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' - From Can Franc! China. Sept 25. v; 7 For Can Francisco: ' ' I r . Sierra, Sept. k I 11:11 II 2. w II II from Vancouver: i J Indefinite. -- III For Vancouver: Indefinite. 10 Evening 1882. No. W68 Buiretln. Bit 12 1914.-- Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII, No. 7008 PAGE& HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 12 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CSNlS

if3 LLPU-- mmMxm&'mMi

U. 3. lOOPS TO Brbmvs ).' mm 1 III : i . ri i SftYS I ini i ii ii ill i - mm a TO FRfl.",l BICO ' ;f Star-Bul1t- fn - ! r fSpeclal Cable ..v : ' ; , WASHINGTON; D.; C, Sept: :25. Attorney-Gener- ai MAN DEFENSE;-ALLEGIN- BRITISH ATHLETES ASKED TO CONTRIBUTE SWEATERS TO Gregory has reversed the request made by fonrier "Attorney- - ACCUSED WILL CONDUCT ARGUMENT FOR FORCES ABROAD OPERATIONS IN ALSACE, LORRAINE, IFJIOJAYS General McReycplds for.the; resignation of Federal Judge THAT INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ; GALICIA AND, EASTERN FRANCE CHECKED BY BAD Charles F. Clemfms of Honolulu. The request, was withdrawn PRESENTED ;BY WITNESSES; FOR PROSECUTION this-'a- f ;'; " ' 1 PROSECUTION CLOSES CASE THIS MORNING. . WEATHER GERMANY ORDERS INDEPENDENT INVES Some; Hope of Healing Villa- - ternobh. . J :X ; '.v V.;; . position;1 -- - TIGATION OF RAZING OF LOUVAIN ZEPPELIN DROPS Carranza Split; "Pancho,? , Judge; Ciembns retains'. his He starts for home A- motion to Instruct the jury to station. The defendant should be pro - any '" MORE GERMAN oii Monday, st6n)mg in Montana for hiswife. ' ; acquit Jeff McCarn on the ground that tected from Jobbery. T BOMBS IN OSTEND BRITONS TAKE "r; is Silent'', v the testimony, given by, the witnesses Jeff McCarn arose at this point and ' : Mr.; ' POSSESSIONS IN PACIFIC REPORT; GERMAN, LOSS '' ' 'f':. The presideuf;. had instructed Gregory ;to review the for the prosecution is insufficient to made obJectoions alcng the . lines of charge Against those Mr. Lightfoot - : rAaaoclated.'' Press br;Fed. Wlreleaa.3 Cleihons ;case. S. ALBERT. sustain the the district of HEAVY AROUND VERDUN. v a being Offi- WASHINGTON. O. W Sept. 25. 4r attorney, and that there is no evidence f Upon further examined ' ' Secretary of War Garrison has order- of an assault this morning was pre cer Ferry said that he saw no blood, . .(Associated Press aerTlce by federal Wireless .1 . MUCH , ed General'. Funtton to withdraw hi SATISFACTION sented, to Judge William L. Whitney, on Hussman's hand. , . - 1 BEIILIIT, Qcrnmj, Sept. 25. (OScial) Only xninor engage: troops from Vera Crus In . 0 days. in whose court the trial of the district "Was McBride drunk' when you saw ; Although Jt la still hoped that the : attorney now is bcins conducted, by him?, asked Lightfoot. now taking place In the western arena or war. . ; Al N ncnts are split between 'Generaf-Vill- a and Pro- m IS TO REM ON BENCH counsel for the defense. ; It was stated ,f"He didn't look like he'waa drunk," r - , ' , 1 o news received frcm Celnni-c- East Prussia. . can"; be in motion1 most which the . ' has been visional President Carranxa " the that the answered Ferry. , ; ," '. hearty was patched ;up. Villa 1$. silent .with the Yfd and satisfaction evidence shows la that McCarn, mere- -- Hussman. pertiaps was Gennan goTemznekt has crdcrcdi an; Independent, jurist; to ' one of the r" .f The pro- expressed by Honolulu attorneys this of 1 exception that; ha .guarantees to ly was in possession a revolver. The most collected and f. circusistances surround- ' deliberate witness inake an extensive examination of all the tect foreigners whatever .may be he morning when the argument of the motion will be held es to be called to the stand since the of vandalism there. developments of the future!fs'.i.;rV ed a Cablegram' from its Washington before Judge Whitney at 9 o'clock to- opening of the trial. 1IU answers ing the destruction of Louvain and alleged acts C. were correspondent that 1'ederal Judge morrow, morning- - Jeff McCarn will explicit and straightrorward: In ex- be an F.'Clemons is to retained after conduct the majority of. the argument plaining how the gun Lappened to be--, ' f Elements Investigation by new 0 . llitlgale Aom:t 'W&M of his' case the for the defense. . , come fastened' to his hand ha said VILSOW: AGAINST attorney-genera- l, Thomas W. Gregory -- LOirDOIT,. Eng., Ccpt. 25.Cncwstcrxns and inclement weather ; , The territory rested its case In the that wben he had Interfered in the' ot .Texas. of. District Attorney Jeff McCarn scuffle between McCarn-an- complete cessation war operations in and no trial McBride. have caused a of iace, "Gregory has shown that there la a few minutes after 11 o clock this he saw the- - revolver in the former's . v Xcrraine and rains and floods aro reported as cf similar effect in politics ln his office. mornmg'rilowing -- the taking of tes hand, that the" hammer ' had teen ;? "demons is vindicated,' , Galicia, Austria and France, the ccnrcqusnce being t& susr timony;, irom Police Officer W. D. drawn back and that McCarn rrt.-- en- Eastern ;!The; Hawaii Judiciary" looks safer Henry deavoring to point gun tows.: Mc- -. 1 Ferry and ' Hussman, the Toung the I Being politicians m. . - pension cf hostile activities along a large part cf the lin2. from raided by; the Portuguese, woo is , aiiegea ; 10 nave Bride. Hussman - said that hi took -; r ; v v r 'JV'-.ff- .f Mc-Carn- 's now." ;i wrenched the revblter , from Jeff hold of the revolver and as ha did so-th- e As a result cf , the sufferings of soldiers, in the Xeld,'th3news ROW V These expressions nd seteri.1 eth hand while the district attor trigger was pulled,, the hammer papers are publishing appeals ; to all athletes to contribute the r ers of the sort 'heard this morning ney, and Claudius McBride were; strug- falling on the fleshy part of his hand show how news was received and sweaters' and warn xlcthes for the public cause. - General appeals the gling' on the . floor of the. corridor, of between the thumb and first flssr. Hi the view, that was taken of former At the federal building. The trial this '' During the direct examination Huss- are b::rg made for suitable clcthing to be sent to Franco.; President Lets It Be Understood: torneyKxeneral V'McReynoMs" demand morning was interrupted by frequent man 'was asked to speak a little loud- resignation Judge Clemons. - for the ol: verbal tilts between Attorney J.Ught-fqo- t er by Attorney LUMfoct. . . - " It Inopportune - ItcJy Azmzt Sivi$s Violalit;i v thinks . vJudge Clemons sailed for the main one of the counsel for the de- "Speak up,MvsaId.Litroct- - land on. August '14 otf way to'Wash a'-- his fense, and Attorney . K Andrews, spe V speak'. - l?v. 1 re- -- - and; Embarrassing "Please little tr," 1 ly, :pt; is' repcrted'that iwitrerland. has re- ington -- present his case before1 the attorney-genera- EO: , r CS.It to cial, assistant to the l quested Attorney Andrew a, need; be " v ' "llr. departmentof justice 'and It r : t:-::-"-- tLr'ee armycorps of the territory. ' Ughtfoot is gettln LIj ."7 fused a rc;u:':t by Germany for pcrmiesicn to.f'nd d Press by Federal eff WirelI be'-- " .1 tit rtimselt; Pol&e-- f V,' "i H I NGTON. D."C Sept. 25 J Officer' Fe?ryri!i' glviij hi re yeriitm' 'fefwlTaf fcip'peaed thV police a y -- -- - Tpmu!tyreaIderTtViJ5on's-- ? at any more tLan yen . ,r : ',7 :ed jT"ai3: - r--r- .Attorney nrrtvfcd - .that .Italy..will: i ITcCarn tid i station following the- "affair- In the retorted t!;e attcrrty- for C.l. : private recrrtary hja a(vrHttenr ta Nevr. d ' ington-an- according jto ?a cablegram federal ' building, said f that McBride Hus3man saiJ that' he tl gra..::i Jersey Democrata reqyesung tnat.Uiey f Star-Bulleti- n ti2 from' the correspondent and Hussman walked into the sheriffs McCarn's revolver - "in - ctd cr to pre- make no Indorsement of a second pres- went with the aaya at once' into conference office and , inqulred or Mr Rose'. At vent "any damage." He ideatiflel ths idential term for Wilson. He that 3: attorney-genera- l. v The Tact" that It had the t(mesaid 'Ferry,vHussman had a revolver and, .when snown. the cart- the President feels such action by the been persistently reported here1 that Attorey-Genera- revolver In one of his hahds and that ridges, said that they were about the LC:;Dw.., Lzg., Ccpt. C3. Th3 Eritish admiralty announce:? Demccrata now would be inopportune v l Th6mas' Watt' Mr. McCarn was strongly' opposed to and e.mt5rrasing.v Some might think Gregory of Texas, who Judge' the flesh between the thumb and fore same size as the ones which he had Qe , . . ham-me- ! Judge demons remaismg on the fed the.t Er:t::!:.fcr::3 have captured Friceterich 7ilhelm Harbor, the K- finger was , caught between the f seen taken from the gun the police that the President Was taking advan- , Charles F.demons official O. - to at ; eral bench lenfadditlonal interest of piatol tEe cartridge cepital cf IIr:::r Wilhelmeland, German l.ew Guinea: tage of the present, extraordinary in- thereby reversing the decision of the and station. He had gone Immediately to developments that came with ra . ternational situation i to promote - his predecessor. : the. He further said that before he had the police station, he said, to prove in - - his was The- ccneentrated- at Herbertshche are' said to have K pid ity soon after mt. MeCarn time attempt remove gun Cemns political fortunes,'.; i.j - ' . rf ...... to to the what manner he had gotten the revol- .called iko, Washington to "discuss ; his v-- Hussman and McBride left the sher ver. :.,.';'.. . b;;n ar.u:hilitcd when they c2crcd resistance to Eritish occupation. " own case with the department of JU3 office. ; - - '. :";'.- - your ' iffs "Did hand bleed profusely? " ' '. ' - 'v. . ;. .;;- " tlce. . . A huge single asked Lightfoot. . - revolver of the action Lchs Causa' Pcnic ' A day or twoj before Mr. : McCarn variety, o "rather ,' "Profusely? Oh, course ans- Z:i:zlh caTsTegram ancient make but of not" - reached Washington a came ". 25- Zeppelin- capable Vol throwing a slug of lead wered Hussman. . . C2ZI:d, Eelgium, Ccpf .- hasdroppedthree mmmmsmmm attorney-genera- from the l to Judge Following - of considerably larger than the average the completion of the property, was damaged reports Judge's .resig cross-examinati- bcmb3 in this city. Ilueh butln Clemons requesting the ds pistol was placed fc Ferry's , cf Hussman the pro-han- cablegram said in bullet fetalitic3 are made..;- The dropping of the bemb caused a panic nation. While the so thaC ha mit- -t show Ju3t in secution announced that it had rested 1 effect "that this action was "hot 'on . -- -s what position the gen lay in Huss its case. The natter regarding the r f t account of charges which must be ana man s hand. There was strenuous ob- presentation of the motion was then wered," Jt, was coucned in peremptory ,1 Managed EL O. signers, jection by ,the defense to move by brought up by counsel tor the defense. 1: Dulsenberg of the the 'Pleasanton I noticed two language. Judge Clemons "and 'his this ' ; ,', Heavy Verdun prosecution. ".. .. ; The trial will be continued 9 o'clock G:rz:zn Lc::zz til Pleasanton hotel yesterday afternoon or three cases where the wives of charges were the at filed with, license commis- signers placed friends felt tBat as no "This seems to; me to be too Monday morning. r. C I !Z, Italy, Ccpt. 3. A dirp atch from Easel, Switzerland, the liquor several of the have, made, his resignation was demanded re sion an application a hotel license on our,-'petition,- mote, said Attorney, Lightfoot "Many Mrs. McCarn again was present for their names' ;and; the - was Jeff r;ys the Ccmams lest 10,CC0 killed and .15,000 wounded In their probably will con- cages, property for political reasons and that he Jobs could have been put up many thit and the matter be wives, in these are the 1 ; - and in court this morning and sat by her to be replaced by a Democrat, : crduu. sidered at the commission's next meet- owners. Also,- - several of the signers pieces of evidence invented between husband during the trial.-- Mrs.' A. N. cu . ltc.t atke f It was felt also that the district at ing; the date for which has not been cf the Pleasanton petition are dead, McBride and Hussman after they left . Sinclair also was present with two . a. ... . a . . . . Anti-Saloo- torney's office here was hostile to i ' yet set; The application was really ."The ; n - league win ; fight note,tr.l.l street on me way 10 pouce women, -' v 'v-- tne otner made last March, said Secretary Car- the granting of a permit to the. Pleas- Judge' Clemons' : '";;-- 'V"':-- ' . receiyed A. Long commission today, - On: the day after Clemons Tri-e- e, 5-- los. of the anton ;until there tIs- nothing to v An" FAT.:.:, Cept. chcial government, bulletin 'sayi left ' : ' Star-Bulleti- n a, ; the . cablegram the am but was withdrawn to obtain more fight for. . ; 4 , :vr: was going Wash- that tho Germans have sent three ccrp3 from the center and from complete of signers to the peti- In- nounced.that he to lift " ' "It Is a clear case Wbere the ; ' 1 ..'"He. capital mm . ington. hurried t& the and mm: . ;v m tion. ': tmm Verges line to reinforce wing, where a tellectual citizens ; of Honolula a feel th3 Lcrrair.3 aid their right con-tain- s conferred McReynolda. ' This was ? The' petition 'as filed yesterday - with the- entire liquor business is disrepu- " . time? elevation of Cere 3 general cregement around Ct. Quentin' has recommenced. the names of 87 residents In the table when the matter comes to them: Just at 'the of the Immediate neighborhood of the hotel. " McReynoIds to the supreme bench and 5;.y ALL a concrete tike- - this. ',. ;." fJ LIHES in form attor-ney-genera- applica- L The law requires that such ': the appointment 'of Gregory at J ' Crlhzzrd The people of Manoa probably ' ' V - - '.- ; ' i . Azm Dzzardcd : ; 9 - carry approral of a ; ...... tions must the mind, r fc t , property-holder- s don't if jsalotms are at Waikikl ' vCl": UH,-.rrane3- 25- - biaiaritf ine In the (Mew ' " , , zozn: Cept; It is cflcially announced here of or cn River street, blut when yod brtug Oeal Ordered.! . it. bv the contractor so that football is In which1 the. selling privilege A. ' Gregory , ap- Youna Ranid district into-Man-oa '. few days after- the bombardment cathedral a saloon up they feel that oir-jf-l aiuil:;? r-- possible and Mills school's name man3 renewed the of Eheims Bought In a lengthy statement to Star-Bulletin-'s is getting near. ,They pointment jthe corres- ltde appear on gridiron Manager Dulsenberg,- - '.be it is too. '"don't 'OUIUWr MUIieilU riUIU.IS will hereafter the :i',:,,-;.-:.;.;;v;- the board re- pondent cabled that the President had hit m:ht. mind, perhaps, if the; saloons;are, JJJ--,- ; sides enumerating the desirableness of ordered new attorney-gener-al ;to Among Generous Gifts. J SS..TJSS -- homes 'the STRENUOUS FIGHTING up-to-da- te mote from their and children. to an hotel, ; 1 this adjunct make Clemons ' - - r cult to dislodge the Germans from ' "I can Bubmit testimony from ho-- ji review of the entire ' The Mary Caatle trust through Its trus ALONG CfiTIRC UNC. f see ' promise will Mid-Pacif- ic makes the that he cablegram added, "Action opened , bat-t!- e th'a entrenched position. matter. The The Institute has haa nAAA tn mmnintA LONDON, Cept. 25. The . tels.in which will show, that n.t tnna Cr:, the privilege Is not abused, that no eliminates McCarn incluence.' This this last of the city schools alonj the Aisr.e, which had lulled An early official statement Qvtn out which might be offensive to bars are not necessary to make those ' weekthe conduct first-clas- was on September 18. to begin the season's work. The instl-- j will-pu- curlnj the try, was actively resumed at Paris yesterday said that the en- anyone premises win be per- hotels s hostleries as far as other facilities that t it in the on the ; tnte has nraetlcallr Abnliahod ' n ;; When .Mr: McCarn Honolu- Oirfa. yjstercfajraftsrnocn, the German veloping movement-o- the left was be no dif- tourists are concerned.' ; ? reached same class as Alexander field. The rl;ht, mitted, and that there will v lu from Washington he was asked by mas and Easter recesses and Increased over avify reinforced, strong continuing and that the fighting on the pres following pro--J boys are most enthusiastic these te making a ference between the hotel as at .The signatures lo the Star-Bulleti- center had become, desultory. ;, the n as to the status of the length of the summer vacation. Castle gifts and will assist in putting cfTen&ive mcvement against the Al- ent conducted and as it might be con- test against; the permit are on file This gives a larger opportunity to self-- evl-nt- ly German on our right ; Anti-Saloo- n the Clemons matter, but said he knew the field In shape. lies, whese turning movement is "The attacks ducted should the license be granted. with the leagues .''.': supporting money to com students to earn and - build- wing are apparently, checked, said ' - ? , Grif-1- - nothing about It and declined :Dr. Ferguson feels that a new causing the enemy much un-- League Will Fight License. Faculty of Oahu College A. P. keps the months of study continuous '- - v.-.- -. statement of war. ministry. ; Anu-saioo- o ment on the report that he was against ing must be erected this year for small .atintsa. . i the the ; ' league wiu fiths, president; Wm. J. MacNeiL C. That the earnest. . The Germans a war against any grant- ; C. lodge, Clemons' remaining on the M boys and the endowment Increased. attacked force and wage a bitter u Howland, Charles T. Fltts, F, . t; J In Mills school boys' department ' - bench. ' the The new" Mills teachers are ;Mlss fcr a time made considerable headway ORITISH JAPANESE ing by" the board of liquor license jschmutzler, Frank Barwlck. ' : .. ' - it f hiUvA(f her that .Tnrfr 'rriA. hss a record attendance. Last v year ; r (Continued on page four) ..; in uiv uiicbiiBn r rtrunne, ueftlDl' , r u nvfc. i commissioners ,of a permit to the Parents Phoebe A. Pannalee, J.' S. . ing to cut" the line and cut off (SpeclaJ Despatch to the Nippu Jljl.): hotel, allowing tbat estab- 1 Emerson. T. IL Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. that Pleasanton . jish day attendance. There were then ; porticn cf Aliiea army TOKIO, Japan, Sept. 24 Japan no was - e, W. Continued on page two) ENGINEER YE0. HAS A the which had lishment to sell Intoxicants, the W. Peterson.-- L. Emory. J. M. i nearly 70 day students. Some friends . advanced to La wilt morning by Dr. suf-ife- r. Catelet, north of St longer treat withrthe Germans for statement made thla ,Ostergaard; E. W. Bull,;Mr.: and Mrs. I of Mills thought the school would SPECIALTY OF MAKING - ,'. peaceful Taingtau. -- , Cuentin. the evacuation of John W. Wadman. superintendent of a: A. EberBoIe, J. U. D. Williams, J. , All, however, are now satisfied The Allies fell .back until reinforce- - A general attack on Taingtau will be : the league. t S.; Bailey, Jessie Turner, .Margaret I principal's recommendation MARCONI PLANT AFFAIRS ! C that the ments could arrive, when they in turn made Saturday, beginning at daylight! ; As Doctor Wadma- - : expressed it Hocgs, Mabel C. Mead,3i2abeth Wa-- TODAY'S MAJOR was wise, and .so popular has the Bcvanced, criving the Germans out of .according to an omciai announcement the league wmflsht until tnete' is terhouse, F. Scudder, "Mary Scudder, ; Engineer Yeo, who drove the engine J - " Lieutenant-genera- l g ' trt made here by Oka, left to fight i'T." ; jMarr C.1 Woods, I M. Grey, Mr. and ! of the school is tested and a large f ha nwr!al trfn Mirwmi for In both the. German attack and the Al- minister of war. ' Since the- - intimaron made by tne( jits. C. II. .Brown. Geo. P. Denison, LEAGUE waiting list established.- - jthe formal opening, bears tile ci3ua , ago RESULTS spe--. lies' counter attacking the 'fighting Japan la restless and eaer for the Pleasanton some three months Mrs. Agnes H. B. Judd, Mrs. Charlotte There will be 25 more boarders "thisiti of having twice pUoted the ' 4 .' ..' was - ; H.: So-?r-g Of great strenuous. battle to begin. ' thatjt. would ajclr for a. liquor h. M., von Holt, John v vear than tier, were boardew and dav cial train to the opening - ' Mere- sta- league ? ' . ; than 1600 British troops permit the Ar.tiFaloon per, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brown. NATIONAL LEAGUE. year. Marconi stations. ; . . , . - t students combined last Even v GERMAN CZFCNSE t , tioned In Pekin and Tientsin have haa been quietly at work : securing Chung KaL David WIthlngton. Mary E. At Philadelohia Phlladelohia 2-- Chl-- one or tne urm cotiaeM- - naa Deem - - - xis STuzccnri.- - ; Joined the Japanese forces near Kloa-cha- u, signers to a peuuon 01 protest against Moore, thprA i - first party of business Alexander, Mrs. T a' Wills, W." eano 9. ;j with hnv ' Vurthpr ar carried the ' - 1 fint Near Cerry-au-Cra- e on the Aisne, awaiting the opening of the bat- such a nermit The league now be-- Mann. . - ; " On'.fnn 9 riwtniiiti fl Tl'lM. axhvnl Tiles to. thft ODenlnfiT bf the MaTCOnl .;. ,.- 1 RtAr ..t.hI tli. : r-dm- north cf Reims, tie, Allies made a de- tle. ;.?.. ' . Heves that since Uie I'.'easanton Students Georee Piltz. L M. Web--; rfint nimet! Biaton a. Cincinnati 3 nnHoiRovfiltp an whn station at. Glace Bar.' the run.. being ' j i at! termined effort to dislodge a concen- tion signers have had their names ster, Richard Simmonton, C. C Wes-- (second game. - .1 ; .. to live in the city. Bible made from Sidney to Glace Bay, He. - flowed In tbis ; trated force cf Germans who were en- AUSTRIAN NAVAL ; made public, the - majority of the tervelt - Wentwortii JI. Buchanan; At New York S, St Lou-- school a young lady has for the first came- - to, Honolulu two vr three years r , . y , trenched, the Allies meeting with some DISASTER REPORTED, t residents and property owners in the Ralph C Grey; Ernest C. Grey; Char-vicinit- Is 1. . ' . ' time been admitted.: Miss Wai Hong ago and haa been runningme engme slight success. It has proven very dif-- LONDON,: Eng, Sept 25.--Re-uters of the hotel have signed the lotte JV Dodge, Haael Bear, 'John Goo ; At Brooklyn Brooklyn 3, Pittsburg Loo, ho is fitUng herself for a mis-- that hauled! the freight deliveries at ' ' ' despatches, league's protest . i v J. - v ' ; ; ;' - , from Constantinople say M. Kelley; B.: ; : jKim, C Carl Andrews. 2. :. . , jsionary career. .MarconL;. ., the German tWe only names of in-- ! : - v - v i i : day'- - ago Teo, that cruiser Breslau, has have not the Property Holders F. S. Dodge, . . ; During the summer the building was A ortwo Engineer i.:oi:ur.iEiJT3 been renamed, the Mldlrlll, and1 the dlvidual8 on our petition." said Do;tfr W. C. .Hobdy,- - - Royal D. Mead, - AMERICAN LEAGUE. ; extensively repaired and improved and hearing cf the special trip cf battle-cruis- er no Goeben been renam- Wadman, "but two Institutions: Oahu Cooke, . ' Under-colleg- e Blue has Mrs. A. F. L. IL Stone ed the Sultan ves- We,' Hum-hav- e - Selim. Both these and St' Clement's church. wood, Arthur Alexander,' A. S 1. er furnishings Increased by 60 . per for .the . formal openfn, c- - sels; accompanied also received protests Temple-estat- e 1. . c: the Turkish fleet from real phreys, W. J. Forbes,' W. M? At Louis St Louls'10. Boston cent The buildinz never aDDeared so privilesa of haulms . th .3 St ! - to - ; , fp-ccia- -- ID the Black sea for the purpose of owners, all of whom we have 'ton, W. F. Frear,. Paty, Fd At Cleveland Cleveland 3, Washing- complete and H . , the He gave f La Elizabeth " attractive. . . . ' ' ' - written to regarding the matter. l .... ton 1. .;." .,,; . Nsw Athlf'- - Fi'i. r r , "is I r!?,""3 over fv r"0 cfl ff v.- - t t HONOLULU fiTAR-BULLETIN- ,: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1319U.

FIRE-PROO- COMPARATIVE STRENGTH OPWAf wnm for F GREAT BRITAIN American Waters ...... ;.V 39400 56 5.600 K FIRST HOME FLEET. ISLAND TRADE Total ...... 1,451,300 578 435.960 Total WE STORE EVERYTHING. CITY TRANSFER COMPANY No. Projectile ProJX FEAiros JAMES H. LOVE Phone 1231 - Name of Ship Tonnage Type. Gnni Calibre Weight Weil FIRST SQUADRON. THE FLEET FLAGSHIP. Total LAUNCHED Iron-Du- ke . ,...... 25.000 D. 10 1 in. 1.250 12.500 No. Project. Projt SQUADRON. v Name Ship Type. FIRST of Tonnage Guns Calibre Weight ' s Welt K; i Colling ood 19.230 D. 10 12 in. 830 8.500 Courbet...... 23.100 D. 11 11 In. 850 10,20e H. WelTer. VepresenUtlve I I I I v Bart-.,..- ... V a locaf I w. 20,000 D. 10 12 In. 850 8.500 Jean 23,000 D. 12 - II1 I I Colossus ... , 121a. 50v- 10.200 of the Union Oil Company, has beea . 20.000 D. 10 12 In; 850 8.500 Condorcet . B. Hercules . . 18.028 121a. 80 3,400 advised of the launching of a fine new Fn ..in Neptune . . . 20,000 D. 10 12 In. 850 8.500 Dan ton .; ...... 18.028 B. ltln. 80 3.400 ' steam Unker which as a sister ship mil 19.250 D. 10 12 In. 830 18,028 SO St. Vincent 800 Diderot a 12 In. 3.400 to F. H. employed 18.600 D. 10 12 in. 850 8.500 . the Buck will be MADE BY AN EXPERT. Superb .... Mirabeau 18.028 a 12 In. 80 3.400 In may soon D. 10 13.5 In. 1,250 12.500 Vergnlaud the Paciflo trade and Marlborough 25.000 18.028 B. if In. 80 3,400 appearance Honolulu and, 19,2"0 10 12 850 8,500 V make iu at .Vanguard in. Voltaire 18.028 a 12ln. 80 3,400 other island ports. Lyman Steward Love's En!lery V . 80 72.000 ; Is to be the name of the new Unker ToUl 1M.S50 Total .. 15U64 48 40,800 Iron. SECOND SQUADRON. SQUADRON. under construction at the Union SECOND Works at San Francisco for the Union Ajax .... 23.000 D. 10 13.5 in. 1.250 12.500 Patrie 14.635 B. 12 In. 850 3,400 ; ...... Oil Company. - The vessel will be cf D Audacious 23,000 D. 10 13.5 In. 1.250 11500 Republique 14,635 12 In. 850 3.400 PRESS a y the. same size as the Frank H. Buck ..ARE Centurion 23,000 D. 10 13.5 in. 1.250 1200 Yerite 14.633 a 4 12 In. 85Q 3.400 the latest addition to the fleet which Conqueror . 22.5K) D. 10 13.5 In. 1.250 12.500 Justice 14,635 B. 12 in. 850 3,400 ... haa capacity for handling 65.000 bar--1 (Continued from page bnei 23,000 D. 10 13.5 In. 1,250 12.500 , King George V Democratic . . 14.635 B. 12 in. 850 3.400 oiL la D. 10 13.5 In. 1,250 12,500 rels of It the Intention to have PR Monarch . 22.50 her ready for service by January 1. engaging in gunnery practice. AS Orion .... 22.500 D, 10 13.5 in. 1.250 12.500 Total ...... 73.173 20 17.000 : IWliT The J. A. llcffat under construction A Havat despatch from Rome re- Thunderer 22.500 D. 10 13.5 fn. 1.250 12.500 CRUISER SQUADRON. ports a disaster to the Austrian navy ' iWaldeck-Roussea- at the same plant for the Standard Oil a 13.780 A. C. 14 7. In. 200 2.800 Company, is expected to be in shape from floating mines In the Adriatic on 80 100.000 Qulnet - 14- - Total Edgard 13.780 A. C. 7.6 In. 200 2,800 to launch at abcut the same time. She Friday, off the Dalmatian coast Three .liiiS THIRD SQUADRON. Ernest Renan 13,427 A. C 4 7.6 In. 200 800 is to be a duplicate of the Richmond, Austrian warships, two torpedoers and -- Ferry . 4 200 Edward 16,500 B. 4 12 In. 830 3.400 Julea . 12.251 A. C 7.6 in. 800 which carries 72,000 barrels of oil at one destroyer, out of a fleet ran into 7-- .Leon 12.351 4 6 200 . 800 Africa . . 16.500 ,. B. 4 12 in. 850 3.400 GambetU A. C In. ;a trip, enjoying the distinction of be mined waters, struck floating mines 16.500 B. 4 12 in. 850 3.400 Victor Hugo . . 12,351 A. C 4. 7.6 In. 200 800 American officers are wanted for the Brltannlo - ing the largest Unker oa this coast and were sunk.: Oil 16.500 4 12 850 3.400 vessels in the Paclrlc Standard Commonwealth In. hag. , Red by a under the American .Both of The steamer Cross, sent the according to word was pass- 16,500 v: 4 12 850 3.400 Total ...... 78.040 44 8.800 - fleet that Dominion a in. these new carriers- will be operated American Red Cross to the aid of the stay ; SQUADRON. ed at Honolulu dunng the brief Illbernia , n 16.500 4 a 4 18 in. 80 3.400 RESERVE out of California ports in the coast- wounded in the hostilities, arrived 16.500 ' B. 4 12 in, 850 3.400 J St Louis ...... 11.108 1 B. 4 12 In. 850 3.400 of the tanker Vlnraac, which called Hindustan wise trade and probably will make here yesterday.' . '.;, ';y . 1 B. 4 here some days ago to replenish Zealandla 16.500?'" 4 12 in. r 850 3.400 Gaulols ...... 11.108 12 in. 850 3.400 occasional lu a trips to Portland. A sum with fuel oil, following a hur- Charlemagne ...... 11.101 I B. 4 12 in. 850 3,400 of 1120,000 also is being expended by JAPANESE OUTPOSTS tanks 132,000 32 30.200 jCarnot 1U54 1 B. 4 12 in. 850 3,400 ried trip across the Pacific from Hong- Total .... the SUndard In Improving the Unker IN GERMAN TERRITORY. '"" 1 ' 1 B, 4 3,400: kong. ,' : ' FOURTH SQUADRON. ;Brennus 11.100 13 In. 850 Atlas at San Francisco. PEKIN, China, Sept. 25. In an effl- - . w . w 12.527 4 12 In. 850 3.400 Captain J. Isler, now aaperlntendent dreadnought 17.000 10 12 In. 850 8.50O: ...... IB. 'ciardespatch the; governor of! Klao-- 11.735; 1 B; 4 12 In, 850 3.400 of the Standard Oil Company's branch Bellerophron 18.600 D. 10 12 in. 830 8.500 'Maasens ..... t . Local Notice to Mariners. chau reports that the Japanese out- - 11,637 1 B. 4 12 In. 850 3,400 at Shanghai, is reported aa authority . , , . .. ., . , 18.600 D. 10 In. 850 JJaureguIberry I HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Oahu Island, posts have crossed the frontier Into Temeralre .. I! Teanne d'Arn . 11.0S2 A. C. 2 7.6 in. 200 400 fcr the statement tnat better sallor-me- n 16,500 1 B. 4 12 In. 850 3.400 ' 'southern coast: Three target range German territory.; Agamemnon ...... 1 Julea MIchelet 2.370 ; A. 4 ,. 7.6 in. 200 800 never trod a deck than the men a buoys were established off the en-- : The despatch adds that the Germane Charles Martel 2 13 In. 850 1.700 who make up the American merchant 28.900 U.m K C maintain positions. : Total 70.000 34 ' trance to Honolulu harbor September their ; r Marsellalse 8.856 v A. ' 2 , 7. In. 200 400 marine officers and able seamen. a 21. 1914. In the vicinity of six: as FIRST BATTLE CRUISER SQUADRON. Glolre 9.858 A. 3 7.6 fn. 200 400 the the Wlnemac departed a ' yellow SENATOR ALDRICH'S At the time 27.000 B. C. s 13.5 In. 1.250 10,000 ; - ' barrel buoys recently eatab Lion .... . V'. south China San Francisco ' Hshed and now reported missing. FAMILY SAFE. from for Queen Mary ...... 27.000 b. a 8 13.5 in. 1.250 10.000 Total 147,134 44 - ;v 30.900s was a general sentiment that - V Buoy -- (Nearest, jentrance SAN FRANCISCO, CjU Sept. 25. there 27.000 B. C. 8 13.6 in. 1.250 10,000; - First to Princess Royal Fleet Totals r,-,:- "' wife many navigators who had been return- ; 850 MOO Honolulu harbor) Quarantine The of former Senator Nelson New Zealand 18.000 B. C. 8 12 In. island governmen- ' 15-1- W. ed frflra the Phillpr.nejnsular 70nnaae. Guns. Prolctr flagstaff. 21 deg. true (N 6 E Aldrich of Rhode Island, and her sons, Arnold In t-service might be given position 89.000 88 36,800 First Squadron 154.368 48 40.800 mag ), about 2825 yards. VV ; and Swinton, are safe Tour ..i - - . Oil Second Squadron 73,175 B0 . 17.000 Buoy buoy, London, They were caught In Europe with the SUndard fleet SECOND CRUISER SQUADRON. Second From first 2S2 Shanghai Cruiser Squadron 78.040. 44- - 8.800 deg. CVV N by the outbreak of the war. They are The word received from 4,600 4 9.2 in. 380 U20 true H mag.), about 1880 J A. C, .. Is therefore cheering to these Bhrnnoa Squadron . 30,900 n-- expected to sail for New York on mot 6 0.2 In. 380 2.280 Reserve M?.flTl yards. x the Achilles 13,500 C, Buoy first available ateamer. sailormen wfio have spent years in 1 A. 9.2 in. 380 2.280 I Third From .first buoy, 282 Cochrane 13JS50 C. 452.717 the service of the Philippine Insular 9.2 in. 380 2,280 ToUl 196' 9700 deg. tme'(W N mag.), about 3000 Natal . 13,550 A. C BUC3IA yards. KITCHENER RECTOR OF government, although it is not from ' SCOTTISH government thai the relief now '.: buoys UNIVERSITY. that 53,250,. 22 8.360 BATTLESHIP SQUADRON, These ire spars, painted yeii Total low: LONDON, Eng Sept. 25. Earl comes.-- "What these officers feel more SQUADRON. Total and marked with small red and keenly being supplanted with THinD CRUISER white flags, moored In about 22 fath- Kitchener, secretary of state for war, than 200 800 Na Proiect. Prol'L 1 injustice Antrim . , j. . 10,850 a. 4 7.5 in. has accepted the rectorship of Edin- foreigners the evident' In k...... a ; : Name of Ship Guns Calibre oms: They will be subject to changes Argyte 10.850 A. C 4 7.5 Jn. 200 800 Tonnieo vTypa Weleht Welt burgh University n to make the enforcement of United States ' Sesarevitch ; 12,912 1 B. 850 3.400. in location in this vicinity as may be order Roxburghe 10,850 4 7.5 in. 200 800 ...... J2ln. his position as a member of cab- customs rule which provides that of a 800" Pervozannyi 17.400 121a., J 3.400: found necessary, without further no- the 10,850 a! 4 75 In. 200 ..... i a i legal..':". V ficers holding American papers may Devonshire c 4,.:1-- :! t 3,400 tice to mariners. f inet Imperator Pavel , , ,17.400 I'D. 121a. 850i only: have Ihem renewed once while By - English laws require that a cabinet 3,200 Slavs .... 13,516 1 B.f ' 12 i 850 ' 3,400 order of the commissioner of Total 43.400 16 Lighthouses. officer, he a member of Parliament, in the Philippines, and at the end of SECOND HOME FLEET. but in a few instances some of the ten years must return to the United tki- - 16 - 13600; A. E. ARLEDGE, SQUADRON, ToUl 61.228. faculty States for a reexamination. - ' FIRST CRUISER SQUADRON. Inspector, 19th Lighthouse District of certain educational Institu- 15.000 B. 12 In. 850, 8,400' also may hold cabinet appoint- This rule and the, act of congress Queen ...v....,..;.;.' Rurlk ...... 16,170 A. CV 4 10 in. 500 2.000 tions . of 15,000 a4 12 in. 850 3.400 " ments, under wnich it was issued are anti- Prince Wales Gromobol ; 18.220 A. a 8 in 250 1,000 quated, 15.000 B. 12 In. 850 . 3.400 as they were passed before Uulwark Admiral Makaroff ,!, ; 7.887-7,88- A. a-- 8 in.' 250 600. 15.000 , B. 12 In. 850 3.400 HOI! ROOSEVELT'S DAUGHTER the" United States had acquired co- Ixndon Bavan AT Sin 250- - .500 H1R 15.000 B. 12 in. 850 , 3.400 a JOIN8 RED CROSS. I ' lonial possessions In, which seafaring Fornliable ' Pallada ... . .7,800 A; 2 8 In 250 500' fW J 5.000 B. 12 in 850 8.400 ..V.. a NEW YORK, N. Y Sept. 25. Col. men might spend the better part of i- - A- .v f -- . . . . . ,12Inik: 850 3.4Q0 -- their lives without returning to tha t ':. 42,06 .V- . -- 14 ,..14,500 Nq Roosevelt's youngesj daughter, Mrs. - 3,400 .... change is reported in the; status United Venerable . 15.000 12 in. 850 Ethel Derby, accompanied by her hus- States. The enforcement o' a Sleet Tdtals of the Japanese freighter Kiyo Maru,r a. 32 27.200 Dr. Derby, will on this rule haa worked . hardship on which for the past 10 days has been band, Richard sail , 120,000 .Tonnace. Guns. ProiecL, Olympic Saturday" more than one officer la the insular Total ' awaiting an opportunity continu the steamer for 5 i 1 SQUADRON. Battleshio Squadron 61,288 H 12.600 of !: service, and seemsi. as far from being SECOND - England. ,'. Squadron 42,064 14 .4,500 ing the voyage to Mexico, Central and- remedied - under the present 14.000 B. 12 In. 850 3,400 Cruiser : Jhey are on their way to Paris, adminis- Ttussdl' r . South America. 7; . -- - ' - tration as. under the Infor-matio-n 14.000 B. 12 In. 650 3.400 , where Doctor Derby will offer his ser- last. The Cornwallls ' 30 1 8,100 f eent by Captain Lyons Albemarle 14.000 B. 12 in. 850 3,400 ToUl 10352 U more 14,000 B. 12 In. 850 3,400 ' Totals for Triple Entente Following a 15-da- y voyage the Oce His wife will to than welcome and a number of offi- Duncan ernment volunteer cers are considering B.; 650 3,400 ' Protect-435.96- anic Sonoma reported to making a changa r.xciccth ... 14,000 12 in. '; . Tonnage. Guns. liner is have nurse wounded soldiers in the hosplt 3,400 ' arrived Syndey, N W., to pe liberal Standard .Oil flotilla;. Ixrd Nlson 16,500 IB. 12 in. 850 Great Britain .4,45100 j; 578 at 3. on last als In paris. . Vrr.geance 12.S50 IB. 12 in. 850 3,400 France 452.717 196 97.500 Monday. ' Under the 'regular schedule The six months-ol- d child of Doctor Russia 103.352 y 30 18,100 the vessel will depart from the Aus- and Mrs. Derby will be left with Col Total 99.450 28. 23,800 tralian port or Pago Pago, Honolulu Roosevelt in Oyster Bay. : FIRST CRUISER SQUADRON. ToUl 2,007,369 804 651J560 and San Francisco today;: j,J W f

