50¢ February 27, 2011 Think Green Volume 85, No. 8 Recycle this paper Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Seniors Seniors in love and seniors offer works of charity Men of the diocese challenged Page 10-13 to handle the truth Upcoming Marriage Conference BY TIM JOHNSON Alexanders to share story FORT WAYNE — “You and I are called to be men of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are called to be men of Page 4 the Eucharist. We are called to live the truth in charity. In a word, we are called to be saints.” These words of Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades during his homily at the Mass that concluded the first Diocesan Men’s Conference on Saturday, Feb. 19, summed up the mes- School Choice sage that was heard by 1,300 men gathered from across Endorsement from state the diocese and beyond. The first Diocesan Men’s Conference with the superintendent theme, “Can You Handle the Truth,” was sponsored by the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and Rekindle Page 5 the Fire men’s ministry, prominent at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Fort Wayne, which was active in the promotion and presentation of the conference, includ- ing a display of stage fireworks at the opening of the Permanent deacon event. Throughout the day, W. Keith Moore, a Catholic candidates singer- from Nashville, Tenn., and Oxford, Miss., shared his music and told his story of conver- Meet the Byrnes sion from being an Evangelical Protestant and Methodist to finding the Catholic faith. Page 8 He asked the men gathered at the Fort Wayne Memorial Coliseum Exposition Center to “dig” and not become complacent in their faith. JOE ROMIE Moore also encouraged the men to get to know the Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades celebrates Mass with the 1,300 men gathered for the first Diocesan Luers-Midwest Show Men’s Conference with the theme, “Can You Handle the Truth.” The conference was held in Choir Invitational FIRE, PAGE 3 the Fort Wayne Memorial Coliseum Exposition Center on Feb. 19. The ’granddaddy’ of show choir invitationals VIEW OF CIRCUS MAXIMUS Bishop encourages students Page 9 IN ROME to spread the Good News

personally visit each one over the next few Bishop Rhoades celebrates years. He gave special thanks to the stu- all-schools Mass at Notre Dame dents, teachers, principals and staff mem- bers of Mishawaka St. Bavo, St. Joseph and BY DIANE FREEBY St. Monica. “These three great schools that have been in existence for many decades are NOTRE DAME — In an arena better known going to come together next year as one for thrilling basketball finishes, Bishop new Catholic school,” said Bishop Rhoades, Kevin C. Rhoades made a slam-dunk with referring to the new Mishawaka Catholic School. “It’s not easy to move from being CNS PHOTO/PAUL HARING the thousands of South Bend area Catholic school children and teachers gathered for your own parish school to coming together The site of the Circus Maximus, an Mass Feb. 17 at the University of Notre as one new Catholic school in Mishawaka. But I want all of you to know that you have ancient racecourse, is seen in the fore- Dame Joyce Center. Representing schools from northern our support and our prayers and we know, ground of the ruins of the imperial resi- Indiana and southern Michigan, 23 priests and we believe, that Mishawaka Catholic is going to be a shining example and a great dences in Rome Feb. 18. A prayer vigil will joyfully processed toward the altar. Students carried banners and gifts as the children’s new school.” be held at the Circus Maximus the night choir led the singing of “All Creatures of Light of Learning Award winner Marti Merrick, who has taught at St. Bavo for 15 before the May 1 beatification of Pope Our God and King.” As he began his homily, Bishop Rhoades years, was happy to hear from Bishop Rhoades. John Paul II. said how proud he was of all the area Catholic schools and expressed his hope to MASS, PAGE 3 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011 TODAY’S CATHOLIC

Official newspaper of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Rekindle the Fire P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 desire holiness. But there is no holiness apart from the cross of Christ. “If you wish to be my dis- PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades IN TRUTH ciples,” Jesus says, “you must take up your cross and follow EDITOR: Tim Johnson AND me.” NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad When we are tempted to think CHARITY that the teachings of Jesus, espe- Editorial Department cially those in the Sermon on the BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES Mount, are not realistic, we need PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan to remember the power of the FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, cross and the power of the Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, he following is the text of the homily Eucharist. Speaking of the Elmer J. Danch, Bonnie Elberson, that Bishop Rhoades delivered at the Sermon on the Mount and the men’s conference on Feb. 19 at the Denise Fedorow, Diane Freeby, May T command to love our enemies, Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne: our Holy Father, Pope Benedict Lee Johnson, Sister Margie Lavonis, “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God am said the following: “Actually, CSC, Joe Kozinski and Deb Wagner holy.” The Lord instructed Moses to speak Christ’s proposal is realistic these words to the whole Israelite community. because it takes into account that Business Department Similarly, Jesus instructed his followers in the in the world there is too much Sermon on the Mount: “Be perfect, just as BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice violence, too much injustice, and your heavenly Father is perfect.” As we come therefore that this situation cannot AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber to the end of this diocesan men’s conference, be overcome except by counter- BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol these words of instruction sum up what ing it with more love, with more [email protected] today’s conference has been all about: a gath- goodness. This “more” comes ering of men seeking to respond to the Lord’s from God: it is his mercy which Advertising Sales call to holiness. You and I are called to be was made flesh in Jesus and Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) men of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are which alone can “tip the balance” (260) 456-2824 called to be men of the Eucharist. We are of the world from evil to good, called to live the truth in charity. In a word, Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) starting with that small and deci- we are called to be saints. sive “world” which is the human (574) 234-0687 “Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God am heart. “ Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org holy.” “Be perfect, just as your heavenly My brothers, evangelization Father is perfect.” If we want to be holy, if we JERRY KESSENS and building a culture of life and Published weekly except the fourth want to be saints, we must look to the source Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades delivers his homily at the Mass civilization of love begins in our Sunday in June, second and fourth of holiness. That source is not in ourselves. concluding the Diocesan Men’s Conference on Feb. 19. hearts. The great Pope John Paul weeks in July and August, the first week The source of holiness, the source of true II so often said: “Be not afraid!” of September and last week in love, is in God, our heavenly Father. How love is manifested totally and perfectly in Believe in God’s power to work in your lives! December by the Diocese of Fort could we ever hope to live Jesus’ teachings in Him, and most vividly in His passion and Believe in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun St., the Sermon on the Mount by our own power? death on the cross. There we see what it power of the sacrament of Penance, the power P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. Naturally speaking, who among us is eager to means to turn the other cheek, to love our of the Holy Eucharist! Be so convinced of the Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, turn the other cheek when someone strikes enemies, and to pray for our persecutors. power of God and the power of His love that IN, and additional mailing office. us? Aren’t we more comfortable with the say- Jesus did not resist when he was betrayed by you are not afraid to tackle evil with just two ing “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a Judas, arrested in the garden, scourged at the weapons: truth and charity! POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: tooth?” Who would naturally be inclined to pillar, crowned with thorns, struck by the sol- Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort Saint Paul tells us in our second reading love his enemy? Are we not much more com- diers, stripped of his garments, and nailed to today that the wisdom of this world is foolish- Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: fortable with loving our friends and hating the cross. He prayed for his persecutors: [email protected]. ness in the eyes of God. He says: “if any one our enemy? Who is eager to pray for his per- “Father, forgive them, for they know not what among you considers himself wise in this age, secutors? How difficult it is to live these MAIN OFFICE: they do.” let him become a fool, so as to become wise.” 915 S. Clinton St., Fort teachings of Jesus! We may even try to water Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) The cross is the fundamental symbol of For the wise of this world, the event of Jesus 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. these teachings down. My brothers, we need Christianity. There we begin to perceive the of Nazareth is seen as foolishness: God BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South to stand before the truth of the Gospel, not depth and intensity of the mystery of God’s becoming man, dying on a cross, rising from Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- water it down. We may not want to hear the love, the love which redeems and saves. On the dead. This was so at the time of Saint Paul 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. more difficult teachings of Jesus. We can be the night before he died, Jesus asked us to and this is so today. Saint Paul writes that tempted to render them empty and innocuous imitate his love. At the Last Supper, He gave “the foolishness of God is wiser than men, News deadline is the Monday morning because they are so difficult to put into prac- us the new commandment to love one another and the weakness of God is stronger than before publication date. Advertising tice. They demand a deep and radical conver- as He has loved us. And, at that same supper, men.” Jesus shows us who God is, a force of deadline is nine days before publica- sion. he gave us the sacrament of love, the Holy love which went so far as the cross to save tion date. When we are offended or hurt, the natural Eucharist, which educates us in love and humanity. This totally gratuitous love is true psychological impulse is to seek revenge, not gives us the power to love as He has loved us. wisdom. LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- to turn the other cheek. To love our enemies The Eucharist is the great school of love If we wish to be holy and perfect as our comes original, signed letters about seems to exceed our human capacities. So where we enter into the mystery of the pas- heavenly Father is holy and perfect, we must issues affecting church life. Although how do we do it? We must go to the source of sion, death, and resurrection of our Lord. It is enter into his power, the power of the cross of we cannot publish every letter we love, to the fount of holiness, to God whose the gift of Himself, his body broken for us his Son. The cross is a scandal and a folly to receive, we strive to provide a balanced very being is love, to the most Holy Trinity. and his blood poured out for us. many people today. But for those who are representation of expressed opinions In God, there is an everlasting exchange of To love as Christ loves is to love everyone, truly wise, it is the way to glory since Christ and a variety of reflections on life in the love between the Father and the Son, and this even our enemies. As difficult as this is, it is rose from the dead. As the Catechism teaches, church.We will choose letters for publi- love is not an energy or a sentiment, it is a not impossible since he communicates to us “the way of perfection passes by way of the cation based on reader interest, timeli- person: the Holy Spirit! If we desire holiness, the grace to do so, especially in the Holy cross” (CCC 2015). The cross is not just some ness and fairness. Readers may agree or we have to go to the source, the Holy Spirit Eucharist. The passion and death of Jesus, theory or a nice ornamentation around our disagree with the letter writers’ opin- and pray: “Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of made present in the Holy Sacrifice of the necks or in our churches. It is the power and ions. Letters must not exceed 250 your faithful and kindle in them the fire of Mass, reveals to us the power of love, the wisdom of God. It is the path to holiness and words. All letters must be signed and your love. Send forth your Spirit and they only force capable of changing human hearts. the ladder to heaven. include a phone number and address shall be created and you shall renew the face It is through love that Jesus Christ vanquished To be holy, to be perfect, as our heavenly for verification.We reserve the right to of the earth.” That’s what we pray today. sin and hatred. His love, victorious in the res- Father is holy and perfect, in the midst of this edit letters for legal and other concerns. “Kindle in us the fire of your love!” Or, using urrection, has also conquered death. As bru- world, is to live with faith in the Son of God Mail letters to: Today’s Catholic, the words of this conference’s title, “Lord, tally violent as the crucifixion was, it was who loved us and gave himself for us. It is to P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN rekindle the fire! “ transformed into love because Jesus freely embrace the cross by which he has redeemed 46856-1169; or e-mail: To learn holiness, to learn how to love, we accepted this horrible death through an act of the world. I hope that this day has helped you [email protected] not only ask for the help of the Holy Spirit. total self-giving love. He transformed vio- to take some of the steps of that ladder to We also look to Him who is the full revela- lence into love and he transformed death into heaven, to live the truth in charity, to be men ISSN 0891-1533 tion of divine love, to the Son of God who life. of the Gospel and men of the Eucharist. USPS 403630 became man. In Jesus of Nazareth, we come You and I are here today because we want May the Holy Spirit rekindle the fire with- to know love in all its magnitude. The divine to become better disciples of Jesus Christ. We in you, the fire of divine love! FEBRUARY 27, 2011 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3 MASS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 PUBLIC SCHEDULE OF BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES “We’re so proud of St. Bavo’s,” she beamed, “and it was so nice of the bishop to recognize that we were three schools. But we’re so excited about being one consoli- dated school.” • Sunday, Feb. 27, 1:30 p.m. — Confirmation Mass at Holy Bishop Rhoades drew on per- Cross Church, South Bend sonal experience as he delved into • Tuesday, March 1, 1:30 p.m. — Blessing of Rose Home, Fort the first reading and what hap- Wayne pened after the great flood. As a • Wednesday, March 2, 2 p.m. — Episcopal ordination of Most 14-year-old boy, Bishop Rhoades Rev. Christopher Coyne, Auxiliary Bishop of Indianapolis, St. said he witnessed firsthand the John the Evangelist Church, Indianapolis devastation of a flood when PHOTOS BY DIANE FREEBY • Thursday, March 3, 11 a.m. — Meeting with Vicars Forane, Hurricane Agnes brought storms to Casidy Albright, an eighth grader from Holy Cross School, and Timmy Sacred Heart Parish, Warsaw his Pennsylvania town of Lebanon. Mackowiak, an eighth grader from Corpus Christi School, present gifts • Friday, March 4, noon — Luncheon Meeting with Task Force “We had a big river in to Bishop Rhoades during the South Bend Area Catholic Schools Mass. on Reorganization of Diocesan Curia, Archbishop Noll Center Harrisburg, where I used to be • Saturday, March 5, 5:30 p.m. — Saints Alive event at Bishop bishop, called the Susquehanna Dwenger High School, Fort Wayne River ... bigger than the St. Joseph River,” Bishop Rhoades said. “With all this rain, the river flood- ed and where I was living we had creeks. The creeks also flooded. He spoke of how Jesus shocked The water was terrible ... destroyed everyone He ever met. Whenever, thousands of people’s homes.” FIRE for example, the Pharisees would He shared images of his school try to “pin Him down,” they never gym being destroyed, people evac- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 got their way. uating their homes and boats sail- He encouraged the men to ing down the city streets to rescue spend more time listening in people. Others drowned in the rag- Blessed Mother. Getting to know prayer, and less time talking. ing waters. Mary helped Moore to know Jesus. Kreeft spoke of beauty in the “Now, when I read about Noah Father Donald Calloway, a Church, which was why, he said, and the flood, I always think back priest of the Congregation of he was drawn to Catholicism. He about the flood of 1972, back Marians of the Immaculate recalled as a child, before his con- home in Pennsylvania,” explained Conception from Steubenville, version to Catholicism, he visited Bishop Rhoades. “When we read Ohio, spoke about the sacrament St. Patrick Cathedral in New York. in the book of Genesis about the of Reconciliation. He stressed the He recalled the church’s magnifi- great flood, which was actually importance of frequent cent beauty. He asked his father, much worse than the flood I expe- Bishop Rhoades interacts with the South Bend area students gathered Confession. He used an analogy of who could not provide an answer, parents changing a baby’s diaper. if the Catholics have it wrong, rienced during Hurricane Agnes, together for Mass at Notre Dame’s Joyce Center. The bishop was Parents do not delay in cleaning how can they build something so this flood covered the earth.” impressed when a second grader correctly identified St. Peter as the Bishop Rhoades talked about the child who has soiled himself. beautiful? Apostle who made the “great profession of faith” in the Gospel read- When we spiritually soil our- He encouraged the men to par- the covenant God made with Noah ing. after the flood, and the covenants selves, Father Calloway said, “you take of Eucharistic Adoration. He made with others throughout will need a spiritual ‘diaper Every man, Kreeft said, is a cathe- history. While God always held up Holy Eucharist. We receive the St. Matthew, said he loved how change.’” And because we sin so dral — made in the image of God his end of the bargain, the bishop Word of God in its fullness ... all Bishop Rhoades personalized the often, and “sin stinks,” we need to — and our prayer should be that explained how the people contin- the truth Jesus wanted to commu- story of the great flood by sharing frequent the sacrament of we have eyes to see beauty in ued to sin. nicate to humanity He does his own experiences. He also sup- Reconciliation. Jesus. “So God made a new through the Church. The Bible, the ported the bishop’s request after Throughout the day, long lines Kreeft’s afternoon session was Covenant,” continued Bishop Scripture, the Tradition ... it’s such Mass that everyone prays to know were the norm as many men took on cultural warfare. He encour- Rhoades, “and it would be the a great gift to belong to the their vocation. time to receive the sacrament of aged men to give God 15 minutes most perfect Covenant, the defini- Catholic Church, to belong to the “Everybody should listen to Reconciliation. every single day in prayer. “It will tive Covenant and the eternal people of the new Covenant.” him!” exclaimed Jacob. In the afternoon session, Father transform your life,” Kreeft said, Covenant. There wouldn’t need to Bishop Rhoades encouraged the “Everybody has a certain vocation, Calloway told the compelling but added it would not be easy, be any more Covenants. There young people to spread that good and they’ll find it out when they’re story of his conversion. The con- that even with all the technology would be a perfect Covenant. Can news, and to invite other people to old enough if they just keep on version story from a runaway teen that is supposed to make life easier anyone tell me about that new come into the boat. praying.” with drug addictions to a Marian and save time, it actually con- Covenant ... the perfect Covenant “It’s my job as bishop to spread Father Bill Sullivan, who is priest is told in his book, “No sumes time. that God established?” the faith. It’s the job of our priests. pastor at St. Thomas the Apostle in Turning Back: A Witness to Martin Wheeler, a member of A student near the front row It’s the job of all of you, including Elkhart, said he loved the way the Mercy.” Most Precious Blood Parish in correctly answered, “Jesus Christ!” all of you who are children and students participated in Mass. Through the reading of a book Fort Wayne, told Today’s Catholic: Bishop smiled and nodded, young people, to live your faith “It was absolutely beautiful!” about the alleged apparitions of “What I will take with me from then explained how the Catholic and to spread the faith by being a he smiled. “I love it when the chil- the Blessed Mother in Medjugorje Rekindle the Fire is just that — I Church was created, making us the good example to others and invit- dren raise their voices to praise and then follow-up with a parish am not alone, we are not alone, we people of the new Covenant. ing people to believe in Jesus and God! I enjoy seeing the reality of priest, Father Calloway experi- have never been abandoned or left Bishop Rhoades went on to con- to become His followers like you all the parents who made the sacri- enced a radical conversion. His alone to fend for ourselves in this nect the story of Noah and the are.” fices to send their kids here. It humor and curtness of his own world. Jesus is more alive today flood with the sacrament of Calling the Holy Eucharist “the shows a great love for their chil- disordered passions and sins hit a more than ever. All I need to do is Baptism. He pointed out that the greatest sacrament,” Bishop dren!” nerve with many of the men at the ask Him for help.” same waters that can cause such Rhoades reminded everyone exact- Our Lady of Hungary fourth- conference drawing long lines out- Brian Frecker of St. Aloysius destruction can also be a sign of ly why it’s so important to go to grader Gabriel Byrd was side his booth in the lobby for Parish, Yoder, said, “It was a good new life. Mass every Sunday. impressed by the sheer numbers. autographed copies of the book day. I liked W. Keith Moore, his “That’s why it’s so important to “We receive the body and “We get to see a lot of schools, and to briefly chat with the priest. conversion story and how he lives stay in the boat,” explained Bishop blood of the Lord Jesus, the Bread and we get to see a lot of priests Catholic theologian, author and his faith.” Rhoades. “You jump out of the of Life, so we are strengthened to from different schools and it was professor of philosophy at Boston Jim Cole of St. Joseph Parish, boat, you’re in danger. It’s the live our faith so we can be faithful really exciting!” College Dr. Peter Kreeft spoke Bluffton, said, “It was beautiful. same with the Church. We need to to our part of the covenant of God. “It was cool!” reiterated Nolan about his book, “Jesus Shock,” Rekindle the Fire was an inspira- stay within the Church where we The Eucharist strengthens us to Szymanski, a third grader from St. and what about the name of Jesus tion.” receive so many blessings that love one another as Christ has Joseph in South Bend. “But it was is so shocking in the world. He Cole’s son Bret of St. Elizabeth God gives us. We receive the loved us.” a little more quiet than when I was said the Church has two tasks: to Ann Seton Parish, Fort Wayne, seven sacraments, especially the Jacob Bishop, a fourth grader at here for a basketball game!” comfort the afflicted; and to afflict said of the day, “It exceeded all the comfortable. expectations.” 4 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011 A Conversation with Greg and Julie Alexander Presenters at the March 12 Diocesan Marriage Conference

