fics tbroiyh fJreenwieli township. \ it every way before we decided to ]|t r tt "k little over a year ngo I wrote to von for 67 Railroad Avonus. Washington. N. J. THAIXSLKAVIXO WAKIIIXOTON. Iiiwtmim.' chilli-d. jJ |{l.Vi |.:< ](. Knuhiiul preaclicrt line- -•''• ''hii'ves vNit \Vasliiu»ton houses ad vice," says Mrs. KUznbclli J. Fislier, of Diana, 4,ir> a. in., iliilly, to Iluffnlo urn! Chicago. put it on the market'and guarantee 211. Fifteenth annual lHiii.|iict of Jrr- ]aurenle scrmuti to Wasliin»ton Hifili --fvial iiiybts in suceession. .. | W-Vn. "Vott advised me to use Dr. Tierce's . SpcclallHt iii Chronic Caiieti. 4.27 a. in., dally, to New York via 1'utornon. nl Favorite Prcscrlptlou nnti 'Golden Medical Dis- fi.41 n. in., ilnlly, tn N<>w York via I'nterHonit. . Now we believe that almost Hey MOM- Company at Pbillipsliur^. M-IIOOI "laduiilen. I •&"». Hncki'tlftmvii has mi jmpils m , WttwtiliiKtou, \VeilnH unly, Lo Nutv York via f nearly all the time in my left side, nervousness 'Newark.. who will take a bottle of Vinol will 2-1. The Melvidere I'resbyteiian church HJ [V;ifl,tion -Ahiriienl Tea at Hack-' " nianidain road in Fnuiklin and Oreen-! and licadaclie. , Was so wenk I could linrdly 7..'18 ft.in. , except Sunday, to Now York via hji< u nicinln'iship of :»03." 'eltst'owu. "iimU'slsoL-ial event of season. "illl- •; •• ,' walk across my room. Could not sit up only DR. P. JUDSON ECKEL, feel better right away. ( just ft little while nt a time. My husband got • Newark. 24. Hie fjnmd jury, uaaldi! to collect Clinton DcWitt l'lannu"aii elected '-'• ^''"' nainpton holds lOlh annual 8.1(0 a. in., dally, to New York vlu PaterHon. 17 me some of Dr. Tierce's medicine nud I began ' E4 W. Waihlnoton Ayonuo, Waitilngton, N. J. It will increase their strength, conviftin^- testimony ayainst assailants (•,)nrrr,.ftm,mn to succeed the"late J. S. fi-'-tival for ttenetU of Sunday school.. its use. Before I had taken two bottles I wan lO.U'J a.m., except Sunday, to New York via n .. £ ..1.1 inn I.....I.l.limly. . l't..l.\'.\DIIOHIM) St. Cloud Hotel. Junction. old people, the digestion be- county jail. WimliinjMim 1Ii»h school. , , tor o„f Itlooinsliur,, , y• , l'resbvterin„, ... , n ehnrcli. in paper covers, is stnt/ree on receipt of ll.r>0 a. m., dally, to Uulfalo, Chicago and 24. Onvlev Ilios.. niillcis nt Aslmr.v, ... ..| j,% ], n, . | i, i( |,| nine- -• "• "• Iv'lt.v of WinliiiiRton ore comes feeble. Vinol supplies quick n lUs ( c c n ra s 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of St. LCIUIH. fuil. AKikilHllinlists lose S2.000. liuli oiilllvi'rKiirv. piiiinii'tiir of the Opera House. Cafe. nfifn.fiflfl n ,n tn., tn.., Sunday, Sunday* on*only onlyl , t, oto Phil.lpflhiirK Phil.lpflhiirK. . nourishment.and helps the food to 4 Irs nn !J i11 fi mttiHriR only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, DR. F. PIERCE FARROW, 12.G0 |i. in., ilnlljilnlljrr , to SeSew York via NewarNewarkk. •J4. Three lintels anil three «nlnon" li- .i.v i!(,v ].' C|ul- Clino rpsi"ns from - ^ ' ^ " - -^l'" '. 'eu >"'' oniiuul inectiiifl - ut XewW Windsoi r , 8.10 p.m., except Sunday, to Hampton June Take home a bottle of Vinol. 4 v omc.Ho»r.{fgJ»,fiJ| V Money back if it isn't helpful. Kiuceit witli the nssistame of MissViith ,.i,.hi ,,npils " " .Hotel, Second Floor, Ford & PlemlDg Balldlng. mill MIWSIS. Weinuarten ami llrittain. ?.(i |.'|,'ven pupils "nuluute from Hack-' 13. JOIIIW l'rnll, llclviilerc, swiuillcil r llllt Dr. Humphreys. •Jo. .lustice Moss fines .Tunics Cline ?.>0 citslown Hi"li schoiTl. °^ "e'U'ly $12,000 hy a western shnrk. mul costs for c:ueUy to his horse. o"; philliii^hui.' Ili»li school "Viuluatcs "'• I"'orty-five burrels of cement mmlu After fifty 'years Dr. Hutuphreys* DR. SEIP, 27. Misho|) .Mel'aiil i-onfirnis thirty |\ventv-six pupils. " " !'.v I'Mison's new plant in Stewurtsvillo Specifics enjoy tbo greatest popularity Warren Co. Drug Store OItl lollr persons ul St. Ann's church. .Tuuctioti. .j^ hneilin" meetin» of the Hackptts- '" " ' - nml lurgest salo in thoir history, due to EYE SPECIMJST, Mail Orders Supplied, $x per Bottle, 20. Mansllelil l.o,l e. Xo. 42. I. 0. 0. ,„„,, nfivini? Association, ir. I). Jlollpr. »'• '"^'."P Tliomni. A Stnrkey makes s intrinsic merit. They euro the sick. 4th and Northampton Express Paid. I--., celehrnles 3:iil imniveiv-my with en- ,, u, .,., ,.,,t,,|. tlirPD horses ami wins "nnunl visitation to Washington anil f )vl a SO, CURES. TRICES. Struts, 8.88 p. in teitainineiit. ' Uni-i. |i t nionevs ' llnckcttstown Kpistopal clmrchps. rs 1—Fever*. Congestions, Inflammations. .23 Second Floor, , LOUIH. May. .1 2!l. C.C. I. liecalauicute sernioii hy 211. lliickettstoun Jliiiinjr Comjmny or- 10.52 p. m., dally, to Duffnlo. •i_Woriii)t. -Worm Fovor, Worm Colic... .25 1. Cnleh Ahcr, (ireut Mciiilous, began licv. ,I. ].;. Adams. lirooklyn. sauizes with nlltlionznd eapitul of EASTON, PA. V, A. COOI'KU. AUKNT. 3_Teetlilnn.Collc.Crj-luiT.Wakefulncaa .25 Car Fare Allowed on 12.00 Glauses.: Do not fail to see the shipment of iiioliMill|r snliil, u nc«- no. A trilie of tile I. O.' II. M. insti- *1HO,000. 4-DIarrlico, of Cblldreaor Adults 25 enterpriM'. luted ill lielviilere. • 21. llliiKlurs ilynainite sufe at l-rencll- 7-K/OugliH, Colds, Itroncliltla 125 1. Wallace 'I'avlor, of llackcttslown, . • . town post-olliie mul take about $230. 8-^VetirnleIn, Toothaelio, Faceacbo 25 ul r> DR. G. T. FOX, OUR FINE LINE OF PIANOS ainiointeiIKiinteil ehiechieff o'off llni ilepmt.iient liy J S I 2:1. .Miners letilin to work after five !l—Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .'25 1 < 1 1 ... i 1i . '1'hieve'rilijii-f<^i-iiijiifs raid llullzville»iii'#*-iii.. . months' si riki Jli'vor I'rice. I 10—DvNiiepHln.IndlaeBtlou.Wcak Stomach. 25 Offlcu and RcHldence, 172 Main St., d l' Iteception eiven Dr. and -Mrs. .1. 0. 1. Hotel Clarendon, llackctlstown, re- 2:1. I'rof. F. T. Atwood re-appointcd 11-BupiirvHNL'JorI'alnrulI'eriodH !±5 BATH, PENNA. - FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON oluuton at llackcttstown. openeil after sixt months. superintendent nf Wnrri'iieounty schools. la-Wliitea.TooProfusoPfrlods .25 Otilco Hourfl—From 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. Prac- 13—Croup, Laryncltln. lloarsencsa 25 1 Hacker & Slmrts purchase the 2. llaekettstown InstitlltL' graduates 2:1. WashiiiL'ton M. IC. church bazaar tice limited to d.HPHHim of the , - ll-SaltRlictim.Erysipelas.Eruptloiia.. .25 ll tuilents. Dr. E. A. N'olilc' results in'profit of ?02.1." " " EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. consisting of the ...,..•?.I,,.. » .!.» "\1.. '....I ^f_. If!. 15-nhcuinatlNiii. llhoumatlo Fains 25 IG-Malarla, Chills, Fever and Aguo 25 Alao, Itelractton ot the Eyes for the aQJnit- 19—Catarrh, Influema, Cold ID tbo Head .25 ment of glaHHeB. ConHtantly on band the largest assortment r.r\t ru/rrri SO-WlKiopInn-CoiiKh -. ,»5 of Spectacles and Eye Gtassea In theLehlgb . U7-Hldney DIHCUHCR .35 Vallej-. 2rt-Ncrvoun Dolillity 1.00 At EASTON, Franklin Hoime, TDESDAY8. *i]dreBn: Bath. Fa. •- ,'s. I'hillip.sliuiK. soils 'for1 Koine. :ll. .lohii Smith, Belviilciv, uclehrntos JlO-Urlnarv Wcakncm, Wetting Bed.. .25 ounmiin 77-Orlp. UayFaver...... 25 IS \rcliie It. Weller, 10, injured at !>• Mr. »>«l Mrs- S. Ji. Dllnlnp eclchrnto 72il liiithday. Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. \V'ishin"ton inaiuifacturili" plant. tenth weildiuj: aiinivi'rsary. Allanillchy.. November. 1 Careful Examination 83- Dr. Hamplireya New Pocket Manual IS S2oToOO iuclt'iiient npiinst Lackn- 10. liev. I.. 1!. Runows installeil pas- . |) . |, Harbor elected Senator, :) r ilae of all Disoases mailed free. of Eyes GABLER wiinno roail for ilpntll'of Uevorc child at t"r "f llarmoiiy rrosbyterian church. .l,,hn"A. Wildrick Assemblvmun, Williuin Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and |[,,pc. I "• Hijjh llriilp. iiost-onicc eutereil hy J,,ds,,i, llmker slicrill' ami Ji. Frank Fox JotmSU.. New York. ;j and the fittingo f 10 The hi" strike in the coal districts burglars. und .Michael Kcnuev coroners, FOR of Peimsvlvania he"ins this morning. '13. .I. Dowitt lliands, of Delaware Ti. Missionarv convention of l'atorson Spectacles and Eyeglasses. BACON 141) 0110 oi'nplovcs iille. , roliheil of two horses; subsequently re- district helil in Washington. "V Thousands of SatlefiuifPatroni. 12. The Junction Jr. O. U. A. M. en- covered. • S. The rebuilt Oxford Must furnace tertnins a hundred micsts. ' !•"'• l)aimi«liiK hail storm. ligbtcil bv .Miss Whin, the superintend- VOTTO JARCK, Optician, II! Frank Wolff reloosed by Court of 1.1. Kind iFleniiuir ilissolvc: liilsiiic5S.,,.,i'i's lilll,.ilau;>hter. 4-il Northampton St. EASTON, PA. MAJESTIC I'anlons He liad'bceu sentenced to five continued by Mr. Ford. ••'" a. Mr. ami .Mrs: Adam K. Seuls;White- veins shootiii" J. IT. Dahlko, lielvidero. Hi- liev. llorrouglis Kldriclse of Hat- h,,use, ci'lebnite six! v-lilst wedding nn- D. V. WYCKOFF, Papers At all three stores ' II. A. W. Cutler elected director of boro. I'a.. accepts call to Washington niversary. Muanl of Freeholders; O. A. Angle attor- Uaptist church. t i), Kainnouut I'ledbyteriun church re- 72 Cirllan Avtnue, Waihlngton, N. J. ,\ HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. uev Klias ',I. Mnckev collector. IIS. John T. Chile, of Portlmid, I'a., „,„,„„] ,,ftci being dosed three luonths INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATi, ;; ;: GOTO : 14 'I'lirce humlr«r members of tho locates «roeciy business Hnckettstown. for repairs. '• NEWTON, N. J. _^ j Ki.Jlishop "McFutil visits St. Joseph's „. \|r. anil lire. John C. 1'crdoc, rhil- Loeol Telephone Coll No. 31. : j parish. Washington,; ilf re-opening -'of linslmrg. celebrate their silver wedding. A. A, AlCHER'S, STROUDSBURQ, PA. -•--'-•NO TRKSPASSING.-1 -' church. amU'onlirnis a large class. | !). Audovcr Iron Co's plunt at l'hil- vll iienoiia lire wnrncil airalnnt irraeaBU- 1T- Jr"ss "[octl"» of Washington citi- lip.sburg being rebuilt. J. R. UNDABERRY, 102 S. Third St., Easton, Pa. Ins u/.on the liuiilH ol the subscribers In nuy zens in favor of trolley. I 12. The lirst of tlio series of CHIL. 11 Broad Stroat, Washington, N. J, mimiirr. especially tor tlio .iiiniomot limit- 20. Washington silk mill struck by taininciiLs bv Washington Athletic Asso- — JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. F.I. HiK, trowoiiK. llBlilai! or nlckl IB fruit, tier- | .,|,tnii,,». ,.i.,li,,,i ,,1.-™ bv Unitv To INSURANCE AND HEAL ESTATE. u v v t lM HACKETTSTOWN, N. J. j,°5*sJS" • ;st«f™t«viue '' '""" ""°. ' »eh, held at Junction. l1(),nidai'i'i!s''to"iiiSlKle"'ni.w fuctork's. nnd "Bonttj's Iliuoiritteil T<.uril(!lllerH HGlHor ?22D CommleBloner ol Dceda and Pension Agent. .l.'u.'willever.'.V.'.V..'.'.'..Vwii«Vi'hiZaoi^ TowaHhlp Proceeds. $270. | ];[ Knights of Golden Eagle institutL.- Of tho WorlU.'1 Mn>»r 'nnniiliiK-Cotlli/i 1,1 our OSPOllPl ton, U. J., frnm 18T» to It«.,im] Hee for yOlirHel! The PEOPLE'S Fmnk Hyniiui, on Win Frltts tana, \Viinli- 24. Jacob Dunn and daughter badly jn J'hillinsbur". live (») torm». Tho r«nk nl11" ' "^ "" 'uu'"1" The oUe«t mill llirKo»t dealers In Kortliorn Colonol wns uouforrml HI Froal-w-l fn u t • rtimn tt\ New .Terwey. KHtalillslieil 1SG7. Ill'iS'/'so'i'icr" "*'''''' MonaMil Township '"JU'«1 in a peculiar inanner at Tnilny-, H.Jacob S\ Castucr celebrates SSth NATIONAL FAMILY : 1 ST. CLOUD HOTEL, Robert C^«tiicrV.'.'.V.'."V.Wii«hlnier'iiiri'iV, iifii'r.Iunetlon new church. I m. Washington M. K ehurch receives COLONEL DANIEL F. BEATTY, OneurpuHftud In location,' accommodation' WASHINGTON. NEW JERSEY. id management. Permanent and transient UrilfVnDI/ WeilneHdarulillHheyd Monday, tiQSts well entertained. PrlceB reasonable. ; 1H In reality a (Ine, freHhr , NEWYOnK every-otlier-dn™™&™?™*y Dally--, Every room heated by steam And lighted TRI WFFkl V KivifiKlvltiK tiio'lii^Ht"th l't . w Oy electricity.

I ni ncc.i\L.i on (1|iyB of 1(mue> nnU covering news of tho TDIDIIUC otherthree. It contains ft : p. ill us WASHINGTON HOUSE, IKIB U N b a,How- wwSriS Harry Knowlfts, Proprietor.' -.••••• • ••' • WIIPH In tin- Pally Trl. buno ot same date, UIHO Douit'Btlc anil For- Only a Tew steps from the D., IJ. .t W. st tlon, elffn (JorreHiionrieiice, Short Stories, Kk'Kiuit The First National Half-tone llluHtnilloiirt, IIumorouR Items, In- the Leading" WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. dUHtrial Inforiniitlon, 1'nntilon Notcn, Agri- cultural MatterH and UompreheiiHlve nnd Ke- Best accommodation!* for transients. "-liable Financial mul Mnret IteporU. Bar.irof Easton allows Gontraciing Builders Old Btand with modern convenience!.' ' , Itcgular suhsurlptlon price, $1,50 per year. Fine table; comfortable rooms; We Furnish it with THE STAR far $2.25 well stocked bfir. per Year. Four papers, each week, interest, on time depos and Carptnte AMERICAN HOUSE, Send all orders to THE STAR. Leading, because they possess the l

You will recognize De Rerner'wprk by

• its goodness. ROBERT; P: iiOWELL, Civil Engineer and Surveyor.

1 UL'Ofiuo. M. Mlickc-yU Kl'.V, I' nillhlll. Frn'iikllil Him imnuiiijiniii im.l W.i i « ,n .)- , . u- .- /i^ iiiril (if M'UMK'tt-;- 1"'">'""^ ,>i"'. [lv li.-,. liev. \\-. II." ttsliorn. of UnekeUs. P'^yious yeav. Nasal I nm now remly tn do nil kinds o! civil engl •iSilJh S irs'SillfT waKoSWniSW S .•..;:;;.Hi™;. S, L Sio f =;• ^,^<;y ',f»»fe ooioi,r,,i«i ho- ...... iiL'CriiiH and land surveylii^. j.iIiiill.'liiiir.iiilj'VC" ..Tiipk«oii Vnllcy li. & (1. |,iu,in,,tlvo. .;•'.: ' ,™l» '"rlliilny nt AMnimicllv. ^ He-Biirv?yH. Siilxllvlnlon o( IHTKO tractn. MAXUFACTOIIY Win. T. Hvwou..... Ml. ""Hoi, N.J. .2I;: |>l,iili|M|iiirj: raiiiliiiisls purelmso .. -10. .1 ho mw .draicli ot St. l>osc s par- CATARRH « Staking out «treot» ond uiilldliiRa. 1 y — Grndea for Htreetn nud drainage. Washington, FUR ROBES };."{•'. l"."Vl™.'."'i:J.!:!"...'.'"oxdinl TowiSlill;. f«n"» '» l."»'» Hnllmv. SU-wnrtsvillo, jj ^ ' (|f *,'[.','•',((J° "|y™ i,,', ,v' ^iv"'',.^'?" :::::::::::::::::::c!;SM,An;;N:!iV ,„, u,,,, riMf. "" yIri'all Its fltflges. Ttallroad location am] construction. h •>'",'.Il,7 1 1'"'" ''"rt 'M"rM-Vl,,?,;,;',; •-«• Vrem\\ in'nrkel.Hn St..Jnino*' ,,iM ;» 1 g ! cleansesEly's ,Crea aootbeaftiitm Ball healms AND BLANKETS $JX^::=::=:::::i:=™ I. the diseased umiiilirnnc. BLAIRSTOWN, NEW JERSEY., S. A. nrlBf.l. Anlinrjr rnrin'oi'i:ii|il"il1iy.ti>liii •>;. Mr. mill Mis. T. . R-Oivloy 1111(1 It ciirca cntiirrh and drives are our specialties this moritiv. away n uulil I" tho head Philadelphia r „,« quickly. We are offering rare, good values. &.Z=::;=8^aK IJ 1;. Croam llulin Is i.lncurt into Ihc nostrils, spre Only Shop in Town with Two Provisional Barbcn, '"" S."'il3 KSi™ n,«l U-.. 1^over Hie membrano and is absorbed, ltclief ie 1m l>ir^>h\a'nn''1'-1V1V'Vrv!i:""/."WH: S 2S. J.'S. '.'insniati's'linusa in AViwhinjr- cell, l'l,illip lmr . • You will miss'it if you do- S lvVw;i:;::":w ll s S mediate mid a cure follows. Ittsuot (trying—doei Dental .">. llicll:ivil (Ircen mill Kllsullietll 'I'ims, ! Mr*. KrnnkT. IlnWi!fr...v Knuiklln TWJI („„ s|nn-k l»y lijiliUiin^ tw\w (luring not inodnco sneezing. Lar^c Size, 50 cents atBrtig- not see our lines: -•••?••>-..-.•,:•= n,illi|.,lS.ra. , ••• . Kiate or hy iiwll; Trial Sizu, 10 eunls. 1 l tr rl UK 11.•.Inim-s ,\. Smitli nn.l Jlntikln li Rooms "toil triwiiVni'n' '""" " " "' ?v' •'' ,' ' September. . ELY BHOTUEKS, EG Warren Street, Xew York JainpHA, m«lHr...... ^PorLMiipriiy .._ S1]ll(, ••{•m.|ici], Qnler of Ullittu] Ulmnni . I'liillipsbm^. 212 Northampton Sl. wVXv\^ilmtK^^ JIHimiics. ntjriulwl liy ISjO • 15. .lames ..Wilson ^inid Oiaro Wnst- BARBERSHOP • AtiHiiltnii I'I.IWI....::...;,.., MmiHliclil Twti tdiU^rniiK . ul, Was1iiii"lmi. •''1 lirnok, litOvnlc-lv. ' ' (Formerly Stark'*) il•'.''•' f .liiculi Hlll^Sr....,,".'. ..Mmmfleld tjvpr," .j ^ycd.,-!^*,^' ltii'iiii'.^iit HolvKloVn.' '""•- - • IS. Willi:im.. klkmsitm. -.-.W'-illijisburir, EASTON, PA, and'ali ojher i,pr?e furnishings, ; 1 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANKV;J. Teelli extracted absolutely without pain S/untK'l rtlii'i'iini t"';!!!!!!l!""!!Vv)ii«MiiKtnn 'I'WJI 1,,-id.r,. ucmss Um "'MiiSeoHPtpoti}' nt IS. Clinton 1 dirt imp; "Ddnwim , nntl J j I |1 I - Entrancp on Bolvidoro flvonuo ..: •- *:~;-?,: the best set of teeth that can bejnade S T' •. r;"; n. ;V:!!un£v:;^ S-nuni.^lond's ,,,U,.;naok<-Uslowii.- ^ - tlJl.iiif].^YoHi^.-]{ocksbm-g. --. • :•• ^ ; 'for only S8.00.' Facc.Antitcptlcsand Razor DulnleclanU AIwe>* Used 0. / .


HAOKISTTSTOWW. ASBUIty. lncar(iufntcil .March 3rd, 1R74. , : Mra. Em T. Wildrlck entertained n fow Tho public sohool waa closed on Mon- Mrs. Copo of AUentown, Fa,, waa a YOU CANNOT THINK ....THE.... : friends at hor homo on Washington street day, Tuesday and Wednesday of this weob visitor In town on Thursday. ; CHRISTINE OF ONE WITHOUT last Thursday afternoon In honor of her on account of tho toaehera' institute ID Mlea JennloL. Opdyke waa entoitninod MCRRIS COUNTY guest, Mrs. Alice Van Horn-Meadows of Bolvidero. It was also cloaett on Thurs- at toa Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. James L. Virginia. On Tuesday Mm. Meadows wont day and Friday of last week owing to tho Groveling. • to itoaovlllo, whoro her husband will join illnosa of tho toachor, Miss A. D. MRrtonls. Mif-B Josophlno Johanson roturned to SAVINGS" BANK-• hor, nnd thoy will spend tho winter with Mra. Apgar and llttlo dauRbtor of Glou HR 1ST MAS hor parents, hor home In Oxford on Tuesday after Alorriitown, New Jersey. Qardnor spent part of last -week with T. upending a fortnight with her Bister, Mrs. John 0. Sharp has beon Bponding the Sloan Wolob and family. J. B. Smith, near town. P»E»IOCNT-HENHY W. MILLER. William Borry nnd Mra. 0. II. Carpontor Vici-PfltiiDCT-AURELIUS B. HULL. F you are desirous of purchasing a Christmas gift thai will please, get it of Cliiistine, the Jeweler. Every past week with his cousin, William Ax- Mrs. Peter Hockafellow of White House attended the funeral of Mrs. Alex. Berry GECRETA^V ASO THIA»UHI«-H T HULL. ford, at Greonvillo, Malno, enjoying the is horo assisting In tho care of her mother, body knows that the name CHRISTINE on the package means perfection in quality and workmanship. in Pbillipsburg last Thursday, fcunliag sottson. . Mro. Jesse Lake, who baa been sorlouBly ASSETS, - --- $2,506,5^6 25 n This has become so well known that people offer us good prices tor empty boxes with our name on Monitor Council, No. 83, Jr. O. U. A. M., Charles Hflzird left last Saturday for an i!l thu paat fdw weeks. LIABILITIES, - - - 2,271,387 80 extended visit with frionda at Mt. Freo- to put cheap goods in, knowing lhat the recipient will take it for granted that it mujt be good or they would has accepted an invitation from Il*iv. J. Mrs. Wm. Banghart and daughtor, MIES doui, Kowark, Dflyonno and Jcrooy City. SURPLUS, -•-> 235,178 45 not be in our boxes. :• G. JohoBtou to attend services at tho M. E. Margaret, spent laBt Sunduy wltb Mr. and church on Sunday ovonlng, December 14, Too public school at Atsbury Station waa Mrs. AlotzoTlotsworth. flSTr.KKST'Uilcctnrcil ami paid )n Jnnu- at 7 o'clock. cloned the early part of last week as the »iy uiiiV Inly o10f (fiic1 h yrtir from Die MIsaEduaFrit?. of Annnndnlo roturned ITofit.i » r Hie ii"^ "* six inotitli"' tiii-l- toachor, Miaa A. M. Simaiitoti, attended Mrs. William M. Bvorltt entortaincd to her homo on Saturday after Bovoral ness •.. .-•...... ,.• ,'; ~" ""tton't Buy Until You See Our Immense Stock. Prices Talk. tuot * Instltuto »t Flomington.: ©lil'uSlTA iitu.lt; on or l»croK the ,ud very pleasantly a party of twenty, ladies at weeks' visit Mrs. Harry Hoffman. fl prngrflaslvo euchro last Wednesday even- it.iv of J:itin:irv. Atirll, Julv autl oc Mrs. RlfzfiSnyder went to Washington Mrs. 3. E. Q. Smith la now at the tol.iT-o up and wan vary auccswful. About twenty at from Sij.cc to ?$o co. don will continue to bo personally inac- branch of tbo tree struck him in passes any we liaye ever had. Look at Bon Bnn Spoons i.;o up Nickel Open Fa:e 51.cotoS6.oo years ngo ho retired to this placo and hnH n One Di.-Mtniid Riiis with six stones, igod by him. tbo eye and ho haw now entirely lost Olive Forks....;...:....-....;.. i; "p S'lver '* " 9.00 to 120) since glvon his tlmo ehlelly to tho over- the show windows. Cataract Hono Company will CUIUWHLO Berry Spoons.. 4- ;o up worth iCc.cc: our price jjG.10. Hi led " " 10.00 to 20.00 sight of bis roitl CHtato, Ho is survived by tho twenty;fifth anniversary of their or- We likewise have the largest and tmest One Ruby Solitaire, worth about Gents' Nickel Watches: cutting eomo kindling wood, Injured her a wifo, nnd ono HOII J. V. Wlllover of this JEWELRY. ganization on tho ovo of tho Now Your. A : „, ?15 oc;,_oiir-|Hlce ^ic.co. . . . ?2.;o Svoo S;.co 57-50 eye In a similar way. Sho went to East on placo. line of spcctrtl committee fur the arrantjemijnts last Thutwlity accompanied by Dr. F. J. 1 "•'"liVKRY WATCH WARRANTED. Charms ,5010: !00O Two Pearl Hoops, worth Si; 00; our las beon appointed. L*Elew and hiid bur u.vu t)X\mlned by Dr. Alonzi TleUiWorlb on •Wednesday met Lockets .joto 10.CO Better WaUlies at little higher prices. price ?io co and ?i:,co On Thursday and Friday afternoon and Dudley. Ho Bald tlioslchtwna proatly Im- with a painful accident by having his eye Library Lamps Necklaces i.r; to 0 CO injured. Ho wont to tho Eiihton hoHpita' Scarf Pins 1.co to 10 CO Inourrhf; department you will find FIVE BARGAINSt evening <>f this week tbo Ladies' Lsnguo pnired and gave hor llttlo encouragement. on Thursday for treatment. in the county, and the smaller kind as Brooches ...... 2; to U 0*5 styles innumerable in chased and plain Ladle-*' Diamond Mounted Watche*. ofthn&I.E church will hold a'-National Communion services wero held In tlie Cuff Links .2; tn S co settings, set with pearls, emeralds, tur- Fair." Presbyterian church lant Sunday morning. In tho early ni->rn on Friday, Dccom' well. These make elegant Holiday pres- I i.OO Two at S35.cc Bracelets llav. William V, Kelly, D. D., editor of Uev. E. 11. Endued, tbo moderator of the bor 5th, John Ahie.died of throat con- Studs !=;to ;.co quoise, opals, sapphires, etc., ranging Two at 4000 ents, for they add to the home cheer and The Muthndht Kovlow, will leoturo in tho seaMou, was prosant nnd delivered a Quo sumption with which he tind been adllctcd Emblemsl .50 to 7.co in price from Si.co to ?ic.oo. One at 45-oo C C. I. chapel on Friday evening, Dcconi- for ecveral inontU^t Mr. A^l ^»i" sovurol ate constant reminder* of the donors. b'»rl2*h. Hf» fuhjtci.will bo "A Knight times been u resUtuiit of our towii, moving PAUL E. WLRT FOUNTAIN PEN'S ....'...... SI.$O of toe 20 h Century' (Jobn Brown),, L\UB\CH9\13ASTO;s\ PA. away when he found employment CLOAC AND SUIT DEPARTMENT ON whoro nnd returning when out of work. A Beautiful WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS 2.50 AculltUf E'hvr.rd Clibhsof Siihonloj's SE?OND FLOOR, Uo Is survived by a wifu mid TRAVELERS' FOUNTAIN PENS... 1.00 to 1.50) "" ' '"""• VI .untHin hnH been ch- sen by tbo children. c'«nH»t the Cornell UftlvnMty Mcdlcil Our Cloak nnd Suit Department is a busy Sewing Machine, Clinic In New Vorkto ho"in'of thcschll- vUf.o. Tho popularity of the "Monlo Irvln WokerUmof Easton, f irmerly of PulMiti1, I'.i., !tpps us luibtlliiy. Tiicrs is no noud to liiivo the annoyance of tiavins your clothes Miss Mny tloff of Jortoy City p:tM3cd We have sold these machines for several M.- T. Welsh (;f Gurmnn V.il!ey hi mudo to order. Ours are made by up-to< Sunday with her parcnto, Mr. and Mrs. years and they give splendid satisfaction. it on HpirtnTint" for his family »r. thed.nu Uil irti Htul we gturantco thorn to tit. \merlcan Honjo for tho winter I'utor HuiX. :. . Tiike elevator tostcond Hour. Sittnual ApgHr nf PlalnrlBld wns tho Mist B-:iPnie Van llorno of Jersey City re- WARREN COUNTY'S W.M. LAUUACH *t SON, 13 i8*.on, Pa. KiiL'^t on yitiurduy Mid hundny of bia Other,Useful and turned to hi;r houi'j l-st Tuesclny afu-r a P. S. Ctiildreu's Coats and Capt'S nro pareiiln, Mr. ai.d '•Irs. ai«nfoid Apgnr.' delightful arj .urn with friends !•! alao on 8c=o::d i\y>r, lai>jj«..rt!»er ]m re til a, The Lidiew' Guild of St. James' church Mr. nnd Mrs. Trieosloro Mtlick. .• \ }} how well we can serve you. held their annual birttidny pnrty on Tues- Jim Dalrymple, our mall carrier, has New Styles, New Designs, in Rochester Cottapo prayer meeting was held. -',. the day evening. A program of muatc and reslsned. Tlie vacancy is being fliied by home of Mr. and Mm. CliettorCrtae on Lamps. Center Draft G>1 Cft U U SI) recitations was given and tho ovening JobT Miller. J. K. C00KE proved moat enjoyablo and successful. Wednead.iy evonins. BurneFs. Fancy Globes ijl.JU IU O't.JU Mra. Anderson Hawk fa visiting her The net proceeds were *35.00. The regular monthly meeting of tho mother, Mra. Rtttenhouse, who Is eick at ON THE COR HER., Miss Lyra Smith entertained a company Biptlsttown. -*,•""'••• Woman's Homo and Foreign Missionary if friends last Monday by a sewing party Society met at the homo of Mrs. Cbarleg .§...; 7 The THOMPSON GLOVE FITTING CORSET Seltz's beer wagon team ran from this ia, the afternoon, supper nnd progressive S. Allen on Wodnosdny aftornoon. platiu t«j Alpha oil Thursday bat fortunate- S is the Easiest-fitting, Best-wearing and the Most ComfortableCorset made." New stylesfor stout ladies euchro in the evening, Tho prizes were Tho funeral services of J. J. •Wiliovx-i' , LI ly no damage was dono. $ are guaranteed to suit; if they do not, bring them back and get your money—Price, $1.00. won by Mra. W. M. Ereritt, Mra. A. W. was held on Tuesday morning, Dee. Sth, at Cutler and MISB Jennie Everitt, Wm. Taylor was loading coal atPursell'.i 11 o'clock. Rev. J.B. J. Rhodos conduct- ~| You will want one of the "SOROS1S " UNDERSKIRTS to wear with the corsets. coal yard Thursday when his horses be- Mrs. Ella Hilclerbrant has been spending ed l ho services in tho M. E. church. In- came frightened at a passing train and the week at the home of her father, Mr. terment In the new cemetery at Bloomt- a Lidiea' Umbrellas, at 9S2, *l 50 and ?2. I The Bcst-fittipK and Best-wearing Un- r White nud Grey Blanketa, 6O2, 7O2, 902 ran down a steep hill, killing ono horse biiry. McPeak, near Eadd'3 Like. and seriously injuring the otbor. Q Gentlemen's Umbrellas, 9Sc to f3 ' derskirt is the "3or09i9"—prices, 51, i SI 25 and >2 50 her pair. John D. Sands, aged 55 years, of this The funeral services ;>f John Able waB " W" ————————fi1' O ^ =n t ' A horse aged 33 years, owned by Alvln held on Monday in the M. E. church. Rov. . Ladles'Golf Ulonu, 50c.'."' place died at Morris Plains Hospital Dec. Melfck, was shot while it) paature last J. B. J. Rhodos conducting the services. \ Ivies'Ribbed Urid-rTO-ir, a ed, 25c Uth. Tho remains -•- were brought to the Children's Golf Gloves, So. \ Children', Woolen Mittens, 15= to 25c eM Sunday by one of his neighbors and killed. IateTnioYit in Bloomsbury cemetery. Union cemetery in this place for burial on Thieves have been visiting this vicinity Beat Line of Mon'd Suspenders in town per pair. Wo aro pleased to notetbat Mrs, Charity at 25= per pair.;. ; Tuesday. ' . ' juito frequently lately, breaking Into 5 pe pir.;. Dalrymple, who has bet1",, quito sick tho Ten members of tho sophomore class at houses and carrying oQ cutk^r, clothing, Men's Flee™ Lined Underwear,tbeoOc I Children's Handlterebiefs,2 ror oc,3 for ' Boys' Gloves, tHo kind that keep'the past few weokj, ia agaiiiablo to assemble the Institute have been' disciplined by the table linen arid all ^pcutJ^The ptople of kind, for 39c each. j as,02 and 103 each. : hands warm, 25c per pair. with her family. faculty for shaving off the inuotuche of A, this vicinity have ofljv^od ft?Iarge reward , Reiberger, a freshmin. for the arrest andSionyictlon of these batlon, as tho rosult of tho special meet- We think, and our customers tell us, that we have the best line of GROCERIES and CANNED GOODS in town, thieves. V' :-': ings which closed on Sunday evonlng. More will bo received next Sunday. ' We believe it, for they know. Won't you try them ? We know you will come again. ie wonder^ ^success of Ramc The barn and outbuildings of Wm. Nerve & Bone OUln cases of rheumatism, Shlmer, near Green's BridRO, with all his On Tuesday afternoon and evening, Dnc. Boreness, Btlff joints, etc., lies in its pene- Huiamor crops nud machinery, including 16th, there'will'be hold lntho M.- E. Plum Pudding, 25c per can. New RaWns, f ceded, loose, 10a and 12c ! Canned Corn, IO2,12; and 15s per clUKfLt>Vt. dance at HIIOH BlHina'^Wednesday evening 5100. of lastiwoek. 72 Carleton Avenue. Harvey Perry Uns secured employment Bennett Colo and wife to Grace Liwis of A sociable was hold nt tlie homo of Mra.' LOCAL TELEPHONE NO. IB. V "."•a: Phllllpaburg, dated Nov. 28, '02, conveys in" Newark, where he moved his family Margaret Kennedy last Thnradsy evening. •n Saturday. rj>-- nrnnerly in Pliillipaburg; conaldoration, There was a fair attendance. - " ' Daniel WIntersiH robulldtng hie bnrrT.' Mrs. John FKirierfoit 'of'UoadVlllehaa Vo=c=r.;a==;;'J«bCT»(t BEETHOVEN •!• ,, Goo. B. Cole, Shorifl", to Goo. G. Black- Mr. and Mrs. George Everett nro outer- boon spending a fow weoka with her a . ;;; "T"(F' -;•• m P5A1MQ or ORGAN FREE well of Mlamuchy, drttfid Aug. 5, '01, con- taining frlondo. daughter, Mrs. Joseph Ivlnuey. .... • Fine Jewelry .5 -V( voys laud In Prelinghuvson; consideration, -rrMi^s Ethel Cregiir was tho Rueat of hor Mia?;Mary Greon and cousin, Miss Abtjlo foffnll pirtieahw ar..I>c will surprise you wiiJi'Urt'Urgiins we have to offer J'i-J/ ¥250. grandparents over Sunday at Karrsvillo. Juno, oxpotit to spend n couplo of weoks K. Erakoloy and wife to Konry J. S For Christmas. ^g WE DON'T WANT ANY-MONEY John B. Bigler iq driving tho delivery with friends and relatives In Newark about 'B '' •"•-'—•'nimiisplayot rclliililuJew-^O Shinier of Lopatcong, dated Nov. 21, '02, wagon for Brown Brothers, and Bert Fin- the Holidays. in aJi-inec,-: Our uew tati'ipM wiil slion- you bow to get a niftb-griiJt Piino « Organ at th g 'i- i']r.v hi nhr Htoru 1H HOW OHO " ,. II convoys land In Lopatcontj; conaldoratlon kle has romovod his,-family to Now York. Mis. L. V. Wiilinms Is spending a couplo S of Hie llneHt In tlilH ttectloji. 'm'z S ONE YEAR'S FREE TRIAL TO ALL ' 035. •• - - There was a largo crowd at the sale of of w«oku with relatlvoa in Bothlohomland M Soe our window—11 mint ol • : g ,,,t,o,,». J We i5k no aivMK payment and jell on lerffl* to suit pnv purcliiscr. MO AGENTS Mary R. Alexondcr, ot als. to William the household goods of tho la to Hannah Hazbltori, l*ai: ..... HW Kline of PhlllipsburR, datud Dec. 1, '02, NO STORES. NO MIDDLEMEN. Only r,ac wVy'trnm our bi3 fittory ri-.;h: itit Stevouson and things brought fair prices. Mrs. Josao Moore and daughter,' Mary, g OTTO JARCkl • yaarewa hsr- it U-*t'\ Hun WHOLESALE -PRICES. Sciid lo-OiyTnr our utw snd ™ .1 I:\VISI.IJII, , -' • convoys property In Phillipgburg; consid Mrs. Adam Fisher, WIIOMIHH been an in- and .Misa Minerva Pnrk_.of FreoJUnion iMgi.ifieentap.KMl.ile SPECIAL BARGAIN CATALOGUE iusfconl, tf Pl«o eratlon, §3,000. :" ' : • 4(;1 Northampton St.. Eailon, Pa. • and Organs [mention which) ABSOLUTELY FRET:. valid arid a groat sufferer for a number of spent Thursday with Mrs. John Uunyan. Laura Plereon and husband to Levi Ap years, died nt theyhomo of her daughter Mrs. David Vroolaud bns been ontortain- S BEETHOVEN PIANO-and ORGAN CO., ! ; gar of Pohatcong, dated Nov. 17, 02, con Mrs! Seron Young, on Wedncadny. Ing hor aunt, Mrs. Elizabeth Ayco, of Wire- GOX noo WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY, voys lot In Whitakor; conalderHtlon, $76. lotit'mitl'kuviti Mrs. Jacob Potty 1B confined to thetown. •••;••-:-,,: mtannicU'i -.;•...-.• / F. B. Miller, et. aln. to Lizzie L. KRrchor This is the. Time for^Worms. house with neuralgia. Mabel Laruo of Bolvldero spent of PhlUlpBburg, dftled Nov. 4, '02, convoys Mt™ Riding through the country recently wo Wednesday with MlartAbbio Juno. ,:-„::-.;' Have Your Worms Got Horses ? : lota In Lopatcong; consideration, $3G0. i\ra yonrli(jrm;HKctUiiK tliln ami wi-ak? Are wero surprised to BOQ'SO much corn stand- "The cholera has inaflo Us: appearance P. B. Millar, et'als. to ChoVlvarelier of ing out in thefloldn imbuBkeuY since the DR. BnEHSON nnC'g ao:rio of tho farmers' hogs. will rotnovc wormi-'••; Jdeuad or alivo, from honoi and 1 Phltlipfburg, duted Nov. 4, '02,. coiiyoyo fall lias boon HO Into and pluns'int. •i'tlio. It will iwrltj tLhe blood, correct and tone lota In LopRtcoup; cqu-itleratton, (3G0. Tho farmers aro nowlgotllrf^ cents for^ .i»'»t"*e stomncIIL-hU an»uud BotrougtbHit t tlie uoivos. ''' Mrs. Abblo Smith' two dnya In thoir milk at tho oreamcry. A'eood price? ""Dljfrtlojjireuuuun u with each box. Sold b? drouBlsta ;,*# ' Catharine Frfgan to AllIuE. 0. Miller of or sent by mall niiou receipt or Fllty Conti. : . Nouw« Yor.IUIIk^ lasinzut week»vv&i.. .•, ... ,j a Pbinipsburp.'dated Deo..4, '02, convoyfllot Wm. TinRmnn Is Btlll buying and/shlp- Z.&. Smith & Conipany,; . in Lopatcoh»; consideration, ?250. ping pigs fronilocalltics where tho dlseRso - Sufforora from weak nuvves noed nn Iron, :Whniww1nAK«ntB. Newark,* N. J. jC\ T^e Laxative BroiiQS^iiiine tablets. .I.. Hunt t.o_ Alph._.,__a Portland Co_-. has notboenT^fle^Bhlppcd a carload from Tonic. Try Ramon's. It Is rich In irou' lti , Seven Mfflioaboies sofd in past 12 months. ~" ThlS Signature, mcntCo., dated Nov...2, '02, conveyB landsi BattzvlUe last Wednesday and ono from nnd nerve foods. P. N. Jenkins, Warren County Drug Storo. -. JTho Stnr and N. Y. World, 12.00 per yaai' in Greonwlch; consideration, £650. -~ | Ilackottstowrt this Wednesday/! v ,y THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902.

