Serving Sununit Siik '

VOIiM, . U.S.P.S. 525-700 THURSDAY, nTORUABY 28, 1980 > -:EAR Primary Contest Assured Poole to Challenge Kent ^ar Ward 1 Council Seat A Republican Primary conteit for a 1 f&jfaa Primary contort for a Summit'__,—^lf«s tantaxess should not BgoO UupD iin Born in New York Citycitv , PoolI*»I«e Ii..«>s a' u»L»u .__„. . • . Ward 1 Common CouneU seat wai Witt Citicorp Services "lockstep with Inflation." Poole said his lifelong resident of Summit and a considered an expert tennis player Matthews of Montclair, are the parents assured Ms week when Richard W. Poole is currently an assistant vice- "many years of political activity" would graduated Summit High School, having won several championships of three children, Celia, Thomas, jr. and Poole of 8 Edgar street, annouoced he provide him with "contacts that can aim Mr. and Mrs. Kent, the former Ann would challenge incunbent Councilman assist Summit in the intergovernmental TfconMD. Kant of 81 Woodland avenie, relations so critical in a time of federal, to toe June Selections. , he has served since 1977, Poole is a test . he was manager of systems i state and county involvement in local member of the Rent Commission andtt* Kent wai appointed to CouneU last issues." He added the community "must jmng for Bhie Cross-Blue feniem Advisory Commission on Rental • greater New York and, before that, v™, January 32 to fill the Mat left vacant by be involvedia the decisions that concern Housing. He was the 1976-77 United Way <*en»WUon of James E. Lovett who It". Poole said such issues would include ':* Senior Systems Programmer with Apartment Division chairman. A Beneficial Finance, Morristown. was installed as the dry's new Mayor. senior citizen housing, railroad station member of the Summit Republican He began his career as a management improvements, the parking garage and Committee since 1973, he has served as school conversions. chatanan since 1W7. Over the years,. - trainee with Chubb ft Son, Short Hills. On Mowtay, Kent said he would also be Poole has served as a campaign aide to He holds a B.S. in mathematics and Kent, who was born in Summit, said he physics from Bates College, Lewiston, a candUate In the GOP Primary, adding believed "our community has been farmer Assemblyman Hugo M. Kate, tatbehMla "conjmttmetitto the people Couneflwoman Naomi Faison, Con? > . Maine, and has done graduate study fortunate to enjoy a good local govern- •• toward his M.B.A, Si quantitative ment and I think lean h«5 maintain that cUmMrWatson Smith, Councilman Alfred E. Schretter and Councilman analysis at Falrleigh Dickinson Winner of the June Primary would no good standard." He added that Council University, Madison. win be faced with many decisions in the Thomas Button. Most recently he was. doubt face a Democratic opponent in campaign manager for Councilman-at- November and the victor in Sit race near future mat win affect the com- The 50-year old Councilman Kent is a munity for yean to come. "I fed," Kent Urge Edward Otocka and Assem- •member dt the American Bar would, take Ms or bar seat on CouneU blyman Robert Franks. next January i for a three-year term. said, "that my background, my Association, the Association of Cor- knowledge of the community and my (In 'Want », rfrwHrnnn Alfred E. Born close to where he and Us family porate Counsel of New Jersey and is a- understanding of governmental Uve today, Kant attended Summit HigH tonner chairman of the Government Schrettor announced two weeks ago that operations are important credentials he would not be a candidate for School and Is a graduate of Williams Affairs Committee, Synthetic Organic that wiU benefit our town." College and Columbia Law School where Chemical Manufacturers Association. reelecnoB to a third term. As yet, no one An Attorney has declared for the teat) he finished In the top third of his class. He is also the author of "Civil and Kent, an attorney, is presently Before he was appointed to CouncuV .Criminal Liability - of Engineering TwoTbemet ' associate general counsel and managing Kent served as vice-chairman of the Executives" published in Chemical attorney lor Allied Chemical Corp., Substandard Housing Board He is also a Engineering Progress, March, 1978. MfgWwm. On Council, be serves as MMWW of the board of directors of the fVom 1961 until iSBS Kent served on <*eiri»an of the-Welfare Committee, a UnttedWay of Summit tfod New active duty with the United States Navy, iamb* of the Local Assistance board Provio^nceandapMt^resWentHel a atoo served as president of ttar? *-- toteed, he hojdsfbe rank of lieutenant. "1M a member of the committee on RUfcarOV.! aehooVr""*- • .... Items*»»

and {Qtors tare of tfaeponiC w^dcii *s not floM wife tte lots but remained in have no adVenm mterliifrtt, and rip- Mrs. RuoV Horowitz's name. rap provided at the bMApairSn of toe vlt have) custom- Planning Board Chairman Richard pond. The county, In a latter to me Meal

-3 . _ _ ... r.f . --^P *^* ^^'••^^P'S^^W O*#S^w Bottelli agreed the property was "a low- Board, noted the proposed snbdivision jtflutgtasj-upward u price, according to land area subject to flooding" and that was located in a flood-prone area. ifHionFlerner, developer from South be had received 20 letters expressing Lower the pond lOHogft "The nouses will conform to the concern about drainage. The sub- Raymond Fox, professional engineer lotItself and wiU be built as the buyers division, to be located off HUlcrest and land planner, said water would be want, each one different," he said after avenue and Woodmere drive, would retained nowhere else on the 15H acres but the pond. "There's a notch in the New Tree Bill in Works

by Lucy Meyer She explained that the proposed ordi- The tree ordinance, which will be nance doesn't involve private owners on introduced by Common Council Tuesday lots already built on. night, will define non-city and city trees, "But all trees and shrubs in the right- landmark trees, the duties connected of-way are still the property owner's MARATHON READERS — ' the activities which met la the library) was Foreign Language beperimeni chairman Fred Moore who hailed the event noting, "There was some lovely with the care of trees and rules for responsibility," she noted celebrated Foreign Uwgeage Week at I developers. _ MwMcl took reading of lovely lines. I had an advantage mere for I heard the New in the ordinance is the section last week was the marathon reading of Virgil's A What trees a homeowner may cut which deals with landmark trees. These Shows. Craig Bnndage and BanMene^aied tat keek «n a whole thing roU off. The MMdlneu reminds us we are Romans; down on his property won't be covered in will be identified and designated. If the lectern hi the school library at • aM. they were MtoweJ by It the beanty and grandeur underscores mat aspect of our heritage, the ordinance. owner consents, the city will place a faculty members, IS students, two Beard of Education members too." Pictured as they lined np to read were: Anne Grimes, Brian "Basically, this ordinance doesn't Janet Whitman, who has been revising and one former teacher. On hand thraagboat the day (Ms classes O'ConneU, Turn McCowatt, Sue Bottdtt and Moore. speak to removal of trees on private "suitable marker" on the landmark property, tt does speak to removing tree. All so designated will be shown on a non-city trees where a building permit is city map for ready reference. required. Developers can't remove trees Landmark trees will be those which Starts Next Week prior to construction, unless the city are a rare species, more than 100 years wester approves, or a building permit of age or exceptional in some way. won't be issued," said Councilwoman the tree ordinance as a member of the Herald to Begin New Series on Law Committee. ' NOMINATED—Mm. Marilyn M. Pfalti of Prospect street, is one of three new ! ISenior Housing on Agenda persons who have been nominated to serve on the board ol directors of Public 'Energy and the Way We live' Service Electric and Gas Co. (PSEftG). Site is Topic of Meeting The company's annual meeting and pexticipsting Instructors. The course on national public radio. In addition, election of officers will be held on April Union College, Cranfcrd, will Join 15 In Newark. Mrs. Pfalti is a partner In forces with the Summit Herald to offer a can be taken with or without college selected community colleges will start thinking about their recom- credit. At .tonight's special meeting Common the public relations and publicity firm of Course-by-Newspaper on "Energy and sponsor forums on the subject of energy Council frill discuss the site, or sites, mendation on a Bite, or sites, we should "Energy and the Way We Uve" U across the nation. P and R Associates of Summit. She Is the WavWe liver wfefch have been recommended by the be considering and why," said Dr. also co-author of several books and The Course-by-Newspaper combines aimed at setting the Mage for informed Bousing Authority and the Planning Murray Ross, president of Common dbikg on energy problems. In The package, known as the National articles and is a freelance photographer the reading of weekly articles in the Issues rorom, la being coordinated by Beard for senior citizen housing. The CouneU. and lecturer. She also serves on the Herald with once-a-week classroom the American Association of Community meeting is dosed to the public. This is the first of several meetings board of directors of the New Jersey unit sessions on Wednesdays from 6:15 to sa?a WTBW and Junior Colleges bwikjuartered in •'Atthe meeting last week they (both planned to discuss the location of the of the American Automobile Association 7;«S, beginning March 12. Students may energy tt^tocJogy and coawmptton, the Washington, DX., win funding by the Beards) gave us their recommendations controversial $9.1 million project slated and the Summit Advisory Board of regliterby using me Registration Form impact of often contradictory values on NaUonal Endowment tor the Humanities and we atao discussed the Master Plan in for Summit with a grant from the Summit and Elliabem Trust Co. Mrs. Included in today'sedition of the Summit werOpolicy «fld«|»«)»ti ofMergy (NEH). terms of me Community Development Housing and Urban Development Pfalti Is also a former member of the Herald, by using Union College's dUmw OT *• paUooal and to- area. Common Council hasn't had an Agency (HUD). With ISO units proposed, Public Library board of trustees. She is Admissions Hot Line, sn-SSSO or 278- Union College is planning to bold a Official presentation of the Master Plan, Council may put them on one site or split a graduate of Bryn Mawr and served as 8881, or In person on March 13. pu*Ucatfainlorum on tt» subject, to be aadw»mdthen.Wehave now scheduled them between several. class president. Mrs. Pfalti Is the wife of coordnuted ByI'.Ur.- OouuM D. Sch- a meeting for February 28 for Council to Dr. Ross said he didn't know how former New Jersey Assemblyman Hugo The Hirald w«l begin we series on meltekopf of Cranjord, associate many more meetings Council would M. Pfalti, Jr. require before they made their decision. teJMi % UOvBnttQsnt sno, tusnry uepanmem. "I'm sttU aiming for a decision by the OPEN Saaiays tiWto ItiM Tha date of the forum wiu be announced "Thto WMk In Summit" end of March, but I can't cut off debate, later. if there is no consensus. Council will ChwiMlMtO BROWN-B HARDWARE have an opportunity to express what 1 .age tawing more r furttur information on "Energy WsmmiffWntmWv A ' PJAk they feel is the beat site, or sites, for i preview«ur»«i. The th« Way We live," contact Union AVlaMkhMI - AewHsslwstHrMMl senior citizen housing in the City of FLETCHER UNC. MERC. DA1BUN informition ihd a „ Jaotonly the course and Summit, giving all due consideration to r articles, but also a series Matt is provided for •HMM> the benefits and disadvantages of all NRlvcrM.,auiMk ••< places being considered" m-iws Page 2 THE SUMMIT HERAM). THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1980 Next In Noon Fire In Reservation library Sets G. 0. Features Winter Carnival Music Series, Under Investigation Film Evening To support the activities Douglas HabHp will be "Jane Seymour," the of varioos High SchMl clubs The ' Summit Fire vestigation. The camping and organisations.; the the featured performer at Department received a call area is located near the third episode In the fUm series," 8b Wives af Henry General Orgatdnthw will Central Presbyterian late last Thursday evening, edge of the Summit line and hold Its annual winter Church en Friday, February Febnitty 21, from the Boy is under the jurisdiction of Vni." win be shows at the Bumma Public Library «a carnival Saturday, March 1. B, In the Brown Bag COB-. Scout 'Oainp in the reser- the Union County Parka and U ait. to t p.m. cert Series. These concerts, vation where a brush fin Recreation Commission. Monday March t from TOO held every Friday during was originally reported. to tpjn. Admission Is tree, Featured at the annual Coinciding with the with m advanced reaer- •vent will be booths with - Lent, begin at 12:15 p;m. Northeast's unusual draught baked goods, competitive and last lor half an hour. Responding with two this winter, the Fire V r games, prises and a cartoon Unch may be purchased at engine* and a ladder truck *^£ wives* chronicles Department also reported the turbulent reign of Henry show of Hollywood's the church or yon may bring through an entrance to the several brush fires in the favorite characters, your own. Central Church is reservation from Glenside Summit area. On Tuesday, VIU. Bach episode details located at TO Maple street in avenue! the firefighters February 19, a fire along the the Ufe of one wife. Seymour Carnival chairperson is found that the fire was railroad tracks and ties was (ISM-1537) was the third of Anne Gllroy, vice president actually confined to a rooted extinguished at the rear of Henry's loves, replacing the of the CO. Halslip has performed structure in the camping Pace Buick opposite the beheaded Anne Boleyn as SPONSORED — Maria with the Metropolitan Opera area. The three-sided Municipal Parking Lot, as Oueen of England In ISM. Cecilia Mancanes U the II Navy Recruit In New York, the New building containing a well as another blase the She died a year later giving year old Philippine student Jersey Symphony, the fireplace was heavily in- same day in a small pile of birth to the future Edward sponsored by the education In Virginia Colonial Symphony and at volved with fire, the roof leaves on the playground of VI. department of the Summit the Waterloo Festival In already burned through and Roosevelt School. The Library will present Junior Fortnightly Club Navy Aviation Main- northern New Jersey. He heavy damage to the entire the remaining three through the Christian tenance Adminlstrationman studied with Jerry Schwari structure by the time Another small grass fire episodes on March If Airman Recruit Gail E. TUNING UP -MemWs of the Summit High School orchestra, are shown to rehearsal was extinguished on Children's Fund. A good for their Thursday. February 28 combined concert with the High School Chorus. The and Mort Gould, and he has firemen arrived. They ("Anne of CUves"), March student whose favorite Ward, daughter of William performed numerous extinguished the blaze using Thursday afternoon, 17 ("Catherine Howard"), program, which will be held in the Summit High School auditorium, at 8 p m. wUI February 21 on Broad Street subjects are reading and G. and Eleanor D. Ward of consist of the first movement of Schubert's Eighth Symphony, the Rosenkavalier recitals and programs In water from a booster tank and March M ("Catherine math. Maria Uves In Manila Colonial road, has reported this area. His program on and lotated the area in a at the rear of what used to Parr"). Watties by Richard Strauss, Borodtas Nocturne from the String Quartet, and selec- be the Eastern Fuel* where club members write for duty at Oceans Naval Friday will consist of corner of the building where to her monthly. Money seat Air Station, Virginia Beach, Uons by Henry Purcell and Morton Gould. The combined Chorus and Orchestra will compositions by Clarke, the fir« had started. property. Several ^oung perform the Requiem by Gabriel Faure. There is no admission charge, and the public Children were observed through the Children's Fund Va. PurceU, Telemann, and Gallo Proposed goes toward school hooks, A 1079 graduate of Is invited to attend. Torelll. These concerts are Because of the suspicious running from the area, a nature of the fire, the Union Fire Department clothing and food tor Maria Summit High School, she free to the public and liability Change and her family. Joined the Navy in Sep- n everyone is invited. County Arson Squad was spokesman said, and the called ,in by Union County incident was referred to the Assemblyman Dean A. tember 1979. Police to make an in- police for investigation. Gallo of Parsippany, Republican, 24th District, According to Gallo, his coverage." last week introduced staff has discovered that Gallo also claims that legislation which would "those least able to afford such coverage change Development Meeting eliminate compulsory automobile insurance were requirements would result {Continued from Page 1) automobile public liability the same group being in lower premium costs for charged the most for ail insurance holders. dam which allows lowering the pond. The homes built around the pond insurance. The control of the water is the pond. By would have no access to the pond as Mrs. dropping the spillway, we provide two Horowitz requested that. She also asked and a half feet of water storage." , that no garages face the pond as they New Tree BUI in Works There would be a flood control device, would restrict the view. {Continued from Page 1) an outlet structure, to handle the peak The builder's agreement with Mrs. "However, thelantaiark tree will still controversy, as residents wanted control discharge. Mrs. Horowtlz had agreed to Horowitz doesn't cover future respon- belong to the person on whose property it over cutting trees on their property, and lowering the pond. It would have to be sibility, if the pond becomes filled with is found, and nothing is said in the or- was sent back for revision. dredged before building started. silt, Mrs. Ruffley was told when she dinance about not removing it," Mrs. Mrs. Betty Ruffley, Planning Board inquired. Whitman explained. "This one is an up-date whkh is better member, was concerned about areas The builder was told jo contact Mrs. Her committee, which included defined and with more standards set lower than the pond, on certain lots, and Horowitz, who is currently in Florida, to Councilmen Alfred E. Schretter and than those two the city was operating also about the "many trees which would have in writing certain agreements Thomas Button, took the ordinances under. We further define the city's role be removed." between them concerning the pond. from 1922, dealing with shade trees and and which are City trees and shrubs as Of Engineer Fox, .Edward Votey, shrubs, and from MM, regulating ex- well as non-city trees. We give the duties Werner, the developer, said he only Planning Board member, said: "We cessive cutting, and combined them connected with the care of, trees in intended to take down the trees which have a Barrel of questions for this wit- when they designed a tree ordinance two Summit. We set standards for who takes were necessary for building, and that the ness, and we'll take another evening." years ago. That proposal met with care of what," Mrs. Whitman said. low spots would be corrected with Till Glendale Estates from the pond and with pipes for Approval was given by the Planning drainage. Board for five tots to be subdivided. Woodmere drive would be moved Preliminary plans were okayed Monday further east to make two lots between for "Glendale Estates" to be built on an the pond and the road, Lots 21 and 22 extension of Glendale road, down from would have the heaviest grading when Friar Tuck Circle, near the Route 14 the road was changecV *, Service road. . .

;'s Hospice 25, 1(1 and 5 jears ago ? See Program win benefit from she club's'March 8 gala auction of over 50 resortaccom- "Looking backward" every raodatioiu at 8 p.m. at the Mansion^ Lenten Hall, Falrieigh Dickinson University, week in the Summit Herald. On False Ad Claims Madison. For reservations, call Sue Britt, 273-7923. A spokesman for the Summit Branch of the Firemen's Mutual Benevolent Association warned local merchants this week that a newspaper published in Elizabeth and called the New Jersey National Firefighters Journal has Spring 1980 misrepresented facts in soliticing ads locally.

According to reports from several East Summit ITS 1KB SOUND - Wo atatfc'etttw ftf* ftatfeVikge Baa* win be businessmen, advertising salesmen either in person or featared at the Bad annual dance of the SSWMB PSA Laesl Na. Hte »• held at the over the telephone have stated that ads placed in their Suburban Hotel March ». The dance, which is tks etdy fane-raiser permitted by state paper would benefit the Summit firefighters' Death and statutes, is used tofmd the death benefit and welfare fan*. Tickets win be available at Welfare Fund. "This Is not true and hot fair, not only to the door. Dance committee chairmen are Larry KeBy awl WUHSM tehees. Other SAVE *at firemen in Summitbut throughout the state," Michael J. committee members mewse Richard Asanew, Twn MeNeely, Kehert Uels and Spr»ai«sowh« Lonergan, secretary of Local 54, F.M.B.A. told the James Pantinl. Toe Stage Bawl Is directed by Angek* Meiwa. Herald this week. By order of Common Council, Summit firemen are only allowed one fund drive each year, a benefit dance, and that takes place in October, Lonergan Wright said. ' • -• . Arch and an opportunity to save FEBRUARY SPECIAL SALE Five Dollars Becausec throughout the state have been invaded by these same ad' salesmen' , the statewide Firemen'I'sMs &l a"l Benevolent A tattoo of New Jersey is looking Into the possibility of legal action and, in the FURNITURE meantime, is notifying the public and asking all ad- vertisers to withdraw their ads and boycott the New BEDROOM • LIVING ROOM • DEN- KITCHEN* Jersey National Firefighters Journal. The newspaper Is "staffed by civilians, not related In OCCASIONAL LAMPS • ART • RUGS • any way to the fire fighting field," Lonergan charged. ACCESSORIES • MIRRORS CLEARANCE Minimum purchase $35. DECORATOR SHOWROOM SAMPLES At this time/ you will havs a unique opportunity to view a large selection of oxtord.ties, straps and pumps In n«w exciting styles* colors and materials. " Some of these styles are available only at this "once-a-year" privet* showing. It is an opportunity to select "shoes that are 7 UP TO 50% OFF Theshoe really different '* that comes in As ait Mo^ftcentlvft we m oefluct *s.oo froim the price of WE BUY! | NO CHARGE FOR DESIGNER SERVICE oyerDO each pilrof w$n«n'« ind meri'f shotspurchased. If you bring a sizes Wend, we wfHalsb wtend the same $J.OO savings courtesy to mema««eti. ' .- " .<• •.:• •• ' *' • OLD GOLD .with the coil of living up, tier* is an .opportunity to bring your WALLPAPER- CARPETING • FABRICS- , cost of ItVJmJ down I So bo sure to take advantage of this, "once- • SILVER >a-vaar"opportunityl ORIENTALS

The Ciinh: ShM*Clarks*Rockpart*D«xt«r»scholl •Wilbur 0»li»|lais«R»veUitroM»Joy<^pi7«»Wrlohr»Famolare * •DIAMONDS * ', •Dockslde!i*|fo0t-S^l*ort $hoes*Mtllar*Bar*fe«t freedom •ESTATE JEWELRY

*** • • * t;

VIUMGMCfePMt NEW MKWttBNcm H, 4oW* Awott.lUatera.NJ. 666-1487 RITAR0BEKT8. )mMM ASIB MON..SAT.B.S*TffflTT"r~r-'"-•"*" i--*1'•" THE SUMMIT HERALD, SPAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1980 Page 8 Meeting Calendar VALLEY STAMP & COIN CENTER The Board «f Education INVITES YOU TO OUR will hold a workshop meetbg tonight, Fehmary 0 at 8 p.m. In the Wilson School cafeteria. FANTASTIC THIRD The Bub-Standard Honshg Board win also ANNIVERSARY meet toalgbt, February 2S at 8 p.m. on the first floor of Ctty HaU, $12 Springfield CELEBRATION avenue. Councilman Thomai —SIX EXCITING DA YS — Kelsey will preside at the Saturday morning Common THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY FEB. 28, 29-MARCH 1, 6, 7, 8,1980 Council constituency meeting March 1 from 10 a.m. to noon at City Hall. OPEN OUR Common Council will meet Monday, March 3 at TREASURE CHEST 8:30 p.m. in conference session hi the office of the secretary to Mayor and PICK A LUCKY KEY Council at City HaU. Hie Council's regular meeting will convene at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4 hi Council Chamber, City Hall. HAPPY BIRTHDAY - Dr. Joseph Engd. center, a member of the Summit Rotary The Zoning Board of dub for the last 52 years and its senior member in time of service, helps cut a special Adjustment will hold a cake commemorating Rotary InternaUonal's 75th anniversary during the local group's regular meeting on Monday, weekly luncheon meeting at the Squire. Also helping out were Kenneth Pearl, a former March 3 at 8 p.m. in the president of the local club and acting secretary, and Robert Lachenauer, current Council Chamber, CHy Hall. preildent. Dr. Engel served a«presjdent of the Summit club in 1M8. v. A meeting of the Board of School Estimate will be held on Tuesday, March 4 at City Hall at 7:30 p.m. to conduct Road Mishaps Injure Five a Public Hearing on the 1*80*1 school budget and to OPEN THE CHEST AND WIN ONE OF take action on a resolution to .OVER 300 EXCITING PRIZES' - Five persons were injured in eight Police said Fox was driving south on fix the amount of money to GOLD - COINS - STAMPS - ALBUMS - road accidents here test week. All of the Summit avenue at the time of the ac- be raised by taxes for school SAVING BONDS - ETC. injuries were sustained in three mishaps cident. He was given a summons for support. (You Must Be 18 To Try Your Luck) on Friday. alleged drunk driving. Thomas R. Scanlon, 28, of Hickson Investigating the accident was drive. New Providence, was treated at Patrolman Joseph Murphy. Overlook Hospital for injuries he Another two-car accident also injured STAMPS • SOUV. SHEETS • FDC received when his car apparently went two persons at Broad Street and out of control and crashed into a tree at Chestnut avenue. COINS • GOLD • SUPPLIES • Springfield avenue and Essex road. Debro L. Robinson, 24, of Kent Place * COME IN - SAY HELLO • CATALOGS • SCOTT • HARRIS • Police said Scanlon was driving east boulevard, driver of one car, and Beth on Springfield when he failed to* Pease, is, of Meadowbrook court, a MINKUS • CAPITOL • ANCO • negotiate a curve in the road arid passenger in the second car involved, TRY YOUR LUCK!! WHITMAN • WHITE ACE • KRAUSS crashed. were both taken to Overlook for treat- ment of injuries. Operator of the second Refreshments • Anniversary Cake • Coffee • SHOWGUARD • LIGHTHOUSE Police Officer Edwin Skidmore in- car was identified as Jill M. Pease 20 (Champagne served to adults only) vestigated. also of Meadowbrook Court. Two persons were injured when their Police said the accident occurred car crashed into a parked vehicle on when uie Robinson car allegedly went SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Liberty Stamp Summit avenue and Whittredge road. through a stop sign on Chestnut avenue Proof Sets Both were taken to Overlook for treat- and collided with the Pease car as it — ON MANY ITEMS — ment of injuries. travelled west on Broad. Both cars were Album Police Identified the injured as Clifton heavily damaged and towed from the Reg. $12.95 S. Fox, 37, of Glenwood place, and VALLEY STAMP & COIN CENTER scene. MIN. PUR. Cheryl Miller, 23, of Wade drive, a Investigating the accident was Police CASH SALES ONLY SPECIAL passenger. Officer Robert Praizner. HONORED — Dorothy S15.00 Takacs of Summit has been Army Officer Gets Citation named 1*80 Young Career Gold — Coins Woman by the Business ul 20r"l'rt'fc'JfftJSflt"W5EftJl 1 Matters f»r A.T.M.. New ISR' ALL ITEMS fcXtfcprSFfcClALS4 GOLD).' ' 'J ¥•*. N/r.;-'Whs ^^ril* '• 1- SHOO Net • "rT rasvescat is* tamoK M"W. ,'28.29, March 1, dub la the state-wide Sfi Young Career- Woman • FREE GIFTS FOR EVER YOIVE • compeUtfM when the Net MJO1S CHMOt AMEMCAN EKI I MASTED CMMW id Jersey Federation holds itt annual Convention, la EXTRA GIFT SPECIALS Cherry Hill this May. She has also been active id the FREE — To the first 100 persons who ... * Toastmasters International SPEND f 15.00 Net RECEIVE FREE U.S. STAMP ALBUM Club 1900, the A.T.fcT. SPEND $50.00 Net RECEIVE FREE MINUTEMAN ALBUM Choral Group, as well as serving as the Summit SPEND $100.00 Net RECEIVE FREE $15.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE BPW's Second Vice SPEND $500.00 Net RECEIVE FREE $50.00 SAVINGS BOND President (1979) and SPEND $750.00 Net RECEIVE FREE $50.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE Recording Secretary (1977 and 1978). SPEND $1,000.00 Net RECEIVE FREE $100.00 SAVINGS BOND Special Lent Do You Need Extra U.S. PROOF SETS Come In — Say Hello Program Set — Cash— Remember the Dates "Lent, a Time for Spiritual Reassessment" WE BUY Thurs. — Fri. — Sat. will be the focus of a Day of OLD GOLD, RINGS, Recollection sponsored by Feb. 28-29 the Mothers' Auxiliary of COINS, WATCHES, March 1-6-7-8, 1980 Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child on Wednesday, March STERLING SILVER. Open 10-6 5, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Oak Knoll Convent. COME IN FOR OUR MINT SETS - TYPE SETS Thurs. & Fri., til 9:00 Father Richard Rento, LATEST QUOTES. FOREIGN COINS - CURRENCY pastor of St. Brendan's Church, Clifton, will 00 moderate the day's ac- WIN A ^O U.S. SAVING BOND tivities and celebrate the closing liturgy in the af- COMPLETE THIS COUPON AND ternoon. DEPOSIT IN OUR SPECIALLY Mrs. Richard Billera of MARKED BOXES IN OUR STORE. Oak Ridge avenue is chairperson of the Day of DRAWING HELD SATURDAY, Recollection held annually TELEPHONE ... MARCH «th AT 5:30 P.M. WINNERS for mothers of Oak Knoll NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN. students and their guests. COINS I COLLECT STAMPS Paddle I ) NO PURCHASE NECCESARY I I Ten $50 Bonds Given Away Tennis Young Executive's choice: at the Our pinstripe vested suit, 165. D o m e COME IN - TRY OUR TREASURE CHEST A suit to consider whe/fyour position requires that you look like a million, but your budget is limited: our HAVE SOME REFRESHMENTS vested suit in a quality that belies its price. A trim, handsome model in a spring-weight blend of polyester F A M I L Y * JOIN IN OUR CELEBRATION and wool. Navy or grey stripe, navy or tan solid, in SPORT sizes 36-46 regular, 36-42 short, 38-46 long, THURSDA Y - FRIDA Y - SA TURDA Y 42-46 extr'a long. From our extensive Young Executive collection,' FEBRUAR Y 28-29 MARCH 1-6-7-8,1980 in Summit, Red Bank and Morristown. HOURS: 10-9 P.M., SATURDAY 10-6 P.M.


