Bioregion resources

Broken Hill Complex

nesting birds and ground feeding insectivores. The bioregionThe Complex Hill Broken located is western in New South and eastern Wales South , spanning the NSW-SA It includes the of all Barrierborder. Ranges and covers a huge area million hectares nearlyof in 5.7 falling with approximately 33% ! It with arid an has climate dry hot summers and winters. mild with slightly more rainfall per year, 222mm is The average rainfall occurring in summer. The bioregion rich is with Aboriginal history, with cultural archaeologicalnumerous sites significance. of Biodiversity and habitat The bioregion consists low of ranges, and gently rounded hills and depressions. The vegetationmain types chenopod are and samphire casuarina forests shrublands; and and shrublands. acacia Threatened species animal - include the Yellow-footed and Australian Bustard.wallaby and wood Grazing, collection years over 100 led for has to a decline understory in affecting species plant ground and cover,

Photo Mulyangarie, DEH Mulyangarie, Photo Broken Hill Complex to South South managed for water storage for supply system in , which is contains part of the Medindee Lakes BrokenThe Hill Complex bioregion by: species dependent its and Broken the You Hill Complex bioregion conserve help can bioregion. of the section Australian South area in the conserved formally only the comprises Park Conservation of Bimbowrie Asmall Wales. section South in Park New National of Kinchega parts and Reserve Nature Mutawinji Park, National Mutawinji including management, 2.5% conservation under is about while for grazing purposes, 95% is used Over bioregion of the Conservation include: species dependent its and Broken to the Hill Complex bioregion Threats Threats Facelli Francisco by Photo 2 • • • • • | volunteering with a local conservation group. conservation alocal with volunteering by species endangered and threatened conserve Helping environment your local having on animals are that pest impacts the about awareness Raising species. byinvasion salt-tolerant weed foxes cats and goats, pigs, by feral animals rabbits, predation such and as competition macropods and rabbits goats, cattle, by overgrazing by sheep, caused degradation and erosion Broken Hill Complex To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Broken Hill Complex Complex Hill Broken

FIS93303 Bioregion resources Central

Black-footed Rock-wallaby, Mulgara, Great Great Mulgara, Skink, Rock-wallaby, Black-footed Malleefowl, Grasswren, Striated Australian Bustard and the Mount Illbilie Mintbush. The Central RangesThe bioregion Central surrounds the borders Western of Australia, and South of Australia. Only 28% the bioregion South in is Australia. It hot summers has and temperatures can reach 50°C and above. Winters cool are cold with to the temperature sometimes as low and most the of as The 6°C. 177mm is average yearly rainfall thein bioregion the in winter. falls The bioregion Aboriginal all is small and there land many are Aboriginal communities Warburton this area. in the is town main and the is regional the of Lands. Ngaanyatjarra centre Biodiversity and habitat Much the of bioregion It rugged remote, is has country. ranges from east mainly running west, to and red sand . The vegetation main low is open woodlands desert of oak or over spinifexmulga grassland. There more are the bushfires in region after good years rainfall when the fuel increased. of amount has Therefore, controlled burning needs be to done after wet winters. Threatened include animals the Southern Marsupial Mole, Central RangesCentral Photo DEH meters above sea level. mountain –Mt Woodroffe at 1435 includes South Australia’s highest The Central Ranges bioregion by: species dependent its and Central bioregion the You Ranges conserve help can grazing permits. issuing Council Land by Pitjantjatjara YankunytjatjaraAnangu (APY) by are lands monitored Aboriginal the on activities Pastoral 4% only and basis. term along on grazed is commercially than 15% more 2004, areas In within was of the Conservation include: species dependent Central to its and the Ranges Threats Threats Tony by Robinson Photo 2 |Central Ranges • • • • • have with the land. the have with people that Aboriginal relationship the about more learning environment animalsand your local are having on plants that introduced impacts the about raising awareness area in your programs local eradication in weed participating by Grass Buffel and trees control weedy helping Grass. Buffel and Athel such as Pine weeds feraland horses foxes, camels donkeys, rabbits, such as animal species pest phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Central Ranges

FIS93303 Bioregion resources Channel

and Cooper Creek Basins eventually into Lake Eyre. into Basins eventually and Cooper Creek Loose rock fragments known also on as are ‘gibber’ the found althoughplains. The it looks gibber, very barren, holds many biodiversity secrets, including the Kowari. The Channel Country bioregion covers 51,745 square km South of Country bioregionThe Channel covers 51,745 Australia and includes parts , of Northern Territory and New South Wales. In South Australia, the bioregion includes LakesCoongie Floodplains and the Cooper Creek as well as the Innamincka and area Innamincka Regional Reserve. The Bioregion – this means the that an arid has summers climate veryare hot and dry and the winters short are is Rainfall and dry. very unpredictable some and in years – but all at on it hardly average the bioregion per rain 250mm of to receives about 150 during the more is summer likely months. Rainfall year. The mainly is used land cattle for and mining grazing, conservation purposes. It also is popular destination. as a tourism Biodiversity and habitat The region supports hummock andtussock grasslands and areas chenopodcontaining and samphire shrubland. There some are acacia areas of small shrublands, acacia open woodlands and eucalypt woodlands. The bioregion very has large flood with plains channels water crossing the This land. originates water outback in Queensland and flows south and southwest through the Georgina/Diamantina

Photo by Robinson Tony Channel Country dependent species by: by: species dependent its and Channel the You bioregion Country conserve help can frogs. and fish, reptiles birds, wildlife includingnative of water dependent range anincredible Convention area supports This Wetlands. on Ramsar the called treaty aninternational under Importance aWetland as of International listed are also The Wales). South (New Park National Sturt and Park National Coongie Lakes Reserve, Regional Innamincka include Channel in the areas bioregion Country Conservation Conservation unregulated wild river systems. considered one of the world’s last The Lake Eyre Drainage Division is include: species dependent its and Channel to the bioregion Country Threats Threats Bonefruit. Five-wing and Parrrot Night Mulgara, Plains-wanderer, the include species threatened Other Bettong. Burrowing Bilby and Lesser Bandicoot, Pig-footed Bandicoot, Golden Quoll, Western Rat-kangaroo, Desert includingthe bioregion, from the extinct have become mammal species seven At lease blind snake. anunidentified and Fish Goby Springs Elizabeth the of skink, Creek species Cooper the Tortoise, two Grey Grasswren, the include These bioregion. to the are endemic species Several 2 |Channel Country • • • • • • • natural flow regime to the Channel to animals. and the natural regime plants flow Country near- of the importance the about word the spread helping 150 nearly ago region this through years journey historic Burke their and Wills and about more out finding pollution. of animals native species by introduced predation species water and by for non-native food competition of development natural of in water the because flow changes animals wild and overgrazing by stock Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

important species, including the Southern abalone, Rock Lobster, Mullet. shark and Coorong Goolwa mulloway, Cockle, The bioregion Coorong extends from Port Bay Encounter in Elliot .to It this bioregion in is the that empties the seainto via but a narrow shifting mouth between the high Peninsulas. dunes Richard Sir and Younghusband of withIttemperate a has climate cool, wet winters and warm, dry summers. Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion you will find sandy beaches, sand dunes, coastal lagoons, seagrass meadows and reefs. There a series are parallel of rocky reefs, which stretch offshore. These parallel reefs dominated are red by algae and bryozoans. also live on kelp the giant reefs. of Communities Extensive seagrass meadows which the occur in region are important nursery and feeding areas particularly species for of fish and crustaceans. The coastal waters the in region among are some the of most productive waters along the southern Australian coastline. This is primarily theresult a of presence nutrient-rich of upwellings. As this regionsuch, significant is a number commercially for of

