The Oxford Democrat.


without clear As I I ask for "Bodies must bare "Why. Greu-licn!" the bed numb aud any around. Qilbert forever said. nothing beads; kingdoms fully looked ϋ. ι-ΛΚΚ. Mr. Retires. will not let me «eo him. high- Idea where he wus. Free! If she was Λβκκτ AMONG TflK FARMERS. myself, not bint: There hua beeu a must linve kings. I bave made un ex- "They "I cannot roll up this eleeve, fa- (Maine Farmer, Sept.29.) choked. a she was free! Auctioneer, aud this la tbe result. 1 ness!" Gretchen not princes» free, and a trifle angry at It is with extreme that we are periment. ther," blushing Licensed regret great blunder and a great wrong, too. has child?" *······ MAIN*. S1*RKL> TUE FLOW wanted to grow up unfettered by "What happeued. so a PAKlâ. to announoe tbe retirement of Will you strange request. SOUTH compelled but God seut me here to right It. have arrested him as a spy to re- Associate Editor Z. A. Gilbert from tbe |H»\ver: I wanted .von to mingle witb "They The duke allowed the quartet Hans opened liis knife and laid bare MutWrM*· do this?"« ua practical agricultural topic editorial staff of tbe Maine Parmer. piOples, nere aud there, wben you Jngeudheit. main standing for her left urm. She tried to cover tbe 1· M>UcUt*l. Aeu> agri- ably minister to tbelr political "How can 1 save eyes straining floor, "Let nie look at it, Hildegarde," ^ur^eon ocrnt. Pans. Me. cultural which commenced witb "There must be tome one for the editor, eases And all this fine ambition tum- "He Is uot a spy." behind his bark. quested the duke. To him she pre- ■ »«"«· Girl Maine seven 6oose duke to "other- the Farmer tweuty heroically; nearly puulsb." bles dowu before tbe wooden shoes of "That must be proved, Gretchen. I "I do not recognize any of these per- sented her arm. But there was neither it will be also wise be will refuse." b«* w.,rs wamiil··!. to years ago. Undoubtedly a and or- be said to nor sear the round and love- \U my Turning Agriculture. tbe read- pretty goose girl." cannot go tu the Stelnschloss sons." C'armlchael. mole upon a matter of extreme regret to "8till. suppose 1 bargain for you Tbat the of is "Now. Mr. Carmichael. whut Is your them to liberate him." She lifted Your highness does not recognize arm. profession agriculture ers uf the Maine although we By HAROLD MacGRATH der ly p. JoSES. Parmer, too?" .K. M at last as the most im- our Interest In Gretchen?" asked the king to her then?" asked the clock mender. father?" , being recognized hope that we Khali be able to Rive Gretcb«?u f«et. me, "Why do you do this, iu the whole realm of "When yon tell bim my name Is portant profession readers from Mr. Gilbert'· tartly "1 bave bum there, and they will "Come closer." commanded the duke. No one answered. Hans unceremo- Dentist, something Bobb·· will lie do human eudeav<>r, that the business aud to come. I >09. by the Breunner there bargaining." pen occasionally for along time Copyright, Carmichael trembled with Joy. Here uot let me see him. 1 love him so!" The clock mender obeyed. 'Take off niously ripped open Oretchen's left MAINE. industry uf agriculture is at last to be ac- work of ad "What has this clock mender to do SOKWAY. Hie long experience in the Merrill Company wns an opening for a double shot. "My "1 can arrange that for you. 1 will those spectacles." The duke scanned sleeve. The raised scar was visible corded the tirst place in the affairs of the in with the case?" K>12_'to 4 v.tnciog the cause of agriculture her is belter than for to the aud over bis own came while ,* Hour»- which it has Interest in yours, go with yon myself prison." the features, to them all. And they grouped country—the jdace actually Maine, bis broad mind and his practical "He Is Count von Amsberg." held SOce the foundations of were I have not asked her to become s "Thanks, highness, thanks!" Gretcb- the dawn of recollection. "Your eyes, around the astonished goose girl they society of farming in all its detaiis, George! And this ρ Γ Η, knowledge "By gypsy?" alive? sur- ι» SMI laid—is now steu in the almost service CHAPTER XIV. king's mistress." en was hysterical. your nose— Arnsberg, here and heard lier highness cry out with being have made his years of editorial "The man who bribed me. in all Arnsberg bit his uucle bad been be The at Law, ludicrous way which kinds of peo- to the in- DISCLOSURES. His royal highness lip. The king and his this Is too good to true!" prise. attorney of unusual value agricultural Is Rn innocent man, but this has to be Ob, are tumbling ever themselves and which he will be "Uncle!" cried the horrified at cells on the out toward fhe bell, but "What is this?" she to MAINE. ple terest of the state, for tbe office king, given adjoining ground duke reached sq!d. pointing \IIKW°\V, each other in their frantic efforts to be sat Id proved." a r remembered and honored. this revelation. floor. The princess and her protegee Carmlehael Interposed. t'ie two pairs of shoes and the two » Collection» Special» long Hie letter and I H among the first to "I t"ld so." Mr of the consulate. "I will do what 1 can. Hans, say you As a writer un agricultural topics. "Mr. Carmichael evidently has ap- were admitted without objection. The "Your hlghuess will remember." he eloaks. She held up the lo< ket. the "Meanwhile, we who have been most of keen of reslgnatloa was ou Its way. will let you know the result after din- Gilbert was possessed iusigbt ear to some Herr sergeant In charge of that floor even twin of which around her neck. Ki::t κ Λ »'\KK. in have plied his keyhole," warned. hung deeply interested agriculture into tbe needs of the farm aud ibe farm- but It would be Id November ner tonight" CARM1CHAEL recollecting well the permitted them to go Into the corridor "lia! So have trapped me blind- "Where did these come from?" been the same old Ludwig replied, you |J pl· dding along pa'h a aud decided before lie beard froui tbe "That wlTl be But unless be Attorneys at Law, er. witb quick perception definitely enough. Who is duke un- wh'ch has all of a suddeu been discover when be suggested to the beauti- unattended. I begin to understand. "My child." the answered, ium of the methods which those that time the uot tell him our uames." day ly? MA.INS. opini by department. By great concedes do Im- God KTHK·., ed a lot of modern adventurous ful young girl bow easily and quickly Voices. this fellow Grumbacb? Did I offer ashamed of his tears, "ouly K::ex C. !»r: b.v spirits needs we re to be satisfied. «iiows would have blanketed the earth "You have me a bit dazed." Carmi- Ε Herr!ci in be- knows as wbul it means. But the il'.uo. 'be literary world, who perhaps one of editors of tbe Maine she could secure the riches, the pretty "Hush!" whispered her highness, to him?" yet As the and the nadir «if hie discontent would cbael admitted. "1 ought to know munity iiev.» that hey have really discovered as otherwise aud the she desired Gretchen's arm. am Hans and outward si^n testifies to a strange and Farmer ami extensively some- things advantages presslug "I Breunuer, highness, Κ U K"l SD>, of l»e reached Hut what to do till that what this blunder is to have something, a'though a great majority identified witb the agriculture of the It occurred In the tap room of the "Ach! Wall, dear nephew; beat your 1 ask for nothing." horrible filuuder. The locket you hold ρκ 'he knew a deal about it all for time'i Ho con Id ride for some weeks, thing to stnnd on." people good H(ate by official positions, he has tavern the he hud tbe bands the burs, curse, waste "Breuuni'r! Kreunner! Hans Breun- In your liuiul was taken from you "Later day mysterious upon the while. We have beeu Kinging the esteem and cou- nut riding without companionship was Grunibacb «book bis bead. Dentist. forty years held tbe on stone. Did I not warn And when were an infant. The one and Interview with the aged clockmaker. your breath uer, brother of Hermann! you put you of discussing of bis and it rallier a louesotue affair Ills owu de- will be answered, und ml praises agriculture, fiiieoce of tbe people state, every question when The tone wear arotuid iieek is, uncord- Norway, ever well did Herr Ludwlg remember you against this very thing you into my hands?" you your hath.iwai solving its and working a source of satisfaction to the u at this Interview Herbeck Yes, yourself problems, has been fiance of tbe cbaocellor had erected remember tit one these more knowl- how be bad told Gretchen that she this mad ▲ fine Into a roar. The ing to the statement of v to 3 ill t for belter conditions and has been looked proposed Junket? developed suppressed e II >·. tu li—1 Maine Farmer that be barrier between her and him- must not be a over three- highness present" and hold of liana the shoul- men. not edge, the Maine Farmer for as one authorities on mat- could win the gowns, the carriages scandal!" duke took by genuine." upou of the self. would watch him now, a and some They "You "Am! the She grew quarters of cen'ury, perhaps ters tbe Jewels her girl'· heart craved sole- "Woe to the duke for this affrout!" ders and drew him close. dog! significance?" agricultural. evade him. put small obstacles In his fell from Leavitt Co. » others longer still. Mr. Gilbert has for many y»*%r· been ly through her beauty, "by the supreme Gretchen started to speak, but the So you ask for nothing? It shall be tail, and the torn sleeve away Wm. C. We do not however, to iwth. obstacles against which he could object, having prominently identiiied with agricultural right of her beauty uloue." princess quickly put her band over Riven to you. Tomorrow morning I her arm. some of the A the farmer re-discovered by even before he took enter uo reasonable complaint. Breunner! to be brave. St., Me. affairs in Maine, up "No, no, not through the keyhole!" the goose girl's mouth. shall have you shot! Hans "1 know yeu Strength- 14 M.un Norway, who had almost that was a and a fau—these people forgotten editorial work in this line. He born withered leaf, glove for this!" Thanks. en heart then. These men say de- retorted Car%iicbael. "The window "Uncle, I will have revenge God Is good to me this night! your such a parsonage exsted, except as Nov. and be the sum of his romance. in Greene, 4, 1832, early represented Slash and cut! a thousand thanks! that are not my daughter." I in the com.c of the was upen. My clerk heard you plain "Good! Bang—bang! Herr Carmlehael, you neated pages funny came one of the farmers of Two moved In the be- prominent figures garden Is a invention—on paper I need not ask who that damnable "And that (îretcben Is!" spoke Hans. or a class of actors who ac a ly." War great And papers by the state. In 1869 he became member beads came to- Stoves, neath. When the two true?" were sensible Is who has the black face "I?" Gretebeu drew closer to HUde- Hardware, their knowledge of the farmer Maine Board of re- "Uncle, is this damnable thlug Come, my boy; you scoundrel •jutted of tbe Agriculture, nud then both the same For this re-dis- gether swiftly separated, would You were when us here. and heart of a garde. from place. maining a member until 1877. He was "Yfs. What you? enough they brought gypsy." us to some that cmiliDg. he realized that he had wit- covery is helping things vice-president of the board in 1871, and determined to malte η fool of yourself. Control yourself. Be a king In all the "Your highness." said Von Arnsberg The duke studied the portrait of the and we have been desiring very much for a Mr. Gil- nessed a kiss. Ah. here was the op- 1 to left in the world the faces of these two Ranges. was president in 1872 In 1880 But rest eusy. She is ignorant where word Implies. For my part, begin quietly, "all I have mother and then time, and it is because it with the aud. the Lord he I long helping bert became connected portunity. by Harry, this offer came from. aud. moreover, see." are these two withered hands, and may jiirls. Both possessed a resemblance, > ·' Lea< of again Ail Κ Pipe Repairing, shows that the advancement agricul- Maine of being would not let it If this fellow ever was Board Agriculture by slip. she spurned It, us Mr. Carmli-hael's "And what do you see?" God cr.t them off if they wronged only it seemed now thut Gretchen ture and the co.-iHerva'ion of agricultural which he held and Iron. elected secretary, position tueaut wrongly toward Grelchen—and Is a knows who we I am Innocent. Those nearest to the and the most clerk will ullirm. Ob, Gretchen "I see that the duke you In any act. portrait Hildegarde interests is after all important for eleven years. how could he mean else?—he, Carml- to God do not. lie will to have been written nearest to the doubt. Ttltphoii· 1.11-11. business need of the country to-day." interested line little woman, and I would are, even if his police letters purported He has always been actively matter need cbael. would take the boldly And tbe us here a or two and then me were Tonight I shall "You say she wore the costume of a We are not able to feel that that in all of tbe movements for thebetter- she was of your station!" keep day by forgeries. for there are still luto liis hands to do some caning, lie leav- liberate us with leave this a free man. and you child when you lost her?" said is yet fully recognised, meut of all departments of agricultural mask fell from the regeut's face, magnanimously pro- palace gypsy J. WALDO NASH. think that there are Here would be another sou- for the many people who work in Maine as will be seen by bis laughed ing It bitter and careworn. "Uur pres- shall ask pardon wrong you the duke. several more and to veulr. to nave caned— took from un- important needs, up official connection with the various so- ence Is known in Drelberg; it has been have done me." "Yes." Von Arnsberg have been able to make such a tbe Maine The a which he yet they cieties. He was president of He Jumped to his feet, dropped his known for three days at least. And lu There was no fear In the voice. der his coat small bundle, seem to in the Taxidermist, showing that they stand from 1874 to and He had Licensed State Pomological Society pipe on the sill of the window up here I had another errand duke glared at the speaker somberly opened with shaking fingers. first One of these is the "need" to couilug places. and from 1900 1907, cane. Tbe Herbeck bad often said been in the that afternoon. Street, rear Masonic Biock, 1878, again made for his hat aud sword Oh. I haven't forgotten it. lu the recalling what Krumerweg Timple of for war, the most ab- an evidence of the preparation which is surely high still remains to be those are mine!" exclaimed and senseless business •lerk went on with his wrltlug. street there are at least ten soldiers "What you say "Why, NORWAY solutely useless esteem in which he has been held by tbe Telephone Connection. are To gain the garden Carmlcbael subeblef of the Bath- Sow. what Is at the bottom Gretchen excitedly. in which civilized people engaged. Maine farmers who are particularly in- under the police. proved. a have to tbe tav- of all this?" whs the demand. "You see?" said Von Arnsberg. If we were not yet good deal savage, terested in that branch of the business, would pass through er a curious conjunction." we were as civilized as we the room to the duke's "Would vou not like to be a if uearly aud the high value which is placed upon ern. Tbe first persou be encountered The king turned white Hans crossed princess, that is another matter ills treasures un- think we are—but his opinious and upon his connection was Colonel von Walleustein. Walleu- Carmichael rau to the tear window desk and spread out Gretchen?" Ferns, iu which there is material for more an- The \ Gretchen's heart flut- Pliis, to Frau who a der the M fims, with fruit growing. itein spoke Bauer, He "There's half dozen flickering candlelight. princess! than we have room shrugged. THE thoughts aud words was also a trustee of the a to- A She laid her head AT GREENHOUSE. Mr. Gilbert swered hitu with cold civility. Wallen- in tbe too duke, with cry of terror, sprang tered. princess! for Almost with and Me- WILL NOT SHOOT garden PORTER ST.. SOUTH PARIS. to-day. everything State College of Agriculture stelu twirled bis mustache. "8DHKLY YOCK MAJESTY ward the secret drawer. Ills flrst on Hildegarde's shoulder. She was to has Inugbed "Is there way to the roofs?" which government has had do chanic Arts from 1880 to President AN OLl> PIUSHD?" auy 188S; and went luto tbe Neither thought was that the shoes and cloak, weak, and this was some dream. been greater than Cattle Associa- garden. to see his "None that would serve you." E. P. CROCKETT, FLORIST. given prominence of the Maine State Jersey "Wry well. 1 promise ever rested am I?" asked Hilde- (jretcbeu uor tbe vintner saw Wallen- eaid the of- upon which only his eyes "But who, then, agriculture. tion 1886 to 1892; State Inspector of this afternoon." "Mr. Carmichael," king, watched them with an evil hlghu«-ss now. had l*»en stolen. Nothing was And yet there is being evolved a grad- 1883 and President stein Ele his hand, his handsome face garde. Fertilizers, 1884; The three of them solemnly trooi>ed fering but be ual There is a topic Maine Fertilizer Con- nulle. After some deliberation he "1 should missing. He was overwhelmed, "Tell what you know," said Hans to PLI.IBING and change. hardly Hoard of Managers Carinlcliuel bewildered. kindly ami without rancor. as as continu- jut. leaving He came back to which is receiving much, trol and Sta- walked lightly toward the lovers. wretch If I did not steadied himself. 'he gypsy. "Highness, he alone knows Agricultural Experiment he was his mind he l»e an ungrateful HEATING. ous and attention, as agricul- of Council And while rucking the locket. The all this." HOUSE regular tion, 1885 1887; Chairman "A pretty picture!" he said 1 am Indebted the desk and lingered the man who brought about a stairs. The door uek your full pardon. 1 M A li Ε fc RANGES. ture. All sorts of writers are having Ex- beard steps on the looked Atitnt Maine State College Agricultural "l^ave us. (Jretcheu." said the vlnt- little us it duke opened the locket, long "The aicbplotter of this damnablo who know much about to you twice for my life, 12 7-12. dab at it, those Station, 1888; President Board above shut noisily. and at the aud The duke's became Telephone periment »er. with a deceiving gentleness. And in you steadfastly portrait conspiracy?" eyes the and those who know little on Dis- I'll attend to that this amounts to. my kingdom subject, of Commissioners Contagious started down "By George. shut It Then he went to the drawer his his whole some of the (•retchen reluctantly be welcome. W ill you ac- alive, face, body. Every or notbiug. With writers, eases of 1882-1880. He has also what stuff this will always M. LONGLEY, Cattle, As she off tbe minute. We'll see yel- and returned with the counter- beat of his he;ftt cried out for venge- L. as with the as an offioer Ibe path. stepped path as one man to uuotber.' again journals they represent, been active and prominent is made of." cept my hand MAINE. the lo tbe colonel be her low haired boy He laid them side by side. The ance. "Who is '.v." Tell me! Give NORWAY, there is a sincere desire to place Maine State Associa- go round grus|>ed And parts. in the Dairymen's uiouuted the stairs without "With happiness, your majesty. and most in and kissed her on the cheek. lie likeness was perfect In all details. him to me, man. aud all υ* you shall greatest important industry tion. rudely 1 ask that my own hasty before the sound. He the baudle of the you pardon he said, "will the world in its proper light Mr. Gilbert has been the author of She screamed, aud this scream brought grasped "Canulchael." you go free. Give him into these hands. is the It and en- words." With others there only authoritative articles on agricul- Carmlcbael tbe scene. He saw door, boldly pushed open me? Do I see these things His name!" The duke's hands worked people. many upon "Thank please help of a on a the door aud his you." is object making catchy story ture, and has made frequent addressee ibe vintner run forward and dash his tered. closing placing or do 1 not? And If 1 do which convulsively as if they were already HILLS, Life on the farm is He has been a "He is only young," sighed Ludwlg. popular topic. on agricultural topics. Into the soldier's face. Walleustein back against It. mine, aud what does this signify?" round the throat of this unseen. 