
(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 7,398,551 B2 Thomas et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 8, 2008

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US. Patent Jul. 8, 2008 Sheet 3 of4 US 7,398,551 B2







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Fig. 3B US 7,398,551 B2 1 2 SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE SECURE to collect information from packet-sWitched devices to ENROLLMENT OF DEVICES WITH A account for customer usage (e.g., for billing). CLEARINGHOUSE SERVER FOR INTERNET There remains a need in the art for a convenient, centralized TELEPHONY AND MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS application to provide authorization, or enrollment, for cir cuit-sWitched applications in a packet-sWitched netWork STATEMENT REGARDING PRIORITY AND environment. Enrollment is the process of taking a device and RELATED APPLICATIONS exchanging suf?cient cryptographic information With the clearinghouse server so that later communications With that This application is a continuation of and claims priority to device can be secured. application Ser. No. 09/747,365 ?led Dec. 22, 2000, now US. The conventional art does not provide an effective, secure Pat. No. 7,203,956 entitled “System and Method for Secure Way to enroll a device With a clearinghouse server. In particu Enrollment of Devices With a Clearinghouse Server for Inter lar, the identity of the clearinghouse server is veri?ed by a net Telephony and Multimedia Communications,” the entire telephone call. This veri?cation has many drawbacks. Tele contents of Which are incorporated by reference. phone calls are not automated, and require contact With people. As people have certain Work hours, and cannot be TECHNICAL FIELD relied upon to alWays be available, the telephone call veri? The present invention is generally directed to telephony cation is impractical, and time consuming. In addition, as 20 packet-sWitched architecture becomes more and more popu and multimedia communications carried by a distributed lar, this problem Will become more pronounced. computer netWork, such as the global Internet. More speci? cally, the present invention relates to the secure enrollment of SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION devices With a clearinghouse server so that communication can be routed betWeen an originating device and a terminating 25 The present invention provides for the secure enrollment of device via the Internet. a device for operation With a clearinghouse server, also BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION described as a clearinghouse enrollment server, so that tele phony and multimedia communications can be routed 30 Telecommunications netWorks are experiencing a drastic betWeen an originating device and a terminating device via technology shiftifrom a circuit-switched architecture (such the Internet. The enrollment process is typically completed by as the current voice phone network) to a packet-sWitched a netWork device (such as a router, gateWay, gatekeeper, etc.) architecture (such as the global Internet). WorldWide, the and the clearinghouse server. This source device and the capacity of deployed packet-sWitched netWorks is doubling 35 clearinghouse server can exchange encrypted information, so every year While circuit-sWitched capacity is only increasing that later communications With that device can be secured. at an annual rate of around 6%. In many developed regions, Once this veri?cation process is ?nished, the device can have packet-sWitched capacity already exceeds circuit-sWitched a public key certi?cate that is valid for a certain length of time capacity. Recognizing this trend, telecommunications pro (such as one year). Once this length of time has passed, viders have begun to optimize their netWorks for the technol 40 hoWever, the certi?cate can expire and the device must re ogy that is expected to dominate future groWth: packet enroll. The enrollment process can also provide the device sWitching. As they deploy packet-sWitched technology, these With a certi?cate authority’s (CA) public key certi?cate. The providers must still support traditional circuit-sWitched appli device can use the CA’s certi?cate to authenticate subsequent communications from other clearinghouse servers. cations such as voice and facsimile. Instead of operating 45 parallel netWork infrastructures, hoWever, clearinghouse ser To enroll, the device can tell the clearinghouse server its vice providers seek to support those applications over a public key. Then the device can prove that it possesses the packet-sWitched netWork. This approach offers several private key that corresponds to the public key. This can be advantages: greater ef?ciency through the use of a single, done by taking information provided by the clearinghouse common, netWork infrastructure; loWer cost through a reli 50 enrollment server, and having the device encrypt it With the ance on packet-sWitching equipment; and better support of private key. The device can then send this information to the innovative neW services through an open architecture. clearinghouse enrollment server. If the clearinghouse enroll As circuit-sWitched applications move to a packet ment server can then decrypt the information, the clearing sWitched netWork, service providers need a Way to identify 55 house enrollment server can verify that the device possesses systems on the packet-sWitched netWork that are associated the private key. With addresses (typically telephone numbers) common to the When the device tells the clearinghouse enrollment