-- .;- . p ;' ;';--.v -' v:.vv-- ...... ..; t .... ' - From Can Franc! China. Sept 25. v; 7 For Can Francisco: ' ' I r . Sierra, Sept. k I 11:11 II 2. w II II from Vancouver: i J Indefinite. -- III For Vancouver: Indefinite. 10 Evening 1882. No. W68 Buiretln. Bit 12 1914.-- Hawaiian Star. Vol. XXII, No. 7008 PAGE& HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 12 PAGES. PRICE FIVE CSNlS if3 LLPU-- mmMxm&'mMi U. 3. lOOPS TO Brbmvs ).' mm 1 III : i . ri i SftYS I ini i ii ii ill i - mm a TO FRfl.",l BICO ' ;f Star-Bul1t- fn - ! r fSpeclal Cable ..v : ' ; , WASHINGTON; D.; C, Sept: :25. Attorney-Gener- ai MAN DEFENSE;-ALLEGIN- BRITISH ATHLETES ASKED TO CONTRIBUTE SWEATERS TO Gregory has reversed the request made by fonrier "Attorney- - ACCUSED WILL CONDUCT ARGUMENT FOR FORCES ABROAD OPERATIONS IN ALSACE, LORRAINE, IFJIOJAYS General McReycplds for.the; resignation of Federal Judge THAT INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ; GALICIA AND, EASTERN FRANCE CHECKED BY BAD Charles F. Clemfms of Honolulu. The request, was withdrawn PRESENTED ;BY WITNESSES; FOR PROSECUTION this-'a- f ;'; " ' 1 PROSECUTION CLOSES CASE THIS MORNING. WEATHER GERMANY ORDERS INDEPENDENT INVES Some; Hope of Healing Villa- - ternobh. J :X ; '.v V.;; . position;1 -- - TIGATION OF RAZING OF LOUVAIN ZEPPELIN DROPS Carranza Split; "Pancho,? , Judge; Ciembns retains'. his He starts for home A- motion to Instruct the jury to station. The defendant should be pro - any '" MORE GERMAN oii Monday, st6n)mg in Montana for hiswife. ' ; acquit Jeff McCarn on the ground that tected from Jobbery. T BOMBS IN OSTEND BRITONS TAKE "r; is Silent'', v the testimony, given by, the witnesses Jeff McCarn arose at this point and ' : Mr.; ' POSSESSIONS IN PACIFIC REPORT; GERMAN, LOSS '' ' 'f':. The presideuf;. had instructed Gregory ;to review the for the prosecution is insufficient to made obJectoions alcng the . lines of charge Against those Mr. Lightfoot - : rAaaoclated.'' Press br;Fed. Wlreleaa.3 Cleihons ;case. S. ALBERT. sustain the the district of HEAVY AROUND VERDUN. v a being Offi- WASHINGTON. O. W Sept. 25. 4r attorney, and that there is no evidence f Upon further examined ' ' Secretary of War Garrison has order- of an assault this morning was pre cer Ferry said that he saw no blood, . .(Associated Press aerTlce by federal Wireless .1 . MUCH , ed General'. Funtton to withdraw hi SATISFACTION sented, to Judge William L. Whitney, on Hussman's hand. , . - 1 BEIILIIT, Qcrnmj, Sept. 25. (OScial) Only xninor engage: troops from Vera Crus In . 0 days. in whose court the trial of the district "Was McBride drunk' when you saw ; Although Jt la still hoped that the : attorney now is bcins conducted, by him?, asked Lightfoot. now taking place In the western arena or war. ; Al N ncnts are split between 'Generaf-Vill- a and Pro- m IS TO REM ON BENCH counsel for the defense. ; It was stated ,f"He didn't look like he'waa drunk," r - , ' , 1 o news received frcm Celnni-c- East Prussia. can"; be in motion1 most which the . ' has been visional President Carranxa " the that the answered Ferry. , ; ," '. hearty was patched ;up. Villa 1$. silent .with the Yfd and satisfaction evidence shows la that McCarn, mere- -- Hussman. pertiaps was Gennan goTemznekt has crdcrcdi an; Independent, jurist; to ' one of the r" .f The pro- expressed by Honolulu attorneys this of 1 exception that; ha .guarantees to ly was in possession a revolver. The most collected and f. circusistances surround- ' deliberate witness inake an extensive examination of all the tect foreigners whatever .may be he morning when the argument of the motion will be held es to be called to the stand since the of vandalism there. developments of the future!fs'.i.;rV ed a Cablegram' from its Washington before Judge Whitney at 9 o'clock to- opening of the trial. 1IU answers ing the destruction of Louvain and alleged acts C. were correspondent that 1'ederal Judge morrow, morning- - Jeff McCarn will explicit and straightrorward: In ex- be an F.'Clemons is to retained after conduct the majority of. the argument plaining how the gun Lappened to be--, ' f Elements Investigation by new 0 . llitlgale Aom:t 'W&M of his' case the for the defense. , come fastened' to his hand ha said VILSOW: AGAINST attorney-genera- l, Thomas W. Gregory -- LOirDOIT,. Eng., Ccpt. 25.Cncwstcrxns and inclement weather ; , The territory rested its case In the that wben he had Interfered in the' ot .Texas. of. District Attorney Jeff McCarn scuffle between McCarn-an- complete cessation war operations in and no trial McBride. have caused a of iace, "Gregory has shown that there la a few minutes after 11 o clock this he saw the- - revolver in the former's . v Xcrraine and rains and floods aro reported as cf similar effect in politics ln his office. mornmg'rilowing -- the taking of tes hand, that the" hammer ' had teen ;? "demons is vindicated,' , Galicia, Austria and France, the ccnrcqusnce being t& susr timony;, irom Police Officer W. D. drawn back and that McCarn rrt.