1m- tbule of human fist The the drawer, put as the ultima farmer himself, and It is that a from king emptied "I AM TUB KINO UF JUOKMUHKIT." Jeweler and Graduate Optician. pictured successful fell back hurt and blinded. Tbe vint- The vintner snatched pistol Grumbach answered: "This, high- placable enemy. He was terrible in and and the farmer the contents In his pack, tied the omfort happiness, fact more thau any other, probably, In the table and leveled it to I these from the little of all ner. active as a cat. saw Carmlcbael the drawer fuse apologies. We shall be escorted ness. took prin- this moment. is played up as the chief example which has made him a prominent figure strings and put It under his arm. on a run. Ue darted toward nt Carinichael. the froutler with honors. His high- cess with my own hands. They have The gypsy a letter. It had modern in the of Maine. -oming are to do?" asked produced progress. agriculture will not shoot "What you going this Those and there are of ex- editor felui and before Carmichael could pre- "Surely your mnjesty uess loves a Jest too well to let never been out of my keeping. to be held carefully, as It was old Fortunately plenty Mr. Gilbert became agricultural the cumu- said the American. uncle, vaguely perturbed. I see In the know about." of endeavor and Maine Nov. 22, at vent hint the sword caue an old friend?" chance escape. Besides, you have I nothing j tattered. The duke read It. Beyond amples splendid of the Farmer, 1883, dragged am dowu to tbe soldiers. 1 1 ] aud "I going latiug success in this great industry, the of its The blade, thin aud the flue Italiau hand of Herbeck." •I he duke njbbed his eyes. "My that it made the original offer it was nets il unir commencement fifty-second away. pliant. no a 1 am a king! glass stories which on am longer vintner; many interesting maybe He has been a vigorous writer uoue too soon. The colonel XV. "Gretchen. Gretchen!" said the king. worthless. The handwriting was pal- J year. Hashed and CHAPTER this In u manner truly daughter?" so that there is not the slightest tbere is no doubt And be said is uot agricultural topics and drnwu his saber. Gretchen could stand It no longer. "The I'riucess HUdegarde your disguised. The duke tiung the to show the had already THE KJNO. pably J of exaggeration possi- that bis work has contributed to tbe royaL the said Hans "Save him."' Gretcben ber She wrenched herself free from daughter, highness." missive to the tloor. c! in the lead- wrung vintner lowered the burst from tbe regent. billfieffcBn the actualize* agricul- of the Maine Farmer FIE slowly "Gott!" prince The duke smote the desk in placiog bands. grasp of the prlucess, who, with pity- "Gott!" "H'ool! I«s that all you have? Tell MAINE. ture. ing noMitlou which it has for till it touched the tuble. "This has marrow· In his bones, NORWAY, occupied pistol boy now. Poor, "Herbeck! 1 must seud for or auu Half understood all me man. I shall luioicevcu two blades met spitefully. heart, despair. what you know, duc ΙΟ tn» aKuvuikuim· as an paper. The Theu he releused It after all. But tbe Incarceration will ing many years agricultural » .. ττΛ λλ ueiiic λ/ »ti ν I ■ Herbeck!" iuimunl- one iinunie unU ■ .-»· Gretchen! have shot in the morning, the journal looking oo, Mr. were α |>μ· ^ are ΐυ.ικχ: troops ou unhappy you agricultural Gilbert'· writings always "Tbut In better,your majesty." not be long There later." niusr signs of the times in knew "Here 1 am, the goose girl "Not yet. highness; «II I1U UlllitlUII > of the significant characterized the spirit contained tht· colonel that the racing youth Τ me that?" side of the Leopold." I} by call other passes the serious and at- ••»Vhy do you the the "But If not 1 tvllevel is to be found in one of the of hie greeting on what he was Down cried, pressing her body against Hlldegarde— "Highness." said the gypsy, thor- paragraphs doing swooped face was familiar, but I failed "Ten thousand? Well, they shall exhaustive étudies of the in which he said: "Al- "Youi" her hands through I must be growing njUd!" "this is how it CATARRH temptedly Nov. 22, 1883, of the « burs and thrusting alarmed. hap- the saber The blade It was s»iu uie nm* oughly Remedy economical and business with farm work and cuttingly. ut first to it rightly. only stay mere. snld Ctr l philosophical, ways iu love place "Patience, your highness." band was at the deeply mord cfeue snapped like a plpesteiu. me into aft- shall not my wltb them. pened. My staying of the subject by philosophical, in it, it is not after had'duped going iy. "I begin mlchael. phases actively engaged proposed was you devil!" murmured the man in lint' in I 'refltorii. We told fortunes Cream Balm and business writers, of to cut The latter came on. and there I had real will tell the du*e lilt· truth. "The Ely's economical in these new relatione er the veiled lady îîlS··» any war. I "You say i* iojo.-bed. assuming " cell. "Patience!" wearily. pa-| tiud exhibited an Italian show. quickly near and would- the busi- death's luteut. uot dare ί:ΙΓ the other puppet prominence, prominence loose from the farm. Instead, You are Frederick! T^opold Lie will go tlence when heart Is Inside Sues Re iel at Once. we suspicion. The cov- uiy dying letter came tlrst. I was poor and be Λ many, on as and had found a '■»·»«. to.. u too," "You here. Gretehen?" king Tlie prominence. great ness will be carried before, Meantime Cuimlcbael -"lie will lie good poll!It-laa, I'atlence! then. Is It I'irali-· ■», men of Jugendbeit." kisses. my breast! Who. was to take 'thw, all, of the great business our faith works shall hit the saber with "t ered her hands with passionate "lin·· imps desperate. 1 mii;ht say while proving by short hop pole. He said « ÛJ» « «smile u|iproval called child?" h»»is a:. 1 bi ts are much consider- "I shall not deny it further." proudly. Ludwig. this woman I have my with of the country giving continue as heretofore to attempt the came the steel. The ι^10 "Yes, They have made a dread- lier away and leave her strange »· will. Back ''»>· yes! the d 1 lu to good care how to me. at Carmlcbaal. "No. "God Llans stood 'ti· ation to the relation of agriculture of the of "And take you speak W,,J no from Ju- knows, highness!" solution problems agriculture colonel did not care whom or what he WÛ3 ful mistake. You are spy leoplt»." bri'U·· r· from business aud to be uo war. And .vet 1 prepared bowed before this ag. ny. ward their particular tests." lince 1 admit my Identity." parental "Ah!" the duke, with a a; by practical uow. When Cartnichael re- ?«· interrupted iVarrh 1 drives of the condition of struck at Here I shall for It, nor wus 1 wrong In doing gendbelt." what have that she the effect agriculture "This is Ehrensteln. the voice from "But proof you toward Urumbacb. λ Col l in the in the he swung his there would Gretehen," said despairing gesture «ay the business of the country turned compliment I but for ilerbecL. •■'JJo, Is not? What I upon Maine Breeders' Association. talk to you as please." Already, far worse than proof, say?" leave us aU In ' as old crusaders did their the the next ce.')· "He Is did you not general. hop pole the band be of lighting In passée. "Would there be two lockets. high- "Why - [ The annual meeting of the Maine Live The king reddened, and his plenty the ' of them are iti saber un- see the He Is HAY FEVEF Many dabbling agricul- broadswords. The dropped Ach! Could you but princess!' that. the'-îi!9*.,Oretchen, ness ?" peace?" T*te ;i! IS: F at Breeders' Association will be held closed over the ill sizn .-,0 cts.. Drug turc in a second hand sort of way, ap- Stock colonel's arm aguln pistol. a wrong has been Nov. 15th and injured. but the dangled "1 have seeu her." replied the king. king." will be need- "lllghnoss. great r iiy τ; .!. lu 75 «"ents for the love of the laud in City Council Chambers, "I have saved your majesty twice "More proof than this to Çst» liquid form, simply J was In Car- kinder had in done, and God brought uie here b: ■;.· pareotly Me. at his side. He agony. •'Heaven would have been "Uucle!" anguish. Ely »,:,.j W^rreu Struct, New York in their souls and the desire to 10th, 11»10, Waterville, from death. You force me to recall ed. Produce It" inherent abated none. "Let U9 have It over with," replied It." less intimate connec PROGRAM. mlcbael's anger i seeu her months ago." Mans to the right have some more or it to your mind." "Spi*. "jJald gypsy. Nov. 15th. a tine of a soldier! serene theu. Prince Ludwlg sadly. "You are a brave man." darkly. it. Some have Tuesday, "You're example lower his "Say to his highness, bowing, tion with recognzed agri- The had the grace to "Highness."~ku~m ifce etur- a.m. 1. Call to order. to attack a man this king to mat lier." "The Gretehen laughed shrilly. as a business of their brain 10:30 Are you uiad that you are willing «y king!" us. -~! 1 r. your 'muds, n/jiiuese." culture worthy "Our "he s truly. He c'a nie with 2. Mecetlng," for this, or eyes. not "What Is this, [teaks and there are already indications C. L. Jones, Corlnna. They will break you "I'm afraid you do understand, Jest Leopold?" ··Iii a mad uiouient I commu*·*"' t power, President way? Don't I*or fear that the little might .lily. to "The Hrst time was at Bonn. "I have still her bauds, highness hau Mm Company that are gradually working up 3. Keuort of Secretory, name's not Cartnichael. the sadly. The klug. holding κ crime. 1 would not accept till 1 SteainstiiD they my uucle." klug replied we Hr.i ( Ι«μ Cart 91.00 cat h w*y· R. W. Redman. Augusta. when an Atnerl· be recognized as we traveled, the of to gain a con- this!" you recollect the day to love and to looked dowu. him. He came point attempting "Work of the Maine Cattle "I shall kill you for the supreme happiness talked with vlE τ N>< as 4. the an her clothes. lie took them, personally Ri over the industry, they times can took you out of Rhine, can rob me. changed and his Β trolling power Commission." "Hah! 1 have fought more be loved. Of that uotbiug "Leopold!" plaintively. :it last. Ills face was bidden Pl'LLKH leave Krauklin Wharf, Port over some of the other chief in K. S. Adams, Rowdolnham. who did not trouble himself together with the locket. One day thé | have to counting." American some time to come, uucle Still be did not still he avert- this 1 saw—when week at m. 5 "Co Breeders* Work," than you have years your And for speak, We voice muffled. But lan-i, dave 7 P. dustries of the country; to commercial- operative around and ask for your soldiers appeared in the distance. W. G. Huntoti, ReaddtiM· "But If to come treasure that bis bead. But God kDew that his half of the the of the usual small with good. Yankee spirit. you mlue, I shall happiness." ed little he gave me the tirst money ize it for benefit 6. "The Work of the Maine Live who. in truth, did not learn all tied. We lost the highness, Roturulnc waste time in a thanks, the little Gretchen?" heart was on the rack. I should know him of financiers to by. Stock Breeder»' Association," think I'll my lighting "Aud us ever knew what be- 1 was certain coterie profit wbut an per- and none of sort l,eon 8. Merrll*. Director of the wrong till days after Important I have been a scoundrel." "Leo. look at me! You are laugh- Lftive Union weel t tiod forbid that anything of this duel with you. you're up "Yes. yes! wore the costume of Wharf, Boetou, Extension Work, Urlverslty were to be?" came of her. She •gain." We are not son you were or going moist. "You cried. "Why, did we "For that Mr. Carmlchael. You have not work In the vineyards, TLr■■ i_·:. tickets on sale at |>riucipa ! mistic, Recess. "Co to llu· devil!" are happy, together -We shall that in time." said "By his little Anger, highness." to increase the "great" love." for the future? produce wiruad effort agricul- γ. M. Introduction of busluess and ap- at There's too you." no crown to weigh against your and did we not plun Von Arnsberg re- itutioce. the I 30 "Not Just present. Von Arnsberg. "His little linger?" tural establishments of the country, pointaient of committees. for that In the below?" Carmli-hael's You are a to me J. fur uie to do." "Aud garden Aud from that moment Ah. yes! king only K. LlSt'uMB, General A*ent, so that r. M. of Breeders. much "Damnable wretch!" said the duke, peated. great farms and ranches, agri- i.·00 Report are man. : had van- "For that also. Now. why you toward tlie young I see Hut It Is a cruel Jest, Leopold Port laud. Me. such relation Cattle Gretcheu and the vintner heart warmed the The tw-j women, large eyed and be- culture shall staud in auy than his addressing gypsy. as Ayrshire, that It was here?" whose sorrow was greater Smile at me! Say something!" other's hand to the business of the country Dr. Johu A. Ness, Auburn. ished Carmtn-hael agreed The other He had boon wildered, clung to each general over the table, the shrugged. to do. The Curmlchael went to owu. for the kiug was giving up "GretHieii. forgive me!" despairingly do other or trust control- Guernsey, the l«'st tiling for them That was ail he tensely. These were heartbreaking corporation Geo. W. Walker, East Wilton and his face close while Carml- him!" promised immunity. can have other thau coward, but he was lie beut over it with woman who loved him. "He asks me to forgive dully however, ab- K. tt. ( led industries, auy Holeteln Krleelan, vintner was uo cared about unless It was the bag of times. Gretchea's mind, II41DLKK, en- "I to know the woman • effect the A. Eahealtitng wasted in good was a The king pushed The laughed been at her he would Discussion to follow the last of ran to the window. It good tramped about In this tragedy? he looking but so much is being evolved of and the prince goose girl progress the reports as time allows. run rious. The king Jugendhelt re- the iuto Eden. * errors tbat we But that fellow-ach! To his room restless, uneasy, while we are waiting," seen gates opening \\. oetwixt aud between the p. M. Lecture. "Raising Draft Horses fight was a Indeed! "Now, (HANDLER, 7:30 "You shall die for this insult!" said regent! This good Joke was this little finger like?' iu a word. In Maine." and leave an outsider, to at sounds. lie was his some- "What *'.«l mmaer. Main don't feel justified saying away you. and high- starting" sumed the duke, agitation Geo. M. Rommel. Chief Divi- as as his bard breath- "Your majesty your royal asked the duke, we saw a lot of men the king quietly and "the the For instance, good sion of Animal U. tight his battle!" his eyes waiting for Grumbacb what under control, pruo?, that Husbandry. would allow. ness," said the subchlef, shuddering. sand on to the bare rocks S of Wash would have been sliced In two lug CARM1CHAEL but this sus dumping Dept. Agriculture, Mne honor of Ills confreres. detinlte the that before. But "will do me the Anything proof!" time it had into the road to raise lug on, D. C. front A "1 have heard twinkling, one "One they piled If 1 hadn't come to the hop pense. A full day! And deeper, tirm "Her highness stumbled night," it out of the mud. Discussion. me to the Stelnschloes had been cut or and get up bad. I'll bet that how?" banterlngly. accompanying and couvietiou "and fell the tire. I highway to Wednesday, Nov. 16th. |K>le Isn't half lady's er, became his belief WJid Hans, upou Sheathing. if had taken the trouble "1 will waive my crown—man to You are accused of being military spies they only business. arm for some time to con but not before her mangled." or swale 9 '30 a. M. Introduction of man has a bad that Gruuibach's affair vitally Kuatched her back, Spruce and fir. For sale cover the rocks with weeds bay «he Problem* from "The man was by 10-00 a M Lecture, "Some of be bad man!" Jugendhelt." of a similar nature come. As for the viutner. good cerned her highness. He welcomed left arm was badly burned." or most else ih .t Trouble Breeders, or I retain this bundle?" Inquired tall?" A. KENNEY, auythiug "Sword sticks, sabers hop poles? "May saw J. have saved very nearly hall Prof. P. A. Campbell. Profess- reasons for taklug to his heels." the knock on his door. Grumbach The gypsy nodded. "I it. high- thev would Uni- "what do mean the "Tes, was siftinu or Animal Industry, But there wa» a Come." savagely, you king. arm a high- South Paris. of their soil. As it was it Orono. "tîood reanous?" It. For- rame In carrying under his ness." ■ verslty ol Mslne, ?" "Yes. I kuow what Is In ness." between the crevices of tb« Abortion, clerk's by I hi» goose girl went right in II -oo a. M. Lecture, Contagious sly look In the eyes. «mail bundle. And that was why Grumbacb >ut as fast a· Dr Ε. L.. Russell, Professor So Intent on the were they ward. march!" The duke el- rocks and ab Ions, if struggle are with disappearing Science and Bacteriology, "No quest you please." as to pro- "Where your companions?" to the military ball opera glasses! be We wt Vet. (bat neither heard the door opeu and Carmlchael made though lently toyed with it could applied. presume of Maine, orono. excellency." And quietly are outside." was round But or University "Very well, Lud signed for "They waiting Carmichael eyed. shall see better work when the new close. test. but Trlnce wig the little yellow For Sale. Recess. the clerk returned to hi· table of fig- "The duke agrees." went on Car A of is after the do him to be silent. Gretchen? shoes. v«ry r. der things inaugurated Business. to write dear nephew, what you uo Suddenly desirable property in the prospe 1 jo F. M. ures. But later be Intended "Yes, my be- tnicbnel. "He will give us an audi "The Princess Hlldegarde has «us new comes in. Au hour later Oretchen appeared he but of South }f year interests of Maine re- serene mean Crete hen?" laughed, village Paris, consisting we it The live stock a letter, to his high· by Mice at arm," coutlnued Κ in this connection noted unslgued. Gretcben bad gone 8:30." scar upon either was the terri- louse, stable and an extra lc t. ght attention in released the king aud fore Frau Bauer. It building the other a considerable organized Curtulchael seen them. They driving through Solon day, quire ness. the termina 'Did you mention my name?" Grumbacb. "I have a 1 '*· *a! their welfare, con and se- home Immediately after ble laughter of : U -tlluUct on thur|K>se. timidly. then w»ier—an ( bath anil one ot the tx They as these matters of And in this coudltlon oui ou ι he ImhI the became silent. Now and room, a founda all session·, be no! The two of them gave them Grumbacb spread They and come. Cariul- Tut» ntnuM lie eeen to ■►β the sand furnished splendid state. accom- lie kuew the voice, and recogulzed "Oh. you. Hildegarde: ptace to breeder In the bacb found hlm-Grumbach. or the other stirred. The duke on "r hard smooth road that is easilj interest every are snug in tontents of tbe bundle. one all of " 'nk'reeteit please call tion for a meuder from its owner. selves up readily. They tliael. anil you. Arnsberg. you! «tores* around. Thi by the old clock and tell me what you took hie tyes off the door io repair the year panied this time." "Look at these uever us and u visit to our kept a Carml- "Put it iu your Mr. Carml- the Steluschloss by Let po pay good taken from a bank beside thi baa an illu- across the way and gypsy pocket, which her highness would en- clay was A Pittsburgh uercbant discussion "The Stelnschloss!" Gretcben blanch- lee, captnln." through tricud Htrlieck." W. D. was inez "Oleo- seen before. cbuel, and let us tlnlsb this Clark, road, and the whole job very minated sign which advertises, cbaei had uever what has hap- the little yel- ter. satis than said siuce there are many ears ed. "Holy mother, Carmlchael inspected 86 St. but is sure to prove very ne— Belt er and Cheaper "Tell clerk to leave us.M in English over and Lu tender Lawrence St., Portland, M e. pensive, margari your low shoes. He turned tbem Hlldegarde came presently, ia on the track, and about the pened?" factory. Butter." He right Grutubacb place." Lud- He shook out tbe an arm supporting Gretch- be coNTiïfuro.] a fei as such the vintner and Herr over In bis band. with mercy, [to is a case of applying as as he sells oleomargarine Carmlcbael "His royal highness?" murmured "Why, your Here long "Something serious, eh?" ae* the locket was red and white. and to bis were arrested an hour ago, fold of tbe little cloak and en, who eyed brains to local condi'ions gettini there can be no objection him to re- wig A A. possible and dismissed the clerk, telling klug. sent for us. father?" Ftminin· Impulse- O. résulta. Wish tbat timiia It is than butter, rused of being spies from Jugendhelt. fell on tbe bed. "You first business. cheaper the noon hour. "Yes, sire! True to life!" duke's To thpir hats Is the splendid oftener.