Product datasheet Anti-KIFAP3 antibody [EPR5599] ab109026 Recombinant

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Product name Anti-KIFAP3 antibody [EPR5599] Description Rabbit monoclonal [EPR5599] to KIFAP3 Host species Rabbit Tested applications Suitable for: WB, IHC-P Unsuitable for: Flow Cyt or IP Species reactivity Reacts with: Mouse, Rat, Human Immunogen Synthetic peptide within Human KIFAP3 (N terminal). The exact sequence is proprietary.

Positive control HeLa, SH-SY5Y, C6, 293T, and Human fetal kidney lysates, Human bladder carcinoma tissue General notes

This product is a recombinant monoclonal antibody, which offers several advantages including: - High batch-to-batch consistency and reproducibility - Improved sensitivity and specificity - Long-term security of supply - Animal-free production For more information see here.

Our RabMAb® technology is a patented hybridoma-based technology for making rabbit monoclonal antibodies. For details on our patents, please refer to RabMAb® patents.


Form Liquid Storage instructions Shipped at 4°C. Store at -20°C. Stable for 12 months at -20°C. Storage buffer pH: 7.20 Preservative: 0.05% Sodium azide Constituents: 0.1% BSA, 40% Glycerol, 9.85% Tris glycine, 50% Tissue culture supernatant Purity Tissue culture supernatant Clonality Monoclonal Clone number EPR5599 1 Isotype IgG


Our Abpromise guarantee covers the use of ab109026 in the following tested applications. The application notes include recommended starting dilutions; optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.

Application Abreviews Notes

WB 1/1000 - 1/10000. Detects a band of approximately 100 kDa (predicted molecular weight: 91 kDa).

IHC-P 1/250 - 1/500. Perform heat mediated antigen retrieval before commencing with IHC staining protocol.

Application notes Is unsuitable for Flow Cyt or IP.


Function Involved in tethering the to the spindle pole and in movement. Binds to the tail domain of the KIF3A/KIF3B heterodimer to form a heterotrimeric KIF3 complex and may regulate the membrane binding of this complex. Sequence similarities Contains 5 ARM repeats. Post-translational Phosphorylated on tyrosine residues by SRC in vitro; this reduces the binding affinity of the modifications for RAP1GDS1.


All lanes : Anti-KIFAP3 antibody [EPR5599] (ab109026) at 1/1000 dilution

Lane 1 : HeLa lysate Lane 2 : SH-SY5Y lysate Lane 3 : C6 lysate Lane 4 : 293T lysate Lane 5 : Human fetal kidney lysate

Lysates/ at 10 µg per lane.

Western blot - Anti-KIFAP3 antibody [EPR5599] Predicted band size: 91 kDa (ab109026)

2 Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded Human bladder carcinoma tissue using ab109026 at a dilution of 1/250.

Perform heat mediated antigen retrieval before commencing with IHC staining protocol.

Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin- embedded sections) - Anti-KIFAP3 antibody [EPR5599] (ab109026)


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