Argue Oveiuhjs Route. Dairy Farming Growing Cussed

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Argue Oveiuhjs Route. Dairy Farming Growing Cussed ANK laiued Woekls, Entered si Sceond-Clut Sl>u«r «t His Font- VOLUME XLIX£, NO. 25. office it (lid Dank, N. J., under the Aot of Uorch a, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1926. $1.50 PER YEAR. PAGES 1 TO 16. ARGUE OVEIUHJS ROUTE. DAIRY FARMING GROWING ADVICE TO PUPILS. CUSSED HIMSELF IN JAIL. SAVED FROM DROWNING. AUXILIARY'S NEW OFFICERS. Red Bank High Ikjiool Pupil. Hear Mn. Jennie Fisher is Chosen Head BIG BAZAR AND SUPPER. THOMAS P FAY'S WILL of Red Bank Lodge. MATTER AGAIN BEFORE CATTLE HERDS ARE INCREAS- Talk'* by Buaineas Men. - SIX DOLLARS WOULD HAVE NARROW ESCAPE FOR WAL- "TWO CONNECTED EVENTS AT LONG BRANCH LAWYER LEFT The morning assembly exercises The Sons of Union Veterans' aux- DLETOWN COMMITTEE. ING IN ATLANTIC. KEPT CHARLES WAGNER OUT. ., TER WOODWARD SATURDAY. RIVER PLAZA LAST WEEK. ESTATE TO WIDOW. at the Red Bank high school for iliary of Red Bank held an election {.Ong Dlicuaslon Between Leonardo Loading Platforms Make Their Ap- borne time have bcon held under the Bui Bolford Man Refused to Pay He Broke Through the Ice on the of officers last' Wednesday night. They Were Held at the Community Freehold Man Left Estate to Sitters and Ocean View Residents— pearance in Front of a Number direction of different members of it, Stating; that Hs Didn't Cuss River.and He Was Rescued by Mrs. Hattie Wymbs was chosen past Houie Last Friday and Saturday and Brotheri—.Estate of David B. * Townihlp Committee to Give De- of Farm*—Two New Cattle tho senior class. Tho program is of any Harder than the Man Who James Langler, Son of P,. J. Lang. president, Mrs. Jennie Fisher pres- Nights by the Community Club Lambertson of Matawan Is Be- ' cision Decomber 30th, Farmers at Scobeyyillo, a varied nature and Red Bsnk bus- Had Him Arreatecl. ler of Riverside Drive. ident,1 Mrs,, Rose Predmore vice and the Junior Club. - qucnthed to Two of His Couilns. iness men have been asked to speak The Mlddlotown township com- In front of various' farm cn- Caleb Lukcr, a carpenter and real Walter Woodward of Riverside president, Mrs. Fannie House chap- The supper and buzar held at the Thomas P. Fay of Long Branch, to tho high school students on top- Jnitecjat thoic meeting last Thurs<- trancos oh tho county road at Sco- estatedealer at Belford, had Charles Heights, in Middletown township, lain, Mrs. Lucy Wymbs secretary, community house at River Plaza who died two weeks ago, made hh dcj night, again deferred action on beyville and Colt's Neck aro a num- ics applicable, to their school work .Wagner of Belfori arrested last broke! through the ico. on the Mrs. Gertrude, Dey treasurer, Mrs. last Friday and Saturday proved will August. 16th, 1922, with Abrqm fixing tho route for bus sorvice-at ber' of small - platformr?1 used for and-to their future. About two week on n charge of using Vile and Shrewsbury river Saturday after- Jessie Gill patriotic instructor,'Mrs. successful beyond expectations. All O Johnson and Ella Maude John* >• Leonardo. • Amzl Thbfno presented loading milk on .automobile trucks. weeks ago Mayor William H. R. abusive language. Mr, Wagner is noon. The incident occurred near Lcuisa Cree guide, Mrs. Catherine the returns are not yet in and it is eon as witnesses. Mr. Fay left all n petition with 210 panics asking Tho platforms aro nbout three feet White spoke on local government a railroad employee. At the hear- the Middletown' shore while ' Mr. Coggins assistant guide, Mrs. Maudi. impossible to ascertain the exact jiis estate to his wife, Gertrude K, • that the present bug route ovorXIen- high. All of thorn hnvo been put and civic pride. Friday morning' ing before Justice Lou,is H. Meese Woodward was walking about on Stryker . and Mrs. Grace Simpson Tofits, but it h certain that the Fay, ijiid named his wife and J. tral aVonuo and Leonard avenue be up recently,' Forty-quart cans of manager of The Red Bank Register, of Belford llr. Luker stated that tho ice hunting wild, ducks. color guards, Mrs. Helene. Simpson mount cleared will reach $150". Adele Presley as executrices of tho continued. Three weeks previous milk are put on these platforms by manager of the Red Bank Register, the language usec' by Mr. Wagner James Langler, son of P. J. press, correspondent, Mrs. Carrje robably it will go above'that fig- will, . ,tho people of tho Ocean Viewy sec- gave a ten-minute talk on what a tho dairy farmers. The platforms was unfit to repeat. Mr. Wagner Langler , of Middletown township, Patterson