The Chronicle

76th Year, No. 38 Duke University, Durham, North Carolina Tuesday, October 21, 1980 Carter, Reagan to debate before election Format approved

By Terence Smith apparently had expected. Roast "We offered to meet them < 1»80 NYT News Service beef and turkey sandwiches anytime, anyplace." he said, WASHINGTON — Negotiators were brought in as the talks "but they clearly are not for President Carter and Ronald dragged on through the interested in allowing George Reagan agreed Monday on a afternoon. Bush to debate Vice President format for a presidential debate, Using the 1976 debates Mondale." Later Moe speculated but failed in more than four between Carter and Gerald R. that the Reagan camp was hours of discussions to settle on Ford as a model, the two sides concerned that such a debate a mutually acceptable place and agreed that the candidates would tend to emphasize "the date. would be questioned by a panel differences on the issues" Both sides, however, of newsmen. Time will be between the Republican predicted that the remaining provided for rebuttal by each of candidate and his running differences would be resolved the candidates and follow-up mate. and that the two candidates questions from the reporters. Baker contended, however, Annamaria's 'Bat' would meet in a nationally Despite public suggestions that it was more a problem of televised encounter before from Carter that he would favor scheduling. "We can't afford to Nov. 4. a more free-wheeling debate in take Bush off the campaign dead at 58 which the candidates could trial for several days while "We offered them any date question each other directly, Governor Reagan isoff as well." By Jordan Feiger place. I think they all know between Oct. 28 end Nov. 3," said neither side proposed this he told reporters. Bartholamew Malanga, me. . . If a guy beats me out James Baker, a senior Reagan Monday. Both camps, it seems, In the jockeying over a place known as "Bat" to most of a beer, he's only beating adviser, "but they are holding are more comfortable with a and date, the president's Duke students and patrons of himself, 'cause if he needed it out for the 26th." format in which the candidates representatives were pressing his restaurant Annamaria's he could have asked me." Pizza House, died of a heart "We made good progress," respond to questions from for a two-hour confrontation Bat was born in Belleville, newsmen rather than each next Sunday night in Cleveland attack yesterday at 8:25 a.m. N.J. He is survived by his said Robert S. Strauss, the at Duke Hospital, according chairman of the Carter- other. "We don't want a — a site originally mentioned wife, Annamaria; two shouting match," a Carter aide by the league. Reagan's to a Medical spokes­ daughters, Rosemary Kearney Mondale Re-election Committee. man. He was 58 years old. as he emerged from the observed. negotiators sought a later date and Agnes Campbell of negotiations in a 10th-floor "The format will be very close and said they would prefer to Bat moved to Durham 30 Durham; a grandson, Steven conference room in the to he 1976 model." said Richard hold the encounter in years ago from Newark, N. J., Bartholamew Kearney; and headquarters of the League of Moe. Vice President Walter F. Washington. and had been operating four sisters and three Women Voters, the prospective Mondale's chief of staff, who sat Baker, in fact, suggested Annamaria's since 1958. brothers. debate sponsor. "A few more in on the discussions. Monday that the debate should Bat entertained Duke There will be a reception at phone calls and we should have But a vice presidential debate, be held on Nov. 3, the eve ofthe students with his bubbly the Hall-Wynne funeral a deal." such as those held in 1976, does election, "when most voters are personality, off-tone ballads home at 1113 West Main St. The negotiations, which were not appear to be in the offing. making up their minds." He and New Jersey laugh for so from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight, with conducted across tables drawn Moe walked out of the said the encounter would make many years that he earned a prayer service at 8. The up in a in a conference room at negotiations after two hours more sense "after all the an honored place in Duke funeral will be at 11 a.m. league headquarters, lasted saying that the Reagan campaign advertising and University lore. Wednesday at the Immacula­ longer and proved to be more representatives had blocked the hoopla has had its effect and is Bat said of his relations te Conception Catholic spirited than either side idea. over." with Duke students, "I never, Church, 810 West Chapel never had no trouble in this Hill St. Goldstein sees his magazines as mature, honest businesses By Erica Johnston Clad in a sleaveless red shirt with the profit incentive? Al Goldstein, publisher of that hugged his 250-pound Nothing." Screw and Death magazines, frame and chewing a huge "If I really wanted to make - said last week that he and his cigar, Goldstein explained that money, though." he added, "I'd publications have "matured," he created Screw magazine start my own religion." and that pornograhy "is the "because Freud was not wrong: Goldstein said he has most honest business in the we are all sexual creatures," world." "evolved" in the 12 years since and because "there was no he founded Screw. "I'm bored "Pornography exploits, but it magazine around to cover my with just being a sexual exploits everyone equally," he aesthetics about sex." spokesman. It's awful being a said. "It's a more honest stereotype like Fred Flintstone. business than banking, law, "I believe sex is fun. And accounting or TV. It's the only Screw does too . . . The ". . . I'm cerebral too. And so profession that dares to be up magazine is adolescent. It's a is the magazine. It serves an front about its product — sex. commercial entity as immature important purpose — it lashes Sex is ever-present in every as the American public." out at sexual hypocrisy, and it business, but everyone else He said his corporation has also demythologized the hides it or denies it." makes approximately $7.5 glamour of sex." Goldstein, a peddler of million a year. "That's an "Sex is fun, but without magazines, cable TV shows and obvious advantage of the emotional attachment it is paraphernalia that focuses on pornograhy business. It might humdrum and ordinary. I issues such as sex, dying, and be immature and I might be able realize that. It's what happens food, is in Durham participating to find some philosophical after sex that's important." Al Goldstein. . . publisher of Screw magazine. in a diet program. defects in it. but what's wrong See AI Goldstein on page 6 Page Two The Chronicle Tuesday, October 21, 1980 Newsbits Stratosphere today, ASDU on East Ionosphere tomorrow The ASDU legislature will meet students and the Durham Elections tonight at 7 p.m.. in 204B East Duke. A Board concerning voter registration. Mother Nature continues to cooperate with outdoor plans in the Triangle Area. The residential survey and bills on student We appreciate your cooperation. temperature today and tomorrow will be near 70 and the low will be in the mid-40s. leadership awards and merit based The chance of rain will be a scant ten percent. scholarships will be discussed. The The extended forecast through Saturday calls for similar weather. High temperatures meeting is open to all students. will be in the 70s and lows in the 40s with a very slight chance of rain throughout the Retrenchment debate week. Voter registration An open forum examining retrench­ 9 If you have had problems registering ment will be held Wednesday from 12:30 —Reporters dinner to vi te in Durham, please call Loren at until 1:30 on the main residential quad th( Chronicle news department: x- in front ofthe West Campus Union. The Hey! The best news department at Duke is dining together at 5:30 p.m. 2663. We are working on an in-depth forum is sponsored by the Duke Debate Thurs. at a place to be announced. All reporters are encouraged to report on problems between Duke Society. attend, and all others interested in writing are invited. For more info, call Jon or Loren at x-2663.

The Chronicle CELEBRATION OF HALLOWEEN CELEBRITY ,,v.v,,//,,,,.,.„ The Chronicle is published Monday Through Friday ot the oMikr* ..« academic ^ear, and Weekly through ten (10) weeks ot summer sessions by the Duke University Publications LOOK ALIKE CONTEST Board Price for subscriptions. $20. $75 tor tirst class mail. Offices at third floor Flowers building. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina 27706. Application to mail at Second-Class Postage rate is 'pending at Durham, NC, POSTMASTER Send address changes to the Chronicle, P.O. Box 4696, Duke Station. Durham, NC 27706.


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Entry Form NAME . PHONE WHO YOU LOOK LIKE" Tuesday, October 21, 1980 The Chronicle Page Three Child slayings cause search

