Volume 3 1 2 Writers in this Issue O n G u n s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s Kabbas Azhar ‘13 In this issue’s edition of “Kab- Christopher Jagoe ‘14 Instead of describing bas’ Korner,” Kabbas goes on a short rant about rights in the current setting, Jagoe unique- another little-known fact in the . ly decides to support gun rights by describing In a typical Kabbas-like manner, Kabbas pres- their founding. He notes its earliest roots, go- ents several extremely dangerous weapons that ing back as far as Justinian I, and coming full are easily attainable (if you have a large wallet). circle back to John Locke, in order to support the necessity of a society free to own . Jack Lynch ‘14 Harkening back to a common Kevin Conn In his article, Mr. Conn goes on theme that the public has seen since the New- a lengthy discussion surrounding most issues town shooting, Lynch attacks the NRA’s most surrounding the gun debate. Most importantly, recent philosophy surrounding gun rights. Re- he looks to the proposed “solutions” that many sponding to the group’s most recent campaign left-leaning groups hold, and shows why each of “good guys vs. bad-guys,” Lynch tries to ex- of them is either counter to that group’s beliefs, plain why such a conception is utterly false and or simply unreasonable in practice. Ultimately, unreasonable. Then, Lynch attacks the NRA Mr. Conn laments: he has no panacea to gun leadership’s stance on why we ought to hire an violence, but he does not believe that more re- armed guard to protect every school across the strictions are the solution either. country, analyzing both effectiveness and cost in the modern era. Michael Cuppari ‘14 Looking specifically to the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, Cup- pari discusses why weapon bans simply are E t C e t e r a ineffective in practice. He describes how their numerous loopholes simply make them accom- Justin Hsieh ‘15 Hsieh describes a new, seem- plish nothing, and warns against any similar ingly unnoticed trend of terrorism arising in ban from being implemented in the future. Africa. Looking particularly at the Algerian group Katibat al-Mulathameen, and their most recent attacks against an international group, Hsieh finds this new trend important and dis- turbing. Although no one seems to have a solu- Ryan Teehan ‘14 In his article, Teehan turns to tion, Hsieh believes that he has one: European an analysis of the United States prison system. powers-not the United States-need to start in- With his ever-present philosophical eye, Tee- tervening to stop this new terrorism. han looks to the actual founding of the system itself, discussing its implications in the mod- Jamie Downey ‘13 Downey describes his be- ern era. Noting, most importantly, the racial liefs surrounding the modern era’s new focus context from which our system of punishment on Middle-Eastern terrorism. Reflecting on emanates, Teehan comes to a simple conclu- how modern entertainment has fostered sev- sion: something must be changed, and a viable eral TV shows and movies that show terrorism, option would be a simple yet effective abolition Downey actually finds these depictions benefi- of the prison system itself. cial. Overall, as Downey analyzes, the fact that these forms of entertainment cause the com- mon person to question their beliefs and ana- lyze the real world shows progress. 3 4 Contents Guns in the United States F o r e w o r d

7 Ingrained in the United States Bill of Rights, gun ownership has been a characteristic of American 15 history. When the Constitution was first amended, the founders included the right of the people to keep and bear arms. In the eighteenth and nineteenth century, no citizen even fathomed a government ban on personally owned weapons. Over time, however, this principle has become less accepted and more debated. Indeed, recent events point to what some might describe a gun violence epidemic in the 17 United States; the Aurora and Newtown mass shootings are a few examples. Because of these events, policymakers have suggested new regulation to attempt to control gun crime. Does government regu- lation of over-the-table markets really reduce violence? Is gun prohibition constitutional? Most im- portantly, are there alternatives? This month, we present you a wide array of opinions concerning gun laws, including opinions on the feasibility, history, and utility of such laws. Enjoy being bombarded by our continuous and extreme bias as you read these featured articles. Also check out our other content On Guns on various interesting topics like Algerian terror and modern media depictions of war.

4 - How to Get a Minigun - Matthew Chuckran and Conor Ryan Kabbas Azhar ‘13 9 Editors in Chief 5 - Misfire: Why the NRA is Wrong About Good Guys vs. 5 Bad Guys Jack Lynch ‘14 7 - The Right to Bear Arms, How to Get a Minigun Contextualized K a b b a s A z h a r Christopher Jagoe ‘14 9 - Fear of Guns and Fear of Despite the recent resurgence of istered to civilians before 1986 was not. Loopholes are omnipresent in Government gun control legislation debate, completely legal and available in various gun legislation bills. Case Kevin Conn talks over the issue have actually the gun market. Would you like to in point, the 1994 Federal Assault permeated the political sphere for guess one such gun that passes the Weapons Ban saw a massive rise 15 - Don’t Recycle Failed Policy quite a few years. Be it through the test for legality in the public arena? in production of ‘grandfathered’ Michael Cuppari ‘14 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban Behold a wonderful 7.62 weapons in order for manufactur- or any variation thereof, there has mm, six-barreled ers to gain a profit, and that’s the been substantial political activ- with a fire rate that can sometimes reality of the situation. As long as Et Cetera ity to take care of the issue. Yet, reach up to 6,000 rounds per min- selling guns will garner a profit, beyond the question of gun regu- ute. That’s right folks, a pre-1986 and buying guns will be relatively 17 - New Terrorism lation exists one of regulation in era M134 Minigun can be owned cheap, there will not be any halt Justin Hsieh ‘15 general, and the efficacy of such by you, too, as long as you’re will- in whatever crime is being target- 18 - Entertainment: The Heart of a political maneuvers. Basically, ing to spend a substantial amount ed by gun control legislation. The Society we’re talking about loopholes here. of money on it. It might cost you loopholes are simply too many and Consider, for example, the a cool 200,000-400,000 dollars for too deep, and they will always ex- Jamie Downey ‘13 Hughes Amendment in the Fire- just the gun itself, and the ammo is ist in a situation where our consti- 20 - A Genealogy of Suffering: The arms Owners’ Protection Act of another story unto itself, but what tutional rights are even somewhat History of the U.S. Prison System 18 1986, which suspended civilian better weapon to use for the inevi- respected by the government. Ryan Teehan ‘14 ownership of any fully automatic table zombie apocalypse than the In order to truly stop gun 20 weapons not registered as of May M134? crime, solutions beyond just regu- 19, 1986. Now this might seem like I am not here to advocate lation have to be looked at, as regu- a fairly good bit of legislation to for or against gun regulation, how- lation will never be sufficient. And those in