—Turi as to the turn after door. tble?" be cried the word pierced the straighten casea could be found he is entitled to his opinion She blindly for the "When did you get How an 15 years expert Watc h- "I hare to you about "A fine comedy," ctied Herr Ludwlg groped of feminine humanity after Home. of the two If all sell- already spokeu Gretcben 7" "It 1* ber highness'!" my child," he auswered, impulse Farm and merits products. am arms over his "Where are you going, excitedly. heart! "Yes, be raised maker with aa much sense G rum bac h returned. "But I Jovially, folding his deep she was, he at vident H a woman could Bigelo ers of oleomargarine had it," She will save "So It Is, but I bave carried for. It mattered not who ■ "To her blghnesa! captain, Kennard Bosto n. would bave established here to ask a favor, a great favor, one best, "a rollicking adventure! Well, from the dead she would ttralghten dtCo., Fruit. aa this man they about me all these years." bad to love her. New England market for it long to have uot as yet answered him!" Vt grown el··.-- a broad legitimate that will need all your diplomacy nephew, you sent for Gretchen," her bat before doing anytnlng or so Boston ba was She had "What?" "1 am sorry you the past year ι of that they have are- either Mr. Carinichael's question or Her highness dreaming. During uo. Instead for me." "She is ill." Marion Crawford. All Work fine of fruit, but ther gain this habit of late. A maid Count von Herbeck said Hildegurde. had some display· striated market, a prejudice against :ny own What do you mean by Greteh- fallen Into "Yes, captain. better than th * "Ah!" a To lier the faces Uuarantecd. haa never been anything and strict laws against of honor announced that the young b a statesman, but be made Gretchen sighed. ii their produot "For 1 ask nothing. A horri- »u ?" great be- the (run η·>ν shown here. The bringing and Farm- myself As of the meu were Indistinct, and, Opposite. its sale as butter.-Stockman will well for woman Gretcben sought her presence. terrible mistake this time. Listen. fruit from th ble blunder has been made. Tou "1 love lier," nobly. "And list- ' r lie to your wife doe· of California and other be this room sides. she was without \>rest, you A lit'le out of the w av er. that come as you "Admit her. She will tonic," sure as we are in together the New Kng to the duke and ask Immuni- you. my uucle. you a# "V We^tincited go gruud she whom we call tbe less, droojied. but to effort in frul clock mend- would have married her. Wrong «aid Hildegarde. I believe tbat I)lOC k,1 NOR\ovtr it pays wa'k. words. "wed some for this gypsy and this do. I -*01180 Wbenerer ih· J.1! ing r who has ponltrj ty aud die· of tbe child, will y. opposite. we are noi The farmer whlcfc a crown to who Gretcben appeared, red eyed is not tbe daughter "My Mrs. a J. UAVjt er as witnesses to the disclosure her? What was me, princess J Ile te I com· βΕιι*· ob m> i fit for market wUl herself sleeve?" said the .ono 1 TLB her-when watches, clo1 Boglan constantly never worn on· ητι in beveled. Instantly abe flung dnka" Tolepla • it Kami. W. Ηατ*8.γ·» addition tc shall mnka to his Without till new have grand s- T-'enioe and fairly regular I highness. of sleeve" P(Mt. Mk8. I. F. Emmons. will be mM You have been tip kjpff." at Um fMt of tb· grinces·. Carmkbael sat down on tbe edçe "My ong "W I Lewlston. this Immunity my lips speech? Or. Fi Bk&TUA A. KmMONS. ^ 1 *

1 I OX- i ^ y 1 HOME. Overruled Ιο Fogg Câee. FORGED TO LEAVE ι Bethel. Buckfield. exceptions of BL1SHKU 1333. West Parte. a large number poor S8TA went to Boaton Every year blue BEARS. bas Mia· Mildred Shaw are sore and rack- stores. THE OXFORD Dr. Austin J. died at bia home I Mr. A. Vandenkerckhoven par· fob sufferers whose long· Haye· where abe will continue ber respondent most τακ* penalty to to an- obMed % car. Monday ed wlib cough· are urged go tocford Wednesday morning, tearing winter. YOU, OF COURSE, Jric Jleraocrnt, » musical atadiea for the EAST SUMNER NUISANCE. tbia ia coatly and THE OOINOS OF THE WEEK IN ALL ! >ct.? ^Γ0*.0**1 5th, after a brief bat very painful An interesting W. C. T. U. meeting LHJUOH otlier climate. But tMSURD TUBSDAT9. Horace Miaa A. H. Prince went to Boaton Mon- a better way. Ηβ WM tb· *0» of the late wai held at the borne of Mrs. □oi alwave sure. Tbere'a COUNTY. « the SECTIONS OF THÇ 6Μ. tb'e to the State day where she will apend greater New Discovery cure you Heyee Md WM Andrews and delegates A decision overruling tbe exceptions Let Dr. King's part of the winter with friends. "It cored me of lung trouble," OCT. 11. 1910. >ornΪΓη in«η^*ϋ(1 Norway F2nwle Feb. 2,1864. Dr. Hayes Convention gave reports. of the defendant was last week handed st homo. SOUTH PARIS, MAINS, are to Rev. F. M. Lamb went to New Glas- Ark A RAIN HU1. His first wife wu Mr. Arthur Barker and family oaee of writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, WANT COAT. Paris »as twice married. the law court in the N. 8., to assist in an evan- down by and I 47 1 of Rev. J. W. Smith of start for Washington State next Friday, gow, Friday R. This case "wIihu all else failed gained Fir·* Baptist Church, Rev. β. W. F. Hill, pu- irace, daughter of four weeks dura- State v«. Maurice Fogg. the at 10:45 A. M. *" the result where will make a bom·. gelistic campaign term of court in in It's surely King ATWOOD A FORBES, (or. Preaching every Sunday ΚβΓ|> tbey absence there will be was tried at the October pounds weight. 12. service Ρηβ ·?η' on at the corn tion. During bis cores." Thou- No other will Sunday School at Sabbath evening )f this union, who since the death of his I is going rapidly was the case of the if all cough and lung garment give Editor! «ad evening at Labeling no but School 1909, and leading It's JOu Proprietor·. at 7 A>. Prayer Meeting Thunday com is shipped. preaching service, Sunday owe tbeir life and health to it. the last beiore Bother about twelve years ago, has lived shop and already being the in the interest felt in It. sands so much A. >. FOBBICS. 7 SO. Covenant Meeting Friday is with will meet at 11 o'clock a. m., and year Colds, wear and QBOBOB X. ATWOOD. month at 2 ΛΟ p. ■. All η the of his Mr. I Mr. Davis of Mechanio Falls East Sumner was for Coughs, satisfactory «rve th·· let Sun-lay of the family grandparents, and Maurice R. Fogg of positively guaranteed are Invited Sunday Thursday evening Throat not otherwise connected conllallv ind Mrs. I. F. Emmons of West Paris. I his daughter, Mrs. Haosoom. regular for a nui- La Grippe. Asthma, Croup,—all so as a Rev. C. A. Knickerbocker, will be held. indicted maintaining liquor many purposes U nlverealiet church. was first lecture Mr. Cross, illus- meetings troubles. 50c. and $1 00. Raincoat. 1'k.HMS a if strictly In mlnnce. A. M. Sun- 3is second wife Mrs. Abble (Em- The by East in tbe boarding and Lung —$1.5o year palil Minister. Preaching service at 10:43 There was a small Are in the house of sanoe at Sumner, C. .Hherwtoe a 4 cento. his son Karl I wan ven much the bottle tree at the store of the man needs one $2.00 year. Single copiée ; Sunda; School at 12 M. none) Roberts, who with trating Washington City, house of the corn at that Trial Every of day be at Crowe on River Street Sunday shop place, the* — The will Jerry A uvbbtisbmknt9 : All legal advertisements lis Mrs. Fannie Emmons, and enjoyed. second given from which tbe indictment grew H. Howard Co. The Everett of Oct. 1 con- mother, which started on the root from a spark events coats for October and *re three connective Insertions for #1.50 Republican lie half Mist Berth· the next Wednesday evening. of given Mrs. •îeter, Emraone, oil Academy occurring on tbe 6tb and 6th November inch In of column. contracta tains tbe following of the death of was in Bjtbol from the chimney, but was fortunately mainly per length Special survives him. Dr. Hayes was Mr·. Addie Wentworlh is matte with local. translent and yearly évertu- of this Portland, before July, 1909. Mr. Fogg superintendent wear. Some use them William E. Perkins, formerly at week. (Uncovered and extinguished every month era. »ducated in the schools, Hebron I the past corn has served as one of "After a illness public has much was done. of the shop, village: long patiently and Business Dr. Austin Tenney, the opticiau, damage for several in the Have riso —New fa»t electric Perkins Academy Gray's College, and the selectmen of Sumner year. you one? Job Paw type, presses, borne, Mr·. Edna Webber this week. Mr. aud Mrs. W. M. Ricker daugh- per. workmen and low price· Portland. After graduating be clerked I been in Bethel and in 1909 was chairman of tbe power, experience»! on Wednesday, of Cali- ter went to Sabattus to visit Mr years, combine to make thla of our busl-1 passed away September η «tore of I. F. Emmons at West I Mrs. Eva Mason Chapman Sunday Chance is department the Last haps yours of 58. and also visited rela- board. getting shabby. aces aud tbe fourteenth, at the age in the of relatives in Rlcker'e mother, complete popular. farts, later moving t«> the farm I fornia ha* been guest a verdict of was re- on On the trial guilty — funeral services were held tives In home — Tbe ireenwood where he died. He was a I Bethel the past week. Farmington, returning FOR ν afternoon at ber late residence, turned, and Chief Justice Emery impos- Saturday followed hie I Mrs. J. will be among Friday. If are graduate veterinarian and U. Purington the ed a sentence of $400 fine and four you IL1«L£ COPIES. 102 Cleveland Avenue. the Music Festival C. W. Shaw took possession of with success. For several those who will attend case was taken to considering of the Christian profession store and m»>at market Oct. 1. months in jail. Tbe S le of the Democrat ire cento Rev. A. T. June Union of schools Childs lag Copie* (pur ream be had been supervisor I Oct. 9-12. the law which overrules the ex a new coat we each. They will be mailed on receipt of price by cburcb officiated and prayer was offered will attend The wind of Saturday night and court, would η Greenwood and a member of the Mrs. Lauretta Valentine heavy will have to Um publishers or for the convenience of i*trons of Bowdoin two trees in and the sentence 1 oa the Rev. Mr. Heath tbe next week as a blew down maple captions, Bargains. each Uaue have been μ lace by of health. Since the death of the I the in Boston Sunday Magazine J of ward meetings Ingle copiée a of tbe de- beside considerable be carried out. at the following In the County : Tabernacle, relative the village doing like very much to «aie places Square jusband and two children of hie from the Bethel Congregational was F'ea- show was at Glen- etep-1 delegate to trees aud The reecript drawn by .Judge Pari·. Shurtleff'a Drug Store. ceased. The interment Curtis will also damage fruit apples. *outh Mrs. Susie (Roberts) Whitman, I church. Rev. William and Is in «ubstance as follows: Drug Store. wood laughter, J. A. Rawsoh has his Max- body, can save because iny Norway, Noyce" cemetery. ibe and her two children have attend. exchanged I you money ours. Stone'· Drug Store. was a surviving Tbe case tho you For many years Mrs. Perkins will at well runabout for a higher power car presents only question* HuckOeld. \lfred Cole, 1'ontmaater. ived in bis and bis death follow-1 Mr. Edward Garland preach in tbe ii of and the sweet- family, will four whether the place described are the lowest. Parla Hill, Mr». Harlow. Poet Office resident Everett, by those in the so the church Oct. 1*1, in that carry people. prices ng so closely family Congregational dictment was a of resort where w«m Paria. Samuel T. White. nei s of her disposition and tbe strength Mrs. Abel Irish is in town for a short place for Our s aearly related, has come with crushing I the absence of the pastor. were Before send my prie» range from of her Christian character had won the intoxicating liquors unlawfully subscribing force to his and cast a over I Rev. C. L. attended stay. dis- a sor- family gloom Banghart sold, away, drunk and many friends. She is survived by Oliver and Mr. The Nezinscot History Club met with kept, given of club offers'. the community. The funeral service of Miss Millie on third of Event*. Mr. William E. Perkins, wedding Mrs. Ε. B. Austin afternoon. the day July, 1!K)9, price-list Coming rowing husband, was from bis late home at Powers Oct. 4. Tuesday pensed to and held Friday, Harold and whether the then and $10.00 $18.00. two daughters, Mrs. May Andrews and Methodist R*freMhments of cake and ice cream respondent School Associa- 10 a. m. Rev. D. R. Ford officiated ! The ladies of the society maintained the Oct. 14-17.—Maine Statç Sunday and one son, Mr. were served and a time there kept and place. Mrs. Lillian Brackett, was in West Paris ceme- their fair and sale with pleasant reported. tion. Portland. and the interment will hold their] The admits that on that M. Conference, Everett Perkins. Several sisters Misn Lizzie Allen, who bas spent the respondent Richard Wyman, Oct. 25, 2β.—Oxford Congregational There were beaut ful flowers from annual harvest supper Thursday, Oct. 1.1, were and dark of tery re- there There are Worsteds and Cassimeres. colors. South Parle. other relatives also mourn the loss summer in Portland with relatives, night intoxicating liquors Light Many As- relatives and friends, also beautiful afternoon and evening. so the MAINE. Oct. 27, 23—Convention of Maine Teachers' was a testimony drunk or away, and excep- HEBRON, one whose life constant Mills I. H. and little turned home this week. given Presto Collar. This is a collar sociation. Bangor. floral from the Locke's Dr. and Mrs. Wight are their confined to 41-42 of them have the to of of a life hid with Christ in pieces W. C. Allen went to Portland tions in application particularly adapted Nov. 1—Oxford Pomona Grange, Bolster's Mills. the power Howe from a to Mrs. «rammar and primary school·, daughter have returned trip the of evidence as of the Nov. 10 —Annual meeting of Maine State Mrs. Perkins was for many for a visit with her relevancy proof to see it. J, 9, | God." HUI and (ireenwood Dr. and Falls. Wednesday morning con- rain coats. Ask Penological Auburn. of the City schools. Montreal Niagara character of the and of the Society. years previous to the removal is a place, Jan 15.—Western Maine Poultry Association, Hayes was a Mason, also a member of I Station Purrington taking people. with it at that THE FOLDING to a resident of Paris agent Mrs. Β. E. Mrs. F. L. Warren nection of the respondent New Hall, South Paria. family Everett, the of and of the the extending to Niagara Gerrlsh, the and es- Knights Pythias vacation, trip were in Lewiston time. Hill, where she had respect relatives in Maine. and Mrs. R. Π. Morrill Grange. Falls and a visit with The first claims that it was APPLE LADDER! for teem of a large circle of friends whose Mrs. exception Yours Business, Alike annual election of officers of Mrs. Ο. M. Mason of Bethel and Wednesday. the of wit- SKW advkktiskmknts out to the bereaved Mr. aud Mrs. G. W. Heath of West error to receive testimony CONVENIENT. sympathy goes Good Will held Wednesday A. G. of East Brownfield the Society E. Stickney Mrs. nesses as to what was found in tbe family. at the State Con- Sumner are visiting their daughter, evening in Good Will Hall the following were chosen delegates bouse and corn indicating WELL MADE. Suits and Coats. Dr. M. M. Houghton went to Lewiston Eva Lunt. boarding ehop ofheers were elected: vention to attend the National Conven- of tbe Cutlery. Thursday for a stay of a few weeks. Dr. G. W. Tilton and J. W. Cobb havo the presence intoxicating liquors, SERVICEABLE. H. NOYES Don't be Bald Baltimore. F. HreeMent—Mrs. Λ Mile Henley tion to be held in on of news week of to serve the sounds of disturbance the night CO, this at Hesitate' Houghton received Mce-Pree.—Mrs. MIMred Davie been drawn as jurors Why the fourth of and the acts of an UP-TO-DATE. PARIS. NORWAY. Filthy StoBiarb. the death in Revere, Mass., of her sister, Sec.—Mrs. Mabel MannT West Bethel. October term of court at Paris. July, SOUTH Dr. Favorite Remedy. who was neither a Kennedy'» Mrs. Matilla K. Greene, thus leaviug her Tread.