“Towards an Earth-Moon Economy Developing Off-Planet Resources” & The Moon Society Journal & . Published monthly except January and July., by the Lunar [Opinions expressed herein, including editorials, are those Reclamation Society (NSS-Milwaukee) for its members, of individual writers and not presented as positions or members of participating National Space Society chapters, policies of the National Space Society, the Lunar Recla- members of the Moon Society, and individuals world-=wide. mation Society, or The Moon Society, whose members EDITOR: Peter Kokh, c/o LRS, PO Box 2102, Milwaukee freely hold diverse views. COPYRIGHTs remain with the WI 53201. Ph: 414-342-0705. Submissions: “MMM”, 1630 N. individual writers; except reproduction rights, with credit, 32nd Str., Milwaukee, WI 53208; Email:
[email protected] are granted to NSS & Moon Society chapter newsletters.] Guest Editorial: " Why Should We Send Humans to Mars? " © 2004 by Thomas Gangale <
[email protected]> becomes easier. What once were "known unknowns" In September 2003, as I prepared to leave the San become "knowns," and "unknown unknowns" become "known Francisco Bay Area to deliver a presentation at an aero- unknowns." Once we know that we don't know something, space conference in Long Beach, one of my professors in we can research the problem and master it. International Relations asked, "Why do you want to send This is not to say that it will not be a difficult, people to Mars? Is it not better to focus on robotics for dangerous, and expensive endeavor. It will be. However, at now?" this point, we are far better prepared to send humans to It is cheaper to explore with robots, but not Mars than we were to send humans to the Moon when John necessarily better.