the gun regulation camp ever, what I will do is decide if reg- while you’re at it, buy yourself a if not for the fact that any gun reg- ulation will actually be effective or minigun too. 5 6 two well-marked parties of good The second issue with guys and bad guys. Although many LaPierre’s remarks is that it misses gun-owners state that their reason another key aspect of the “good for owning a gun is self-defense, in guys vs. bad guys” theory: it does reality many of these gun owners not simply take one good guy with have only introduced a tool into a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun; their homes and community that it takes a professionally-trained, makes violent crime easier and al- well-equipped good guy. LaPierre lows for seemingly mundane dis- urged for teachers and principals agreements like the one between to be armed in the wake of the Russell and Michael Dunn Newtown shooting, but he failed to escalate into tragedy. to realize that even trained police The fact of the matter is officers, federal agents, and mili- that many gun owners who end tary personnel have very limited up using their guns to commit success in stopping active shoot- crimes have no original inten- ers. After a shooting on a side- tion of doing so. In many cases, walk in midtown Manhattan this guns are used violently because past August, New York City Police of negligent misinterpretation of Department officers followed the self-defense. In the late 1990’s a shooter to a nearby side street, at team of researchers at the Har- which point the assailant turned vard School of Public Health con- around with his gun. The two offi- ducted a study on the use of guns cers collectively fired sixteen shots in self-defense. They interviewed at the suspect, killing him, but still dozens of people who had fired a accidentally injured nine other in- weapon in self-defense, and asked nocent bystanders who had been them to describe the details of the walking along the street. Despite event as accurately as they could. the NRA’s insistence that more at Health High School in Ken- They then showed each story to a guns make people safer, even two tucky, it took him only 12 seconds group of five criminal court judges professional police officers found to shoot eight of his classmates from three different states. They it difficult to neutralize an active and kill three. The principal at the Misfire:Why the NRA is Wrong asked the judges to assume that shooter in a crowded space with- time, Bill Bond, told the Huffing- each person owned the gun le- out adding to the chaos and in- ton Post, “If I had been armed, I gally, had a license to carry it, and jury. In fact, NYPD officers only would be dead.” were describing the events hon- hit their target about 18% of the Imagine the chaos that un- About Good Guys vs. Bad Guys estly. Then, allowing for these time. And yet the NRA and other folded on a New York City street J a c k L y n c h gratuitous, and likely unrealistic, pro-gun lobbyist groups believe when two trained officers attempt- assumptions, they asked the judg- that common citizens with guns ed to take down a gunman. Now imagine untrained citizens firing In November of last year a seven- asked Russell and his friends to the twenty-six-person shooting at es to describe each gun owner’s will be able to stop major shoot- at a shooter in a packed movie the- teen year-old named Jordan Rus- turn down the music. After an ex- Sandy Hook Elementary School in actions as very likely legal, likely ings like in Newtown, Aurora, or atre in Aurora, a crowded lecture sell of Jacksonville Florida was in change of words, Dunn, a gun col- Newtown, Connecticut, Nation- legal, as likely legal as illegal, like- Virginia Tech. hall at Virginia Tech, or a compact a car with three friends, stopped lector and frequent recreational al Association CEO Wayne ly illegal, or very likely illegal. The idea of a teacher stop- Newtown classroom. at a gas station and listening to shooter, fired a into the LaPierre urgently declared, “The The five criminal judges deter- ping a shooting with a gun is sim- The pro-gun movement’s music. After a few minutes, for- teenagers’ car, killing Jordan Rus- only thing that can stop a bad guy mined that a majority of the situa- ply infeasible. Even with exten- idea that the world can be neatly ty-five year-old Michael David sell and injuring the three other with a gun is a good guy with a tions fit into one of the two illegal sive (and expensive) training, it is separated into groups of violent Dunn, in Jacksonville with his occupants. gun.” But one of the two key prob- categories. Essentially, the avail- likely that teachers or principals criminals and well-trained vigi- girlfriend for a wedding, pulled up Jordan Russell’s murder lems with LaPierre’s model, and ability of a gun turned situations with guns would only add to the lantes is untrue and dangerous. A next to Russell and his friends. As sheds light on a concerning flaw in the philosophy of many of the that could have been avoided non- chaos of a school shooting, and gun criminal can be anyone; but Dunn’s girlfriend went inside the the modern pro-gun movement. NRA’s supporters, is that the gun- violently into situations of exces- make themselves targets. When a not just anyone can stop him. nearby convenience store, Dunn In his press conference following toting world is not divided into sive violence. 14 year old attacked a prayer group 7 8 force until the King should begin to follow the articles of the char- ter.” 3 History accords King John with the epithet “evil” for this reason: he oppressed the barons and sought to give the throne absolute power. To escape from similar tyranny, the American colonists fought the Revolution- ary War 750 years later. To secure the right to choose a government, the Second Amendment also dic- tated, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”4 Contem- porary laws must remain true to this standard, for to do otherwise would contradict the very prin- ciples of freedom on which this country was founded. AD, Justinian I issued the Corpus of Rights famously upholds “the Our government must do Iuris Civilis, a collation of Roman right of the people to keep and what it can to ensure the secu- statues and jurisprudential writ- bear Arms,” in accordance with rity and freedom of the people. ings which had specific regula- this rich legal history.2 Modern Recent gun violence sways favor tions on the ownership of weap- law ought to respect this essen- towards prioritizing safety over ons. The foremost reason for tial tenet in securing the lives of liberty, but such a domineering possessing such tools of war was citizens. administration contradicts core self-defense: the protection of a In addition, the more values of the modern law system. citizen’s rights and property from philosophical side to gun laws Rome proves to us that weapons The Right to Bear Arms, rapacious thieves and soldiers. involves the right of self-determi- are necessary for self-defense; In Justinian’s words, “it is better nation. John Locke posited that the Magna Carta references the to meet the danger at the time, inhabitants of a country have the right to carry arms for protec- Contextualized than to obtain legal redress after right and the duty to choose their tion from the government itself. 