ATLANTA (AP) - Hoping to find a shred of curfew for children under 15 which a city official said evidence and prevent another killing, Atlanta police was "not punishment of children but a safety and firefighters launched a door-to-door canvass ofthe measure." city today, seeking the killer or killers of 10 black The council also agreed to add $20,000 to a reward children. fund which already totaled more than $50,000. About 50 officers and firefighters fanned out from Mayor Maynard Jackson signed both measures into four southside fire stations at 9 a.m. At each stop, they effect immediately. handed out a pamphlet with safety tips for children, a The 10th body — that of a 7-year-old girl — was questionnaire and a personal plea from Public Safety found Saturday in a westside vacant lot by volunteer Commissioner Lee P. Brown for help in solving the searchers who signed up to kick through weeds and crimes. brambles in search of bodies and clues. "It's a good idea," said one fireman who asked that Organizers ofthe search said the biracial effort, in his name not be used. "Everybody is enthusiastic which hundreds of blacks and whites participated, about it — anything to make this city safe, that is what helped ease racial tensions produced by the slayings. we're all about." The volunteer searches are to continue each Saturday. Mary Yarborough, a 24-year-old mother of two, was Brown said the daily door-to-door canvass will be watching television when the firefighters knocked on conducted by regular beat officers — "any officer on her apartment door. She said they asked "if I saw duty between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. When they are not anything that might be happening, to call in." responding to calls for service, they will be, in a She said she thought the canvassing was a good systematic way, checking their areas." idea. "I have thought that maybe if everyone gets The officers and firefighters were asking citizens to together, maybe one of us could come up with "think back in the past, when something may have something." happened, that may not have been considered Meanwhile, the City Council on Monday significant," said Public Safety Commissioner Lee STAFF I'HOTO unanimously approved a 90-day, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Brown. Maynard Jackson. . . mayor of Atlanta Real World Holsti says candidates have not WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Supreme Court left intact Monday a National Labor Relations Board order which forced J.P. discussed international issues Stevens to open certain areas in each of its By Carolyn Park Soviets. "But the balance is.less stable now." he said. plants to unionizing activities. Ole Holsti, G.V. Allen professor and chairman ofthe Recent technological developments in weapons and The union may not take advantage ofthe political science department, told a small audience especially the MX missile have done nothing to ruling, however, after the huge textile yesterday that international issues have erroneously stabilize the situation, he said. manufacturer reached an agreement with been put on the back-burner by presidential Holsti noted "a crisis of confidence in leadership. the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile candidates during the campaigns. currencies, and institutions." Workers Union Sunday. Titled, "International issues and the 1980 Holsti said President Carter was "aware ofthe lack One ofthe terms ofthe settlement between elections," Holsti's talk was the fifth in a series of eight of consensus of views in the country and tried to Stevens and the union called for the ACTWU dealing with the U.S. elections sponsored by the conceive a foreign policy of which the U.S. could be to use only regular organizing tactics and Department of Political Science. proud." Instead of uniting the country, however. not special NLRB-ordered activities such as Holsti presented a list of foreign policy issues that he Carter's policy became "a source of divisiveness." he in-piant access. said candidates should pay heed to in future debates. said. The issues included: the war between Iraq and Iran, NEW YORK - A Carter lead in New York Holsti said "there is little evidence to indicate that two important oil producing nations: Middle East the taking of hostages by Iran and the invasion of State is comfortable though not insurmount­ nations' responses to the recent Egypt-Israel peace able, according to political leaders and a Afghanistan Thy the Sovietsl have united us." The U.S pact; U.S.-Soviet relations; and U.S. relations with the is just as divided as ever because ofthe different views New York Times-CBS News Poll. Ronald "Third and Fourth worlds." Reagan's campaign in the state is being regarding these recent events, he said. hindered by doubts among Republicans and Holsti said one issue candidates should be Citing a need for the American public to scrutinize countered by an all-out effort by President addressing in their debates is the low opinion Third more closely U.S. foreign policy. Holsti said. "If the Carter to hold Democratic voters, especially and Fourth world nations seem to hold ofthe U.S. He quality of the debates is indicative of how we will in New York City. The poll showed Carter said there is "strident anti-Americanism" and that the handle our problems, we are in trouble." he said. leading with 38 percent of probable voters to U.S. is being used as a "scapegoat." Holsti said he would like to see candidates discuss 29 percent for Reagan, 10 percent for John To eliminate existing internal problems such as U.S. relations with the U.S.S.R. "The Soviets are B. Anderson and 23 percent undecided. pollution and famine, Hosti felt that nations must increasing their military strength in contiguous and cooperate with each other. Yet he said, "America has non-contiguous areas." become disillusioned with other nations and has a fear WARSAW — Poland's leaders were under of becoming too involved." pressure to try to resolve a dispute with the Holsti also discussed the unreliability of the Cruise missile tests new independent trade unions as the foreign American alliance system, noting that the invasion of ministers ofthe Soviet bloc were meeting in Afghanistan ended detente. In the 1960s and mid-70s Warsaw. there had been little serious fear of attack by the delayed six months By Richard Halloran ' 1980 NYT News Sirvirp WASHINGTON — Defense Department officials Duke nurse testifies at UNC hearing said Monday that they have permitted a six-month delay in the testing of the new ground-launched cruise WASHINGTON (AP. — A Duke nurse Monday members learned of a proposal introduced in the state missile, thus jeopardizing its scheduled initial described for an adminstrative law Judge's hearing on legislature by Rep. Jay Huskins. deployment to Western Europe in December 1983. desegregation of the University of North Carolina's The proposal would have cut state funds to nursing The delay, the second in the $2.7 billion program, campuses the unsuccessful efforts by a group of schools where the failure rate on state licensing exams appeared likely to complicate an already tangled concerned graduates to press for improvements at the in 1979 was 50 percent or higher. dispute over the new weapon with U.S. allies in university's three predominately black nursing A study of the three black schools from 1973 to 1976 Europe, some of which have been reluctant to have it schools. found an average of 3 percent passed on first placed on their soil, and with the Soviet Union, which Evelyn Wicker, director of nursing services at the examination. has been eager to its deployment. Hospital's South Division, told the hearing she knows The Huskins proposal died in comittee in May, 1979, The delay, according to informed military officials, of no plans to adopt the recommendations of her group but Wicker said her decided to continue to press for an is due to technical difficulties in the computers and — the Nursing Task Force Subcommittee of the N.C. upgrade of the nursing programs, more equitable communications equipment that control the highly Alumni and Friends Coalition. spending by the state and changes in the university's sophisticated flying torpedo. While the missile itself She made the comments as a witness for the NAACP future exam performance requirements. has been developed from existing technology, much of Legal Defense Fund at the hearing into.the In June, 1979, Wicker's group went before the UNC its control mechanism is new. Department of Education's effort to cut federal funds board of governors. Their statement, entered as The officials said that the funding for the program to UNC because of failure to eliminate alleged evidence, said that the requirements are "an exercise has been adequate so far but the delay will increase the vestiages of racial segregation. in futility without the necessary resource allocation price, because of inflation, and thus may cause Wicker said the task force was set up in 1979 after along with the realistic time frame." problems with the 1982 budget being put together now. Page Four The Chronicle Tuesday, October 21, 1980 PCB problem is brought home to Duke Second of two parts was detected, maintenance employees and officials Labs, a private laboratory in Raleigh, for immediate By Steve Baumann began the slow demarche through the Duke analysis. When Duke students rolled out of bed Dec. 13 and bureaucracy. It would take three weeks from the day of The results were distressing. PCB was in the headed into the Union, they were greeted by little the spill before clean-up operations actually began. creekwater at a concentration of 3.8 parts per million except darkness. Three employees of Duke University Maintenance notified the Office of Public Safety, — nearly 4,000 times the EPA's 1 part per billion Stores sold notecards and typing paper by candlelight and Safety Inspector Bill Boten coordinated the allowable limit for water — a hundred yards outside the Dope Shop. A power surge in a Union University's response to the spill. Larry Blake, safety downstream from where the drainage pipe entered the transformer had caused a black out. manager, was out of town. Charles Huestis, vice creek. University officials were to learn thai morning that president for business and finance, was notified, as In consultation with state officials, the University a transformer leak stemming from the power surge was the EPA office in Atlanta. formulated a two-part plan of action. The first task had released a mixture of PCBs and mineral oil into a The EPA directed the University to the North was to get the remaining PCBs out of the pipe. The creek that meanders around campus, Route 751 and Carolina Department of Natural Resources and second was to remove contaminated soil from the the Duke Golf Course. Community Development in Raleigh. At their creek bed. Duke's PCB spill was a relatively small one, but the direction, Boten took water samples from several On Dec. 14 the University hired Triangle Resource clean-up following the spill illustrates some of the places along Sandy Creek and sent them to Grainger Industries (known as RAD Services of Virginia at the penalties in time and expense that are a part of environmental pollution problems. In the nine months since the accident accurred. Duke University has spent over $37,000 in an effort to clean up a relatively small PCB spill. Animal studies and human exposure have shown that PCBs can build up in organs and body tissue, causing a variety of illnesses from birth defects to cancer. Moreover, each and every one of us has a detectable amount of PCB within our bodies from direct and indirect exposure. In the 50 years since PCB was invented by Monsanto Industries more than 1.5 billion pounds were created. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which enforces a ban on PCB enacted by the federal government last year, estimates up to half of that may have already polluted the environment. PCB contamination is an international problem — one which the Duke community is now more familiar with. Once the transformer leak in the Union Building