—Mrs. Annie Wheeler. Mrs. Auna Pike ma- intoxicated man, NONE BETTER. Kye Troubles "Do you not 11 read the time* so Dear, Buck, formerly of ■ boarder nor a visitor in tho boarding Dandruff Means BaMnees. the last surviving member of a family eocial dance at New When leaves must fall from each massive tron of Sturtevant Home at Hebron, has MAD· ONLY ·Υ as it had not been made to ap- Shur-on Eyglaseee. nine children. r-rTïere«W|i."I,b?Ja»range Hall Friday evening, Oct. 14th tree; a similar position at the Little house, For Sale. When all the earth seems sad and drear, accepted was in control Hon. and Mrs. Edward L. Parr is of Good music. School at Mo. pear that the respondent A CO., Last Chance for Magazine Bargains. Ami cold winds whistle with ghoull h glee? Blue Farmington, L. F. WILLIS to a of the but as circumstances con- For Sale. New York arrived Saturday spend Mre. Ο. K. } ates has been spending Do you not dread the «hortenlng days, Mre. Sarah B. Harlow has returned place; MAINE. Ï1 re- WEST PARI8, summer home here. is re- Crowded so full with gloom, sistent with the against the some time at their day or two in Portland where she murky from Boston aud will hold her opening charge of ladders. The fitful shadow that often plays the state to Write for prices on all kinds Mrs. Ε H. Jackson has gone to Port- treatment for ber of fall and winter spondent relied upon by Here and There. ceiving eye. Around chair like a sign of doom?" display millinery your connect him both with the control of land to attend the Music Festival this Mw. Elva Locke has been quite ill I asked all this of the editor, free, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 15, are now a fine line of Thursday. acts done and We showing week. with symptoms of typhoid fever, but is And he answered exceedingly wrathy. 1(5 and 17. Mrs. Harlow has amply the place and with the Hesitate? "Blow It! the in Why Nevada baa abolished The hours at Hamlin much demonstrated her tastefuluess and abili- conditions found there on day gambling. Wednesday improved. Not one of these do I dread," s 'Id he, An Offer That Involves No Risk for thing* we think the evidence was ad- Monte Carlo next? Memorial Hall are to be from 7 to 8:30 Mr8· Karnum returned from An- But I do dread the autumn poet." in this line of work. question, really ty Those Who Accept It instead of 7:30 to 9 o'clock as hereto- f\?· WbWe Sh° ha® b®eD with The mission circle of the Baptist missible. Delightful October weather. the will fore. church met with Mrs. A. F. Warren By the same rule of evidence We arc so positive our remedy executive committee of the Maine mUMnef Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Dennison visited The Mrs. W. F. Stone of Portland Brown Dunham of West afternoon. testimony of the expressman, the sub relieve no mat- Mr. and Mrs. Jennie in aud last week. Thursday completely constipation, CUTLERY State Urange La* resolution» Freeport Augusta is admissi- that we offer passed were of Mr. and Mrs. Charies of ber Mr. return- ject of the second exception, ter how chronic it may be, the guests Parents, A valuable horse owned Hazen B. Benjamin Spaulding, Sr., asking and demanding of legislature Α «β ?,ieHt by as to to the of all cost if it fails. Andrews last week. Mr.MrDï'n^î?" and Mrs. H. G. Brown. week. ed from a four weeks' visit in Caribou, ble, shipments respondent t> furnish it free that a farmer be elected United States Lowell died of lockjaw last Mr. and Mrs. Carroll I. of Luther Dana and Miss Dana Saturday his of numerous packages from Dayton, is caused weakness of a» Hooper Mary Thomas Vashaw and wife have gone Me., night accompanied by Constipation by Senator. No chance for discussion of the in- KNIVES in Pearl, and Wood handles. Blades Boston are guests of Mr. and Mrs. have returned from a delightful visit winter brother, W. C. Ohio. the nerves aud muscles large Stag to what that means. to Grafton to Bpend the coming Spaulding. William ,rle'""i '■ Mr. C. N. of As to the fourth exception tbe court testines ur descending colon. To expect size tu the Hooper. in a lumberman's camp. Taylor Wellesley, Mass., of the best steel. Penkit'fe large Edward H. and and could decline to the in- euro must therefore tone up aod Mrs. Guyer daughter, Mrs. John of South Paris visit- was in town Friday Saturday. give requestod a you House .Mtl"1 Wight so far as in the and restore them ones, ioc to each. the who have been at the Hubbard Mrs. Ellsworth Curtis is the guest of and her structions "except given strengthen tho*e organs $1.50 In the opinion of Gen. Mile·, ed her father, E. R. Brlggs, of for several weeks, left here last week. relatives at Rumford Falls. charge to the jury," If the substance to healthier activity. aeroplane is lively to make a navy need brother Edgar the first of last week. Hon. John E. Warren and wife and a All kinds and si/.es. Millard Emmons and Mrs. Christiana those which were correct legal propoj We want >ou to try Kexall Orderlies SCISSOHS and SHEARS. less as far as coast defence is concerned Akere and have moved an PAKTKIDGK DISTRICT. Bert family friend of Westbrook made auto like Emmons attended the funeral of Dr lady sitions was covered by tbe charge. on our They are eaten ioc to For moro than a generation now. inven- from the village to the cuttage on the from their to Buck Held Thurs- guarantee. $1.00 per pair. Hammond has taken down the Austin at Green wood trip city The firet was given in substance prop- and are ideal for tion has been engaged in making war George Hayes Friday. farm of Mrs. L. E. Bean. home at nine o'clock in candy, particularly old bouse on wbat is kuowo as tbe Will Irish has moved his day. Leaving omitting the adverbs "commonly" act on the also Gillette. whether making it intol Luther family The last erly children. They directly RAZORS. The old reliable Baker, impossible, by village hotel, bought spring the tbey reached South Paris in as mere Gray corner, as Charles L. Case of New into tbe rent in Mrs. Hattie Mooney'e morning and "habitually" tautology. nerves and muscles of the bowels. They erably destructive or intolerably expen- G. D. Morrill, is now a tenement time for after which rode and Safet:es. $1 00 York has the land. Mr. Ham- vaca,ed Miss Jennie by dinner, they to Webster's Dictionary the have a neutral action on the other organs Auto-Strop Ever-Ready or in some other way. Yet all the bought reCently by three families. According sive, house, occupied by to Buckfield, calling at the Methodist of the word "resort" is or cause war mond moved tbe bain across the road natural meaning or They do not purge to each. time the for is P?erce Mrs. Pitts of Bridgewater. an at glands. $6.00 expense possible Harry parsonage for hour, and three "a of whatever. we for a bay barn. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, Mrs. and place frequent assembly." any inconvenience They up by leaps and bounds, and George Mass., recently visited her uncle o'clock started on their return Mr. going Kerr and son Robert of South L Bowker, Warren Cookson and trip. The second, requesting a specific neg- will overcome chronic or still build more and larger battleship», Henry Irving aunt, J. Ε Pike and Mrs. L. E. Allen. Warren is the agent of the S. 1). Warren positively Paris have been iu this Irwin Lowe of Mrs. Wallace ative and affirmative definition of a com- habitual and the myriads of ALL FULLY WARRANTED. and shall continue to do so, in threshing neigh- Portland, Geo. A. Grover and Edward S. Smith in constipation probably Co. Paper Mills Westbrook. mon was chronic ailments. borhood this week. Mason of Gorbam. N. H„ Mr. and Mrs. tour in nuisance, substantially given ansociate or dependent spite of the aeroplane. have returned from their visiting Rev. A. W. Pottle was in Waterville Frank Bennett has built a new silo po"d were in by tbe justice. Kexall Orderlies at our risk. Two At the of Br*ant'8 Minnesota and other western states. on and Try Pharmacy it. ?V and Skowhegan Tuesday Wed- The instructions 25c. Sold at our this fall aud is uow tilling 12SJι" attend ^e funeral has been more ; remaining requested siz-s, 10c. aud only » G. D. Morrill buying and he was of Paris is Γ yJ° nesday. Saturday Sunday were the fourth be- Store. Cliaa. 11. Things have come to that pass that the Cora Wight South teaching offΤί!, Beryl Atblene Bridge. not far from properly refused, store—The Kexall cows, now owning thirty, in Portland the S. S. Conven- ma- at the stake of a ravisher our school this term. She boards at Mrs. E. who suf- attendiug cause it could not be given without Howard Co. burning Negro Mary Briggs, recently and is sending milk daily to Berlin, tion. in is described in the Mrs. Will Parliu's. fered a severe while terial modification, and the fifth, sixth, Chas. H. Howard Co., Alabama brietiy collapse, speaking Ν. H. Miss Alice Lucas of East Buckfield Clarence Damon has let his cows to at tue is and tenth because they news dispatches as a "quiet lynching." telephone, gaining. Mrs. A. Morrill of Yarmouth is seventh,.eighth will work at the Lydia has been spending the past week with accurate statements of Succo88ors to H. A. SHURTLEFF «& parties in Bucklield and party gather- and are not strictly CO., surprise with her brother, Eben H. Scribner, Mrs. Pottle. She is teu old and is DR. KENNEDY'S Maine Sanatorium, Hebron, this winter. ediA at T"7JP'®·488"4 the residence of J. R. Tucker years the law of the case. in its zeal will be housekoeper for the winter. a smart The Argua auti-prohibition John Hammond, who eold his farm a 29cb' the occasion being promising girl. MAINE. of Couut Mrs. visited her home in is as SOUTH PARIS, is curreucy to the views will move over to his £ Eugene Lary Harlow Gerrieh making good About the State. giviug little time ago, S.tbe £?k08th birthday of Mrs Tucker. Those has back in to any restriction this village last week, but gone teacher of hie first school at East Buck- Tolstoi opposition father's, George Hammond's. present were Rev. Set h Benson of West sale of Better stick to to Wildwood, Ν. H., where her husband Held. He from Buckfield on the liquor. 1 Gibbs B?nson of New graduated views ans, Gloucester, is in business. F. McCole, 5, was "local Tolstoi's advanced West Sumner. engaged High School last June. Joseph Jr., aged option." brothers of Mrs. Tucker; Mr. and Mrs. Central won't tind much svmpa'··; in Maine, There were no sorvices at the Meth- killed by a Maine passenger wind blew at last Fred Lowe, North Paris, Mrs. Kate Doe, Pond. λ no don't believe in The great velocity Bryant's odist church on account of the train near where be wan with even among thn<:~ I J. B. Sunday playing No was doue except ans, Mr. and Mrs. Field, Norway! an extra was To be sure, the local Sunday. damage The ineaslos have had good absence of the in Portland. companions, in Bath Saturday. He prohibition. the from the trees in Mrs. Emma B.irrett and son Edgar of pastor carried to its logical blowing applet* run in our viilage, amouuting in all to the son of Joseph F. McCcle, U. S. N., Remedy argument, of option some orchards. Surnuer. The ladies are all sisters school lands one in the camp of no I some over thirty cases, mostly retired. Favorite Conclusion, was at I Thursday was the hottest October (! 'a Favorite Remedy. Tills *Ute- a were in town od Mrs. L.E. Tu bbs of California. A very ran lie It clusion law, there itt already movement Thursday calling arrived in our village Thursday evening. As before Mr, Yate-' barn was The vote for congressman in the First \ inent proved absolutely. was stated, baa euri-d many eases prartii'ally the law and friends. enjovable «lay passed. a ac D as shown the official oo foot to have repealed, pe- Mr. Krolin Rives very interesting burned by lightuing on the ilrst day of Maine strict, by abandoned. Have you d.incrrou* at Adams and wife of Paris were There was a number ont to the ■ymptoiiia of Kidney. I.iver and titions to that effect are in circulation ilenry good count of bis recent 9000-mile trip through the month, and the next lumber was returns, is: AshrrC. Hinds, Κ··ρ., 17,·Γ>00; of W. Ε and wife harvest supper and social in Good Will day ISIoodtroubles.pmiiiiibaek.eloiidy Bar Harbor. Probably the Bar Harbor the guests Lothrop the border states. hauled there for auotlier William M. 1'enneU, Dein ÎC.IUO; Percy nrlnw » Itli sediment. (win in pftra- a sum being building Hail and cleared for the "τ,ΓΓ· 1V- 3 tar .water. ooiwiiw ma. akin erop. automobile tight will be, like the li«|u<»r Saturday. good George W. Divis is building a new to answei until when ho will F. Morse, Sue., 32t>; Jtmcs I'errigo, i*H"u benefit of the spring, XCMUay t ions. eti. I If w, don't delay, but us. Mrs. J. Pulsifer, who has been society. farm. a us» Dr. David Favorite question, always with Mary barn on his South Woodstock build a good sizod barn. Hut how the Pro., 42$; giving Hinds plurality of Kennedy'· ill with a bilious attack, is able to be up As Mr aud Mrs. Frank L. Willis, Mrs. Remedy at onee. L·.r^-e bottles. ti.OO. all drugvtsta. Clifton Curtis of Portland captured wind did blow that One man nays ! 503. Write Dr. David Kenm-dy Co., Kondout, Κ. Y., for Cro house. hmma Mann and Clarence Stearns were day! arouud the the first deer in our town this season. it blew 50 barrels of off his Holmao huit book. 'The Ram- have from the Waterford fair Fri- applos trees, Hambraham the Day's Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Heath goue returning new association has been Iro, Albanian, charg- the distinction of I A athletic and he offers them to any one who will rodder·," has achieved to Bucktield to visit their Mrs. day afternoon an accident to their auto- ed with manslaughter in causing the daughter, formed here. Prubably two basket ball them The air was full included in a "wet five-foot shelf" mobile made it to leave the pick up. of for- of Ernestine Don't Be Bald. a being T. L'int. necessary will be maintained here 'death Townsend, llyoar- rheumatism, and pneumonia levy That is teams through est leaves and those lefc on thq trees are "Colds," of convivial literature. really Ε D. Tuell and wife of West machine below the residence of C. R. old daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Townsend May Secure a Upton, the winter. much faded—like | Nearly Anyone season. feet are and I Paris. A team was eent very while fir- toll on carelessness each Wet unkind. The publishers, possibly Mass., are visiting Mrs. Tuell's son, enlev, South has to oldjftople. of Beach S'reit, Saco, May 17, Urowth of Hair. large H. Alton Bacon theontract A better c >rn never harvest- Splendid I'ue glory in such fame, but from Stearns' stable and the peo at a was sentenced to one are aware One author, may Walter and other relatives. livery crop ing target, a for more ills than of. Chandler, build a three hundred foot lumber shed ed ab .u' are We have a t bat bas record of responsible you with all that is subject t<> criti- were home. Herrick rotting ! in the remedy justly Dr. C. M. Bisbee of Kumford diued pie brought safely at held at the home of town clerk, A. W. night. mo feel like a new roan/' 50c. at tbo C. The woman will recover. vacntion. written. No matter how miserable yoor [ eusta where she is to be employed. Jelcher, Thursday. H. Howard Co. pharmacy. stomach feels, MI-O-NA stomach tablets wild accident at Port- Hebron. Fred Shaw has returned from a visit to In a runaway Mr·. Joan McAllister has returned Mr. George Dealey, manager for the immediate relief. F. M. Gelase, a New in usual his brother Henry in Fort Fairfield. give land Wednesday, From a two weeks' visit with relatives iurnham A Morrill Packing Co., is The Ladies' Circle held their KILLS A MURDERER. Take MI-O-NA stomach which was and W. H. Hart bas a new auto. tablet·, | York traveling salesman, killed, tnd friends at the and elsewhere. own. afternoon. J. F. villige meeting Tuesday the new driver. A merciless murderer is are guaranteed to cure indigestion, and Plummer, the Italian consul in new her moth- Leslie Corbett is etage Appendicitis Gaspare Vervena, G. H. Fox has returned from South i C. E. Cobb has started his engine Mrs. Chas. Dwyer is visiting with rid of and L. Solima of MoDty Fox has finished driving the many victims. But Dr. King's New yourself dizziness, biliousness, Clothier Furnisher, Portland, and Dr. Edward i'aris for several weeks' and : ο run bis motor for lights. er in Gardiner. nervous or hunting team. Life Pills Mil it by They sick headache, or money were Dr. home for a short H. L. Melcher went to carry prevention. | Paris. Portland seriously injured. trapping. W. C. Ordway is at Mr. and Mrs. stimulate liver and back. 31 Market Sq., South his own Bessie Cameron has finished work at gently stomach, Solima was driving horse, M. A. LeBarou's horse ia lame to he acatlon. Tuesday, Mr. Meloher to attend Ask H. Howard Augusta W. H. Hart's. bowels, preventing that clogging that Chas. Co, which was started an auto and be- There was a from convention and Mrs. by :annot drive him. large delegation the postmasters' is invites Take MI-O-NA tablets if you want to into a and Rev. Mrs. C. L. Derry of Errol, Ν. H., appendicitis, curing Constipation, came uncontrollable, dashing pole Miss Fox is sick. lere to fair Wednesday Melcher the Baptist convention. make stomach so Emogene quite Fryeburg in town with Headache, Biliousness, Chills. 25c. at your strong that it will and the three men out. Mr. Bock and W. E. Sargent millinery. throwing rhursday. Principal Mrs. Lillian Annis and three children the pharmaoy of the C. H. Howard Co. digest the heartiest meal without dis- S tone ham. Geo. A. Hill is a abort vaca- attended the convention and Mr. of men in the Maine North spending Sargent have her tress, and furnish good, clean, nutritious : The slaughter ' ion with his Mrs. C. K. Belcher. of Millsfield been visiting par- in the Mrs. Herman Richards of East mother, made an addreaa. blood elements to the HORSE blankets woods has begun early hunting Mr. and of Woodfords ents at the dam. making body. Maud Miss Etta S. Sturtevant Take MI-O-NA one or season, the tirat fatality being reported ; itoneham visited her mother, Mrs. Miss May Fox is at home. For Sale. tablets, two I Welchville. Is in town. with or after each if from the town of in Aroos- ; IcAllister, last Sunday. E. S. Bennett has sold a drove of cat- meal, you want to [ cents to $5·°°' Haynesville Mrs. starts for Cal- 75 acres—$1,300 Stable blankets in all tifes from from Bethel came to Mrs. Frank Harris of West Medford, Cornelia Moody ;et rid of that tired out 90 took Connty. Wednesday afternoon, Aloozo Adam* will tle to Walter Philbrook. Stock, Tools and Crops Included. drowsy, feeling. 1 is her Mrs. E. S. ifornia this week where she spend cents a box at Chas. H. So cents to $7.00. of ee his Kate Adams, who is very lass., visiting sister, W. B. Garfield of Mass., is cow, carts, 3 Fifty Howard j Street blankets in all sizes from Alfred L«"e, aged 20, Haynesville. (, mother, the winter. Waltham, Good horse, Jersey carriages, sets killed ι 'uller. : 40 40 chicken», kitchen Do.'s or was shot and almost instantly by „ ick. ; her two chil- «pending his usual two weeks' vacation harness, hens, g*rden, leading druggists everywhere. J is a few at Mrs. Ira M. Bearce and 2 acres oats, all tools, crops and In "I was bothered from and O'Brien, Smith and little son Silas Wright spending days it his on Pickerel Hill. g owing bay for years with stom- to select hia banting com;"*nion, Charles Mr. and Mrs. went to camp brook watered 800 I have about blankets J F. Fuller's. dren, and Miss Isabelle Benson barn go with farm; pasture: ich trouble and Food laid like 700 O'Brien mistook I f rom are at her sister's, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. who have been conle wood and ft. fruit for bonne gastritis. I a fact also of Haynesville. Norway, where Mr. Hewey, 10,000 limber; •rices are me this is Mrs. Cbas. Brett and Mrs. Wm. Gib- Fitchburg, Mass., Tuesday near ead in stomach and the lowest. Come in and let convince Lane fora deer and shoC him in the, j ierbert Adams'. ! school. running the Parmacheenee camp, have use; mall delivered; neighbors, good fermented, causing s ■>n the Fair at Bearce is teaching in the high clap-boarded ;as to form. This caused a which I McKeen went to on attended Grange Spurr's jlosed the and away. schools; painted cottage, bun, pressura on head, indicting a wound R. M. Norway Mra. Simonton Is this week camp gone woodshed ; good view, pleasant sbade; changes frr^ as C orner expected ny heart, so that I choked and a few minutée, m Fridv. Wednesday. Mr. and Mr·. Walter Philbrook of In owner's business sale, hence °Γ THB TUC Lane died in usiness a ind will rooms lo tbe requires quick gsaped l° * Mies Emma Washburn is they bave Whitney on !or and time oad —OF was as well as he has building Ν. were In town the the low price of 91,3(0, part cash, balance breath, thought my 1! h4v^3 Κ ΙΤοιιι. summoned and the body cM Sts.