Vol. 32, No. 3 Internat. J. Acarol. 287


Farid Faraji1 and Xavier Cornejo2 1. MITOX Consultants, P. O. Box 92260, 1090 AG Amsterdam, The Netherlands (e-mail: [email protected]); 2. Herbarium GUAY, Universidad de Guayaquil, Av. 25 de Julio via al Pto. Marítimo, P.O. Box 09-01-10634, Guayaquil, Ecuador (e-mail: [email protected]).

ABSTRACT - of the genus Hattena Domrow primarily inhabit flowers and found phoretic on flower-visiting . Hattena rhizophorae n. sp. (Ameroseiidae) from flowers is described and illus- trated herein. It is a new generic record for the American continent. Deutonymphs and adult stages of both sexes of H. rhizophorae were found in the flowers of red mangrove trees (Rhizophora mangle L., Rhizophoraceae) in Rio Chone estuary located in the province of Manabi, on the Pacific coast of Ecuador. A key to the species of Hattena and remarks on its characters are provided. Key words - Acari, Ameroseiidae, new species, Rhizophora flowers, Ecuador.

INTRODUCTION specimens) is deposited in the Australian National Insect Collection, Canberra (ANIC); British Museum (Natural Domrow (1963) erected the genus Hattena based on History), London, UK (BMNH); Museo de Zoología de la H. erosa Domrow collected from a bird in Indonesia. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Quito, Ecuador Halliday (1997) provided diagnosis for this genus and a (QCAZ); National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, key for 4 species found in Australia including 2 new spe- The Netherlands (RMNH) and US National Museum, cies. Hattena was previously known from 5 species found Washington, DC, USA (USNM). in southeastern Asia and Australia collected in association with flowers and flower-visiting animals (Halliday, DESCRIPTION 1997). In this paper, we describe and illustrate a sixth member of the genus, an allopatric species found in man- Hattena Domrow grove flowers in the Pacific coast of Ecuador, and provide a key to the known species of Hattena. Hattena Domrow, 1963: 202-203.

MATERIAL AND METHODS Diagnosis - Dorsal shield lightly sclerotized, with 25 or fewer pairs of setae; dorsal shield setae smooth and Flowers of a Rhizophora tree with large numbers of pointed (except Z5 in H. rhizophorae pectinate); sternal different stages of mites were collected and preserved in shield reduced, with 1 or 2 pairs of setae; genital shield 70% ETOH. Mites were later cleared in a 1:1 solution of widely separated from anal shield; insemination duct Nesbitt and lactophenol, mounted in Hoyer’s medium on unfused (modified from Halliday, 1997). microscope slides, and examined using phase contrast mi- croscope. Using a stage calibrated ocular micrometer, Hattena rhizophorae n. sp. measurements in micrometers were made of legs (base of (Figs. 1-17) coxae to tips of pretarsus) and setae (base of insertion to tip). The first measurement given is for the holotype fol- Diagnosis - Female dorsal shield with two pairs of lowed by the mean in parentheses, and for the male and distinct posterolateral incisions and 19 pairs of dorsal deutonymph, only the mean of measurements is given. setae; seta Z5 pectinate; lateral membrane with 7 pairs of Notations for dorsal idiosomal and ventral setae follow simple setae and 3 pairs of posterior setae. Christian and Karg (2006) and Lindquist (1994), respec- FEMALE (n = 10) (Figs. 1-7, 17C) - Dorsal idio- tively. The type material (preserved as slide-mounted soma (Fig. 1) - Idiosoma length 500(508), width 340 288 Faraji & Cornejo 2006

Figs. 1-7. Hattena rhizophorae n. sp. (holotype female) - 1. Dorsal view; 2. Ventral view; 3. Tritosternum; 4.Tectum; 5. Chelicera; 6. Spermatheca and duct; 7. Ventral view of gnathosoma.

(340); dorsal shield entire, 340(330) long, 200(192) wide Ventral idiosoma (Fig. 2) - All ventral setae sim- at i5 , faintly reticulate and punctate; with two pairs of dis- ple; tritosternum relatively short, 49(48) long, with paired tinct posterolateral incisions, one between s5 and S2, an- small laciniae, free for a short distance of total length and other at level of S5; dorsal shield with 19 pairs of dorsal slightly pilose (Fig. 3); area anterior to sternal shield cov- setae, anterior part with 13 (i1-5, z1-2, z4-5, s1-3, s5) and ered with tiny denticles; presternal region with a few posterior with 6 pairs of setae (I2, I4, Z5, S2-3, S5), dorsal faint, sclerotized lobes; sternal shield reduced and setae short, smooth, except Z5 pectinate; lateral mem- smooth, 58(54) long, 80(81) wide, with 2 pairs of sternal brane with 7 pairs of simple setae, namely r1-6, R1, and 3 setae, ST1 33(34) on shield and ST2 38(39) positioned on pairs of posterior setae R2-4. Lengths of dorsal, lateral and end of a narrow extension lateral to shield, ST3 39(38) and posterior membrane setae range between 7 and 11, s1 ST4 17(16), located between coxae III and genital shield; 11-12, Z5 10-11; dorsal shield with 10 and lateral mem- pores on sternal shield not visible but two pairs located on brane with 3 pairs of small pores; lateral membrane and soft cuticle posterior to ST2; genital shield 65(68), wide posterior part of idiosoma striate. near ST5, faintly punctate, with setae ST5 14(13) and a Vol. 32, No. 3 Internat. J. Acarol. 289