BY LISA EVERETT young children, who were under- as a couple for the first time: “We claim the truth, beauty and good- nation. They also co-hosted their standably devastated. The tried marriage our way, we tried it ness of God’s design for Marriage, own show called “Marriage Works Alexanders made an appointment society’s way, and we failed,” and their advisory board boasts in Christ” on EWTN and their sec- FORT WAYNE — Registration with a priest to find out how to Greg recalls telling the Lord such renowned Catholic apologists ond series is currently airing on and preparations for the 2011 best proceed with their plans. that night. “Now we entrust our as Christopher West, Janet Smith, that network. They have now been Diocesan Marriage Conference on Instead of answering their ques- Marriage to you. If you restore our Father Mitch Pacwa, Dr. Mary married for 23 years and are the Saturday, March 12, are well tions, he asked them one of his relationship, we will commit the Healy and MaryBeth Bonacci. parents of seven children. underway. EWTN’s Greg and Julie own: Do you know what God’s rest of our lives to some kind of Besides presenting seminars on The Marriage seminar which Alexander will be the main presen- plan for Marriage is? marriage ministry.” Marriage across the country, The they will present at the diocesan ters at the conference which will The thought that God might That prayer was the turning Alexander House offers personal conference on March 12 is intend- take place at the North Campus of have a plan for Marriage had never point in their relationship with one “coaching” or mentoring for mar- ed to be an enrichment experience the University of Saint Francis in crossed their minds, and the priest another and with God, who not ried couples. While couples who for any engaged or married couple. Fort Wayne. In a recent telephone urged them to discover God’s plan only saved their Marriage, but live close to the Alexander’s center “Couples will come away from interview with the Alexanders to for Marriage before making a final made it the starting point of a in San Antonio can take advantage this conference with a deepened introduce them to readers of decision about the fate of their much-needed ministry to other of in-person meetings, the vast understanding of God’s design for Today’s Catholic, they share their own. Greg spent the next two days married couples. majority of mentoring sessions Marriage as a free, total, faithful amazing personal story and the devouring Scripture, the catechism Greg and Julie began giving a take place over the phone or over and fruitful communion of per- dynamic marriage ministry that and various Church documents on few informal talks on Marriage at Skype, some with couples as far sons. They will also go home with has come out of it. The Alexander the subject. He soon found himself their parish, and soon someone at a away as Europe. practical tools that they can incor- House, an international Catholic not only enlightened but excited neighboring church asked if they Since Greg and Julie are not porate into their own marriages, apostolate focused on marriage, is about the Church’s vision of had a workshop they could put on. professional therapists, they do not starting with concrete exercises the direct result of Greg and Julie’s Marriage, and he shared his new As they began presenting work- deal with pathological behaviors after each presentation,” Greg own marriage bouncing back from knowledge and enthusiasm with shops over a wider area, couples such as abuse and addiction. What says. the brink of divorce. Julie. would come up afterwards and ask they have discovered, though, is Julie refers to the familiar expe- Many years ago, emotionally Greg recalls, “At that time, we if they could also provide personal that many marriages flounder, not rience of attending a conference, distant and increasingly disillu- had been together for 13 years and mentoring. because of serious psychological hearing insightful and inspiring sioned, Greg and Julie had decided had never prayed together.” That Soon the Alexanders had started problems, but because the spouses presentations and then going home to call it quits and told their two night, they prayed from the heart a full-fledged ministry to married do not understand and live out saying “Now what?” What couples couples and submitted their God’s design for Marriage. appreciate about their seminar, she Articles of Incorporation in May “We need to live the sacrament says, is that they leave with con- of 1999. Two weeks later, they the way God wants us to live it,” crete things they can do to put received their nonprofit status, a Greg points out. “We know, love their renewed commitment into lightning-speed result that con- and serve God through knowing, practice in their own marriage. firmed for them that God’s hand loving, and serving our spouse.” Greg refers proudly to one par- was upon this work. This experi- The couples whom they and ticularly enthusiastic endorsement ence of suffering in their own mar- their staff mentor struggle with from the mother of Christopher Spring riage led them to be all the more everything from common commu- West, the internationally renowned committed and compassionate in nication problems to serious sexual popularizer of Pope John Paul II’s dealing with other couples who are issues like pornography. “theology of the body.” What you struggling. Couples are encouraged to go are doing in your ministry, she told BOOK SALE As Julie puts it: “Our greatest back and study Scripture and them, is nothing short of a practi- pain as a couple, the darkest part Church teaching together, to begin cal application of the “theology of 28–MARCH 4 of our relationship, has become to pray together, to learn how to the body” for married couples. FEBRUARY what God has used to enable us to meet each other’s emotional needs, help other couples. Our apostolate to communicate effectively and to has literally been built on our practice the art of forgiveness — a To register for the March 12 conference, story.” process which has many parallels which will begin with a Mass cele- In fact, because it was from to the sacrament of Penance, Greg brated by Bishop Kevin C. 20% OFF their own wounds that they began remarks. Rhoades, call the Office of Family to help other marriages heal, Greg Over the past decade, the Life at (574) 234-0687 or go to and Julie decided that they should Alexanders have presented work- Family and Pro-Life on the dioce- EVERYTHING call their apostolate The Alexander shops, seminars and talks to thou- san website at including clearance items House. Their mission is to pro- sands of participants across the www.diocesefwsb.org. Valid in-store only. Participants in Greg and Julie Alexander’s Marriage Seminar share thoughts • Your devotion and energy in your ministry is • My husband and I were moved today. I had very encouraging. Your stories are very relevant and mixed expectations. I experienced a pivotal event probably mirror 90 percent of other marriages. I’m by coming here today. I feel I have found the looking forward to attending your future work- importance of having God come into our Marriage. shops. My husband feels the same way. • I learned a great deal in this workshop about • I am so thankful you “made” us do the couple’s what was missing from our marriage — God. prayer. Other than in church, it was the first time I’d Thank you and I appreciated all of the references in ever prayed with my husband. It was very power- Bookstore Hours: scripture and most importantly your honesty. The ful! exercises were great too! • Good program. Thank you for sharing your • Your program should be a requirement for all experience. The impact of that sharing is more pow- M–F 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. couples wishing to marry in the Catholic Church. erful than any single “lesson” you can teach. I don’t ave maria press® Bookstore Your story and research has definitely paid off and give 10’s but this was close. your presentation is educational and inspiring. • Thank you so much for this seminar. It’s just 19113 Douglas Road, Notre Dame, IN 46556 • You opened up a lot of topics that I had stuffed what we needed. Life gets so hectic; it’s hard to get Across from Moreau Seminary on the back burner. I was able to talk to my wife back on track. This should become an annual or about these topics during the breaks. I was able to semiannual event in the church. FREE! forgive myself and forgive her with little or no ten- • This seminar could have been longer than a sion between us. day. I could have listened to you guys for the whole Receive a free copy of 100 Prayers for Celebrating • I appreciate the way you follow and teach weekend. Excellent topics that are relevant to our the Liturgical Seasons when you bring this ad to the according to the Church. Contraception is especially marriages today. I will recommend this seminar to Ave Maria Press bookstore between February 28 difficult to talk about, but you were able to address others. and March 4. (While supplies last.) it in a loving, caring and nonjudgmental way. Thank • We really enjoyed and benefited from this pro- you for sharing your personal experiences. God gram. Thank you both for accepting this vocation PROMO CODE: AC6Ø211Ø5NTZ2 bless you! from God. God be with you in your work together! FEBRUARY 27, 2011 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 5 Meeting the needs of children goal of school choice reform says superintendent of public instruction

where a particular student could should be able to choose this support education, the dollars House Panel approves not be served in the public school option,” said Day. “We appreciate were being supplied to the parents School Choice Bill system and he had to recommend the religious values and quality and the choice of where to use to the parents that the student education of Cardinal Ritter and those dollars was a private choice INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS — School attend a private school. Holy Angels. We hope our daugh- by the parents. Rusthoven also CATHOLIC choice is one step closer to “School choice is the civil ter will be able to return to Holy said that it is quite clear given becoming reality in Indiana. The rights issue of our generation — Angels, because she is not being prior rulings by the Indiana House Education Committee and parents deserve that right to served at her current township Supreme Court that voucher pro- CONFERENCE choose what’s best for their chil- public school. This legislation grams are not a violation of approved the school choice bill BY BRIGID CURTIS AYER Feb. 15, following hours of testi- dren,” said Bennett. would enable us to do this. One of Indiana’s Constitution either. mony. Under the proposal, quali- Chancellor for the Archdiocese my greatest moments as a mother fying families would be eligible of Indianapolis, Annette “Mickey” was when my son called me from for a scholarship to use at the pri- Lentz, testified in support of the college to tell me how much he vate school of their choice. The bill. A parent and grandparent, appreciated my choice and sacri- Eligibility for School Scholarship private school of choice may very Lentz’s service in education spans fice to send him to a Catholic likely be a Catholic school. The nearly 50 years, including work- school.” School Choice Bill — HB 1003 Church is supportive of the bill. ing as a teacher, principal and The Day family received a superintendent in non-public scholarship through the private Rep. Bob Behning, R- Families that qualify for free and reduced lunch Indianapolis, author of HB 1003, schools. scholarship program in said, “We would create a scholar- “Time and time again I have Indianapolis called the Choice would be eligible for a scholarship valued up to 90 witnessed during my career that Charitable Trust. ship system for eligible parents to percent of the state’s tuition support for a student in choose the private school of their good education is a springboard Sherlynn Pillow, principal of choice. This is only open Holy Angels Catholic a public school. Families with a 200 percent of the School in Indianapolis to children currently free and reduced lunch income would be eligible for enrolled in public schools testified in support of the because we are looking at bill. “This school corpo- a scholarship valued up to 50 percent of the state’s “We want to help our parents get ration has 103 students. students who have the tuition support for a student in a public school. Each most serious need of edu- Ninety-nine percent are cation options. The sav- the best possible education for their not Catholic and 88 per- child in a qualifying family would be eligible for up cent are on free and ings of the program to $4,500 in school scholarship money to use at the would be plowed back reduced lunch,” she said. into the school funding children wherever that may be.” “We are committed to private school of the family’s choice. Only students formula and be distrib- serving all students ANNETTE LENTZ, uted to public schools despite academic or who were previously enrolled in a public school CHANCELLOR FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE OF INDIANAPOLIS throughout the state.” socio-economic back- would be eligible for a scholarship. Scholarships are Dr. Tony Bennett, ground. We believe superintendent of Public choice is the right thing capped at $4,500 for elementary students. There is Instruction, testified in to do.” no scholarship cap for high school students. support of the legislation. He told for lifting children up and moving Rep. Vernon Smith, D-Gary, a committee members that the 2011 them forward,” said Lentz. member of the House Education According to the Indiana Department of Education, comprehensive education reform “House Bill 1003 gives us that Committee, expressed a constitu- a family with an annual household income of approxi- plan places a significant emphasis opportunity. It will help parents tional concern with the bill. Peter on “meeting the needs of chil- and their children and thereby the Rusthoven, a partner at mately $42,000 would be eligible for the 90 percent dren.” state of Indiana. We want to help Indianapolis law firm Barnes and scholarship. A family of four could earn up to approxi- “I use the phrase ‘meets the our parents get the best possible Thornburg explained rulings on needs of children’ because today education for their children the constitutionality of school mately $82,000 and be eligible for the 50 percent wherever that may be. vouchers. we are on the cusp of a paradigm scholarship. Families with more children could have shift,” said Bennett. “I sincerely “You have a great opportunity Citing a 2002 ruling by the believe the shift is one from this year to give parents the free- U.S. Supreme Court in the case higher income levels and be eligible for the scholar- dom to decide what is best for Zelman vs. Simmons-Harris made where the state funds schools and ships. school corporations to one where their children. We stand ready to clear that vouchers did not violate the state provides resources so help the children throughout the the establishment clause of the that children are prepared for the state to be prepared in this fast constitution often talked about as 21st-century economy. And one changing world.” the separation of church and state. where parents have the opportuni- Helen Day, of Indianapolis and “The battle over the constitution- ty to choose where there children mother of six testified in support ality of vouchers is over,” said go to school.” of the bill. “My family has seen Rusthoven. He explained that the Bennett recalled a situation the benefit that school choice can reasoning behind the courts ruling offer and I believe more families was that the money was going to

