2018-19 Texas Tech Men's Basketball Media Guide

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2018-19 Texas Tech Men's Basketball Media Guide TEXAS TECH • ALL-TIME LETTERMAN LIST Coffey, Milton 1936 Foster, Alex 2014-15 —A— Coffman, Drew 2004-05-06 Fox, Joe 1963 —J— Adams, Luke 2012-13-14-15 Jackson, Chester “Jiggs” 1945, 1948-49-50 Cohadarevic, Darko 2009-10 Francis, Brandone 2017 • RS-18-19 Akin, Dudley 1938 Jackson, Jarrius 2004-05-06-07 Collins, Chad 1992-93-94-95 Franse, Nelson 1980-81 Alderson, Jack 1950-51-52 Jackson, Jordan 2016 Cook, Marshall 1934 Freeman, Claude 1944 Allen, George 1941-42-43 Jackson, Nate 1993 Cook, Trevor 2008-09 Fullerton, Jimmy 1965-66-67 Anderson, Quentin 1982-83-84-85 Jackson, Trency 2013 Cooper, Dale 1944 Furgeson, Royal 1962 Andis, Bob 1941 Jamison, Justin 2015 Cooper, Gionet 1994-95-96-97 Apple, Don 1958-59 Jenkins, Theron 2010 Cooper, Paul 2011 —G— Arenas, Jesus 2002 Jennings, Bubba 1981-82•RS-83-84-85 Cope, Bill 1945 Garrett, Authur “Judge” 1935-36-37 Armstrong, Don 1980 Jennings, Grady 1930 Coppage, Glenn 1928-29 Garrison, Samuel “Slim” 1938 Arrington, Gene 1958-59-60 Jennings, Leslie 1927-28 Corbin, Dan 1936 Gaskin, Olen 1936 Artis, Maurice 1988-89 Johnson, Charles 1982-83 Corprew, DeShawn 2019 Gay, Sean 1986-87-88-89 Ashley, Damon 1992-93 Johnson, David 1970-71-72 Cox, Norman 1941-42-43 Gee, J.T. 1929 Austin, Allen 1991-92-93 Johnson, James 1988-89-90 Craig, Rogdrick 2008-09 Gentry, Allen 1939 Averil, Gracen 1997 Johnson, Miles 1967-68 Crawford, Jerry 1945 Geron, Alvin “Jake” 1939-40-41 Johnson, Tom 1957 Craver, Athol 1946 Gibson, Eugene 1946-47-48-49-50 Johnson, Virgil 1951-52-53 Crews, Alvin 1931-32-33-34 Gibson, Sterling 1956-57 —B— Gilbreath, Byron 1941-42 Johnson, William 1973-74-75 Bailey, Phil 1973-74-75 Crews, Leroy 1934-35, 1937 Giles, Devonne 2004-05 Jones, Deuce 1996-97 Bailey, Stacy 1991-92 Crews, Walter 1947 Gilley, Gabe 1939-40-41-42 Jones, Zach 2011 Bain, T.F. 1938 Crockett, Jaye 2010•RS-11-12-13-14 Gilley, T.L. 1939-40 Baker, Howard 1931 Crowe, Greg 1985-86-87-88 Gilmore, Wilson 1933-34-35 Banks, Jevon 1999 Culver, Jarrett 2018 Gindorf, Bobby 1961-62-63 —K— Banks, William “Whistle” 1943, 1947-48-49 Cummings, Logan 1956-57 Kaberline, Gene 1971-72-73 Glover, Bob 1966 Barnard, Charley 1938 Curry, Herbert 1937 Keller, Kenny 1986•RS-87-88 Gooden, Mike 1962-63-64 Barnes, Brock 1994•RS-95-96-97-98 Kelley, Bill 1936 Gotcher, Toddrick 2012•RS-13-14-15-16 Barriere, Bryan 1986-87 Kelley, Bill 1945-46 Graham, Tyree 2009 Bass, Rodney 2001 —D— Kelley, Larry 1985, 1987 Dale, Brad 1991-92-93 Gray, Josh 2013 Barton, Ardis 1946-47-48-49 Kelsey, Cecil 1930 Dale, Lamont 1991-92 Gray, Justin 2015-16-17-18 Battie, Tony 1995-96-97 Kennard, Brodney 1999-2000 Dalton, L.C. 1929-30-31-32 Green, Truman 1933 Baxter, Joe 1978-79 Kerr, James 1928 Darr, Aud F. 1931-32-33 Grimes, W.J. 1930 Beadle, Adam 1979 Kerr, Jay 1944-45-46-47-48 Davis, Danny 1966 Grissom, Leon 1944 Bechtol, Hubert 1944 Key, Chuck 1957-58-59 Davis, Mark 1972-73-74-75 Grove, Don 1944-45, 1947-48-49 Belchif, George 1949 Key, Dwayne 1960 Davis, Mark 1994-95 Grundy, Scotty 1952 Benford, Tony 1983-84-85-86 Kitchens, Keith 