Loyal Young Southerners Fall in Love While Visiting Friends in Warren County. BETIlOTIlEDINIlOSPITAIi

Where He, Then a Wounded Col nnd, En- joys Her Tender Ministrations.

"After'.Twenty YearsThey Revisli (he Scenes ol •;;•/•; Their Love Making Near Washington.

';(HV CATIJX) In the summer of '50 tlic first passen- ger tniiii Hint ever rim up the Delaware duty, took her to tlio very ward where AOOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OO 0<>0<>0ObO<>0<>0000<>0 0OOOOOOOO tXXXXK) OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOC OOOOOO 6 river tin fur us Foul Jtift went pulling young Bancroft lay suffering, and up tlio roml that wna then nbout finished strange ns it may seem she was sent to' to what is now popularly known as minister to his wants. She did not at "The Cwtiirs." It WHS a great day forlirttt recognize the young ollicer on nc- the whole totnmunity, mid hundreds of uount of his careworn and haggard ap- [ people turned out to see the "steam pearance, hut his quick eye found in her, horse" nnd the old fiialikuicd touches. the maiden whom he hnd met years he- j HIVE . The contingent Hint pitheml from Uel- *the FITTS BEE fore in the hills of New Jersey, and the 6 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000 000000000000000000 000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 *,v** ',, vitjure, Washington, Oxford nnd other old spark of love was suddenly rekiu-' "ipoints .wns iimotley yet interesting one. died. ' • •:•. | and reminded Hm writer of •the dnys of At the first opportunity he called : general tniiniiii- by name and the recognition was! . .Diivisoii nnd Major Robert Shay, both complete. The tender care he received s^S well known citizens of the county, rode ...The Christmas Selling Begins... from Unit time on soon began to tell for _ their fiery steeds and directed the ma-the better, and in a few weeks he was, . neuyrea of the. local militiamen. And able ..to quit the hospital for his home;; ••these sclt'-siune in ii it in men were nbout not, however, until ho had asked the And it begins right;- begins with every section fully^fortified to ineet the as green us the rear rank of Uoxey's maiden who had been largely instrumen- army, lmrdlv.knowing their right from tal in his recovery to become his wife. , their left foot. To MUa Snunders the life of a nurse demands of the gift givers—and who is not a gift giver at Christmas ? To : Among: the passengers on that memo- if tor-this -most happy 'episode" proved rable train was nn old gentleman whose indeed irksome, nnd she longed to re-! tell you about this big stock is^tne object of this "ad." Can't tell you about name wna Charles Lee Siumdcrs, nnd histurn to her home in the western part of i wife and daughter. They enme from he state. | West Virginia nnd were on u visit to The opportunity came at last and she all of it, by any means ; can only suggest to you the strength of some of its New Jersey. Their rehitWes lived near gladly embraced 'it. The circumstances" the village of Broadway, nnd owned which led to it, however, were very sad, |uite n large tract of land. After n for her father, who was now well most prominent features, a hint here and there to guide you in your buying. ?ew hours' drive overland Mr. S. nnd hisadvanced in years, and who was a fierce family eanie to the farm house oiMheir Secessionist, bad been shot to death by . A visit to the store will do the rest, and that visit you are cordially invited friends nnd were cordially received.. The u unknown nssassin. The tragedy call-j next few dnys found our Southern d her home and she did not return to . friends making the acquaintance of nenr lospitnl work on account of tho care of ; to make at as early a date as possible. You'll find the Christmas spirit by neighbors and nunming ynrns thnt icr aged nnd infirm mother. As soon as • ;hoy brought from home. Mr. S. wns aColonel Bancroft was able he hastened ( typical'Southerner and his business at :> the; Saunders home, and while there' pervading every nook and corner of the store. home brought him in contact with some narrowly escaped the same fate that of the leading minds of Old Virginia. icfel tho old gentleman. A party of j One evening at a gathering of friends at negroes were seen in the neighborhood: his host's residence, ho spoke of thennd were suspected of tho attempt on j Excellent Underwear and Hosiery. feeling thnt seemed to he growing in the colonel's life because of his strong The Sale of Handkerchiefs. If It's ar. Umbrella, Try This Shop. his native* state with reference to theslavery sentiments. He had said pub-1 Men's Heavy, Fleeced Underwear, 39 •North and the question of slavery, when tiely that "A nigger was only fit to be' We've provided for the wants of hand- A careful study of'"your wants in this one of the* party broke in with: a slave nuil should never be freed with 1 kerchief bu'yers as never before. More important item has been made. M iterials and 49c. ' l "Why, Mr. Snunders, do you really is permission; thnt the Lord had made than double the selling space. Done of the best, handles selected with the Ladies' Heavy, Fleeced Underwear, 25, think that anything serious will grow im for servitude and nothing else."; 29 and 50c. out of this discussion of state's rights?1 The bullet that missed his bead crashed j everything toward making choosing easy. greatest care, prices are bound to please. Children's .Heavy, Fleeced Underwear,._ "Yrs, I do,'' said hu with all ciindor. through Lhi! lisuiiL-mim: itiirnir Hint. Here are a few special lots for you to get Umbrellas from 49c to S5 00 and they . "I am afraid thnt this great nations-ill adorned the Saunders homo, and ns this 10 to 25c. first pick at. ' are all new for this saje. be. embroiled in a great struggle, the was regarded as a bad omen his stay, Boys' Heavy, Fleeced Underwear, 25c. issue of which no one can foretell," with Ilia intended 'bride was necessarily Ladie's before purchasing an Umbrella "Who, in your opinion, would he thebrief. The nuptial day was agreed upon, Ladies' initials at ioc, 15c and 25c. Full line of Wool Underwear, for Men, aggressors, in the event of war?" said howeven before the colonel's departure. Ladles' Embroidered and Lace Handker- for your gentleman friend look our stock'N Women and Children, from 25c to $1.00, In a short time he received hiit honorable one of the eompnny. over, Si.00 to S5.00 and they are beauties. according to size. "I think," said lie, and his face as- discharge from the Southern army nnd chiefs, 5c to $[.98. sumed a look of great seriousness, "that then nmtle nil the arrangements to bring Men's initial Handerchiefs, ioc, 3 for Ladies' and Gents Rain Coats, Jjobb'^ his wife and her mother to his home, the South will be forced into the strug- year make, 52.98 to $6 50. i>,, gle because of the nttitude of the North near Richmond, where his father owned 25c, 15c and 25c. The New Dress Goods. toward the question of slavery." largo plantation. Silk Handkerchiefs, ioc, 25c, 49c to 98c. "Whnt nliont the issue, Mr. Saunders, -..." The happy day came at last and tho Gown stuffs of the newest colorings and if war should thus he declared upon the marriage was solemnized at the bride's weaves, right as to style, right as to qual- :,, North by the South?" broke in an. old home in ...the ;• presence of frioml* of tbp We've Bought Dolls Enough To Go . ity, 'right: as .to r price. :,Glad:.to have you;; "farmer, who snt near by smoking a corn- families. It was u quiet*'wedding imd '••• All Sorts of Leather Goods. '" "•""•""" 'Round." cob pipe -."'-•' there was no interference of any kind. test these statements. Nothing more ac- "Thnt I cannot tell nnd I do not care The next day the colonel took his bride Suit cas^s, satchels, ,. At least we .think so. Dolls of all sizes, ceptable at this season of the year. to venture any prophecy. This much I nnd her mother to his father's house nnd dressed and undressed. You'll find doll , , Black Dress Goods from 25c to S1.50. :i .grand reception was accorded them. pocket(books, bill books, coin purses, card . will say—the'South will never yield a •' Colored " " 25 to 98c. point nor spare her sons in a struggle The excitement incident to the wedding cases. All make useful and appreciated buying here very satisfactory. '-- to uphold her rights and settle for allimd her removal were too great for Mrs. 36 Inch Black Taffeta Silk at gi.oo. time to come the questions tli.it now in-Snnnders and the next morning she was presents. You'll find price arguments Dolls from ic to $1.49. {., volve her very life ns well as the pros- found dend in her room. The colonel very powerful. " " " guaranteed, at perity of generations yet unborn." and his wife were now left alone with $1.25. . . Here the discussion broke off "by "the Dress Suit Gasesr6oc to S5.00. .,-. L Men's Furnishings For Christmas. appenrance of several young men, whothe paternal "roof until the "Yankees in- Telescopes and Trunk i, 99c to $6 00. came to spend the evening. Among the vaded the land, wl'^they were com- The men folk have been amply provided From the Garment Section. party was a tall, black haired young pelled to vacate and fly to thft interior Satchels, 49c tq.g3.c0. ..„, man of 2S summers, Lester Bancroft by of the state for safety. The old Saun- Purses from 53c. .... ,. .._ Fur Top Gloves at 75c. ' or will make it satisfactory. begun. Lester Bancroft, true to hi:Banner" were sung with a fervor that pledjre, hurriedly loft bis home* in theshowed that all - soctionnl feeling had North nnd found his way to "Washington, been buried forevnr.-' _ D. C, and thence by night across tho Po- Today, if one w<"'1