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2)ui'/iam. JtCg. 277C7 1 111. -M3-Z/3V ^aajjjj) .••••*•••••*•••••••*•*••••••*•**•;: Tuesday, October 21, 1980 The Chronicle Page Five where Sandy Creek spill cost $37,000 time). With the knowledge that a chemically "just" 17 times the 1 part per billion limit. The first part of the clean-up was over. But PCBs contaminated pipe had been successfully cleaned by a On Feb. 11, a second attempt was made to clean the also sink to the bottom of streams contaminating soil Roto-Rooter firm in Hopewell, Va.. the local Roto- pipe. This time Duke's own physical plant personnel and sediment; part two ofthe cleanup would have to Rooter company was subcontracted for the job at used long rods, rags, mops and solvents in a week- negotiate this problem. Duke. long attempt to rid the pipe ofthe PCBs. Later analysis Soil samples from Sandy Creek analyzed by Grainger On Jan. 3, three weeks after the spill, the clean-up revealed that the concentration of PCBs in water from Labs revealed sediment near the drainage pipe's entrance finally began. Sandy Creek was still too high. into Sandy Creek contained PCB farinexces.softhe50 That day, a filter of activated charcoal (which acts In early April. Triangle Resource Industries brought parts per million allowable limit for soil. Eighteen 55 as a sponge, soaking up the liquid) and wire mesh was in a long, high-pressure, steam hose to blast the PCB gallon drums were filled with contaminated soil dug up installed at the end ofthe drainage pipe to catch water residue off the inside of the pipe. More creek water from about 200 feet of creekbed and then shipped to a before it entered Sandy Creek. samples were then collected by the state for an federally approved hazardous waste disposal site in That night Roto-Rooter went to work. However, the independent analysis in their own labs. Alabama. pipe from the Union Building to Sandy Creek is so full Last month, Blake took three new samples ofthe soil of turns and a variety of diameters that the company On May 29, more than six months after the spill. from Sandy Creek and sent them to Grainer Labs for had great difficulty getting its equipment threaded the Blake received a letter from the Division of Environ­ analysis. The results showed all of the samples were distance. mental Management informing him that the water well below the 50 parts per million limit. The state has Ten days later, water analysis revealed the PCB samples contained a PCB concentration of 0.8 parts per not yet decided whether to accept these results as official concentration was down to 17 parts per billion, now billion, and therefore met water quality standards. or to take its own samples for analysis. In any event the cleanup of the PCB spill at Duke is nearly complete. "It's been a nightmare for me," said Blake. "We were trying to do something that had never been attempted before in North Carolina. It's been long and tedious . . . But we're over the worst of it." South of Durham. Sandy Creek empties into New Hope Creek which meanders into the Haw River. The closest community to use the water from Sandy Creek is near the confluence of the Haw and Cape Fear Rivers, more than 30 miles downstream from Duke. Trace amounts of PCB will drift slowly downstream for years, but will probably remain well below the EPA's designated limit of 1 part per billion. The chemical will become part ofthe background pollution with which we must learn to live. Problems of PCB contamination of the environment have only recently been addressed, and the headline- grabbing spills along North Carolina highways that we are most familiar with may be only the tip ofthe iceberg. PCBs have been used by companies since 1929, yet only in the past five to 10 years has public action forced industry to handle its chemical wastes more safely. As for the PCBs still in use, only recently have definite waste disposal plans been formulated. Many '- power companies in the Southeast now ship their old. PCB-laced transformer oil to a federally-approved disposal site in Alabama. In past years, however, according to Blake, it was common practice throughout this country to dispose of the old PCB oil hy spraying it on roads and racetracks "to keep the dust down." ^l»lll^*»W^rfV«>lim^*»'"^»> fl\fr* 1. SCIENCE, SOCIETY & HUMAN VALUES PICK UP YOUR an interdisciplinary program The program offers students with interest in science, medicine or technology the oppor­ REGISTRATION MATERIALS tunity to develop a comprehensive view of these fields in social, historical, intellectual and ethical terms. Participation in this Pro­ gram will enrich the understanding of one's in the profession for the future scientist, physician or engineer and will broaden the apprecia­ tion of activities in these areas for those LOBBY OF ALLEN BUILDING wishing to explore other career paths. For additional information, contact: the week of Prof. Seymour Mauskopf, Director 206 E. Duke Bldg. 684-2877 Ms. Jane Leary, Program Secretary October 20-24, 1980 103 E. Duke Bldg. 684-2758 (9 a.m.-12 noon) OR Professors: James Gifford, Thomas McCollough, 8:30 o.m.-4:30 p.m. George Pearsall, Devendra Garg, Aarne Vesilind, Richard White & Dean Paul Harrison. Brochures will be available in 116 Allen Bldg. *Slf>?**~^f+*+ •••^^*^.i*4^*%—W|ftw .-v* Page Six The Chronicle Tuesday, October 21, 1980 Al Goldstein and Screw Magazine Continued from page 1 My objective in life is to do good . . . and. of course, Goldstein said, citing the "fight against sexual Goldstein added, "Sex in college is usually not to die soon," he added. "I can't stand the thought of hypocrisy" he feels he has waged against both the ridiculous; it's like a football game. Did you score? dying, and missing out on all the fun . . . I'm a battler American public and the judicial system. Then you're a hero. The woman is treated like the . . . I'm a difficult, ball-breaking guy — tbe classical He has been arrested on charges of obscenity and opposing team. It's very macho — absurd." 'Type A' that you read about in your psychology book. has battled the issue in court "so much that Goldstein also said he supports the women's I look at people and ask, 'How can Iexploityou?'Tread respectability to me has generally meant that the liberation movement, "although it is too serious. hard, I work bard. I play hard." arresting officer wore a tie," hequips in a press release. Anyone who is against the ERA is a fool. It will lessen "And I believe my life has made a difference," sexual hypocrisy and make relationships between the •••ggr-.y aSS5 .^•Sr-; ,,.a.g...v.v..s,.i^; ,...3.jg..., •.•.^•••••.•.•.•Ag^ -1JL-. sexes less of a game . . . I'm all for it." ^SCti± ...^..ft...... ^;.^ Goldstein conceded that although he sees the z&m magazine largely as satire and as a test ofthe limits of Ihe First Amendment, most of the magazine's 144,000 readers don't interpret it in such philosphical terms. "I would say that about half read it either to look for sex POSITIONS flVflllfiBl€: or to have sex. And the others, like me, see it as satire." he said. (Do Vou fit one of the following descriptions?) Above all. Goldstein wants his publications to "offend, to amuse, to make a difference." "I love the pornograhy business. And I know that through it I've done good for the world. I've shown that S6NIOR OFFIC6RS masturbation is good, prostitution is wonderful, and ASDU 6X6CUTIV6S that sex is no big deal," he said. (CLASS OF 1981)

• PR€SID€NT—The student body's official • Pfl€SID€NT—The President presides over representative, the President supervises the all class activities, makes appointments to ART MAJORS execution of all ASDU policy, coordinates committees, and works closely with the AND SECOND MAJORS the activities of the Exec, appoints students office of Alumni Affairs in all matters to University advisory and policy-making relating to class programs for his/her own committees, and performs numerous ad­ class. He/she otherwise assumes responsi­ The Department of Art cordially ministrative duties. bilities traditional to the office. invites all of you to a tea in the Mary Biddle Duke Room, East Duke • VIC€-PfleSID€NT RT lflflG€-This execu­ • VICe PR€SID€NT-Should the need arise, Building, on Oct. 24th at 4 PM. tive assists the President in many of his/her this student substitutes for the President, organizational & administrative duties, as and assumes the Presidency in the event of well as under-taking individual projects. In a vacancy. Otherwise, he/she assumes the event of a Presidential vacancy, this duties and responsibilities delegated by the student assumes that position. President.

• v1C€-PR€StD€NTS Of TfllNiTV, NURSING • S€CR6TflRY—The Secretary assists in & 6NGIN66RING—Apart from representing keeping track of class members, and their respective schools on the exec, these handles correspondence such as occa­ students have the most freedom to assume sional class newsletters, reunion announce­ individual projects. The Nursing V.P. also ments, etc administers the abortion and maternity loan funds. • Tfl€RSUR€fl—This student assists in budgeting fund allocated to the class or • €XGCUT!V€ S€CR€TRRV-Besides his/her other-wise acquired for all activities. The secretarial duties, this student helps the Treasurer and the President are traditionally President coordinate exec, activities and the students' most involved with the class maintains student awareness of ASDU. gift project.

• flDMINISTRRTIV€ S6CR€TRRV-Not to be Positions run until the 5th Class Reunion of confused with the Executive Secretary, the the class of 1981 at which time new officers Administrative secretary oversees the are elected. Class reunions are the respon­ committee appointment process; prepares sibility of the class officers. public information on the activities, mem­ bership and meeting times of these auxiliary organizations; and, through the Committee Review Board, works to ensure a well coordinated productive committee system.

Positions run from Jan '81-Jan '

PETITIONS AVAILABLE: OCT. 22 PETITIONS DUE: 5 P.M. OCT. 27 CAMPAIGN RULES S PETITIONS NOW IN 104 UNION €l€CTIONS NOV. 11 (GET PSYCHED AND BRING VOUR SEMESTER ENROLLMENT CARD. Tuesday, October 21, 1980 The Chronicle Page Seven exploitive sexism or 'cerebraland satirical'? "Ralph Nader is my hero because he's University's law school before he motivated political group]. They are He added that Duke is a "nice school. done good." Goldstein continued. "He decided to invest $300 and begin religious fascists; they think they although its emphasis on basketball may be a boring bastard, but he's a publication of Screw. "They don't monopolize the truth. I don't pretend to borders on the neurotic, and the macho battler, and he has made a difference. understand that my magazines — and do that." image of most of the men is as immature He's a true fanatic about his cause. the whole business — come from a Goldstein said although he is "mostly as Screw." He donates money to the That's what I like." philosphical need, and serve - a real bored out ofhis mind" in Durham, it is school, he said, "but not as much as the "I resent the fact that most people purpose. "a nice place a mellow out. Durham is tobacco companies do. because I don't assume that I'm not very bright." said "My magazines do the public a lot like a Quaalude. It's relaxing and fun cause cancer." Goldstein, who graduated from Pace more good than nitwit groups like Moral ... If I ever have a frontal lobotomy. College and was accepted by New York Majority fa conservative, religiously- this would be the perfect place to live." Although he didn't speculate further on future surgery. Goldstein added that he "wouldn't be surprised" if he moves to Durham from New York several years THE BLAIR HOUSE from now. "I'd like to become mayor, but I have to get a little thinner first." he said. & LOUNGE "I'd be a hell of a good mayor. I'd legalize prostitution — we'd make enough money from that to bulldoze TUESDAY—Spaghetti (All You Can Eat) with Salad $3.95 every slum in the world. We could also put a lot more money into social WEDNESDAY—Backgamon Tourn. $50.00 1st Prize programs. We'd get better schools from sex," he said. THURSDAY—Ladies Night (Dinner & Beverages % Price) Goldstein admitted, however, that this "personal dream maybe isn't very PHOTO RV DOIT. SMYTH realistic." Al Goldstein FRIDAY & SATURDAY—"Land and Sea Buffet" $6.95

SUNDAY—"Brunch Buffet"—11 am-2 pm (Don't Miss It!)

Mike Kosarin at the Piano Wed. thru Sat «.*•*•****•***' IaAfro-aAmerica n Studies *•.•»»**»«. Across From Reservations South Square 4 till 7 pm Every Day Informatioinformation * i Mastercharge & Vis, Have all the questions been answered? "UnwindinOurPlushLounge" 489-1905 L: The BSA believes the answer is NO! If you disagree, or have an opinion you cannot afford to miss BSA's ous. Awareness Workshop Series Unconventional. Installment III, IV Curious. with Uncertain. Dr. Earl Thorpe Five words that don't scare us at Digital. scholar in Afro-American Studies

' to find the right career path, discussing the topic: ready to Afro-American Studies 1980 Where Are We?