•ummit/mondeysndthursdayuntiig/ 277-1234 VALLEY MALL GILLETTE rMibwik/thursdayandfridayuntiig/ 747-1800 m»rit«oiMi/wednesdayandfridayuntil9/ 867-1834 rt^dy through friday until 9:30/ 342-6500 647-6550 Page 4 THE SUMMIT IMP Outside Summit Engagement Announced Music Guild Slates Concert A program of music by programs through a Mr. and Mrs. George J. West Virginia Wesleyan. Bach, Beethoven and BraS- scholarship program Events listed are either the music of Beethoven, Mann of Colony drive an- Miss Whitesell is employed ms will be presented by the established by CteA-Oeigy free and open to the public, Dvorak, Bach, Bizet, Ives nounce the engagement of by Martlndale-Hubbell, New York Chamber Soloists Pharmaceutical Company. or of general interest for and Berlin. their daughter, Jane Ann Inc., Summit. In the second of the Members and guests are non-profit purposes. + + + Whitesell, to Joseph F. Chamber Music Guild'* invited toMa y & refresh- Deadline for inclusion is Speakers Available Wagner, son of Walter Her fiance, a graduate of three-concert series oh ments after the concert noon on Fridays preceding The Western Electric Wagner of Parsippany and Frank Morrell High School, Sunday, March a at 8 p.m. at when they have an op- date of publication. Speakers' Bureau, of the late Catherine DeL. Irvington and of Seton Hall the YWCA., Guest artists portunity to meet the ar- Springfield, is offering Wagner. Miss Whitesell is University, is employed by will be violinist Eugene Usts. Musicians Wanted various programs, to the daughter of the late C. Mikro Pul Corporation, Drucker, Sharon Moe, Those Interested in Violin, viola, cello and community and civic Dale Whitesell. Summit French horn and pianist possible tickets to this and bass players interested in organizations. Among the A wedding is planned for . Harriet Wlngreen. future conoerti are invited A graduate of Summit September. performing with the offerings are "Solar High School, who attended Now In its and year, the to call Mrs. Edward Zim- Fairleigh Dickinson Energy", "Tall Ships" and Guild provides "Music-in- merman at tnusa. Student University Symphony "Is It Good Enough?". the-Round" to a limited sclwiArsuip Infofiimtioii *v Orchestra, FIorham-Ma- Other topics include carers, Club Members Give Service audience in an informal also provided by Mrs. dison campus, are invited to changing role of women and Zimmerman who li the great inventions. For letting. Young students of either attend rehearsals, favors are used to put on the the instruments being president of the Chamber which begin at 5:30 p.m., specifics, call Kathryn Last month members of Music Guild. every Thursday at Dreyfuss Braithwaite, 467-7077. the Fortnightly Club made patient's tray when meals played benefit from these College, or to call 377-4700, 11 afghans or lap robes are delivered for Christmas, which were delivered to Easter, Hallowe'en, ENGAGED - Ctt. (USA.. extension 435. The or-50's Hop Ret.) and Mrs. Chester W. chestra is currently Runnells and Overlook Thanksgiving or other Artist Duo To Perform The Saint Vincent's Home Care or Hospice, 14 special days. Members have McDowell ef Woodbridge, preparing for a concert Singles Club is holding a 50's Va., aaaonnce the April 27, which will feature tote bags for Greystone and request deadlines to meet Due ID last minute cir- Hall. Hop March 1, 8 p.m., in the Runnells, 24 pairs of slipper for all of these cumstances, the Music De- Aileen O'Donnell received engagement of their church auditorium, 26 socks and 20 jonny Coats for organizations. partment of the Fortnightly training in voice and thediaghter. Colleen, to Green Village road, bed patients. The Group meets every Club of Summit announces a Irish harp at the Royal Irish. Raymond Haanas, MO of No Frills Madison. A prize will be In addition the women put Monday morning, working program change in theAcademy of Music in Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. awarded for the best 50's together 400 favors in one for three hours on its many Friday, February 29 Dublin, Ireland, and hasHennas of Summit. A Family Salon outfit. For ticket reser- morning which were sent to worthwhile projects. Those meeting. The program, given many concerts In the graduate of the University vations, call Michael Meals on Wheels, Runnells, who are unable to attend the scheduled to begin at 1 p.m., British Islet. The program of Hartford, Miss McDowell Haircut — $10 Szigety, 822-3751. the Morris View Nursing Monday meetings help by will have as feature per- presented by the two young Is employed as a mathe- (shampoo - blow dry) + + Home and to Greystone. The sewing or knitting at home. formers two talented young artists will include baroque, matklaa with the Defense Chamber Music artists who are still in their classical and modern music, Mapping Agency Hydro- Children - $6 The Stretto Chamber teens. as weU as old traditional graphic - Topographic Body Wave - $24 Players will present a Universe Series 16, 12:30 p.m. Irish songs. Center. Her fiance, a concert y, March 2, 8 The nature of the universe + + + Stacey Shames is a harp- Dessert will be served by graduate of George Wash- Hennas — $12 p.m., Community will be explored in a series Boating Courses ist who made her first sob Mrs. Emerson Clancy, ington University, Is em- Presby Church, Deer of lectures for adults The United State Coast appearance at age ten with assisted by Mrs. Samuel ployed as an assistant Pth [ountainsideid . The beginning March 3 at Union Guard Auxiliary will manager at the Skyline Mm. Edward R. the Union Symphony Coombs, Mrs. Robert p Hayden, Bartok, College, Cranford. Members present two boating courses, Orchestra, Subsequently, Darling, Mrs. Wallace Racquet and Health Club. haircuttan etc Mozart and Bach of the Amateur sailing and seamanship and Tolles,Jr. she has performed at Alice Graham, Mrs. Frank Hie couple will be married TSI Morris I pk. Skotl Hills • be featured. The public Astronomers, Inc., will small power boat handling (Southall-Locke Photo) Tully Hall in Lincoln Center Helander and Mrs. H.V.May M at Fort Meyer. Va. is invited. Donations will be serve as instructors for the at Union High School, 4 Yilligf Pli/i.. Soult (Irannr and at the Carnegie Recital Meinzer. (Woodward and received at the door. nine lectures, all of which starting March 12. Lotfarop Photo) will be held at 8 p.m. To Tolles-Kroll Open Mondays I Registration will be held register, call 276-2600, ex- daily noon to 4 p.m. at the tension 206 or 238. Ruth Dorothea Kroll, bridegroom; David M. Kroll Methodists To See Play school. For further in- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of Oxen Hill, Md., the formation, call Barbara Henry A. Kroll of Silver bride's brother; Stephen An Easter play, "Peace at for luncheon reservations at College Choir Partsch, 464-1086. Spring, Md., and Edward Kroll-Reidy of New York Bethany," will be the 277-1700, Baby sitting will be The Guilford College + + + Robert Tolles, Jr., son of City; Eugene DeMarco of program for the March 4 available. ^ ISABEL Choir, Greensboro, N.C., Toma at FDD Elizabeth B. Tolles of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Charles meeting of the United will be in concert Monday, Dave Toma, former Summit and of Edward R. Buchas of Ossining, N.Y. Methodist Women at the Interiors March 3, 8 p.m., Summit Newark, detective, will be Tolles of Palm Coast, Fla., The bride, a cum laude Church, Kent Place Corps Alums Friends Meeting, 158 speaking at Fairleigh were married December 29 graduate of Saint Lawrence Boulevard. Members of the Southern boulevard, Dickinson University, at Calvery Lutheran University, who holds an United Methodist Women Chatham Township. Marie Florham-Madison campus, Church, Silver Spring. Rev. M.B.A. degree from New will perform in the play. To Celebrate SHORT HILLS, NEW JERSEY Branson, daughter of Mr. Friday, March 14, 8 p.m., David Shabeen performed York University, is a senior Prior to the program, a The alumni of the former and Mrs. J. Clyde Branson student center cafeteria. the ceremony. financial analyst with special executive com- state championship Junior 379-2318 of Summit, is a member of The public is invited to Carolyn Kroll-Reidy, the International Paper mittee meeting will be held Drum and Bugle Corps; the choir. The public is attend. For further in- bride's sister, was matron of Company, New York City. at 10:30 a.m. followed by the Summit Post 138 American invited to attend. formation, including costs, honor. Bridesmaids in- Her husband a graduate of general meeting at 11:30 Legion, will hold a reunion call 377-4700, extension 210. cluded Kathleen K. Todd of Summit High School, of a.m. Both meetings will be to celebrate tbs 40th anni- Sierra Club + + + Mequon, Wise; Karen Hill Princeton University and of presided over by Mrs.versary of the founding of "Can New Jersey Be Photo Coarse of Rock Hill, S.C.; Susan the Wharton School of the Emerson W. Glancy. the Corps. ^^ Saved?" will be discussed The Morris County Park Rumsey of Silver Spring, University of Pennsylvania, Luncheon will be served at ' Interested former PERSONALIZED by Richard WUunger of the Commission is offering an and Bonnie Skilling of is employed in the in-noon with the program at l memoers are reauesMO to STATIONERY New Jersey League of environmental photography Washington, D.C. p.m. caD Rita Gerard Gisokfi, SALE Conservation Legislation at ternational finance ns-ZMS, or Jane {Kelly course on three Saturdays, Robert Bjnyon of Corpus. department of the i All women are invited and •: Chrlsttoe.^ a meeting of the Loanuka March 15, 32 and ». 9:30 |IT aij^lwply^KfyiBr '"* Thomas Doudas John, ua eiegnnny TWetnmoaraphed Stationery •(Mr. and Mrs. OLTJS *MlAtAd.Ald S ) Sheets ofNotes with SO Envelopes "got ' "pYHnr'-'TaBr'Hy'-iM •"' "til Southern boulevard, David R. tfetcham of to Saint Maarten, TIBdilcred '"••' ' Summit High School, wh (For fainted Envelopes*. AeJci SSJiO) Chathams, Route 24, Chatham. For additional Redding, Conn., also for- Netherland Antilles, the Court Benedict No. 611, the was a member of the Sale Ends 3/31 Chatham Borough. The information, call 635-6629. dedicated to the financial merly of Summit and couple is residing In Catholic Daughters of the assistance of charitable and National Honor Society and public is invited to attend. + + + brother-in-law of the Brooklyn Heights, N.Y. active In drama, Miss Ballet Americas, Summit, recently educational endeavors and received four local women to the spiritual development Fletcher was also graduated Fifty Years Old Fashioned Parade The New Jersey Ballet from Brtgham Young Uni- Behind the .'ourtesy The annual West Orange Admission is free. Lawyer Sets into its membership. of its members. Service & Company will perform Joining this charitable versity, with high honors In Times Saint Patricks' Day Parade March 15, 8 p.m. 'Westfield Court Benedict will also payilcs. She also attended Prices will be held Sunday, March Business Courses organization were Ann host a card parry on March Paper * High School, 550 Dorian Rutgers Talk Andrews, Margaret Stanford University and the 9, with the day's activities road, for the benefit of the Two new courses in 14 at 8 p.m. in St. Teresa's University of Jerusalem and beginning with a Mass at business and management Leo Stanger of Summit, Maulbeck, Mildred Malloy Memorial Hall for the Westfield YWCA. The partner in the New York and EsteUe Wbelan, all of benefit of their St. Teresa's holds a master's degree In 10:49 a.m., at Our Lady of program will include will be offered Airing the patent law firm of Toren, the history of science from 681 Morris Turnpike, Springfield, N.J. the Lake Church, Pleasant "Fantasies", choreogra- spring semester at Union Summit. Grammar School Indiana University. She is Valley Way, Verona. The College, beginning March 24 McGeady and Stanger, will Scholarship Fund. For Between Short Hilb CMeren * Huffman Kooi phed by John Clifford, a be a featured speaker at a Catholic Daughters of the ticket information, call Mrs presently a computer 376-3385 parade will start at 1 p.m., former principal dancer and March 25. The twoNew Jersey Designer conrahant la Salt Lake City, in the West Orange Town courses, understanding Americas is a nationwide Margaret Sanfelice, 273- Ut. Her fiance, who will be with the New York City Craftsmen, Inc. program on organization of women 7075. Hall area and proceed along Ballet and now director of residential mortgages and Sunday, March 2 at the graduated from the Uni- Main street to the Lourdes the Los Angeles Ballet. systems and procedures, Mason Gross School for the versity of Utah to June with area. The rain date is March Other program features will be held for five and ten Arts, Rutgers University, 18 Awarded Music Honors a degree hi psychology and will include classical, sessions, respectively. For pre-medlcaluittractloii, will 358 George street. New attend medical school next contemporary and -modern full details, including costs Brunswick. Eighteen elementary Martin, grade five, chorus; works. For tickets' and locations, call 276-2600, school students were named and sixth graders Brooke year. He has served a two- Second of a two part series year mission for the Church information, call 233-2833. extension 206 or 238. called "Getting Your Act to the Musician Of ThAbbotte , bassoon, and Sanjoy + Month honor roll in theMahajan, violin. of Jews Christ of Latter-day Nutrition Course Together," which deals with SatoU hi DBSseUorf, Ger. A Livingston Musk professional business Summit School system for Musicians of the month at wedding It planted for The Livingston Symphony A nutrition course will be practices for the artist- February. Wilson were fifth graders NkeStuff Orchestra, conducted byCa- offered on a non-credit basis At Brayton, the music Meriwyn Travisano, flute, March 14 In Salt Lake City. craftsman, the program will rolyn Hill, will be in con- for ten weeks at Union focus on Mr. Stanger's students singled out for their and Rachel Schnoll, violin; you wont believe (he labels... cert Saturday, March 15, College, Cranford, begin- discussion of copyrights, work and achievement were sixth graders Christine Son is Born 8:30 p.m., Livingston High ning March 26, 6:10 to 8:10 tradesmarks and design Andrew Hazen, grade six, Weber, bassoon and Alyssa School auditorium. The p.m. For registration protection. bass clarinet; Fifth graders Pardi, chorus. At To Harbisons spring program will include the details, call 276-2800, ex- The program will begin at Donna Christie, violin, and Washington, they were works of Rossini, von Weber tension 206 or 238. Holly Robertson, chorus. Elizabeth Meola, grade 4, Mr. and Mrs. James 2 p.m.; the public is flute; Dawn Harrison, grade and Tschaikowsky. welcome. At Lincoln, honored Harbison of Bedford road, pants students were Marc 5, violin and Karen Hines, have announced the birth of Crawford, grade five, chorus. a son, Daniel Robert, on clarinet; sixth graders At Jefferson, Becky February 2 at Overlook Kristy Wesson, violin, and Smith, grade 4, violin, and Hospital. Brenda Kasbar, chorus. At Margaret Connelly, chorus, Mrs. Harbison is the were honored. tttu'ilito 1)114 Franklin, they were Matt former Susan Foster. Ktt.SM. THE Vp*f- spring sweaters WIZARD OF & tops lend a special freihnati to a perennial favorite... open-toed, with a graceful Enter the world of Benihono Then the mom course heel. It will be a beautiful addition Feel the wormth of the Your choice of entrees Like graceful onenrol decor the soft tender boneless breasts of to your ipring wardrobe... in red, teloxing somisen music And chicken. Specially selected bone or lilac kid. 164. get ready for on onenral sreoks Plump lobster. Plus »«••*«(.»/ masterpiece Ahhh fresh bean sprouts Suddenly your chef Mushrooms. Zucchini. oppeors ond the feast .< And onions Sliced ond begins. Prepared or, d diced mro slender, mouth hibochi grill right before wotenng slivers. And rice Vp-f- your eyes £ And piping hot green For openers rheresA onion soup Joponese Its o complete dinner- sryle. Next crisp green Oil included in a mog- thru St. solod Sizzling succulent icol experience you II shrimp Ahhh never forget Ahhh •Miltmi * . o*. ftCW MUWWiNCf 884 WmgmllBRgmBNSnim'ml4S5M»lnSt.635-5T0 Main St. 0 UNION1714 Slu^A^-Si^^^^GI.^ ft.«*£ » OtMrdayaibVni.ioeVmT CH N|ee Dell's «llartfcl«stont. •"• HIDACHI STEAK HOUSE 840 Morris Turnpike. Shoft Hilb. N.J. / 467-9530 386 Springfield Ave., Summit 273-2042 Open Mon. and Thun. 'til 9 p.m. Phone for Information on group functions...... • _.,., . .»,,,:,•, •»..J»; i;^ltmmt THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1980 Page 5 Community Campaign Chairman YW Sets Two Sessions on Cult Group Impact

In response *,.,P)n«l 7. AH girls entering the ninth national origin. .Funds for or tenth grade in September ttie awards .wUI cpine from 1980 are eligible for the the DeWitt Wallace Fund. competition. Inc., as well as .other sources. Winners will be The Reader's Digest designated as Reader's Endowed Scholarship Digest Scholars. Awards will be given to girls For additional in- who demonstrate superior formation, call Dr. Louise academic and personal M. Conley, Director of qualities, as well as Counseling and Guidance, of summit financial need. A minimum Kent Place School. 273-0900. "BEHOLD" 1 ALL THE WORLD LOVES A CLOWN — Demonstrating Naw Everyday Price Policy on All Records and Tapes the fun of clowning it up Is this youngster attending a 69 Summit High School Annual Winter Carnival. This year's LIST -7- Ours-5 fun and excitement will take place Saturday, March l 49 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the High school. There will be LIST -8» Ours-te many booths with games and prizes including the famous Moonwalk and make-up booth where children can be Doubla LP • » tapat - 3.00 oil List PrlM! turned into clowna. And, as an added attraction, this year the G.O. will be showing Bugs Bunny cartoons and movies in the auditorium. General admission will be 50 cents. La Leche Meeting Set family relationships will be "Childbirth: The Baby considered. and the Family" will be the All interested women are topic of discussion this invited to attend and join in month at the meeting of the the discussion. Babies are Summit-New Providence La welcome. An excellent Leche League. ledding library is also CLASSES START IN MARCH The meeting will begin at available. 8 p.m., Mazrch 5 on 65 League leaders may be Coddington Drive, New reached for specific BABY POWER Providence. questions or problems at Birthing alternatives, 522-1196,464-0775 or 464-2267. "A Lesson in Loving" breastfeeding and intra- The purpose of BABY POWER is IO enhance ihe intellectual, physical and emotional development of children through the mother and/or father in MIDWINTER SPECIAL the crucial period of infancy to three years of age.