'* 10 THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY,, DECEMBER 11, 1902. Being composed of teachora, thoaBSOolK tlon IH-ROS legislation In tbo Interests of botb teachers and pupils. .•••<- Tbo teach ors attended tbo Institute io yhy Pay COUNTY DRUG STORE KHTAIIl.ltlllKll 1868. THE TEACHERS full force and wore quiet, attontlvo liston- ers. It V7M by forth o beat session of re- When you can buy a pretty cent years In tbose respects. Tnta inpartly CtuS. L. STDVKCN, EDITOR ANO PnopmcTon flccouutttd for by tbo buporlntenduut'u giv- little farm for as little money ing to ottcb toacuer BD attendanoo card on as thit to be sold at Baptist- Our selection of Holiday Goods has been made with the pjrpose of pleasing which to mark the exact Mtno of coming HUUHCIIirTlllNH 1'AYAM.K IX AHVASCK. town on January 5th next is H those who wish to make Substantial and Sensible Gifts. aitd ROlug at each fce&aion, likely to bring. 1 YEAR, 11.60; 6 MOS., 76c; 3 MOS, 40c The County Te*cbom' Library contains ilteec uall ada ted to the ••••': SINGU COPIES, 5 CENTS. Annual Institute held in Belvi- aimnnt four buudrcd volumes. Tboro are S3 3-4 ACRES. fSOOOtn its treuaujy for tho purchase 3, OUR CAMERAS ' y P dere Three Days This Week. new books. Tho progressive teac tiers oi HOT MUCH HOMEY WANTED. O THIS WKKK'S '• KD1TION. tho county are mtiinbor* of thU aBitocia- use and pleasure of old or ;Ion. Mr. "James H. Orimth of Washing- LEVEL AND TILLABLE LAND The STAR grefcti Its renders this WH8 ro-olectcd secretary. young. A child of five years can UCR and get not only week for tne fourteenth time In boll- GOOD BUILDINGS, GOOD MARKETS. day garb. IS cornel, we hope, ladon HEAR ABLE -ADDRESSES pleasure but instruction from a Kodak., "Too expensive with good choer to everyone ol our tlAKMONY. \>\ This is the farm owned by twenty thousand readers, '"' '«=•• '•' The PfofL-sjional Directors of Youthful Mr. and Mra. G B. Gardner spout tiniurtiniurr the late John A. Willcver, de- for a child," do you say? No; we have them as low as day wttlttlt tliolr sonson , FrankFrank , »ad family a;t i Its mission. These special Christmas Activity Have a Pleasant Time. adt'EddPa > ceased, and located one mile 80c each—not toys either; they produce perfect work. numbers are lsaued, primarily, t:> give ; |l pleasure to our readers not only oy Carl Stiut U elcfc wl b diphtheria at tbe ~-fr5in.:Baptisttown. It will be home of Amzl Jlorria, Martin's Creek, Pa. * sold o--Monday, Jan; 5th,at MEDALLIONS ••:•••':;• -•••:•—• -BIBLES ; • •• - their brighg t ooloiioii,, ilillustrationl s and Ths Social Features anJ nn Entertainment Mr. end Mra. Josaa Kaub and sr>n, Riy- I Id thicaraphical l appearance Relieve the Monotony of the .Lectures. 1 p. m.' Sale positive, rain or o New and exquisite subjects. Prices range for terchers and scholars, 6oc, 8oc,.Si.oo, Si.35 Improved • r fts contained mouil, Bpout TtinnktjglviniE week with 2 btfcythhut fry thee special features contained •littveBln WesttUd. : shine. i _L from ioc toS .5° each. up to S5 00. Make appropriate gifts. In the raadlng culnnins. They present A scenscoo unusual to tne CourC t House til Clayton Bichman of Philadelphia re- Write me for further par- the editor's compllmontfl to tnogu Buhicterhi u W ined on Moiidiiy uioriiuiori - contly visited bis grandparente here. A in white, black and silver mountings; single and in whom ho serves ench week throughout IIng wtit-ii ui 10 30 a, tn. L'ountL't y nuporlnl - Mm, Srtm-iel DJ-SUO IS spending somo ticulars. the'year-us readers and advcrll9iT8, teudunt V. T. Atwood cHiicd lo ordur =1 mmuio setSi Photograph Frames, Toilet Sets, Shaving Sets. tio county teaoLers assembled lor toelr time wlta nur ulstar 11 djruutou. and wishes them the fnllost measuro Mr. nod Mra, MitbUH (? trdnor and Inkstands, Games, Gift Books for Children and Adults, Etc. of happiness and prosperity at" tbis WM. M. SIM ANTON, lusteml ol ajudgo of justlco with feat- d lushter, May, of Bilvidjre; Air. and Mrs. 'V festive season. , . ura »«wrO ami atvrn, on thy oenoU Aruiur Him'liandSQn, llussell, of Lopat- EXECUTOR, con?, spout t3 J iday at Goo, Louimanon'a. Tbio number, while not having any wa« Ml*» Maud Hummers of Ghlciyc,' Asbury, New Jersey. CHRISTMAS CARDS, POCKET BOOKS. especially conspicuous feature, will tin glowing with warm tti mid kiiul(ie»a, ufiti Cnarlea tldub ia homo from tho Raston •1 ••31 ' found replete with matter that should for hur iiudkiica thuio Wai not »u lticon- Calendars and Fancy Box Paper. New Styles at Low Prices. Ho.tplui whero no underwent a successful : -\ prove highly entsrUiinlnR to all who gruous tti roil a of opposing fnclloi oporution for appendicitis. If; there is anything you want G road It. There 1» the'usual unt quailed room I'ull of ft-Httireti wiiii tbe ll'lnv 1* havinc his houso reoalntcd. arrav of news letters from tlio moat ma uud r.diaui William and John Mutchler ot Pnilllpa- for the Christmas Dinner and-do \ I ' faith'ful and intelligent eitiiT of uui to- int. iat^riuo'iln^, buri» are d..l'ig tno work. not feel inclined to bake it, com- -err epondenti ever marshalled In this ;S Of lil'J OtltifH Mrs Howard Rice aod children of i&yre, mand us. We do a great deal in O made 1 aiuettUitt u VJ. , tire vt^Uiug her p.iruots. Mr. uud Mrs. I State. The more important local hap- LUdtuLCH. Trie tut all hir tit tcs was this line. We can make as fine penings as recorded in the STAR i plea for bittur Joseph Mackcy. Waterman's Idea! Fountain Pens. throughout the year, together witn jcomtd to embody i ll-iv. h R. Burrowi beine absent, tlev. cake and pies as it is possible to marriages, deaths, fatal nccldeuti, and uiidcA't'il " I'l oplc Dr. Clyde of Kastoo Hoipbts, Pa., adminis- make. O Twenty varieties. An ideal present. 1 tl-Ht lalK WHS "T tered the fliicraiuoiit of the LirJ'a Sup- fires,'-etc. ; are given brltfly in chrono- nvro alio unul vlvt nBiin^iay. and .ivus entortHinod at the logical order. Then, there are some pporti u aat of ausocii! wurds aiid tbo -glits home of air. and Mrs. Courier itiinsay. rcmlniacences of early days in this wlttiubj ct» wltliiii tlil y p ticnsbuol Mrs Hinlol Girron died Wednesday You have but to DCDUI TT\7TCC largest and finest assortment in the.county; in. fancy packages section, a stiry ot what was probably form and ill t icunlid ami of lutvUin tbo cb afceryairg ofauQj lax fr>m rhoumili-m. JrJCiK.'r UlVICiJ and cut glass bottles. We sell only reliable qualities, which we the most peculiar combat .tnat over duo UltiUMi ttaaKOiOfniOtUltil wtilUU tti •" ' ,vca:a PRO her 3 m George died, and : occurred in a Warren county church, a woras dtHcrib-, '•• ; that was tho lint lime she entered ~ say how rich absolutely guarantee —Palmer's, Booth's, Lazell's, Colgate's true romance of the civil war, and the Oa Tu«»d iy tnornlm: Mis Summers dls- cnurch. Sine? limn sliu has been copitin Rickseckcr's, Young's, Cotton's and others. 10:, 25c, 55c, 50c, 75c, 31.00 to .Sj.op each. usual compkto record of the weeks cUMied "L»ar:ilng to U-aad." 11 tho after- to her home. 61r. G irrou wns 70 years old nooo hersubj.'ct was "UoadlagtoL^arn" and la survived by ti huab'ind mid t'*oand we do the rest. Our Tea 1 local happenings. or good llteraturo. In her uiornlug talk diughtera, Mla*es Siliie mid Ann«, vL- The OumsTMA STAR conaiats of pure fruit flavored sue ccriticiser ticised thee word,, sontouce,, HUC live at home, and who havo hud tho c Ice Cream are much in demand : over 1,100 complete copies of 20 pages plioull l methodhd s of tltcacalngg ro*.dini;a:*dina:K each. There is 140 uolumnB of space, l whit to her aeemsd tne nest these day? of festivity. We de-F, N. JENKINS, Proprietor. 60 of which are devoted to illustra- motbod. Sie predictdl s that t mister m'.ad'ds terlan ciiurcn on Saturday nftorno »n, RJV liver goods just at the 'minute tions and reading and 80 to display will soon bnrwonlzo the good of all meth- J.Clyde of Eiatou oili :Utiag j: intermenintermentt f advertisements. We point with ea- ods and declares that we nro now on tho ID tue oinotory aij M il . thro9hold of a great develop man t io the f h ' pecial pride t> the remarkable display teaching of E nullah and th.it teachers must have tho »incere 8>inpatby ol' tho com- of store news and business an- not cling to their Idols but adjust them- munity in thtlc sad bert-HVemeut. I M. F. MUCK, nouncement), not alone because of Belves to new methods Her uftoruo.-in MJL the great quantity and tasteful type- talk was a plea for the truo, the beautiful Tho Year Brings 200 Nmv Custoniers. Bakar Ounfactionner and Ice Cream setting, but also on account of the and the good ia 11 orature. The banksof acommunit^arti, liialarga) Makir .Saving energy and progressive spirit Bhown Dr. Eirl B trues of PtiiUdolpbla, wha Id mca&uro, tbo Imromettr of MB niatejl and the keenness and intalligence man- so favorably romeoib3red by those who at- progresa i-nd proe|- tended tbe Institute ii Washington lust WasulngtOD byy ri-Hvot!» to l>» Ihatikful. ularly employ the publicity the STAR'S year, occupied four periods during ttie tu- A Htllo moie thnn fur jems vgu th This U u quttttunably the alltute. His talk* were nil directed toward borougti hud but one h columns afford. the inductive study of children. During t d bh is Easy. We wiah to tika this occasion to the month of Octooer he bad uskod the d'opi" Kf'iJndiiy'"^ Headquarters for thank our patrons fjr the liberal sup- County Superintendent through hla teach- creased nnd th Fortune comes t" those - port given, both ns roadera and adver- era to furolih him with written answers to etr luana and discouuta li.ive -* three questions: Firjt, what character, mtht skillful in t'neirinanner 1 i; tisers; to thank our half hundred cor- man or ivomin, in history do you moat ad- i i •, respondents located in different parts ia the face of thecttrougtBt competition, mire? Why? Second, what tbinca dr has ojadu Ktrhles beyond ttiu foudeat ex Fruit, Nuts and of savins, '-his fan be of the county and the nearby sections you own which you can give away withou pectations of its prom"te:a It btftiwn . of the adjoining counties for their asking anyone? Tnird, what things do you own wblca you cinnot give away bualnesa A ueust tt.e 1 >t, 1SS3, witn a capttal done by buvintr all kinds faithfnl Bervice during the past year took of *5),000 At Uitt «i,d o'theti-yt Confectionery Ifi without asking some one? Answers were ia Wishing, m.' Noothar. . and their help in making this such a given him from all thosshoolg. These au- ,-ear its bumt.ee aheet showed net profits t of-Building Miteriais at creditable number, and all well wish- a-vers he had grouped according to tbe sex if *3 000, and at tho end of the fourth I dealer t;ive> the Utne ^nd rear, witn doposita*l 19,000 ami luttub of an' nttrntion t" th- -^l-ction of MONEY SAVED. ing friends everywhere. ,nd age of the writer. He reported that qnal amount, tbe bouks shoA'ed that I jut eight percent, of all the boys aud girld ; these line-, ill-it we do. He e whoauswered,gavea worn in aa their Ideal lo000hnd neon nttted t ii alwtys the croice-t tlie The Democratic County Executive character lu history. He remarked that Tne management of the Wnshlngton ] maiU:t "af tords, not the Committee exercised good judgment all the girls la the county aro taught by attonal p"i:na with much nmle to tho 1 culls. last Thursday when they unanimously women to admire man. Women are not Let that it opened 'nearly 200 new re-' elected Jofleph M. Roiebarry of Balvi- given a sufiieiently prominent place iu :ounts during t^ie past year, Hmi to the We also have a very dere as chairman, for very few, ulatory. Ann Hutchtnson was as ad- tnat it owns its own building. " carefully selected line of men ia the county are as well qualiB-d mirable a character aa Roger Wi.Hums, but largest commercHl block in town—which Ci^ars'anJ Tobacco. to direct a campaign. He has had ex- Btie being a woman way considered absurd; is yielding a bardiome return on the in* ceptional espgrience and is widely aa he, being a man, a hero. In almost every •estmetit phase of activity there are historic women Ita vault is eciulpped wilh sife deposit LOUIS ZANELLI. . quaintad. .His ability as an organize to parallel historic meii. •-' -' ...... _..„.... lozeaand in all other ways the comfort ' THE SQUARE. and a9 a leader was demonstrated .nd convonionco of Its pstrous nre lonked when a few years ago he led the oppo- Dr. Barnes occupied one perfod moat .fter, which probably accounts In a laree sition. Samuel A. Met? of Phillips- pleasantly and profitably dlscnssbg'-Child- neaauro for its growth and present stand- •36-38 BROAD STREET. burg is the new secretary of the com-ren'd Sense of Humor." Onlldren are naturally humorous and thla sonso should •Dg. • . x t '. ' The St. Cloud Stables MASONS' MATERIALS. • mifctee. . . • ••'. • .• receive professional attention from tbe The Bush «.t Bull Store. WE HAVE OUR OWN MILL. i ii teachor. At another psriotl he discussed Readers of the STAR will he pleased to j Traveling men aod all others Since the horsemen nre given the 'Deceit In Childhood." know of the completion of the Bush & I • There is not an item in privilege of racing on West Washing- On Tuesday morning Dr. Barnes con- who drive and have had an oppor- tinusd hia talk on the child.-en'a idea of Bull building in Eiston. This makea their ton avenue when there is sleighing, it hhtory and made several very interesting plant a huge one, a regular metropolitan tunity ta learn by experience, the building line that we do seems but fair that the children should deductions from the answers giveu by the establishment. know that nowhere in the State be allowed a Bimilar privilege. Broad pupils. His conclusions were that our This store now covers a tract 2-10 feet not handle. street fueuiahea an ideal place for coast- tsuhosl curriculum should b& feminized, in- ioag by 120 feet wide, extending from do their horaBB receive better or ing, and, under certain rastrtctioas. dustriallz id and urbmlzsd. He treated of Northampton street through tho entire more conscientious care than here. answers to the second and third questions block to Church street and from Center could be S3 U3ed with little danger of Squire to Bank street. A modern bifia- i The proprietor ia constantly in OUR MOTTO: harm to anyone. under the caption ot "Educationnl Value of Property." Children have a commend- ment covers this same space, the moat charge and no detail escapes hia able desire to have things of their own, attractive basement In the State, having; Tae fulfillment of Ganeral Superin- thing* which suit their individual fancy. daylight and ventilation on four Bides. i attentionattention.. O Par 20 yeara at one Value, Quality, Price, tendent Clark's announcement that ThiH dasire should receive encouraeemeut L^rpe 3:d and -1th il >ors are belne oc- stand is an exceptional recom-- the Lickawanna Co. will increase the and direction. cupied as fast as builders gat out of the way. Handaomo electric elevators and all raondation, don't you think BO? Finest Stock. wages of its employees ten per cent, DP. Edward Howard Grlggs of Montclatr modern convfences. A visit to Eiston to about the lot'n inst. will make the com- made a plea for a stronger and better "In- seaee this immense establishment and to seeoe ing Christmas a merry one indeed for fluence of parent and teacher In moral the erand display of Holiday merchandise Frank Barron. Best located yard in the the railroad boys: The employees of education," Children must be taught not being shown will be pleasant and profit- iiil some other roads have already receiv- only to avoid evil but to love good. The ible. -\ State. ed this advance. chief factors are the character, the per- He Who Runs the St, Cloud 'Bus. sonality and acliinsof the parent or teach- There ii* more Cutarrli in thin section ottlie er, ratner than precepts or text books. onntrr tlimi nil other illiieaneis pus together, Tho STAB wafts a Yuletide greeting Oae-halfofthe miral burden of the public mi] mull tliy inHt few yaarf wiirt hunpoocd schools Is'^'noaje wort" which ought to •o lie lncoralilii. For ft wreat many yenrc to the new county officers anil fcruata ba doneat horns by parents.: We '" doctor* iirnuniinceO It a 1'Cul dlnenHe and that others may have fuller atockinga --- .--.--, by pa preHcrlbvil luciil reineil'es. nrnl by coiiHtuntly it for al.11 people, IHIIK to run- with:local treu'*">n, pro- after old St. Nick's visit than ever | lo'o what 1. b?i lit over you tire, good or bad, be sincere. aiiiited It lncurulilc' Science 1ms jirovcn before. Oj Wednesday morning lie. Origgsdia- cutfirrli to I)K a connllLii'.lour.l I?1R«I«O nni! : William G.- Duiford- 1 .heretorereiulrBN constltiitlounl treatment. 3fir$tiRational Bank CUa.wrt.."j Qe use_of .mythology Li educa. lull's-.Caturrh Cur». mtinnfactureii by F. J. "~ •"Ouf"advertiBer8"rtipreBebt the'wide- •Ait'ney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. U tlie only con- awake busineBS element of this bor- On Tuesday evening a well tilled opera .t'.tuuonal cure ou the market.-. It le-"taken of TOasbinQton TR. 3. house waa pleasantly-entertained l— '—-1 nterimlly In »loi>t'w(romlO drops to n tea- oagh and deeerve the patronage of our .noondil. It ft«tri rtlrfctly on the Wood and readers. talent and a lecture by Dr. GrigK3. nit'outftnirtfLCcH of. tlie WBtem. They offer Joseph I Fulper. Miss Margaret dhlpraaii, daugbto;* of onehutnlrtM] iloilnrufnr nny'ciiHc it lull* to Judge Shipman, gave two recitaiion?, cure. Send lor clrculivra and tfHtlnionialfi. WATER "The Haxing of the Valiant" and '-Little Al Novt'iiibtfr, A. 1>. tiliiutuun h two and one-half days, adjourning Wed.u< lred mid iwn. nutine !» IILTL'IJJ- islvcn tn OPERA HOUSE CAFE becla housekeeping at Columbia in the day at noon. •. orHimH havliiKclalmmi mil tint tin: ur-t.ati J houslJW occupied by M."L. Tinsman. Huiirv M. Cox, lutL'utLuf tthe County nl W D.-H. PETTY, PropVv. N0TI3S5.ON T1IH INSTITUTE . , to tir nt >lit; Mra. Rebeccft Harris expects to leave cwiMl to t >li| .jif # \r«p till.tl 1lllll^tf.|.1ll l Mrs. Carter oTNowtuk—a member of the M. A. MASTEN'i Kit r hIFLIWP^ kll^ lll.ll. 1"-1. I. » oro lone for Newton to spend some time Board of Hcbool Truhtetw—prm-onied thp day ot Anoint, A. !>. Minute" luiinlruil an •' More popular than this old stand has- with her daughter, Mrs. Jehiol Beck. !O0 Ihrot' Ut'litL' nine uioiitht* Ironi t.lic ihi.tccit Hit: cUim^of the TB-cnorb' Rjtlremont Fund. Hiild' onlur; anil any crudUor ni-ftlcL-tlnc t^' tvtjr been itVits^yeara'.ihlsUjry, a no. G. T. Scharror of Oxford spent Tuesday .Utott (3tikca m. Warner uf Waaoingiori, us lirliiKin niiiU-xliililt nlH or her CIIIIIUH HIIIIIT doing a biKger business, too. It s """'' the LeaSiii^QeneraPSlute'in-the-Gountv. !'"=-;. •'nnd Frldwy at ttie home of Mr, and ftlrn. vice preBlient for Warren county, report- ,,itli iir atllrraattiin, within tlie time HO ilinlt- new fittinKS have so improved the J, B. Hufi, wbo wero glad to see liiin look- ed t,ne Riiu'ily'siiUtu-r'tti this assooi-iti.in. (1, will l>t' lurevor barred uf bin OP her action place that you would'linrdiy know it. Dr Baruts selected Miss JJuuverH or ing 60 veil. • UncjuostionaWy, we give the finest We aro sorry to chronicle tho illness i Wiishltig'ton as hia assistant secretary JOSlSlMl.lt. COIINISH, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES;.CARPETS, while ho was lee1 urlng.' AND SMOKE YOUR LAMPS, table service of any restaurant In the our post mistress, Mrs. 9. M. Piuoiurfolt.a: Dated: Nov. 10,1'JOa. Mxeentor. town. We have the best eatables the nnrn tliu Celuhrated UcillHtilledOil o( hopa for ner speedy recovery, Tbo County Teachers' Proieaslntial As- market affords and a cook that can't WALL PAPER, OIL CLOTH, ETC. - - - Our carrlaue trimmer, and palntoi1, J. B. bo beat. . ',.'•' sociation re-elected Mr. A. h Johnson nf Not leu of ICIcotiori. Rufl' h«b improved hia shop by erecting" Httpbettstown president and Mr. jAincao. The Sanderson Oil Ourbafiis stocked with the finest McCain o,, Washington vice-president. Tliu minimi mcptliiK ol ttm iuiicltlioliU'rrf o( ohimnoy. Ee i» now prepared to,do wui llm WivHhliiKtim Nailonal Itai-k ol UHHIIIIIK- wines, be'ur, ale and porter, and the Highest market price paid for produce and grain. ; the year around. The clriims of the' State' Teacher*1 Asso- and Specialty Co., choicest cigars."- If you come once, Sill, N .1., will bo hdik l on Tiiemlilf, t.hn 1.1th Our enterprising farmer, J. W. Ani-lu, ciation wero urgently pressed by the ilav of .Innuarr, l»0!J, at tln-lr Ijiuiliinii you will come again. • ., : \tv Htipori«teiident, Great '""""" ~~ i Rtce St., Scranton, Pa. liou'ju. WawhliiKton, N. •'.. tor Hiu inupoiio ot ifr nlTCCtorn iiatl iraiiHiictlUK any "tlmr, BUTTZVILLE, NEWvdERSEY. ' crop of corn tho paal...w*fk. omc_bi;Ior». tlmuu _ l'ollB oljastd by Wolf Bros.; ot Hat- "•-^M-fBM^^^ THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. -im Tbo stork left a nine, and on'e-uaif pound JftmwL. Shields sold 1,000 tons of coal FOB SAI-B—Fourteon Wyandotfo chick- boy at the home of John Button on Sunday lost week and baa fifty c*r loads ordered, ens at 141 East Washington Avo. I2-ll-2tp ••••••••••••••••••••••••I night Thosaloof tbo tiro Jacob Pitta farme TUESDAY, DEC, 16TH—Salo of two big There are twolvo boys la High School and wood lot In Jackson Valley takes farm? and wood lot nn Bchoolev'a Moan* No. 1 and there la Dot one of tuem who place on tbo27tb. lain, by tho heirs or William Boaty, de- *» L. STRVKIH, EDITOR AND A. B. Groff & Bro. naoa clgsrottw, John Wash barn hna resigned aaonglooor coasod, at Boaty'a eaw mill, PenwelL com* [ The "BonTon"! Conicressman Flanagan has appointed at Shilling's factory and In succeeded by menolnc at ono o'clock p. m. Robert The Celebrated Scranton Coat U. G. Salmon, son of tbo late Congresman Edward McOlcary. Blbbonf),anoiinncer. ; SALKSJIAN WANTED—O IO of tbo largest S 41 E. WASHINGTON AVE. | AT ItBTAlL. tialrioDf bla private acorctary, Mr. J. t?. Wlseburnof Now Hampton has We have placed on sale a group of V in. Hlco, ao omployeo of .tbo clock Jobbing Grocery Hotnon In Eintorn Ponn* Washington, N-J., Decombnrl, 1002. ^ jasJus t purch'""'epureb d "no of tho Cornish Co.'a nvlvflnja wants arat-otafi Htileanun for At the I)., I.. & W. It. It. Klovnleil ChutM," f-n.oty, baa takon a position In the Loblgh handflomf .< • offers as a special holiday i :.* *Hey car ubops at Boutb Eaetoo, Warrearre n and 9ussot counttn*counttn ; also forr Hun - ....._ .... _.|t ||imi| Htret-t nliove New tT "anand Sblolda have put in two terdotd n county. Addrcmdd , SSS^ltstnin n,, WWashWashh- Tho pastor oftho Mutbodist church will larfio show caaeacaea . TheiThri linlino off canddyy l al ington STARSTAR , givinii gfl full ptiriluulars, reforf - • ...'.:• attraction, genuine ,„-! f R.CJi per ton proacb next Bunday evening ou "Un«now displayed toa much bettor advuntugo. «nUe bolioveTB, BackbMdTBaadBamauga." encoa, etc. Extraordinary fi.fio per ton : &==== R.fiO ]>er tun Josao Byrne, whllo working at a latoo In FOR SALE—TWO pair* two-boreo bob Client li lit..... 5.GU per ton Mr. Manaon Conine la now employed as the Oonilrjb factory yootord'ty, caught oao ileds, two tiorao straignt sltd, ono-horso ] HOME MADE [ Fen (U-rtm-u hy HUIIIU night watchman at tho Luudy clock fac- of bla angers In too machine, tearing tho grocery nlod. All tbo foregoing are new panlDH Nn. '2 CHi'Mtnut) -1.00 per ton tory and tbo So billing plane adjoining. nail from It. and hand mado and will g)co llfo-long Buckwheat ».i!3 ]>er ton The rovlral mootluga at tho PJeasaoc Tho two big Boaty farma and sprout lot porclco. Goorgo Rued; post-ofQce address, I MINCE MEAT? Values in Illnckimililiint; or illtuml- noim coal ;. fi.00 \wr ton Valley Bohool-hoiiHOHra proving successful, on flchooloy'a Mouotila will be sold uext OlouQardrier.' 12-11 4% fi. \w ton a number of couvorbloDa having roaultod. a at twelve cents a pound. d Tuesday, afford fog opportunities for ox- WANTKU-QIH to do general hauaowortc; COV( tuitltlf'H nhrftytt Dti liatit], dry (limlor Julius E. Tbatobor, formerly proprietor ©optional bargains. nnwnnwHstilngH ; good wages. Inqulront STAAR , Coafinnilnl direct f mm cliut™ (omr Heiwna)' oftbeNew Windsor 'Hotel','bu appildd'to At tho M. E, church last Sunday tnirn- ofllio IItt. o If you bake your pies Women's Suits, UnwnKonH. ' i tho courtlso for a dischargdtflcbarge from Dink- ing two persons wore received into main- FOR SATilg, , rrobe,, blaesblankets, , etc.tc.,, .1AM US U KIIKILDS. ruptcy. bfiruhlpori probation, six Into full mom* for want of we; practicallractically «8 good as Tho local Presbyterian Sunday Bjhool bcrahlp and three by lotier. new. Apply to E. G. Fltls, Washington. 5 from our mince meat, you ban exonangod nlxiy-tnroo 'books with tho Mre. Howard Bspp and son, William, of 1-Mltf Tho horno purchased by Odcnr Heath at Glen Gardner echool with touch bone tit J will certainly say they tboCox Halo wai for btinsolf nnd not for this1 borough, enjoyod a fevV days' visit FOR" SALK—Gonuino buffalo robe, hnnd Jackets and Furs. Alfred Hanco as ntatcd last tvetk. to both. thlf week with Mrn Itipp'H mother* lira. pomt'ly ]jn">ht hyy having nddltlonRl eltctrleltctrlu Square and Taylor nt.retit, oelt wltb oxi- blbulbb d iiid unded r tthhe reanectlvoawnlugall . jEDW.G. NOLAN HarrHar y Otborno, *hj wont to Bingctr L Ebot^ 1i B. Thomas has boon elected nrwl- dized silver huuklu. Wfll 11 odor return to of 1ttiO Lotilgti Valley lUllroud* anu. Tho analysis of thoJackHonsburgcouieiiL STAR office?" -threhreo months ago, liaa moved bla family '?,"„ r ltpd. PROPRIETOR. K*, to Waani^ulou, liuvlng ncooptod a; xftjj1:hlgh Valley Uoal Co, Buccuedlug shows thti rock to hoof llitloor no valuo. SATURDAY, JAN 3D—Executor's Bale of .position In tbo Needham"factory." Wnltur who rocontly rustgnod. That moms that UlatrBtown will nut uuvo tbo Hannah Scevcsin house and l^t in Spoakur Hondorson has appolntod a cement plant until a bolter deposit U Fort Murray by Jacob P. Potty, Executor. Grand Opportunities Here Tbrouirb an over-tight, wo stated (Uncovered. beading last week that " ~ R»prM0nt.Uv. Fowtor of wto outrlot a Ballantine's Indln Palo AIo on draught. • «uiorL«iuu.uuontertalnmonLt IIUILUnettorOl over $600 ^Wo '' directooll r of thth o OoFumblaClbi n IiiBtllutItltl o lol rt thb> A. year's Bubecrlption to tho STAR makes The famous .Mill FondOffiters here only. to select your Holiday Presents. The stocks are at their, very best. •meant to any "over f.300," tho exact turn .Deaf and Dumc at Wasningtou. a vory acceptable Onrlatman pr2 00. _ fluffar syrup you aro after and you avoid the discomforts of having to push >our way through the .poat-ofllc».line illed, foweer Icttork oudlitin nt Eth Doco WnnMn. 6tn, ,wuro »yl^nlautallou lu I'uJlllpBburgg, died yyes for those bitckvhoRt onkna, try ono quart Lets Yo« addfoeerl to Mian Al'cu ilowor.* John' ^"•"Y morning, llo WBH t'orty-throfr o It la roportod that David Barry of Bolvl- of R. M. Rush's Old Fashioned S>ni|>. inevitable crowds that will beseige this store a week or two hence. Eager, Wm. Hudson, Wai. E Inne, Uuas. yu*«»old. duro, who recently purchased Viola D. atQweotofi honey. A pis'nl dropDod in the E. WolToiton,"" Tho trusteoa of tbo Spruce Run Lutheran tho salo of tho lato Dr. Cox'u horses, lam nst-^fil :e will bring it to your door. h rotl wl 1 ok a r week sold bor U, E. H. ricUuormnuu of 12 4-tr R 61 ItDsir. Tbo Cornish Oomp«ny sold threo of tbolr lcclur? " 0 r0 m" B ,"?. • °"' 0o "O D« Pf« '" '»<>. H-(l Bjnk for $600. Ho paid $390 at the Down Easy. 'flnost pianos during tbo pMt week to tho ?, °','J't "J"' " Wednaday aiilo. Fon 9ALE—Farm of Qfty*f Flttn, nt easy—sustains you until you petbrought in to cheer you up and give light these long winter nights. bloM lUton E.rt »n, Paul; Martin Thoomaf, A. ..I. Brink, fitoro of Faterson, unnouacea eldowuore tho-St. Oloud Hotel, by Jamas ftl. Fltts, Warro,] airoot to Mrs RlnbloRln M lUton E.rt », ul; M Thof, tho closing out of Per millinery stock at ChChurchh Blroet, und It Is sliiidd thah t TiTimothhy ' f'!?? B^boionB^boion,, AA . 1111 . EtorlttEto , Uuytou osecutor. another foothold. ,.„.,,_ 0 0 jke sacrifice, rfho will contluuo to have bor Sexton will u«o pawwlon of tho l,ou«o i U" ' ". Aicblbald Opdjke. homo in WaHhlngton, WRDNESPAY, DKO 17—Publlo salo of to bo vacated by Mr. Q lick! ThoTorra Cotta works were abut down lng outfituitH,, includinIncluding four mulemulosans andd I represent a score of the oldest Wm. H. wVnlermutei Is bulldlnK nnnn ''•»« wooii QnQn? P»""P»""ff 'bi'bid weekweek,, owinowing tto The aged mnther of Messrs. Goorge and two hordes, hy FrBtem from New York USSlfiL aiIVlood^Std^Sto MdtSSJMdtSSJlitollbertyl w W Friday and ^w ill pr ^ FRIDAY, DRC. 12-Publlc sale of wagons much longer. Better take out suf- lih fi l' 8° '°w «k IIn ououo uuff ththo Bolvldora to Elm Ira und arrangements havo beon wbollhotripplnp tthe light fantastic will' 8° '° mado with other companies by which and a worlby lot of household goods, by ficient insurance without delay. •beoubeout In JaJargtg! nu berM on Now Vear'a E. W. Iluah, publisher of tbo Avalanche direct communication Is obtained with tho Mm. Simuel Promo at Anderson's Hotel Framed Pictures, Mirrors, Smoking ovo. J of Ulon Gardner, ia priaootinfr ula frlmids mafn olllucs In flu Halo and Syracuse In Port Murriy. C P. Orognr, auctioneer.- •For tho aeeommodatlon of tho peoplo! Rn.d. Patrons with it protfcy calendar on also insure against death, acci- ( hlc 0 8 tt r Governor Murphy Is not satisfied nn to TUESDAY, DEO. 23d-PublIoealoofllvo WHO daily put his Hloro, W. W. Ohrlrtino JJ " ^PP ?' ." '" sto:k and f-irmfncr iroplomwnta »n tho farm dent, and the breaking of plate Sets, Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets. baa placed near tho front door, no M to bo MV ?'PP',tho- 8il( tJtalo .ubcr- tbo truth of tho charges mado In tho re- known an tbo Hmcnw homefitend, betwoon •easily seen fro m tho Bfltreot,t a botuitiful now j culosi8 Sanitarium. port of iho titn o Churitlc!!' Aid Associa-Oxford and Botvldero, by J.iraoa 3wajze glass windows. Come in and look them over. You will find just what you wish "erftndfHthor'H"clock Manslleld Council No. 73, Daucbters of tion, that tho J tils and ottior Stuto and and Mrs. Nelly Llupfncott. M. A. Pleraon, •feet high. county institutions nro hi tbo unsanitary lUctionocr. or Christmas presents. B-. , Liberty, will hold an oyator euppor lu tho and immoral condition as stated in the J 0 U AAlhilPt Mu Slt Robert Auyuitus; son of Mio late Wm.! J^, 0. U. A.Al.^hail^Port Murray, on_ Slit- report and has asked the amoclntlon for WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2tth—Uecolver's snlb additional proof. of the plant of tbo Washington Mfg. Wm. G. Creveling' Work", by Imlfl Stow.irt, receiver, upon Shortly before being taken to the State ;he premises I:i Wa'ohington. Second Floor First NMionnl . . _ _ . _:. parsauugo 'rison at Trenton to awe tils ten years' day afternoon. popular, the tittendince t ttie coming an to nco, Olaudo Stilltnao, the defaulting I am propired to act as fluctione/ra t . -. . Bank Building. event will doubtlesa be larn former secretary of GUP. Murphy, aent for lalen and veidue^. Sutisfactl^ri guaran- A. B. Groff & Bro. The congregation of tho'Port Murray x clorgyraan and expressed repentance for teed. Eiiaha B. Foes, Oxford, N. J. M, E. church will give it donation to their About two hundred pounds of dynarnlto hiscrimo. Strange how many criminals Insurance arid Real Estate. nd gint wder lded d dtd n-27'it-p. tor^rt'ho'paraon'a^o on^rhuwday oven- ' tH*f*0 Slant" powder expTodod and destroyed aroBorryfor transgressing the lawti after - "•' H tho weatheeth r Fihould powder houae of the Alpha Cement sentonce bnfl beon pronounced. The Warren Foundry & Mautiino Co. prove stormy tho visit will bo tne company on Tuesday evening. Windows will pay 511 00 per toi Tor loncf rvo otraw Do You Smoke of ttio other building wore broken but no Temple Chapter No. 12, il. A. M., held delivered at their works, Phlllfpshurg, If not, you miss next fair owning. Everybody in .murea [tsannuHl meeting Tuesday evening and M. J. 1127 4t The com m ft too in charge and thoso who .,i™H«n iu miitnnwn ise of tho ex- sleeted new officers as follows: N. O. :he well known _ the best made. •took part in thu Tliai.kflglvlne entorlaln-l plOBion Ia uuknown- Kinsman, M. E. H. P.; Rev. E. B. Enc- Tho lHrgest, best, and choapent oysters USEFUL, LOW PRICED] KEY Ml ment feel obligated to .Miss Kate M. Mr. and Mrs. Inaac MArabftH of You- land, E K ; M. K. Knuh, E. S; C P.In the city at J. K. Rlsler's' FfBh & Oyster Snlelds for her valuable aid and kind mnU avenue nro bereaved over the death Staiites, Trean.; Willard AUeear,Sec'.T; W. MHrbet. 9-18-tf. It la a fine fluvured, free smokrr and conceded by judges that eventt. Mlsa ooff theii r eighteen-month-olhthld d BOD, hwhoJ. C-iBwell, C. ofH.; A. H. Vouch. P. S; Have your furniture upholstered and to be tlie Best Five Cent CiRar on tlie market .. :: :: W. H. McKinnoy, K. A. O.; J. O. Weller, carriage trimmed at H. A. Scnuermanu's, XMAS PRESENTS: \ of tlio 3d Veil; P. P. Farrow, 21 Veil; C. John- 92 WeatStowart street. <^'.^.. i ™ Mirror and Comb Cases, 65c to S1.65 ] A numorr of taionlcd local jnnsicians' 6 Bton, 1st Veil; W. G, Groveling, Chaplain ; To RENT — Four rooms at 49 Broad Little Need be Said l)ry It has been a Stand- hsvo orgnnfzed an orcnostrp. to no known S ^ SStoTibf J. H. JobnatoaJobna , Organist; Hugh Exton, street, each IS foot square. Inquire thero. ... Tabourets, four styles. 85c to Sa.on •••-' burial plot tScranton f TylerTVliw. •::;:. " . • " .. . -.'". - -. "•'- 6-26-tf. Comb cases, 30c 1 of the iluslly Famous j\ |_./\ ard for Many Years of tho Ballantino's India Pnlo Ale on draught. FOR RENT—Second and third floor flats. 'Lovell Younc. Hurry Thompson, Joseph PreabSJorlan church mot a E. Washington Avo. F. Al. Uohloin. Whisk Broom^ holders, 25c 1 These trai.ds ate on sale in every well-conducted cigar store Smithmith, William ChristineChristin ; Milton Wams- home of Mrs. E. B. Eogland ilond The famous Mill Pond Oysters here only. 11-13 tf. lay aand HrbeHerbertt BBoora. I noon and listened to a very interesting dfs- At Wm. Boron's Ci i, 44 E. Washington Knife boxe'vsoc i throughout this section of the State :: :: :: :: :: :: | course on Hyra. Miss Kate Shields was avonuo. FOR RENT—Nine(y-flve-acre farm.known " " " —--*• "* iclc, reading is the John Osmun farm, no-th of Aabury. AVatch ^fioxes, 15c ' • \ jnjoyable A Few BurgHiusonKaBy Monthly Pay !nqulrnof Georeo Mat-key; post oflice ad- Towei ubller, 35c. < dress, Washington, N. J. 11-13 tf tuents la Used Pianos and Orguris. Paper racks—oak, 63c; cherry, 45c ' J. S. BOWERS, Manufacturer ^nimairwereblUenUby ihTmnTdogthLV A meeting of tho descendantsi of Chris- flOO Cbickorlng Square piano f65 FOR RENT—House near depot. Apply •was responsible for tha death of a dog and topbor Worman, who died In England n S250 Central •' » $70 ;o J rimes U. Johns tun. All of these are in quartered oak, ex- 1 PHILLIPSBURG, NEW JERSEY. a cow owned by William Gardner near the eighteenth century, held a meeting In DWELLINGS and other proportles for cept the last named. 1 M Wlldrick " " rent. Apply to Win. A. Stryker, Att'y. Port Coldon about throo woiska ago6 . j Flemlnaton on .Tuesday of last week and I It la said that recent developments have f FOR SALE—Dwelling, barn and stable, NELSON D.MATTISON] -The annual election of uGicerH of tho made the heirB more hopeful of securing 50 Hale Grand " Main Mreet, Asbury, Now Jersey. $500. •Christian'Endeavor Society of the Presby-: the fortune of $30,000,000 left by Worman. 50 Willard Upright " Brunnor& Brunner, Baaton, Pa. 10-16-tf terlan church wns hold Wednesday oven- Tho descendant held meetings In Wash- 9 TAYLOR STREET. $235 JHCOI) BrOrJ.: " " TKAINED NUK8B.-MJ.SB Annie Dnfford, Ing and the following will hold ofllce for lngtoii in 1SS5 and 1SS3. $17fi Eatey & Co. organ 5 the onauinfr term :O.R. Ford, prealdonti! While coasting down Broad street bill, medical, snrgical and obstetrical nursing. NINETEEN YEARS IN BUSINESS. 'if ?'?''-* E< Bt England Vic0 re8 denti 88 SOO Beatty " Addreas:—waahinetoTi. N. J.- l-2&-tf X;?- 1 S?h'i o J ^i ^ i 2J! Monday evening, a "double-ripper" on • $100 Palace " "Ethel Hahn, recordlne secretary; Mlaa , whfch woro Beated JdmeaShafferrLBonard A new upright piano FOR SALE— Fresh Bklm milk at Ueblein's Laura Hamilton, corresponding secrfltury,; young, Edwin Cowell, Maud Smith, Harry Best Bargains always at Bakery; 2c. quart. 10-9 tf. On January ist, 1S84, I began Mrs. Laura I'ottlt, treaaurer. Wright and John Shields, collided With J. '' KELLER'S Music HocsE.Eaaton, Pa, WANTED—Two gentlemen boarders at 1 lusiness and ever since that time Mrs. Archibald Opdyko of Brans Oastlo L. SbteldH bob sled, drawn by a team of 12f .4-2 t Notice of Election. 13> Broad street: pleasant rooms, good Millinery \ mot with a serlouB accident Monday morn- horses. Tho ripper was b*dly smashed loard. 10-30-tf. 'ing. She bad beon in Washington and ' but fortunatoly none of the young peoplo WrtMlilmrtoii Water Company will ho hold at have endeavored to give my cus- *'V;,iVi: when Bha reached tbo canal bridge on tbe the offlce ot ,1. K Fulimr, .Vo. 21 WeHt IVasli- FOR SALE CSEAP-Stereoscope Magfl- i woro Injured. lnirton iLveiuiu, on TUL'HIIHJ-, Dec. ltitli, li)O2. zino OHmera, 4x5 Urimern, aix plate holders; oroers the\best stock and work at returretur n triptip, ththo horseh , bolnbl g mtsmoothb, Benjamin Ilyman'a horse becamo fright- J'olte open (roin 10.KO to 11.30 n. in. graphaptione, tony recorde; typewriter. p stumbled whlln descending the hill. Mrs. oned at eimo boys coasting on Broad .T. B. t'ULfKn, Secretary. SaJe JBP' §M •Opdyko had a tluht hold of tho reins and OtiarieH B. Brunner, Eastoo, Pa. 11-6 tf ltp :he lowest possible prices. I have when the animal foil h pullod her ovor |u Beatcy plpo top orgun $17.50, square when the animal foil I, pullod her ovor tutliQe hmQ . AAtt ththea rallroid crossing "the piano $70.25 Call at 16 Betvidore avenue. 1 the dashboard and onto tho frozen cround waBOn Waa wreckewn d and the occu- CENT A.WORD COLUMN. roven toVJie people~at large that 1 OS m ; Great SacriQao S lie of millinery ••m beneath the hone's fdot. Her right arm pa»t8 thrown out.and tho horse continued 94-tf. was broken at tbe wrist and her left arm Ju its mad dash towardt s home. No cno rate of onu cent A word, bat no FOR ttRN"T—T ^"0 houses. Apply to A. goods of every description. Hats, m a leader on large, fine work^'and •was badly Bprnined. Injured, but the wagon was badly t will be received for less ttmn ifl •W. Orevellng. ' 9 25-tf. Tbo caso of Eraetiia V. It tub of Paulina ' damaged. utnror tLuOrst liiotirtlou. : *•• Houso to rent in Port Colden; rent$7.00 'trimmed and and untrimmedS hat 1 furnish the best designs seen §§ against Alvah J," Walters of Marfcabero, William Vaucht, Sprlogtown, eolls Hib- C. O. Hummer.^. ll-20-tf. The Poultry Fanciora' Aaaooiatfon's ei- bard Beatty's Sarsaparllta Cough Syrup. feathers, ribbons, flowers and n 'most every' cemetery within ten H •cborglne the latter wjth the theft of'.a SATURDAY, DEC. 20th—LwHl sell at pub- MA INSTRUCTION IN PlANO AND ORGAN lic vonduo at the Hotel of "William Ran- everything pertaining to miliiti- liles of Washington'.;-. I erect .work ji playiug givon by Miss Edna Welbted. of dolph In Anbury, the farm formerly nwnrd j ; IB JI'BW H.Hiiiplun, either at her homo or tbo \y Jesio J. Li^ke, docoaaed. Contains 103 -• ery to" be sold" regardieea of Pi• pupil's home,;at reasonable terms. Write 100 acres. ORA LAKK -:,--, .,_ll-205t cost.- Sale begins Friday,-Dec. A -.~as;far^as=ninety rniies-frum—nome Nineteen years in busi- or call, and further particulars will be FARMER WANTBD-On April lat, 1903 ivtm. ''-' 12H-2tp. mirrled, no cnlldren, on a small farm— 12bb, 1902. ness makes me the oldest dealer in Warren county. In 1878 whip tfio ?child £, ^h I? ith h eflrIn^?f beat display of burred Plymoutn Rocks, WANTED—WANardBoarders, , CentraCent ll locationction; gentleman'^ (-uturner Lome—noar Hack- ft- *tho thrent h ittBtowu, W-inen county, Nt;w J»rsoy; uso it. armed herself with a hoop polo At the regidonco of her daughter, Mn pleasaneasant roomsrooms , good tabltablee . Inquire at I began to acquire knowledge of the monumental Dusiness, 4tnd gnvo Unub a Bovero thrashing. Stokes Lomr_iK., 41 South Second street STAII oflice. 12-il-2tp. if linplcnient!-; fiirm stocked. Wife plain For hazing Ai. O. Rsibersor, a froshann, Eiston, lant Friday morning, doath claimed p look. Terms liboral. Brut reference re- and today I claim to understand it in all branches and Mrs. Francis It Strnder, widow of"Ool.': WANTED—Good farm implement sales- quired. AddreoH JariiBH Fisher, Attnraey- Mre.:HN M. Bull, "by shaving off his inDHtnche, A. B. Gar- man wttti rip, also nianagtr for branch at-Law, Hackottstown, N. J. ll-20-tf. ..cajtgive my patrons the benefit of my experience. rlBonofNewhuryaiidO. Blako of Brook-! William Strader, who nE'ono warouousewarou . American Farm Co , BuffaloBuffalo, 38 W, Washington Avc, Washington, N. J. lyn, two nonhomoro students, wero ox-; very prominent and highly respected N. Y. 12-H-2ip. polled from the HncfcottfitownlnRtilute on citizen of this borough. A! complication N Y : 12H2i WANTED for gcnoral housowork, a com- Mondav. Other studontfl wore disciplined of dlwasea caused donth. Tureodaushtere FOR SALE CHEAP, for want of use, sec- potonc grl or woman, steady DOHition at for participating in tho hnzlmr, which survive tlie decoused. They are: Mrson. d band heater in good order and condi- good wages. Address Mr R , STAR office. Rolhurper took cond natitredly Dr. otokoH Liong and Mra. Outberlne Rarcalow tion. Honry Klnkle, Stowartuvtlle, N. J. SATURDAY, DEC. 20—Public sale of the Nnble, presidflht of tho Institute, was so' of Eastern and Mlsa Oornollu Strader of 1511-ltp. ouse and lot ol tho lato Amy Willever, in ^1ndlamanhpyAr,tbe.mRtter th-it he churac-j "'"•hnm^Buck's county,•Ba.-~.i.-^.-~-zr— —WEDNESDAY, DEO. 17—Public-sale of Aflbury, by tlto heirs at Randolph's Hotel, The Treatment of CHAS. FORCE, ' ~ torlzoii hB/.Infi OH tho worft of "fools, I In the absence of Rev. E. B. England, household goods, tools, etc , by tbe heirs Anbury. Halo at 2 p. m. P. B. Butter- Indian tomohawkore, revolutionists, ruf-,.who, as moderator, WRH cmllnd t<> preach of Jonn.'Yiiwger,. deceased, on.promises """ick..iiuctioneer. ^_jiir.-.=r—•-—.-:"~ betwoeD' lJorc~Murray~nnd"Karrsville;" O." Washington, -"-SohsVrowdloanna anarchists; | audadministor" tho" Lord's Supper at tho P. Cregar, auctioneer. ~ | Asbury church on Sunday, tho Rov. P. E. , has come to be as exact a science as . WANTED— Single man by month to work ;; on farm. Apply to James L. Shields. any other branch of medical science. 1'2-lltf THE OLD RELIABLE A grand shooting match for a 1,000 pound If You Have a Fine Horse bull, turkeys -and other poultry will bo huld Christmas day at Braai Oaaile, canal 'you cannot.affjrd to lose him by neg- .- bridgo, by O. Oolo and Sain Krlos. 12 11-25 lecting liis nilincnts.' 1 am a graduate . ^D Roynnrd and In HD. Boston Art Company of Eiatou formerly veterinarian and always at your call. hole ttm nnlmU ]andi!'-i; in Mnyberry's ropreseuted by Chns. Ptiaotior and E. P. ii/ '• -arrriB and tried to hlte hirn_btit waH quickly Tho New Jorsey Hortild of Nowton, Burd Is now ropreseutod by W. O. Crognr. . W. L. Rundle, V. S. National relRanoi) hy tho hunter. Hann then stint, n-Jacob L Bunnoll, editor, hns undorgono a ( -.- -i23.il 2tp. St..Cloud Hotel. it/ largo hole in tho anlmtl'ii sMo hut it con- transformation that bidK fair to add to its FOR SALE OR RBNT—a farm. Iuqulre of tinuefl to run and not until firo^hnta had'pi^tlffo among both reHdoro and advor- Fred K. Muckay, linzon, N. J. ltp. Fire-Proofing oeon flred nnd nlmo«t hnlf nf tho fox had , ttaora. It bnfl, always stood In tho for mnst rank of N-JW Jersoy weeklies, editor- Tho heirs of John Yawgor,_docensed, flhot away did it ouccumn to doath. will soil household goods, tool vote, also a, Company. ially and typographically, but tho change ; I am sending out a vory artistic- ca-•-t logu-,.--e. -juto-mads-will"Ackl--furliter !.6-"its"at.trao- hciiiS5^au»t-23 Hurui-lofci-looated — betwoon Oiif product combines Strength and;Stiffness, Durability f f th d hd l Port Murray'and KiU"rBvllle,,rupon tbo •of Romo of tho f»onds:.mv handsomely itivonesa. It apponred last week for thoprpmlitia, on Wediiohdfty noxt, Dec. 17, nt and Lightness, combined with Great Resistance to injury \H equipped sroro contnlna Thn citatngno llrst tlnio in an eiglit-pago form llko tbo : by Fire, and to Transmission of Heat. It Is the Lightest also contain* a oalcnrlur for 1003 nnil somo STAK, Editor Bunnoll says that tho p'onu- 12:30...... ,--..,.^..:;.__^—— --;;.;-:. •valuahloreolDOs for keoplnir jowolry bright, lar stylo and "siza of tho STAII alono fVflu- - FOR" RKNT—Willow Grove flour and Floor on the Market, and the only practicable Floor which elo' . Anynn' " e" Intoreato' * •-'-•*"-•d livin' g out'o- f" towr* i oncod him and Mr. Cox lu notohooslng grist mill, known aa Cresaman'a Mill, neat1 effectually protects the-Beams from Injury by fire. mny havo ono on application. \"- another form. Wo wiHh for the Herald Stownrtavllle; improved machinery, Wolf ' and'lame horses get S 1» Numerous public tests have proven all that we claim for : • (v A'. DAVID30N. b^n.a groator future than has been its on- Gyrator flour Byacem; extra good Buck- it. It is in use In many ot the latgest buildings in New viable punt, and that ia saying much. whentmlll; good water power; flrBbolaas York, Philadelphia, Boston ind other places. ' ''(('// 5>1O piirlBUnas OrganB. A lino_ „o.f Utopia,. n Ar.,„t .Pottery _,, ,hand oatabliahed trado. Apply to John fltout, • .•; special attention here J Ob We'havo midv a nnmbnr o'f'cood used wiiitodpaliitod, ta, Idlaplftyedbs displayeyd ab yW S.. Ohrlrttino W. Ohrlrttine. . No. 227 Morris St., Plillllpsburg. 12-Jl-tf. v ..LM«.«-V I . | Pifteonta1 h 1 oontory- pattcrnH. Quaint old FORSATJIC CHEAP, for want of UBB, cabl- Organs from $10, $12, $15, $20 nnfl u - ' " -«..»«-«-« «.. r\.,.i^ «M It uTIiey ooot when now, from $60 t( |doBfenaan:ns, andd .roftllyboautiftilndwfal aot'.orgaQ.-Appiy-lSfrWost Washington HARRY B: GARNER f Boston, Philadelphia ,_.Wo..hftvo tnkea.-thoraxin- exoii ' in this a bought Aye. , 12-11-tf, • Absolutely Pure ,-. \i/ pianos. All are warranted. ..Cnrao.quick.MP.qo. ^ FOB SALE—Now HtraiEht sled, with body , General Blacksmith. :—• for thov won't lant long. KELijBn'^Musro '^ Utopian Art pottery.- at Io3a( than ono- to go on simo. : Alfred Fleming, Stephens- THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE TEJ Eastonj Pa. i2-4-2t. i fourth* valuo burg, N. J. ' ' -"" " THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER U, 1902. GLKN UAKDNEtt. TOWJNSBUKY. I BO0JK.P0HT. I On tho morning of Deo. 6th cimoonr Peterson Boors ofTranqullItyBpont part Robert Zsllarfl and family visited at ;he homo of Lewis Otawaon, In HackottB- second vUlblo Bnow. About three inches of Saturday and Sunday with hts mother fell. A high wind prevailed which cauaod and brother bolow town. town, on Saturday, v • .. What are You Going to do About It?] Mra. Jacob Boatty spont from Tuesday big drifU In some parts of tbo roads. Considerable game baa beoo shot in this Good sledding frnaa Woodglen to Callfon. section since tbo hunting season opoued. mtll Saturday with frlonds In Newark. You are not getting any younger. Mlas Nellie Hoflmmof Suocasunna was Sunday tbo third vMblo snowof about two Rabbits and quail have boon qulto plenti- ; Inches foil, temperature two decrees be- ful and A numb or or Eigllah pheasants I with hor parocta hero part of last week. low freezing. ''!>-•"'-'•. % You have given hostages to for- have been killed. Thoroaro a number of John Race of Jackson Valley was thoI LIITMaybPiry has geno to Ellzibeth to I native pheasants In tbo mountains but Kuest or Mr. nnd Mra. 0. J. Birber on Sun- | accept a r,oflitlon on tbo'trolley line. tune. Like all other people you I very few of thorn have been bajjRCd. Jay. ... Ohartds Parks ia in search of a farm. Oroen Bros, havo captured nlno foxoa, Misses Flossie Martenia and Lizzie Me: will be largely worn this winter; we have them in .which, when tbo State and township Oathernaro on tho sick list. ,: ;"! Dewltt Stirea will tnovo from tho Fritts are in the hands of fate. -Duty bounties are collected and tho pelts are Mr. and Mrs. 8. W. Davis wore with | Sodom Uno farm. * CALF, KIP, OIL GRAIN AND SPLIT. dtspoaod of, wilt net them lu the nolgb* friends in Washington last week. EJ. List killed eight Rkunk!) and two tells you to insure in borhoodoff!5. We ere glad to noto that Mra. EUella Walfcor ontertalned Miss opoHAiimnln ono day last week. Ho got | our sportamon adhere Btrlctly to tho taw,Bortha Crogar on Friday. • Blxfrom ono bole. The | both In lottor and spirit, and In no In- Mrs. Lydift Hugh of Trenton Is visiting Asocial danco wni hold at tho house of stance have wo olwtirvcd aslnglo violation. frlendahoro for several days. Sharp Bononon on Hulu street, near Lair's , Farmers of.ixe dop In manger tjrpo are a Hall. scarce article In tbla community, and when Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thomas woro Sun- ; day cacata with friends In Jackson Valley. E.Humphrey hRi his now house,32x50 Prudential one is found who doc3 not shoot game MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, himself and is unwilling for hla neighbors Miss Clara Delllcker had chargo of ourfeel, ready to bo enclosed us Boon us tho Insurance Co. of America i to havo any be H given a wldo berth. school part of laat week, tho teacher being weather will permit. Wild rabbits nro solllncc far twenty-five $2.25 and $2.50 per pair Jacob Fleming haa Riven up his position abpont on nccouDt of filckness, Home Office:] Oharloa Boatty and eister, Eatella, woro contseaob; groy Equlrrela, ton cents. Newark, N.J. atPenpicfc and Is now working for his Molvlu tlann haa engaged ID tbo butcher former employer at AUamachy, with frlonds In Hackcttstowii on Sunday. AND WE GUARANTEE THEM. business with Mat Apgar in High Brldgo. JOHN F. DHYDES, rrealilent. We are Borry to Btnto that Fred Snydor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson paBaed Saturday and Sunday with bis paronts in Rumor has it that Prof. Myers and E. LESLIE D. WAHn.Vlee l»re«tdent. who haa been the efficient foreman of tho Mur. Ray will form q string quartet. Mr. EDOAU B. WAIID, 3d Vide 1'rcnl inKirravlllo. county's poor farm sine© Mr. Lelda was Ray has earned a high reputation as an dentftnii Counnpl. Mra. Jacob Fromo visited friends In i elected Btoward, has been compelled tt artist by his ability as an Interpreter of! POnUEST P.DItVDKN,Secretory j Dover on ThurBday and Friday. y ! oon I give up bis position on account of Im- compositions calling for breadth of ox' H.O.DEDKICK, Ant.Supt, " ! paired health. His HTo was despaired o Mra. Wm. Cyphers of Vienna was among c a. Honk BTd'it. Drool St. [rail We Are the Lowest on All Kinds of presslon and depth of feeling, as well aa > tfiulilnitton Avenue. Woihlnit- fartttlmo but bo nan rallied fiuflljiently tho vlaltora here lust Thursday. J ton, S. J. 1574 togoto hid home in Kuowlton. Wo arr by his extraordinary accomplishment*) In j informed that bis complete recovery i Orvlllo WlUover has boon confined to his| purely technical display. RUBBER GOODS. doubtful. , T* home for two weeks Buffering from an at- Miles Bangbart Bays he has rented a tack of quinsy. - — farm and will relinquish the blacksmith* Rovival sorvtcesaro being conducted Jacob Fromo WBB with bis fllstor,Mra . T.; Ing business in tho Bprlng. Tho Crater Janca' chapel by Rav. James. Tholr durn Hopler, at flarepta, last Tuesday. shop will be for rent. Uon, no doubt, will rest.on the BUCCOBS Mrs. Adam Fwlier died at tho home of James Littlo has secured the services of Executor's attained. Owing to the unfavorable her daughter, Mre. Saron Young, on Wed weather and bad roads tbo attendance has Harry Struble of Stanhopo to superintend -OF- Men's and Boys' Felt Boots nesday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Young his slaughtering department. j been allm and tho meetings haven't even had kindly cared for her nntnor, who had Have tho gold mines been net apart wt a in all grades. reached too lukewarm stago on yet been a groat flu tier or from paralysis, a A bouncing boy was born recently to long time. The funeral services were held reserve fund for the grandchildren? Two of the 'Most' Valuable Farms , Mr. and Mrs. Waltor T. Hoagland.and Mr. at the bouse Saturday morning, with In- The soastra doesn't eeem long enougb,no and Mrs. Joseph Einneyaro rejoicing in terment in the Haokettstown cemetery. matter how long and favorablo It may boi in Northern New Jersey, : for Borne farmers. There aro two fields of tho advent of a young daughter. , Charles Walker haa deaerted bis wife. A N D A W O O D L O T , | He left homo the first day of July and has corn of about sir acres each at Woodglen George McConnoli and family and a Mr. to hnsk and gather. L&nning and family have taken up their not been seen since. Mrs. Walker I» now PROPERTY OF THE L\TE JACOB FITTS. THE HAY BOOT AND SHOE CO residences near town, the former In Aaron living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.The price of milk haa advanced at the I Sharps' house and the latter In James Jacob Beatty. < , creamery so much that It has wade It will take place at the ,," OPPOSITE THE OPERA HOUSE [Qreen'd tenant bouse. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Hnll have returned necessary for our retail dealers to raise their price, though their advance is not in Scarcity of help baa been one of thehome from a visit with friendB in Phila- ST. CLOUD HOTEL, WASHINGTON, prime difficulties with which our farmers delphia. proportion to that at the creameries. at two o'clock, p. m., on . . " 339 Northampton Street, Easton, Penna. have had to contend during tho past Mrs. Elizabeth Zalters, who lives near Oar special election, it is understood, j season, and a lew of ttiem are not prepared the Hackettstown furnace, will sell her will take place Tuesday, 23d lnst., at whicb for the whiter, wliicli ia here with a household goods and personal property on time tho voters of Lebanon township will vengeance. Farm Uboreis were hard to Friday, December 12th. vote their opinion regarding tbo Poor SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27,1902. get at from $1.50 to f2 00 per day, and in Samuel Hann was lnstautly killed by a Farm. FARM i—Situated one*ha1f mile from WashlnRton, N. J., on the main road lead- one inBtance five cent'"! per shock was locomotive last Saturday night while com* Our town nearly bad an oil famine last Ing to Karrsville, containing 65 acres, more or less. icQjred for busking corn, ...wit.h no appli- Ing from Hackettstown. week, but Dan came to our rescue just in FARM a—Situated two miles from Washing* in, N. J., on the valley road leading | cants. Despite tbe scarcity of help, how- A young man of this vicinity enjoys time to (111 our lamps. . to Oxford furnace, containing 119 a:res, more or less. Well water, spring water and ever, the past season has marked an era of j chicken eo much that he thought he Seals' bakery ia closed In consequence a never failing stream of water on the farm. prosperity with a majority of our farmers, would Indulge on the quiet. He wrapped oftLV^ven arch giving away. Mr. Seal These farms are In the very highest state of culiivatlon and clear < f all obstruct- YOUIL WANT A SLEIGH the fairly good crops and handsome a fowl in paper BO no one would know gave us homemade bread. ions. This is the kind of land that ra'ses full crops, fur Itlsup to the highest standard prices realized for the aime leaving littlo what he had, bnt alas! he forgot the. feet. and needs no doctoring. The fences and buildings are hi g iod repair. One-half of ground for complaint. Better take a box next time and avoid dis- the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage. THIS WINTER. covery. Saved at Grave's Brink. At the same time and place will be sold all that tract of wood land situated about You'll Mrs. Caroline Albert has been confined 'I know I would long ago have been In three miles from Washington, ft. J , on the road leading to Karrsville, containing 37 Provided of course, that you have none and keep a horse, i to her bed for a few daya from a severe Miss Llllle Beatty returned to Change- water last week, after spending some time my grave," writea Mrs. 8. H. Newaom of acres, more or less. want a Stylish Sleigh, and one well made. It pays to buy a first-class attack of the grip. Her sister, Mra.Ohas. Decatar, Ala., "If It had not been for Prospective buyers wilt do well to visit these properties and attend the sale. Any Cooke, of near Free Union, has also been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander article such as 1 am selling this winter. The cost is a little more than Beatty in thia place. Electrlo Blttera. For three yeara I sof-Information desired may be obtained by calling on or addressing very ill of pneumonia, and was not ex- [ fered untold agony from the worst form for "the kind that's made to sell," but it pays fourfold. If you buy a pected to live for a time, but is slightly There was no school Monday, Tuesday JAMES AA. FITTS, and Wednesday on account of theof Indigestion, Waterbraah, Stomach and MES good sleigh, it will probably last a generation and be a source of corn- improved at thia writing. Bowel Dyspepsia. But this excellent Execulor of Jacob FIttsI , DwcasedDd. good sieign, ii wm piuuaui^ .u** » , Teachers' Institute, which was held at 6 We are glad to state that Mrs. Milton Belvidere. medicine did mo a world of good. Blnce fort and pride and afford a feeling of security as long as you have it. Moore Is being relieved from a rather There were no services in our church mine it I can eat heartily and have gained troublesome throat affection and is gaining last Sunday.owing to the bad weather. 35 pounds." For Indigestion, Loss. of Ap- in general health'umler the treaties t of Rev. L. B. Plumer will be with us on Sun- petite, btom'ach, Liver iiuij Kiutioy tronbkc Dr. Pellet at Hambarg. day and there Bhould be a large attend- Electric Bitters are a positive, guaranteed The Ojmun farm above town, which core. Only (iOc at F. N. Jenkins' Warren HOLIDAY was offered at public sale recently,was not County Drag Store. -AT- i disposed of owing to a scarcity of bidders- BRASS CASTLE. I TThis waa also the cue with the-Warren Probably some of the readers of the STAR BUTTZVILLE. Wildrick farm, which was set up onwould be glad to know something of the GEO. Mil'. -BEERS-' B^understand that both Miss Lizzie Gardner apent Sunday with another date. little village of Brass Castle.. _We have in i -• l; Our store is full of Dry and.Fancy.GoodSi _ Do not judge our stock by ; population about 130 people. In indus- her pareutane&r Lafcoarocn.^,...;•_. . , • placelaces ti^Tic Mrs. George Bartow will lead the Bp- the size of the store. What are more suitable for gifts than the following: Samuel Mac Williams of Newark came tries we have a grist mill, a saw mill, a blacksmith and wheelwright shop, two worth League meeting Sunday night. ' Kid Gloves, all ihmles, here Saturday and remained until Sunday LndEcV Slllr Umbrellas, fancy i Btores, six ice houses and two ore mines, The topic Is "Our Fellowship." liamllo^, OHu to $*J7.->. 08c. evening with his parents. | The ore mines on what is known as Wltte The Sunday school children are rehears- Iiiidics' Mochn Gloves, all ChlUlran'rt (Iniltrullas, -10c. shades, $1.00. WOODGLBN. Hill, were opened a few years ago, bnting for a Christmas entertainment. MenMjiiilH'elln1', 40c to$t.08. owing to the scarcity of labor at that time : .Ladies' Golf Gloves, 25c, 40c. I Mra, Clinton Smith and children re- Tjiidlcfi' P'ur Scurfs. $l.an to Misses' Golf Gloves, 25c, 3Oc" I Howard and Miss Minnie Ltnce of were not kept in operation very long. The turned from their visit in Fhllllpsburg on Si.US [cokesbury were^gu93ts of H. S. Lince Pillow Cusliioi»«, 23o. operators claimed at that there was a Friday. LnrtiC8'IIanilkorcliiofrttfl«,10c. over Sunday. ' Head Rests. li!5c, valuable mineral In the rock, represent- Lndlus* TJIICC- HuiHlkerchiofs, Silk Floss Pillows, all sizes. Thomas Craig is repainting and repaper- 15c, IWc ami -lOo. It is sad to relate, but true, that some of ing nickel to a large percentage 1 Pillow T6pfl,'all new patterns, , ing the Interior of his tenant house which ! ; our farmers, owing to tbo scarcity of help, UndicH Inittiil Hamlkerchleftj, 23c to 40c. John Benerd, who lIvei~~iur.:-FleasQnt is to be occupied In the near future by 10c. TIMES HAVE CHANGED havo bean caught with considerable corn Valley district and has a brick yard In in the snow. Your Glen Gardner corres- Edward Solliday. Children's Initial Hmulkor- Clmtclnlnc BiiBS leutkor, 25c, this place, which be operates ID the sum- If the young men in this town atlll in Clllcrrl, .".(!. 40c, 75c 080. Until recent years hardly anyone thought of buying avvagon after pondent says it should have been gathered mer season, turns out •; about five thousand t In. If he and others would go out and their teens should bo fined fifty cents for Men's .Tnpnnutlo Hamlkrr- Ohatclaiiio Bncs, beaded, 25c. the fall season was well advanced. Now we sell Wagons anil Buggies brick a day, if the weather Is fair. The every oath they take, the township would ctiicfs, 10c. 40c, 00c, 75c, »Hc, ^1.40. help the farmers who need help so badly, Benerd brick In quality Is hard to beat. arun's I»uru IJInon Hiinrtkcr- all through the year. Just got in some new ones last week?/;.\Vi-do a and receive good pay • for their labor, thia saon have money enough to macadamize Tjadies' Pocket Books, 25c, 40c, cliielV), l!5i;. 75c, OSo. tremendous business in wagons of all kinds'—from tiic-tueaper sort to condition would not exist. But no, tbey MIBS Mary Wltte, who spent moat of the th3 roads, Whltu Mercerized Pique, SBc. past summer and fall in Washington, is Ivadir-s' Black Underskirts, O8o profor to sit by a warm stove io a store and WUH^m Anderson, whq:bas-been;very Pink,-Ijlclit »lii« «"<* Wliito 2 the best, and every style made. Don't forget'to,..visit our repository .toij;2.-tp.: .. .;---•;--.:.- -.•:— -r~ . find fault with the ovor worked farmers. now spending a few days with • her "niece j'ck for the past week, la thought to be Alhatro^, HOo. "'• "aFtherHb^dr^wKerTi'fnvant'uf •either'a sleigh or a wagon. . •.:.•. and nephew, Mr. arid Mrs. Samuel Bow- VciH'Llmi Clot h, all slmdcs, HOo Black Taffeta Silk, warranted, Mrs. George O. Apgar. went _to . East : L 1 convalescing. . •_ „ 85c.aucl$1.00nA $t.OO. man, in this place. , -'•• • - " LOSI.UU. Hlitcck CChevioth Sfi-iri\ 5(»c. Orange on Saturday to spend a fortnight The members of the Brass Castle Olub Myron B. Meeker of New York, who Tricoi. Cloth, all wool, 2oQ t<> 11ml $1.00100 . .1'11_""--*ND' REPOSITORY, IV V{> UuWviS, Jf' with her daughter, Mrs. E. D. Da Witt. Houso Association report "* that they are wont to a hospital in that city three weeks 5 j. Morris Elck of Anthony was in our vie- doing a thriving business, and if It still I ago to undergo an operation, Is lying very JgyH'ad it occurred to you that a buggy or sleigh would make a very I laity last week buying apples for elder. j continues to gain this month a-j it did last| ill. Mr. Meeker is a~ brother ~ to William' G E O . MM. BEERS handsome Holiday present for the son or daughter or other dear one ? ; Ho boa made large quantities of cider and month, they can, b'y the first of January, Allen and Mrs. JameaCroagerof thia town, | yet has orders for more than he can pro-1903, pay their members a good dividend. Frank Folkner. who had his leg broken uco. • Mr. Wm. P. KuBh, ono of our painting itthe Pequost Furnace a short time ago, Our public school and Sunday school will and decorating contractors, has at present i getting along as well as can be expected. We liave recently placed unite inaChriatnms enter tain meat to bo a great deal of work on band, which will Henry Freeman has rented the Huzolton held in the school house on Christmas Eve. give employment to his men probably all farm near Wolftown and will take posseB- in^stock a line of the most We all former enter- | slon about the first of April. | Ic Is expected to excsl I winter, tainmonts here. - Miss Mabel Harrison, formerly of Little ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPH "Wlllard Apgar spent Saturday at Junc- Philadelphia, has resigned her position tion'vialting'friouJa.-- •••• •"-•'-•--'...:••.-.•-;.-.-..--_ •With J.S; Stianer-and In,now,omploycd Tiie dhrlatninB ontortainiip'Bnt will bo . Several of.our townsmen have been suoa- by M. F. Gulick, the bakor and con fee- 1 :i : held'oa:Chriataiaa;r.Eye,. /iy.ie .same jolly loned tcTFlemlngton'tbBerVQ on a struck oner in Wa8hinRtoo.™ ^:"---^.-jr-:™:.".\'.;_- ; SF-eluding'-severaLof^the I Mr, Daniel Osmun, son of Mr. Irvin old Santa Clans will bo 6a band us usual; ury. The case to bo tried ia tho validity full oHiun and gloe. popular styles" of the foreign of an election hold at High Bridge to raise [ Osmnn.'ono of tho highly respected young nion of this village, has taken a position r:^Sasan Qaroy IB vory 111 at thii writ- ?C,000 with which to. build a new BChool -ah. We hope for her speedy rocovory. product. No line equal to it _ft louse at that place, " with the Needham Organ & Piano Co, in Washington. Wo all wish him success in [{. Mies Siella Sliker obtertained her frloud r 1 v Our Collector will meer? the taxpayer of from your town on Saturday. / ' ;• in' this section of': tner State,' teJLyou which is the best, and know our "ground when we :he township at different points to collect his new place, i-™ulia. Daniel SUkor and threo'aona from Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee are tbo proud There's every reason to believe you'll like taxes/commencing Saturday at Q, o; Ap- .parents of n Qoo llttlu daughter which We;ilike\yise feel confident ftat ;ar's at Woodglen. theEaBt have been spending a few day In this place visiting hor BlKter, Mra. OhrlB [ the stork hat] loft to them. Mrs. Peter B. Hoffman and daughter, Snyder, whom she has not seen in twenty Erma,were guests of Mrs, Alfred Lance on Frank Tiger has accoptGd^?-. position in years. THE MEAT WE SELL, THE SERVICE WE GIVE. . Friday. _.,_. . Newark on tho trolley lino. V OUR PICTURES FOR j-iltia reported by the knowing ones that Solomon Foss has returned to Newark ProfcEsors Mowdor and Tlgar expect to ihn-W:.Duckworth.has sold his.farmland ._wliere_hfl ls_engaged In Bteam fitting, afte .take a trip to New York and Philadelphia DURABILITY will movo to'"Philadelphia"to tbcTnbar jipendinR twor weeks-with" hw •"putepts -la ohXsinglng tour™Our beatwiahea follow be^ 1 l are unexcelled anywhere. " We are'keepihg'figfirribfeasf-of- fature. ' this place. ' •' \- -- 'J.^;,V ,,' them. ..,• • :(. ^ ....'.. '.._' ...Jeremiah Fields of Clinton and aleter,, i Itissald that tho seeonfl Toostoijgflgbl Mrs. Kate Gare.'/^haB' returned home \h£.tj.^;j.nd_whlle*5ro"ducing' photographs as fine • as any ^' hao boon pnHed,off:,Jp thiH_.p_lace^9iniuld ../S-E Maggie,' were guestaof Mias" Alice - after a tbriewtJtJ-t. l>taywlth;:Mra,-. Alfred ::: [the third Qftbt occur Borne of^tfie^Bbya 1 o'theTaftistT '6urpnce§C,afe"f nMrly^al"ways-lp,w.er? "Gall=arid~ H* son over Sunday. i 1 7 Lee.' '• •"' • ' • . • •" . VI- , may flndvoub that thei. ) aro aomo civlll 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bendorsbct leave The Leading Washington Butchers. | ed people In this place as well as heat hoi see our"latest products; ' .,,._, e The Pride of Hci'acB. today lor a lengthy visit In';Newark and and they might have a chance to spend c Many Soldiers In the last war' wrote to Borne of their profltfl, -., ° , .New,York. "• . • |/',^ ._ '• ' ' ^HOfobRAPHS MAKE NICE PRESENTS' , say that for Scratchesh , BBruisesl , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lannlng spent Sun- | Wounds,"CoVnB'; Sore Fwet'and Stiff Joinij . To Cure a Oold in Ono Day - . DB. BARNES1, SPECi^LlST- = ay with lUa paronta in this place. „._' for father, mother, friend or sweetheart. Calf and sit today. in nil iletieaeeH o! the blood, akin, 'kidney, bladder, Htoirmoh, nerv. Buoklen'a Arnica Salvo 1H the, heat in^ho Emanuol' Boyder wae ^'rcatl^j surprised TahoLaxaLlyo^Brq.TlolQaln|DO^ Tablets. OUB dllilllty, varlcocelc, ntrlcturc, rtieumatlmn, infwLlon, sped a. 1 world.1 Same for Burns,' Scalds, -Eolh, All lirneBla'.B rornnii 'ibe'moriey lrit fillT diaeftses. catarrh, deafness, rupture; anthmn, bourt, liver,,lungn; , one morning lact weak when. he. went to |Thc Old EstCir.Sionds Reliable, Yet 4--•••••• ''.-5\' ^S jonstlpatlon and all chrout^ aiHtitt.et*. Conealtatlon Freo, ' Ulcers, ;;pk^iViVEr3ptlon8;^ftjQdjiiHiea;^It gear'up:'"to' hia'" trotting''sulky-lu- Gnd.lt to'-'ouro.—S.-pWg.Qriy.j'a.BljDatuM !"; 03,Wideawake. Progressive and Up-to-Datc. . • *-* • ^~; ^THoufs0 to 12. 2 to 5, 0 to 8; Sunday, 10 to 2 jCnreB.o: no pay. .Only 25c otF.N. Jen- : : atiudlnR oatherapf of the houBO. - ....,[• eao^ibox. 25c!^ ,. v:-, '. '^:i"'- --~\' [ The DnBapnea Offices, Drake Building, 19 S. 3d Si, Ewiun, ?»_ j kina* Warren County Drug Store.