Caroaryca 10.850 A. C. 4 7.5 In. 200 4 SECTY. DANIELS SHUTS m GntiiAinr :" f Liverpool 4.800 P. C. 2 6 In. 100 200 At the rate that a shipment of about DOWN WIRELESS STATION, : 2 100 200 HIGH JBE A .FLEET. 1500 r WASHINGTON, D. Sept, 25. Ilristol 4.800 P. C In. Tolal tons of scrap Iron is going Into C, 5.250 P. C. 8 6 In. 100 800 r the bark P. Ritchet. vessel will Secretary of the Navy Daniels yester FcJnouth ' No. Proiect. ProJ'L a that "iiiiiMir" - be. ready for despatch to the Pacific day Issued orders to close down the Name of Ship ? Tonnage Type. Gnas Calibre Weiaht Welt Total 700 16 2.0QO coast the early part of the week. The Marconi wireless station at Siascon-set- t, Frledrlch Grosse D. ' 10 12 In. 830 800; SECOND CRUISER SQUADRON. der 2410 vessel has been discharged of a ship- Mass., because of the refusal of v FIRST SQUADRON. 9.2 380 1760 ment of general cargo brought the company to comply with the de 14,100 A. C. 2 In. - from 22.500- . D. 12 121n. 8S0 1000 ' Ostfrlesland ' vO:-.:;;- Hope 14,100 2 9.2 380 r. 760 - San Francisco... ' ? mands of the naval censorship. Good A. C. In. Helgoland 22.500- D. 12 121a. 850 10,200 r 2 380. 760 The Siasconsett ;mKlnz Alfred 14,100 A. C. 9.2 in. Oldenburg z2jrM D, 12 121a. 850 10.200 station has admit 380 760 ; leave general cargo ted communicating 12.000 A. C. 2 9.2 la. : Thuringea D.' 12 121a, c 850 10,200 To and take on with the British "Aloha," alleged tbTiave been flashed 2200 shipment of 3ugar and preserved cruiser Bristol at sea and transmitting ' Nassau 18.600 D. 12 11 In. 750 ,9,000' from the wireless Installation on board 54.000 3.040 pines the MaUon steamer HUonian messages from her to a British agent Wa-kur- a, Tctal ...... 8,' Posen ...... 12,600 D. 12- - 11 la. 750 9.000 the Canadian Australasian liner : be despatched in New THIRD HOME FLEET. Rheinland 18.600 D. 12 ilia. 750 9,000 will for ;Kahulul this York. several days ago, now appears (Battleships only Included.) Westfalen 18J600 D. 12 114a. 750 9.000 evening. The vessel is due to return This, according to the orders of the o have been the one wrd upon which Total .J..; to Honolulu on Sunday morning and navy department, Is a violation of a1 few misguided persons pinned their ProJ'L despatched - ,. No.' Proiect. v . will be for San Francisco neutrality. faith and assurance that: the British Total . .. 164.400 86: 7600 Name cf Ship Tpnnate Typ. Guns Calibre Weleht Welt SECOND SQUADRON. on Tuesday- - ifternoon. j i It is understood that a test suit will steamer was proceeding from Sydney, Majestic 14900 B. 12 In. 850 8.400 ' ) jbe brought by the company to determ- - N. S. and expected to pay a visit '- Deutschland 13J04O B. 4 11 la. 750 3.000 rr.-rnif.c- ? - 14.900 B. 12 In. 850 3,400 Pommern 13i)40 B. 4 750 3)00 ine the right of the secreUry to en-- to the port of Honolulu. - v in.-1- 2 Ilia. ; 14.900 4 12 850 3,400 4-- ; from Aus- "5 B. Rchleswig-Holstela- . 13.040 B. : 11 In. 750 3)00 force his orders. Declared to have departed 14.S0O B. In. ':; -- 850 3.400 t ; tralia with a large company of mili- ' rt.e 13,040 B; r-- 750 3.000 1 :. icuiesiea. Ilia. 14.900 12 850 3.400 Of-- w tary was gen- B.. in. . 3.000 CONSUL M reservists, the Makura HaaOyer l ...... , . . 13)40 B. Ilia. 750 . , , , 850 3.400 U shipping .lal ,' .14.900 B. 12 In. Hessen" y.lv.'. 12.997 4 11 In. 750 3.000 JI VERA CRUZ, Mexico, Sept 25. All erally understood in circles C 3,400 I.,.;. ' b: Columbia with- :ar 14.900 B. 12 In. .850 V : ZfiOQ J as stemming for British Preussen ...... 12.997J V 11 In; 750 tne ceiegrapn ana teiepnone lines as V ; a Ha- 12 850 3.400 - out delay through a call at the .14.900 B. . la. 4- ce Gecre t ;. Lotbringen ...... 12.9971 B. Ilia. 750 3,000 well as the railroad from Mexico City ' . . . 14.S0O B. 42 in. 650 3;400 : waiian Islands. . were , yesterday. . i cut The reason Is despatch- 12.9S0 B. 650 3,400 - v It now thought that the 2 12in.' 9M5i 32- 24.000 unknown. ;. is 12.R50 'i 12 850 3.400 Tour.;...... ,...... ing one more messages to this port cnus B. in. THIRD SQQUADRON. Consul-Gener- al Canada yesterday or 12.Sr.0 12 in. 650 3,400 may have been a coupe apon the part B. ? 12 850 8.500 Kaiser . , ., p t f 24.310 D. 10: in. There, was a !i$h(.; tecoterjr In recommended to Washington the ad :cth . B. 12 in: ' 830 3.400 of the officers, with a view of mis- ...... Jf.050 . . 24.310 D. 10 12 in. 850 .500 . notwithatajoding visabiiity of retaining :: 3.400 Kalserla rystocks today, the General Fun leading the hostile powers to believe, ) 12 850 ?n . - 12.930 B. in. YD. 10 850 8.500 army, Prlnz Resent LItppld.. 24.10 12 in. heavy drop In sugar yesterday. Olaa sUn's which had been ordered that the vessel was following its reg- Kcnlg 24.310 10 12 ia- - 850 : 8.500 4 home, .' Albert ...... a in recess opened higher at for, at this place on account of the ular course. The Makura is under- Total 198.850 is 4400 four, advanced changed situation in the last few days MEDITERRANEAN FLEET. shares in lou, then stood to have passed man? miles to Toui 97.240 40 34,000 to 5 for two lots cf 50 each, holding it was stated he t yesterday that eastward .of the Hawaiian Islands S'IRST SQUADRON. ....f...i...: SQUADRON, the 4T.80O' BATTLE CRUISER ' the advance on. the board for a total Vua had agents w the city canvassing several days ago. At the time the e - c. 8 12 in.. 850 a SeydliU 24.640 C. 10 If In. 750 7.500 30O eight lots.: Hawaiian for recruits to Jcin the of his Tnvincthle , V 17.??i0 c. S 12In.' K50 .800 a of shares in ranks Oceanic steamer Ventura remained at t a Moltke ...... 21540 B. C. 10 11 in. 750 7.500 32 army. ; ' - - steady 20 b. c. 8 12 in. 850 CftOO Commercial was at for Sydney,- the lakura was coaled and 1.70' ...... 22.640 B. C. 10 11 la. 7S0 700 and. 35 shares between boards and provisioned for an extended vojae. . IndoinlUble , 17.250 b. c. 8 12 In. 850 6,800 ft Von der Taan 18.700 B. C. .8 11 In. 750 6,000 at session. Ewa showed a gain of Vi' Completing a royage from Port Gam- was rreeiy reported tnrougnoot auss : 50 2Z re- ble dis- would x ToUl 70Jla V 22 27,200 in a sale of shares at the schooner Repeat will be traiia that the liner be taken ToUl 88.620 38 28,500 lum- oy government troop SRTOND SQUADRON...... ported. Other recess sales were 20 charged of about 500,000 feet of over tne as a SQUADRON. -- , RESERVE In transport . , .. .;.-:- r 4 9.2 In. 380 VU20-- Hilo Railroad common unchanged at ber before proceeding to the coast Defence A. C. Wlttelabach . 11.611 1,B. 4 9.4 In. S80 li20 JL-- ': 9.2 In. SSO $5000 Oahu Sugar Ca up one ioJnt ballast.'."- v. u Black Prlo IX.50 4 11 750 .1.000 2, ' Braunschweig .12.917 in. 99, -- Railway. Andy 6 9 2 In. 3X0 1- r to and $9000 Oahu 5 The arrival of the schooner Duke of Edinburgh 13.5i0 a. a 2.20 (Elsaas .. ...4., 12.997 4 750 3.000 MUCH SATISFACTION EX Warrior 13.550 A. C. 9.2 in. 380 2,280 Ilia. steady at 101. On tne board, besides Mahony with a sfclnment of lumber is Zahringen 11.611 a 4 9.4 In. 380 1,520 those already mentioned, sales were expected at the ort daily. The ves- PRESSED THAT CLEMONS 55 8,360 5 Mutual Telephonje advanced" to sel has cargo consigned ''to "the-- . City ToUl 22 r- - 9,040 ToUl p 0 49.21S 16 ' IS TO REMAIN OfJ EEfiCH ''-Fle- 20;arid 5 McBryde u to Mill Company. THIRD SQUADRON. et ... -- . 6. '"';' .... ( Gloucester 4.800 P. C. 2 ln. 100 200 Totals ' 5S0 -' SAO Ersatz Frledrlch 10.433 1 9.4 in. 120 page one) Ctathaci ...... 5.400 P. r.. 8 fi in. 100 Tonnaee, Guns ProWt a (Continued from R.400 p. v 8 100 800 High Sea . . 465,721 216 171.800 c. in. Fleet , 33,092 6,440 Weymouth ...... 5.250 8 6 In. 100 800 Reserve Squadron 4916 , 16 9.040 Totals mons made a strong presentation of Fleet Totals his case to the President whicn was ToUl 20.850 26 2.600 ToU ...... t...... 51 4.4)37 232 180,840 Firrt 8.452 .22 27,200 responsible for the President's action AHMORED CRUISER SQUADRON IN AMERICAN WATERS. AUSTRIAJITOOABY ; ? rcn 33,092 12 6,440 in ordering the matter reviewed. It (Normal) part of First Fleet) v was kne'n before the judge left that r . SQUADRON. r C, 100 FIRST 44 33,640 he would not submit without a fight m m f f .9.800 A. 14 6 In. M00 103.544 9JJ00 A. C. 14 In; 100 1,400 to the demand for, his resignation. f?tiroik No. Proiect TrcTt ; many and Austria Benn lck . . A. Ia. 100 1.40C Protests were sent to Washington 900 C Name ef Ship Tnnna ee Tyee.' Guns Calibre Weieht 514.641 232 180.840 A. C. 14 6 In. 100 1,400 by the Bar Association and by indi- Lancaster 900 Viribus UinUs 20.000 D. 12 . 12 la. 44 33,640 ..... 103,544 - So far as Is known Tegetthoff ; 20)00 D. 12 viduals here. 5,600 ...... 12,;; in. come ToUl 1 39.200 56 nothing has ever from Washing f ...... RadeUky - . . ; . . i 1 4 "lg,183. 276 214,480 .. 1426 a rJ2lx ton in the way of definite charges to Tctal JLU ritisli neets Zrlnyi 14.226 IB. ..4 V 12 ix .Tonnage. furnish a basis for the demand for Guns. Proiect :3 804 551,560 Clemons' retirement ' ' -- , 767.600 306 291.960 Total 32 . Jrst Home 252 276 214.480 299,150 R4. 66.040 RESERVE SQUADHON. I Home ...... A -- 1 ST S CITFS TOD . 19850 11 "44J0O EraaU Ferdinand B. 4? I? I Tie . Frani 1428 523 337,080 yiMS AY 146.600 80 28.160 ErsaU Ferdinand Max. . 10,423; lft; A r.4 10011 TO sir----- ,


REPLIES RECEIVED TO f,IESSAGES 0.7 HmoSllllll ; ":,V O PERATI OH SENT BY NEW WIRELESS SYSTEM It is a pathetic mistake to accept drugs or alcoholic mix- Offers the following slightlyusel first class" pianos at before removal sale tures when nature craves ; While the 200 cittzens of Honolulu new means of communication which . - promote nourishment to repair the Who attended the impressive ceremon- . win our of effort PRICES VERY LOW wasted body and restore the ies incident to the opening of the Mat-- ' and unity of endeavor and bring the -- i ton! wireless station yesterday were people of the territory Into still closer vigor of health. r relationship with fellow-citizen- s of ton- traveling homeward, replies to the their SINGER . 4$JO) LUMVIG ... YEARS the best A number vessels of large on mainland...... $2iq FOR FORTY nage hare been padded to the list of many messages sent from the new sta- the r whole-- ; . "JOSEFHUS J)ANIELg.w STEINWAY (square) Go 20( physicians Have relied on the 'steamsoips ana sailing craft reported tion wereTiummlng through space. Be- LESLER ...... I From Mayor RofpTi Mayor some predigested nourishment in captured by enemies daring re- fore the special trsli had left Kshuku to Fern: 1(X) the ... KROEGER 100 KINGSBURY ...... j one or messages of congratulation J "Mayor Fern. Honolulu. SCOTTS EMULSION which it cent development of the Euro Dean tvj - ' "Your cordial message re- v : nd wfll had been has been or opiate. war. w:- .1 ST! rlvid andi KROEGER 200 PIANOLA PIANOS 175 totally free from alcohol ! To' during the " afternoon ' and f evening celved by mejn the operating roomot Emulsion sharpens the Havre, France, the' Austrian me company no 95 Scott's steamer Dinorah was taken, but not as many answers were tedeved. iuarcom Yireiea bi KIMBALL 183 KINGSBURY ..... Uood nourishes home-boun- d Unas and we the delegation of San appetite - renews a prijEe; at Cape Town, South Africa, The Journey was made strengthens bones and without5 Incident or. accident. A num Franciscans are guests today of the nerves three; German steamers from Hamburg In- - - Marconi company witnessing the , $50, $1(X). restores - the courage of health td are being detained, the. Hamm, the ber of the guests- who had 4mot6fed PIANOLAS, $20, make life bright -- ; '' Apolda audi the1 Rufldgi; to Bombay, part" of the Wtos Kahukn-le- ft the fnurf"on PRIMATONE PLAYER ,$400 PR1MATONE PIAYER . .$305 at HaleiwaHd rejoin ...... sets In action India, the . German Hansa liner train you hearty greetings join Caorra Ebuvrom . chines, send and : Sold on eajiy payment plan, $10 month. . the very forces ma-- fals f from New York, and Warturm and these arrived In Honolulu with you In wishing success to the er s J nmmAta health. front Antwerp have ; been taken as some time before the train, although new enterprise which benefits us all ItBPBrityJrichmmm prizes. prize it came in ahead of,the. expected hour. We move to McCorriston' Building, above, Hotel, 26. The court has ordered from San Francisco to Honolulu, , to Fort September $tnrngtk km ftood tkt delivery of cargo to the consignees, ex- After the luncheon yesterday,,which I- - personal regards you. J up which add to I for forty yea. cept to those whb are German or Aus- wound with three rousing cheers v "JAMES JtOLPH, JRl, Mayor." n v ' guestsrboard-e- d trian subjects. - - for Mareonf himself, the From Commandant Mar Island to T$ Calcutta, India, the following trie train with little delay. The nrr Hana Line steamers have been taken bverloaded skies which had ."threaten- Naval Station, Honolulu J : "Commandant XL Co., as prizes: Pagenturm, Freintels, ed to break several times during the "Your message regarding opening of MUSIC M. Frankenfels. Hohenfels. Kormara, morning, finally gave way just before Marconi station received at this during Trustburg and the Austrian steamer the train started,' and the trip Thursday evenrag.. . ' KING 'STREET NEAR FORT Perla. The American consul advises It rained steadily. ' A we 'should wbr-ry'-; ' v i" BENNETT; Mafe Island." IS CLARION cargo prevailed among guests', ' ' '1 that all neutral will be undoubt spirit the From National , Chamber of Com- " Agency' for ' edly released. At Colombo. Ceylon, however, and ttie time passed pleaa- - merce to Chamber of Commerce. Hon .. , I ships ; i :t . ': 5--i ' the German Rappenfels, Trifels, hf.i olulu: PHOENIX HOSt Fourth. Etelnturn, Reichenfels and Following are message received too "Chamber of Commerce, Honolulu. i HOIteniels have been captured. At late for publication yesterday: "Greetings and best wishes from the Rangoon, India, I the Hamburg-Amer- l From President Wilson to Governor Chamber of Commerce of the capital can fcteamer Alesia was seized : on ar Pinkham: ; ' o the United States. Stop Your Leaks : With til: rival, but the cargo owned by neutrals 'Governor of Hawaii, Honolulu 1 WM. F. GUDE,' President ASSOCIATED CHARITIES ' : has been released. f "May God bring together - "THOS. GRANT, Secretary." - i , the nations iAt Quebec, Canada, the Austrian In thought and purpose and lasting From New York' Timea to the' Gov- A Chinese boy wants a job. 'r I steamer Ida from Trieste was seized. peace. ' ernor: ': Allow jbur cobbler to mend $ubsequently,. however, her, cargo was "WOODROW WILSON.' "Governor Lucius Pinkham, Honolulu. your clq shoes. Phone 2253. discharged and for the reason, that FSbm Secretary Garrison to Geh. "We congratulate you and the peo- -- ' ; 1123 Alakea street. she reached Canadian waters before Carter: . ple of the Hawaiian Islands on the Roofing This ujaeciaxaucn oi war, it was permit- "General Carter, Honolulu. establishment of another link of com- The For Climate " ' ted to proceed to New York ; wider "I wish to extend my heartiest munication with the United States. guarantee against 'capture en route. greetings to the people of Hawaii on "NEW YORK TIMES." , this our first opportunity for direct From Chamber of Commerce of the .N. Customs receipts at the port of tfew communication by the most modern of United States to Chamber of Com- i SANFORD Ai York - last week were $2,614,560, means. This occasion merely serves merce, Honolulu: r - "Washington, D. 25. " s OPTICIAN against 14,367,262 the same pefiod to emphasize the close ties that will C, Sept ;is last year. ; always bind the people of this 'coun- "Chamber of Commerce, Honolulu. It outlasts metil and shingles, easier to apply ; fellow-citizen- s Francisco and Bollnaa. Boston 8lda4 Fort Secretary. Redfield notified the Ger try to our in Hawaii. I "Via San J In "Your welcome message by wireless man wireless station at Tuckerton, N. feel sure, that it will, result further , Ma & well-deserve- . St over Co, J., that it Is operating In violation increasing the present d just received. Cordial congratulations and costs much less -- th law i ' !'' . ' prosperity of at beautiful island. to Honolulu and your chamber on open Deputy Attorney-genera- l , James "GARRISON, Secretary of War." ing of Marconi station in Hawaiian Fire, which destroyed a stable In Parsons, of .Hornell, N. Y announced From Secretary' Redfield to Dr. islands providing new means of closer - n . sympathy under Brooklyn killed 20 horses. The dam- his candidacy Democratic no Cooke:: vv": ; . and for the highly ace is 115.000. . mination for attorney-genera- l "Dr. Montague jCooke, Hoaolulu. standing. National chamber "Remembering pleasantly brief visit appreciates your pledge of support and Ruberoid Roofing has been on the market for over at your home fafy of nineteen ten per- cooperation and desires to serve your mit me express niy hope opening wire- chamber to the fullest extent : Twenty-fiv- e less telegraph witn)Honolulu wiU unite "CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF years andl it Stands The Test ' It is strange why some men are careless and friends more closely and permit fre- "THE UNITED STATES." quent renewals Of delightful meetings. From California Development Board dilatory in handling baggage. Ours are experts Regards to self and wife. to Hawaii Promotion Committee: if " r"WMC. REDFIELD, ; "San Francisco, California. 1 ' x Commerce." "Promotion Committee, Honolulu. i - "Secretary of r consequently careful. ! From Secretary (Daniels to the Gov "Thanks and greetings AH we now f to provide In ernor: ,. need Is another Marconi "His Excellency, the Governor of Ha- - stantaneous steamship service so we Lewers & Cooke, Ltd v 1 Sundays wall, Honolului ( can snend ourr in Honolulu. Through the courtesy of the Mar "CALIFORNIA DEVELOPMENT Lumber and Boildiag Materiak 177S.KinrSt. .Honolulu Construction & Draying Co.; Ltd. conl Company I have the pleasure of c. BOARD." PHONE 4931 sending a8 my first communication From A Hji Ford to Pan-Americ- over the new Taouo circuit qeiween Union: and Hawa.IT my congratula- "John Barrett. Director. Pan American California Pa- Paul' , Washington, D. C. Union from the Hands Around the ference with Fuller, and John R. tions' to. the governor and the; people Union. ' Pan-America- n cific May genius Mar- Amer- Of Hawaii on the establishment of this "Alcha to ideals of movement of SlUlman. representatives of the Igle-sia- s VEATilEH 7CDA7 ; ' coni ever radiate from cross roads of ican government and Fernando 1 San 'Francisco aad Oakland are:. ; Rates to the Pacific daily news of eternal peaca Caldercn, the M exican historian, r The ordinary day rate on r.iessages is 25 cents a vord. , and brotherhood among all races that Who is closely connected with PresW Marccnl wireless lettergrams, . first 13''"words, including necessary ' For dwell about great ocean. ; . '. : cents. messages wm-n- the dent Carranza. Temperature 6 a. m., 76; 8 a. m., pieiix, $1; each IndividualMford. eight These seni . "ALEXANDER HUME FORD." ; at night and delivered at S 4"clock the following morning, to. he either for- 75; 10 a jn, 76; 12 noon, 80; minimum '' ' r ' - i : warded by land wire or mailed to the address. "''.' last eight, 75. , IN NOV." For Marconi weekend lettergrams, first 2 words ii.&y; aaaiuonai MEXICO TO VOTE Wind a. m E--7, 8 a. m., calm; 10 words, each sir cents. These messages will be accepted" on Saturday, to oe dice a. m., W-- 2; 12 noon, NE-2- ; moyement morning. - ;.' - Bv Latest Mail. ; mm 174. delivered on Monday ?tr-- , : past 24 hours, Rates to Other Mainland Points. ; "V MEXICO CITY, Mexlco.General Barometer at 3 a. m 23.96. - "will ' ' ; "Brighten Up" time is liere the time to Rstea to other" mainland points be slightly less than the somoined elections have been called for Novem The Kawaiahao Alumnae Dew-poi- nt at S a m 73. coast wireless rato and land wire rate. - 1 fie following have coun-- is giving its annual concert and Honolulu to ' ber. UntlL these are held the Relative humidity, 8 a. m., S3. about the house, renovate, and make; been selected as examples from the rate sheet: r,A try will continue under military rule.! dance Saturday, September 26, at 8 Absolute humidity, 8 a. m., 8.570. clean up - p. o. A cabinet meeting was held in Cha- m. at PhoeniK halt The proceeds Total rainfall during past 24 hours, o. pultepec night neither goes to tfie general fund of the asso- .23. '''.;--.'- ' - - the old things look neat and clean again. We; mm castle last but ,"; - C Carranza nor any of the ciation and also toward defraying ex- n i : President SB m co O D o penses coming jubilee the ; n t in D ministers would make known the sub of the of The building' of the Marieville Ath line ,' with : 9 work of - can help you in the our n - i . -- a Ot ' ject under discussion: ' Kawaiahao Seminary. Tickets are . 50 letic club at North Providence was Foreign Minister Fabela will Jeave cents, and can be had of the members destroyed by fire with a loss of 110,. FROM HONOLULU TO :so o here today for Vera Cruz where it' is and also at the door. The Hul Nalu 000. The fire Is thought to have been a. - a. con- . It is really sarprising what a little paint or varnish will do toward o I presumed he will take nart in a .quintet, will furnish miisic Adv. of. incendiary origin. 3. . x "2 brightening up dingy surroundings. ' Take The '$-- &, Family Paint, for is linseed paint specially prepared for home decor 0 S instance. This a oil , n m of a ating, nd painting With it any one can renew the appearance , ' v- : ' V-'';;'- hundred little thing that aotr look worn and 'old. ; It dries with a good 2: a ' I I E :. .' rv OB gloss and will stand scrubbing with soap and water. Comes in a 6 attract- 5 T r ' ' San and Oaklan'l .25 1.00 .08 1.50 .06 ' ; ' Jncisco ;- L ive shades. r- -' . . . 08 .06 .".fr; District of Columbia . .. 37 2.00 2.50 ' The $'17. Ffoorfao is another splendid household brightener. I It is ; . . i . . .34 '1.75 .08 . 2.25 .OS a stain and varnish combined and can be used on old or new woods equally hdiana '. .34 2$0 .08 2.10 .06 ! Louisiana .34 3.00 .08 2.50 .06 well. Imitates the natural woods and gives a most pleasing effect, j ' M assachusetts ...... ". . .". : . i . :. 437 . 2.00 .08 2.50 .1.6 oier you. 'i v; ; ". These a few hints for; Montana- - i'.y. . ; .i ; .. .31 1.75 . .08 2.25 .06 ' - ; Comer in and have a. "Brighten Up"talk New Jersey i37 2M r .08 2.50 106 '' with us and learn mote about how we can New York i .37 2?00 .08 2.30 M Ohio r34 2.00 08 2.50 .06 help you in your Fall cleaning. : Our line Oregon 29 -- 1.50 .08 2.00 paint or varnish every purpose. .06 has a for Tennessee: .P34 , 2.00 .08 2.50 .06 : ' . Remember, we sell Utah.;:... r 9 , 1.60 .08 2.10 .06, Washington V.t . . .i iJA i . ... a J.6G f ;08 .2.10 .06 ' ps ' . ' ' . 'LA The SherivjN'I'iuu Products i j. i r . i v. APJTI-SALOfl- fJ LEAGUE VILL FIGIIT : m,:- 111 '