Photo by Paul Wainwright Coorong species by: species dependent its and Coorong the bioregion You conserve help can Jaffa. Cape and Reef Brock –Margaret bioregion in the protected are Two sanctuaries lobster rock agreements. conservation by international are and protected importance international are of Coorong of the bioregion wetlands of the Most Conservation include: species dependent its and Coorong to the bioregion Threats Threats Egret. Little and Sea-Eagle Tern, White-bellied Little the include bioregion Plover. in the birds threatened Other Hooded the including species, area for threatened nesting important is an Park Coorong adjacentto the National beach ocean The Australia. in waders migratory and waterbirds concentrations of largest of the one supporting as well as area for key species commercial fish nursery and spawning breeding, feeding, are animportant waters Coorong Lagoon The Board Protection Coast Photo 2 |Coorong • • • • • • and the Coorong the and supports. that it biodiversity the and system Murray the Researching others educate and issues conservation marine about more out Finding change. climate species of some overfishing pollution health of the Coorong lagoons the on impacts Murray of River water fromthe diversion and many people travel to the area Right Whale during May and June The region is visited by the Southern to view them!to view Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

(sea squirts), molluscs bryozoans (shellfish) (lace corals), and echinoderms and sea (sea stars). urchins The bioregion Eucla a marine is bioregion located the at western half theof Australian Great Bight. The bioregion includes the adjacent waters Western of Australia. The South Australian section the of bioregion the from is South Australian/Western Australian border Cape Adieu, nearto Nundroo. It a semi-arid has which means climate the summers hot are and theand dry, winters cool are and moist. The Cape Leeuwin influences current sea temperatures the in Eucla bioregion and affects and biodiversity. both climate This current brings from northern warm water , particularly during winter time. The bioregion used is as fishing and commercial mining for well and as recreational tourism fishing. Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion you will find limestone cliffs, rocky headlands and reefs between in beaches and sand dunes. There narrow are rock platforms the at bottom the of cliffs some in areas. Brown macroalgae growing on found is the rocky reefs with varieties largeof red algae thriving the at bottom some of reefs. There species many are red of algae (seaweed), ascidians

Photo by sean Connell Eucla and it is now aprotected species. have declined in the last few decades The numbers of the Great White Shark by: species dependent its and Eucla the You bioregion conserve help can Far Park. the Marine includes West also It that species unique the and habitat floor sea the protects which Zone contains Australia’s Protection Benthic bioregion only This Conservation include: species dependent its and Eucla to the bioregion Threats Threats mainland for the species. on this sites breeding few of remaining the one is possibly which Cliffs Nullarbor of the base at the thrive Penguins Little for dolphins. habitat Sea-lion. Australian rated vulnerable- of the many are also colonies there and Whale Right Southern area for the calving and breeding is animportant This 2 |Eucla • • • • • and biodiversity. and climate affect upwellings and way that the and currents Current Leeuwin Cape the about more out finding habitats life marine destroy and hurt can and to sea out washes litter other and –plastic litter up picking species. ofcertain overfishing lifemarine entangle can which nets discarded such as litter marine bycatch by fishers incidental The bioregion is also an important animportant is also bioregion The

phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Red Alge Red

FIS93303 Bioregion resources

Yorke Peninsula Yorke woodlands, Callitris shrublands and tussock grasslands.

the different formations land mean there that a variety are of environments the in region. Some species birds and mammals of becomehave extinct the in bioregion. The Western Barred Bandicoot and Burrowing Bettong no are longer the in bioregion. found The bioregionThe extends Eyre Yorke throughout the Eyre and the in Peninsulas mid-southern partYorke South of Australia. withIt a temperate has climate warm summers and cool winters. The the in southaverage yearly the of rainfall bioregion different quite is the in that northernto Some area. areas the in south receive up to 600mm while areas the rain, in of north receive of about 350mm. Most occurs winter. in the of rainfall Much the of this bioregion in land been has cleared and now is used agriculture. for Biodiversity and habitat This bioregion made is hilly plains, rocky up of outcrops and sands and includes a variety geological of which been features have formed years. over of millions There also are scattered salt lakes which sometimes dry out completely. The vegetation the of bioregion mostly is woodlands and shrublands. There also are eucalypt areas of woodlands and chenopod and samphire shrublands, Melaleuca The between differences rainfall in the north and south and

Photo ©SATC/Adam Bruzzone Eyre Yorke Block Block Yorke Eyre restoration program. restoration Peninsula as part of a habitat Yorkeintroduced to southern The has been by: species dependent Yorke Eyre the You its and bioregion conserve help can Block Park. National Innes and Park Venus Park, Coffin National Bay Conservation Bay include These bioregion. this within reserves are several There Conservation include: species dependent Yorke Eyre to the its and Threats bioregion Block Threats Wattle Jumping-jack plants include the Coast Spider-orchid, and Bitter-pea Disjunct Whistler. Threatened Red-lored and Plains-wanderer Sea-Eagle, White-bellied the include bird species threatened and Rare Fisher ©SATC/Caroline Photo 2 • • • • • • | participating in weed eradication programs in your local area. in your programs local eradication in weed participating animals unique in bioregion this the plight of the about people -tell other word the spreading Veldt and Grass. Oats Wild Boxthorn, Creeper, Bridal the such as byinvasion weeds African goats and rabbits sheep, overgrazing by cattle, drainage of wetlands clearance vegetation through loss habitat Eyre YorkeEyre Block phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Yorke Peninsula

FIS93303 Bioregion resources

bellied Sea-Eagle, Threatened Osprey marine and Fairy Tern. includemammals species Humpback as such Sperm, and Minke, Whales. Blue The Eyre bioregion a marine is bioregion stretches that from Cape Bauer Port to Point to Neill on the from Corny Eyre Peninsula, and from Cape Borda Cape Peninsula to West Cape on Yorke Willoughby on . Itsemi-arid a has which means climate the summers hot and are dry and the winters cool are and moist. The bioregion fishing, commercial used is aquaculture, for shipping and coastal development. Recreational activities, as such diving and surfing, popular. are Biodiversity and habitat The bioregion different many types has coastal of and marine habitats including cliffs, rocky shores, reefs, seagrass meadows, mangroves and sand and tidal mud deltas. The most common vegetation types the in bioregion common are brown macroalgae, red algae and green macroalgae. The Eyre bioregion an important is habitat the for Australian Sea-lion which South in mainly is found Australia and remote Westernareas of Australia. Rare and threatened species bird the in include area the White-

