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Client Anglian Water Report Title Proposed Treatment Works at Coldham Hall - Flood Risk Assessment Report Reference 97718-F01V2 Report Status Final V2 Prepared by Joel Read Checked by Aaron Jones Approved by Andrew Pullman Date of Issue 31/07/2019 Issue Method PDF Anglian Water Legal This report has been prepared by Ashfield Flood Risk Solutions (Ashfield) exercising all reasonable skill, care and diligence within the terms of our agreement with the client, incorporating our general Terms and Conditions of Business and taking account of the resources devoted to it by agreement with the client. This report should not be used by the client in relation to any other matters not covered specifically by aforementioned scope. Unless otherwise and explicitly stated this report is intended for the sole use of the client and may not be copied, forwarded or in any other way distributed to any other party without the knowledge and written consent of Ashfield. We accept no responsibility to third parties to whom this report, or any part thereof, is made available and any such party relies on the report at their own risk. If this report does not contain a signature in the Document Control window, then this is an uncontrolled electronic copy and we cannot give any assurances on the source or content of the document. By receiving this report and acting on it, the client or any other person accepts that no individual is personally liable for breach of statutory duty, or otherwise in connection with its content. Ashfield Solutions Group Ltd (Reg. No. 09729218) and Ashfield Flood Risk Solutions Ltd (Reg. No. 09920534) are registered in England and Wales. Registered Office: Ashfield Solutions Ltd, Cwm Cynon Business Centre, Mountain Ash, CF45 4ER. Ashfield Solutions Group Ltd, Cwm Cynon Business Centre, Mountain Ash, CF45 4ER | t: +44 (0)845 873 1466 [email protected] | FS 537513 EMS 537514 OHS 537515 Ashfield Flood Risk Solutions (“Ashfield”) was commissioned by Adler and Allan Limited (“Adler and Allen”), on behalf of Anglian Water (“the client”), to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment (“FRA”) for planning, for the Proposed Treatment Works at Coldham Hall, Tuttington Road, Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6TA (The site). The site has been assessed for flood risk from a variety of sources, and has identified fluvial flood risk to be greatest risk at the site. The majority of the site is located within Flood Zone 3 of the River Bure, which is located approximately 125m south of the site. This is land assessed as having a 1 in 100 or greater probability of river flooding in any year. Modelled flood flows and levels for a range of return periods for the River Bure were obtained from the Environment Agency (EA) in relation to the site. The design flood event, in a planning context for the proposed development, is the 1 in 100 year flood event +35% allowance for Climate Change. The design flood level at the site has been calculated using a flood discharge curve, derived from the EA flood data. This methodology has been confirmed appropriate by the EA (Appendix C), calculating the design flood level to be 11.18mAOD. Based upon existing site levels, the site would be at risk of flooding at the design flood event. It is therefore proposed to raise the development footprint to a minimum level of 11.33mAOD. This will provide a freeboard of 150mm above the design flood level. Raising the site levels will reduce the floodplain volume available at the design flood event at the site. It is therefore proposed to compensate for this lost volume (56m³) within the client’s wider land ownership, immediately south-east of the site. This takes the form of earthworks to remove material in this region. Space volume calculations and accompanying drawings within this report, demonstrate that the proposed earthworks provide a net gain in floodplain volume of 24m³ at the design flood event. Surface water, groundwater and reservoir flood risk are all considered to be low. Tidal flood risk is deemed to be negligible. In addition to raising site levels and the proposed earthworks, Ashfield has devised an Emergency Flood Plan to utilise the EA Flood Alerts/Warnings service. This will alert site operatives prior to the onset of a flood event associated with the River Bure. Immediate access/egress from Tuttington Road is achievable and detailed within this plan, allowing the site to remain operational. Based on the above, the proposed development can be appropriately designed and built to manage any outstanding flood risk that exists. FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT | Proposed Treatment Works at Coldham Hall 1 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 Aims and Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 Information Sources Used ............................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Report Limitations ........................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 Site Setting ....................................................................................................................................... 5 1.6 Topographic Survey ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.7 Local Hydrology ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.8 The Design Flood ............................................................................................................................. 5 1.9 Climate Change ................................................................................................................................ 6 2 Flood Risk Evaluation ................................................................................................................................. 7 2.1 Fluvial & Tidal Flood Risk ................................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Surface Water Flooding ................................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Reservoir Failure .............................................................................................................................. 9 2.4 Groundwater Flooding ..................................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Artificial Flood Sources .................................................................................................................. 10 2.6 Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 10 3 Flood Risk in Planning Context ................................................................................................................. 11 3.1 Sequential Test .............................................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Development Viability & Exception Test ....................................................................................... 11 3.3 Fluvial Flood Risk ........................................................................................................................... 11 3.4 Impact on Flooding Off-Site ........................................................................................................... 12 3.5 Design Principles for Development............................................................................................... 12 4 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 15 Drawing 01 Site Location Plan Drawing 02 EA Flood Map for Planning Drawing 03 Risk of Flooding from Surface Water Drawing 04 Risk of Flooding from Reservoir Failure Drawing 05 Existing and Proposed Site Layouts Drawing 06 Existing and Proposed Site Relative to 11.18mAOD Drawing 07 Cross Sections (1 of 2) Drawing 08 Cross Sections (2 of 2) FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT | Proposed Treatment Works at Coldham Hall 2 Appendix A Proposed Site Layout Appendix B Existing Site & Services Layout Survey Appendix C Environment Agency Consultation & Product 4 Data FLOOD RISK ASSESSMENT | Proposed Treatment Works at Coldham Hall 3 Ashfield Flood Risk Solutions (“Ashfield”) was commissioned by Adler and Allan Limited (“Adler and Allen”), on behalf of Anglian Water (“the client”), to undertake a Flood Risk Assessment (“FRA”) for planning, for the Proposed Treatment Works at Coldham Hall, Tuttington Road, Aylsham, Norfolk, NR11 6TA (“the site”). It is understood that an FRA is required to support a planning application for the construction of a new treatment works at Coldham Hall. The development proposals are included within Appendix A for reference. Ashfield has undertaken this FRA in accordance with the most up to date local and national policies on development and flood risk by: Assessing whether the site is likely to be affected by flooding from different sources; Providing an assessment of the vulnerability of the proposed development and its suitability in relation to the identified flood risks; Providing an