(Continued from page one) C. C. Furer, Wm. Baseman, J. A. Fu- ror,: Chas. T. Fitts. Wilbur MacMae, - M. Whitney, lSSlkSaiys- Kam, Harry Denison,: J. H. M. Alexander A. J. Derby, F. J. The Governor J. Guild, Ralph Brown, Mrs,: A. H. Lowrey, Ethel A. Ellis, , Edgar. Wood, Vase Kraft Lamp Smith, Selma Kinney, J.' B. Freltas, W. P. Keeley, J. M. Templeton, W. L "Cut out tea and coffee, my boy. They contain an irritant caffeine --and you Jeff McCam; Margaret Macdonald. Templeton, J. A. Templeton, J. T. Gu- can't Have a fluttery heart or sour stomach or a grouchv headache and do biar busi-ness- ." M. S. D. Barnes, A. J. Quintal, Rose lick, Mary Mrs. E. D. Baldwin, ' THE ARTISTIC AND BEAUTIFUL EFFECTS THAT Cross. : ' -..' .. . ;. . . i ARE BEING OBTAINED "BY CONVERTING POTTERY Woodford, Ida M. Poston, G. W. Smith K. Reynolds, Alice --B. Richardson, C. s ," ;';- VASES INTO ELECTRIC AND OIL LAMPS IS BEYOND es, T. P. Harris, C Wm. Kamekona, M. Doughty, Antoinette Cattln, Mrs. F. It's a mighty good plan, if tea or coffee puis you "off color," to quit it, ard for - - Mary X Ouderkirk; L. A. Case, Eliz B. E. O. DESCRIPTION. r , Smith, White. ri;-- ' ' ' CL a delicious table beverage, use K -- :' . '.':-.- ;' .; VASE-KRAF- abeth' B. Shaw, M.,Cooke estate, E. v Parents with Children in School-J- ohn .v"1'.' A T LAMP LENDS ITSELF TO ALMOST W. Peterson,'. W. Brown, Margaret Hind. EL H. W. Broadbent G. T. ANY. INTERIOR DECORATION. . NEVER : BECOMES ".' Hopper, Sarah E. Halstead, Irwin J. Hansen, Wm. F. Pogue, .John Fassoth, TIRESOME AND ALWAYS CALLS A VISITOR'S FORTH Shepherd. McCorriston, W. Ren-to- n, ADMIRATION. ' Jane E. H.C Austin, Helen Renton, H. H. . Shaw,: Nina D. Fraser, S. R. Jones, W. G. Fleuchauer, B. D. Bond, 2J VTE ARE SHOWING A GREAT VARIETY OF VASES, Mrs. F. Harrub, Mary Wroods, R." "Bond, George Glbb, T. X W..E. Emma Fred JUL- OF ENTIRELY NEW SHAPES AND COLORS, IN THE Wall, D.-- 1 Austin,; Margaret Hoogs, Williams, Cara Young. lx M; Baldwin, VASE-KRAF- T : FAMOUS B. D. 4 'M. POTTERY. Baldwin, ; McWane, Ranney C. H." Brown, Thomas Coleman,-- ilfav ; WE CARRY ALL OF Scott Ira Eskew, Clement's nieslL Churchill, H." D. W ishard, Mrs. fooI-drin- THE PARTS NECESSARY TO St t the pure cereal k. There is no caffeine or other harmful substance in Postum. COMPLETE ONE OF THESE LAMPS. Chnrch, Curzon Usborne. ; H. D. Wishard, John Moir,! Louisa S. Studentsr--A. E. Gulick, Ju- - Moir, A. orm-Eegul- ar Postum, which be 2.3c VASES $1.00 TO 1S.50 Former Lydgate, Seguld and Bernice In either f must boiled (15c and packages),' ' EACH. . - ia GuIIck, C. H. Austin, C. C. Con- S- - Castendyk, J.; Meinecke, S. E. TaTfl or Instant' PosttimV made instaitly in the cup with hot water 30c and 50c tins) radt O. H. Gulick. - lor,. Emily K. Taylor, John Chalmers, lntrested C Citizens F.: F. Hede Agnes Chalmers, Chas. I T. Mueohu. Postum is good ii.any, business. ; s manriT Harriet CasUe Coleman.' J." B. The following trustees : have - also Freltas. J. D. Dole, Ralph Brown; Vir signed the protest: : Prof. A. F.. Grif- ginia H. 53-6- Carter, W D. Westervel B. fiths. W.;R.; Castle. A. F.. Judd; W. L. Tha; House of Houtewaret 5 KIna Honotufu t St, S.. Denison, Mrs. L. B. ' Coan, Sadie Whitney, C H. Cooke, Arthur Alexan- CJ Sterritt: W; A .Bryan, W. M. Git-far-d, der, F. CAtherton, W.' F: Dillingham, Frank Godfrey,! G., ABralyAW. L." A. Thurston. VjfJti l i


WH0?"0PENED?'iBYR0RERT MlNORl! ? Will you not come in and see 1 samples of our new, "Shaded Gre-- cian engraving arid of the new RILEY H. ALLEN ------EDITOR led

j : . FRIDAY,; ; . .SEPTEMBER 23, 1914. MILITARISM AND PREPAREDNESS Wichman & Co., y r 1 1 ; Ultra-militaris- .... , ; JctrelcrM. iVtlh the average man there comes a time when m is an evil, and lack of mill- - XfK his mind crystalizcs and his beliefs become absolute- - evil. ' tary preparedness is equally as great an bj fired, lie may not resent the discoveries of young-- R. BUhep are one of the steady and UNITED RUSSIA Treaties and agreements will not cliange buman' Important swrces of Income. The Ha- he certainty will not assimilate them, lie may , , . . URGED BY GRAND men; n u aa ;mnnr4ar,i ft ITt waiian Evangelical Association re- not oppose new methods ol act wn; he certainly will - - , , " joices in the growth of this child of DUKE NICHOLAS t own and commends to the be- i KJIUIVO IV I V UU l V 1 Ul U11U 111 A her it not adopt them.-- Dr. John Watson.' nil C4UVJU4 nevolent for gifts and to parents for ' ST. PETERSBURG, Russia Follow- patronage. : force for national defense as to negotiate peace ing upon his appeal to the Poles of CFRONT treaties with the nations of the world. Ultra- - German and Austrian Poland to rise tn NO REASON TO CHANGE i v .. i vv-- ' r vm - 1 JAPAN'S ATTITUDE in tIjC twe i suprort of Russia, the Grand Duke militarism breeds the sort of spirit that turns DISCUSSED IN THE Nicholas, commander-in-chie- f of the Russian forces, has published an ap- The application, of the Pleasanton Hotel for first to threats of war as a means of emphatic :, PRESS OF BERLIN peal to the Russian Inhabitants of Oa-llc- la a permit to sell liquor on its premises has been ' in which he urges them to throw national expression. It is not to be expected (By I Jitf.t Mtl in lot with Russia. once liquor license commissioner their beforMhe . TOKIO, Japan Baron Kato made "With Christian patience and self and was withdrawn when a large number of ' . ' an interesting statement at the special annihilation.' pie Grand Duke declares, place implicit confidence session of the Diet when he rehearsed "the Russian people Galicia lan- residents of the Punahou. district manifested yenly, culminating in the war tf ' the events guished for centuries under a foreign the strongest sort of opposition. There is no of paper.' Universal peace will be reached, if; which resulted In the breaking of dip- yoke, but neither flattery nor persecu- license, ever, only by slow process of education, and lomatic relations between Japan and tions could break in .it the hope pf sufficient reason why the commission a Germany and Austria. Japanese com- liberty. As the tempestuous torrent should grant the permit now. The extension meanwhile the United States must keep well merce, he said, as well as that of her breaks the rocks to join the sea, po ally, was being threatened by German there exists no force which can arrest liquor-sellin- g exclus- - of the privilege into this developed the kind of muscle that gives con battleships in the East, and the ques- the Russian people in its onrush to- residence section, within a few yards ' tion of the maintenance of peace in the wards unification. Let there be no iyely of; to m0ral courage. 1 j to- - vT . - I dusive baking ' Far East was causing anxiety. longer a subjugated Russia. Let the - 1 Oaliu College, is. a dangerous thing r urther- According to the terms ofthe all! country which forms the heritage of and Japan niorc, if the commissioners make an exception ad- ance between Great Britain SL Vladimir throw off the foreign yoke Baseball, experts' say that the brilliant both countries undertook to maintain and raise the banner of united Russia, - in the case of the Pleasanton Hotel may that it vance of the Boston' Nationals' right has suc- and consolidate peace in tho Far East an indivisible land. , cater to users of liquor, a number of other. and. to maintain the independence and cessfully turned the NewYork Giants and the Integrity of China. Possession by inn will be complete In every detail, hostelries will naturally feel that they too must Germany of a powerful base in the that the modern hotel can offer and tn have the right to sell liquor. ' ;' - Giants are now. retiring." - The Bostonese are Far East not only threatened Japanese addition will have many community but constituted a menace to not found in the hostelries. ef-fecti- interests features moving ve ' ? Incidentally is not this list of signers. to the steadily forward supported by an peace. Japan could, therefore, scarce- Tickets will be validated in the hotel (The Star-Bullet- in lnvftea free and and carried through an ecuwlon. like to re- ; ly dd otherwise than accede the and berths, railway tickets and bank- artillery from box and - petition largely the same list that was secured the pitcher's frank discusgion In this column on all that or yesterday- without a sight or quest of Great Britain for assistance. ing facilities will be provided within legitimate subjectg , before the signers realized that the hotel the capture of the pennant by the sturdy sol- of current Interest, smell of that which intoxicates. the structure. The location is on a Communications are constantly re- - It is to be hoped that the committee -- INSJDE INN- - INSIDE. high point 'of ground overlooking the wished to do anything more than serre liquor reived to whicfi no signature is at- - in charge f arrangements for the t diers of the Hub is regarded as inevitable. ' the Work was started on "The Inside entire exposition and facing the grand tached. This paper will treat as con- - big convention soon to be held at meals f It is remembered very distinctly ' civic Inn." to be built Just inside the hortl band concourse opposite the Palace of General McGraw maintains that the retirement fldentlal signatures to letters if the on Maui will insist on the sme re- - cultural boundary wall of the Panama-Pacifi- c Horticulture In the South Gardens. that the chairman of;the liquor license commis- so of his forces has been well carried out in the writers desire, but, cannot give snectable and commendable plan of International Exposition. The The rats are from II to IS per day sion he was given to understand space for anonymous communica- - procedure. company that is building this structure and under the supervision of tne expo declared that tions.) by face of a massing of the opponents on their ;.'.:": Some years ago when the Hon. T. H. Is incorporated for $1,500,000 and the sition. the. Pleasanton manager that the hotel did t Yoon, a member of the royal family, Stall-ing- r not intend to establish anything in the nature home soil and statesvthat when General s' PROUD OF THE RECORD. and vice-minist- er of foreign affairs of government, visited Ha cbn-siderab- ly the Korean of a bar on its premises and that he :was advance reaches the Polo 'grounds for Honolulu, T. H.. Sept ?3, 1914. waii as a guest of the Sugar Planters' surprised when late? developments the engagements early in October .the New Editor Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n: V Association, I was asked by the. trus-tee-s sliowed plans for a commodious, buffet well ' Sir; ' Not having been ons of the l.to accompany the Prince on a SAFETY FIRST guests who attended the wireless open tcur of the islands In order to visit under way. These were some of. the reasons the plantations and Inspect the condi- munication and score a decisive victory. ing at Kahuku yesterday, but happen- that started the opposition, to, the permit be- tion of the Korean laborers. We were ing to meet several friends upon their entertained in the home of the man Buy ix Home fore and this opposition will be even stronger ' ' return, it was somewhat natural, for ' agers for the most part, pne of whom ' V Delegate KuhlO IS commended for helping :rae to Inquire. Jokingly. JX they were all thatihaying 'and - 'told me afterwards been more outspoken now. 4- p j : .. fret the Honolulu fmleral buUding bUl up for- .- ilUVlSCU U IUC ilUUUIUlU SUU1UIIUC Ul ZlxrtTiw the visit of the Korean prince, he One of your first Investments should Up to September 13 tlje number of.aeroplane unanimous consent in the house. As a mat liquor nor had he sen one during, the took occasion to send to the city for be purchasing a home. You may bt day. Another remarked,; Why, o you a supply of wine and tobacco of a spe-kno- your own landlord and your own ten- V - ener-geti-c a!-'ci- pilots killed in the European,.war was estimated ter of.fact, if Hawaii had had active and I never thougut i of v that, al brand wliich he thought would ant at the samt tlmt. If you wish though I do take a glass occasionally.! the his Royal Highness. necessary ImprovemcRts you may have at 50, exclusive of the and representatioij - in Washington this Bum- suit tasteof fatalitifttopilots Really, I never. mi3sed. It" Still an At the dinner that evening, where them or do without, you desire, and crews of dirigibles. "Iftuese hgures, which mer the federal building bill would ' have been other, "Oh, anyway, this social custom there were several other guests,' Mr. with no friction. And, too, its econom- cf drinking; on . an oecsslon Yoon kept shaking ical to own. When come frcjn Paris, are even approximately cor -- - of this his head as the hard times ccine V past Congress . before now. Reports from kind is no longer 'good form." All servants passed bottle and the there Is no rent to pay. A home pur. " the 1 air-cra- ft souded-goo- d rect the loss . m fighting must be Washington show that a congress- this to mj ears,' for just cigars whereupon bur genial ' host, . chased on. the Installment plan fur reaching serious proportions. i v: v as soon a3 the social glass ir ho lon- having repeatedly pressed his guest to :Blh(a a mest-supsri- saving and In : - man was able to block action a few days ago ger fishionable, "good orm.M a severs partake, at last asked In astonishment. vestment device combined. i . . and the next ' unanimous consent " day will be blow is ; struck at i the whole liquor "Prfnce Yoon, don't you really drink?" .. "Gregory is evidently a. lawyer instead of a raffle. - For one I feel proud of our ; "Oh, no sir, you see I am a Chris- In COLLEGE HILLS and MAKIKI on' 5. will be interesting to see if - October g, It businessmen,' over lS of whom, rep-resentin- tian. ; are lots on which you may have homes ? ' ' ' - ' ; : politician, remarked one of Honolulu's lead; the bill is once more jsidetracked. ; all lines ct I mercantile and v Yours sincerely, built if you will agree to Invest a few -- ' ' professional Jife, . hundred dollars. Call and ua tall ; ing attorneys today .when he heard that the shouts have planned '. JOHK W. WADMAN. V' let 'you about the proposition. new attorney-gener- al had withdrawn McRey-nold'-s Political candidates - witlx A" "record ;for e$i demand for the resignation of Federal ciency behind them won't need much campaign MID PACIHC INSTITUTE OPEWS Clemons. to case : ' Judge That seems state the managing to get elected', . ; f 'v pretty completely. :v "iiJH The question of how many submarines it took Maine reports the election of a Democratic to sink the British cruisers provides enough illlEiiPRIWALLiES 91$-92-0 Fort Street - King - - 'i 1. . Between and Merchant governor, but somehow both the Republicans food for discussion to last the; remainder of ' (Continued from page one .' y and conspicuous service to Hawaii tha. rock-ribbe- JX. ; ' ' and the Progressives maintain that the d the week. . y:? i i , Ut well merits liberal gifts. commonwealth has failed to ''keynote" Edna Mary Byrd, history and English, Cupid Takes Teachers. a graduate Wash-- Cupid attracted a good many teach-- YV-'- of the University of ' this time,-. - v.:' .Watchful waiting hardly'seems to describe one Villa. v IL WALLACE SILVER the activities of Mrr teacher;, Harold W. Brewer and Chesv c;ai field, as Miss Goold for the Mary, ' A good deal is heard about TevisingHhe map ter S. Bokelund, both gnd.ua tea of Castle school. The changes - were 1835 that resists wear. of Euroje. When this important piece of work Incidentally, Hawaii Ifurnishes another job Massachusetts Agricultural College, therefore more than usual. Fortunate-- J Br 1 and Jerome L. Mears of the Hyannis r leacners or iormer aays re-Man- VIEIRA JEWELRY CO, LTD AG ENTS, 113 HOTEL ST. is started, we suggest that some of the revisers for the wireless censors. , Pv - Training. Mamchusetts. .Mrs. turned. Miss Kinney and Miss Currier. use a little simplified spelling along the Russian Phnip Frear has charge of the do-- Another peculiar feature is that the de-mo-st ' same names appear in two other ':- ,: mestic life of, the school one of the v '; :; -' ' :."iV' Mexico evidently was just convalescing arid border." important features of a boardmg vPMtJnenta- - Eren tnouSh changes were Unade, Miss Etnel F. Mills succeeds her has now.had a relapse. 1 ; Y school. Mr.: John F. Nelson, wno after A. m .1 AAltfftn . Vvk t - 4 A'TV4 Mt Tk t mree years or laitniui... service nu: wun Inm uuoanal flfnAflf Oyster Bay is next on the list to produce a become yice-prln- d pal, is rendering In- Miss Martha Warne succeeds her sis Germany keeps pounding away valuable aid in organizing the wotk of ter In the department of physiology : the year. .:; . t - and hygiene. Miss Helen Fern Haynes, government movement steamers might come un- B. A., and Miss Eva L. Pitts, B. A are on Regatta Day between of Kawaiahao In Fine Shape. ' crews. We can get a crew together der this head. It's a safe bet that the Kawaiahao, the girls depirtment of the new teachers in the grammar can territorials or Makurt is not far from Vancouver at the Mid-Pacifi- c, has been put this sum- grades.:'; . :;V'-'---- ' vi that beat either the " ; . Mid-Pacif- ic federals easily. . this moment, mer in splendid shape under the artis The has spent nearly the tic leadership of the popular, principal. entire week in organizing Its work and C ATTAIN rlEXRY L. RILEY DR. JOHN W. WADMAN George - EL to problems Irish consulate has P. F. BALDWIN If we Aan't play Miss Mabel Bosher. As usual, the has now settled down the HOUSES FOR RENT :c:s tt the and myself were out on the ? r" prosperous year. -- the final match Monday, the polo .tour Paty school is full and many girls are of its most The six i marked extent with, the to a pau. Maul players can streets all day yesterday distributing knocking in admission. A years of history in Manoa valley for of the primaries. - nament is The vain for FURNISHED not remain here any longer. v. complimentary tickets for the matinee building for small girls and a building Kawaiahao and four years in this beau- at the Popular theater Sunday, at for domestic As tiful new location for Mills have just!--fle- d r:::;ci:ii BOWEN --I regard a science are needed. inter-islsn- Nights In a Bar- semi-centenni- al Ka- Fran- . agency as be-- JOHN GRACE The d which time Ten this is the year at the action of the founder, ' WUhelmlna Rise ...... 2 bedrooms. '...r:t 35.00 riKcmployment be shown the aus- be- :tS! : factors' tournament should not be later room will under waiahao and special exercises are cis W. Damon, and Ithe liberal gifts of .1252 Kinau SL. . ; ... '3 bedrooms.;... . 40.00' most important Anti-Saloo- ...... cl n pices of the League. . ing planned hoped Hon. George : N. Wilcox, Mrs. Juliette Id Introduced Into local than the first week la August Weath in honor of it, it is . . , . . 4 . . . 100.00 be year uncer- not only friends to erect M. Atherton, the C. M. Cooke trust, 2336 Oahu Ave, Manoa ... bedrooms er at this time of Is too that will arise 1 e social service work. URICE-Accordl- ng and I Al" to 3 . . 50.00 tain. " v JAY these buildings, but to celebrate this the Mary Castle trust, Mr. Samuel M. Cotage, Adtams lane ...... bedrooms. ... present indications, the fall term of M. Allen fiftieth anniversary, with $50,000 added Damon, the late Bathsheba : GOVERNOr: PINKHAM: The the Y. M. C. A. alght school will have to endowment and scholarship funds. and scores of olhers. The annual gifts wireless station at Kahuku -J-AMES W. KOBERTSON The larger at any time ::rccci Oceanic liner blerra wUl steam i for a attendance than This school has rendered such noble from the fund created ty Mr. Charles is one of the most wonderful things 1 since this feature had its inception. XT11FURWISHED formal San Francisco tomorrow taking a full have ever seen. Yesterday's shipment sugar, pines There will be a strong , faculty, and opening was an event I will never of and other many new courses have been added to -- products of the islands. ' ' " " 2015 Lanihuli drive ...... 3 bedrooms...... $40.00 .Iprget. .... ' ,v the program. :; ? C' ' C' DWELLINGS FOIL RENT 1339 Wilder Ave...... 3 bedrooms.. C. .. 40.00 CAPTAIN A. L. SOULE I heard , ; R. W, BRECKOXS: I am told KAISER X FURNISHED HOUSES: 1128 WUder Ave...... 3 bedrooms...... 30.00 while on the coast that the Matson LEAVES - us .$45.00 George P. Cooke lost the support of steamer Enterprise would be substi- Tantal ., ,.3 bedrooms .. 1126 King St 5 tedrooms...".. 50.00 POWER Iff HANDS V 1554 Palolo Valley Road bedrooms; ., . 35.00 Molokal la. the recent primary because Lurline on voy- Kalmuki . . . . 2 20,00 tuted for the the next ' Prespect Alapai .61.00 ,1325 5th Ave, bedrooms...... of his reported support of , Dr. Archer CHANCELLOR s and Sts.. bedrooms ... age. Tie Lurline will go into drydock 1 OF ...... 3 1742 Young ...... 2 bedrooms...; .. 25.01 eugenics legls-liilur- e. ' -, 2453 Manoa Road 3 bedrooms ..S5.00 SL...... Irwin's bill in the last for Its annual overhauling. I: ;- i :. . ; --'.f - 55.00. 3 ... 35.00' : Young . . : . 1328 ...... ; Piikol and ,3 bedrooms Kinau bedrooms...... ;i "V IBjr Latest Mallj'- y Streets SL.. ; JOHN iA. DREW With the great- BERLIN, Germany Before the Kai- Adams Lane ..... I.. . ..3 ; bedrootns . Cottage in rear of 2015 ' , i - ; . . H. P. WOOD Unfortunately. . I 1911 sugar output ' 1052 14th Avenue . . . f ...... 2 bedroo3 er part of the either ser started : for Mains the Imperial . Lanihuli drive..... 2 bedrooms. ... 27.50 Mat-so- n $ ; r as tm&tle to attend the opening of delivered to destination or afloat, chancellor wa. given ;absolute; power : UNFURNISHED HOUSES: - - .. : . Young SL...... 2 bedrooms. ... 30.00 the llarccsi stations. However,. I dic- steamers leaving the Islands will a- - .. lis.-..- u:)ni AuldVle.wirr-U'.t.'.r..- - bedrc-- - - .. :i lots tated two messages. which were among have to depend on other lines of pro- Grand Duke von Hessen has likewise ' KalihL opp. Kam. IV Road . ; ,..3' bedr-;.- 2 . ' " ' tie first to be transmitted to the main duct foa, cargo until the beginning of gone to the front-- S'- - '. ; WUhelmlna Rise ,....v.'.: . "beir. Z system. d over the new A . the191 5 season. ; : Before leaving Berlin the emperor 1512 Young Street ..2 te granted pardon to aU German subjects Palolo Hill . .. ..'...Vl . . - i. ..3 t: E. GURNE If the , morning; paper's CAPTAIN E.- H. BOSWORTH wHst Vn vanAtA HiamoaIvai trw 'i 1 1 1113 Kinan Street ...... 3 concerning my 12 J A 1L - .1 ttatements occupation Has anybody save the morning paper IIIIIIUfT UUl. UU UiC CUUU1UUU .kIUBI Aloha Lane . . , ...... sse as correct as its ' conjecture and rAfe1vB4 tin AHiMrn!nv tha they presented themselves within three comment on the Europein war. little arrival of the Canadian Auscralaalan months to the military or civil author- - reliability. . : C . reed be said anent its liner Makura at lionolulti within the'IUes. . '.' . r. rcrt aaa xlerchant Sta, . next few days? If there was ever aj The decree applied to all, with the Lruardi -- 1 sta:;c:, -- HENRY VAN GlESON:, I shall Ifma iiin ih An art nf nrpvsr Cltlon ctMnHmi nf fltncA vhn fn th moan. j f?e to it that the county employes jire answered a good purpoe it is while: time, had enlisted in the service of a . " V,