Photo Aude Loisier Eyre Rainbow Wrasse' has been recorded. Australia where the fish called 'Striped are one of the few places in South The deeper waters of Anxious Bay by: species dependent its and bioregion Eyre the You habitat. and conserve help species can marine protect which in bioregion this of parks marine are anumber There Conservation include: species dependent its and bioregion Eyre to the Threats Threats Adams Greg Photo 2 |Eyre • • • • • • and can hurt marine life and destroy habitats. life marine destroy and hurt can and to out sea washes litter other and -plastic pickup litter up more information) at website SA Parks Marine the (try important is so environment marine the why protecting and parks marine about more out finding of habitat. destruction species. ofcertain overfishing bycatch by fishers incidental lifemarine entangle can which nets discarded such as litter marine for for

phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

non-native plants. Threatened species animal include the Black-striped Desert Skink and the Thick-billed Grasswren The Australian Bustard (eastern). and Plains Rat also are considered be to risk. at The Finke bioregionThe Finke extends from northern South Australian into the in is Northernthe Northern Most bioregion of Territory. (74%) South in Australia. withTerritory 26% It with arid an has and hot climate very and high low rainfall evaporation. Most the received is of rain during the but winter it onlyis about 200mm most 300mm less) to Like (or arid per year. varies significantlyareas Australia, rainfall in year. from year to can exceed 50°CTemperatures summer in and the winters are cool to cold. The used is land cattle. grazing mainly for Biodiversity and habitat The bioregion red has sand and there plains also are areas with hills and valleys. It Hugh and Palmer includes Rivers the Finke, the in section bioregion. Northern the of Territory Vegetation mostly is tussock grasslands, acacia shrublands and chenopod and samphire shrublands. Scientists noticed have a decline some of species bird the in bioregion. This be thought is to because fire management, of predation introduced by species and changes habitat in caused by Finke Yankunytjatjara lands. Yankunytjatjara lands. including Pitjantjatjara Anangu the Aboriginal land in this bioregion, There are significant areas of by: species dependent its and Finke the You bioregion conserve help can Valley Reserve. Rainbow the Conservation Territory ofthe the Northern bioregion, portion the largest being in areas conservation are several There of bioregion. this section Australian South in the areas conservation dedicated are no There Conservation include: species dependent its and Finke to the bioregion Threats Threats Boehm Rosey Photo 2 | • • • • • • • Finke it supports. it biodiversity Finke the and the River about more out Finding at Parks night into inside don’t take and them them National keep dogs, and your cats -desex owner pet aresponsible Being area in your programs local eradication in weed Participating donkey horse. and cat, dog, wild fox, rabbit, animals, the such as introduced Athel and Pine Grass Buffel such as invasive weeds of finite water resources management poor overgrazing phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources Bunyeroo Valley, Flinders Valley, Bunyeroo forests and woodlands, Callitris

including tussock grasslands, chenopod and samphire shrublands, acacia forests and woodlands, eucalypt woodlands, hummock grasslands and mallee woodlands and shrublands. The Flinders Lofty Block bioregion located is southeast in South Australia and includes the Flinders and Olary Ranges. varies from northClimate south. to The northern section the of bioregion a semi-arid has with and arid climate hot dry summers and cool winters. mild The southern part the of bioregion a has Mediterranean with hotsummers climate warm to and cool moist thewinters. regionGenerally, receives between 650mm to of 250 though areas the in higher parts peryear, rainfall the of Mt Lofty Ranges can receive Most is over 1000mm the of rainfall per year. which more is reliable the in south. winter, in The the in land north the of bioregion mainly is used and grazing for conservationnature and the the in land south used is growing for crops,cereal and urban grazing development. Forestry and winemaking significant are uses land the in south the of region. Biodiversity and habitat This bioregion mostly is made mountain up of ranges and wide flat plains. Large areas the in south were cleared agriculture for the in early days settlement. European of There different many types are vegetation of this bioregion in

Photo ©SATC/Adam Bruzzone Flinders LoftyBlock Rock-wallaby to recover.Rock-wallaby Yellow-footed of the populations has enabled Bounceback Recently, Operation rabbits. and of goats todue impact Yellow-footed Ranges Rock-wallaby Flinders in the in was decline The purposes. for conservation used grazing are now cattle and for sheep that used were bioregion in the of properties A number Park. National Remarkable Mt and Ranges Gammon Ranges, Flinders include reserves Nature Conservation Australia.South making it one of the wettest place in around 1100mm rainfall per year Stirling in the receives include: species dependent its and bioregion Block Lofty Flinders to the Threats Threats Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby. and Bandicoot Brown Southern Vulnerable the mammals include found reptile in region. this is anendangered Lizard Bluetongue Plains-wanderer. Pygmy and The Quail-thrush Spotted Spider-orchid.White Threatened Beauty include bird the species and Spider-orchid Bayonet the include plant species Threatened Bruzzone ©SATC/Adam Photo 2 • • | wild dogs, feral cats and starlings. and feral cats dogs, wild foxes, rabbits, feral include goats, invasive animal species Creeper, Bridal Cactus, Veldt Gorse and Wheel Grass Ward’s such as Boxthorn, Weed, weeds Onion Weed, problem Flinders Lofty Block Lofty Flinders Block bioregion and its dependent species by: species dependent its and bioregion Block Lofty Flinders the You conserve help can • • Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation area by joining a local organisation such as a Landcare or or aLandcare such as organisation alocal area by joining in your species threatened to conserve efforts supporting protecting areas of bushland areas native in your area. protecting Volunteers Trees or for Conservation for Life group, by volunteering or of’ catchment group, a‘friends or ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Wilpena Pound Wilpena

FIS93303 Bioregion resources Lake Gairdner

Endemic species include the Red-flowering Mallee Box, Corunna Gawler RangesDaisy, Greenhood, Thick-billed Grasswren and the Pernatty Knob-tailed There Gecko. also is an isolated population of the threatened Rock-wallaby. Yellow-footed The Gawler bioregion located is southern in South Australia above the and includes Eyre Peninsula the Gawler Ranges, Lake and Lake Gairdner. Torrens The bioregion hot summers to mild has with cool winters. mild to ranges between rainfall aboutYearly 300mm the in south west of the bioregion down the in north less to 150mm than east. Most the received is of rain winter. in Approximately the of bioregion 83% while grazed, is other major usesland conservation. include and nature mining Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion you will find rounded landscapes, rocky plains hills, and salt the in north lakes and the Gawler Ranges the in south. Vegetation includes acacia shrublands and woodlands, mallee shrublands and woodlands and chenopod and samphire shrublands. There also are eucalypt woodlands and tussock grasslands surrounding the salt lakes. There three are ecosystems the in bioregion which risk at are from – theseovergrazing , mulga are arid acacia low woodland shrubland with tussocktall grass understorey. and