HODS, tbo members of Gnco Lutboran UXKUItl). et h b 1 B lho ob rol d t After trawling .low llfe'a hlSbw«y for . ""° "» P" " °° " L ^ Philip Martin WAS In Scranton a part of raoiiiit«l toP.00O . more than fo». .coro year., Iulab P|,u wblob « fcw ye.n w> « last week tbo snout of bis sister, Mra. Katb- Last Month of the The CARTER PHARMACY... dlod at tbo bomo of Mr.. Mary Graver, In H«rr/ Curbtrt, who until rocontly WM a orino HulTmin. Wbllothoro bo attended , * ThUOld Kutablldliwinii.ln-llHblcDrtiifiStore ' Spruco Alloy, Tburaday morning. Tnojcarlnapootor at thofroljht homo of the tho <b annlTOrsary of tbo Scranton Pres- offt'ruoClioicoKi'lectlonof A rt Iclcn wul t nl»l(* for deceased wasolRtityflvo yparaold ard Is Loblgn Valloy road boro, Is now a full- byterian church which waa bold Sunday, surviiod byonoaon and Ovo d.ughton; dodged Insuranco agont. Nov. 30tb. Mr. Martin was ono of fifty ...Christmas and New Year Gifts... tboy aro: Minor Platt, Hra. Jralle Button, Warron Council, No. 176, Kolfbta of P»»ou» who ori!Jiil«od Ibo congregation Mra. Joromltb Kobl. aud Mrs. Anthony Columbus, last wook elected oOlcore for Hfiy-four joarti ago. Tno chute*! bus now Storm of tbl) town; lira. George Smith of tbo ensulni; yoar as follow.: Put Urand a ongrrgatlon of oror 2,000 Mr. M«rlln, To tlioMcof u lUemrjr turn We coriliully recaniiiirnil n •I.ll-'K 'SUHSCKU'TION t« Carpontervlllo and Mrs. Eltou Minders of TUB TAIIAItl) IN'.V MIlHAKY. A few inoru n|iji1lciillonn will Ito rrcuive)!, ~ Knight, M.J. Gltinoj; Ornml Knight, J.'thoujh Inbli81itjoar,onjojsgood health 1 BrfdgotoD, F& - until Decoallir " 111,at $.'l.fiO. Don't ml** till* privilege of Iwlnts nlilf to read nil. J. Murray; Troaiuror, J.jhn E S.-nltl>; Ro- and b quite active. tliu bi'Ht lniokM nil thp llini'. Tbo Warron County Llrnior Doalora' and cordor.J. p. Dufty; Financial tiecruUry, A court of Foresters of America was In Hotol Hoopers' AssocJatlou bold amooilng E K Hartzcll; Chancellor, D. D- Sullivan; Btltutod Saturday ovonlng with 30 charter "The Smoker's Delight" *Ounrmitew], JliKh-Kmile Friday In Scherer'a Ball. Wardon, J.J. Smith; Iosldo Guard, John mom bora. It will bo kcown as Oxford OFDRYGOQDS Key West Cigar, imtuptniiniijljlioMH Offiiars elocted by Pallllpiburg Lodgo, Conaetl; Outsldo Qaurd, Lawronco FJtr* Couit, No. 117. Tbo work waa exemplified go raid; Trustees, J. J. Connelly, C. B. by (Jrand Chief Ratger EdWHrrio of Pater •-'.'•• ——AT THE——- L—Lou nt other ROOII lirntulfl—Tori lively (tie lient vniuo lor tlio A. O,-of U. W., Tliursddy evening woru: Brady. Bernard E. Tfgbe; Advocate, son, and Grand Secretary Donnelly of Jer- money In town. Past Mdfltor Workman, O. D. McOlary; Master Wprknutn, J. Irvln Lakr; Foro-, Thomas J, Croughen; Lecturer, T. O. sey City, and btato Depuiy MdEon of Pater. min JBITIM H. Hew; Orcrncor.J.I Clliiej, Dlnnn; n^nlat, Mitthow O'DonnoI); Del* eon. The following olllctra were Innialled: An Unequalled Collection of ojatoato SUto convention in May, 1003, p & Rccordor. K H. Lorcb; Rocelvcr, John A. Past Chief Ranger, Edward Delanoj; Chief j : Exquisite Perfumery & & Bachman; Financier, J. I. B. Belloy; M. J. Glbnoy, W, J. Maronoy; Alternates, ItanRor, Martin E. Olynn; Sub Chief Rin- T. C. Dlnan, J. J. Murray. put iijt Iin-IfKitnt«Imi»f—all ni«f riil tin.'latent Guliie, E. W. Tlionmf; IoBlde Watchman, gcr, Jarais Uct; Rec. tieo*y, Charles E. JAMES M. FITTS, Prop'r. • iiml mom impular ixlom ;: Lawronco Ualloj; Outeldo Wdtotiuian, Flcbtol;: Fin. Sec'y, Charles Wlsehurn; EoDJamln Coym; Medical, l-Jxnmlncrs, J, NKW VILLAGE. Troas., WHIin Altcraus; Sr. Woodman, 3 EAST WASHINGTON AVENUE, WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY. HOT DRINKS rOI? Till: COLD SNAP-TRY THEM. M. Itoeao and L. D. Biebor; Trustee, E. W. Mrs, Thomas Hush and daughter, Daisy, Sampson II. Mil ford; Jr. Woodman, P. J. Thomas; Representatives to the Grand Corloy; Sr. Beetle, Wm. Millar; Jr. Hectic, The last weeks of sale now on. We shall no more consider the tt'efiaviMiiiuii.toilat.-Htoek (if .MOCKK'S I'AI'CU ami KN- visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruab two days Lodge, J. I. L*feo, iind J. I. B. Holloj; Al" Fred Heath; TruMoe, one .Year, P. F. VUIAH'KS —H njik'nillcl iiHHortmt'tit ut ronHli> i>rk-i-«. tbiu week. cost; everything goes regardless ot its value. Remember, this month tornatcs, E. W. Thomas and O. D. McClary] Moran"; Truatev, 2 years, Eldrldge H. Mr. and Mrs. Abrain Ruab and family of Auditing Committoi'. J. R.' Shim or, Smith, Trustee, 3 yetirt*, Jumes Alilford; must finish it up. No opportunity to purchase goods after Jan. 3, 1903. And everything else you can think of that a Drug Store should keep in stock* Pbllllpoburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Charles LudwJg and C. hi. Day. Pbyalclnn, Pr. L B. Hnngland. Tho court Prices always as low as consistent with good goods., Mrs. J. E. Kusli. ~ ~ meet on the first end fourth Wednes- Two weoba ago Antbouy Storm loft his Mrs. Wm. Riley Is on tbo dick list. day of each mouth, in Sobner'n Hall. bomo bore to visit bis daughter In Bucks I think uur in»yor will bavo to have THE CARTER PHARMACY, county and nothing woa hoard of bim un- Mr. and Mrs. George Ilartmnn returned If moru policemen to assist him, as several of til Friday, whan hid roinalntt wcro found homo a few days ago from a short visit to A. C. GODFREY. Proprietor. WASHINGTON, N. J. our neighbors have been missing coal, ioillold In Rnubsvillc, Pa. Mr. Storm Newark. plank, plpo, feed and chickens. as of old. VVo are the promoters antl originators of low prices. Our WRH elehty-nino yeara old and it Is bollovcd Wm. Llttlo hilled two bogs last week that death resulted from apopk-zy. Mr. and Mrs. Apgar hive gone (o house- that tipped tho bourn at 900 pounds. Ho guarantee goes with every cent's worth we sell. beeping in ono of John W. Cllnu'd double- A number of (rlond» helped John Ellen- has a similar record for last year's porb houses. Thoy guvo a reception oj Thurn- berg eclobrato bis alxly-sccond blrthdny, production. We are still selling our famous White Diamond Flour at $2.00 day toa.fowof their friends. Pfldny, Bt hla borne on South Main street. rly 2C0c-xlia cOpko uf L Si'A it of Mrs. J.imes K. Smith Bpcnt Wednesday per cm., and warrant it d* £uuti, if not belter, than you gei else- While on a vltlt, Mrs. Mary Orny, aged t wobk wore Hold In town. It contained with her daughter, Mrs. R, J. Gruvor, at sixty-flve, died at tho borne of her brother, a good account uf the dedication of St. where at $2.20 per cwt. Unlontowo. Tbcsodoro Ploraon, In Oxford, Friday IO'H Cutbultc church, also ilno pictures Sleepy Eye, the cream of Minnesota Patent Flour, $2.40 cwt. Surprise Merchandise Go's ulght. iritb I-IDT !t> upending ainio tlrao at of both chinch and pastor. hor old homo In Uolonfown. Tuo dialling at Malnetroot and Recso James H. Johnston's stove and tinsmith You lake no chances in trading here. BE SURE 01- THE PLACE; Court hat been purchased by John J. Miss Nettle Hush of Phillipflburpr Is visit- trade has lncroasud considerably since bo LOOK FOR THE SIGN. nolly from Mis, Charles Roeso. ing ber slstor, Mrs, Stewart T. Rush, opened his new store opposite tho gtlat Andrew Foranco, Michael Walovor John Lunger moved hh family from this mill. Clark Smith Is in chargo and tin. Paul L!ntco, nil Hungarians, wore' billed place on Wednesday to Broadway, Our Bmiths from Washington come ovor when SEE OUR DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS. while at work near the Pbllllpsburg yard village now has two ompty bouses. their sorvlcfi aro required. It la ijulte handy for Oxford to bo In quick touch of tho New Jersey Central railroad, Friday Mrs. Wm. A. Baylor of Washington with ouo of the largest stove and hardwi.ro THE B I G STORE morning. The moo failed to heed ttio spont part of last weofc curing for hor utorea in thl-t section. Mr. Johnston has warning of an approncblog train and were mother, Airs. Diniul KInnoy, who has recently put Iu a telephone. JAMES M. FITTS, Prop'r. instantly billed. boon quite olok and Is not improving aa At a meeting of the Board of Education rapidly as hor frlonds would like, Mr. and Mrs. Char lea R, Poolo spent Thursday evening Miss Emmol Lommaaon Danlot Klnney was taken with cramps Sunday at Dover the guools of hor stBter, waB appoiotod acting principal of tbo Sit- on Sunday morning and was In a sorlous Mrfl. Fred A. Angle, greavea street school, In placo of principal condition until noon, but Is much improved John Borponbuck, employed nt Fiohtol's olcctClaronoo Sloan, who la 111, It was at this writing. newstand, foil from P. J. Corley'd wagon Holiday Announcement also announced that tbe schools will be Air. and Mrs. Frank Apgar entertained at on Thursday and dislocated hia knee cap. Is Now Going Oil. ilosed from Decotubor 24th to January 6th. their now homo on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bardco is eigoylng a Bhort vaca- MIHM Ella Shlpman's Sunday school Frank Steckor of Bloomsbury, Misa Nettle tion Iu town at the tiome of bit) parents on of Shoes and Slippers class will give a necktie social this even- Hush of PnlUipaburp, and her sister, MIES Axford avenue. •••••••••••••••• ing for tbo beneQt of tbe Sunday Bchool Catherine Qulgley,. "A/hat's of no use is too dear as a gift." library. • L\Mr. and Mra. George P. Snydor of Broad- A3THONY. A Inrgo congregation appreciated tho way are vhitfdg hor grandparents, Mr, and Lawrence iWtts lost a valuablo cow last Why not give something that will bring the recipient com- — This-sale has attracted more people's attention than lecture on Korea, Japan end tho Holy Mra. D. Klonoy. etk. Tbla makes two this year worth nt fort ? Even children enjoy sensible presents—how proudly Land given by MIBS Johnson of EjGton at Miss E lith Thatcher has returned home jaatflOO. do-tlVy show the new boots, shoes or slippers: that Santa any other sale that was ever held in Easton or vicinity and we tho Presbyterian church, Sunday morn- after spending four weeks with ber Bisters Alex. Anderson hits been surveying tho ing. in Phillpaburg. past two wcths. Tt.U neck bo expects to Ciaus brings! are not at all surprised that the people took .advantage of it, William Shuliz of South Main etreet Is Miss Ruth Cllne spent Thanksgiving be in Flemlngto.i. FOIl Til KIIAIIY—Soft Dontrnlu Khnvn Imml FOIt TUB 'HOY— Little Gents' Box Call being congratulated over Ills recovery week with Mr. and Mrs. J, M, Kase in CHarles Beatty of Washington was OJ ttiruwl, no Iii'cln, tiid-ur button—HIZI-H I to Sliopd, wi-nrllkf iroQ.S to HtW, at $1.25. from typhoid fever. Washington. • . as our rediculously low prices are enough to bring'people from tho mountain last weak in quest of game. .". atnOc \»\\f. Little Jiojo* Patent Leather, very iiretiHy, One of too latest victims of the typhoid John Ditnoar butchered two lino hogB He had good luck, Patent l.fiitliLT, , ut Sl.t-T., • • ••• : FOi; TATIIiuIt or 1JIG BltOTll liK—Tan or Glrlw' I'lttL-at 'U'lither, ciotii to|w. very will bold a fair and festival 'In.'Parochial IJKOADWAY. bo county (that btirg the bounty on a I Black linlttUIon Alligator yilpperw, 50c. Hall during tbo holidays. gray for) by turning in tbe ears, aud he drewH.v. lure or button. Si,-, to 11, atjl.l'o; ! HM^HIII Calf Ope HI or Evcrltt ail|>pL'rs, $1. Navigation on the canal baa closed. The lllito 'J,at$l.riO. Boldtho^polt for 51 SO. | Tan anil Illack Vlel Kill SlipperH,$l.S5ftnd Sunday afternoon the local lodge of last loaded boats passed here on Thanks- GErln' Hod l-Vlt ItuDin .Slijipertt.^ur topw, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS, Elks held memorial services for tho do- giving Day, but the canal woa kept open D. O.^'Anderson of W>odglon spent Sii to II, iitToc; II!'- to -,'ntOOc. cooied members of the order at tbe lodge to allow the captains to return home with Wednesday tiore with bis son, Alexander. ro^^oii South Main street. KOK MOTHEK OK SISTKIt — l-'olt HoiiHe their boats. Owing to tho strike, they will John Johnson, Jr., and Frank Lance, Jr., SlIlijiiTK, "IOL', "Hf, $1.00. $1.2.", ?l.;"0. Jlen'B AliiHliiiH,?l.r,0 all manufactured and bought for this season, at just 50 cents' ;: Thomas TIgho of'Railroad; a vonus has I not havo_much promlum money to depend ere.in Enflton onTiitfiday.;... _^_ ...„. :, _mWe have.them.iu.IMnk.Jlcd, Jilue, Uron-ii, .Mcn'i(-Arct|ctj. SHOO, $1.2.', $l.."O. " ' • • • : ; 1 on'this winter."* •-~''-"--'':-:'n'••'•-•- ••• '- • - " ntack'niitl Green. "'• ,•-•-"-'-• • -• 1 recovered from a three monLlib' HliiVsi "6f Mrs. Hannah Force will stay all winter MCII'M OverRiiiters, 2"ic and 50c. •on the doliar. :-"Our'-ldss is your gain, but the' st ck must typhoid fever. Tbe early sown winter grain does not with her aunt, Mfos Rachel Walters. - jailleit* AlfiKkiiH, T.'L-. .;:•;•." •••••'• Alurr'irFelt UooU, J2.00, ?2.25, $2.50.""" tie sold. • The thlrty-flfth anniversary of inetitu- took very good as the bugs are in it. Those Wm. Htnn has lost four valuable calves Lntlii's* Ovornfiti'rc, \')c, liHe, iiOeaml 7."c. Men'H ICubber Hoots, $2.50, $y.0O, $3.50. tlon of Accho Lodge, No. 124,1. O. 0, F., that put theirs in lato aro bettor oil this by death. Ltid!(.>H' Itiiittier Hoots, ?l.">0 tinil ?1.7r>. IIOJ-H' Hnliber Itootn, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50. watt celebrated Monday ovenirg In an Bason. If you are wise you will come at once and secure some Some of our farmers still hare corn to MlHBfB anil Children Kubboi- Ilnotn, a to and $:t.00. •,- elaborate mnnnor by the members-and Tbe Epworth League will hold Its regu- busk, and tbe busking of It will be pro- low., at $1.00; 11 to 2, ut $l.!>ii. Itoyfl" Felt Do tH, 51.7i3, $2.00. friends of tbo order. Everybody enjoyed •of the biggist bargains in the country as this stock cannot lar business meeting on Friday night at ductive of decidedly cold fingers. the entertainment and refreshments. which time the electfon of officers will Watson Eanghart and his son-in-law, As the required number of natneB have tako place. Every member Is requested Hast long. George Castner, are members of the petit boon secured, u branch of the Elbs will be to bs present. jury which convened at Flemlngton on Herman Petty, Instituted In this tov n within a couple of Salmon Bros, finished the macadam road Tuesday. ••••••••»••••••• weeks. on Saturday and stored tbolr roller along- Miss Edith Jvinnenian passed last week Tho horse Enoch, 2!l6A, was purchased side tbe crushor. It, has not been a pro- THE SHOE MAN,, with ber aunt, Mrs, Marshall Sergeant. last week by Thomas Newman for £505, at Stable season for their employees on 19 E. Washington Ave., Washington, N. J. tho Fassig sale In New York. account of the wet weather causing so Miss Hattio Apgar waB for a week the guest of her brother, Harry, at Boatyes- By order of tbo State Tuberculosis Com- much loss of time. town. mission sixteen COWH auffering from tuber- We owe our thanks to D. W. Bowman Surprise Merchandise Co. culosis were killed Friday on the Richard- for .laving'us all supplied with coal to Mrs. John Eeasie has beeu suffering with F son farm, Mt. Holly. . a sore throat. - carry us through a good part of the winter. I Jtiat home ffointho Philippines whoro Tbe Sunday School Board has decided Road tbo following from'B. H. Johnson, bo served two .years ln.Co,;i,, Fifteenth.U. to have a Christinas tree for the childruu I :205-207 NPRTHAfiflPTON ST.; Many SprioR, Mo-: "I have used Ramon's ALWAYS READY 8. Infantry, Sergoant'Patriok Lavery, son this year, along with their entertainment. of Mr. and Mra; Wm. Layory,. received a Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets for bilious- •Isaac Hull haa bought tho< Y'ilson •pro- : pleasant welcome 'Friday., from his rnany s'r general debility and™ pains ' iu~"tlie" perty adjoining Dr, Crovoling's and oc- friends.''"";.- -^ .' "•_ '•"""•' " ' ;""" back and side, and they gave me speedy _..:-..TIie Electric Light is always ready foruse~— cupied by D. 0. Riddle. and lasting relief." The entire Troatme^t, Tho Centennial Firo Engine Co. will bo Rumor has it that there Is to be a ton Liver Pills and fifteen Tonfo Pullois, You merely turn the.b.utton-r.nd the-light is the guesta of the Allen Fire Co. No. 7, of wedding bore about Christmas tlino, but cost only 25 cents. One a dose, course a Allontown, on the occasion of tbo annual there good and strong. No dirt, no smell, wo are not positive enough to give tho euro; trialdo30 free. F. N. Jenkins, War- -Ht^m—m—m* meeting of tbe State Firemen's Association names of tho suspects. ren County Drug Store. no lamps to fill, no escaping gas or waste; n that.city on Oct. 4,1903. The Epworth LOHRUO will bo in clmrge light, clean, strong and sufficient. Paul Garret's team defeated Walter of MIBS Tammle Hoppock next Sunday 'BIS Wyncoop's team by a score of4to2, in a The Enlarged Globe Store night. Topic, "Our Fellowship." Mrs. C. A. S. Gulick roturned home on Kumo of basketball at a mooting: of tho Saturday after spending a couple of weeks Young People's Society of St. Luke's COJJUMUIA. ^siting friends in Newark. church, Friday evening. ' GRAND DISPLAY OF io pHnflplfivlHitod . hor_ fietor, JahnParkcr iiaa puroimeOi] HouiJuHiico Mrs. Thomas Forco has bcon soniawliut Washington,r:EIectric ,:Ught:Cp. Mrs. Blair Rusling, and Alias Sadie Moore -i~ Van Billiard.the house at 20 DJIVIS street ndispoaed for sevor-U days but is slightly froffi.Tlmrsday nightaritil'-'ouiiOay liltjliL, LJ1P.T T rv .A v p for $ 1,550;-r-;-'-"-T •.•"""" ""':'. yy ,:.. .mprovod at Lhls writing. ' ; . Miss DunfloM and Miss Mopro spent Satur- About forty of tho frlonds of Mr. Whit- 11 vy U J U /-i. i VJ( Miss Myrtlo Rupert, during the absonco lay Iti BtroudsburgHltopplng. of Olerk Arthur Warner, is acting as clerk Held atephena gavo him. a delightful sur- MiBsJJarnh Cool is having a part of hor Bric-a-Brac, Chinawnre, '•' at tho post-otlica. •':. ,-^ prlao on AVtcineaday evening of last week, : double tenoment bouse rnnnporod. the occasion "being his birthday. Tho Comb aud Brush Sets, '•*!, Vases, L. ilight and Shadow" was tho title Art Miss Lena Wcstbrook of Hojjo Is staying ovoniog was spont in clancIngTaad other A PLEASED ..CUSTOMER IS • • Manicure Sets, ;.- •.--Sterling-Silver-Ware,- - the lecture glvon by the pastor, Rev. V*'. with Mrs. Slownrt Winters for about tUree amuBomenls. After tin evening of much W. Barker at tho Baptist church, Tuoadny ~ Cut Glass, Smoking Sets, wcoks, jollity und feativlty the guests departed ovoning.- Tho ladles of tho church funish- Mr. and Mrs. Blair Rusling visited Mrs. for thoir various homes In the woo. small OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT. Pictures, Handkerchiefs, - ed refreshments after tbo lecture. Malviu Dunfiold on Sunday. hours of the morning,', wishing tho host Wris* Jfcigs. Pocket Books. .-' John Mattes has rrsigned as night ticket : Edward Bruglor, who has been sick, is muny happy returns of the day. We are at the old stand—No. 3 Broad street, in the Bank building—where agent' at the Leliigu Valley station to and lots of other suitable articles for nice presents, but do not Tlio'ontortalmuont at tho school UOUEO wehave.been. doing business for over 15 years. By'honest dealing, and bys. accept a more renumoratlvo position with around again, , on Friday evening waa very well attended .-. :. .selling good? at a very small profit, we have been able.to.pj.ease our customers."---- • , .. forget.that we sell elegant . .. .; ..... llie: Alpha Ootueiit "Company. Herbert The hoirs expect to soil tho rcsidenco of In flpito of tho bad. roads. The program itoadinuv^BUMefid^M^ the lato SarnlrGilbort at private or^publio ( ..-.„.. -^..W.ejeel.. very, ^ratefuL-tor.the...'m3ny,friencls,aiiJ.xustoii)ers,wlio,riav.e,pa^..^^^. consisted"* of"'reel tations," si ng ing "7 arid igoni."—r"" '•'-" . .; n . 'salo'ln'lu'e"h"eTir futufor" ~ ™"-;-~" 7of,"ixe^u^lnd\ve'l^op"eTo^nTinue to nierTtTtTiberai"sliaFe~o"Mheir trade. 'tableaux-. We have on hand a stock of worthy Hardware and House Furnishings, and L" D/ess Skirts,,, "Tailored Suits, John Carpenter, agod^eighty-two years, B. F. Ward of Hactcettstown -loft tho homo of his sister, Mrs. Elbort Albertson, On account of tho inclement weather on <\an furnish anything in our line; not found on our shelves, in two days' time. is ill at his homo on Washington street, 1 Silk Waists, Flannel Waists, n Mom3fly."uioruIng."-'.-r:;;:^:v.;.j.x-:^^f;-v iinc^ny, thorn were-no.-.porvicea-here.. Ifj ^^r^yg.jgjj;::.""-^ .;™:... -—•• T>--t,. .,.,-,.... ,._„—„„.„.. ^.-,™ , ™™_.--.....,r,—,"..™ 03p-Npr~iBi^pr6.:sr'o7'rA."init)atca favorable next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Plummer Mrs. Potor Brands visited at tbTH~honio Beveral now mouabors Tuesday evening. will lUUbo pulpit. ;•; of ber brother, Blair Rusling, on Monday. -,, ' '. o'' "The "Quaker "Capita/," %_//, - "^ ? All at unusually low prices. You can save money by buying Passengers woro considerably jnrred by : The childron are preparing lor tlieir an- Irolloy enr jumping the track at tbo at the Globe'Store. , " Holiday OticnlugH. nual Ohrtetinns entertalnmont. Tbo'dato Central Railroad bridge on South Main THE BEST RANGE ON THE MARKET. "The;New Process"?Qil Tlio Enston Btorcs bavo bad their Holi- has not yet beau settled upon, street Monday evening. o Heater is liUewise.the nicest and besV Oil Heater- We furnish repairsJor any. day openings nnd they eay (tboso who Tlie funeral of lha lufaut child of Mr, ^ and.all stoves and heaters manu'acturcd..- Call and sec us. ;. .•"^:'"V' _ -••'--•:-.:\. Tho engagement of Edward D. Phillips have seen Ibo .Christmas displays) that and iT : ; auauarurmaryJing^botUoftlila town,,in. Radars'havo tho best solccted lotof mod-jtended on Tuesday of last1 wook. The] 229 NORTHAMPTON ST.; EASTON^ PAT announced. •••••-,. I erato coal nil ioIuiTsui table for giftathat sympathy of thia comaiunltygooi out tot s By Btrcsaou?t. work and generous dona-(they ever saw anywhero. ..:• .V . j sorrbwinsr paresta.-.'• . . .-.. •; | HORNBAKER& BOWERS, \.


TOW-NSBUUY. .ROOJIPOltT. GLEN OAKDNEH. Potonon Beora of TranquMty spent part Xlobort ZslWro and family visited at On tbo morolDR of D2o. Gth oimoour if Siturday and Sunday with his mother the homo ori/iWUClaw80Dt In QackoUs- iccond visible snow. About tlireo laches ind broth or bolow town. town, on Saturday* . fell. A high wind prevailed which catiRod Considerable gomo has been shot In this Mrs. Jacob Boatty spent from Tuesday biff drifts In eomo parts of tbo roods. What are You Going to do About lt?i section sinco the bunting soason oponed. until Saturday with friends In Nowark. Good sledding from Woodglon to Callfbn. Rabbits and quail havo boon qutto plenti- Mlsa Nollie Hodman of Suocaaunna was Sunday tbo third vlttble unow of about tno . You are not getting any younger. ful and a numbor of Bagllah phoaaants with hor parents boro p»*+ of last wock. inches Toll, tompernturo two dogrees be bavo been billed. Thcroaro a. number of . John Raco of Jackson V alloy was tho low froczlns. You have given hostages to for- native pheasants la tho mountains but RueatofMr. and Mra. 0. J. Birbor on Son- LlffMayberry has gone to Ellsiboth to very few of thorn bavo boon bagged. day. accept a position on tbo trolley lino. tune. Like all other people you | will be largely worn this winter; we have them in Green Hroa. bavo captured nlno foxoa, MUsra Plosalo Martonls and Ltzzlo Mc- Oharlos Parka la In search of H farm. which, when tho State and township Oathorn aro on tbo sick list. UowittSlIroH will movo from tho Frltts bounties tiro collected and tho peUs arc are in ;ilie hands of fate. 'Duty CALF, KIP, OIL GRAIN AND SPLIT. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. DavU woro with Sodom lano farm. >; disposed of, will net thorn in thu uelgb- frlonds In Washington last weok. ; borbood of fi5. Wo nro glad to noto that El. Usk killed eigbt skunk* uud two tells you to insure in our sportsmen adboro strictly to tbo law, Mrs. Eitella Walker entertained Miss opossums In ono day loet wock. Ho got Bertha Crogar on Friday. six from one hole, both In letter and spirit, and In no la* The ••'••';:'^ •"• "• Btntice bacc wo obaorvod aBtnglo violation. Mrs. Lydia tttiRhof Tranton Is visiting Abocldld&nco waahold Ht tho housoof Farmers of tbodoji in manger typo uro n frlonds hero for several days. " Bbarp Bohononon >mtn Mtrect, near Lv scarce artlclo In this community, and whoti Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thomas woro Sun* Hall. ! WEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, |ono la found who doca not shoot Rauio day uueats with frlonda in Jackson Valloy. E. Humphrey has his now houso, 32x60 Prudential hlnisoUandUunwlUlosfor hla neltjbbors . Miss Clara Delllcker bad charRO of our feet, ready to bo enclosed as noon as tho o have any bo t* given n wide berth. school part of last weok, tbo teacher being woathor will pormlt. I Insurance Co. of America $2.25 and $2.50 per pair Jacob Fleming has Riven up his poBttioa absent on account of sickness. Wild rabbits nru aolllng for twonty-uve atPoapick and Is now working for bb contseaob; groy ttiutrrels, tencints. Home Office:! Charles Beatty and sister, Eatolla, wero Newark, N,J,| AND WE GUARANTEE THEM. former employer, ;t Allaumeby. with frlonda In Hackcttatown on Sundcy. Melvlu Uanu tins engaged fn tho butcher business with Mat Appar In High Bridgo. Wo are sorry to utnte that Prod Suydor, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Anderson passed JOHN F. DRVDES, President. who has been tbo efficient foreman of tho Saturday and Sunday with his, parents In Rumor bas it that Prof. Myors and R. LESLIE D. WAHl), Vice 1'rpnldent. county's poor frtrm since Mr, Lelda was in Kirrsvlllo, ' Mur. Kay will form •) at Hoc quartet. Mr. EDGAlt B. WARD, Sd'Vlde l»rciil elected etownrd, hact boon compelled to Mrs. Jacob Fromo visited frlonds fn It ay bug earned a high roputition as an dutitnnd Counsel. I I give up bio position on account of Im- Dover on Thursday and Friday. irtlstby bis ability as an iiitorpretor of ; FORREST F.DHTDKN,Secretary i I We Are the Lowest on All Kinds of i >paired health. Uia life was despaired of Mrs. Wm. Cyphers of Vienna was among compOBltlons calling for breadth of ex* S.C.DEDRICK, ABBt.aupt.. ltuoni foratlmo but ho has rallied suQlslently the visitors hero last Thursday. preBBion and dopih of feeling, as well aa 0. Hank BMM'K, HromS Ht. anil to goto hla homo in Knowlton. Wo aro by bis extraordinary accomplishments in Wiinliliiwton Avenue, «mining RUBBER GOODS. S Informed tbat his complete recovery 1B Orvillo Wlllover has boon confined to bis purely technical display. doubtful, • homo for two weeks suffering from an at- tack of quinsy. Miles BanRbart says bo bas rented a Rovtval aorvlces aro being conducted at Jacob Fromo was with his sister, Mrs. T. farm and will relinquish tbe blacks ta I th- Janes' cbapol by Itav. Jamoa. Tbetr dura- Hopler, at Saropta, last Tuesday. ing business la tho spring. Tho Crater lion, no doubt, will ro3t on'the success shop will bo for rent. Mrs. Adam Fisher died at the huu • of attained. Owing to tho unfavorable James Little has secured tbo services of Executor's Sale weatbot and bad roads the attendance has er daughter, Mre. Saron Young, on Wed- Men's and Boys' Fait Boots nesday afternoon of lost week. Mrs, Young Harry Strublo of Stanhope to superintend .. -oy. ' ' . '. • "• been slim and tbo meetings haven't even his slaughtering department. reached tbo lukewarm stage as yet, ad kindly cared for her nntuer, who bad in all grades. seen a groat sufferer from paralysis, a Havo tbo gold mines beeu"set apart as a A bouncing boy was bom recently to long time. The funoral services were hold reserve fond for tho grandchildren? Mr. and Mrs. Waltor T. Boagland,and Mr. tt tbe honso Saturday morning, with In- Tho Boasoo doesn't seem long enouRh.no Two of the Most Valuable Farms aud Mrs. Joseph Klnney aro rejoicing in erment In tbo Hackettstown cemetery. matter bow long and fivorablo it may bo« tho advent of a young daughter. Charles Walker has deserted his wife. for same farmers. There aro two fields of in Northern New Jersey, George McConnclland family and a Mr. He left home tho first day of Jaly and has corn of about nix acres each at Woodglen . A N D A W O O D LO T , | THE HAY BOOT AND SHOE CO !Lannlng and family have taken up their ot been seen since. Mrs. Walker is now to husk and gather. residences near town, tho former In Aaron Ivlng with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tbe price of milk bas advanced at tho PROPERTY OF THE L\TE JACOB FITTS. OPPOSITE THE OPERA HOUSE j Sharps' houso: and tbo latter in James 'acob Baatty. creamery so much tbat it bas made It Qreon'ti tenant bouse* Mr. and Mrs, Benj. Hull have returned neceeeary for our retail dealers to ratee will take place at the Scarcity of help baa been one of the tome from a visit with friends in Fhila- their price, though their advance Is not in 339 Northampton Street, Easton, Penna. \ prime difficulties with which our farmers lolphla. proportion to that at the creameries. ST. CLOUD HOTEL, WASHINGTON, have, bad to contend during tbo past Mrs. Elizabeth Zallars, who lives near Our special election, It is understood, at two o'clock, p. m., on season, and a lew of them aro not prepared the Hackottstown furnace, will sell hor will take place Tuesday,23d Inat., at which for the winter, which is hero with a ousehold goods and personal property on time tbe voters of Lebanon township will vengeance Farm laborers wero hard to 'rlday, December 12th. vote their opinion regarding tbo Poor SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27,1902. get at from $1.60 to f2 00 per day, and in Samuol Hannwaa Inatautly killed by a Farm. ono instance five cunts per shock was Locomotivo last Saturday night while com- Our town nearly had an oil famine last FARM I—Situated out-half mile from Washington, N. J., on the main road lead- offjred fnr hushing corn, with no appli- ing from Hackettstown. Ing to Karrsvllle, containing 65 acres, more or less. cants. Despite the scarcity of help, bow* week, but Dan came to our rescue juBt In A young man of tbte vicinity enjoys time to fill our lamps. FARiW 2—Situated two miles from Washlngt m, N. J., on the valley road leading ever, the paet season has marked an era of hlcken so much that ho thought ho to Oxford furnace, containing no a:res, more or less. Well water, spring water and prosperity With a majority of our farmers, would Indulge on tho quiet. He wrapped Seals' bakery Is closed In consequence a never failing stream of water on the farm. the fairly good crops and handsome fowl In paper so DO ono would know of the oven arch giving away. Mr. Seal These farms are in the very highest state of culiivatlon and clear 1 f all obstruct- prices realized for the simo leaving little 'hat he had, but alas! be forgot the feet. gave as bomemado bread. ions. This Is the kind of land that ra'ses full crops, for It Is up to the highest standard THIS WINTER. ground for complaint. Better take a box next time and avoid dis- and needs no doctoring. The fences and buildings are In g iod repair. One-half of covery. Saved at Urave's Brink. the purchase money may remain on bond and mortgage. Provided, of course, that you have none and keep a horse. You'll Mrs. Caroline Albert has been confined At the same time and place will be sold all that tract of wood land situated about to her bed for a few days from a severe Miss LUUe Beatty returned to Change- "I know I would long ago have been In want a Stylish Sleigh, and one well made. It pays to buy a first-class water last week, after spending some time three miies from Washington, N. J , on the road leading to Karrsville, containing 37 attack of the grip. Her sister, Mrs. Ohas. my grave," writes Mrs. 8. H. Kewsom of acres, more or less. article such as I am selling this winter. The cost is a little more than Coote, of near Free Union, has also been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Decatur, Ala., "If It had not been for Beatty In thlfl place. Prospective buyers will do well to visit these properties and attend the sale. Any very III of pneumonia, and waa not ex- Electric Bitters. For three years I suf-information desired may be obtained by calling on or addressing for "the kind that's made to sell," but it pays fourfold. If you buy a pected to live for a time, bat is slightly There was no school Monday, Tuesday fered untold agony from tbe worst form s good sleigh, it will probably last a generation and be a source of com Improved at this writing. nd Wednesday on account of theof Indigestion, Waterbraah, Stomach and JAMES M. FITTS, ""' fort and pride and afford a feeling of security as long as you have it. We are glad to state that Mrs. Milton Teachers' Institute, which was held at Bowel Dyspepsia. But thla excellent Executor of Jacob Fltts, Deceased, Moore Is being relieved from a rather Belvldero. medicine did me a world of good. Since troublesome throat affection and Is gaining '^-'jwere no services In onr church using it I can eat heartily and have gained In general health under the treatment of last Sunday owing to the bad weather. 35 pounds." . For Indigestion, Loss of Ap- Dr. Pellet at Hamburg. Rev. L. B. Plumer will be with us on Sun- petite, Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles ay and there should be a large attend. Electric Bitters are a positive, guaranteed The Ojmun farm above town, which cure. Only 50a at F. N. Jenkins' Warren HOLIDAY GIFTS: woa offered at public eale recently,waa not County Drug Store. disposed of owing to a scarcity of bidders* BRASS CASTLE. AT- This was also the cise with the Warren Probably somo of the readers of the STAR BUTTZVJLLLE. Wildrick farm, which waa set ap would be glad to know'something of the another date.- We underRUnd that both littlo village of Brass Caatle. We have in Miss Lizzie Gardner spent Sunday with GEO. W. BE E R S»; places are for rent. lopulatlon about 130 people. In indus- her parents near t»ake Green. - - - " Oufstore is fuli of Dry and Fancy Goods/ Do not judgo our stock by, Samuel Mac Williams of Newark came tries we have a. grist mill, a saw mill, a Mrs. George Bartow will lead theEp- the size of the store. What are more suitable for gifts than the following : here Saturday and remained until Sunday blacksmith and wheelwright shop, two worth League meeting Sunday night. evening with his parents. stores, six Ice houses and two ore mines. The topic la "Our Fellowship." , , ^>.,JjadieV Silk Umbrftllas, fancy Ladles' KUl Gloves, all iluules, OHc. The ore mines on what is known as Witte The Sunday Bchool children sre rehears- bindies, «8c to $2.75. Ohitrtren's Umbrellas, 40c. Lad ten'Mo ch u Cloves, all WOODGLliN. Hill, were opened a few years ago, but ing for a Chrlstmaa entertainment. shades, $1.00. iwing to the scarcity of labor at that time Man's Umbrellas, 40c to $ 1.08. Howard and Mlsa Minnie Lines of Mrs. Clinton Smith and children re- tindlcs' Fur Scarfs, :$1,2G' to Ladles' Golf Gloves, 25c, 40c. Cokosbury worelgusats of H. K. Line e were not kept in operation very long. The operators claimed at that there was a turned from their visit in Fhilllpsburg on S4.»8 Misses' Golf Gloves, 25c, 85c over Sunday, Friday. '? Ladles1 HanakorclUcfofBclOc. valuable mineral in the rock, represent- c Pillow Cushion*. l!5c. It is sad to relate, but true, tbat some of ing nickel to a large percentage. Thomas Oraig is repainting and ropaper- Ludics' Lace Handkercl>l ^. Hciul Rests, IWo, our farmara, owing to tbesoarclty of help, ing the interior of his tenant house which 15c, 25c and 40c. John Banerd, who lives in Pleasant LndicH1 Initlftl KandkcrclilciVj, SUk Flows pillnwH, ail sizes. TIMES HAVE CHANGED. have been caught with considerable corn is to be occupied in the near future by pillow Tons, all new patterns, in the snow. Your Glen Gardner corres- Valley district and has a brick yard in Edward Solliday. 10c. , Until recent years hardly anyone thought of buying a wagon afte this place, which he operates in the a Children's Initial Handker- 25c to 411c. pondent says it should have boon gathered If the young monMn this town still in chiefs, 5e. Chatcsiainc Biur», leather, 25c, the fall season was well advanced. Now we sell Wagons and Buggies In. If he and others would go out and mer season, turns out about five thousand 40c, 75c, «ac. brick a day, if the weathor is fair. The their teenB should bo fined fifty cents for Men's Japanctic Hundkor- all through the year. Just got in some new ones last week. We do a help thu farmers who need help so badly, every oath they take, the township would cliieft, 10c. • . Cliatolalne Biucs, beaded, 25c. and receive good pay for tholr labor, this Benerd brick in quality Is hard to beat. Men's Pure Ijtneii Handker- 40c, OOu, 75c, »»c, $1.49. tremendous business in wagons of all kinds—from the cheaper sort t< soon have money enough to macadamize Ladles'pockci Books, 25c, 40c, condition would not exist. But no, they Miss Mary Wltte, who spent most of the th.3 roads. the best, and every style made. Don't forget to visit our repository prefer to eit hy a warm stove in a store and past summer and fall in Washington, is Wliite >rercerl/.cd Pique, !JSc. 75c, 08c. : now spending a few days with her niece William Anderson, ypho has been very [jiidfas* Black Undersklrtfi, 08c "• aHhe.vF6undry,r\viicri~iri-warit ofeithcr.'a.sleigh.or.-a^yagon.^ - •-..•.. tind fault with the °vor worked farmers. Pink, IjlRht. Blue .and White .to $2.4«. - and nephew, Mr. ancVMrs. JJamuel Bow- o'ek'forthe past week, is thought to be AlbatrosB, 50c. •• Mra'. George "C.'Apgar" weut- to tlast Black, TaffeTa Silk, Warnintetl, man, in this place. ~T—-•-•- ;.-.-.-::----•• 3nvaleBfiing._-..:;;,:.;iJ....^v ..,., • Venetian Cloth, allslmdes, 50c WASHINGTON FOUNDRY Q (X D . \ Orange on Saturday to spend a fortnight H5c and $1.00. ftw<1( s r Myron B. Meeker of New York, who -•to $i.op; •;._.'•• ., ..;. AND REPOSITORY, ___. ,*V V£« ' UUWCI3) Jl' with her daughter, Mrs. E. D. DeWitti The members of the Brass Castle Club Tricot C16tli,"all wool, 25ur to '•'- .-•.iUlack Cheviot Serae, 50c, Hoe '• Eouse Association report that they are Went to a hospital in that city three weeks and $1.00. " "" ~~ -•"--< ,•:•! Morris Eick of Anthony was in our vic- 35c. I it occurred to you that a buggy or sleigh would make a very doing a thriving business, and if it still ago to undergo an operation, is lying very inity last week buying apples for cldor. continues to gain this month as it did last ill. Mr. Meeker Is a brother to William handsome Holiday present for the son or daughter or other dear one? He has made largo quantities of cider and month, they can, by the first of January, Allen and Mra. James Creator of thla town, yet has orders for more than he can pro- W3, pay their members a good dividend. Frank Folkner, who had his leg broken duce. Mr. Wm. P. Rush', one of our painting at the Pequost Furnace a short time ago, Our public school and Sunday school will and decorating contractors, bas at present Is RettiDg along as well aactin be expected. unite In a Obristmao entertainment to be gr«at deal of work on hand, which will Henry Freeman has rented the Huzelton We have recently placed We held In the school house on Christmas Eve. give employment to his men probably all farm near Wolftown and will take posses- It is expocted to excell all formor onter- winter. -,,.-.. . , sion about the firat of April. in stock a line of the most tainmonte here. Miss Mabel Harrison, formerly of Little Willard Apgar spont Saturday at Junc- Philadelphia, has resigned her position ELEGANT PH'OTOGRAP^ tion visiting iri&nda,"-"--" — --"-,.-.• • =",.•„-.-... with J. 3. Skinner ..and,Is_npw employed ::Scvcral of cur. townsman have been sum- by. M.,,F,..Gulick, the baker and confec- The bbrlstriiftV entertainment "will™:bo moned to Fleming ton to serve on a struck tioner inu Washington. ••;: helii on/ Ohriatmas'- Evo7- The" same -jolly jury. The case to bo tried is the validity Mr,-Daniel Ostnun, son of Mr. Irvln old Santa Olnua will be oa hand-iis usual; "eluding several-of-the-most.^ of an election held at High Bridge to raise Oamun, one of tho highly respected young full of fun and glee. , •^~^-r_ Melt, ?0,000 with which to build a "new Bcboo men of this village, bas taken a position MrB. Suaan Garey Is vory 111 at thh writ- popular styles of the foreign with tho Neodbam Organ & Piano Co, in house at that place. ... ing. We hope for her speedy recovery. product. No line equal to jt Our Collector will meet the taxpayers o Washington. We all wlsli him Buccena in tell, you which is the best; and know our ground when we his now place. MiEB Stella Sliker entertained her friend the township at different points to collect from your town on Saturday. ; Mrs, Daniel Sliker and three aoriB from in-this section of the State.: make the offer..-. There's every reason to believe you'll like taxes, commencing Saturday at G, 0. Ap Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lee are tho proud gar'fl at Woddglen, tho East have been spending a few days in this place visiting hor sister, Mrs. Chris parents of a flae little daughter which We likewise feel confident that Mrs. Peter B. Hoffman and daughter, Snyder, whom she baa not seen in twenty the stork has loft to them. (ft ^ THE MEAT WE SELL, THE SERVICE WE GIVE ErmaiWere guests of Mra. Alfred Lance on years. •• Frank Tiger has accepted a position in Friday. ... . -. • ';""•' : Nowark on the trolley line. *- OUR PICTURES FOR Solomon FOBS has ruLurued to Now, ; It lo roportod .by tho knowing ones tbi Frofeesors Movrdnr.andTigar expeot- to It's alOecaiXse we John WrDiickwoiLU" lifts sold his farm and tako a trip to New York and Philadelphia will move to Philadelphia In the near spending two weeka^wlth hia parents in on a singing tour. Our best wishes follow selljt right; future. this place. • them. are unexcelled anywhere. We are keepingtright abreast of" Jeremiah- Fields of,Qlinton and, sister, It is said that the Beoond rooster Qght has been pnlled off lu tbls place Should .Mrs,.,Kate Garey boa returned home Maggie, were guests of Miaa Alice Ander- after a three weeks stay with Mrs. AKrud the time.siand while producing photographs^asi:f!ne-.as^anv,,-, H^NCEIBRDTHERS, Bon over Sunday. the third fight occur some of the boys 1 may find but that there aro somo clviliz' Leo. other artist, our prices are nearly always lower. Call and The Leading Washington Butchers. a Mr. and Mra. Elmer Bendershot leave l ! The Pride (if Heroes. ed people in this place as well as heathens see our 'latest products. ,' " and they might have a chance to spend today fora lengthy visit in-'Newark, and Many Soldiers In tho last war wrote to some of their profits.. ' ^ NewYorlt. • ' -, .. ,. *". Bay. that for -Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, PHOTOGRAPHS MAKE NICE PRESENTS : 'Mr. and Mra. Prank Lannioe spent Sun- DR.?BARNES, SPECIALIST Wo"uncls, Corns, Sore Feet and StlQ Joints, ; ; : In nl) (leBettBesof tlie blood, Hktn, kidney, blaililor, stomach, nerv- Bncklen'a Arnica Salve lathe beat in theday with bis parents in this place. ? To Cure a Gold In Ono Day " - 5: o"o ii«hlllt.v. vartcGcele, Btrlcture, rheumatism, Infection, special tefatHer; rnQther,^nerid or'sweetheart,.^;&IL and sit today. r Emanuel Snyder was greatly surprised Take Laxative Brouo Qalnine Tablets. *d!B 5iseH~CfttftrrUf.^... • • . .•..- ..- . \.. • _..'• Wideawake, Progressive and'Op-to-Date. „ ;, *Z, * \v THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. •13