1 C h r i s t o p h e r J a g o e one’s death.” This provision also own government that best repre- These two jurisprudential histo- expressly authorizes the use of a sents and protects their interests. ries are featured prominently in The contemporary debate over quate self-defense and prevented constitution represents a synthe- weapon and whatever violence When the administration no lon- our history, both in the thoughts gun rights is deeply divisive in the expansion of an overbear- sis of these two approaches. In necessary for proper defense. ger performs in this manner, the of the founding fathers and the America, especially in the wake ing administration. As far back the modern consideration of gun European law derived from the people can either change it diplo- words of the Bill of Rights. To of the Newtown shooting. The as ancient Rome, codified laws rights, it is imperative to keep Corpus contained similar claus- matically, via elections, or force- contradict them now would be a dispute, however, hearkens back protected the prerogative to pos- these arguments in mind for a es, shaping English history and fully, with armed rebellion. Such grave error both practically and to the writing of our Constitu- sess arms, though only swords balanced, rational approach to also the founding principles of an extreme process was defended philosophically. The current gov- tion and indeed to the beginning and spears were commonly held. policy. America. Though the crimes of as far back as 1215, with the Eng- ernment of the United States of of established American govern- Then, the 1215 Magna Carta of The Roman common law, our country do not generally in- lish Magna Carta. This document America would do well to learn ment. The right to bear weapons England cemented the power two millennia old, provided a clude rogue, pillaging soldiers, provided that “if the King [John] from history, or, as the adage is a long-recognized tradition for people to use force to curtail sound basis for European and self-defense remains an integral did not follow the provisions of goes, it will be doomed to repeat that has both allowed for ade- their government. The American American legal codes. In 529 component of gun rights. The the charter, the Barons should it. Second Amendment to the Bill have a right to correct the King by 9 10 through the nation at the news of Constitutional right to own a fire- tion) will be merely a step on the such horrific events. I share in arm qualify their statement of that road to confiscation of firearms the shock and grief that come with belief with phrases such as, “… from those who try their best to these examples of man’s inhuman- but nobody needs to own [insert obey the laws, while they will not ity to other human beings – all the term here].” That phrase, which solve the problems of evil and/or more ghastly because of the ran- at various times references hand- mental disturbance that produce domness of the violence and the guns, semiautomatic , auto- these mass shootings. innocence of the victims. I am, matic weapons, small , If it sounds like paranoia to however, also appalled by the cyn- so-called “assault weapons,” large- believe that so called “common- ical use of the violence by those capacity magazines (with “large” sense” reforms – code language for who oppose firearms ownership, meaning more than some arbi- more restrictions on law-abiding as well as the tone-deaf response trary number – such as seven, five, gun owners – are simply steps on of those who organize to protect or one), “sniper rifles” – i.e., long- the road to eventual confiscation, individuals’ rights to own firearms. range, accurate rifles, usually dem- consider the impact of some of Both sides of the gun-con- onstrates that the person really these proposals: trol debate are driven by fear. does not understand the nature On the one hand, a large of firearms; often it demonstrates An “assault weapons” ban: number of Americans simply do that a person does not understand In the first place, an “as- not understand why anyone would either the Constitution or the cur- sault weapon” is technically a fully view the right to own a gun as im- rent debate. The term “need” is automatic or selective automatic/ portant. Many are completely rather subjective. Once the state semiautomatic rifle. Possession of unfamiliar with the workings of starts deciding what others need, these has been limited –with very firearms and the differences be- as playwright David Mamet ob- few exceptions - to law enforce- tween them; their views come serves, it has taken a large step in ment and the military since 1934. chiefly from Hollywood and the the direction of bureaucratic con- Generally, what people mean by no-less-sensationalized reports on trol over every aspect of existence.5 the vague term of “assault rifle” is the nightly news. In fact, many of On the other hand, there any semiautomatic weapon that the reporters whose stories help to is a large group of Americans who looks menacing, including fea- shape these views are similarly un- legally own firearms of all types, tures such as a bayonet lug, a ver- familiar with firearms – and their some for hunting or sport, some tical grip, a folding or adjustable reporting reflects a combination for defense of themselves, their stock, or a flash reducer. None of of misinformation and sensation- families, or their homes or busi- those features change the century- Fear of Guns and Fear of alism driven by the “If it bleeds, it nesses, and some because they ap- old function of the semiautomatic leads” nature of television ratings. preciate machinery, art, or history. or self-loading design. It has been Given the twenty-four hour news These people generally respect a feature of most modern hand- cycle that is standard fare right and abide by the rule of law. They guns and many rifles or Government now, with rumor, confusion, and understand the mechanisms of since the beginning of the twen- K e v i n C o n n exaggeration often broadcast as firearms and treat these tools with tieth century. Banning a firearm fact in the race to “scoop” the com- respect, much as a carpenter re- based on cosmetic features is not This is an essay I do not particu- imately thirty-five years. I feel in with me a priori. What therefore petition, it is little wonder that spects the dangerous potential of only ineffective in reducing crime; larly want to write, but I feel com- one sense or another, I have said follows is perhaps not a well-orga- many people see guns solely as in- a circular saw or a rally driver re- it is silly to anyone whose goal is pelled to say something in the all I have to say numerous times, nized essay, but rather a collection struments of evil. Many of these spects the dangers of an automo- not simply getting rid of private wake of the horrific shooting in and on an issue such as this, the of thoughts - a set of musings on people are willing to support any bile. Yet the reactions of those in firearms ownership. Newtown, CT, and the national very fact that I am a gun collector, the polarized situation. and all restrictions on guns, and the firearms community are also debate that has erupted. One of target shooter, and living history At the outset, I would like they view anyone who disagrees largely driven by fear: the fear that Limits on magazine sizes: the factors in my hesitancy is the interpreter pigeonholes me in the to make clear that I deplore the with them as a dangerous “nut,” so-called “common-sense gun re- What is the magic num- feeling that I have been writing minds of most people – they as- violence of mass shootings, like an uneducated hick, or a combina- forms” (which often actually mean ber? It is completely arbitrary, de- and talking about the issue all my sume that they know what I am go- those of Newtown or Aurora, CO. tion of both . common-sense only to those who pending on the (often uniformed) life, or at least as long as I have ing to say on the subject and either I have two young children, and I Among this group, even either are unfamiliar with firearms lawmakers’ perception. Millions been a gun collector and student discount my views because I am well understand the sense of fear, those who reluctantly acknowl- or indifferent to the individual of rifles, from the 1860 Henry and of history, which for me is approx- “one of those gun nuts,” or agree anger, and frustration that sweeps edge that Americans have the rights enshrined in the Constitu- Continued on page 13 . . . 