In Vivo Sensitivity of Human Melanoma to Tumor Necrosis Factor
[CANCER RESEARCH 59, 205–212, January 1, 1999] In Vivo Sensitivity of Human Melanoma to Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF)-␣ Is Determined by Tumor Production of the Novel Cytokine Endothelial-Monocyte Activating Polypeptide II (EMAPII) Peter C. Wu, H. Richard Alexander, James Huang, Patrick Hwu, Michael Gnant, Adam C. Berger, Ewa Turner, Olga Wilson, and Steven K. Libutti1 Surgical Metabolism Section, Surgery Branch, National Cancer Institute [P. C. W., H. R. A., J. H., P. H., M. G., A. C. B., E. T., S. K. L.], and Hematology Section, Clinical Pathology, Clinical Center [O. W.], NIH, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 ABSTRACT of different tumor histologies (3). However, the results were disap- pointing because TNF resulted in significant systemic toxicity and no ␣ Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- is a potent anticancer agent that seems significant antitumor effects at the maximally tolerated doses. The to selectively target tumor-associated vasculature resulting in hemor- clinical use of TNF was largely abandoned until Lienard et al. (4) rhagic necrosis of tumors without injury to surrounding tissues. The major limitation in the clinical use of TNF has been severe dose-limiting reported their initial results of isolated limb perfusion as a means of toxicity when administered systemically. However, when administered in delivering high concentrations to the extremity in patients with in isolated organ perfusion it results in regression of advanced bulky tumors. transit melanoma or unresectable sarcoma, while minimizing systemic A better understanding of the mechanisms of TNF-induced antitumor exposure. We and others have used isolated organ perfusion of the effects may provide valuable information into how its clinical use in limb or liver using TNF plus chemotherapeutic agents to treat unre- cancer treatment may be expanded.
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