RECCE REPORT By Fred Bent, Clerk of the Course Rally Round's 2018 Paris-Amsterdam Rally will be a celebration of two great motoring anniversaries - of the first long-distance journey by motor car in 1888, and of the first international motor race just 10 years later. In planning the six-day rally route through France, Luxembourg, Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands, I have sought to combine entertaining and traffic-free roads, challenging regularity sections, several iconic motorsport venues and many other points of scenic, historic and cultural interest, not to mention lovely refreshment and lunch stops and the very best hotels. It's amazing how much you can pack into each day on the road, even allowing for a relaxed schedule (appropriate for cars of all ages) and plenty of time for socialising. Having published a provisional itinerary in the event brochure, we embarked on a detailed route recce in August 2017, checking every aspect of the event, confirming venue details and writing a comprehensive roadbook. I have made a few minor improvements to the route outlined in the brochure, allowing more time to explore interesting places and steering clear of potential traffic hotspots wherever possible. I'm pleased with the result, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. If you haven't already done so you can reserve your place or obtain answers to any questions you might have by calling the Rally Office on +44 (0)1252 794100 or sending an email to
[email protected]. You'll also find more details, a copy of the brochure including supplementary regulations and an online enquiry button on the Paris- Amsterdam page of our website - go to