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(260) 489-2524 • www.DonHalls.com Visit us at www.provena.org/sacredheart 6 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011 those gathered in Washington for a Pope to create three new strategy session on how the saints, including founder Catholic Church can strengthen marriage and families led by of Xaverian order Kathy Saile, director of domestic social development for the U.S. VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope EWS RIEFS Conference of Catholic Bishops. Benedict XVI will create three N B The Feb. 16 session, held on the new saints Oct. 23, including the last day of the Catholic Social founder of the Xaverian mission- Ministry Gathering, brought aries, Blessed Guido Maria VOLUNTEERS SERVE FOOD AT MICHIGAN SHELTER Church workers together to dis- Conforti. The pope announced the cuss how at the local level they date for the canonization ceremo- can disseminate widely the ny at the end of what is known as Church’s goals for marriage and an ordinary public consistory, a family: to inspire, challenge and formal ceremony opened and help Catholics witness to closed with prayer, during which Marriage as a natural institution cardinals present in Rome express founded by God and as a sacra- their support for the pope’s deci- ment and understand what chil- sion to create new saints. Blessed dren bring to a marriage. The Conforti, founder of the Xaverian group also discussed how to work Foreign Missionary Society, was for laws and public policies that born in 1865 in Italy. Vice rector recognize marriage as a union of a of a seminary even before his man and a woman, strengthen priestly ordination, he was said to family life and protect religious have filled seminarians with an liberty. “How do we animate these awareness of their obligation to be priorities to the faithful?” said missionaries. In 1895, seven years Saile. Deacon Merle, representing after becoming a priest, he found- the Catholic Campaign for Human ed a congregation of consecrated Development in the Diocese of men dedicated to the evangeliza- Orange, Calif., stressed that tion of non-Christians. Named preparation and the recognition of bishop of Ravenna in 1902, he Marriage as a sacrament should be was plagued by ill health and taught at a young age through the decided to resign. But five years catechism. Teenagers also need later, he was once again named a exposure to role models who prac- bishop, this time as head of the tice their vocation, he said. Diocese of Parma. He visited the Xaverian missionaries in China a few years before his death in Evangelization works 1931. The Xaverian missionaries CNS PHOTO/JIM WEST today include 793 priests and Volunteers serve breakfast to the needy at a shelter in Mount Clemens, Mich., Jan. 17. when preachers truly live brothers, and 183 Xaverian sis- the Gospel, pope says ters; they have a strong presence U.S. poverty, joblessness and deficits have slowed down economic recovery. in Europe and the Americas. The VATICAN CITY (CNS) — others to be canonized Oct. 23, Evangelization will be effective World Mission Sunday, are parishes. In Boston, Father every human heart is searching, rule came down in the final days only when the people spreading Blessed Louis Guanella, an Italian Erikson said the timeline for and we are its witnesses. But if we of the administration of President the Gospel truly believe and live priest who lived 1842-1915 and implementing the pastoral plan are to be credible witnesses, we George W. Bush. "It is very disap- Christ’s message themselves, Blessed Bonifacia Rodriguez over the long term has not been ourselves have to be fully evan- pointing that the (Obama) admin- Pope Benedict XVI said. God Castro, who lived 1837-1905. concretely established, but he said gelized.” Archbishop Coakley’s istration has chosen to eliminate needs to be at the center of every Cardinal O’Malley wants a grad- installation took place before much of the existing regulation on person’s life, he said Feb. 18 dur- ual implementation. The priest more than 1,200 people at St. John conscience issued in December ing a meeting with bishops from Boston studies parishes’ told The Pilot, the archdiocesan the Baptist Church in Edmond, the 2008," McQuade said. "Among the Philippines, who were making future; change ahead newspaper, that the committee’s largest Catholic church in the other things, the final rule issued “ad limina” visits to report on the goals include assisting Cardinal archdiocese, and aired live on the today eliminates important clarifi- status of their dioceses. A pastor’s for some Toledo parishes O’Malley in presenting a future Eternal Word Television Network. cations that would have helped in preaching “must be personal in its pastoral plan that will “be equal to More than 30 archbishops and interpreting and enforcing long- focus so that each Catholic will BOSTON (CNS) — In the Boston the resources we have available” bishops attended, as well as more standing federal statutes protect- grasp in his or her innermost Archdiocese, a team of priests, and helping the archdiocese pre- than 200 priests and deacons from ing the conscience rights of depths the life-transforming fact deacons, religious and laypeople pare for “challenges we will have the archdiocese and from the healthcare providers," she said. "It that God exists, that he loves us, will help lay the groundwork for in the future.” Kansas dioceses of Salina and also eliminates a regulatory and that in Christ he answers the the archdiocese’s future, which Wichita. requirement that recipients of fed- deepest questions of our lives,” will likely result in fewer parishes eral funds certify compliance with the pope said. The great task of but a similar number of churches Oklahoma City Catholics those statutes. However, it is wel- evangelization is “to propose a that currently serve Catholics. USCCB official has mixed urged to become ‘agents come news that the administration personal relationship with Christ Boston Cardinal Sean P. O’Malley reaction to HHS says it will take initiatives to as key to complete fulfillment,” he announced the formation of the of new evangelization’ increase awareness of the con- said. “New initiatives in evange- Archdiocesan Pastoral Planning conscience rule revision science statutes, work to ensure lization will only be fruitful if, by Commission Feb. 2. The 18-mem- EDMOND, Okla. (CNS) — As compliance with them, and the grace of God, those proposing ber board will make a final recom- chief teacher of the faithful, new WASHINGTON (CNS) -- require that all government grants them are people who truly believe mendation to him on a pastoral Archbishop Paul S. Coakley did- Although the U.S. bishops' pro- make clear that compliance is and live the message of the Gospel plan for resources available in the n’t hesitate to begin instructing his life spokeswoman expressed dis- required." In its announcement of themselves,” Pope Benedict said. near future. “This is an important people. In his homily after being appointment at the Obama admin- the final rule, HHS officials When lay groups and other endeavor that will help guide and installed Feb. 11 as the fourth istration's partial rescission of a stressed that the partial rescission Church communities are made up shape the future of the archdiocese archbishop of Oklahoma City, federal regulation protecting the has no effect on existing laws pro- of and guided by “people whose in meeting the pastoral needs of Archbishop Coakley urged them conscience rights of healthcare tecting the conscience rights of motivating force is the love of our parishes and ministries, and in “to become agents of a new evan- workers, she said there are "rea- healthcare providers. Christ,” they prove to be “worthy advancing the mission of the gelization.” He said: “The call for sons for hope" in the new educa- tools of evangelization,” he said. Church,” the cardinal said. About a new evangelization is a chal- tion and outreach effort The pope asked the bishops to a week before the Boston lenge and an opportunity for the announced by the Department of Strategies dicsussed “take special care in shepherding announcement, officials in the Church today to find effective Health and Human Services. for strengthening such groups so that the primacy of Diocese of Toledo, Ohio, ways of announcing Jesus Christ Deirdre McQuade, assistant direc- God may remain in the forefront.” announced a three-year parish and making Him known and loved tor for policy and communications marriage, family life He praised the important role faith reorganization plan is to begin in at a moment in history and in the at the U.S. Conference of Catholic plays in the life of young Filipinos July with changes for 13 parishes, midst of a culture that no longer Bishops' Secretariat of Pro-Life WASHINGTON (CNS) — In the and asked the bishops to keep which will either be twinned or considers God relevant to its pur- Activities, was commenting Feb. words of a California deacon, reminding young people that “the merged with other parishes or will suits and concerns. The word of 18 on the final rule issued earlier there is more to marriage “than glamour of this world will not sat- share a pastor. Over the next two God must be proclaimed to all the that day by HHS to rescind ele- putting a ring on the finger.” isfy their natural desire for happi- years, further reorganization is nations,” he continued. “Jesus ments of a December 2008 rule on Deacon Jim Merle, who has been ness.” planned that will affect another 20 Christ is the good news, for which conscience protection. The 2008 married 43 years, was among FEBRUARY 27, 2011 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 7