Through our unique and structured program in- SYNTHETIC FURS corporating exercises, apparatus, stories, rhythm and song we encourage your child's special Beautifully cleaned by creativity. FOR THE PARENT: Through active participa- COLUMBIA'S EXCLUSIVE tion in our program, insight into an appreciation of how a child learns is consciously imparted. "LUSTERTONE METHOD" FOR THE CHILD: We can not put into this Advertisement what the sharing, of this special 50% OFF time means to this child. We see it in their faces. Above all - ENJOY AND HAVE FUN. OVERCOATS AND TOPCOATS REGISTRATION FORM 25% OFF Child's Name:'_ . Agt: . \ Charming new spring wraps FffiEE for the asking Phone No.: Birth Date:

Mother: Father:

CLASSES RUN FOR I CONSECUTIVE WEEKS Columbia Limited Enrollment FEE: S32 per 8 week session Thura. Sat. 3-3V>yr. Kmc-iyr. Chatham Road, Summit 71 Union Pli :e, Summit BABY POWER INC. 277-J9S3 273-3100 eld ave. • summit • free parking % houn: 9:00 am to 5:30 pm mon and thurs to 9 • no ul« is ever final Ml Valley Road 410 ipringfii S28 Springfield Ave. Watchung N.J. 07060 MI-4141 Berkalsy Height! t Linda Searies Wellbrock 4S4.8979 Page 6 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1980

The March of the Primaries Begins BEFORE SUMMIT WAS BORN — In 1654, somt 15 ytars before most portions of Springfield and New Whatever happened years ago when one small town to a larger city, shaking Providence Townships which the there was no television coverage of the hands. But, what else takes place? Are railroad callad "The Summit" war* primaries? there in-depth discussions, question officially organized as Summit Did candidates in those days take to and answer periods, related to the Township, MM membership of Calvary the hustings just to be seen, to garner issues of the day: the draft; Church Mission, which had bean votes, or because it was a meaningful Afghanistan; inflation; Iran, etc. organized in 1140, built this 75-*»at experience? Probably not. The one big debate that wooden church between Springfltld Regardless of past experiences, it is was going to take place in New •vanua and the railroad tracks, |ust apparent that today's presidential Hampshire fell apart. And at the de- west of Woodland avenue. Rav. candidates, for the most part, consider bate in Iowa, Reagan never showed up. Thomas- Cook was then the pastor, and primary elections very important. New Jersey has the last of the Bishop George W. Ooane performed Earlier in the year they were running primaries. In two weeks, Union County the dedication of what was to be the around Iowa looking for votes in the Republicans, including those from first house of worship built "up on the caucuses. Up until the early part of this Summit, will hold a county-wise mountain". In 1472, the Calvary week, they were running around New convention to openly select candidates congregation erected a 300-seat stone Hampshire. for all offices ranging from President church on the S-E corner of Springfield On the face of it, it would appear that to Freeholder and Sheriff. avenue and Beechwood road (then letting the "people" have a choioe in The Democrats have served notice Keithock Place) which burned church, which was erector partly with the selection of a particular party's that they are looking for input about January 8,1893. The present Episcopal was dedicated in 1894. (Courtesy granite blocks salvaged from the fire. Summit Historical Society). candidate is all very democratic and candidates. , according to the basic principles of a But, does this really mean that the republic. "people" have control over the Under the surface, however, there selection process. Think Before You Give to the Venetian Blind Fund may be some doubts as to whether or Next summer will tell. If the can- not primary selection 'counts in the didates selected at the national con- tivities was $39 billion. poses, if there is no organization or fund. long run. ventions match those selected by the by Adam K. Levin, Director Charitable appeals come in all forms; by • The amount, stated as a percentage of Part of the problem may be in the majority voting in the primaries, then Division of Consumer Affairs mail, radio, television, newsprint and door- donations, which will actually be used for- actual campaigning during the the "people" have control. If they do A man knocks at your door and asks you to-door solicitations, and there are charitable purposes (and not to defray primaries. The candidates rush from not, then the primaries are farces. to donate money to a fund for needy thousands of organizations, making it overhead and fund raising costs.) children. Does this man represent a impossible to know the validity of e The tax status of the organization or legitimate charity, you ask yourself, or organizations each time you are asked to fund under Federal and State law. does he plan to tuck your money into his make contributions. That's why it is im- e The registration status of the own pocket? Should you make a donation? portant to know what to ask the solicitor, organization or fund under the New Jersey Most charitable appeals are made for and to check with the State Office of Charitable Fund Raising Act. Most non- Current Comment legitimate and beneficial purposes, but you Charitable Registrations and In- religious organizations that collect over should always check the validity of an (Equating Happiness-Montclair Times) vestigations if the organization complies $10,000 per year in New Jersey or employ a unfamiliar charity before contributing any with the New Jersey Charitable Fund professional fund raiser are required to money. Too many people are not cautious Raising Act. register with the State Office of Charitable Happiness has been defined as many among peoples, the equation becomes and wouldn't hesitate before making a The Division of Consumer Affairs advises Registrations and Investigations.which haa things, but a mathematical equation more abstract than physical. donation to the Venetian Blind Fund or the that you- ask the solicitor the following records on more than 5,000 charitable was not one of them. Until now. Some Even so, some scientists think the Fund for the Widow of the Unknown information before making any con- organizations operating in New Jersey. scientists, however, are trying to take concept goes far beyond defining Soldier. You can give from the heart, but tributions: the mathematical precision of physics happiness in an individual. The only after the head has had its say. For information about fund raising » The name and address of each organizations, write the New Jersey Office and apply it to human behavior. decision-making process, they believe, In 1978, New Jerseyans gave about $1 organization or fund to which the collection of Charitable Registrations and In- can be considerably improved, billion in contributions to various charft^es. The formula for happiness devised will be given. vestigations, 1100 Raymond Boulevard, whether it involves a simple everyday Nationwide, the money contributed to by Dr. Roger Dean Brittain of London • The manner in which the money Room 333, Newark, New Jersey, 07102, or decision, or a major decision by a charitable/, educational and religious ac- is M equals PN. Interpreted, the collected will be used for charitable pur- call at (201) 648-4002. symbols mean motivation equals world leader. chances of success multiplied by So the idea is not so simple after all. satisfaction, which is defined as What is involved is trying to devise a pleasure minus pain. precise machine capable of orienting all the • quirks and prejudices of the The Road to the White House - Part 2 Th« formula is simple enough. The human body into a scientific certainty. problem lies in establishing a list of Every person already possesses such a By David M.Maxfleld human activities and desires which machine. It is called a brain. It is not in 1929 that propelled the United States into much blood and treasure to establish," Smittnoolan Newi Service must be incorporated into the formula infallible, but neither is a computer, It the Depression and led to Roosevelt's Washington said in 1790. "we mutt drive and then assigning numerical values is infinitely more variable than a election. away the demon of party spirit and local Dkc Mac- A »lffdflcaat shift in national poUBeal reproach." tor each. Sfcice motivating forces differ. mathematical, fpnnula. , _ .~. u. v l>qt'asair, anger, or Hanna, of Oak Ridge parent who may want to McKay, a former Summit Mrs.AbramEckerson frustration. It is at such times that the But listen. Life wouldn't be vital if it avenue, vice chairman and resident and executive vice state his views. Mrs. Lily Eckerson of most creative part of life is there, just were handed to us on a platter. That's chief financial pfficer of president of Bell There is, curiously, a kind Miami, Fia., formerly of under the surface as a potential for not true living. It would be an empty GEICO Corporation, has Laboratories in Murray HiU the audio advocate of lef(handed respect af- Summit died on February experience if everytime we willed joined the board of direc- retires March 1 after 34 forded the public in all this. growth. Solving a problem means 19 in Miami. something to happen "our way" that it tors of United Jersey Bank. years of Bell System ser- cordially invites you to audition Perhaps the public has coming to grips with it, wrestling with it, Hanna has been a director of She had been a resident of did. What a drag! vice. A physicist. Dr. something to say which Summit for many years working through it until we have at- United Jersey Banks, the McKay has been associated the finest in stereo equipment No, gentle reader, there is an could shake an ambitious before moving to Florida in tained some measure of solution or $2.5-billion-a6set holding with electronic, semi- program. Perhaps there is 1949. adaptation. ingredient in the living of these days that company of which United conductor and solid-state an element of insecurity in Mrs. Eckerson, the widow helps us to become more wise, Jersey Bank Is the lead research and development 467-896 the school personnel that of Abram Eckerson, is We sit reading our newspaper. There, courageous and helpful of others. It is bank, since 1978. He has programs at Bell requires special support. survived by a daughter, day-by-day, are stories of the disen- called adversity about which the Im- been associated with Laboratories since 1946. A The fact that Middle banking since 1946 when he MrB. Gerald Spiessbach, franchised, the minority groups, the mortal Bard wrote "Sweet are the uses native of Montreal, Canada, school parent conferences joined Hanover Bank, New he received B.S. and M.S. four grandchildren and one unjustly-treated. We' shake our heads propose to bring together of adversity." When it comes, and we York as a vice president. In degrees in mathematics and great-grandchild, all of and read on. Only when such a problem not just the teacher and Miami. meet it, we usually emerge the winner, 1961 he was named senior physics from McGill parent but a battery of four touches our lives directly do we get up. to even if it is with a little help from our vice president of University in 1938 and 1939, teachers with the lay parent telephone an agency or write a letter to friends. If we bury the situation and sit Manufacturers Hanover and was awarded the Sc.D. - would seem to reinforce this Harvey J. Gannon our congressional representative. morosely by, heaping ashes on our heads Trust Company and in 1972 degree in Physics from became executive vice view. Are schools being Harvey J. Gannon of Otherwise, "that's really tough, but it's and wearing sackcloth for armor, the Massachusetts Institute of president of Manufacturers Technology in 1941. Dr. drawn into an overkill Summit, died last Saturday not my problem." results are tragically predictable. Hanover Corporation. A McKay has written ex- situation? tt would seem at Overtook Hospital. He that a new set of checks and Or, we might refuse to accept the Problems offer the potential for native of Pennsylvania, tensively on solid-state was 70. universe of conflicting experiences that human growth and becoming. It is all in Hanna. is a graduate of the physics for scientific publi- balances to school authority Born in Summit, he had will eventually have to be make us up as individuals. Why do we the way you look at it. Peace, brothers University of Pennsylvania, cations. He is a Fellow of the been a lifelong resident. At built in — in many areas. act the way we do? Family background, Rutgers University's American Physical Society the time of his retirement in and sisters, peace. FINE Mrs. Jean Paashaus Stonier Graduate School of and the Institute of Elec- tragic losses, turns of circumstance; (Rev. Knost is the Minister of The Banking and the Dartmouth 75 Tulip street 1971, Mr. Gannon was trical and Electronics marketing coordinator for there are many reasons for our inability Unitarian Church in Summit.) Graduate School of Credit Engineers (IEEE) and is a Merck, Rahway, where he and Financial Management. member of the National FABRICS Be Kind to had been employed for 36 He is a former chairman of Academy of Engineering, Your Eyes years. the government relations National Academy of committee of the Editor, Summit Herald: Mr. Gannon is survived by Road to the White House Sciences, and the Research From Association of Reserve City Some 80 percent of all Society of America. his wife, Mrs. Leola Brown Bankers learning is dependent in Gannon; four sons, William (Continued from lilHan grant, inc. some way on the visual Schroeder, Harvey J. pathway. We now have upon Gannon, jr., John J. Gannon admirers as "Old Hickory," appealed to banners and the first extensive use of band fine fabrics us an opportunity to and Robert Gannon, six the western frontier settlers. Adams music, all appealed, according to 'If 107 c. mt. pleasant ave. 1 YM Fitness Test celebrate the precious daughters, Mrs. Patricia represented the aristocratic link to the Elected... , to the emotions of the Uvlngslon, n.|. — 5JJ-015O personal gift of sight. Phillips, Mrs. Barbara nation's founders. "John Adams who can "downtrodden and seemingly forgotten of Above Eppes Eiscn write-and Andrew Jackson who can fight" Mon.Thuii .Fn.Sal 10 - * K) The 53rd annual ob- Kennedy, Mrs. Kathleen the streets, hard hit by a depression." Tu(l \2 bOoitJttiJ acidly stated one of Jackson's slogans. Urged For Runners servance of "Save Your Curtln, Miss Wynne Gan- The 1860 campaign, described by the Vision Week," March.2-8, non, Miss Eileen Gannon In some ways, the 1828 campaign was a book's authors as "perhaps the most From Hackensack to Cape problems," Pearl said. 1980, has been so proclaimed and Miss Colleen Gannon; bitter re-run of the controversial election May, on country roads and "That's why YMCAs across serious election in American history," city streets, New Jerseyans the country are putting a by President Jimmy Carter, and nine grandchildren. four years earlier in which Jackson won a by New Jersey Governor offered Americans four candidates. The are running, jogging, major emphasis on physical Funeral services were plurality of the popular voter but lacked the central contest was between Abraham walking or cycling. Yet fitness programs in an all- Brendan Byrne, and by the held yesterday from the out effort to help people get insurance necessary electoral college majority. The Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas, who despite this explosion of Mayors ' of numerous Brough Funeral Home, 535 interest in physical pursuits, in shape and stay that way." communities across the election, decided by the House of differed principally on whether slavery 1 Pearl cautioned that Springfield avenue, followed Representatives, went to Adams, and Americans, including corner many people who decide to state. by a mass at St. Teresa's should be barred from U.S. territories by a majority of this byEdRochat Jackson spent the next four years accusing ' residents. begin an exercise program Save Your Vision Week Church. popular sovereignty or by Congress. go about It the wrong way. Spencer M. Matan, Inc. his rival of influence peddling and r provides an excellent an- Should friends desire, 1 arranging •""eornipt tsaarain ' to win In Uud tasruparlar. TrMTri— nual opportunity for the contribution In Mr. Gan- may be a hazard rather than 18Z*v. ' - ' made by Lincoln's backers" i# ?tew York ..I Executive of the EMPLOYER/EMPLOYEE LIABILITY public to protect their nao'smenwry ouy be made state alone but compared to" previous Summit Area YMCA. a help," he said. HeMng Whatever KM truth <* the matter, ap- The scene is a store A salesperson has had • bad day. FouBdMkm or the Diabetes elecuoos, the personalities of the'can- "Unfortunately this lack men and women get off on complete optometrlc ««• pearance* ware convincing, mid these

If someone in your family has a Faced With A dunking problem, you can see Drinking Problem what it's doing to them - Are you sich and tried ol being sick and tiled! But can you see what it's doing STONEHENGE COMPUTER SHOP to you? Perhaps Alcoholics The Area's Largest and Finest Facilities 89 Summit Avenue F01 information and Anonymous Summit, New Jersey help contact , Can Help' BROUGH &~U<&-* (201) 277-1026 ESTABLISHED 1820 AL-A NON 533 SPRINGFIEUD AVE. AT MORRIS AVE. Write P.O. Box 315 ALSO -10* MAIN STREET. MADISON. N. J. 377-3232 Write P;0. Box 487 273-3333 Or Call 672-7231 Or Can 763-1415 Page 8 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1980 Rev. Kopacz Guide To Aid For Students Interviewed A college aid booklet writing to Rinaldo's district "Sharing," the Summit listing major sources of office at 1961 Morris Cable TV show In which higher education aid Avenue, Union, New Jersey THE PLAYHOUSE ASSOCIATION local ministers, priest! and available to high school 07083, or calling 687-4235. rabbis are Interviewed will graduates and veterans has Information about 10 NEW ENGLAND AVE., SUMMIT feature Father Stephen been published by Rep. scholarships, grants and Kopacz of St. Teresa's Matthew J. Rinaldo. low-interest loans, together PRESENTS Roman Catholic Church The booklet; with application procedures next Wednesday, March 5. "Congressman Rinaldo's and deadlines, is provided in Rev. Thomas J. Johnson Guide to Sources of College the booklet. "TWIGS" III of Central Presbyterian Aid," is being distributed to Rinaldo said a section of Church will be the public libraries and the booklet dealing with by George Furth moderator for "Sharing" veterans' posts in Union state aid programs has been which b cablecast every County. Residents of the included with the assistance February 28 & 29, March 1 & 2 and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. on 12th Congressional District of the New Jersey State Channel MSG. may obtain a copy by' Department of Education. March 6, 7 & 8,1980 "The high cost of a college Tickets: Dorothy Hughes, 431 Springfield Ave. education makes it im- perative that students and AT THE DOOR/CALL PEG HAMMELL - 273-2824 BEIFUS their families have access to CURTAIN: 8:15 P.M. information on federal and state aid programs," IN SOUTH ORANGE Rinaldo noted. YOUR CONVENIENT MERCEDES BENZ DEALER Got something thats bugging you? Use the WINNERS — Award winners hi the recent DAR essay contest are left to right: Halite Summit Herald's letters-la- Brooks, Lisa Zimmerman, Holly Robertson, Ross Smith, Daphne Rota, and Ann Inglesby. Standing are Board of Education member Elizabeth Barfat, Jefferson School 1-17 WEST SO. ORANGE AVE. the editor column. Deadline: Monday at noon. principal Janice Matbtlc, at whose school the awards ceremony took place, and SOUTH ORANGE 762-7500 Dorothy Baldwin, coordinator of Social Studies, K-9. Two DAR Essay Winners FRIEDRICH'S and c Face Great Expectations

Two of the Beacon Fire Chapter DAR y, Lincoln; 2. Hallie Brocks, essay contest winners, announced on Lincoln; 3. Ross Smith, Brayton; February 13 at a special awards Honorable Mention, Kelly Ryan, Wilson; Bring You the ceremony at Jefferson School, have also Danny Sivartsen, Jefferson; Sushi] received prizes on the state level. The Singh, Washington; Christine Hurley, winning essays by Ann Inglesby and Jefferson; Melissa Ginocchio, Jef- Lisa Zimmerman will now be judged on ferson; Sarah Gump, Lincoln. a district wide basis, and then possibly Fifth grade-winners were: 1. Lisa may win national recognition. Zimmerman, Jefferson; 2. Holly Ann Inglesby, who wrote her essay on Robertson, Brayton; 3. Daphne Rota, "A Gunsmith's Story," placed first in Brayton; Honorable Mention, Cindy the local 6th grade competition and first Harrington, Brayton; Paul Roman, in the state. Ann's essay was written Washington; Andrew Guida, Jefferson; entirely in verse, combining a narrative Jeff S. Leonard, Washington; Melissa form with information on one industry Crosby, Jefferson. during the American Revolution. - The top winners will read their Senkd Batiste Door PUMI, irregulars. 72" long, color - White or essays at the March 20 meeting of the BOM tS.M Lisa Zimmerman, who took first place Beacon Fire Chapter, DAR, to which the in the 5th grade local contest, placed public is invited, at Red Cross second in the state contest. Lisa chose Headquarters, Springfield Avenue, "How the Colonial Americans Wade and starting at 8 p.m. ' Used Paper." Coordinator for the contest was Ed First prize in each grade was a $50 Geckeler, who worked with chairman savings bond, a silver medal and Cer-. Enid Giles and historian Dorothy Hayes. tificate of Award. Second prize was a Judges were Mae Chrlstensen, Louise bronze medal and Certificate of Award. O'Brien, Lionel Lee, Edna Liebeherr, Sixth grade winners were: 1. Ann Marion Davis and Betty Ettington. Gardening Opening Night Nears Program Set For "B^ Bye Birdie" nw wttMa*Mm,

HBJ BLOOD PRESSURE TI Your gHwrout ttipport twnt contlruwtlon Bedroom Enenbk. Whte pound •nbroUend dttfen. Pink A Bhw. of lha many W»k» Irttly B'Mn by your Du»tRunTe«-PlUo»ShMMtnmalch tavcat leasts fed Croii. For •Ktmplt you *r* tnvittd to un tht Blood PTHMW* Fragrant.

til MtV yet It could KM your lit*.

ri> Let us help you get to know your new community m TAKE A FEW MINUTE! • cJMh look. Natural and colon. ALL quickly it possible. Our hottes will caD on you and i PLAC1: Summit ENiabnh Trust Co iwiaa* present you with gifts, greemup and utvfid infonna- SprtnflfwW AM., Summit tlon. OATS WtdnMdtyt TIMS: 1000 AM to 1 PM


HAGE . CheoiarHouu DATE Tutftttyi and Friday. TIME: TuMMy. - 2;00to 4;00PN FRIEDRICH'S rrWiy»-9»tO 11:30* AW 1 277-3287 SUMMIT ARIA CHAPTER - URVINO: 356and362%tingfieldAvenue • Summit • 277-1900 • Open Thursday til 8:30 PM Summit. Mr* ftvrMMtt. *Wc Tt•NMA/fl. Btrktttv Htighn tnd Sprmgttow Page 9 TOE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1980 Resident Muses About His Great- Great Grandfather, A Former U.S. President By Lucy Meyer us. We got to see more than f COED Unlike the old Joke in the usual visitor." south and a disputed elec- the museum on the grounds, which people pay to have tion for the White House. a separate building. ! SCUBA their family tree looked up Rutherford B. Hayes was "He was the first to have a and then pay to have ft White House Cradle a "dark horse" candidate foundation. Scholars can ICLASSES hushed up, a local resident In a Memorabilia Room in for the Republican party come to Spiegel Grove for •START MONDAY can point with pride to a his home on the second and Samuel Tilden, a information on the post-Civil direct ancestor who was floor, Hayes has a cradle reformer, was th"e War period. Spiegel Grove I MARCH 10,1980 once president of the United that was once in the White Democratic candidate. The has 25 acres of ground and | SUMMIT YMCA States. House and is similar to one election was hotly contested the house once belonging to Rutherford Platt Hayes, In the Smithsonian Institute with some state* sending in the president. We were | CALL 273-3330 of 700 Springfield avenue, is in Washington. He also has a two sets of votes. The there four or five times the great-great grandson of cup and saucer from the matter was finally referred before it was donated to the I Rutherford Birchard Hayes, White House when tea cups to an electoral commission state a few years ago." I the 19th president. Hayes didn't have handles, . created by a special act of He remembers seeing I said most people recognize On display is an Indian Congress. hand-painted china there the name as familiar when peace pipe with a profile of With five members from which President Hayes used I he meets them but not to President Hayes, given to the House of Represen- in the White House. The whom it belongs. him for his work with the tatives, five senators and oyster plates had hand- '"I know, he was a Indians. There is also five justices of the Supreme drawn pictures of oysters, or call baseball player, wasn't he?' musket for which the Court, the commission for instance. they say," Hayes laughed. president's son had carved decided in favor of Hayes by When be was in college at The Skin Diving "Or they will think he was a the ramrod. a vote of eight to seven. On the University of Wisconsin, Center famous writer. I never tell "He was too far ahead of March 2, 1877, Hayes was Hayes and his new wife, ,1659 HWY HO 27 them if they don't guess," he his time," his great-great officially declared president age .19, were on their 1 said when interviewed. grandson said. "He did a lot and inaugurated. honeymoon and spent the EDISON 985-2306 night at Spiegel Grove, The Hayes home in for the Indians when he was A "sound money" policy in office and for prison was one of the planks in his sleeping in the bed that was Summit is called given to President Hayes Falconhurst, and all the reform after he got out of platform. His stand on office. He was instrumental backing paper money with when he was in the White former president's House. residences, except one, in getting Civil Service gold and silver made him "Is your home were called by that name. started. He was not a popular in Ohio where he "Carved in the headboard The falcon is also seen on towering giant of a man, but was a three-tertn governor. was the year. The house had insured for many pamphlets written he was considered an above- The Democrats were in 13 bedrooms and 13 concerning the president. average president." favor of just paper money bathrooms." The president what it* Two things the president with no redemption value in and his wife are buried on "When 1 was growing up, gold or silver. the grounds. worth, or I heard President Hayes had would be remembered for, five horses shot out from he thought, and those were The 19th President of the United States, Rutherford B. Hayes of Summit. The president's great- Of his great-great just for what under him in the Civil War. taking the troops out of the Hayes, and his great-great grandson, Rutherford P. great grandson is also in- grandfather, Hayes said: "I It was probably one. He was terested in the value of think he was an honest-type it cost you..?** wounded, but returned to his money and is an investment person. He refused to leave .regiment to serve until the Court Issues Bench Warrant Arboretum JS MuSJC Host banker in New Jersey. the war and campaign for See me about Slate Farms end of the war when he was Garry Moore Show the House of Represen- automatic inflation brevetted major general for Once Hayes was asked by tatives. He was elected coverage that can increase A ' bench warrant was on probation for two years Using the high-ceiling living room of sensitive articulation and phrasing. anyway. I think most with the value ot your home his gallant service in bat- issued February 15 in the and fined (600. Garry Moore to appear on tle." Wisner House at the Arboretum to good While the recorder is ordinarily "I've Got a Secret" with a policies he tried to im- Union County courts for In other court action, the advantage, three groups of musicians regarded as a training ground for more plement he was successful George J. Carelle cases against Peter G. group of people who had Agent The president died before Ollie V. Colson of 21 Union from the Pingry School presented an sophisticated instruments, this group, famous names. in. He tried to do what was Hayes father was born. place. Tombros and Sadie Tom- afternoon program during a recent right for the country, rather 26 South Street concentrating on the music of the "I was the only direct New Providence Summit's resident is named bros of East Orange, Sunday. Renaissance and Baroque periods, than following politics." for his grandfather. On July 19, 1979, Colson charged with attempting to descendant in the room but 865-1030 The groups, a chamber trio, a consort played with solid tones. each person had the first The president left after President Hayes' wife, had been guilty of violation obtain a controlled of recorders of 16 players and a choir of Calling themselves the "Balladeers", one term in the White Ulceagood of probation and placed on dangerous substance in and last names of every Lucy, was the first woman mixed voices, presented a delightful the mixed chorus sang music from the president from Washington House. neighbor, college graduate to become probation. Originally, he Summit on January 18,1979, concert, which reflected dedication and 16th century to the present day. With a State Farm first lady. Known as had *een charged with was adjourned to February on down." Hayes and his wife, who hard work on the part of the par- wide range of tone and with excellent Hayes and his wife, has her own interior to there. "Lemonade Lucy", she possession of a weapon in 22. In both instances, bench ticipants. control, they rounded out an excellent decorating shop in Summit didn't believe in serving New Providence on Sep- warrants had been issued Christeen, have visited the STATE FARM FIRE The chamber group, which performed afternoon of music in the Reeves-Reed former president's home in called Hamilton Row East, AND CASUALTY COMPANY alcohol in the White House. tember 1,1977, for which he and vacated. The ad- works by Bach, Telemann and Lacombe, series. have two sons: Scott Taylor Home Office Bloomington, Illinois had received a sentence of journment was caused by an Fremont, Ohio called "The desk President played with solid- musicianship, with Anton Von Berg "Spiegel Grove" and seen and Rutherford Platt Hayes. Kennedy used in the Oval up to 364 days in the Union attempt to determine the almost flawless pitch, as well as with Room, and pictures showed County Jail, which was defendent's actual home John-John crawling suspended: he was placed addresses. through, was donated to Rutherford Hayes, by Queen Victoria, when he was Library Films Need Helpers president. It was made from The Summit Free Public Those interested in timbers on the ship HMS Library needs volunteers to helping are asked to call the Resolute. Jackie had it help project films on week Library Information Desk brought out of storage." day evenings and Satur- at 2734350. "The Six Wives ot He wrote to the Kennedys days. The 16mm projectors of Henry VIII", "Tom ~bisiributonof Wxneris when they were in the White are extremely easy to Brown's School Days," House. "Jackie's secretary operate, slot-loading "City Light*," "Oliver," said for us to be there at 8:15 machines. Training in their "Mysterious Island" '••>«« DM cm tocomoletod In lest "Golden Voyage of Sinbad" a.m.' for • »DM>M lour. Just •re Just some of the films fait Mir tomBy, the faur of Uian 18 minute*. No previous experience is the Library would like to required. present this year. Police Report UN Activities Talk Subject ins our Dr. James Olson, director Interested persons are in- The Police Department on of the Unitarian Univer- vited to bring a brown-bag new Monday reported three new salist office at the United lunch and join in the break and entries last week Nations, will give an discussion. Coffee, tea and ALL-GERSHWIN PROGRAM IN THE OFFING - The New Jersey Symphony as well as a taxicab that has illustrated talk on United hot soup will be served. Orchestra, under the direction of Thomas Michalak, will present an all-Gershwin disappeared and presumed Nations' activities at program at New Providence High School, Sunday, March 9,1:3O p.m. This final concert mmj stolen. Summit of the current series will feature the music from "Porgy and Bess" and "Girl Crazy" According to Police Chief ^Sl^T*' Rummage Sale as well as "An American hi Paris" and the "Concerto in F". Tickets are still available Frank Formichella, a door and Whittredge avenues, "*" **© and may be obtained by calling the symphony office, 624-8203, or at the door one hour Sunday, March 2, 12 noon. Is Scheduled before concert time. Mrs. Bernard Berkman of Summit is president of the Symphony at the senior high school was League's local chapter. reported forced open, last Dr. Olson will discuss A United Methodist lions Tuesday, but whether entry nuclear arms control, Women's Rummage Sale is was made is still not known. population growth and food scheduled for Friday, A glass pane in the door had projects in the international March 14 from 9 a.m. until 4 (Off been broken. scene. p.m. and Saturday, March Some cash was taken 15 from 9 a.m. until noon at from a Broad street home, The Herald's deadline for Oakes Memorial Church, also on Tuesday. It was photos, engagements, 120 Morris Avenue, at reported that furniture in weddings, sports, club and Russell place. the house was also moved church news is Monday at Parking is available in the DOOR BUSTERS about. church lot of" Ashwood On Saturday, Police found avenue. a door at the Cumberland Farms store in East Summit BLAZERS, SLACKS $ forced open, but nothing had energy been reported missing. Cumberland Farms had BLOUSES & SKIRTS been a consistant target for break and entries as well as FOR SOMEONE stickups over the years. The missing taxicab was wise T-TOPS$3/ JEANS *8 reported stolen on Saturday. AT HOME? According to Police, the SAVE ENERGY-SAVE MONEY night driver parked the cab DRESSES & SKIRT SETS*/** in a driveway on Morris MEDICARE CAN FW UP avenue, but when the day operator appeared the next TO 80% WHEN YOU BUY OR ENJOY FIREPLACE WARMTH WITH morning to pick it up, the RENT ANY OF THESE IMPORTANT COATS.VESTS vehicle was gone. Police are HOME HEALTH CARE AIDS* DURA-FLAME LOGS 'GRATES I still seeking its SKI JACKETS whereabouts. • CANES • CRUTCHES • COMMODES • WALKERS • WHEELCHAIRS FIREPLACE WOOD BY THE CORD imWWAl FITTING-ROMS-PLAY ARIA FOR THE MS-REFUND IN 7 OATS • OVERHEAD TRACTION SET ] • WE'RE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK Iff f COED • SITZ BATH CLEANSING UNIT INSULATION PRE-FINISHED PANELING • ELBOW OR HEEL PROTECTORS, ULCER Madison • SCUBA PADS AND FLOTATION SYSTEMS TO PROTECT AGAINST BED SORES ICLASSES Stop by our neighborhood store. Or give us a SNOW SHOVELS-SCRAPERS I START MONDAY call. Our trained personnel are anxious to help. in m aa en en MARCH 10,1980 And show our free catalog to the doctor or CALCIUM CHLORIDE-ROCK SALT Millbur physical therapist. It will help him tell us eastern 1 SUMMIT YMCA exactly which aids he wants your patient to CALL 2*3-3330 have at home. asking { lew Ifipder conditions established by Medicare, a federal BIRDSEED and BIRD FEEDERS Ridge /"-"-"Springfield heartn insurance program administered by the Social Security Providence I Administration I OPEN SAT. 8-12 NOON . FREE PARKING I FRUCTMAN'S SURGICAL Berkeley/ Stirling? 'Height* I DEPARTMENT Cranford •Ik* Mttical Strict CM