PMliiLLPSHUUU. I MODI, the mem bom or Graco Lutboran 'JXKOKD. After travollDgalong lifo'a highway for!oburcl1 ba™ PaW °a »*>° obv™h debt PbJIlp M^ n WM In Scranton a part ol moro than four Bcoro yearsy, , Isaiah PFiati t years am amounted tof3,000. last week tho gout or his Motor, M ra.K Eat b- Last Month of the The CARTER PHARMACY... dlod at tbo homo of Mrs. Mary Gruver, lo Harry Car hart, who until recently was A orino Huffman. Wbllo there bo attended fl OM KutntiilMlicl nml ivllnlilf hru Store Sprtico Alloy, Tburaday morning. Tbo car Inspector at thefrolibt boanoof ttio the 51th annlvornary of IhoSerantoo I'rca* K deceased waaolffhty-flffoyparo old and IsJLehlgh Valtoy road horo. is now a full* byterlan church which was held Sunday, survlvod by ono flon and flvo d* ugh tors; ! fledged Innoranco ngont. Nov. 30th. Mr. Martin was ono of fifty tboy aro: Minor Fiatt, Mrs. Jessie Button, Warron Council, No. -176, Knlgbta of pornoim who orgntilzod the congregation ...Christmas and New Year Gifts*.. Mrs, Jeremlih Kohl, nod Airs. Anthony Columbus, last woefc elected officers fof:;,flf*yfour joamaitu. 'TAochtiieh haa now 8torm or thin town; MM. Goorgo Smltb of allon of over 2,iT ;H,nt ?.'l.r>0. Don't tnlNH tlitn (irlvlh'ffc «f lu-iiitf iitilc to rend nil Brldgoton, Pa * J. Murray; Treasurer, J>hn (2 Smith; Re* and isqulioBctivo. tint tiwt Iionkri nil Hit. time. Tbo Warron County Liquor Dealers' and cordar.J. P. Duffy; Financial HocreUry, A court of Foresters of Amorlci was In* Hotel Keepers' ABSoclatlon bold a mooting K E. Harlzell; Chancellor, D. D. Sullivan; stltuted Saturday evening with 3fl charter "The Smoker's Delight" aOtmrnntceti, IltKli-Krwh' Friday fn Scberor's Hall. Wardon, J. J. Smith; Inside Guard, John tt will bo kcown as Oxford OF DRY GOODS Key West Cigari I»»t "P 'n jmnjljr IIOXPM Odljora elocted by Polllipsburg Lodgo, Connoll; Outside Gaurd, I*awronco Fitz- Comt, No. 117. Tho work was exemplified gerald; Truatocs, J. J. Connolly, C. B. -AT.THE- of Twt'iiiy-nvt— LIIIH ut other KOii.l brnnila— 1'OMUIVHJ- the ItMt vnlu/lor the A. O.of U. W., Thursday evening woro: by Ornnd Chief Ratger Eilwttrds of Faler- WOItPjr In lowii. ' I Past Master Workman, C. D, McClary; Brady, Bernard E. TIgbc; Advocate, aon, and Grand Hecrttary Donnelly of Jer- Thornaa J. Croughon; Lecturer, T. 0. '".' • .U . • '. Master Workman, J. Irvln Lake; Fore- sey City, and btato Dopuiy Mason of Pater. man.James II. How; Overseer, J.I Cllne; Dlnan; Orgmiat, Matthow O'Donnoll; Del- eon. Too following otllucrs were installed: BIO S^TORE^ An Unequalled Collection of Rccordor, It II. Lorcb; Receiver, John A. o?atcato Stato convention In May, 1D03,Past Chief Ranger, Edward Delano;; Chief Exquisite Perfumery 0 & Bacnmnn; Flnanclor, J, I. B. Relleyj Mi J. Olbnoy, W. J. Maronoy; Alternates Ranger, Marlln E. Glynn; Sub Chief Rm- put n|i In I'letfiuit Blm[if—nil fixe*, nml thu Intent, . '.' , Galde, E. W. Thomaf; Inside Watchman T. O. Dlnan, J. J. Murray. ger, Jamta Dee; Rtc. Hec'yi Charles E. JAMES M. FITTS, Prop'r. ;, anil inoKt popular mlo™ :: :: :: :: :: :: Lawronco Ualley; Outside Wdtobinan FIcbtol; Fin. Scc'y, Charles WIsoburn; Bonjatnln Coyne; Medical. Examlnere, J KI5W- VILLAGE. Treas., Willis AUcraui; Sr. Woodman, 3 EAST WASHINGTON AVENUE, WASHiNGTON, NEW JERSEY. HOT DRINKS: roi?.fHI: COLD SNAP—TRY THEM. M. Ilseao and L. V. Blobor; Trustee, E. W. Mrs. Thomas Hush and daughter, Daisy Sampson H. Miiford; Jr. Woodman, P. J. . • : "i. . • • • Thomas; Representative? to tho Gr^nd Corloy; Sr. Beetle, Wm. Miller; Jr. Bcetlo, The last weeks of sale now on. We .shall JSo more consider the \\>l,:i vnnii|».tit-«1ntt*Ht(ickor .MOCKH'S I'Al'Kll mill K.V- visited Mr. and Mra. B. Rush two days Lodge, J. I. Like, nnd J. I. B. Rulloj; Al- this weok. Fred Month; Truslow, ono year, I*. F. cost; everything goes regardless oi its value. Kemember, this month VKLul'KS —a cplciiilhl iiMNOrtniiMiL tit rcnHoiml>U> price*/ ternates, E. W. Thomas and 0. D. McClary Morau; Trustee, 2 years, Eldridgo R, Mr. and Mra. Abrain Rusb and family o: Smith, Trustee, 3 yearc, James Milford; must finish it up. No opportunity to purchasegoods after Jan. 3, 1903. And everything else you can think of that a Drug Store should keep in stock. Auditing Committee, J. It. Shlmor, PbllllpHburg Bpent Sunday with Mr. and Cbnrlca hud wig and 0. M, Day. Physician, Dr. L U. Honglund. Tho court Prices always as low as consistent with good goods. Mrs. J. G. Rush. will meet on the tlret and fourth Wednes- Two wcoka ago Anthony Storm lort bis Mrs. Wm. RUcy Is on tho sick Iht, day of each month, In Solinor'is Hall. homo horo to vlalt bis daughter In Hucki I think our meyor will have to have Mr. mid Mrs. Gcor^o Hartnian rvturnod THE CARTER PHARMACY, county and nothing wus board of blm un- moro pollcomen to assist blm, as several of til Friday, wheii lila ruuj»lnn wuro found homo a fuw d uyo from H abort vlalt to A. C. CODFREV, Proprietor. WASHINGTON, N. J. our neighbors have been missing coal Newark. la I field In Raubsvillo, Pa. Mr. Storm plank, pipe, feed and chickens, as of old. We are the promoters and originators of low prices, Our watt olchty-nlno yours old und it is believed Wm. Little killed two hogJ lust week that death rtBultcd from apoplexy. Mr. and Mrs. Apgar hive cone to house* that tipped tho beam at 900 pounds. He guarantee goes with every cent's worth we sell. A number of friends helped John Ellen- keopitiRinoneot John W, Clinu'd doublo lias a similar record for Inst year's pork berg cclobrato his sixty-nccond birthday, houses. They RHVO a reception on Thurs- production. We are still selling our famous White Diamond Flour at $2.00 day to afowof their friends. Ftidny, «f- hlH hnmn an South Mnln street. Nearly 2CQ extra copies of tho STAR of per cwi., and warrant it as good, if not belter,^ than you get else- While on a vis-it, Mrs, Mary Groy, njjed Mra. J.iraes K. Smith spent Wednesday last week woro sold lu town. It contained with hor daughter, Mrs. R. J. Oruvor, at a good account of tbo dedication of St. where at $2.20 per cwt. "• , nlxty-fWo, died at tho home of her brother, Uolontown. Theodoro PlorBon, in Oxford, Friday Rose's CUhuJic chuich, also lino pictures Sleepy Eye, the cream of Minnesota Patent Flour, $2.40 cwtr Surprise night. Miss Harah Mil' Is spending aamo tlmo at of both chuich and pastor. Tho duelling at Malu street and Reeso hor old homo In Unionlown. James H. Johnston's stove and tinsmith You take no chances in trading here. BE SURE OF THE PLACE; Court liai been purchased by John J. Mfba Nettle Rusb of PhlllipBbure Is veil- trado has Increased considerably slnco he nolly from Mts. Charles RoeBG. ing hor sister, Mrs. Stowart T, Rush. opened bis,new ttoro opposite the giist LOOK FOR THE SIGN. Andruw Kermice, Michael Wnlovcr Rnd John Lungor moved his family from this mill. Clark Smllh la in charge- and tin. Paul L!nko, all Hungarian?, wort) kilted placo on Wednesday to Broadway. ' Our smiths from Washington como over when SEE OUR DISPLAY OF HOLIDAY GOODS. whllo at work near the Pkllllpsbtirg yard vlllago now has two empty bouses. their servIcB aro required. It Is quite of (ho Now Jersey Central railroad, Friday Mrs. Wm. A. Baylor of Washington handy for Oxford to be in quick touch THE BIG S T O RE morn in cr. The men failed to heed tho epont part of last weok caring for borwith ono of tho largest Htovo and hard wuro warning of an approaching train and were mothor, Mra- Daniel Klnnoy, who has itoreainthij section. Mr. Johnston has JAMES M. FITTS, PropV. Instantly killed. been quite sick and is not Improving as recently put in a ttlepbono. At a meeting of tho Board of Educatluii rj>j?'.dly aa her frlonds would like. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Poolo spent Thursday overling Miss Emmel Lommason Daniel Klnnoy was taken with cramps Sunday at Dover tho guo«ta of hor slstor, was appointed beting principal of tbo Slt- on Sunday morning and was in a sorlous Mrs. Fred A. Angle. Kreaves street school, in place or principal' condition until noon, but la touch improved John B ergo [(buck, employed at Fiahtel's elect Claronco Sloan, who is 111. It waaat this writing. nenstand, fell from P. J. Corley'd wagon Holiday Announcement also announced thfit tbo schools wilt bo Mr. and Mrs. Frank Apgar entertained at ou Thursday and dislocated his kneecap. closed from Decombor 21th to January 5th. thoir new homo on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bardco Is vt Joying a short vaca- Miss Ella Shipman's Sunday school Frank Stecker of Bloomubury, Miss Nettle tion in town at the hnmoof M* parents on of Shoes and Slippers class will give a necktie social this even* Rush of PhilJlpsburg, and hor sister, Mies Ax ford avenuu. ••••••«••••••••• Ing for tbo benefit of tho Sunday school Cathorino Qulgley.. 11 that's of no use-is too dear as a gift." Iibrnry. Mr. and Mrs. George P, Snydorof Broad- ANTHONY. A largo congregation appreciated tht ;ay are vi-iitidg her grandparents, Mr. and Lawrence Frltts lost a valuable cow last Why not give something that will bring the recipient com- This sale has attracted more people's attention than lecturo on Korea, Japan and tbo Holy Mrs. D. Kinnoy. ' wetk. Tills makes two this year worth at fort ? Even children enjoy sensible presents—how proudly least jlOO. Lund given by MIGS Johnson of Eiston at Miss E lith Thatcher has returned home do they show the new boots, shoes or slippers that Santa any other sale that was ever held in Easton or virinity and we tho Presbyterian cburcb, Sunday morn- after spending four weeks with herelaters Alex, AndtThon hits been surveying tho ing. in Phillpaburg. past two wotka, Ti.is week he expects to Clcius brings!- are not at all surprised that the people took advantage of it, William Sbuliz of South Main street \a Miss Ruth Cline spent Thanksgiving be in Flemingto.i. being congratulated over his recovery week with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Ease in Charles Bentty of Washington was OJ Full Till-: itAUY—Sufi, [loiiKohi Ktioi-H tmtnl ; KOlt Till-; IlOy—Mttle VmnW Box Call from typhoid fevor. turiu-il, 110 tit'cln, lin-u ttrlnitltm-nI/t'H 1 to ' SIIOCH, WL-n.rllki- Iron, S to i:iiA, nt ?1.25. as our rediculously low prices are enough to bring people from Washington. tho mountain last weak io quest of game. ,", at ."(>c piilr. j I.lttlu HOJH' Patent Lriitlier, very Uressy, thousands ol miles away. One of tho latest victims of the typhoid John DIttntir butchered two lino bogs He had good luck. Patent Leather, (lull klii or clotli IOJIH, ; ?1.yn. ^ epidemic is Howard Myers, eighteen yeara the past weok. Miss Annie Grtibe U lu the employ oj IIIUI.I turned, luce or button, ST,e to St.00. ' Ho,v«*' Iiiiitntloti Alligator Slipperp y tan and old, who \a ill at hlB home, 61 Hudson Mrs. George Apgar. nrl IJInck, 11 toHJi. lit .-,0c. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Le.vis and daughter Ho.vn' Velvet Kmlioi>fieil SlI Just stop and think what we are offering you—a brand street. spent 8unday in Stewartsvllle. Frank Lance shot a gray fox Ust week Itnx Cull Slioerf,'luce or liuttui at-jll.j rH. 50c. StB. Philip and James* Catholic cburcb on Burd's HIH. He received 53 CO from nt ?!.<>"; 11 V- !'».L', »t •Jt.-.T.. I I'OIl i-'ATHKIt or Illii kituTllEIU-Tan or .new stock of .'•....•••.• . • . ' .. will bold a fair and festival In Parochial UKOAUWAX. tho county (that btirg' tho bounty on a tilris'. Patent U-rttlRT. eluth toii«, verj-1 Itl,U'k Imltiitlou Alllirator SlIppcrH, r.Oc. Hall during tho holidays. gray fox) by turning in the ears, uud ho arefHy,l«ceurliutton,S'/itolI,at*I;i:;.;| ]{l,HHta Calf Openi or Kverltt Slippers, ?1. Navigation on the canal has closed. The 11 li to •-', nt ?l.r-0. ; , iu , , s]|,,pcpB,$i,25and Sunday afternoon the local lodge of Bold tbo pelt for §1 SO. T(1|I ullI (lck V KilI last loaded boats passed here on Thanks- Olrlw* Itv«l Felt Koom HllpiivrM, fur tupH, | Sltj-,o. • V. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS AND HATS, Elks held memorial services for the de-giving Day, but tho canal was kept open D. 0. Andorson of W lod^lon spent H'/a to 11, at 7 fie; IT,-! to ^.utOOc. \ . . •; coaaed members of the order at the lodge to allow the captains to return home with Wednesday here with bis son, Alexander. .Men'H AlllyntorSllpiitTH, $2.00. rooms on South Main street. FOK MOTIliill Olt HISTKK—Felt all manufactured and bought for this season, at just 50 cents their boats. 0 wing to tho strike, they will John Jonnson, Jr., and Frank Lance, Jr., Sll|)ptTH, flOc, 7ii<\ §1.00. ?1.2.">, Jl. Men'rt Aiankiin, ?l.."0 Thomas Tigho of Railroad avenue baa not have mucb premium money to depend wore in Eaaton on Tutaday. Men'i* ArctitM, SI,00, ?1.25, 51.50. : •on the dollar, Oiir loss is your gain, but the st ck must recovered from a tbreo moutbti' illness of on this winter. Mrs. Hannah Force will stay all winter Itlnck (IIKI Green. j Mun'ri Ovurpiltfirn, !'."(.' antl ")0c. typhoid fever. The early sown winter grain does not with her aunt, Miss Rachel Wattera. nV I'elt Hoots, ?li.0U, ?2.2"., ?2.50. The thirty-fifth anniversary of institu- he sold. look very good as tbe bugs are in it. Those Wm. Htnn baa lost four valuable calvos M. l!)e, 2"iet ">0c anil 7".c. ?nV Itubbur Hoots, ?2.".O, $:i.QQ, $y,50. tion of Accho Lodge, No. 12-1,1. O. O. P., that put theirs in lato aro better ofl this by death. Liidii'H' Kublier Kootn, fl.fiOnnil §L.7f>. j UO.VH' Itultlier itootH, $2.00, $2.25, ?2.50, was celebrated Monday evenlDg in an reason. Mlrirtua and Chllilivn lluliber Hootn, 0 to j. "nil ?:(.00. If you are wise you will come at once and secure some elaborate manner by the members and Some of our farmers still have corn to The Epworth League will bold its regu- busk, and tbo husking of ft will be pro- lOli, at ?1.00; 1L tu 2, at $1.25. i Hoys' Felt Hootn, $1.75, $2.00. friends of the order. Everybody enjoyed lar business nieetiDg on Friday night at •of the biggist bargains in the country as this stock cannot the entertainment and refreshments. ductive of decidedly cold lingers. which time the election of officers will Watson Banghart and his son-in-law last long. .:,. As the required number of names nave take place. Every member is requested boon secured, a br:••-•-• •••••••• --;7.:.;V---^—•••---^—V- -—;V Dress Goods. f Campi"No;! 15, P- O. S. of A. initiated favorable next Sunday, Rev. Mr. Plumnior Fine Waistiugs, Mrs. Potor Brands visited at tho homo ? Bovornl now.inouibots,Tuesday ovening. will nil tho pulpit. 1 ,of bor brother, Blair Ru6iing, on Monday. "The Quaker Capita/," AI1 at unusually Jow prices.' You can save money by buying J Passengers woro coty.'iderably jarred^by The children are preparing lor,their an1 : ..;.....:. •- „ at the-Globe Store.;, " •'.."• . •• a trolley car jumping "the track at IIJ Holiday Openings'. W iti ;,ttual Cliri-itmns entortaiuiuont. Tiio dato Central Itnilrond bridge on South Main has'iiot yet bean Bottled ap'on, ^' . " THE BEST RANGE ON THE MARKET. "The New Process": Oil \ •'Tho Eiuton stores have bad their Holi- Heater t^ likewise the nicest and best Oil'Heater. We furnish repairs for any street Monday evening. dny openings nnd tboy Eay {ttioao who Tho funeral of tbii lufaut child of Mr. 1 ALLENXARPENTER, The enptageniunt of .Edward D. -PhUlfpa have soon tho Christmas" displays) that and Mrs. Barry -Apgar wns l^rgtly at-j and all stoves and heatersjnanutacturcd. Call and see us. '$' and Mra. Mary Eoglo, both of this town, is RfldorB' have tho bust S"i lot of mod-' tond«iSron Tuesday of last week. The 1 229 NORTHAMPTON ST., EASTON, PA. ann^un^o^«^fi(, r,v, ,,r/ u __ i,s jerate cost articles sut gifts that sympathy of this community goei out to T - fiy~s£rennoas work and "generous *#s' J sorrpwinar paronts... .' -• x vBOWERSiS^ H THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902.

ALLAMXTCHY. • -":•-•./• OALIFON. what Is called Mutton Hill, Georgo Doas Ralph Pbilhowcr bus just completed a and Wm. Swayze havo lost five hogs by A year's subscription to tho Washington tbo dlnoaao. Btar, ,...... -..• new barn on hla premises In town. A. Q. Forgus of Siropta last Monday 1 ok Means all tho news from near and far. Mrs, John F. Bavin la upending a fow Wo are Informed through Mniwffor Puf- dayB In Now York city. killed tho largest hog so TAT this fall. It dressed near four hundred pounds. Qulntua fer of tho Park that a private road will bo Our suhoolt woie closed hut week and All LAU BACH'S, built on tho Rutherford property. It is to an ralwi hoga as woll as shoo a horse. tbo pretty school "marine" attended the bo built of gravel and is to extend from Next. • . - ' • ; ! Instltuto at Flemlngton.. Goorgo Gardner, our croamoryman, has EASTON. PENISA. Mr. Puffer's residence, following tho foot Tho diphtheria Is about stamped out of tho mountain, terminating abovo tho ikon a vacation to visit his parents In Feed pale girls on Scott's around : hero. Thoro has been but onehe Stato of Now York. James Shoe- mansion. Tho route was laid out by Mr, enso reported fn town. Emulsion. -- Pufler, which coincided with Mr. Itutber- maker will conduct tbo business la bis ford'a idea. Work will commence as soon Surely tbo farmer's wlfo has no cause to absence We do not need to give all compliin with eggs selling at 30 cents a as possible. The mountain opposite tho Joseph FItts b nursing a black oyo, tbo the reasons why ScottV present park is to bo fenced In for game dozen, butter at 2S con In and lard at 13esult of coming In contact with an open centa n pound. Ail Departments Are prosorvo. Mr. PuQer will construct about door ID the dark. t • '-,'•'' Emulsion restores the strength " Miss Clnr.i Trimmer mido a business ttlp Tho box social hold In the Siropta aix miles of tho fencing for this purpose and flesh and color of good Misa Eva Dunlap loft last Saturday for a to tho city lust Tuesday to purchaBO her school house recently nottod at out $40. stock of OarlstmaB goods. Miss Trimmer trip to Bayonne:* Friends wish her a safe aylor, tho popular toachor, desorves health to those who suffer Is au up-lo-dato woman and spares: no r<*nt rredlt, for with llioasstHtancQ of Ready For Christmas. and pleRsant jcurnoy. '.•''. , pains to pIoaBO lior customers which Is thers aho made tbo entertainment a sue-from sick blood. : It la currently reported that Mrs. Lowls greatly appreciated by them, judging from :eta. '..,•• The fact that it is the best Rutherford would purcbaietho Jonah Let- the amount of busincco oho Is doing. ,„'. Wo""(irb nil nnxloim to seo tho STAR'? You'll find the largest collection of articles suitable for Christmas presents we have son property, providing sho could also Christmas edition. It is always on top. preparation of Cod Liver Oil, ; purchase tho Ell Doremer lot which ad- The Knights of tho Golden Englo wilt ever shown. Each department has something special to offer. Gift buying will be joins. hold a supper in I'bllhowcr's Hall, Chrlst- rich in nutrition, full of healthy maa eve, Deo. 2-ltb. Ono of tho features of UOUKSBUUU. an easy task to those who come to Liubach's. Djvld Sidnor, "man-of-all-work" for the evening w ill bo tbo rendering of some stimulation is a suggestion as Mine Host Hydor, lofc last TucBday to so- Mrs, Owen Rice is spending a couple of very choice music. All aro Invited to weeks with her Bister In Brooklyn, to why it docs what it docs. euro a position at Newark. Wo hopo bo ome. RAINCOATS. maybe successful, for David is u worthy Miss Fannie Merrltt Is visiting friends in Scott's 7Emulsion presents BOOKS. BOOKS. t>. K. Apgar, our popular carriago Trenton and Philadelphia. A Rain Coat is something a person needs all young man. . r We have selected at random a few subjects dealer, la a himtlor judging from the num- J. H. Young baa returned from Trenton, Cod Liver Oil at its best, the year, and are almost indispensable to those Carpenters aro busily engaged in repair- ber of carriages he baa disposed of this that are popular sellers from our large Book Ing the Rutherford homo, tenanted, by where ho wont as a delegate to tbo State fullest, .in strength, least in Department. who do much traveling. They can be used season. A now ofllco and harness room Grange. either in summer or winter. Simon Gratton. are now being built Iu his establishment taste. Wm, Grover was taken suddenly 111 with in. Rebecca Norloo uud daughter, At J5c, or 2 for 25c. Our line of Rain Coats is the best manufac- The ladles of tho M. B. church will hold Ellzabotb, are spending soino days at tho In Memoriam—by Alfred Tennyson. sovoro pain In hia leftside recently white a chicken supper in tho chapel on Dec. Young women in their tured, which you will find will be the cheapest in milking, presumably pleurisy. homo of Mr. Rico. Light of Asla-by Edwin Arnold. the end. Ask to see them in the Men's Fur- 10th. Como and you wilt not only receive Mrs. Tunis Smith of Harker's Hollow " teens " are permanently cured Representative Men—by R. VV. Emerson. Our township schools will be closed a a first-class supper but will be treated to a nishing Department. They make very nice I part of tbe week, owing to the teacbors1 waB tho guest on Thursday of her daugb' of the peculiar disease of the Beside the Bonnie Brier Brush—by MacLaren. Christmas presents. All prices up to S20.00. | rare musical feast. Institute being held at Bclvldoro. ter, Mrs. Shulor. blond which shows itself in-, The Princess—by AUinl'Tciinyscr..* : The Lidies' Homo Missionary Society Mrs. Lightcap and family Bpent part of Crown ot Wild Olives—by John Ruskln. ephtm Hubert w«a appointed foreman uf ih'e Lower Valley Presbyterian church oftho section during tbe abBence of Sec- last week at the homo ol her oloUr, Mrs. paleness, weakncssnnrl ncrvous- UMBRELLAS. ' will hold a supper In Phllhower'd Hall In LanniDg, at Bowers* Foundry. I • At 25c: worth 3?c, Umbrellas always have been, and always will tion Bosa £11 Deremor. this plaoe Dec. 20. A beiutiful doll will iK-ss, by regular treatment be, one of the most accept iblc Christmas Wo had intended to publish a"ChrlBtmas be disposed of during tbo evening. Mrs. Emanuel Cregar, Mrs. Mary Os- Robert L. Stevenson's Poems, Sir Walter Scott's Poems. bourn and little Arthur Butler are quite ill with Scott's Emulsion. Mrs. E. B. Browning's Poems. presents. Almost everyone has a good umbrella, j logic" which was torn from Aunt Betsy's Ono of Messrs. Button & Apgar'a team* portfolio by one of Dick Palmer's it this writing. Rudyard Kiplinc's Poems. : Longfellow's Poems. and if the truth was known someone made them stera has always boasted that he is not MISB Edith Butler spent a few days last It is a true blood food and 'Brownies" whllo Aunt Betsy was en-afraid of dogs, but wbon a bull dog at- Granfather's Chair-by Hawthorne. a present of it. When one buys for themselves gaged writing a Thanksgiving letter; but week In Nowarkand her aunt, Miss Annie, is naturally adapted to the cure it is rarely as good, as the one bought to give tacked him in the roar be started off at aaccompanied her homo for a BhortBtay. Twice Told Tales—by Hawthorne. we aro forced to withhold it for want of salt that would have given credit to a of the blood sickness from Heroes and Hero Worship—by Carlyle. ' away. Our collection this year of good Umbrel- spaco. (Aunt Bets is still 99 years old, and Bret-claw trotting horse. Fortunately Mies Lottie Crewman and Mrs. Wilson The Vicar of WakeSelJ-by Goldsmith. las (that are durable as well as choice) is the predicts a universal "Happy New Year," wise Providence ciused him to fall over a returned from Philadelphia last week. \\Mch so many young women largest we have ever shown. The new depart to be preceded by a very "Morry Christ- buckboard which BO frightened the poor Mr, and Mrs. Van Young wore Sunday suffer. At 39c; worth 50c. ment near the elevator is filled with all style mas.") animal that be beat a hasty retreat to bisguests of her sister, Mrs. It. M. Potty, in Life of Washington. Life of Lincoln. handles the most critical person could desire. MissStrah Deromerhas been dressmak- owner for protection. Thus ended the Washington. We will be glad to tend Life of Grant. Life of Sherman. See our line before buying. Umbrellas from ing the past week at the home of Mra.first lesson. Harmony will ask the State to aid it to a sample to any sufferer. Better books by the hundreds at dry goods profits. 50c to S 10.00. John Wilson. The revival services which havo been bnild good roads' Some are complaining that apples are held intheFalrmoant M. E. church for Wblle Mr. and Mrp. Danley are absent a libtl 1- —. wrapper of every bottle of not saving well. the past six weeks with great success have In Conueotlcut, her aged mother will stay Emulsioa you buy. Neighbor Edward Bawk, they Bay, has olosed. The pastor, Rev. M L, Rhodes, with John Dugan's family. TOYLAND IN THE LARGE BASEMENT. a Tom cat that weighs IS pounds (?) Hewas OBslBted In bis work by a Mr. Robinson Samuel Miller will spend hta vacation at SCOTT &. BOWNE, of Pateroon, the ovangollat of tho Newark Chomlsts, Our mammoth basement, which has been greatly enlarged the past year, j. filled with Toys and ,is the distinguished bero of many a mid- Marksboro. light brawl.. He is supple sinewed, fat M. E. Conference. Mr. Rhodes has been Tbe frlonds of David Bmlth are making 409 Pearl St., New York. China. To try to enumerate all the articles would require too much time and/space, We want you and fine;—but, bet your bottom ?, hewith us now nearly BIZ years and by hisup part of the loss ho sustained by tbe to come and see the grand display of articles for Christmas presents. can't whip that cat o'mlne!" earnest and uniform kindness he haa en-burning of hla barn and live stock. . ' deared himself In the hearts of all the Arthur Wilson recently visited friends people. lathe near future he will begin Mrs. Helm and daughter, Mary, bavo near Springdale. revival meetings at hlB church in this arranged to upend the Holidays with her DOLLS FOR EVERYBODY. It may be a pleasing fact to many readers place. slater in Yonkere. OUR BUSINESS of the BTAR to know that Geo. T. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. R B, Vanaatta made a few No child need be without a Doll this year. Our assortment is larger and better than we have callB ia Washington last Tbnrsday. ever shown before, and we always show a grand assortment of pretty dolls. Dressed or undressed, formerly of BrldgeviHe, is still living, and From MrB. NorriB' Letter. is in fairly good health at his home In "I can now eat anything and enjoy it. Mrs. Peter Yoang and daughter, Helen, IS GROWING kid body, jointed, blonde or brunette, large or small; we have just what you want at reasonable Sweet Valley, Pa., at the age of 77 years. were in Pblllipsburg part of last week. prices. See our dolls; they are beauties. My stomach and liver work all right, and While living in Oxford township he waswhenever I hear my neighbors complain- Samuel Hees will return to the cement and today we have on display a greater merchant, postmaster, justice of the peace, ing of being Blck I tell them to take Dr. works, hence l not farm for George and more varied stock of township Bchool superintendent and i Kennedy's new medicine, Calcura Solvent , active politician daring tho alstles. Hediscovered by Dr. David Kenntdy of Ken- Yonng as he Intended. WATCHES, worked for Hon. Jos. B. Cornish in mak- Charles Beers will move on the Peter TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! nedy Row, Rondout, Kingston, N. Y. All CLOCKS. ing the Senatorial riffle at that time. Hedruggists, {1.00. Young lot. We're going to mention a few of the many Toys, Games, etc., and when you come to do your Is an honorary member of the Belvldere Barney D. Fine cut himself quite badly Christmas shopping rij.lce. a note on your memorandum to . ... . , JEWELRY, T,nrtgfl, F. and A. M. ..- ,.„ _._:... „ with an axe a few days ago. EYEGLASSES, Mr. and Mrs. EU Deremer recently re- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Teel have been on Visit Laubach's Toy Department in the Basement. turned from their Southern trip, the sick list for more than a week but are Mrs. Alvin Martenia and child of Rock- ETC., ETC:; Arthur and Jesse Sandere of the Quaker much improved at this writing. port were the guests of Mr. and Mra, Geo. Elephants, Donkeys, Cows, Sheep, Goats, Dogs, Horses, Horses and Carts, Express Wagons, Settlement are visiting their sister, Mrs. Martenls last week. than ever before. People are findingout ^ Carts, Rocking Horses, Sailing Ships, Air Ships, Baseballs, Footballs, Celluloid Balls, Rubber Balls, 'Bqulro Spangenberg, accompanied by more and more that we sell cheaper than Bessie Lance of your town. his mother and son, Dan, Jr., aro spend- Frank Dqland waB with hla uncle, Sam- our competitors. Buying [or spot cash, Boxing Gloves, Blocks, Ferris Wheels, Tin Horns, Trumpets, Flutes, Toy Tea Sets, Dolls' Furniture, One of the promising social events is a ing a week with friends In Philadelphia. uel Pursel, at Earrsvillo part of last week. and doing business under a' minimum of Toy Stoves, Toy Stables, Tool Chests, Friction Engines, Automobiles, Coach and Electric Cars, expense, we are enabled to do this and young people's party to be held at the Mrs. John Spangenborg of your town Abram Hance and William Teel spent Mechanical Tops, Trains and Engines, Iron Toys, Trains, Hook and,Ladder Trucks, Patrol Wagons, reBldenceof James Wheeler, near the still make a living profit. For instance, spent part'of last week here with her Thursday with Emmott Cummins hunting. we sell Ice Wagons, Air Rifles, Magic Lanterns, Banks, Ten Pins, Drums.'Go-Carts with either Steel or Quaker chapel. Misa Emma Bird passed a couple of days Rubber Tires, Writing Desks, Etc., Etc. •- sister, Mrs. W. A. Brlnker.- The Stockertown Cement Co. Is opera- with her brother, Walter, at Wiretown. Scarcity of Fuel. ting a diamond drill on the Riddle farm Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bird gave a danc- The scarcity of fuel and lack of heat' prospecting for cement rock, the out-crop- ing party to a number of their friends on MAKE THIS STORE YOUR: HEADQUARTERS, causes Grip) Colds, Bronchitis and Pulmon-; plugs of which Been) to be of good quality Tuesday. ary Ilia. 1 Henry Hopler had placed In his barn Mra. Caleb Abers has gone to the hos- The use of "Sevenfcy-geyf 3," Dr. Hum- last week by a Newark firm a gasoline en- pital to undergo an operation. phreys' SpeciQc, breaks up Colds, Grip, gine to do his threshing, wood sawing and Miss Bertha Abors entertained her Influenzi, Catarrh, Pains and soreness in feed grinding. Mr. H. 1B an up-to-date cousin from Bangor last week, the head and cheBt,Cough, Sore Throat, farmer, • - Some of our young men havo joined the WM. LAUBACH & SON,General FroBtratlon and Fever, and pre- vents Pneumoiila, • L. O. Mackey and brother disposed o council of Jr. O. U. A. M. at Hacfcetta- 100 buBhels of potatoes In your town last own. "77" consists of a small vial of pleasant ; EASTOSN, REiNINA. week. The Mackey brothers 'are the Miss Georgiana Flumerfelt passed Satur- pellets-fits the ve3t pocket. day afternoon with her sister in Danville. At all druggists 25 cents, or mailed on champion potato raisers, Rev. W. B. Sbedden has been holding Her mother returned home with her after receipt of price. DOCTOR'S BOOK spending two weeks with her daughter, MAILED FREE. <• extra meetings durinp; the past two woefca 1 and expects to continue the good work for Mrs. Joseph Kinnoy. HumpbnTju Homeopathic Medicine Mrs. Dean and Mrs. Ella Henry spent RCNTI CUCUIC waicnw, alw IS, 20-ycnr Co., Corner - William and John streets, at least another week. , Mr. S, is very ULiilLLmtM 0 irohl fillet UWH, lilKlii or earnest In bis work. Wednesday with Bird. Goorgo MorriUjln :;:.-.-::.::•. I.:.;:::-™--:"'-;. Will thlimmovi'mentM C\n .. Vionna. t -f; for.. «P1Z ,i Mra. P. S. Wilson spent Monday and .Rev. John Bassett was at Meadow V>w I AT1IEQ) watclicn,Hl!!c>0,25-vofir tiol'l filleil : Tnnsday in PhiUipabutg and Eastern the on Thursday.-:.:.;..--. .^:S.:-^iJ^^:,-;•"":. LMUICO ciiBfrt, .KlKln or \\*ultliam 6th gueat of frlende, arid also doing BomeXmi Don't forget the entertainment and festi- shopping. C. A. Olmstoad of Newark visited J. A. , Watches of other'sizes and grades at val at the Marble Hill school house to- Cummins on Wednesday. . ' : proportionate prices. We can convince Calvin Dutt will vacate the Carhart farm you of our ability to save you money. The Paper for This Edition morrow (Friday) evening. Tfstormythe in the spring to bo succeeded by J, W. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cummins are vlBiting next fair evening. Scott of the James WyckoH farm. We rolativos In New York. COME HERE.'when your watch or"^ rlock needs repairing. We have had over and all other editions of the-'-'Star" comes from the Harvey "J. Shuler last week purchased are not informed who will occupy the Mis3Vida Dell Cummins waa the guest from George Brakeley another four-acre a part of last week'of her'chum, Miss 40 years' experience and know how to do WyckofF farm the next year. ,-. repairing of every class. tract of land adjoining the field he bought Abbie Hance, at Stephensburg. of bimlaat spring. ; BKIDGEVTLLE. J. A. Cummins boa purchased a Oyolone Arcb Metz will relinquish farming In Geo. B. Boyer, our popular coal mer- cutter to be run by his gasoline engine. Practical OB. HULL, Llnde Paper Co. tho spring and move to—well,.it maybe chant, can hardly keep a supply of coal Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bird gave a danco Watchmaker. 38 East Washington Ave. <, out West or to Phillipsburg, but wo'll try on hand at his coal bins. People come, to thirty of their friends on Tuesday. and find out and let you know later. from far and near to buy of him. .-,.^MANUFACTURERS, MIHS Belle Mellck, who, resides on tue The blizzard on Friday last caught BOV old Mellck homestead," has lif her pOBses- ernl afternoon"firmeta witb corn to husk -Aa our nest STAR will be, the- WHOLESALE DEALERS, sion a relic in tbo shape of a cldor keg One farmer haB 300 shooks yet to huak. X Number, Montana must be represented, niado by her great-grandfather about the looks as though he would huek corn next evon If there Isn't anything of great Im- portance to tell. THE EASTON 214, 216, 218, 220, 222 WILLIAL M STREET, year 1760. Tho keg, which Is held together sprlnff. A fow othjirB have from one by wooden hoops, is still sound and washundred to twenty-nvo'BhocbB lo huek. Montana is a quiet, sober, induBtrious fllied with cider this year. In:our laat week's items it should have Httlo place, where ovorybody looks after Isaac Deremer and Sample Young are read'Mrs, A. B. Slmorson of Manunka- his own business and expects his neighbor N e w Y o r k C i ty . both talking of quitting farming and Bel- chunk instead of Mrs. Skinner, nnd the to do tbe same, unloss It's when butcher- TfrUST COMPANY, ling out next spring. What their future cobt, of rebuilding MrB. E. B. Flummer- Ing tlmo comes, tben they heliV^one The "Star" proper is printed on our Mill No. $4—one of the handsom- plans are wo havo not beon ablo to learn. ' folt's coal chutes should have been $300 another, for tho men love to make tfib 1 Just think of it! If Phillipsburg gets instoadofijjLOO. potkors Equcal. • EASTON, PA. est and best book papers on the market, and a grade of which the "Star" has the slice of Lopatcong sbo covets, and un- The suit between Clinton Freeman and David Smith, whose ham burned somo doubtedly will get, our township will loao Philip Ammon for^ damages cauBod by tlmo ago, naB Bcctired. his lnsurar.ee and affords every facility for= the ^uS-lialf-Ci-lts-arca^thres-fourfbn^nf-liB 'dhdti th will rebuild at once. John-.Klrkendal 1 'population and" four cut of sij: of "its former's corn lasTsiimmer"and full was whoso barn and out-buildingsVere burned systematic saving of money. Thereover of this number is printed on our Mill No. '75—a super, > HchoolB. ^4) tried before John H. King andajuryon about tho eamo time, secma to bo paving Tuesday at the Hotel Bolvidero. Thosomo dlfliculty Bettllng with tho insuranco 7oolj-that-wc-haYe;to The law prohibiting hunters killing rab- l Accounts may be opened in bits while snow is onthe'y.ouud wiil:Btop F.promptly company. ' Notice its texture; notice its finish. These papers are not expensive. If ^J field aporb for BOUIO lime. But it's a pretty appealed tho enso. Tho ground Tboro win be a few changes In this person brJBy-fflailV" Interest- good law, anyhow. ei'Judgo Morrow was that tbe fences neighborhood tbo coming spring but no you are interested; we shall be pleased to quote'prices. . j) ( John Stout has just finished tbo erection were poor. His eloquont plea in summing saloi. '..,.. . .'"'".' •*• three per cent., compounded of a barn and wagon house on tbe property up carried tho jury, who rendered a ver- Chas. Carter, tho apple dealer, is still dict in ilvoralnuUa. , . ,. <- recently purchased by him of W. K. Shlf- wrestling with tho applos. He has Bomo annually." ., ;- ••- fertat Flrthtown1., *' -: ' ' Oxford lowDBhip^feela fillghtod, no one hundred busbela about Montana to barrel We Garry Everything in Paper, Cardboard, Envelopes, Etc. )s T being drawn as jurors from this1 township yet. Ho says tho railroad company Is to Uon't lay your paper aBido.until you hayo by Shei-iffBarkor. Wo may get a double blame for all delay, u- .• i^ . portion next lime. Our popular Sherjfj ., The revival services inth©AM..E. ohapel Are You a Depositor ? road tho largo apHce "ad" about Christmas has solccttfuttr^t-clcsB men, any wsy. prosents.1" concluded last week, Tbo meet logs wore WM, H& 8ON, Easton, Fa, ' Tho bog cholera Is quite prevalent over Interesting and fairly well ttttondod, " ,•; if:

•.•nr liiegcl and Elizabeth ' ->''• Charles II. Davis, High Bridge, and Cigar Cases, Cigarette Cases. 25. George Darlnycr and Mrs. Alice G. Box Candles (Huyler's, Lowney's and Hall, OxfordOd.. oter, ISInomsbnry. I '•'"* l'reodonlmrg, Washington. A GOOD CIGAR. Pipes, Cigar and Cigarette Holders. 21. S. D. Duckworth, Littlo York, and' „ -'•'• Charles K. Jliildleby, lioston, and Schratt's.) 2525. DiDavid Shotwell, Vail, and Miss ._ t ii m ' I -*r . .i , l"i".i t»n I" C? {*«••.*• ••! T)1.!tl?u-1 - 1 Grace L, Stewart, I'liillipilnirg. Boxes of Cigars, Fancy Tobaccos. Fruits and Nuts of all kinds. ColeVewtor I respectfully invite your Good Kersey Coats, attention to my line of Cigars MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, SUCH AS FROM $8.50 UP. Accordeons S1.00 to $6.00 Violins.. .;... Si.so to 850.00 and Tobaccos. Guitars .....Sj.soto S6.00 Mandolins Si>5o to S10.00 Cigars and Pipes make fine Suits and Skirts at proportionately Banjos...... Sj.50 to ffi.oo Autoharps $2.50 up Christmas presents. low prices. Did you ask where all this could be found? Why at Santa Claus BILLIARDS, POOL, Call and see our stock. "Washington Home"— . CONFECTIONERY. 1. Chnrta Knrehor, PhilKpsbu'nr," and BimI' WB8llin«t™-" 1. ItolicH Sntton. Hookimrl,-, , nrol Cam- .taic h. Woolvmtoii, Stcwurtaville. „ ,. " J«nc- Z9oa- , •""> «• N"", Hcnlywlown. 1. Kdwrinl Dnllmry mid Ella Jnuffcr • •*• K«ymoml- &nmpson itml Madeline :i.Jt.S. Wliitnmre, • Wiwlilngtoii, and H.BRENNER SPORTING GOODS HOUSE )xfonl. \ llolilwi, i'liillinsburg. -Jennie Hurt, MoomfluM. S. Tietsworth •I. K.l»ar Van Aiikcn anndd AilAdna Bcas-Dcas-1 "}•;'• i}}l°""*>or™* N^ jer^Wiwtiinfitonicr. Uasliington, , anandd Sa-Sa.-I' -I. . VIo.nVloyill 00.. HateItiitcsa anndd EmilEmilyy HH.. UEHLEIN BLOCK. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. ,oy, l-'lalbrookville. Irah (.nrdniT, WnlliDslmig. Shimon, Washington. ii. Ku^i'iiu Walters and ^Mis^s u^mnBarlow, I, „,, " • ,H•,,,-,,1|!"''«». '.> ",",,.1Itir'. Westlleld, and _ 1. Ilany McCalw nnd Flossie Scarlcs, nckcUstowii. ' IloaItose M. ChristineCliristmc,, WashingtonWashinytoi . ; IJelvidere. 7. Wiilium .Funniui ami fiiiwu'ft Took I U"l •*•»"«J. T'* MttleMttl , OxfordOf!; and Gret-! '. u..Cluirl(Cl M Dcnney, ITiunliitrff. and Sit- Prnhnhly no store in town has then Jt. Ualim, Kciivil. ilio Eiignn, llelviik'ru. 8. C1nirli>» Ilunnlc and Sfntllda Hart- 11. Willinm A. (Juliet nnd 1311a Taylor,1 5. Ilarrv Viilontiiie, Allcntown, Pa., more loyal supporters than this. iv, rhillipsbur". 1'hillipdbiirg. ....*•. .(ntnl Kttzal.etb Slinltz, Jtolvidcrc. 8. Eihvnrd 0. Ilnrrv nnd Anna M. U. Wnlu-r Hunt, Droaihvuy, and lies-' 'i. llobert 1'. llowoll, Blairslown, and We aim to please in every, way,CHRISTMAS The N6w Bank, oiiiifr, Pliillipsbtirg. sit* Welsh, Krunelitown. | Hcrtlin K Wcinior, Allentown. and will not be undersold. Our 8. Utimpton Hayes and Laura Hart, l(i. lluthurford Stuyvcrfnnt, Allainu- ». George X. Hall itmt Aildie M. Baty, THE HOLIDAY 'cterpliurg. i«!iy, unit Countess l)e Wcrreimer, France. Washington. patrons know they are getting full II. tTolin Vi Pidcock and Jeanette I 17. Lemuel Chambers, Mendliarn, and 12. -John Miitntnurfelt and Mrs. Han- lavia, Whiteliousc. Gcorghimm Clmrofifield, Ilackettstown. nali Unwell, Hope. value here always and the best OF THE YEAR 14. William • T* Jforris, Phillipglmrgj 17. George Crismait nnd Emnm Teel,' 12. Clando T. rfuupt, Huston, and goods that we can obtain for them. Dainty viand should accompany national. rid Cliua Huinnicll, Easton. Jllniratowii. (Ada V.-Mutclilcr. I'lnllipslnirg. 15. Howard JleimuLt and Agnes Hunt- 18. Kev. 11. W. fiwig, Swnrthmoroj Vo..,' 12. Samuel Iluvey, iJcvcns and ISUa e Turkey. Not one of them iii'r, HackettHtown. and .Maiiel ^le^iaiiimait, Everittstown. •• I'm nee, Knnhvick. ' STILL IT GROWS. li"i. firovur C. Ilatin, Pattcnburg, and 19. Sherwood Anderson, formerly of M. Charles It. Ulile, Bridjrcport, Conn., eed be missed on account of the lara J[. Cloiifilmn. Mt. Plensnnt. |IJIoonisburr, and Blanche Brown, Kliza- formurh* Hitckettstown, and Gertrude 0. lfi. Nelson 0. King, Mt. Olive, and lioth. jKnun. Pliiladolphia. rices at our special Holiday offer- Loans Deposits Net Profits. Futtic C. King, Union Grove, formerly 10. J. E. Willinma and Francis Itey-! 1">. Koincr Allen and Laura Hill, Mt. nokls, Johnsonslmrg. | Ilerinnn. ngs. Every table may have the $ 50,000 1899 $ ?J,ooo $ 9,000 18. Judson Farleyry,, WeWesst Portal, and 20. liandolpph S. Miller,, Elizabeth, andd _ lf>. Samuel Whitniorc and Jennie Mc- ery best the market affords. 1900 81 ,ooo 71,000 7.700 telln Iticgle, Bloomslniry. Haehcl Staiibrougb, Asbury. | Clny, Wnshinjiton. bids for a share of your patronage, 2200. W ; S. HHagennan , DDelaware, and 2244. JohJoimn IliekeyHickey , Glen GGardner, andd 18. Chester Stein, Easlon, and Emma 1901 109,000 , 107,000 I2,r/00 [iss Filsqintrick, Hackenanck, ulia Nary, Junction. i IlHsmillcr,iill ' l'hillipsliur^l'liliil . believing that its service will prove ORANGES, NUTS, 21. Edwin K. Tilita. Grccnflc-m•cenflcld , Masluuaa.,s -' 25, ., Charle . s II--. Thompson, .> , -, Boonton, 10. William Mich, Enston, and Annio ani 1 J( 1902 149,000 149,000 id Alice Kloinhans. Belvidcre. I -'»'"« A. Burrell, High Bridge, (Cnffrey. Pliillipslnug. as satisfactory to you as it has to ; FIGS, DATES, 21. Sylvester C. Hnffoniinn, Jr., Dela- , ,?"• 'Tolin °- Stewart, Washington, and i II). Harvey Thiitehi;r amid Lciiii Bnrnos, are, and Kittie Fitzgerald, Tenafly. ]>'Ml1 Miirlutt, Mt. Bethel. the scores who are our regular GRAPES, CANDIES, . Owns its own building, one of the largest and most valuable 22. H.-W. Hurlbnrt,-Wilkos-Bnrre, and 25- ^elbert Major and Ada Burd, Mon- ! 19. Thomas Sexton, Washington, nnd customers. •'"*•• possessed by any Bank in Northwestern New Jersey. irtnidc^E. Melick, Bioomabury. i tana. jMnrgiiret Uonnon, Glon Gftnlncr. ' PLUM PUDDING, 20. John W. Thompson, Washington,I..2,°- ?er,01t '-^i1""1,' Washington, and, 10. Frank K Anderson, Port Murray, pDnpCRICO DDnUICinMC A . , • ' '••" id Ktliel M. Ilncklev, Oxford Kate Imlay, Phillipsburg. • mid Nellie E. Danley, ltockport. UnUUtnitO, rnUViSIONS, 2!). Lewis Osmun ahd llarv Sitffreaves ' —G.Francis MclOnley and Anna E.' 20. 13d win Burdge and Aliie Shuler, MINCE MEAT, ETC. • A Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. 1 liiilijwliiirpr" " " '~~ **.--•— ' jBullnianrl'hillipsbiirg." " : — f liuttzvillc: "r — --;•-r - -. .••- • | DRY GOODS, SHOES, ETC. 2!). Willinm Lcnnen arid Lottie Price,' , 28.^ Clarence Harper nnd Mabel Sny-1 22. Robert P. Paul and Nellie M. Mil- Accounts respectfully solicited. - lillipshurg. dor, Washington. V 28. Miller Bush and Sadie R. Mc-! 20. Ahmm B. Fritts and Mar\' F. Wei- BLUE FRONT February, 1902. < > Liberal and courteous treatment accorded. Catliarn, Port Murray. lei*. New Hampton. S. Charles Kiefer, Nazareth, Pa., and /July, 1902. I 20. Thomas Fox, formerly "" '" Jscphiin! Ackennnn, Belvidere. ton n (1 1 a 8. Arthur Gardner and Edith Sinclair, 1. Williaii'*,£. Bclford, Belvidere, and - " ''" McCarthy, Hobr...... GROCERY, i > R. M. PETTY, Vice President. R. M. ElLENBERGER, Cashier. Jennie E. >'romer, Allentown. | 2'- Charles TT. Ledger, Lambortville, Uillipaburg. 111 1 FIoril ir 10. Edgar R. Frisbee, Washington, D. 2. Cha,:)es Teaf and Lola Scott, Wash., " - Yohe, Pliillipsburg. Do You L H. DAVIS, Prop'r. , and Grace Budglcy, Hackettstown. .'), Harry E. Hose, Stewartsville, and DEATHS. 10. Edward II. Ehrie nnd Minnie Cur- Minnie E. Glenbill, Phillipsburg. 4, Howard Slater and Bertha Thomp- December, igoi. inter, Fliillipsburg. 1. Abram HofTinan, Anthony, 57. 11. Bernard Ivowitz and Dorotby son, Washington. Read Much 4. Charles P.. Biirrencl and M. Gazelle 4. Mi's. Laura Holloway, Belvidere, 23. THE NEW YORK WORLD , .Easton;' " •'.:...... , ://.-.:...' , „•.. aiid do-you finj'your bill for 15. George Dailey.and Surah -Acker* fuber,' Washington.' " " -•••-••-•••-- 4. Mrs: 'Williani Ilurtholoniew/ Pliil- Thrlce-a-Week Edition. in, Brass Caatle. *5. Ileuben liunyan, Danville, nnd Gus- lipsburg, US. your reading matter quite an 18. Cornelius J. Gene, Passaic, and io Wildrick. Washington. jj. Mabel Ammcnnnn, Hack'town, 17. : item? The Most Widelv Read News- Pleasant live S. Hansler, Washington. 0. Bisliop W. Mainea mid Catharine. E. 5. Cliarley Hance, Stepliensburg. Hororni , Phillipsburg" . fi. Milton Wictlner, 1'h ill ins burg, 42. paper in America. 22. George F. Skeldon, Toledo, 0., and 17. William H. Va: (i. William K. Bowers, Pliillipsburg, 7( We Can Save You Money on All Your Reading Matter Time has demonstrated that the Thrlce-a- Week World stands alone in Its class. Other papers have imitated tts form but not its Reflections We take subscriptions and de- success. That is because It tells all the news liver all papers and periodicals. all the time and tells it impartially, whether that news be political or otherwise. It is in ' fact almost a daily at the price of a weekly You don't always have them when The Penny Saved Buys as Much ".nd you cannot afford to be without it. Republican and Democrat alike can read ai the Penny Earned * V V the Thrice-a-Week World with absolute coa- - shirts come back, but if you patronize us 8. Howard Hoppock and Tamsen De- 31. W. Raymond Richnnls, Phillips- burg, 61. fidence in its truth. ' mur," Broadway. • •'•••. burg, nnd Nellie L. Green, Hope. 13. Henry Shumaker, Port Murray, 81. In addition to,news, it publishes first-class 12. Linford Cook and Nora Dalrym- August, 1902. 14. John Flynn, Oxford, 2S. serial stories and other features suited to the U. Patrick Haningan. Annnndnlc, 30. Harry you will have reflected in the bosom the e, Buttzville. 2..Frank K. Heller nnd Fannie M. home and fireside. 12. Josepii P. Fritts, Easton, and TJnnngst, Stowartaville. 15. Mrs. Maria Kice, Phillipsburg, 03. The Thrice-a-Week World's regular sub- lethea Huffmnn, Martin's Creek, Pa. j 2. Roscoc Hart and Daisy J[. Giles, lfi. John Adams, ITope, GS. Christine! scription price is only S1.00 per year and this 115. F. D. Ford, Elkton, Md., and Eliz- Hackettstown. 17. Kev. B. D. Palmer, Poughkeepsie, pays for 156 papers - "• polish which pleases. Not the highly ictli Slater, New Ilnmpton. | 3- "oyl Bowlby and Julia Apgar, formerly of Allnniuchy. rsWe offer this unequalled newspaper and 1!). Joseph Howard and Mame Yetter, High Bridge. Is). John Hovel 1. Upper Harmony, 07. 7 i.^Star together one year for $2.00. airstown. i 3- J°lin -15. Hornby and Laurn, Beavers, 21. Mrs. Lydia Fritts, Frenchtown. The regular subscription price for the two glossy coating over a yellowish shirt, which GIen 20. Mrs. Sue Baird-Kincaid, Iowa, papers is S3.50. • 19. John 1'olkner, Buttzville, and Mrs. Gardner, fonnerh* of /Belvidere. ,•"*/ rriie JuneJ V, Viennai . 9, Mr. Reed, Schooley's Mountain, and Address all orders to the STAR Washing- 22. William Bowlbv and Nannie Crea- Bertha. Crouse, Asluiry. 21. Mrs. Elizabeth Kline, Phillipsburg. ton, N. J. betokens poor washing or bad water, but !)0. Martin Kuther and Elizabeth Wie 22. Jennie Mny Buckley, Oxford, 13. •r RoL-ksburRoL-ksbu " ' - jwartin ivutlier 22. Dr. Elins P. Iliff, Newark, former- We Do the Work 22. Percy Tunison and Gertrude Dal- denger,, New Villageg , ly of Wnrren county, (10. niplel , GleGln fiunlner. fil | 3 Hd RWiljW s nnd RotiiHowar, Plullipsbur^d R.jWilsou.ant; l Cliristina. B. 22. licv.•'- Thoinas S.~" Ixing, Dayton, We are not selling paints, but we a dean, well-finished bosom and cuffs. 21. George Sclverton, Portland, 10 formerly Greenwich. lith Reed, Hainesbur". - Harry Tocpfer nnd Hnzcl Baker, put it on The manufacturers of paints ... 27. Mose^J'.-Pornnior, Phillipsburg, kttt.^;^^^ . ,::., ...... :. „ \Continued on page lit.};:-••-_••_-_ r-;.wlll.te!l you all abouFthe quality, but"" We like to make a noise about d Mrs. CnfrioTjTVrnrfisoii, Easton. I 10- Oliver Anglo and Amanda. Wide- we can tell you how to put it on. our work; we like to tell what we 2D.DJ- Johl n YoungY , HainesburgHib, andd EEs -nor, Bolvulere. are doing and to assure you that 11a Brnnds, Mt. Bethel, Pa. 23- Andrew N. Hill, Hardwick, and We know ,we are doing the best blacksmith WASHINGTON 29. Willinm'ITniico and Kobecca Sick- Mrs. Flora K. Stnats, Bayonne. Receiver's Sale "work in this part of the State, whether It is E. B. BOWMAN. SLewartsville.•11.1 VmJ .., II.., September, 1902. Something About Paint Quality Prop'r. 20. .lonaonahb Letson, Tranquilityqy, and 10. ilr. Bruen, Newark, and Carrie 9 STEAM LAUNDRY Mrs. 1J!.. A. Titus.Titus, HaekeUstownHackettstown.. McColluin, Pelawnre. Manufacturing Plant and Materials becai'^we have used paints for years Wagon Repairing, :tO. William IJmiweitlj Jr., Pleasant 10. Janson Howell and Phoebo Stout, Wedoc^.relul work and will do the Valley, nnd Bertlia WMlover, Scranton. [Harmony. lly vlrtiirc of an nnlor of tl'» nonrr nf best with the m&terial furnished, or Cliniicrrj- ol New Jernc H1I13 011 the 24th Horseshoeing, April,flf ;ig la. Edward Hildebrnndt and Elsie day of N'ovuialier. l!) willsupply our own paint if desired. • •»••••••»••»•»••••»•»•••<>•»•»»••••••••••»•••»•••»•» Cout loadlK l}otw 2. Geoijj; Mitchell, Washingto -:M. Kitclien, Trenton, and 13 Wilf, d Sg Hi complainant, nml .1. Kilwn •1 l)avl«,i We hang wal. r_, T, tOO, We em- Anna p. Groil',.\W«iOm'gtoii. nnt. tliemilinorlliLT, receiver <>t tlio pi ploy skilled mechan • Genera/ Work, 13. Wilfred S. Hibler, Huntsburg, and Hhlhl p btbetwoiiw i pulll!! uoini'luliill mmt..and 1 :s only. li FOOD FOR THOUGHT i tinr, tnulliiK HH Tlie WiiKlilii and we do it in a manner which tiirlnn Co., will Ht'll at puljlic will make you enthusiastic over. It win piij-^our tuition at Nfswton RuBliieaH COIIURO lor NINE MONTHS. It DAY or-" m-:ci:Mitiiu, i-WltL-IAM-BENERD jwl!! entitle you .to !aatruet!o:iliiUoo!;!:L-i;i)lns. "cnn:r.aGhlj),*Arlt!iinotlc,Bliart!ian(l.- :_._. .you need anything in.our.line.- 1- 1, TyHewrltlug, CorreHlioiiileiico, BuHlnewa Law, Practical Oraminar, Kaplrl Addition and Koiionil olllco work. . Ml the the Broad Street J* T. BELL i: FALL TERM BEGINS MONDAY, SEPT. 8, 1902. t ;y ai ^ct^Vaco,F,,ir,nount,andAdJ!lr WW nntl tilt; j'lirilH'anil KroiimlH iilioiit tlio nauie, nml the Hxi'd iind movable tniiuhlnurv Uicru- ,,•• IIiirttuoRB activity cfttos a demand tor tuinlnvHr) eipurLM. TIIIH-IB fully domon. im S VnIV I11; IIIHO, iilltho -Htoi'k lii'tniilG,- HniHliud and STATE NORMAL SCHOOL A Htratvd right In our C IL-KR, au, at tiiu'iiruML'iit time, wo huvo nut a Rmduuto of li|.^'l ™',', ^ '" "° ; Connolly, lI.ickoU.town. niilliilh)liL ., Dated: Doc. 1, TiiOli. \T Itecelver. : Hoarding exjieiiHOH *:i.no |iL-r week. ,..^™., P. O. HO?K!JSS, President. —— y :. ", I'hiltipsburg. _ | I. IJielinrd Slockbowcr, Lake Hopat- upllB admitted at any time. Winter ••••••••••••••••••••••••••*••*•••••••••••••*•••**•• 22. Edward Cliryst and Victoria Hoyd, coug, and Edith Miller, Washington. erm opeiiH December aiHli. Write for HaekeUstown. '*- * j 1. Gturgo Siegfried and Nellie McCar- NOTICK.r italoKiic. • 24. Lloyd S. Meyers, Pen Argyl, Pa., thy, Glen Gardner, Tn the iiinttiT or the en tale nil Ilulo to Itar and Sadie Braornian, Broadway. 1 ^1 2. Dr. Francis .J, Drake, Phillipsburgj "iiniiali, YouiiuuiH, det-L'iiKed. | Creditors. E. L. KEHP, A. IMirwuant to theunlur of Uio,i!urroKiito of 25o^rnrmts,..;nniglpr^^ Enslnn. -• .the County ol Wnrre:i,.ma[lo on.thnthlr.l day- Pliillipsbuf'i."" •'" I 4. Edward" Lippincott, Phillipsburg, of November, A.I), nineteen hundred and two, . 20. Joseph H. Andrews, Northampton, and Anna 13. Smith, Firthtown, • s ' notice IH hereby nlven to all tMTHonB hiivlnir clalniH nvntiiMb tlio t-Mtnto of Hannah Yon- Pa., and Edith Bucaw, Pliillipaburg. j 4. Frederick Slack, Stewartsville, arid natiit, late of the County ol Wurruii,deceased, Q ,20. Fred A, Joli 11 son,.Pliillipsburg, nnd:Edith . Dr. A, A. Swayze, formerly Warren ixecntor, oi),or before tlie third dny of An- iusrciiuvinKtiiotminof Kidneyb~ol'i'cand avoid- ** ^^ •• ' ,«^ • iiHt, A.. D. nineteen liundred antl three,bolnc S tho UMO or Uio surccon'a knife. Cnleura Solvent preveula tho formntlon of uric 20. Hetir>' '!'• Ackcrson and Elizabeth Co., and MB! O. j! Slicpherd, Westflold. ,lne monUiHifroin the date oV'tlio HILUI order; ARCHITECT'S PLANS :U1 in tlia Itlouil nnd corrects tlioso COIKIUIOIIB of tho Stcmmch which proihco Gout Opdyko,'Braspy s Cnatlo. S. Jillswort"h" Wyckcf*" ' "f nnd'mhneh- -o A- . .nd nny creator neKleutlng to bring In and ftiul Bpoclflcfttlona furnished upon short polnnnlnn anil HhcumatiBin.,.Calcura Solvent Is A NEW A1EOICINE. Itoxpclfl gall iiddlS^cw Hampton. ;' xlilblt his or herelnlniH under oath nr alllr- Btonci, Rivcf hciiUU to tlio liver, and cures billons colic and constlpntlnn. Dr. Dnvfd 27. -Tainnfl MeBride, Newark, and Hat- tiiatlon, within the time HO limited, will bo notice and moderate terms by Bcmovcd irom Enaton to Kennedy tinld of it, "Cnlctira Solvent la tho ootcomo of ni y IOIIJJ cxpcricnco as n Vhj- tio Loder, ITaekottstown, • < S. Bertram 11. Hoover, Easton, and " irover barred ol tils or lier net Ion of tho aald JAMES P, DE REMER& SONS, •DK David Kcnnodjf^ olilY^fari'Dr" Ko'nncily over lived la Ronrfoiit, KIngaton, M.'Y." As^ thu'dntB^et'for 29. William TT. Dngon and Mary^VE. Laura V. Wil Ma ins, Vienna. cecutor. ' 936 TrVashington Street, : '"•. -r ••:• ANDIIEW KOSS, OFFICS: Ho, 6 BROAD STREET.;^ T Thornton, Phillipsburjj. ,; •-••*"•• 11. Edgar A11H1IOUSU and Jlinnifi M. Dated: Nowil, 1001'..•-••'•'•- Exeeutoi1 — ®, HOBOKEN, N. J, -~^ Gardner, Stewartsville. : JAMEB E. DKREMKIC IN cnAitiiBr^" DR.DAVii^KEWNEpy's ^ATESTRSEDICJNE. ; 30.-James A. Gardner, Stpno Church, Prafee: «G.G0.- -;. •- -'- • -^ Kail Crflers rFom>U/y.FiUed.^ v; -:£,•'" :: 5^|