server circuit-sWitched World. Providers must also have a means to its public key, a security issue arises. If an illegitimate user authorize communications, and to ensure that unauthorized successfully intercepts, redirects, or captures the public key communications do not consume bandWidth. For example, 60 When it is sent to the clearinghouse enrollment server, the the provisioning of a physical, circuit-sWitched, connection illegitimate user could take the place of the legitimate clear betWeen tWo providers typically serves as authorization for inghouse server. The illegitimate user could then be able to the providers to share traf?c. In a packet-sWitched environ decrypt the encrypted message that the device sends, and ment, hoWever, communicating parties need not share a 65 Would seem to be a legitimate clearinghouse enrollment physical connection and some other means of authorizing server. Thus, the identity of the clearinghouse enrollment tra?ic is required. Finally, providers must have a reliable Way server must be veri?ed. US 7,398,551 B2 3 4 Rather than using the conventional telephone call to verify FIG. 3B is a logical ?oW chart diagram illustrating steps for the clearinghouse enrollment server’ s identity, the present completing an enrollment request by a source device in accor invention can rely on the Web infrastructure to securely iden dance With an exemplary embodiment of the present inven tify the clearinghouse enrollment server. The present inven tion. tion does this by having the device pre-con?gured With a third party CA certi?cate. The clearinghouse enrollment server DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE EXEMPLARY EMBODIMENTS obtains a public key certi?cate under the authority of this CA certi?cate, and it provides that certi?cate, along With proof of The present invention provides a clearinghouse solution possession of the corresponding private key, in the initial for routing multi-media communications, including tele communications With the device. phony calls, betWeen a source device and a destination device In vieW of the foregoing, it Will be appreciated that the via a distributed computer netWork, such as the global Inter present invention provides a method for secure enrollment of net. The present invention also authoriZes the completion of a a device With services of a clearinghouse enrollment server to communication from a source device to a destination device supporting communications carried by an Internet telephony and collects usage-related information for the completed system. A device can initiate a request to enroll for the ser communication. The clearinghouse server constructed in vices of the clearinghouse enrollment server. In turn, the accordance With the inventive concept can identify one or identity of the clearinghouse enrollment server is veri?ed a more available destination devices available to accept a com 20 communication exchange betWeen the device and the clear munication from an authoriZed source device based upon the inghouse enrollment server. This exchange is supported by source of that communication. An exemplary embodiment of use of a security infrastructure comprising the Secure Sockets the clearinghouse server can operate in either a “WIN Layer (SSL) and a public key infrastructure. In response to DOWS” or “SOLARIS” environment in verifying the identity of the clearinghouse enrollment server, 25 support of Web-based communications in a distributed com puter netWork. enrollment of the device is completed at the clearinghouse enrollment server to all the device to access the communica Turning noW to the draWings, in Which like reference num tion services of the Internet telephony netWork. bers identify like elements of exemplary embodiments of the present invention, FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram illus 30 More speci?cally, the present invention provides a for trating a representative operating environment for an exem secure enrollment of a device With services of a clearinghouse plary embodiment of the present invention. A communication server for an Internet telephony system. In response to obtain system 100 comprises one or more originating devices (such ing an identity of the clearinghouse server, the device issues a as gateWays) 110, one or more terminating devices (such as CA certi?cate request to the clearinghouse server using that 35 gateWays) 120, device operators 111 and 121 for each of the obtained identity. In response to the CA certi?cate request, tWo devices, a clearinghouse server 125, and a third party the clearinghouse server transmits a CA certi?cate to the server 135, each coupled to an Internet Protocol (IP) netWork device. The device next determines Whether the clearing 130. Although FIG. 1 illustrates an operating environment house is a valid and secure service provider by verifying the including only a single originating gateWay 110 and a single CA certi?cate. Responsive to veri?cation of the CA certi? 