Aggressive ball hounding overcome the height ad- Ended by Hillside in UCT against the overwhelming vantage under the back- boards of the Wayne Summit High's 19- game way (16-4) in the opening Hills and Randolph in the opening round, It appeared height of their opponents opening round. • to be a "break" for Summit. under the boards proved to representatives, produced winning streak in basketball round of the tournament. an exceptional number of was -ended in the quar- Summit, which previously Summit had advanced to But the Comets were be not enough as the Oak the quarterfinals of the equally disrespectful of Knoll School quintet lost the jump balls where height terfinals of the Union had won its third straight usually made the difference. Suburban Conference tide, county tournament earlier Summit's outstanding championship to top-seeded County Tournament last High-scoring Wildcat still has regular-season last week with a 70-58 vic- record-breaking out to a 19- Neumann Prep of Wayne, Friday at Elizabeth High GuardDarlene La Prete's - School when unseeded games to play with tory over Roselle Catholic 14 lead in the first period. 4M3; in the finals of the shooting, along with support Hillside (11-11) upset Coach Bridgewater-Raritan East . High in the Plainfield High Summit (19-2) battled back State Prep School A Tom Gotsill's Hilltoppers, and Watchung Hills. gym. to a 35-34 deficit at halftime Division Girls' Basketball at the foul line and from the 74-63. Summit took charge of Tournament at the Hun field from her teammates, eventually made the dif- Summit also will be play- that game early, building a Hillside took command Gymnasium in Princeton Hillside, by winning, ference. La Prete finished ing in the North Jersey, 17-14 lead in the first period again in the third period, last Saturday. advanced to the semifinals as the leading scorer with 24 against top-seeded Union Section 2, Group 3 tour- and rolling to a com- building its margin to 56-49, Repeated drives on their nament next week, an event manding 39-23 lead by and then staved off Sum- basket, especially in the points. High. The Comets have been Helen McMenamin lead the surprise of the tour- in which the Hilltoppers halftime. Jay Green paced mit's attempts at a fourth- first three-quarters of the the Oak Knollers with 17 nament, advancing through have been seeded first on Summit with 26 points, while period comeback. game.'saw the Summit Blue the preliminary round with the basis of their won-loss Steve Reynolds had 17, Ed Hunt paced the Hilltop- Bombers successfully points. She was followed by a 77-41 romp over Edison record. Summit will host the Hunt 12 and Greg Davis 11. pers with 21 points, while penetrating into scoring Peg Murphy who snagged Tech of Elizabeth and then winner of a preliminary- When Hillside upset Rah- Reynolds tallied 16 and positions only to have their 13, and Ryan Martin, nine. stunning third-seeded Rah- round game between Morris way, 63-59, in the UCT's Green 14. shots careen off the rim or Amalia Duarte and Nancy the glass for a surprisingly Denman scored two each. low percentage of attempts "We're proud of this converted. Hand-waving team," said Coach Jerry Gold Nuggets Clinch Washington Division defense by the taller Wayne Butler. "All the players players and close guarding gave their best. They The Gold Nuggets, four. clinched the crown by with the Cardinals by caused off balance shots. hustled, charged the ball Washington Division leader Bob Bacino controlled the defeating the Sonics, 55-32. dumping the Cardinals, 35- The Wildcats' superiority at and were really not out of in the Minor League, beat boards and scored 14 points The Mustangs defeated the 27. The third-place Jets the free throw lane also the game until the clock was the Blue Bombers, 3112, as he spearheaded the Pintos, 27-16, to put them stomped the poor Dolphins, contributed to the victory. clearly against them. This is and then watched the Green Green Hornets' upset over into a tie for second place 47-26. Neumann Prep moved an enviable record for any Hornets surprise the second- the Red Barons. Glen with the Pintos. Tony Acitelli garnered 20 into the lead shortly after school," he said. pi. Red Barons, 2415, to Hannon cashed in eight At the end of the half, the points, sparking the Jets to a the opening jump, but the He was also aware of the clinch first place for the points, four of them coming score was 15-6 in favor of the 26-12 lead after two periods. HOCKEY CHAMPIONS—The Club League champion Squirt A team from Beacon Hill lead . changed hands fact that the five Oak Knoll Nuggets. late in the game when the Mustangs. In the third In the second half, Jets used included: Kneeling.

3S only %# V Reg, 100.00 membership. g "limited number of memberships available S FREE USE OF ALL HEALTH CLUB FACILITIES HELP S ONDAYOFPLAY CONSERVE ENERGY 5 Includes: pool • sauna • steam • whirlpools • exercise Sat. March 8- §s equipment • sun lamps sun.March9 E FREE DAYTIME BABY SITTING — AND 55 ALSO A VAILABLE: massage • manicures • pedicures • leagues B * Pound Robins • tournaments • lull time pro • private & semi-private Try what everyone BEAT INFLATION •5 lessons • aerobic movement • slimnastics • coed fitness is talking about 5 ' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»# WITH S • PRESENT THIS COUPON FOR The Summit Cab Co. I t 1 HOUR OF COURT TIME 55 •Mon. thru Fri. — play between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Our New Businessman's Special to Newark Airport J s2.00 PER PERSON NSTRUCTION *• (sub|ect to availability) • Coupon good thru March M. I960 O • OUper person • Non-members only - 71 years and older Just bring your sneakers Uvingston Racquctball 1 - Our taxb will ba luring awry K hour from Summit Cab Co at tin Summit Train Stttion to Nnrark Airport itntinfl M 7 i.m. 6 Health Club 2- Tortc*i»thatp«Mrtt«ttw«wllltM(tlMwJar(*y 07039 (2011994.3410 B 2734722 Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllilllllllllllllg THE SUMMIT HERALD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1980 Page 11 A View from the Top YMCA Boys Capture Swim League Title Hei«hte Y Gymnasts win second Meet Berkeley Heights YMCA with a score of 20.55, freestyle and second place 8 Cerney and Bob Gascoyne. The Summit Y.M.C.A. (Summit), first place 13-14 gymnasts downed Franklin Michelle Robert was second "Seals" Boys' B Squad won and under butterfly; Colin breaststroke; John Theriot In the 13-14 class, victorious 'Almost Really Does Count' Township in the Northern with 18.00 points, and the league championship MacWilliam (Summit), (Summit), second place 15- "Seals" were Cross, Lopez, Saturday by besting the second place 8 and under 17 backstroke; Ed Cerney Shell and Richard New Jersey YMCA League, Debbie Driscoll third with by Howie Andenon season both Summit and Springfield won 94.2 to 59.40, bringing 17.55 points. The band doesn't play at half time and at least two of their three games. Too Westfleld Y.M.C.A., 112-101. breasUtroke and second (Summit), second place 9-10 Gascoyne. The top 15-17 place 8 and under back Berkeley Heights to a 2-2 In the 12-14 age group, there are no poster night give-a-ways. As frequently, however, Springfield swept In a see-saw match, the butterfly; Jeff Buntin, relay was manned by stroke; Dan Curry, first Theriot, Bosetti, Zisek and record. Maria Klepp captured first a matter of fact, their home games all three of its games, and thus finished Summit swimmers ended second place 11-12 butterfly place 8 and under back Backhand. Coach Vicki Robel was for Berkeley Heights in the aren't even played in Summit. But if you with a higher total of wins. A game, by the season with a record of and Mark Zisek (Summit), stroke; Steve Jemison second place 15-17 butterfly. pleased with the win but all-around with a 18.85, are looking for Summit's most suc- the way, Is determined by the total pins 9-1 which places them first The Summit divers, Greg (Summit), second place 9-10 The area swimmers swept cautioned her team against Meg Harvey was cessful team during the seventies, you knocked down by all five team mem- in the B Division. Olive, Michael Long and freestyle and first place 9-10 all of the medley relays. overconfidence: p with 17.60 points and will find the group of athletes to whom I bers. Victorious "Seals" in Karl Schweikert, received Saturday's contest in- back i stroke; Jay Cornell Winning the 10 and under first places. Tony Clapcich Jill Vispoli took fourth with have referred — Coach Warren Whether you are the best bowler on the (Summit), .first place 9-10 group was the team of Wheeler's bowling team. team or the fifth best, your pins are Just cluded: Greg Olive (Murray was awarded a second place "We still have a couple of 14.35 points. Joannie breaststroke; Gus Lopez Kurzeja, Kaeshaeffer, in the diving competition; InterscholasUc bowling started with as important in the outcome of the game. Hill), first place 8 and under tough meets ahead of us and Ragona contributed a third the season of 1972 and a year later Although individual in nature, bowling is there are a few areas in place on bars and Jodi Lox enough conference teams sponsored the really a team game in the true sense of which I'd like to see im- added a third on beam. sport to create a conference schedule the word. Springfield Run Set Saturday, March 8 provement." Other team members who and award a championship, For Berkeley Heights helped in the win were Summit captured the first three titles Doug Post had Summit's highest The Jonathan Dayton Key Springfield Recreation the six age groups: under 12, besides the running clubs in the 11 and under Shannon Newby, Karen in 1973,1974 and 1975. To this auspicious average during this past season - a very Club will host the Department, 376-5884. 13-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, and and students," age group, Missy Dug- Flood, Robin Thomas and start, they added championships in 1977 respectable 169. If you are interested in Springfield Run, Saturday, All the money will be do- 50 and above. Winners of The race course is gan took first all-around Kerri Bittrich. and 1879 - leaving UtUe doubt as to trivia, answer this question: What March 8. The races, a 10- nated to tfae Mountainside each category will receive predominantly flat, which is the team to beat in the con- Summit football captain holds the kilometer and a 1-mile Fun Children's Specialized Adidas running shoes. covering many of ference bowling league. Summit bowling record for highest Run, will start at 10 and Hospital. The cost is $4 for Second and third place Springfield's streets. A pre- LEASING & DAILY RENTAL There is no Hollywood ending to this average? The answer is Frank Natale. It 10:30 a.m. at Meisel Field, the 10-kilometer race finishers will receive run warmup will be given by was established last year when Frank story, however. The 1980 schedule has Springfield. (approximately 6.2 miles) £daques. In addition, the Dr. Paul Kiell, runner and SERVICE been completed and we find ourselves in recorded an average of 183. For registration forms, and $2 for the Fun Run. tmt 2 pre-registered author on a book on running.' second place. Actually, Summit had the Down In Dallas they brag that Tom please contact the Runners enter into one of entrants will get Adidas T The Dayton Key Club,-as same match record as the winner Landry is the only coach that the , INDIVIDUAL OR shirts. hosts, will chair the event. FLEET LEASING Springfield, which was a very fine 10-2. Cowboys have ever had because he is so i FREE PICK UP S DELIVERY When this situation occurs, the winner is great a coach. Well, Warren Wheeler is Hawks Trounce Falcons, Jim Craner, Key Club Key Clubbers will direct determined by the total number of the only bowling coach Summit has ever president, encourages runners, man water stops, games won. Springfield won 29 com- had - and for exactly the same reason. 33-10, Retain Lead runners of all ages to gauge times and register pared with Summit's 26 and therefore Warren has been the driving force not participate. "We hope to post-entrants. Post entrants was declared the champion for 1980. only behind Summit's success, but The Hawks held on to first Mike Murray tossed in 16have at least 300 runners may not register later than Yes, Springfield was the winner. That behind Suburban Conference bowling as place in the 6th and 7th markers for the winners. from the surrounding areas, 9:45 a.m. FLETCHER kinda' reminds me of the kid who well. This year, he founded the Summit Grade Summit Recreation Dave Bennett and Tracy LINCOLN MERCUR* DATSUN breaks up the game when he takes his Invitational Bowling Tournament and it League with a rout of the McLeod were high for the 68RUER ROAD. SUMMIT ball and goes home. was instant success. Fourteen teams Falcons, 33-10. Chuck losers with six points apiece. Oratory Cagers Before going any further, it would be entered from as far away as Brick Cornish was high for the The Trailblazers pulled appropriate to explain just how a Township. It promises to draw even Hawks with 17 points away from the Knights in bowling match and game are scored. more teams as its reputation spreads. followed by Eddy Sarduay's the first half 18-fi, but had to Bow Twice Although a team may consist of any All conference matches are held at the' eight points and Paul hold on for the 30-26 win. The number of players, only five can bowl on Madison Plaza Lanes, but you win have Denman's six. Keith Jordan Knights made a run in the Oratory School's final 3VS> minutes of the a given day. Three games are bowled to wait for next winter to see our team in and Pat Reynolds did all the second half, outscoring the basketball team (13-10) game. Mike Caruso led and the winner of two of them is con- action. Put itonyour "must do" list-you scoring for the Falcons with Trailblazers, 20-12. Daryl dropped a paired of regular- Oratory with 12 points. sidered the match winner. Ten times this certainly won't be sorry! six and four points. Mitchell was high for the season contests last week, AtlanticCoast The Pirates remained in Trailblazers with 20 points bowing to St. Aloysius High St. Aloysius pulled away second place with a 25-18 and Chris Tyler had 20 for of Jersey City, 66-64, in from an 18-18 first-period tie Seton Hall to Honor victory over the Redmen. the Knights. Summit and to Pingry to build a 51-45 lead over School, 42-35, at the Rutgers Oratory after three periods. Tennis Classes Set in Borough Athletic Center in The six-point margin proved Summit Physician Piscataway last Sunday. to be just enough to offset "Spring is the best time to The popular Doubles The Rams matched Oratory's closing surge. Combining athletic skills Athletic Hall of Fame. urological field. start a tennis improvement Skills and Strategy course is Pingry in field goals, but the John Lanza (17 points), and scholastic ability got Now heading a group of 45 Last year Dr. Ritter program" says Al Schmidt, being repeated with extra Hillside cagers had a 16-9 Brian Zychowski (16) and Joe Ritter on the Dean's List physicians of the Summit received the Distinguished popular New Providence sessions on Saturday for edge on the foul line, con- Mike Mahoney (14) paced each varsity season when he Medical Group, 47-year-old Alumni Award from the tennis pro. "A full seven- Intermediate men andverting nine foul tries in the the Rams' offense. was in college, and he's Dr. Joseph S. Ritter Owen T. Carroll Diamond month season is just ahead women and mixed doubles. ASBURYPARK.N. J.* CONVENTION HALL made steady progress in the specializes in Urology, and Club at his alma mater. On to enjoy tennis in the great A new course for 7 and 8 .OUinjy/ Sat:11AMto10PM/Sun: 11AMto7PM field of medicine ever since is the Attending Urologic Friday night, April 11, in the Hilltopper Women his graduation from Seton outdoors. years olds in Tennis Ball FREE PARKING • Thomai H Gasque. Director Surgeon at Overlook Bishop Dougherty Student Skills is also slated. Hall University |n 19S9. He Hospital in Summit. He is Center, he will be honored at reached the ultimate in The New Providence Applicants from also a member of the the eighth annual Athletic municipal courts offer a full sports recognition this year surrounding areas are in- Win, 64-36 College of Physicians and Hall of Fame dinner. range of adult courses for vited. Rates are $20 for when he was named one of Surgeons at Columbia Coach Wayne Butrick built a FOREIGN AUTO SPECIALISTS Rev. Michael E. Kelly, novice through advanced residents and $23 for non- Summit High's women's Vt.l.1 IMP 11 persons elected to the University, among other Director of the Divinity players. The courses are residents "for eight-week basketball team (10-12) 30-22 lead at halftone and Seton Hall University finished the season with a turned the game into a rout ON ALL MAKES* distinctive posts in, the School, as Chairman of the offered by the Newsessions. Glasses are with at 34-14 edee in the final Providence Rq<;jrea>ttqn *34 04-36 rout of Madiwn High In Hall of Fame Committee, a Suburban " Conference two periods. ' Patties Leading Minor League will also present plaques to Department • on weekdays, game last week in Madison. Marnita Cottinaham Jed starting March ii. Summit with»polnta, while ttoanrhMtmt. Summit outscored the • TUNE UPS • ENGINC'REaiMUHNG In the Summit Girls' Julie TwUl added a batket. As a slogging shorUlop. Dodgers (2-15) in every Pam Shipley tallied 14 and • MACPHEflSOM STRUT SERVICE Recreation Minor League The Charlie Browns ad- Ritter had a .431 average period. The Hilltoppers of Karen Hasselman 13. • PURCHASE CONSULTATION SERVICE AVAILABLE playoffs, the league-leading vanced over theSnoopyslO- and SO niiB-batted-in and * FOREIGN AUTO AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE AVAILABLE HOURS: Peppermint Patties stayed 4, and will vie for thestill holds the career record College Corner MON. thruFRI on top with an 8-5 win over championship next week of 82 walks in three varsity I B A.M.-6 PJU. the Woodstocks. Elizabeth with the Peppermint Pat- seasons. He captained the OB Deans* Lists and Mrs. Dennis Johnson of I SAT. 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Reinhardt was high scorer ties. This game was tied at 1959 Pirates, made the Katie P. Sellers of 4035 Whittredge road, a 1778 Springfield An. Nsw Providence for the victors with six the half with baskets by District II All-Star team as Kendrick road has been sophomore at Lafayette (Aerpu Horn McOonaMi) points. Snoopy's Christine Hume shortstop the same year, named to the Dean's List for College, Easton, Pa., are and Charlie Brawn's Daria and received the ECACthe fall quarter at Ohio currently on exhibit at the Woodstock's Rosemary Nasr. Tama Levanthal's medal for athletic and University, Athens. college. scholastic achievement in Blachunas kept her team in third-quarter six-point On Dean's List — Robert the game with three suc- spurt, plus a basket by his senior year. + + + Dr. Ritter got his. earlier F. Guida, son of Mr. and cessful free throws. Carrie Desiree Dagner, put the Cynthia M. Kingsford of Mrs. Domenic D. Guida of education at Saint Mary's 220 Oak Ridge avenue, a at, Gotsill scored two for the Charlie Browns ahead to Summit has been named to Woodstocks while Patties' stay. High School in Elizabeth, senior at Bowdoin College, THINK where he gained all-state Brunswick, Me., has been the dean's list for the Fall parochial school recognition named to the Dean's List for Semester of the current SLIM • JEANS • TOPS t SHOES • MUCH MUCH .^ in 1955. He lives with his the first semester of the school year. Guida, is a wife, Barbara, and four current academic year. senior at Muhlenberg FOR children at S Webster Drive, College, Allentown, Pa. 1980 Berkeley Heights. where he is majoring in history. Giant Liquidation Ellen Cise, daughter of Knicks, Bucks Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cise of Specht Breaks with Summit.has been named to Sale In Title Round the Dean's List at the Marks In Butterfly THE Y's I Berkeley School of Garret WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM In the Summit Board of Mountain for the past term. BUI Specht of Summit set WAY TO at Everything Princeton University i j Recreation 8th and 9thShe is enrolled in the THE MADISON AREA YMCA o grade Basketball League, executive secretarial records in the 100 butterfly SLIM (49.33) and 200 butterfly (off Kings Road) S the Bucks and the Knicks program. Must Go ! were winners in the first (1:48.34) as the Tigers (6-2) NEW KILN DONOR — Sculpture students at Drew LIVING ! defeated Yale for the Register now! Classes begin the week of round of the playoffs. The University this spring will be using a newly-delivered, March 3. Call 377-6200 for details! Bucks advanced as a result In "Lyaistrata" seventh straight time. highly sensitive electric globar element kiln, thanks to of a forfeit by the Nets, Elizabeth Boyce, Princeton's 6-1 record in Herbert E. Soward, 10 Hickory rd. Pictured is the kiln Buy l,Get 1 FREE while the Knicks defeated daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. the Eastern Intercollegiate and the donor, inspecting the work of one of the Drew the 76'ers, 71-44. Boyce of Leawood, Kan., League was tops. Harvard, ceramic students. formerly of Summit, is awhich lost to Princeton, is (Phil Degginger photo) Jeans, Tops, Shoes The 76'ers held the first- member of the cast of a place Knicks' lead to only the only other team with %Enjoy a Year of current production of only one league loss. Much , Much More five points as they trailed 25- "Lysistrata" at Drew 20 at the half. The Knicks University, Madison. were not to be denied as The Herald's deadline for photos, engagements, Hudkins, Leitz and Denman + + + ; Family Recreation On Exhibit weddings, sports, "club and paced the Knicks scoring Phone (201) 377-1991 The monoprints of Sharon church news is Monday at BERKELEY-HEIGHTS Begin your outdoor activities with attack with 22, 20 and 16 Johnson, daughter of Mr. points. Townsend's 24 points early Spring Tennis on the linesl were not enough as the FISH MARKET 14 Wavcrly Place Knicks defense stopped the Har-Tru courts available. Madison, N.J. elstilc ittb. other 76'ers. •FROM THE DEEP TO THE HEIGHTS" 07940 The Knicks and the Bucks When it's time to swim, will play Saturday for the 3 HOW rOniftl HOflW • S30HS • SdOI • SNV3t 8th and 9th grade cham- the entire lamily will enjoy pionship. OLYMPIC DELI our 6.000.000 gallon EUROPEAN SPECIALTY ITEMS 300 Main St. LIVE LOBSTERS well-led lake & clean white beach. A Liveable Lovely Room Every Day Of The Yearl 27 Madison Plaza • Madison HOMEMADE STUFFED FLOUNDER (Near Cluniwl Lumber) A tennis pro & swimming instructors That is what we can do (o your ex- HOMEMADE FISH CAKES FRESH FISH DAILY isting porch. II can be a bedroom. I 966-1117 are always available. dining room, rec loom. TV. room, I sun room, ollice or an added lun I '"""*"w"tt"Thl$"coupon"" """"! roomtor th e whole family, We wiil do I copper springs the entire job, gel permit, draw the I 50'Off plans, install windows, paneling, in-1 on BEACH AND TENNIS CLiTJB Corned Baat, Roast Beef sulation, ceiling, 'electric, heat, floor- or Pastrami 264 SPRINGFIELD AVE. ing. BERKELEY HEIGHTS. N.J. New Vernon Road.Meyersville C»ll TOt>»Y ! Sandwiches (201) 464-6940 Site of th« Indoor Racqu«l C«nt»r M HMH 1MWMM torw't * Expire* 3/5/80 For M«mb*rahlp Information ROSS CONSTRUCTION CO. Wrll. P.O. Bo), sa. OllUtta I MVlwtClN*MW( Open 7:30-7 Dally Closed Sunday 1 SERVING UNION AND M0m» COUNTIES Oil 047 »•»• WIWattt>«Ui>lo« County School. Actual was •ronwtatf to sergeant and was --* ttot twHfcs Surwu tar « ytmz •nd tb*»< to the line. While in traffic, Michael survipa every road in the City for speed limits. He attended Northwestern University for accident investigation and Six-Piece Corning Menuette Set traffic supervision. In September, 1974, Michael was promoted to One gift per depositor. Offer is limited and may be withdrawn without notice. Gifts available while supply lasts Montclair^ lieutenant where he has remained to date as a line of- Savings reserves (he right to substitute a gift of equal value Gifts are available at all offices except Midland Drive-In and ' ficer. Michael enjoys his job and it shows through his cannot be mailed $5,000 qualifying deposit must remain in the account for 26 weeks or a charge for the gift will be made enthusiastic approach in his dealings with the public. He may sometimes come across as an exuberant individual, but that is only because of bis deep concern for people. Great Rates He expresses this fact in saying a person cannot become a competent police officer unless that person knows the Money Market Certificates definition of compassion. Michael often returns to the sea for recreation. For the 26-Week Certificate past 18 years he has enjoyed shark fishing off Mohtauk and Bay Shore, Long Island. The trip is usually 50 to 80 miles out to sea, Hit prize catch, Michael recalls, was a ISO lb, mako shark that put up a «-minute fight Besides being a fisherman, Michael is somewhat of a resident gourmet and entertainment critic for the police depart- ment. If there is a show or restaurant in the area, he's seen it and-will review it for you. Michael also enjoys 14,342 13,62 9 .motor trips, especially out to Kansas City to visit ^ (Effective February 28 through March 5,1980) ^*^ Michael, Jr. Minimum deposit $10,000 Federal Regulations prohibit compounding interest on 26-week certificates. Summit This is an annual effective yield. At time of renewal, rate may be higher or lower. • .' Withdrawal prior to maturity will result In forfeiture of all accrued and unpaid interest. Gallo Decries Hearing Vote 1 2 /2-Year Certificate Assembly Assistant over 1400,000,000 annually, First Aid Presides* John Murray Minority Leader Dean Gallo without making a strong ' ANNJAL of Parsippany, Republican, effort to hear from mem- YIELD ON 24th District, has criticized bers of the public, the 11.40*^10.65* Young Pianist Places Second the Assembly Revenue, utilities and municipal (Effective February 1 through February 29.19B0) Finance and Appropriations representatives." Minimum Deposit $500 < Peter Lynch, son of Mr. February 10 at the Millburn Committee for voting down Rate is vi % less than Government Securities of similar maturity. Rate Is determined each month by the U.S. Treasury Department. and Mrs. William Lynch of library. a motion to hold a public Gallo maintains that Interest is compounded continuously and credited on the last banking day of the month. Summit, an 18-year-old In addition, to receiving a hearing on the pending voting against a public ToaDaln the full annual allecuve yield of conlinuoul compounding. iMarau cr edrtt must b« Ml on dapotit for Ihe full ycat utility tax bills. pianist, was the runner-up in certificate, Lynch will hearing on this issue is an* Ceruflcatu mature on lh« Kit buimeu