11 12 stthe Magnitsky Act, which was from the international laws man that deserved death. Over signed in by President Obama North Korea has broken in fur- 200,000 individuals have al- Recent World in December of 2012. As of now, ther testing these weapons, ready joined the protests. is considered the third the advancements they poten- tially could have made are even First Hurdle for Gay Marriage in more frightening. While pre- Passed Events vious nuclear tests used pluto- nium, North Korea may have The lower house of Parliament Compiled by Nishwant Swami used enriched uranium in this in France passed a bill that newest bomb. The potential would legalize gay marriage Women in Combat of Secretary of Defense nomi- of Dorner, and are looking for change would allow for a size and allow gay couples to adopt nee Chuck Hagel. Despite this any clues concerning both the reduction of the missile, mean- children. While the passing of The Pentagon reversed their major step forward, the former circumstances surrounding the ing the weapon would be both the bill was certainly a victory 1994 ban that prevented wom- Republican senator of Nebras- fire and the location of Dorner. most popular country from faster and harder to detect. If of President Francois Hollande en from frontline combat du- ka still faces many challenges. which American families adopt. North Korea continues to im- and his fellow socialists, it was ties, including being medics Many Republicans have ques- To date, estimates indicate that prove their already advanced a hard-earned win. More than and pilots. With close to 14% of tioned Hagel’s actions in the around 45,000 Russian children atomic and missile program, 100 hours of debate took place, the military being women, Pen- past, specifically his previous have been adopted by Ameri- they could quickly create a mis- and the bill passed by a 329 to tagon Defense Secretary, Leon statements concerning both Is- can families in total (1,000 an- sile that is capable of reaching 229 vote in the National As- Panetta, argued, “Women are rael and . While some criti- nually). While this law will cer- America. sembly. Before the bill can be already contributing in unprec- cize his soft stance on Iran, oth- tainly hurt Americans, it is sure fully ratified, the Senate must edented ways to the mission… ers condemn his lack of clear to hurt Russian orphans even Protests in Bangladesh first pass it, which will occur in they have become an integral support for the Israeli govern- more. The country’s adoption a vote on April 2nd. part of our ability to perform ment and people. Now, Repub- system is considered one of the Student protestors are becom- our mission.” While women lican leaders have demanded worst in the world, and is mired ing commonplace in Dhaka, Weapons found in Prison in will now certainly be joining that Hagel win a super majority with corruption, paperwork, the capital of Bangladesh, after Venezuela the frontlines, they still will not in order to officially become the While a body has been found, it bureaucracy, and poor living rulings by the Bangladeshi war be taking on a greater fighting Secretary of Defense. In other has still not been identified. The conditions. crimes tribunal were deemed Venezuelan authorities dis- role. words, Democrats would have manhunt began after Dorner too lenient by the populace. covered as many as 106 weap- to win at least 60 votes in order claimed a vendetta against all Over the past two years, the ons and close to 8,000 rounds for Hagel to become the next police, and published a “hit list” government of Bangladesh has of ammunition while investi- defense secretary. on Facebook. Before the recent attempted to prosecute indi- gating the Uribana prison in death of the sheriff’s deputy, viduals that were accused of Barquisimeto, Venezuela. The Police Shootout Ends in Trag- the disturbed individual was al- war crimes during the 1971 War officials investigated the pris- edy ready responsible for the death of Independence against Paki- of three people. stan. Despite clear evidence of The manhunt for Christopher heinous crimes, like rape and Dorner recently came to a tragic No Russian Children for Ameri- mass murder in the case of Ab- end when a sheriff’s deputy was cans North Korea Scaring the dul Quadar Mollah (a leader of killed in the final hours of the World… Again one of the core political parties Chuck Hagel not out of the manhunt. Within a few hours, Vladimir Putin recently passed in Bangladesh), many defen- woods yet Dorner locked himself in a a law that banned American North Korea has claimed that dants are given less severe pun- on after a deadly riot that took rental cabin in the Bernardino citizens from adopting Russian they have successfully deto- ishments. In the case of Mol- 58 lives took place. Revolvers, The Senate Armed Service Mountains and the cabin be- children. Putin and the Russian nated their third nuclear bomb, lah, he was sentenced to life in shotguns, submachine guns, Committee, in a 14 to 11 decision, came engulfed in flames. Offi- government viewed their ban much to the dismay of the in- prison, a ruling that protestors and military issued assault ri- recommended the nomination cials are still unaware of the fate as a retaliation measure again- ternational community. Aside have insisted was too kind to a fles were found in the cache. 13 14 1866 Winchester onwards, hold 13- like an easy solution to support. had an on-site inspection and Yet the proposed solution ponents originally claimed, one ation that will resemble Prohibi- 15 rounds. The majority of semi- It offers the illusion of being able evaluation of the household of the “gun lobby” also rings hol- needs only look at the govern- tion or the failed “War on Drugs,” automatic pistols accept maga- to identify felons and those with where the firearm will be situ- low, in my view. ment claims in 1935 that the So- only worse. zines that hold over ten rounds, a history of psychiatric issues. ate, the purpose of which is to cial Security number would never I will be the first to admit and there are millions of those Of course, universal background ensure the person is qualified Armed guards in schools: become a means of identification. that I do not have a panacea for magazines in the hands of citizens checks would not stop those, like to purchase the firearm as re- I disagree with the NRA Yet those who worry more about the problems of gun violence; I do who have never knowingly broken Adam Lanza, who get their