STAB-BULLETI- HONOLULU N. FRIDAY, SEPTi:MBER 55, 191. v FIVJ Service IPWGMG -- AiELEPIO TELLS Taiophone 2500 STRENGTH SAYS .., i Roycl!BaMno: WAR RELIEF FID LOCAL VISITOR HAVAIII ISLES ;V When you buy and . use only tho I. R. Burns, vice-preside- nt of the W:iHm"H. Cole, a well known mem- MAY BE RAISED! Burns company cf New York City, ber of the Xos Angeles Stock Ex-- ROY BAKING POWDER, you has been visiting the city for the past change, w ho has been cn a vacation cf weok combining business with pleas- -' several weeks In the Hawaiian Islands, . have the positive assurance that your " , ure. Jlr. Eurns is well remembered ; returned home Thursday, after a most;-In- ex--1 delightful -- IN THIS CITY Hawaii, having carried on an time in the , islands and on food raLL5ed! by it is not polluted by tensive life insurance business some the voyage ta and fram- - there." Talking years aga The company with which about his trip and the Islands Mr.4 Cole ' alum, lime, or any of thet adulter- he is now associated handles the anx- - said: : .V Residents of Honolulu who would be i Ha rv a vines banks which have be--! "The steamer UDon whichl arrived U ants common ; to other powders. interested in the inauguration of a come quite a feature of the savings at San Francisco carried a fall , cargo 1 ; j movement' In this city to raise a "war bank business; . v - of sugar and canned pineapples. How; w relief fend"' for the benefit of thosa His recent tcur since leaving New wculd you like to be the consignee of. I 'v. --1,000 women snd children who have become York has taken Mr. Bums pretty thor. tons of sugar which. Increased irii. i impoverished, and have otherwise suf oughly thrcughcut tho principal bus'--" value three and a hlf cents pound ;, fered, through the loss of husbands ness centers of the United States and during transportation, " a mere1 ' and fathers in the present European Canada. lie' states that the south is telle of 1280,000 in addition to the reg-j- 1 struggle, are invited to meet at the very hard hit by the war on account uiar" profit? Who gets this profit and F rsn ' Ppf lhp j residence or Mrs. Smford B. ; Dole, fnM1t r salt TtiA Winn. Vhfl TPZular timfit? ThA Emma rtreet, at 4:30 o'clock this after- al bank system will, however, do much btpzU grower of sugar cane in the Ter- - Everybody ; Look noon; at. which time steps will be talc tr Udo over the financial difficulties, ritory of Hawaii barely makes a Hiring ' Royal Baking Powder Cook 800k sent free on request. Address box Honolulu, Hawaii cn toward the . possible launching of The war has also caused a period of and yet the Irge manufacturers of ' purpose'of raw sugar seem to do well, . such a project The the inaction and depression In the gra'u otherwise "is not expensive." Lbs Angetes (CaL) ment. In connection with' the state Hey! Look at meeting, says Mrs. Dole, Is me wny no tney continue to over ' ' ' for centers In'hl talks with the busi tase at tlon or merely recreation, one feels Financial News. - of war, V '; formation of a war relief committee. ness and banking men cf the ccuntry a low price the holdings of the little presence opposing factions . . a a. a. 1 1 a a the of these Candidates who become eligible for Bulletin Bill in a.ieuer 10 jocai resiaems, jvirs. Mr. Burns savs that he finds the WH- - men? Kanaka who has lost his land a the SOLdTeRS V. this concession will be required to fur- Dole has explained the need of su'eh-- sm administration apparently gain- "On my way to Hilo I met a credit but holds the vote and the minor- BRITISH ' still nish an official certificate of the pe, ft movement as follows: ing strength.' legislation man wha twice a year visits the isl- j He's cot dog Look at the The financial ity representing the educated class NOT TO LOSE BY ' rlod of military service. Thla 'pup! Bl!l tells me every "In the interests of common human h,s been a strong factor for" bringing ands to investigate the financial stand- which holds and exploits the land. As their that " concession applies to those persons ity, and for the specific relief of wid- president's - ing cf various plantation owners. He wrong . SERVICE IN ARMY Society j ere ha in . order to be this abct and tho "watch- to who is right and who is In only who are eligible In point of age ows sndorpba ns left destitute by the ful waitlne" nnlfrv In isi now ' told me wltQ a Sign (I; Go not know question real classy (number cf clasj not Mlm individual cases, is a which regulations ad-.missi- ravages of the European war, a relief regarded how genuine it was) of the gradual ab-- IBy Mall) ,; .z, under the. present for .given, owing to. a strict rulo la far better than a foolish the governor of tho Islands is called Latet to examinations or competi- the blue, book, rage 937) must committee of Honolulans representing sacrificlal war. sorption of the small but rich planta upon to decide. I cannot conceive of t LONDON According to an official organizations of tions by larger; By tion held In the year HIS, and would t ; the' various charitable the concernsT far position than the ono secretary state tor have a dorg Ll3 pup must pass ' a more difficult statement, the of be over ; age as . regards examination the city or who would otherwise be the most valuable prvducls of the isl- flln-charg- es any the national . board of pup cea-sor- s which he occupies, and which he India, In council, has decided that competition following; interested in such an enterprise has ands raw sugar ancTcanned plneap-fle- s. or of the next is poor with such kind appointment In this '. and be : to rich or candidates for . Introduced at the represen from, year ; ; . r. season, been suggested as Hawaii's Of the income their sales ness or 'severity, as the case demands, country to the Civil Service of India :v second function of the In the alleviation of the distress very little remains place pro- The cases of candidates eligible i function the pups tative at the of r ."Probably no umorc Interesting a (open competition), the Indian police at the first referred to, The plan Is in line wiih duction except laborers' cheap wages, - 1916 and over the age of 1917. whor t are not in coma out i tudv can be found tnan In the obser- force, the Indian public works depart- itthey, at the" suggestion by The Friend in , which are aga.n cut down by the plan studies may have been Interrupted : mide of ment, railways (traffic the second and there is a : ;Tation of individual characteristics Indian state the September issue under tne neaa lation commissary Stores, n mixture be-- finance hv military servjee rendered during -- OESIIIEOFTHE woum'a cia88 representing the department), or the Indian - heavy ytnj Introducing a vui-rtwp(- ln present for' lines Hawaii's oolden Opportunity .7 l uv yrotuiwuijr, luiwoaiuic wr ujr Of de- the war. will bo considerti nfctlvn Mood and that almost (military), and to the customs ; - pup function, j ' , f ' at the first ' "Jt has ;been thought by some that side person to successfully operate a every foreign country. It a strange partment may deduct from his actual subsequently.: collected, 'could be general expecting any is Well,'! 'am gad Dill ha3 such' ; whatever funds are store to obtain sight to see a Methodist church erect age at the time of examination or by representatives support employes. -- -- local laborers a fine dorg, and I am glad, wa well handled from or ed by a Japanese con'ractor employing competition any period of service ren-- J MAZATLAN.'MexIco. The cost of of the Triple Alliance on the one side ITALIAN PEOPLE "A mill 'situated upen the west side have such bi& values in suits. 1 Japanese labor. On the other nana It dered In the regular army (from a j living on the west tvast is constantly on or -- The demanl keeps up, too, and and the Triple Entente the other tne isiana or uanu produced I50ri ita aa tti noA in sitseonal date not earlier than Aug. B, 1914), I Increasing. Wearin-- apparel sells for ' prob- sugar -uh Is we feci we side. A; meeting to discuss the tons of the day 1 arrived, ap. .k..m ani1 wnnsttinnni in or any special reserve or. territorial almost twice what brtngs in Unft that where that 4 h i it the lem and to appoint a representative re a S - - - Alijpe profImately uertorf ?12'()0? at of Kanaka during erabodl- - -' are doing a let or good by givlnj .' nf'TliPirI people who are a mixture fore moblllration or ted States - will be held my Em rOSSIOiC per pound. only one - people an . pay lief committee' at Ueieai and Chinese. This latter dais repre- opportunity to home, on Friday, September many such an economic price such ma street saici to uause More or Less mui ana inere 01 ine same scnts cne of the best wwcu i aw for 0 :. .. 25.t-4:2- o'clock; or greater capacity. to ' : : .. It stands rea upon .'. : . a really- good' ' . V the islands. , silt ' Is. not possible for you to bt Open Rejoicings . son that this industry wouta not oper- We tock 110.00 label "Purely from tne standpoint of rest another present my we assume your interest ate unless, at a good profit There is of off a men's back again yes-- , pur- By Latest Mall and recreation I have "yet to Iarn suit and use your name for publicity no question but that tlie moneys real of J ::. - to-- a than the island terday, .and we put on another poses? : .i LONDON, The atUtude of Italy ized In the nature of profits do not ;ff"Irh." f7htV g whica make our money-savin- c a" Club, analyzed by the.cor--, cf suits, and '. At' recent meeting of "the Ad ward the war is again see.the islandsexccpt as territory. If this replactng of brands will Theodore Richards first brought up the respondent --of the vMprningv-Pos- t in goes into the pockets of a very limited - fSP,,Jcm!! keep right up we by asking Rome. He saystT- mass of weallhy peonle bathln when requested; until cloths matter of a relief fund that 'The Tast number of wha reside any place In the world. HBagage forwttrbns everynran de--; Opportun people, manufacturing and excelled other in Honolulu with the club amend its "Golden the the there, the balance going to interests In temperature between pending 'i the V selection Jbf ; lodgings. ? The difference in pendable. clothing and for less ity" plan as follows: ; , commercial ; classes, and; especially, the. United States.-- lr and water is so slight as to : be money than ever before! "1. Let us make Hawaii the bearer those cf Lcmbardy and Venetia, which "After once having visited a pine-hav-it'fe scenery 1 scarcely percertlble. The gift to war-ridde- n Eu : de-- apple cannery Come, and see . us; get .ac- of a substantial known the Austrian yoke, no' one wou.u lieaiiate - Transport5tino - a 44... A &1. 1 .1 A Varied and beautiful. rope. . ' J - quainted with Modern Methods; This might be in the form of Hires aeuLramy auu muai iwuiwfill... yureuawe uiib iriuu- - The greatest v. vrv reasonable all methods of con Honolulu consinuci Red CrosSv to some rec pos-courtc- ifcSffipii and learn lo know us better at' assistance, or joice more or less openly at the is shown to all visitors, The veyance being much cheaper than the J ognlzed relief society of the countries sible defeat of their allies. . a ; , methods arevery simple. The pin e-- - Cz ' ' ' same character in- the United States. HON DRAYIKG Co. Liu. affected. . .: '; "The king, the premier, Signor Sa-- apples are not picked until they are Impression living could-star- Contrary to general t In 1hef,!odtlClolhiers "2. We a'relief fund landra; the colonial minister, Signor ? fully ripe They are then; pared, cored col-- the event of a war in the Pacific. Ferdlnahdo Martini, and . , their ; and cut by. machinery The slices are - - BlaiBd&l Hotel building--, -- Fon s, ' The,, propaganda of . peace be learnea. : followlnz- them- are under-- graded according to form. ut it makes 1 tween Japan, and i. America,; already stoodito be-I- n favor of ; neutrality, no difference of whlch'gsada you pur--1 streeL Se Willie, the Office - - well peace sshoV - cnase,- - boy Watch Bulletin Bill.-- ?v started in the form of upon which the premier is said to it is ail the same delicious pme- arship8, promoted."? .'; could be further have insisted, v . apple. They are packed4n;Jtheir own it mnv W.rfph)in flRsniPd that-,- ' Juice. . The "can i then sealed, vand the MartpiJ'di;San Gtulianov,minister brought up to boiling'poai after which cf foreign affairs whose pronouncedly . "ey are reaay ror: snipping.', xne same PUCSSI'ES Austrophil antecedents may have led .character of interests control, this and German statesmen to be-- dustry as in, the sugar industry. The V Heve in Italy's intervention on their cnly "Ctory to which general admis-behal- f, Why Pay More Than a v sion 8 Che;, same; views as . refused is in the manufacture has - his -- X LOSE GROUND IN chief. - . . ; .. o - s or pineapple juice, l could not learn I intervention Sannht.-- ' reason why. It may be that more 'But a party In the army, and es-- JulCe comes out of the factory ban Nickel for a Cleanser? i vf facially In the generals staff, whose 1 ,a ,uie-Jeapp- -r ur-in- e voung STATE OF A E new chiefGeneral Cadorna, la bellev. . popuiarionuuim ? ed to be a convinced tripllclst Is work- - per ceni are tne 'origmar mnaDitants Jng for Interveption on behalf of Aus-- .Islands, or mixed desceaants. knd Germany. At foreign of-- The Kanaka of the presfaf da &eUy ' tria the By Latest MalL flee some four, or five influenUal af--. f?lUB; i.,1: PORTLAND, Maine. Mayor Oakley flcials are said to' take the same line, tlnguished from the Kanlfa whoiived C. Curtis cf Portland, a Democrat was and the Duke d'Avarna, the Italian "uuer T& "n,M."nBM n n la-ni-Vfl , 9 elected governor of Main cv6r Govern: ambassador in Vienna since 1904. Is ngnv and cares-- mtie TO or .William T. Haines, Republican, of probably at heart Austrophil. r, : w. ;happe"4 tomorrow aalong as he Sold gis-t- Watervllle, who was a candidate for h. nrv hro-- v today. The. climate byDrugi shM ,k great-nroductivenes- -- - s or. the a second ".term, by , a margin of 2700 is improbable. gain the, upper hand.- vctes, according to unofficial returns, Signor Salandra would . resfgn. and . r;;' J,1".,. A everyvTh All 521 towns plan- ters 4 of the cities,, and some believe that there would then "J" W' tations,4 except 27 small places whose be such a manifestation of public iZrz2r vote Is pot expected to change the Te-8u- lt dignatlon, specially In the north, thatl b.fKSjJ' u r have been taburated.-- : The vote the most serious effects mfeht ensue. , u 58,877 Brit--; JZS7.itJT" was 56,179 Haines and for No wants war with for Italian Great The Kanaka's chief ambition In life en nil if Curtis. Halbert P. cardner of Patten." ain, Italy's best friend; few Italians si " is to have or native feast' In s run of seeing the Progressive candidate, lrecelved wcldwish'to the risk to a?tir his desire in this di :; - : the- - 55.000 BARGAIN COUNTER PRE- 17,147 'Votes... :.r . : '., V .;,;. Libya and soldiers therein Zr d rection he has always been willing to off, as; they, then-woul- MIUM SALE NOW ON KX The four llalne congressmen, Asher cut be, from mortgage any of his land holdings. C. Hinds? John. C. Peters and Frank E. communication with and supplies from CITY MERCANTILE CO Guernsey Republicans and Daniel ; J. taly. yA nation which has a North Afr;.T-rTVtr-,- r 24 Hotel St. rr, Nuuanu ; McGillicuddy, Democrat were re-elect- rtcan colony can scarcely be cn hoe. I Z?S ,s ST"I ""h - - , Thone 4208 acccrding to the same returns. T Ule t terms .with: Great Britain' and mrtinn r (hari,nM. mw. Costs but r.Pound can First of the States to hold xt- elec- tion this year; Maine .balloted today, Italy has had her temptations. 1 twi thwvmrh vnwi. watched by the country as a possible am told; that Austria has generously fondness nf th lomair fn.7h- - .EES OUR barometer of political conditions. The effered her - other peoples territory Such weak enmity toward the presenti, CHANGES OF RATES voters cast ballots for, congressmen, a Tunisia and Valcna !n return for her nosRPRRnMi f thm n i .hnvn aid- -as well h. and county as the TrenUno. which is Kanaka and half : breed vote No HONOLULU AUTO 4 gov? pier ;and. other state territory, as well No Acid Caustic TAXI CO. officers.' ' Republicans, Democrats, Austrian : but Italian ,by as in jury practice. Puerile," if not speech race. . . and v; Bchn Bedford Mgra. Progressives, Prohibitionists and densely ignorant he Is father of some t " " in field. . ,tJern ve', of the strangest laws whlcht could be Plionea lCCi tickets the . neu- - if is the first time the Progressive "But Asides the alternaUve cf imaglned. as instanced by certain rch-traJi- ty party has sponsored a state ticket In or Intervention in behalf of j ves local legislature, one of the possibility ! Maine and it has made nominations in Austria, there is also the native statesmen making a motion that TEXTBOOKS every congressional district every of intervention against Austria, and , Tow tides he" abolished.' as he could that is not Improbable, should Austria ! And Atl Suppiita county and nearly every legislative never see any use for them anyway. Other School ' : '. occupy uie BtraieKicai po j lati-sitlo- n office. : :y :': Mimieunn Another motion was mace that the t . domi-.tude- of Ixnrtchen.; es 'V Governor William' n. Haines sought of Mt which the islands be changed to num-nat- Cleans scours scrubs A R the Boccho di Cattaro andla j ber one, as It was toa hard for the LEIGH'S - reelection as a Repuoiican. He was Austrian hands would be a menace to opposed by Sfayor ifurray. of natives to remember the exact number the Adriatic equilibrium. Hence it is of degrees and minutes, from Green- , polishes purifies Halbert P. Gardner, naval Progressfve; jfreder!ck A, Sheppard, that the Austrian, and military wich. Asking for aafappropriatlon to -.- operations in Montenegro are so anx- protect epidemic BRAZILIAN TANGO Prohibitionist, and Percy F. Morse, So the islands from the DUFLEX ; v ' iously followed . here, eDeclal)y ; as local statesmen did: not believe that . SOLES cialist v '; . ; . great ' - Italy has Interests in such a thing could be caused by bac Safe modern quick $5.50 tO'-i- In a campaign fought almost entire- - - :- -': : .that country.: v' teria unless , they , . could . see them, MclNERNY SHOE STORE' ly on national issues the Democrats ."Italy has an absolutely clear legal whereupon one of the members of the asked endorsement cf President Fort, above King St. ! for case fcr npt following her allies. They board of health obtained a cockroach economical effective Wilson's administration. of decorating and It - never:warned' her their intentions: after with various V - ' At Presidential election two - cross-bone- s, the they treated her with scant courtesy, designs, including a skull and ; years ago the Taf t electors had 6,-5- and never consulted her opinion. The it was shown to the statesmen, votes; those for President Wilson, present, German foreign minister, who who having seen this awfnl monster ATKINSON STEAK 51,112 and for Colonel Roosevelt" 48,-- was ambassador here, was no friend rushed from the room and passed a ' of hers; the Austrian General Baron law authorizing, public funds to be ex- Something Good. . m . ' m Conrad ven Hbtzendorff, mediated at- pended for sign - at the: entrance to " ; RIO DE JANEIRO. IJrailL What Is tacking during : Libyan "war outer bearing Inscrip- her; the the harbor the V 1 Distributors Metropolitan Me--t Market termed a "wireless c erector" has.been Austrian hindered her operations cn tion no bacteria allowed to. land." S Phona 3445 ' Invented by a Brax'lian operator. .It the Albanian end Eplrote coasts, and Taking this condition into considera- mak'es possible more perfect .servtca the Duke of the Abruzzl was recalled tion it can easily, be seen how ineff- between the north And south of Brazil thence to the-disg- ust of the nation. icient the. government of the islands Turn the little disc to MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay. It is pro- The fact is, concludes the eorres-pende- nt must be, handicapped as it Is by an posed to brinff city a new sup- "that the alliance with Aus- ignorant vote. No more corroborative . WATER . intotthe DISTILLED . .. . ply of water from the Santa Lucia tria, always an unnatural one in the evidence of waste is shown than is "Hire's" Pure fruit Flavors,,..."at river by digging a canal which is to eyes of aliens, has broken down un- apparent to the casual observer when Btart some miles northeast of Tala.' der the stress of hard facts." he looks at the condition of the roads CONSOLIDATED SODA Deaths of Infants one year of age and subsequently learns , how much WATER WORKS CO, LTD, In New York last week numbered 346 ' Prize courts are said to have 'been money has been spent upon them. CGI Fort'SL : Thome 1171 compared with 350 during the " same established in all of the states in the ."After a residence of a few weeks, , " investlga-- v period last year. : y Aostrallan commonwealth. whether for the purpose of A)


Honolulu Stock Exchanga

1, :. . Friday," Sept. 23. - ' m . :- J- ERCANTILB Bid Asked FIIJD Alexander & Baldwin.Ltd 175 C Brewer AT Co. ' 250 3$0 Director Federal Experiment Station SUGAR, v ' MEANS Ewa PlanUtlon 23 24 ... Ca ...... EGGS 'figs. Haiku Sugar Co...... 125: 130 AND POULTRY. 100. .75: rranis lAbIla. Ihl 1ft! Fresh chicken eggs, dot, .55 to .60; llznee, 100, .30 .S3; pine-- iiWj Co " Mexican. to MONDAY Arl frCHkfl Hlllr a oer As Aft fi avid IK C. & Sug, 32 V UV6 ilV MtUOy s v.t apples, dot, .60 to .SO. Haw. Ca...... 31 .25; ea HEALTHY Leahl Chayter, O. E. S.; Stat- 36 jooeters, lh., .30 to 42; broilers, " BEANS. Haw. Sugar, Ca .... 1 ': p. xx, AUTOMOBILE b., 42 to .35 ; turkeys, lb .27 to 2; : Red ed; 7:20 Honokaa Sugar"; Co.- - . 2Vs 5 Dried kidneys. .01; calico, ducks, Muscovy, lb.; .30; ducks, Ha- 10 .U4; wnttes, .Wo; peas. TUESDAY: Honomu Sugar Co. . small BABIES i...... waiian, doz., $6.00. .v'i Hutchinson S. Plan. Co...... dried, .034 to .03, LtVE STOCK. GRAIN. WEDNESDAY - Kahuku Plan. Ca ...... Honolulu. Commandcry No. 1; Kekaha Sug. Co. . ..i.';'.. 120 Live weight Hogs. 100 to 130 lbs., Corn, small yellow, ton, $3S.00 to ARE YOURS IN - Special, O. T, Degree; Sugar Ik, hogs, 150 lbs. and over, lb $10.00. 7:30 Kbloa Co. , ... 13; p. iiu McBryde Sugar "Co., Ltd.' v5 .09 to .12. MISCELLANEOUS. Oahu Sugar Co. ... . 18 Dressed weieht Ptwk. lb .17 to .19: Charcoal bag, .30; hides, wet-salte- d CLASS A? mutton, L -- 2, lb., THURSDAY OUa Sugar Co., Ltd.'. L V 5 lb., .07 to .11; beet, lb., .v9 to "No 14; Na .13; ' .11; ,12. . kips, lb.. .14 to sheep skins, Onomea Sugar Co ...... 30 S2 - calves, lb.. .15: 1 each, .13 to .23; goat skins, white. FRIDAY . Paauhau Sug.' Plan. Co...... ' datitacc each 10 0 Honolulu Dairymen's Oceanic Lodge No. 371; Spe- Mill to Pacific Sugar VI1!;0?-- weet. red. . j Degree; 7:30 p. m. ,KIr,,hn 0 L50.: The terrltortai marketing division Association cial. Third Paia Plan. Ca ...... 125 . w a.4UO. d cxv riA TT S3 ay. v ' t.vv jcuun, nnflPF f rtlrawMrhn tha Phone 1342 . if PepeekeoSugaf Co...... JLM.to $15; sweet, white, lb.. $U)r periment ot SATURDA- Y- . Pioneer . ' 23 24 station is at the aerrlce Mill Co...... to 11.25. all citizei of the territory. Any Walalua Agrl. Co...... 95 100 v VEGETABLES. J produce which farmers may send to 1 Wailuku Sugar Co. ;.. (Coo Ltd ...... tu.,oiuu6, iu,.vi7 10 .wo, uwus, me uarseuug uivision w soia ( ua SCHOF1TLD LODQI Castle talmanalo Sug. Co. ... - ...... llma ln pod lb.. .03; beeU, doz. bunch j best obtainable price and for cash. No Walmea Sug. Mill Co...... es, 40 ;; cabbage lb .02; carrots, commission Is charged. It is highly THURSDAY. MISCELLANEOUS. doz bunches, .40; cucumbers, doz.. ' desirable notify Agents Haiku & Co that farmers the mar FRIDAY F. P. Pfd...... 20 to .40; green peas, lb., .10; pep- - 'keting division and how Ft&Pkg. . . what much C Mlv1i' Haiku Co, Com...... pers, Bell, lb., .04 to .08; peppers, produce they have for sale and about Haw. Co...... I SATURDAY. ; Electric ...... Chile, lb., ,04; pumpkin, lb., .01 to , when it will be ready to shin. The ...... Haw. Irr. Co., Ltd. 1 . . . rhubarb, lb., .03 .06; toma- .01? to shipping mark of the division Is TJ. S. All Haw. Pineapple Co...... 33 35 toes, lb., .03 to .04. EL vtsiung members of ths V' S. Letters address. Honolulu, P. at- Hllo It. R. Ca Prd. ... ; order are cordially Invited to FRESH FRUIT. O. box 753. Office, Queen and No-uan- u established hi 1KV Hilo Ry. Co.. 2 2 tend meetings of local lodges. Cora...... B,ananas, Chinese, bunch, .20 to .40; streets. Telephone 1840. Wire-les- s Hono. B, & M. Co., Ltd... 17 17 bananas, cooking, bunch; .SOrto $1; address USEX. f BANKS? Hon. Gas Ca Pfa 105 ... r u Hon. Gas Co. Com...... 105 ... t R. & Ll 1, MOD- HAWAII Hona T. Ca ...... "... THE von HAMM-YOUN- Q CO HONOLULU LODGE NO. It Inter-Islan- d S.' Nav. Co...... DAILY REMINDERS LTD. Honolulu. ERN ORDER OF PHOENIX, i Mutual Tel. Co...... 19 20 Agents " BANKERS. OaKV Ry.'& Land Ca ... 127 130 Will meet at their home, corner Pahang Rubber Co...... A. R. Rowat D. V. S. Teiv 4276 Adv. Beretanla and .: Fort streets, every the folks who have Tanj6rig Olok Rubber Co. .... 19 Round the island In auto $5.00. Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. - BONDS, Lewis Stables. Phone 2141. adver- ' A- G. LE1THEAD, : A' v ; - , 1 . ' a Lader, Adler-Rochest- er 1 formed the habit Hamakua Co.: : . . . tisement. V , thrift Commercial Ditch 6s. . Fine Suits J. W. LLOYD, Secretary. and Travelers Let H. C. A; S. Co. 6s. . Mr. Botelho, formerly Young Hotel proudly labeled uy the makers, aro: r ...... that doing so much ters of Credit Issued on ths Hawaiian Irr. Co. tTSlkl barber shop, is now at the Model Sani- and guaranteed by both makers u Cs...... LODGE,' 618, B. O. E. upbuilding of Sank of California and Haw. Ter. 4a, Ref. 1905...... tary Shop, Bethel, below King St. and ourselves. And 1914 goods, HONOLULU P. for the -- -- , Honolulu Lodge No. ; Haw. Ter. Be, Pub. Imp . . adv. .:; too. th . London : - ...... Fall Patterns. y Joint O. Elks, territory tTliey ,, Haw. Ter. Pub. Imp.' 4s.. The kiddies no matter how old! IDEAL CLOThtNG CO LTD. $16, B. P. t the are Bank, ...... meets In their hall, on Stock He Vio 9 .: By Latest Mall delight in the fine flavor and absolute Sole Agents for the Territory. the ones who own v Ltd London T3i ORLEANS. Theodore Roose purity of Rawley's ice cretm.'V Have King St. near Fort, . Hw NEW' every Friday evening. .. with nice gardens, Hilo' R.R.Ca33ae6s laaue 01 . . 81 velt in a speech at the French opera it delivered at your home by quick homes HUo R.R.C6. R.&E.Cpa.6s 71 house decried the "reactionary" policy auto". Or eat it at the Fort street Visiting Brothers art's ; to ' Honokaa Sug. Co. 80 of the government in handling the tar store. Phone 4225. cordially invited and who are bringing up Correspondent! 6s.... VISIT THE NEW STpRE OF - ' for tht Amsrl Hon. Gas Co.; "Ltd. 98 iff question, particularly as It affected Visit the newly book attend. can Express 5s.. ANDREWS, line families who will later Company "and Hon. R. T. & L. Co. 6s. 103 Louisiana sugar interests, and reiter department at the Hawaiian News Co., U. EJL V Thoa. Cook e Son. . - Ltd. in the Young building H. DUNSIIEE. Sec Kauai . Ry. Co. 6s...... ated his charges 'that paying $25,000,- and REGAL SHOES : to parents good be a credit both Kobala DltcU Co. 6s.... 000 to Colombia as a result of the Pan choose fiction from the hundreds McBryde :.. would be black of new novels, or from the thousands COR. AND HOTEL STS. Wm. McKINLEY LODGE, No. 2, . country.' , . Sugar Co 5s... 95 ama Canal zone deal FORT and ' of popular stories in the 65 cent edi- , TeL 6s malL K. of P. .. f ... Mutual 101, ' ; Interest Allowed on Term and on princi tion. Savings Bank Deposits. Natomas Con. 6s ...... Col. Roosevelt dwelt the Meets every 1st and Sd Tues- Oahu Ry. & Land Co. 5s. . 100 ples of the Progressive party, but laid - "Start Saying NOW!" "Don't forget that headaches caused day evening at 7:30 o'clock la Oahu Sugar Co. 1Q0 especial upon' the tariff In so ...... A 6s...... , stress designs K. of P. Hall, cor. Fort and : : growers by Neuralgia give way before Shac. Suggest'ons and for Olaa Sugar Co. T5 . 85 far as it affected the sugar Reret&nla. Viiitlnc brothers 6..... G and Pacific G. & Co. 101 cf Louisiana. He stood out strongly These troublesome, sharp, knife-lik- e Fer. 6s. .... OLD JEWELRY.' cordially Invited to attend. Pacific Sugaf Mill Co. 6s...... ; for federal control of the Mississippi pains are soon bani&hed. advertise W. V. KOLB, c. a San Milling Co. 6s 100 river. . - V . Carlos. .... ment. 'V !i 'S Gold and Platinum Settings L. B. REEVES, K. R. 8. Walalua Agrl. Co. 100 He Booke for a few minutes at a BANK 5s,...... pare. Labor Day picnic in Southern probably will no grand WALL oV DOUGHERTY rV- : are an There be of Sales Between boards 10, 40. 15, There - he said labor unions opera season in Boston this winter 20 Olaa CO, iiO 20 by right men. Gigantic Olaa 5; HUo right if led the according .cablegram- - The 4; cn to a received Com. 2; 20. 35 IL a & S. Co. 32: mere are lin e ctuowj tte n from Eben D. Jordan, managing direc - : 100 Oahu Sug. Co. 15; 60 Ewa 23 J bid crooks." he feald.' "and .the Pro -- .Opera Company. Slaiightei- Sale 5 tor of the Boston WnOiULU $5000 Oahu Sug. 6s 99; $9000 O. JL & gressive, party is alter inem an. - on at 152 Hotel Street ' I01..v::-ve:.,'-'.:.i..-v,;.,;..:;::- U still uuitco L. 5s U'tl Exoand the MISSISSIPPI. ele& rfoz' opera house Early . returns of the primary M. R. B E H N Session Sales 3 H. C. & S. Co. 32;, in his address in the uon in Carolina indicate uov . 1 'V.Mkwil fhut "this eftv. south 25, 25,i5Q,: 50..6D,1 40 Olaa 5; 5 Muu 1 ni. rtuijar veil iu ecu ernor Blease wes defeated by Senator tssves N. 4k paying $25,00i).09V -- K. K. Letters of TeL Co. 20; 50, 10, Olaa 5; 5 McBryde erntnent; instead of Ellison D." Smith for th DemoeratlCj ' ! ruug-uuc- i . Credit mad Trarclers' , Cneeka biacsm an w auea nomiantoon to the United States sen: HEYWOOOHOES WEAR" '5- ais-put- e 4 , r Llmltti. ' their heirs,! as proposed in tne wear.-longe- Xtt vyon ex- ftrallabla tnrouxhoat tta world. Panama And sugar 96 with (Colombia over the pect for $110 and $5. Latest quotation: degrees nrmjertv. $2o,- - ' floui -- " should "use that consultation as to how to handle ; test. 5J2 cents, or $100.49 per ton. SHOS CO. "C'jjir Fsctcrs 000,000rnl and the plant of the Panama during these war Umesi In order that - BANUFACTUREHS' HUB XLOTHING .HOUSE ; : : : . Canal and aa many scores of millions poor people might obtain It at as little ... , r: Llmlt:dv. Cc.T.:r.!::!on Merchants necessary control Ccf:h Trcnzfcrs ortro sa r to take added expense as possible.; Such de The best of Clothes and Haber-- ctt Mississippi and to develop all case,5 5.02ets of the cisions as that In the Harvester . dashery - ..a possibilities of usefulness from the ; made practically its he asserted, had it VICTOR EXCLUSIVE TALENT headwaters to the delta. Impossible for these dealers to come a Hotel, near Fort haye warmly ."of-- Progres- un- The best friends you can A ' He spoko the together "for even talking over an : Beets Louisiana.. were no rwk,o,chef r. you with Uielr rusic Artnta for' sives In, There derstanding that would be vitally ' ' ' said, . ; and song. Comnerclal Jk Ecjsx ether members of the party, he necessary in the Interest of the com- Csxilxa emphatically deserved well ' CO. '; Henry Trust C04 who more munity at large" without being' liable REMEMBER . HER MUSIC CO, LTD. ' Waterhouse He BERGSTBOM C. ' - men. ; Co. party than these . , CompsjiT. ; Brewer & of the to prosecution. , Ililiu Ccur Republican party as with a beautiful bouquet of - - spoke of the old rs-i- ; ; a .' be- Cut Flowers. rkstatioa. , , (Umlttd) r having a "deliberate purpose to i.grlcxiltur&l Coiapisy. CUmbers Honolulu Stock, and Bond of Bourbon antag- Utzi v- come the bulwark Mrs. E. M. Taylor, Florist, - SUGAR FACTORS, COMMIS. Exchange na-tlcn- ." NEW MILLINERY CONFEC- natrtUan Sugar Company". ; . onism In advance throughout the NEW TODAY Hotel St, epp. Young Cafs FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS were . Company. - SION MERCHANT8, SHIP. and said the Democrats jions Zlatka Plantation Teleohone 12SS principles of govr ; "wedded to outworn NOTICE. Ucrrjde Susar Co Ltd. : PINO AND INSURANCE - eco- eminent and- dead , and btiried z". .;. MO Power "Railroad Companj. C- tjr-- Agents HARLEY DAVIDSON XIi3 Haloid AGENTS, FORT ST, HONO. j J. Ff. MORGAN CO., LTD? nomic theories. 'A y ' "- up for -- day was Labor Sealed tenders will be received TORCYCLES and SUPPLIES. v'ri-:;, DOltOn Clock' Ra'Uway ? ! the Cical Compaaj. LULU, ; : The fact that to the hour Of 12 noon, October 15, , 1 XUuai TH. STOCK BROKERS , v Dav. led him to discuss the Industrial ' Fn;it & Land Co, Lid. Information Fvrnished and Loans 1914,' by the'Boird of Commissioners CITY MOTOR CO. and economic situation. for Territory of the Pa Uoaolca Rancju Made. old parties are wedded the of Hawaii Skilled Mechanica for All Repair "Beth the nama-Pacifi- c Exposition MERCHANT STREET STAR SLDO. saldV Repub- international a. Work. List of Officers and Directors: tb their Idols." he 'The office of the chairman, 1065 V Phone 172. lican party by every action It has at the Pauahl nr. Fort SL Tel. 2251 Suva's Tcrlilry, E. F. Clshop ...... President 'durinV the past two years has Bishop street, Honolulu; T. H., for the taken s, MARRIAGE LISENSE. to see sole privilege of Veiling poat-card- cu- . Umltad, C H. Robertson ...... made It evfdent that It intends FOR GOOD Vice-Preside- rios and Hawaiian souvenirs in the THE STORE nt I file are shackled ' . Manager and Rre Insurance and that the rank ;' " Jco J. Fernandez, Honolulu and are put under the control of the Hawaii building during the period of CLOTHES" ,ft. I vtrs...... Secretary . Claudina Souza, Honolulu . great bosses of the stamp of Mr. the exposition, which is to be held at Elks' Bulldlna Kln Strstt TH2 E. A. R. Ross...... Treasurer Barnes khd Mr. Penrose. ! ' San Francisco from February to De PKOTOC'Pt1E2 Mrs., Harper,; aged 102 1915. ac- - BOTlt 5T"ttT ROW '08T ' Harriet On the Hhor hand, the Democratic cember, All bids must be B. F. ClHinh-i-n Co. G. R, Carter....) years, registered as a voter In the pri- rvkriv tohifh " has ncssessed absolute companled by a cenified check for 5 HONOUW.U. T.M.i ; mary at Atchison, Kan. per amount for - - elections cent of the offered limitLo ' :' C- H 4 power In" Washington for the last two. Cooke.....,) Corn-sympto- BasKctry Central A;snt for Hawaii: years', has shown not the faintest the. concession. Tie Beard of : P. H. BURNETTE V 4 IL Gait ...... )M. Director t NQTICE TO CREDITORS. cf a real understanding of mlssioners reserve the right to reject RCfl Soeclmens Assurance Compxny cf ' "' & 80UTH At!u PL A. Cooke L.,.) the needs of the people. It has done any and all bids and further reserve Commissioner of Deeds for California HAWAII . Leniicn, New York Undsr. . The undersigned having been duiy successful NOTARY PUBLIC; SEAS CURIO CO. nrthinff whatever for labor and its the right to require the and New York; ' wrrrs' Ajency? Provldenco A. Gartley .M...) appointed administrator of the estate theV tariff has bidder to submit samples of all goods Mortgages, Deeds,? Bills of - Young Building n action cn trusts and the Draws Wai'-'njto- Insurance Co. Oike, deceased, - gov-- ' D. May Auditor of Yasukichi late o'j ghown that. it Is not fit to rim the to be scld. and to refuse leave to the Sale, Leases, Wilts, etc Attorney for 1 a - th floor Stan;enwatd Buitdlnj. Monoiuiu, ncreoy gives nouce 10 an ernment ? With the trusts tney nave successful bidder to sell such gooas the District Courts, 79 MERCHANT persons having claims of any kind , arfonted policy of firing 'so to aa Bball seem them unsuitable. ". STREET, HONOLULU, Phono 1845. the u QUENCHING against said estate to present the same hit It It Is a bear and miss it. If It . . 5968-3- t LUSCIOUS If ' '- ' " " -- I duly verified to the undersigned at a 8alf. " '' 11 - is ' IN FOR. SALE the office of G. Tashlro, room 22, Dwelt Lona on Sugar.' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE LMs Vanted Campbell block, Honolulu, within six He told his audience that the people First Circuit. Territory of Hawaii. At NEWSPAPERS Small 50x100. months from this 21th day of Septem among hard- - No-- Anywhere, at Any Time,- - Call tra or $550 house and lot cf Louisiana Jvrere those chambers In Probate. Order of ' INSURANCE CO. OF HAWAII Nuuanu tract. $50 down, $15 ber, 1914, or the same will be forever est hit by "the backward and reaction- - jIce of Hearing Petition for Admlnl3- - -- ".. : Write ;'-'- ' WATER Co. :- ' ::"::,'-;.:-- HONOLULU 60DA Lt O'Neil Bllg 85 Klil SU cor, ; -- per month. - barred.' ;: . ' ary policy" which the government had tratlon. In the matter of the-estat- e E. C. HAKE'S ADVERTISING - as-- ' :t St- - . $350 Lots 40x100 In Lanaklla tract, ... :U RYOYE NIKI. adopted as "regards the tariff. He ol Jonn Leoiki, late or Honolulu, Oahu, .. AGENCY t above School street. $25 down, v-- --Administrator. Ect. serted "that the, promise ,to break up Deceased. - 124 Sansome Street 8a n Francisco $10 per month. the trusts and reduce the cost of flvin? . Qn reading and filing the petition The Honolulu Iron Works YOKOHAMA correspondence JH SPECIE v, $400-r-Lo- t 60x110 off Asylum road. $5d had not been reallzeXHe took upthe of Kelilkipi iIlwaaianl of . Honolulu. Company solicit T ' ' CANK, LIUITLD. -- : - ; HONOLULU DRY GOODS CO. flSadly furnish esti- ' ".' down, . $10 per month. Questicri cf SUgar. with Which Loulsir Oahu. alleins' thfet John Leoiki of and will Tea. ana is closely laenuueo. me remuw Alas- mates relative to the modern CapIU! 48.000,000 said Honolulu died Intestate at sobscrlV.... of duty on this commodity, he said, day , A. D. 1904, BRAND TWO WEEKS' SALE NOW equipment of Mills and Factor- ' ka cn the of - Jt!d-Bi..- . - ...20,000.000 ' r!tsl 5?; been, a big contributing 'cause of - jurlsdlc-Uc-n ' ;:: ies. CTBAUOH had leaving property witnJn . nesorre fund 18,900,000 nils. prices sugar, not the o;'v,;:.:aa a : oh a Walty Bldg. 74 FOH SALE. the "present high for ct this court necessary to be K. AVVOKI...... Local Manager 8. Klst St sugar In- enly seriously affecting the upon, cr.d praying that Let- c7 Hotel St. Opp. Bijou Theater E. M. F. '30;. newly palhtedV going to dustry but causing damage .upon,.the " ters cf AuSiinlEirr.ticn issue to Henry MONUMENTS . . ;': '1 ' ' States, must ssli at once. Chas. A. whole pubjlc. wort: . - and all kinds of marble .nor i n 'p Clark, Ruger- 3401. "German's'great economic develop- Fort - Tel. 1 It :i V. zt Triiay, the 20th repaired by export New cotage ...... $27.50 ment during the 43 years preced!r.3 Or:rc2, cleaned and - C:y cf , A. D. 19H, at 9 workmen at reasonable prices. Five-bedro- om ' . said.. ? . 30.00 -- hpuse ...... this lamentable war." he 't -' ' - i c'- . terhyl3jrr.'p- Call for Zimmerman at Neat cottase'ln t6wa 2 bedrms 22.00 AUTOMOBILES. been .due largely to the intelligent i: ? r'ff- - - ; J. AXTELL'8 ,rar:eyald. r?- Wemhant , ..' of a tariff ccnunlsslcn." AlakeaC Street CTCCK AKO LZHD BROKtAS H. Schnach, Why , ride lnv hard riding taxis when y The prceressive prcr"al ale: J. 1 ' -- c 1y rr-- l Iterr.btra Honcfulu Clock and Bond L Real Estate- .- you' can tiaveeasy riding Qverland luxe he held to be the, :" " " ' t.. - ' ' and Buicks at aiae". price? Phone f6r gcod: business frcra t Exchange 5 Brewer Building, Telephone 1 3633;. of all. -.- - V."'V. I : HONOLULU He pointed to ha clsf::. 1 1 FURNISHED COTTAGE. Cbndlticns ia this cc r.try t ' CITY TAX I STAND MEAT MARKET GROCERY - A PURE AND FRESH be said emphr t!:- I the : -- ' V CILVA, ' r v Furnished cottage and light house . : .1 a 2. MUk, Cream and Butter. ernment cc PHONE 1423 - " ' The Leading keeping rooms: all conveniences! tell buslnt S : i f" 3451 Z ZnTAKER & EMBALMER i "Phone PHONE 3622. electric lights; bath, running wa whatwa3'.r: t f ' ' Sts.'' ter; short distance from postofflca. - - r. ICuknl ahdt.jraU3mf v what'"wa'wri Q. ' E JH O C O. "r. STAB-BrLLETI- C YE CITY DAIETT ' : 2S14 2160 X Pfc o4craf. ianeel Place. Fo said, the fr.;-.- l ! . 17:. nlftht call or tIYr3 T0TJ 'Vineyard." Tel. 154L 5947-t- f been anxious lODAIS TCD1Y ' !A HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN.- ;1 FBIpAT7 SEPTEIBHR 251914 unmT