Figs. 8-13. Hattena rhizophorae n. sp. (male) - 8. Dorsal view; 9. Ventral view; 10. Tritosternum; 11. Tectum; 12.Ventral view of gnathosoma; 13.Chelicera. pair of pores at its posterior margin; anal shield roughly ternal posterior rostral setae 19(19), external 25(25), and triangular, 65(63) long, 60(62) wide, slightly reticulate, rostral setae 23(24), all simple; corniculi narrow; tectum with paranal setae 15(14) and postanal seta 12(12); anal rounded, marginally smooth, with three rows of denticles length 20(19); anus located in anterior part of shield; setae on its dorsum (Fig. 4); chelicera (Fig. 5) with fixed digit JV1 20(19), JV2 16(16), ZV2 14(13), JV5 10(9) and two 24(25) long and a tooth, movable digit edentate; palp pairs of pores located between genital and anal shields; apotele two-tined. peritreme finely striate and extending from seta r1 (poste- Legs - Leg I 320(313), leg II 280(277), leg III 300 rior margin of coxa I) to coxa IV; peritremal shield nar- (291), leg IV 360(354); setation of legs I-IV: coxae row and positioned only at posterior part of stigma; 2-2-2-1, trochanters 6-5-5-5, femora 12-9-6-6, genua spermatheca and duct as shown in Fig. 6; venter striated 12-11-9-9, tibiae 12-10-8-10; pretarsus of legs with between shields and coxae. empodium and claws; legs without any macrosetae. Gnathosoma - Base of gnathosoma with a mask- MALE (n = 5) (Figs. 8-13, 17B) - Idiosoma length shaped ornamentation (Fig. 7); hypostome with no visible 325, width 231; dorsal shield (Fig. 8) 311 long, 177 wide hypognathal rows of denticles; capitular setae 26(26), in- 290 Faraji & Cornejo 2006

Figs. 14-17. Hattena rhizophorae n. sp. (deutonymph) - 14. Dorsal view; 15. Ventral view; 16. Tritosternum; 17. Pretarsus leg I: A. deutonymph, B. male, C. female

(at i5 level), faintly reticulated and punctate; dorsal shield 10; setae JV1 13, JV2 13, ZV2 12, located between sternal with 21 pairs of setae, anterior part with 15 (i1-5, z1-2, z4-5, and anal shields, JV5 9, positioned at posterior margin of s1-3, s5, r1-2) and posterior part with 6 pairs of setae (I2, I4, idiosoma; peritreme similar to that of female but not Z5, S2-3, S5), all simple except Z5 pectinate, dorsal shield finely striate; hypostome similar to that of female but with also with 6 pairs of pores; lateral membrane with 6 pairs slightly thicker rostral setae (Fig. 12); tectum roughly tri- of simple marginal setae (r3-6, R1-2); length of dorsal and angular and dentate marginally and with 3 rows of small marginal setae ranging between 8 and 12, Z5 11; lateral denticles on its dorsum (Fig. 11); chelicera with fixed and ventral membrane striated; sternogenital shield (Fig. digit 17 long and two teeth, movable digit with one tooth, 9) 162 long and 90 wide (at ST2 level), with 5 pairs of spermatodactyl 31 long, (Fig. 13); leg I 252, II 226, III sternal setae, ST1 26, ST2 30, ST3 35, ST4 21, ST5 11, and 252, IV 331; dorsum of tibiae I and II, genua and femora 4 pairs of pores; anal shield smooth and triangular, 50 I, II and III with pectinate setae; coxa I with one, coxae II long and 50 wide, with paranal setae 11 and postanal seta and III each with two thickened setae; tritosternum 32 long, similar to that of female (Fig. 10). Vol. 32, No. 3 Internat. J. Acarol. 291