guns quired by subsection c. of this leadership and Wayne LaPierre an intrusive government control not think there is a universal so- any laws. If the magic number is illegally, but advocates claim that section.6 when he calls for uniformed po- than about guns are labeled ex- lution. Such measures as should seven, as recently passed in New they would stop criminals and lice officers or armed volunteers tremists. be attempted, however, are those York State, then even a collector the mentally ill from getting guns In fact, if the cliché, “If it in schools. Nor do I believe that Unfortunately, what puts to change the culture that glori- of history, such as I am, with very from private sellers - those who saves one life, it will be worth it!” all teachers should be armed. me into the “extremist’” camp is fies mass murder and random little interest in modern weapons, are not engaged in the business of were to apply logically, there are While I certainly would rather be the realization that a right, once violence. Increased penalties for becomes a felon. I own a hand- selling firearms. A large number many steps that should be taken armed myself if a madman were surrendered, is almost never re- illegal carry of a weapon might gun, made in 1896, that holds ten of these “unregulated transfers,” before anyone gets around to ban- to attack Delbarton, statistically, gained; even if the Obama ad- work to change the glorifica- rounds in a fixed magazine. It hap- however, are transfers within the ning guns. A few examples - re- the possibility of that is remote ministration were to agree that tion of guns in popular culture; pens to be the same type of pistol family or through inheritance, ductio ad absurdum, if you will - at best. Armed guards are sim- after a compromise were reached as commentator Dan Carlin has that a young Winston Churchill and the language of the various of “common sense” reforms: ply identifiable first targets for a in which Americans give up some noted, increased penalties for carried during the Boer War in proposals would create a massive - a national speed limit of 25 madman, and many teachers are forms of rights in return for allay- drunk driving and stigmatization 1902. It is no more a threat to the new registration of gun owners, miles per hour. Speed kills, and uncomfortable with the idea of ing the fears of other Americans, of those who drive under the in- general public than it was a cen- with the same problems as overt we should all simply slow down, guns; mandating that they carry all further attempts at restrictions fluence have had a powerful effect tury ago, yet it would suddenly be- gun registration. In fact, many of rather than kill ourselves and oth- them puts the onus of carrying would cease. These “reforms” on the incidence of drunk driv- come “evil” by administrative fiat. the current proposals, like New ers. weapons onto a large number of would not make Americans at all ing.9 Voluntary refusal to glorify Jersey’s own A3676, would vitiate - banning all automobiles with people who are unprepared and safer. Evil still exists, even in the mass murderers – refusing to re- Gun registration: the Fourth Amendment, as well as more than 100 horsepower, ex- unwilling to use them for the re- absence of firearms. The recent lease their names and sensational There are those who believe federal HIPAA laws: cept for tractor-trailers and farm mote possibility of a crisis. spate of attacks on school chil- reportage of their supposed mo- that registering firearms will allow equipment. Really, the only pur- Yes, both sides of the gun dren in , where all firearms tivations - would deprive these the government to track who has 1. N.J.S.2C:58-3 is amended to pose of having 300hp or more in control debate are driven by fear. are banned, is stark evidence of shooters of the recognition and guns and to stop those who might read as follows: … No handgun a passenger car is to engage in Yet the number of homicides with a problem that is independent of affirmation of relevance that intend to do others harm. Of purchase permit or firearms illegal activity by exceeding the firearms is much lower than it was guns.8 most seem to crave as a legacy. course, felons cannot be required purchaser identification card speed limit. Speed kills. twenty years ago, both in actual After the next act of may- Perhaps a 5% tax on sales of new to register illegally-held guns, as shall be issued: … (9) To any - banning private swimming numbers and in the “murder rate.” hem, something wholly predict- guns, with the funds raised go- the Fifth Amendment protects person who has not submitted pools. The community pool is A person aged 1-44 has a much able in our alienated, violence- ing to firearms safety courses for against self-incrimination, and the results of a psychological there for your recreation needs, smaller chance of being killed obsessed culture in which serial children and adults, would teach someone like Adam Lanza, who examination administered by far more than the police are an ad- with a gun than he has of being killers are protagonists and psy- the respect for potentially danger- obtained his firearms by murder- an appropriate health care pro- equate substitute for self-defense. killed in a car accident, falling, chopathic behavior fuels the most ous tools that reduces the lure of ing his mother and stealing hers, fessional licensed in this State. Perhaps a “reasonable” compro- or being struck by/against some- popular video games and movies the forbidden in popular culture. would never have registered a gun; The Superintendant of State mise is requiring all private pools thing.7 of the day, the clamor will arise to Mental health counseling should he did not own any until he began Police shall promulgate guide- to have a certified lifeguard on The erosion of the Con- curtail the rights of the innocent certainly be part of the response. lines concerning the content of killing. All registration does is give duty 24 hours a day. stitution and individual liberties, even more for the empty chimera Yet the basic problems of evil and the psychological examination, governments the power to compile - banning painkillers, narcotics, on the other hand, is a very real of security. There is far more to alienation from one’s fellow hu- the qualifications necessary to a list of guns for confiscation – ex- opiates, and stimulants: really, the fear in an era where “sneak-and- fear from an overly powerful and man beings are, I fear, insoluble administer the psychologi- actly what has happened in Great only function of these drugs is to peek” warrants, spy drones over intrusive government that there is in human society. From the time cal examination, maintaining Britain, , California, and alter consciousness, interfering US skies, tracking of Americans to fear from firearms in the hands when Cain slew Abel, raising the confidentiality of the subject of New York to legal owners of guns with God’s ordination of the natu- through their cell phones, and of the law-abiding, yet those are murder rate to 25% if one accepts the examination, compliance that a government decided it no ral body processes. An exception the killing of American citizens exactly the people whom pro- Biblical accounting, violence per- with federal law, and any other longer trusted its citizens with. could be made for alcohol, as Je- without due process of law have posed reforms intend to disarm. petrated