40 terminating gateWay 120, those skilled in the art Will appre cate, the device generates a combination of a private key and ciate that the operating environment of the communication a public key and issues to the clearinghouse server a request system 100 can include multiple originating gateWays and for enrollment comprising the public key. In turn, the clear terminating gateWays. For purposes of this document, an inghouse server generates a public key certi?cate and trans originating gateWay Will be referred to as a source device, and mits the public key certi?cate to the device. This enables the 45 a terminating gateWay Will be referred to as a terminating device to securely verify the identity of the clearinghouse device. The IP netWork 130 represents a distributing com server and to complete device enrollment at the clearinghouse puter netWork and can be implemented by the global Internet, server. a Wide area netWork (WAN), or an enterprise-Wide local area These and other aspects of the present invention Will be 50 netWork (LAN). shoWn in the attached draWing set and folloWing detailed To initiate a communication supported by the communica description. tion system 100, a calling party 105 sends an outgoing call having a called telephone number to the source device 110. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 55 For this representative example, the calling party 105 has an established a relationship With the source device 110, such as FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of the operating envi a subscription to call origination services provided by that ronment in accordance With an exemplary embodiment of the source device. To be an authoriZed user of the clearinghouse present invention. services provided by the clearinghouse server 125, the gate FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of the architecture of 60 Way operators 111 or 121 can enroll source device 110 and a clearinghouse server in accordance With an exemplary destination device 120 for operation With the clearinghouse embodiment of the present invention. server 125. The enrollment process involves the exchange of FIG. 3A is a logical ?oW chart diagram illustrating steps for information betWeen the gateWay operators 111 or 121, the enrolling a source device for operation With a clearinghouse 65 clearinghouse server 125, and the third party server 125. (not server in accordance With an exemplary embodiment of the a?iliated With either the operators or clearinghouse server). present invention. This enrollment process is the subject of the present inven US 7,398,551 B2 5 6 tion. Following the enrollment process, the source device 110 The clearinghouse engine 220 supports the processing of sends an authorization request message to the clearinghouse clearinghouse transactions and communicates With the oper server 125 via the IP netWork 130 to request the completion of ating system 205, the 210, and the user interface the outgoing call With an available designation device 120. 225. APIs can be used to access functions supported by the The authorization request typically comprises the called tele clearinghouse engine 220. The clearinghouse engine 220 also phone number, otherWise described as the dialed number, a can access con?guration ?les maintained by the con?guration call identi?er to uniquely identify the outgoing call and, for certain applications, the telephone number for the calling database 230 in support of clearinghouse transactions. The party 105 and payment authorization, such as a calling card con?guration ?les typically contain descriptive information number and a personal identi?cation number (PIN). identifying characteristics of enrolled source devices and If the clearinghouse server 125 determines that the source clearinghouse transaction records, including transaction device 110 is an authorized user of clearinghouse services, identi?ers assigned to transactions by the clearinghouse the clearinghouse server 125 can identify one or more desti server 125. nation devices for handling the outgoing call. The source The user interface 225 provides a mechanism for a user, device 110 can use the information provided by the clearing such as an assistant administrator, to input information about house server 125 in the authorization response to contact a the clearinghouse environment, including details about selected destination device 120 and to complete the incoming 20 enrolled source devices and destination devices. The user call via the IP netWork 130. In turn, the selected destination interface 225 also can present the user With information device 120 can communicate the outgoing call to a called related to clearinghouse transaction records stored by the party 115, typically via the Public SWitched Telephone Net clearinghouse server 125. Work (PSTN). In this manner, the outgoing call is connected 25 betWeen the calling party 105 and the called party 115 by a Secure Enrollment combination of a distributed computer netWork and the Referring again to FIG. 1, the present invention provides a PSTN. system and method for the secure enrollment of a device for operation With a clearinghouse server 125. Enrollment is the FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram illustrating the com 30 process of taking a netWork device (such as a router, gateWay, ponents of a clearinghouse server constructed in accordance With an exemplary embodiment of the present invention. An gatekeeper, etc.) and exchanging encrypted information With exemplary clearinghouse server 125 comprises an operating the clearinghouse server 125, so that later communications With that device can be secured. There are several types of system 205, a Web server 210, an XML parser, a clearing devices, including originating devices 110 and terminating house engine 220, and a user interface 225. The clearinghouse 35 devices 120. As the process of enrollment is described, all server 125 can be coupled to a database comprising one or devices Will be referred to as originating or source devices more con?guration ?les 230 to support clearinghouse opera 110. This is not meant to limit the applicable devices to only tions. source devices, but is meant to illustrate that any type of The platform