-- en- Eastern ;!The; Hawaii Judiciary" looks safer Henry deavoring to point gun tows.: Mc- -. 1 Ferry and ' Hussman, the Toung the I Being politicians m. - pension cf hostile activities along a large part cf the lin2. from raided by; the Portuguese, woo is , aiiegea ; 10 nave Bride. Hussman - said that hi took -; r ; v v r 'JV'-.ff- .f Mc-Carn- 's now." ;i wrenched the revblter , from Jeff hold of the revolver and as ha did so-th- e As a result cf , the sufferings of soldiers, in the Xeld,'th3news ROW V These expressions nd seteri.1 eth hand while the district attor trigger was pulled,, the hammer papers are publishing appeals ; to all athletes to contribute the r ers of the sort 'heard this morning ney, and Claudius McBride were; strug- falling on the fleshy part of his hand show how news was received and sweaters' and warn xlcthes for the public cause. - General appeals the gling' on the . floor of the. corridor, of between the thumb and first flssr. Hi the view, that was taken of former At the federal building. The trial this '' During the direct examination Huss- are b::rg made for suitable clcthing to be sent to Franco.; President Lets It Be Understood: torneyKxeneral V'McReynoMs" demand morning was interrupted by frequent man 'was asked to speak a little loud- resignation Judge Clemons. - for the ol: verbal tilts between Attorney J.Ught-fqo- t er by Attorney LUMfoct. - " It Inopportune - ItcJy Azmzt Sivi$s Violalit;i v thinks . vJudge Clemons sailed for the main one of the counsel for the de- "Speak up,MvsaId.Litroct- - land on. August '14 otf way to'Wash a'-- his fense, and Attorney . K Andrews, spe V speak'. - l?v. 1 re- -- - and; Embarrassing "Please little tr," 1 ly, :pt; is' repcrted'that iwitrerland. has re- ington -- present his case before1 the attorney-genera- EO: , r CS.It to cial, assistant to the l quested Attorney Andrew a, need; be " v ' "llr. departmentof justice 'and It r : t:-::-"-- tLr'ee armycorps of the territory. ' Ughtfoot is gettln LIj ."7 fused a rc;u:':t by Germany for pcrmiesicn to.f'nd d Press by Federal eff WirelI be'-- " .1 tit rtimselt; Pol&e-- f V,' "i H I NGTON. D."C Sept. 25 J Officer' Fe?ryri!i' glviij hi re yeriitm' 'fefwlTaf fcip'peaed thV police a y -- -- - Tpmu!tyreaIderTtViJ5on's-- ? at any more tLan yen . ,r : ',7 :ed jT"ai3: - r--r- .Attorney nrrtvfcd - .that .Italy..will: i ITcCarn tid i station following the- "affair- In the retorted t!;e attcrrty- for C.l. : private recrrtary hja a(vrHttenr ta Nevr. d ' ington-an- according jto ?a cablegram federal ' building, said f that McBride Hus3man saiJ that' he tl gra..::i Jersey Democrata reqyesung tnat.Uiey f Star-Bulleti- n ti2 from' the correspondent and Hussman walked into the sheriffs McCarn's revolver - "in - ctd cr to pre- make no Indorsement of a second pres- went with the aaya at once' into conference office and , inqulred or Mr Rose'. At vent "any damage." He ideatiflel ths idential term for Wilson. He that 3: attorney-genera- l. v The Tact" that It had the t(mesaid 'Ferry,vHussman had a revolver and, .when snown. the cart- the President feels such action by the been persistently reported here1 that Attorey-Genera- revolver In one of his hahds and that ridges, said that they were about the LC:;Dw.., Lzg., Ccpt. C3. Th3 Eritish admiralty announce:? Demccrata now would be inopportune v l Th6mas' Watt' Mr. McCarn was strongly' opposed to and e.mt5rrasing.v Some might think Gregory of Texas, who Judge' the flesh between the thumb and fore same size as the ones which he had Qe , . ham-me- ! Judge demons remaismg on the fed the.t Er:t::!:.fcr::3 have captured Friceterich 7ilhelm Harbor, the K- finger was , caught between the f seen taken from the gun the police that the President Was taking advan- , Charles F.demons official O. - to at ; eral bench lenfadditlonal interest of piatol tEe cartridge cepital cf IIr:::r Wilhelmeland, German l.ew Guinea: tage of the present, extraordinary in- thereby reversing the decision of the and station. He had gone Immediately to developments that came with ra . ternational situation i to promote - his predecessor. : the. He further said that before he had the police station, he said, to prove in - - his was The- ccneentrated- at Herbertshche are' said to have K pid ity soon after mt. MeCarn time attempt remove gun Cemns political fortunes,'.; i.j - ' .
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