by individuals has only guidelines deemed necessary sus’ first miracle was to produce all become unfortunate realities. I do not know the answer to the been exceeded by violence perpe- for the successful implementa- Universal background checks for wine – and attempted prohibition tion of this paragraph; or As an illustration of the way gov- problem of violence, but I know trated by nation-states. gun purchases: was a complete failure that pro- (10) To any person who has not ernment programs grow and take that attempting to restrict those On the surface, this seems duced a violent crime wave. on identities far beyond what pro- who obey the law creates a situ- 15 16 the gun ban’s failure can be at- types of assault weapons, all of fact, states that have taken this tributed to poor enforcement; which together accounted for approach have largely been suc- law enforcement failed to police only 2% of total violent crime in cessful. In a comprehensive anal- gun markets, with only 1 in 60 the United States. The current ysis of the United States, John firearm vendors being inspect- Feinstein legislation has ignored Lott, Professor at the University ed by federal agents. However, this reality and chosen to target of Chicago, found that states the ban failed for several other the same sort of weapons that with a high standard of enforce- reasons—namely, its grandfa- 1994 ban centered on. Overall, ment saw murder rates decrease ther provision. Due to this spe- when examining the history of by 4% whereas states with a low- cial loophole, gun manufactures gun legislation, it becomes clear er standard witnessed a marked were awarded a “grace period” in that the present plan to address increase in homicides. Here’s the which to produce banned assault gun rights is wholly inadequate. catch, though: although more weapons. During this period, In contrast to the FAWB enforcement generally equaled firearm manufactures ramped and the current bill, I propose less crime when states with as- up production nearly 1,000%, that the Congress maintain cur- sault weapon bans were evaluat- causing a supply of “dangerous” rent legislation and focus its ef- ed, Lott observed an even greater weapons to flood the market. forts on cracking down on of- increase in crime in those states Sadly, the current proposal in the fenders. The logic behind this than in the states with no ban or Senate repeats this clause, allow- approach is simple: because Con- poor enforcement. All this leads ing gun makers three months to gress does not seem able to even me to a singular conclusion: not continue production of banned pass a Budget, the only practical only is greater enforcement the weapons. In addition, the Clin- solution is to maximize enforce- best option, it is the only option. ton ban permitted the foreign ment of current laws. And in production and exportation of forbidden weapons into the United States. This provision proved disastrous; according to researcher Christopher Koper, it caused “a surge in the supply of foreign semiautomatic rifles that could accept LCMs [low capacity magazines] for military weap- ons. Banned rifles alone rose to Don’t Recycle Failed Policy 191, 341 a nine-fold increase in production capacity before the M i c h a e l C u p p a r i ban… In addition, 4.8 million pre-ban LCMs were imported As policymakers struggle to find the Congress should stay put on critical to discuss and compare into the U.S. from 1994 through a solution to the recent epidemic gun policy: that is, maintain ex- prior legislation to the current 2000 under this exemption.”10 in gun violence, many politicians isting legislation while cracking plan. Among these, none is more Again, the Feinstein bill recycles suggest renewal of a revised ver- down on loopholes and back- famed and controversial than this failed policy and provides sion of the 1994 Federal Assault ground checks. Ultimately, with Clinton’s 1994 Federal Assault for foreign exploitation of the Weapons Ban (FAWB), enacted the country politically polarized Weapons Ban. Passed by a single U.S. law code. Finally, the 1994 under the Clinton administra- and the government divided, not vote, the Ban was instituted for Assault Weapons Ban faltered tion. I believe, however, that this only is this the fairest solution, nearly a decade. Despite the hype because it targeted the wrong approach is a mistake that would but it is the only alternative. surrounding the legislation, the sort of weapons. As the Violence only deepen this country’s exist- In order to evaluate any Assault Weapons ban proved to Policy Center observed in 2004, ing gun woes. Instead, I think proposal on gun control, it is be a complete flop. In large part, the Ban focused on seven main 17 18 New Terrorism J u s t i n H s i e h While topics such as the debt known as Katibat al-Mulatha- the resulting firefight, at least 81 celling, the fiscal cliff, and gun meen (“The Masked Brigade”) of the hostages were killed and control hang ominously in the have links to Al-Qaeda and have scores more were injured. national focus, the growing prob- been operating in the Maghreb This recent event in Al- lem in Africa draws little atten- (Northern Africa) since late 2012. geria represents just another tion today. One country in par- The group made three demands: event in the recent spike in radi- ticular, Algeria, has been almost first, France was to cease all of cal Islamic activity in Africa. entirely ignored by major news its military operations it was Compounded with the conflict outlets. On January 16, 2013, a currently undergoing in Mali. in Mali, it would seem that the group of militants led by Algeri- Second, the terrorists Aafia Sid- main focus for terrorist groups an terrorist Mokhtar Belmokhtar diqui and Omar Abdel-Rahman such as Al-Qaeda has shifted attacked a natural gas plant in must be released from American from Arabia and Central Asia to eastern Algeria and took over prisons. Finally, over 100 mili- Africa. With the end of the wars 800 plant workers hostage. Most tants currently in prisons in Al- in and wind- intelligence reports estimate that geria must be set free. As part of ing down, it seems that there are of these workers, around 132 were the international community’s new hotspots popping up. from western countries such as long-standing principal of not Given this shift, an obvi- the United States, France, Nor- negotiating with terrorists, these ous question comes to mind: way, and the . demands were not met and the what should the United States’ While details are still emerging Algerian government deployed next move be? The average from the hostage crisis, it is clear a Special Forces team to rescue American is in no mood to be- that these 32 militants, officially the hostages from the plant. In come embroiled in another conflict overseas, yet, if left un- checked, radical Islamists could take root in the region. I believe Entertainment: The Heart that the resolution to this issue must originate from Europe. In recent years, European na- of a Society tions—particularly Great Britain J a m i e D o w n e y and France—have been devel- oping their military capabilities I spent a good amount of time of (and dramatized for entertain- nomenal television. During the and have even proved their abil- my winter break this year catch- ment) the battle depicted is very 2012 Emmy’s, for example, the ity to intervene effectively dur- ing up not just with homework real. The show