.•• T..'T-.V'\-:'W'r^«l I 20 Pages THE WASHINGTON 35TH YEAR-NUMBER 47. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1902. SUBSCRIPTION: S1.50 PER YEAR" Martin, harpist, whiBe bolectlons were bBaullfully rendered aud much appreciat- A FATAL RUNAWAY A HEALTHFUL GREETING ed. Mr. Wccka, however, was alinoct a wholosbowln himself, ai.d doHttbtod the very larce audloi.cu by bis clever tones Mldincl Corlcyof Oxford Thrown From First National Rank Points Wild Great loins and rocltntlOD", and ulso prceonttd n moat Pride to Us Business Strides. Binuslna comedy In vihlcb ho was asaMed Carriage and Killed Near BattzvIIIe. by MUB Jlllson. On Friday ovonltiR of next week, Dec. Owing to a Recently Dislocated Shoulder, He The Savings Department lias Proved a (heat JOtb, tboro will bo a rtct-ptlon and dance given by tho mtmbers if the ABSCCIHIIOO SKULLCRUSHED Was Not Able to Coatnrf the Horse. Success-Intercit Attracts Hoarders. tn honor of tho Indies who negated at the iccoiit Bezanr. The Invitations have al- Sad Ending of Samuel Hann's Council Grants Increase in Rates The Club Points With" Pride to nwdy befiii Issued and a very pleasant and Alvah Force and Carrie Hoppock Mlclinol Corloy of Oxford wns thrown To tho business, commercial, and orjoynblc evenire IB cor.lldenlly aullcipat- from A carrlngo Wednesday night and rn- financial activities of Warren county Fooled Poultry Show People. Spree !n llackeltsiown. calved Injuries from which be died at S For the Next Two Years. Its Twelve Years' History. ed. Tnuru will bo dnntlnc music ami o'clock Thursday morning. nono send a more healthful greeting trdti, and rofrrHtimbiitR wlllnltfobotorvcd. Mr. Corlcy. who was a brother of P. J, than does tbe First National Bank of On Jar.iiary Wth t ho third entertainment Washington, N. J. Tho STAR has fre- of tho Rcdpnth Bureau will bo given, ASSAULTED IN BARROOM PROPOSITION MODIFIED quently referred to Us strength nnd THIRTEEN iNOT UNLUCKY wbvn tho Eva Rmtltitt Mncey Co. will WERE MARRIED BEFORE importance In tho financial world, its render a choice proyrumnie of claftlcal conservative, yet wltbnl liberal man* music. The Cliangewaler Couple Received Big The Result of Bantering, a Free-tor-AII nccurrca. uiiy a muo over a wees u«u Company Is to Furnish Arcs for $60 a Started V\ith That Number Members— Tho memhorrtlilp of tbe Association was, ho had bin colkr bnno dislocated and wbon agement, and tho progressive world in April, 1S92, limited to one luindred, nnd Present For Public Wedding Fight Ensues in One of the Holds. tlio hnrso becamo tmtnunBcablo ntnr tho Year and Incandescenls for $15. of today understands that liberality Memberships Now One Hundred. It la very unufiunl for il.erctoboa vuc»ncy. new, hrldso nbout 10 o'clock, ho only had which ia the euence of progress. This Ooncrally thoro U a list of names waiting tho uuftofono arm, nndcould not control bank provides ItscuBtomers with every to bo balloted on. Was Evidently Walking the Railroad Track thft animal The Lights Are to be Burned on Moonlight 1 Baiaor Supplied funds Tor ilic New Fmnlsh- ad Kepi liic Ceremony ot Last June a In rounding a curve fn the rond, tho onr- facility of modern backing , Buch as Sicrel, So Say I lie Neighbors. Toward Home When Struck by Train. rlnco struck nn omtinnbment and Mr. Cor- Schedule—No Opposition In Council. eaffl depoflit vault*, n dfpurtmenfc of xs—Testimonial Reception Next Week. lny wan thrown violently to tho ground. savings, and discerning liberality In its MR. BURDGE WAS EASV. !.'•' AH a result of Imbibing too ranob in Ho was found lvlnir unconscious along the Councilman Curl won a very mnoh loan drpnrtmont. The time WBP, and It is juot twelve yenra apo that thirteen 'Ami wliL-n you KC tu imt your nrmn uround road, by pnmo Butlzvlllo pcoplo wbo con- IjDuneU Money, WHMI MIMI ;COIII;; to alcohollo drinks and becauao his con' eurpriped man when he entered the not so very long ago, when the banking young men metatttia cowttlutid «»r >»lr. f. Ami Hiiiiii'ze li«r M you iiuvt-reniiincit before, VPved him to a hntol. Intprestft of tbe country was a CIOBB by T. B. VanUoroii and formtd thu Wm-blng- Kurinlumd Wlio Did Not tu fused brain would not heed tho warn' Dr. Hoagland of Oxford wan called and council chamber at 7:45 o'clock Mon- If Hhi> Hii>H ttlic'H K<>l'iK (nl'it, flie'H u Ing of friends, Samuol Hann of Haek- day evening and (bund M«yor John- Itself. It was jealnuB of Ita privflegea ton Attilmlc AHsnoclhllon. Ttio uuinlwr Ketiirn. after an examination flald tbero was no and resented any pnblicily of KB affairs, ihirtcun