of the clearinghouse server 125 is provided 40 device can be used. Once this process is ?nished, the device by the operating system 205, Which is preferably imple 110 should have a certi?cate that is valid for a certain length mented by Microsoft Corporation’s “WINDOWS 2000” or of time (such as one year). Once this length of time has Sun Microsystem’s “SOLARIS” operating systems. passed, the certi?cate Will expire and the device 110 must Although the “WINDOWS” and the “UNIX” platforms rep 45 re-enroll. resent preferred platforms, it Will be appreciated that the This invention Works for any type of service or device 110 inventive concept of a clearinghouse server 125 can be sup that requires secured communications. This includes devices ported by other operating systems and is not limited to those 110 under the direct control of human users (like a personal described herein. The operating system 205 communicates 50 computer or a IP-based telephone) and those that are auto With the Web server 210. mated and not under the direct control of human users. The Web server 210 supports Web-based communications With client computers in a Web-enabled computing environ Exemplary Encryption Environment ment, including the source devices illustrated in FIG. 1. The 55 In light of the discussion of public keys and private keys, a XML parser 215 can accept messages from the clearinghouse general discussion of an exemplary encryption environment engine 220 and convert those messages to XML format for may prove bene?cial for understanding the present invention. communication via the Web server 210. The XML parser 215 Encryption is the process of encoding data to prevent unau also can extract information from an XML message received 60 thorized access, especially during transmission. Encryption by the Web server 21 0 and supply the extracted information to is usually based on one or more keys, or codes, that are the clearinghouse engine 220. The Web server 210 also com essential for decoding, or returning the data to readable form. municates With the user interface 225 via application pro An encryption key is a sequence of data that is used to encrypt gramming interfaces (APIs). The Web server 210 is prefer other data and that, consequently, must be used for the data’ s 65 ably implemented by an “XITAMI” server available from decryption. Decryption is the process of restoring encrypted iMatix Corporation sprl of AntWerpen, Belgium. data to its original form. US 7,398,551 B2 7 8 Public key encryption is a process that uses a pair of keys alloWs for different public key infrastructures for enrollment for encryption: a private (secret) key and a public key. The and for operational clearinghouse communications (e.g. rout private key can encrypt messages and can create a unique ing telephone calls). electronic number (called a digital signature) that can be read After receiving the CA certi?cate, the device then sends the by anyone possessing the corresponding public key. The pri enrollment server the previously generated public key. The vate key can also be used to decrypt messages encrypted With enrollment server receives this public key and, either imme the public key. The public key can be used for encrypting diately or at a later time (eg after an administrator has veri messages to be sent to the user and for decrypting the user’s ?ed that the customer intended to enroll the device in ques digital signature. tion), the enrollment server issues the device a certi?cate A certi?cation authority (“CA”) is an organization that containing the device’s public key. assigns digital certi?cates. A CA may be an external issuing Message Formats company (such as VeriSign) or an internal company authority All messages sent to the clearinghouse enrollment server that has installed its oWn certi?cate server 125 (such as a are carried in HTTP (version 1.1) POST messages.All replies Microsoft Certi?cate Server) for issuing and verifying cer are returned in responses to the POST. Each POST request ti?cates. A CA is responsible for verifying the identity of a contains a series of ASCII variableq/alue pairs, encoded as party and, if that identity is accepted, digitally signing that given in RFC 1738. Any response also consists of variable/ 20 party’s public key certi?cate. Other parties (that possess and value pairs. The folloWing Table 1 lists the variables that can trust the CA’s public key, can then verify the applicant’s be included in a message. Note that non-alphanumeric char identity merely by verifying the CA’s signature of the public acters are encoded as a “%” and their corresponding tWo key certi?cate. hexadecimal digits (as speci?ed in RFC 1738.) 25 A CA certi?cate (sometimes called a digital certi?cate) is a user identity card for cyberspace. Issued by a CA, a CA TABLE 1 certi?cate is an electronic credential that demonstrates that a base64-encoded authority certi?cate user or site is trusted for the purpose of security and computer base64-encoded certi?cate request 30 clearinghouse-assigned customer number authentication. clearinghouse-assigned device id random value to increase security OvervieW of Exemplary Enrollment Process operation= getcacert, request, or retrieve passWord= passWord for clearinghouse services The enrollment process begins When the device generates a usernarne= usernarne for clearinghouse services public/private key pair. It then establishes a secure commu 35 nication channel With the clearinghouse enrollment server using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. The SSL The folloWing example in Table 2 shoWs a sample CA cer exchange