which provide healthcare to med- Visiting Nurse and ically underserved families and Hospice Home offers the Women’s Care Center, serving new moms and their babies. grief workshop House Raffle has made it possible FORT WAYNE — Visiting Nurse for these organizations to return ROUND THE IOCESE over $3.7 million in services to and Hospice Home, located at 5910 A D Homestead Rd. in Fort Wayne, will needy families, babies and chil- offer a grief workshop on Tuesday, dren throughout the community. The House Raffle 2011 draw- March 1, from 5-7:30 p.m. entitled tled Polynesia thousands of years “Learning to Live After the Death PAINTING SELECTED FOR NATIONALS ing will be held at 5 p.m. on ago, and then take a look at near- Friday, May 6, at Saint Joseph of a Spouse: A Discussion on earth outer space right here in the Healing.” Speaker will be Kay Regional Medical Center. Winners Midwest. need not be present. Cozad, grief and loss educator. A The recommended age range light supper will be provided. To For more information on for “The Explorers of Polynesia” House Raffle 2011, please call reserve a seat at this free seminar is fifth grade through adults, call (260) 435-3222. (574) 245-4974 or visit although younger children pre- www.sjmed.com. pared to remain seated quietly in Forever Learning the dark are also welcome. Shows Concert celebrates Institute offers spring are 90 minutes, including a staff- led exploration of the Fort Wayne Lindenwood’s 25th classes evening sky. “Legends of the Night Sky” anniversary SOUTH BEND — The Forever will also be offered as a family DONALDSON — The Learning Institute will continue afternoon laser matinee on Feb. 26 registration through the first week Lindenwood Retreat and and 27. The show will present the Conference Center, in honor of its of classes, which begin March 7. ancient stories associated with Registration is held at Little Flower 25th anniversary, is sponsoring a constellations. The constellations free concert performed by the Parish Center, located at 54191 of Perseus and Andromeda will be Ironwood Rd., South Bend. South Bend Symphonic Choir explored at 2 p.m. and Orion at 3 under the direction of Dr. Marvin Spring classes run through May p.m. 13. Thirty-four new classes bring V. Curtis, on Sunday, March 6, at Tickets for “Legends of the 3 p.m. in the Ancilla Domini the total of classes offered to 74 this Night Sky” are $4, with a maxi- spring. Course guides are available Chapel at Donaldson. mum of $18 per family (two Prior to the South Bend at Little Flower Church and the adults and children). Tickets for South Bend, Mishawaka, Penn, Symphonic Choir performance, all other shows are $5. Ticket sales the Plymouth Community Youth Harris, Madison and Elkhart begin 45 minutes prior to the day’s libraries. Registration forms and Chamber Ensemble, directed by first show. For more information, Gabriele Hill, will be performing class information is also available visit the planetarium website at online at www.foreverlearninginsti- from 2:15-2:50 p.m. www.sf.edu/planetarium or call Refreshments will be served at tute.org. (260) 399-7700, ext. 8211. For more information contact the Lindenwood Retreat and Joan Loranger at (574) 282-1901 or Conference Center following the e-mail [email protected]. House Raffle 2011 begins concert. March 1 In 1986 the Lindenwood Retreat and Conference Center, a ministry SJRMC adoption class MISHAWAKA — The of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus offers opportunity Foundation of Saint Joseph Christ, opened its doors and served Regional Medical Center approximately 2,700 people. Today for local families (SJRMC) has announced House the center serves approximately SOUTH BEND — Saint Joseph Raffle 2011 will begin on 10,000 people per year. Regional Medical Center will offer Tuesday, March 1. This year Lindenwood offers a variety of classes for families looking to adopt marks the 20th Annual House sponsored programs and retreats a newborn baby. “Oh Baby, What Raffle, a fundraiser benefiting for people of all faiths. Its facili- Now?” will enable adoptive parents PROVIDED BY ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE SCHOOL, ELKHART SJRMC’s Outreach Services pro- ties are available for rent. For to learn how to prepare and care for A painting called “Falling” by Brady Kruis, a third grader grams and Women’s Care Center. more information, contact the a newborn baby in an environment House Raffle offers will be Lindenwood Retreat and that understands their unique situa- at St. Thomas the Apostle School in Elkhart, is one of the available to purchase beginning Conference Center at (574) 935- 1780. tion and specific needs. Classes will four artworks from the state of Indiana that will go to Tuesday, March 1, at Saint Joseph be held at Saint Joseph Regional Regional Medical Center, located Medical Center, located at 5215 Washington, D.C., for the final judging in the All Kids Can at 5215 Holy Cross Parkway, in St. Jude School hosts the lobby. Offers are $150 each. Holy Cross Pkwy. in Mishawaka, in Create contest. The contest was sponsored by Artsonia, the 4th Floor Education Room on Sale hours are from 8 a.m. to 6 kindergarten open May 16; Aug. 15 and Nov. 21. the world’s largest online art gallery for schools. Kruis’s p.m. on weekdays only. Only house Class time is from 6:30-8 p.m. and 3,950 offers are sold and 42 house includes a tour of the unit. painting was entered into the contest by his mother raffle prizes are drawn, making SOUTH BEND — St. Jude School SJRMC’s class offers parents Janene Kruis. the odds of winning one in 94. in South Bend will host the opportunity to meet other fami- On Monday, March 7, in cele- Kindergarten Information Night for lies going through a similar experi- bration of House Raffle’s 20th future kindergarten students and ence and connects them with weekend. Friday’s shows will anniversary, 20 “early bird” prizes their families on March 1 from 6-8 resources for adoptive families in USF’s WinterFest II coordinate laser lights and music will be drawn from all paid entries p.m. Formal presentations by the community. Those interested in debuting original show from Pink Floyd’s “The Wall,” received and recorded by noon teacher Mary Johnson and recent adopting, preparing to adopt or while the magic of The Beatles’ that day. The first-place early bird St. Jude kindergarten parents will those who already have an adopted FORT WAYNE — “Get your flake music will power the audiovisual prize is $2,011. There will be 19 begin at 6:30 p.m. Free child care baby at home are welcome. on,” says the University of Saint adventure “Laser Beatles” on additional early bird winners, each and refreshments will be provided. The class is free of charge. Francis and the Edwin Clark Saturday. Sunday’s “Laser Spirit” receiving a $200 prize. All early St. Jude School’s full day Donations will be accepted to bene- Schouweiler Memorial will provide a music mix by U2, bird winners are still eligible for kindergarten program includes reli- fit future classes. Planetarium, as a fantasia of music The Beatles, Gloria Estefan, the house raffle drawing on May gion and core academic instruction. The class was developed with and light and the debut of an orig- Yanni, Madonna and Lee 6. A half-day option is also available. support from local pediatricians, inal show shape up for WinterFest Greenwood, among others, for the Second-place winners can St. Jude offers Catholic education SJRMC’s Clinical Education II. Planetarium shows will dazzle light how. choose either a 2011 Ford Ranger through eighth grade and is located Department and nurses from the visitors on Fridays through Schouweiler Planetarium staff or a 2011 Ford Fiesta, provided by at 19657 Hildebrand St., off hospital’s Family Birthplace. Sundays, Feb. 25-26 and March 4- will debut the locally produced Gurley-Leep Automotive Family. Johnson Rd. in South Bend. Classes will be run by SJRMC reg- 6. Friday and Saturday shows are show, “The Explorers of Second place alternative cash For more information, contact istered nurses and include time for at 5, 7, 8 and 9 p.m., while mati- Polynesia,” on the second week- prize is $15,000. Forty cash prizes principal Stephen Donndelinger at questions and answers with both nee shows are offered on Sundays end. Visitors will “sail the Pacific” ranging from $5,000 to $175 will (574) 291-3820 or visit nurses and a physician. at 5 and 7 p.m. in an 80-foot Hawaiian voyaging also be awarded. www.stjudeschool.net. Registration is required. For Music and light will co-mingle canoe, navigating by the stars as Proceeds benefit SJRMC’s information call (574) 335-2323. to fabulous effect on the first did Asian peoples when they set- Outreach Services programs, 8 TODAY’S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011 ADVANCED REALTY Your #1 Resource in Real Estate Bob and Jaci Byrne are committed Darren P. Schortgen to bringing others closer to Christ Broker/Owner/Realtor St. Charles Parishioner SOUTH BEND — Bob and Jaci matically pitched in to manage 2929 Briar Bush Lane Bryne often hold hands as the the work at home as she studied. Fort Wayne, IN 46815 permanent deacon candidates and A GLIMPSE: Now she is doing the same for Phone:(260) 385-7603 their wives walk to lunch after Bob as he prepares homilies, long formation lectures and papers and studies theology for HUD Registered Broker E-mail: [email protected] THE PERMANENT Realtor since 1999 practicums at the Lindenwood the permanent diaconate. The www.DarrenSchortgen.com Center in Donaldson. Their sacrifices paid off as Jaci now not endearing expression of affection DIACONATE only teaches science at St. symbolizes the deacon’s dual Anthony’s but seventh-grade reli- BY GINNY KOHRMAN “Professional Insurance Services” commitment, in most cases, to the gion as well. She delights in vocation of Marriage and Holy preparing her students for the •Life •Auto Orders. Bob and Jaci remind all sacrament of Confirmation. She kintz that a permanent deacon must play.” Having ushered football witnesses to her students as she •Health •Home insurance tend to their responsibilities at games at Notre Dame Stadium lectors and serves as an extraordi- •Annuities •Business home as well as within the for the past 22 years, Bob makes nary minister of Holy agency •Disabilities •Liability Church. no apologies for his loyalty to the Communion. Together, Bob and •Medicare Supplements Preparation for the permanent Irish. Bob, half jokingly, half Jaci prepare young couples for •Nursing Home Care diaconate calls upon the grace seriously, has on occasion sug- the sacrament of Marriage. given through the sacrament of Jaci admits that the diaconate 111 North Third Street • Decatur gested early formation dismissals Marriage to lead and nurture the on game day. formation process has added extra (260)728-9290 • (260) 724-8042 • 1-800-589-5468 candidate preparing for ordina- Bob is not only loyal to Notre work to their already committed tion. The tireless self-giving of Dame but also to his desire to life. But she wisely states, “I’ve couples united in sacramental minister and teach others about had to give some things up Knights of Columbus Marriage, in unity with the per- Jesus Christ. Bob and Jaci have around the house and just focus manent character received in been parishioners of St. Anthony more on what’s important.” INSURANCE Holy Orders, allows the deacon de Padua Parish in South Bend And Bob responds, “Jaci has Making a difference for life. to become an instrument for the for 24 years. During that time been so good and supportive, WHOLE LIFE • TERM • RETIREMENT Church through which Christ’s Bob has been an extraordinary releasing me to do what I have to love can be conveyed. minister of Holy Communion, a do in order to become a deacon. ANNUITIES • LONG TERM CARE • IRA In Marriage as in Holy Orders, lector, and more recently the It is a big sacrifice on Jaci’s it is Christ who empowers, parish sacristan. Bob assisted in part.” directs and allows one to serve promoting Disciples in Mission, a Together they believe, “It’s the The John J. Stackowicz Agency without cost. Bob and Jaci are three-year Lenten series promoted only way we can do this.” Serving the Fort Wayne/South Bend Diocese comforted in the assurance that it by the diocesan Office of Jaci admits that the formation is Christ who is working in each has taught her to lean more on John Stackowicz General Agent 574-282-1082 office Spiritual Development. He com- of them, individually and collec- pleted the diocesan catechetical God, trusting that God will take Jeff McComb 260-385-5436 Tom Elshire 866-960-1849 tively, as they anticipate Bob’s certification program, Education care of them and their children Jeff Goralczyk 574-529-1719 Keith Praski 260-833-2024 ordination. They both look for- for Ministry, in 2001-2003 and is and two grandchildren. Bob Baloun 574-272-3304 Troy Gill 574-360-0791 ward to the next phase of their in his sixth year of teaching Bob is humbled sensing that lives together supported by their God is continually equipping him Chad Osterholt 260-249-4807 RCIA. Phil Stackowicz 574-282-1082 three sons; Pete, who is married It was in the midst of his to do the work of the deacon. A.M. Best IMSA Standard & Poor’s to Jen, David and Michael. everyday commitment to family Bob and Jaci hope to one day A++ Certification AAA Bob, a programmer/analyst, and parish, that Father Terry give themselves totally to the has worked in the profession of Fisher invited Bob to consider the service of the Church. Through 1 of only 2 companies to have these impressive ratings, computer technology for 39 permanent diaconate. the permanent diaconate forma- out of over 1,900 companies! years. While studying for his pro- Jaci, a licensed junior high and tion, they have more fully experi- fession at the University of high school teacher, has taught at enced God’s love and want to Illinois, he met his future bride, St. Anthony School for the last 21 bring others closer to the love and Jaci who was studying for a years. She took 10 years off from mercy of Jesus Christ. Bob, with teaching degree. her profession to raise her boys. a humble heart says this about the Even though Bob takes his Part-time substitute teaching led formation experience, “Even if it work and study quite seriously, it to further study to complete a ended now, it will have been doesn’t take long to realize that teaching certification in science. worth it all.” he is not just “all work and no Jaci remembers how Bob auto-

Mary’s College are spoken. Saint • Tuesday, March 1: “Falling”; Saint Mary’s College Mary’s students and students from director — Barbara Albert; coun- World Cinema Festival area colleges and high schools will tries — Austria, Germany; year — get a chance to hear the languages 2006; language — German with NOTRE DAME — The Saint that they are studying in an English subtitles Mary’s College Center for authentic cultural context,” says • Wednesday, March 2: Women’s Intercultural Leadership Derakhshani. “Genesis”; director — Cheick (CWIL) will host the World Derakhshani believes that the Oumar Sissoko; countries — Cinema Festival, Monday, Feb. 28, local community will benefit Africa (region), Mali; year — through Friday, March 4. The greatly from attending the World 1999; language — Bambara with award-winning films, which are Cinema Festival. She hopes to English subtitles free and open to the public, will be bring the world to Michiana • Thursday, March 3: “Tony shown in the Vander Vennet through film. Manero”; director — Pablo Theatre on the ground level of the Derakhshani says, “How many Larrain; country — Chile; year Student Center each night at 7 of us have the chance to travel to — 2008; language — Spanish p.m. China, Chile, Palestine or with English subtitles Dr. Mana Derakhshani, French Germany? Through cinema, the • Friday, March 4: “Laila’s professor, associate director of audience will discover new artistic Birthday”; director — Rashid CWIL and director of Saint Mary’s expressions of different cultures Masharawi; countries — Intercultural Studies Program, says and regions.” Netherlands, Palestine, Tunisia; that the festival will bring a unique World Cinema Film Festival year — 2008; language — Visit facebook.com/diocesefwsb opportunity to all students in the schedule: Palestinian with English subtitles surrounding community. • Monday, Feb. 28: “Blind For additional information, and “The films chosen for the festi- Mountain”; director — Li Yang; please visit www.centerforwom- val come from regions of the country — China; year — 2007; eninleadership.org/event/world- twitter.com/todayscatholic world where some of the lan- language — Mandarin with cinema-film-festival. guages that are taught at Saint English subtitles FEBRUARY 27, 2011 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 9 Show choir invitational takes center stage at Bishop Luers High School

BY TIM JOHNSON For a school of 540 students, the show choir boasts an illustrious history. Last year, the show choir FORT WAYNE — Long before took a sixth-place national listing there was ever a hit-television pro- and ranks in the top 23 this year. gram, “Glee,” Bishop Luers High One of the most rewarding School in Fort Wayne was laying things about show choir students, the groundwork for show choir Krouse said, is seeing an individual invitationals. The upcoming 37th transform from a student who was annual show choir invitational, quiet and shy into a positive, confi- March 4-5, is in a sense the dent performer and “has the best “granddaddy” of all high school time.” show choir invitationals. As a show choir parent, as well In 1975, Franciscan Father Fred as a director, Monica Zwick said, Link, who directed the Bishop “I like the camaraderie you have Luers Minstrels show choir and with a lot of parents — a lot more would later become principal of than with the sports.” the Fort Wayne high school, was Parents take the roles of feeding the founder of the Luers Midwest the show choir students during Show Choir Invitational. It consist- competitions, helping with cos- ed of seven area show choirs or tumes, hair, makeup, loading the swing choirs as they were called trucks for competitions and man- then. One judge commented, “You ning booths at school and commu- have a tiger by the tail.” nity fundraisers. Many parents What made the Bishop Luers have assigned tasks for the upcom- Show Choir Invitational unique JOE ROMIE ing invitational as well. was “it was organizing an educa- Show choir students rehearse music at Bishop Luers High School. “It is a great, great opportunity tional opportunity with educated for parents and students to be adjudicators (judges) who would U.S. In 1985, the public television Indiana and local choirs. sion, keyboard, solo vocalists, tech working together,” Krouse noted. come in and really help the groups program was aired throughout the A middle school competition on crew, string and dynamic perform- “And I think it is great because and give them pointers on how to former Soviet Union. the evening of March 4 will ers in a show. students also see their parents in a become better and what to do and The invitational is now made include three local public schools Krouse believes that “Glee” has volunteer role in something that to bring groups from different available worldwide on the Web. and a show choir from St. Joseph- increased the popularity of show they love. I think that’s one thing areas together,” said Karlene Visitors to www.bishopluers.org St. Elizabeth School in Fort choir, “but the sad part about the about Bishop Luers, that we really Krouse, the director of the Bishop can watch the Friday and Saturday Wayne. show, it does not show the hard give a great example to these Luers Minstrels show choir since competitions by clicking on “Luers At the Luers invitational, work that goes behind the scenes young men and women of service 1999. Prior to the Luers’ invita- Live” tab and then signing onto the “every student is recognized from to get to the performance level that to our community.” tional, Krouse recalled most com- live broadcast feed in partnership an educational standpoint on their these students do.” “We’re not only just a little petitions were at community festi- with Incommand Broadcasting. performance ability,” Krouse said. “It doesn’t show how (the stu- show choir,” Krouse said, vals or street fairs. The fee is $5 for the Friday pro- Adjudicators determine vocals, dents) are juggling two sports, all “because every time we sing we The Luers Midwest Show gram and $10 for Saturday compe- sound, choreography, performance their academics, their (Advance are expanding out into the commu- Choir Invitational was propelled titions. and the general picture. Other Placement) courses and really the nity whether it’s at a Mass — we into the national spotlight in 1976. The Bishop Luers Show Choir judges focus on soloists. The Luers nuts and bolts of a show choir.” know that most of the show choir A public television station in Invitational will welcome 19 Midwest Show Choir Invitational Bishop Luers offers show choir members are in liturgical choir — Bowling Green, Ohio, WBGU-TV, choirs on March 5 including choirs consists of six main judges with as an accredited course. During the or at a competition.” taped the show and made it avail- traveling to Fort Wayne from West seven other captions’ judges to rec- competition season, the Luers Zwick spoke of how the able to PBS stations across the Virginia, Illinois, Ohio, southern ognize the best woodwind, percus- show choir enters six to eight com- Catholic identity was prevalent last petitions and a national competi- year when they performed at a tion every other year. competition outside of Fort Wayne The show choir practices three and made the night show. “A cou- or four times a week, four to eight ple of parents got together and hours per week, and when the sea- found a Catholic church three son is over, they continue to prac- blocks away and a lot of the kids tice once a week. went to Mass between the day “You find with students getting show and the night show,” Zwick involved with show choir that it’s a said. “The priest at the parish lot of work, but it’s not any more asked the students to come every- work than being in a sport,” day because, ‘we hadn’t had this Krouse commented. much singing in a long time.’”

Bishop Luers Show Choir Invitational set March 5 At Heart FORT WAYNE — Bishop Luers High School will wel- Now more than ever, the world needs principled leaders. People who live to serve. People who make the come show choirs from 19 high schools to its 37th annu- right choices. People who have Christ at heart. al competition on March 5. Day competition begins at 8 That’s why Catholic colleges so profoundly impact the world. Through the living example of our Catholic faith, students are encouraged to center their lives in God, go forth, and live His essence. a.m. and runs until 6 p.m.; the evening competition begins at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 and sold at the door. Stop in for Campus Visit Day on March 26 or anytime. Students of all faiths are welcome. You’ll find your true vocation at the University of Saint Francis. Be a graduate of values. On March 4, Bishop Luers Invitational has expanded the competition to include middle school choirs from the area. The competition will begin 6 p.m. and con- www.sf.edu clude with awards at 9 p.m. Tickets are $5 and sold at 2701 Spring Street s Fort Wayne, IN 46808 s 260-399-8000 s 1-800-729-4732 s [email protected] the door. In its employment practices, selection of students and administration of all programs, the University of Saint Francis maintains a policy of non-discrimination regarding age, race, gender, disability, and national origin. Bishop Luers will broadcast the invitational live across the nation in partnership in Incommand Broadcasting. 10 TODAY’S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011 SENIORS