« C. Snot bouse aa last Milan, H., past or winter. oea*e.l ·Τ0"'· j table. year. easy terms. See page Ô, "Strout's New Fall some. MI-O-NA cured me after I bad J 3β nr^.for1 ■ wrl»*»!®»rly miles to the house of Edward f here be- geek. Catalogue" for traveling la- Mrs. Frank Andrews of Kennebunk Is Tbe football game Saturday Biggest Bargains lootored without success."—Wm. V 1 GEORGE M. ELDER Jones and Mr.1 The Twitohell Bros, have closed their sirucUocs to see It from Richmond, Me. 1. ▲. in Hayaeeville village, Emma Wash· tween Hebron· and Portland High Blooming ton. whe/ lJ^^busi!r> WM *tL Isiting her sister, Miss iter· bons· at th· dam. strout, Kent's Bill, Ma. 41 Hathews, Jhyt I William Buzzel of Houlton Ρ β oo 1 10-0 in favor of Habroaa, " / MAIN ara. 11 Job scored morning. > f quest Thursday 0Uta^^MKT* /! / < i m . fcw I m 1 I - ν i Mm. Isa Gertrude Whitman baa got • Court Opens ThU Week. Mr. Carnal·*·' ν**·■«* to visit friends in NORWAÏ. SOUTHPAWS. Catskill, Ν. T. Tuesday morning the October term β Λ''"*f, ι ro»T ornea. The farmers are for tbe r court at the court bouee at Soutl «oi'TH PARI» being paid opens Warm weather laat week. corn at the Burn bam dt Pari·. Hon. Leslie C Cornlah of Au ι 1:*> A·*· «Ι Morrill factor; r. sheriff (or Oxford and COATS. „eceHour. will It ia tba ! Republican Conntj SUITS guata preside. expected Λ- TKCS" BAILWAT. Electric have been installed i D ïr»««C^n Of ι The October term of the Norway Mo SMILEY ______OBANU lights the term will close next week. ïfS££ who 1.» natif 4r1°"Oxlorc the bouse of Hon. James S. 01 1 ; Court waa held at Jonei Sep*"'1** Ά wl0· Wright Besides a number wbo are ont on bail nloipal Judge Cumeenc»·* Pleasant Street. office on Tuesday. »°DTH FARU fifteen respondents are now confined ii TRAIS» ?ΛΧάΐΐ: Work la going forward rapidly on th Α. dally ; » :30 A. M Mr. and the this term of conrt WHICH OUR GARMENTS POSSESS- «n ea·*' -s m M.. Mrs. W. F. Stone of Sout a jail awaiting ^jrP?bll»bjdigb3 FOUR POINTS the I. O. O. P. block on Main Street. ; * * r- "·· ·**">'· Portland bave been of relative B These and the printer'. "uTSunday p. m. guests respondents chargei iLh?moftrïppnrivid^.ty'lîS jaiiy 30 Α. Μ.. ί»ιor ; 3 as Hon. A. J. Stearns and M. L. Kimball so successful— ·»«£* *l«; bere fur a few against them are: and these have made our COAT and SUIT Departments ««-·-·· W- days. are the attorney· for Bartlettanr Giuseppe Pietrantonio, murder. "às stated in bit introduction to thi Esq., A sociable was iu New Hall Fri Knnk it to : Mclntire in the aberiff contest. cmw· given Carmell Finn, murder. is hardly oorrect »ay kbal under tb B Harvest dinner and supper were AND -—-^ιι·ι«»Ι ctaict. Kev. A. T. Sic day evening the auspices of Grace Delano and Gertrude Perbam ο glvei STYLE, FIT, QUALITY SERVICE. r.r»l Lo"' service, 10:45 A. M. school class of at Concert Hall Tuesday. An entertain t r i>rv* tilng high 1911. Rumford Corner.. Keeping bouse of ill «borwr. «η· ·γ P 3. C. E. t>« ment waa given after the supper of are and The r t fame. These words mean to the wearer. The Fall Suits chic natty. variety S"*1·» *rvfce 7 ssssssg ing erected by 0. Holden »uDn·*· visiting cousins, ton. Meettc* « «*' P. ■- Street to move on to his Summe Prt* ^wrth League K'chards and sisters, for the paat week John Lord of Rumford. * ready Wodne-day evening 7::»; cla* Larceny. °WSU5£'*-« will th< to a Street lot. Mr. Seavey change SU*1'"* is his vaea Alfred Gauthier of Rumford. Lar heredity good dogr Charles K. Dunham taking -sgyg store into a house to Suits Coats $16.98 *«· *· *· Davfc·, Ρ»"»»»' ^ building dwelling $19.60 $19.50 $16.98 ■aida·1'rhuîeb a. Sab tion and he and Mis. Dunham have beet ceny. -«vice 10:45 m.; one made of Cheviot in navy, ; Made of double faced wool fabric with back, >un -ι.·. ,,^ΙΙηκ Caservant of Rumford. Lar family. Like the one pictured, Serge, fancy plaid ou M γ ,, s c κ »;:13 p. m.; visiting iu Portland during the pas Napoleon tz issrsnHK a.. sales at the storei Saturday grocery as lined of the and \i Wednesday eventn* week. ceny. green, brown and black, trimmed cut shows, collar, coffs and pockets fancy plaid large ,rW· A" have become a weekly feature of th< ···«»· ^ Laurln Patkas of Rumford. Adultery. skirts 50 inches business. and cut ari with extra quality, guaranteed eatln; stylish cut, j fancy buttons, long, very stylish, exceptional Mrs. M. V. Huge, formerly of Ne» Karle Withaui of Portland. Breaking . former Special prices « Chester Gore Miller, S.ώ .! iiurch, Kev value. 916.08. «·, has coat and dress then in order. with pleats, finished with buttons, splendid value, ·. mnk» every MwM York, opened making and entérine and larceny. Vivian W. Hills attended a ο -«v School a» 14 m- Y 1* t. V rooms in the house on Mail and meeting a. »· su. Hersey R chard Greene of Everett, Mass., ^ Street. the Maine Association of Opticians a Λ'Τ* t.'harle* Went of Boston. Breaking and MtKTINO». .h In Waterville Wednesday evening. «ΓAΓΚϋ There will be a meeting of the West entering and larceny at Pryebnrg. Κ''Γ Ad'roc.trT' b" .«.p..W. No. :»». Recula The annual convocation of Oxford » M -Pari Lodge. Thomas of Oxford. Assault Suits Coats fulluiooa ern Maine Poultry Association Tuesday Lanlgan Arch Masoni $12.50 $11.98 $11.98 ,;V ('*U|· V. ain^ooo· before ~ Chapter, No. 20, of Royal $12.50 : meet- at with infect to kill. in black and semi inlaid n,e ί -Mount M Va odge, regular evening at W. C. Thayer's 7:3C will be held at Masonic Hall Wednesday Made of self striped Venetian navy, green, Fancy mixtures, 50-inch In length, ti'ted, ot each week.—Aurora Arthur Tucker of Paris. Breaking ,Λ.ι. eveuln. o'clock. TESjsg. isifari at 7:30 P. m. Electior witti mannish notched cuffs velvet trimnud with inlr·! <···<>°>» evening, Oct. 12, ^emi-fltted styles collar, collar, large patch pockets large rat and Monday evening and entering and larceny. :-',rr»*.,edw.r a of officers and work in Arch double braid and Quite number of South Paris people Three Italiann who are essential wit ekati No. l,V,"■' M Lodge. were in Lewiston to see fourth ol ea-b Thursday night nesses in the murder case Banquet. skirts in inverted at sides, $11.08. second in brlday* Magalloway asr s*, are frnrr box pleated front, pleate only , William in "The Man from as Many being shipped -.. ·η ι)·11 Kellowe Hall. Hodge are also confined in they were apples a J jail, tsratr1' are re $12.00. other in mixtures in wide range ,· Post. No. 14.-. meet« the station. The value, Many styles fancy -, _\t K. Klrat.all Home." to secure their at- Norway prices good of ea<-t> placed under boritls 4 « thirl Saturday evening' as to the farm of $12 $14.75, $15 00, $18.75. V were to secure two of ported very satisfactory coloiiogs, 50, « ν Hall tendance, and unable cnmpliehed things Κ Robert Patersou is putting a furnace iu ere. Circle. Ladles of the «. A. bondsmen. difficulty—he ban made it incon^^r the meter ■vv'n" K^kiiuball of his house on Piue Street. Λ new fur- John C. entertained his dr u' l third Saturday evenings will be nf the orieiral. and he hae made it read- Shepard V.,., Hall. nace is also installed at the A new grand jury empaneled ~ ,ih '-\.rand Armi beiug Bap- friends at an old fashioned husk- M"5 meets at this terra. The full list of Ik Λ1. Many o! the many Suits $14.98 V jurors p,.vlou. io-hua L. Chamberlain Camp tist church. at bis home, the Charles Preemau $14.98 after the full of the as bar. tailed it. tb«e tr.».Uy<;n.The Ulrt ing SEHGE. The desired length Coats M*etlr-t Tuesday night follows: one hun- EXTRA QUALITY $13.50 $13.50 Conductor Η. E. Wilson, who has been «Mjecfc farm, Tuesday evening. About 1 to OBANU -IUKOK8. with a two season satin plain but in black inlaid velvet ffl,, "f II -Paris 6range, from May Oct.1, dred and twenty-five bushels were husk- coat guaranteed lining, Long, Kereey cloth only, collar, the off the Grand Trunk since the beginning DM and thirl Saturday; durlug C. H. A bliott, Rumford. work was served skirt of the in front and at /fi® of the strike in the summer, went back » can and ed. After the supper very neat, all-around garment, pleated with silk braid, satin cuff*, ihe meets every salurday.ln Otle Andrew!», Lovell. be read utderattedlDgly edged piping ; year, to the at which each one was on the Norway tram Monday morning. Wlnthrou M. Andrews, Dlxflell. pleasure by people who have bad»^ company wanted style, special price, $14 98. large buttons, lined to waist, $13.50. c-Second and fourth Monday» of Fred L. Fart#. at home. The barn floor was cleared ^tVi'tfl Berry, cla^ical learning whatever. Another of extra lined through- A mixed school team from Paris de- Freeman Chamberlain, BrownUeld. and Col. Dunham furnished music for style quality Kereey, nv l»r. Abbott is employed Postmaster Davis is smiling broadly Frank Mlllett, Norway. Willis oat with stitched narrow tuck toward A. G. Waterford. and broke his _ semi-fitted of F. N- a uew A Mor*e, and afternoon 00. m the store Wright. over granddaughter. daughter the poetical parte poetical, piazza Tuesday turned back CARACUL COATS, $12 50, $15.00, $20 Α. A. Newel1, Gllead. one of the bottom, lined with extra satin, blind pockets, deep cuffs, was boru to the wife of P. Allen, W. A. Pau>, Canton. the arepa etio arm. The family occupy quality Ν Anderson is visited by her Percy good ^whether passages and a Κ AIX OR SHINE COATS in navy, black and black Ε at Albert H Woodstock. Frost tenements. skirt of the hobble with 3 inch stitched band pleating below knees, ; of Bethel. formerly of this piace, on the tith, Rus», or descriptive of «ture °r el tatU«». or effect, virs. Melinda Bean Marcus M. Smart, Frveburg. of Home and au'ut. Uavre de Md. in the of wbioh Homer is iuw. At the meeting Foreign for mixtures, $12.50. Grace, A. 1). Thayer, Oxford. speechee beauty $25.00. Β Penlold and family of Me vhout half the Iliad is rendered in Missionary Societies at the M. E. par- Kalt-h Those who attended the state TKAVKJtSK JUKOK9. > hi·re a few Baptist the officers were elect- chanic F > vioittd relatives sonage following convention at Waterville last week were WJII P. Andrew», Woodstock. So- and astrachan in sizes 0 to 12 years, some last *eek. ed on Thursday. Home Missionary Fancy Mixture, plush ,!»)» Kev. Ε A. Geo. B. Mrs. S. U. Bean, Albany. OViil/l Davis, Crockett, 'S'rr-ts ciety: wllllvll Cil D V^Ud/LS-"" handsomely trimmed, $2.98 to $8.00. to Carl C. Blake, BrownUeld. is Bens »n and son have gone L. S. Mrs. L. C. Morton and Kmii llaminoml, Kills F. Blake, Denmark. Ρ rouillent—M ra. Β. C- Wentworth. Possom 98. Benson ia to be em· 2 to β years, in Bear Cloth, Peary and Coats, $2.25, $2.08, $ϋ.98, $4 Sler er. where Mr. Miss Annie Edwards. K. A. Bradford, Hebron. Secretary—Mrs. Flora Buewell. Coats, age L. Stone. .u lumbering. .1. Herbert Carter, Bethel. Treasurer— Mrs. O. ployed Wirt Sîanley has found two blue vio- Krneet F. Clason, Paris South Foreign Missionary Society: Mr iii·: Mr- NVwtou Stanley of lets in blossom in different places with- K. C. Buauell, Fryeburg. s Charles W. Stow. President-Etta Noyee. were jjuests ,tt (Λ \\ Bowker in a few This seems to be rather Day, I'urtliuul days. Κ. Κ l>ay, Rumford. Secretary—Mrs O. f/. Stone. few days la*t week. an uuu>al tall tor out-of-seasou (lowers Oscar R. Delano. Peru. Treasurer—Mre. kills Cobb. and fruits. Violets iu the fall are •I. Willis Dunham. Dix Held. wa· at Hebron last very Rev. B. C. Wentworth of the M. E. j|i«s .Mvrtle Buck K. C. Far η urn, Rumford. rare. Norway, central iu left for his vacation week, tending the telephone A. I.. Farrar, Grafton, (Excused.) chuich Monday. Dry Perley C. French, Oxford. He was Rev. J. M. Frost the absence of Mr. Meicher. The ladies of the Congregational Cir- accompanied by Klbrldge Gammon, Norway. and Rev W. F. of Waterville and the foundation cle will serve their annual harvest sup- Alfred B. Hebbard, Norway. Berry Malcolm ( Br ggs has of Gardiner. in tbe of the church Thurs- George A. Holme·, Hartford. Kev. J R. Clifford They ·>η lot on the west side per vestry Maine for a Umise hi> William F. Bethel. have «.IM to it.. fur threo in October loth. An entertainment Keidal·, will camp in Moosehead region Goods the north end of the day, Oscar L. New< II. Sumner. Γγ^-Λο,"'».0, of llik'b Street uear weeks. Rev. B. F. a former will follow tbe supper. All are Enfield S. Plummer, Sweden Fickett, cordially ..lection. Iron, the work «rill will village. invited. served at 6:45. S. P. Rand, Andover. ""Tf'e. pastor of the Norway church, sup- Supper Canton. II. «» Fletcher, Harold C. Fletch- Abbott A. Russell. for the pastor during his absence. Mr-. ( Man-hall Hlraiu. of ply and Miss Clara Rev. and Mrs T. J. Rauisdell and son Spring, w..p. Jackson Clark and wife are visiting er. Mrs. F Ν". VVrigUt, Gilbert W. Tllton. Buck dell. "Îb«l;i!" | Donald of Caribou are visiting relatives for a few ι m/r r« r%\r t >11 of Norway atteude»'« the Fryeburg lYIl m· Leslie C. LLI uald S Br ggs, who has been of the South Paris oc- Whitman, Cl\ï I> Baptist church, Charles A. Young, Parle. He takes his stock of ladies' boots and .»·< clerk at the Kanijeley Lake, the there od up..»·! rogul.hboy. plvyeil cupied pulpit Sunday. a coincidence that In this AlwïS'.«rt«"K shoes along with him. the summer, returued It is peculiar U, use during ; a of the are was a bauner attendance at the two of Oxford «»" >"«" common nut- A consisting following the house closed, There list of jurors are County's Tl.l'K ί»»ίXr ] party here last week, b:ivin>{ j their in for two weeks: Rally Day exercises at the Baptist Suu- seveu representatives-elect. to ihelegis-l at camp Upton in the p»»"· »' Waite and Ed Allen aud wife, Mi— Carrie K. Hall, clerk regie- day School .>n Sunday. The programme lature, A G. Morse of Waterford and E. : I. W. wife, Call and see our line of Fall ill for a ! and Rich- trv ,,f det··.". has been somewhat included addresses by Superintendent E. C. Buzzell of Fryeburg. «JSXS.KÏÎïïS'·-''·-· Horace Dinsmore wife, George few day·· ami Mrs. U. A. Marat on has N. Swett of the Norway Congregational ardson and wife. in her Water Extension at Present. 8«^®Κ0.ί.Μ«»»"····>·"m""r new electric on Pearl Street and Winter We have been a"**:stint; in the registry Sunday School and Rev. T. J. Uamsdell No | The light Millinery. ·« * "ω °°· is a on a dark night. place of Canbou. The special meeting of South l'aris ntfiïS&T·À »"■' big improvement even'1 j quenchable shouting». Arthur Hebbard has greatly improved in Trimmed if lots to Kiversiue Ceme- ! Village Corporation Thursday M all the latest The u*uern The Oxford Conference some artistic W. styles Congregational was in session not much more than I Nor has the mood of the heifer with his lawn by work by are reminded that the all- will meet with the South Paris church tery hereby and the attendance wan been landscapo is now due ami twenty minute», her first-born materially modified, Bolton, gardener. reason- ouai fee for care for 1910 on Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 25 and Oct. 12th, the ladies of and Untrimmed Hats at S. email. There was only one article ol as is illustrated when Menelaus Wednesday, t the treasurer, James 20. The evening services will will a harvest pavable Tuesday to see if the -n would the Methodist society give I business, corporat "Strode to the and thecoma as Paul front, bestrode, Wright. be devoted to the ordination of Mr. at Hall. The snpper Uy a water pipe or water ma η to the supper Grange Kocbinni. Among the speakers will be an entertainment. able 1 i.eer supper last Tuesday house of J. A. Noveson the S ony Brook ...Ι -ο. to ttm eut» will be followed by prices. Kev. \V. W. I). D., of New ΙοΛ.'ίΚΛÎSÏÎUbor» j 1 i> * i >»oe anil well Piraazini, to a : patroniz- r„ad. and authorize the treaeurer bor- Menelaus «oo.l orer Programme: York who will on Italian S» u'ÎîÎffim, ixiw. ■ od the first speak fl : χ >ne will occur city, row mon,y to pay for it Arthur E. Piano solo, L,aiayeiie Work in the United states. Cecil Brown. Γ. -in November which will be the Forbes was chosen moderator. atooil, ·»·! M· ·»>■'·> M'd Reading Ladles' Trio, MRS. L. C. SMILEY, i> at mouth. Estimates of the amount of apples When the business was introduced Mrs. Mornn, Mine Towle, Mre. Joelln. MU on tti. .pot «t>o«*'« *"™"1 j (Succes»or to .Mis· S. M. Wheeler.) of the W of the water commission A Piano duct Mildred Noyes, Marlon Gibson. « blown off in the gale Saturday, ilier \. Gray It." Λ ink has returned from against ΚI la Clark. MAINE. 1st .list different growers, vary from l»vi„.ol the ma.· \ Reading SOUTH PARIS, OM Orchard, where he hat* been con- by Th« tlv also, the years has : Solo Mre. Robinson. one-third to one-half the crop. The loss up for actio». ·.">· through "tore during the summer, L coming Sadie Howard was taken to the Sisters' this blow is one of the largest m is- ments had been made. There is no λ:· > 1 p!aoe α the drug store by at Lewiston where she was fortuues that the farmers have had this main nearer the house of Mr. Noyes thao Hospital oi iv i|. Howard Co. ou for last week. rbrï^r^i.^-^Sh'.^;Menelaus, 1 operated appendicitis season, aud those who began apple pick- the foundry, and the dUtance from there ( a the boat builder, Alaon Churchill, who recently Hold aud had harvested part of their to Mr. Soves' house is 1581 feet. 10 "—and put In hie heart fly's Invincible George Stephenson, ing early has to Pond on a hunting ii Hill Street to W I>. Clark, in luck. a six-inch would cost, daring. gone Roxbury ^Mshra crop were lay pipe Which, though driven again and again from the ised the stand of \V. N. Jud- of rock work, > A flesh of Its victim, trip. The Graud Trunk's annual Boston ex- approximately H. Bennett is building an ex- PARIS TRUST COMPANY. -.'ue toad, a house winch Χ." connect Still roturneth and bltcth, ami blood of man Is George cursion. which was run un was £SEUiU Its tfnsionto hie on Whitman Mr. I hurvhiU owned. Monday, with the two inch near •'• A. Kin- dainty." paint shop formerly even it was not pipe weil though not rock was a Street. on patronized, for about *)00 including Who would suppose this written A L. fubbs has sold hi» house advertised here until evening1 ney's, Mre. Hattie Packard, for the summer Saturday j thousand before Christ? BANK was two ago, and has IJ and Avenue to L. L. Jackson. Mr. who have ou the ex years Mrs. L. I. organized years Hij»' Among those noue stated that he had ηυ with her daughter, Gilbert, the \ojes as sobbeth a little ^pHIS more a and I ι· ol W. I) Clark cursioo arn Mr. and Mis. Aims Bird, W a half. Since the first day there has steady with tenement above. and Mrs K 'bert 1'aterson aud daughter lie Stearns of Bates is visiting business, lies on that road that wanted water. taken, Josephine Fattens herself on the of the mother, and a in the ι umber of and the volume of were Winifred, Κ. N. Haskell. Louis Clark, gown her in town for few days. depositors Mr ; Mrs. Alton C Wheeler Thev paid the tax and go hinders her people growth aud others. corporation going. j was Rev. and Mrs. >··'· Miss Olive C. Swetr, and wletful her A given far exceeds the of the af I .'