Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Thursday, 17 February 2011] P641b
Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Thursday, 17 February 2011] p641b-673a Mr John Quigley; Mrs Michelle Roberts; Mr Peter Tinley; Mr Eric Ripper; Mr Fran Logan; Mr Murray Cowper; Mr Ben Wyatt; Mr Peter Watson; Ms Adele Carles; Mr Mick Murray PREMIER’S STATEMENT Consideration Resumed from 16 February on the following question — That the Premier’s Statement be noted. MR J.R. QUIGLEY (Mindarie) [9.31 am]: Mr Speaker, I would like to make a speech concerning policing in Western Australia. At the outset, I preface my speech by saying that I have the utmost respect and admiration for the thousands of brave and conscientious police officers who police Western Australia, and who, by their devotion to duty, secure the streets so that they are safe enough for my wife and my children to walk about without the expectation of being assaulted or otherwise endangered. I thank all those officers who serve in the traffic branch and who stay up all night in difficult conditions, patrolling our streets to keep the streets safe enough for me to drive home with the expectation that I will not be killed by a hoon. I thank all of those officers serving in crime command who work so valiantly detecting crime by organised criminals and others, and who have achieved such remarkable results, especially in the interdiction of drug laboratories. They have made big inroads into the amphetamine trade in Western Australia. Finally, I thank, also, those officers of this state, including the undercover officers, who on a daily basis put themselves in danger by engaging with organised criminals and bikie gangs to bring evidence before the courts that will see these people prosecuted.
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