See us on campus. Tuesday, October 21, 1980 in the Jordan Center on Oregon Street A Digital representative from Central Engineering will be on campus on October 22, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. to meet Electrical Engineers and Computer Majors. For additional information, contact: The Placement Office. BE THERE! COMMENT Letters Good morning! Today is Tuesday. October 21, 1980. a day widely known as Will Carlton Day (well maybe not so widely), in memory of poet Will Carlton who is responsible for such all-time favorites as "Over the Hill to the Poorhouse." Sick of studs, studdet The word for the day is brummagem, meaning counterfeit. TTVo, iKtheu ediaafj.a-t f.nnn/.;icouncil- •* i sanctioned. We are told by the media in Today in 1879 Thomas Alva Edison invented a workable incandescent light- To the Duke community: its advertising that it's just fine to think of bulb after 14 months of rigorous experimentation. I recently ran across a copy of Few ourselves this way. Open almost any Today in 1940 Prime Minister Winston Churchill taunted Adolf Hitler during Federation's second newsletter, dated magazine or watch some primetime TV a radio broadcast, saying "We are waiting for the long-promised in vasion. So Sept. 24, 1980, and it is, perhaps, the most some night and you won't have to look are the fishes." sexist document I have ever read. The hard to see that men are portrayed as virile Today in 1960 the final debate between presidential candidates John F. initial anger that I felt as I read it five days studs and women are portrayed as Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon was televised. ago has subsided, but there are some beautiful objects of sexual desire. These Today in. 1980 this is the Chronicle remarking that this has got to be one of questions we must all raise and consider. are our heroes. We are supposed to emulate the dullest days in history. First, here are some excerpts from the them. It should make you sick — let it now. Waiting around with the fishes, this is another bright idea from the Chronicle newsletter which. I hope, will illustrate if it never has before. So whether this as we resort to brummagem to keep us from going "Over the Hill to the Poor- why I was personally offended by it: newsletter was written in fun or not, it is a house. 1) The SAE's write: "• . . we are reflection on all of us and tells us that unquestionably studs." Also, they ". . . despite this supposed "age of liberation" cordially welcome all the women of for us, we are indeed far from equality. Canterbury, Cleland and Windsor to come Seeing the problem, though, is like on Saturday evening or any night they are Teaming up with PIA touching the tip ofthe iceberg, and I don't in the mood." have any brilliant plan that will make 2) Canterbury says, re: themselves, "What Last week was third down for Duke Yet the Universty continues to pursue these inequalities between men and a hot dorm with the best looking girls on University. the sale to PIA, spending money on legal women disappear. It seems to me, campus!" The remainder of their blurb is Its efforts to sell Highland Hospital to a fees and travel expenses. At a where however, that before we run out to change devoted to speculating on who is sleeping private chain of psychiatric hospitals had there is little hope to complete the sale, the world, we had best start with with whom these days. reached a point in the game where the Duke continues to fight it out. ourselves. Stop playing the roles; stop teams went to the line of scrimmage and Fourth and long, and the University is 3) BOG: "We are studs!. . .Not only do we accepting the shit which is thrust upon us hiked the ball. are going for the first down. Not a wise have the magic touch with women, but we every day we live in this society. It has Duke gained no ground. strategy. are also jocks." divided us, separated us: it has kept men While Duke is under contract for the PIA 4) Cleland, re: a party of theirs, which, In an unexpected move, a government from crying and women from fighting sale, lack of a certificate of need would end "while usually girls, sometimes an errant regulatory committee voted to stop Duke when they are angry. And it really hurts to the sale. We think it would be more SAE or Bogger sneaks in. We wouldn't from selling the 134-bed psychiatric think that I have probably missed out on prudent, and more fiscally responsible in want that to happen, now would we girls hospital to the Psychiatric Institutes of having a few good friends just because we this time of retrenchment, to abandon America. The committee cited concern could never quite put aside the roles and efforts to complete this sale and either look 5) Windsor: "Heaven knows we're the best over PIA's financial history. Several simply be people. for another buyer or continue to operate lure on campus." witnesses said PIA inflated health care Before we start anything else — before the hospital. There are too many other examples to costs. The witnesses and the North we are men and women — we are people. cite here. There is also an unnecessary Carolina Insurance Commission said in Good questions have been raised about And we are individuals with no two people remark regarding the deaf. But even if hospital after hospital, PIA raises the PIA's background and its motives. alike. But some will spend a great part of these things were written "in fun," as I'm rates. Psychiatric hopsitals can be lucrative their lives just fighting to be individual operations, and operators can easily take certain many feel they were, this pointed As Oscar Smith, a director ofthe state people, and while I'd like to count myself advantage of the mentally ill. While the illustration poses some serious questions. insurance commission, told the Chronicle, among them, I hope the battle doesn't get jury is still out on PIA, there is Why do men and women say such things "It has been proven that wherever PIA so thick that I lose sight of what I was considerable evidence pointing to PIA's about themselves and others? Besides goes, health care costs skyrocket, working for in the first place. intentions to inflate costs. socially, the notions that men must be Jean Synodinos '82 commitments are not kept and PIA shows "macho" and women must be "feminine" a total disregard for the community once it If PIA were to buy Highland, rates has obtained a facility." would jump from $95 per day to $157 per day, according to PIA's application for the Sam Millstone/Around your neck Unlike the real Blue Devil football team certificate of need. Duke will raise the $95 last week. Duke lost its bid to gain a first rate approximately 22 percent ($116 per down. Actually PIA lost its bid to obtain a day) by the end of the year, according to recommendation for a certificate of need, a University President Terry Sanford. document needed to complete the sale. Nerds and Throats in riti Further, 60 Minutes will televise a report Now it is fourth down. The committee on PIA within the next three weeks. The same old intramural sports this that heard the case last week will pass its Any odds-maker would have to say that Poetry Writing (for non-English majors); year, right? Getting bored, right? Well, fret decision on to the Western North Carolina it is not likely that the full Health Systems IM Find the Book in the Library; IM no more. The intramural board, in an Health Systems Agency, which will make Agency will overturn its committee's Lunch in the CI (in which participants attempt to attract more students to a decision this week. However that larger decision. must legally obtain and consume one intramural competition, has announced Realburger, two beer dogs, two portions of body, according to one official, adopts the The time has come in the Highland that it is considering a whole new slate of fries and choice of drink — i time for a recommendation of the committee "nine game to punt. n sports, to the delight of Psi Uppers and 12:40 class in Gross Chem; competition times out of 10." Pursuing this sale is no longer in the Stonehengers alike. begins promptly at 12:30 p.m.); IM Name Fourth down and many yards to go. best interest of Duke University. One high ranking IM official had this to the Beer/Mixed Drink; IM Bonkistry; and say about the move: "The new intramural one sure to be a favorite among males and program is designed to cater more to the females alike, IM Scoping. Letters policy interests of Duke students. We're going to have all kinds of students competing, even In other IM news, the annual Duke The Chronicle cherishes letters from its readers. Please address all letters to Perkins regulars will come out of Memorial Throats (those who go out of the Editorial Council, Box 4696 Duke Station, or via campus mail to Third hibernation to show people what they've their way to ruin someone else's work to Floor Flowers Building. The Chronicle attempts to print promptly all letters it got." get themselves a better grade — derived from "cut-throat") vs. Nerds (those who receives, but will make certain exceptions. The first intramural activity of the spend all their time working — need I The Chronicle wilt not print letters which are not typed, triple-spaced on a revamped program will be Organic define this one?) Race is well underway, 45-space line; letters which are not signed with the legal name, class or Compound Synthesis. Each competitor and is likely to be as exciting this year as department, campus address and phone number(s) ofthe author(s); or letters will be given a certain compound to make usual. As always, team strategies show judged to be libelous. The Chronicle will withhold an author's name if his/her from given starting materials, with no polar variation, with the Nerds opting for request is accompanied by some valid reason. rules governing the process used. IM maximum defensive strategies while the The Chronicle reserves the right to refuse letters dedicated to the trophy points will be awarded based on Throats mount an efficient, and favorable exposition of marketable goods, services, organizations or events; purity and yield. Competition is open only sometimes spontaneous, offensive threat. letters containing racial, ethnic or sexual slurs, inside jokes or personal to-those who haven't received an A grade At present, the Nerds are already strongly innuendos; vulgar or incomprehensible letters; letters over 400 words; or large in organic chemistry lab. in the lead. numbers of letters representing the same viewpoint on a particular issue. Another offering will be IM Economics. The Chronicle will edit all letters for clarity and correct usage, and reserves In this competition, which will be The coach of the Nerds, too busy the right to expurgate obscene words or phrases. Appeals to decisions on organized into a season rather than a studying to give his name, mumbled a few letters may be made to the editorial council, whose decision is final. The tournament, participants must predict words while breaking in a new Hi-liter Chronicle regrets that it cannot guarantee a specific date for printing any what the prime rate will be each week pen. . . "We'reusinggameplans proven to letter, it also cannot acknowledge or return, either printed or unprinted letters. during the 10-week season. IM trophy be winners in the past," he said, "like points will be awarded according to preparing outlines for final papers soon Unsigned editorials represent the majority view of the editorial council. percentage of answers correct. after syllabi are handed out in September, Signed editorials, columns and cartoons represent the views of their authors. Other new intramural sports are: IM working a minimum of nine hours each Differentiation and Integration; IM weekday, a minimum of 16 hours on >ttes and sexism Fear of Failing with whom I have spoken enjoy living with freshmen and are happy not to have To the edit council: to compete socially (or otherwise) with Re: Ms. Mackay's letter ("Save East") of upperclassmen while they are "at home." Oct. 7 I do not look upon a primarily freshman Ms. Mackay, I can certainly understand East as a potential