DEUTONYMPH (n = 3) (Figs. 14-16, 17A) - - Dorsal shield with more than 20 pairs of setae, Z5 Length of diosoma 329, width 234, without distinct dorsal smooth, other characters different...... 3 shield (Fig. 14), punctate and with some scattered 3. Dorsal shield with 23 pairs of dorsal setae, soft integu- reticulations, marginally striate; dorsum with 26 pairs of ment of dorsum with 2 pairs of lateral and 1 pairs of smooth setae (only Z5 pectinate) and 8 pairs of small posterior setae, Australia...... H. incisa Halliday pores; length of dorsal setae ranging between 5 and 10, Z5 - Dorsal shield with 25 pairs of dorsal setae, soft integu- 15; sternal shield (Fig. 15) 163 long, 82 wide (at ST2 ment of dorsum with 1 pair of lateral and 3 pairs of level), with 5 pairs of sternal setae ST1 25, ST2 25, ST3 21, posterior setae, Australia and Tonga...... ST4 10, ST5 8 and 3 pairs of pores; anal shield similar to ...... H. panolpa Domrow that of male, 50 long, 52 wide, with paranal setae 10 and 4. Dorsal shield with 18 pairs of dorsal setae, soft integu- postanal seta 10; setae JV1 16, JV2 13, JV5 5, ZV2 9, sur- ment of dorsum with 7 pairs of lateral and 9 pairs of rounding anal shield; peritreme similar to that of male but posterior setae, Australia...... H. floricola Halliday without posterior peritremal plate; leg I 284, II 286, III - Dorsal shield with more than 18 pairs of dorsal setae, 248, IV 294; tritosternum 43 long, similar to that of fe- other characters different...... 5 male (Fig. 16). 5. Dorsal shield with 19 pairs of dorsal setae, soft integu- Types - Holotype female, (QCAZ). Paratypes: 3 fe- ment of dorsum with 15 pairs of lateral and 3-5 pairs males, 2 male, 1 deutonymph (QCAZ); 3 females, 1 male, of posterior setae, Australia...... 1 deutonymph (ANIC); 3 females, 1 male, 1 deutonymph ...... H. cometis Domrow (RMNH); 3 females, 1 male (BMNH); 3 females, 1 male - Dorsal shield with 21 pairs of dorsal setae, soft integu- (USNM). All types collected in Ecuador, Province of ment of dorsum with 16 pairs of lateral and no pairs Manabí, Río Chone estuary, Punta Blanca Mangrove, of posterior setae, Indonesia...... H. erosa Domrow Bahía de Caraquez, km 8.5 on road to Tosagua, on flow- ers of red mangrove Rhizophora, sea level, 3 September ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 2004, collected by Xavier Cornejo, Herbarium GUAY: coll. no. 7889. We are indebted to Dr. V. Prasad, West Bloomfield, Etymology - The epithet of this new species refers Michigan, USA and Dr. E. A. Ueckermann, Pretoria, to its unique association with flowers of Rhizophora South Africa for their comments and critical review of an (Rhizophoraceae). earlier version of the manuscript. We are also thankful to Comments - In Halliday's (1997) diagnosis and key Dr. Barry OConnor, Ann Arbor, USA for comments on for Hattena, he emphasized lack of tarsal claws on all legs ambulacra. and smooth posterodorsal shield setae as two main mor- phological characters. We have shown that in H. REFERENCES rhizophorae seta Z5 is pectinate and we have observed claws on all tarsi of all known stages of this species. In Christian, A. and W. Karg. 2006. The predatory ge- Domrow’s (1979) descriptions, there is no such claim and nus Lasioseius Berlese, 1916 (Acarina, Gamasina). in his figures for H. cometis Domrow claws are depicted. Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus. Görlitz, 77(2): 99-250. It can, however, be argued that the claw in this case origi- Domrow, R. 1963. New records and species of Austro- nated from the small sclerotized extensions of the mid- malayan laelapid mites. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South piece of the ambulacra (Barry OConnor, pers. comm.), Wales, 88: 199-220. but whatever the origin, the statement “without claws” Domrow, R. 1979. Ascid and ameroseiid mites phoretic can be confusing when determining generic placement. on Australian mammals and birds. Rec. West. Aus. Mus. 8: 97-116. Key to the known species of Hattena (female) Halliday, R. B. 1997. Revision of the Australian Ameroseiidae (Acarina: ). Invert. 1. Dorsal shield with posterolateral incisions...... 2 Taxon. 10: 179-201. - Dorsal shield without posterolateral incisions...... 4 Lindquist, E. E. 1994. Some observations on the 2. Dorsal shield with 19 pairs of dorsal setae, soft integu- chaetotaxy of the caudal body region of gamasine ment of dorsum with 7 pairs of lateral and 3 pairs of mites (Acari: Mesostigmata), with a modified nota- posterior setae, Z5 pectinate, coastal Ecuador, South tion for some ventrolateral body setae. Acarologia, America...... H. rhizophorae n. sp. 35: 323-326.