baB uhually btou detmcri unlucky, For HIII-'M tit-vn tlii-re I eft.re iniiny n tinif." oUatownmttu sudden and untlmel; charco for recovery, his skull hoinir frne- ston and tho other borough fathers but In tbla Instarcu tbo contniry hn« btvn Caleb S. Burdge ia a well-to-do farm- Wl<low HOIIB In "1'rlii i'» Clilnutc-"«." ; death lale Saturday night, being etrucl turod. Ho remained unconscious until preparing to leave the hall, having no matter how legitimate and praiae- tho Cflfse, for, froinlhovcry tlrBt,ihe ABHOI I- er living on a very desirable farm near Iatitcfld of Atvub Forcu and bla brldo, by the express train wnlch pauses went dentil resulted. held a briefapsnlnn nnd awarded a ne.7 worthy that public interest. atlon ban bton a BUCC^HIUI fuctor In tbo Manunkac-hunk. Tho pasteeaeon WBB Misa Ciirrlu Hoppocb, being tho butt end. TlmderonRPd w(in unmarried nnrt lived ' Thn First National Bank waB theSOOIHI life of thin prolty borough. , through Hacbettotown about eleven contract to the Washington Electric a prosperous ono and lio gathered a f the joko b1 y being married publicly at o'clock at night. rolth his sifter, Mrs. Mnrtln Hardlman, In first to recognize the right of public harvest tbtt mnde hlB pocket-book .tiu t'Mutiurs Poultry ABSOCIHHOIJ'H uxhi- Oxford. Ho wa« n popular frllnw and Iirht Co. X interest In Its nfTnirs and to encourage Originally It WHS Intended I bat tho W. bit, Thursday oveuiDg at Newark, tbo Hann wan a son of Jacob Uann of many friend are bereaved ovor his sudden When tbo Council adjonrned at the A. A. should bo a promottr of Rthlotlca, look as though be hnd stored a email .. ••:..'•• High Bridge and . bad . boon omployed and stimulate that interest. That the but beyond tho fmt ihotn BymnDsium In u load of bay in It. Ono day during the jouDgcouplo,ltiaBald, cumuletuty hood* and torrlblodPath. previous mnotinjr it wna decided to public appreciates this confidence is whikfd tbo inanRcets of tne n»rtoclntfon ••"•-•"na a section hand on the l.nnkawftnna meet at 7:30 lmt Monday pveninp, hnt BIHRSI way UHH »Jways been apaitof tbo summer he received-B caller. Tiio fel- "and the hundreds of yulliblo people who demonstrated by tho fact that the furnishing cf tbo prtmitfes, niui a ini>rour low had DO home and was looking for ' road for ft i'ew months, but did not as a number of the Council men wished patronage has more than trebled lefiB successful bapo bull club has been run pbid their good money to ate a suppoaedJy work Saturday, aa he Baid be bad an GRETHER'S SECOND ESCAPE. to attend trm W. A. A entertainment-, under Us aupplcefi, tbo athletic features a job. Burdge liked the cbap and af- Oasblul country couple married. during the pat-t few years. The official ter looking him over concluded to hire appointment to raeot Thomas Hag* the Mivor derided to hold the meet- stitement, published In these colnmna have been oveiflbacfowid by its tcclul aod If tbo storks that are being told by the gerty of AUamucby in Hackettstown ing at 7 o'clock. club life BBpectB, him for a while. The stranger had an rcuidents ot* Utiangewater are true, and Lett Jail Sunday Whllo Wiitehmnu last week, is the best demonstration of there Is good reason to believe tboy, are, that afternoon. - Snp't. Ward of the Electric Light Co. Tb firt't prtnldent of tbe Association VIBB accent which corresponded with his Early in the morning Hann started WHS Kemllngn Paper—Cflpiured thin confidence. name, which waB John Shemousky. Mlts lioppock and Mr. Force were mar- In a Burn Not Far Away. notiflf d Mr. Carl of the chango of honr, Mr. P. T. B VatiUoren, and the charter ried once before—about five moutLB ago. to drink with the evident desire of get- but as he did not appear at 7:1C the Under the present munagempnt its members were iVIcEbra. L. J. Budd, A. j. He and Caleb got along very nicely Tbbt tho couple had been man and wife ting intoxicated, and that he succeeded If OharloB GretW of Easton escapes Mayor callpd fio Council to order. Af- depoaita have increased from $200,000 Craft, Aaron Dalrymple, Hurry W. Dll-and after tbo grain was harvested and Bluce last June was not known by the peo- is vouchod for by many wbo saw bim the gallows, it will probably be because to over a half million dollars, and tta riine, Harry Hiche, Wm. H. ft'cKlnney, tbe work well along, John one day ple of Ubangewatttr until after tuo second tT authorizing rho navmentofW. W. Dr. A. G. Soitcul. A. Woyi o Suiith, Al- paid be bad a Bweetheait down about ceremony was pet formed last week.
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