provides the device With a public key certi?cate for ti?cate request message. In it, the device asks for the enroll ment server’s CA certi?cate in cleartext: the enrollment server. That certi?cate is digitally signed by 40 the third party certi?cate authority, Who, therefore, vouch TABLE 2 safes for the enrollment server’s identity. POST HTTP/1.1 Once the secure communications path is established, the Host: enrolltransnexuscorn content-type: text/plain enrollment server sends the device CA certi?cates of a (po 45 Content-Length: 19 tentially different) certi?cate authority. Certi?cates certi?ed Connection: Keep-Alive by this additional CA Will be used in subsequent communi operation=getcacert cations With the clearinghouse. The additional CA may be the same CA as is authenticating the enrollment server, but it need The response received from the enrollment server might look not be so. By permitting them to differ, the present invention like the example shoWn in Table 3:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: TNS/l.0 Connection: Keep-Alive Content-Type: text/plain Content-Length: 693 US 7,398,551 B2 10

TABLE 3-continued

Once the CA certi?cate is retrieved, the certi?cate request is identi?ed by an IP address or a Domain Name System (DNS) encrypted and transmitted to the enrollment server for name. In addition, the administrator can assign the source approval. The initial request (before it is encrypted) looks like device to a particular Group of devices having one or more the representative example shoWn in Table 4: common characteristics.


POST HTTP/1.1 Host: enrolltransnexuscom content-type: text/htrnl Content-Length: 714 Connection: Keep-Alive operation=request&nonce=15027 67911902931&usernalne=mcmanus&passWord=

30 The retrieve function only differs in the “operation” param In step 310, commands are issued at the source device to eter, in Which the “request” value is replaced by “retrieve”. complete an enrollment request for transmission to the clear Otherwise, all parameters have the same names and values. inghouse server. These commands are typically device If the enrollment request is pending further approval, then dependent and often require support by an administrator to the enrollment server is only required to send the status of the select the appropriate enrollment instructions. Representative certi?cate request. It may send a nonce along With the enrollment request tasks completed by the source device for response, but this value is not guaranteed. The response step 310 are shoWn in the logical ?oW chart diagram of FIG. should look like the representative example shoWn in Table 5: 3B. 40 Turning brie?y to FIG. 3B, the source device obtains the TABLE 5 identity of the clearinghouse server in step 330. The identity HTTP/1.1 200 OK is typically an IP address or a DNS name for the clearing content-type: text/plain content-length: 31 house server. In step 335, the source device obtains a certi? status=1&nonce=A1F0765F71C9E6AD 45 cate authority (CA) certi?cate from the clearinghouse server 335 based upon an initial contact With the identi?ed clearing house server via the IP netWork. In decision step 340, an If the enrollment request has been processed and accepted by inquiry is conducted to determine if the CA certi?cate can be the server, it Will return a response such as the folloWing in veri?ed as a certi?cate issued by a trusted device. For Table 6. Note that a status of 0 indicates that the certi?cate is 50 example, the veri?cation task in decision step 340 can be noW ready for retrieval. completed by an administrator of the source device contact ing a representative of the services offered by the clearing TABLE 6 house server to verify the CA certi?cate. If the CA certi?cate HTTP/1.1 200 OK can not be veri?ed in decision step 340, the “NO” branch is content-type: text/plain 55 content-length: 694 folloWed to step 345 and the enrollment request process is status=0&cert=MIICf]CCAeegAWIBAgIQARAm+ terminated at the source device. Based on a positive response, prL9Zmoc?§RWNNOfjANkqhkiG9WOBAQQFADAV . . . hoWever, the “YES” branch is folloWed from decision step 340 to step 350. In step 350, the source device generates a FIG. 3A is a logical ?oW chart diagram illustrating exem public/private key pair and sends an enrollment request With plary steps completed during the enrollment of a source the public key to the clearinghouse server 350 via the IP device for operation With a clearinghouse server. Turning noW netWork. Upon device enrollment, a con?guration record or to FIG. 3A, an exemplary enrollment process 300 is initiated ?le for that device is constructed for storage in the con?gu ration database accessible by the clearinghouse server. in response to a user, typically an assistant administrator, 65 de?ning a source device to be enrolled as a “user” or sub Returning noW to FIG. 3A, the source device sends an scriber of clearinghouse services. A source device is typically enrollment request via the IP netWork to the clearinghouse US 7,398,551 B2 11 12 server in step 315. Responsive to the enrollment request, the the clearinghouse server obtains device information and clearinghouse server creates a public key certi?cate and sends builds a con?guration ?le for the source device. The con?gu that certi?cate to the source device via the IP network. This ration ?le is maintained at the con?guration database and is public key can be used by the source device to initiate secure accessible by the clearinghouse server. A representative con communications With the clearinghouse server. In step 325, ?guration ?le is shoWn in Table 7.