failure. Nor do I see it your negative feelings toward a as an unrealistic, self-serving attempt by predominantly freshman East Campus in the administration to increase alumni that you would be losing your "home" as contributions under the guise of the you now know it. However, I must take promotion of class unity. Rather, it is a issue with your contention that the realistic alternative which could provide predominantly freshman campus idea is a future freshman classes with a sense of poor one judging by the "failure" of Trent. class identity which they otherwise Trent is far from an experimental (unless they were fortunate enough to failure. In my opinion, converting Trent have lived in Trent) might not have 'WEN YGUCANT SEE THE TREE R^TR£.SMQG,THEN I SAY |T$ into an all-freshman co-ed dorm was an experienced at Duke. TIME TO GST K\D OF T^E P&M' TI&5!' extremely intelligent housing decision. I Debbie Carpenter '81 lived in Trent my freshman year and am fortunate to be able to live here again my David L. Miller senior year as a resident advisor. Far from avoiding Trent, I welcomed the opportunity to live here again because it provided such a positive and supportive Physical ed. in a liberal ed. freshman year experience. There are many advantages to living in The recommendation that the intercollegiate athletics have mushroomed recommendation hopes to appease those Trent. Cohesiveness among freshmen University retrench the Department of in the past several decades, physical frustrated factions by retrenching the becomes surprisingly strong in a short Health, Physical Education and education has declined. Perhaps we feel closest available department: physical period of time. Yes, many friendships are Recreation seems unfortunate and ill- that if our basketball team is ranked in the education. This is not a criticism of the initially based upon a "we're-all-in-this- advised. The letter from the members of top 20 then that is a sound commentary on University's athletic department. Tt, too, is together" attitude; but considering the that department in the Oct. 3 Chronicle the overall physical health of our student an important facet of the Duke immediate loneliness and insecurity that was an apparent effort to garner support body. We are a nation of spectators, taking community. The athletic adminstration many freshmen feel upon arriving at from students. Students need to be our pleasure vicariously. Josiah Bunting, has clearly stated the goal of providing Duke, Trent provides comfort and concerned with this issue hut there is president of Hampden-Sydney College in better athletic facilities and opportunities security, a cohesiveness peculiar to an all- another group on campus that should be Va., has commented on the relationship for all undergraduates and no doubt now freshman dormitory. alarmed by this recommendation. That between the rise of spectatorism in this openly supports the physical education My principal contention is this: group is the undergraduate faculty. country and our national lack of resolve in department. foreign affairs. Freshmen do not lose out by not living A liberal arts education is an elusive Retrenchment is necessary in some with upperclassmen. To the contrary, thing to define, and in fact may differ from An inconsistency exists between the areas of the University and the idea has class unity is fostered by the absence of individual to individual. The historical University's treatment of athletics and certainly heightened our awareness ofthe upperclassmen in Trent. I have received antecedents of liberal education all paid physical education. To a very small necessity of being more frugal. no complaints of Trent as an impersonal clear attention to the development of the minority of students who are gifted Nevertheless, some things are simply or segregated dorm. Much to the contrary, physical self and the relationship between athletes we say, "Yes, we love to watch you worth paying for. Health and physical the reaction to Trent has been psychological well-being and physical perform. If you let us watch you use your education need to be an integral and _Qverwhelmingly positive. Most students well-being. In liberal arts colleges, it has talents, we will give you four free years of important part of every liberal arts been the traditional prerogative of the quality education." To the overwhelming education. faculty to outline minimum requirements majority of paying students we say, "No, Students ought to be concerned about which guarantee that each graduate we will not give you credit for learning the recommendation to retrench the obtains a liberal education, and it has been about or developing your physical self. It is health and physical education fashionable in the past several decades to not important." In a retrenchment department. Undergraduate faculty place decreasing importance on physical atmosphere, millions of dollars spent on members should do something about it. itual race development. This trend has persisted big-time athletics is bound to create some despite clear indications of national resentment. The University's athletic Editor's note—David L. Miller is an Saturday and Sunday, and boycotting all health problems: cardiovascular diseases department does not seem threatened by associate director of the Office of social functions. I take roll at the library are our number one killer, venereal disease retrenchment so it may be that this exit every Saturday night at closing time. is rampant, obesity is the norm. Undergraduate Admissions. Any team member leaving with less than 20 pounds of books is put on probation. I Libera] education has the responsibility The editorial council meeting for Sunday, Oct. 26, has been rescheduled. We also check for writer's cramp, eyestrain to provide basic education about the will meet at 9 p.m. in the Chronicle office. At this time, we will consider our and backache — three signs of a truly physical self. The most severe blow to endorsement of a presidential candidate. dedicated player." health and physical education in the All candidates appearing on the North Carolina ballot will be represented. The Throat's coach talked at length recent past has been the removal of the All those who have been staff members or employees ofthe Chronicle for at about his team's game strategy while requirement at many colleges and least one semester are eligible to vote; the meeting is open to all. sitting in the Hideaway Bar. "We've got universities. Yes, the courses are still Anyone interested in representing a particular candidate, please contact the some goodies up our sleeves this year," he available, but they are filled with those editorial pages editor, Ilene Reid, at x-6588 immediately. claimed. Though he was necessarily who need it least. A student who really reluctant to give details, he noted that needs physical education will sign up for great strides have been made toward unrequired physical education courses at Throating in departments other than about the same rate as a poor writer will The Chronicle Biology, Chemistry and other Natural sign up for unrequired English Composition courses — rarely. A liberal Sciences, including, among others, a tape Editor: Scott McCartney education at Duke staunchly requires a Night editor: Jeff Davis scramble in the Language Lab. "Wait till Managing editor/editorial: Lisa Regensburg rudimentary acquaintance with literature Wire editor: Jane Hassell those Frenchies get ready to take dictation Managing editor/production: Cindy Brister Copy editors: Scott McCartney, and the history of civilization, for and instead get an earful of an Intro- Business manager: Chris Moser Jon Rosenblum example, but completely ignores learning Arabic quiz . . ."The Throat's coach also Advertising manager: Donna Parks Watchdog: Lisa Regensburg plans to utilize "tried and true" methods of about our bodies, which are the very Ad production manager; Todd Jones Associate news editors: Mark Ayanian. the past: chiefly, bragging, gloating, essence of our existence. Removing credit Aeolus editor: Annette Tucker Jordan Feiger prying, stealing, lying, buying and from physical education is a clear message Arts editor: Cynthia Camlin Assistant arts editor: Katy Berheim buttering. from the University that these courses are Editorial page editor: Ilene Reid Assistant sports editor: Mitch Mitchelson not worthwhile. Nothing could be more Features editor: Erica Johnston Assistant edit page editor: Rob Cohen Though clearly out in front at the time of incorrect. News editors: Jon Rosenblum, Loren Weil Composition: Judy Mack this report, the Nerds cannot blow off Photography editor: Scott Inman Paste-up: Nina Gordon, Ilene Reid and enjoy their lead (not that they will Something else is operating here, and Sports editors: Dave Fassett, Andy Rosen Ad salespersons: Melanie Jones, Johnnie Little anyway), because the Throats customarily that is the apparent confusion between Supplement editor: Margaret Donnelly Ad production manager: Donna Parks mount their most intense offense quite late physical education and athletics. In in the running. This year seems to be no contrast to the physical education courses Reporters: Steve Bauir , Margaret Egier, Khaaryn Goertzel, Carolyn Park. Ilene Reid exception. "If all else fails," said the offered at Duke, the revenue-producing Throat's coach, "we have five optional sports offer almost no lifelong carry-over Incompletes to pull when the going gets value for the participants. It is a curious tough." phenomenon that as big-time Page Ten The Chronicle Tuesday, October 21, 1980 New wave film crashes and a partially deaf, heroin-addicted, Pete Townshend By Margaret Egler look-alike saxaphonist who is the only refreshing Behold what Man has done. character in the film. There's not a world for anyone Nobody laughs, nobody cries Once the band has played together for a few weeks, World at an end, everyone's died . . . and has payed its proverbial "dues" by playing for a bunch of Neo-Nazi skinheads at a North London dive. President Carter's lates warning about the Danny decides it's time for the band to pursue a consequences of a Reagan Presidency? No, merely the recording career. Kate, however, would rather not lyrics of one of the songs written and shrieked by become part of "the system." Following a brief Hazel O'Conner in Paramount's new wave musical discussion Kate sells out and the recording sessions Breaking Glass, starring, of all people, Hazel begin. O'Conner. To quote an overpublicized new wave composer: "there are some things you can't cover up A hectic two-week rise to stardom is helped by a riot with lipstick and powder." The technically polished which Kate's song "Black Man" incited as she surface of Breaking Glass eannot hide the film's loose performed it for Neo-Nazis at a "Rock against 1984" ends and hackneyed themes. rally. Kate becomes the recipient not only of guilt for a boy's death in the riot, but also of loving adulation O'Connor, an obscure British new wave artist, plays from millions of misguided teenagers. It seems that a Kate, an even more obscure British new wave artist. few deaths at a concert is the surest route to success. who divides her time between writing her song lyrics Kate and Breaking Glass are soon superstars, on the walls of subways and singing to unappreciative complete with gold records, groupies and drughabits. audiences in sleazy London bars. Sheis discovered by As the film climaxes, it seems that Kate has reached a Danny (Phil Daniels), a would-be rock manager and crucial decision. Will she continue as Rock's new record chart fixer for Overlord Records. Danny goddess? Or will she just O.D. to escape the hassles of convinces Kate that she can be a star if he becomes her life? The movie abruptly ends and the audience does manager. The two audition musicians for Kate's new not know what will happen to Kate except that she'll back-up band. What they finally dredge up are two eventually go hoarse. COURTFSY non-descript guitarists, a typically insane drummer, PARAMONT PICTURES See 'Breaking Glass' on page 12 Hazel O'Connor, Phil Daniels in 'Breaking Glass.'