Photo ©SATC Gawler to breed. to Banded Stilts have been known zone areas where large colonies of is one of the few arid by: species dependent its and bioregion Gawler the You conserve help can Park. National Torrens Lake Ranges Park, Gawler and Park National National Gairdner Lake include found region in the reserves Conservation Conservation include: species dependent its and bioregion Gawler to the Threats Threats Bruzzone ©SATC/Adam Photo 2 |Gawler • • • • • invasive animals on native species and their habitats. their and invasive species animals native on of effects the about people -tell other word the spreading area in your programs local eradication weed and planting days tree sessions, information events, in special participating foxes rabbits. and invasive animals includingferal goats, Jane) Salvation as Curse (also known Paterson’s and Box thorn African including invasive weeds overgrazing

phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Gawler Ranges Gawler

FIS93303 Bioregion resources

The Great Desert bioregion located is the in western of half South Australia and stretches Western into Australia. The desert, after which the bioregion named, is the is largest Australia. in It with arid an has extremely climate warm to hot summers and warm winters. to mild The bioregionreceives about 100mm to the it of varies much per arid rain 250mm zone, of year but, like significantly year. from year to a particularly is Water precious resource and only the hardiest of plants can and animals survive these in harsh conditions. and 60’s, nuclear weapon trials were conductedIn the 1950’s in the bioregion contaminated. and several and remain, areas were, Biodiversity and habitat The bioregion dunes has and swales lunettes with lakes, playa and rocky areas. There types many are vegetation of including chenopod and samphire shrublands, acacia shrublands and open woodlands, eucalypt open woodlands, casuarina and mallee shrublands and woodlands. Rare or threatened include animals the Malleefowl, Sandhill Dunnart and the Southern Marsupial Mole.

Photo G.Richardson Photo dependent species by: species dependent its and bioregion Desert Great Victoria the You conserve help can Park. Conservation Yumbarra and Yellabinna Park, Conservation Reserve Regional Tallaringa Park, Conservation Mamungari the include of which some of nature anumber reserves, includes region The bioregion. in the mining for sands in interest recently, increased More has been there conservation. for nature aside set Vast have areas been people. by Indigenous purposes for traditional used is mainly land in bioregion this The Conservation Dunnarts. Sandhill of population supports most of the known The Great Victoria Desert bioregion include: species dependent its and bioregion Desert Great to Victoria the Threats Threats 2 • • • | which plants and animals and have to in them. live adapted plants which in ways the and ecosystems desert Telling about people by camels. to waterholes damage and rabbits, and camels by feral animals,Overgrazing especially miningsuch as exploration and by developments of vegetation fragmentation and clearance Great Victoria Desert Great Victoria Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

Currawong (north westernCurrawong subspecies), Prickly Wattle and Coastal White Mallee. Rat The now is extinct Stick-nest Greater this region. in The Hampton bioregion located is on the border South of Australia and Western Australia near the Australian Great Bight. the of bioregionOnly South in is 4% Australia. Itsemi-arid a has with hot summers climate to mild and cool to winters.mild The bioregion receives about per rain 250mm of year with most during the winter. falling Most the of the in land bioregion used is sheep grazing for and cattle and some used is conservation. for The South entire Australian portion the of bioregion set is aside conservation for within the Nullarbor Conservation Park. Biodiversity and habitat The bioregion marine has dunes with shifting white sands and faces. rock limestone The vegetation a mixture is mallee of shrublands and woodlands, eucalypt woodlands. and myall The limestone slopes and sandy conditions the of bioregion provide good species. plant habitat many for The harsh conditions harbour surprises therare Quandong, like which also is known as the Native Peach. Rare or threatened species the in bioregion include the Grey

Photo DEH Hampton species by: species dependent its and bioregion Hampton the conserve help can You Park. National Nullarbor within is protected bioregion this of section Australian entire South The Australia. inPark Western Eucla and National Reserve Nature Nuytsland include Reserves Conservation fauna. endemic locally There are caves in the bioregion with include: species dependent its and bioregion Hampton to the Threats Threats 2 |Hampton • • • • planting days and weed eradication programs. programs. eradication weed and planting days tree sessions, information events, in special participating environment animalsand your local are having on plants that introduced impacts the about raising awareness like Spurge. invasive plants Sea the rabbits and horses camels, starlings, feral cats, includingfoxes, dogs, wild invasive animal species Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

Flinders Chase, KI Chase, Flinders

Brown Bandicoot, Glossy and the Southern Black-Cockatoo - wren. Threatened plants include the Small-flower Daisy-bush and Bush. Kangaroo Island Turpentine The bioregion Kanmantoo includes Kangaroo Island and the Fleurieu and partPeninsula the of Ranges on the mainland. whichIt a temperate means has the climate that summers warm are and the winters cool. are Most occurs the in the of winter. rainfall The the in land bioregion mainly is used nature grazing, for conservation and cropping cereal. for Biodiversity and habitat This bioregion a diverse has landscape with some very rugged and inaccessible There terrain. also are some significant lowland areas, as such eastern KangarooIsland. A large the of amount vegetation the in bioregion been has cleared, though large areas native vegetationof onremain Kangaroo Island. The vegetation main mallee is shrublands and woodlands, heath, eucalypt woodlands, eucalypt open forests and other forests woodlands.and This bioregion known is as a ‘biodiversity hotspot’ because the of range habitats of and species these of Many here. species found are threatened and some endemic are the to region. Threatened include animals the Kangaroo Island Dunnart, Southern

Photo ©SATC Kanmantoo Cape Gantheaume Wilderness Protection Area. Protection Wilderness Gantheaume Cape and Park Creek Conservation Deep Park, Conservation Bay Seal Area, Protection Wilderness Casoars des Ravine Park, National Chase Flinders include bioregion in the areas conservation Major control landscape. managing and firein the animal weed and feral include bioregion in the conservation for biodiversity Priorities Conservation and rabbits on the Island. native animals as there are no foxes subregion is important as arefuge for Island (KI) and the Fleurieu. The KI up of subregions, two Kangaroo The Kanmantoo bioregion is made include: species dependent its and Kanmantoo to bioregion the Threats Threats Fuchs ©Don Photo 2 |Kanmantoo • • • • salinity. invasion weed management fire poor of foxes is free rabbits) Island and feral and (Kangaroo pigs goats feral deer, rabbits, and feral feral animals foxes, such as cats

dependent species by: by: species dependent its and Kanmantoo bioregion the You conserve help can • • • Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation planting days and weed eradication programs in your local area in your programs local eradication weed and planting days tree sessions, information events, in special participating free of foxesfree rabbits. and Island keep Kangaroo wildlife –help our save biodiversity conserving for important are why islands and so Island Kangaroo of environments unique the about more out finding ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Kangaroo Island Kangaroo