2-1. Hdwnrd Trimmer, Scranton, for mt'rly Oxford. HISTORY OF THh YEAR 27. Mrs. Sarah Gilbert, Columbia, 80. : September. ii Vviiiiiiiu O."'vr!mf, UaTncaburg, 01). 1. Isaac DoWilt, Harmony, 00. 11. -MM. S. Frances Hnight, S. Y., for- 12. -Mrs. lteigle, Ulooinsbury. 1. William Wright, llloomsbury. QUALITY leriy Washington. 14. John A. Jones, Oxford, SO. 2. Mrs. Kliznlreth Albus, P'burg, 07. 23. Her. J. W. Bell, ISeattyatown, 33. 10. Isaac llowell, Jolmsonsblirg, 51. -I. ltev. Win. Jl. Oshorn, llackettstown. 21. John !•'. l-omping, Stcwartsvillc, 47 111. Jesse Smith, Glen Gardner, 73. 4. Mrs. Josep'liiie .Murkle, Patcrsou, •2.">. Stitte Treasurer George 13. Swain, 17. Mrs. Margaret VnuScotcn, Phll- formcrlv I'oekport, 40. Newark, lili. lipsburjr, 75. 7. Jimlly ltobertson, HackelUtowll. HONEST WEIGHT •a. -Marl; Cline, WiMliington, 31. 17. llessie Sharps, iJlooiufiekl, former- 7. Charles Kixon, Phillipsburg, 71. •1:1. (Iu>tnv Johnson, Oxford, til). ly Washington, 11). . . . . 7. Arthur ShafTer, Uutlzvillc, 23. •Hi. -Mrs. Sophia llanb, l'hillipahurg, 76 15. George 13. Lair, Glen Gardner, fll. 10. Henry 1'liilliour, 1,'ocky Hun, 711. 'Hi. JiTciiiiati Donahue, Newark, for. 20. John llenler, l'hillipsbnrg, 50. 10. Patrick Sullivan, Junction. lerlv Oxford, 20.-K,- Crawford l'arker, Pliillipsburg, 12 George Kane, I'hillipshnri;. 40. .'. AND MEASURE. 27.' Senator Win. .1. Scwcll.' 00. 12. Mm. William Kekhardl, Phillips- ill. Mrs. U.iviilAmcr, Hmmmiy, 77, are essential to the success of 30. .Imnes W. Vamlorgift, l'hillipsburg any business. It is a combi- .11. .l,,-i|ih C. Snttoii, Hope, 71). 31. Mrs. llriilget -Mountain, Oxford, 51. nation of strength, coupled January, 1902. 2. Alvin JlcKeniin. lli»li llridgc. •\vith*nj>tq-date methods, that 2. -laciili fiTVciitij.'. l.i,[)aU'i>uj.', 71. •I. .John TocpluT. liiiekcUstown. The Largest and Most makes our business distinct- ti. David 'Hoffman, l'ort Murray, 58. S. Viola 1!. Dicker. New York, for- 111! William llniphr, llelvidere, 1 ive. Twenty years in busi- merly I'liillip^mn.', il). 27. Lcvi Lainari 20. Helen Weikhci^er, Jiiuction, 21. ness in this town and not a II. >'igpf Dnu'llii!;. l'hillipsliurg, 10. Clinreh. 77. 22. Her. Thnuiiis A. Rauson, India Perfectly Equipped 10.'-. .*. I!. -M. Itowlhy, Uocksbnrg, 01. 28. Michael Uppj, l'ort Murray, 70. 1 Turritonv formerly lilairstown, OS. >ear without expansion shows 11. John V. riilcoek. White House, 3S. .51). Isaac Stockt'r, Bclvidorc, 511. 20. Samuel V. Hnsselton, Sareptn, 78. conclusively that our methods 11. Marv O'llrien. Yonkers, 51). May, 1902. 20. Win. Humphrey. Allamucliy, 20. 12. Sarah A. Cook, Illalrstown, 3S. 1. I')li/.alielh llowell, Hannony, 02. . 2tl. Paul D. Bowman, llroailwnv. Mail Order System are just and that our goods 12. Oiinvtta LuvNptt, t-omervilh1, iifl. 2. Mrs. |.;. .lohnsou, Junctliin. I 211. Anna M. HlKli. Montana. 21. 12. Mnniarel I'ritls. Washington. 00. •2. lion. Henry S. Harris, llelvidere, 52. 30. William Selienck, Brooklyn, for give satisfaction. 12. Daniel Wire. Uaclicttstown, 2S. 2. William Hloomtleld, Chaiigewalcr, Iuierly Hackethlown, PRESENTING UNEQUALLED SHOPPINQ.FA- 13. .lnlm 1!. lililnelinrt. Montana, 71). 71. ' . j October.. For the Holiday.Season we 11. Sarah Muvlierrr. Washington. :!. Mrs. l'crninn llowell, Hope. 71. 2. Marshall Ackiasou, Johnsoub'g, 0Q CIL1TIES FOR. THOUSANDS OF OUT offer you the best eatables 1:">. 1'div. KininniK.'.Uiiekeltal'owii. 17. II. William Iliiiniiier, Chainrewator. 35. 3. Lizzie Uenwnrd, Asbniy. 13. rii'orai C. Adams. Delaware, 09. 3. Alice Hunwcirth. l'hillipsburg, 73. •I. Mrs. John Kinney. Portland. OF TOWN PATRONS. that the market affords. We l.">. Margaret J. Dowling, I'hillipalmrg, ... Samuel II. Metier, Still Yallev, 73. •I. Thomas Brodhead, Delaware Water call particular attention to our •I. .Margaret .MvNnmcc, I'hillipsliurg, Gap, 87. " IS. Dr. Samuel O. lVall. Bangor. lil). ti. Daniel Slack, Junction, 50. A thoroughly experienced staff of buy- 15. l)aam> Allen. Saicpta. HI. 4. John W. Apgar. Califon, 50. S. Jacob Fit Is. Washington. 70. assortment of Fancy Groceries, Fruits Nuts and Confectionery. 13. Willlani AltciniH, Trenton, for- 5. -Mrs. William 11. Mnrlin, llelvidere, !>. William llaunigan. Junction. ers in this department will make selections • :•-• •Our-one tho'iaht in buying—pur one thought in selling- leilv Clinton. -17. 3.",. 10. Xora Crater, Junction. 1(1.' .liuHili.Eldrlilac. .l'hMirahiirg. .0. lion. Joshua ^Salmon. Bopnton, 50 11. Jesse Omick, Port CnWi-n, -flu. is to find your* want and then meet it as no one eise can , 17. KlizaU'tli Weller, Xew Hampton, 0. Wesley Wngner.M'hillipsluirg, S;>. II. John Uinney, Danville. 10. for you, and satisfaction" is gauranteed x>r I SI. (i. Mi*. Sarah P. Grifllth, 1'hillipsburg, 15. I'lorence Hull', Phillipsburg, 10. meet it. We weigh every word thoughtfully in the scale of IS. Mn. Vrniik W. Shaw, Asliury. 83. III. Mary Uccks. Phillipshurg, 9. money will be refunded. We prepay IS. Kliza Weller. Washington, SI. 7. Mi.-,. Henry iruuiincr, Port Murray, 111. 'Snriih llillcy, Oxford. 45. fact. We measure every value carefully that we put before 111. Murnaret Stewart. Vliillipsbul'g. 0. IS. Lewis Flick'. Oxford. 03. mail or express charges to any part of you. As a result, ours is a sincere store. Everybody knows 11). Coni Toeplier. llaekettstown, 2-1. S. Phillip Keese, Carpcnlerville, SO. IS. Henry Carter. Philadelphia, for- 20. Kx-Cougressinau Cornelius A. 1). Leonard Sattennan. Junction, 7. merly Bloonishury, 01. the State on paid purchases, and on just what to expect, and expects just what they find— Cadmus. Vaterson. 9. Mrs. Florence M. Young, Washing 19.' Sallic Alon. l'hillipsburg. 24. 21). .liiliu llenwanl. l'ort Warren, S3. ton. 35. li). Isabella Kershaw, Pliillipsburg. 71. the very best at the very lowest possible prices- 20. Howard lldwlliy; l'liillipsliurg, 21. 1). Mrs. Cieorgianna Itusliug. Hacketts 20. Hannah Youiiians, Washington. SI. C. O. D.'s for amounts aggregating $5.00 20. Mrs. Walter Aekerriou, Johnson- town. 21. Jlrs. .lamb Wihlrick. Oxford, 77. burg. 10. Mahlon H. Dickersou, Kingston, 21. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilcox. Hope, 75, or more. 21. Walli-r llu.-eui.eiry.' Belviilere, 25. Pa., fonnerlv Washington. 23. .Mrs. Ann Smith. Pliillipshuig. 70. 22. darner DeivuuT. Washington, 30. 10. Joseph" Taylor. I'liillipshnrg. 31. 24. Mary Martenis, Xewark, formerly Holiday Shoe Bargains 10. Mrs. lClizalielli Bird. Blairstown, Try our system and you will not only 22. Alexander Young, Washington, 00. Harniouv, Misses' Shoes. 22. -Minnie Cooper. .Idhnsonsliurj:. 111. Patrick llnsting. Port Coldeu, SO, Ladies' Shoes. 17. Charles D. Harbcr. Washinston, 77. 24. Mis. Win. Vanderbill. Ph'bnrg, SO. save money but have the additional ad- If you want good wearing shoes for the 24. Henry T. 1'in-. Washington, 40. 20. Mrs. Charles Lear. Blooinsbury. 1 1!). Mrs. l'anme Collier, Phillipsburg, Our "Avolon." Unequalled for wear children at prices to suit your purse, get 25. Mis." John l'ierei , iiulependeiice 27. Mrs. Hoy Hise. Stewartsville. vantage of assortments not equalled in and style. We base our success upon the our "Union Made Shoes." Made of don- Township. 28. Clins. Conover. Phillipsburg, 25. 23. I'.olipr). Craifr, Buttzville, 77. sterling qualities of these shoes. Vki kid, gola kid, button and iace style; sizes ilA 28. John R. Cam Haekettstown, SO. dongola Kid, patent leather, In button or 2.-1. .Mrs. Saruli I'hilhower, Clou Gard- 2:1. M'nltliins Curtis, Phillirisbiirg, 70. Newark or surpassed. any where in the to 4, spring heels, regularl S2.C0, 1.50; ner, lili. 2f>. Thos. MeKinley. l'liillip-hurg. 73, lace stvles; also box calf In lace style. Ask 23. Mi-s. A. G. Freeman, Dover, for- 30. Mrs. 1!. M. Rush, Washington, .15. .-izes n'A to 2. 1.25; sizes 8>< to u, at 211. Aaron Suit™, lim-kpurt. SO. for "Our Avolon." No other n nn 1.00; size-f 6 to S, regularly sold or. merly llnekettslown. 31. Mrs. John Mahonov, Port Col- land. Samples sent postpaid to any ad- store has It; price Z.C/C/ O0C 27. ArehhiiKl Young. Junetion. ",S. 24. Alirnhain Yocuin. Phillipsbnrg, 03. forSi.oo, at en, as. 211. Dr. lieorgo W. TUiiinu, llackctts- •U. Mis. C. JL Tutlle, Washington, 43. dress upon receipurf postal'card. Boys' Shoes. town, 311. 2",. Adolphns Waidman. Junction. SO. November. 20. -Annul I), lloir. Huston, 97. 211. A. C. llowell. TIaokcttstown. S2. 1. Win. II. llowell, Vienna. 02. You know how boys are on shoes. We Men's Holiday Slippers. 21). Harry S. llille, Kaston, 42. 27. W. II. Thompson. Asbnrv. 01. 1. Jlrs. George I). Osnllln, M.111IL have got what we consider a tough propo Secure them now. A large assortment 30. John 1-. Clark, formorlv Lebanon. an. Mrs. raw. Homndieu. Mt. Bethel. 1. Lizzie Hull'. Phillipsburg, IS. sltlon for your boy to rbreak through and to select from at the most reasonable 31. George W. lluwlliy, Washington, 73 31. Elizabeth Merriek, Phillipsburg, SO 2. Jlrs.'liaehel Raub. lilairstown. SO we 'call it a winner. Made of satin calf in February, '1902. 2. Jlrs. llununli Stevenson, PoJ lace style; sizes 2J4 to 6, at-1.SO; sizes prices; tan and black colors in AOn ,,n June, 1902. Opera and Everett style, from *<"' up 2..Mrs.:.S/£ to inn 2. Mi's. Anna liarliour, Providence, E. 1. -Mrs. Milton Slater, Oxford, 32. i-}'A, spring heels, at • •"" 2. Ce''il II. Ingersol, .-Mnrksboro, 05. 2. .Mrs. Clias. Almrl. Phillipsburg, 40, I., forinerly Haekettstowit. 3. Jlrs. Lena CurlUs. Phillipsburg, 26 All Wool Jersey Legpins. 2. William Uwiity. Pleasant Gruve, 79. 2. Emily •IluUfccr, Asbury, 10. 3. Charles Nixon, Firtlitown. 50, I, Bambsrgsr & Go,, Newark, N. J, Felt iuliettes 2. Klmer Castner. Washington, 30. 3. Thomas Fitzgerald, Washington. 5. 'Dr. IL JL Cox. Washington, 59. Strictly all wool lined black Jersey, now 5. Henry Whitesell, Vienna, 71. In red or black colors, light weight turned 2. Mrs. Lcvi Warinan, Moiiliuia, 55. 10. Geo. Hendcrshot, Washington, i quoted at prices lower than ever before. soles, fur trimmed tops; sizes 2^ to 7, reg. 5. Charles CreveliUL', Changewnter, 51. c>. Aiinii; Tomer, Glen Gardner, 13. 10. Moses llird. Oxford, SS. Ladies' sizes, 2 to 7, formerly QSC, now Si, at 79c; sizes 11 to 2, reg. 9SC at 75c; ii. Alvali Phillips, ilingoos. * 0. Mrs. Andrew Hockenberry, Wash- 12. Mrs. Anna Rush. Phillipsburg. 79c; Misses' sizes, n to 1, formerly8gc, sizesS'A to 10}i, reg. S;c, at 69c; sizes 5. Jlrs. Clark l'clvcr, Washington. ington, 07. 12. Lewis,I'ink. Oxford. 69c; Children's sizes, 3 to to, for- KQ 7 to 8, spring heels, regularlv sold cn n Ii. Mr«. Herbert Wolfe, Stcwartsville, I). William Slater, New Hampton, 72, 13. John Yawger, Karrsville, 7S. n merly 79c now UC71' for7(c, at .'. otfc 71. 10. Agnes Bell, Junction. 13. Patrick Hyan. Washington, 04. 7. Andrew Dc-piie, Harmony, 35. 11. W. J. Sigler, lilairstown,.44. 14. Samuel Parks. Danville. 7. Jacob Wenner, Harinouy, 72. 12. Klias Smith, Port Colden, CO. 14. Jlrs. Snin'l 1'. Strouse. Phillipsb'g. SUPPERS ! SLIPPERS ! S. Michael J. Dilir. Oxford,'23. 12. Samuel Albr;r^Centreville. 15. Jonas llowell. Hope, OS. , S. llnnnnli Allen. Stcwartsvillc, 93. 13. Sleujiil, Li-c-,' WashiiiLrton, 45. 15. l-'rank If. Aibertsolt, Delaware, 11.: The most acceptable of all gifts. What more useful and beautiful present can be 13. 11. II. Clino, StewartsTville, SI. 1 given to man, woman or child? Everybody is at home when they nave our slippers 10. Michael Field, Woodglcn, 54. 15. Jlrs. Elizabflh Rose. Bloomsbury. T0YS1ND 13. Hiram Geisse, Columbia. 10. Mrs. W. II. bhankiord, Phillips- 15. Jlrs. 11. R. Wodlcvor, South Eas- on their faet. Just think tor a moment of the Immense amount of persona! comfort 15. Mrs. Snnford Staples, Johnsons- burg, 30. I ton. formerly Belvidere. and home happiness at such little cost. burg, 40. 10. Mrs. Sarah Kiiiney, Enstoil. 15. Francis Hyder, Allamuchy, 77. It!. Joseph Primrose, Mnrksboro. USEFUL ARTICLES Men's, Women's and Children's Slippers from 39c up. 11. Samuel -Miller, llaekettstown. 10. Glynin Angel, StolTers, 'formerly 10. Winliekl S. Moore, Phillipsliurg, E0. 12. -Mrs. Surah Stout, Oxford, SO. Columbia, 17. : 17. Gilbert Brewer, Haekettstown, 00. AGENTS FOR THE 12. John S. Little, llaekettstown. ' 10. Samuel n. Cook, Hope, 30. Are displayed here this season for your inspection and 19. Mrs. Arthur Milheim, Delaware, 25. 14. William Sharps, l'hillipsburg, 04. 17. Rev. A. IL Seeley, Belvidere, 84. 19. James It. Frnney, Galesburg, III., 15. T. V. Cornell, Paulina, 7S. IS. Samuel Cook, Hope. purchase. .AVe have never had such formerly Washington, 43. FAMOUS SHOE FOR WOMEN. 15. William I'ittcnaer, Hazcn, 2S. 20. Mrs. JIary A. Bowlby. Wi>-ihing. 20. Patrick Russel, Asbury. lli. JohirW. Hull', iiloomsbm-y. ton. S3. 22. Xceker Wyley, Stepheusburg, 40. 18. Frank 1'ox, Columbia, -17. 20. Kdward Smith, Phillipsburg, 52. 23. Uachct A. -"Wandling.Washing'n, OS. IS. -Mnry Sullivan, l'ort Morris, 38. 21. Rev. Charles LaRiow, Mendhani, An Immense and Attractive Gathering 13. John J. I.anlz, Phillipsburg, 41. 24. Mrs. Ella D. Lundv. Washilig'ii, 42. iriuerly llnckettstown. 77.-:^.^ 20. John lJanghart, Glen Gardner. 25. William R. Smith," Asbury, 01. 21. Jlrs. JIary Van Homo,--Washing- 23. -Mrs. June7Bennett, Oxford. 20. John V. Weller, New York, for- ton, 20. ''' of Things Suitable for Presents merly Brass Castle. 24. Mrs. Charles Hazard, Asbury, 75. 22. Jlrs. Elizabeth Karcher, Phillips- Made on correct lines and perfect • fitting lasts, 21. Mrs. Annie M. Diekcrson, White 27. Patrick Brophy, Bolvidere, 32. burg. 50. these shoes are comfortable from first day on, as Hall, -in. - 28. Leonard G. Neighbor, Califon. before; in fact, no such display has ever before been 2S. Mrs. William Bclkcy, Oxford. 23. Jlrs. Elizabeth White, Phillips well as always trim and shapely in appearance— 2.-). -Mrs.. John r,yrne, Phillipsburg, 85, made in Washington. There is no use to enumerate, 2."). Alfred Searles, Slewartsville, S2. 2S. Daniel Sutton, Phillipsburg, 32. burg, 75. a high grade shoe of unusual merit and very 25. -Mrs. Hi.l.tie Moricle, Ilaiucsburg. r—-29. Mrs. Carrie Whitmore, Washing- ibr-we would require more than-a page of space to do .-. moderate price. A variety of styles here o QQ 2li. Tliomas Younir. Philadelphia, for- ton, '33. FATAL. ACCIDENTS. UtlJU merly Budd'a Lake, S5. •' December, 1901. the stock full justice. .. for all uses and occascasions—indooi r or out 29. James Stutz, Scliooloy's Mountain, 20." Jlrs. William Goldsmith, Pclviderc. 10. William Bowers, of White House, 27. Cliarlea Stolpe, Stanhope/ July. section foreman, killed by being struck $4,000I$4,000'IN GOGOLLD 3. Mrs. Joseph E. Fulper, Washington; by a car switched, from the Rockaway ven n one 28. Mrs. Loni-e Welch, Philtipsburg. to be Ki ' hundred prizes to wearers of March, 1902. Valley R. R. track. 4. William Bird, Blairstown, 2S. Prices Range From i Gent to $10. Dorothy Dodil Shoes. Particulars here. Contest 1. Margaret S. Kellogg, Stewnrtsville, 4. Wm. R. Stewart, Haekettstown 85 ek Hannigan, of Annandnle closes December,25th...... , . :: 1 7. Luke V. Beers, Montana, 74.- ""'•r-1 (licci ih"li''iV\v"TinriUL u»,"-.:L^_:;-;;-v-::r;rr 19. A Central locomotive plows into 5. liobert Homer, Oxford, 13. We likewise have a fun 2. Mrs. Mary S. kcliogg, Hanover, 70. wnyon and kills the driver, David 2. Mrs. Lizzie Tiiy. 1'hiliipsburg, 55. S. Joseph 1'ittenger, Buttzvillc, 05. AND FELT BOOTS. fockenbeiry/of Lebanon, who wus om- 7. Mrs. John Divers, Blairsto-.vn, 57. 0. Tonev Bnroucwsky, Phillipsb'g, 10. Cigars by the box is a specialty at this season. loyod .at lite Hanisoy riiill, near Asbury. .; ALL TUB LEADING MAKES. i), George Oliver, Junction. 11. John Zcllcre, Haekettstown, 80. 11. Mrs. Aspnath J. Dill, Hope, 05. ininil'OV of hoys 'were in the wngon Also everything with which to decorate the Christ- Men's Felt Boots, all sizes and makes. Boys' Felt Boots, all sizes and makes. 11. Mrs. Nancy Cooper, Oxford, 07. n^..H'.^ -• 1 •cngers. Thompson S. Petty, ^ ' white fabrics for winter HI. Joseph W. Scott, Washington, 37. L the most-p^tiJiuai «..tLt ,»u..^ .u. - town, GO. - ribbed Vest, extra heavtk'fleeced, full fin- 17. Mrs. Mnry Stackhouse, Mt. Bethel January, 190s. ished, elastic seams, pear! buttons and silk shirtwaists, per yard.. .; • 10._Ohns. Passauo.. New Hampton, 18. : ISneu, eiasm. auama, 1;ta.i i,«.w,.., 17. Frank Deremor, Phillipsiiurg. 0. l{ohwt Jlofschilii struck by it Lc-13 Belvidere Ave.,p - •'•'•• ... tape: pants to match; regular price 59:, spe- — 18. Mrs. Nellie Libby, Wiiahington, 05. 21.'Sirs. Margaret Martin, Buttermilk ii«h Valley tain at Green's Bridge, :: clal here at '..'. -ocl "•• ---• - ,...-.: ,:. •WnsliitigtP.n,-N. J..'..._.,.. J=>^...™ ...... /5 S^S^ 200 Baskets ir. blue and white, rose and IS. Mis. Ann Saltz.mau, l'hillipsburg, Bridire, SO. 'hillipsbury, and instantly killed.- ;- ' i whiie, ureea and white, and yeliow; made by i. 21!" Win; B; Titman, Belyid March. (the Indians;of Northern New.iYork and Can- ltV.Josiph kelson, Oxford,' 17." -V 22. Allen Sisafass, Alpha, !).'Gordon Duekwortli. o[ Junction,' In- 2V. Mrs. Elizabeth Conn, Phillipsburg, sUuitly killed on the'Central road by 22. Mrs; Sarah A; Urevclii accidcinly stopping in front of an up* burg, 00. 21., Alexander Sehullz, Pliillipsburg, 74 [•oiicliin^ train. "24. "Annie "Benward," •Kariiiony; ^23.'"• •' 1 : ; 1 21. Cliurles Koch, Iliirmbny, IM. ' ' '• "'^April,-"^"""" -'" -'~ - " --~'~~." •: 24. Jlrs. -Isabella. Inghnm, Phillips- fliff llmhrniloo Iiandsomtr Umbrellas for women ;we have never sold: long pear 24. ilrs. Uenrietta Gordon, Washing- 21. .Boiler of locomotive of lTackttts- Olll UlllUlcllOOi handles, told ar,d silver tr!mmed,,Wfo.ual!ty materials throughout burg, 8t). -•;.—..•:---••--:•-• town express bursts, .killing George S. easily worth S4.00; a Kreat bargain at...... $^(j( ASK YOUR DEALER FOR m. /11. 20. Mrs. Caroline Beers, Wash'tou.SC Trim 111 or, engineer, of Washington, and 24. Mis. Ann" Snydcr, Phillipsburg, 30, 20. Mrs. Frederica I'ritts, Wood -Joseph Muybony, fireman, of Tort Mur- 24..Joseph Kevser, Hfiinesburg, 70. Largest-Assortment of Tpys^DolU-and-.-Fancy. Artic-!es.;^';j glen, S3. ray, near Dover. "' V. "25.""Siiinunl Or't, Pleasant Grove, 30. 25. ;\Y:ir—Fomers, Pliillipsburg, 55'; July. Glee Cliib Chewing Tobacco 2.-1. Mis. Israel Heath, Oxford, 02. 28,vWm.-' 0. Dilts, Phillipsburg, 38.' 20. William Wise, Bloouisbury, 4t). 2S. 'Newlion'y l''ahr, Jr., 'Pliillipabuvg, 30. Mrs. •-lln-vld Kirkpntrick, Oxford. killed in h. V. H. R. yards, while nwking ;; •-===:.=• (UNION MADE.) ' ^s^ Specials in Our Grocery Department,; \ 20. Onnics T. SlnckrOxford, 02. 31. Patrick MeNnlly, Philljpsburg, 54 20. Mrs. Caroline Butler, Phillipsburg, coupling. -• Fancy Mocrpark Apricots, --or—. August. ~ 1 2-3 OUNCE PACKAGES, 5 CENTS. Arbuclde's Coffee, 10c 1b. special 15c lb. It ,\ fornierly Bloomsbury. FIKKS. Lion Coffee, 10c lb. 2!UJo!m V. Rush, Mt. Vernon, Mich., 1. Le.wis Brother, Phillipsburi;, 76. 1 ' Fancy Muscatel Raisins, re^jl.uly -•^LL- December, 190.. Our best Family Flour, S2.00. forSie.rly Oxford, SO. •-"' 1. Klizalioth Cline, Stcwartsvillc, 00 special 10c ib. ,t IS: Fire destroyed $30,000 worth of Our Lion Brand Minnesota Flour, S2.20. •^30. Sirs. Levi Eichlcn, Bloomsbury. 3.-Mis. J.'W. Duckworth, Woodglcn, Best New Crop N. O. A\o!asses, 60c gal. New Fancy Leghorn Citron, regularlyfec. h)ro])erty nt.-Bnonton. ''*-• P. L DRAKE & CO., DISTRIBUTERS, special 20c Ib.,. 30. Harry '1'. Girling, Asbnry,'31. 3. Mrs. John Williver, Asbnry. Ammonia, full quarts, per bottle, 10c. 3. William H. Pvlos, Washington, 2 11). llyiitt SchcchShite Company's fac- Mothers' Oats. 10c per package. Fancy Yellow Peaches, regularly iqc; spe- 31. Ella. Corrcll, Ilackcltstown..... SOMERVILLE, NEW JERSEY. cial 12J4C Ib;' -" April, 1902. • 3. Silas W. Colvcr Phillipsburg, 47. tory at Itnngor destroyed by lire. Los? New Pancake Flour, 10c. , 4. Mrs. John Dooloy, Phillipsburg, 3 New Shredded Codfish, 5c per package. New Fancy Lemon Peel, regularly 25 2. Reuben Searles, Bridgeville, 82. estimated at $1)0,000. 1J sped il 20; lb. 4. William Mack, Phillipsbnrg, J.O.. nckiiwanna repair shops ai Best Honey, 15c. New Fancy Orange Peel,, regulaily 25 2. Eliz.n -Glutzbcck, Bay Shore, h. I, . Best Limberger Cheese. 4.^'Mrs. Nfnncy Jollnson, Hackett iKinyslaud. Loss nearly $100,000, cov pedal we tb. ... formerly Washington. town, 81. : f" Our best CornsUrciiov lb. .,-..•-. lorcd by'insurance.------^ •.-...-:.•:•. '••;. :.^_- J New Fancy Cranberries,"regularly" 151 '3. Mrs.F. L. .Cornish,,Asbury, 30. !i. Wm. Thnlcher, Washington, 85. Best Pearl Tapioca, 5c lb. •••<< special 12c quart. 30. Two barns burned almost simul Fancy New Dried Corn, 10c lb. ' j.; 3. Mrs. Klmihoth Couch • Holburn, 5. Thos.; Andrews, Washingtor, 33. Fancy Oranees, very sweet, 25c and 30c Junction."-' '•• !. 0. Stewart P/Stono, Pliillipsll'g, 32. tnncoiialy near Oolumbin, one , on tin . Fanc;^New String Beans 4 cans for 25c. per dozen.'1 ('• c, ' • Clark farm and the other on the Consbl Fancy New Canned Corn, equal to any 4. Mrs. Thomas Williams. Oxford. v 77;vMrs. Willin. Petem Evnndsr Struble, Wnliui, Junctiont Corner, 54, .00. UlflUflCM Instant Relief DA1NFUL New Seeded Raisins, regularly 12c; sped 4. Mrs. Emma Staiaots, Bloomsliury., idatcil Tower mul.Ice CWnipniiy's ftirni. PHYTON-NOEflOS corn packed, 10c can. • J( :• WUlYltll and Sure Cure for IERI00S oc package. , I). Patrick Flynn, Pliillipaimrg,, 20. January, 1902. ,., Best Laundry Starch, 7c lb. •• 0. Cortland B. McCrncken, Hacketta- 10. Elinor Sinister, WnrrinRton, 14. Prof. Williams' Botanical Remedy The choicest Tomatoes in town, ice can. 18. Frank Snow, n.fanner, on Mtintin Fancy New Currants, large package, 10:. town, 43. 17. WinsClihs. A. RdpcrtonEilROrton,, PhiMipslmrg,28.Phillip9lmrg,28.1 i». "•««»»., .•:. -., - - Van's Painless Period Pills, Guaranteed. ..Mildo o! Hoots, Herl)«, IlarkH, HorrleH, 17. Hurry I!.1! Wiumlcy, Hi'btirg, 33. kn•Chunk moilntnin, \vi\s in tlio liarn FOI{ HAI.E AT Highest prices paid for Country Produce. , 0. hflr-i;~ ThomaB;:~Hacketts; Van Medical Co., Look Bnx 30C, Phila, Pa T. B.''HAMPTON, ., 7. M^rs. Oscar Butler, Rock3burg, 35. : arsluoliKiote, Newark, 58 a-' 4., 6. , 8a W\.J. Washingtoi.f..i.i-wl™n- AAvenu. e toiyn, 76. , . ' • •' ," "

—• * ..^ .- <>•••••• • • :-;jL^£:: :ii.^Ji^-^^- :.it!_, JU_/L, THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902.

HTKWA.KT8VILLE. DELAWAKE, Mr. and Mrs. Thoodoro Q. Butler an- John Bowors of Columbia haa secured a HISTORY OF THE YEAR The enchanted realm of Santa nounco tbat tho wedding of tbolr dingh* position with Smith & Hoyt In town and [Continued from page' 10.\ Ask for Transfer Card if you The only thoroughly Fireproof An Enjoyable J ter, Mlsa Edna, and Mr. Aaa Stlros wll began work there last week. ; - ;:: Claus, In our Amusemtnt; Hall, Building In the State of New bo Bolemolzed on Thursday afternoon, Egga are thirty cents a dczen here and '••.-.; February.; , Second Floor. have several purchases to make. Jersey,';' ,' ' ,. ;' •' ; •• '., \ " December IStb, at their residence on scarce at that. . . 8. Patcreon is flre awcpt.Tho heart of Worth Main fitreot. '• •••••• tho city is destroyed by a twelve-hour : : Mlsn Grace VanByckel, .who haa been Our Cornet band, or a portion or thorn, fire. Losa ubouL Leu millions. . There is no doubtof your * spending several weeks io Now York olty r 12. A,$300 flro in the bakery depart- havoobtalnod Instruments, and Rono Into and Brooklyn with Mends and relatives, ment nt Blair Hall, Blairstown, . enjoying the meal you get ! practice. TneboyaaroevIdDntlylneamest, returned homo on Saturday evening well 10. Tho house and contents of Bert judging from the preliminary work, and pleased with hertiip. WilgU3 at Hardwiek entirely consumed ' here.: It's a meal where wo predict for them a bright future If by lire. - they don't Use "tbelr nerio" consequent Thomas Wolch of East Stroadaburg, Pa., March. ' care is given to cooking", had a very eovere attack of quinsy last upon tho monotonous and necessarily 10. Uarn of Ilobcrt Grose, at ABbury, and serving..-You'll like.'• . hard work that stares them In tho face. week but Is rapidly Improving. - destroyed; insured for $1,350. HAHNE 27. The house belonging to Mrs. Hunt tINEWARK.N.J. Landlord Plynn of tho Warron Hotel Today (Thursday) tho Ladles' Guild of it all; even the price is an • tho Episcopal church will hold a Bazaar in Glen Gardner, "and occupied by Georgi has for several days past been a patlont Seals entirely destroyed. ..attractive item,-:--, •:i-.- . In the basement of tbolr church. Second Floor Second Kjoor. • T*/"\"\ 7 C7 sufferer from bead and face neuralgia. April. > ,'•• {•:•" Arthur McCain, the poultry fanoior, who s Incidentally, we somotimoB think "im- 2. The business section of Portland, CONFECTIONERY patient" would BUlt better, but no matter, resides at Mt Hermon, baa had considera- PH., wiped out lir fire. Loss over $40,000. DOLLS having endured similar (.auctions wo ble trouble of late on account of tho 3. A $2,500,000 fire at Atlantic City. Of Every Conceivable Kind. sympathize, oven if wo do know our sym- chicken hawks carrying away many of bla Nearly whole line of hotels on tho water Thousands Upon Thousands. patbleB cannot relieve phjslcal pain. most valuablo birds, and In consequence front burned. •' AND CIOARSi::: ^ has offered a rewarfl of fifty cents per head 28. Tho saw mill of T. S. Snover, The^show this year is bewildering. We understand that ft petition haa been VVhat a wealth of beauty and elegance for each chicken hawk captured near Blairstown, destroyed; no insurance. put In circulation lu Franklin township, O Y S YE R S F.O R F A Ml LV, USE there. Mr.. McCain also raises many May. Every nook and corner is filled to over- BBklng for signatures against accepting ; is encircled in and about our Amusement sheep, hoge, etc., which are noted for tbolr 18. Samuel Linuberry, Haincsburg, the macadamized road rtcuutly coLstruct- fine breeding. Mr. McCain succeeded Al- loses barn by fire; insured for one-third flowing. 'Twould be hard indeed,' to ed In tbat township under obarRe of the Hall—what a splendid showing of these fred Lolda, deceased, who resided hero and value. ' Board of Freeholders and direct super- 52 E. Washington Ave. was a well known poultry raiser. : ' * ; July. attempt to describe the extensiveness cf vision of their inspector. Tho protest Is, 14. Kerr'ri mill, Hope, burned; loss, desirable gifts 1 The markets of the world We extend our congratulations to John we are informed, tbat tho vmacadam is of $2,500; insurance, §S0O. .., . .,..., our assortment for this season's selling. faulty con&tiuctlon, too much clay having Bowne and MIEU Macrana A. Beam of August. have contributed their: very "choicest and boon mixed with tbe brokon stone, which Sarepta, who were united in marriage on 9. William Willevcr's barn at Asbury Mechanical toys are occupying a very i DBtead of i. cling an a binder, works exact- Wednesday lant. The happy couple will burned; Iod3 $3,000; partly insured. best efforts. You'll find not an idea mis- : : ; ly in an opposite direction, caucus' tLo nd two : at.Bufliilo, ••"' - '•; .:"'•• October. ,- ,; -..= •,;•-•'•".,, prominent position; as a'whole, however, roadway to bo unanchorod, a& it were, Niagara^7aiir,-rDi]adolphla and Now 18. Uarns of Daniel Winters and Airs. sing; and'a pleasing feature, one which consequently unstable and Insecure. Per- YorKjty. They will shortly begin house- Hiram Vcaeilius, at Port Murry burned. the line is thoroughly complete from A to sonally, we trust that tho claim will prove In Belvldero. November. ever appeals*"is our reasonable prices. It Cfie Broad $tr«t; j; to be unfounded, and the road provo iiooif j"'. At a recent meeting of the Sunshine 7. Lelianon township poor home build- Z. There are Toys for every wish that at everything conceived and contracted for, ing, near^ijruce Hun, destroyed, togeth' matters not, though, what your selections grocer • « « Society tho followlngcfflcersworoelected: "* with contents; insurance, $1,200. but at tbo tamo tlmo isn't It a rather late Miss Lizzie Transue, president; MTB. James this season with the child is paramount, BASE may be, you'll secure more for a given As my location Is higher than day to protest against construction, cape-; P. Jones,,vlce-presldenl; Mra. James P- : dally after being nniBhed, or nearly so, A mmorman, corresponding scc'y.j Mrs. • •'"•"• '•' '• '"•'"• May.' : arid prices to please, too. , any other, so Is my position as 17. At Washington, Glendons, of £os- sum here*thari elsewhere. " :~-~------r. under tho continued personal supervision W. D. Christian, recording secretary, and caterer to the tables of the best : of duly authorized and rocognfzod author- Mrs. Freeac Earj e, troaeurer. The soolely >n, 1; Washington, 14. 'it. At Washington, Kivcrsides, PhU- . livers. : ...:: I.:..". . . ". ' ity.-' is Bald to bo progroeslng very nicely with lipaburg, 2;. Washington, 27. '• - Smoking Jackets ...... Umbrellas. .-.:.. ,'•::- Pretty Lamps Dr. Bardman ,of tho Oregon Indian all ita work. 30. At Waahington, Lehigh Valley, For the Man's Comfort. Desirable Gifls—Very. For Xmas Presents. Everything here for the Medicine Company, whofV^iitertalnmonts The propelty of tho late Robort Craig, Easton, 2; Washington, 12. We carry only the good Unds and The beautiful exemplified in every Christmas dinner in Fruit, Nuts have been tho delight of tho village and hero and olsewbero, will bo disposed June. t Someone has said that an umbrella artistic, too, at prices that appeal to sense that may be applied to these '[•>. any man's property when needed. and the more substantlals. surroundings during the past three weeks, of at public sale on December 17th at this 7. At Washington, Paterson, 2j Wash- serviceable articles of apparel is por- Be that as it may, ours when yours your purses. It's remarkable how far Is not very loud In his praises of tbo hos- p lace. It consists of several farms; also ington. 10. trayed in this section ot our great store, represent the best qualities that are or.e's money can go in this section Country produce Is our pitality of our Bloomsbury neighbors, two or three houses and lots. 14."At Washington, Norwich A. C, Main Floor, North. There Isn't a procurable and at correct profit mar- along prudent buying lines. Well 1 1 Brooklyn, 2; Washington, 11. specialty. . : .' ; . -.- claiming tbat they tried to "pull, his leg It haa not beon decided aa yet whether worthier stock anywhere else and none gins. Every conceivable kind is here our policy regulates the pricing—mak- on Tuesday last week regarding a contract 28. At Washington, Ingcreoll, Easton, so reasonably priced. and the prices are right. ing them right. ourebnrcbes will hold a Christmas treo 2j Washington, 5. • ••* A postal will bring anything granting permission to exhibit id tbo hall v and entertainment on tho twenty-fifth or July; Vicuna Cloth Jackets at 10.25 . For Ladies, All Silk, at 3.75 Student Lamps, 2.98 to 50.00 you want.' Give us a trial. in the bank building. So bo quietly not; nevertheless both churches will be 4. At WaRhington, Clinton, 0; Wash- Pretty Cloth Jackets at 4.98 For Men, All Silk, at 4.98 Pretty Globes, 39c to 30.00 packed his traps upon Brother Sherrer's trimmed and decorated and the uaual ington, 14.'V .: . Fine Quality Jackets at 6.98 wagon, and walked through tbe mud atChristmas services held during the day, 4. At Washington, Clinton, 0; Waah- . For Misses, All Silk, at 2.25 Gas Portables, 50c to 20.00 tho head of tbe procession back to Btew- J. C. AXFGRDl Mr. Wahl of Nowark, who baa been ington, 7. artsvllle, whoro at this writing he Is enter- 5. At Phillipsburg, North End, Phil' boarding at J. B, Kltnenour's, south of taining crowded bouseB nightly. Tbo two lipsburg, 7j Washington, 0. Christmas Candies. Bric-a-Brac Oriental RujJs town, for soveral weeks on account of lnng ' juvenile artists of the troupe,-were, on 12. At Washington, Lehigh Valley, trouble, has greatly Improved. It Is ro- The Pure, Wholesome Kinds. In Assortment Grand. At Reduced Prices Wednesday night laBt weok, made the Easton, 5; Washington, 7. maikablo to recall tho weak condition of Christmas would hardly be Christ- What a superlative stock we are recipients of a complimentary finanolal 10. At Washington, Keystone, Allen- Have attracted to our third floor a the patient when ho arrived lu August, at town, 4} Washington, 3. mas without candy, but see to it that carrying this season. What beautiful larger volume of trade than we ever - ovldonco of tbo esteem in which they were it is the best you can buy. Ours are which time be was almost helpless and re- 20. At Washington, North End, Phil- patterns and choke designs 1 This de- anticipated, yet we felt confident that held by the audience. The young artists, absolutely pure. Great many kinds, quired constant attention. At this lipsburg, 7; Washington, 2. partment furnishes thousands of ideas the public would appreciate the big Miss Pearl and Master Danny, are the made in our own factory on the prem- for gift-giving, and every one thor- writing he Beams as well as any one and August. pi ice cuts on genuine importationssuch children of Mr. and Mrs. Bardman, and ises, We are purveyors of good oughly reliable. The pricing feature as we presented, and the response has -FOR- says ho cannot praiao too highly tho atmos- 2. At Wnshington, Alumni, Scranton, aro delightful little performers. candles. . is lo your liking. ' - been generous. phere of this healthful locality. 4; Washington, 13. ,r John H. Kaao of Flemlngton called upon : 0. At' Easton, Ingcraoll, Easton, IOJ 5-lb Box Mixed Candy—Box 75c Royal Bonn Vases, 29c to 100.00 Afghans, 49.00 to 75.00 old friends on Thursday, and all wero glad Washington, 4. 5-lb Box Choc. Bon-bons—Box 85c Fine Bronzes, 10.98 to 225.00 Persians, 49.00 to 125.00 Turkeys, Chickens, to see him. A Million Voices • 13. At Uelvidcrc, North End, Phillips- burg, 8, Washington,. 3. 5-lb Box Asst. Chocolates— Box 90c Tcplifz Pieces, 25c to 23.00 Kashmerc, 15.00 to 75.00 " "Qraoloiis goodness 1 but will the Edison Could hardly express the thankB of 13. At Belviderc, North End; PMUips- mill evor make cement?" was the remark Homer Hall of West Point, la. Listen burg, 3; Washington, 2. Geese and Ducks, of a man thoroughly Interested (not why: A severe cold had settled on his 10. At -Phillipsburg, North End, Phil- . Smokers' Articles. lungs, causing a most obstinate coughf . Toilet Accessories Gloves pecuniarily) In tho auccesa of the plant, **4U£ii, \inuoiug 4 ujvDir vuDnumu vuugu. npsu ir^f" \yj Washington,\4. as there is a shortage in the supply. For Gifl-Glvlng. ' .but actuated from a desire to nee theSaveral pbyelcfana said be had consump- j i3.'*At Washington, WTjartons, Port A Superlative Stock. Make Admirable Presents. tlon, but could not help him. Whon all i Oram, 0; Washington, 4. Then you will not be disappointed efforts of men succeed in a businesa ven- 1 30 Where shall we begin in the telling . We are carrying this year a most ex- And the trustA-orthv kinds we carry ture that has already cost a great amount tho»Bbt ho was doomed he began to me — : A' Washington, Wataessmg, 0; of this tale of thoroughly worthy and tensive stock of Imported and Domestic are especially adaptfd for gift giving. in your Christmas Feast. Our Washington, 8. Cigars and Cigarettes, as well as all the of money, to say nothing of brains and 0r. King's New Discovery for Consump- desirable merchandise for gift-giving? We handle every well-known popular Thanksgiving trade in poultry was tion and writes: "It completely cured September. reliable Tobaccos; Smokers' Articles, patience. Although the, remark may be . 1. At Washington, Bangor, 1; Wash- It's a hard task. Better come in and too, are splendidly assorted. No need of brand in all the colors Dame Fashltn simply wonderful. , oonHtrued BB one of unbelief, the speaker me and saved my life. I how weigh 227 ington, 5. permit us to show the line. It's super- looking elsewhere. Ever tried the demands. There U nothing missing The first comers naturally get only echoed the sympathy felt among right- lbs." It's positively guaranteed for Coughs, 1. At • Washington, Bangor, 0; Wash- '•Novara" Cigar? . here except exorbitant prices. minded people all through this section, Colds and Lung troubles. Price 50o and lative'this season in every sense. the pick. Order early. ington, 3. Novara Bouquet, box 25, 2.24 Ladies' Gloves at 1.00 a nd who despise ill-mannered talk in con- $1.00. Trial bottles free at F.N.Jenkins' 6. At Washington, North End, Phil- . Manicure Sets, 49c to 5.98 nection with misfortunes that undoubtedly Warren County Drug Store. . lipsburg, 13; Washington, 6. Toilet Sets, 1.98 to 11.98 Novara Cabinet, box 25, 2.39 Men's Gloves at 1,50 have retarded tho completion of an indus- • • 20. At Wharton, Wharton, 4; Wash- Shaving Sets, 98c to 9.98 ington, 4. Novara Favorite, box 50, 5.49 Boys' Gloves at 1.00 Shafef & Beam, try, the like of which this valley bad not B1.A1BSTOWN. conceived, and which has brought untold BRINK'S OLD STAND. '' wealth into tbe coffers of its trades- handsome new upright,piano was Santa Claus Will Answer Letters Written to Him and Addressed in,Our Care. Don't Forget to Put .on.Proper Postage. placed in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. P. S.—Have you tried our make of people ; yes, everybody has bent fitted The falling snow makes one look for- either directly or otherwise. Patience, Edmonds of Paulina last week, for the uso ward to tho Yulotlde season with feelings Sausage? ' ' good' gentleman, patfonoe. Tbe woods of their daughter, Loin. of gladness. And yet, while reflectively The area of-this store Jsia _;This.store is ^open^evenings, begin- No need of going to New York. may be dark to the searches for tho right The price ofmllk has been increased to taking a retrospective view and thinking of ning Wednesday, December 17. Only path, but as the investors don't find fault, 3J cents, which Is more than onr farmers our beloved fellow citizens who bavo been great as any in New York, seven evenings, though. We have as great a choice. why should you 1 '•" • have received In a number of years. laid away during the year now drawing to A. DAVIDSON EYESIGHT Woman's Home and Foreign Mission- We note that the engagement of Miss B. a close,we are reminded that all our people ary Society held a regular monthly meet- Kay Lanterman of Blairstown and-Mr. will not be In that unclouded frame of SPECIALIST Isaacs. Voorhlsof ArcoIa,N. J., has been mind so hoipful to tho full enjoymont of ing on Wednesday afternoon last week at Hahne& Go,, Newark, N.-J. Eyes examined free. Glasses scientific- the residence of Mrs. H. E. Frey. announced, Mr. Voorhls Is the receiving t the Holidays. Tho memory of the dead Is teller In the Northern National Bank of kept in the beartB of the living. ally fitted, i ' In spite of wind and weather, John Thousands of satisfied enstomers. Cyphers continues to supply bis customers New York city, while MISB Lanterman Is a | Mrs. J. H. Matlock Is still a greatsuQerer daily with oysters, fruits and vegetables. popular and highly respected young lady at her home In this village. , of our town. ; , I eondi- P. K. Stone has been confined to the : Aunfc Mafy Shiner 1{Ji n a aeriou8 house for several daya past suffering from John A. MeBaler, a prosperous and enter- tlon at present, the result of an accident; a severe attack of sciatica. He Is able to be prising dairyman living near here, Is hav- while walking across the - floor a ftm..days up but cannot get out of the bouse. ing a new cow and horse barn erected on ag0 ner oanOi by which she supports hor- hls farm, 26x50 feet. Contractor, John self.Blipped through a knothole and 8he B. F. atrader has Increased, apparently, 8 hlB ro ? 1 fi the W fel : ^° ^^ f° . ,^^ ? °— I !-with her full...weleht„ to ..the floor. --" 'tbt)dIuienuibuH*of thei "old Fulmer utore" Gershcm Parr, who purchased the Cbas. Owing to her great age her ibjurleu are by simply moving a cumbersome deek to W. Smith farm lying about three miles considered of a serious nature, At this season of good cheer and retrospection, I Its proper - place, gaining thereby more west of Blalrslown, lbBt^week,, has decided | Aa oyator capper will'be elv«u-uy-the : v counter room and light besides improving, to quit farming and nowbffers"hisrarm at 20th Century Band on Saturday evening, l66k"'bac'k witfiY"fefelfrig" ^ decidedly, the appearance of the sales- public Bale. ' j Dec. 20tb, the proceeds to go toward -.. -, -roam..'.. ',,„_,J.,.,_....;J:..:''.;•..• ._-...^L the year drawing to a. close, for. I _ have. enjoyed the " The'"bridgo ' near the miU"Is~being the purchase of new Instruments. — ' widened' aud strengthened with heavy HAUNESBUKO. Miss Lottie Black is visiting her friend, biggest trade (..of, any year since the building boom iron work on which is being placed a Mrs. Harry Kofr, at Swartawood, part of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith spent Wed- layer of flat atones after which the sur- this week. , . in the early nineties. This is due to three condi- nesday evening with the letter's brother, face will bo,;macadamized to correspond AuBon McCain, at Vail. Tho Sunday school of tho Christian tions: the fact that business generally has been with the rest of tho road. This will make church is preparing for a Christmas enter- Prof. Frank Ward of Backottstown was a very solid bridge and one that ought tainment, tbe music being In charge of better; that my stock has been broader and the guest B mother a few days last not to need any repairs for a long time. liBlk "'week. "" By the way; tbo macadam road • is com- greater;- that the people are coming to recognize Our town 1B supporting two barber shops Mrs. John Young was called to the pleted and the contractors have turned it ab present, Joseph Audrtiuu' room beiug home of her sister in Portland, who Is very over to the freeholders, who first inspected more and.more-lhat this, js the most important the flnished.worlr and pronounced it per- open again with Edward Aton In charge, j ftV'tift^ "" The"pricb'of HoffiQ-shoeln^bore has boen lumber yard and building supply depot in this „ ..M*;* Katie, jCjriaman ,_qf •FdctoryylUe, .Pa., MQQBcn-& Blacfc'^asv 13,003.- advanced from -§1.00 to iJi;20.psr.set;.:;z^:~ i 1 ""is'spending"a few""day8 with""hor ^mother, -part'bf •tne"S!St!e-A^st"6f'ThilIip'sburg r"a'nd"'v^e' "'' ^ all other expenses the road has Mrs, Sarah Beck. Rev. Mr. Burley Is having good success cost noarly $10,000. lu hla revival work at Ebenezor. The undersell the yards"at-that. point. Unquestion- , The funeral of William Kitchen waa An important business transaction took meetings aro still in progress. - held in the Mi E. ohurch on Wednesday ; placo laBt Wednesday when Wm. Snover ably, we have the broadest tiade-nf any.iyard in morning at 10:30 a.m. Rev, H. P. King Some peoplo from town uttondod a purchased tho meat market of Georgo O. preached tbe sermon. Ho Is.survived by party, at Clluton Hortung's on Friday Northwestern New Jersey, trade comes to us lUoe. He took possession on Monday flvo bons and throe daughtoiu His nge- night.' '..••-•' ••..-•• i morning. What Mr. Rice Intends to do was about aoventy-threo. Ho has lived on Milton Garrison came up from Trenton from the borders of Hackettstown,.. from the wo have not boon able to learn. his farm near Mt. Pleasant for a long time. laBt week and on Wednesday bo moved his Mr. and Mrs. Judaon Klnnoy apent Sun- John Shotwell moved from tlie Bunnell wife and daughter with so mo household Hope vicinity, from within gunshot of Belvidere, day with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Book. furm on Wednesday laat to Marshall goods to Trenton, where they will begin Snovor's farm houso and Albert Yotter housekeeping. i* from the outskirts of Phillipsburg, from the quiet Mrs. Mary Klstipaugh and sbni spent last and bride, formorly-MIBS Ada Boogie of Rev. B'. A. Hall. preached a forcible precincts of Glen Gardner. There are good and suffi- Saturday with Andrew Van Horn and fam- Paulina, commenced housekeeping whero sermon on labor, anarchism and socialism Sholwell vacated, and bo will superintend on Sunday evening1, and held his audience cient reasons, you may be sure. : Frank Wuodruff, Charles Dutt, Samuel the farm for Dr. Bharpo the coming year. with close attention during the whole and Mr.Lltz from below Bolvl-j A marked Improvement In appoaranco discourse. Kind reader, 'twill be to your advantage to become dero wore the guests of Aaron Snovor on | ja notioe'a since several of tha large trees A watch1 set up by B. T.(:Van Horn on a,patron of the Washington Lumber Yard. Monday -and bagged ii largo amount of j hoM be(!I, Amoved from In front of the Saturday was sought for by obanco, tho game. Presbyteriun parBonago. amount of eaoh chance being in aaen- Allen Van Horn saw a squirrel one day velopo and the numbers running to 60< l laBt wttek that was all white. Whits , Nothing weakena the Bystom Uko a bad Dr. Lewis of tho Union Inn held the lucky BELVIDERE AVE. AND MORRIS CANAL. lEquirrela. are very scarce In this oommun eough—nothing BO annoying aa a "bad number (47) and carried off his prlzo as a , ty. Thla la the first one soon in many- cold"—nothing Is so effloient In cither caso young lad In his toonB. :• . ! yeara.'.. ''••"'.•. .''"'' >:•"• aa Ramon's English Cough Syrup—safe, ;Morchant.L. 0. Boatty'^won a pig for > The STAK and Tri-Weekly N. y.Tribuiio sure, speedy; large bottlos, 25o. P. N.$1.00 by chance tickots on 'Saturday aflor- Jonblns, Warron County Drug Store. ; |2.25 per year, In advance.1 '. ; . ! THE WASHINGTON,STAR AND THE THRICE-A-WEEK NEW YORK WOR.LD, '?


