Nvidia Corporation
NVIDIA CORPORATION / / 2011 A 2011 NVIDIA CORPORATION 2011 AnnUAL REviEW, nn NoticE OF AnnUAL MEEting, U A L RE L ProxY StatEMEnt and ForM 10-K vi EW FroM SUPER PHONES to SUPErcoMPUTErs, NVIDIA poWErs THE WorLD’S Most inspiring DEvicES. Since awakening the industry in 1999 to the power of computer graphics with the invention of the GPU, NVIDIA has consistently set new standards in visual computing. This expertise, initially focused on computer gaming, has led to breakthroughs in parallel processing for high-performance computing. While our demanding customers are as diverse as video-hungry teenagers, style-setting designers and prize-winning scientists, we serve them all with a singular passion—for excellent performance, rigorous power efficiency and continual innovation. “The Last Airbender” image courtesy of Industrial Light & Magic. © 2010 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. NVIDIA CORPORATION 2011 ANNUAL REVIEW 01 GEFORCE IGNITES PC GAMING. MORE THAN ONE BILLION GEFORCE GPU’S HAVE BEEN SOLD OVER THE PAST 12 YEARS. The devotion the brand stirs goes beyond customer loyalty. Fans have had the GeForce logo tattooed on their arm and shaved in their hair. The vivid graphics and seamless video fueled by NVIDIA® GeForce® technology delivers exceptional visual experiences for those looking to play state-of-the-art PC games, edit video and stream high-definition movies. Among the many market-leading innovations enabled by GeForce technology are: the NVIDIA PhysX® engine, which allows game developers to create virtual worlds that mirror dynamics of the real world; NVIDIA 3D Vision™ technology, which provides an immersive 3D experience on PCs by using specially designed active-shutter glasses; and NVIDIA Optimus™, an innovative laptop technology that extends battery life without compromising graphics performance.
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