TOPPIX THE Daily Crossword by >.«* L *«*.,.

ACROSS 35 Rooter 60 Rose lover 27 Quickly 36 Bird 61 Roofing 28 La Scale's 5 Foolish 40 Edible material site 10 Farm tuber 62 Twist about 29 Group vehicle 41 Edible 63 007 customs 14 Seed cover fungus 64 Fathered 30 "—andhis 15 Habitation 42 Building 65 Crimean money-" 16 Salmagundi river 31 Majorca 17 Flower 43 Cards seaport 20 Foxy 45 Storage DOWN 32 Derisive 21 Chi-chi 1 Footwear expression 22 Church 47 "Soap" name 2 Soviet sea 34 Rich cake sections 48 Big bundle 3 Garden 37 Damage 23 Request 49 Soviet- bloom 38 Debatable 24 Affectation Chinese 4 Ivy Leaguer 39 Looking 26 Bactrians 5 Props up for work 29 Snares 52 Use a 6 Body 44 Dramatized 33 Sacred bull passage 45 Stored away of Egypt 53 Southeast 7 Feeble 46 City in 34 Ranger's Asians 8 Greek Nevada pal 56 Hymn letter 48 Copper 9 Affirmative 49 King of esterday s Puzzle Solved 10 Gary or Alice Israel 50 Western A ii a R.'AID'I il 1 A M 11 European i: i t 1}, R [jo •Jl 1?'1 M t. wolf I F [ ,' i K 0 F H F mecca 51 One of a I II i: AT El II G E ,S 12 Mature pair II i I.EIII S UB 13 Trifles 52 Excel I: N I! SME N 1 •M s 18 —out 53 Exaggerated I r a •AIL D II 1 M V A 1 (quarrel) 54 Lily family N :: Vt r- INCI F H n 19 Sky pilot t l • iliA 1 A 1) 1 1 s ! 23 Pain in 55 Willow U • C|A I jNIIS I 1 genus • A the neck : !l G 3JF I I' 57 Kind Of s I A [Ml I BP'A h1 !1- A1 24 Type of curve i- C;D N N G T 0 W t (tl truck 58 MacGraw i •J h ft s F 1 HF 25 Hep u I 1 s I.A E| H s 26 Henry — 59 World - h Lodge

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© 1980 by Chicago Tribune-N.V. News Synd. Inc. All Rights Reserved Tuesday, October 21, 1980 The Chronicle Page Eleven Breaking Glass Happiness is . By Khaaryn Goertzel By Ilene G. Reid Snoopy did not suffer from the drawbacks of Breaking Glass is surprisingly good. The film depicts If when asked to complete the phrase, having a fuzzy face. the musical prostitution of Kate, a committed new "Happiness is . . .," you think of a scenario from Jeffrey Rich's Linus was ambivalently wave musician who is eventually so manipulated by the Peanuts comic strips, then you should not miss portrayed: while the character is known for his the rock industry that she loses both talent and Hoof 'n' Horn's latest production. The theater wisdom-greater- than-his-years, Rich's integrity. group's revival ofthe off-Broadway revue, You're performance was, at times, too wide-eyed. Paul The role of Kate is flawlessly played by Hazel a Good Man Charlie Brown — based on Charles Batsel's Schroeder also differed from the O'Connor. Other outstanding performances are given M. Schulz's popular comic strip — is successful, personality associated with the character. by Phil Daniels as Kate's manager, best known in though simple. Perhaps this was the fault of the script, for America for his portrayal of Jimmy in Quadrophenia. The show's problems are not with this Schroeder, rather than being the detached artist, and Jonathan Pryce as the sensitive junkie production but with Clark Gesner's book. Gesner's was used as an extra personality. And Jean saxophonist. What makes Breaking Glass such an script plays on audience familiarity with the strip; Carter's Patty was ill-defined and. as an obsolete effective film is its honest portrayal of the music Peanuts fans will find themselves able to recite character replaced by Peppermint Patti, missed industry and British youth subculture. The scenes of along with the cast. The series of vignettes and the advantages of familiarity. conflict between youth factions are chilling, and musical numbers highlight each character's most The play's good humor shines through its indicate much of the violence and discontent that famous foibles: Charlie Brown and the little red­ inspired the original punk movement. musical numbers. The pas de deux that Jeff Rich's headed girl; Linus and his blanket; Lucy and her Linus dances with his blanket ("My Blanket and Sadly, the film begins to deteriorate towards the end, crabby personality; Schroeder and Beethoven; Me") is on a par with vintage Fred Astaire. when the musical establishment begins its Snoopy and the Red Baron. Snoopy's celebration ofhis dinner ("Suppertime") transformation of Kate and her group. The film's Hoof 'n' Horn's production is among the best I is also one of the joyful moments ofthe production. credibility breaks down, as her producer sculpts her have seen of this show. Aided by the intimacy of And the entire cast can be proud of the round-robin into a glitter-rock figure. While much of new wave is Fred Theater, the cast members were convincing "Book Report." certainly selling out, it is highly unlikely that a return in their portrayals of familiar faces. Of particular Jim Luigs' direction was smooth and fast-paced. to Bowiesque posing would gain the popularity that merit is the casting of round-faced Robert Dean The characters glided comfortably on and off­ Kate's performances did. Bays as the round-headed Charlie Brown, stage or loitered as action went on around them. Despite weaknesses, Breaking Glass offers an although some of Bays' characterization missed The musical accompaniment, directed by Mike accurate picture of the music industry and an the pathetic side of Charlie Brown's sad sack Kosarin, gave the production a light, happy unsettling view of British youth culture. Brilliantly character. Catherine Geiger's Lucy was feeling and provided easy transitions between the casted by a number of young actors, this is definitely a wonderfully crabby and Chuck Wojkiewicz's musical numbers. film to see. SpectrunP • .• Engineering AIH - Executive Council meeting 7 photographer Marshall Nack TODAY Performing Arts Committee - p.m. AIH Office. 1112 West Union Fast Campus Gallery - A ASIH' - Legislative meetinE 7 p.m Kilgo Federation - Norman meeting IMO p.m. 201 Flower*, SPECTRUM POLICY: 204B East Ouke. Guttman at Kilgo's Sludent-Fsrullv Pi B.-1a Phi-meeting!, in pm I2fi r Graphic Eve Gallery of NY Gatherings and other announcements may be Chi Omega - <•*<•. meeting -. p.m Hour &« p.m. Broughton Parlor Sue-. Psych placed in SPECTRUM, provided that the •121 Perkins Ahroad Spring 1SW1 semesir TOMORROW Meeting rC.TOpm ?2."i Windsor ASni' Arlvisr.rv Commit I,,, to ih. Duke Students For Life - Anne available in 107 Allen Deadl following rules are followed. All items to be run in SPECTRUM must be typed on a form meeting 9 pm. 226 Perkins. • available at the Chronicle office, Third Floor p.m Windsor Commons Comparative Area Studies Geology Majors — meeting wiih faculty 4 p.m. Flowers. Announcements are limited to 20 Special Events Comittee •>(" th? History Majors - Preregistration Center for International Studies. 2101 exchange for learning lo pnddli words. Do not type items in all capital letters. Union - mt'.'ting 2(17 Flower* fi p m M.-el ing "pm Few Federalir.n Campus Dr. call soon. Proif-H Wild Staff - m.-.-tinj! B:.ltl Items must be submitted before 2 p.m. the day Debate Society — "Open Forum GENERAL Luce Scholars Program on retrenchment !2:.10.1i^0 p.m. main Harrv S. Truman Scholarship post-baccalaureate vear of worl before they to be run, and should be run only the Christim. Sci.-nce Organization quad near Union. in East Asia. Interested seniors. day before and the day of an event. GENERAL - mrtly nwtiiiiif, p.m -117 Perkins npplicalions available in 107 Allen A E Phi — ntudy hri-ak B:-10* p.m Sky Devils - weekly meeting 7:1,0 Scholarship deadline' Wed and professional school student items will run for three days and must then be p.m. for all mem hers and all interested to 107 Allen hv October 20. Ipledftes 10:30 p.m > ranterhi.ri Cake Race Men and Womc resubmitted. A single group may submit no more r,,mmi.r.s. open for complaints in 101 Union orcnH than one notice per day for each of the three Kappa Alpha ThrtR — mr-riin;,'",::HI .Sci. 30 - Register between lo p.m. Hillel - Open Rnard meeting 7:110 *"rL cheek our listings of liable Junction of Ouke University and SPECTRUM categories. No notice which deals p.m Chapel hasement houses and apartments in the area in View Dr. MS Majors Union -orsjanizufinna 101 Union Off-Campus Housing Archery Tournament Mr with money or advertises an event which mrrtinnfii-'WIp.n. 229 Stir Sri. French Cluh - brganVat.ional Locator x-2182. Women - Entries close Thurs charges admission will be allowed. B.S.U. Christian Fellowship - A.S.C.F. - I ecturr. Series: "How 1, West Campus Gallery 101 Flowers Entries and information avail} Prayer Breakfast ft ,,. rhn,.e SPECTRUM is run on a space-available basis. m Oive n Presentation" :VM p.m. lloA Exhibit '-Wall-scapes- hy NVC East Campus Gym and Card G CLASSIFIEDS