Her* an some more good reason* H pay* to taw at Montclair Savings Bank. Yw now have a great* cttofca of gifts. G.E. Toaster Oven • G.E. Digital AM/FM Clock Radio • Reglna Electric Broom Weekender Luggage • Hamilton Beach Blender • Black & Decker Saw G.E. 10-Cup Coffeemaker • evPlece CornlnQ Menuette Set G.E. AM/FM Portable Radio • Van Wyck Can Opener/Knife Sharpener Black & Decker Drill • Beacon Blanket • 25-Piece Cutlery Set Portable Fire Extinguisher • Tote Bag with Umbrella • Air Pump Beverage Dispenser





•4NDINO OROINMtCC and during tht week prior to and pp publication of tnli notice of Hi SRRCGoal to and Including nit datate of «och availability. Raquatti to Impact the Sets County Debut Summit Resource AM OROINANCi. TO AMEND AN ixMtinMtinaa. COPIM off iau ordinancdin e tald annual report mould bt made to Hewitt and Petutc Towmhlp. QRDINANCC CNTITLRO "AN will bt mad* avMitMt at the Cltrk'i mt undersigned at the oHIct ttatod Any InttmM private trantlt or The New Jersey Youth Symphony, Union County, a Recovery Corporation ORDINANCE PRCSCRIBING OHIO in uld city H«ll to th. above. per* trantlt operator! within mil More than M mem Summit-based musical organization under the direction volunteers arge all residents fcRDf member, of the general public who OwrBtW.Mtllck area tre Invited to comment on thU Dull raowM the Mm*. Truit under Par. Me propotedltrvlce by tending written the Class oJMS0 at Sumi of George MairinerMaull assistant conductor of the New to recycle newspapers, LAYINajMT.... . CONITRCONITRUCTIONt , DAVID L.HUOMES of Will Summit and notice within 10 dayi to ttwSummi t High School are planning to Aru Rtd Crott Chapter, m Jersey Symphony Orchestra, will present a young glass and metals . at the DICATIONV&!S!&£l., AfPROVAIAPPROVAL. ANAND C trC Elliobtth Trust Co. attend their SOth Anni- ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS AND D.»d: February It, m» '^' Tmstao Sprlnoflek) Ave., Summit, N.J., people's concert Sunday, March 2, Junior High School, 2 Swnmtt Recycling Center, OTHER PLACES COR PUBLIC SH:Paoni«ryII,l»to ByR.CartHn 07*01, and alto to Robert Malloy, versary Reunion, which will p.m. Admission is free. located at the Summit UtE AND SANITARV AND . VIctPrHtdtnt Department of Rldtrthlp i* held at th» Cann* Dm* DRAINAOE SEWERS AMD THEIR and Trust Off Ictr Development, N.J. Trantlt Corp., b• * Btmhl d**J*~ t th Ctlm?e Br0<* The Youth symphony was founded in October and sine? Transfer Station, New APPURTENANCES". patted 5H: February M,l«0 t«eo ion Parkway Ave., Trenton, N.J., Country Ctab on Saturday that time has rehearsed at the Junior High School on a Providence avenue. SB IT ORDAINED BY THE COM ESTATE OF LILLIAN RAY CROSS, "«*• evening, Jne 14. weekly basis. Mrs. Raymond Donnelly of Summit is the Glass and metals may be MON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF alto known at LILIAN R. CROSS, Responses have come manager. delivered Monday through SUMMIT: Otcuud AN ORDINANCE tram as far as Florida, Stctlon 1. Tint section 7 of Kit Pursuant to tht order of Walter I. N0.1M* The 75 secondary-school-aged members of the or- Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 aforementioned ordinance bt Ulrlch, Surrogttt of tht County of Texas, California, union, mad* on the and day of AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN chestra come from 25 communities' throughout the p.m.; newspapers on Satur- Md td flk February, A.D., 1M0. upon tht ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN Michigan, North Carolina, county and state. In addition to the Summit Concert, days, It a.m. to 4 p.m. Fcr application of tht undtnigntd, at ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE Virginia. Washington ExtcutrlK of tht ettatelif MM CITY OP SUMMIT DEVELOP- there have been performances in Springfield and further information, call nMtta City w lummllu j miwuieu MENT REGULATIONS ORDI- Oregon. Edit* White, class dewajtd, noNee It. herebrbyy given to NANCE SUPEftSEOINO THE Elizabeth. 273-2827. tht crodltort of MM dtcttttdtctdt dd tto EXISTING ZONING AND SUB- advisor, and five other The final concert of the season will be on May 11 at txhlblt to tht wbtcrlbewbtrlber under oath DIVISION ORDINANCES IN AC- teachers will be guests of fflJT or affirmation mtlr cltlill m and CORDANCE WITH THE MUNI- Jonathan Dayton High School. For in-depth reporting on dwnaiMM agtlntt tht tittle of uld CIPAL LAND USE LAW CHAPTER the class. the local scene, read the dtcttttd within tlx month* from tht »l, LAWS OF NEW JERSEY Wf" The March 2nd concert will feature the music of Bizet, dtto ol uld ordtr, or thty will bt pauod January », 1W», at emended Of a total in the Handel and Haydn, as well as contemporary selections. Summit Herald every week. foravtr barrad from protecting or and aupoKmonttd. graduating class of 120, only recovering tht wmt agtlmt tht Dated: February If, im. POLITICAL PUNDIT - Dr. •uotcrlbtr. Approved: February 19, 1M0 27 class members have not 16515*- Elaine B.Mokf JAMES E. LOVETT been located. They include Stephen Balmore, Associate etexKutrll x MayoM r Robert Alder, Jack Director of the Eagteton Ktnti, Ollton Si O'Hart Attornoyt I,. DovvMU.Huttlea,M ,C Cit y. Cltrk of me Institute of Politics at 9 Parmlty Plact CiCitty off SummitSumt,, do herebhebHerebyy certifcrtifetyy Bachelor, Marjorle Beek, Summit, M.J, omi that tht foregoing Ordinance was Clifford Beit, Fred Cope, Rutgers University, will be SH: FebruaryM,l»to ».» duly patted by the Common Council ' the featured speaker at a Business of sold City at a regular meeting Louise Dabagian. Valerie htld on Tuesday ovening, Ftbruary Evans, Haitett Glatebrook, Lincoln School general PTO AN0R0INANCE 19,1M0. meeting for parents to be NO. IM DAVID L.HUGHES Margaret Hencken, Laura AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN City Cltrk Hirihmaa, Peter held Tuesday, March 4 at ORDINANCE ENTITLED: "AN SH: Ftbruary 3M9M ,08.16 7:30 p.m. In the school ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE Hovhannesian, Paul Directory > LICENSING AND CONTROL OF Jerllng, Barton Kaufman, auditorium. The holder of a DOGS AND KENNELS IN THE AN ORDINANCE Negdar Ka,xadan. Jeanette B.A. from New York CITY OF SUMMIT, COUNTY OF NO. mt University and a M.A. and UNION, NEW JERSEY", ptmd AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN Lambert, Marie Laureyns, Jum 14,1*77. ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN Charles Lyall, Bruce Ph.D. from Princeton, Dr. Dattd: Ftbruary W, ltan ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ALL Salmore was, from 1V71 to Approved: Ftbruary 1», IMo GENERAL LICENSE FEES OF Macintosh, Gertrude of Services JAMES E. LOVETT THE MUNICIPAL DEPART- Morris, John Mumford, 1(7(, Director of the Mayor' MENTS OF THE CITY OF SUM- Eagleton Poll, a statewide I, DavM L. Hughtt. city Clerk of tht MIT: SETTING FORTH THE CITY Denis Nunan, George ALUMINUM SIDING ELECTRICIANS PAINTERS jlnance shall bt adjudged Invalid, City of Summit, do hereby ctrtlfy LICENSE OFFICER RESPONSI- Pearson, Eleanor Rein- public oplonion poll on such [tame than not effect the validity thahat tht foregoinoregong Ordlnanct was BLE FOR THE COLLECTION OF subjects as'candidates for Thlt ordinance at a whole or any duly ptmd by tthhe ccommo n CounciCil SAID FEES AND PRESCRIBING hardt, Mae Ritter, Percy •tion thereof other than tht of uld City at a regular matting PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA- Sinclair. Alvin Warner, and office and performance of HUGO Ekctrictl Contractor " » u adludgad Invalid. htltld on TuetdaT y evening, Ftbruary TIONS OF ITS PROVISIONS", governmental Institutions. s Emma Wegilnski. If the "n ]. All ordlnancat or parti I , 1M0. pasted November I, IMO at He is presently Director of HODULICH . _ ancos Incontinent herawltti DAVID L. HUGHES amended and wpptemented. addresses of any of the A. SCHIPANI VlMnby repealed and thli ordl City Clerk Dated: February 1», 1M0 above are known, please the Center for State Politics Aluminum Siding hit thell takt effect Immtdlattly Approvtd: February 10, 1590 and Public Policy. Dr. r final paiust and publication SH: February 211M0 to.72 JAMES E. LOVETT contact Mary Bloss Nelson, Roofini AIITypes_ Sling to law. 800 Springfield Avenue, Salmore's topic for the • or addition In ordlnanct. NOTICE . L. Hughtt, City Cltrk of the Summit, telephone: 273- evening will be "Politics in Vinyl Grain Sidim Home & Commercial d by undtrllnt, dtlttMra NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF City of Summit, do hereby certify New Jersey." Wa covar yeur tfttira house Wiring ANNUAL REPORT of The George that tht foregoing Ordinance was *iao.»» 5097. . -SofM-Facia.tic. w. Mellck Trutt under Ptr. 10c of duly pasted by the Common council NOTICE OF will. v. of said City at a regular meeting FREE ESTIMATE 4848369 NDINO) ORDINANCE To Whom It may Concern: htld on Tuesday evening, Ftbruary 2730227 t publlthtd htrtwlth Take notice that the annual report 19, im 2734094 ) and ptnad upon of the Oeorge w. Mellck Trutt under DAVID L.HUGHES Interweave Center Schedules Seminar N J Licenit & Business 647 0540 j at a matting of ttw Par. 10c of Will for the year ending City Clerk "Swvinf ma araa )«r ever Permit 4811 j Council o) the city of December 11, im required by SH: February H, 19M $s.M Four Thursday evening aspect of human nature in Summit women, Jean Mytars". in tht County of Union, Section MM of the I nternal Revenue Cappello and Mardy , tltld on February If, code It available for Intpectlon at seminars at the Interweave both men and women. The a furthtr conldtntd for tht Summit and Elliabeth Trult NOTICE Center for Holistic Living, series, entitled "The Burgess. AUTO DEALERS GAKAGES > afttr public httrlng Company, Truat Department, 367 The Summit Area Rtd Cross "For the past ten or fif- a mooting of uld Springfield Avenue, Summit, New Chapter has applied to tht N.J. Woodland and De Forest Essentially Feminine," ell to bt hold In tht Jertty 07W1, during regular bull- Department of transportation for a avenues, will explore the begins Thursday, March 6 at teen years a major concern btr In tald city on neat hourt by any citizen who station wagon to bt used to provide of some women has been MAIN AUTO SALES CHATHAM » at 1:30 o'clock P.M.. requntl It within 180 day! after the mystery of the feminine 8 p.m. and is led by two trtmportttionfoMht elderly and-or 'making it in a man's PLYMOUTH world.' Equal pay and equal JAGUAR GARAGE rights in that world have AUSTIN MARINA been sought," Mrs. Cappello MQ COMPUTE AUTO REPAIR said. Mardy Burgess added, LAND ROVER BRAKES TUNE UP "But are we in danger of Sales & service TRANSMISSION undervaluing or forgetting 'Lease Plan Available other basic human qualities on all models women have been identified 377-0240 with"— such as nurture, 31S. Passaic Ate. Chatham patience, and intuition. It is IMMalnfttMaalwn 6357747 these qualities and how we regard them that will be the AUTOMATIC DOOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS PLUMBING & HEATING focus of the course." Insights and techniques modern psychology. „£,! .... ns will be used to, participants clarify tl I bvAhmT> own values. Both men and women are invited to • • Door, and Window* ••Mil Mm, IT in IIII KM;. ••*•». *lts*«(j#ni • • Office ReuKKWino register. • • PaiKllnfl S*»c>*ti%H in ItaMH awl HM Wafvr HMtifif leraf Savings Hardy Burgess has been CMMNarctal an* iMlMtrtai Wrtrt ' . • • Alteration l*W*r CaMMCttMt active for many years in •1 .Fully Ineurtd-FrM EltimeMt Summit as dramatist, group 11 Local Reference* Available, CALL—. Friendly Financial services since 1891 leader in churches and • can 526-0522 writer. Jean Cappello has I 4f>4 M4U J464-1810J studied the roles of women L_« FOE; ti? MA; H altar > p.m. in Latin-American culture, 6-month in addition to that of the CHIMNEY SERVICE HOME IMPROVEMENTS PLUMBING & HEATING 1 United States, and combines religion and history in her work as a religious AFTON L&M 635-5907 License No. 5229 Money Market Certificate educator. CHIMNEY CO. HOME IMPROVEMENT The cost is $15 for all four • complete horn* seminars, or $4 per session. repairs A. J. OLDROYD Effective For tnore information, and • alterations to register, call the In- Plumbmq I Heilmq CHIMNITI WIM IRUSHID • exterior painting annual yield on terweave Office, 277-1124 or ,• gutters Residential Commercial 1 4.342 % annSon 1 3.629% b VACUUMID tnduttrijf 277-1814. No MM. • mason work Elector; Sewer Cleaning Rate available week of Feb. 28-Mar. s, id80 P«ta Ratncoad 20 yr. experience Minimum S10.000.6 month term. Plan Meeting Wire ScrawiM fully insured 597 River Rd., Federal Regulations prohibit trie compounding of Interest during the term of these accounts. The Summit Chapter of Chatham Twsp. the National Secretaries ALL 464-6663 Association will hold its monthly dinner meeting CHIMNEY SERVICE . KITCHEN REMODELING RENTALS 1 Wednesday, March 5, at the William Pitt Restaurant, 2 /2 Year variable Rate certificates Chlmneyte Cleaned Since 1952 Chatham. Social hour will' frontier (Babbitt begin at 5:30 p.m.; dinner Wire Brushed PIONEER will be served at 6 p.m. "Our reputation is in your job" Vacuumed • Formica counter Topa RENTALS, INC. Dr. Judith Fox of the • All Major Appliances Week-End College of St. Est. 1928 • • large*) Selection of 10.o5 /O per annum Elizabeth, Convent Station, Cintom * Stock Cablnett Over 20,000 customers • Free Estimates Effective month of February. $1000 minimum deposit will speak on "The Mirrors L**n Equipment — •iviO.mQlio* tq*u of the Heart: The Love and Roofing • Gutters CofHr*t1(|i • Eqwipmtnl * Loneliness of Women in • Leaders Wood-Hu Kltcheni Other Savings Programs World Literature." Gutters Cleaned .Vlelt Our Olaplay Showroom N. Passaic Ave., Chatham Any secretaries interested 146 Main St., Chatham 63S7870 in attending a meeting or in PER C.J. CONDON 635-1817 joining the organization 377-8961 ANNUM may call Carol Giona, 221- 273-1114 a ROOFING 5553. Special Passbook Statement Account Regular CUSTOM WOODWORKING $1000 Minimum 90-Day Notice ' Pa^Bdofc Account NOVALIS 1 year Maturity $500 Minimum daily, credited quarterly compounded quarterly Roofing Co. $100 Minimum T COED 3olisL Gutters • Leaders • Cualom Woodworking • WINFS. LIQUORS All Repairs - Federal regulations require that a penalty be invoked if funds (excluding interest) are I SCUBA • Cablnatt • BEERS Large or Small withdrawn or transferred from a savings certificate prior to maturity. • BullHna Gutters Cleaned • Counurtopi 1 BEECHWOOD ROAD •CLASSES! • Cuitont Furniture Quality Workmanship & I START MONDAY For Fre* E»tlmate« Call — CR 3-1162 Materials Guaranteed MARCH 10,1980 6354307 522 MORRIS AVE. 635-1165 135 MAIN ST. CR 7-1910 S- SUMMIT YMCA CHATHAM Second Free EttiiMM I CALL 273-3330 (Behind Burodorfl Raaltore) DELIVERY SERVICE OananHon Summit MAINTENANCE ROOFING DRAIN CLEANING I M.I.O. McMILES, INC. INTHECHATHAMS I MAINTENANCE Roofing and Fidaral ' & Outttde Waterproofing & Loan Association -SWVIOM- • Indutttitl Cvptk Ctan/ns Lawn SrrWW »•»• • Commtrelal 393 Springfield Avenue 441 Springfield Avenue Floor,Wiling Snoj»«o«*l» • Res/dentfa/ Summit «273-8i 50 Berkeley Helghts*464-0860 General Cleaning The Skin DiviiiQ for 464-4292 Your savings up to $40,000 are FuUy insured by FSUC Cunter Home and Off lea Ira* eetlmate* 1659 HWY HO 27 "A Complete -6350766 . Maintenance Company" reference! upon raqiwat EOISON 385-2:06 CALLJB35-7O29 THE SUMMIT HERALD, THE NEW PROVIDENCE, BERKELEY HfflQHTS DISPATCH, THE CHATHAM PRESS, THURSDAY, FEBBUARY 28, 1980 Page 14 I Didn't Raise My Baby Girl PEOfLE AREA HAPPENINGS To Be a Soldier . Did I? PLACES WHAT'S NEW AND by Miriam Congdon Dick Perry of New Another opponent, Bob ..but as long a* she has Providence, an Air Force Shoaf of Berkeley Heights, WHAT'S NEWS equal rights, she should give reserve officer says, "With has 17 and i»-year-old equal service. Just keep her women's lib, there's no daughters. He says, "I out of combat." The idea of reason they shouldn't be wouldn't mind if women registering women for the treated the same as men — were far behind the lines, Focus short of combat, that!is." but you can't define combat draft may be running into opposition in the halls of Perry's daughter is 20. and noncombat tones any Summit Art Center Congress, but the views Debby Banks of Summit, more. A women Is capable among parents of local 17 to whose oldest daughter is 17, and could give covering fire USC Chamber Singers at New Providence Church 20-year old girls are, with a thinks the draft is a good as well as anybody else - Holds Jewelry Workshop few exceptions, somewhat idea both for the youngsters but no man is going to pull more positive. out and leave her to be Involved and for the overrun by hordes of Norman Voigt of New country. "It would make Summit Art Center is educational and enemies. I guess I'm old- Providence, whose young women more mature. fashioned." * offering a four-part series of professional background. daughters are 18 and 21, Just as it would do for men. workshops in jewelry and With a Bachelor of Fine Arts says: "If this is going to be The service Is a good Lois Jenner of Berkeley metal smithing designed as from Syracuse University an equal society, women temporary alternative to Heights, mother of three an advanced seminar for and presently a Master of should do their fair share of college or a job. And as for daughters age 14,16, and 18, people who already have a Fine Arts candidate at Suny defending the nation. Other the nation—you get a better says simply, "I'm working knowledge of the in New Pfalz, she continues countries do very well with army, with a good cross- frightened. But I understand basic methods of metal to exhibit widely. Her work women in the military. section, than you do with an if they have to be drafted, fabrication. The sessions has been photgraphed and Everybody should spend all-volunteer force." they will be." Knowing her will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 reproduced in professional two years in the service — girls would undoubtedly be journals. She has taught at But Mrs. Banks concedes, p.m. on March 14; April 18; it's a maturing process." "A lot of people our age exempt from combat makes May 9; and May 16. adult education schools as it* little better, though, and well as at New Pfalz and at "Fteedom isn't cheap," think the draft is good—and she feels her daughters Jane Relss, , instructor, the Summit Art Center. he concludes, "and a lot of kids cWt." could handle the military will stress an individual sometimes you have to A strong opponent of life although "they would approach to design concepts Attendance in this sacrifice, even with your drafting women is John workshop series is limited to rebel if they thought as well as the mastering of life." Dunne of Summit, who says something was unfair." advanced techniques in IS students. Early Nancy Foster, a Chatham flatly, "It destroys their construction. Ms. Reiss' registration is suggested. mother of three girls, age 21, femininity." "*\ "I'm sorry it has come to expertise in her craft is For further information call 19, and 14, also follows the "These kids who have this," she adds. "I'm a reflective of an impressive SAC, 273-9121. equal right-responsibilities lead a sheltered life," he peaceful person." line of reasoning, and says, adds, "would be thrown into The last word belongs to "I grew up in an era when a milieu they'd have a great Richard Ragold of Jewish Appeal all the men served, and I deal of difficulty coping Chatham, father of a 17-and don't see why everyone with. A guy could pull a a 13-year old girl. He sup- shouldn't give two years, or protective tortoise-shell ports noncombat roles in the Sabbath Observed one year "to - thefr around himself until he military for women. "But," country. Obviously the girls adjusted, buta girl, wit he adds, "I saw the West aren't going into the tren- emotions and sensitivil Point women's basketball team play last year. They The congregations of the his sabbatical leave in ches. And I'd rather have would find it my children trained difficult. I don't want to were pretty outstanding — Summit Jewish Community Israel. The speaker will be maybe there are some Center and Temple Sinai Morrison D. Bial, Rabbi of properly than be called up kids getting hurt" Dunne's' on instant notice and have to daughter will be 19 this women who'd be better in will hold a joint United Temple Sinai who has just combat than men." Jewish Appeal Sabbath returned from a two week be 30-day wonders." year. tomorrow evening, Feb. 29 trip to Israel in which he at 8:30 at the Jewish served as guide to a group of Community Center, 67 Kent Christian clergy from this Place Blvd. in Summit. area. The entire Jewish com- A LOOK AT The University of ^Southern California Chamber choral works from the i«th Century to the present has been described as "the choral event of the season. The service will be con- munity of the Greater Singers will perform on Tuesday, March 4 at 8 P.M. at ducted by Rabbi William B Summit area is invited to the New Providence Presbyterian Church. Led by Rodney Eichenberger, the » singers produce a multitude of Joyyral sounds. ' - Horn of the Jewish Com- attend this service at the. LOCAL BRIDGE Already well known on the west ceast; the USC Though there is no admission fee, contributions to munity Center, who spent Jewish Community Center. V musicians have also toured extensively in Europe and Australia. Their program which covers the spectrum of defray expenses would be appreciated. By:W»ltKani» NORTH Choosing between a game S-- Q J 10 8 SIMON SEZ: contract in the majors or H-KQ98 P one In no trump is not just a D -3 2 choice between having to C-9 8 . State Opera Brilliant, "Amorous Flea" Adequate make ten tricks or nine. WEST EAST Making toe contract I* the 8 — 1 63 S-A2 H-:7 S3 H - 10 6 4 D — Q ,10 7 8 \H; D-J9B , , e:—A toss's' •A C —Q J 4 ",.,. to.console Alfredo, "Di distinct impression of gardeif walls trump opening bid. North's SOOTH renewed and revitalized the chorus were immersed, haunting portrayal of this Provenza il mar" deserved having*.ascended the insipid music, and im- hand contained eight high s -K 9 5 4 theatrical experience. It's from the moment the cur- doomed courtesan. The the ovation it received. "staufay to the stars", - possibly inane lyrics by card points, enough for a no H -A J magic when The New tain rose revealing Violetta plaintive "Ah, fors' e lui" Louise Cash as Flora, at least until you get there. Bruce Montgomery and a trump game if South was at D -AK54 Jersey State Opera under Valery's lavish drawing was a model of delicate Cornelius Sullivan as Baron Dusty and muSy but quaint, book by Jerry Devine, that the upper end of his bid -K65 the inspired conducting of room, in the life and am- resonance while her Douphol, Joseph Porrello c the Craig deakrves a lot of was anything but, were no range (16-18). In suits maestro Alfredo Silipigni biance of 19th century Paris, "Sempre libera" was (Gaston), Stephen Mosel, credit for its sheer ability at help to the performers who (hearts or spades) North's DEALER: SOUTH can make the current Remaining a popular joyously exalted, the upper Kevin Langan, Jane Bun- r establishing itself as an on- jn turn were no help at all - values increased because of VULNERABILITY : NONE Metropolitan Opera's favorite through the years range is not as much in nell, Phillip Taylor and BIDDING: S W N E production of the same despite the endless going institution. Obviously gave one little jewel named his two doubletons (one control but I suspect it is due Donald Boos rounded out the working om a minimal sue Schmidt, New point for each). North's bid INT P 2C P opera seem like a dissipated parodies, travesties and to a slight idiosycrasy of stellar cast of first rate bore. It's magic when the debaucheries that have budget the productions vary Providence, who as Agnes of 2 clubs (Staymen Con- 2S P 4S P placing her chin downward singers. Staged with greatly in quality. Last the naive and demurely vention) was artificial and P P P drama, passion, and lyrical attempted to ridicule and and singing to the floor imagination and insight by beauty of Alexandre debase the image of our seasons "Company" and coquettish ward, managed asked if partner had a four OPENING LEAD: SEVEN OF SPADES which might be constricting Maria Sofia Marasca, she this season's opener "Side to bring a perky zestfullness car4major. South'B bid of Dumas' play "La Dame aux valiant Carnlue, Margarite, her voice. ' proved opera can be a Camelias" is not subpr- or Violetta, as she sings by Side" were excellent to the totally absurd goings two spades "was all the en- Vincenzo Bello sang the contemporary theatre examples of amateurs on. I must confess to having couragement North needed dinated to the musicality of herself to death, the opera experience. A special bravi Verdi's masterpiece. Yes, when presented as lovingly role of Alfredo, Violetta's working as professionals, laughed aloud a lot' but I and proceeded right to discard any losers and If the contract was no there was magic on the and sumptuously as this lover, with accuracy but his to the New Jersey State The current production, a can't pin it down to whether game. switched to the club queen trump, West would open his great stage at Newark's production was a moving is not a particularly Opera Ballet which featured musical comedy based on it was the wigs that kept The opening lead of a at trick two. South went up fourth best dub (the 3) I Symphony Hall last Sunday and telling social statement pleasing tenor containing soloists Rosario Galan and Moliere's "School for gliding around the actors small trump was a good om with the king only to lose to which South would win with I Eve February 24th for three on the Parisian demi- more mettle than warmth. Luis Fuente in a brilliant Wives", "The Amorous heads, the songs that were since North declared an West's ace.. A club return his king. He could count only I thousand persons as they sat monde. The melodic aria he sings at display of Spanish inspired Flea" directed by John R. sung off key to an out of tune unbalanced hand. This was won by East's jack. A 8 sure tricks (S hearts, two through a sparkling and Violetta has been sung by their country house "De' dancing. Breathtaking sets Dunnell, is not. piano. would cut down on dummy's trump exit was won by diamonds and one club). As virtually flawless presen- probably every great miei bollenti spiriti" was and costumes by Stivanello Moliere's comedy has to performances for "The ruffing power. Bast won the Smith's king. Another round soon as South played a tation of this beloved opera, soprano since its premier in sung however with passion and superb lighting design do with a foolish man's Amorous Flea" will run first trick with the ace. of trump got rid of the ad- spade East would win and Filled as it is with rap- 1863. Maria Pellegrini, and verve. by Sally Small were a match desu-e to manufacture the Friday and Saturday Seeing the long heart suit verse trumps and South the defense would get 4 turous melody upon melody making a triumphal return As Alfredo's father for any company in the perfect wife for himself. He evenings only from East' decided the defense went on and collected his ten clubs and a spade for down the text and charac- engagement with the N.J. Germont, Enzo Sordello world. The splendid chorus confines his young ward to a February 22 through March had to take their tricks fast tricks (3 spades, 5 hearts one. Nine tricks were harder terization usually become State Opera, can be included unexpectedly became the under the direction of to get than tent convent with strict in- 15 at ft:30 P.M. For ticket before South had a chance to and two diamonds). merely props for singers to in this formidable list, rage of the evening with his Stephen Crout added con- structions that she is not to information, reservation exalt in personal Glamourously svelte and stupendously rich baritone siderably to the brilliance of be educated except in those and group rates, call 273- voice virtually shaking the the evening. areas which will make her a 6233. . Kent Place Has Art Series Kent Place School has series will conclude on For further information announced its third annual Wednesday, May 7, at 1:30 about the Celebration of the Celebration of the Arts p.m., when the New Jersey Arts series, call 273-0900. Y series, which brings Theatre Forum presents professional programs in "The Belle of Amherst." NJ. Flower and Garden Show music, dance, and drama to The Plainfield based Who is the fairest flower students and the public free It's A Moving Experience in the Garden State? company of Equity per- of charge. All programs are formers is directed by In 1980 the answer is 20 - held in the school's Phraner Timothy Moses. by BARBARA CHR1STENSEN year-old Tary'n Case of Gymnasium. Moorestown, a lovely blue- . Funding for the eyed blonde who has been ' The Opera Quartet of New Celebration of the Arts selected as the New Jersey York will open this year's series is made possible by a Flower and Garden Show series on Wednesday, grant from the Edward How to Deal with Spring Princess. March 5, atl':3Op.m., with Ford Foundation. Funds duets, arias, and ensembles from this endowment are Taryn, a Junior at from famous- operas. used for a cultural enrich- month, in fact, it rarely is,,. "Spring, spring, spring." I Fairleigh Dickinson Members of the quartet are,. Regardless of the mutter to myself.while ment program for Kent weather, the calendar, or but planned ft must be or University in Florham Karen Eldred. soprano; Place students which things never get beyond the, shoveling two feet of snow Park-Madison, will blossom, Helene Guyilet, mezzo; the state of the nation off the front steps. "Spring, brings distinguished visitors March first is the beginning "Honey, don't you think we forth with her home state's Reginald Holloway, tenor' to the Kent Place campus. should do something about spring, spring." I toll myself first sign of spring, the 14th and Norman-Carlberg, bass- of spring, as far as I am while shivering in my K»ren Eldred concerned. I know full weU the "stage. annual N.J. Flower and baritone. All have per- that t am Jumping the gun Obviously with this large raincoat, because winter Garden Show, . „ will formed extensively with by three full weeks, but anagenda, I can't very weU things are packed away. runfrom Saturday March 1 New York and regional Reader's Digest Scholarship psychologically it matters start Spring on the 21st "Spring, spring, spring" I through Sunday March 9 in opera companies.TheywuT not , Perhaps it Is a holdover, we burble, as my friends the Morristown National conclude their Kent Race Deadline Nears made a lot of move* with grumble about the winter Guard Armory. The largest concert with the quintet date*, March 1. dragging on. (I've gotten show of its kind in the Area girls eligible for the •1400 per year, will be only month of . from the last act of "Die awarded annually. which jny used to. their "" Metropolitan area, this Reader's Digest Endowed glances and year's exhibition will be Melstersinger," with Kent Scholarship Award* at Kent JThe scholarships will be itself. It Place Music Director granted without gregard to for seed kmgunderwear«annbwhe brimful of model gardens, Place. School, Summit, are. is So starting March 1, horticultural forums. • and ' William Frederick Heyne remdinded that the deadline race,' color, creed and ca cleaning, put away. Perhaps it bat 'singing the fifth "role. national origin. Funds for [ off, and something to do with the project* begin, renovations commercial exhibits for applications is Friday, airing school calendar and the are underway, lists are, planned to main the most On Monday, April 7, at March 7. All girls entering the awards will come from change, real 1:30 p.m., the New Jersey the DeWitt Wallace Fund, at onset of ' baseball and the surge i» amateur gardener a green the 9th or 10th grade in. estate registration. Perhaps It Is thumb expert.. . ' Ballet Company will appear September UN are eligible Inc., as well as other my just wilhful ihinfctng, ''$ut at Kent Place, Their for to6 conuMtUlon, sources. Winners will be and whatever the cause, I do afSfi"' program will include a talk the reade7s Digest designated as Reader's Over seek to be stack with this on dancer trotting, an in- Endowed Scholarship lea phenomena. March 1 is be Focu* Section: Herald,,, Ptepptch. Chatham troductory dance demon- Awards will be given to girls information spring. stration) and excerpt* from - about the award ^saying "Spring, Press, Barbara ChristehMft, Editor, 464-8210 the company's dance, who .awaoMtrate, superior This Is often a little hard *ng, under my repertoire. QMllties at well as Louise M, Conley, Director to sell when March deckles eoovinttsd that U is $09/ 1312 Springfield Ave., Nfw Providence. ThecelebrationoftheArts . to come roaring in as a lion. financial need A minimum ofCounseling and Guidance, of five scholarships of up to Kent PIac* School, 2734900.