provides an inter- show received 6 awards, beating ing the Libyan Civil War, during and friends, but also with the lat- esting view into the daily strug- strong contenders like AMC’s which they delivered numerous est in entertainment. One show gle between the United States “Breaking Bad” and “Mad Men” airstrikes. If the United States is in particular that held my interest Government and the many forc- to name a few. This incredible unwilling or unable to deal with for much of my break was Show- es around the world that seek to success launched the show into the threat in the region, per- time’s “Homeland”. The show bring about its demise. However, the forefront of American me- haps then the European powers presents a stark, morally grey de- while I find the themes and ideas dia and attention. The show was should pick up the slack. One piction of the war on terror, spe- of the show interesting, I think praised for its dedication to real- thing remains, certain though: cifically centering around CIA that what the show represents is ism, its moral ambiguity and its if left unchecked, the situation agent Carrie Mathieson. While even more important. The show capacity to challenge the viewers in Africa will spiral rapidly out of obviously the characters and has been an incredible success, to consider questions and ideals control. events on the show are fictional shining even in an age of phe- that they would not have before. 19 20 “Homeland” certainly sent. This media represents the understanding of ourselves and is not the first medium in re- prevailing American considering the world in which we live. cent years to depict the current and deeper intrigue into the ac- The true indicator of a state of foreign affairs, an issue tions and decisions that define time period’s social condition is that has been in the forefront of our nation as a world power. not governmental, but rather the American attention. Kathryn Bi- This trend is not a new art that emerges. While the ac- gelow’s most recent work, Zero one. Throughout the history of tions of a king may make the his- Dark Thirty, presents an inter- Hollywood, movies and enter- tory books, it is the of the pretation of the manhunt to find tainment have covered issues artist that provides true insight Osama Bin Laden and the politi- that were key to American con- into the common man. The cur- cal and social forces that influ- sciousness and belief. Perhaps rent trend is no different. Each enced it. Even Fox’s hyperbolic the best example of such con- work that includes the Middle and intensely dramatized show sideration is the overwhelmingly East or the government is simply “24” laid the foundation for the artistic depiction of the war in the most recent in a long line of more serious considerations that Vietnam, one of the most con- social litmus tests to determine followed. (While certainly “24” troversial wars in American His- the prevailing views of humanity. doesn’t present an accurate rep- tory. Classic films such asApoca - Personally, I find this trend excit- resentation of counterterrorism, lypse Now, The Deer Hunter, ing and intriguing. I think that it it was one of the first pieces of and even Forrest Gump provided shows that people are interested entertainment to deal with issues depictions of political and so- in current events and are ex- such as terrorism, interrogation cial movements that shaped en- panding their worldview beyond and political backlash.) Each of tire generations. Even domestic just their own backyard. I think these was accompanied with its issues, such as the Watergate that it shows that people are con- own share of discussion, criti- Scandal, were covered by enter- versing, debating, and adapting cism and controversy. A soldier tainment, most notably 1976’s All to the world around them. When has described The Hurt Locker the President’s Men. This trend, I hear other students in the hall- as being “wrong in almost every however, extends further beyond way discussing Zero Dark Thirty, aspect,”11 “Homeland” has been movies and television. Whether I hear more about the contro- called a source of Middle Eastern it is The Great Gatsby’s depiction versy and themes of the movie A Genealogy of Suffering: The tension,12 and even acting C.I.A. of 1920’s socialites, the plays of than I do about the explosions Director Michael J. Morrell has Shakespeare, Renaissance Art, or or violence. I know that person- been openly critical of Zero Dark even Homer’s ancient epic The ally my own views and beliefs Thirty. This is the nature of en- Odyssey, entertainment has long have been challenged, for better History of the U.S. Prison System tertainment. It is meant to in- represented the most important or worse, by seeing these works. R y a n T e e h a n spire thought, consideration, social views of its contemporary Whether you support the images In the modern age, the prison just institution; rather it acts punishment. The move away and controversy. Further, while time period. For many of the or opinions expressed within this has become a structure seem- in the name of marginalization from this model and towards these works represent controver- youth of the current day and age, art, there is no denying that each ingly inseparable from the very and otherization. Genealogical- the model of the current system sy, they also represent a prevail- the September 11th terrorist at- encourages thought and deeper notion of civil society. The need ly, the U.S. prison is tied to racial came after the Civil War when ing interest within the American tacks represent a crucial turning thinking. Perhaps consider this to separate criminals from in- violence, with its origins in the the slaves were freed. The new public in such issues. While a point in our lives, and something my personal stamp of approval, nocent civilians—to divide the era of slavery. prison regulations mirrored the significant portion of the viewer- that we may never forget (akin to not on any particular work or good and the bad—seems like Prior to the Civil War era, Slave Codes, which were laws ship of such works can be attrib- the assassination of JFK of previ- message, but on the develop- a fundamental part of society. prisons were merely places in that took away the rights of en- uted to action junkies seeking ous generations). This entertain- ment of the American People This mode of thinking, while which inmates were kept before slaved persons.13 The connec- solely excitement, the majority ment expresses the emotion and and our increasing hunger for of people patronizing this enter- consideration not just of indi- understanding about the things somewhat intuitive, papers over being punished. Incarceration tion between the origins of the tainment through their viewer- viduals, but of an entire people. that define us. the origins of the prison system was not the punishment in it- modern U.S. prison system and ship are interested in the issues Through each movie and televi- and the reasons for its existence. self, but rather the intermediary slavery go even further, as histo- and the controversies they repre- sion episode, we attain a better Ultimately, the prison is not a phase between conviction and rian Adam Jay Hirsch noted: 21 22 One may perceive in the peni- increased risk to criminality.16 tween the incarceration rates is tentiary many reflections of On a more subtle level, the shift empirical evidence of the racial Acknowledgements and