COUNCIL CORRESPONDENCE UPDATE TO May 1, 2020 (8:30 a.m.) Referred for Action (1) April 28, 2020, regarding April 15, 2020 Residential Fire in Caulfeild (Referred for consideration and response) (2) April 28, 2020, regarding “Fwd: Gleneagles Golf Course - Hole 3” (Referred for consideration and response) (3) My Sea to Sky, April 30, 2020, regarding “Woodfibre LNG's request to extend their EA certificate” (Referred for consideration and response) Referred for Action from Other Governments and Government Agencies No items. Received for Information (4) 2 submissions, April 24, 2020, regarding Climate Action (5) 2 submissions, April 24 and 25, 2020, regarding Transit Service Reduction Complaint (6) 13 submissions, April 25-30, 2020, regarding COVID-19 (7) April 27, 2020, regarding “Overpopulation of crows in the District” (8) 3 submissions, April 27, 2020, regarding 2020 Budget (9) April 27, 2020, regarding “North Oxley Street Road Work” (10) E-Comm 9-1-1, April 30, 2020, regarding “E-Comm Annual General Meeting Deferral” Received for Information from Other Governments and Government Agencies No items. Responses to Correspondence No items. 4074067v2 Theodore Azuma (1) From: s. 22(1) 2785-01 Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2020 2:05 PM To: Mary-Ann Booth Cc: MayorandCouncil Subject: Recent Fire in Caulfeild - Meth Lab - s. 22(1) Importance: High Dear Mayor Booth & Council, I am a resident at s. 22(1) West Vancouver, BC s. 22(1) the recent fire of a meth lab at s. 22(1) I understand from talking to police and fire contacts that the chemicals/lab did not catch fire, even though this has not been communicated to s.
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