St-ereos for less. Beat ANY For Sale Wanted POUND: Keychain hy East Ex-mental health workers, BEGINNING YOGA. Relax price. All brands. Call Forrest For Kale: Exxon gas: regular Campus bus stop. Brown medical students, counseling after a hard day! 8 sessions in at x-0307 or write Student Wanted: Non-smoking males $1.14 9/10. ur.ieac.ed $1.21 transparent plastic hutterfly students, etc. Mental Health 4 weeks. Starts Oct. 27 at Services Company, 4256 Duke as subjects in. paid EPA 9/lCI. Couch's Exxon, 1S10W with manvkevs.Call x-7126 to Care Delivery project needs Durham YWCA. Call 688- Station. Durham N.C. 27706. breathing experiments on the Markha fr< experienced interviewers to 4396. ^^_ - UNC-CH campus. Total time claim. Kwik Kar Wash r Personals commitment is 10-15 hours, conduct about 8 half-hour FOUND: Gray and white The Conference on Career East Campus. Special: $1 off including a free physical intake interviews at Butner. My chicken noodle; Cheer up. kitten in Duke Manor Area. If Choices is looking for Kwik Kar Wash with 5 gal. examination. Pay is $5/hr now through February. toots. Trade you a chocolate yours or would like to adopt, someone to chair minim urn purchase of ga s. and travel expenses are Flexible scheduling; transporta- Chip for a smile. I-oye, Clam call 286-4401 evenings, that will coordinate reimbursed. We need healthy provided; $10 plus per '78 FIAT 128. 2 dr.. 4 spd.. ex. Chowder. ______mornings. advertising and dissem: cond. Dark blue. Careful males, ages 18-40 with no men Le of information. If yt We said ytm were wrong J.J. maintenance. Reg. gas & m allergies, and no hay fever Help Wanted number at 286-5479. iterested. sign up i Phillv all the way. - GM and Call Chapel Hill collect for mpg. $2,895. Call days 682- Wanted: Nonsmoking males OVERSEAS JOBS - Summer Urn SLR. more information 986-1253 6714 or 286-1816 after 6p.m. as suhjects in paid EPA und. Eur. S. Friday. Oct. 24. NEED YOUR CAR JUMPED? Amer.. Australia, Asia. All Bermuda hag. hardly used, For Rent/Sublet breathing experiments on the Call Chuck Quinn. Yes. that's UNC-CH campus. Total time fields. $50G-$1.200 monthly. and 5 covers (winter and Suhlet: Two bedroom apart­ Trivia Question right, it will only cost you your commitment is 10-15 hours, Expenses paid. Sightseeing summer). Reasonable offers ment. Chapel Towers. Only a Here is the first in a series of own set of flame-on jumper including a free physical Free info. Write: IJC. Rox 52- accepted, x-1106 after 10 p.m. few blocks from campus. 1 :il '•, three questions from Vem cables and the battery of your examination. Pay is $5/hr. We NC2. Corona Del Mar. Ca. or hefore noon. Morreen Road. Call Gloria, Fagin nf the Duke Law School car. Contact — the C.I. or your need healthy males, age 18-40. 92625 684-5509. 383-3832. What was the 39th state to he TREK 311 10-speed bicycle. 22 local light-weight extension^ with no allergies and no hay 1 /2 " frame, alloy components, admitted to the Union"?Thisis Ginger — As weekends go. last Lost/Found fever. Call Chapel Hill collect Announcements weighs 28 lbs. Virtually new. a little tricky, so examine one seemed like an eternity. LOST: NECKI.ACE (prohahly for more information. 966- Excellent buy at $275 471- The musical comedy You're a those history hooks closely: We missed you — welcome near West bus stop,; small 1253. • 8648, nights. Good Man Charlie Broun wll and stay tuned to this column hack. Love. B.B. ant[ Fred_P. orange stone with thin gold CHILDCARE HELP needed be presented by Hoof 'n' Horn for more from virtuous Vern 1977 YAMAHA XS 500. chain'. Reward. Call dav 684- NO ONE WILL TELL- Sneak for 3-' & 8-year-old girls. this weekend. Oct. 24-26 at Fagin. excellent condition, efficient, 2224. night 477-0287. away — enjoy our peace of Davtime on Saturdays. 5 8:15 in Fred Theatre located convenient, and fun transporta­ mountain. Spend an intimate Yesterday's Answer FOUND: Hand calculator hours at S3.50/hr. Holly Hill next to Page Auditorium. A tion. $895. Call after 5 p.m.. 489- weekend by the fireside in case with instructions in 208 Apts.. 383-6062. spr. rial .•ill Mickey Mantle hit 266 balls 0613. _ secluded hideaways in the over the outfield wall of Language Bldg. on Oct. 1. Kitchen help needed at performed Sunday.Oct. 26 at 2 Great Smokies. $30 for 2.35 for Yankee Stadium winning him For Sale: 1975 Honda Civic. 4- 198n.Clmmat 20:" languages. Oriental House Restartant. p.m. Ticket price is only $4 at 4 nightlv. Mountain Brook if having the speed. 55.000 miles, regular FOUND: initialed Cross pen Part-time and full-time night. $3 matinee, ticket.* Cottages. Rt. 2. Box -301. available at Page Box Office life-i gas. $2100. Call Greensboro. by W. Campus bus stop. Call positions available. Apply in Sylva N.C 704-586-1329 and on rhe Quad. i her 273-4512. fi84-T48i> person; 108 Morgan St. Page Twelve The Chronicle Tuesday, October 21, 1980 'Breaking Glass': old plot, slick surface Continued from page 10 hard life in London's slim band, girl gets recording contract, girl festivities before the first showing. First The makers of the film seem Unfortunately, the second half of the gets famous, girl loses boy, girl gets drug a four-by-four foot piece of glass was convinced that no message can be film js less successful. Once Kate is habit. broken in front ofthe theatre and each expressed without a few hard taken away from the roots of her music Breaking Glass opened last night at viewer was given an unbreakable. metaphoric blows to the viewer. It is not the story becomes predictable and the the Yorktown theatre billed as the plastic Breaking Glass cup (ah, the enough that one of the record producers film becomes nothing more than a "World Premiere" and there were some subtle ironies of the movie business). has to ask Kate if she's an anarchist (as punked-out version of Coal Miner's ifitweren'tobviousinhersongs).buthe Daughter. The only difference between asks her to define an anarchist. The Kate and Loretta Lynn is about five writer must be looking out for al! of us decibals. Breaking Glass could have illiterates in the audience. made a serious statement about the QSSB In contrast, the film's editing is sharp origins and motives of new wave. The Presents: and precise. The jarring visual images makers, however, seem only too REEV//\TER and music work well together to depict satisfied to continue the same old theme: the anger in O'Connor's music and the girl meets boy, girl gets boy, girl gets In the Historical British Cinema Series Keith Cushman, associate professor of English at the A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS A f tV\ \ f University of North Carolina-Greensboro, will speak at Dir. by Fred Zinneman. X 11 LUll 12:30p.m. and 8p.m. as part of the D.H. Lawrence Series. Starring Paul Scofield, Robert Shaw and Orson Welles. An exquisite and moving porrrayal of SirThomasMore, the English statesman, author I ond Saint who suffered martyrdom at the hands of j Henry VIII. From the play by Robert Bolt. 7:00 and 9:30 Biological Sciences Audirorium Free to Undergraduates with Semester Enrollmenr Card and Student I.D. Anyone else $1.50 Please refrain from Earing, Drinking, or Smoking in the audirorium, rhank you.

iiiimtnimiiiimimiiiiiTtriiTinnii Parent's Weekend Friday, October 24 9:30, Baldwin Auditorium PRESENT PRESENTS STEVE FORBERT James Hall FRIDAY, OCT. 24 10:30 P.M. - • mm mmm _?f* A 50-YEAR RETROSPECTIVE Mjgj Page Auditorium sS> Jks fflfa OF POLITICAL CAMPAIGN COMMERCIALS ^T Tickets: $5 & 6 Undergraduates; $6 & 7 general public Tickets on sale Fri., Oct. 17

Fifty Years of U.S. History—The Depression, The Cold War, The Bomb, Civil Rights, Vietnam, the Peace Movement, Law & Order, Nuclear Energy, —in a 70-minute original collection of political' and cam­ FRIDAY, NOV. paign television commercials and short films. 8:00 P.M. PLUS "A Political Cartoon" AND Page Auditorium Betty Boop for President Jimmy the C. Polly Tix in Washington Tickets $5.50 & 6.50 AtMidnigw Ronald Reagan in Hell's Kitchen undergraduates; $6 & 7 general FREE TO UNDERGRADS AND PARENTS—OTHERS $1.50 public Tickets on sale Mon., Oct. 20 !lHm...< •••• »»«•»•». •»•! atttla. TaTTl ITU TW%* . » ll'» Tuesday, October 21, 1980 The Chronicle Page Thirteen NBA West: Kings and Lakers will dominate Editors' note: This is the final part of starting lineups in the league. Center the Chronicle's T980-81 National is a dominating force, Basketball Association season preview. and his control ofthe boards opens the By Marc Rubinstein way for high-scoring Calvin Murphy WESTERN CONFERENCE and Rudy Tomjanovich to do their Midwest Division — Despite their thing. If the bench provides some failure to sign first-round draft pick Kiki support, the Rockets will shoot for the Vandeweghe, the playoffs. should fare well in their inaugural The Kansas City Kings may have season. Talented center Tom LaGarde is bought themselves a divisional title flanked by Abdul Jeelani and Jerome when they signed free agent center Leon I'Pl PHOTO Whitehead at forward, while Winford Douglas. He is the perfect complement Although former Louisville star Darrell Griffith will join Utah this season, Boynes and Geoff Huston start at guard. for Sam Lacey and gives the Kings more the Jazz will still be playing off key. Former Duke AIl-American Jim of a running game to better suit the Spanarkel provides needed scoring and talents of point guard (you all leadership off the bench. Not a whole lot remember him). Sharpshooters Scott of talent, but not too shabby for an Wedman and furnish the expansion team. bulk of the scoring, while Douglas' The must be joking. teammate from the University of • ROMANO'S PIZZA They are trying to fool the rest of the Alabama, Reggie King, helps clear the league by starting mighty Kim Hughes boards. • "THE REAL THING" — the only man in history who can say As many teams have already learned. that he shot 41 percent from the free winners aren't built with a strong throw line and improved 14 percent over backcourt and an inept front line. • SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNT! • his previous season — at forward and Unfortunately, the San Antonio using Glen "Gondo" Gondrezick as a Spurs, who let forward Larry Kenon Pick up your Special Pizza Discount Card "sparkplug" off the bench, while at the slip away and traded center Billy Paultz same time trying to win baUgames. Tf to Houston, are now attempting to defy 10% off year round not for the presence of David Thompson, Luncheon Special: M-F 11 a.m.-3 p.m. such logic. They will soon find out that possibly the premier player in the even the Iceman, George Gervin, can league, the Nuggets might be accused of Open 7 days Call 489-2932 for fast pick-up trying to get the first pick in next year's only score so many points. Maybe new- Th: 11 a.m.-11 p.m. 1304 University Dr. coach Stan Albeck can teach center F-Sat: 11 a.m.-12p.n Across trom draft. Sun: 4 p.m.-10 p.m. Forest Hills Shopping Center George Johnson that the round object Even after the departure of Rick Barry does indeed fit through that elevated to the broadcast booth, the Houston hoop. Maybe not. Rockets suit up one of the better See Suns on page 14 •Hill mil