Corn flakes from heaven Seniors active at St. Patrick Food Bank

BY MARK WEBER fied area served by St. Patrick’s. Requests for coffee, sugar, laun- dry detergent or diapers are filled FORT WAYNE — For the crew if supplies are available. Bread is of volunteers, all seniors, at the available anytime. To qualify, vis- St. Patrick Food Bank in Fort itors need only give their name Wayne, the loaves’ and fishes’ and address. miracle must have special signifi- The St. Patrick Food Bank cance. At 8 a.m. each Monday, was founded about 17 years ago Wednesday and Friday, the crew by Jack Soderquist, a tireless shows up, as do walk-ins who individual relentlessly dedicated depend on the St. Patrick’s Food to assisting those in need. This Bank for a bag of groceries. man’s determination was meas- The food bank is open from 9 ured by the fact that because of to 11 a.m., so before clients poor sight, he could not drive, arrive, on Mondays, the crew and rode a bicycle on all errands awaits a Associated Churches and to work. Food Bank van bearing fresh sup- Jack is now retired in plies. As they drink coffee and Michigan and his work at St. bag groceries, the volunteers talk Patrick’s is carried on by protégé sports and weather, swap opin- Roger Rang, a member of St. ions on members of the clergy, John the Baptist Parish, Fort and hope for more peanut butter. Wayne. St. Patrick’s Food Bank, on the parish campus, is one of 28 units supplied by the Associated Churches of Fort Wayne Food Bank. In addition to this main source, St. Patrick’s receives pri- vate donations of food and non- PHOTOS BY MARK WEBER food items and money. Members of St. John the Baptist Parish, Fort Wayne, who volunteer at St. Patrick Parish Food Bank, from left, The Salem United Church of are Jim Laughlin; Roger Rang, food bank manager; and Martin Hussar. The food bank is open Mondays, Christ on Lake Avenue channels Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-11 a.m. its food donations through St. Patrick’s, as does St. Charles John’s parishioners, Martin for the Blind. Parish. St. Charles also sends Hussar, Jim Laughlin, Bob When each of these volun- SCRIP, which can be used at Lengerich, Dick Weber and for- teers, most of whom have lost a local food sources. merly by Larry Granahan. With spouse, or are single, was asked, At St. Patrick’s, every single fondness, Roger recalls the devot- “why do you do it?” they hesitat- box of cereal or bottle of deter- ed service of Victor Deininger, ed and said something about gent is weighed or tabulated for Frank Kilcoin and Dave Rohyans, enjoying the companionship of monthly reports which are filed who have passed on. the rest of the crew, and searched with Associated Churches and JANE PIERCE Volunteer Jane Pierce, a St. for words about “filling a need.” Community Harvest Food Bank, Patrick parishioner, has been the What was unsaid and clearly who in turn, reports these figures food bank receptionist for seven unstated was that by observing to their sources and in grant As manager, Roger’s day years. Before retirement, Jane was the need and the appreciation of applications. Money received and begins with lugging supplies off the manager of the South Side those who depend on the food how it is spent is included in St. the supply van and ends with pre- High School cafeteria for 25 years. bank, the volunteers also develop Patrick’s reports. cise record keeping needed to jus- Helen Hlawek, from St. Jude a hunger, not of the belly kind, For a bag of groceries contain- tify the continued supply of Parish in Fort Wayne, comes in but of a gnawing hunger to con- ing canned food, soup, soap, toi- necessities. one day a week and also volun- tinue to fill the shelves, to fill let paper, hot dogs, pasta, bread, He is also ambassador, point teers at St. Peter Parish food bank those brown bags, and in that cereal, etc., worth approximately man, bouncer, purchasing agent on Thursdays. In addition, Helen way, attempt to fill the hearts of $75, visitors may come in once a and devotee of Frederic Ozanam. HELEN HLAWEK is a volunteer driver for the those who visit the St. Patrick month and must live in a speci- Roger is assisted by other St. Cancer Society and the League Food Bank. FEBRUARY 27, 2011 SENIORS 11 Holy Cross Sisters stamp ministry supports mission make the ministry effective. or stamp collecting, but having BY SISTER MARGIE LAVONIS Assisted by Sister M. Carlita been a missionary in Africa for Hammes, she makes sure that there many years, I had appreciated the NOTRE DAME — Who would is always a supply of stamps, that benefits of the Ministry to the Poor ever think that the stamp on your they are properly identified, fund. I also value the opportunity birthday card could help the poor processed, sorted, stored or sold. that so many of our sisters, fami- and underserved. Well, it can and She is accountable to Sister M. lies, friends and associates have the “retired” sisters at Saint Mary’s Rose Edward Goodrow, who experienced by being involved so College make it happen. directs the congregation’s develop- directly in ministry to the poor. I Begun in the early 1970s by ment office. thought I knew how to organize now deceased Holy Cross Sister Sister Rose remarks, “The and how to delegate and I was M. Diomera McCue, the stamp stamp program has been a great assured that I could continue my program supports the Sisters of the gift to our congregation. The pro- present ministry to our sisters here Holy Cross’ ministries with the ceeds from the sale of canceled at Saint Mary’s. Little did I imag- poor, especially women and chil- stamps assists us in supporting the ine all that was involved in the dren, throughout the world. More works of the ministry to the poor. stamp room ministry. Somehow, than 25 senior sisters clip, launder, The preparation of these stamps through the generosity and assis- dry and press canceled stamps that for sale gives great opportunity for tance of so many dedicated friends are sold to various stamp dealers our sisters and numerous volun- and coworkers, the stamp ministry who in turn sell them to stamp col- teers to be a part of the ministry. is flourishing.” lectors. Claude Renshaw, a retired We appreciate our donors efforts to Saint Mary’s College accounting save the stamps and support us in To donate stamps for the sisters send professor, also gives his time and this congregational ministry.” them to Sister Jane Chantal at talent to this ministry. Without donations of stamps Stamp Room-Augusta Hall, Saint Asked how he got involved, there would be no ministry. Mary’s, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Renshaw says, “I decided about a Donated stamps and collections Or call (574) 284-5675 or 284- year ago that I was going to do arrive at Saint Mary’s from all 5704. Guidelines for saving PHOTOS BY SISTER MARGIE LAVONIS, CSC some volunteer work with the sis- over the world. They come from stamps can be found at www.csc- Holy Cross Sister Jane Chantal, stamp room manager for the Sisters of ters and talked to Lee Ann Moore sisters serving abroad, Saint sisters.org/development. the Holy Cross, sorts canceled stamps to be sold for the missions. who is the coordinator of all vol- Mary’s College alumnae, the unteers at Saint Mary’s Convent. University of Notre Dame, In her interview with me, I brought schools, businesses, families and up that I was a stamp collector and friends of Holy Cross and more. had been one ever since I was a Recently Holy Cross Father kid. Right away she knew the Christopher Kuhn, the Indiana stamp room would be a good Province archivist, gifted the If you’d like to experience match.” stamp room with over 40 boxes of Holy Cross Sister M. Jane stamp collections from deceased for yourself the surroundings Chantal Method, who recently Holy Cross brothers and priests. took over the management of the He has been very helpful in shar- and why Chuck appreciates stamp ministry, knew Renshaw ing his knowledge of stamps and is from the past and says of him, a member of the stamp club. the friendly staff, service “The day I agreed to manage the There is an old saying that stamp room ministry a few months when you need a volunteer, ask a and convenience of having ago, I met Claude. When I told busy person. Sister Jane fits in that him about my new role, he enthu- category. So why did she say yes everything under one roof, siastically offered to help. He is in to this new adventure? “I agreed to charge of the sale of our stamps, take this position as manager of then call Holy Cross Village both at the South Bend area stamp the stamp room because the stamp club meetings and to local and dis- room would have to be closed if today at (574) 251-2235. tant stamp collectors and dealers.” no one agreed to take charge. I Sister Jane’s responsibility is to knew little or nothing about stamps “When I first visited Holy Cross Located near the campuses of Village at Notre Dame I was the University of Notre Dame, absolutely blown away by the Saint Mary’s College and Holy Cross College, Holy Cross Village at extent of the services and Notre Dame offers independent amenities. I knew Dad would living villa homes and apartments, love it. Dad finds the other assisted living, memory care, skilled residents fascinating. There’s nursing and rehabilitation services. such an interesting mix of active, well-educated adults who’ve traveled the world. It’s an environment you just don’t find in most communities.”

—Mark Krcmaric, 54515 State Road 933 North Managing Director & Chief Notre Dame, IN 46556 Operating Officer in the www.holycrossvillage.com Notre Dame Investment Office Holy Cross Village at Notre Dame is a continuing care retirement community owned by the Brothers of Holy Cross Holy Cross Sister Francis Clare Ugast is busy in her room cutting excess and managed by the Franciscan Sisters of Chicago paper off canceled stamps. Sister Ugast is one of many who work in the Service Corporation. Holy Cross stamp ministry that benefits the poor and underserved. 12 SENIORS FEBRUARY 27, 2011 Love knows no age bounds

Both Zisk and Coplen come met my extended family through BY KAY COZAD from love-filled, enduring mar- CRHP,” she says. riages. Bob and Dorothy Coplen Zisk joined “Joy in the FORT WAYNE — For octogenar- enjoyed a loving 49-year mar- Mourning,” a widows support ians Muriel Zisk and Bob Coplen, riage, until Dorothy’s death six group at the parish as well and what began as a chance meeting a years ago. Together they have says her “Joy” friends walked little over a year ago has grown four sons and six grandchildren. with her through her grief over into a full blown romance. Now after six years of bachelor- the death of her beloved husband. During the past year the two have hood Coplen prayed that God And her gratitude for her friends traversed a range of relationship would bring him a good woman. does not go unsung for their sup- issues as their feelings for each Enter Muriel Zisk. port during a draining bout with other took root. Recently they Muriel and Ed Zisk claimed breast cancer that same year. found their way to making wed- 45 years of marital bliss until Zisk, who is a faith-filled sur- ding plans set for this July. Ed’s death in 1998. They raised vivor, says of this challenging Mutual friends introduced the two children and have three time of change and loss, “It was couple who seemed to enjoy each grandchildren. A planned retire- my faith that got me through. other’s company from the begin- ment move from Connecticut to Without Ed I was lost. But I ning. “On our first date we talked Fort Wayne, where Zisk’s daugh- turned everything over to God. for 2 1/2 hours ter and family He’s never let me down.” — about every- reside, was She feels that her faith grew thing,” says the undertaken six stronger during her hardships and effervescent “Along came Bob. months after made her a better person. “I did- Zisk. “We have Ed’s untimely n’t have Ed to lean on, so I wonderful com- death. leaned on my Savior,” she says. PHOTO PROVIDED BY MURIEL ZISK munication,” The Lord put him “It was our Leading a full and ever-chang- Muriel Zisk and Bob Coplen, both in their 80s, have found love with each she adds, dream, and I ing life style that included close other and plan to marry in July. acknowledging in my life when just followed ties to children, grandchildren that sharing that dream,” and friends, volunteering as a their histories, says Zisk wist- receptionist at the Lutheran The budding relationship was those “three little words” Coplen thoughts and I wasn’t looking.” fully. She soon Cancer Research Center support- not without its burdens as Zisk reenacted the proposal, this time feelings is the found a home in ing others who face the dread dis- MURIAL ZISK began to realize she was falling with a heartfelt “I love you,” after foundation of Fort Wayne and ease, in the office of St. Elizabeth in love. The guilt of loving anoth- which Zisk readily accepted. The their love rela- quickly settled or anywhere else she was needed, er man had Zisk feeling like she couple credits God for the ease at tionship. in. She says, and acting as nanny to several was betraying her late husband. which their plans are falling into Zisk and “Through my area families, Zisk felt complete. But after much prayer and sup- place for the July wedding cere- Coplen share a church and the Then her grandchildren went port from friends she felt God mony, where they will pay spe- great many interests as well, and people I met, I found peace and away to college and Zisk says, “I had provided a gift in Bob and cial tribute to their deceased says Zisk, “Our outlook on life is contentment here.” felt a void,” though she admits her first husband would be happy spouses. the same.” Beyond all of the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish she never considered dating. for her. Both are thrilled that their As for the future Zisk says, “I things they have in common she became her home parish where But God had His own plans, children and friends accept their don’t fear the future with this says of her betrothed, “He’s so she developed a supportive faith she says. “Along came Bob. The relationship with joy. man. God will lead us into a kind and such a gentleman. He’s community by attending a Christ Lord put him in my life when I Though the two do not share happy marriage. I intend to make whimsical and he’s a good family Renews His Parish (CRHP) wasn’t looking ... and He opened the same religion Zisk says Bob the most of every day with him.” man.” retreat soon after her move. “I my heart to take in another love.” is a man of great faith. “Faith is And she feels she and Coplen what drew us together,” she will be a committed couple say- reports, adding that they each ing, “He’ll walk with me through respect the other’s religion and good and bad times. He’ll be share their deep faith in God. She there for me, I know that.” adds that prayer has become an And don’t forget the romance, intimate part of their ever deep- she says smiling, “He is roman- ening relationship. tic. He puts a spark in my life and While vacationing in Las keeps me happy. I feel so at Vegas recently Coplen, on bended peace with my life and my faith. knee, proposed to his new love. And now with Bob I can share it 10%10% OFFOFF Quipping that she needed to hear all.” In-Ground Grave Spaces, 574-232-4040 621 Memorial Dr., Suite 402 574-936-9200 South Bend, Indiana 1919 West Lake Avenue, Suite 107 Opening/Closings and Vaults Plymouth, Indiana or $250 off Single Crypt Spaces. (Above Ground Entombment) Graves now available in the new Garden of Our Lady of Guadalupe-Section Q.

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BY DENNIS SADOWSKI a significant number of Americans. moms are enrolled in WIC. ing. I spent seven years in Catholic Q: That was by Agriculture We have The Emergency Food Charities, starting in 1968 as a Secretary Tom Vilsack because he Q: What are your responsibilities? Assistance Program. It provides young social worker in Waterville, apparently liked your work in Iowa. WASHINGTON (CNS) — As the A: There are 15 federal pro- close to 25 percent of foods that Maine. I was the associate dioce- A: He did. The interesting thing American economy remains slug- grams that are the first line of come through food banks. We san director. I was invited in 1975 about the mission in USDA, is gish, millions of Americans contin- defense against hunger. The largest have a special program for Indians to state government to oversee a everything we do we do through ue to depend upon some type of is SNAP, Supplemental Nutrition on or near reservations. We also study of children’s services and states or counties. So it’s really food and nutrition program sup- Assistance Program, the food have the Summer Food Service regulations and programs affecting helped to have had state experi- ported by the federal government. stamp program as it’s still known. Program for 3.3 million children. children. ence because I know how states The man overseeing such pro- That serves 43 million Americans, Many Catholic Charities agencies I was hired as a director of the think. I know the challenges. To grams is Kevin W. Concannon, a more than 20 million children. are partners with us. Our studies mental retardation system and later me it’s a busman’s holiday. I feel Catholic from Maine who has built The next largest are the food and others come to the same con- became the commissioner of men- good about it. a 42-year career in health and programs in schools, public and pri- clusion: The highest risk period for tal health and corrections and Q: How does your Catholic faith human services. vate. Each day 32 million children a child to go hungry is in the sum- stayed for 12 years. I was recruited influence your work? Did it guide you Concannon, 70, joined the have lunch at school. That program mer when school is out. to Oregon and worked for eight into public service? Department of Agriculture as was just reauthorized by Congress There’s one more part called years as the health and human A: It certainly did. I went to undersecretary of food, nutrition and strengthened in terms of meal the Center for Nutrition Policy and services commissioner. I was parochial school, Jesuit high and consumer services in 2009, quality and nutrition. Promotion, a potent group of sci- asked to come back to Maine by a school, Catholic university and coming out of retirement at the We have the national school entists, researchers and nutrition- new governor, whom I had known graduate school. When I was in invitation of Agriculture Secretary breakfast program for 12 million ists who promulgate the dietary when he was a legal aid lawyer. I graduate school, one of the major Tom Vilsack. The two worked children. guidelines. was there for eight years. Then I texts was written by a Jesuit the- together in Iowa for four years. The Women, Infants and went to Iowa where I was for six ologian, Felix Biestek. I remember The longtime social worker dis- Children program is under-acknowl- Q: Why did you come to years. the alignment of basic values. I cussed his role overseeing nearly edged for its importance. In 45 per- Washington after retiring? Then I retired. I didn’t like often say to people, “We can work $100 billion in programs that assist cent of all the births in the U.S., the A: I’m a social worker by train- retirement. I wondered, “Why did on programs, but you have to I do this?” So when I got the call make sure you get the values right to come here, I thought it was fab- first.” Helping people who are in ulous. need is an underlying part of our responsibility. America’s Choice In HomecareTM