.in a few days last week, and no benefits. They felt that they were Weeping, wild-eyed till, lo, reception business, which expectations organ- mother her.— R. J. Bruce at the vestry of tho Congre- «' I the wedding of Mrs. Wheeler's Λ mou it those who are the untitled to a fair show. uplifts is due to the confidence attending Like to that oaby, Patroklos, thou pou rent thy church evening. izers of the bank. This growth Miss M.ibel A and Rodney in Portland this was discussion of the gational Wednesday Hayes, Maine Munie Festival There piteous tears." in its decora- Their The vestry was very pretty that the have in the bank. It is the of >V Brown of Heading, M^«. week are Mrs. George I Buruham, Mrs. uuestion involved, and Mr. GrayfinaDC,aj stated community purpose j Here is a passage which gives a little tion of evergreen and flowers. Ushers hume will be in Heading. Cora S. Mis. James S. Wright, to inquiries -bat be to the business of the bank in such a liriggs. ?„"»«» of such as there were Jones and Ε. N. Swett. the directors conduct 1*. Mis. Walter L. to be the debt limit had glimpse Christianity Judge s hot which held Mrs W. Morton, say thought Mrs. H. I.ast week wave, was in the Greek paganism: Rev. and Mrs. Bruce, Mr. and as to secure all of the business that should naturally al- Miss Hattie M Leach, Miss Grace ^ way not ! Thursday night, w;uj souieth tig Gray, L M and Mrs. P. H. Noyee, Mr. There are also from discussion then. Achilles, and chasten thy turbulent Πογπθ, a in its intensity. Thayer. Norway "Up, About come this and to do safe and legitimate business, most without precedeut ^ΙοίΓοΐίβ· | soul ; It beflts thee and Mrs. I. H. Bean received. way, Misses Bernice Nash, Alna Sbepard, ioJlo"edd;*Jk"J are to be well dressed ; In the middle of the day the thermome- Not, thv pitiless heart; the very gods pre- two hundred attended. A short musical TO your interest consistent with conservative Km h Barker, Lil- vailed on— banking. ter registered in the and the Cuminings, Marjorie was carried out. eighties, Hutchins. Others to that the whose glory and might are great- and literary programme as in midsutu lian Powers atid Lida timent be" water.y»-! They majesty, has net from niifbts were as Teemed er than ours— of ioe cream and cake Never before We can sell first-class bonds that will you oppressive or more the concerts. where needed as Refreshments ours to you. you will go for one of tem should be extended and sacrifice help tner. Kvcn they, by passion of prayer were the ladies of the IT'S served by yoang 1 fast as but that the means for it cent to cent. Advertised letters in South Paris post possible, ( offered to 4 per 5 per A which drove to the Xew now With> this.0 After and sin, are move !—the di- Sabbath School. been so well help party is not just in sight. transgres«lon Fri- this store prepared office Oct. 10, 1910: vine by the human. L Fair and supper at G. A. R. Hall HAVE MONEY TO INVEST, '· η ester fair Tuesday was composed view, a motion to pass over the artide IF YOU Pravers of contrition are daughters, remember,! afternoon and Oct. 14th. WANT TO BORROW VONEY. of Mr and Mrs. Κ. N. Haskell, Mr. aud ( Harry Clancy. was made and carried. Mr. an day evening, as now. These IF YOU Kiln looker. Noyes ( of mighty Kronlon ; at (1:15. dress freshly Mr. and who ami dis Fair opens at 2:30. Supper you right IF YOU WANT TO OPEN A CHECK ACCOUNT, aobinson, j Mrs. Cora Wlff.jrl, (car»l ) its Far all, getteth One of the most successful fairs in la & .tne weeks is now so he gets Jack M «off, (carl.) world-wide, Schaffner Marx, hip ago, of the West Oxford mankind which the try Hart, has heal- ι Elliott Kluib^ll. historv was that Leading astray, Prayers In Peru, Sept. 29, to the wife of C. H. Robin- out on cru'ches. The fracture to later. Ε red Λ. M Alston, (carl ) Agricultural at iast remedy son, a daughter, Audrey Lucille. PARIS TRUST and he has a of Society Fryehurg Whoso these of Zeus when B. well, good prospect ) Elsie M ore v. in- reapecteth daughters In Nortb Paris, Oct. 2, to tho wife of Λ. are COMPANY,L· week The territory of this society eome to entreat clothes makers, J »Q limb wheu its strength .Samuel Mahoney. (carl.) they him, Abbott, a the world's greatest SOUTH PARIS, MAINE. entirely good the western sectior1 of benefit and to hie entreaties daughter. be is Mrs tlattle I'rescott. cludes not only Him they much, In Havre de Grace, Md., Oct. 6, to'lie wife of ii fully regained, but meanwhile hearken a Mrs. A una >eger, (carl ) Oxford but several town' n- they ; | P. Allen, formerly ot South Parle, care with it. County ^djo showeth them when come, Percy and «ercising great C. L. \usitn. Who«o despite they of new ideas for man's peace them I daughter. full =y Heute fence. and denleth roughlv, In Rumford, Sept. 30, to the wife of Harry The Ciub had a to their Father Kronlon go, and Seneca very pleasant J. L. Straight they Dunton, a Hon. l.eavy. %.*. ïïKrs*sr that from meeting with Mrs. Barnes and Mrs. Tay- J. r. Morton, (carl.) urge Temptation In Rumford, Sept. :is, to the wife of Harry P. comfort. You'll find them different i'«;:.. Follow that man, and beguile him to sin and lta ra' Mrs. Barnes' last Monday evening. A. Scott, (carl.) 1 Hall, a daughter. Mrs. Ester Karlson. AS" sure retribution." In Canton, Sept. 30, to the wife of Rrnest Γ'·· was carried out, re- won the first award. programme Mrs. Ε. E. Johnson, (cud.) (iraune f a son. all other clothes. _h„n And here is the doctrine of noblesse Dillingham, "«hiuents served and a seasou of music Μ1·μ Ulton, (carl.) Tuesday was children s day, Ud The club is an AI Younir, (carl ) exercises tb® oblige, in the words of Sarpedon : «(liability enjoyed. there were special | WEAR THEM Suits Ε. E. Jackson, (carl.) " Married. WHEN YOU a more winter than of Portland 'Glaukos, In our land hold we the ohlefeat ticipatir>K enjoyable Chandler's Band why 1 S. F. Postmaster. ehSdnT "*r, if Davis, of honors, YOU'LL BE WELL DRESSED. possible. of honor, and meats, and wines In gener- -«>· Seats In South Pari·, Oct. I, by Rev. Chester Gore any. ous Goods Γίιβ adult class of Swett in Eight Morses Killed by Lightning. "'Sir-" wine-cups? , Miller, Mr. Atlee B. Sturtcvant of Hebron ami Dress Benjamin State Master Steteon and to us granted noble demesnes on the has been drew"! Wherefore 1 Miss Ida Rosabelle Sturtevant of Paris. the Methodist Sunday School the shower on Oct. b/ banks of the Xanthos, During Saturday, In Oct. 2. by Rev Baman N.Stone, a new and and a Kryeburg, New the church, orchards earning dollar" for 1st, horses were killed by light- Beautiful vineyards, many Mr Wilton Chandler of Nort'i Fryebnrg eight to be made of acre? Zack on met at °lTh« only complaint wheat-bearing Mise Chandler of Nortb Chat- Dress evening they a in that of Water tliej and Leila Agnes Thursday ning in pasture part weather was that it was too hot. Now In return It behooves us to stand In the Trimmings JodHr. Swett's for the "dollar wheu ham, Ν. H. H. B. social," as At least of FOSTER, ford known forefront Blackguard. There was some good racing, the so danger, In Oct. 1, by Llewellyn W. Welch, each tie related the manner of earning of Even the van, and the face where It Naples, Rubina that is the reasonable explanation as Lykian tight Khi Mr. Edward J. Sharon anu Miss New Dark Rich Fall maries of the races being follow·. Is hottest. In the Colorings. 'he dollar. Some entertaining stories their bodies were E. Wiley, both of Norway. ONE PRICE CLOTHIER, their death, though So tint our followers bold, may say, •ere was 2:18 CLASS—PUHSB $175. beholding, In West Paris, Oct. 1, by Rev. C. Julin, Mr. told, aud the evening passed not found until They were and with Wednesday. t J ! meaning Arvlttl Roosenberg and Miss Lllsa Kyllonen, a as SmUhtleWl Ulrl, br. m "Not are these our Lykian Maine. (ucially. evidently standing in close bunch, α 3 2 Inglorious, surely, both of Parle. Stanley C·.-- masters : Norway, six of the bodies were in one heap, ....3 4 3 An amateur farmer in Belfast is get- lying American B\oe»om True, they are kings, and eat fat sheep, and two at a distance of a m 4 3 4 tig more or reason of hav- the other being 4nnte8t.lncy.cb. their wines are the choicest— less fame by b. 555 Died. as examined, no marks Princeton Ε g., but flgbt In the front, and their valor a to re- few feet. So far β β β Tes, they ■og performed surgical operation Cremona, b. g,- Is aa their station." a new on one, which had a 7 great If are to lieve a cutting the were visible except Anil-friction, ch. g 7 7 I tell thee true, this one battle you going purchase "crop-bound" pullet, Comrade. If, East Oct. 7, Stephen C. Heald, it scratch such as have been made Catherine In Sumner, crop open, it, aud sewing might escaping, 75 unpacking stick. Death < id not face us still, and age and decrepi- aged years. amateur with a pointed Decomposition In Greenwood, Oct. 5, Auttln J. Hayes, aged again. If the aforesaid tude face us, it if j>P had to such a degree when 2:35 CLASS—rcaSK $130. 48 years. suit this fall, get early you will consult the files of the progressed Neither would 1 myself go forth to fight with wife of was diffi- ^ In Denmark, Oct. 1, Mrs. Miranda, j»rmer one the horses were found that it Col. Direct. the foremost, 'eni rat. he will find there at least 2 s Dean Abbott. were so far Bryant, b. g. "s nor thee on to man-ennobling battle. Jar List. to and No, urge Arhur Walker, Fruit »>■ ami more, of the cult bury them, they s ...j S 4 In South Paris, Oct. I, Leroy Our "unt, very likely Alsalone, b. as it is, (for the minions of death are lurk- save if All .5 4 2 But, 19 wish to money. Many, *aroe been as removed by burning. Ethel 3., ch. m all round us, aged days. operation having performed possible 4 4 5 lng were horses, anil some of them of Bell Can.ler, b. such mortal can shun, much less oy local amateurs. In fact, it is an young β β Myriad, to lrey w·· """..β can escape them,) not and no considerable value. They belonged "peration uncommon, by mme.'a '25Ï.4, i'isÏ2, ϊ** On to the front, be It victory won, or a warrior's FOB SALE. cost more for re- owners. " not will means several 2:22 CLASS—PUHSX $150. death-bed!' all, "unique." cosset to Jar™ h. --1 Four sheep. Apply Lightning Oxford Pomona Orange. Harry Wllkee, g (Bideout) dozen. Oor f th·» in the Paris (iraDge b. 2 i E. i-2 85c per things Steel, g (Moirill),. Ε. CHAPMAN, pint, " at ι^β fair a little out of Oxford Pomona will hold its Itells Eariy.b.g., (Burrill).. 4 3 3 Sudden Death of Stephen C. Heald: orders. coun,y Grange 3 4 4 South Paris. ι 90c »κ e River 41 pint, " usual line was a native pineapple, November meeting with Crooked Dana, C. Heald of East Sumner, a first Stephen ι $1.00 his was raised, not out doors, needless Grange at Bolster's Mills on the citizen of the town, was quart, " 2 A) CLASS—PUHSK $150. prominent 1-2 1.25 to say but in (be house of B. F. Kich- fonnd dead afternoon in his field gallon, Tuesday. at Friday w««. his sister and it took a pkoukammk: Attorney with he had Sincerely yours, by Mattie, Colonel Plrect. blk g., (Morriuj.. 2 2 beside hie cart, which gone Quoijerof the in con- .33 s years to get plant Opening Ceremony. IMrecto, b g out to some pumpkins. He bad I Work. .4 ♦ dr gather Jar· η to produce. The fruit was about Koutlne Ir„y W left the only a short time be- Wide mouth Lightning e lousiness. buildings *IZt> °f Λ billiard and nearly .<*£.(}«£12. was a trouble dozen. ball, Music. fore. Death due to heart Pint, 85c per ·* few days ago it was cut, and Keatllntf. Crooked Klrer Urnngt·. Free-for-all. Puree $250 with which he bad been affected for " 1 n' ι 95c ti ''*n,,jcrat has an of Inei. b m. (Biirrtll), quart, " had opportunity Paper Queen .» some time. M b 2 ^ j S. u»|c. m, ·α«. 1-2 B. & Z. a Louise G., (Bide $1.20 S. Jmp the flavor. It is decided road was one of the best known Prince, ing of Heald gallon, yuisttun:—Are the present methods Stanley C ,bg,(UWdh«'y) 4 333 Mr. but is softer of flesh and ? To be by Brcs s 4 4 4 bad as FACE P-eappv, repairing natlsfnctory 0|>ened Beveridge, b g. ÎWaWn) citizens of Sumner, and served THE. eeter and Greene. 5 j jdr than the of cora- George Cummlng* George one of its selectmen. He was deacon in pineapples Music In of Crooked River Grange. 3 2 1U 14. MAINE. erce of a charge L^UnTÎme 2·:ΐ5 «Ν ·ΐβ;'2:1β'3.4; a of Other Takes the Place. NORWAY, which reach us, and very the Congregational cbnrcb, member No Eyeglasses Economy Jar— pleasant flavor. Fined for Labor Day Swindle. 2Class, Purse $150. the Grange, a soldier of the civil war, Torlc lenses are the best, dozen. Leave all others at rest: Pint, 85c per a member of W. A. Barrows Post, " The cases of four men, indicted for and OPTOMETRIST PARMENTER Will fit Colonial Jack," walker, was ι 95c longdistance in G. A. R. For most of bis life he them quart " » in on a the Labor Day swindle at Canton Bryant. >> g. (iog«) right. South Paris Friday, being 'VHowÛÂilÔV-"-"-"-4 % 3 in farming, though for a time Come to him day or night. ι·2 $1.20 ■ were of In the United engaged gallon,.. Women's Boots $2.00. "''Oi and bis 1909, disposed He It sure to suit trip, incidentally selling ^:i5 he conducted a mill. He was 75 you States Court at Portland Tuesday. It AUorney^l^bg,;^^ grist With the eyeglass that's a bute. The is the latest in self sealing jars. t0W e*P*nMes of this and other of "Economy" tri will be remembered that a bi,; oelebra- years age. Con· here, do It now. NORWAY, ME. We have for women a line of 3oots and Oxfords called Jack's name is John Oxford Association of Un,ve"""**"' Heald leaves » who was « and that the pro- Mr. widow, AliLwt 5^°'0I»isalami his h >roe is in New- tion was advertised, Krohn, and die Oxford Association it to hold ts an- before marriage Miss Ella Robioson moters took the gate receipts Moulds, 6c each, 50c per dozen. ^:JIW·· where he has a wife and leaves three sons a farmer Jelly da Τ''1, an automobile. Some He also by Means Baldness. travel· h» appeared in Dandruff dozen. LOUISE pushes were Samuel S. and James H. Heald of Tumblers, tin caps, 30c per PRINCESS aW<4 '".'l.of afterward the four men wife, Jelly » wheelbarrow containing months Ernest H. Stetson of John J. Crowley East Sumner and we and we want to that J* articles. On arrested in Lewiston. which sell for $2.00, say they In* n*?cf«wary and John Mass., the latter having a |Ur<\ai,d of Lewiston was fined *500 Springfield, Dandrnff is caused by grem—a a We have he from Portland of in a Stetson after are worth the is for William J. Mahaney and treating several phase* pt*c been family tenacious price—every pair bargain. 1 ii***'around the border of the Fahey $300. the adopted vicious, persistent, grem—that to rhriatian work. Other features of the death of Mr. Heald's first wife. lace and all kinds of p., McDermott were allowed go up to the discovery of one of the world's them in many and Matee' *Dd i0 1W09. «»«· Henry ara and a of the second Ju1J. devotional praise There is also daughter was to be styles—button out!? same on their own recognizance. nnimm scientists, supposed as as some that are sold for tr'P W24 miles at tho services conferences and discussions of Mrs. Ernest L. Russell of Eat>t greatest stock. They are good being citv ir * wife, unkiliable. Tbat discovery Is called relates the story of that work EnterUUimen , wish to express practical religion» Sumner. and Cbas. H. Howard Co. Glad to show them time. This is the the Parisian Bolster any place WJ. '* Oo* for a walk We undersigned R. K- ra e Sage, N. $3.50. from", Pre^*riog thanks to the on Harvard plan. Special the it to kill New Vork, oar heartfelt neighbors Co., druggists, guarantee Dayton where can find all kinds of footwear. the teachers IT'S THE WORLD'8 BEST. dandruff to remove all traces of you «dÏkÎÛ \Dwlfl»C«W·.wi" ,tart o^iut the first of and friends, particularly Card of Thanka. germs, MARKET fc>bn, Γ. the several districts, ever made a oint- to hair or 35 SQUARE, Γ> * with not and in No one bas salve, dandruff, stop falling itching y°u"? n,aD- pupils showed to our he»*tfelt »« onr # the beautiful Horal offerings, We wish express ment or balm to compare with Bucklen's scalp in two weeks, or money back. ''"Pefrtu 'us flesh, and e*i- by so - - 'lean. for tbe dear one I thanks to all our friends who kindly the one healer It contains of sage prop- 4°! ** nails." Soon after their love and respect Arnica Salve. It's perfect just enough Maine. from our midst, also to Sorea, combined with other tti South Paris, Chria?» ta'le 'k® tr*'n *or who bas passed of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, erly ingredients or mail's bair SHOE such comfort- Salt woman's grow N. SWETT Calif, who Ulcers, Eczema, make Ε. CO., the ministers spoke Scalds, Boils, any rû,"' -Ι-ο,Ι two or three harsh * aûd. fewSSBrtS Cold It make· For Sore 8ores, everybody's •ίί'ϊ 1D* 'be desert, because as ing words. n 1 Rheum. Eye·, luxuriantly. MAINE. and Family. aw a»»· s· B,ueeB· or It's lusterleaa bair to lustrous, iVIitaUaittMm. House Block, NORWAY, he«.Û 1 Wanl 10 barù »· Mrs a J. Uayss ,rll>0Sr». Hands, Sprains, supreme. change soft, CASTORIA Opera Chapped at the hair. 60 cents a kssJ^ "J «»a*eit Karl W. Bates. «» Infallible for Piles. Only 25c. and beautiful large °< s- b. «««d it coasse "S·to ?b,ieter· Mrs. I. F. Emmons. Sabâttàâ~wântr*to of the C. H. Howard Co. bottle at Gbaa. H. Howard Co.'s, try Hm Atom Bwrit tH,/ore I «tart oo the long Lewiston. pharmacy IhmYM w^m0· Berth a A. Emmons. W ■ I f X \ / Bankrupt*· Petition for Diichtrg,, the before the ship wis η the matter of ■ When day WILLABD G. be saw ber and the vs. Wealth PRATT. JB COLUMN. due at Vera Crux U far mow HeMEMAKEBS1 Health bat wacaa all b· healthy, which Bankrupt. | side Wa canot all b* vtalthyi with tb· trn· "L. t." woman sitting by maa «ho protect· hit health Co the Ho*. Clarence young Spanish Important. Th. jooof u rich κ th* old matt Hale, Ju,im ûf. be made Medic»· ha* · good dune· of bccominf trict Court of the Unite·I Of on confidentially Atvocd'a with hii rlehcf. Sute. ^ LAW OorrMPoadenc· topic· side and talking much toon enjoyment fofthi nfif4" THE of : lib th· protect («ttiag of Maine "«Wet - - Ment wi'h tbit wonderful remedy from tb· bis mind that they bad been Too o«n protect yourMlf cold· and rXTILLARD O. PRATT of np tudi m conatlpation. btllouancM· poor Rumford lk. common ailment· that an iB to steal bis dis- and thua arold tha mora Mrioua dlaaaaaa apt Vf County of Oxford, ami sut- S out from Washington circulation Ht. p* Free! to folio*. Madrid, η Mid District. respectfully reprvvou Free! one or both of tbem bud trouble ik.V®*·« Free! and tbat months ago I had considerable he M h day of February. lU pa.t Peach A patch "Several £ PUZZLEDOM. Recip·»· 'L. F.' bis suit case. Prob- indigestion. I took one bottle of idludged bankrupt, under the Acuofrv.1' Diplomat already o|>etied from was to that In Irult for tbe other At wood's Medicine and greatly benefited. ■elating Bankruptcy ; be hae Ιοί**1*' paring one did tbe work wbile old: 8. W. POMEROY... all hli an I RANGE. an ^ ably / am nearly S7 yean ■endered property rlgbu of mLS: KINEO knives, r. on bottle. Atybu ter-plftted .. eeery A KING No. 1077.