FIS93303 Bioregion resources

the Hooded Plover and Eastern Curlew. Eleven species birds this bioregion in of listed are on international treaties including the White-bellied Sea-Eagle and Protected Osprey. seabirds include the Southern Albatross, Petrel, Shy Giant Wandering Albatross, Southern Albatross Royal and Sooty Albatross. The bioregion Murat a marine is bioregion off the western coast stretching from Cape Eyre Adieu Cape Peninsula Bauerof to and including the Ceduna. township of It a Mediterranean has with climate hot dry summers and cool, moist winters. The industries main the in bioregion and recreational commercial are Recreationalfishing, aquaculture and tourism. activities as such camping, boating, fishing, swimming and scuba diving popular are this Biodiversity and habitat The bioregion seagrass, has mangroves, headlands, peninsulas will also find bays, estuaries,islands. You and many salt marshes, mudflats, sandy beaches and limestone rocky shores. This bioregion an important is the for area . Blue Whales, Sperm Whales, Whales, Minke Humpbacks and Killer Whales also have been this bioregion. in found The vulnerable- White Great rated also is Shark known this bioregion. in There important are nursery Western areas for King Prawns and shellfish.rare Davenport international importance of is Creek for

Photo Jessica Frahn Murat species by: species dependent its and Murat bioregion the You conserve help can site. bird breeding is asea which Park, Conservation siteEba and Island breeding Sea-lion an Australian is which Park, Conservation Archipelago Nuyts include reserves of the Some habitat. and species marine protect which bioregion Murat in the reserves of conservation are a number There Conservation habitats for avariety of fish species. important nursery and feeding provide which seagrass of areas The Murat bioregion supports large include: species dependent its and Murat to bioregion the Threats Threats Vives Gale Photo 2 |Murat • • • • • • to sea they can kill marine life. kill marine can they to sea out wash they –if possible whenever bags plastic avoiding others educating and issues conservation marine about more out finding access to beaches. vehicle by uncontrolled of habitat destruction and erosion species ofcertain overfishing bycatch by fishers incidental life marine entangle can equipment fishing discarded and rubbish such as litter marine phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

Redlored Threatened species Whistler. plant include the Jumping-jack Wattleand Hairy-pod The Wattle. Carpet Python a threatened is reptile of the region. The Murray-Darling Depression bioregion south-eastern in is South Australia, New South and Victoria. Wales the of About 19% bioregion South in is Australia and it includes the River Murray. The semi-arid is climate the in north which means it hot in is that The south experiencesthe summer the and in mild winter. a Mediterranean with hot summers climate warm to and cool moist the in bioregionwinters. rainfall annual Average ranges between 200around per 550mm to year and most winter. in the falls of rain Much the of native vegetation the in bioregion been has cleared. The cleared now is land mainly used irrigated grazing, for horticulture and growing crops. cereal Biodiversity and habitat This bioregion broad, has plains, sand rolling dunes There and lakes. largeare mallee areas of shrublands and woodlands. There also are open woodlands, tussock grasslands, heath and acacia shrublands. important is Fire biodiversity the to bioregion’s plant and many species this bioregion in special have which features help them survive bushfires. Some even need help fire to them reproduce! Threatened species bird include the Malleefowl, Miner Black-eared and

Photo ©SATC/ Matt Nettheim Murray-Darling Depression and its dependent species by: species dependent its and bioregion Depression Murray-Darling the You conserve help can Australia. Birds by is managed ‘Gluepot’ area called Alarge Area. Protection Park/Wilderness Danggali Conservation and Park Conservation Billiat Park, Conservation Ngarkat include bioregion the of section Australian South in the Reserves reserves. conservation is in than 15% bioregion Less Depression Murray-Darling of the Conservation bioregion. this in occurred world’s largest area of mallee Prior to extensive clearance, the include: species dependent its and bioregion Depression Murray-Darling to the Threats Threats Nettheim Matt ©SATC/ Photo 2 • • • • • • | Being water-wise at home. at water-wise Being Australia in South mouth to the from Queensland problems its and system River Murray the about learning biodiversity affects fire how about more out finding goats. and overgrazing fromferal rabbits management fire poor salinity Murray DarlingMurray Depression phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources Naracoorte Caves Naracoorte

freshwater wetlandsfreshwater which provide habitat waterfowl for and themigratory bioregion wading birds. provides During the winter, important overwintering habitat the for Endangered Orange- bellied Parrot. The Naracoorte Coastal bioregion located is along the coast south-easternof South Australia and extends Victoria. into It a cool, has moist Mediterranean most in climate parts the of bioregion, with the in less northern rainfall areas. The northern section the of bioregion 400mm, of an average has yearly rainfall while some areas the in south receive 800mm up to per rain of year. The cleared this bioregion in land mostly is used cattle grazing for and sheep, growing and other cereals crops. Forestry, wine grapes and dairying also are important uses land the in region. Biodiversity and habitat This bioregion characterised is broad by separated plains rolling by low ranges. Coastal landforms include sand ridges, sand dunes and limestone cliffs. Around 90% the of bioregion been has cleared agriculture. for Major vegetation types include mallee shrublands and woodlands, heath and other shrublands, sedgelands, chenopod and samphire shrublands and eucalypt woodlands and open woodlands. There different many habitats are the in bioregion, providing homes a large variety for species. of The bioregion saline has and

Photo ©SATC/Ken Stepnell Naracoorte Coastal Plain and its dependent species by: species dependent its and bioregion Plain Coastal Naracoorte the You conserve help can sites. Ramsar as listed have been Lagoon Coorong Bool and The Park. Conservation Gum and Lagoon Park Conservation Ponds Piccaninnie Park, CoorongCanunda Park, National National including bioregion in the reserves major are several There Conservation winter. water every under was much of the Naracoorte Coastal Plain Prior to large drainage programs, include: species dependent its and bioregion Plain Coastal Naracoorte to the Threats Threats Sun-orchid. Metallic and Spider-orchid Dip Little Goose, Magpie Lizard, Legless Striped Skink, Grass Glossy Rat, Heath Bat, Bent-wing Southern the include species threatened rare or Other plant species. vulnerable is anationally which Ixodia Sand of the location known only the is also bioregion The Nolan ©SATC/Ann Photo 2 • • • • • • | the Orange-bellied Parrot. Orange-bellied the plight of the about people –tell other word the Spreading area in your programs local eradication weed and planting days tree sessions, information events, in special Participating deer. and foxes, such as cats species non-native Pine Radiata and Creeper, Bridal such as ofinvasion weeds Boxthorn African salinity drainage of wetlands Naracoorte Coastal Plain Coastal Naracoorte phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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The Coorong