- "This picture is by .fir the TESS OF THE STOkM COUNTRY LitUe Mary Pickford is at best thing Samuel Blair has yet AND .THE NATION'S PERIL AT THE her best in this picture. It is worth seeing a , second time, shown in this city.1 'Pacific possibly oftener.u Star-Bulle- -. Commercial Advertiser. iPpppla Tlhiesiiieir tm. . TELEPHHONE 3836. RESERVE YOUR SEATS AT ONCE

...... nriiiiriinniiiiriuiniiiiuiriiirriiiirirn OAHU BEAUTIES HAROLD BAUER IN


Spy - "AMexicah in America" Is tha , The inew bill at the Bijou," "Down ; Rain or. shine the. farewell concert We propose to make Satur- title of another McRae film that will on the Farm," has put a different face of Harold Bauer, the noted pianist and be shown at the Popular theater next on the prospects of the Jack Magee Mile.- - Eva uauthier, : mezzo soprano, j week. A private exhibition was given Comedy Company, for it Is a decided will be given this evening in the Opera day a Banner Day and we yesterday, the press being invited to change from what has been given be- House, and every effort has been made view the picture, which deals largely fore, and, happily, a change for the for a performance distinctive of the in- with affairs military . on Oahu and, better. In "Down on the Farm," there best in music, varied and comprehen want you with us.3 cidentally, presents views of a number has been paring; down of the slap-stac- k sive. In fact the program, as arranged, of beautiful scenes around Island. acting, the sort that might seem speaks for itself a most eloquent the in 4 The 'beauties of Ft. Shafter and Mo-anal-ua funny to a tribe of Blackfoot Indians, manner as follows: are used to good advantage In and in its place there has been in Beethoven. i... Sonata in C sharp minor We need the money you have this film which, so far as plot Is con- traduced some real funny work. (Moonlight) op. 27 No. 2; Adagio, cerned. Is very, ordinary. However, i The playlet Itself is a vehicle for Allegretto, Presto ' to buy with and you need the the army is shown in action In a num lots of real .good j laugh-producin- g Harold Bauer ber of scenes, while items of interest work by? those behind, the footlights. Rossini.. Air from "Barber of Seville" clothing we have to change for at the county fair so well presented and the company f hit the right pitch (Una voce fa) The "Arrow S" isyour at Schofield Barracks last spring are m its selection. Eva Gauthler your money : : : : : : also made use of by. the McRae com-pan- y. traveling shor troupe is delayed Schumann .....Scenes from Childhood ; : - Foreign . v y.-- i- on the road tby an accident to the lands and people Funny ffuidi The film Is most distinct, evidencing Vehicle, and theyi have to put up at v story --r- iiljnd man's . buff En- - best a; farm house for- - awhile. It is dur treating child Perfect Happi- the fact that It is a "first run," and : John Wise is there in all his glory as ing their stay at the farm bouse that ness Important event Dream- Get it all happens.. The four 'leading ing (Troumerel) At the Fire- Lefs "THeiW a theepian, assuming the role of a j celleriGb.' ot laughable side The Rocking Horse AI-- - Mexican general the sketch fit 1 and carrying it out facters t- T, $ In splendid fashion. I their parts to a nicety. most too serious Frightening-Ch- ild 4 t ' r I Lydston appeared to advantage in a falling sleep The poet drinking son, ."Absinthe Frappe," and speaks. 1 - gmwm the- selections by Maxie Mit Chopin...... Scherzo in B flat minor seeing offered " Insist on on I it ., THERE WILL BE A chell and Dorothy Raymond were well Harold Bauer I .5,. V. received. . Interval of five minutes. u Georges . i There is a chorus girls' contest on Hue.."J'ai pleasure eu reve" and make things hum Here is the label of the ham tonight, in ' addition to the regular Jacques Dalcrpze.."La chere maison" your show, VDown on Chopin "L'olselet" SEASIDE Dlh'CE the Farm" is worth , while. ' , . Eva Gauthler chance. Bring and bacon you buy. Mendelssohn ..'. . . Rondo Capriccioso 1 PROF. VON LUSCHAN Gluck Sgambati Melody Grieg...... Norwegian Bridal March r J iflKflilliO'Ji h RECITES HISTOBY OF Rtchmaninoff.Prelude in C sharp minor ) Wagner-Bauer- .. Ride of the Valkyries HxANCIEfJXvHiniTES Harold Bauer. Tickets can be obtained at the rooms Ths usual jolly Saturday! Evening Ji BeforeT an audience of ieadlng'local of the promotion committee or at the dance will be held tomorrow at the educators, clergymen and representa- Opera House this evening. Seaside Hotel, and all friends of the tive business men at the University art of Terpsichore are invited to come Club last night, Prof. Felix von Lus-cha- n, and spend a 'pleasant evening amid noted anthropologist and mem 'fSYRUP OF FIGS" FOR ; in real money and carry away a'real a goodly company ,Adv, ber of the faculty of the University of CONSTIPATED CHILD Berlin, Germany, told the story of the cuit--a; good one-so- ld with a money PARENTS REQUESTED Hittltes, the ancient Hamitic race of TO Pro-fesso- r Delicious "Fruit Laxative". can't Asia Minor and Ndrthern Syria. barn Mv-v-,; , bacl: guarantee, von : Luschan's lecture, which tender Uttla stomach, llrer 7 ACCOMPANy CHILDREN - - : - bowels- - was illustrated with .many . beiuUful and- ' TOPOPULAR ON -- SUNDAY , - " flternew are mild, swee trtender- -- . :, J usual ;Convincing manner, and . sua Every mother realizes, after giving Dr. 'Wadmanixn'iiistates that while 1400 ciently devoid of technicalities so as her children "California Syrup of 1 A. A . ' J complimentary uc&eu nve oeen uis--, to make his presentation" of this an- igs,". that this Is their ideal laxa- v - ' carefully; selected,' uniformly tributed among the children of Hono- cient race easily .understood, tive, because they love ; its pleasant The Store with UodsrniLIethocU ages As an introduction, Professor von lulu above the of 10 for the meet taste, and ; it thoroughly cleanses the I ings at the Popular tomorrow after Luschan ; dwelt ? briefly upon his five tender little stomach, liver and bowels hard- r cured arid smoked over noon, beginning at 2 and 3:45 o'clock, excavation expeditions to Northern without griping. ' ' : if any not having received tickets wish Syria, bringing out the revelations When cross, irritable, feverish or which crowned muny German scien . : to: attend they will be cordially' wel a breath is bad, stomach sour, look at fires. - wood comed.1 The Popular --holds 600 at tist'8 work with success. Until the the tongue, mother!: If coated, give least, and the hope is to have it well Germans commenced excavation expe- teaspoonf of lYhether they float with the ash . " a ul this harmless "fruit i filled at each service. ' ' ditions, he said, the 'Town of the laxative," and In a few hours all the or come in the regular way .. Parents wishing to chaperon e tkelr North," or ShammaaL an old Hittite Ask for this your capital, foul, constipated waste, sour bile, and brand at children will also be welcomed. There was little known Excavations, undigested ' food passes out of the will be no collection. however," revealed a wonderful sight yon playful in the form of fortresses, temples, the bowels, and have a well, dealer's. , child again. When its little system It insures wholes royal . palace, gateways and. towersu. v "ROUGH STUFF' NOT TO Is full of cold, throat sore,Jias stomach : , The professor,, in describing the un- o ' - colic-reme-mber, A'Skeet-G- Lamp and Powder city, epoke part as follows; ache, diarrhoea. Indigestion, IN FftESHMEN'S covered in - APPEAR - someness, ; a good "Inside oleanlng" : 4 and arare,delicious "The oldest placeso far found :la will rid, your house or lanai. . should always-- be first treatment YEAR . two big towers, the STUNTS OF THIS remarkable for its. . 1 ; ; and leave no disagreahie effect on yourself v each with walls of 30 leet thickness. given. - :u r: flavor. . , j MUllons of mothers keep "Califor . , The class of 1915 is making a .great It belongs to about 100, B. C.; To .Wear low shoes with comfort about, the same time belongs a great nia Syrup of Figs' handy; they know ' ' In the Freshman; day cus . departure prin- a teaspoonf ul, today saves a alck hy applying toms. The annual parades, speecnea, series of sculptures found in the v tomorrow. your Skeeter-Skoo- etc- freshmen are to be cipal gateway of the fortress. child Ask druggist Mosquito Talcum or t stunts, - of the 50-ce- nt Syr- " on Punahou cam- - "They are very crude, but show the for a bottle of "California ' " held this afternoon up . i to the ankles. kmi Dnt tha nM wiatnm fit riilVin9r anthropological type of the inhabitants. of Flga, which "has directions for U. S. Incpzctcd high bi babies, of ages and grown- arid Passed" the freshmen In the tanks after the . with very short and heads and children all These are pleasant preparations to use, ( n ha tnna ajoir nrtth thiB . UUC. ups printed on the bottle. Beware of 'C. the" Skeet-G- o Lamp .75c Tfiin fhiin'a ia aha tr thA r- - ' "Up to about 1000 B. town counterfeits sold here, so don't be had been held by the Hittites, but was fooled. Get genuine, made by lA:rZ.:"ZZ;Z 7Z the the Skeet-G- o' Powder . , ,25c and 50c SwiIl&Company,u.s.A. ? 1 California Fig Syrup Company." ad advice of . Prof Griffiths, .who fears ...... 25c tn.n.w nf wbo vertisement Mosquito Talcum ; ...... '..I ...... " .. ; Ic languageromuXand Semitic alphabeticalH.tl .: Vim Skeeter-Skoo- t 25c and 50c the DELICATESSEN SALE. H "The use of alphabetic writing VifHAPS JNDI6ESTI0N? means one of the greatest progresses Harmony Chapter, No. 4,v O. E. 8., dis- j, WHO CARES? LISTEN! in the history of mankind. . The will hold a delicatessen sale and ba- x '; --- w .x,- -. jsi. .,15... covery of fire was the first of these zaar Saturday, Sept. 26, at 9 a. m, in Sick, progressive steps, then the use of met- the store at the corner of. Beretania ' tTape'i Slapepsin makes Soar als, and later the discovery writing, v of and Fort streets. Bring children. PHOUB v ; Gasiy Stomachs sirely feel fine alphabet, the 2205 nDAOESO J then the discovery of an and Adv. ;.v :: 1 flvo minntes finally the invention of printing. Of The Rexall Store the five great steps perhaps the dis- Iff-fiv-e Open Evenings Until 11:13 ? ' all stom- Fire destroyed the Kilmer Opera ALL KIND3 OF ROCK AND SAND FOR CONCRETE WORK. V Time it! minutes covery of an alphabet was the most im- will go. No indigestion, House and several other buildings at FIREWOOD AND COAL ach distress step was . 1207 gas, portant, and this made about Schoharie. N. Y.. a loss of $40,000. Fort and Hotel Streets. , Phone 18 QUEEN STREET, - r: BOX Sit heartburn, sourness or belching of 1000 C. Northern Syria a Se- at PO. undigested food, B. in bj add, or eructatloha of mitic tribe. St .r- y- no diztiness, bloating, foul breath or "In Senjirli were found - the four -- ; headache. ; - oldest and longest alphabetical inscrip- OPERA HOUSE Pape's Diapepsin is 'noted for Its tions ' known till now. They are of speed in regulating upset stomachs. It equal interest to linguist the Mi 1 the and Jill , I. ., cer- is the surest, quickest ;and most historian. The letters are the . same tain indigestion remedy lA.the ;. whole that ;Were often. used by the Phoeni- world and besides it is harmless. cians and the Greeks. All m.6dern al- Millions of men and women now eat phabets; have their origin In this their favorite, foods without fear they Semitic alphabet, that is now nearly v Reasonable know Pape's Diapepsin will save them 3000 years old." ; r l v rnces Of Interest from any stomach misery. Please, or your sake, get a large icnntjia iin 1 fifty-cen- t "! case of Pape'a v Diapepsin Oarage handled Vila prompte from any drug store and put your HAVE $14,000 MAP stomach right Don't keep on being alterable life Is too shortyon are fBy Latest Malll "7 : The A duties of managing gstate are a source of ' not here ' long, so make your stay SACRAMENTO.Tlie ? state" engi . . considerable; vorry it a. romau' who fcaa not euffl-- -- ' V yon ana u-- ' agreeable. Sat what liae neering department has entered into ( dent business training to enable her to handle an 4 gest It; enjoy it, without dreaa or re-- an agreement with the United States - .;; ' - . estate " V; : V 0;:- tne. sxomacn. , s I survey, ' Q beiuoBUn geological whereby It is plan ' ! belongs in your gov-hom- e -- ' Pape's Diapepsin Ded the surveyors of the two I V 18 far, mere -- ( that ' ;i satisfactory in every respect to fam-'.mmnj- A anyway. Should "one of the tal departments cooperate in 9 Lirl9 i ; : . nam ft a Initltutidn uch as thia trust company as which agree : ! lly eat something don't the matter of making a survey and Executor and thus make certain" efficient, eco--" of or case of an attack of California, cover-indigestio- n, ' !'-":- with them in map of the state of . domical management. tv,'. s't i TJng next to Young Bldg. Telephonas 1X71 . dyspepsia, gastritis or fag all the geographical details of the St, lt derangement daytime ? or 30, 1915. - 'Jr 'LV.-'i'l-- ; onsultationa inyited. :. Btomach at state up to June The cost during eight is handy to give 114.000 the it 0f the work is estimated to be FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 25 Vu uiCJMJBV, by - f Buni TCiiei uwiru. to be jointly exoended the United FAREWELL CONCERT advertisement States and by the tate of California, f ; HAROLD Union:', says. CAUER the :W by 1 i A sale of home-mad- e candy and Assistee MLLE. fancy articles-wil- l be held in the va- Major Fred R. Reed, commissioner GAUTHIER -- C Soprano irnwnTiiTiT: mx. store Beretania and Fort Panama-Pacifi- c French cant at for Idaho to the Inter- - r PROGRAM ;i I v 'CAPITAL (FULLY PAID) streets "tomorrow-unde- the auspices national Expositions has proposed that FEATURE 200,0000 ; 2223 : : i TT7 of. the members of Harmony Chapter San Francisco, in the exposition year. Phone 33 isasaar I Furt Street ' k- - v. . .. Opposite Catholic Chvrcb No; 4. Order of Eastern Star. The; be made the place for a peace confer' PRICES:... $2X0. $10. $1.00 and 75c salo will commjence at 9 o'clock, ; v i ence of European nations now at war. Seats 00. sale at ProraoUon Iteoms- r- i i


i :

FORGET CARES TROUBLES . WORRIES THE HOUSE OF SUPERIOR THE HOUSE OF LIO VIE LAUGH WITH THE REST OF HONOLULU ; FEATURE PICTURES T' s - "v" liXt "y '7:''yy'y , VAUDEVILLE I -- J larlr Mho-p-a anil f Hie Mnciral Cnmpilv Crt " TONIGHT BIG SPECIAL DOUBLE BILL i ARE HERE TO MAKE YOU FORGET AND LAUGH PICTURES CHANGED DAILY r Evening (Two Shows) .'.'...... 6:45 and 8:30 P. II. '''( it ' Four-Ree- l Film featuring sinking of Ocean Liner at Sea fol Matinee ...... ;. :.y 1:30 P. LL DOWN V ; ; lowing Collision with Iceberg . y SOUNDS FUNNY AND IT IS IMMENSELY FUNNY .;., 74.,. J.... OFFICER JIM '. Events--Path- Gooi I Clean Fun, Special ti es, IYetty CtostumeA, Clever Com edjan?. Tuneful Songs and Three-Ree- l Film revealing Trials and Tribulations of City Current e Yee!djr Nor 76 ! !; :, 'd-- ' ."- - y T . Lively Chorus. r : y'l (P:-- Police Officer ; I yy-- r The V ;v.;.. V'.'Biogxnph v. f:y Conscience of Hassan Bey (Drama) TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY . ' TRICES.v;..10c, 20c, 30c v Evening (Two Shows) ...... 7:15 and 9;00 P, M. The Haunted' Bedroom (Drama) ...... , . .', ...I .,.Edisoa e"a V. 7:30 AND 9:00 O'CLOCK ; RESERVED SEATS .".50c Matinee (Wednesday and Saturday) P.M. Teaching His Wif Lesson Comedy) .... . , ..... Edisoa ' ...... 2:15 CHORUS GIRLS' CO NTEST TONIGHT ! ; 4 V PRICES: 10c, 20c, 30c v. A Christmas IStory (Drama) . ; ...... Vitaraph

DO CHORUS GIRtS VILL PARTICIPATE IN PRIZE VINWING CONTEST AT nsoiis "RAWLEY'S" iTPHAXI; BIJOU THEATER TONIGHT: JACK BIAGEE COwmm TO COMPETE ' CITYJOBSNOV yW Petrie and McClennan Also Make Denial of Yarn Pub- lished in Morning Paper The board of supervUor Is not Coins to make any taange in cityj de- partment heads now,-- said Supervisor Pacheeo this morning hen asked as to the rcFults of the political meeting Wednesday night of which he was chairman. ' V' "The story published this morning that we are going to dismiss Fire Chler Thurstcn and . others is not correct But then we don't expect to get a 'equare deal froax the Jlcnolulu papers any more. "What McClellaa and Petrie did say at the meeting was that If they were reelected they would get in line with the rarty organization 1111(1 stand-b- the Democratic Indorsements on the matter cf city employes sni In the dis- i ' 1 They said that tribution of patronage. (The price Quoted ta our last adver- they realize now that in keeping some republicans tn .oClce and refusing to 50 cents the quart tisement was an unfortunate error.) displace then for Democrats they hal lofet the support cf the Democrats and had gained nothing from the Republl. ages cans. They say that if reelected they A favorite with all because I : will stand by what the party ; wants." :;; night ofits "purity Ay:S:y The meetlr.? cn Wednesday -- ,y-- -- was held to plan the fall campaign and y ,y- J it is understood that the Democrats y i will make a strong sppeal for support The simple dessert the children's with the idea In view of delivering ; ' - coed Jobs to the faithful. , .. , delight-th- e mother's joy Supc rvieors lister Tetrle and Wil-1:3- m - H.'McCleilsn Catly deny the jam j j j J -- j j 1 uLUuLed th!3 rains t'.'.at they had to oust four $2 th Pnons premised the Lr.ocrats 'A-Smil- e next 10 Follows the Spoon." municipal emrloyes within the Gallon dys, the men named in the story be- ing Fire Chief Charles Thurston, Build-in- ; Inspector Charles Murasky, City end Count v Electrician W. L Frazee Meat Inspector W. T. Monsarrat and J ' "It's 'anot -- r of those figments of Xs ' ' , 'y -- ' l:rar!r-t!on- her cleverly drawn HI --' a scintilla of truth. f.r..;t. Lut without . , - -- - - ;,.-,. ' i u ' ' .... j , ... . The yarn I.:s its purpose, of coursl. ..'' ,'.. .. 2 Emerson. . Sack. ,4 Katherlne Sheprd, LeCaln. It wns insr'red, I believe, to discredit Those taking part in chorus girls contest:- - 1Doxie Emerson; Flo 5Helen 6Mary 8 Harding. 10 Evelyn Shaw. v . Photo by Perkins. , I'etrie and myself In the eyes of the Godsey. 7 Ruth Jeazard. Grace CorneU- -' Ulllan s C I I I know who. inspired think Sh-h-h-- vclters. h! All 10 girls will put on a Dixie Emerson will sing Bright SA money as well as the of the' stunt) is comparable This is absolutely conftv strive for the it, end If I ara right he nonor. Naturally ', also they do not , but the amateur Sherlock Holmes;who Eyes" give original dance, to yellow cur which bites the hand dpntlal and if there should':be a leak anJ an' to the ' wish to know what they i was put on to the case t ascertain) Just : ' ' pay! their sisters which she has not given a name. that feds him. . .s V anywhere the deuce will be to v urhtt parh Anit evenr nna wait In Demo- are going to do. , ."What Petrie and I gave the Tonight "chorus girls' contest' goods on sixl ; yCute little Mary Godsey will sing; - is Out at the beach hotel where the could "get the only crats at cur lltle meeting last' Wednes- Grace Cornell who is cne of; the , ' loy- - night at the Bijou theater in which company is stopping there has been "Then Came That Stain." neve on Hotel Street will be closed all day was pled?e of party ! 3tore day evenlnf a noted "Nut Sisters" of mainland vaude- - Queenle Vack will sing a ballad en-- 1 - ' alty; the that if . . ab-- . : ' rrcalse Comedy Company will participate. from behind the dense hedges. The vllle . and who Is mourning the;, "My Girl Sally , accept JffJffJfJ" titled would the Th,t bein advertisedbut what young women have tripped back and sence of the ; otner "Nut" who could ,. Lillian Harding will be heard In the county committee in the muter or j come . . , ... . . , tent secret Is alone the beach with fantastio not to Honolulu; will sing' "L "Everybody in Town Loves My GlrL" Saturday preparing for the is ue&itcu ii tie nuutniuu " proMea, ' ) ; arpoismcnia girls put on. dancing steps. It looked innocent Love the Ladies.'; . '. , Evelyn Shaw will undoubtedly bring' are found en- - ."gtunf the different will t the men recommended A cash prl3Ee g0 to glri who, enough and sounded the same but Helen LeCaln, who was ' formerly down the house in her rendition of dent and rnal.fled for Joba. proclaimed by the audience as the really it was the chorus girls rehears- - prltna donna of, the Gaiety theater in. Tve Got. Everything I Want? From Ye nfmM entertainer and naturally all will al for tonight's contest, y yyy Sari: Francisco, will sing "Lover Bold. You." ' ibeit t . ; discharge of trUX laj ., .. - the story, and we nave no mienuon y perintendent C. Forbes of the pub- me SOUTH AFRICANS A L It or asking their discharge oeiore Hfi III UAU U lic works : department for the reason next election- - The promise we made PLAN FOR EXHIBIT I L I 1 LOCAL AMD GENERAL that the latter has "seen no improve- at the Wednesday meeting was only niJIIllNl lillrtl ment in the condition of the grounds." to the r same as we have made - . ' the ; . (By Latest MallJ A . A. t It Is understood J W. Cook, carpenter; ! campaigns, and no ! p?.rty in former has : meeuDg or me memoers .01 me public " CAPE TOWN, South Africa J. B. in the works department, will . .greater significance." OF CHI Hawaiian .Promotion Committee will SnfirirTtian . , , supervisors G. Lester, the commissioner to South SIG1 nrrd Democratic n, be held in rooms commit- liven if the on behalf-- of the Panama the; of the discharge Fire Chief Thurs- Africa Bishop 3 ;30 wanted to who sailed from Cape Town tee. street,'" at o'clock this The number of applications for po- The sale of remnants and odds and ends con tcn it 13 d v.Lt!al whether they could highly afternoon. - , police depart- Coun- recently, stated that he was sitions in the fire and do so. In fict. Deputy City and ments jumped yesterday 2 1 64, opln- - gratified at the outcome of his visit GIl'EfJ HONOLULU from to ty Attorney P. L. Weaver, In an ' A meeting the; Ho- South Africa. ;;. - of members of all of whom have taken' the physical : : 1 arternoon to re: rc yesterday ai nolulu Lodge 616, B. P. Q.- fLi will be examination and now Intel- - tinues Saturday at the old store, corner of Fort la t City County Clerk It is hoped that in addition 'to a await the cf and held at 7:30 o'clock this evening in wmen 10 oe l display by, the chamber of mines of lecxuai lesi is given at Da vl ilani. holds that the fire the rooms of the lodge, King, near v t . e by De Char- the McKinley high school tomorrow ' 1 reach of the super-- 1 a representative exhibit, and Greek Letter Fraternity ' i the street. . of j diamonds, there will be ex- Fort afternoon, beginning at 1 o'clock. vi. .. : he Is under the civil Beers Grad- wool, mo- ters Local Body of From the number applying the indi- and Beretania Streets. : : rvi hibits of ostrich feathers, agricul- cation is the heads of de--'( - I : 5 Thurs--: hair, wattle bark and other uate Members Oahu members of the. Hawaiian that the . that nre Chief partments -- cl Congregations!! will have ample material' . ; lc) e, and as such Is un-4r- tural products of the Union, Evangefica?! Associa- ot the civil service 4 The Sigma Chi Greek Letter frater-Int- y tion will meet at the Kaneohe Native from which to select men and fill all vacancies in the sheriff's office, po- . sulject to the limitations . WAR CANNOT STOP IT. j aJumnl chapter of Honolulu has church next Thursday. There will be the rrvice .commission act, received Its charter from the grand several Important business discussions lice department and the fire depart- ment. - .v-';- 1 r.ier sections 6, 7 and 9 Within three weeks after the Euro- council and has the honor of being and a full attendance is. requested. ' :s. Weaver 6ays: pean war was announced, the Nether- one-- fifst college fraternities to ' f engineer of the fire de-:-? lands cabled instructions to rush con- Lave an alumnt chapter in H await ; A program of vocal and Instrumen- f The funeral services of Curtis r J. rn emrloye of the city struction on the great Netherlands pa- The charter members of this chap- tal music will be given this even- Lyon, who died a, his home on Dole - .' . employment based at ; a and Alexander Ills is vilion near the Palace of Fine Arts ter are:.' ... y ;:''' .. ing in the Hethodist church, Bereta-nl- streets at 10:30 o'clock' Panama-Pacifi- c Ex- i ' night,-tr-e rcrristioa for his salary the International CoL Archibald Campbell, U. S. A and Victoria- - streets, commencing last being held this after- V Eng- Ka-walah- ao ..zg of the position. position; the first emissaries of of Tech- ; ad- noon from the pastor's study at . - Alpha Delta, Steens Institute at, 7:30 o'clock. There will be no part ' cf no ordinance or statute lish manufacturers who will take nology, '87. " mission charge, but a collection will church. Interment will be In r.y such ofiice or defining collective display reached San cemetery. in a ' . Cooper, u Mu, Wrest Vir- , 'y- the Kawaiahao Mission Mr. em-- r Will J. II be taken for charity. 3. He is, however, an week in August -- Lyon, , Francisco the last ginia; 02. ; .., :!-- '; r ' who was A kamanlna and well-- the county, whose duties have Some the most costly and elaborate of i Bruce McV. Mackall, Epsllon, Two jury trials are on the trial cal- known throughout the Islands," had, kr.own as the duties of the displays ever shown will be sent from : v Washington, '03.' been ailing for several years. . ; posi-riccinize- George endar of the circuit court's criminal .' the f.re department. His d England. Japan sent' word through VVireless Telein division M on da v. , Geores Allen The Marconi aph in the building ordl-whtre- in the acting consul general in San Fran fori . ; ',' I on A. D. Larnach was president he is given certain cisco, Mr. Yusutara Numano, that Ja- leyan, U. 1 y ts scheduled for. a hearing a for elected V may pan's display will be the finest that John Effilneer. Rho. Butler. '82. Jgery charge and George R, Davis of the Men's League of the diocese of W-- Kentuc-- , go to trial on a charge assault and SL Andrew's cathedral ticn 3 of the act relates to the Japin has ever made and that it will v Dr. C. Hobdy, Lambda, of at the. annual Company of America . ' ; - iDauery upon an omcer. meeting of organization last night,' . ent of persons employed' In be completed in every detail upon the kv '93 r ftat ' - - - - Kappa," 1!1!- Cth r .were . : department Y opening of the exposition. Argentine i G. K. Larriscn, Kappa officers elected Dr. W. I - " vice-presiden- t; to all parts of world now open. - O Choy'a- - : : . ?. Percy Honolulu service the Action 6 limits the power'to dis- increased ita appropriation from nois, o3. ty&yy-kyt- Ah Tim, Ah Ah CI ;oc; :Deverill, jf.S'. ' 1 mil- - ry ; Lennox, employes. " , to IL700.000 gold.v The J. H. Ellis, Omega, Northwestern, pleaded guilty before J John treasurer, and ap- ' : early registration of your code address will be ' Section 7 regulates promotions; and lions who wondered how the war will 09:. :y:' , - vf .. , this morning to a c" vnillam Ault, W. A. Wall The -- or-- 1 preciated, to Insure prompt deliveries of alt telegrams. Ccctlcn 9 prohibits the requirement affect the foreign participation at San - C. F. Eckart. Alpha Beta,1 CaUf cpium In their pc?r : Thompson, directors. Thv cf ex?mlnatlcn for persons 1 em-- I Francisco will eladlv have called to nia, 96.: - - : - - ;5 ' - - ! recommendation cf ell attenisi and sevyd Hawaiian n ' .- Office 923 Fort street, formerly occupied by the department on April I during me H. B. Penhallow, Alpha Omega, County Attorney . were pr:---- loyci In the fire their attention the fact that rt3 ;; - ". . ! " ."- Trust Company. Russo-Jananes- e Japan made 01. , . . - i given . j 4. 1212. v.hen the act went inta .effect war fa Stanford, . a "!)t:: thread Ne-- "Section 7 has oeen consiruea ia magnmcent aispiay at si. jjouis. . . Guy H. Gere, Alpha Upsilon,' months, My did Kamahu vs. Blcknell, 22. Haw., so that j braska, 51. ' ' - j .. . ; . M be s:rlck-- the wcrd 'promotion in line 7 is i ment employed hereafter, who was not J. H. Brayton, Rho. Butler, X6. Vii:: ';.ra D. ; c:urt en out, cs having no meaning. employed on April 4, 1913, would be Jas. F. Morgan. Alpha Theta, Bos- - ti. 3 c cc:rt commis-t- o "Section 9 forbids the commission subject to the: rules of the ton Teclu '14. - : per--. require an examination of any slon. ; , . ... - Y E. W. Carden, Alpha Beta. Califor- FOR RENT sen loyed In the fire flepartment atj "The answer to your question is ia nia, 15. r - y, hree-bedroo- nr furnished house, Kalmuk!, rental $45X0 per month. tho t:r? C.9 act was passed. . , , ( the afiSrmative.', The office comes un- - Capt J. E. Fechet, U. S. A.. 4th Cav- V "ThTf fere, the preser t chief of the der the power of the civil service com-f-- ? alry, Alpha Epsllon, Nebraska, 99. c ; r:r..rr.t is exempt from thej mission, subject to the limitations set Dr. Albert P. Clark, U. S. A, Epsl-,- ; - " ; . cf fire depart- 51." "09. ) ch'cf the Xcrta t Act , Ion, George Washington, t , ' f


"- ' .. 7 .. . "' ' . . t - - t ..

if - if

mm. 1 1 I I t 1 1 ,. ' . I I f J I I f I I ft Iflllllf' ill I ' I MM I I - J . r 11 I If VI