—Riddl··. cold How He Got His Start In watch. Look for tkt biff hL·.^ ind has fully com pie. I with all the rwoGSS? " of kept dialer'··t*ler'·. S5» et»,eta. for fta Urgtlarge bottle.bottlfc W"!*W >f said Act· and oî the order. L in rii*'or u^*·* .""Î'u of CoMSE* water which hM been m ▲ few hours before bis arrival port THF. "L. P." CO^ Portland, M·. iU bankruptcy. w*"»| served both kins and e00D.£hE!?bei?■"*· wldbytb. His Profession. MEDICINE of old 1 took Wherefore he that he u In day· addition of lemon «* ν nU lbe went to bis stateroom, prays, ma? juice, Maltland the Court to have a full quean, from dare. his and look jy discharge f™, In velvets, blue and red and frnlfc turning the from pocket lebta provable against hU e»ute Wm gay dispatch unler 1 SAMUEL E. BRANT. If he >aukruptcy Acte, except such .ieu« green, PEACH CHA.BLOTTI. By ed at it He felt very happy. ex from morn till jepted t)V law from such But now I'm serving you far on the despite "Uncharge Copyright. 1910, by American .Yen bad got it so Jouruey Dated this 23rd 'lay of Sept., A. D 1910 night. from WILLABD Cj. Association. who were to get it PRATT, often I'm of eober black and white. those tryiqg Bankn.n. Moat re- one or do what little OBDEB OF 2VOTICE Each king and queen had maybe him surely be could CONVENIENCE TIIKBEOK. that flow, from hi» of sh. two, juice mained. It, he picked up OF THE District Maine, to llour be- Replacing But hundreds of me now belong you. aside In a oold sou of an admiral left on α On tlile let ilay of A. D ιμλ P1*®®· ..{j^ James Maltland, case, wbicb be bad October, ..1 «b of four cigarette the foreirolng it is— fore dlnner whlp egg· with and and, reading petition, II. In the U. S. navy, fell In lore a cigarette lying Ordered the that a .tiff and Into them beat; tne ν h pu)p shelf, lighted by Court, hearing œ to read. ACCOUNT. the name on the Uth of Nuv > I aang one day with a linnet; d(jred murried Mlle. Julie de Lavalle, the down with his dbvel. began CHECKING upon -lay flret before said Court at in of a 1910, Portland, «m ni,· I came at the end minute; who soon became drowzy and fell asleep. 10 o'clock In the lf of «weetened of a French diplomat He Irlct, at forenoon; ani ik,. I stood In the heart of a flower •Ugar'®W£*®D ngj p|0t daughter .ith tne Line «be When he invoke tbe ship was in port. notice thereof U published In The <,w,'i. on vino covered bower. ci earn with îhe P»1peach juice. bad In tbe French That hun* a spent many years bud who read this have never kept Democrat, a newspaper prlnte-1 In Ml ! breese in. de of a { sponge cake He felt nuuseuted. Something Possibly you ind that all known and I came In the glue service, a considerable portion of creditors, other i*r*,L. d wllb to bis In Interest, at the »aM And iwung In the treea, or lady finger· and JJ£ t*p He clapped bis band If not, let us suggest that you may appear time ω be resided in Washing- happened. a bank account. and show cause. If thev And I'm fifth In the Una every hour. halve* of Fonr «ι» tbe * wbicb time place, any hare peaches. peacb side in the of said pocket. You will find it prnyer petitioner sbonld tot > and cream. Ο" »« » th# ton. M. de Laralle never represented try the experiment. helpful III. juice Tbe was gone. panted. and o( was an dispatch mon- And It Is further entered the < peach meringue bis country as ambassador; be be Aside from the fact that your by oart ttii cavern dark and long, "Benten after all," moaned. many ways. shall send mall to all A on of this. sei ο ,ce unlu the Clerk by known'«wi peach top »»J* at secret methods then In vogue out and 011 an·! Whence Issue wall and song; adept Starting up. be staggered theft and fire, such a habit Itore copies of said petition thU order 1,1 needed. ey will be safe from at their red moist and strong. between nations, but, sluce tbe open dressed to them places of retMen» ·. A bridge to the deck. Xo one bad goue ashore. white robed millers throng. j and a general stated. Where IABGE PEACHES AND WHIPPKD CBEAM. of tbe late Secretary Hay. would tends to thrift, economy, disipline > diplomacy A last hope occurred to him. He Witness the Hon. Clarem Hale, Jmrt with. When all of of the said Court, and the sea! it For this now largely done away two women arrested on a of business principles, thereof, fort have the understanding land, In said District, on the 1-t of rw No. 1078.—Charade. work was to lay peacbea and put Γο·Γ f°r any quick Machiavellian There they were success. It also affords a A. D. 1910. Is a that is often fount) trumped up charge. are essential to My flrat thing Kome boure before it ^ served. which JAMES K. Il of the y be executed it fell to Lavalle. He rushed [L. 8.) KWEV, Clerk In the woods, coming out near the companion way. and A true of and order Deep ; An hour before d»nne Ρ ^ t| em ΜΤβ. method for the of bills ; copy petition thereon Maltland and Mlle, de Lavalle 011 convenient payment : .1A M KM K. ground. tj,e forward and. seeing a policeman Attest IIKWKY.Clert. a but much and mOV,nK was returned the number It ne'er harms creature, good j fully were married while tbe groom to blin. The mar as the checks are always preserved and THE PERSON bringing largest peaches to J*'*®the ice Whm time tbe dock, beckoned dries do. 'J,®™' for state and NOTICE. to Hobbs* lur^e dial» employed In tbe department met him on tbe conipanfonway, serve as for the amounts this entire advertisement Variety 'TIs llkelll Into fortu November My second denotes each hour of the day. or in Individual»»»«·'■"«""ϋ.,"" ρ r»,l,1 Maltland. slipping α District of Maine. In Bankrupt· >. 23,1910, but never and1 there was were twi Store, Norway, Wednesday, 'TIs something that's coming, half » pint wbipped stiff being located and any his bund, told blm that there paid. In the matter of 1 a No. Kineo does delay. with a of ; both who bad rob service, liber- HERBERT L. WOOD, In at 3 P. M., will receive 8-20, King sweetened °| JfJj^upWi tablespoon- amount of chicanery perpetrated women thieves on board We offer you good courtesy, Itankrupt·? 'Tis not a respecter of man, woman or snrinkle of Rumford, Bankrupt. ) Ask ,u,e of coUP'p the) as to Its location and the prevention When tbe women reamed at FREE. your child. bed blm. and and every accommodation To the creditor* of Herl«ert I. la valued $60.00, w th a large and ality stability ihe Range, But them 'tis often most merrily be- peaches P°^aerUgand place of its location both by Central were taken Into custody of Oxford and district *f'>re«aM by Qn eacl) the dock they County to save this advertisement with Notice is hereby given that on ti.e l tav friends to guiled. suj Americans. Then came young a ado at their arrest, consistent safety. o* begin caltce North They made great A. D. the sal·! Ilernert L. whole Is a season (two words making S«...di.h ol Uncy July, 1910, Wog-i My KuÎïrti Maitland's One morning their lnuoceuce. was bankrupt, an ! that the for you. at tbe same time. opi>ortunity. asserting duly adjudicated trit one). ι blm the old meeting of his creditor·» will ι«· ι,·· l at the οβ·» I wish the secretary sent for him, banded "1 am au American." said And while solving this puzzle you Business a. n. to j p. n. of the Referee, No. i< Market Square, >.,uth Part» PINEAPPLE EN eUltPBIBE be wish- to taken before (? cIom at P. M. much fun. a dispatch and told him that lady, "and I demand be {Saturday· 1.15 on the 12th day of Oct., A. D. l'*l·», at 10 o'elû & Hours : ( open through the noon hour. In the forenoon, at which time tlx Ml : C. E. TOLMAN CO., s.,.cl ed him to take it to tbe United States the United States consul." re-iltor» , may attend, prove their Halir.», appoint a and tnm it away' see No. 1079.—Curtailings. top consul at Vera Cruz, who would "I will take you to tbe consulate,' triintec, examine the bankrupt, *1,1 irtr.'vt New Baxter jnygjtS!on a Block, Building, piate. •inch other business as r < ome Pythian 1. curtail a sweet sirup and that it reached its destination. said Maltland. your coufed may 1 »p< be- Doubly "provided THE NORWAY NATIONAL BANK fore said meeting. INSURANCE, PORTLAND, mk. enubled to with us." SOUTH PARIS, mk get part of au atlas. 2. Doubly cur- Delighted at being thus erate will consent to go South Paris, Sept ιβ, lain wo WALTER I. ti Κ Λ V, worn little and make a In bis profession, The old lady tbe other tail garments by boys beginning persuaded OF NORWAY, MAINE. lie fore· In ι..ιηΙπ:[Η/·τ. an the was no ussuring bet PIANOS A ORGANS. get η kitchen utensil. 3. Curtail Maltland took dispatch—it man to make objection, of the their best course. Maltland aquatic mammal and get a large body placed In an official envelope that it was Bankrupt's Petition for Discharge. to the con- a and tbe three travel of water. '«> Λ;,;Γ£;ΐ· state department addressed called carriage, In the matter of 1 tc B. STEVENS. In sul—and was about to leave when the ers entered, the policeman climbing THOMAS lUnkropfcr. STANDARD and in ΙββΙΜ us Bankrupt. I top pack to blm: the box. (>n reaching the consulate U.S. U.S. No. 1080.—Illustrated Numurical Enig u Qn secretary said To the Hon. Clarence Hale, ·!..:« ..f tu the wo ma. "It Is essential that the information Maitlaud insisted that Spanish District Court of the United Stat··» for tu District of Maine : in that reaches our man go in with tbem. lie did not dan SEWING contuiuKi envelope of see nier B.STEVENS Ituir.ioi.l, lu u* on or before the lier in the carriage. She ; consul in Vera Cruz leave CREAM THOMASCounty of Oxford, and State Maine, II three went ALL YOUR :.t-, tut 13tb. After that date it will be too indiffèrent about It. and the SAVE «aid District, respectfully n-pr. the 25th day «f 1 tw MACHINES. should know in The consul being engaged a United States Separator. SeptemU· dniy late. It is well that you together. By using adjudged bankrupt under the '.'un^tM I the crown of the were In th« cream tavert. to that ta- §ur pine. that Its prompt delivery will involve at the time they placed They are money earners, being relating bankruptcy; luly rendered all his property and rl.· ί pr j PEACH 8HEBBET. failure to make room. Seattle j*rty, the making or the waiting Pan-American World's Record proves it, and has fully compiled with all t r> ..resetu tin n Send for Catalogue. millions of dollars by certain capital- While waiting. Maltland. facing of said Acta and of the or What was assures it. bit bankruptcy. be old scrutinized ber. Grand Prize 1 ists. You will therefore very guard- lady, Wherefore he prays, that he e 1·'," Ι lemon, its ul- bis wife. Dated this day South Paris. I one in this country may know He recognized THOMAS 15 STK\ 1 N-. I'.ankMpt. STUFFED PEACHES. hall timate destination. Nevertheless there Rising. Julie went into tbe OHDKR OF WOTICK TIIKItF.0.1. we ber. ss. are plenty of spies about, und may Maltland fallowing U. S. SEPARATORS District of Maine, Lnd state de- she said. "It's safe." most On this 24th of A. D. l.-l·', on read- have them right here In the "Don't worry." are the cleanest skimmer*, easiest running, day Sept., water'"ke;»Vtb«» and let .u». ing the foregoing petition, It I» I; Be careful, and good luck "Where:*' ever made. that a in be i.a.1 SE ess "Ucenter with grated partment. ea.M-y washed and durable separator Ordered by the Court, L. S. BILLINGS the same on the itii of Nov A. D. mixed with a little to "In my corsage." upon da> Lbefl«Ssh celery you." a ever l>efore said Court at Portlan·:, In -aM Dis- and with come It?" Year in and out run without hitch, making 1910, Wheu Maltland went borne "IIow did you by year they trict. at 10 o'clock In the fore: anl that one. When 1 never trouble. We sell them, need be In Tt.·· >ιί τΊ 1>«β· the exhilaration of youth told his wife "I've had It all the time. money, making you notice thereof published P'fesri ocrât, a newspaper iirlnlt.'d In »:>' l»l-trl«1, id consid- the box in Washing of All Kinds for of his mission. Its Importance, handed you cigar that all known creditors, an l ·>!. peraooi Id I tlx at the -aid t: α ι ering the interests involved, ami all ton it contained a dummy. kept South Paris. interest, may appear p'ace, T. M. DAVIS, Agent, and show cause, If any they why the to show a similar en- ι,, that, she fulled dispatch." prayer of said petitioner shoul l ^r*r.te!. I liciou» y ·· Building Purposes. accompaniment κ· suit caser And It Is further Ordered bvi! .rt,tbatthe iuu^iu.iuj· "Who ο J tied my Lumber I at time, shall send mall t<> all kr * re Uior» Thanksgiving in Clerk by is it. be sal.I. "You "Tlic woman in there." Money and Keep said and this r, Μιν;·ί·Ι i PBEBEBVEI) peaches. "What i»et?" LuCÎCs! copies of petition their of rcslden· .· -tat···!. don't seem "How do you know?" ξξπξξξ to them at places pleased." Are You Proud of StyJe by Reading McCall's Witness the Hon. CLarem κ Hale, Judge I Allow boon OUK SPECIALTIES-Paroid she will "I saw that sho had and the seal t at Pyrt Roofing, Shingles, and one "Jlmniie." replied, "you plainly of the said Court, three-QU»"·™of"fw£,e?to eve?y of tin· dis and McCall Patterns In said on the Jit : >y uf sept, Lugar cut never it sent to delay the delivery Magazine Uring land, District, ^ peacbes, «et through." A. D. 1910. etc. cup^ei that I was ot McCalTi M»f i:i>t Will Barrel Heads, Flooring, Sheathing, I them >n uau if" tbe1 fruit in Cook not?" and. pretending JAMES K. IIEWKY, Clerk. Apple I fhUm in°balf large. "Wby pnfeh dress [L.8.] „kim aud won her confident lour hi'lp you siyl- A true copy of petition and or :■ t:.rreoo. it well It from the same errand, Bread?-· will steal 10 am here for Paroid There "Tbe.v you." ut a Attcat.—JAMES E. IIEWKY,Clot I the ONLY AGENT Hoofing. Aft as a "What makes you think so. .Julie?" and we itglfed to work together. Have you a reputation expense by keeping y α postoil on tin* are other makes, but Paroid is the best cr she found the was not ii cake maker—is NOTUKV "From a little girl 1 have beard my envelope your pastry latest fn.vhions 111 PHOBA'a'E was sure liai' tn either of tot eiuut father tell the ways people Uike to out- yotir suit ease she you your pride? clothes and liais. GO To all persons Interested tr.= You were ver.\ New Fashion Deslpns hereinafter named oue 1 know all about it. it on your perso». are the woman Hi l^daBnrcJ«:"·fruit and seal at once. wit another. Theu you iu eaiU Issue. Also At a Probate Court, bel I M PaH» ta I It on Hi·· ιγ;·.γ·1 Tum· know careless to leave your cigarettes valuable information for the County of Oxford, the words are You nothing." who will William I of our Low om lu this ptiKxIe ple- PEAC1I MAKUALADE. the lor-h appreciate ' 00 8" b°me and P*r- day of Sept., In the year L. S. South Me. the little woman .vour She picked Vv I hundred tel I'r.e Mi* stateroom. » BILLINGS, Paris, of described. The an- However, packed Tell Flour. One baking day w, I sonal mailer*. Only thousand nine and tuml instead Btone and cut went in and re matter Itcen for tneaeCoa Poel, up ripe peaches lwr husband's suit ease—all the bag- with a skeleton key. toc a year, lticludlnir lng having presented of letters, is a will convince that no ex· hereinafter indicate·!, li 1· tatbj swer. consisting fifty-two small. Take three-quarters of with tliose thai you a fr<-e pattern. Sul>· thereupon quite he to take—then took placed your clgaretes OKDBBKU: Keep In MIND! to each of fruit gage proposed cook can afford to waste sori· ο t<>i!uy or send PLEASE a from Shakespeare.—St of sugar pound wer. pert be to a is- quotation pound t.» the and when hud been drugged. When you That notice thereof κΙμό i-i.rwnl otir lined us a call. water to each the dispatch library, tut iree sample copy. ■ 1er to a When in waut of anything in give Nicholas. and one teacupful of her skill on ordinary flours. terested by causing a copy of tii!~ handed her husband η bos •sleep she robbed you." weeks in the Ox- of sugar. Place on fire and when Khe returned McCi!l Pit'.irii. w»;i enable you to make in your three successively pound did she civu wiili lintuls published a &t S»uî WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. WE SELL it then in the He it and removed "And the dummy? What snj Ik.iuo. yourown rloiinncfor ford Democrat, newspaper publUtied it skim put of cigars. opened ·. ma ear u No. 1081.—Charades. boil*·, clear; yourvli and γΙιι1<Ιγ··ιι v\ : :. li will be perfect i'arla, In said County, tnat they ι and en· she that?" ·— on Bt let them boil quite fast, stir the and below was an when discovered iu lu a:i.l f.t. I'n· .<· I·i^rlier tlian 13 Probate Court to be heM at ι-al l (' ir:-, the east first will come. peachec, top layers ■ Out from my tin centi. S«*îk1 lur free 1'uiteru of A. 1» οt » mash them until the whole is a thick, to Seuora Sanchez. She crii-d. Had she secured Catalogue. thlnl Tuesday October, Builders* Nails, And promise It Is of rain. relope addressed William Tall be beard IhMNf Doors, Windows, Frames, Finish, Glass, Putty, into been We Wi!l C're Yon fio« Prei««!t for retime Sllb- clock to the forenoon, aod a we often give masR, then put glass jars. Maltland's own she would have pah My second, cry jellied Mexico City. In Mme. dispatch >erlpli«in» auionc your fri< :i«N. Send f< >r Ireo they see cause. When we feel joy or Builders' Hardware, Sheathing Paper, pain. SPICEl) PEACHES. *100.u0n." i'rer.itum Catalogue and ("asli Prize Oiler. Woodstock. leeeaiel be band. Kit* C. Way late of My third my whole may also she was : retenti·! not a brick." said the While Julie was explaining Flour THE JIcCaLL COMPAHY. 2391· 249 Wot 37* Si. NEW YOU will ami petition for probate ihei ρ For ornament or use. Peel seveD of fruit, but do "Little one. you're s r tt.erel» pounds rea by Alton C. Wheeler, the exe Linseed one of cider scheme. her dress, took out the Houm Paints, Floor Paints, Oil, remove the stones; to pint young diplomat. "I see your opening goes farther name·!. It to her luis add three and one-half do to leave the dis- and banded Barn Paints. Floor Dressing, Varnishes, No. 1082.—Zigzag Puzzle. vinegar pounds It would never Mspateh than most Sarah B. Howe late of II··i ·ΐη«κ! one each of to the room he hat1 take Ave words of of sugar, tablespoonful in suit case under cover of a Iteuirnlng for determination of til Roof Paints, Floor Finish, Turpentine, This ziczag contains patch my \itid. flours- execu cinnamon and mace and one tea- the woman dial ,nee tax presented by Ida II le, Brushes. If the words are ground state envelope, would it?" ••ft. he told Spanish With the Modern Ktltlon Paints, Filler, three letters each. of cloves. Tie the in a department it is also trlx. Wagon Liquid spoonful spices of iio had f-tund the missing article and writteu one below "No. Now. .limmie. do be careful Γ ■!'