On the Distribution of Some Ground-Beetles of the Tribe Harpalini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang-Uygur A

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On the Distribution of Some Ground-Beetles of the Tribe Harpalini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang-Uygur A ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 23(2): 248–255 25 DECEMBER 2014 On the distribution of some ground-beetles of the tribe Harpalini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of China Материалы к распространению некоторых видов жужелиц трибы Harpalini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) в Казахстане и Синьцзян-Уйгурском автономном районе Китая B.M. KATAEV* & I.I. KABAK Б.М. КАТАЕВ, И.И. КАБАК B.M. Kataev, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] I.I. Kabak, All-Russian Institute of Plant Protection, 3 Podbelskogo, St Petersburg – Pushkin 196608, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] New data about distribution of 21 species and subspecies of ground-beetles of the tribe Har- palini in Kazakhstan and the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region of China are provided. The following taxa are reported from Kazakhstan for the first time: Dicheirotrichus (s. str.) lacustris (Redtenbacher, 1858), Dicheirotrichus (Trichocellus) tschitscherini (Reitter, 1899), Dicheirot- richus (T.) hauseri (Reitter, 1894), Bradycellus (Tachycellus) glabratus Reitter, 1894, Acupal- pus (Ancylostria) interstitialis Reitter, 1884, Harpalus (Semiophonus) signaticornis (Dufts- chmid, 1812), Harpalus (s. str.) torridoides Reitter, 1900, Harpalus (s. str.) viridanus viridanus Motschulsky, 1844, and Ophonus (Hesperophonus) convexicollis (Ménétriés, 1832). The fol- lowing taxa are reported from China (Xinjiang) for the first time: Anisodactylus (s. str.) binota- tus (Fabricius, 1787), Stenolophus (s. str.) abdominalis persicus Mannerheim, 1844, Stenolophus (s. str.) discophorus Fischer von Waldheim, 1823, Harpalus (s. str.) vittatus vittatus Gebler, 1833, Harpalus (s. str.) cyclogonus cyclogonus Chaudoir, 1844, and Ophonus (Metophonus) hystrix dissors Tschitschérine, 1895. Three species, Harpalus (s. str.) amariformis Motschul- sky, 1844, H. (s. str.) affinis (Schrank, 1781) and H. (s. str.) tarsalis Mannerheim, 1825, are reported from Xinjiang for the first time. The following synonymy is proposed: Stenolophus (Egadroma) marginatus Dejean, 1829 = Badister piceus Ballion, 1870, syn. nov. Представлены новые данные по распространению 21 вида и подвида жужелиц три- бы Harpalini в Казахстане и Синьцзян-Уйгурском автономном районе Китая. Для фауны Казахстана впервые приводятся следующие таксоны: Dicheirotrichus (s. str.) lacustris (Redtenbacher, 1858), Dicheirotrichus (Trichocellus) tschitscherini (Reitter, 1899), Dicheirotrichus (T.) hauseri (Reitter, 1894), Bradycellus (Tachycellus) glabratus Reitter, 1894, Acupalpus (Ancylostria) interstitialis Reitter, 1884, Harpalus (Semiophonus) signaticornis (Duftschmid, 1812), Harpalus (s. str.) torridoides Reitter, 1900, Harpalus (s. str.) viridanus viridanus Motschulsky, 1844 и Ophonus (Hesperophonus) convexicollis (Ménétriés, 1832). Следующие таксоны, найденные на территории Синьцзяна, новые для фауны Китая: Anisodactylus (s. str.) binotatus (Fabricius, 1787), Stenolophus (s. str.) abdominalis persicus Mannerheim, 1844, Stenolophus (s. str.) discophorus Fischer von Waldheim, 1823, Harpalus (s. str.) vittatus vittatus Gebler, 1833, Harpalus (s. str.) cyclogonus cyclogonus Chaudoir, 1844 и Ophonus (Metophonus) hystrix dissors Tschitschérine, 1895. Три вида, Harpalus (s. str.) amariformis Motschulsky, 1844, H. (s. str.) affinis (Schrank, 1781) и H. (s. str.) tarsalis Mannerheim, 1825, впервые приводятся для фауны Синьцзяна. Предложена следующая синонимия: Stenolophus (Egadroma) marginatus Dejean, 1829 = Badister piceus Ballion, 1870, syn. nov. *Corresponding author. © 2014 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes B.M. KATAEV & I.I. KABAK. ON DISTRIBUTION OF SOME HARPALINI 249 Key words: ground beetles, Kazakhstan, China, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini, Aniso- dactylus, Bradycellus, Dicheirotrichus, Stenolophus, Acupalpus, Harpalus, Ophonus, distribution, new records Ключевые слова: жужелицы, Казахстан, Китай, Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini, Aniso- dacty lus, Bradycellus, Dicheirotrichus, Stenolophus, Acupalpus, Harpalus, Ophonus, распро- странение, новые указания INTRODUCTION Wulanbai, 43°41´20´´N 87°36´00´´E, 930 m, tugai, 30 June 2001, I.I. Kabak leg. (cBK). The present paper includes new and in- Remarks. This species is widely distrib- teresting records of the ground-beetles of uted over the Palaearctic from the Azores the tribe Harpalini from Kazakhstan and the and Madeira Islands to Lake Baikal; intro- adjacent areas of the Xinjiang-Uygur Au- duced to North America and New Zealand. tonomous Region of China (Xinjiang) and is In the Middle Asian region, it is known mainly based