Mr. Joseph B&nghart is seriously 111 'PERSONAL MENTION. wltb remittent fever at hia homo ID Broad* way. Bancbart place, near Hone station and, Mrs. Isaac Fine if .Vienna Is making a Incidentally, we might add that be had as YOU BUY UPHOLSTERED A Week's Record of the Movements of two weeks' visit with nor daughters Mrs. line a corn crop tbo past season as could Holiday Specials ! Tbeodoro Mattlaon and Mre. Harvey be found in Oxford township. Last sum- the People You Know, Howell. mer Prof. Amon, an instructor In vocal and instrumental music and organist of FURNITURE AT SQIUERMAN'S Mr. John Kaso of Flctnlngton tms been for a week a guest at tbo St. Cloud Hotel. tho St. Jogeph church In Jersoy City, con- We have just received a very large line of Social Events of the SU Days Briefly Chroa- He baa numerous friends here who'aro al- cluded ho would become a farmer, tempo- You receive cither a Couch, Morns'Chair or Parlor Suit, made l:kd for Quick Perusal. ways glad to too him. rarily at least, andaccori''—' rented* a- coltaco and a small strip of I of farmer of the best of material, from the springs lo the gimps DRESS SUIT CASES and TRUNKS. Mr. H. M. Bull, who a few months ago Freemnn. Tbe cottage Is located near the Mlflfl Mary Amerraan flpoat Saturday In was regarded bf> tion. .- • •••• • • •*•"• • : _ ' ', '..,.. leaves our store. Shoe tmsh cannot Mrs. E. E. Jenblna spont last weefe In was formorly a resident of Washington. .". and plRs bo?au to commit riopreriatlons, you will be nstoiiislico. We" have a Brooklyn with her huaband. and Mr. Freeman found hfu vegetables large stock of these j;oods and do not enter into our stock. Miss Elslo Barron of Bolvlderu Is the Mr. George B. Ulllinrrt hns agreed tn ac- dlHfpjtpnrinjj, ho r«inert old Oaln and THE UPHOLSTERED FURNI- intend to carry them over. Hence, the | cept. If tendered, a position as lileht lloor threatened a writ of fjectment or some Hurt it Packard ?.(.oo Shoes, J3.4S. guest of relatives In town. wnlkor in addition to his arduous duties at other harsh proceeding. He Insisted on low prices. • Mr, B.W. Christine was two days last I the Wnrrftit Ominty Drug Store, another being compensated for tbo cabbages, tur- Ji.MiMi'.s Wax Cnlf f.l.vof( " $2.6S. 1 TURE WE MAKE i week in Now York on business. , Ipirlb-ib cfrl b*bv havinbAVfng arrived at hiss homo oon nips, etc., nut tbe Professor did not con- ffidics* Fancy Slippers. •" -"'• ' "•- "•••fo-.uo >" S2.4S; -• r rca Irane^the^littlo daughter pfSIr^ana Mm. j *\yu8t g>0Wnrt street T \sdsiy of last week. cede his claim and refused point blank to 11 Ye iire offering them at the j; tcst " " " 52.50 " $1.87. George S. Mattlson, I. s on th..-...e sic_ k Hat,.., d pay up. Farmer Freeman thereupon is built and sold upon honor. It is different from every other * About fifteen youyounn s ladks tondtondoroo d M jrougbtsutt against tbo city farmer and value ever offered iti ihU. luwn. They " Colt's I'.-iU'iH Leather (guamn-- II.':: Mrs, S. E. Craft ami Mm- James L. Eoyd Aniiiiu Br.VHiB i nbi birthdat y surprisi e af fewthe trial took plncu a few days ago at make. -The construction is protected by numerous patents, range in price from 48c to fr.gS. tced), 53.50 Shoes, $2.68. aro with relatives In New York for a week. ovcnitipi since at her homo, 7S Lincoln Hotel Belvldore, Lawyer Uahlko appear- Miss Bessie Robhins pissed Sunday in avenue, It boine tho occasion of hor 12th ed for tbe plaintiff and Judge Morrow for which cannot be used in any other piece of upholstered furniture. Rubbers. Men's U.S. Army Shoe (Mumlel), $2.48. Easton tho fruost of Miss Battle Campbell. anniversary. There wore the usual re- tbe defendant. Tbe ense was a n^htlng " Calf 52.50 Shoes, 5i.4K. freshments mid Miss Bryan was tbo recip- ladies' Rubbers we sire offering at 29c Mia* Lillian Frltta visited relatives in ono and developed borne interesting ficts We Have Couches From $10 Up; Parlor Suits, 3 pieces, From $20 to 75c. Children's Rubber Hoots at " , " 52.cxi " 51.19. : Passafc from Saturday until Wednesday. ient of some pretty presents. with referotice to the hablia of domestic Hoys' High Cut School Shoes, 51.4S- Mr. Grant Heed wont to tho German animals and the quantity of cabbage they 9SC. Ocntlcmcii's Woonsocicet Rubber Miss RlHrv Lewis of Elizabeth WAS enlor- Hospital, Philadelphia, on Monday, to beshould eonsiini* fU- « meal. The jury, com- Up; Morris Chairs at all Prices, From $5 Up. Hoots nt ?2.;S. Old Colony, at $2,63. suid 5i.93. Ik:': . - tainod over Sunday by Miss. Fannie. Fitts, o(jomLuil upon for : appendicitis, which poHtd of o\x Intelligent freeholders, Ihten- I-'clt Hoots, 51.9s. Hoys' Low Cm School Shoes, 9SC to- Miss Grace Deremer WHS the guest of her caused him a lone season of Illness laat ed with marked Rttentlon to tho evidence We sell for cash at factory cost. You only pay one small pro- Men's Arciics, 98c to 52.34. 5'-39- parents In Hi-fkottfltown on Saturday and summer. Tho Internal trouble recently and tbo addresses of tbe eminent counyel. fit. You cannot buy a Genuine Schucrniau Construction in Sunday. began to manifest itself and he anticipated Then they retired and after a brief absence Kev. G. P. Arrmtrone and Rons, George another serious duvelopemnt. returned with a verdict oF "No cause of Upholstered Furniture anywhere but direct from our Upholstery We invite you to call and examine our stock and be eutiviuml .and Charles, were in Now York city on Works. A call will convince you that this is the place to order. hat we mean what we say. Our prices are the lowest and quality Thursday. READY FOR THE HOLIDAY RUSH :tion." Misses Viola Bowers and Anna Rush Mr, and Mrs. ft. N. Strouse celebrated he best. AT LAUBACHSN EASTON, PA. their golden wedding Dec. 5th, and a hap- apent Siturday and Sunday with friends Wo are ready for you wltb tho largest .„.. In KocisburET. . ; _;; pier and more bandsomo couple couldn't and best.assortment,of merchandise we;I be found in-Warr-mi county than our do- Mtss'Miry L. Roekor entortmneri her havo ever shown. (Jomo to -Liubachs' oervedly tsteomed townspeople who have H, A, SCHUERMAN, consln. Miss Berthi Votter of Belvidore, as often as yon can tbls month. Thoro IB a |ogeed along nil these yoars and never Washington Harness Store, over Sunday. lot to see, and your buying will be made made a breaK. The children and grand- 92 W. Stewart St., near Grand Ave., _ Washington, New Jersey. Mrs. W. W. Ohriatine and daughter May much easier by starting oarly with your children all gathered to do honor to the last Washington Ax;--.,., . ., . WASHINC.TON, N. J. Holiday shopping, werouuestfiinEiaton on Tuesday of Mini occasion and leave us momRtitnps of the • I. .• •..: // •£•„.•..• - • Cora Wright. Mafco our storn your headquarters. event suitable giftB, Mr. Strouwo for a Mr Nahum W. Tomson spent several WM. LACBACH & Sox, Easton, Pa. numbo.r of yeais tins been court crier. daya last weok visiting friends in Mil ford, Prior to this bo was jauitorand yoaraago TKANQU1L1TY." carried on a buaintass in Belvidero. He his former home. and hl-j good wife tmvn long been consist- Mrs. H. C. Dedrlck was given a pleasnnt Tho revival meetings, which havo been ent members of tbo I'reHbyterlao church Barprtanbya laree number of her friends held in tho church for five weeks na4t. Are In Belvldere. laat.Friday evening. tone discontinued until afterlthe Holidays. Have you seen the transformation that has taken place The Vogue Mm. Barn«t 9. Eonnedy and daughters Thirteen converts were taken into mem- Messrs. F. S. Widenor and George Currie for wearing watch fobs is of Newark have been visiting relatives in bership on probation, Sunday. are tho candldite* for fire chief. ThB in our store during the past week ? Well, you'll be surprised town for a few days. The Sabbath school expects to hold their election comes oil" the. ilrjt Wednesday at the change. The greater part of our immense floor space growing among women. Miss Virginia Nash of Jersey City was Christmas ontcrtuinmont on Christmas nit;bt In January. Kxc|lti.sitely daiiity, yet the guest of Misi Bertha Floroyfrom Sat- eve, in the church, exercises consisting of Tho district maeUm* of tlie P. 0. S. of has been given up to the urday nntil Tuesday. recitations and eingiog. A. was held In the rooms of tbe local inexpensive as compared Ml«9 Margaret V. Warne entertained : Mrs. E. Bell raturnod home' Sunday, af- lolodgg eo onn Monday evening mid drew abi bigg ier spending a few weeks with relatives in crowd nf patriots. Nearly with all gold, are tlu pat- her friend. Mr. Howell, and his sister Vienna. all the camp* hereabouts were representedtd . Largest and Most Magnificent Display from Plalnfield over Sunday. ll h terns we're showing of Walter E. Drake of New York City wan Addresses were tu-itta nnd Interesting exer- Mm. Charles Luther of ABbary Park the guest of tils grandparonts, Mr. and ciser hold. At ttie clo9u a banqust wa? of Fancy China, Lamps and Nichel- waa from Wedneidiy until Siturday with Mrs. J. B. Drake, Sunday. spread and everybody made happy. herofater, Mrs. Charles Rush. The Rev. Mr. Edmundson of the Second MI«B Elva Mount has resigned her pcwl- Mr.and Mrs. Leslie Dennis entertained Presbytariaii uhuroli Was too ill to proach ware Ever Seen in Washington . . . Monin OhHitine's jewelry store, and Miss at her home Saturday evening Mr. and Suuday and loo it suppllsa were called Grace Dllti has ttken her place. ; Mrs. Georee A. Connor and; Mr. and Mra. Bert Reed, all of Quaker. into requisition. These make beautiful and useful Christmas Presents. Mr.and Mrs. Mlohafll Bowers of Hack- Tlie freeholders mid other llbemllv dla- Watch Fobs ettstown Bpent last Thursday, here with Harry Case, who has been employed in posed people rMsed a purse of $100 and New show cases display to better advantage our widely Mr. and Mrs- George B. Bowers. the creamery during the summer and fall, sent It tn the E-iston Hospital RS their Mr. iinil Mrs. Georgo V. Weatbrook of has accepted a position in Newark. At- X-mas offering. Freeholder Belf^rd had known and popular lines of Jersey City wera the guests of Mr. and burL Masters of Vienna will fill the va- the matter iu hand and the trustees of ancy. . that institution made very grateful ac- Mra. W 0. Thatcher over Sunday. Mr. Raslner of Hainsville visited his son knowledgment. at 10 and 20 Cents Mm. WHUam 9. Rtttenhonio will «nter- J.Irving Rasiner, laat week. GOOD WATCH CHAINS tain the Lidien' Whist Olab on Friday George K. McMurtrie, Jr., has been evening at her home on Belvldere avenue. George Huff returned to this place Sit operated on at the Philadelphia/hospital II U 1Cp per pound. of.Handsome Design urday after spending the week wltb his for appendicitis. His many friends hero Mira Ethel Hartshorn of Newark waa parents at Fredon. hope for hls^poedy recovery. XMAS GOODS here Dart oflast week at the home of her No other lines in town approach them. We have made make most a:ceptable Miss Julia A. Apoleman is at the present Peter Cowell and other employees of A FINE LINE OF TOYS. grandparents, Mr. and Mra. H. H. Crocker. time living with Mrs. E. Kennedy. the Warren Woodworking Co. made up a special preparations to supply the Holiday trade in Nuts and Mrs Harvey Florey and sister, Mfsa The teacher and pupils of the public, putrei e of twenty-five or thirty dollars for CHOICE CANDIES AND NUTS. Madc« H*hn. are visiting another sister, school are preparing to give a Christmas Ja__mei s Wilson, who haa been ill with the Fruit. Note these prices: Holiday Gifts. MM, W. It. Rlngo, in Hoboken, for a week. entertainment in the school building, the fever for several weeks. Everything for (lie CHRISTMAS DINNER. Mm Marv T. Warne and daughter at- date of which has not, as yet. been de- David Barry did not keep tbe brown The Simmons Chains are Oilcloth,'-' j-nnlH miunrt! ? 1.00 tended the funeral of the former's brother, cided. An ecxellent program ia being pr e- mare, Viola D., very long. On Thursday Paper Shell Almonds ... 20c Ib SOO.ponnd »nck ol S;.lt *1.00 Jamet J. Willever, at Bloomsbury, on pared. last W. H. Sherman of Red Bank came for sale here only. Ick.-nH, Frt'Hh Meiitu, Baton, Uriel Itt'Cl. Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman returned and bought ber for $600. He afterwards White Grapes . . . . . 15c Ib niinH, OnmirpH, noiilcctltiiicry, CurmntH, 1 home Saturday after a two weeks' visit said he would not take $1,500 for the Mr. Hirry Christine will attend today, with relatives in Newark and uurrouuJIug Huiuittl. Win. Lyoo started on Friday for and tomorrow the six-day bicycle mca now country. Red Bank with the horse. Mr. Barry we and other things in proportion. We also have Dressed Poultry A. DAVIDSON In Drntjress at Madison Square Garden, Joseph Cunningham is seriously 111 atunderstand paid ^390 for the animal at the on hand and shall have an especially large lot just previous NewYork. hlB borne suffering from injuries received Dr. Cox Bale. 43 E. Washington Ave. Mra. A. L. Mettle, who haa been under by falling from a wagon. We trust ho The G. A. H. post will move their lodge to Christmas. treatment in the Enston hosDltal. has re- may rapidly recover and be able to attend room over Inues' store, and bold their AxTord's Grocery turned to her home on Hornbaker street to his duties. meetings in tbo room occupied by the Come to us for your Groceries and Provisions. much improved In health. Miss Francis Drake of Andover was tbeSons of Veterans. Miss Anna L. Perry entertained a coaat- gueat of DQf grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Smith, head clerk for Witte Ine party >»t her home southwest of town 0. S, Cooper, on Saturday and Sunday. & Rose berry, has resigned and taken a Tufiariav afternoon. A lanch was served Abraham Pierson returned home at position with the P. R. R. Co., at Manuuka- - that did credit to the young hostess ,.^ Blalrstown after visiting his Bon, George chunk.-- •• .... .: WYCROTF SHIELDS. Barror/s Mrs. Stephen Ltnnlne. Jr., will he PiersoD. ten days. ^ Wilson Everett, Esq , has been confined Ufcen to the Hahnamin HoiDital in New ; to his home for several weeks with Illness. York todiv. wherft Dr. Uoherts will per- A valuable horse belonging to Alonzo P. form an operation for stomach troubles. Lanniug dropped dead near tbe station The new pews are being placed in the one dav last week. Death Is said to been M. E. church the present week. The re- —Hi Dp T. 8- D°drlck. who wai operated nn caused by heart failure. opening will hardlv take place before the for aDpeTidicltls In Philadelphia a couple 4th of January, 1903. weeks neo. Is expected to arrive homo In a Geo. Lewis has been beautifying _. Our new quarters—the main floor of few dny». Dr. Dedrlck's recovery has home by tbe erection of a new piazza in Tho lecturo of Prof. Edward H. Griggs boon very rapid. tho rear of the house. : of Mootclair was a gem of tbo first water. lie big Amerman Building—is the most r His subject was, "Education for the Art of Mre. Catherine Webbor, who resldeB Life," and we do not believe that the large commodious and best appointed of any in. with hnr Bon-ln-law, ^f^. Jerry Morgan, Foils a Deadly Attack. audience gathered in Wldenor'a Hall ever on Warren street, is crit.icaily 111, and, as "My wife was go ill that coo: d ohysiclana heard a finer address. It touched every We are old in the Warren county. she is over e'ehtyyoarartf age, her chances were tniftblo to holp lier,' writes II. M. phase of human life nnd ho handled the Cf recovery are not very bright. Austin of Winchester, Ind,, "but waa com- w pletely cured by Dr. King's New Life EU^hct ith all the still and grace of a Private Dining Rooms. C. E. Glllara, theSinser sewinc mncbino Pills." They work wonders in stomach p;sc master. agent, moveoved his family to DovleatownDovaton, A flre at Hotel Balvidoro, Monday eve- Pg e !(•' woekoek. They once before have and liver troubles. CureconstlDntion, sick business ! Everything that's Fit to Eat. ning, created quite an excitement for.a Pa ! h it Th td W headache. 25e at F. N. Jenkins' Warren reflVdoid d In that city. Thnv occiiplad W. County Drii3 Store. time. The furnace in the cellar seems'to E. Waller's houio on BelvHsre ttvonuo, have been overheated. This made tbe The Acme of Cleanliness. ••• JflrfimUh MoOafn, crnnt-lfar.hor of Jamed flues verv hot and tbe soot accumulations Your ancestors were customers of Look fire and burned fiercely. The fioor .-3;U/»rtq]-nA*.thls place, recently celebrated S1ABKSBOKO. became overheated and the woodwork No eating house In the county has such hlsSS^h hlr^hdfiv anniversary hy vtsititnj ROY. E. A. McLiury insisted Rev. Dr.u.'ider tbo oiiice floor ignited. The 3ra ours. We made it worth their while; his son, William, at Newtnri. Mr. McCai„,n Butler on Tuesday Und Wednesday even- wan quickly discovered and caaily put out. an enviable reputation for good service. , resides at.Mt, Hermon and.Is .remark;_!y- !r."« of lastt.wee weobk with tltftrovWat ovWl -'ric with a few buckets nf wnter. Nearly all = ; ; "active for hla yenrai' held In'tne Presbyterian church the guests were at Prof. Grlggs'a lecturo wl""will"' maker it; wdrtH'•'y oun while;*Look at Your House Our bar'is supplied with the best prod- Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Unnh of Ojen G-irrl- and knew nothing of the fire until the Some houses were built without either a danger was passed. . -,. ucts of the celebrated Ballantlne Breweries. :omplete heating or plumbing system. It too. It has always been our aim India Pale Ale is just now our specialty. -The old building on Front street, oppo- was a mistake, but one easily rectified. site the Belvidere National Bank, baa been torn down the preaent week. The prop- We'll put up-to-date conveniences in erty now belongs to Dr. Wm. J. Burd. •our houses at a surprising moderate cost. "BILLY" BARRON Har Mr. and Mra, John W. Kerr of Korr's R. S. Emery, who works for Zearfosa, To Cater to Particular People. We'll do It quickly.^and in the most ap- PortMurrav, Jorner ijtid as guests for dinner r on.-Wed- lumberman, in Easton, :waa taken sudden- x 1 ly ill on Monday and could••• not return proved manner. V\ • Vf the latters brothhp. Mr. Lwrc nesday oflast week: Rev. and Mra. Me- 1 ; : 1 1 1 1 home. His wife went to Easton on Tues- "•"fh ere~can" b"e n6 -q uestio n -"'auout£a!ir- Hnnn. In Newark, last; Friday bv tho Rev. Laury and dauehter Grace, Mr. and Mra. day. You will find bur Dry Goods, Shoes, William O. O'Drannell. Mra. Winters \s E. Pierson Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. Edward ability, for we have been so long at the- the oolv daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Rice,' Mr. nnd Mrs. John H. Bescherer and • Ex-Sheriff Gardner was atrloken with Hann of Port Marrav. Mr. and Mrs. Rufua JonninsM-;:-It waa a paralysis on Tuesday afternoon and this Notions, Crockery, Groceries, etc business in your midst that nothing need " Personal Property. : Miss' • Marearct: V. Warno. who ha"most enjoyable occRfllon, - .. ' Wednesday morning is still unconscious, be said along this line. labored BO earnestly in the Waahlnnton He ia well advanced* in years and hit thi BO hlr foyr mvnn yoars nnrt is On Tuesday evening Deo. 2nd, thefriends feel a good deal of anxioty over his sehoolfl for yoars. nnrt is young people of Mark9boro,sevoral youncc condition, He and his daughter, Miss up-tp-date in every instance. ititml iiroj»urt.y nt publle HHIO n|ion tiiu- B at present thteachini g at:Pleimntt Vi\ l._ ,men of Johnaonburg and several neish- Mary, have their homo on Mansfield at rest FLINT & HALE, ln'tnlm* bctwwjii I'ort Murray iiml KiirrH-.. bors prho were not BO young gave Depue ,'llle, coinmt'iiditK at VJ-.:\U \>. ni., on • i^v™.^-...... ^,.^™.was li*»t..wwtjlc elected _«_ teacher .at Rih- 1 .._ 53* E. ..W.asbJngtoRrAye.^ _ V Hall of Kerr'n UoVner a"complete-surprise, --=-==- QualiiyrPrice and -Service--AKvays=Right-.*.L-..-^=t .••,• hM not'as">e i decided whether to accep:t it belne hta l?th birthdny. Mr. Hall hnd WALNUT VALLEY^ '_Z. or not. invited a youne: centloman to spend Mr. and Mra. Honry VValdron of Brook- Next Door to New Star Building. tiorlnirimicliliiQ. biirkmiw, lot of l- r with mtioh of tho great activity that char- 8 -a. m. that the friend would eoon arrive. rnildor. tot of HliliiRluM.ctUUiiK liox. «1oulilo. THH,tl(itnf liilrrdrt, lot of potH, fiooicm and Ohas. L Stryker. Mrs. Frank Nutzo. Mrs, the Mackey farm near this place. imntu/coitttr mup.of Warpcu county, etc. James H. Johnston, Mrs. Daniel P. Beatty, 'jHo,f(at tlio Hi'inu tlmu and placo will lie A . '^Radars'. . l*; Mra, Philip Teeter spent last weok with 6Kerei.-y—•^^^" ichtfnl mietlnir." WAS the her daughter at Newton. PICKEL'S MARKET "Another delli / Kaaton'sBest Dry Goods Store. <£ Mrs. Edward Van Kirk of Mt. Vernon Choice Poultry Now Our Specialty. Tlie "\K" roinprtriCH 20 acrutt, 12 of which havlne been ,t. „ . In connection with their Holiday assort entertained a fow of her young friends am tillage lan.l. Oiuxhaiinlio romnlnOor 1* OornlBh, dauehter off M—-" - d U J- -O - mentof Umbrellas'whioh 1B unusually flno from this place Thursday night. covered'with a JtO year urawtli of Umher, OornlBh.at their homo, 110 Broad street, —bought 500 of the most beautiful handles tlio l»iti»ico youiiKcf timber. Thorn IB'IW —(the sample stock of an importer) and . William Jones and family spent Sunday "JV Noticeiof JClcotlon.r'_ cixtm line iinplo orcliafil 011 jiri'inlHCH. Thu-- Vrlday ovonlna- Of oonrse. whist was with H. P. Llnaberry at Mt. Hermon. imp?ov"m«iitB ln:lmlo ft two nml a-hal[ Htory lnanlind in. but the feature of tho evening had them mnoited on cunranteed quality friiiup IIOUHO ol «lr roonm. In excellent ronalr, that o«llod forth tho compliments was "<» of Bilks. Will Bell the Umbrellas com- Emery Jonos haa accepted a position as plete for $2.00, $2 50/13.00, ?3 50. $3.75 and eld on Tut'Hilav, ...- neirlv h now»barnamnow mll other ontiiulontiiulldltiKHl . appotlzlnBCoUstlon served., I^rnakc telegraph operator at Pocono Lake. !£ YOU DON'T ^EEP A HORSE •Jaimnryirv,, 100JJlOOIl,, . at t_ theitho rr.imnkln batihliiRK Inhouse, An'oxcepttonnA'ttonnl l opportunitrtunity to get acoiuacoiu- envious to hoar the way the ludlee }S 00. Tho usual price would bo $3.G0 to John Tltmftn of '•PeapacfcTwafl at:hii you avoid a great/deal of troible and expense, which would • hardly pay; when-yourknow wiiHiilii'ston, N. J., Tor lliu purpiiHo of UIL- fortitblo homufo lttltvmonoy. iue"how tbev Moved the ot-cwrton home here last' week enjoying his vacation that we always keep on hand every kind of rig for business or pleasure you can possibly Inc DlrectorH nnd tram»iiRtliiK ft"j" otli SAMUI3L.MOWDGK, ,ow oflDecIilly-aoncIous^he devil^ e only precaution you need take lUiHltio-H 1.1'Utmnv coniv lii-Tort*- MIOLU.. Pol desire. The only precaution you need take is to see that in case of special receptions, Jetc., oiion from 10 to"iro'clock,a. m. " ~~- he the order as far as possible in advancadvancee. WM.S. IlLTTKNIIOUSIi.CaBliler. "'• .- - lor tlio Heirs.-?'' - Dated: Die. ll.liJpa. a ; ~: . ^.;tii Uzz

! -••• ----1 • ' ^ .[:•_ ••,,;. ; , , W£**£

THE WASHINGTON STAR, WASHINGTON,*!*. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER II, 1902. 19' cd the burly form of Ilascl Lynn, follow in this borough." We venture to remark ed by Warren Vliet ami a number of that the young men of this place find it others, /hey were promptly met by the more healthful and profitable hitting tlic THE BULLIES OF iiiLMi inside—J,ynii ami Vliet "locketl leather bottle than they do the glass bot- DEL L & M ARfSEI horns" with Derumer mid Hums, who tle, and they arc able to go to work in were almost as big ami as strong as their the morning with a normal sized head on MEN'S OUTFITTERS WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY opponents. their shoulders. YEiARLYDAYS The other members of each party then Now that the Christmas supply of took n hand at the fighting game. While colored candy has arrived, the local deu- The Drawn Battle in the Oldivoiuei) screiiniwl ;w<] children cried, Uie K fthouhl prepare for it rush of bu&i- battle waged fierce and furious. Women i. While the stores have an excellent A Merry Summerfield Church. ami children mounted thejscats and some stock of high grade sweetmeats the aver- even clambered into the windows and age child prefers the kind with most DOORS BATTERED DOWN dropped to the ground. Among the lat- colors in it, it ml teeth and "tuniick" ter was Mrs. Jeremiah Snydcr who, un-suffer in consequence. i/erybedy! Blood Spilled, Women Fainted, Cbildrei fortunately, lauded in n clump of rose Tlic wonderfully good health of the Criid—ltoih Sides "Oo! Licked." ' usiics. Thorns pierced her Hush, aurl citizens in this Ijorough speaks .well for This short, but none the less sincere, greeting to our con-... her clothing was so complctelyl tangled the sanitary condition of affairs, and A Noted Character Who Drank Whiskey tr the prickly mass that she was held the way- the people observe the health stantly increasing large numb?r of friends and patrons in Elevallng I he Barrel to His Lips. prisoner and had to stand in the stocks living rules of life seems to verify mlil her husband came to her rescue. the contention of Henry Johnston that Washington and vicinity will, we feel assured, be fully as "I low'often we hear tile remark, "pco She was so badly injured 'hat she wasthe Prohibition party is getting a strong .- much appreciated as a w hole pape of talk to the^ame effect. pie lire Hot so good as they used-to lie, confined to lu-r lintiie for some titmv foothold in (his community/ -'•••'" '••"•••••'•• '•••- which statement is all nonsense. \V lu tile meantime the combatants fought -That'the. youngsters'of today areas don't have In go back to the Spanish in- themselves out, both sides being ex- bright as the boys were who went to OUR GRAND DISPLAY OF quisition or to the tortures indicted upoi hausted. More or less blood was spilled, school when the "oldest inhabitant'1 was llie Huguenots of 1-ranee lo prove our pro- clothing was torn, hats battered, and ibsorbiug all of the knowledge that he position! cither. PRACTICAL HOLIDAY GIFTS I,css than fifty years iigo every neigh- borhood had its bully, ami the fights ar- will be found very helpful to the holiday shopper on the ranged between the local gladiators look 'place as a rule on llie day .when tin lookout for appropriate and .sensible Xmas presents. A BUY XMAS PRESENTS EARLY militia turned out to train for any possi- n as stocks are in better shape now than ble war that the country might been tare c llection of everything that is new and novel in our they will be later on; thus you can engaged in. And the fights those gladia- choose from better assort-nents. tors put up were not of llie refined order, Mine—artistic as well as useful- I'itln-r. .It was perfectly fair for .vmai to use his tecth as well as his hands am GLOVES CAPS feet, and tlicre are men living in; this MEN'S ^ >' TOQUES part of the country today vihV'are shor SHIRTS HOSIERY UMBRELLAS part of an ear through getting the wqrsl FURNISHINGS: NECKWEAR MUFFLERS MACKINTOSHES of a rough and tumble light. Nothing plea«es a man better than to sup SUSPENDERS SWEATERS SMOKING JACKETS Many~years ago, a man living withit ply some actual need. This ist ought to HANDKERCHIEFS UNDERWEAR SUIT CASES suggest the right article. three miles of Washington, had bolli CARDIGAN JACKETS NIGHT SHIRTS TRUNKS AND VALISES eyes gouged out by iin opponent win ! had him on his back. These terribl; brutnl deeds were done at a time whei some folks wilt say that "people were HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR WOMEN™-LDRE, not us wicked as they are now." Such The crimes if committed today would arouse SOMETHING FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THEFAMILY. a storm of indignation against the mei Boulevard who comtiiilU'd them. SLIPPERS! SLIPPERS! Oimoflhe bullies of the "good ol( times" was liasel I.ynn of Oxford town- What more uselul and beautiful present can be ship. Mr. I.ymi lived near Ilazeii ai to man, wonun or child? was the strongest man ami greatest fighter in this whole country 'roum FUR TOP JULIETS Once upon a time the champion of FUR TOP SLIPPERS Ilunterdon county neighborhood, wli FELT SLIPPERS -••'•• had lieard much of Lynn's prowess and Kibo Enamel KID OPERA SLIPPERS Calf. was jealous of his fume, called on the Very Heavy Hazin man to arrange for a fight, the Welted Sole, Extension same to ctv;^ off at the next niilitii RUBBER BOOTS FOR ME v, BOYS Edge. Rope Stitch. training. After" the subject had bout AND CHIDREN. Kxiiet Keprodurttmtnf.tlii* Slyle Sho broached, Lynn suggested that they lake a drink before arranging details. He led the way to an out-building where, stored among other products of the farm, wns barrel of applejack whiskey. I.yn L L MARX S E N picked up the barrel by the chines and drank out of the bung-hole, then, turn- REMODELED A. W. CREVELING STORE WASHINGTON, NEW JERSEY ing to his visitor said, " help yourself." The man was so dazed that he just stared. Then realizing that be was " up agin it," concluded about like this : "I guess 1 Tl\e Joys of a GKrustrna-s don't want to fight." I.ynn held up the barrel while the other fellow drank and ome of the church furniture was in need has amazed us with, is shown by Ihe fol- the two men parted. T repair.. It was a drawn battle,' but lowing : A few days ago 11 school leach- The above introduction was written tc tie who was present said " both sides er, afler telling all about the lauding of B. B. ,ot licked." the Pilgrims, told her pupils to try to ' show that the civilization llml existed as The women who had fainted and thedraw. from, imagination a picture of. I'ly- Holiday late as"fifty years ago was barbarous' and :bildreii who had cried were soon re- mouth rock. There was considerable •••&•• brutal when ..compared with, the refi >toi'e"d to their normal condition and the confusion when one little bovgot up and nienl of today. relation left the.elmroh.- A number '"-~6iie"of*the most remarkable of the if pistol shots were fired on the outside It is said that a pupil during a lesson JO. stirring events of long ago, happened at ul no one was injured. in physiology, made the following unique the Summerlield M. Iv. church. This No warrants were issued ami no arrest? reply to the instructor's query "Describe church is located on Scott's Mountain ere made, because the civilization of the Mouth." "The mouth is the front and fronts on a road running from the if ly years ago did not see that a crime door lo the face. It is the aperture to Washiiigton-Helvidcre road to Rocks, igainsl good citizenship bad been com- the cold storage of anatomy. Sonic burg. The edifice was erected more than itted. They believed in physical force mouths are like peaches and some are WITH OUR BIG NEW BUILDING COMPLETED .seventy-live years ago, and was kuowi: p like a hole in a brick wall. The mouth for :i long time as "Taylor's church f it hadto be exerted in behalf is the'hotbed of toothache and the bung The name " Summerfield" was substr icir right to worship God in peace in THIS STORE HAS BECOME hole of oratory, ll is the gateway lo the tilted about forty years ago. :hurch built jiud paid for by themselve A Hot in a church today wi e fol- liver. It is patriotism's fountain and the During the first (juarter of a century >• arrests and convictions Ifccausu tool chest for pie. Without it the poli- A METROPOLITAN ESTABLISHMENT after the erection of the mountain edifi ublic opinion would demand the pim-tician would go down loir.n uuhouored il was Ihe storm centre of a neighbor- l of ihe guilty men, but"such a grave and the office, seeker would become hood noted for its turbulent .diameters audition did not obtain .ii itv ycars ago wanderer 011 the face of the earth. It «w.'> IN EVERY RESPECT *...*.-. and local bullies, but still the great mass : lie world moves an we in tve \v HI it also the grocer's friend, the stump " of the people were law-abiding and con- e mark time and kiep step toll e uusiL speaker's pride and the dentist's hope. sistent church members. 1 the grand progress- of tbih won II rfu.ll> It.-, puts ,:.soij,i|«..iii'-M!;-.0!i.f .the:, rostrum.ar.tl -There wt-Tcreidly two-elaiis-ofwar- r6'g"f'cssivV"iige7 some in jail. It is .temptation's lunch ...rjors—one iiihabitiHi.;.lhi;. moiinlaiii.; th<> T : c6utuer~wheii attached to a woman aiul a Main Floor, other the valley. The mountaineers PITHY AND PERTINENT. tobacconist's friend when attached lo a ¥T will give us pleasure to : naturally attended the Summer-field No Better man. Without it teachers' institute 240 It. long, 120 I'c. wide- church, and when young men from Ihe i'ics lOsii ly Adapied (o Itim would be a dream and the school inarm have you see our exten- .•alley came up simply.to attend religious ish Cold, Cheerless Thou*>ln • Pro- ild lose half her attractions. ilut-iiil hy Wfcnl Wlnicty Winds. Basement, """ ::•."' scrvices"aud nothing else, they were ._ Ilefore purchasing the Christmas box sive improvements, and at treated as friends,- but wiien they had He gazed upon the calendar, ,,j • Place Than of cigars for her husband, the wife should v 240 ft. long. 120 ft. wide. ulterior motives, such as. looking after And heavedjijieavy sigli— first"ask his friends what brands arc,the the same time to see the the girls and, incidentally, disturbing He's got lb;mii^e~sonie Xmas presents, best because they are the ones who suffer " .- ' — . #•• .^ tlie church services, there was apt lo be And doesn't know what to buy. - from the inexperienced buyer. The wise Second and Third Floors. trouble. Krequcnt fights .occurred ..Ije- LARGEST COLLEC- • If.thai is all lhat is troubling lus inind,. man.who receives a box ^of cigars from T---^- -=^:2o ft.-long/" • -' ~ tween the "factions and more or less blood e.will not be undecided long after read- his belter half always passes them to his friends and when his" wile is'uol looking ed until one autumn night about fifty STAR. .Iviehad. is lirislling with good he fills the box with good cigars and ELECTRIC PASSENGER (j years ngo. Revival Sheetings were in MERCHANDiSlE EVER" suggestions for the'Christinas shopper pretends (to his wife) that he is .smoking ELEVATORS ft progress, and while the good people and nevu^before have the, local stores the ones she gave him. OP course there prayed and'sang, the other fellows be- BROUGHT TO THIS had such a large variety of Christmas tiro a fe who really smoke the hr>ved in a manner discreditable to the Shopping' l! goods. cigars their wives or sweethearts give REGION.^ " '^ All Modern Conveniences sacred charade of the services. '- The joke is, on,a Washington avenue them. The writer trusts that the ladies On the uighL in question the 'mountain storekeeper. Kor several days past be will not be offended at the above advice, men, led by Ralph Deremer and :i school placed on the sidewalk in front of his :is it is given1 with the best of intentions. teacher by the iiania of Hums, resolved store a couple of children's blackboards • no longer to submit to the bullying of the on which was written in chalk "25 cts.," . ..Short. But True Story. and under tlnr-'price was "hands off.'1 About one hundred...years ago, there •"*" ;, men dcTjvu by the creek. They procured lived on tlic farm now owned by John jrrope,whicli they hung up in the church The boards lunl iiot-Jteen on exhibition Mowder, near Chaugewater, a sturdy old and wheii liasel I.ytm, Warren Vliet and ;'.3Ug when a mischievous boy came along s'eiter named Pence, or, as be was famili- others from tlic valley entered, they 011 his way to school^and, seeing a arly known by his neighbors, "Boss" chance to display his-^.-. iC, he pulled out a Pence. In those early days every man were told in plain terms ..that they must. went armed as Indians were numerous in pit;m of ftlmlk.froin ins porket nml wrote BUSH & BULL .' or (pniliiig.sign the valley and not at all times friendly. cantly to the rope) there between- the price and ihe merchant's On thii-farm of Mr. Schools)' stands "a warning, "will be given for," making the ble. i-lAi aud his friends then left. big piiic tree thai marks the scene of a The doors were locked on the inside sij-n read "2i ets^ will be given for bands tragedy. One dajv while "Boss" l'ence 'NORTHAMPTON STREET CENTER SQUARE ., BANK STREET CHUReK=STREET because the mountain men knew that off,' ,W™.ifii,.m.U,l ^IMy „„, SSSfflf S^dSSl^i'n' fe enemy: had gone for rc-euforceinenls'aud the sign 011 tlic blackboards and it was under the pine tree who hnd seized and that a fight was imminent. No services several hours before llie. merchant dis: was about to scalp a white girl. Now, \ wereJieldjMit nil waited,.many,nervous- covers!" why-''everybody "laughed' when Iher'e was no better marksman in all the ; Penn&. they passed his store. ^ •••-country 'round.tliaii Pence and hie level- " ly, for the impending conflict. Suddenly ed this rille and fired and the Indian fell the front door flewopenfroiu the force VStraiigc"aiid a visitor in Washington, dead.1 The girl was rescued without -"of a rock liiro\\'*i" against it, and in stalk- "how popular the game of bottle pool il sustaining the slightest injury,. _/ ..&.-.:.. :%:

-./. & 3'5X3 tmas

..-. (:•.-. :.-a:ia.s numbers of THK WASHINGTON STAR'Have . and appearance. They are manufactured from the very finest ol highest art and skill, and will satisfy, in every respect, the most , .-im-L tin inundation "I" I!IL- Curnisli Plan »f selling material by the most skilled workmen; they are made in a large, I'i'sliiliiiii.s musician. When you can get the best and save fifty ;i :. vM;,'.n:-. and most ot'' hem have had something special well lighted, well ventilated factory, and no expense is spare.l in per cent, there is surely no reason why every intending purchaser - \\\ l!:i- ^iv:ll business. the perfection of each instrument. There is no secret in the should not invest in a Cornish l'iano or Organ. No home is . >.•,,: K:'i- .-.IIOIK-on tlif inception and evolution of the manufacturing methods of this concern; anybody and everybody complete without a thoroughly first-class instrument; it is neces- . ', : !':.;:, .ui!i'::as watched ttid noted its growth. I:rom a is welcome to inspect the building up of a Piano or an Urgau sary for the proper education of the children, for a home with- : . ...,,. I'lcU'ry on the banks "I" the 'Morris'Canal'to the im- from the rough lumber as it leaves llic drying kilns, to the fin-: out music is shorn of.one of its best comforts and attractions... : •: •'; :•'!<•• !i.u graces our public thoroughfare, the STAK has ished instrument as it is placed on exhibition in the warcrooms. Thousands of New Jersey homes are the better to-day for • ,....!.:!i- i'ortums ot" the Cornish Company, and today the We do not believe that there, is any other large concern in Cornish Pianos and Organs, and we want to place our instru- .... !:a;iu' if Cornish is synonymous with the name and fame of the United States that oilers such facilities to the general public ments in thousands more, and we feel confident that any reader ;;•• jimspetmis litirungh. and there arcno men to whom the vel- to visit its plant, and to inspect its productions; we are only too of the foregoing statement must be impressed with the truthful- :uv ui this community is dearer than those who have built up pleased to welcome visitors whether they come to purchase or ness of our assertions. :•••'•- ->v.>: lti known business in Northern New Jersey. simply to look. During the year thousands of friends and We therefore most respectfully solicit a trial of the Cornish patrons visit us from all parts of the country, and we have It is no news to'the readers of the STAR that the success of Plan; no risk is taken by purchaser; all goods are sent on the made it a rule to pay the expenses of those who come from any •Jk Cornish Company has been due to its unique business meth- distinct understanding that if not entirely as represented, even reasonable distance, say, within one hundred and fifty miles. i»!s. and ils unswerving adherence to the polic\ 'of making noth- after twelve months' use, the)' can be returned, and the purchase ing but the very best goods, and selling them direct to the gen- This practice has resulted in our making hosts of personal money .and all expenses will be refunded, with six'per cent, eral public at factory cost. friends; they are not only satisfied with the Cornish instrument interest. Must manufactured goods reacli the ultimate purchaser with they have bought, but the reception that they meet with here, With even' Cornish Piano and Organ sold is issued an In- :i long string of added profits and expenses. In the case of and are anxious to do their very utmost to spread the name surance Houd of Indemnity, backed up by plant and property Pianos and Organs there are the manufacturer, the middleman, and fame of the Cornish goods amongst their neighbors. Dur- worth over one million dollars, which fully protects the owner the jobber, the dealer, the agent and tl;(; music teacher; each of ing each year, over ou.'-third of the business transacted by us is of the instrument for twenty-five years. these add expenses, losses, profits, commissions, &c. to the actual brought to us by tliost' who have purchased Cornish Pianos and cost of the article, and the purchaser, pays it all. Can yon won- Organs; there can be no greater proof than this as to the merits We invite all who can to come and visit us during, this der, then, at the success of the'Cornish Plan by which the ol the instruments manufactured by us. Holiday Season; our factories and offices are always open, and as 'instrument reaches the'home with only one very small profit . //' The general prosperity of the farming community in the State we have said before, we shall be very pleased to pay the expenses added to actual cost, thus saving practically one-half. ~ of New Jersey, and in the Counties in the Northern part of our of any visitors, and to entertain them while they are here, whether they purchase or not. Again, the success of this Plan of operation could never beautiful State in particular, has resulted in avefylarge number have been obtained in the face of the most virulent, vigilant and of Pianos and Organs being purchased, and while we cannot so Do not fail, therefore, either to come and see us or write to strenuous opposition on the part of all other manufacturers do- far complain of the patronage accorded us by our friends and us for our catalogue, which is one of the finest issued in this ing business in the old way, and their satellites, namely, the mid- neighbors, we are still anxious that the Pianos and Organs used country, and is well worth its weight in gold to any intending dleman, the jobber, the dealer, the agent and the music teacher, should be more of the Cornish make than any other, and we purchaser of a Piano or Organ. all of whom are interested in getting something out of each believe that we can and do supply a better article for less money We wish all our friends and the public in general a very order, had not the Plan been backed up by the- production of the than any other concern. And it is to justify this assertion on Happy Christmas and a Prospirous New Year, and remain, finest Pianos and Organs possible to build. our part that we solicit a more extended patronage. • Yours very, truly, There is absolutely no doubt that the Pianos and Organs We state distinctly, and without fear of contradiction, that manufactured by the Cornish Company are unequalled in quality the Cornish Pianos and Organs are perfect specimens of the THE CORNISH CO.

Brighten your Home and Lighten your Heart by .adding to your Domestic Treasures a Cornish Pi^no or Organ. We offer our beautiful and popular instruments on terms to suit all pockets—cash or easy payments. VISIT THE CORNISH FACTORY and make your;,own selection on your own terms. We will pay your expenses arufcar fare, welcomeP'you heartily and entertain you. : : : : : : :": : : : : : : : : : : : : '••: : : : e have Cornish ^ ^ can per American Pianos from .00 pay only ^ month h&ve Cornish and you can per pay only month

i c.T.i pay us quarterly or half yeariyror MAKE. YOUR OWN TERMS. No other concern in existence CAN or WII-& do better by you thanCORNISH. Come and see us, we will interest you and show > on a good time whether you buy or not. P.e sure anyhow to send at once for THE CORNISH SOUVENIR CATALOGUE—FREE—CHARGES PAID, TOGETHER WITH A SET OF M1N- IATURK PIANOS AK1) ORGANS. These beautiful colored and embossed plates accurately reproduce the actual appearance of some of our latest styles and if a visit is not practicable they will enable anyone to.make a satisfactory selection as to color of case, etc. Over fifty styles of Pianos and Organs to select from. Full particulars furnished upon application and any instrument sent on 30 days' trial as soon as order is received. SPKC.IAI, BARGAINS IN OUR NEW GOLD MEDAL SERIES OF PRIZE PIANOS AM) ORGANS are available .during the Holiday season. Don't 'delay. We never had a finer stock WseAecl from. Send for catalogue at once and come also if at all possible. Write or call. " •--• -, • , - GORNISH GO Washington, New Jersey, ^^v*^41-*Mii^^^»t._i===!_ 4^nited,iStates,,of,,AmericB.. : .,..,..;.,..:,.;.

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