•j m)viDmc&8m^ CHATHAM PBMS,THUBSDAY, FEBBUABY S». IOSO Page 15 Burgdorff Acquires Movie Review: ".... And Justice for All•» New Office liyDiaaaPSyras ' audience sees these The movie "And Justice Irrational people and For AU" raise* fee question situations. He to an honest of what Justice is. tatt strict lighter, who finds himself adherence toth e letter of the surrounded by a twisted Masked BaU Benefit law, or protection of human Justice. Arthur screams at rights? Who are the people oneof his colleagues, "Don't making life,, and death you care? They're people...1 decisions inside and outside The frustrated lawyer at Summit Atf Center of courtrooms? What watches an innocent young Tonwirow,Feb.».iHb« happens when a person man struggle to survive hi time to indulge In fantasy places the defense of Us life Jail. What is Ms crime? He is and- fun, mystery and. in someone else's' hands? Innocent, the victim of a mystique, by Joining fellow What does It do to a lawyer courtroom technicality. revelers In the festive when he finds that the guilty Another client hangs carnival atmosphere of the party whose case he won himself. Sorry, his case "Bal Masque/ at Summit with a brilliant defense closing statement contained Art Center, ft Elm St., murders two children? an error. Robert Mamry, appearing March 1, 8:15 at the Music Summit, from 9 p.m. to 1 Gallery, 75 Summit Ave., Summit. a.m. The movie, starring Al The acting is very good, Pacino and John Forsythe, but the characters are Be entertained by mime exhibits some comical and pverly exaggerated, artists Beth Amiano and Pat exaggerated answers to treating a serious subject Dabler, and baffled by the these * questions. The too comically. The two adroit magician, Doug audience is privy to the out judges and Armor's lawyer the summit Sagle. Dancer Cynthia of court activities of judges partner are obvious can- Weiat will provide another and lawyers. Crazy didates for the funny farm. kind of dlvenion in the form characters on both sides of A less silly and of a belly dance. Music for the bench include a Judge exaggerated character QUtr dandng will be to the Btraini Who eat* lunch on a fourth treatment and a njore ' VOUI ADDtESS FOt FINE DINING of the "Etuilve Eleven," floor window ledge and definite and substantial The aw*. rmM compHHna nnUuraht for lunch popular local, group. takes helicopter flights ending could earn a more

Violence and Vandalism: Why It's Here and What To Do

by MirUm Congdon violent!" Faith exclaims, later. I know where you can I Violence? Maybe In New "and it's doing unbelievably buyacato'-mne-taUs-andl York or Newark, but not oat well at $7.» a throw." So, th're doing a good I here. Not la our, safe, too, la "Hallowe'en,;', *•,

tnepoorwboaretevtrtyedto expfasien of hostility and "Three's Company", kids wffi keep tbetrj rage," says Milton Faith, doesn't escape Faith's In, Hye in a fantasy ' MTHISt*ORIONT criticism. "It encourages the parents know nothfaisjJ Director of the Youth and THE OFFICE The bin ptsea to etrt Inn, drink Inn Family Counseling Service people to lie and manipulate shout Then later - ltsDl and be entertained Inn. of Westfleld-Berkeley and tease sexually/' he erupts Uke a volcano." I Heights. "They cut across points out As for soap . Disintegration of the! S22Sa • BhxL, Chatham Tnrmhlp all social and economic operas, "They hop from one family comes in for some 1 barriers — and some of our bed to another. Women are blame, too. "Everyone goes i One of the mort unique lattaurants to beingrapedand talk about It in all directions, and no one I coma (long in me past decade. The Office, finest citizens are in- located in the midst of Sumtnhrs busiiieis volved." Vandalism is as though it wen nothing." knows what rules apply. Our I And on the nightly news, Uds haven't been taught district it now open on Sunday. You can now HAVE YOUR NEXT AFFAIR AT THE. . . violence, too, and whether dine from 4 tun. throueh 10 p.m., and the SUMMIT SUBURBAN HOTEL it's people being pushed oft "The top story is usually right from wrong," Faith 1 who pushed whom off ofcontinued. "The parents are I bar will be nrving till 11p.m. Whether it be 20 to 60 in a private subwsy platforms, upper- what No wonder Uds are too troubled or don't take! If you've never had the ptaauie of dining Room or a lavish affair of BOO in middle-class aids trashing growing up Immune." the time." He sees a I at The Office, you'll be in for a totally the American Heritage Ballroom the local high school, or satisfying dining experience. The atmosphere you're assured the finest in cuisine, Faith also blames the disturbing insensitivity, 1 women with mysterious detachment and lack of I is quits exciting whh a turn of the century potables & service at a fair price. permanent bruises, physical "me" and the "now" ethic rssponsfiMlity among kids I motif highlighted by an array of interattktg Entertainment Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun and emotional violence is on for contributing to violence. memorabilia throughout me entire rettaursnt. in the Hunt Club Restaurant. who commit acts of I CrtaWCarai the upswing everywhere. "A whole generation wants violence and vandalism. I The menu is at stimulating as me atroo- Serving Breakfast - Lunch & Dinner their needs satisfied IM- And, "When the_ parents I 1»nk«rltXl.Mm«ilmM«.N.J. sphsrs and boasts quiche OJUICMSS, homemade 570 Springfield Ave., Summit 273-3000 At a recent talk before the MEDIATELY - and then soups and chowders, tantalizing omelette come in and defend thorn — I concoctions, salad ulstei and a superb selec- Berkeley Heights AAUW, what happens?" he asks. you know you're in trouble."] Faith outlined the factors "Many people feel caught tion of gourmet burgers and sandwiches. LUNCHEON that contribute to violence in a web, out of control of Entraet include Shrimp and Lobster Scampi. DINNER -COCKTAILS their lives," says Faith. "A lot of families _, t OUVB unatwMini London Broil, BB-Q Boneless Chicken Bos- —and hinted atways we can oms and the Seafood Crepe which you mint UNCLE their physical OUR NEW help prevent our children "When Uttle people feel try. just to name a law. There it usually a from developing the kind of overwhelmed by emotional rage well hid- fresh fish tpeeWty of the day. Popular side MIKE'S BANQUET ROOM insensittvity that promotes everything, tne reactions den, because of shame. RESTAURANT ANDCOCKTAILLOUNOE dhhat ere the sttactiom of frta* vegetables, of IS NOW OPEN FAMILY PINNINO GRACIOUS ... CASUAL PLACE . it are often anger and rage." They want to wish It away. which the eggplant and mushrooms. are 3 Morris Ave., Summit TV and movies, Faith Moreover, he says, the The prognosis is poor, COLONIAL ATMOSPHERE exceptional. And. top off your meal with a "Relax in our pressures to achieve and the because tf if s kept under FA) (A* — LUNCHEONS DAILY- Call 277-2343 cozy Dining Room" believes, "are probably the slice of homemade walnut pie or perhaps Sunday Dinn«r 5- C«t*rlAg Avsilibla biggest auprits." In an era frenetic pace at which we wimps it will break out years Y Mnittrs: MrvUfrom «:>0. Sun. IM chasMcake. Your favorite cocktailt are avstt- witE few good rote models, live leaves everyone later. If s best to reach kids •4 Main St., Cateilal Villas*. Ckatham—Closed MM. . able as well a^ffM specialties. Lunch Mon - Sat. 11:30-3:30 - Dinner 6 • 10 Tuat • Sat. Charles Branson and Clint frustrated and subject to withproteeslonalhelpatas TMt Sunday or any day, visit The Office.. Kastwood are heroes. to outbursts of temper. carry an age as possible," . fine food priced sensibly in a stimulating teenagers, "I want to grow There Is violence within Faith advises. . ndarin Chinese Restaurant atmosphere. Mon-Thurt. 11 a.m. - 12 a.m., up Uke them because they the family, too, and this Is "And, at home, whether Fri. ft Set 11 ajn. -1 a.m., Sunday 4 p.m. - itttt don't take any crap," Faith what concerns Faith the your child has problems or 11p.m. Dinin, in flW Eaiir Amman Almotphm ol 1749 The ttaWfc CU dxtnt: his beard over Out over most "Parents are role not, follow up on discipline; "Puty 4 BuqoM ftralitia from 10 • 125" again.*, "The movie models, and what they do to teach them honesty, trust . Mew,nownia«*«t • Luncheon • Dinner • Cookuih 'Caligula' Is violent, violent, their kids, their kids will do and km." Ltjnch - Dinner - Orders to Go 61 Union Piece Summit, NJ. — Open Every Day — OPEN BOUHS: TIM. - Thm-. H=30 - 9:00 (right across from train station) CaU5»-4«l 522-0W0 217 South St. 3 MorrUtown, N. J. NEW IUNCH SPECIAL ON (UJNCH HOURS: TW. tA. \h» • 3M\ S.I., 12 -» ' 330 Springfield Ave., Summit, N • J. InMteanariii Summit Ave.k>. An Inttmatt Rtttaurant


RESTAURANT RE8TAUIIANT»MSMW Men.-Thun. 1l:30to» !|Li*tinq Avallat Frl-SM.11:30tDl0 •1 union Place, Summit Sunday 12.-00 to 9 CALL NOW k>«mnM«MitM«> 560SprlngileW Av»., Wsjttf IsW OpsnSunaty 273O000 4 p.m.-11p.m. Mon.-Tlwr*. 11 a.m. • II».». • Frl.-Jat.» a.m. ^ 1 a.m. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THE NEW PROVIDENCE, BERKELEY MBQHT3 DISPATCH, THB-dUflamt VBXBB, THUBSPAY, Page 16 Mm* County SUMMIT BOARD MM MiplWOOOi NEW PROVIDENCE includingMMIbum, BERKELEY HEIGHTS Short Hito, SpringfWd REALTORS SOMERSET COUNTY •nd LMnpton

SPRING HAS SPRUNG! YOU CAN'T BEAT!!! 80% mtg. @ 10%. Of, awumc present mlt @ «H%. (Quriittei burnt.) NO POINTS on this beautifully restored "oldie." MARGARET R. SHEPARD AGENCY,- 273-6950. Ml* . Burgdorff Realtor'! Land 665-034J. • & New Construction Office

Ml in real estate. Consistently among area It "CONCEPT sionat standards eauallv to corporations and Individuals. slonat staiMaros equally J^wj™, „,,. .,,„„, „„,,„. Wt ,,,„, our ...put.Mon on Here's a goodie, ready to go - NfeW PROVIDENCE COLONIAL, COUNTRY KIT- CHEN * M5.0M. [ Split, 4 BR,2VJ bath, New Prov " 123,000


*Si?replaceBR!'.'.*.".'.' Bask. Ridge Uf,fN

Colonial, 5 BR, lVa Acres Watchung 1M.S00 SUMMIT NEW PROVIDENCE Tudor New, 4 BR, I* Acres Branchburg 3 BEECHWOOD RD. 44 SOUTH ST. '"gas'sTa^on p"?".*! W«n' T«P- 273-5522 464-1700 *N6W ON THE MARKET 8 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU Eves, » Sun. Eve*. * Sun. SUMMIT NEW PROVIDENCE CALL FOR I Suzanne Prank, 522-143t Dottle Ammon, 4*4-*4*4 Norma Owen, 3774977 Jean Morano, 279-J7M


«4-MO» BtRKL EIOHTS J01Iprlni»UMAvt.,07»n Realtor


SHORT HILLS CLASSIC ELEGANCE Serving northern New Jeney. y out of

SUMMIT NEW PROVIDENCE ALL AROUND GOOD BUY! The price tag's the only thing thars oM-fashioned about this terrilic j-bedroom split. Everything else It NEW LISTING up-to-date and beoutilul. Expensive family room with l&J doctors New kitchen. 4 bedrooms, 1 baths, 1 car garage. Walk built-in shelving has a huge picture window overlook- to town, school, priced right at ttMOO. ing KM grounds. Living room Mat soaring cathedral recommend the leading celling. Family-sized dining room adloliied by well- Realtor for prevention of Dlannea kitchen, ivj bares. Ample clesets Including-a tension, high blood pressure, indigestion, and various and sundry other maladies normally associated with tafluretocattlrithe eeroanael porch/l bedroomf* J tathi, I bedroom on as it Is attractive I Its roomy 4-bedroom floor prescribed professional care STiwelSJSod Sr™e SeSoTownlr transferred. Asking family room, porch, and 1V4 baths. Pro- for correctly marketing your Evenings and Sundays SI 7S,0O0. ,> tessHwauy landscaped grounds highlight its Imprei- home. For relief and/or ItKtallMlMtlkfKMMZU OonftrSMIllUaKlSHl ' sive krlck front. Outstanding condition and location near shopping, schools and trains. S10J.000. Cell prevention or any such 3I7-O0W and ask for M-»M4. discomfort and upset take the below prescription as NEW PROVIDENCE your needs arise. A SOLID VALUE! Beautiful suburban home and pretty setting have plenty of desirable features to attract the most dis- criminating buyer. Cethedral-ceiline. family room and gracious living room eech have a fireplace. Recreation room on the lower level. Formal dining, JVi baths, 1 bedrooms. Plenty ol storage space. Wall-to-wall carpeting Included. Lovely wooded area near shop- ping, malor highways, transportation. SlH,0W. Call 173-1214 and ask for SU-0-77. BERKELEY HEIOHTS hof man fhj THINK SPRING! REALTORS* Today we stand inside wishfully looking out. Tomorrow ^vace Sol. we may walk out thru the sliding glass doors Into e lovely 102 Summit Ave., Summit garden. It is private with the right amount of trees. What a 273-8224 273-9400 great place for a cookout. Serve your guests right from the BOARD gas grill, there ii room for many tables en the patio. Oh Including the Falson Associates. yes, there is a super house mat sees along with the JUST REDUCED garden, 1 bedrooms, tVi baths, family room and panel den. GIVE US A CALL SOON, THE BULBS ARE COM- Like new ranch on lovely quiet dead-end street in Summit. INO OUTI $1)7,900. Convenient Wilson School area. Living room, dining room, modern kitchen • baths, 1 bedrooms. Terrific family room with custom raised hearth llroplace and Vermont Public Service Realty REALTORS barnboard walls. Must be seen to be appreciated. »1M,MO. fves. • So*. 464-6262 0MOT m-xm Realtor REAL ESTATE SINCE IMS 700SpringfigMAva., Berkeley HatflhU m Springfield Ave., Summit OFFICE: 273-4111 gi ciM, Rvtti Sato in-llii FrmEH Manteamry trHJU Jam! SIIMIWHH in . LMl IIMII 17M47I owitbtuwin Pillories lw Union, Cranlord, Morrittows, Danville Sparkling white colonial located In a prestigious neigh- , twrhood. listed at VOSM». Pour bedrooms, IVi baths, first floor panelled den, eat-in kitchen, large screenodln porch and beautiful patio overlooking a Spring bulb garden. Call for an appointment today. NEED MOTHER-DAUGHTER? C/imMt We have the answer In this J-yr. ole home with spacious With over l acre of property, this home has large rooms living area, living room, formal dining room, large eaHa throughout! There are I fireplaces (one In the huge kitchen, 3 bedrooms and 1 full baths. In addition, this love- master bedroom) and a large yet coiy family room. ly home has separate living quarters for In-laws or ethers Priced at MM,«M with their own kitchen facilities. Berkeley His. Offered at S)19,00Q.