Citations chattel slavery as it was prac- towards mass incarceration was tendencies of the current penal ticed in the South. Both in- spurred by racialized discourse. system. Teacher Supervisor - Kevin Conn Chelm,” Newsweek Magazine Online, repr. in The stitutions subordinated their For example, the famous Wil- Given the underlying fea- Daily Beast, January 29, 2013; viewed 2/4/13. http:// subjects to the will of others. lie Horton advertisement of the tures of the penal system, one Editors in Chief - Matthew Chuckran ‘13 www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2013/01/28/gun- Like Southern slaves, prison 1988 election portrayed crime in must consider alternatives. If, Conor Ryan ‘13 laws-and-the-fools-of-chelm-by-david-mamet.html inmates followed a daily rou- terms of an African American in fact, the prison is unsalvage- 6. Assemblywoman Angela Jimenez, NJ As- tine specified by their superi- man.17 It sought to depict the able, then there must be another Magazine Production & Design - Conor Ryan ‘13 sembly Bill 3676, introduced January 14, 2013; viewed ors. Both institutions reduced entirety of crime with the fig- option: another method to deal 2/3/13. http://legiscan.com/NJ/text/A3676/id/685541 their subjects to dependence ure of one prisoner. This same with people who break the law. Cover Image Design - Timmy Welman ‘14 7. Centers for Disease Control “Injuries and on others for the supply of theme was present in the aca- One school of thought that has Violence are Leading Causes of Death: Key Data & basic human services such as demic discourse of the time as emerged from critiques of the Senior Editors - Kabbas Azhar ‘13 Statistics” January 17, 2012; viewed 2/4/2013. http:// food and shelter. Both isolated well. Adolphus Belk explains, prison structure is that of prison Nishwant Swami ‘13 www.cdc.gov/injury/overview/data.html their subjects from the general “… John J. DiIulio … described abolition. This view contends 8. Carlos Tejada, “China Grapples With Latest population by confining them super-predators as a ‘demo- that the underlying logic of the Writers on Guns - Kabbas Azhar ‘13 Attack on School ,” Wall Street Journal, December 17, 2012; viewed 2/4/13. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB to a fixed habitat. And both graphic crime bomb’ … [who] prison is inseparable from any Jack Lynch ‘14 10001424127887324407504578182904026663998.html frequently coerced their sub- are more likely to be black, of its instantiations; any reform Christopher Jagoe ‘14 Kevin Conn 9. Dan Carlin, “Gunning for Violence,” Com- jects to work, often for longer male, and young, and to come to the current system merely Michael Cuppari ‘14 mon Sense with Dan Carlin, December 28, 2012; hours and for less compensa- from the central city and … be papers over the suffering it was listened 1/8/13. http://www.dancarlin.com/disp.php/ 14 tion than free laborers. … in abusive, violence-ridden, founded upon. Instead, they Et Cetera Writers - Justin Hsieh ‘15 csarchive/Show-244---Gunning-for-Violence/guns- fatherless, Godless, and jobless offer community based justice Jamie Downey ‘13 firearms-gun%20control 18 The inclusion of forced labor is settings.” Crime was seen as systems, which are community Ryan Teehan ‘14 10. Christopher Koper, “An Updated Assessment essential to the concept of the a problem of demographics and based and substitute punitive of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban: Impacts on early penitentiary, in that it re- of race. These perspectives were measures for victim reconcilia- Back cover image created using Tagxedo.com Gun Markets and Gun Violence. 1994-2003.” affirmed the position of freed- then incorporated into laws by tion, as a solution.20 Although 11. Michael Kambler, “How not to Depict a War,” men as second-class citizens. the courts and lawyers of the there are certainly benefits to Images on pages 15 and 16 courtesy of the Violence New York Times, March 1, 2010. http://lens.blogs. The new legal principles that time. Through these discourses a retributive system of justice, Policy Center. nytimes.com/2010/03/01/essay-15/ emerged from the Civil War the racialized practices of the it is evident that reforms in the 12. David Itzkoff, “New Source of Middle East Tension: Homeland,” New York Times, October 19, designated certain actions as current penal regime became past have been woefully inade- 2012. http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/10/19/ Citations only criminal if done by Afri- normalized to the point where quate. Nothing to this point has new-source-of-middle-east-tension-homeland/ can Americans.15 Thus, prisons certain socio-economic groups solved any of the fundamental 1. Will Tysse, “The Roman Legal Treatment of 13. Angela Davis, Are Prisons Obsolete?, (New Self Defense and the Private Possession of Weap- became a place where the labor and races were commonly as- problems with the prison sys- York: Seven Stories Press, 2003) 23. ons in the Codex Justinianus,” Second Amendment practices of slavery could be rec- sociated with crime. The ma- tem, and in fact reforms serve 14. Adam Jay Hirsh, The Rise of the Penitentiary: Foundation, accessed 3 Feb 2013, http://www.saf. reated and freedmen could be terial effects of this discourse to make the prison seem more Prisons and Punishment in El1Ily America, (New org/journal/16/theromanlegaltreatmentofselfdefen- once again placed in servitude. are the increased incarceration acceptable to the general pub- Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992) 84. seandtheprivatepossessionofweaponsinthecodexjus- In recent times, the penal of minorities, especially Afri- lic. Changes that work within 15. Davis, 31. tinianus.pdf system has not become any less can Americans. Loïc Wacquant the system make a spectacle of 16. Wacquant, Loïc. “From slavery to mass incar- 2. “Bill of Rights,” The Charters of Freedom, ac- ceration.” New Left Review. No. 13. (2002): 43. marginalizing. Modern police describes this phenomenon, those marginalized by the sys- cessed 3 Feb 2013, http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/ 17. Wacquant, 47. have the tendency to superim- “… whereas the difference be- tem while reaffirming the logic charters/bill_of_rights_transcript.html 18. Adolphus Belk, “A New Generation of Native pose color onto crime and crim- tween arrest rates for whites and that caused their marginaliza- 3. Stuart R. Hays, “The Right to Bear Arms, A Sons: Men of Color and the Prison-Industrial Com- inology. In fact, many court blacks has been stable, … the tion. Ultimately, there must be a Study in Judicial Misinterpretation” William and plex.” The Joint Center for Political and Economic systems have equated being white–black incarceration gap break from the current mindset Mary Law Review, accessed 3 Feb 2013, Stuart R. Studies Health Policy Institute. 10. young, black, and male with the has grown rapidly in the past and penal ideology in order to Hays, The Right to Bear Arms, A Study in Judicial 19. Wacquant, 50. justification for probable cause. quarter-century, jumping from bring justice to the justice sys- Misinterpretation, 2 Wm. & Mary L. Rev. 381 (1960), 20. Davis, 107. Courts have also authorized us- 1 for 5 in 1985 to about 1 for 8 tem. http://scholarship.law.wm.edu/wmlr/vol2/iss2/6 ing race as an indication for an today.” 19 The large disparity be- 4. “Bill of Rights” 5. David Mamet, “Gun Laws and the Fools of