1974-75-76-77 Davis, Mike 2010-11 Grusing, Jonny 1988-89-90-91 Benson, Avery 2018•RS-19 Knolle, Gene 1970-71 Davis, Preston 1958 Guy, Ricky 1981-82 Blackmon, Esten 1954 Kravic, Dejan 2012•RS-13-14 Day, Bobby 1952 Blackshear, DuWayne 1953-54-55-56 Dean, Travis 1926-27 Blackwell, Jan 1944 De Bem, Ricardo 2008 —H— Bolding, Durward 1953-54 Haggard, Jerry 1967-68-69 —L— Dennison, Russell 1926 Lammert, Clark 2012-13-14-15 Bonewitz, Stan 1996-97-98-99 Hale, Billy 1942 Denney, Harold 1963-64-65 Layne, Mario 1999-2000 Bonner, Trent 1965-66-67 Hale, Robert 1935-36-37 Derkowski, James 1973 Lee, Stanley 1976 Bouldin, Bob 1952-53 Hallum, Glen 1963-64-65 Dietering, Earl 1952 Lee, Steve 1959-60 Bowles, Wayne 1947-48-49 Ham, Darvin 1994-95-96 Dillon, Jack “Spider” 1943 Lemon, Neel 1974-75 Brandsma, Thomas 2017 Ham, Donovan 2016 Dobbs, Joe 1967-68-69 Lemmons, John 1961 Brannon, Lee 1945 Hamilton IV, Tommy 2017•RS-18 Doda, Tobin 1983-84-85-86 Lethridge, Zebbie 1994 Brashear, Robert 1989 Hamm, Jason 1995 Dora, Darryl 2004-05-06-07 Levay, Tom 1946 Brewer, Mike 1992 Hannahs, Dusty 2013-14 Doudney, Nathan 2002-03 Lewandowski, Robert 2009-10-11-12 Brewster, Ralph 1978-79-80-81 Hardey, Gene 1945-46-47 Douglas, Ron 1971-72 Lewis, Larry 1967 Bridges, Frank 1935 Hardin, Steve 1968-69-70 Dukes, C.W. 1948-49 Liggins, Rudy 1975-76 Broderick, J.W. 1930 Hart, Benny 1930 Dukes, Grant 1974-75-76-77 Little, David 1979-80 Brown, Barron 1990-91-92-93 Haskins, Paul 1944-45 Duncan, Todd 1988-89 Little, Jack 1951 Brown, Bill 1941 Hastings, Richard 1992 Dunn, Harvey 1931-32-33 Little, Richard 1972-73-74 Brown, Irl 1950-51-52 Hawkins, Ernest 1945, 1947 Dunn, Steve 1974-75-76-77 Livingston, Anthony 2017 Brown, Jamal 2001 Hawkins, Joey 2005 Dunn, Wally 2009-10-11 Lloyd, Bernard 1994-95 Brown, Marshall “Bill” 1939-40-41 Hayes, Brannon 2001 Durham, Duane 1952-53 Locke, Lewis 1940-41 Bryant, Robert 1933 Head, Garland 1942-43, 1946-47 Lofland, Bob 1946-47 Buchanan, Bill 1955-56 Hemphill, Kenneth 1926-27-28 Long, Edgar 1943 Bufkin, Costin 1945, 1947 Henderson, John 1936, 1938 —E— Loter, Henry 1933-34 Bullock, Rick 1973-74-75-76 Eakin, J.C. 1976 Henderson, Rodney 1986-87-88 Lowe, Glenn 1942 Burgess, Charlie 2007-08 Echols, Robert 1958, 1960 Hennig, Roger 1960-61-62 Lowe, Wes 1986•RS-87-88-89-90 Butts, Derex 1990-91 Eddins, Bill 1945, 1949 Hicks, Parker 2018-19 Lowery, Greg 1970-71-72 Buttell, Jeremy 2006 Eddins, Jim 1950-51-52 Hill, Ben 1978•RS-79-80-81 Lowhorn, Dior 2006 Byington, Russ 1968-69 Eddleman, Frank 1933 Hill, James “Wimpy” 1947-48-49 Lucas, Glen 1950 Edwards, Kyler 2019 Hill, Leon 1957-58-59 Lunn, Nat 1975 Edwards, Mike 1975-76-77-78 Hitt, Rex 1952-53 Lutrick, Harvey 1947 —C— Edwards, Walter 1951 Hobbs, Ronald 2000-01 Callahan, J.P. 1942-43 Lyles, Jimmy 1963 Elam, Royce 1956-57 Hodges, Clarence 1929-30-31-32 Campbell, George 1974 Lynch, Charlie 1957-58-59 Ellis, Andy 1999-2000-01-02 Hoffmeister, Tyler 2007-08 Carr, Cory 1995-96-97-98 Emmett, Andre 2001-02-03-04 Holly, Lenny 1993 Carmichael, Ross 1997-98 Erwin, Elvis 1941-42 Hudgens, Harold 1959, 1961-62 Carpenter, Eugene 1953-54-55-56 —M— Evans, Bob 1983 Hughes, Lance 1992-93-94-95 Case, Robert 1936-37 Malaise, John “Dub” 1964-65-66 Evans, Keenan 2015-16-17-18 Hunter, M.C. 1926-27-28-29 Cassidy, Chris 2000-01-02 Malone Jr., Moses 2000 Huston, Geoff 1976-77-78-79 Chavis, Will 2002-03 Manderson Isaiah 2015-16 Chism, Dewayne 1986-87 Mansell, W.E. 1926 —F— Marshall, Curtis 2004-05 Churchill, Winston 1943, 1947-48 Faltesek, Josh 2000 —I— Marshall, Michael 2001-02-03-04 Clark, Tom 1961 Farley, Mike 1962-63-64 Ince, Carl 1953-54-55 Martin, Jason 1995-96 Clayton, Guy 1993-94 Fisher, Leon 1929-30-31-32 Irons, Edwin 1940-41-42 Martin, Lewis 1951-52-53 Cleavinger, Ronald 1944 Flake, M.F. 1933 Irvin, Ray 1983-84-85-86 Martin, Terry 2006 Cline, William 1930 Flemons, Will 1990-91-92-93 Ivey, Danny 1976-77 Martin, Wallace 1943 Close, John 1946 Ford, Tim 1983 Cloyd, A.E. 1938 Mason, Jerry 1987-88-89-90 2018-19 TEXAS TECH MEN’S BASKETBALL RECORD BOOK • TexasTech.com TEXAS TECH • ALL-TIME LETTERMAN LIST Matheny, Whitman 1929 Smith, Carlyle 1960 Whillock, Scott 1986•RS-87-88-89 Mauk, Bryan 1973-74-75 —P— Smith, Carroll 1955-56 White, Decensae 2007-08 Pace, Almon 1927-28-29-30 Maxwell, Willliam Allan 1930 Smith, Charles 1944 White, Gilbert “Dophie” 1926-27-28 Palomar, Ralph 1972 Mays, James 1978 Smith, Koy 1993-94-95-96 White, J.B. “Whizzer” 1939-40-41 Parker, John 1971 Mays, Stan 2014-15 Smith, Kraig 1991 White, LucQuente 2003•RS-04-05-06-07 Parks, Tommy 1978-79 Mballa, Josh 2019 Smith, Steve 1972 White, Tracy 1986-87-88-89 Patterson, Andrew 1997-98 McAlister, Gilbert 1947-48 Smith, Steve 1979-80-81-82 Wiggins, Benny 1967-68 Patterson, Duward 1949 McAnnally, Jim 1949-50 Smith, Zach 2015-16-17-18 Wiginton, Maurice “Cotton” 1936-37 Patterson, Leo 1939-40 McCauley, Jim 1951 Smith, Zhaire 2018 Wilkens, George 1929 Patty, Tom 1962-63-64 McClintock, Kim 1973-74 Sneed, Tilley 1946 Wilkerson, Justin 2007 Paul, Vernon 1966-67-68 McClure, Weldon 1950-51 Snodgrass, Hugh 1935-36-37 Wilkens, Wayne 1937 Percival, Mac 1960-61-62 McCreary, Powell 1938 Sorrells, Andrew 2016-17•RS-18 Wilkinson, Russ 1964-65-66 Percival, Robert “Trotter” 1939-40 McCulloch, Lawrence 1941-42-43 Spitzer, Bill 1960 Wilkinson, Russell “Curly” 1935-36-37 Perkins, Don 1960-61 McKean, Pat 1969-70-71 Stallings, Clayton 1951 Wiley, James 1958-59-60 Peterson, Carl 1929 McKeehan, Dale 1958-59-60 Stanphill, Vinson 1934 Williams, Bill 1953 Petteway, Terran 2012 McKim, Decker 1954 Stevenson, Niem 2017-18 Williams, Coleman 1938-39 Phelps, Cleveland 1990 McKimmey, Paul 1982 Storozynski, Pawel 2002-03 Williams, Devaugntah 2015-16 Phenix, Ronnie 1977 McLean, Giovanni 2017 Suljagic, Damir 2005-06•RS-07-08-09 Williams, Dwight 1980-81 Phillips, Dwight 1982-83-84-85 McPherson, Ralph 1978-79 Swannegan, Clarence 1981-82 Williams, Jr., Jamal 2013-14 Phillips, Johnny 1998-99-2000-01 McWhorter, Dayton 1938 Williams, Kent 1977-78-79-80 Pinnell, Charles 1949-50 McWilliams, Roscoe 1928 Williams, Rex 1938-39 Pittman, John 1952-53-54 Measells, Bobby 1965-66 —T— Williams, Roy 1942-43, 1947 Plefka, Jon 2006-07 Michalec, Mickey 2002-03 Tadlock, Hershel 1929-30-31-32 Williams, Steve 1969-70-71 Powell, Kasib 2002-03 Mickey, Milton 1961-62-63 Tairu, David 2010-11 Williamson, C.J.
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