,ss *JV' "Isn't there ^^K^^X &*> something we Beginning Monday S*»^' can. appear to be doing?" oQ October 20 0°' Henry Cabot Lodge [ 6,t* Appear to Be CALL •fXO* ' Doing in 1981

Many Calendars to keep track id*,e s 00'^ of the year! To fill each itfW* day with doings! *f.°'^ ,es We have only FOR p«* a limited supply so A one-minute tape pfi please shop early. of all campus menus

next to Page Auditorium near the Chapel

illlllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli Page Fourteen The Chronicle Tuesday, October 21, 1980 Suns ready to rise There Continued from page 13 . Second, they moved The , feature two of the speedy Walter Davis to the backcourt Is a < most talented players in the league, with Johnson, creating a true dynamic difference!!! and super-rookie duo. And, of course, no one can forget Darrell Griffith. They also possess such Truck Robinson at forward (he just PREPARE FOR intimidating forces as center Ben won't let you). MCAT*DAT* Poquette and forward Alan Bristow in Tbe Portland Trail Blazers have a LSAT • SAT • their starting lineup. So much for the good nucleus of young players, but may Utah Jazz. just be a year away from going past the GRE • GMAT • Predicted order of finish — Kings, first round of the playoffs. Forwards OCAT • VAT • Rockets, Spurs, Nuggets, Jazz, Calvin Natt and Kermit Washington might be the best combination in the Our broad range ot programs Mavericks. provides an umbrella of test­ Pacific Division — The Golden league. Center Mychal Thompson and ing know how that enables us State Warriors might not make it to rookie guard Kelvin Ransey, however, to offer Ihe best preparation have yet to show they can compete with [PI PHOTtf the playoffs, but that will not come from course is taken. Our42nd year a lack of scoring. Lloyd "All-World" Free the big boys. Dennis Johnson hopes shine for the of experience and success. and know how to put the Any hopes that the San Diego this year. Smalt classes. Voluminous home study materials. Courses ball in the hoop, and rookie Joe Barry Clippers had of making the playoffs that are constantly updated. Carroll can do it all. With -man snapped along with the bones in Bill j Sportsbits Permanent centers open days, evenings & weekends all year. John Lucas leading the Warrior attack, Walton's foot. Rookie coach Paul Silas Complete tape facilities tor all they have to do is remember to get .still has a few talented players, like Phil The Duke men's golf review of class lessons and tor back on defense. Ah, but there lies the Smith and rookie Michael Brooks, with team holds an eightstroke use of supplementary materi­ tricky part. . . which to form a competitive team, but lead after one round in the als Make-ups for missed les- Kings Mill Invitational While nobody questions the value of The Franchise has once again collapsed. tournament being held in ECFMG • FLEX Earvin "Magic" Johnson to the Los Tbe addition of Westphal gives the Williamsburg, Va. Duke's Medical Angeles Lakers, the key to the success Seattle Supersonics just what they do NAT'L MEDICAL & Charles Bowling is in first School DENTAL BOARDS of the team is still the big man in the not need — another high-scoring guard. place with a one under par middle, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. As When they learn to revolve the offense 71. UNC-Charlotte's Flexible Programs & Hours Jabbar continues to roll, so roll the around forwards and Chris Tucker is only one Lakers. John Johnson and center . stroke back. Blue Devil .Stoii&u-R The Phoenix Suns made two moves the Sonics will return to the top of the Paul Bryan shot a 75 i textbooks, with KftPUlN this summer that could make them heap. Monday. UNCC is in EDUCATIONAL CENTER contenders for the Lakers' crown. First, Predicted order of finish — Lakers, second place followed by 3700 Chapel Hill Blvd. they traded All-Star guard Paul Suns. Sonics, Blazers, Warriors, Maryland, William and I Executive Park. Bldg. E teachers, modern facilities. N.C. 27707 PH. 489- Westphal to Seattle for All-Star guard Clippers. Mary and Old Dominion. Universidad Del Noreste The Duke field hockey 120East4lSt.NY.NY10017 (212) 594-6589 j team meets Pfeiffer today. or 232-3784 Tbe squad currently holds L Tabron wins national honor a 3-5 record. or 232-3784 J

yards for a touchdown. Blue Devil defensive back Dennis The 5-10, 176-pound junior from Dunn Tabron was named the Sports was also credited with six tackles from Illustrated national defensive player of his cornerback position. the week for his performance against Daniels was credited with nine tackles Clemson. and one pass interception in UNC's 28-8 Tabron and North Carolina victory over North Carolina State. linebacker Calvin Daniels have been named defensive players of the wepk in A 6-3, 231-pound junior from the Atlantic Coast Conference, the Goldsboro, Daniels also was credited league announced Monday. with two assists and two blocked passes Tabron intercepted three Clemson as the seventh-ranked Tar Heels passes and returned them for a captured their sixth win of the season conference-record 128 yards and one without a defeat. touchdown. He also helped clinch Several other Duke players are in Duke's first win ofthe 1980 season when contention for other ACC individual he returned one of the three thefts 87 honors this week.


Attention History Students Pre-registration Meeting Wednesday, October 22 Few Fed 9:00 p.m. Majors, freshmen and anyone interested in taking history are encouraged to attend. —Refreshments—

rtrrrcrrriTrrtrrrcrcrrrtrrrtrr! Tuesday, October 21, 1980 The Chronicle Page Fifteen Devil's Advocate For Red, a deserved smile ^Mike Alix

For the first time this season, Red greeted by representatives of all local while, and then maybe you'd have some and that is a good sign. Probably more Wilson was able to laugh at his weekly television stations — a phenomenon appreciation for what we're doing," he than anything, Wilson wants, and press conference. And if the air that can be linked solely to Duke's said. needs, support. All Saturday's game did surrounding that conference is any surprise win in Death Valley. So, having cleared one hurdle and was capture the attention of the indication of what's in store for the Duke notched a conference win, the coach was So he had every right to smile, to students, and in fact many other college football team, then let the opponents candid and cautiously optimistic as he football fans, for a moment. Unless the beware. laugh, to joke with the press. Duke had reflected on Saturday's victory and won a game when it wasn't supposed to, team continues to win, that attention First of all, Wilson was told before his assessed the team's chances for the will be lost, something Wilson is trying and Wilson, who had played the remainder of 1980. noon press conference that ABC had scapegoat five times this season, finally to avoid. decided to telecast this weekend's Duke- had a chance to play the victor. On the Clemson game, Wilson If nothing else, Wilson and assistant Maryland game. On top of that, Wilson remarked that the "spirit of the players coach Steve Spurrier have brought an was informed that co-captain Dennis Wilson stresses that coaching is not was there and the attitude was super." exciting,football team to Duke, albeit a Tabron was named Sports Illustrated an easy profession, and he's quick to On motivating the players, which is so losing one. "ABC is not showing the college defensive player of the week for point out that the press all too often important when the club is losing: game on Saturday because we're 1-5. It his effort in Duke's 34-17 win at underestimates his job. "I wish all of you "Nobody works on it any harder than we must be something besides our record." Clemson. And finally, Wilson was fthe press] could be coaches for a short do." Wilson said. And on the rest of the schedule, which The coaches have generated consists of five consecutive ACC enthusiasm among the players, and contests: "On paper, . . .the schedule they desperately want to parlay that doesn't look quite as awesome," hut the into fan support, and. eventually, a remaining games feature heated successful football program. rivalries that make the outcomes For now. the Blue Devils must rely on uncertain, Wilson said. confidence and momentum to carry Perhaps the most interesting thing to them through the rest ofthe season, and come out of Wilson's press conference they'll have a lot of people on the was what the coach didn't say. He didn't bandwagon with them, until they fall on say, in any terms, "I told you so." He hard times again. didn't guarantee any more victories. He The Blue Devils play exciting football. simply reiterated his position that the and they may soon play consistently Clemson game proved the Devils have good football. With that in mind, Wilson potential to be a good team. can go on coaching with a well-deserved In short, Wilson wasn't at all cocky — smile.

Against Maryland Devils to play on television Duke's Emmett Tilley (32) wraps up Tiger wide receiver Jerry Gaillard (41) in the Blue Devils' first win of the season. Duke football received what may be its the first such telecast for Duke football biggest boost in several years yesterday in eight years. Network officials in the wake ofthe Blue Devils' first win announced their decision Monday of the season, a 34-17 shocker at morning. Clemson. Afro-American History in the '80's Saturday's Duke-Maryland football Game time for the contest has been game in Wallace Wade stadium will be moved up one hour to 12:35 p.m. to Featured Speaker- televised regionally by ABC Sports — accommodate ABC's schedule.

Earl E. Thorpe There will be another sign-up for Big Four basketball Big Four tournament tickets tomorrow at the Cameron Indoor NCCU Professor Stadium ticket office between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Students sign-up must bring their ID, semester enrollment card and $35- Tues., Oct. 21 1980 Sponsored by the 7:00 p.m. Black Student D Jordan Center Alliance ebate X


2 FORI Complete Seafood Menu > Broiled & Fried Seafood • Salad Bar Daily Luncheon Special Buy one pizza and get Restaurant Hours: • Choice Steaks • Fried Chicken Sun.-Sat. 5-10 p.m. All you can eat pizza plus the second pizza of Mixed Beverages Oyster Bar with Steamed soup and salad. . . $2.49 Beer & Wine Oysters, Scallops. Shrimp, 604 Morratne Rd. equal value. FREE Oyster Bar Hours: Clams, and Oysters on the Sun.-Thurs. 5-10 p.m. Half Shell. (exit off No. 15-501) COUPON GOOD THROUGH 10/31/80 Fri & Sat. 5-11 p.m. 383-6467 2425 Guess Rd. . . 3609 N. Duke St. . . 3648 Chapel Hill Blvd. Page Sixteen The Chronicle Tuesday, October 21, 1980 * * * * * !s_^ssgsssssgsssss&ss w* 5 * * it * "^ WEST CAMPUS DINING HALLS

is putting on a

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