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The Journey of Peace & Purpose Conscious Aging Saturday, April 30 • 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. “Aging is not for sissies” may seem truer with each passing year. Aging is a time of WORKSHOP PRESENTER change, loss, and anxiety, but also a time Cheri Krueckeberg, MDiv., MSW for wonderful opportunities and spiritual Associate Professor of Social Work Gerontology Program Director Recipes for better living. growth. All life transitions begin with an Manchester College ending and hopefully the start of a new Healthful food that folks of all ages rave about? beginning. We invite you to gather for a few hours to explore the life tasks we are called to ictory That’s Bryan Kellar’s specialty. Bryan is executive chef embrace in mid-life and the senior years: at Lutheran Life Villages, where he creates wonderfully • Responding to our changing bodies and brains oll who live here—and • Wise reflection on our pasts N zesty ddishes for the older adults • Journey toward the end of life with integrity V enter for theirthe friends, relatives, and other guests. and peace C • Respectful mentoring A MINISTRY OF • Bringing forth one’s own inner elder ‒ OUR LADY OF VICTORY MISSIONARY SISTERS WeW get so many compliments on Chef Bryan’s palate- harvesting the wisdom of the years and pleasingp food, we decided to share one of his reclaiming the wonder and delight of life 1900 W. Park Drive Huntington, IN 46750 recipes each month. • Conscious aging ‒ living our golden years with peace, courage, power, play, and purpose For more information or to register, contact www.lutheranlifevillages.org Fee: $35 • Please register by April 23 Victory Noll Center FortFor Wayne (260) 447-1591 | Kendallville (260) 347-2256 at (260)356-0628, ext. 174 Visit our web site at: or by e-mail at www.olvm.org/vncenter.html [email protected] 14 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011

GUEST COMMENTARY BY CHRISTOPHER STEFANICK Dysfunctional love songs he lessons packed in the love songs that are getting the most OMMENTARY Tradio play today all seem to have a similar theme: if it isn’t dys- C functional, it isn’t love. Take the song “Grenade” for instance, wherein Bruno Mars sings a litany of pains he’d endure for his beloved, ranging from catching a TODAY’S CATHOLIC welcomes letters from readers. All letters must be signed and include a phone number and address for verification. grenade, to throwing his hand on a blade, to taking a bullet through Today’s Catholic reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Address letters to: Today’s Catholic • P.O. Box 11169 • Fort Wayne, his brain. His beloved is evil, it seems. According to the song, she’d IN • 46856-1169 or e-mail to: [email protected] “smile in (his) face then rip the brakes out of (his) car.” Her response to his “loving” rant is total indifference. He goes so far as to lament that if his body was on fire she’d watch him burn in flames. Yet, despite all this, at the end of the song he still sings, “I Working through a hard death would die for you baby, but you won’t do the same.” It seems that Bruno has so effectively broken the stereotype of the aregivers and healthcare much harder than others is no emotionless, standoffish male that he has become the psychotically professionals can and often easier to explain than why certain needy girlfriend. Good boy, Bruno. Contemporary, feminized society Cdo greatly assist those who lives are so much harder than MAKING has trained you well in the ways of “manhood.” The lesson of this are suffering and dying. Even others. It gives us pause, though, song is clear: If it isn’t codependence, it isn’t real love. with careful pain management to ask whether suffering doesn’t SENSE OF In one of the most popular songs of 2010, “Breakeven” singer and comfort measures, however, have some hidden but important Danny O’Donoghue laments after a hard breakup, “I’m still alive but the dying process can still be meaning, however it enters our BIOETHICS I’m barely breathin.’” Everyone who has had their heart broken can agonizing and difficult. Each lives. As we seek to use the tools relate with those words. But he goes on to sing, “What am I supposed death has a unique and particular of medicine to alleviate the suf- to do when the best part of me was always you?” Romantic words? trajectory, but even the most dif- fering of those who are dying, we FATHER TAD PACHOLCZYK Yes. Emotionally healthy words? No. ficult and unpleasant deaths often realize how delicate a balancing No offense Danny, but if the best part of you was her I can see have powerful graces and act it can be, fraught with diffi- why she dumped you. While a couple is called to unity, individuals remarkable opportunities for cult decisions about dosages and do my best to offer up the suffer- ings that lie ahead of me, whatev- still need to maintain autonomy for a relationship to be stable and growth mysteriously interwoven interventions, and not always into them. guaranteed to work. When pain er they may be, but I would ask lasting. If people lose themselves in one another, soon there is no self that you send us 18 new candi- to give to the other. The lesson of “Breakeven”: If it isn’t enmesh- Some time ago, I correspond- and suffering cannot be alleviat- ed with a registered nurse about ed, patients ought to be helped to dates for next year’s incoming ment, it isn’t love. appreciate the Christian under- class.” The good priest faced an In the song “Animal” by Neon Trees, vocalist Tyler Glenn sings, her mother’s final battle with lung cancer. She described the standing of redemptive suffering. excruciating death, but a few “We’re sick like animals ... I won’t be denied by ... the animal inside unexpected shifts in her mother’s The nurse described how she months later when the candidates of you ... Take a bite of my heart tonight.” Tyler, you and anyone condition that had taken place and her mother had experienced started showing up at the semi- who looks like you won’t be dating my daughter. The lesson of this over a period of eight days: “... this Christian understanding nary, there were exactly 18 new song is echoed in countless others: If it isn’t promiscuous, it isn’t pas- passing through a day of Cheyne- themselves: “My Mom and I students in the class. sion. Stokes respirations (a pattern of prayed hard and much over this His story speaks of how suf- And Miranda Cosgrove, a Nickelodeon (i.e. children’s TV chan- deep breathing, followed by stop- past year. She was expected to fering has meaning whenever we nel) actress, in “Kissing You” sings to her boyfriend before an audi- page of breathing, followed by die a year ago. As we began to unite it to the redemptive suffer- ence of millions of pre-teen girls, “When I’m kissing you it all starts repetition of the understand that ings of Christ. Our sufferings and making sense!” And answers to questions like, “Are you the one I cycle), days of she was actual- struggles are an important, albeit should trust?” become “crystal clear ... when I’m kissin’ you.” such shallow ly improving temporary, part of our journey. The lesson of this song is that physical intimacy is the way to dis- breathing that Why certain deaths are so and that she They are a harbinger of a greater cern if a given relationship is the right one. I hate to break the news death seemed (and I) had destiny and a promise of our to you, Miranda, but that feeling you’re getting while kissing him is literally one much harder than others been given this transformation. Pope John Paul II oxytocin. It’s a neuro-peptide released during physical intimacy that breath away, gift of time, we once described it this way: “The decreases your ability to reason and increases your ability to bond. It days of calm became increas- cross of Christ throws salvific produces the polar opposite of clear thinking. Furthermore, when coma, two days is no easier to explain ingly devoted to light, in a most penetrating way, on man’s life ... the cross reaches you’re engaging in heavy kissing with your boyfriend, Miranda, I can where the smell the Divine of imminent Mercy of Jesus. man together with the resurrec- almost guarantee that he’s not thinking, “You’re the one I should than why certain lives tion.” Our experience of suffering trust.” It’s more likely that he’s thinking, “You’re the one I should do death was I am of the detectable, signs opinion that and death, even a very hard more with than kiss.” God gave Mom death, offers us mysterious and I’m not even going to attempt to tackle what most rap songs say of diminished are so much harder extremity perfu- an opportunity dramatic graces, with the reassur- about relationships because their content, packed with sexual sions coming to be on the ance that God himself is ever deviance and hedonism that border on violence is more fitting for a and then going, than others. cross with near to those who carry their hard core porn magazine or a “Law and Order SVU” episode than coming and Him.” cross. the radio. then going, day Real suffer- I don’t mean to sound like an emotionless Spock of a man. The after day, no ing engages a songs I mentioned, with the exception of “Animal,” do have some urine output, lot of complex redeeming themes, and they all have great melodies. But they dis- then urine out- emotions. We mantle the prerequisite for love in the minds of the desperate pre- put, then no may worry that teens who are listening: self possession. If a person is stable enough urine, then urine again, emerge our crosses will be more than we to stand on his own two feet without falling into enmeshment and from this state and embark upon can bear. We may not see how codependence, then, and only then, can he give himself in love to three hours of increasingly severe our sufferings could really have another. respiratory distress culminating any value or meaning. In the end, And if love is contained by modesty, chivalry and purity during in a violent respiratory arrest.” suffering can make us bitter or it dating and engagement, then, and only then, can it become an inter- No stranger to death and can make us better, depending nal fire that nothing can put out. In the words of John Paul II, the dying, this nurse had assisted upon how we respond to it and “fire of pleasure ... burns quickly like a pile of withered grass.” But countless other patients with use it to enter into deeper union the flame of purity creates a fire that doesn’t consume its host. pain, air and hunger manage- with the Lord who suffered and Thanks in large part to misguided love songs, teens tend to mis- ment. During her mom’s final died a hard death for us. take things like codependence, enmeshment and promiscuity for love. hours, she had significantly I’m reminded of a story I once increased morphine doses per heard about a priest in Poland It’s funny how the things they come to look for in dating relation- who taught at the seminary. Each ships are precisely the things that set them up for failed marriages. hospice protocols, but with little or no apparent relief. Her moth- year, there had been fewer candi- Parents: Pay attention to what your teens are listening to and turn er’s death ended up being very dates entering the seminary, those songs on your car radio into teaching moments. You might get hard. Reflecting on it afterwards, rarely more than eight or nine, eyes rolled back at you in reply, but what that really means is: she realized that if she had not and it was becoming a serious “Thanks for looking out for me, Mom and Dad.” been both a healthcare profes- concern for the seminary and the Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, Ph.D. is a sional and a person who trusted diocese. One day, this priest priest of the diocese of Fall deeply in God, she would have learned he had a terminal illness, River, Mass., and serves as the Speaker and author Christopher Stefanick is director of Youth, Young been, to use her own words, “out with only a few months to live. director of education at The Adult and Campus Ministry for the Denver Archdiocese. Visit of my mind with horror.” Shortly afterwards, he turned to National Catholic Bioethics www.chris-stefanick.com. Why certain deaths are so God and said: “Lord Jesus, I will Center in Philadelphia. FEBRUARY 27, 2011 COMMENTARY 15 Could Internet increase intentions? The new translation VATICAN CITY (CNS) — If the Jesuit Father Claudio Barriga, pope used Twitter or Facebook to who oversees the organization of the Holy Mass: rally people together to pray for from the Jesuit headquarters near THE one intention, how many millions the Vatican, said he estimates The Communion Rite of prayers could be raised to there are about 50 million people VATICAN heaven within minutes? fulfilling the membership his week, we review the In some countries, Facebook requirements in the apostleship LETTER Communion Rite as it and the Internet already are being and its youth wing, the Tappears in the new Roman THE Missal. Following the people’s used by the Apostleship of Prayer Eucharistic Youth Movement. CINDY WOODEN to build community and distrib- The Jesuit said he was in “Amen” at the end of the NEW ute the pope’s monthly prayer Vietnam in January and discov- Eucharistic Prayer, we begin the intentions. But in most places in ered that there are Apostleship of Communion Rite with the recita- the world, when the pope makes Prayer groups in every diocese through both national and parish- tion or singing of the Our Father. MISSAL based Facebook pages. Most will be pleased to hear a special public appeal for with an estimated 1 million BY BRIAN MACMICHAEL prayers, people hear about it only involved. But it’s also big in remote that the text of the Lord’s Prayer through the Catholic media. A government-approved bish- areas of Angola where many peo- itself (as well as our familiar For 167 years, members of the op in mainland China reported ple have never even seen a com- English chant setting) will remain Apostleship of Prayer have begun that there is a group of people puter and in Madagascar where unchanged. Not only is the prayer the heavenly wedding banquet of each day offering their lives to who makes the offering and prays about 250,000 young people a sufficient translation of the Latin the Lamb. — Rev 19:9. God and praying for the needs of for the pope’s intentions each day belong to the Eucharistic Youth “Pater noster,” but the devotional Then come the words we pray the universal Church and the in his cathedral, Father Barriga Movement, he said. language of the Our Father (com- in response, before the distribution intentions of the pope. said. Father Barriga knows that for plete with phrases like “Who art in of Holy Communion begins: The offering and the prayers In the United States, he said, many people, the Apostleship of heaven” and “hallowed be Thy are the basic membership require- “it’s mainly a digital community” Prayer is seen as a way for the name”) has also become a deeply Lord,I am not worthy elderly to exercise their piety; he ments, and in most places the thriving through the use of the ingrained and rich part of our ver- that you should enter under my roof, apostleship has “no registration, website www.apostleshipof- said it wasn’t that long ago that nacular prayer. Every English- no groups, no fees, no special prayer.org — which includes he thought so, too. speaking Christian knows this but only say the word prayer, and it is used a great deal meetings,” so no one really links to a daily audiovisual medi- and my soul shall be healed. knows how many people belong. tation posted on YouTube — and LETTER, PAGE 16 outside of the Holy Mass. However, the priest’s words before, during, and after the Our The replacement of our current, Father will feature some changes. relatively terse “not worthy to For instance, the current transla- receive you” with the bolded line Who is our master? tion offers three options for the is a significant change. The new priest’s introduction to the Our line comes directly from the St. Paul’s First Epistle to the Jesus is quite frank in this Father, but the new translation will Gospels, particularly Matthew 8:8, THE Corinthians is the source of the reading. Not so much condemn- match the single Latin line in say- in which the faith-filled centurion second reading. In the first centu- ing the things of the world, cer- ing, “At the Savior’s command begs Jesus to heal his paralyzed ry, Corinth was Las Vegas, New tainly not necessities for life, and formed by divine teaching, we servant: “Lord, I am not worthy to SUNDAY York and Sin City all rolled into Jesus instead reminds the audi- dare to say ...” To address our have you enter under my roof; one. Converts to Christianity ence that for genuine disciples almighty, transcendent Creator as only say the word and my servant GOSPEL lived in Corinth, but, assuming only attention to God and to “Father” is actually an incredible will be healed.” It is therefore a MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION from Paul’s two letters, they God’s will suffice. thing, for it affirms a tender and Biblical text that conveys humani- apparently forever were lured God must be the only master. personal aspect to our relationship ty’s unworthiness on account of away from the Gospel. Jesus then reassures the disciples. with Him. And we do this at the sin, and our need for sincere Surely important for the They must not worry about inci- direction of His Son — this is why humility before receiving the Holy 8th Sunday in Christians was the mockery of dentals. Be concerned about what we “dare to” use the name, Eucharist. pagans, who surely teased the actually is important. Judge by “Father.” Nonetheless, speaking of “my Ordinary Time Christians, asking whatever made God’s standards, not by the After the sign of peace (which roof” may seem strange before them think that living chastely world’s. should always be shared in a dig- Holy Communion, since Christ is Mt 6:24-34 and keeping the quest for materi- nified fashion, for it is Christ’s coming to us in the form of food or its first reading this al gain in check in any regard Reflection peace — not our own — that we — not literally entering into our weekend, the Church pres- made sense. impart here), we sing the Agnus houses. Certainly the clear associa- Fents a rather short selection The third reading, from St. On March 9, the Church will Dei (“Lamb of God”) as the priest tion with Matthew Chapter 8 has a from the final part of the Book of Matthew’s Gospel, is part of a call us to observe Ash breaks the sacred host. The Agnus figurative intent, but it may also be Isaiah. rather long discourse given by the Wednesday and to begin Lent. Dei text remains unchanged as helpful to recall that St. Paul says, By the time this passage was Lord to his disciples about life. It Lent, this ancient season of well, though it is always good to “your body is a temple of the Holy written, the Jews, long trapped in is hardly startling. He simply penance and renewal so identified recall its origin in the words of Spirit within you.” — 1 Cor 6:19. exile in Babylon, had returned says that no one can serve two with the Catholic faith, is a litur- John the Baptist, as he heralds We are therefore to make our home. The collapse of the masters, and true followers must gical opportunity for every Christ’s arrival at the River bodies into fitting homes for God’s Babylonian empire, and the choose to serve only God. believer to search her or his soul, Jordan: “Behold, the Lamb of grace to dwell within our souls. accompanying conquest of Probably no time in history, to reform by rejecting sin, and God, who takes away the sin of The Eucharist is true food that Babylonia by Persia, had enabled anywhere, for anyone, utterly is finally to recommit to the Lord. the world.” — Jn 1:29. provides spiritual nourishment, them to go home. of any material concern. If it is In this will be new life, so on That passage from the Gospel which is why we will refer more It was a bittersweet return, not the task of making a living, Easter, if they have taken advan- of John is also embedded in the specifically to “my soul” in the certainly additionally so since or of maintaining a constant and tage of Lent, Christians will subsequent line spoken by the last line. But this sacramental few of the exiles, if any, were old fulfilling relationship, it is a experience for themselves a priest, while he holds the host over strength for our souls in turn enough to remember the home- question of health. revival of life. the chalice. Here is the new text, informs both our mental and phys- land. Their parents and grandpar- However, for Jews at the time with changes in bold: ical deeds (recall the Confiteor ents had told them about the of Jesus, things extraordinarily also incorporated both types of homeland, and in the longing to were bad. The temptation was to READINGS Behold the Lamb of God, action), such that the totality of leave Babylon and rediscover enter a do-eat-dog world, just to Sunday: Is 49:14-15 Ps 62:2-3,6-9 1 Cor our bodies, souls, and lives may pride in their own identity, likely survive. Hanging over everything 4:1-5 Mt 6:24-34 behold him who takes away the sins of become suitable instruments of the none of these recollections was was the Roman occupation, with Monday: Sir 17:20-24 Ps 32:1-2, 5-7 the world. Lord. unpleasant, all exaggerated. its hedonism and materialism. Mk 10:17-27 Blessed are those called to the supper For the distribution and recep- So, the people who returned The temptation here was to join Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12 Ps 50:5-8,14,23 of the Lamb. tion of Holy Communion, the from exile had a glowing image them if you could not beat them, Mk 10:28-31 words shall all remain the same: of the land of their ancestry. The and no one beat the Romans. Wednesday: Sir 36:1,4-5a,10-17 Ps “The Body (or “Blood”) of Christ” bubble burst when they actually All this was especially dis- 79:8-9,11,13 Mk 10:32-45 The new translation recovers with a response of “Amen.” arrived. Things were desolate. heartening for Jews. Where was the word, “behold,” which also Thursday: Sir 42:15-25 Ps 32:2-9 Mk Next week, we will complete The prophecy had to cope God, their protector, in all this? evokes the words of Pilate to the our look at the Order of Mass. with the people’s great disap- Whatever did their status as 10:46-52 crowd in presenting the scourged pointment and bewilderment. “Chosen People” mean? Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13 PS 149:1-6a, Jesus: “Behold, the man” (“Ecce Where is God? Many were tempted to answer 9b Mk 11:11-26 homo” — Jn 19:5). The Holy The reading reasserts God’s these questions by saying that Saturday: Sir 51:12c-20 Ps 19:8-11 Eucharist is a re-presentation of Brian MacMichael is the director of promise to protect and sustain the God was not there, that being Mk 11:27-33 that same sacrificial Victim, and the Office of Worship for the Chosen People. God’s people meant nothing. our partaking in it is a foretaste of Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. 16 COMMENTARY FEBRUARY 27, 2011 Sargent Shriver and his times SCRIPTURE SEARCH