FIS93303 Bioregion resources Blanche Harbour

sites waterbirds. for Some sea squirt species and algae the in bioregion found not are seen other marine any bioregion in South in Australia. Large numbers red of algae also have been recorded the in region and the region also is home various to endemic cnidarians (jellyfish, corals). The North bioregion encompasses Gulf Spencer upper including the marine and coastal fringing sections its of northern region. Geographically, its boundary an imaginary is line Victoria from running Harbour Point near Franklin on the Eyre Peninsula. Point Riley on Yorke to nearPeninsula, Wallaroo The Northern Spencer known Gulf is unique marine and have to coastal assets; containing both tropical and sub-tropical species as well as a number endemic of This species elsewhere). found (not region a Mediterranean has which means the climate that summers and the hot and dry, are winters cool are and moist. Eco-tourism, dive operations, transport and shipping, aquaculture, industry, fisheries commercial and coastal development the are activitiesmain this bioregion. in Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion, you will see some the of biggest coastal saltmarshes South in Australia as well as flats, mud extensive seagrass meadows forests; and mangrove which all act as a nursery important many for and recreational commercial fishes. Habitats this bioregion in also provide good roosting and feeding

Photo Deb Allen North Spencer Gulf dependent species by: species dependent its and bioregion Gulf Spencer North the You conserve help can boardwalks. constructing and awareness community by building bioregion in the mangrove forests the protect Gulf. Spencer to help Community groups North ofmangroves the the in conserving interest community is astrong There Giantof Cuttlefish. the grounds spawning the to protect octopus and squid cuttlefish, on FalseIn Bay, ban fishing round is ayear total , there near Conservation the Giant Cuttlefish gather to mate. the world where large numbers of Whyalla is the only known place in include: species dependent its and bioregion Gulf Spencer North to the Threats Threats Bryce Clay Photo 2 • • • • • • | a day and save our marine life. marine our a day save and for family and litter to up oforganising pick agroup friends others educate and issues conservation marine about more out finding ecosystems. disrupts which for development of saltmarshes removal water (ships) aquaculture and from ballast introduced be can which pests marine species other and dolphins for traffic) (debris shipping and hazards traffic marine species other and fish seagrasses, coastline) impacting (fringing the from industry metals by heavy pollution North Spencer Gulf Spencer North

phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Seagrass meadow

FIS93303 Bioregion resources The

Rare and threatened species the in bioregion include the Australian Sea-lion, NullarborQuail-thrush and Peregrine Falcon. The Nullarbor bioregion located is the in southern part Western of Australia with the of 30% bioregion the in south western corner Southof Australia which includes the vast Nullabor Plain. Itsemi-arid arid an has to with climate winters. mild The average between is yearly and 250mm. rainfall 150mm reserves, conservation leases, pastoral contains The bioregion Aboriginal and part land the of Woomera Prohibited Area. The Aboriginal the in land bioregion includes part the of Maralinga holdings. land Tjarutja and Yalata Biodiversity and habitat Most the of bioregion broad, has gently limestone rolling plains. The Nullarbor Plain dominated is chenopod by shrublands, sometimes growing underneath sparse acacia trees. The the to northern plains and western parts the of bioregion contain more woodland vegetation. Grasses often are seen where and removed burnt fires have the chenopod vegetation. The Nullarbor Plain largest one is the of World’s limestone karst systems and considered is significant thisreason. for The caves provide a varietyrefuge to species, of including a number invertebrates. of

Photo ©SATC/Adam Bruzzone Nullarbor occurs in the Nullarbor region. Wombats Hairy-nosed Southern of population largest Australia’s by: species dependent its and bioregion Nullarbor the You conserve help can research. further and protection Cave require habitat fauna especially Park. Conservation Mamungari the and Reserve Wahgunyah Conservation Reserve, Yumbarra Area, Conservation Protection Wilderness Nullarbor the include bioregion of the part Australian found South in the reserves of the Some reserves. is in conservation bioregion of the part Australian 58% South of Around the reserve. conservation is 17% bioregion ofAbout the part Australia Western of the Conservation include: species dependent its and bioregion Nullarbor to the Threats Threats Lang Peter Photo 2 |Nullarbor • • • • • and plants are having on your local environment. your local are having on plants and animals that introduced impacts the about raising awareness area in your programs local eradication weed and planting days tree sessions, information events, in special participating visitors. by uncontrolled Cave caused damage Mignonette Wild and Jane Salvation Burr Bathurst Grass, Love African Boxthorn, African including the species, weed Invasive horses and camels starlings, feral cats, foxes, such as rabbits, species by invasive animal caused predation and Competition phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

Robe Obelisk

which conservationists. concern of to are The lower south east one is areas the in few stateof where the Sandyback found. is Stingaree In the bioregion, there breeding are colonies Little of Penguins and and the bioregion also Terns Crested attracts species albatross of and Blue Petrel which both are risk. at The Otwaybioregion crosses the South Australian border into Apollo Victoria Bay in The South and King Island . in Australian portion extends north as far as Cape Jaffa. Itcool a with has temperate climate wet winters and warm, dry summers. Industries the in bioregion found include Southern Rock Lobster and Abalone fisheries, coastal development, shipping and Ittourism. popular is recreational for fishing, diving, sailing, surfing and boating. Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion, you will find dunes, rock cliffs, shore platforms, offshore reefs, sandy beaches and coastal wetlands. The vegetation main types the in forests, regionfound kelp are subtidal macroalgae near the and seagrass. shore, Important marine species here include found the Southern Rock Lobster and Abalone. An uncommon species which lives the in bioregion Pipefish. the is Brigg’s Blue Whales live the in Bonney Coast upwelling. The Western Blue Groper and Purple Wrasse two are reef fish species

Photo Doug Fotheringham Otway species by: species dependent its and bioregion Otway the You conserve help can Eel. Short-finned and Lamprey Lamprey, Pouched life in Shorthead freshwater the including of their part and life ocean of in their the part that spend species of fish lifecycles the to understand done being Work is also environment. marine shore near freshwater the and underground between relationship the to understand Work is underway Conservation sites for Blue Whales in the world. handful of known regular breeding The Otway region is one of only a include: species dependent its and bioregion Otway to the Threats Threats 2 |Otway • • • • • • sea and the creatures that in them. live the and sea the under forests giant the seaweed about more learning others educate and issues conservation marine about more out finding recreation. increased development coastal pollution other places from brought boats in on pests marine introduced

Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources Banrock Station Banrock

Bush Stone-curlewBush underway. is Floodplain habitats under are severe stress because and drought of managementwater issues the in This catchment. leading is a to decline tree in health and loss valuable of wetland habitat. The bioregion mainly is located southern in New South with South in Wales only Australia. 3% Itsemi-arid a has hot summers with and cool climate low rainfall, winters.Renmark mostly receives about 260mm per rain of year, during the winter. The the in land bioregion used is sheep mainly for and cattle as growinggrazing well as for wine grapes, vegetables and citrus. Biodiversity and habitat This bioregion includes creeks, channels, lagoons, billabongs, swamps Between which the related to Murray are River. and lakes these features floodplainsare flooded are that when the river levels The rise. main vegetation types chenopod are shrublands and grasslands. Other vegetation includes River Red and Black Gum woodlands, Box mallee woodlands and shrublands, native grasslands and wetlands. The floodplain large has woodlands areas of which provide good habitat a number threatened for of species. The bioregion provides an important habitat migratory for and nomadic birds, and native fish. Threatened species include the Stone-curlew, Bush Carpet Python, Southern Bell Frog and Riverine A recovery Flax-lily. the program for