· eax-î: Oar include Heath Λ and Sherwin-Williams. rightly guessed Cook the vinegar, spices and an economy, Namuel llaxcltliie lat" of paints Impervious, Milligan, bag. and said she gi ··*., t ietû suit case and don't let It out of ipolopl/.ed might ilrst account for ai tiy another their zigzag letters, beginning sugar for fifteen minutes, then add the the presented she Benson, executor. and a few at a and cook until a moment." where liked. with the left hand letter peaches, time, your sight !' KIND. Don't upper delivered his dis A. Whlttemorr late 1'tzf.c.i. best of all rootin^s. THE TIME TESTED into pour over them Malt laud her a dozen kisses, When Maltland Buldah Paroid Hoofing—The ending with the lower left hand letter, tender; pack jars, guve ceased Ilrst account pre* nt< : t cover his wife did not in th> ; imitations. the scalding syrup ami closely. the suit case, called a car patch appear l.aFore-t C. Whtttemore, ex .tor. try will spell the naine of au animal. The picked ill» by Let them staud hours, then He ransaction. He Mas well launched It make to order. The kind that lasts. most la- twenty-four riage and started for the train. Sarah B. Howe late of II· Doors and Window Screens—We crosswords are: 1. Something ten minutes and Ma Screen drain, cook the syrup after lie he had chosen. llnal account for .■>..·· t by veranda screened in. 2. reached New York during the profession p-esented Regular sizes of doors in stock. Have your dies like to have In the latest style. return to the fruit. Put a plate M. I.eellc, executrx. again once on board the 4. as a noou and weut at the Maine farmer is wire screen Ac. A small bed. 3. Denoting distance. over the fruit in the jar weight, tie forging right up tt al». nlnort. of We sell cloth, spring hinges, the Gerald A. Thompson a in a cool steamer which was to sail -· m l conrey A certain kind of tree. 5. A fish. cloth over the top and keep early A RECORD HITTING. to the front. You can't do it Norway ; petition for license t see them. an- t· I .υπιμκιΐ·. Wheelbarrows—We have a few first class wheelbarrows. Call aud place. next morning. He was about to lock JN real estate presented by Jennie other Please remember that guardian. SWEET PICKLED PEACHES. bis stateroom door ou the suit case, Four Homers and a way. sell "Columbia Ignition Batteries1' the No. 1083.—Jumbled Proverbs. Delehanty's Singl, ··.·**!. nd Electrical there Grorgr E. Buck 1 tie of Pari-. Supplies—Wo remembering that might at Bot. > Telephone Tcu oruv oatc ot royu To seven of fruit allow three when, In Fiv# Times tltlon for «letermt rmtion ol uest for automobiles aud 1. ccoargnid pounds 1 telephoues. of Put that would uulock It. ancc tax Juki tohcl. and three-quarters pounds sugar be other keys The baseball expert Hugh S. Fuller presented by one of from under ecutor. the sugar into a kettle with quart he took the dispatch out in an on in tlx 2. A little niar crnhu stud. ton, article "Hatting" For Sale N. Bolster Co. Ίί. rase syal ounces each of cloves 11 by Dayton A. Ann Warren bte of lit '>r· and two In his W. Walker & Son .Hary ■ vinegar the cigars aud put it pocket. describes as fi,' ■· P. MAXIM & 3. Tteerb etui uaht eeruv. American Magazine, second account pre»etit< S. SON, and stick cinnamon. Pare the peaches a view of steal- he was followed, with lows the greatest feat n-corded James Λ. Flanders, executor or four whole cloves into hitting and stick three was a t·0-'1 the document, his baggage Kd and whicl make this in their husi ADDISON E. Judge Parte. No. 1084.—Hidden Fish. them at intervals. Place a few at a time ing executed by Helehanty. We Do all Kinds of.... specialty IIEKR1CK, South would A true the tlrst place the thief was his fortune to witness; ness. We a copy—atteat Louis had a lied Hood on. in the syrup and cook until they surely it good carry stock all the ALMKliT I). I'AKK llcttl'tir· Hiding boiling If the big not so soft as to fall look for It. In order to discover was names are Ike and look clear, but "Adonis Terry pltchlng-a Krea JOB PRINTING. time. You can in the My boys' Philip, the get anything apart. When all are cooked, continue case bad beeu o|>eued for purpose pitcher with a wonderfullv fast curvi NOTICE. Tom. Farm line from a for TH. to boil the syrup until It is reduced near- In the he laid all ol of the home runs wer, Forbes South Pari« Gas- In District Court of the l.'nlte »tate» I KILL COUCH do hear the replacing cigars ball—and three Atwnori A Machinery the Gladys, hark, you night- then over the lu the District of Maine, lui'· I tmi ly one-half, pour peached those on the top row with the ends made off the curve. The iirst thin oline or Manure to "CURE LUNGS Engine Spreader In the matter of t ■ ■ in and seal. ■Aglfc·— __L_ ingale? and pack glass jars one. which In the same direction except nt bat lilt the ball high ove a small JANIE C. MICHAELS, She gave her chain and her riug to Helehunty 60 YEARS' Garden Cultivator, and the PEACH CATSUP. done this ht of Rumford, Bankrupt. ) he reversed. Having the right lield fence, perhaps sevenf Μι· "·4. 1" her frieud. EXPERIENCE best there is made. You wi'l soon To the creditors of Jatilet w,th Pare and of sound, weut on deck for air. feet from the foul line, which of Oxfonl and dUtrtct afore- >i I so quarter eight quarts wouli County -Uli The lily bulb lacked nourishmeut, for found want a Notice Is hereby given that on tl.· lay S? Simmer the parings The next morning Maltlaud feet from the and tin ( Ml U« '» »»* Dr. ripe peaches. be 245 plate, Λ. I). 1910, the said .lanl·· King's died. in one of water. Sept., lr«i thirty minutes pint himself out on the Atlantic ocean bead- Tb and that tiie >·>Τΐ fence was thirty-five feet high. duly adjudicated bankrupt, ta· -^s.4 Look. Phyllis, under the couch Is Then add the to the of her creditor» will be ··. I at strain, He walk- meeting peaches for the Gulf of Mexico. he lilt over the same fence « ire. minutes ing second time oftlce of the Ueferee, So. s M «rkrt your liquor and simmer for thirty not I» M". " New pencil. ed the deck alone, having resolved center field. Tin on the 12th day of Oct. A Discovery one but farther toward Plow Purls, Add and one-half h time longer. cupful· In the Sulky 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at will· to make a single acquaintance. third time he drove a over shor of best cider one-half of single Patents said creditors may attend, vinegar, cupful for fall You can do prov< FOR Key to Puzzledom. afternoon he went to his stateroom for TRADE MARKS your plowing. exan inc the »:u Krupt. C8H§8H8 JSfc. sugar, two teaspoonfuls of groimd cin- stop, a line hit uud jierhaps the hard appointa trustee, DESIGNS transact such other business a» may |>ro|*rtf AMD ALL THROAT AMD LUN€ TROUBLES. No. 1(MW.—Charade: Barn, yard- and uue-half each of a and before lying dowu It occur- touche» much better and a namon, teaspoouful nap. est hit of all. Dahien, leaping, Copyrights Ac. your plowing come before said meeting. slow- to exainiue Ids suitcase. 8ATISFACT0BÏ barnyard. cloves, mace and pepper. Simmer red to him the ball with both hands. wer Anyone lending ft skelch and description mar deal easier with one than South Paris, Sept. 24, lido GUARANTEED They an great you No. lOtit».—Changed Initials: Ale, until rather thick and seal hot in to tiuil quickly il»pertain our opinion free whether WALTER I.. GKA V. oa MoyiY rmttopsd. ly pint Not that he really expected the ball caromed al la CommunIc*. torn apart and intention prohnbly pn'e'itiible. can to chase the old Referee In Hankrupff· bale. dale. gale. hale. kale, male, pale, jars. evidence ot any one having been there, lions strictly nonfldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent· walking plow. most to the left fielders before it strucl iont free. Oldest nirency for «ecurnif patent*. tale, vale, wale. Yale. VIRGINIA PEACH. himself that it Munn & Oo. receive And don't one rale, sale. but simply to satisfy the The next home run wa Patenta taken ttirouKh forget very important NOTICE. ground. tprclal notice, without charue, In tb· Se No. 1070.—Reverses: 1. Ten-net. 2 Take one of freestone was as be had left it. notice that peck ripe, straight to the center field betweei item, you can get repairs for the The subscriber hereby gives oi mash them after aud to And has been administrator Smart-trams. 3. Pool-loop. peaches, peeling What was his astonishment awuv duly appointe·! the clubhouses, nearly 400 feet nnchines here. the estate of Frames — a American. Picture 1071. and Word then press the pulp through lu the box laid In the same Scientific cir- you buy lat·· of Porter. No. Diagonal pitting, every cigar he came to the bat th A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Larwet FLORENCE W. S l'A Ν LEV Welch The last time 13 a Merritt coarse of the Term·, ... sieve. To four quarts pulp dlf culation of any sclentlUe In the of Oxford, deceai-ei. Diagonal. April. Square: direction. The one he bad placed loarnaj.ail newsdealer*. County Square: crowd was cheer lug him on. Lang year; Sold by as law dire· t» Λ allow one of sugar, preferably bonds the art Ashes. 2. 3. Herse 4. Elsie. pint had beeu reversed. of said d< ea»*·1 Spelt. brown. Mix cook about two ferently retired between the clubhouses, whlcl demands against the estate well, took his breath desired to the same for settlement, 6. Steel. The discovery away hit 1 present to œaxt and Pictures, minutes, stirring all the time, then were set at angles. Delehanty A.W. Walker & all lndebte·} thereto arc requested LINEN CRASH After his wife was right. If there Son, No. 1072.—Anagram: Hearthstone. on and in the bud. If all. curve ball, it ou the roof 0 Immediately. for spread plates dry alighted payment Ρ Κ I.I.I"'' towels, is three willsuf- were those on his track who bad al- South Maine. Sept. 20th, 1910. FRANK No. 1073.—Pictured Word: Slipper-y- the weather hot, days one clubhouse, bounded to the roof 0 Paris, flee. When the paste on the edges looks ready showu such skill in hunting for PARKER'S HAND TOWELS, ell-m. slippery elm. 1 he other and rolled halfway back t. HAIR BALSAM NOTICE. Mirrors like leather and cleaves from the plate document, what more would they Mats, No. 1074.—Riddle: Oilt. guilt. the the second baseman. And Chicag ClmuM and beautifies th· hair. not! e is around the yet Promote· a luxuriant The subscriber hereby give.· thaijk· ROLLER TOWELS, readily, if a knife passed he clupped bis hand growth. administrator *>ιη No. 1075.—Charade: Hair, cloth, hair- do? Instinctively won the game—Ν to il. Hover Pails to Beitoro Gray has iteen duly appointed it Is Dust with white Hair to Wanted. of edge, ready. to his breast The dispatch it* Youthful Color. the will annexed of the estate cloth. pocket. Curt* Kilp dit»4K« It hair tailla*. of DISH TOWELS, sugar, then roll up. If stored in a dry to save their RUB- MARY ANN STEVENS late Fryeburg. was there. But he did not feel as flic. and 11.00 at PrupitM Everybody RAGS, deceased, an I No. 1070.-Hidden Vegetables: Corn, it will for several months. The Cat and the Tall. In the County of Oxford, & place keep BERS AND METALS for mr. as AII GLASS that It would be there when ht Mail I bonds the law directe. per^m· we s,;!L I TOWELS, eured l deceased Mouldings bean. beet. Once a time a cat who prided demands the estate o( nai pea. upon Splmu-h. CBEOLE BAKED PEACHES. « <* orders attended to. I also againxt aa·1 Vera Cruz. Πβ vowed thai promptly buy desired to the same for settlement, at and 12c arrived at herself on her wit and wisdom wat MEN WANTED. j present make par 7c, 10c, per yd Take fine not Automobile»«, Engineer all Indebted thereto are to ι are not bn large, fruit, overripe. no one should the com* Poultry. NORMAN N. KLAIN, requested Portrait Work You experimenting yourself during passage about the barn in search oi W" need men to train In three week·, for po trent Grade Peel and cut in halves, out the prowling Immediately. W ALKER. High These are the beet that can be bought when take Chamberlain's taking within arm's of him. •Ition* paying $20 lo #31 weekly. Easy work 32-lyr. Bo* 817, Maine. 1910. AUGUSTUS H. you Cough with a com leugth food and saw a tall from a Norway, Sept. 20th, (or tbeee pit. Pill the cavity paste protruding Short hour*. Great demand now. Driving and price·. for a cold as that iti his lierth and read ι Remedy of cinna- He ii'ipped bole. Kar"(cc work, five year· ot euccees. write NOTICE. preparationana posed powdered sugar, ground bas won its great reputation exten· now. that b' in Water color, mon and fresh butter. Place the halves novel nhich he had brought with bin of a rat" The subscriber herebv gives not!···· Crayon, its cures ol 'There is the conclusion sire sale by remarkable Portland Ante Company, ESTABLISHED has t>oen edmlnWrator together in their original form and put during (lie afteruoou and evening, no *be said. duly appointe·! Merritt Welch, colds, and can be upon 8-23—2 -23 '11 Maine. tile estate of always depended in the and bake in a moder- next morn Portland, THE Wool*»»· a and baking-dish leaving his stateroom. The she toward II PEARL M. WHITM AN lat.· of and Oil Main It is equally valuable for adulte Then crept stealthily an·! Sepia specialty. 124 Street, ate oven until the fruit is tender, basting he on deck. Ile In the County of Oxfonl, deceased, children and may be given to young chil- lng passed expeclei until within striking distance, when 1831 All per-··»' often with a thick lemon flavored bonds a< the law directs. l'»,l'°j! are MAINE as it con- syrup, moment that some man wouli of said do-esie NORWAY, dren with oonfidence every she a and reached It with FOR SALE. demands against the estate ar/· Satisfaction Guaranteed. implicit made Jump sett lenient, no all with Pive minutes be- N< COUNTRY desired to present tho same for tains harmful Sold grated nutmeg. to make his drug. by attempt acquaintance. her claws. AJns. It was not the an Horse, driver, to make Ρ*/ fore are ornament with a good worker, lively all indebted thereto are requested dealers. tbey cooked, man but a wo ...... did. very pretty young of a rat. but the tail of a also inent Immediately. ys Wood Wanted. and brown Serve |K?ndnge pullets. ACâTIΝ Pulp meringue slightly. tnau sitting In a steamer «-hair lookei! Sept. 20th. 1910 Played and Lost. either hot or cold. snake, who Immediately turned and Live poultry and cows wanted GENTLEMAN on and eastdowr Delivered at station the at him as be passed her a any (rave her mortal bite. M. κ Si· L. M. TUFTS, "I never was kissed in all my life,'1 PEACH TAPIOCA. GEORGE ELDER, «νNOTICE. a Grand Trunk between Berlin and her long Spanish lashes. Every tluu at that he she declared, from him to a Moral.-It is dangerous to Jump South Paris. The subscriber gives notice PARIS. backing Pour one of water over In back and forth Thi ONLY hereby of the Nicfcols St.. SOUTH Portland. Also White Ash bolts. safe distance. pint boiling he passed pacing conclusions. Agricultural NEWSpapir, has been duly appolnteu execu'or a of and cook in ΑΧΏ dear said one-half cupful tapioca she gave him the same glance and tb< ÂDMmsOLT TU will and testament of M. DAY, "Then, my young lady," he, LYDIA R. MORSE late of Hartford. J. a doable boiler until transparent. Pare All ''as much as I would like same downward sweep. He suspected a con Notice. In the of deceased. Me. considerately, Biliousness la due to disordered County Oxfonl, ■' Bryant's Pond, and remove the stones from seven or Leallig Aglcnltml Jonrnal of tie World .:»· of -a! 43tf to do I will not that beautiful at ouce and himself on hU My wife. Hatlle W. left my having den.amls against the «··»■' so, change them her put dltion of the stomach. Chamberlain' Bryant. having eanie for rather sour peaches. Put borne at Locke'· Mill· without jml cause, I warn written the ceased arc desired to present the w situation." eight are a Every department by ipedalUU, sre guard. Tablet· especially stomach raedi or and all Indebted thereto rt'·ilie»·<,' A LOW PRICE into a mix the cook- all person· from harboring her, giving hei highest authorities in their line·. mcnt, a mean old deep pudding dish; v. I HAVE ON HAND Then, calling him thing, Intended to act on tha credit on account. respective mik* p»«»>r(»nt immediate ed with one-third of With the excepilon of the Spanish cine, especially my No K. D'»Tt> she out of the room. tapioca cupful CHRISTOPHER BRYANT. other paper pretends to compare with it Sept. 20th, 1910. JOHN C. swept disdainfully mo organ; so cleanse it, it, torn A FULL STOCK OF one scant of woman there was no evidence of anj strengthen 1910. 40-2 In of sugar, tablespoonful and to the live Sept. 2D, qualifications editorial staff. —» — of But Invigorate it, regulate ON Nasal Catarrh, an inflammation of the lasses and one-half teaspoonfnl rait, IK'iron or ihtsous shadowlug him. Gives the agricultural NEWS with a decree sroTicE. and to banish biliousness positively am notl'-e th*1 and over the Bake until an old with of even The aubacriber hereby irlves delicate membrane lining the air-pas- pour peaches. ou the second day out lady For sale all dealers. completeness not attempted by others. ,r the are done. Serve with cream. effectually. by haa been duly appolnte««1*^7 dish? from her though easterly by rond; southerly by Trip the esUlte of some^ a wish I knew land of nelrsof B.C. and having demands against for κ»" will be left. fectious disease. Husband (with sigh)—I Partington westerly to ttaf same Suit Gases. He—Indigestion. Old Saoo and the on the essi eeaaed are desired present where we could get a document thai by River; parcel SPECIMEN COPIES Indebted thereto /are request»' or routed meat that Is to be Several times after that he erly aid· of said road U bounded : northerly ment, and all If boiled surveyed our by trifle with a cold ia advice would give ua control of child. said Barker's bv lai d owno l will be mailed fres on raqoesL It will pay any ! make payment Immediately / ιι>(,ηΛ· F. show Suit Cases from Don't good used cold il In a moist cloth it her from a distance and noticed thai land; easterly by FRANCES Chas. Z*n 90c wrapped Albion Gordon the time bla Ridlon, P. at of E/FARHISOTO*· you for men and women. It may be decease; body Intertill In nay way In oountry Ufa to to prndent will be more tender. she looked very peculiar. Indeed, aftei The beat A of flanne southerly by land of Uuth Huzzell and westerly Sept. 20th, 1910. a case of a Is noth- plaster. piece ••od for them. Address the : $7.00. vital in oblld. There Liniment by said mad : but reserving and excepting anj publisher- a scrutinizing her oue afternoon as she with Chamberlain's better than Chamberlain's Cough A of common salt and dampened land Included in such bounds that may be owned 1 Corner Main and Dinforth StJ., ing teaspoonfnl chair It oc and bonnd over on the affected parta ii LUTHER TUCKER * SON, for and oolds In children. little In a of ataroh, will pre- sat dozing in ber steamer by Edward E. Hastings. Remedy oougbs borax, pint to a and costs on» Dated βΓΑ. D. 1910. y Ν. T. ex· that she waa a auperior plaster only September Albany, W. 0. It is safe and sure. For sale by all vent the "sticking" often currèd to him young SMI J. BENNETT Frothingham, annoying trath as muoh. For aala all dealers PIKE, Administrator. taken at this αβο* flatirons. I as an old woman by FOUYSHONET^? dealers. parlaoeed with person disguised ^P"8ubscrtpUoar J NORWAY, ■ MAINE, ι touth Paria, Main·. vL -—~ 4 N. ^-J\ i