Australian Correspondence Chess Quarterly Australia Post No PPn 230594/00010 Correspondence Chess League of Australia Postal Address: GPO Box 2360, Sydney, NSW, 2001 Website: February 2017 Vol. 70 No. 1 pp 1-24 $4.00 Editor: Shaun Press ISSN 819-7806 2 Auburn St, Amaroo, ACT, 2914
[email protected] Despite the date on the masthead, I am actually writing this editorial in March. A combination of an over long holiday, and catching up with outstanding tasks, are the main reason for this. Unfortunately the latest of this issue has a knock on effect for other CCLA activities, as the February issue is the last one before the start of the yearly championship events. As a consequence the deadline for entries has been pushed back to the end of this month, with an early April starting date now being scheduled. While I my overseas trip did not contain much CC business (apart from trying to keep up with my own games), I ended up doing a bit of writing for other periodicals. Based on my own experience with this (and other magazines), I contributed a few articles, assuming that they would need all the copy they could get. I was therefore very surprised when they asked if they could hold over some of my articles for future editions, as they already had enough content for the current issue! This is a stark contrast with the ACCQ, which is beginning to shrink as a periodical. Officially it is a 32 page magazine, but in recent years some issues have only contained 24 pages, and in fact this is now happening more often than not.