FeArURES-SECON- D GREAT WORK ON THE CLEATS GHT f t :.-- OF THE TUG-OF-WA- R TOURNAMENT ALERTS ATJD NA- TIONAL GUARDSMEN PULL THEIR HEARTS OUT FOR EXCITET.ItNT, MORE THAN 20 MINUTES AMID INTENSE Lute Boone Has fJadle Good As GOLFING HINTS. 4 AUSTINVtLL - gave soldiers from Leilehua all f -- Fcurteen men lying taut and tense the BY STRAIGlrr DRIVK." eVery to they wanted,' and then some, for 10 Yanlis 4 on the rope, straining muscle Second Basemali :For The - every 46 seconds. This was the On account of the soggy condi- t- AGAINST THE WIND Most gain an Inch, and calling on, minutes .poor shots agaList the wind are PLAYFORPUW ounce of reserve strength to win back final event, of the evening, and while tion of the Moanalua field, the f Alert-N- . Maui-Oahu made doubly poor by reason of an Inch keut a, big crovd of tug- - not as long as the O. H. affair, game for the cnampron-- . f lost - the opposition - cf the wind. A cf-w- ar high pitch of exclte- It was even more exciting, as both . ship hi.j been postponed from Sat- f fans at a gale b- - national suard teams were. In the-- upper half of the urday to Monday. If the field. Is slice into the teeth ot a mnt niit at the t comes a calamity, waile a poorly accurate, was (draw, battling for a place In the final . then unfit play, the tarnament THIS SEASON armory. To be more it for t stops men who furnished the pull for the championship Saturday will be left undecided, as the Maul, hit ball. short in its tracks.t ..4 twice fourteen N - . Against Is. an thrills, for two of the pulls were long, mgnu it was something or a surprise players must return Monday night the wind .there- drk n out. and reDresented tne uiu iq iue muy zoin j man try rooters uiai at the latest The steamer Claudina ever present Inclination 'or "tlie t climb". vp oncoming f mate effort of teams that balanced to the sailors, gave their men so much will be held several. hours to ac- t ball to t- the Interscholastic League Direct- "- ' ; : - ' trouble, and, a big bunch commodate, valley. Islanders, wind and thus lose much distance a .nicety. : - of sailors the t ors Smash Post Graduate In point of time, the best meeting were correspondingly elated. In the event of a Monday game. f toward the hole. the evening was between the sailors . The Pacifies, the crack Hawaiian The use of the Schofield Bar- In many cases you will find It Rule in His Case of t -- or the U. 8. S. Alert, and the National team that has been through many racks field has been offered. by the . f profitable to play the ball from Guard team. Thii went 22 minutes hard pull, made rather short work or army players, but it 'afso: Is very f further Over toward the right foot The first meeting for the Season ot and 20 seconds, and for 20 minutes of the Company Q team, after feeling out soggy, ahd there. Is "no .certainty f-- with a shorter grip on the club, the Interscholastic league was held that time the rope didn't move six the opposition for a trifle over three that It will be fit for pay tomor-row- , f-- It is much better 'to get even a yesterday, several Important matters one way or the other. The minutes. ; - ".lo this alternative has Teen half topped shot than to sky coming up for discussion. At the pre Inches " f it up.; "X-'- : 'pointer on the big white indicator The 25th Infantry second 'team yank- gfven ; In playing against the wind re-- vious meeting, held May 21 last the above the pulling platform remained ed the inexperienced 2nd Infantry team f member that every other compe- - much discussed post graduate eligi- stationary for minutes at a time, and off the cleats in jig time, but they are 4-- titor is up against the same ob-- bility rule was passed and yesterday then would move six inches or so one quite new to the cleat game, entering i stacle. Seek to 'get' moderate dls-- came up for reconsideration. "bronght f- ; way or the other, qnly to be without practice or training, just after GVfflSTS 4- tance well toward the center of The case , of "Staff" Austin, this - center by what a severe practice hike. back to the dead coming In from f f the fair green and leave It to the 4 year's football captain . at Punahou. seemed a superhuman "effort of seven They deserve a lot of credit for their other players to try their best to 4 was specifically discussed and after grim, determined men, and one fran- sportsmanlike action. ...: . f oATercome the forces of nature a good deal of heated talk it was. de- j . Saturday will be tically xnortlrfg captain, '. The big event of .;c;;:;-;;AvK;- f cided that as the rule was brand new. i-br- e v.;,.:i'f: CuardEmeh'flnally and the - The National the finals between the Pacincs 4 4- f 4 It was somewhat elastic and should their opponents down, and once their 23th Infantry, and it should be a real be worked over to fit It was there--, death grip was -- groken the llve-fco- t battle of giants. Half a thousand men YESTERDAY'S SCORES j fore waived in Austin's case on the pull was eas. For the last 10 min- will come ft from Schoneld Barracks ground that he entered Punahou un- utes of the sailors were to cheer; their team., while local fan I IN I average-age- , the match THE BIG LEAGUES der the and Is still young t holding on their nerve afcdjwhen they dom will be behind the local pullers. enough to come within the spirit of cracked under the strain the team It is generally believed thn the Pa ;,..' NATIONAL LEAGUE, the law, which was framed to keep crumpled np all at once. It was supe cifies know more about the fine points Hoholiilans will' ihWve thefr" first' op t At Fjrst game, Philadel- out mature players who had repre- game, bet- opponents, rior knowledge of the and of the game than their but portunity 'of seeing the crack gymnas phia 3, Chicago 6; second game, Phila- sented their institution for the full guards- " ter coaching that won for the are not quite so husky.. Both sides are Y. M. C. A. In delphia 6, Chicago 2. ftur years. :;v' - --:': - -- was tlce . team of the local men. In strength and grit there supremely connaenu v a s big fall opening of the At PiHaburo Brooklyn 3. Pittibura A suggestion that a board of arbi two : Qj Cdm action lit the nothing to choose between the First . Event PaciCcsvs Younz Men's Christian Association tration, cempesed of disinterested col-- & more 'to the ' teams, but there Is lot pany, G. H. Won by Pacifies. Time -- N. next Friday 'evening. This team went : At St. Lou ! New York 3, St Louis lege graduates, be formed, was turned, tug-of-w- ' game than merely pulling '' - fc ' 3:46. ' v.j- to Maui 'early in month and 'made down. 7." " on a rope, and most of the men on the Second Infantry, U. the ' Secbnd Event a great hit with their pyramid wprk, '7J!:f At1 Cincinnati First ' game, Boston Upon motion cf Coach Mldkiff' of rx winning end were old hands. This S. A., vs. Second Tea to 25th Infantry Punahcu, was decided oftV ' was undoubtedly ever 5, Cincinnati 0; second game, Boston it that the was shown by the chances that the Na- " which the finest Time, 0:61. , v - cers of the preceding year should con- wl" seen in the Islands, : . 2, Cincinnati 2 (game called on ac tional Guard anchor was given toresi, t U. S. S. Alert team vs .Vrv ' j Third Event 1 Under the direction of the 'physical A M count of darkness), tinue in their respective positions for and change position, whereas the Alert A 1914-1- 5. 1st Infantry. N. G. H. Won by 1st - Brother Elmer of Louis .'of " department secretaries, Glenn Jscb: lv i St anchor working every second 22-2- : a$ -- Infantry. Time. W.fRobley, .boys are AMERICAN LEAGUE. College was reelected president; Lieut the pull. He lay taut and still, H3 23th son and S. the Fourth Event First Team In working bafd to their. M&ui per At Philadelphia Chicago 4, Phila Booth of Kamehameha was elected to cleats, and excel. vice-preside- though crackled the Navajo nt Mc-Klnl- ey fantry, U. S. A, vs., U. S. S. ' - : and Mr. Folsom of was finally pulled over, formance when they . appear before delphia 6. ; .. when his team team. Won by 25th Infantry. Time, high, was reelected secretary. ho had to be assisted from, the board, the local crowd as the feature attrac At Washington First game, Clev ; A committee to arrange, the football . his legs being almost useless rrom the 10:46. tjon in the fall opening night- - A. I land 2, Washington .5; second game, " - Referee Caot NorrisStayton, C. A. schedule was appointed. . These men . , MacKaye, chairman of the Bocial com Cleveland 0, Washington 5. continued strain. Capt. AJ 'WT Neely, Mr. Bartlett of Kamehameha Mr.. Another great pull, was that which C. Timekeeper mittee, and.A. K. Larimer, secretary At Boston St.: Louis 1, Boston 5. ire -- Nelscn of Mills and Mr. Mldkiff of . brought 25th Iniantry first team N. G. H.: Judges Chief of Detectives of are 'planning the the men's department . final, money; Arthur McDuffler Capt Edward Hop - Punahou. The arrangements cf into the finals for the biz The a big and varied prog-a- for the even- games U. S. Navajo kins, Ko:H.; H. Lbwry, how theystapjd the will be made this evening. husky sailors from the S. a , . ' ing.. '' y:j.,:. The first game will be played Satur- - . Ernest ,Kaai, who nas Just returned NATIONAL LEAGUE: showed eameness and Gleason: and ; day, Oct. 10. ,To this committee, was . Callahan liked him for It. He reveal- - from a trip to the mainland,' wherb he Including yesteraaya games: also referred the question of the pe- r "a de- popularized . 'tBe, ukulele Southern . -- G ed fighting qualities along with in , W. L. Pet tition of a number of recent alumnae . - termination to learn and improve and California. . wul Introduce a Specialty Boston ...... 82 56 .594 of the various schools. These alum- prom "Ukuleie Fantasies." .543 was retained when other more entitled ,t W,H, New York 78 64 nae wish to enter a team league , r -- in the always With - ;. NEW YORK. Lute Boone Is one find that Frank Chance has made who tslng athletes ,were sent Tback to the Hutton, who makes a, hit St Louis - 75 66 .532 and . compete "for the championship. . ' looks 'like a real jewel, been 'disparting around second base for the ; ' jsOme vllehas v bushes land the minors.; his monologues, will. have new fchlcago 75 68 .525 sharing .. the gate receipts . and . the Yankees 'with much ability, and his batting has been a joy to wearied t km Mb''. s...... a I the . stories in Dutch and IriSh dialect. Two s . 69, 74 ..83 . ;.' ,:'':'.' Gives Credit to 'Callahan. fnuaaeipnta - sixirt. volley-bal- a jlv toiv iauo, wmuv wjllu .t, . a ' ' - l teams from .the young bus uiauiiKer huu uetiKut oiuvv tuuira irutu iuo iwaa Oooklyn ro t4 The ..members present.. A1I I am in lasefcalH owe to :alla- leaguev'-ha- a 13 line op have a; Uracov r X rpfr'! stage a been regtrb" the 'the Yank taken and h " i:. ,w fhoir'pleasure enter.-- ,, - '""" han.w said Fournler. , "He kept me on iness men's ,iiss wli. match - at'lillj a ic- gam eJZiTh'elbQlqg. " WAy Vh Irh. Jnl bail team this fall. This fact Is due- - uuve ueeu uuicr .vcuiiia &uunr cuct uoiv utxu iu nu ugiq nucu uia bwub u cuucu.' inexhaustible ' player, ana naven . iorgoiten ciuseu tor ice Huiamer,..wm to the enthusiasm of i i bulld--In- g .Ire-uemlere- d be thrown Open and, all . toy era of , the I' vf'fJ AMERICAN LEAGUE. Prof. Ferguson of Mills who Js WLcn . the Feds, yere alter me - ,' ' '. ' and-tha- t game o try .mem . v. ; . W. L. PcM up a splendid Institution in .Manosi " this, is why I am wui lnyua to out. " ' - -. ; 'V ; Announcement the opening Philadelphia 92 49 .653 Manca. ,- - . " .(By LateftHAllJ still 'with the Sax." - . ot dates plana 85 ,55 7 37 , Boys CIIICAGO, 111. Garneness, nerve, VTiile this Is true.' it was Fournfer's and in the various departments K;iOV LiE AL" AL IVIIO? Boston Honolulu School for will enter daring, aggressiveness these are garieaess more .than anything else win, De made and there will be a fine - Mi:' Detroit ... ; ...... 73 '70 .511 a team to compete with the second:; Dualities of the Tmte Sox players, that appealed tathe Sox manager'and sendoff for a big fair program. .; Thera Washington 71 68 .513 teams of the other schools. V ' v' V aide-de-cam-p. ,475 league unanimously tot even if they haven't Cue class to win his i famous will be a special cafeteria dinner with Chicago ..V, 63 75 The,; voted Thpse cualities. too. have v music- - and the. association will keen New York ..'. 65 76 .451 make arrangements , with Lieut Trr?Tit The reason Morns Hath Is playing - have open houBe to all men and older boys Louis .. 62 75 .452--i Besson,- who ran the games so smooth- loon some of, the factors that In the minor leagues today is that he St ' fUuinatfed the'Sox frci the 'race, for to exhibit nerve in riding and who wish d the various stunti Cleveland 48 96 .324 ly last season, . to referee again this failed TELLS1VSIY SLU LlPED fall to secure they have-cause- injuries, breaking tagging players coming down to sec- cn Friday evening.'. "OT' fillS and the .services of Comis- - would Glenn. Jackson of Y M. C. A. as' cp the attack and defense of ; Blackburne, who Isn't so Giants land his new club in a tie the ond base. ' - ; . s - 1300 'hit- for first place, because it was idle that umpire at all games. . key's team. t fast as Rath and who isn't a BALL GAMES MAY T - of 8t this 'darfger all season. Until the time He won game The representatives' of , ;, . school afternoon. in the varioua Gamcness is taught In the ter, decorates the White Sox box " tkat the With Gleason .CALLED OFF THIS This is some comment on the slump-fa- g the Braves started on their great spurt last inning with a two base It ischools at this meeting were: Kame- Callahan and Gleason. scores because, above all things else, ; hit play- of "a' ball club temporarily, at looked as if he were going to suc- fluky hameha, ; Mr." it Is the cardinal virtue of a ball he's game : through and through he vwEEK BY WEATHER it was a sort of vhit at that for Lieutt Booth and Bart- - Other have blown up'jma- - ceed, but real came, McKInley, ' er. Cal and Kid- slrnply won't stand approximates to' the Callahan-Gleaso- n least clubs the crash when the Bescher should have caught the ball, lett; Mr. Folsom, I Busch, r. chlnes "were "potentially greater Giants, pressed by Boston, start- going aft- A. Icr a shrinking, backward player who a daring fielder and.Dase run-ne- that hard but he showed indecision in Bnsch, E. Crozier; Mills. Dr. Fer- Jdeal of ' " ' With Athletld Parte resembling ;tae present Giants, butM ed west on trip. .; pitchers guson; .cpikes. A player must , than the 'don't the last The er it and it went for a double. This is IxjuIs, Brother Elmer and, . is arraid of '. v ;;V: large mud pie St thow nerve and daring or his days there is little chance ihink any of them cracked more sud- had been unsteady for some time and not the first time a man playing with Biir Nye; Punahou, D, J. Ricker, Joe Capt 'yyeavcr Knows Ho Fear.- - ; week-end- . - " - ' nre for baseball this The Puna- denly or Completely. Still, this' crack as soon as we took to the road all one clnb has had an opportunity to Farrington, F. E. .Mldkiff. nunbered. . ' CapU field leader per Weaver Is today hous and Saints are scheduled to ing of 'the Giants jfcGraw. lias been Other departments ; crumpled. There hurt or help the team to which he Ccx Players Are Game.' 1 ' Sox, account of his afternoon, .'; of the more on form tomorrow ktid the tfrald of :all season; CTfte whole' team was no hitting, no fielding and smart knows he has been traded. . ( The White Sox as at present consti ;.' MANY RAILROADS aggrega fighting qualities than anything else. former .''team' can cinch the Oahu went to. pieces. at once, pitchers, bat-- players made, the worst kind of "mla-- George Moriarty's Base , n tuted are not a great hitting no Hit "1. they slow romDsrison Tne Sox captain seems to know League pennant with a win, but noth Several years ago when George Mo- - : TO RAISE MILEAGE tion: :are.' sin - lng 'short, dry reason 'managers and not fridi- - own circuit. of a brilliant stin and a The Bescher Has &iump... - ;.- ;v,; rlarty was with the Y&nkees the De with other clubs in their " - was'why he jumped .Into popu ' , Schalk and Weaver down that Ing lnd will fit the field for "play. tiduals win 'baseball' championships is - big troit Tigers were fighting desperately By Latent Malll but from wltH thm manfttrPTnent This ' "Bob" ."Bescher is a seasoned ...'N l.rltv Snr " " Thei Sunday double header brings because . thev mold . a machine. . All for the pennant In the final weeks of WASHINGTON.- - they are as game a lot or auiietes , . : , v. v i leaguer, yet d uring the first two weeks Practically all the as are to be found In "any league, " the Hawaiis and Portuguese together treat 'ball'"crabshave,T)eeh great ma- I the race with the New York team en principal railroads m the East com- - ' of that trip he made mistakes even ' to his preferment on the. diamond, but in opener, while the- chines, the products .of mahkgerial tlrely out of the gbin gand nothing to pleted filing com- -' Many aspiring young players have " the Asahis and never; saw was with, the Interstate - him commit when he to injured ser ' , has caused him be Coast Defense meet in enrus. Look at the old clubs, '.the : gain or lost, . Before one of the games merce Wednesday cone to the Sox under the regime of the second ' with ithe Reds. ; His feet seemed to commission their eral times season, and has been v y.-- - v. ;. Hughey gone this game, '; : : : ithletlcs and the Pirates in ; their in a series with New York new tariffs proposing Cal and Kid and back, because " be loaded with lead on the bases and increases Jn the ; one of the factors that has eliminat- almy days. There have: been 'teams Jennings said incidentally to Morlarty: price mileage they failed to, thow nerve in the he could not judge a , fly ball In the of. tickets. The roads ed the Sox from the pennant fight bf stars that never won a flag "because How would you like to play" with o hospital, :made big With' - some time ago began giving Inches. One dark nlsht at Waco. the a' hit I t m mm Ml . field. Bescher was an example of the ' notice of At the ; station the. Sox r very was : . Tex the door of the Natarium hotel third for Cal 'and Kid. - man ror nimseu. xaae me fact that it is harder for ball players' Detroit?' ; '. th new rates to take effect Oct 1. today is Jimmy "Breton, and he is lia- Bobby hlladelphla'club In, the time of Dele-- "I'd be stack on replied Morlarty. cpened and in blew a youth, 4ust lad Leaders Like Roth. to make , good with the Giants than it' The increases approximate 12 .per - ; ' ' " ble to remain a 'regular more on anty, Lajble and rest pf ; put through so , . . n, travel worn from five weary days tas Gleason and' Callahkn have been the that any club. They feel "I think IU the trade cent ; account' of Tils garneness any On, with; other that and five uneventful nights on the rat- Jhan for after an outfielder who canf hit and rowd.'or the Cleveland team later they;, have to deliver more and the you can join the club tonight," an The roads include the New York other one reason. ; .1 were"he"rd(Bd - tlers. He looked green, awkward and field some, but who is game through jsrheri a collection of stars strain and worry, tell until they fall ta swered Jennings. . . Central, Reading. Jersey Central, ; ; toy Breton Shows Garneness. t : through. . bn'the pay roll. ?v 7 V Later that afternoon, in the ninth in far from being prcnlslng .material and Gleason thinks the Sox deliver at all. . . Lackawanna, West Shore, Lehigh Val- Even as great a manager as George ning of the game, Morlarty came up to a big league berth. It was Jack Breton . demonstrated recently In have captured such a recruit in the fight ley, Erie. Boston & Maine, Boston & game Stalllngs does ndt make a strong play McGraw Is making a wonderful the bat for New York when a base Fournler from Moose Jaw, Detroit that he possesses in a marked person of "Bobbr Roth. Roth "is to rally the club. He has done every? Albany, New Haven. Canadian Pacific, bn iBtars, lays his stress 1 In the would mean victory' the Yan No more awkward specimen everj degree that quality, that seems to be In the fleld,abat and on the bench, but except young- hit for Grand Trunk, Central Vermont Dela- Duiiamg ox a macnine, thing put in some of his. kees. If he made it he knew he might tried to cover first base than thiB indispensable In keeping a player on which haarfv injured his chances ot er pitchers. This he refuses to do, for ware & Hudson. Rutland, Pittsburg & same ambitious youth West- the Coml8key payroll days. Qualifying as a regular. ' 'Stallings Wise Manager. be cheating himself but of a share of Erie, sev- from the these Sol V he does not want to risk ruining one money.,. Lake Western Maryland and ern Canada league. : In his collisions with Ty Cobb, Bre managers the world's series One contest eral subsidiary "The mistake of most is of as so many recruit twirlera - " lines. The-busie- them might "Fournler won't do he cant "hit or ton never backed up or showed the st twelve miles of railroad they go and try to obtain decide the race. At first he that out have been ruined in the past.. He had thought of asking Griffith to let some field or do anything to mark him as least sign of flinching. In fact he In the United States for the .next six players who will make good for them his experience when he started Mar ENGLAND ON a big leaguer," said one person Was panned in Detroit being the months will probably be that mileage one hit for him and telling "Griff that U.S. SYMPATHY 'after for in the first minute," said Stallings to quard in an important game In 1908, contemplated watching player ex- aggressor. Cobb have, 1915 ; he knew of the trade. this in several seemed to the Inside the fair enclosure. Tracks me hot very long ago. "They are not during 'the desperate fight to win the ' '' ' he changed his mind and went to , By Mall hibition games. , : V V sympathy of the crowd, because, as run through all palaces, and equipment satisfied unless the recruit shows them year. Then Latest pennant that 4. He made a and beat LONDON, edltoriai ; Fournler hit and played . fans thought he was victim ment for safe and speedy placing of the bat baie hit Eng.An in the dldnt he the .the something the first day. I have al T believe the Giants are . going to mix- - sl-u- p. Detroit although ;the ITigers finally Times expressing England's gratitude as tough he were an Impossibility of Breton's brutality In that first exhibits Is complete. Exhibits are ways watched carefully for opportuni recover from ; thl3 slump and come - won pennant by a small margin. American as ,v prospective first sacker. That Breton came back and mix- ready. In place in the 'Palaces of. Trans-e- d get just, men the for sympathy in the war ties to hold of the that through, but don't think there Is a ; - I I "There isn't anything in my baseball concludes with this statement: . vi oday at first base this same Four- with the Georgian in the second portalion. Liberal Arts," Machinery and thought would develop," but I nave club In the National league that would career that I am so proud of as that "American opinion that-'thi- s .aer is holding forth, all "because "be encounter, even at the risk of going1 Manufactures. also endeavored ' to make good with not be glad to see us beaten for the sees fn-- base hit said Morlarty afterward. militarist code is a direct negation of what I bad in stock at the time, downfall 'of a champion is naturally was Tigers of waiting to pick up a star. He not traded to the all civilization, all progress and all stead popular with those who have not, tast- year because of some hitch in the as world, When I first put my present first base- victory. McGraw been, trying that morality, the has hitherto ed has deal, but went to Detroit the next sea- understood them and sees only man, Schmidt on the bag I was widely desperately to ; trade some I reliable it that say son. Whether he was passihg op a by their extermlnatioh'can Ideals and criticised, but I could truthfully" pitching talent. Into his staff, but he big" money or did was had and share of the not'he principles which the democracy of the T that he the best I then has not been able to get a tumble out not know when he made that base hit, that I expected him to develop. ' He of any of the other clubs. None wants United States, like the democracy of but he did his best for the team whose England,, love and reverence with has, and I am thoroughly satisfied with to strengthen him. ; ; .' uniform he wore at the time. .' their whole strength preserved his work. v ;On the other hand, the Boston team be to them and to mankind. . But when a carefully, constructed has had material handed to it right t': j machine begins to crack it breaks open and left recently. First Stallings "By awakening the American people Giants. to that truth and to their own im fast I refer directly to the picked up "RedT Smith and filled In " The club has been, playing under a place in his infield with mense moral Interests In 'the results Hi. .7 'V; the weakest r iv;f, .' years, , cf the has aroused .them-fo- the big strain for . the last three a hard hitter who had , been flirting Baseball! waf 'V i- first history con !ver since McGraw won his first cham- with; the Federal league all season NEW ATHLETIC PARK time in their to a pionship with the present team back because he was dissatisfied in Brook- sciousness that they cannot and ought Saturday. 8ept 26. in 1911..' Since that time we havB lyn. : Stallings was able to pur- not to feel indifferent to the outcome Next , ST. LOUIS vs. P. A. C. great European . Oaho. V3. Mam; 'been working as champions regularly chase Moran from Cincinnati, because of the contest . 'and everybody has had his : hand there is not a man around the circuit Sunday,' Sept 27. Sixteenth, and eight- b:r7.v;;,'v?ii turned against the club to beat it if who would be more tickled to see the t seventeenth ?he possibly could, because everybody Giants finally whipped than Herzog. HAWAII vs. P. A. C eenth century palaces furnished the ; trimming a champion. How ASAH1 vs. COAST DEFENSE motif and inspiration for the Italian delights in He resents the fact that he sat on , u;FieIdrriZon.'"i 23, p.m. big a strain this has been nobody but the bench In New York last season. pavilion at the Panama Pacific Expo-- 3 the men on the team know. Before the last game we played in Tickets on sale E. ,0. Hall ft Son, isitlon. Plans . are completed, and it I McGraw is too old a campaigner not Cincinnati Moran was aware that he and at office; Park phone 5132. is expected construction .will begin to realize how quickly a ball club can was going to "Boston the next day, and Main entrance on Kukui St Auto- within a short time. The approprla- - up-- fought against mobile on tion i3 1100,000. ; - blow and he has he knew, further, that a defeat of the entrance Beretasia St " ' ' 1. ' - :- -, - v . - - HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN- ,- FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1914.

1 ' '

1 I I I 1 I k 1 V 1 : I i , i vs" ( II ( 1 i I i 1 J I I . I I vV f . 1 I x ' f f V U V I IIl w f Mi I I X 1 III I If I.! II II r II illII

I l ! I I 1 i l . ; '.'