This norttislde home has 1 bedrooms and J bams. It's In move In condition and available tar auk* possession. DISTINCTIVE, SPACIOUS $lM,wo • . MURRAY HILL RESIDENCE (JUST LISTED) owners Aft tuty... . YOU ARE WARMLY INVITED,.. This is one of the most gracious homes we've seen In quite ... TO give ImmetMete occupancy In thU "beautiful 4 TO OUR OPEN HOUSE!,.:.. awhile, very large, well-proportioned rooms, new large bedroom, JVi bath home. Its location Is superb eittl It's in kitchen. Lovely large deck with cher-grlll and great Sunday, March 2 /1:00pm-4:00pm privacy. Ad|o» s wooded acreage. Very special. tmSM. FOR THE SMART BU We have new home* under conitruction In a great 3« CHARNWOOD ROAD. NEW PROVIDENCE Berkeley His. location ana Mill available •»» you at pre- spring prices. Color selections available. Open for Inspec- »PLIT-LBV«L CONVCNIKNCC .,. Spacious older brick colonial, with wood burning fireplace tions. ... and privacy for all family memb in living room, formal dining room, library, penaenal ed reree TURN OF THE CENTURY MB screened Md jatouslad pporch , roc room,, library,y,» bedroomsedrooms, hohott watewater 'room, i perfect home for the growing family. Prl . Prl«M •*. eirpi ng 11tlc1tl dld muehh W01 1 mm Omof Summit's OraiKl Old ColMlaOcen be yours. Lets of 1177,500 EVERYTHING flee/ S&S&IMSS ' "*" ' ***'** ™ * •'•«''••• «» » » space Including » bedrooms, 3W baths, 4 fireplaces. Ex- cellent In-towfl NormsMe location in Lincoln School area. This exceptlonel home situated on a large let Ml -everything you need—central air and vac., 1 ear g . pmcriONSifrom tpringfleM Avenue In New Providence, turn north on- atatttfMI* a ^Central Ave. and second right Is Charnwooit Road. Laek lor our BurgdoVtf

»U7,$a»' MURRAY HILL SUMMIT S Mountain Avenue 785 Springfield Avenue Serving You 281 MORRIS AVENUE NEW COLONIAL - (142,000. aOJ) -4A4-21Q0 , . (201) 522-1800 SUMMIT, N. J. 07901 Be the Hrtt to sea our building plans for this 4 bedrom, lVi bath center halt menial with 1st floor laundry and family ' ZTS-MdO . room with fireplace, price includes J car attached geragt and storms and screens. 1 .. THE SUMMIT HERALD, THE NEW PBOVIPBMCK, BERKELEY HEIGHTS DISPATCH. THE CHATHAM PRESS, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 28, 1980 Page 17


TAXES, ASSISTANT RE- Apartment Unfurnished | CEIVER OF — City of Sum- FULL TIME PART TIME mit — salary SIMSO.M- tl4,e0t.M. yearly step In- NEW PROVIDENCE: 2family. creases. Population 51,000. 2 bedrooms. Washer; dryer. ALL AROUND Major Medicel and Blue .... HSO unfurnished; SI7I furnish Cress and Blue Shield with nil ed. 447-9026. Rider j., pension, sick leave and life Insurance. Prior ex- CONTEMPORARY THE TOWN perience in Municipal Tax Rooms FurnishMl Kelly Services, a Nationwide Temporary Office Service, Collection. Job entails Bill- Thra* Bedroom trick and Franw Sam Laval with ex- lao, Collections, Tax caHaot location. Opan Perch, Custom Fireplace with has assignments convenient to your home. II you have good office skills, and want to work one or two days a week Searches, Tax Sales, Sewer Wats Enclosures, Craativt Kitchan, Panelled Family SUMMIT, Large comfortable Utility Charges, Added -J Gardens'* Room, t Pull Bath*, Central Air. ChauUnglt Unususlli room, convenient location, ormore ... Assessments, Public Im- Aiding tns,500. Submit an offer. parking. Business gentleman provement Assessments, over 35. J73-S92S, 271-4115. • SECRETARIES • TYPISTS etc. 4,100 line items. Willing Two names you can trust. • SWITCHBOARD • BOOKKEEPERS to learn mini-computer, SUMMIT: furnished room. • CLERKS* KEYPUNCH strong financial background MOVE RIGHT IN Private bath, refrigerator, • CRT OPERATORS required. Send resume of ex- SHORT HILLS SHORT HILLS parking. Walk to town and perience to Carolyn M. GRACIOUS GEORGIAN COLONIAL ANOTHER NEW LISTING Beautifully dacorattd 4 Badroom, JVi Bath Home in train. Professionally cleaned Brattlof, Receiver of Taxes, Berkeley Heights. A |ust-about-perfect placa to live in- weekly; linens provided. One We need you now. City Hall, 512 Springfield IF YOU v .. MMII or t bedrooms, Ilk* 111 PRIME AREA cluding wall-to-wall carpating, sama window coverings month security deposit. Call for an appointment. Avenue, Summit, New to entertain graciously, *lt fcy IhefJre- I bedrooms; with matter on first floor, and extra limitation In calling and floor to ward oft Old 273-1211. Jersey 07901. plece, eat outdoors, want a rac room )Vi battn, lovaly grounds, txquuitt Man Winter. The lovely lot Is larga and well-treed, located for MM children, cmtral air-condition- in friendly, family-oriented neighborhood. Fairly priced SUMMIT. Large comfortable E«HI Opportunity Emptayer. ing/ e» heat, than mil it Hit housa tar dan, can glvt aarly possession ... KELLY SERVICES you'll lovt Hit enclosed porch with a at SUT.JOO. room, convenient location, you I Baatrtifully decorated ... movi most unusual view. parking, private entrance. "The Kelly Girl People" right In I Business gentleman preferred. Summit, NJ MOUNTAIN AGENCY Summit, NJ rn-mt 2734925, 272-4225. 1 Main St., Chatham 635-2804 SUMMIT Realtors NORTH PLAINFIELD Ho fee to you EOEM/F RENT THIS LOVELY DUPLEX OS Summit Avenue 173-2211 Summit Offices IMMACULATE RAISED RANCH 3 btdroomt, iv» baths, you'll havo your Eves. * Suns. 27341711, 273-6237, 277-t»J4, 374-057* SUMMIT:, elegant suite, taste- Mova right in, thr« btdroomi, 2V» own parking span, available April 1 fully designed and decorated. bath*, loviiy fireplace, lamily room, ...SSOO par month. Approximately 1.4(0 sq. It. in REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON WANTED gal hut and lots morel S74,*M. attractive new professional Summit, NJ 277-1770 building. Central AC; walk to Could you run your own office — but don't want the head- Dear Mom, bus and R.R. J77-3600 aches7 Olympics were great — MORRIS COUNTY out of funds — call Marilyn Do you consider yoursell a good salesperson — but don't at 5229100 for an exciting SUMMIT 1 family — attractive large duplex; rents SMO ft (340. 6 Vacation Rentals new assignment when 1 get 361 Springfield Ave. rooms, 2 baths; 6 rooms, IVi baths; porches. 100x180 lot. get the support you need? ^201)277-1770 home. Tenants pay all utilities inc. heat. Price to sell at $79,900. SUGAR BUSH NORTH. 2 Snow- , Love, Don't ml»s feeing this home. Taxes $1217. Are you a Top Salesperson tired of pep talks and tew days Eric side condominiums. Beautifully oft — but would need bigger commission splits to" slow $119,500— PRETTY RANCH furnished. Each sleeps 6-8. down? Walk to ski slopes. Call 635-9695 P.S. Wire money. P.P.S. II ON SIX ACRES days, M7-0449 after 6pm. II you live in Chatham, that's greati But not necessary for you Know any secretaries, Trees, privacy, ideal for outdoor projects, large building success. typists, switchboard or in rear. Three bedrooms, 2 baths, :eundry room, 2 car at- HILTON HEAD, South Caro- ;/ clerks, send them to UNI- LOTS FOR SALE EAL ESTATE tached garage, huge living room, huge dining room. 3 lina. New Villa, 2 bedrooms, 2 We encourage referral business — and our Wo Marketing FORCE. NEW HOMES fireplaces, wood stove Installed. OFFERS. See Todayl baths, golf, tennis, pool ft Programs make you the competitor with "The Competi- IN SUMMIT, an Ashland Road Eves. »JS-»52» or 377-0712 Or 635-5113. ocean. Available 5/3 to S/24,1,2 tive Edge" Chatham Township * Stir or 3 weeks. 435 8542 after S P.M. ling - Urn wooded lots. lot of 11440 sq. ft. together with FOR SALE Quiet street. For details call. plant tor a contemporary 4 bed- If interested — call wnirorce* Eyes. 4*4-»4J5. room design are offered for BREWSTER, CAPE COD — Month or season. Restored fur- G. KIMBALL COLEMAN, Inc. — 635-7602 temporary services SEDITA REALTY, Realtor sale. Price Is S47,s»». Principals CHATHAM BOROUGH 258 Main St. Chatham Realtor MLS New Providence 444-3J43 only, financing and construc- I nished 18th Century Cape. 4 tion available. 27M1f7. bedrooms, 2 lull baths, dining Ask for Mr. Friel Eve. 386-0*38 450 Springfield Ave. room, living room, modern kit- CHATHAM BOROUGH! 2 fam- 215 HMD STtTOT, eWHOfl Summit ily "townhouse" style. Excel- chen, laundry, large private lent location. Each side offers 377-4442 yard. Central location. No pets. living room, dining room, eat-in $1700 monthly including util- NEW VERNON- kitchen, I bedrooms, separate ities. Call 27740(7 utilities. $1M,SN. Principals on- BANKING ly. 376-0*05. HARVEY CEDARS, L.B.I. 3 PERSONNEL CLERK HARDINGTWP. bedroom duplex, second from Opportunities available at one of N.J.'s leading banks. | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ocean. $40O-$44O per week. 2 Openings in Summit ft Berkeley Heights tor experienced Diversified and challenging MADISON week minimum. 232-7806. and entry level individuals, full time and part time. full time permanent position CHARMING SO year young DUTCH COLONIAL tastefully available in an expanding decorated mat das had tender loving care. Wall to wall SEASIDE PARK. Vt block to Personnel Dept. Responsi- carpeting included. Vestibule, lovely entry foyer, CLERKS bilities will include handling delightful larga living room, porch, dining room with MADISON wide, sandy ocean beach. 5 bedrooms, 2 bathi, bath house, SECRETARIES / many phases of the employ- chair rail, eat-in kitchan. Large master bodn RESTORED ment process, implementa- decorated bath, 2 additional bedrooms. Lovely backyard large screened-in porch and MESSENGERS ' many other features. Available tion and processing of bene- with garden ft fruit trees. 2-car detached garage with shad VICTORIAN SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES fits, and other duties rele- tor workshop. Taxes S75S. Financing available to qualified June 15 to July 31. S270O. CONSOLE OPERATORS (3rd Shift) vant to the Personnel func- buyer. t»,M0. . for the executive in Madison 467-3286 * PROOF OPERATOR tion. Position requires profi- Hill Section. 4 BR, possible 3 cient typing skills, accuracy 100 VR. OLD VICTORIAN on almost 3V» partly wooded more. 2h baths. Gorgeous with figures and the ability restored parquet floors and RENTALS WANTED All positions offer opportunity for growth and advance- acres adloining bridle trails. This • room home has charm ment. We offer good starting salaries and excellent to communicate effectively that newer homes never achieve. There is an In-law or other finished work. This wflh all levels ot manage- craftsmanship must be seen. PROFESSIONAL female seeks benefits including profit sharing and dental insurance. master suite on 1st floor plus 3 master bedrooms en 2nd New plumbing, electrical, Please call our Personnel Dept. et: ment. »7V» hr. week, profes- floor. 3V» baths, living room with fireplace, library with 1 bedroom apartment In area. sional environment and «- new gas Heat. New kitchen 379-lHldayi. Kristin. S22-S5S5 fireplace, formal dining room, aat-in kitchen, 4 car wjth Ft> M4 borojique. for-•,-, catteM benems. Par »mn»- garage, low taxes. 01,110. A truly Hoe ottering at UtMM. mal BR. LRrtamlty room. >; . -,-i^K,. ^JSifcSijJti a£, ,,'...... ' . . . dial* cmui««ra«Mpi, ptoau '*» OR 2 BAY garage space submit brief resume includ- wanted. Call 65-1064 after 5 P.M." SUMMIT & ELIZABETH ing salary requirements, to: ft insulation. Priced at P.O. Box 731, Summit, N.J. ; •*treaMty i -m, 07901 builder. irtndows,extr*ia Insulation. Select oak StSMM. Call Builder at TWO professional females seek TRUST COMPANY 2 bedroom apt. in summit floors, clear cedar clapboard. Raised paneled cabinets In 519-03S5. 367 Springfield Ave. Summit. N.J. eat-tn kitchen. Central vacuum system. Living room with vicinity. Call after 6 P.M. 992-5670 Ewal Opportunity EnpHnr M/F fireplace, Florida room, Family Roam. 4 master bad- KM. ESTATE SALES rooms. Low taxes. Must be seen to be appreciated. COME LISTEN SJKMWO. SUMMIT MADISON Miscellaneous Holiday Inn, Livingston, 7:30 P.M. Thurs., March 5. BRAND NffW S BEDROOM COLONIAL on 1.1 acres In Fine 11*4 clastic colonial for sale by owner. Original ar- MEN Licensees O.K. Call for heart of lovely New Vernon. Generous elied rooms. Uving CONVENT STATION — Ex- chitectural details, updated kitchen, bathrooms, new roof. WAREHOUSE space for rent. TELLERS MBWIEMXKOIMED reservations. Bring a friend. room, dining ream, family room w/tiraptace, super deck, ecutive condominium — new — Butler's pantry, t bedrooms or 2 suites and 2 bedrooms. Berkeley Heights area. 464- FULL • PART TIME TUia. US HUT TtMTEIS You wilt thank us. eat M kitchen, laundry, lavatory, study, bath. Master 2 bedrooms — 2Vt baths — fam- Excellent tor entertaining. Sliding doors between first 0025. Experienced preferred, but Leading heat treat firm re- ERA bedroom suite with sitting room * bath. 1 additional ily room—new washer-dryer— floor rooms. Three Mocks from train, elem. schools. April will train. Join usl N.J.'s quires several men to train VAUCHEE AGENCY bedrooms with bath. 2 car attached garage. Ideal for refrig. Included. $!S0 per 1 occupancy. largest Savings * Loan as operators. All shifts avail- Madison 377-3000 hones, tennis courts, pool. Available early March. month HELP WANTED Association currently, has $2lt,000.00 Ph.(201)377-0435 able. Start at IS.00 per hr All You Need To Know tns.oM. THE FAITOUTE AGENCY openings for full a part time with excellent benefits. In Real Estate Realtor, 273-5522; 444-1700 Tellers in its Berkeley Uniforms and safety shoes it YEAR OLD, u room custom built center hall Colonial Heights, New Providence provided. Accessible by PUT THAT EXTRA BED- on 4. J high, partially wooded acres. A nifty place to raise a INVESTMENT PROPERTY | and Summit offices. Appli- train to Penn Station, AVON family considering the fact that there are six bedrooms. ROOM TO WORK, BE- cants must be available for 6 Newark. Apply >» {*r"n MEET THE iv, baths, a large modern country kitchen, and a front and COME A SKILLED DEVEL- days full time training. BENNETT HEAT TREAT- NEW YOUI back stairway. The flagstone floored screen porch over- EXCELLENT OPMENT SPONSOR FOR A Hours will be lull time Mon- ING COT WO Ferry St., Feel how good it feels to have looks the 25x45 swimming pool and adlolns the living SUMMIT LOCATION | RENTALS |[ RENTALS | RETARDED ADULT OR day thru Friday or Tuesday Newark. extra money and new friends. room. There is much mere than can be described. A fine Building with approximately G-HILD WHO NEEDS thru Saturday; part time Discover a whole, new, ex- new offering for *335,OO0. 2,004 sq. ft. commercial space TRAINING IN SELF HELP 10A.M.-2 P.M. or 3 P.M.- citing, life-style when you AND SOCIAL SKILLS. IF and two ( room apartments. Ef- 6 P.M. Monday thru Friday LUNCHEONETTE, part time, become an Avon Representa- WE HAVE A FEW PRIME three to six acre lots for the ficiently gas heated, choice MrsMllineous ELIGIBLE, YOU WILL RE- plus Saturday. Good starting tive. Full or part time. I'll show CEIVE $600 MONTHLY. UAM-2PM, Monday through discriminating buyer who wishes to build their own, location for your business or in- salary. If interested, please Friday. Call 277-1990 after 4PM. you howl I Call now for more in- CUftfOID ftOITOt}* vestment. NORTH REALTY ft CALL FIELD- SERVICES. contact: fo. Kay Crescenii 322-1653. INVESTMENT CO., 9M-6400. 744-3140. MR. O'CONNOR SUMMIT-SPRINGFIELD HOUSEKEEPER. Full time, 5 464-7766 Adults-Teenagers — make good days, live out or in, if out — own MORRIS TWP. REAL ESTATE WANTED CHATHAM money delivering the Star transportation. General house- COMMERCE ST. LOCATION RESUMES! CITY Ledger. Established fcutes now work, laundry. Ironing, some ELEOANT 1ITH CENTURY SOUTHERN COLONIAL In FEDERAL available. Call immediately as cooking for busy family with Estate Area. Many outstanding features; to mention a STARTING AT $3.00 per sq. ft. they are going fast. Days young twins. Recent references Desire Older Home Sum- Each r/sume a.result of in- 379-4175, eves, 077-4053. few: gracious entry hall with curving stairway flanked by Wholesalers Welcome Concrete Products ateth Interview and genuine SAVINGS a must. 467-2231 after 6pm. mit Area. Price $ $150,000. •it Egul Oprartiainy Employar spacious living room, dining room, library and den, each Excellent references ft pri- Millwork • Metal Fabrication concern for yew needs. Call with fireplace. This historically recognised home has been vacy if desired. Reply Box Ceramics Warehousemen tor an apfMintment: 272-ieis. CAMP COUNSELORS BOOKKEEPER modernized and renovated and remalnt a home of distinc- 7f, Summit Herald, Sum- Heating-Plumbing KERN A. UUICH Teachers, mature college Full charge, general office exp. tion. A Una offarlnaat »75,»00. ' mit, NJ. 10 yr. lease space available. Call 635-760] students: boys group leaders, Grow with co. Benefits. Johnson G. Kimbail Coleman, inc. Realtors SECRETARY waterfront, campcrafts, Engineering, 95 Summit Ave., Experienced typist; some drama, riflery, tennis, canoe- Sumit. 277-4200. JUST LISTEt) — NEW EXCLUSIVE 258 Main St., Chatham MLS CLERK ing, music. Summer day camp. EXECUTIVE HOME _ STOCK ROOM steno, answer phone, etc. WANTED. Ranch or home with fL Summit office. 12:30-4 P.M., Interview — 756-1660 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY/ too+ year old farm house on 5.7 acres with pond and m Chatham office - 35 hour work iwimmlng pool. A distinctive home In prime condition master bedroom on first floor. week, fully paid benelits — 3 or 4 afternoons. Address BOOKKEEPER — needed to with modern kitchen w/fp; breakfast rm; Family Room, Qualified buyer. Excellent cash W needs mature person for Box M, Summit Herald, PLAYGROUND AIDE. Pleas- manage suburban sales office. Gathering Room w/fp, Living Room with hearth w/fp; 2 position. Prepared to act quick- I fats* Unfurnished general duties to include: pur- Summit, N.J. ant work. Mountalnview Ele- Experienced in all phases of of- I fice work including shorthand, bedrooms down, I battn, plus 4 bedrooms, one with f p, up, ly. Principal* only. Phone WL chasing, mall and some figure mentary School, Chatham. Call and 2 baths. All rooms are excellent siie. A fine offering at 377-7300 or write Darwin work. Must have car and be 635-2700. typing, telephone and book- keeping. Salary open. Please $225,000. Phoenix Co., P.O. Box 518, able to drive. Call 635-265S. Madison, N.J. 07*40 SUMMIT — First time offered for rent. All CLERK TYPIST PART TIME - Monday send resume to: Box 110, Chat- brick, two-story Colonial with slate roof. De- through Friday. No experience ham Press. CUSTOMER SERVICE — Work Must type at least 55 WPM from home on established tele- necessary; willing to train lightful setting — large lot — close to town. accurately. Will be working DISHWASHER, 10:30-3:00. MENDHAM SORO Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen and Den phone program. Flexible hours. in sales dept. Salary S175. | RENTALS j Earn S5. plus. 273-4381. GRILL PERSON, 10:00-2:30. TECHNICIAN JUST LISTED — NEW EXCLUSIVE on first floor. Second floor has 3/4 Bedrooms. Good benefits. Local com- GENERAL WORKER, 9:30- pany. Fee paid. BERKE- MECHANICAL Absolutely CHARMING' Cape Cod In excellent condition " Two fireplaces. Basement playroom. Asking PHONE from home to service 3:00.464-4393, NOTICE to' prospective" LEY EMPLOYMENT Versatile person with with privacy, yet conveniently located. Urge cheerful S7SO.M. One or two year lease. MOUNTAIN our customers. Set your own AGENCY, Berkeley Help and sunny living room with fireplace, with'access to the i^roifVTs! JUly (Mill MnffitlM* schedule. Earn SS. plus. PART TIME. assistant demonstrated mechani- AOENCY — Realtors', 273-2212, 85 Summit Serv. 300 Springfield Ave. cal and chemical apti- brick patio and very private Scrawl Forctli eat-In kitchen. herein for qualified real rental Berkeley Heights. 4*4-4000. manager's position in merchan- Dining room, 1 generous-slied bedrooms and Tile Bath. property may be sublect to any Avenue/ Summit. dising field. Desirable hours. tudes. Will be exposed to Master bedroom on 2nd floor with Tile Bath and coxy Sit- rebate or credit required by Must enjoy working with peo- a variety of assignments INSURANCE LICENSED real estate sales- ting Room plus expansion for additional bedroom. Fin- State law (N.J.S. $4:4-6.1 el Commercial lines. Knowledge ple. Send for application and from research to develop- ished playroom and hall-bath In basement. 2 car attached oeq.). person, SEDITA REALTY, detailed iob description to: Jr. ment. 1 of SMPs, fire, casualty, etc. Realtor, 464-3343. Eves. 464-6435 garage. DON'T MISS THIS ONE ... ONLY SITt.OOO. | tWFumbhto Must be experienced. Typing League of Summit, 37 DeForest Apirtnwnt Unfurnished required. Top salary and bene- Ave. Summit, N.J. 07M1, Art. Liberal employee benefits PART TIME for the Star PRESTIOE EXECUTIVE fur- fits for right person. Convenient Finance Committee. Hoast Unfurnished Summit office, oft Rt. 34. Call Ledger Springfield office doing Phone for appointment nished ranch home in Summit. general office work, 19 hours MORRISTOWN JNo pets, available Immediately SUMMIT. Living room, kit- Mr. C. Frankel, 2734100. COUNTER and Assembly work Personnel Mgr, 464-1400 per week, Monday-Friday. at Dry Cleaning store. No ex- until June 1st, 1900 for S1200 a chen, bath, 2 bedrooms, dining Pleasant working conditions. AIRCO, INC. ENGLISH TUDOR — in excellent condition in prime loca- BERKELEY HEIGHTS — month + ttM security deposit. room, garage, heat, water. S550. PART-TIME — Ladles and perience necessary. Will train RAD LABS Emerson Lane area, 0 room col- No typing. Call 379-4175 between tion, Urge living room with fireplace, dining room, All utilities ft grounds care In- Security. Available March 1. Men. Work from home on tele- * 9 noon. MATURE, RELIABLE PER- 100 Mountain Ave. Murray Hill modern kitchen, throe bedrooms, lVi paths, seven year onial, 2V< bams, convenient to 6351474. SON. Call 277-0*01. i cluded. Call The RicMand Co., phone program. Earn up to An «m«l opportunity Mnptayor. M/F old swimming pool. $107,500. schools, shopping and high- Realtors 271-7010, S15.-JIO0. per week depending FULL OR PART TIME — ways. Available May l. Can SUMMIT: Convenient location, on time available, en-4613. PERSON with native fluency in Iff HAVE FINAHCtNG FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS 760-JSM. Counter and kitchen, start up to Spanish to be trained as an In- FULL or Part Time. Clerk near Community Pool. 1 BR, S3.30 an hour. Days. Apply in I Aputmtut UBturttshtd Eat-in Kitchen, DR, LR and LATHE OPERATOR * structor for a part time teach- Typist for local office. Accur- To see these and other choice homes call NEW PROVIDENCE, Ranch, person McDonald's, 1771 ing position. Hours-flexible. Call acy essential. For appointment Den, w/w Carpet. Includes Small parts, e'xp,, co. expand- Springfield Avenue, New Pravi- Living Rm, Dining Rm. Kit- heat, gas, laundry facilities and ing, benefits. Jolyison Engg., n 227-0302 to arrange for an inter- call Mrs. Frey at 273-3355. P.O. chen, 2 Bedrooms. Bath. Oarage, No pets. $425.00 plus Summit Ave., Summit. 177-4200. view. We are an Equal Oppor- Box P, Summit, New Jersey. S475.00. THE BOYLE COM- security. References. Call Dave tunity Employer M/F. PANY REALTORS 273-4111, place. OR, larga kitchen. SS2S 173-6412 days; 277-1(74 eves. LEGAL SECRETARY - Seek- WAITRESS — Experienced, E. GEOFFROY WARD, Including heat. Available April SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR. eves. 741-7112. ••:;..- •;,• •. Available April 1. Experience preferred but will ing responsible person with HOUSEKEEPER, cook, clean pleasant and reliable, full time REALTOR i. call 27l-17fl after Sam. initiative for general law prac- & aid to elderly woman or part time. Apply in person train the right Individual. Call tice in Summit. Good skills re- SUMMIT, Sparklinpke g clean 33 between 10 and 1, 464-MW. recuperating. No nursing. Live 1259 Springfield Avenue, New bedroom, m bath colonial with SUMMIT. SV> room, 1V> bath MAPLEWOOD —Hilton Sec- quired. Previous legal experi- in/out. References required. Providence, N.J. CU, UoriMt, MelCM fireplace • garage. Washington duplex, air-cond. Tenant fur- tion. iVt rooms,, 2 bedrooms, ence not a must. 273-6666. Box 391, Madison, N.J. 07940. School area. It will be love et nlshes heat a\ hot water. Rent private home, 1st floor, off •EXPERIENCED Auto Bod^ MATURE WOMAN for com- 266 MAIN ST., MADISON first light! Call todayl W.A. *4»S Includes garage. Early street parking, own utilities, painter needed. Must be pre- JANITOR-CLEANING, general DISHWASHER, full Or part panion to pleasant elderly Hi, New Vwnon McNamara — Realtor- occupancy. Call FRANK H. adults only, no pets. References pared to handle quality work. maintenance and help where time. Inquire in person Louvis women. Weekends only. 540-0660 (201) 3773454 Appraiser, 273-3M0; eves. TAYLOR ft SON INC. Mr. requested. $350 month. 7«-5H» Skill must be A-i. Call for Inter- needed. Part or full-time, days, Restaurant, 363 Springfield References required. Call after 4*4-57X3,277-4323, 464 54St. Werbel, 247MM. 7-fjwnonly. : views, Caruso's Aufo 75M156. 647-1000. Ave., Summit. 5pm 63S-6799 or days 504-1191. Ttna ST^T HERALD. THE NEW PBOVmENCE. BBRKBLBY HMOHTS DISPATCH. TOB CHATHAM PMBMs, THUBBPAY. FBHRUABY 88, 1980 Page 18 SERVICES