license ‘ key’ crypto ‘keys’ enroll enabled routing enabled cdrs enabled ssl enabled group “ group ‘ACME ITSP’ group ‘BT-Concert’ group ‘HK Telecom’ group ‘Prepaid’ device ‘’ ” enabled enrolled device ‘’ ‘ACME ITSP’ enabled enrolled device ‘’ ‘ACME ITSP’ enabled enrolled device ‘’ ‘ACME ITSP’ disabled enrolled device ‘’ ‘BT-Concert’ enabled enrolled device ‘’ ‘HK Telecom’ enabled device ‘’ ‘HK Telecom’ disabled device ‘’ ‘Prepaid’ enabled enrolled device ‘’ ‘Prepaid’ enabled enrolled route “ ‘+l . . . ’ ‘’ 60 ‘’ 25 ‘’ l5 ‘’ 0 route “ ‘+1 404 . . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route “ ‘+1 770 . . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route “ ‘+33 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route “ ‘+33 6 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route“ ‘+46 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ O route “ ‘+46 70 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route “ ” ‘’ 100 ‘’ 0 ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ ‘+l . . . ’ ‘’ 60 ‘’ 25 ‘’ l5 ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ ‘+1 404 . . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ ‘+1 770 . . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ ‘+33 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ ‘+33 6 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ ‘+46 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ ‘+46 70 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘ACME ITSP’ “ ‘’ 100 ‘’ 0 ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Conceit’ ‘+l . . . ’ ‘’ 60 ‘’ 25 ‘’ l5 ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Concert’ ‘+1 404. . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Concert’ ‘+1 770 . . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Concert’ ‘+33 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Concert’ ‘+33 6 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Concert’ ‘+46 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Concert’ ‘+46 70 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘BT-Concert’ “ ‘’ 100 ‘’ 0 ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ ‘+l . . . ’ ‘’ 60 ‘’ 25 ‘’ l5 ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ ‘+1 404. . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ ‘+1 770 . . . ’ ‘’ 75 ‘’ 25 ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ ‘+33 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ ‘+33 6 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ ‘+46 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ ‘+46 70 . . . ’ ‘’ l ‘’ 0 route ‘HK Telecom’ “ ‘’ 100 ‘’ 0 ‘’ 0 route ‘Prepaid’ “ ‘’ 60 ‘’ 25 ‘’ l5 ‘’ 0 US 7,398,551 B2 13 14 Each line in a con?guration ?le (other than comments or tation marks), whichever is appropriate. If this parameter is blank lines) contains a single con?guration item. The ?rst not present, call routing will be disabled. word on the line identi?es that item. The possible values for Cdrs {EnabledlDisabled} this word are listed below in Table 8. The content following the call details records) (cdrs) key word should be a single word, either “enabled” or “disabled” TABLE 8 (without the quotation marks), whichever is appropriate. If license: software license key for the clearinghouse server this parameter is not present, CDR collection will be disabled. crypto: cryptographic keys for the clearinghouse server Ssl {EnabledlDisabled} enroll: flag to enable/disable device enrollment The content following the ssl keyword should be a single routing: flag to enable/disable call routing cdrs: flag to enable/disable CDR collection word, either “enabled” or “disabled” (without the quotation ssl: flag to force clearinghouse server requests to use marks), whichever is appropriate. SSL for security Group Name group: a group (convenient collection) of devices device: a device (gateway, gatekeeper, proxy, soitswitch, The content following the group keyword should be the etc.) name of the group. If the name consists of more than one route: a route for a call word, the entire name should be enclosed in double quotation marks. The same con?guration item may be included multiple Device Name Group {EnabledlDisabled}[Enrolled] times in this ?le. In such cases, the clearinghouse server’s 20 The content following the device keyword should be the behavior depends on the speci?c item. In most cases, later DNS name of the device, the name of the group to which the occurrences of an item will override an earlier value. For device belongs (enclosed in quotation marks if the name is example, if multiple “license” lines are included in the ?le, more than one word), the word “enabled” or “disabled” (with only the last line will actually be used by the server. In the case out the quotation marks), and, optionally, the word “enrolled” of “group”, “device”, and “route”, multiple occurrences 25 (also without quotation marks). de?ne additional groups, devices, or