inside guard and .Mrs. ure. John R. Parker of Freehold tion of Leonardo .presented a peti- business man expects of a graduate. aro nbout on a; level with the truck admittedthat he.had "cussed out" and Joseph Irwin, sbn of Capt. Minnie Olaen outside guard. Mrs. The supper was served Friday named his brother nnd sister, James tion with 184 names askinfe that the bodies and_ having these platforms •The assembly exercises. Friday Charles P. Irwin of Red Bank, also 1 Mr. Luker, but tha^ what he said to Maude Stryker and Mrs. Theora night, with clam chowder a3 the A. Parker and Lydia R. Parker, exe- route "™ changed to pass through saves a gr'ent deal of heavy lifting morning were conducted by David Mr. Luker wasno worse than what were hunting wild ducks Saturday Brown were chosen delegates to the feature dish and with Mrs. Vander- Ocean View. This would substi- cutors of His will. Ho left to the sif- and lugging for the milk dealers Russell, Jr., nnd they were most Mr. Luker had said to him. The ar- afternoon, although they were not state convention, which will bo held veer VanDorn in charge. The Com- tute Appleton avenue for, Leonard ters of his deceased wife, Mary Jano and their employees, Among the ably handled by nim. David, who gument between the two men grew with Mr. Woodward. Part of the in June at Atlantic Highlands. Mrs. munity club prepared and served avenue; •.'•''. nnd.Cerydwm Roser, all the furni- farmers who havo built such plat- is known about school as "Red" out of a dispute nbout a bill for time they walked about on the ice Catherine Coggins and Mrs. Louisa the supper. Tho bazar was held ture which formerly belonged to his. At tho meeting three weeks ago forms .am Norman Sickles, Edward Russell on account of his auburn work done by Mr. Luker. and part of the time they used ,a Cree will be delegates t the nation- both rights, with the Junior Com- ivife. To his sisters, Lydia R. Pork- Baskctt, Michael Bordiul:, George a former Register newsboy as canoe to traverse open spaces whre thoro was a long-discussion over tho Justice Meese fined Mr. Wagner al convention to be held in Septem- munity club in charge and with er and Cornelia B. Parker, he left S. P.'Hunt,, John G. Schandt and are several members of the school tho water had not frozen. They mattor and there was an equally $10 and costs. The costs amounted ber in Ohio. Miss Ruth Scattergood ns chair- all money which might bo pnld into Sidney Bennett, but this by no orchestra. The Register is mighty saw Mr. Woodward fall through the man. The community house was at- long discussion last Thursday,night, to ?6. Mr. Wagner said he wanted After the business session the his estate from life insurance. AH means comprises the, full liit of proud to have on its records boys ice and they went to his rescue. ' tractive with gaily decorated booths Tho argumonts used wero virtually to appeal from Justice Mcese's de- members of the auxiliary held a the rest of his property was loft In the same aB those of threo weeks dairy farmers in Atlantic township. as these who are showing the same where such goods were sold as flow- cision. Mr. Meese said Mr. Wagner ^o get to the young man in the, Christmas party and exchanged equal shaves to all his brothers and ago. Tho only new element was ability and make good ers and potted plants, fancy ar- Dairy farming is becoming an would have to pay the costs of the water the other two hunters had g'ifts. A clam chowder supper was sisters. Edward C. Formarr and ' a letter from the insurance com- in their school work as when they ticles, toys, home-made-cake, jellies, Important Industry in thai; town- case before he made an appeal. Mr. to get past some ice which was too served afterward. The auxiliary William. S. Brown were the witness- pany which insures tho bus com- were selling their favorite news- preserves and caildy. Many per- ship. Tho poor potato years Wagner refused to pay the costs, thin to bear their weight. For this and Arrowsmith post will hold a es to the will. pany againBt accidonts. This let- cnused many farmers to engage in paper. reason it was decided that it would sons did part of their Christmas ter stated theft Appleton avenur was stating that he preferred to go to joint installation of officers January shopping at the community house. David B. F. Lambertson of Mata- the ljusineBs ol supplying milk for At the assembly exercises selec- be better for one person to attempt 12th. very dangerous because of a rail- jail rather, than to pay the costs. < 1 ivan left all his estate to his cousins, retail dealers.
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