, - -- ' " y. unTirr fp tcir.Mrc nc ttftPT..,,' ll . '' i in ' : , ; I " ! I i iii ft Afire nc iMTCMTtftM Tf cnocl.t I t CLOSE AND SALE. ; ' N I : ; OF : V ' VISIT OUU ; .g I If , - NE7 cssq:o. ; 'C39 Pffe Notice is Hereby Given that, under SPOTS the power of sale contained In that Imperfections, en yoor mirror -- J , certain Indenture ofmortgage of date tan be rtmovod by rtsllvtrtna. February 20, 1901, executed by C. Q. : L ' ' ; II 1 U "i 1 I .I Yee Hop, Pang Chong and Chaall : ;, .. ii I TrV JhlI I I I I r I CI I I I Ul IITTT1111 II 11 III XJih-fl i Young, all of Honolulu, City and Coun- "ill ii i . s i ii iniicl ' ty of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, NEWEST'' to Frederick Waldvogel, of Honolulu FICTION and worn, out mirrors made U aforesaid, record the Office of of in look ;. the Registrar of Conveyances, in said ANNOUNCEMENT. EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. Honolulu, in Liber 221, on pages 66-6- 4 and thereafter duly assigned for a i Leadbif hat cleaner. Prices mod- - Union Employment Office, Tel. 1420 The Demand valuable consideration to W. Tin Yan, NEW erate. We tell the latest styles In All kinds of help. G. Hlraoka, Pro by assignment of the said Frederick Panama and Work called for 1210 Emma, cor. Beretanla. Waldvogel, 3, 1912, Phsno 1117Sllvsrinf Doeart Felt. prietor, for rent property and accommodations of all sorts is dated October the rienty of mont and delivered. Blalsdell Building. V 5909-3- m i paid W. Tin Yan, the owner and holder ' 5895-- m growing daily. thereof Intends to foreclose said mort- K)pular 65c Y. NakanlshL 34 Beretanla, nr. Nuua gage, and sell the mortgaged property : Stories at. nu, for good cooks, yard boys. therein . named because of. the non Sharp Sign Phone 4511; residence phone 451L payment of principal and interest due 111 Mtrchant Street BICYCLE SUPPLIES. S2464f If You Have on the promissory note secured there by. ;,;.v: G The above mentioned mortgage was . .Komeya, wholesale and retail . anything for rent, the quickest and most economical way dealer In bicycles and accessories. given to secure the payment of a HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. CLUB. Star-Bulleti- n promissory not for : Sixteen ; Hundred Kin street near Punchbowl street GLEE to get a tenant is to run a few lines in the ' ' - LIMITED. SJ42-t- f and Fifty (H650.00) Dollars,- of date ' Vhite Leghorns tCaal Glee Club, 51 Young Bldg. Tel classified columns. February 20, 1901, payable one year In the Young Bldg. ; CICYCLES' AND SUPPLIES, . 3687, furnishes music any occasion. after date, bearing Interest at the rate - - v.- v k5S814f ? of 10 per annum,- and executed by acclimated cr vit. iitct: weired a sDlesdld new i The "AD MAN" C. Q. Yee Hop. Pang Cbong and Chan surely of PREMIER Bicycles froci H Young. : ."' J:; For Sale mainland ; also supplies. . it, m o; Notice Is Likewise Given that, after Inxia, 1118 Emma near Beretanla, feet courtesy by the people of Japan, the expiration . of three weeks from ' : Ji- HAWAII'S MUSIC . EC30-t- M : Equal to the f :; even after war was declared. uer date of first publication of this notice, CLUB STABLES GERMAN CONSUL engaged In busi to-wl-t. Saturday, 10, 1914, Ernest K. KaaL 5i Young Bldg, TeL mans employed or on October ' EUY' AND SELL, In Japan not been molest- 12 o'clock noon said day, Sterling mark LIMITED. v 2687, teaches Tocal and instrument ness have at of said :;;; ':' .,. , 752-t- f ed, mortgaged property, for the reasons t -- otrTiP and lewelnr bought u'y en, Sliver, Telephone 11W '. There were numerous English pas- above stated, will be sold at auction, tv.A.. exchanged. Carlo, Fort t . sold and J. HAT CLEANERS. SAYSJAPANDID sengers on the Minnesota. .They did at the auction rooms of O. A. Steven, 0) any way. not mix , with the Germans In auctioneer. Queen and Fort streets, T. Sato, cleaned, dyed and blocked Through the Straight of Fuca the Min- Honolulu aforesaid. . call and deliver: Kamanuwal lane. nesota kept on the American side, Terms of sale cash. V HAWAIIAN PICTURES, STATION-- warship. - expense .I near Beretanla stv Telephone 3723 fearing search by a British. Instruments of sale at of EllY, PICTURE FRAMING, CAFE. 5910-l- m ITDESirail : Passengers belonging to. neutral na- purchaser. agreed wis not great- apply O OFFICE 8UPPLIES. Mew ' tions that Japan For further particulars to Willow jlcyal Cafe, ererythln tht best at J ly excited over her war with Germany, A. Steven, Honolulu, T. H. popular prices; fine home cooklr :; . By Latest Mail. - ; : feeling that It was undertaken from a Dated at Honolulu. T. U this 18th nioa rurptania. nr. Fcrt ' SEATTLE.' WashJ Sept. IS. The sense duty and It would occu day September, 1914. ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOP Py. JEWELER. of that of TE - IL Kakaao, : Chairs and " U crp. tre station- The steamship Minnesota, which left py only a small part of .Japan's fight- , W. TIN YAN. 11 Fort 8t . - Si-I4- Sun Wo. Gold and Silversmith; ma Yokohama' Aueust 30. arrived here to- ing force.-- . .l V,v Assignee of Mortgage. .terlal and work guaranteed. If not day bearing Count von Rex,- - late Ger vf PACIFIC ENGINEERING a o rua-dyface- RocKers CsJTe. felted e Dig, d r?f.-- coc!:st id toft. . satisfactory money will-b- refund man Ambassador-t- Japan, a DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO " day - ' cow- ; COMPANY, LTD. XTtcr tie show drop la. Or?a I ed. 1121 Mauuakea, nr. Hotel street man- wearing a Texas BEAL ESTATE TBAJiSACMOJTS i BE SOLD. ,'c- -l tl-l- t. EiJsa theater, llcttl CL boy hat;', the members of the embassy certain indenture v of lease Designing and Con-tructl- ng ' That . " " -- ' Consulting, Coyne Furniture Co. i;:3-t- f - staff and 4he various German consu- Entered "of Record September 23, 1914, made between John C. Clney as les- Engineers. Bldg. r s. Alexander Youhs TJapan " .'"y. C. Q., Hop, Chong Stroo-ture- lar officers recalled; from and From 10:3d ai m. to 4:30 p. m. sor, and Yee Pang Bridges, Buildings, Concrete 10S3 1C5 ' BUhep Lc-- Qnlck ' ' Syt-m- a, t, St C !rr!:!i ch Rocn; seme? Vladivostok. ' y ; John A Buck & wf. to Hutchinson and Chan Young, as lessees, dated Structures, Sanitary motto; cpea day Steel tri clctillc: cur ' Count von ltex taia Japan declared Sugar Plantn Co "...... L October , 1899, and of record in Li- Reports and Estimates on Pro- Street. LIVELY STABLE. 39-4- it 1 ziL Utitl C77. Dtthtl war against. Germany under pressure Emmellne M Magoon ' to Juliana v ber 202 at pages 1, Hawaiian Reg jects. Phone 1045. England,' and that the Japanese ; . .' ...... ' Rel Conveyances, said being First-clas- s livery, .turnout at reason from Walanlka i'JI Istrr of lease Livery people and Cabinet die not desire war. Young Chung to Young Fook Kang for the term of forty (40) years from able rates. .Territory. Stable - ' many uncent telegrams "et" i,iS,'mi .' V ," -- 1, 1899, a ninety -. 548 King,, nr. .PunchbowL TeL 2533 "There were al i . October at rental of Fuji Co r-- A 9 t cat; flci London-many- . D Safefcv Blades zlz be- Savldge Loo Joe. . . ($90.00) month, and cov M Doildinl ; 5518-t- f : - from conferences William Tt to dollars ier tween .the British Embassy and the Loo Joe & .wf tOi Jas F Morgan Co ; . : ering the following property, to wit: Resharpened better, than new. We Japanese foreign offlee. before Japan, . First ? All : that lot or parcel, of Grind Anything. P "fight Notley by Jdge adv on - Ho- ; entered the declared, the count David F. et al . land situate Beretanla street HONOLULU GRINDING CO, , General contracting, bidding and X ' . C rj Crf2 Lctsttrtlil cciU Wants to Know U. S. Attitude. Gecre & Smithies .,.,... Judgmt nolulu aforesaid, ' and thus bounded 1115 Alakea, opp. Y. M. C. A. PAINTER. v kc:;:: 's. Alilti ccr Uercttzt Ct Belncv asked-wh- at - he-- thought, of W W Chamberlain : Tr to S De. and described: Beginning at the house painting; all kinds of v . i . . . . . Rel Japan's action, , the ambassador , re Freest I ...... north corner of this lot on the lower 1202 Nuuanui 41S7; ' ?r.. work. S. ShlrakL Tel" '. ', ; McNeill- - & . running, plied: i "; ; . t ..' Ubby, Ubby, of Hon side of. Beretanla street and guilder. Painting and taDerhafiglng. AI. :.':' - I- ccr:Tn.ACTcn and '"I hair no uDinton to exoress. I Ltd to, Park Chong Soo ...... Agnnt 1. S. 56 10' E. true 144.0 feet along i -' work guaranteed.. Bids 'submitted Ubby, McNeill "& Ubby of Hon fence along lower side of Beretanla SiaVa contractor. v: Tc5328-t- f should like to know what the United C 3 Vsss, general free. Ltd to Park'-Chon- Soo .. , .Agrat '.' - - street. Tel. 1879. 118 N. King, Palama t.i-- tc3 No. 208 Mo- States thinks of You have Islands r furnished. it , Kenny ;Tr to R Kuwahara. ., D 2. S. 51 5' W. true 202.$ feet along V Cuildlsg. Telephone 2157. PRINTING. In the Pacific that may be taken over J Ciiilccs ' : Lin On Company to Thomas Pine- Lots 1, 3 and 5 of the Macfarlane : by next time you get in c:cs-t- f Japan the apple- . - - Ca, JlAd ...... '. i. CM property.- We do not boast of. low prices which trouble. ;- - : vi- Jaeger & wf -- usually coincide with poor quality; Count von Rex seemed to consider James E to Adelaide 3. N. 17 20' W. true 52.0 feet along to C-r- Vineyard. Tel. V . v : . .. Co, Nuuanu and smervA,...... ; t fence. , ..' paper-- k but we "know1 how to put life, the plight of the Kiaochau garrison . buildings, Adelaide Osmer & hsb to Mutl S1CL' Contracts go Into printed matter. hopeless. Japanese," he said, 4. N. 24 58' W. true 67.0 feet along ha-ngin- hustle and The4 CREAi.l -- V M PURE ICE work, cleans lots. Bldg & Loau Socy of Haw Ltd : cedent and that is what talks loudest and "are free to attack with 200,000 men to iron pin. ,k5227-t- f .; Kukjaiaa. Ranch' Co Ltd to Hama- - , , 5. N. 39 59. E. true 127.0 feet J longest Honolulu Star-Bulleti- n Job if thev choose, while" we have only a - kua Mill Co Ltd ...... L along division fence to the initial FOR ICE COLD DRINKS AND Printing Department, Alakea Street: defenders. Tslngtau Is - RAWLEY'S 2034 few thousand - J,- M 47-10- T. Ilctiytthl, general contractor, S Matsuo to Hamada ...... C point:, area 0 acre; .except the 14 ICE CREAM, TRY THE Branch Office Merchant street not a fortress like Port Arthur. It ' Fort nr. Beretanla Phone 4223 C. Kins. Fhone S25S. Reasonable. " J K Kaputul to John A Magulre. . D portion thereof conveyed to the Ha 5399-t- f - is not a strens: blace. Its fall is only " , kf.227-t- f Land? Court.' 'C'"' waiian Government for road purposes; HAWAIIAN DRUG CO. a matter of time. But what military .1 Asenath.i.S Chamberlain & hsb -,' ,':;- .'..' :;;' '" glory can Japan gain by capturing and ,.- CARD CASES. . to Trent Trust Co Ltd Tr . .. . . M piece or Hotel and Bethel StreeU Tsingtau?" The count continued: Second. All. that certain Entered of Record September 24, 1914, parcel of land (part of Land Commis . . Jaoanese military skill was DO IT ELECTRICALLY Eu:!ncr3 and visiting cards, engraved SHIRT3 AND PAJAMAS. "The ! Frem 5: 30 a. m. to 10:30 a. m. sion Award 639 to Hlnau) situate at cr rrlr.tci, la attractive Russia acquired from German teaching. We Maul Publishing Co Ltd to. Inter " Honolulu Kona, Oahu and described taught them all, they know in 1 killer cscs, patent detachable TAMATOYA. , have national Typesetting Mchne Co C M as follows: Commencing at the north FOR TIRE REPAIRS i. rtar-HuIIptl- n 5540-t- engineering and higher : rs-.'- nfflce. f 1250 bulrts, pajamas, kimonos medicine, the Mildred M Ypder by Regr . v Electric Co. Fort .....Notice corner of this lot at point 174 feet V; SEE . ; Hawaiian r. , . 675Z-t- learning. Japanese students have Lau Chee hy Regr ,,...... Notice i ..... southeasterly from the south corner ' ? CLCANlfiG AND DYEING." been welcomed in all our great univer- Palolo Land &, Improvement Co J. W. KERSHNER, of Beretanla and Punchbowl streets 1399. King opp. SHIRTMAKER. sities, and this Is our reward. Japan i . . D Phone 3L, to P E R Strauch i ,...... running, ; s Dyeing and Library. ;.' A Cleaning and turns against us opportu' .. , Cell: at tee first Josephine Mitchell to Hawaiian 1 S. 60 5' E. true 50.0 feet along :?. Call tnd deliver. , TeL 3149. B. Yamatoya,; shirts; pajamas, klm& Trusts Co Ltd PA " the new line of Beretanla street z.z'.o, r:rtt?-nia-, nr. Alapal St nos to oraer; fsuuanu near rau&ui Want to Go to Germany. - Hugh B MltcheU ; , Hawaiian Large ' to 2. S. 39 40' W. true 112.5 feet along Extra ' v- C5S3-t- f - except scno-e- n All the Germans tiaron .Trust Co 'Ltd ...... PA fence'along remaining portion of Land are on war Germany, but Josephine : G & their to "Mitchell hsb by Commission Award 639. ' i Chiffoniers SHIRTMAKER. not exactly how they will Atty Fleming D f do know to John L Tr ... 3. S. 59 0D' W. 11.5 feet along Loy Co: IAl LEY'S FURNITURE STORE destination. The' ambas true Yat King. order. Q attain their Alakea SL, near Have your slvlrts made to beyond age, as he VALPARAISO, --A DRUMMERS. sador is ml:::ary Chlre. number o' 4. N. 7 15' 19.3 along Awana, 348 S. King street probably could i W. true feet DRY GOODS ' : ' says regretfully, and he Pullman cars of the. most modern typf " 5918-S- m Lot 3 of Hart property along Arm 12-1- '. unmolested, all the 5 King St. If ycu vant good quarters to display rearh Italv but nearlv have been .ordered In the United State? ory. I Don't Mis This Chance. your Eaniples la Hllo, use Osorlo's the other' men are young and eligible for use4 on the southern lines of the " ( 5. N. 82 35 E. true 8.0 feet along ONLY 6940-t- De : '.' : '?' CROWN BICYCLES 35. ftcre. f for army1 service, and would tasen national .railway same.-- from any neutral ship that was search LA PAZ, Bolivia. Exports of tin U : " 6. N. 7 15' W. true 49.0 feet along TAILORS, ed by ; ' : Great 1913 to 35, : HONOLULU CYCLERY CO. MOSQUITOES?' PHONE 3595 the British. Britain in amounted 3ame; thence, Honolulu 7 The . travelers are "at a hotel here 211 tons, valued $17,000,000. The Photo; up at. 7. N. 39 10' E. true 73 feet along 180 South Kins SL requests Army & Navy, Merchant, Tailors;' awaiting orders' from their govern- total exports of tin from South Am : Tte Board of Health to-da- Lot 3 along te esUblishment; cleaning and fence to initial point; Supply ;i and; ment. "Thev mav to East tomorrow. erica to Great Britain were valued a 104-100- " til householders in Honolulu '" ' ' area 0 acre. : repairing. 163 King, cor Bishopst They say with per-- 322,000.000;- - v: ; r Ticinity who are troubled with ' they were treated - KO DAK HEADQUARTERS 5748-t-f Together with all buildings, Improve ncsqultoea to" telephone S5S5 ments, rights, privileges and appurten 10SI Fort Btret For the Latest Style Hats Ask for the Mosquito Man, and ances thereunto belonging or apper for Ladles and Gentlemen u ; tell him your troubles. The mat- taining. ' ': :":' '.';? v ; v Come and See Ua- - v will, be Immediately attend- 5962-Sep- t. ter 18. 23. Oct 2. 9. PONGEE . - U MB RELLA MAKER. SUITS K. UYEDA ed to. . , . i DRY-CLEANE- D . , 1C28 Nuoann SC R. Mlzuta. Umbrellas made and re--; FRENCH BEET SUGAR paired. 1284 Fort, nr. Kukui; phone '; ' , REFINERY IS THEIR PYRE ; LAUNDRY JAPANESE SAILOR p -'.- ;-.:.-.:.' ' 655341 FRENCH 3745. U Phone 1491 TRIED TO BLOW, UP By MaU ; V trustworthy meat (de- VULCANIZING, Latest You get JAPANESE WARSHIP PARIS, Sept 14.--- A chauffeur who livered by automobile) from a spick-and-spa- n when Motorcycle Bicycle conducted two officers to the front wit ; market ':. Auto, and Tim re-Ine-ry nessed siege a sugar ; By Latest Mall.l -- Talsho Vulcanlxlng Co; the of beet Put Your Poultry Problsms you trade with vulcanized. where 2000. Germans had taken np to the "TOKIO. Tha fact that an attempt ?. 180 Merchant, near Alakea 'Street Y. HOP WO MEAT MARKET v. refuge during the battle of the Marne. C was made. by.'-- a- Japanese sailor to Telephone 3197. S. SaikL manager CALIFORNIA FEED CO. t Opposite FIshmarket. ' It was impossible, he says, for the ip the Japanese battleship NTls-- ..- - r:-- t .... 5618-t- f :': ' Infantry dislodge . Alakea, corner Queen. tlor ; to them, and their shia ia November, 1912, has been Are was Very damaging. Finally a They will tell you the troubla brought light by the recent con vio-tlo-a Piimata vu aeeretlT arrested to examination, battery of the famous "75" took posi- SPECIAL SALE of and execution of death -s- entence and submitted to close at COurtmartiaL; nearly 10 tion, and at the third salvo from these Waist upon the guilty seaman. Two a naval After guns building dependencies Class Linen and Pongee : was the and its Tv.cn Tvere killed and 17 wounded . months' Inquiries the examination . , Patterns recently brought to an end and Judg were seen to be on fire. The howl the ex; losloa, which failed, however, coming from the refinery was audible King St. Auto Stand TEE CHAN A CO. to ?.:iroy the warship. - : it ment of death pronounced, ' ' King and Bethol Sta, even in the din cf the cannonading.1 LATEST CAS; r PHONE 47C0; Cor. seaman was Sankichi Foruta, k - C-- n -- TI.e T! 3 jumr" I : wki-- ra fr the Cam McMillan, - Sam-Pete- oHicer of the Kisshia, ,';-".- ' Named. ' " second warrant ty :' :t : fell bvthe ' Rodriguet j- - r. d according to his ultimate confes- Antone : sion the motive was revenge. He said "Who is that powerful " giant who M'CHESNEY COFFEE CO. inferior men had been promoted over looks like a modern Samson?", asked him. He therefore plotted to destroy the stranger. :' ."''.' COFFEE ROASTERS. ship on board. He ignited Algernon Cyril the and all "That is Percival TUT CEROID ROOFING Dealer In Old Kona Coffee . -L & hravy charge of powder while the replied -L- Milk the naUve. i , warship was at Shizuka,- - f ' "And who is the delicate slssified-lookln- g t f:r this ClimateV MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU The real cause of the disaster1 wss chap1 with him?" asked the Subtract and add as Indicated and get richea as result ' - r.?rously kept secret Naval suthori. stranger. . ' :' ::':i:'r'.u:- : : axskeb to tester oat's xtzzLZ maga-- ; ' Cooke, Ltd. - ex; lalnpd powder. is" Hercules " 8TAR-BULLET- t's that the "That John U Sullivan Color too vivid. Too Immoderate. XeUow doniirates t O GITES TOU ! - Mcan-- Y; i ecciJentally exploded. Strong," replied the native. x TODAini SETTS TODAY. HONOLULU STAB-BULLETI- FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25, 1914. ELEVEN raMMEeoii w aon ao sum me w om Make immediate and profitable return from invpstmcnt in the STAR-BULLETI- N WankColumn - If you have anything to sell too can find no better or Quick er way of finding '; V- f. --r. the buyer than through the KTA li li ULLETIN Want Ada. THOUSANDS read them. Forocf cent aword you can reach the : STAR-BULLETIN'- S 5,000 and more subscriber T y and that means MOKK than 15,000 READERS. Surely in that vast number yon will find the. pne whbiVANTS what you have--o- r if yoa vant something aiittle Want Ad will get It . . Ilelp Wanted, Situation Wanted, Furnished Cottages, Furnished Houses, Furnished Rooms, "peal" Estates -- or anything For Sale. oriTo Rent

CLASSIFIED DUSIIBSS PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' : n . r m nr ccs vv 1 ri v FOR RENT a u u xjt ill vv MADEIRA EMBROIDERY. at I h. Det'jTttla holies la vxxiocs prrta cf ItEFEREf FOR BUSY PEOPLE Mrs. Carolina Fernandez. Union st the city, rornlased and mnxrauzt2. tv XE Madeira embroidery, luncheon seta, St SIS. SIS. 29. Ml. $3?. S3, V40 acil Cary CnV a&e Vn Zzssn' baby caps and dresaea. Specialty of to S125 a month. Be at In our SALE WANTED FOR HOTEL TAXI STAND. CITY CLOTH E3 CLEAN ERC""" r Initial and hemstitching. Reasonable. ones. Treat Treat Co, Ltd--. Fort PHONE 4400.: BTJICK CARS, TAXI - kS322-t- f CU between King and Uarciiatl struc- water. It's danger-- r Everyone to! Are prepared to handle your work. Naw steel and concrete Don't drink impure with anything for sale HATES; SERVICE DAY AND ' I4t3-t-f ture. Third addition of hnndrti --1 be aure the water fac- Nuuanu at Vineyard. Phone 6042. ous to health To ?Play Bafe." Considering the NIGHT. JOHN VIERRA, MANUEL MODISTE. rooms Just completed. A hlgn through ' C322-3- m Four-bedroo- m la O. K, let It come a Rex tors of sales, success in planning COSTA AND M. R. GONSALVES, , furnished house tn Ma-- 1 $1.75, class hotel at Tery raoderatt which costa only FJts Is more 6909-3- m Sflss Nellie Johnson. 1119 Union SL GU-- I Filter, an ad satisfactory than y.i . noa. on car line. Apply D. H. rates. In center of theatre and any Bay one at. Lewers L knowings happened" MILLINERY. Evening gowns, lingerie dresses. ' faucet ' "how It after F W. HU8TACE f more, C Brewer ft Co, Ltd. retail district Oa car liaes Cooke, Ltd., 177 So. King J Star-Bulletin K. Iaoahlma, styllha milllnerj. KInx k5341-t- f 5933-t- street ' ward Want Ads Motorcycle and Auto Repalriig. 427 - f transferring to all pans of city. 5389-t- f VS-- Home the Bacon every ner Bethel. Phone 2131 rBrinr Queen st Telephone 1498. Electric omnibus ceeU , all Ume. : 5399-t- f V - , ..:;v;v'-,v;- 6922-t- v HYDRAULIC ENGINEER. large centrally In 1 ; - ,.:.v, 6903tf f Office, and located trains and steamers.'. . envelope, time-savin-g in- The Tranao EUte bldg. .Enquire Jas. Steiner, JIoUl Sttvart reeca!a4 as EiwiSin vention.' No addressing necessary DESK. Jas. T. Taylor, 511 Stangenwald bldg. Room 7, Elite bid Hotel st Ho- consulting civil hydraulic englnr. - XL la sending out bills or recelpta. it Jiv : 59S9 v , "TnvtU" ABO Cod. J. Iat. " ' tf , tar-Bullet- ln - k5376-t-f Hanoloia n;msuUT. nolulu Co Ltd, sole Small roll-to- p desk wanted; must be ri r. agents for patentee,.- - , tf cheap Address "M. M., NATIONAL GUARD BULLETIN cottage for caah. MUSIC LESSONS. Furnished for rent; 5 rooms. thia efflce. 5967-t- f 638 Hotel st near AlapaL 1912 CadUIai, just: overhauled r and 5921-tt- . -- . In- -' Laurie A. DeGraca, 1506 Young r painted: $900; Pawner leaving; citr. Cigar makera and experienced or . . .Roster of officers, list of regular drill nights, atationa, and. current Infor- Prot 1 : st, Telephone 4179. Rapid Instruc Apply Capt W. P. Ennis, SchoficM experienced tobacco atrippera. Call mation for the National Guard of HawalL Armory, corner Hotel and Miller That . nice . hungalow cottage at 1348 i ' cello, mandolin, gut PLEASAIITOII, - 59C3-C- 9 11 tion on violin, 8S-- Barracks. . , ,' . . t between and a. m, 254 S. King i 'K-r- i' :.:";'-'.'..'- L. C. 69 tf streets. y-- : .. - Wilder ave. Abies. t , 596i-6- t tar, banjo and ukulele. street v r s'-- ; Tug of. war tournament Tuesday, Thursday and 8aturday 6939-t- f '. 12-C- a. Winchester pump shotgun; 'y- - FURNISHED evenings of this week. Regular; drills called offu on ..these R00L1S 1 i . 1 k I f I 1 t good condition, TeL 49G6, and ask All lovers of music to develop talent '; : " . v . y i ' nlghta.' KaaJ. 51 Bldg. for No. 23.. ' ": C967-2- t by taking lessons from Ernest K. i'4 Ernest K Tounc Tel - - : GENERAL STAFF. 3687. guitar, ukulele, mandolin, ban- Kaai 51 Young Building.- TeL 3689. ERA, 1 C -- Jo, violin, cello and vocal THE. NEW HOTEL 1913 Indian motorcycle, cheap; little; 6381-tf:-- 5 Col. John W. Jones. The Adjutant General. cither, " f Insp.-ge- n. 1450 FORT STREET i used. Jong Chong, 1642 Nuuanu U MaJ. Charles W. Zlegler. : Mai Elmer T. Winant, Ord. DepL ; v, ;. . ABOVE VINEYARD ST. 5942-;- S . (Brevetted Colonel.) ... , N ,. ,; ; - , To rent, furriiahed qttage; x chlld-reniBo- Surg.-e;e- . Bergs Co. Music and price must be reasonable; ho x MaJ.' Charles B. Cooper, kS 'IV trom Music mn? ' 1020-102- 1 Good InvestmerX; over 10 per cent; a'Star-BuIleU- n: fi 967-3- t (Brevetted JJeutColoneL) sical Instrumenta. Fort MaJ.' W. Q. M. Q. ,.rentea TeL . , John Short, Chief Capt Henry Van Gleson, M. C. street iouae. 1842..,;; 52774f ROOM AND BOARD SS90-t-f (Brevetted LieutColoneL) , FOR ; THE SITUATION WANTED ' .TOURIST''" 1 MaJ. Emn C. Peters, J. Adv.-ge- n. Capt Leo L. Sexton, Med. DepL FOR THE SERVICa " ' COLLECTOR. by . ' Inter-Islan- d and Oahu Railroad ship Aide to the Governor, Capt J. D. Dougherty, Infantry, Excellent table board the meal - KAMAAINA, German,; chejnlcal; 'engineer',' perfect Special FOR THE ping books at Star-Bulleti- n office, tf day or week. rates by the analyst prevented by war to , pro- r lff3PECT0R4NSTRUCT0Rr3 OFFICE. W. I Eaton, collector on coamlaion. month. Apply- - at the Roselawn, ' LUXURIOUS SUITES ' ceed on to new position, de VY. Inspector-Instructo- r. ;.- - - further LleirL C Whltener, U. 8. A, . Telephone 1842. u 1368 S. King -- WTilte Plymouth ;rock and black- mln st : CUISINS sires employment temporary or per REGIMENTAL AND 6891-t- f v' 5912-t- EXCELLRNT orca chickens. L. C. Abies. S9G2-t- f FIELD 8TAFF OFFICERS, 18f INF. f manent; widest factory . experi Lt-Co- L William R, RUey.. Mai WUliam E. Bal, 3rd Bat ence? salt refining . by vacuum; 8URGE0N CHIROPODI6T. Second-han- d Bulck auto. In good con- - CapL James A. Thompson, Adjt 1st tit John W. Kanaeholo, Adjt UNFURNISHED HOUSES QETO DERATES. examinations land for agricultural y r ' TeL: . 5965-- t - Capt George B. Schrader, Q. M. 2nd George H. Cum m lags, Q. M. Settling' ditlon. 3719.. purposes (cocoanuts pineapple," su-- Lt Dr. R. E. Merrill, Mclnernya Shoe before Elsewhere Capt Arthur W. Neely, Ins p. S. A. P. MaJ. Merle M. Johnson,' 1st . cottage,' mosquito gar, etc.) ;. new processes worked out, Bat Store,' Fort- - Above King.. Private Modern COCOANUT: PLANTS': FOR SALE. Capt Reginald W. ' Warham, Com's'y. 1st Charles R. Frazler, Adjt proof; 25. Telephone 2664. 'working methods improved; V thor Lt room for ladles. . Charges reason- MaJ. Gustave Rose, 2nd - 2nd Q. 5934-t- Bat Lt Roscoe W. Perklna. M. - . . 5918-t- f . ough education ; moderate - : f Cocoanut plants for sale; Samoan va scientific 2nd .TO.- Humphrey, Q. M. - Chaplain,: . able. Bere-tanl- a. Lt Fred YaleAtin Franckx (Capt) salary. . Chemist, .Villa . Lanl, . rlety. Apply A. D. Hills, Llhue, v . i unfurnished cottage. Phone ' - COMPANIES STATIONED AT HONOLULU. i i"?VV HIGH SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE. . . ". E277-t- f cor. Punchbowl. 59672t Lr' . Kauai.. Company- - A Capt' HI P. 0Sulllvan, 1st Lieut- - PrM Smootrtd Lieut J: L.' 1087. :;..-,-- 595741 " ;vr ;l K. Cushlngham. Country printer, wants', job rate S' gal ThuTsday,vrr30 p. nv ".' V ; ; Under and - by virtue of. certain LOST : i v - FAMILY-HOTE- 10--pt No drill Thursday, 8ept 24, on account of con- - L leys per, day; some experi- ' " ' tuff.of war writ of execution Issued by;.the.:Hon- " WAIMEA KAUAI of u '' ''.t--- ; u. v'--- tests. 'r ...... ; Mag- J Jf" " ence at job work;, dp not drink1 nor ' orable J. M. lfonsarrat, District. i' i. 'i' Shepherd and collie dog, black, with Company B Capt. Paul Super, 2nd A. Lowrey. Wednesday, ; 30 p. - - use tobacco,' terms reasonable; Ad- Lieut J. 1 istrate of Honoiuiu . City and County The Cassldyrbnlyhome 'hotel, Wal- ' ' brown feet, answers to -- v'-v- "v Is-yJ'- short nair; : I m. K- y . - - i ! V E. I Kirk, Schofleld Barracks, f?: of Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii,- on Kua. , ueacn, 01 en Kauat . ,, i dress consisu laaiTiuuaa :name of Nigger; irom Ben Lane, - ' Company O M. , T. H.- S9S$-6- t Capt J. Camara, 1st Lieut I R. Medelroa,, 2nd Llent O. 19th day of August A. U. , 1914. In .eottaitet and single rooms. - Cuisine .King com- - ' ' - the roumsT TRAD3 Eoucrrra. street. Sept 2... Finder ;'."K. M ; Stein. Prlday, 7:30'. m. matter of J. J. Byrne, plalntiffr .vs. ".excellent.' 100Ov ft. promenade pier Stevenson, Schu- - the munlcate withiF Company D Capt W. V. Kolb, 1st Lieut P. W. Wlchman, 2nd O. V -- Young with good education 'and ' " Lieut Sam Keliinot doing business under .the end of which Is splendid 'COOD UZAL3. Carriage i -- - at iidr -- man Co. Reward. : - Schaefer. , Wednesday,'7:30 p. m.- . . - some, experience position as :s the; name and . style- of New. Xork tithingT pool . . beautiful view. in . 5964-t- f wants, .and - "l sales-lady- Company office assistant cashier or : E Capt C..M. Coster, 1st Lieut John Hfla Monday, 7:80 p. to. Cafe.'': defendant, J.lMcCarthy,' garni. .2005 Kalla, road.:: TeL 2879. Terms L... j - r- C. Yt. SPITZ Company M, R. Houghtalllng, - v : trrc;ris!ir to Ad P 1st Lieut 2nd Lieut. J, LemonTueaday, - nv of One JIandre4 reasonable. - r 5367-t- I The ifirst annual convention. of; the references as character. ' he,1- ferthe r 'Farm lortgge Bankers' Association dress GV : XX. box;l9; cltyCT Seventy-fou- r and 99-10-0 ($174.99) Dol- Company G Capt B. P. Eane, 1st Li - K. .will be held In Chicago, Octcrber4 L f Lieut Ka ne, 2nd Lieut W. N. lars, 1 did on' the 19th day of August ' . uonaay, p. - ; - iuiina. t.zq m. - ' & A. D. 1914. levy upon and. shalboHer completed Company H Capt L. W. Redington. 1st Lieut J. C-- Lo. Tuesday, 7: 20 p;m. expose and shall, selt.at alln, ewjust ;. - ' and for sale j One , unfurnished r t No - Tuesday. September . j4: n. drill 22.' nubile auction to the highest bidder. - Kaplolanj. atreet; one : Try 1 month at the beach !t Company K(Attachel to 2nd BatUlIon) Capt W. Cook,J:i1st W. house on. ' ' J. Iiant. so much of the property hereinafter bungalow .on. Lunalio 'jrill do you good.' Fins fcatll: ; ' ; Ahla, 2nd Lieut E. K. Chung.;. Thursday, 7:30 ' -: to, as may be necessary to buhga-- w ' referred , : street; 'two" "gootl meals and comfortable a STATIONED ON MAUI J oJ fa..-- '. satisfy the BaidTwrit of execution, at 0 - - : Company :.V'iChlUlngBwnrth, : lows- on Lunalio street eourf." 'f coma'odatlonj at 7r ?? Capt W. P.' Kaae, 1st Lieut. W; S. York Cafe, Hotel near - :'f r.l"' - the New street Call 603 Lunaflo ? street opp. Wflcox, - r v'" 2nd Lieut R. K. ' o' :;v;. ?jj Nuuanu street. Honolulu, City . and Company L-rLa- Young, - " Normal school. Capt W. P. 1st Lieut- W. K. FJkint;,,lK'-- ' County of Honolulu, Territory of Ha- :.' f ' . , STATIONED ON HAWAII." u?Jf V .i fJt waii, at 12 o'clock noon, of Saturday Company. M Hilo Capt J. D. Easton, 1st Lieut H. M. MoreheannZhi! the 26th day of September.' A. D. 1914, ' : .if.-?,- ,A '.."'-.:- Lieut J. S. Caceres. : fxj all of therlght, title and interest pf BY AUTHORITY. - Walklkl Beach, next llcam MEDICAL OFFICERS WITH 8ANITARY TROOPS.'-- 1 b?': the said Sam KeliinoL doing , business Mai E. D. KUbourne. - Capt - ; -- f : P. U Morons. Capt' iKr.' Belt-- under the name . and style ct New NOTICE. mi Cafe, In and to the following Ish circles here ,Jie view-- is .hehi:that York 1 1 For and Gentlemen. German bankers gave their, approval personal property of the defendant PAYMENT OF WATER SPATES. Udles REPORTS Germany's unless the sum due under said writ to entry into thewcarhonly with with Ordinance No. 65 In the belief theo jwouW of execution, togsther interest In accordance that conllict costs and my fee and expenses are all persons holding water privileges last a month. In which': tlmeT Paris ' M --S,.-' previously paid. Under meter rates are hereby notified would and-Pranc- be captured forced : SoaGic3o'E-3oo3.-: . PROPERTY TO BE SOLD. . the water rates for the . period to sue for terms. WUh-t- h unexpect- that 2 National cash registers, 1 refriger ending September 30, 1914," are due Finest dinlxg roc In : ed entry of Great !Brltalhithe- - resist- 3 tls 7t ator, 2 Ice chests, 34 tables, 39 chairs, and payable on the first day of Octo-- rltory." Jolly CiturcUy tjzzlzj ance of Belgium and the uncompYomia-In- g " r 2 38 . - - ' 24 clocks,' folding chairs, "dances. . tc-lna- chairs, attitude of the allies ke ' . water filters. 1 showcase . and Upon faliare . tp;pay , fsuch; water J. H. HSRTCCHZ, PEACEFUL k'D peace" only 'by ,' mutnSl XiomWntr 1 the Kinz'".-- ' stand,5, v counter, 8. stools, : Z meat rates within flfteen,;(15)-day- s there- bankers. according to1; British view-poi- nt i safes.-- 1 ; Bcale, , crockery. , 1 ; qharke of. 10 per. already see "financial ' Vutnf - for t lot lot after an additional Germany likely cooking utensils, 1 lot drinking glass cent , penalty and 6 per cent Interest ' u and are most to elert HOTEL AUSREY. . - : 1 Cork per . . V 4, tBy Latest Malll pressure for an ending of the war. es, 1 step ladder, lot knives, annum win be made.. : WASHINGTON, C, Sept 13. t and spoons. 1 small ice chest, 1 mir ; All - privileges, upon which rates re , "A Home Away from Horns"; t. v VT knowledge Emperor William ror. 3 nictures , and frames, 1 lot flour main unpaid on November 2,. 1914, will An Ideal Vacation C?oL v!-r- L L L V L L 1 via The that ' ' -' " i ii , 1 MINERAL i has been considering for several days $2,500000,000 sifters. 1 lot hardware, 1 meat Mock, be shut o lortnwun...... Phone 772. ; Hauula, Qahi 2 . swill . of ' & message r from the United States 1 . kitchen table and frame, Rates are. payable at the office : A. 2UMSTEIN Pre?; 7 government Inquiring, in if Ger- .::ByItetMa4IJ;;V;.t': cans. 2 kitchen tables, 1 meat saw, 1 the Treasurer of City and County. of effect - WASHINGTON.- D. C. . - - many was desirous of discus3ing peace Minerals tin containing coal, 1 shovel, 2 clothes Honolulu,. Kaplolanl . building. measures, set official and diplomatic produced ;in the United States In 1913 irons, 1 lot sugar bowls, salt and, pep . ., ; -y c, j. McCarthy. u'vnvtnn nn tha iort v fnr .lere valued at 82,500.0000)00 establlsh- - per, cellars, 1 lot table cloths, 1 cook Treasurer, City and - County of Hono--I v- ; an-twe-en "v ': ' possible exchang9 of peace terms be--' a new rewd, Secretaxy Lane lng range, and 1 lot sundry articles - lulu. "" - ", GET AWAY FROM ELECTION ' " nounces. This the belligerents. . . - an Increase . Terms cash in United States gold Honolulu, T. R, September 21, 1914. :y-y- . v ja f ; ".TALIC of more 1200,000,000 - K964-1- 0t ' .... than - . Notwlthstandlng vigorously loOO.QOofooO COin. !:. . T'-""':- f - ductloa of , -- n": 11- .Dated Honolulu. City and County of v;f phrased statements through official over 1911.0utput SecretarV CORPORATION NOTICES. HALEIWA Is the quiet, 'tpot. line Honolulu, Territory; of . HawalL this channels last week - that Grear Brit- - predicted a" further increasecause and Russia .would - not 19th day of August, A. D. 1914. aln. France of new opportunlUes re- ' v NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. for marketing , . make peace until they had decisively W. P. JARRETT. - suiting from the European, war and ' High Sheriff, Territory of HawalL defeated Germany. It was admitted In KOMOKILA, A REAL CHANGE OF CL1MATI openIng g. gasoline schooner of Panatna canaL - v 5942-Au- 28. Sept 11, 25. v The IU.MJ1J quarieni . uei b uiai; isTurauie In command of Captain George E. can be had at the new boarilsx - " '. n- answer from! Emperor William to the Worid.r 6 (Richards . ; in . . . nn ...rn . rv Happiness of this BY AUTHORITY. Pfltz, wiU leave Pierv hocst v. American government's inquiry might : r To . have a , cheerful, bright': and airy atreet Wharf) for Maul and Molokal ' change the entire aspect of the situ- --dwelling place, ; ports every TUESDAY at 5 p. m. and reply, was agreed, NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC X7ATTTAY7A;. ation. Such a It With garden, lawns , and , climbing ' leratlon, near depot would set .the machinery for, peace- sweet;;'--:- : M00 flowers 'Honolulu Civil Service Com making in motion, even though hostil- Fresh fruits, good wine, .few children; The wSsi::'iiSS mission will hold a competitive exam .12k Particulars address E. U ities might not cease, the discussion there to meet :. , - lnation the Assembly v halL Mcln- " Z hlawa. Phono 469. of peace terms beginning .through the A quiet,",' faithful wife, whose" love ln . . "?TKi; J W American government in the hope that shines through tyre building, corner of Fort and King tJAeR her face. ' some common ground might be found streets, Honolulu, Saturday, Septem PROPOSALS. ber 19, 1914, at 1' o'clock: p.' bl, for Ili- - for an acceptance by, the belligerents To have have no debt, . no lawyers : ' United States citizens desiring to com- of President Wilson's original tender . feud; no love but ?ne . Proposals will be received at the Bu-- AH kinds of Wrapping Papers tal of good offices looking toward media- And not too much to do with one's re pete for the position of clerk to the reau of Supplies and Accounts, Navy (Twines, Printing and Writing Papers. - sheriff, Honolulu Police deputy in the : AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- tion. lations. ; ' ? Department Washington, D. until I N - C, PAPER Department said , examination to be prominent Be just and be content; Nought but 10'o'clock a. m4 October 20, 1914, and) A' SUPPLY , CO-- LTfX In this connection some :- ,J '- y held under the rules and regulations -- diplomatists did not hesitate to say ':': vexations J.. publicly , opened immediately thereaf--1 Fort and Queen Streets Hesslu!3 of the said commission. :. , personal in- Arise from toadying the great when ter. to furnish a Quantity of electrical Phtm 141 na O. OnTlS. Oen. Mr Wilson's -- that President Application blanks and medical cer- ' fluence in Great Britain and France all IS done; supplies at the naval; station, Pearj "r-- :'-:Vs:-'"'- V, :.;':v to be' had at the office of the as, outspoken and suc- tificate Harbor, HawalL 'Applications for pro a result of his Live well wisely, grace city and county 'clerk, Mclntyre buildi- cessful appeal to the American con- and and for posals should refer .to Schedule' 7280. . ' , : ng-.' HACKFELD & petition: v v . ' . upon appli H. CO. gress to repeal an act which be be- ' certifi- Blanks will be furnished " Indulge devotion to full fruition; AH applications and medical ..:-f-;-..;- Limited. .. ; lieved In contravention to a treaty its cation to the navy pay office, Honolu .1 Subdue -- your passions that Is the cates must be filed at the office of the lu, Hawaii, or to the Bureau. SAM 8u;ar Factors, Importers, tr.i . would an Important factor In a v county 10 ie best condition, v city and clerk before o'clock UEL McGOWAN, Paymaster General,! c" Comm isslon Merchants, , peace. yJ-'"':-- movement for ' .. y.: : a, Saturday, September 19, 1914. . . ml, 9-2- ; - 14 ' doplo-mati- U. S. N.- r vK-- v ;r HONOLULU. It was stated la substance In c Tour mind untrammeledj and your - By. order of the Honolulu Civil Ser- r7 5962-Sep- t .quarters If Emperor Wil- - : .V-.:- . 18. 25. that heart in faitiU s -- vice Commission., :'v .';' liam should manifest a willingness to --: ; E.-E- . While at: your business give your i . BODGE, Chairman. : peace BARRANKUILLA, Columbia. -- talk President Wilson would be , prayers breath ; ; . . D. Kalauokalani, Jr Secretary to This able without difficulty to obtain from This is to rest at home, and calmly the Commission. v republic is In need of capital to move STEINWAY the allies a definite statement of 5944-An- the heavy crops Cancellation of ship . wai tfor death. ' . r. 2S. 29. Sent 12. 19. 25. Bargains In Other Pianos. terms. --, ' .. pings has caused much Inconvenience. t Chriatoph Plantin, translated, by J. PIANOS, : suggestion v ' : Alex- :,:.Y.- -- y PLAYER The was advanced by T. R. Glbbs. j t - While walking in his. sleep, mm ' THAYER PIANO CO-- LTD. some diplomatists that Germany might :. Fee, SO years old, of Brooklyn, The. French minister of agriculture J m ander. 11SS 'Hotel treet Ptcr r:: be stimulated to arrange peace by her STIMULLETIK GITES TOU fell from the third story of hlahoma authorized the aale of - frozen game , o powerful hanking Interests.' In Brit- - and was. killed. . '" m ...... j ,, lODirS SEWS I0DAI P 'M m tKHWt 'T'li f vT-'t- Leave inc to gam at tlic latidape ? T BPOKT CLASSIFIED AND SnirPIal "Wlieje the afternoon VojKiHne tremors ! NEWS SECTION." : O'er the mountains qtiiring play.