. Sargent Shriver, who died short pants. He then changed the Gospel for February 27, 2011 on Jan. 18, was the last of subject and asked me, “Where Matthew 6:24-34 Rthe classic American was I ambassador?” I said I THE Catholic liberals. Advocate of thought his embassy had been to Following is a word search based on the Gospel racial justice when that took real France, which he then described CATHOLIC reading for the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, courage; founding director of the with gusto, remembering several Cycle A: a teaching on where to place one’s trust. Peace Corps and inspiration of a run-ins with Le Grand Charles The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. generation of Americans dedicat- (de Gaulle). I didn’t ask him DIFFERENCE ed to serving the global poor; about my favorite Shriver story, GEORGE WEIGEL CAN SERVE TWO MASTERS LOVE THEOTHER director of Lyndon Johnson’s which involved him trying to be DEVOTED DESPISE SERVE GOD well-intended if ill-conceived one of the boys at a steelworkers’ WORRY WILL EAT DRINK domestic War on Poverty; ambas- bar in Johnstown, Pa., during the FOOD BIRDS REAP sador to France and vice-presi- 1972 campaign; Sarge blew the Democratic Party after the BARNS HEAVENLY FATHER dential candidate — Shriver lived gaffe by ordering “A Courvoisier; Clintonistas denied pro-life FEEDS THEM SOLOMON GRASS one of the richest of public lives, no, make it a double!” Still, I Pennsylvania Gov. Bob Casey an FIELD OVEN LITTLE FAITH which included his partnership remember the strange, wonderful opportunity to speak at the 1992 with his equally pro-life wife, sense of being in the presence of Democratic national convention. Eunice Kennedy Shriver, in the a man who had not only made That was the breakpoint for many WHY WORRY Special Olympics movement. history in his own right but of us who had been lifelong, We last met several years ago whose first American ancestor, genetically programmed FIELDYRROW KL when Sarge called me up and David Shriver, had signed the Democrats. That the Shrivers ETEDELLACHO I invited me to lunch. He had read Maryland Constitution and Bill of stayed put was a sadness; their and liked my “Letters to a Young Rights in 1776. departure would have sent shock EAW OKN I RDVGT Catholic” and wanted me to sign Had his potential candidacy waves through Democratic circles DETOVEDSEDBT copies for several of the younger not have been vetoed by his and might have provided an anti- members of the Shriver clan, Kennedy in-laws, Sarge might dote to Mario Cuomo’s “I’m per- SLJFMVSTHANL which I was happy to do in his have been President Johnson’s sonally opposed, but...” mantra. TLRFHAHJRKOE Special Olympics office before vice-presidential running mate in Had Sarge and Eunice Shriver H I EVRESNACMF we repaired across the street to 1964, a historical “what if” full prevailed over Ted Kennedy, the the Willard Hotel for lunch. of possibility: Shriver, as vice United States might not be head- E W AGOHSTDBOA While I was signing, he casually president or, later, president, ing toward a European-style two- MBP T YVANE I L I and cheerfully mentioned that might have been able to connect party system, with a lifestyle-lib- “Lunch might be interesting, the Democratic Party’s civil ertine, secularist party of the left REHTAFEADROT because I can’t remember any- rights commitments to a robust contending against a quasi- DESP I SENYDSH thing I’ve said 10 minutes after pro-life commitment, for Sarge Christian Democratic party on the I’ve said it.” The Alzheimer’s knew in his heart that the pro-life right. America might have had RFDOGEVRESFH that finally killed him was cause was the logical, moral two parties which understood that © 2011 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com already working its wicked ways, extension of the civil rights cause the right to life from conception as his friendly warning indicated. to which he had long dedicated until natural death is the first of Yet he was taking his condition himself. Instead, brother-in-law “pre-political” human rights; with the equanimity that comes Ted Kennedy helped lead the indeed, it’s the right whose Tyre first Lebanese town from deep faith — and long Democratic Party into the pro- acknowledgment makes a decent experience with those battling choice fever swamps from which polity possible. various handicaps, physical and the party has never extricated That was not to be. The coun- to adopt Christianity mental. itself — and seems unlikely to do try is the poorer for it. Lunch was utterly charming. I so in the future. got Sarge to reminisce a bit about Sarge and Eunice fought the Where is the city of Tyre where St. being an altar boy for Cardinal good fight, but they never did the Paul prayed on the beach? James Gibbons of Baltimore, most dramatic thing they might George Weigel is a senior fellow of St. Paul was in Patara, an HIRE who used to visit the Shriver’s have done for the pro-life cause, the Ethics and Public Policy important city in southern ancient country place when Sarge was in which was to leave the Center in Washington, D.C. Asia Minor (modern Turkey) on HISTORY his way to Jerusalem. At Patara he found a ship bound for Phoenicia (modern Lebanon). He FATHER RICHARD HIRE “It’s a Jesus program, a way to One reason the Jesuits are boarded the ship and it stopped at LETTER live with Jesus’ heart,” he said. looking to “re-create” the apos- Tyre, an important city of “You have at least 50 million tleship is to strengthen the Phoenicia, where the ship had to CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 people praying each day for a Jesuits’ commitment to it — unload cargo. Paul stayed with the 167 years. month for something like those whether to leading groups per- Christian disciples in Tyre for a A. Jousiffe mentions some of who do not have access to clean sonally or virtually over the week. The Tyrians did not want the sites of Tyre. There is the The Jesuit does not seem par- water — that creates awareness” Internet, Father Barriga said. Paul to go to Jerusalem, but Paul ancient marketplace, a colonnaded ticularly bothered about not hav- and could lead to enough action Another reform at which the went anyway. Everybody came road, marble Roman pavement, a ing a membership list or even that less water would be wasted Jesuits are looking is helping to out of the city to see Paul’s depar- rectangular arena with five rows of just a head count; he said he and less would be polluted, he keep members focused on the ture. They knelt down on the terraced seating cut into limestone, wants to help people pray, and if said. big, important “permanent needs” beach of the Mediterranean Sea and an extensive Roman bath- just getting the list of the pope’s “If what you are praying for of the Church and the world as and prayed, said goodbye and Paul house. Nearby are the ruins of the prayer intentions is enough, that’s doesn’t change you, then you reflected in the monthly prayer boarded the ship. Crusader Cathedral. Foundations good. aren’t praying correctly,” Father intentions, while also being able Tyre is mentioned in the Old and granite columns are all that But for many people, he said, Barriga said. to count on millions of people’s Testament. Hiram, the king of remain. The king of Jerusalem was it could be helpful to have con- But the distribution of the prayers when special needs or Tyre, allied himself with Solomon, once crowned within the walls of tact with others making the same monthly intentions is not a pub- disasters arise, Father Barriga the king of Jerusalem in Israel. In this cathedral. The remains of the effort and to receive guidance licity campaign for living more said. Phoenicia were the famous cedars German king Frederick Barbarossa from someone who has been responsibly, he said. They really The Apostleship of Prayer is of Lebanon, good for building are reputed to be buried here. making the effort even longer. are prayers. responsible for the annual distri- ships and temples. Further away is a Roman cemetery Father Barriga said the prayer “We pray to God because God bution of “the pope’s prayer S. Jenkins says later on Tyre with decorated marble and stone life promoted by the apostleship is the one who moves human intentions” for each month. became one of the first Lebanese tombs. In this area is a huge tri- is “simple, but not simplistic,” hearts,” the Jesuit said. The apostleship and the towns to adopt Christianity and umphal arch, an aqueduct, the and schoolchildren in the poorest With little international coor- Congregation for the was the seat of an archbishopric largest and best-preserved Roman village and business leaders in dination, the Apostleship of Evangelization of Peoples help with 14 bishoprics under its con- stadium in the world, seating the biggest cities all can find the Prayer and the Eucharistic Youth the pope draw up a year’s list of trol. By the 4th century, a basilica 20,000 spectators. It was used for 10 or 15 minutes a day it takes to Movement seem to have depend- monthly intentions, which are was built on the site of the former chariot races. In the Christian fulfill the apostleship’s require- ed on whether a local Jesuit supe- published a full year in advance. Temple of Melkart. In the 12th quarter of the city there are six ments. rior appointed someone energetic The lists for 2012 were published century, the Catholic Crusaders churches reflecting Lebanon’s Of course, he said, there’s no to lead the ministry or whether by the Vatican newspaper, captured the city of Tyre and the multitude of Christian denomina- guarantee that belonging won’t the people involved kept meeting L’Osservatore Romano, Jan. 28. surrounding fertile land. Tyre tions. change a person. and bringing others onboard. remained in Crusader hands for FEBRUARY 27, 2011 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 17

ANCILLA, OUNCE OF PREVENTION TEAM UP FOR SUCCESSFUL ‘CHARGERS FOR CHANGE’ The Ancilla College athletic department and the Ounce of Prevention Foundation collected $2,125 to support breast cancer awareness through the efforts of their highly successful “Chargers for Change” event on Saturday, Feb. 12. Held at the LifePlex in conjunction with the men’s and women’s basketball games, all pro- ceeds were used to benefit the Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center in Plymouth. “Chargers for Change” was created by the Ancilla College athletic department to help serve the underserved. Sports Ounce of Prevention is a local foundation dedicated to raising money to fight breast cancer. Holy Cross Crusaders claim ICCL championship

BY JOE KOZINSKI ready to compete, but the players the heat in the second half by saw today, I’m sorry to see this as the Kings were defeated by the nerves had the last laugh as the going on an 11-0 run during the group graduate.” eventual champion Crusaders, 35- game was scoreless for the first first three minutes of the quarter “We knew beating St. Anthony 26, as Short scored 16. SOUTH BEND — After 112 days 3:31 as normally sure buckets and leaping out to a 25-10 lead. would be difficult, but this team The Colors League Tournament of practices, scrimmages and rolled off the rim. The battle-tested Panthers has answered all the challenges put championship was won by Christ games there were only two teams Wes Short, the hardworking would not go away as they them- in front of them,” remarked Jason the King (Blue), 26-17, over Christ left standing that would have the Crusader guard broke the trend by selves started to chip away at the Ball, Crusader head coach. “We the King (White). opportunity to claim the Inter-City making a lay-up and then knocked lead closing the margin to seven wanted to come out strong defen- The ICCL-CYO Invitational Catholic League (ICCL) tourna- down a three just 25 seconds later with three minutes left in the con- sively in the third quarter and the will be held at St. Aloysius, Yoder, ment championship. to give the black clad squad a 5-0 test behind clutch scoring of Page kids sure responded.” Sunday with the following teams The St. Anthony Panthers lead. and his maroon bearing team- Christ the King upended St. matching up: boasted an impressive record that The Panthers of St. Anthony mates. Joseph (South Bend) in the third- • 1 p.m. — St. Joseph-Hessen included winning the regular sea- would mount a charge of their The Panthers would get no place contest behind the 27-point Cassel (CYO) vs. St. Bavo (ICCL) son St. John Bosco Division crown own, narrowing the margin to 6-9 closer as the Crusaders and the 16 barrage of Brendan Connelly, • 2:15 p.m. — St. Jude (CYO) and a 30-29 victory over their title after one. points of Short shut the door on Danny Pinter dropped in 13 in the vs. St. Anthony (ICCL) opponents the Crusaders of Holy The second quarter would be the comeback bid and prevailed, loss. • 3:30 p.m. — St. Vincent Cross, who themselves had the more of the same as Holy Cross 31-23. In semifinal action, St. Anthony (CYO) vs. Christ the King (ICCL) hardware from the Thanksgiving bottled up the talented Oliver “I thought my kids played hard edged St. Joseph (South Bend), Holy Cross School is unable to Tournament, the Christmas Page, holding him to just three at from day one of practice until the 33-32, as Page had 12 for the participate in the invitational due Tournament and the West champi- the half and grasping tightly to a 4- last second of the season,” com- Panthers and John Byzewski net- to the parish Confirmation sched- onship. point lead. mented Panther Coach Nick ted 11 in defeat. uled that day. Both coaches had their squads The Crusaders would turn up Dalton. “We just ran into a buzz Connelly’s 17 was not enough CYO crowns boys’ championship teams

BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN “We have done two times the Vincent played an outstanding from St. Therese, 37-26. the impressive St. Joseph-St. number of defensive drills vs. game and are extremely well- Mike Palmer’s Crusaders got Elizabeth Panthers, 52-38, for the offensive and the kids have bought coached.” by St. Rose-St. Louis in their first White League championship. In FORT WAYNE — The 75th run- into the concept, which made for a Both the Eagles and eighth- round match-up despite a 21-point- his fourth year at St. Vincent, ning of the Catholic Youth League very fun year,” explained grade Panthers will represent Fort scoring frenzy from the Twins’ Coach Mark Eifert led his green (CYO) boys’ grade school hoops Westendorf. “We really played Wayne when South Bend comes to David Cruz. and white to an overall record of tournament culminated at St. well together as a team. These town on Sunday, Feb. 27, along In the championship, Palmer’s 22-1 and a 7-0 league record. The Charles on Saturday, Feb. 19, with boys were consistent, balanced and with the small school champions, group led the Squires, 7-3, after a top-seeded Panthers lost their sec- three new champions crowned. unselfish,” he added. St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel, who quarter, but it was all Hessen ond game of the season to In the Gold League or large Kyle Hartman scored 15 for the won the Blue League title for the Cassel from there. Woodside, then went on to win 21 school division, Dave Westendorf’s victors, while Ryan Christman fourth straight season under the “I was proud of our kids. This straight games. “This was a very Eagles from St. Jude downed a added 13 and Connor Haxton and direction of Coach Jim Knapke. was by far our best effort against balanced group of kids. We had a solid St. Vincent team, 58-38. Marcus Stepp chipped in 10 each Undefeated once again in their them (Hessen Cassel) of the three nice mix with several shooters and Turning in an overall record of 27- in the championship. league, the mighty Squires earned outings,” summarized Palmer. solid defense,” Eifert detailed. 4, St. Jude finished with a perfect 7- On the road to the title, St. Jude the No. 1 seed and a bye in the The athletic Squires’ have He added, “The championship 0 tally in league play to land the got by Queen of Angels in the five-team bracket. chalked up an outstanding 25-4 was one of our toughest games. No. 1 seed. With three players aver- opening round and St. John the On their path to the final game, record overall and their big man, The Panthers played very well.” aging double figures, the Eagles Baptist, New Haven, in the semifi- Hessen Cassel beat a tough team Bradley Scott, led all scorers with Jake Graham led his team in scor- have a powerful offense, yet nals. Praising the quality of the from Most Precious Blood, then 16 points. ing with 16 points, while Noah focused on defense and playing league this year and his final oppo- won against the second-place team In the seventh-grade division, Freumuth added 14 and James both ends of the floor all season. nent, Westendorf concluded, “St. in the league, the tenacious group the St. Vincent Panthers defeated Wagner had a dozen. St. Vincent Lady Panthers win sixth-grade CYO championship defensive battle. Shots at both Pam Stureman finished with an BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN ends spun around the rim and fell overall season record of 11-12. out. White safety tape to fix bro- The team followed Notre Dame’s FORT WAYNE — Parents, fans, ken glasses and extra time were “Play Like a Champion” guide- players and coaches were begin- both necessary to prove the final lines during the regular season. ning to wonder if the 2011 junior victor. “I continually rotated the ros- varsity Catholic Youth League In the end, it was the Lady ter and dressed only 10 players (CYO) tournament was ever Panthers who came out on top for each game. Each player going to happen. The snow with the 12-9 overtime win. On played one-half of every game played havoc with the schedule the road to the championship they dressed for during the regu- during the post-season match- game, St. Vincent got by St. lar season. Our goal was to get ups, but finally, after multiple John, New Haven, 19-13, in the the girls as much experience dur- postponements, it came down to first round, while Decatur beat St. ing regular season games and St. Vincent, Fort Wayne, vs. St. Jude. then play to win in the tourna- Joseph, Decatur, in the champi- In the semi-finals, the Panthers ment,” explained Stureman. onship game on Feb. 9 at St. defeated St. Joe/St. Elizabeth 19- Cindy Wagner served as assis- Charles. 12 and Decatur downed St. tant coach for the Panthers, who MICHELLE CASTELEMAN With an 8-8 half-time score, Charles. claimed their second title in as St. Vincent Panther’s sixth-grade team won the large school Catholic the game was nothing short of a With 18 on her roster, Coach many years. Youth League championship. 18 TODAY’S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011 Theology on Tap features May we suggest... Bishop Rhoades BY TRISH LINNER CASA SOUTH BEND — Bishop RISTORANTI Rhoades was the featured speaker ITALIANO as Theology on Tap returned to Fort Wayne Tradition Since 1977 downtown South Bend on St. James Tuesday evening, Feb. 15. The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ series is sponsored by the Office Casa Ristorante Restaurant of Campus and Young Adult (Southwest) Ministry, and is designed to bring 7545 W. Jefferson Blvd. young adults in their 20s and 30s 436-2272 together for an evening of faith ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and fellowship. Casa Grille Italiano “Our goal is to help people (Northeast) connect their faith to their every- 6340 Stellhorn Road day lives,” said Sean Allen from 969-4700 the diocesan office. “We like to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 204 East Albion Street host the event at least twice every Casa Ristoranti Italiano Avilla, Indiana year and as we approach the (Next to the Coliseum) 260-897-2114 Lenten season. We thought this 4111 Parnell Avenue 483-0202 Breakfast, Lunch was a great opportunity to invite and Dinner Specials the bishop to speak.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Theology on Tap was first Casa Grille •Steaks - Chicken (Northwest) •Bar B Que Ribs held in Fort Wayne in 2009, and 411 E. Dupont Road now includes South Bend as well. •Fish - Lobster - Prime Rib The Theology on Tap format 490-4745 Monday-Thursday 7 AM - 10 PM includes a speaker, small group Friday-Saturday 7 AM - 11 PM discussion, and then the speaker casarestaurants.net CLOSED SUNDAYS engages the entire group in a PHOTOS BY TRISH LINNER question-answer session. Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades attends the Theology on Tap with young adults Banquets & Catering Banquet Room for up to 90 guests. Est. 1878 Bishop Rhoades spoke to the from the diocese. The event was held at the Backstage Grill in South 399-2455 crowd of well over 100 about Bend. One hundred young people attended the event. www.stjamesavilla.com “New Evangelization,” a term coined by Pope John Paul II to help people understand the audience with a question-answer importance of evangelization in session. the mission of the Church and in Lois Burns told Bishop THE GALLEY our everyday lives. Rhoades, “I really liked what you Bishop Rhoades told the said about praying to the Holy Famous Fish & Seafood group, “Evangelization is our Spirit for courage. Renewing our mission, our common vocation faith is so important.” Chicken & Steaks and our deepest identity. The The crowd also discussed the Banquet Facilities Church exists in order to evangel- often-negative portrayal of the ize.” Catholic Church in the media and Set Sail Soon! He spoke of his years in Rome the misunderstandings that exist as a student and the deep impres- about Catholic beliefs. sion that Pope John Paul II made Bishop Rhoades concluded the on him. evening with prayer reminding “Pope John Paul II was a great the group of the ongoing mission 622 North 13th Street • Decatur • (260) 724-8181 model of what bishops should and commitment to evangelize as be,” Bishop Rhoades said, “He Christ did. understood that evangelization is Bishop Rhaodes left a great the heart of our Church which impression with the attendees, many who hadn’t heard him flows from Jesus Christ, the first Bishop Rhoades addresses the 100 to evangelize.” speak before. He talked about the impor- young adults at the recent “This was the first time I was Thru tance of the Holy Spirit and Theology on Tap. able to hear Bishop Rhoades reminded them it was the Holy speak, and I was very impressed Spirit who visited the disciples our faith in Him.” Bishop with the talk that he gave,” said CHRIST and gave them strength to go out Rhoades said. Dan Mullaney. “One thing I took into the world and spread the “A secular world,” he away from the night was that does our good news of Jesus Christ. explained, “wants to criticize reli- while I strive to lead a holy life comfort “The Holy Spirit came upon gion and trivialize and privatize individually, I need to recognize them and filled the disciples with any faith in God. And when the that the true mission of my life as abound. serene courage that they didn’t sense of God is gone, the culture a Catholic is to bring God’s Word have before. Because of the Holy of death grows.” to others and to lead by exam- Spirit, they had the ability to bear Another danger the bishop ple.” witness to not only the Jews but spoke of was relativism: “The Jim Creagan agreed saying, the gentiles as well,” said Bishop denial of absolute truth leads to “Bishop Rhoades is an impres- MEMORIAL CHAPEL Rhoades. unrestricted human choice and sive speaker. The format with dis- He also discussed the chal- excessive human choice leads to cussions helps apply the informa- lenges facing evangelization in slavery to sin. Freedom is found tion to real life. We had the Since 1913 Mungovan & Sons today’s world. in absolute truth and guarantees chance to share our experiences has always had the time. “Pope Benedict has said, ‘The the dignity of humans. Today’s and learn from each other.” world needs the presence of technology makes it more impor- 2114 S. Calhoun St. God,’” Bishop Rhoades quoted. tant than ever that young people Fort Wayne, IN 46802 “And one of our greatest chal- must stay diligent as they face For more information about (260) 744-2114 lenges is secularism, the increas- new issues testing their faith.” Theology on Tap, visit www.dio- ing desire to marginalize God and Bishop Rhoades engaged the cesefwsb.org/TOT. FEBRUARY 27, 2011 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 19 REST IN PEACE Elkhart 60, St.Vincent de Paul Rita A.Skierkowski, 87, Michael J.Jones, 88, St.Matthew Cathedral HAT S APPENING Garrett W ’ H ? St.Vincent de paul Harris H.Hoeffel Sr., 89, Daniel F.Kalczynski, 96, Fort Wayne St.Joseph St.Hedwig WHAT’S HAPPENING carries announcements about upcoming events in the diocese. Send in your George Haintz, Mishawaka John W.Karkiewicz, 75, St.Patrick announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Robbye Lou Warner, Our Lady of Hungary Fort Wayne 46856; or e-mail: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge Joseph Yovanovitch, 56, St.Joseph Metyn Olejnik, 87, 88, Cathedral of the or payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please Jane H.Klein, 90, Holy Family Immaculate call our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. Queen of Peace Conception Florence W.Zielewski, New Haven 87, St.Adalbert Francis L.Sieh, 90, Little Flower Holy Hour $100 per table of 10, doors open “Integrative Health,” from noon Timothy Neal Adams, St.Elizabeth Ann Seton Fort Wayne — Bishop John M. at 6 p.m., game starts at 7 p.m. to 1 p.m. at the North Campus, 56, St.John the Baptist Warsaw 2702 Spring St. Non-perishable Joseph Canzoneri, 89, D’Arcy will celebrate the Little Call Cathy Ernst at (574) 247- Gerald Edward Krouse, Flower Holy Hour at St. Mother 1145 for information. food item donations accepted. Mary Jo Doster, 54, Sacred Heart 62, St.John the Baptist Theodore Guérin Chapel on St.John the Baptist Olga Lopez, 31, Our Tuesday, March 1, at 7 p.m. to Natural Family Planning sessions Food donations needed Mildred F.Carmona Notre Dame Lady of Guadalupe pray for priests and vocations. South Bend — A Natural Family South Bend — The St. Vincent Beckman, 89, St.Jude de Paul Society is in need of spe- Sister Maria C. Planning class will begin Waterloo Organ and Brass concert at cathedral Wednesday, March 2, from 7-9 cific food items to restock the Jerome Zuber, 79, Bateman, CSC, 88, Ruth E.Yarlot, 96, Fort Wayne — The Old Crown p.m. in de Padua hall at St. warehouse. Tuna, jelly, breakfast St. Peter Our Lady of Loretto Brass Band will present a concert Anthony de Padua. Presenters cereal and potted meals, such as St.Michael Barbara A.Hoyng, 72, Plymouth with cathedral organist Michael include Janet Bettcher, director ravioli can be dropped off at a Henrietta C.Bilinski, 93, Dulac Monday, March 7, at 7 of NFP of St. Joseph County, and retail location: 3408 Ardmore St.Joseph-Hessen Theresa A.Lewis, 76, Holy Family p.m. at the Cathedral of the Rick Becker, nursing faculty at Trail or SR 23 and Ironwood at Cassel St.Michael Immaculate Conception, 1100 S. Bethel College. To register call Greenwood Plaza. Contact Calhoun St. Admission is free, (574) 234-5411 or e-mail nfp- [email protected] or Robert Clarence Junk, South Bend donations are encouraged. [email protected]. call (574) 234.6000 ext. 12109 90, Most Precious Robert E.Foley, 59, Additional classes will be held for information. Blood St.Joseph Trivia Night on March 16 and 30 from 7-9 South Bend — St. Matthew p.m. at the same location. All family rosary Jack E.Womble, St. Madalen L. Cathedral Home and School Fort Wayne — The all family Elizabeth Ann Seton Peczkowski, 89, Association will have a trivia rosary will be recited on Sunday, Queen of Peace Living Healthier series sponsored by Matthew Irmiter, 50, night Saturday, Feb. 26, in the University of Saint Francis Feb. 27, from 3:45-4:30 p.m. at Queen of Angels Dorothy J.Hambidge, gymnasium at 1015 E. Dayton Fort Wayne — The Living St. Mother Theodore Guérin 91, Holy Cross St. Emceed by Msgr. Michael Healthier series will continue Chapel. The intention is for all Andrew Richardson, Heintz. Raffle and silent auction Monday, Feb. 28, with families.

Office of Family Life, Diocese of Fort WayneSouth Bend 2011Diocesan Diocesan Marriage Marriage & Family Conference University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne • Saturday, March 12


Greg and Julie Alexander are co-founders of The Alexander House Apostolate — a Catholic apostolate dedicated to proclaiming the beauty, goodness and truth of marriage. The Alexanders have presented numerous workshops, seminars and talks to thousands of participants across the country. They have appeared on EWTN, including as guests on Life on the Rock and as co-hosts of their own show, Marriage Works in Christ. Topics that will be covered in this conference include:

• Why it makes sense to turn to God, the author of marriage, to rediscover his plan for true fulfillment. • The importance of forgiveness in marriage & learning a practical exercise to let go of past hurts and pains. • Understanding emotional needs in a relationship and learning practical steps for meeting them. • Learning how to communicate effectively and avoiding those areas which cause additional strife in a marriage. • Understanding the beauty and goodness of God's plan for sex.

9:00 AM Mass with Most. Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades 11:00 AM Session 1: God’s Plan for Marriage 10:00 AM Registration & Continental Breakfast NOON Session 2: Forgiveness & Healing, followed by lunch 10:45 AM Welcome & Introduction of Alexanders 1:45 PM Session 3: How Can I Serve You? by Fred & Lisa Everett 2:45 PM Session 4: Can we talk?, followed by panel discussion

For more information or to register, go to Family & Pro-Life at www.diocesefwsb.org or call 574-234-0687. The regular registration fee is $30 per person; the registration deadline is March 7. The conference fee includes materials, continental breakfast and a boxed lunch. 20 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC FEBRUARY 27, 2011