47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 1868.pdf REGIONAL WIND PATTERNS ON MARS INFERRED FROM DUNE FIELD STUDIES. Y-J. Ku1 and J. R. Zimbelman2, 1 Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C), 2Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, MRC 315, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Independence Avenue and 6th Street SW, Washington, DC 20013-7012. (
[email protected]) Introduction: Sand dunes are good indicators for through mapping of the CTX images. Some of the the aeolian processes on Earth and Mars. Wind activi- dune types documented include: ties shaped many surface features on Mars, the shapes Barchan: The well-defined crescent-shape dunes of which are related to atmospheric circulation, as well indicate limited sand supply as well as the dominant as possibly to paleo-climate behavior. This research wind direction. Depending on dune shape, elongated classified 15 different types of sand dunes using CTX barchans and barchans with ‘tails’ were also defined, image mapping at 30 sites widely distributed around the later providing evidence for a bi-modal wind re- the planet [1], generating statistical information of dif- gime, perhaps reflecting seasonally varying winds with ferent types to provide a recent view of global wind respective angles as defined by [8]. The total mapped patterns on Mars. The results fill a gap between local area for barchan dunes from all sites is 1489.0 km2. ripple mapping and global wind models. Barchanoid: Generally arc-shaped dunes which are Background: Mars preserves a large number of connected but do not form a single continuous crest sand dune fields that reflect both past and present wind line.