FREE LISTING! . SECRETARY — NO STENOI Found something? want to Light experience desirablel locate the owner* Run your INCOME TAX Pltnty ol customer contact, and l»71 MERCURY 4 door. Very ad FREE In Hill column! firm will tr«ln. *7W. Michelle, New Providence/ CHATHAM good CttJKBHon. $700. 523-1775. Porsonpl and small business In- FOUR WHOLESALERS come taxt4 and accounting 171-4500, SMELLING ft SNELL- Summit jpPEN THEIR DOORS. One JOE SERINA 10x50 1 BMrvom Mobile Home BROWN dog with black an tall forma proiMsionally prepare? INO, «SO Springfield Ave., Sum 'day sale, March (, 10AM to ft neck, lost naar Falrmount A •var 1* year* experience •nit 4PM. North Am., Plalnfleld, or will trade for large truck. Payroll. II yMn wporiSee. 522-17H. . , Southern Blvd. Chatham, white H*-»e4*C •"•'•"'tad. • spring cleanup IMMEDIATE Leland to Berckman Streets. flea and chain choke collars. TYPIST — Will learn word Save JOTt to 50% on cosme- Answers to "Saga." 4JS-S7M or . full lawn eh»mle»l program processing. Incredible prestige tics, hair needs, panty hose, im MUSTANG 11,57,000 miles, OPENINGS 4 cylindar. 4 .speed, new clutch, 4I5-411S. . CPA TAX SERVICE • wMkly l«wn maintenance ,lrm _ Why not work for the sporting goods, fabrics, tire, tuneup, brakes. Must sell. Prica offers by phone for your • new planting best? To *12,000. Fee paid. 36% to 60% OFF handbags, knit sportswear, FOUND — Chatham Twp., Full and Part time posi- etc. One day sale. March I, $2500. 43S-WW individual or small business tax Michelle, 173-4500. SNELLINC tions available. Call our ON MOST ALL ITEMS calico cat, white chest, waarlng return!. Personal service by ex- • RR tie walls t SMELLING, 450 Springfield 10AM to 4PM: toll free number for ap- '71 OLDS Cutlass Supreme. 2 gold collar with 2 bells. US-Stlt. perienced prolassional. Loca- Aye., Summit pointment: We are now selling below tion — your choice. Evening ft " "''COMMERCIAL ft RESIDENTIAL door, blue with white Landau No Job Too Big or small wholesale prices. Dealers <*" ORIENTALR\J6f . roof. PS, PB, AC, bucket seats, weekend hours. Call Paul Dunn, CLERK — Great first job! Does PIQUET SECURITY welcome. BULLETIN BOARD CPA. 233-51M Froe Estimatas your personality sparkle? Firm Authentic Bokara, .Herman, automatic floor shift, am-fm SYSTEMS Tabrii. Kathan. Fine Quality:. cassette, 2 snows. $1200. • 273-476° oilers a good future. $M7. Fee woo) 5»-mo American, French,' Eng- Half-price. 147-4M0 INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURNS paid. Michelle, 273-4500. 273-27N. lish, Chinese furniture ft Psst... Don't rely on rumors. prepared by experienced pro- SMELLING S SMELLING, 450 Equ»l opportunity employer m/t accessories, 18th A l*th MOTORCYCLE TUNE UP for 1972 CAPRI. 4 cyl. standard, 31 fessional. Reasonable rates. Springfield Ave. Summit. Century. We are still buy- Your home or mine. 4t4-l*S4),. NURSES AIDES — 7-3 shift. ing fine antiques, rugs, the spring. Certified mechanic mpg. Excellent interior, ex- USE MORNINGS. Part time and/or full time. New gold ft gems. Appraisals. on 2 ft 4 stroke. Japanese bikes, terior. AM/FM stereo. (1325. PORTER. salary scale. Private geriatric "THE BULLETIN BOARD". 4*4-24**. reasonable rates. Call Tom 271-M7S attar SPM. Undtcapinj facility. Call »-3, Mon.-Frl., 464-4*41. 4*4-8600. GLENSIDE NURS- 1*73 AUDI IDOLS. .2 door, 4 Having a recital? Reunion* Expert repair or new sheet- ING HOME, New Providence. FIREWOOD — S»5 a cord. Call speed. Excellent condition. P%ANK MEDINA KEN CROSS rock ft taping. Carpentry ft TELLERS An equal opportunity employer. Becht's Tree Service 273-1735. < S1.900. call after 6PM; 277-2117. bake sale* LANDSCAPING FULL 8 PART TIME block party* alterations. Known recom- Cleamuoj monthly ccontracto ; PAINTINO * PAPERING mended Summit-Short Hills Experience preferred, but will 1*70 GALAXIE 500; good sta- bam burning* ireeeitlmaie. 453-4*511. INTERIORS ft EXTERIORS train. Join usl N.J.'s largest FIREWOOD — loaded Into your grand opening* area. Phil Episcopo Homo PROOF READER vehicle. Monday-Friday. Phone tion car, *375. 444-4340. FULLY INSURED improvement ft Repair. Savings and Loan Association political rally* FREE Specialized printing company. 4*4-2113 or 464-1685. •public' aflair* 271-SIM. currently has openings for full Some typing and general cleri- WANTED for student — auto or Mason Contncton ESTIMATES and part time tellers in its flag-pole raising* ... cal duties. Full time. Good MARIA THERESE CzechoslO- station wagon, foreign or Berkeley Heights, New Provi- American. Running or not. Up "a good-time-wish-yeu- o. A.CHIER*, INC. Maun work,: 2734471 dumbing. benefits. Call lor interview - Furniture vaklan crystal chandelier, (too. were-herer" dence and Summit area offices. 445-0300. to $1,000. Call VV2-7O41. Living- all kinds, and waurprotfing. in. Hours: Full time Monday Call after 4pm. 3I2-5M3. 044S, INTERIOR PAINTING. Storm cV « y MERCADANTE. Sump through Friday or Tuesday Whatever your news, SECY. With benefits offered SOLID Whitney dinette set — GET Ready For Spring: WOOD spread it through Berkeley windows ft doort, gotten ft sumps instilled Compute^ line of through Saturday. Part-time, 10 FRANCMC0CHI6RA wMtr drainige 4M-7S71,7*4 0410. a.m.-2 p.m. Monday through here, go to college at no ex- table with i drop leaves, 4 CHIPS) Free Delivery. 1*74 NOVA, 2 door, 4 cyl., auto., Heights, Chatham, Millburn, leaders, roofing ft aluminum chairs. Excellent condition. PS, excellent condition. Sl,500. Speciaiim in wall mosaic, »toni Friday plus Saturday or 3 pense. Medium accurate typing 425-0075. New Providence, Short Hills tut in*. *ort. Pitio, lirtpuce. siding. Frae astimatas. SNOW pm.-4 p.m. Monday through + steiio nets fine money I Beau- 273-4091. Call Tad. 3714756. and Summit — with a Bulle- lidwalk. etc For lr« tilinnte PLOWING. Brian Nevlns, Friday plus Saturday. Appli- tiful new offices. $11,000 + year. tin Board notice in our call J73-4131 liter! P l*. 522-0057 I Boofinn cants must be available for i Maggie, 273-6500, Snelllng a, TWO twin beds with mat- I Musical Instrumenb I classified section. tresses. Good condition. Dark 1*75 BUICK REGAL full time training days. Hours Snelling, «50 Springfield Ave., Maintained like a jewel, air, HUGO HOOULICH - Roofing, will be flexible. Good starting Summit maple. Call after SPM: 273-20M. Fifteen Words JOSEPH CPISCOPO repairs, aluminum siding. Sui- all power accessaries, new MASON CONtRACTOR salary. II interested please con- •MEMuK PUN) HOUSE tires (plus snows ft wheels), (of YOUR choice) tors ft loaders. 273-40*4. tact: CHEMIST. Organic. 0-2 years OOM tWl til ! - SM HU garaged in Short Hills, ISULIDE* experience. Degree necessary. Garage Sale ... $3.50 ... CONCRETE WORK- IteptwalH- Mr. O'Connor Suede; IS 12,900. Phone, 376-1612 oatioi lirtpiaccs puttering Perfect entry level spot. Morris weekends or after 6 P.M. II you want EVERYONE to Ru| Cleaning 464-7766 County area. To 17K year, Mag- know, just call USI trading ind drain*gi wtrk car- OARAGE, PORCH i. BASE- UKEST FUHO oaifi mm w cutmoiiM. ofTHmc pentry work-wood dfcfct-repair gie. 273-6500, Snelllng & Snell- MENT SALE. Rain or shine. MINE 10 FUMIM HERALD or nt* lr» tdvice t disigning CITY ing, 450 Springfield Ave., Sum- Tools,'scaffold lacks, portable 0 STEAM CLEANING. 11 Horn ef Nam ted OnjSM J77 0JI4 cenrtvper square foot. Tony's FEDERAL mit. gasoline water pump, old fur- HWWHWOMMtS 2734000 niture, leather tooled tables, Rug Cleaning Service; Spring- SAVINGS HUMM0KMS TRUCKS DISPATCH A.L. CALLEO 444-1SM , field. 1M-O0OS. Free estimates. RECEPT/TYPIST. Such nice bunkles, air conditioners. l«0 WMEHMBE SMI - HIKE SMIN6S J Fireplaces, stops, patios, addi- An EQiul Opportunity empliytr people here I Shine at front desk torch lamps, bric-a-brac, col- •64-8080 tions. + Greek visitors. Accurate typ- lectibles, antiques, clothes, • MUM • IfMiM — - 1964 CHEVY pick-up truck, PRESS Traes SECRETARY ing. To S7IS mo. Maggie, runs good. H00.444-0231 materiel. Saturday, Sunday, - Knkia - Etentt V. and J. MERCADANTE — 1 Immediate opening in office of 273-6500, Snelling ft Snelling. 450 March 1-1,10-S. 3* Clinton Ave., najotnam . 2734002 1 Mason work. Water drainage. INTERIOR PAINTING YOUR TREES are worth more Pupil Personnel Services in Springfield Ave., Summit. New Providence. RMtll rWtlWI nM MMUHt large regional High School WANTED TO BUY Sump pumps installed. 444-7S7S. and Wallpapering. House than lust lirtwood. Call JS1I000 744-0410 painting. Honest, Depend- district. Springfield location, POLICE RADIO DISPATCH- COMPLIMENTARY OARAGE BECHT'S TREE SERVICB.for GRANDMOTHER'S THINGS N.TENSUK FIM0 HOUSE Sale signs now available at your able Service, insured — interesting, diversified work, ER. Permanent full time posi- BALTUSROL free estimate on dormant prun- Entire contents by Cruikshank 11501 Itnei Stmt, Bine**. U. local Welchtrt Realtors office. Call Calvin Kampe, M4- ing and/or feeding. 27S-473S. requires excellent skills. Daily tion as civilian radio dispatcher . Thurs. Feb. Je, Frl. Mth, *-4 - CONSTRUCTION CO. hours: a a.m.-4:15 p.m. Full- with Chatham Township Police •Call 435-5000 or 277-1200. Mason Contractor ft Builder time, 12 month position. Attrac- Department. Generous bene- FRENCH HOlKiDouble horn HANCYHERM»NC£ Stone, brick sidewalks. All l»ws Irving room, dining room, in F and B flaTOvod condition. IT PAYS tive salary, benefits and work- fits. Interviews will be sched- bedroom furniture; silver, flat- BARTENDING — Private types concrate work and con- Ing conditions. Contact: uled after receipt of resume. Gorman madt. M75. Call for in- ANTIQUE BUYING. parties. Call Dennis, 273- struction. N. Rudlsi, Summit;, TO ADVERTISE ware and hollow ware; cut, spection 4M-3377 after .:30pm. Charles Bauman, Assistant Forward resume to: Alice B. Crystal, depression and utility SERVICE 1724. CR3-4M2. PiuwTmiaf Superintendent, Union County Lundt, Clerk-Admlnlstrator, 14 glass) Royal Bonn; Noritaks FOR OVER 2SYRS. ' Regional High School District Southern Blvd., Chatham. An iHigh Prices-Immediate Usque; prints; music sheets; HUIMUK PIMM HOUSE • cash for: Jewelry, Fur- HOUSE SITTING. Reliable Yrornen's Businetj , HI, Jonathan Dayton Regional equal opportunity employer. postcardsi buttons; books; Vic- FOR FINaTPlANO TUMIMO Hie* School, Mountain Ave., Open OeHi til S ^ SaL W C Initure, Silver, China, young single Summit man with trola, radios, stereos, oak references, available to house AND RBPAIRINO) Confonnct tprtngfletd, N.J. «70Sl. Tele- SMtBisni I Glass, Dells, Oriental CALL L. HO«VATM, 177 >>» HIGH School student wanted, pieces. Wicker, linens, meny I rues. Palntlnas, etc. sit. You can travel without A Woman's Opportunity: phone: (Ml) SW-WM. kitchen Items and costume KINO'S CONSTRUCTION general restaurant work) after •AMMFWfOn 377-3114,4U»» or worry. Call BUI at 277-3447. "Mason Expert" Tuning Reaairi»t Owning Your Own Busi- school ft weaken*!. Part time. lojyolry. 177.K54 AMnNrfVri MHM (eeifWiyir WtlsXUmrUIMINi Has Dean holding the crown ' OEOROIM.DILANEYOR ness" seminar sponsored 11 Lancaster Ave., Maplewood ntusafcnos - WANTED DtAD trees -fire- for X years. BIN CAR HOgtRTO.HllLIO Mr: Take Rt. *4 to Moplewood wood. 173-4711. »T»-14II or 28M2S3 by Caldwell College and the MCRaTT* TIMI FAONINI. FlroplMM. wot <"*"• "•*" «» bicomas Springg! SaeMMuaMtMoa Bart, sldawalkt. steps, U.S. Small Business Ad- Sa, "ft" tt ,)\ «t Crajstmoiit SeySavingi s Imtmknm-VHI.- atMCca, patloa, retaining TUNINO. raaalrliig snd cam- ministration. Tuesday, i.MMir I Ay*, nmauM-rMfctttriae SERVICES waUt,ot<. CaHa»or4PJW. piete rHBilldlng. SpoclalHIng In March 4. Student Center. J -"-W. QOULP ft HUNP«R- Workshops 9:30-3:30 p.m. PBUR «»TI- «. lit Broad St. twmmll m-ttt*. Call 2284424.

-„... ENTRY-TUeratjens, base- Childbirth nens, ANTIQUES, eM cetiu, etd gum ments. attics, recreation rooms, raondlngs. Oood benefits. Cell Lettering Guides, pens, hand *wd tonisaatr. ', additions. Free estimates. 277- Childbirth: The Baby and .Friday, Feb. 28. "Bal for interview: 445-OJM. loomed bedspread, miscellane- LIGHT trucking end dtliviriet - Masque," Summit Art Cen- EMPLOYMENT WANTED ANTIQUES RESTORED 3931.. cellars and attics cleaned. Rub' the Family is topic of dis- I ous. W2-1951. DOG OBEDIENCE M.J. Mariani, 431-7*73 ter, 68 Elm, Summit, 9 p.m. PART TIME TVPIST to be bi>h removH. 2)1-114* ro »3t43t. cussion at Summit/New TRAINING STRELEC, DlEDRICH — addi- Providence La Leche to l p.m. Tickets $15 per trained as C.P.T. operator In • NEED A NURSE* CONTENTS of *4 year old tions, alterations, roofing, Summit lew firm. Good book- woman's house. Chippendale S.C.D.O.C. LAWNS cleaned and cut, Milan, person, $10 tax deductible, RN's, LPN's, aides available — USED PIANOS WANTED repairs. Old end new work - attics and garage cleaning. Light League. 8:00 p.m., March S. keeping skills essential. Flex- all shifts. PROFESSIONAL style card table/dining table. EXPERIENCED TRAIN- fully Insured. 273-7341. haultne and mhbith removed. 65 Coddington Dr., N. Provi- on sale at SAC Office. Call ible hours. Call Mrs. Demme, . Set of 7 oak chairs (one am), ALL MAKES ft STYLES NURSES REOIST. 377-MM; ERS SERVING THE AREA CALLU4-4M4 Reasonable ratit. Call 1T1-4M0. dence. Call 464-0775 tor in- 273-9121. 177-2200. early A.M., eves, ft wkends, oak server. Iron bed, 1 bedroom SINCE 1953. » WEEK suites, wicker table, washing I Chimney Services I fonnBtton. 447-itw. COURSE, S30. REGISTRA- COOK'S Appliance tales end Dr. SECRETARY for Summit law machine, linens, set of dishes, TION March 10, new classes OLD BOOKS ft STAMPS ORIENTAL RUGS vict an all appliances including firm. Experience In real estate SOPHOMORE Boy wants odd glassware, bric-a-brac and March 14. Open training oom air conditioners, electrical preferred. Oood typing} and much more. Saturday, March 1, available. FOR MORE IN- ANTIQUES I HAVE Returned I Robert |obs. Willing to learn new skills. Private Buyer - Call 224-4205 garden eaulement, toasters, transcribing skills essential, References. 271-0771. f :34M. 401 Slkwood Ave., New FORMATION CALL 273- Peterson, Chimmoy Sweep. cacuujn clianars, Irom, etc. 114 plus ability to work with Providence. Directions; Sprlng- 6*44, 447-2031 or 322-9341. Beaucoup recommendations. Part Ave., Summit. 27JH91. fleht Ave. to Academy St., left 277-4534 alter 4 P.M. I am the figures. Cell Mrs. Demme, NURSES AIDE, trained, ex- Books, oood book* purchaset J7MJ04. on Elkwood. Chatham Bookseller, I Oreen sweep on the bicycle. perienced, seeks position to AKC registered Golden WINDOW cleaning, gutter clean- Focus Village Rd. Madison. 422-1341. take care of sick or elderly; 4-5 Retriever puppies — ( weeks. ed and repaired, t, Dt Angelus, PARALEGAL In Trusts end days or nights. May sleep In or hVwMhotd Goods $275. Cell 273-4195. Cleanup *9I-«Ut. Batatas wanted lor Summit lew travel, Oood reference. Jm Mentation Wottehop firm. Flexible hours. Must be L SILVER and Gold coins wanted LONG JOHN INC. 473-7MS. HIMALAYAN Cat, beautiful "Inner Grounding for Outer willing to accept responsibility. by private collector paying Berkeley Heights YMCA male Flamepoint, 7 months. CLEAN and remove appli- accepting registrations for Action," a series on basic Seme experience preferred. Good home without smell highest prices. Call anytime, ances, furniture, brush, etc. Roofing. Siding, Leaders, Cut- Secretarial assistance supplied. ters, Additions ft Alterations, i960 winter session of JOY, meditation, continues week- 1 | IHSTRUCTKW | children. «150. 273-M71 5*1-331* from house and yard. All types Salary competitive and com landscaping end tree work. Kitchens ft Bathrooms. Free aerobic exercise for ly, Saturday mornings, 10- •Maturate with experience. 1 Fireplace wood. CHARLIE estimates, expert Mechanics. women. Eight week cycle of 11:45 a.m., at the Inter- Sand resume to Mrs. Demme, PIANO LESSONS taught V SUMMIT ANIMAL WELFARE Fully Insured. Call Mr. Johnson LEAGUE SEEKS HOMES. For VINCENT, 447-2114.14 hour ser- classes begins March 3. weave Center, Woodland at Beurne, Noll * Kenyan, Mi experienced musician, all- maxuimumtmtcn vice. 447-5450 In Warren or Mr. Longo •ftfhw,. oil. MtwUjflan- Adoption: Basset Hound, 1 Babysitting, nominal fee, Deforest, Summit. Febru- Springfield Ave., Summit C7»M. We buy. ' 277-0113) 274-eMO In Kenilworth, classical, rock), will CM Hungarian Polls — brother and morning classes. Call ary 23: Visualization; . lutme. 755-2*17 or 7S4V-2541 sister, pedigreed mutts, a Benll SECRETARY dog and puppies. CATS — blue I Orsumakini I SNOWPLOWING 4644373. Classes held at March 1: Simple Yoga, AIRCO INDUSTRIAL OASES cream with handicap. Calico OLD BOOKS ft STAMPS Free estimate Branch and Diamond Hill March 8: Relaxation tech- We are currently seeking a PIANO LESSONS and others. Call 273-24*3, * to ORIENTAL RUGS DRESSMAKING, Custom De- Fully insured. Sal Fisratto, Methodist Church, morn- niques for body/mind unity. Secretary for our Divisional 5pm weekdays; 374-1439, * to ANTIQUES sign, Ladies Tailoring. By ap- 177-1147. Cell after 4 PJM. Private Buyer Call 224-4205 ings; evening classes at Call 277-1124/1814 for cost Heedeuartes at Murray Hill. M.A., Music Education, New 9 kd pointment 435-2274, Jacqueline Branch YMCA. Located in Central N.J. The York University. Just Kati. and further information. successful candidates will have returned from European and Woman's Club, N.P. excellent typing skills with a Latin American tour. Can Used Cars EXPERT dressmaking and offers service to all metro- Cast Call minimum of 2 years secretarial - take a few students at all J alterations in my home. Call. politan airports. Low rates. March 5, Women's Club, experience. This Is a highly levels-chlMr Lynn Lohse, 4114741. Our membership in Me VIF New Providence, cele- Foothill Playhouse lounge allows you to wait In visible position which requires Summit. $2*f4M. UNDER $2500 brates 20th anniversary Music auditions, Sunday, Mittetlve, intelligence and the comfort for departures or ar- March 2, 2:00 p.m. At the amity la work independently. BRAIDED oval rues — 12x15, rivals. Otner trios to all jointly with Federation iMadlson Auto . Sales i CUSTOM clothing and altera- metropolitan locations ar- Guest day and club mem- Suaberdissen residence, 153 We require a High School TUTOR - Math; Bet last txW; «okt rag txjij beige rug specializes in small.f diploma and a secretarial minute help for SAT'si in- •x»; Whirlpool washer and tions — quality work by Lin. ranged by reservation. bers from 24 clubs in 7th dis- South Woodland Ave., economical cars underf Call 444-1**3 after 4pm. Located In lobby, Hotel Sub- Middlesex. Prospective ac- school graduate. We offer en ex- dividual* or groups. Dr. dryert OB refrlgeratort lawn WSO0.M. We also buy used-] trict. Call 464>04.31 for infor- celleat. salary and benefit Kaplan, 277-»W mower; ScoH spreader. 444-4040 urban, Summit. tors should be prepared to cars. Madison Auto Sales, iTs-iog* ro-SflN mation. package. To arrange for an in- alter 4pm. 240 Main St. >»*i«i»in BJ nights (March 2 and 9) at didate skevto to e self starter Same body work needeC. SIM or Methodist Church, Mountain Mariln 0. Urtwnshi Robert MsiMrjf, Guitarist aadbeaMetowerkwIthamlnl- \ lllMH. U*)al tfl Ave. t Hlllcrest Rd., 7:30. For reservations, aafcaaaao. A! aueaSaaWwlataaaaB} Vfcaea, Aasamasll. bast offer. 4M-71I1. i Meyersville Music Gallery presents enfJtll m B^EfOjWaTlafBvvlB 41 lawGSvslWI* '.t: is a.m. a Tits p.m.' •XPBftltNCBJD FAINTJR, please call 4^4-7718. MMW* Robert Mamary, Saturday, aaH should be familiar with the ,. . mj BUICK Century Luxusste- Pliytwutt, Summit L MADISON ARaiA VMCA — 1 III mm. Irom Summit; March 1, 8:15 p.m., Music Ralph Stoddard Or., Thurs. Gallery, 75 Summit Ave., "Twigs," Feb. 28, 29, Mar. u,*T., mUHeik Oood conditioncmHon.. All axex- 1, 2, 6, 7, 8. The Playhouse tras. Leaded gas. ti£W. call »: 15 A.M. , Summit. Tickets $3.00. Association, 10 New Eng- SR. PAYROLL CLERK Available in advance by enahft^ £ajjWisftat£latf > jf-am tls'HatfsaEai aaultlt land Avenue, Summit. _; W 1fet.VQLtattA«aN.J>tbulous calling 278-7609. Cum Roundup At KIM March l. Keen opens facil- state and Chapter 411 Watchung Hills ities for canoe and kayak WIUCB KOOMNO) in holds bi-monthly cocktail enthusiasts to demonstrate STRUCtlON, Tarot eird-Mintf party. Music, danc*g, buf- Crystal Ball- skill in four hour boating Palm RaMilng fet at "Willows" (formerly program. Films, swap Squires Inn) Ht. S3, Green- shops, exhibitions featured. •»•, law All rswliiiis pchMI irt twnoeritM brook, March 2, Sunday/ Doors open at 5:30 p.m. IT PAYS Hrt, axM condition, »SMslnSt.,MlHourn, NJ. eaH-fi*M48a 9 for- Informa- Gymnasium Building, Kean TO ADVERTISE hanically sattndnd,, batty tion. gm». sttti. or besest ofofferf ., sun til lam College, Route to, Union. Oaysj WIHU, Bvast SM>1Si4.