DR. 0. W. lil'COY UAY ENTER ome vertise IUDHi CO. W HERBERT ItAUFIilAN LIASSACilUSEnSIlEALTH SERVICE Author qfDo Something! LOSES ilfliiiBiiffisii FT HE priced "th'ej 'feaA never fotsthe bull'g eye. CM j I And the bang selHom rattles ttfe bells. IBy Latent Malll the viceroy had accepted contingents InvestiQaibPJow i rltV the land 'oh'thVtri&er. thit';cuu' tbe.ftkl fitter, Leprbky; 'at I'IJil JAPANESE LONDON. Iord (rewe announced In cavalry. Infantry and transport . The aim's what amounts what countJ- - 1 of al- Moiokai :thatt makes record In the bouse of lords recently that sev- rem 12 states. Most them had I t Gets Merited r Are you hitting or just wasting shells?' " ready, embarked... One niaharajah of- ' en battalions of Ghurkas will take part of .'. the-tna- fered th troops the use his treas- f'romdtioh , :'. Don't forget that who Vrites your copy is the man who If the efforts of the; local Japanese in the campaign. In a despatch re- ' ury and even his private jewelry. aims your policy.' V. newspapers are successful, the Mar- ceived from the viceroy of India, he Dantwe Dalai Lama had alao orTered rAsor!atei Pre by Wlr!! V hen you stop to reflect what your space costs arid that the coni Wireless Company of America, continued. his ; excellency stated that low TlbeUn trocps. v : WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 5. which yesterday opened Its new sta- at a meeting of his legislative council In reply to a proposal that the mes- re- Iwrong talk is just ndise bang without biff you must see the neces-Jsit- y President Wilton hat been asked to tions on Oahn. will be "boycotted" by yesterday a resolution was ( carried sage should be circulated, ITemler As-qui- ih lieve Dr. George W. McCoy, burgeon and sanity of putting the right nan behind the gun. the members of the local Nipponese unanimously, on motion of a represen- said the government were ar- In the public health Vervite, Who is i - Dont tolerate ah ambition on your adman's part to indulge ia community. This has become evident tative of the Indian community, af- ranging for wide publication of iL now director xsf 'the United "State lep- from the fact that late yesterday aft- firming the unswerving loyalty and Among chiefs selected to accom- lurking desire to be a literary light edi- the rosy Investigation station' at' PulTHale, ernoon, at a meeting of Japanese the. unflinching support of thie Indian pany the expeditionary force are-- Ma- presenV position People read his advertising to discover what your buyers have tors, a resolution was passed plac- addl-itc- a i I MoloVal.from his lo people and their desire that! in harajah Sir Pertab Singh, who Is one torn-mlsslon- company aide-de-camp- on the king-emperor- s; he may be appointed health just brought from the market and what you are asking for "O. N. T.w ing the wireless they should of 's that ac- to military aistance the of the istate cf MaUSthu-cettt- . jThey buy the" newspaper tor information and recreation and axe black list. The reason for this share in the heavy financial burdens the maharajah of Bikaner, also aide-de-ca- '' ' tion, say the editors, is because they Ma- impcaed on the empire. i : to the klngmperor, and satisfied with the degree of poetry and persiflage dished up in its were not Invited to e present at tho yyr: . The viceroy of India's message, read harajah!) Patlala, Ratlam. Klshangarh columns. r:;..: : y-- :r Kahuku attending the GERMANS III ENGLISH jrea&ing 4 ceremonies at In the house of commons, stated that and Jodhpur, and also the nawabs of I Don't exaggerate. Toetic licenses are rfot Valid in prose.' opening of the stations. ' 27 of larger states of India Jaora, Sachin and Bhopal and the Ma- business of editors Is as the hd FRENCH The resolution " the lik Umar HayaL ., , , CAPS'TRAP warit ; " ' offered force for service .and that fThe American people don't to be humbugged and the merchant follows: :";" v '..' ", figures upon niany; fools finds wireless IBy Latest Mall who too himself looking into a mirror, "Whereas, the Marconi HISTORIC GUNS BANANA FLOUR r people Hono- Usually about a balf hour fttr the sheriff hascome to look-ove- the plant has Invited from PARIS. The latest list of soldier the formal opening exercises GIVEN TO RENO IS APPRECIATED 'r-- lulu for dead Issued Tier Includes the name of premises.4 - :.-';- .f 'C'' V":,Vv " on 24th 7 of to take place at Kahuku this Pierre Coupon of the department 1 Busi- Don't imitate. Advertising is a special measure garment. day of September. 1914; and ".. By . Kingston. Export dried Aln, the first of the numerous mem- ltetManr Jamaica of nesses are hot built in ready-mad- e sizes. Copy which fits somebody "Whereas, while the Invitation was RENO, Nev. Two old muskets have banana products to the United State bers of the chamber of deputies at general, company has Ignored and 3 sagging-a- t .the been received by Nevada1 Histori- is still In its experimental stage, while the front to succumb. , ;' seised selling plan won't fit your store without the th'est neglected Japanese and Chinese the corporal convoy "wounded the Germany has found that the product A In a "of cr riding upM the collar. xKiplicated argument and duplicated retulta newspapers published in Honolulu, cal Society through the courtesy of answers many purposes, and therefore Charaplnysays In. the fight- - at that Dr. George W. McCoy, In 'are --Your policy of and no invitation was sent to any H. J. Gosse of the- Rlvertlde hotel. buys large quantities. ing at Guise a regiment "firing 'on the not twins. publicity must be specially measured chrrge of work on Molokal, who '. ' paper puhlished In Oriental languages guns was formerly The first shipment sent north ap- shooting. .from your policy'of merchandising. ; " One of these the line heard the signal cease may be relieved of duties here within the Territory;' and pears to have given satisfaction, but dy property of Henry Mlchal, the Gazette Immediately in front of them they saw and assume commissionershlp Don't put your advertising in charge of an amateur. Let sorae-jbo- "Whereas, while commercial repre- the manufacturers here, who turn out soldiers wearing caps like the English. of health for the State cf Mas- else expense of his were .generally invited to says, and was taken from one of the a products from "English stand the educational blunders. , Remember sentatives number of derived They advanced cheering "the ; that. Spanish vessels sunk la Manila bay. sachusetts. you are making a plea before the bar of public confidence, Your ad- -' the exercises It. is understood the banana, are willing to wait a more and were met Vlth a deadly discharge Japanese and Chinese merchants as- May 1, 1898V The other was presented general buying before considering the of rifle fire. The Germans; he de- .writer is an advocate. Like a bad lawyer, he can lose a good case by' sociations were also Ignored: there- to the society by the late Thomas C, United States market a certainty. clared, subterfuge to ! had used this ;tiot making the most of "the facts at hand. 'V: fore.' be It v 'c. :v-- ; Klesel. who received, It from the late Experts who have been working draw the French on. ;. : ; : OF HIE no rhentlon of the Thomas Ferguson of Gardnerville, ac- v Don't get the Vsales'i habit.: Salesnare stimulanfs. When! ''Resolved, That with the banana as a more widely ;i be, our pa- Nev. It saw. service In the' Mexican "effectHs - exercises 6hall made in cepted food producL are sahl to ba held too often their weakening. .. merchant' wibbh- war, through present ter- CORNS CC;.:E OFF AS : pers, nor in future shall we make which the cdnvlnced that in time banana flour ' im tinualiy yells "bargain is like the bid hen who was "always ciyihg. plant ritory ; -- embraced in Nevada passed mention of said wireless as far will be used as extensively as wheat YOU PLEASE ' " EASY AS , from Mexico to United "fox." When the real article did come along, "nonVof her: chick sj as riracticable; be it also , the States. flour. ' ; In 3' "Resolved. That we shall publish MGe!s-It,- believed r-.- - J , Eelng Used ty MilliorisI it. rVrr:r-:h- our papers that the Pacific Commer- Jt is the first time, that ' real, i; Don't use fine print. lrMake it easy for - the reader to find tmtj cial Cable Company has always ren- rwe-a.- s fate com cure lias ever been 'about your business. Thefe are ten million pairs of eyeglasses worn' dered to us good and satisfactory ser- dipeovf rcl. ' GETS-T- " is th, new vices; the company has been al- OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO. in America, 'and every owner of them buys so'mcthinj".' ; V that :m . ways courteous and obliging 16 Japa- -e "THE EXPOSITION LINE" ;M j , - And DonYstart unleis you mean o stick, patron salntj nese and Chinese, and that we shall SAN Swinging at Anchor In the! liarbor jof the successful advertiser hates a quitter. t : ,:s f x encourage the. use 6f the services of FOR FRANCISCO. FOR SYDNEY, N. S. W. of Hio le Janeiro, awaiting the Commercial Pacific Cable Couv Sierra ...... SepL 28 Ventura . .. OcL $ Brazil, war expected a developments that Ndll permit her to ing of the Panama canal is pany-- among the Japanese and : Chi- Sonoma . ..4. .. . .OcL 9 Sonoma ..'...... Nov. 2 'trade and market ,1 VESSELS TO DEPABTJ 24 continue her journey, lies' a lumler-lade- n to stimulate this nese of the Territory" Sierra .....7 .....,Oct. Ventura .'...... Nov. 30 quantities of ; Pacific; coast lumber In Ventura i . . . . . 6 28 vessel that is about to complete " i...... Nov. Sonoma ,i..,...... Dee. j '' "" a momentous voyage. She is the Brit- the etstern cities. Friday, SepL 25. The Italian bark Beatrice from Ge- Sierra ...... N 0 v. 21 Ventura ...... Jan. 25 The thlps of the Dollar illhe; kll ; Mauf ports Claitdlne, str., 5 p. m. V went ashore ....4.... i ish steamer Robert Dollar of jthe Ban II noa for Gloucester. Mass., un- ; 1915 i Francisco Steamship Company of' the owned in the United States though Saturday, Sept. 25. near Nantucket, Mass., but was float- MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY. among ports-Ch- ina, r ' $110,00 v. same name, one of the last fchips to der British' register, are the Manila via Japan and China ed, with slight damage. ROUND TRIP. coast-to-coa- st first to prepare for transfer to the P. M. S. S., a. m. ; carry a cargo1 , They've got London. around -- fever in & COMPANY, LTDM emergency v the C. BREWER, General Agents Cape Horn. The Panama canal, now American flag under' the San Francisco Sierra, O. S. babies were christened Albert 'by" Congress. Two open to "world traHc, will make it un- registry act Just passed noon. Leman Liege Hopkins and Marie Al- When war wasdeclared the Robert Hllo via way 4 ports Maona ; Kea, necessary in the future for ships , to sace Lorraine Lecomte. - .v. : was forced to "in at the - traverse long historic to car- Dollar cut strn 3 p. m. . this lane "Rio Jan- ry goods between the Pacific- - and At- nearest portwhich vWas de Monday, Sept. 28. lantic coasts of North America. ' eiro, and tbere she waits either for - Kauai ports J(windward) Noeau, Matsbn I. suff- s MOVEMENTS OF ! The Dollar "was loaded 'with the neutral American flag or tor str., 5 p.m. llobert" pemiLt to Direct Service'Betvveen San Francisco and Honolulu' lumber "at British Columbia mills and icient ar insurance to her Maul ports Claudme, str., 5 p. m. MAIL' STEAMERS - 1 or rn- , so l on in entirely new go o Isea In safety, ... TROM FAN "FRANCISCO: CAN cleared from Victoria, B. C, more than v ports W. G. Hall, str., 5 p. m. FOR FRANCISCO: Kauai " r j r i m i it is a new, (;fTerent formu a month ago, bound for New London, 29. x. , . ' I Tuesday, Sept.. !" 1 1 r Polite, Maybe. la, uccosf uly lnutateu. Jt Conn with the intention of being one San Francisco Hilonian, M. N. S. S. S. WilrrtImIna. Ui;r.SepL 23 8. S. WWhelmlha 7 n 1 TYvo trnnw Miss Gladva. hadn't TO .....V.OcL rn corr.H shrivel a then 'Danish. I S"., TESSELS ABBIYE of the first ships to use the Panama 4 p. m. - S. S. Manoa...... OcL 6 IS. S. Manoa 13 Two lrc's tlo the work. You5 don't been talking to your father more than ...... OcL canal. Governor Goethals was unable MauL Molokal and Lanai ports " ' ""' S. S. Matsonla ...... ,OcL 13 S. S. Matsonla 21 li.r. wo vour anv a couple of minutes when ne cauea - Saturday, SepL 26...... OcL in tre more' with to say at time, however, just "5 . .". , . . ' ' that Mlkahala, str.', p. m. S. S. Lurllne , . .. f .OcL 2a 6. S. Lurline .. ..OcL 27 t is ' o ETi.l Tirpss a brainless idiot. Hllo via way ports Mauna Kea, str. ftiekv i Til.itrsA that opened, me? . 7 I when the canal .would be bo .; Kauat ports Kinau." str., 5 'p. S. S. Wilhelmina OcL 27 S. S. Wilhelmina Nov. 4 on il.e orn ;ro flesh-eati- i: Indeed! I wonder what caused the el Sunday, Sept. 27...... : down ror tvore company --- ' the directed the'sbi around j Wednesday, Sept. 30. , ''.'.-.;;- '"'; that tlon'f'Stay put," experience afrords delay? .." Maul, Molokal and Lanai ports the Horn. Her , way ports Mauna Kea, . af .. .. . - Hilo via ;.' - . .. i .'v do jriore hacking at rorn9 with knives example.Nbf the! m ( Mlkahala, str. concrete the valuje of str., 10 a. m. . - S. S. Hyades tails from SeattI e for Honolulu on. or about OcL 10. er razors, no more l!eoling or clanger ranal to shipping, as after a month's) The, Belgian 'government has remov- Island ports Hilonian, M. N. S. S. Moo-1- - peanuts, palrii Thursday- OcL 1. ? tFrom Honolulu for San Franci sco via San Pedro. of ' poison. No more limping steaming she is just 'about as along- ed the export duty on - Maui ports Claudlne, str. far ; W. S. S. ; around for ilays with, sore corns, no oil, palm nutsT sesame seed andcoffee. ICauai ports-- G. Hall, atr 5 p. m. Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. Hilonian of 'this line sail from Honolulu for Seattle Via San &s if she had waited In tnef Bay of ' ";' " .? ,- Francisco. September.; 29. . .,.- puins." - . '. With '. Friday, Oct. 2. Kauai rkrts Klnau. gtr. 1, i( t V lnnro and locked through the a, Panama ports--Manchuri- China; ; " Manila Japan and : 'GKTS-IT- is now the biggest-sell-i- r first ships last Saturday. ,Had the via Monday, SepL 28. CASTLE & COOKE, LTD., Genera! Agents; Honolulu cure in the woiM. Use on ship's I nssryems depahtxd i P. M. S. S. . San Francisco via Seattle Lurllne, it date of opening been eertalnjthe ' ' ' s 1 Maul ports Claudine, str 5p. ej :; : nvy har.l or soft corn, wart, callus or owners could have iaved several thous- . . M. N, S, S. luu.i'1. Tc?ncht' the niht. and dollars in fuel and other running Per stmr. W. G. Hall for "KaMai "ports, Saturday, OcL 3. Tuesday SepL 29. r V s Sept. 24. Mrs. C. B. Gravy Irs K. Hilo and way ports Mauna Kea, "ClTSlT" is by d mggist expense. j J. Sin Francisco Wilhelmina, M. N. ky-'i;--- v PACIFIC COJ' ..'ip, pent ':'.' Cockett, W. N. Stewart and wife, C. str., 3 p. m. r.? "IIAIL STEAIISHIP evervwi ct'iits a bottle, or Incidentally the ship is' carrying one '' ' .'.v.' 5, 'f :': t I Monday, Oct. t v cargoes C James; . J.. X'. B. Vieira, . David way stir. Calilnjs Honolulu oh i.n of the largest lumber ever O. Hllo via ports Mauna Kea, from or about tht following dates: ' Haughs,: . Aehong Ai Chang, Sydney .'via Pago Pago Ventura, - IT" is 11 ln'lonoliilu-b- brought to. tlie Atlantic coast Her Jlee Fat, Wednesday, SepL SO. . ' 2 p. i FOR n.ith ).. oor. Fort and deck load is 1,3TS,000' feet. Most of it CThiese, Frank, tfodrick, Mrs.- U S. "el, .; t I Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. . THE ORIENT: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: , p. m. S.1 1! Uolli-tc- r ad- - '.' - Mauf ports Clandine, str, 5. V Manchuria r).., M and TVug Co. is' consigned to Toronto, to be shipped Rolrkk. ;V'::W" 4 Thursday, OcL 1. . S. via Manila ; G. Hall, str., 5 p. m. S. Mongolia '6 by New London. The open- - Per "stmr. Mauna 'Loa, for Kona ahd Kauai portsW. ports--Claudln- e, out ahd tn 2 6...... OcL rail from p., m. Maui str...... f.OcL Kau port , Sept. 25. R. Sm Kauai ports Noeau, str 5 ith, F. II. : Friday, Oct. 2. '.". S. Manila; W Tuesday,:-OcL- 6. ; S. Nile via out S. S. Pers'a ...... OcL 23. ight;' F. Lin.leman, J.D. "Paris, Jr-- San Francisco Manchuria, P. ; M. "; ports Xoa, and Tn .7...... i .OcL 17 OAHU RAILWAY TABLE 1). Kona and Kau Mauna ' y:"-- ; v TIME II IL MeWayne, Leith. S. S. ';.v: '.'' ,'" S. S. Korea OcL 27 z:zzz , noon.';: v;v thc .i.'v.;!. Kona and i Kau ports Matma Lon, S. S. Mongolia Via Manifa ,..vi'ij c - iTl a.fT rASSEGEKS EXPECTED Maui. .Molokal and : Lanal ports str. ;'v-.':.- ...OcL 30 S. S. Siberia ...... Nov. 3 vr .: : 'y' ..v.''- r OUTWARD- .- f ; - ? the Mikahala.Btr' S p. in. ". j C V.'CHLI Saturday, OcL 3. . CTTffC Tor VTaianae, XValalua, Kahnkn, and M. N. S. S. .Wilhelmina Kauai Ports Kinau, strv 5 p. m. w Per from Hllo via ay ports Mauna Kea, str. - .I.JC'JCH . ' ' THC ( general Ha -- way stations 9:15 a. m., 3:20 p.'xn. San Francisco. Due at Honolulu SepL Wednesday, OcL. 7. i For Information apply " . I v :. ' Sunday, OcL 4. CA'.YCN OF THE For Pearl City. Ewa Mill 'and way 5?an Francisco Wilhelmina, M. N. j twATJt- - HIVCR ANOsTHC Maul, Molokal and Lanai portd V a. a. Miss G. K. Tackabury, S.'Sni' 10 J";-'.- ' ." H; HackfeldiS; Co., Agents stations Hazel Burr, a.mr.' : . Ltd. 4 - 17:0 Mikahala, . . I LOYAL CORGC.C : str.:, . p. ffi P.1 L, Friday,' 9, lne, 11:S0 a. to 2:15 p. m 3:20 Chas. Osborne, J. IZumwalt, Tan Oct. Maui porta-TClaud- str. '"; 5:15 p. m., J9:30 p. mM tll:15 p. m. Ix), A. K. Alcana, P. G. Riley, Mrs. San Francisco Sonoma, O. S. E., Kauai ports Kinau, str. ':'-- 5 .;- :'-- V For Wahlawa and Leilehua10:20 Maud Mitchell, Miss Hazel Gear,' Mrs. P. EL: V:v' ' - Kauai ports W. G. Hall, str. W.-.D-. a. mn t2:40 p. el, 5:00 p. ra '11:00 StoneMrs. I. E. Jellings, Miss ; Saturday, OcL 10. v . Monday, Oct. 5. "Ella Deto,! D, TJevlne and : p.'m. ) -i Mrs. A. Hongkong via Japan ports Tenyo San Francisco Ventura, O. S. Sr Wall, Miss ' child, Mrs: F, L. - .;:.:. , 1 ThosE. Marur Japanese. str. Tuesday. OcL 6. K inward. ,Mrs. H. BJ TOyp KAISHA McGrath, T. J. McGrath, . . OcL 13. . - 1 Tfai-alu- Tuesday. . v . v a Hongkong via Japan parts Mon ; , T. L. . LCr.C?,, Arir.ta. Arrive Honolulu frota Kabtxka, Cooper and children. Miss K. L, Rey- iSEN Lti, I Sari "Francisco Manoa, M. N. S. golia. P. M. S. S.- and Waianae-'SiS- S a. 5:31 nolds, Chas. F. demons, ; Mrs. II. B. ' - 4 P. EL ;i,v;.,-- i' '." '..'- Manoa, N. S. E I G H p. tn. '.' a :,rl Mariner, Mrs. W. Asch, Mrs. Fran- San Francksco M. Cteamert of the above Company will call at and laava Hnhi! ;a FH T J. : ' Wednesday, OcL 21. . Friday. 9. 1 - -- ::'t OcL and- Arrive Honolulu from Ewa Mill and ces J. Catton Mrs.- - Bessie Holland, about the mentioned below: ; San Francisco Shlnyo Maru Jap- Sydney Pago Pago Sonoma, O. tr datet T 1 C K C T 8 Pearl City 17: 45 a. nu 8136 a. J. A. McCandless, Henry W. Diggs, via anese . . . t : : S.:;S. .:;;,. ;': ,:':.': 11:02 a, 1:40 p.m. 4j2S p.BU Hem-enwa- y, 8tr.; "r ' Reteryatlons Mrs. Henry L. Tickner, Chas. R. Frahclsco-Matson- la, N. - ' 4 : i FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Alia ' M. , R. THE ORlENT. ;? 5:31 p. m. 7:30 p, ta. ; V A; MrsJ R. San Saturday, OcL 10. TO roint .ion the f Mrs. B. Howland, 10 m. tzj Arrive Honolulu from Wahlawa and Faye. A. Wilson, S. a. San Francisco via Seattle Virgin B. Booth, H. P. Mrs. : S. Shlnyo 21 , mainland. Saturday, OcL 24. A.-- H. ;' ; S. S. Tenyo, Maru . . . . .Oct. 12 S. Maru ,Oct. Leileliua--9:- 15 a. p. ia Olson, Mrs. G. K. Tacka- Ian, S. S. . WELLS-FAR-C- O el, tl:65 Miss Edna S. ."'Nov. 9 Chiyo 10 tee I ; Saa Francisco Sierra, O. S. S. Shlnyo Maru .. .. S. S. Maru ...... Nov. 4:01 p. 7:10 p. ; Harry Holt, T. Wayson, K. San Francisco Tenyo Maru, Japan & COt. 72 S. el, el bury, J. noon. Dec. 4 S, S-- Tenyo Maru it Wo-hou- F. Miss Dee Clair, ese str. 8. S.Chiy Maru ...... Dec. CL Tel 1515 The Haleiwa Limited, a r Imanaka, Schnack. S. S. Sriinyo 29 KIr3 Mrs. D. Ferguso W.. D. Stone, Tuesday, OcL 13. S. S. Tenyo Muru v.. .v.Dee. 25 Maru .....Dec tra!a (only firstclass tickets honored) W...... - ' every Miss E. A. Jellings, Mrs. W.. Water-house-, . Kona and Kau ports Mauna Loa, . leaves Honolulu Sunday at f ; PASSEXGJefiS HOOKED -'' :" :"- - a, Mrs. J. C. Lightroot, Mrs.' G. F. str. '" :.:': el, for Haleiwa hotel; returning ar 1 - Bellinger, Miss Wall, Mrs. T. J. Mc- San Francisco Matsonla, M. N. S.S. v rlTes la Honolulu'at 10:10 p. The ' Clandine. "for Maui, ports, ' EAUiJDRY; el Grath, Master T. A. McGrath. R. Ir- Per stmr. Tuesday, Oct. 20. CASTlE & C00KE, LIMITED, Agents, Hortc!uia: Limited 'slots tonly 'at Pearl City ahd 25. Fl' I W. Wiehman, II- - F. ' M. Wm. Kopper," Miss E. Sent. "San Francisco Lurllne, M. N. Si S. Waianae. V, '.'-- win, Lewis Mr. Mrs. Hamilton,' iirs."Chas.'FClemons, Miss Wheeler, C. W. Baldwin, and Wednesday, Oct. 21. Daily.. Except Sunday.' tSunday only, : t Margaret Martin, Miss MBuck, Chris- P. Cockett. , Hongkong via Japan ports Shlnyo a P. DEN (SON, F. smith; S.' SL for San Fran- ' c G. Stevens, Per O. Sierra - : CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIA- P.' A. tian K. Madison. rs. U Maru, Japanese str, N ROYAL MAIL LINE CerlntendenL C A. McCandless, H. A; Baldwin, cisco, SepL 26: Miss Dorophy Bar- Mrs. J. Tuesday, SepL 22. ;. Subject to Change. ' - ' Miss" Clara Tickner, ' Mrs. Chas. Tt. ling. Mrs. M. T. Prosser, Mrs. Thomas Kona and Kau ports Mauna Loa, B. Lv Webb, Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Rams-de- n ' ;" For Suva, Auckland and Sydney For Victoria and Vancouver SHOTEfJ Hemenway, R. Booth, W. str. . . ,: : B r.'URAKAr.ll - S-- , T. " " Mr. Levy, Mr. and 8. 8. Makura ...OcL: 7 8. Niagara ..Oct. r A. Wilson. and child, G.' Tuesday. 27 ';.-- v "': CcL .Nov. 4 1!. Marama NoV. 3 Mrs. Bauer. Frank. ?. Hall, - J-- - 8. 8. Niagara 8. 8. Harold . Hr- an port3 Korea, - r.z via I .....".i.-Dec- . 1 .Importer and Dealer and Mrs. R. J. ' 8. S Marama ...... DecL .2 S. 8. Makura la Miss L. Rrfvburn. Mr. ; HAILS P. 31. ... C : JAPANESE DRY and FANCY GOODS Lewis. Mllej E. Ganthrer. S. A. Wool- - THE0. H. DAVIES & CO.. LTD GENERAL AGENTS J;-W.- - 1 - r- - : ley. F. A. Ryan, Mrs. r Malls are 'due from lae ToIlovUif FcherL ...... 1 rnuxiaiuna, vnuwcnita, tic ' A. Thorpe,. R. Draper. ; ; ..lii..j f 4 Hotel streeL near Nuunau. points as follows: I! i- iFrancisco Wilhelmina, Sept. 29.' "tTra, San ' Perstttlr! Mauna for Hilo anl I AN-- H AWAII AN CANAL LINE 1 A r.'.Z C 8. 8. CO PANAMA - -- Yokohama Mongolia, Oct;' 6." way ports.' 26. IT. JoTmson, To Sept. A STEAMER "will be despatched from NEW YORK for HONOLULU, Australia Maktira (Indefinite). Guard, wife and f hu t, rr r. FRANCISCO, every . I 4 J LUI. PORT ALLEN and HILO, via 8AN 'will tor " "Y;takakuwAcco Mals depart th rnowtBi J. D. . Domghertv, Li : r ; Y3. Approximate time in transIL 38 DAYS. uimnea. . points as follows: E." Welcce. ' ' saU OcL 2. Franciscb-Sierr- a.' 7. t.z to. Honolulu S. S. Virginian, to about COMMISSION M EH CHANTS San Sept 26. v Per stanr. ' ' Clar' . .' h '; to rates, etc apply to v . Japanese 1 Tbkohama--C- Ina, SepL 26. :j t COAP Provisions and A S4TL'2S; B. II. ti : Australia-rVentur- a, - v . H. HACKFELD & CO LTD. General , MerchandUs Oct. 5. . ZC3T cver. MissF.'Tho x-- Wli: . , r-- T? v lndefl-late- ), ; - AgenU' . Ki.u SL tear Klif BL Victoria Makura (departure Per :tmr. :;: ItAnt. v; - r ;. SepLs tX 1 1 ''