The Feud Over Long-Range Fires n CMMC Special Report NATIONALDEFENSEMAGAZINE.ORG THE F-35’s CLOUDY FUTURE CRITICS SLAM AIR FORCE FOR READINESS RATES PAGE 30 J U N E 2 0 2 1 The Business and Technology Magazine of Prepare for CMMC with BlueVoyant Cybersecurity The DOD is implementing a new assessment process for Contractors and Subcontractors to ensure sensitive data including Controlled Unclassified Information is adequately protected. Are you ready? We can help you with Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification. Learn more at For sales:
[email protected] | 646-586-9914 VOLUME CV, NUMBER 811 EXPERIENCE JUNE 2021 THE MAGAZINE IN AUGMENTED REALITY NDIA’S BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY MAGAZINE WWW.NATIONALDEFENSEMAGAZINE.ORG DOWNLOAD THE FREE NDIA AR APP. If previously installed, please update to the latest version by checking the App Store or Google Play. LOOK FOR AUGMENTED REALITY Cover CONTENT ON: Story 30 PAGE8 n The Air Force’s PAGE10 F-35A joint strike PAGE29 fighter is once again embroiled in con- PAGE30 troversy as questions emerge about costs, the future employment of the aircraft and how many the service needs for high- end fights. As the Pentagon, lawmakers and some of the nation’s top defense contrac- tors appear to be at odds over how best to move forward with the fifth-generation aircraft, the jet continues to be dogged by a number of issues. Cover: Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. Jensen Stidham Long-Range Fires 28 n Air Force and Army lead- ers are divided over which branches of the military should be investing in long- CMMC range strike capabilities.