routes. Note, however, Route Group Number (Device Weight) that it is not possible to de?ne multiple groups with the same The content following the route keyword should be the name, multiple devices with the same name, or multiple name of the group to which the route applies (enclosed in routes with the same group and called number. If the con?gu 30 quotation marks if the name is more than one word), the called ration ?le attempts to de?ne duplicates, the server will gen number pre?x for the routes (enclosed in quotation marks if erate an error when attempting to read and parse the ?le. the number includes spaces) and then a series of one or more License “Software License Key” device weight pairs, where device is the DNS name of the The content following the license keyword should be a destination device, and weight is the weighting factor for that software license key enclosed in double quotation marks. If 35 device. this parameter is absent from the ?le, or if the included license It should be understood that the foregoing relates only to key is invalid, the underlying software supporting operations illustrative embodiments of the present invention, and numer of the clearinghouse server will revert to a trial version. New ous changes may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as de?ned by the following software license keys may be obtained from a licensor of the 40 clearinghouse server software. They can either be added to claims. the con?guration ?le manually or imported into the server What is claimed is: through the user interface. Imported license keys are stored in 1. A method for a clearinghouse or routing policy server to con?guration backups. Unlike other con?guration items, old securely enroll a client device for an Internet transaction values of the license key are kept in the con?guration ?le, 45 system, comprising the steps: allowing a straightforward reversion to an earlier license (by receiving a ?rst message in a computer readable medium from a client Internet device that comprises an auto deleting the newest license keys), as well as problem diagno mated request to obtain an identity of one of an Internet sis and auditing. transaction clearinghouse and Internet transaction Crypto “Cryptographic Parameters” 50 policy server, the request further comprising an auto The content following the crypto keyword should be cryp mated computer programming variable operation that is tographic parameters for the clearinghouse server enclosed in set equal to one of alphanumeric text and binary code, double quotation marks. If this parameter is absent, the clear comprising ‘getcacert’ and that initiates a search for a inghouse server will automatically generate new crypto certi?cate authority certi?cate; responding to the request by transmitting a second message graphic parameters. If this occurs, though, all enrolled 55 comprising the certi?cate authority certi?cate of one of devices will have to re-enroll with the server to refresh their an Internet transaction clearinghouse and Internet trans cryptographic knowledge. action policy; Enroll {EnabledlDisabled} receiving a third message comprising a certi?cate request The content following the enroll keyword should be a 60 from the client Internet transaction device; single word, either “enabled” or “disabled” (without the quo responding to the client Internet device request by signing tation marks), whichever is appropriate. If this parameter is the certi?cate; and not present, device enrollment will be disabled. transmitting a fourth message comprising the certi?cate signed by a certi?cate authority of one of the Internet Routing {EnabledlDisabled} transaction clearinghouse and the Internet transaction The content following the routing keyword should be a policy server, such that the client Internet device is single word, either “enabled” or “disabled” (without the quo enrolled in the Internet transaction system after trans US 7,398,551 B2 15 16 mission of the fourth message and wherein the clearing 9. The method of claim 5, Wherein the second message house or routing policy server is able to communicate further comprises a programming variable status that is set securely With the client Internet device after transmis equal to one of alphanumeric text and binary code, compris sion of the fourth message. ing ‘0&certi?cate’. 2. The method of claim 1, Wherein the second message 10. The method of claim 5, Wherein the fourth message comprises a programming variable status that is set equal to further comprises a computer programming variable entitled status that is set equal to one of alphanumeric text and binary one of alphanumeric text and binary code, comprising code, comprising ‘0&certi?cate’. ‘ 0&certi?cate’. 