Synopsis of Biological Data an the Bream Abramis Brama
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FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 36 FRi/b JO (Distribution restricted) SAST - A. brama 1,40(02),001,02 SYNOPSIS OF BIOLOGICAL DAT: ON Ï 114EAM _ramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758) Prepared by T. Backiel and J. Zawisza F FOOD AND AGRICULTII a' ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 1968 4- p DOCUMENTS OF THE FISHERY DOCUMENTS DE LA DIVISION DOCUMENTOS DE LADIRECCION RESOURCES AND EXPLOITATION DES RESSOURCES ET DE L'EX- DE RECURSOS PESQUEROS Y EX- DIVISION OF FAO DEPARTMENT PLOITATION DES PECHES DU De- PLOTACION DEL DEPARTAMENTO OF FISHERIES PARTEMENT DES PECHES DE LA DE PESCA DE LA FAO FAO Documents whicharenotofficial Des documents qui ne figurent pas Esta Subdirección publica varias se- FAO publications are issued in several parmi les publications officielles de la ries de documentos que no pueden series.They aregiven a restricted FAO sont publiés dans diverses series. considerarse como publicacionesofi- distribution andthisfactshould be Ils font seulement l'objet d'une distri- ciales de la FAO. Todos ellos tienen indicatedifthey arecited.Most of butionrestreinte, aussi convient-il de distribución limitada, circunstancia que them are prepared as working papers le préciser lorsque ces documents sont debe indicarse en el caso de ser ci- for meetings, or are summaries of infor- cites.IIs'agit le plus souvent de do- tados. La mayoría de los títulos que mationforuseof member govern- cuments de travail prepares pour des figuranendichasseries son docu- ments,organizations,andspecialists réunions, ou de resumes d'information mentos de trabajopreparadospara concerned. l'intention des gouvernements des reuniones o resúmenes de información pays membres, ainsi que des organi- destinados alosestados miembros, sations et specialistes intéressés. Ces organizaciones y especialistasintere- series sont les suivantes: sados. FAO Fisheries Report FR/R (No.) FAO Fisheries Circular FR/C (No.) FAO Fisheries Synopsis FR/S (No.) Special groups of synopses are iden- Des catégories spéciales de synopses Grupos especiales de sinopsisse tified by symbols followed by classifi- sont identifiées à l'aide de symboles distinguen conlassiglassiguientes, cation numbers based on indexed code suivis des chiffres de classification ba- seguidas por números de clasificación of "Current Bibliography": sés surlecode d'indexation de la que se basan en las claves de los ín- Current Bibliography »: dices dela Current Bibliography >>. SAST Data concerning certain spe- SAST Données sur certaines espèces SAST Datos relativos a ciertas espe- cies and fish stocks. et populations de poissons. cies y poblaciones. MAST Informationon methods and MASTRenseignements sur des me- MASTSinopsis sobre métodos y ma- subjects. thodes et des sujets. terias. OT Oceanographic data. OT Données océanographiques. OT Sinopsis sobre oceanografía. 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FAO Fisheries Technical Paper FR/T (No.) Special groups of Technical Papers Des catégories spéciales de docu- Grupos especiales dedocumentos are identified by: ments techniques sontidentifiées técnicos se identifican por las siglas l'aide des symboles suivants: siguientes: RE Indexedlistsof experts and RE Listesindexéesd'expertset RE Listas índices de expertos y de institutions drawn from Regis- institutions tirées des registres instituciones tomadas delos ters maintained by the Fishery tenus à jour parlaDivision registros que se llevan enla Resources and Exploitation Di- des ressources et de l'exploi- Dirección de Recursos Pesque- vision. tation des 'D'eches. ros y Explotación. CB Listes de périodiques, des sec- CB Listas de periódicos, secciones CB Listsofperiodicals,special tions spéciales de la Current especiales de la Current Bi- sections of "Current Bibliogra- Bibliography for Aquatic Scien- bliography for Aquatic Scien- phy for Aquatic Sciences and ces and Fisheries , des biblio- ces and Fisheries »,bibliogra- Fisheries,"specialbibliogra- graphiesparticulièreset des fías especiales y trabajos rela- phies and papers concerning articles sur les problèmes de tivos a los problemas de docu- documentation problems. documentation. mentación. MFS Provisionaleditionsof "FAO MFS Editions provisoires des Ma- MFS Ediciones provisionales de los Manuals in Fisheries Science." nuels FAO de science halieuti- Manualesde la FAO de que . Ciencias Pesqueras ». Some documents also have another Certains documents portent d'autres Algunos documentos tienen también identification, if, for example, they have numéros d'identification, par exemple, otra identificación si, por ejemplo, son been contributedto ameetingfor s'ilsont été prepares pour une réu- contribuciones a unareunióncuyos which papershave beennumbered nion dont les documents ont été mar- documentos han sido marcados con according to another system. qués àl'aide d'un autre système. arreglo a otros sistemas. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 36 FRi/S36 (Distribution restricted) SAST A. brama 1 40(02),001,02 SYNOP$IS OF BIOLOGICAL DATA ON THE BREA Abramis brama (L.) Prepared by T. BACKIEL and J. ZAWISZA Inland Fisheries Institute Poland FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, February 1968 PREPARATION OF IhiS SYNOPSIS This synopsis of biological data on the bream has been prepared to fulfil the Program of Work established at the Second Session of EIFAC, Paris, May 1962. The authors have the pleasure of acknowledging the cooperation of Dr. M. Gasowska, Zoological Institute, Pol.Ac.Sci., who helped in writing chapters 1 and 2, and Dr. J. Grabda, Center for Combating Fish Diseases, Olsztyn, who prepared section3.35. Special thanks should go to the persons listed below who have supplied valuable data, not published elsewhere, summarized in Tables XXII and XXVII. Mr, K. Apostolski, Fisheries Institute of S.R. Macedonia, Yugoslavia Mr, J. Dahl, Denmarks Fiskeri - og Havundersgelser, Denmark Dr, W. Einsele, Bundesinstitut fUr Gewasserforschung und Fischereiwirtschaft, Austria Dr, Entz Bela, Biologisches Forschungsinstitut, Hungary Mr. A.B. Hofstede, Inland Fisheries Inspection, Netherlands Prof. M. Huet, Station des Recherches des Eaux et Forats, Belgium Dr, L. Ivanov, Institut za Rybarstvo i Rybna Promyshlennost, Bulgaria Mr, K. W. Jensen, Fisheries Research Officer, Norway Mr, E.D. LeCren, Freshwater Biological Association, England Dr, H. Mann, Bundesforschungsanstalt fUr Fischerei, Hamburg, F.R. Germany Mr, H.V. Mentzel, Institut fUr Binnenfischerei, Berlin, D.R. Germany Mr, K.A. Pyefinch, Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Scotland Mr, I. Sasserson Institute Freshwater Research, Sweden Mr. V. Sjbblom9 Bureau of Fisheries Investigations, Finland Dr. F.W. Tesch, Biologische Anstalt, Helgoland, F.R. Germany Mr, P. Tombleson, "Angling Times", Peterborough, England Mr, E.D. Toner, Fisheries Division, Eire Dr, W.B. Ziemiankowski,Statiunea Experimentala Stuficola Delta Dunarii, RoUmania Our appreciation of Mr. and Mrs. W. Rumszewicz's translation must be expressed. We also extend aur thanks to Dr. D.I. Williamson of the Marine Biological Station, .Port Erin, Isle of Man, for his help in the technical editing. Distribution "Current Bibliography" entry Author Backiel, T. & J. Zawisza 13-6F084 FAO Department of Fisheries (1968) FAO Regional Fisheries Officers FAO Fish.Synops., (36): pagevar. Regional Fisheries Councils and Commissions Synopsis of biological data on the Selector 2 bream Abramis brama (L.) Taxonomy. Morphology. Distribution. Life history. Population structure. Exploitation. Management. Culture. FRi/S 6 Abramis brama CONTENTS Page No, 1 IDENTITY 1:1 1.1 Nomenclature :1 1:11 Valid names :1 1:12 Objective synonymy :1 1.2 Taxonomy :1 1.21 Affinities :1 1.22 Taxonomic status, :1 1.23 Subspecies :5 1.24 Standard common names, vernacular names :5 1.3 Morphology :7 1.31External morphology :7 1.32 Cytomorphology :7 1.33 Protein specificity :7 2 DISTRIBUTION 2:1 2.1 Total area sl 2.2 Differential distribution :1 2.21 Spawn, larvae and juveniles :1 2022Adults :1 2.3 Determinants of distribution :1 2.4 Hybridization tl 2.41 Hybrids :1 2.42 Influence of natural hybridization in ecology and morphology* 3 BIONOMICS AND LIFE HISTORY 3:1 3.1 Reproduction :1 3.11 Sexuality 3.12Maturity :1 3.13 Mating :1 3.14 Fertilization 3.15 Gonads :1 3.16 Spawning :4 3.17 Spawn :9 ii FRi/S36Abramis brama 3.2 Pre-adult phase 3:9 3.21Embryonio phase :9 3.22Larval phase :13 3,23 Adolescent phase :18 3.3 Adult phase, mature fish :18 3.31Longevity :18 3.32Hardiness :22 3.33 Competitors :22 3.34Predators :22 3.35Parasites, diseases, injuries and abnormalities :22 3.4 Nutrition and growth :29 3.41Feeding :29 3.42Food :31 3.43 Growth rate :31 3.44Metabolism :46 3.5 Behaviour :46 3.51Migrations and local movements :46 3.52 Schooling ':46 3.53Responses to stimuli :46 4 POPUIATION 4:1 4.1 Structure :1 4.11 Sex ratio :1 4.12Age composition :1 4.13 Size composition :1 4.2 Abundance and density :6 4.21 Average abundance :6 4.22 Changes in abundance :6 4.23Average density s8 4.24Changes in density :8 4.3 Natality and recruitment :10 4.31 Reproduction rater :10 4.32Factors affecting reproduction :10 4.33Recruitment :10 FRi/S36 Abramis brama 404 Mortality and morbidity 4:10 4.41Mortality rates :10 4.42Factors causing or affecting mortality :14 4.43 Factors affecting morbidity :14 4.44Relation