Presented Below Are Water Quality Standards That Are in Effect for Clean Water Act Purposes

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Presented Below Are Water Quality Standards That Are in Effect for Clean Water Act Purposes Presented below are water quality standards that are in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. EPA is posting these standards as a convenience to users and has made a reasonable effort to assure their accuracy. Additionally, EPA has made a reasonable effort to identify parts of the standards that are not approved, disapproved, or are otherwise not in effect for Clean Water Act purposes. I Stormwater Management Volume Two: Stormwater Technical Handbook March 1997 Prepared by: MA Department of Environmental Protection C2:M MA Office of Coastal Zone Management Stormwater Management Volume Two: Stormwater Technical Handbook March 1997 Funding for this document was provided by: · Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, · Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management, and · U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The document also was partially funded by a grant from the Office of Ocean and ) ' Coastal Resources Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric - Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of NOAA or any of its subagencies. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts William F. Weld, Governor Argeo Paul Cellucci, Lieutenant Governor Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Tmdy Coxe, Secretary Department of Environmental Protection David B. Struhs, Commissioner Bureau of Resource Protection Arleen O' Donnell, Assistant Commissioner This information is available in alternate formats upon request. ) Prinled on recycled paper .' Table of Contents _.,) Table of Contents .- CHAPTER 1: Hydrology and Stormwater Runoff ........... 1-1 The Hydrologic Cycle ................................................................................ 1-1 Stormwater Runoff.................................................................................... 1-2 Development and Stormwater Quantity .................................................... 1-2 Development and Stormwater Quality ...................................................... 1-5 Controlling Stormwater Runoff.................................................................. 1-7 CHAPTER 2:Site Planning and Nonstructural Approaches .................................................................... 2-1 Site Planning ............................................................................................ 2-1 Site Planning Techniques that will Minimize Runoff .................................. 2-2 . Nonstructural Approaches: Source Controls and Pollution Prevention .... 2-7 CHAPTER 3:Structural Best Management Practices ....3-1 The BMP Selection Process .....................................................i............... 3-2 · The BMP Sizing Process ....................................................................... 3-10 ) [Extended] Detention Basins ................................................................. 3.A-1 Wet [Retention] Ponds ........................................................................... 3.B-1 Constructed [Stormwater] Wetlands ...................................................... 3.C-1 Water Quality Swales ............................................................................ 3.D-1 Infiltration Trenches ............................................................................... 3.E-1 Infiltration Basins ................................................................................... 3.F-1 Dry Wells .............................................................................................. 3.G- 1 Sand Filters/Organic Filters ................................................................... 3.H-1 Water Quality Inlets/Deep Sump Catch Basins....................................... 3.1-1 Sediment Traps [Forebays] .................................................................... 3.J-1 Drainage Channels ................................................................................ 3.K-1 APPENDIX A: Glossary ............................................................................ A-1 APPENDIX B: Bibliography ..................................................................... B-1 APPENDIX C :Contacts ........................................................................... C-1 APPENDIX D: Reviewing and Conditioning Innovative Stormwater Control BMPs ........................................................................ D-1 APPENDIX E: NPDES Stormwater Permit Program ................................ E-1 ) , Hydrology and Stormwater Runoff -. CHAPTER 1: Hydrology and Stormwater Runoff The Hydrologic Cycle Hydrology is the movement of water. In the hydrologic cycle, rain or snowy from clouds falls to the ground, and as water or snoa melt: * infiltrates or seeps into the ground, a process called percolation' * is taken up by the trees and vegetation and is returned to the atmo- sphere through trangpiration, or evaporation of _'ater from all surfaces: OF · runs over the ground surface. '/y//_.//,j/_//.'/.__,,, .¢_//.._////C-- __._',)-d_-g.-.l//;_-;/y_.J/,_Z/,.._y,, ///?, , / .'"', ,- Thehydrologic cycle (MassachusettsAudubonSocietY.1983) Water that seeps into the ground travels underground until eventually reaching the groundwater table and possibly surface waters such as a lake, stream, or the ocean. This process, called groundwater recharge, helps maintain water flow in streams and wetlands and preset'es water table levels that support drinking water supplies. The amount of recharge that occurs on a site is based on slope, soil type, vegetation and other cover, as well as precipitation and evapotranspiration rates. Sites with natural ground cover, such as forest, meadow, or shrubs, typically have greater recharge rates, !ess runoff, and higher transpiration than sites with pave- ment and buildings. The water that runs off the ground surface as overland flow is runoff. Through evaporation from surface waters, water is returned to the atmo- sphere, new clouds are formed, and the hydrologic cycle begins again. _tc_rr'nv_::lt_r M:_n:_r_rn_nt (Vnlt_mp Twc_ 1-1 Hydrology and Stormwater Runoff . 4 Stormwater Runoff Runoff is a natural part of the hydrologic cycle. The volume and speed of runoff depends on the size of the storm (how much water falls in what amount of time) and the land features at the site. The size of the contribut- ing drainage area,-the slope of the land, the’types of soils. and the surface conditions (such as woods or pavement) affect water movement. The contributing drainage area establishes the boundary limits for the move- ment of runoff - from the highest elevations to the lowest point. A water- f shed is a region that conGsts of one or more contributing drainage areas to a body of water. In a natural, undeveloped setting, the ground’s surface often is pervious, meaning water can percolate down into the soil. In developed areas, ground surfaces are often asphalt, concrete, and other materials which are impervious and prevent water from infiltrating into the soil. Water which cannot be absorbed into the ground becomes runoff. Water that falls during and immediately after a storm and flows over impervious surfaces or otherwise cannot be absorbed into the ground is called stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff that flows into and is discharged through a pipe, ditch, channel, or other structure is considered a point source discharge; Con- taminated stormwater runoff that flows over land and is not directed into a defined channel is considered nonpoint source pollution. Both point and nonpoint source pollution significantly degrade water quality and aquatic habitat. The difference between nonpoint and point source types of pollu- tion becomes less clear when stormwater flows over land and then into storm drains and other types of collection systems before it is discharged through a pipe to a water body. In these cases, stormwater runoff begins as a nonpoint source and becomes a point source discharge. Development and Stormwater Quantity Development - the construction of homes and other buildings, streets, parking lots, and other man-made features - can alter the hydrology of the landscape and adversely affect water quality. Development changes land use and generally increases the amount of stormwater runoff from a site. Stormwater runoff can cause erosion and flooding. Development can change water flow and the percolation of water into the soil, which affects how much water can infiltrate into the ground to maintain water levels in streams, wetlands, and groundwater aquifers. Stormwater runoff also affects water quality, which can have adverse impacts on aquatic plants and animals. During development, vegetated and forested land with pervious surfaces are replaced by land uses with impervious surfaces. Impervious surfaces transform hydrology and impact aquatic habitats by changing the rate and volume of runoff and altering natural drainage features, including ground- water levels. Changes in water quantity begin with the initial site clearing l-2 Stormwater Manaaement (Volume Two\ ·' Hydrology and Stcrmwater Runoff and grading. Vegetation which intercepted rainfall and reduced runoff is '-_ removed. Natural depressions which provided temporary storage of rainfall · are filled andgraded. Soilsare exposed andcompactedresulting in in- creased sedimentation and decreased infiltration. Having lost much of its natural storage capacity, the cleared, graded site allows rainfall to rapidly become runoff. Once the development has been completed, the increase in impervious area (rooftops, roads, driveways, and parking lots) reduces
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