Photo ©SATC/Adam Bruzzone Riverina species by: species dependent its and bioregion Riverina the You conserve help can Planning groups. Action Local and Board Management Resource Natural Basin Murray-Darling SA includingthe of key people is reliant groups on bioregion in the work Community conservation Conservation an 80km section of the River Murray. Ramsar Wetland which is located along the includes bioregion The include: species dependent its and bioregion Riverina to the Threats Threats Kamma ©SATC/Johnny Photo 2 | • • • • • Riverina important for wetlands around the world. around for the wetlands important is why it and Agreement Ramsar the about more out finding area in your programs local eradication weed and planting days tree sessions, information events, in special participating Creeper. Bridal and Weed Alligator including invasive weeds European Starling European and Carp invasive animals feral feral such as fox, cat, pig, rabbit, of water flow changing patterns phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources Near Lake Eyre

Ampurta. The Lake Eyre Dragon restricted is Lake Eyre to and saltsurrounding lakes. now are extinct smaller mammals Many the in bioregion, including the Pig-footed Bandicoot, Lesser Rat, Burrowing Stick-nest Bettong, Desert Rat Kangaroo and the Bilby. The Simpson-Strzelecki Dunefields bioregion located is on the borders South of Australia, Northern and Territory Queensland. About 48% the of bioregion South in is Australia. It arid, an has subtropical and includes climate the driest of area between is Australia. Rainfall - 250mm per year and most 150mm during summer months. the falls of rain It also includes Lake Eyre which the is lowest point Australia in at below sea level. The Artesian 15m Great around Basin lies underneath this bioregion. Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion you will find long sand dunes, large saltpans, sand and riversplains which dry usually are and lakes or restricted to permanent waterholes. Most the of bioregion intact has native vegetation which mostly is hummock and tussock grasslands, open acacia woodlands and acacia shrublands. The but when dry, usually are larger flooded lakes they contain plenty fishof and attract large populations. bird When wet, the wetlands are an important habitat Freckled for Duck, Musk Duck, Black Swan, Silver Australian Gulls, Pelican, and Banded Egret Great Stilt. Threatened include animals the Dusky Hopping-mouse, Mulgara and

Photo ©SATC/John Sones Simpson-Strzelecki Dunefields bioregion and its dependent species by: species dependent its and bioregion Dunefields Simpson-Strzelecki the You conserve help can are all found in bioregion. this Reserve Regional Frome Lake and Reserve Regional Strzelecki Park, National Eyre Thandai-Lake Kati Park, Conservation and Reserve Regional Desert Simpson The conservation. nature for grazing and used is mainly land in bioregion this The Conservation lake. largest which, when it fills, is Australia’s The bioregion includes Lake Eyre include: species dependent its and bioregion Dunefields Simpson-Strzelecki to the Threats Threats 2 | • • • • • • Simpson-Strzelecki Dunefields animal populations and their habitats. their and populations animal plant native and on species overgrazing introduced and of effects the about people –tell other word the spreading returns water the when to life back comes Eyre Lake how about more out finding invasive weeds. fires uncontrolled foxes such as cats and predators, introduced trampling and overgrazing

Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources

White Shark. coastalMany and marine birds as such cormorants, gulls, terns, Little Penguins and Australian Pelicans live the in bioregions. The Spencer Gulf bioregion covers the marine and fringing coastal geographicallyareas that stretch from a line between West Cape Port to Peninsula Neill a line up onto Eyre Peninsula, on Yorke extending Point from Riley onthe eastern side Spencer of Gulf across Shoalwater to Point on the western side. Itsemi-arid a has or Mediterranean with climate hot dry summers and cool moist winters. The bioregion used is recreational for boating and fishing, diving, shipping, industryaquaculture, and tourism. Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion you will find samphires, mangroves on mudflats, seagrass meadows, algal forests and platform reefs with overlying sand dunes and beaches. This bioregion an important is species breeding many ground for of fish and there species are macroalgae, of invertebrates and fish which southern only in are found Australia. There a large are species number and skate shark, of ray the in Hammerheadbioregion, Shark, Smooth including the Whaler, Bronze Southern Fiddler Eagle Ray, Ray and theendangered GreatStingray,

Photo MaryMolloy Photo Spencer Gulf dependent species by: species dependent its and bioregion Gulf Spencer the You conserve help can Park. Conservation Island Goose and Park Conservation Franklin Park, Harbor Conservation Bird Islands include bioregion Gulf Spencer in the reserves conservation of the Some Conservation Western King Prawns in the world. the largest known population of The Spencer Gulf bioregion contains include: species dependent its and bioregion Gulf Spencer to the Threats Threats 2 | • • • • • • Spencer Gulf fragile and can be easily damaged. easily be can and fragile touching not life but –marine is often looking others educate and issues conservation marine about more out finding industries. from fringing pollution for mammals marine hazards fromshipping turbidity increased Coral,Oyster, Lace Crab, European Shore Bristleworm Pacific such as to native not SA water: species introducing ballast shipping and aquaculture via species introduced through to habitats marine of diseases introduction loading nutrient pollutants: aquaculture

Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources Western Blue Groper Blue Western

coastal wetlands the of bioregion national of importance are and the sheltered gulf waters some have the of largest temperate seagrass ecosystems in the world. The St VincentThe Gulf bioregion Port from St extends Wakefield 170km theat northern end the of bioregion, to the in south. This includes the whole the of marine ecosystem Vincent the of St across Kangaroo to IslandGulf, including fringing coastal areas. rangesThe from semi-arid climate bioregion’s the in north to Mediterranean the in south, with hot dry summers and cool winters which moist are southern in parts the of region. The activities human main the in bioregion shipping, are fishing, scubaaquaculture, diving, boating and coastal development. All of metropolitanAdelaide’s associated is area with this bioregion which means metropolitan pollution a major has impact on this region. Biodiversity and habitat In this bioregion, you will find seagrass meadows, mangroves, algal communities, saltmarshes, temperate reefs, rocky reefs, sandy beaches, coastal wetlands, mudflats and estuaries. VincentThe one Gulf is the of St richest stationary areas for invertebrates as such sponges and sea squirts South in Australia. The bioregion provides important species habitat many for including the Leafy Seadragon, Sea and Slug the Australian Sea-lion. the of Many