11. A method for a Internet transaction clearinghouse or 3. The method of claim 1, Wherein the third message fur Internet transaction policy server to securely enroll a client ther comprises a computer programming variable operation Internet device for an Internet communications system, com that is set equal to at least one of a nonce value, a user’ s name, prising the steps: a user’s passWord, an Internet device identi?er, a customer receiving a ?rst message in a computer readable medium identi?er, and a certi?cate request to be signed. from a client Internet device that comprises an auto 4. The method of claim 1, Wherein the fourth message mated request to obtain an identity one of an Internet further comprises a computer programming variable entitled transaction clearinghouse and Internet transaction status that is set equal to one of alphanumeric text and binary policy server; code, comprising ‘0&certi?cate’. responding to the request by transmitting a second message comprising a certi?cate authority certi?cate of one of an 5. A method for an Internet transaction clearinghouse or 20 Internet transaction clearinghouse and an Internet trans Internet transaction policy server to securely enroll a client actionpolicy server to the client Internet device, Wherein Internet device for an Internet communication system, com the second message comprises a programming variable prising the steps: status that is set equal to one of alphanumeric text and receiving a ?rst message in a computer readable medium binary code, comprising ‘0&certi?cate’ that indicates from a client Internet device that comprises an auto 25 certi?cate authority information folloWs the alphanu mated request to obtain an identity of one of an Internet meric text, or binary code; transaction clearinghouse and Internet transaction receiving a third message comprising a certi?cate request policy server; from the client Internet device comprising a certi?cate responding to the automated request by transmitting a sec request to be signed; ond message comprising a certi?cate authority certi? 30 responding to the client Internet device request by signing cate of one of an Internet transaction clearinghouse and the certi?cate; and Internet transaction policy server to the client Internet transmitting a fourth message comprising the certi?cate device; signed by the certi?cate authority of one of the Internet transaction clearinghouse and Internet transaction receiving a third message comprising a certi?cate request 35 policy server, such that the client Internet device is from the client Internet device, the certi?cate request enrolled in the Internet communications system after comprising a nonce value, a user’s name, a user’s pass transmission of the fourth message and Wherein the Word, a Internet device identi?er, a customer identi?er, Internet transaction clearinghouse or Internet transac and a certi?cate request to be signed; tion policy server is able to communicate securely With responding to the client Internet device request by signing 40 the client Internet device after transmission of the fourth the certi?cate; and message. transmitting a fourth message comprising the certi?cate 12. The method of claim 11, Wherein the ?rst message signed by the certi?cate authority of one of the Internet further comprises an automated computer programming vari transaction clearinghouse and Internet transaction able operation that is set equal to one of alphanumeric text and policy server, such that the client Internet device is 45 binary code, comprising getcacert that initiates a search for a enrolled in the Internet communication system after certi?cate authority certi?cate. transmission of the fourth message and Wherein the 13. The method of claim 11, Wherein the ?rst message Internet transaction clearinghouse or Internet transac further comprises a POST message received via HTTP. tion policy server is able to communicate securely With 14. The method of claim 11, Wherein the second message the client Internet device after transmission of the fourth 50 further comprises the certi?cate authority certi?cate. message. 15. The method of claim 11, Wherein the third message 6. The method of claim 5, Wherein the ?rst message further further comprises a computer programming variable opera comprises a computer programming variable entitled opera tion that is set equal to at least one of a nonce value, a user’s tion that is set equal to one of alphanumeric text and binary name, a user’s passWord, an Internet device identi?er, a cus code, comprising ‘getcacert’ that initiates a search for a cer 55 tomer identi?er, and a certi?cate request to be signed. ti?cate authority certi?cate. 16. The method of claim 11, Wherein the fourth message 7. The method of claim 5, Wherein the ?rst message further further comprises a computer programming variable status comprises a POST message received via HTTP. that is set equal to one of alphanumeric text and binary code, comprising ‘0&certi?cate’. 8. The method of claim 5, Wherein the second message further comprises a certi?cate authority certi?cate. * * * * *