on the material collected dur- from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, ing the last two decades. The order of pre- Turkmenistan and Tadzhikistan (Noonan, sentation of species in the paper is arranged 1996; Ito, 2003). In Xinjiang, A. binotatus according to likely species relationships. is found recently in the Kunges Valley and The following abbreviations are used for near Urumqi City. The species is recorded the depositories of the specimens examined: from China for the first time. MNHN – Muséum national d’Histoire na- turelle, Paris, France; MPU – Moscow State Anisodactylus (Hexatrichus) poeciloides Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia; pseudoaeneus Dejean, 1829 ZIN – Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg, Russia; Material examined. China, Xinjiang: 1 male, S env. of Urumqi City, Wulanbai, 43°41´20´´N ZMO – Zoological Museum of the Odessa 87°36´00´´E, 930 m, tugai, 30 June 2001, I.I. Ka- State University, Odessa, Ukraine; cIS – bak leg. (cBK); 1 male, S shore of Lake Bar- collection of I.A. Solodovnikov, Vitebsk, kol, 43°37´00´´N 92°46´30´´E, 1585 m, 2 Aug. Belarus; cBK – collection of I.A. Belousov 2011, I.I. Kabak leg. (cBK); 111 ex (males and and I.I. Kabak, St Petersburg, Russia; females), “E. Turkestan: Khotan, 1890, Exp. cKL – collection of S.V. Kolov, Almaty, Ka- B. Grombchevskogo” (ZIN); Gansu: 3 males, 1 zakhstan; cKM – collection of E.V. Koma- female, “Gobi, Chatcheou [= Donhuang], Marais rov, Volgograd, Russia; cNP – collection of de Pa-Hon-Lian, D.L. Vaillant, 1909” (MNHN). A.V. Napolov, Riga, Latvia; cSF – collection Remarks. Anisodactylus poeciloides pseu- of S. Facchini, Piacenza, Italy; cSH – col- doaeneus is the eastern subspecies of the lection of A.M. Shapovalov, St Petersburg, Mediterranean species distributed over Russia; cWR – collection of D.W. Wrase, southeastern Europe, Asia Minor, Trans- Berlin, Germany. caucasia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Kazakh- stan, Kyrgyzstan and southern part of West Siberia (Ito, 2003). Although this taxon was LIST OF SPECIES not recorded from China in the recent Cata- Subtribe ANISODACTYLINA logue of Palaearctic Coleoptera (op. cit.), it was reported from Xinjiang [“Dzhun gar” Anisodactylus (Anisodactylus) binotatus (Jacobson, 1907), “Dsungarei und Ost- (Fabricius, 1787) turkestan” (Schauberger, 1935)], Gansu Material examined. China, Xinjiang: 2 fe- [“SW Mongolei: Etsin-gol” (= Ruo Shui) males, Kunges River, N Kunges, 43°31´12´´N (Schauberger, 1935)] and Henan (Hua, 83°15´22´´E, 840 m, tugai, 15 July 2012, I.I. Kabak 2002). Material examined by us from Xinji- leg. (cBK); 1 male, southern env. of Urumqi City, ang includes specimens collected in Hotan, © 2014 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 23(2): 248–255 250 B.M. KATAEV & I.I. KABAK. ON DISTRIBUTION OF SOME HARPALINI the southern environments of Urumqi and Remarks. This species was previously the southern shore of Lake Barkol. The ad- known from Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, ditional record from Gansu is also given. Tadzhikistan and Kyrgyzstan (Jaeger & The record from Henan (Hua, 2002) should Kataev, 2003). Additional examined mate- be confirmed because might be based on rial revealed that it also occurs in southern specimens of A. (Hexatrichus) mandschuri- Kazakhstan. cus Jedlička, 1942, which is distributed in the northeastern and eastern parts of China Bradycellus (Tachycellus) glabratus and very similar in habitus to A. poeciloides. Reitter, 1894 Subtribe STENOLOPHINA Material examined. Kazakhstan, East Ka- zakhstan Prov.: 1 female, Southern Altai, Dicheirotrichus (Dicheirotrichus) Sarym-Sakty Mts., Sarym-Sakty River, S Ka- lacustris (Redtenbacher, 1858) ton-Karagay, 22 June 1998, A. Klimenko leg. [ca. 49°02´N 85°40´E, 2200 m] (cBK). Material examined. Kazakhstan, Mangys- Remarks. This species was known from tau Prov.: 2 males, 1 female, Buzachi Peninsula, 8 Oct. 2011, E.Z. Bekbaev leg. (cKL, ZIN). Russia (southern Siberia, west to Altai, and Remarks. This species occurs from so- Far East), Mongolia and China (Jaeger & uthe astern Europe (west to northern Italy, Wrase, 1994; Jaeger & Kataev, 2003). It is north to Hungary and southeastern Aus- recorded here from Kazakhstan (Southern tria) through Asia Minor and the Caucasus Altai) for the first time. region to Israel and southern Turkmenistan (Jaeger & Kataev, 2003; Wrase, 2009). It is Stenolophus (Stenolophus) abdominalis recorded here from Kazakhstan for the first persicus Mannerheim, 1844 time. The specimen recorded extends the Material examined. China, Xinjiang: 1 fema- range of D. lacustris northeastward to the le, Kunges River, N Kunges, 43°31´12´´N 83°15´ northeastern shore of Caspian Sea. 22´´E, 840 m, tugai, 15 July 2012, I.I. Kabak leg. (cBK). Dicheirotrichus (Trichocellus) Remarks. The distribution of this sub- tschitscherini (Reitter, 1899) species occupies the eastern portion of the geographical range
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