Photo Greg Adams St VincentGulf St dependent species by: species dependent its and St the You bioregion Gulf Vincent conserve help can damage. dune to sand minimise and for bird habitat are re-vegetated which zones conservation coastal creating through example, For bioregion. Gulf Vincent St the rehabilitate and to protect working groups conservation are many There locations. after sought in highly development from coastal of alot pressure is under bioregion The Conservation Inlet. Barker and River Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary in the Port The bioregion includes the Adelaide include: species dependent its and St to the bioregion Gulf Vincent Threats Threats DEH Photo 2 • • • • • | Getting involved with a local coastcare or reefwatch group. reefwatch or coastcare alocal with involved Getting others educating and issues conservation marine about more out finding meadows like seagrass habitats marine important damages and to out sea straight goes drain astorm-water down washed –anything polluting not degradation habitat and of seagrasses to losses leading containingpollutants runoff storm-water systems drainage suburban through as well as fishing commercial and recreational through pollution marine St Gulf Vincent phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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Inman River Inman

FIS93303 Bioregion resources Sarah Station Sarah

many differentmany types habitats of which support a surprising number species. of Some permanent waterholes on the floodplain waterbirds, for raptors, havens are pardalotes and honey eaters. The protection mound of springs very is important conservationfor this bioregion. in The bioregionThe Stony located is the in north South of over the border the in Australia, with just tip (1%) a small Northern Territory. The bioregion one in is the of driest parts Australia. It of an has extreme - temperatures very arid are climate high with hot dry spells the of much summer for period dry and mild, winters. low is and veryRainfall unpredictable. The Artesian Great Basin lies underneath this bioregion. Cooper Pedy located is this bioregion: in town is that a small often escape called capital the the 'opal heat To the of world'! peoplemany this town in made their houses underground where it cooler. is Biodiversity and habitat The bioregion mostly is made lowland up of sand and stony plains. The vegetation main types chenopod are shrublands, gidgee woodlands. and mulga grasslands, acacia Tussock open woodlands, acacia shrublands and other shrublands also are the bioregion. throughout found Although the Plains, conditions there harsh are are the in Stony

Photo Peter Lang StonyPlains dependent species by: species dependent its and Stony the You bioregion Plains conserve help can Park. National in such Witjira as nature conservation for is used bioregion of the grazing. Some sheep and cattle for land used is mainly the but bioregion, in the are mined Opals Conservation environment. arid an in wetlands Springs are important examples of Mound Eyre Lake and Springs Dalhousie include: species dependent its and Stony to the bioregion Plains Threats Threats Slipper-plant. Haegi’s Stemodia Johnston’s and include plants Endemic Pipewort. Salt and Rat Plains Lizard, Legless Bronzeback the include species area. to Threatened the are endemic which including four species in bioregion, this recorded have been 100 species reptile About Photo Tony Robinson 2 |Stony Plains • • • • • having on your local environment. your local having on animals are that pest impacts the about raising awareness cover.surface stony the that remove by activities caused erosion soil support they springs mound Basin’s the and waters Great Artesian of the depletion feral donkeys and feralovergrazing by including horses feral camels, of waterholes stilting and beds of stream erosion

phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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The Breakaways The

FIS93303 Bioregion resources Blue Lake

Rare and threatened species the in South Australian section the of (south-eastern), Red-tailed the bioregion include Black-Cockatoo , Blue-winged Shrike-tit Parrot, Crested Glycine. and Clover Most the of Victorian Plain bioregion Volcanic Victoria, in is with just Mount around area Gambier a small South in Australia. The bioregion with a temperate has climate warm dry summers and cool winters with frosts. Most the of the in land bioregion used is agriculture for including dairywool, lamb, and beef cattle, and mixed crops. Forestry is also a significant industry the in bioregion. the is largest town the in South Australian section with a population of 23,000around people. Biodiversity and habitat Most the of region South in Australia been has cleared for sectionsagriculture small for except eucalypt of forest and woodlands, healthy shrublands and sedgelands. The bioregion a numberhas extinct of volcanoes, some with or large lakes wetlands in their crates. Native vegetation the in bioregion been and has now is rare replaced with pine plantations, pastures and crops. Despite this, the bioregion part is a ‘biodiversity of hotspot’ because its of diverse ecosystems and the significant species they support.

Photo ©SATC/Adam Bruzzone Victorian Plain Volcanic its dependent species by: species dependent its and Volcanic bioregion Plain Victorian the You conserve help can of remnant vegetation. patches existing to connect corridors biodiversity is establishing ForestrySA species. of threatened conservation for the important are all which in bioregion this reserves are small scattered There Conservation cone rising from avolcanic plain. Gambier is actually the crater of an ash The famous Blue Lake near Mount include: species dependent its and Volcanic bioregion Plains Victorian to the Threats Threats Bruzzone ©SATC/Adam Photo 2 • • • • • • • • | find out why the Blue Lake is so blue! is so Lake Blue why the out find and of region this more: the out Finding research Lake Blue in up the ends Gambier of Mt streets water fromthe that the reminding others environment animalsand your local are having on plants that introduced impacts the about raising awareness forest to link of areas native corridor to planthelping abiodiversity your land on of in bush areas your area or native protecting Creeper. Bridal and Blackberry such as weeds Invasive foxes such as cats and species Introduced vegetation native and of habitat isolation and Loss Victorian Volanic Plain Victorian phone your nearest Natural Resources Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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The ValleyThe Lake

FIS93303 Bioregion resources South Australia Bioregions eight marine and coastal (IMCRA) bioregions. (IMCRA) coastal and marine eight and bioregions has 17 Australia South (IBRA) terrestrial to biodiversity. threats and of land use patterns different as well as communities territories. Each bioregion has a unique of collection ecological and into states cross other will bioregions some therefore of many maps) boundaries (rather political than the types soil and ranges mountain such as by natural boundaries defined plantand animal and are communities). Abioregion’s borders features climate, ecological patterns, landform (such geology, as processes environmental and of natural characteristics patterns by common defined is anarea ofsea land or A bioregion 2 • | bioregions ( bioregions framework/ibra ( South Australian Bioregions Australian South ) and 8 marine and coastal (IMCRA) (IMCRA) coastal and 8marine ) and

Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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FIS93303 Bioregion resources South Australia's SouthAustralia's management issues. management and conservation biodiversity for discussing user-friendly context abroad, thus give They to biodiversity. threats and modification) and destruction (extent, habitat in climate, land use, vegetation, patterns different with communities of ecological collation unique biogeographically but simplified agreatly represents Each biomes. Marine and Mediterranean into Arid, combined the -2016', are 2006 bioregions Australia IMCRA and IBRA the Strategy for South -ABiodiversity Loss Species 'No the Under 2 | South Australian Biomes Australian South Coordinator at each Natural Resources Centre. Resources Natural Coordinator each at Education relevant NRM to the to ask speak please opportunities and resources education environmental about information wanting more teachers For enquiries Education East: South Basin: Murray-Darling SA Island: Kangaroo Yorke: and Northern Peninsula: Eyre 8273 Ranges: 9100 Lofty Mt and Adelaide Centres Resources Natural visit Centre Natural Resources or your nearest phone To please information for or more involved get For Furtherinformation ...... 8735 1177 8735 9100 8532 8553 4444 3400 8841 3111 8688

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