These Boats Are Inflated Bullock Skins Used on the Sutlej River in the Himalayas
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GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Pub. Photo Service UNIQUE FERRY BOATS These boats are inflated bullock skins used on the Sutlej River in the Himalayas. Into such remote regions as this the gospel message must penetrate. • I 11111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIll I /III I,IIIIIIII I II I IIII IIIII I I111111Ilinlll111II IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII II II1111nurlIIIIIIIIIII IIm1II11111II11111111111IIS1USIn11I!IIlfllIIIIIIIIIIImiI117Im IIIIIIIIIIIn111 pIIpnlnnllII UESTIONS NSWERED mni num! uniiiiinirmillThinunair Only a small percentage of the many questions received can be answered in this corner. An eff rt is made to select only such from the many as will he most helpful and of general interest to all the readers of the paper. Christ and the Law observe, that observe and do ; but do w o " take delight in approaching to " Are not the Gospels, and the books not ye after their works : for they say, G d." of Romans, Galatians, Hebrews, in and do not." Matt. 23: 2, 3. urther, in verses 12-14, we have a, fact, the whole New Testonent, a Again we read in Acts 17 : 30, 31: PP cial call to turn away our feet from corroboration of Matthew 5: 17,— " The times of this ignorance God tr mpling- upon God's Sabbath. This Christ the living law by faith versus winked at; but now commandeth all is indicated also, as we have seen, in the written law of ten commandments men everywhere to repent : because He p niel 7: 25, for there is set a limit by works; and by accepting Christ is hath appointed a day, in the which to the time when God's people and not the spiritual law imparted to the He will judge the world." s law were to be given into the believer? " The Sabbath has long been trampled ha ds of the papacy. That time ex- We have no hesitation in assenting underfoot, but God now calls for a pi ed in 1798 A. D., and though there reformation in that respect. In Isaiah fully to this if we may substitute " in- ha e always been a few faithful wit- 58: 1, 2, we have a prophetic call to stead of " for " versus," which means ne ses to the perpetuity of the Bible against. Christ is not against any- God's people to repent. Note espe- bath, it was not until this side of cially verse 2, which makes it clear thing except sin. His mission was not 8 that a people were raised up to to abolish the law, but to magnify that this call is directed to a people gi e the Sabbath message to all the and make it honorable. (See Isa. 42 : rld. To-day this work is being e. In almost every land, indeed 21.) He came " that the righteous- The Comforter 1:10 ness of the law might be fulfilled in lit rally in every land, if we take BY MRS. LOTTIE B. QUINN us, who walk not after the flesh, but ac ount of what our literature is after the Spirit." Rom. 8 : 4. WHEN Jesus left this world of woe, do ng, is the message being given : And back to heaven went, ear God, and give glory to Him; Why Do Good Men Keep Sunday? . Knowing the power of our foe, fo the hour of His judgment is come : " What is the explanation of the He the Holy Spirit sent. On worship Him that made heaven, fact that very many really pious, sin- " I will not leave you comfortless," an earth, and the sea, and the foun- cere Christians, who are also well Was the sure promise given, to s of waters." Rev. 14: 7. Here learned in the Bible and kindred sub- And so to us was sent the best we have almost word for ward a part jects, some of them bishops, some gos- Of all the gifts of heaven. Of the fourth commandment. pel ministers, some laymen, although Oft in the busy rush of life he fact that good men are unwill- they have both much Bible knowledge Is felt the Spirit's plea, in to confess their errors and array and real sincerity, observe Sunday in- If Come, leave the tumult and the strife, th mselves upon the side of an un- And rest awhile with Me. stead of the Sabbath? " Po ular truth, proves nothing except The explanation of the fact that I'll lead you into pastures green, th perversity of the human heart. Sunday has long been so generally ob- Where you can truly rest, 13 t we cannot doubt God's message, served, and that to-day many good By waters still, where you can drink, are we called upon to judge other people still keep that day, will be And your tired soul refresh. to n. God alone is judge. As we found in Daniel 7 : 25 : " He shall When you are rested, I will speak Ie n from Revelation 18 : 4, there is speak great words against the Most To you of heavenly things; ye to go forth in mighty power a call High, and shall wear out the saints of For Jesus sent Me here to seek, to all God's children to come out of the Most High, and think to change And real true comfort bring." GC abylon." When that call goes times and laws : and they shall be In all our sorrow He is near fo th in power, those who are indeed given into his hand until a time and To soothe and help and heal; an in truth God's people will recog- times and the dividing of time." Never was earthly friend more dear, ni e it as His call and will obey it. The power described in this verse is His presence we can feel. Al others will be judged as God only fee is right. Our duty is to accept the papacy. To this agree Clarke, We lose so much of peace, and joy Barnes, Scott, and many other com- By turning a deaf ear y as we see it, regardless of what mentators. God has always allowed So often to the Spirit's voice, ers may do. Refusing Him to hear. matters to develop, to take their nat- 9 4 5* ural course, that it might be shown " My Holy Spirit do not grieve," how utterly unfitted men are to rule This warning we' are given,- AY it not be that at this very hour this world according to the divine " Lest He from you shall.take His leave, yo are being proved*, Do not look order. We all know how corrupt and And you be lost to heaven." ar und, or within, or down to the desperately wicked His people became ea th, but look into His face, calm Soon Christ will come in glory bright, before He suffered them to be carried The conflict will be o'er; in the consciousness of divine suffi- away captive to Babylon ; also how Our faith will then be turned to sight, Cie cy, and say, Lord, human re- entirely unworthy were the scribes and And sin shall reign no more. So rces have given out, now show what Pharisees of Christ's time, and yet of Th u canst do ! Jesus always has an them our Saviour said : " The scribes Come, Holy Spirit, to my heart, ex edient : He is never troubled with Abide with me each day, and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat : And nevermore from me depart, th slightest hesitation. He always all therefore whatsoever they bid you Stay with me all the way. kn ws what He will do.— F. B. Meyer. .„ - .vi'. ,- y ' , . Zfie yttottit+ , ,•,--, all 5abb el) / El In › (---,---y--;-\ "2- . ya t) rely i sa HE IS THE PATIENCE OF THE SAINTS: HERE ARE THEY THAT KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF 00o, AND THE FAITH OF JESUS. REV. 14:12 .-.....• Vol. 106, No. 11 Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., March 14, 1929 One Year, $2.50 Printed and published every Thursday by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, at Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., U. S. A. Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903, at the post office at Washington, IT. C., under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized on June 22, 1918. Behold, He Cometh! Seven Significant Signs of Christ's Return By THE EDITOR THE word of prophecy tells us of Christ the Lord. We enumerate these " judgment is turned away backward, many conditions which will exist in in the following order : and justice standeth afar off : for truth the world just prior to the coming of I. The Social World Sign is fallen in the street, and equity the Lord, conditions by which we may cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth ; and The Master likens the days of the know that we are living in the very he that departeth from evil maketh coming of the Son of man unto the closing days of earth's history. We himself a prey : and the Lord saw it, are told of signs in the heavens above, days of Noah and of Lot. In those and it displeased Him that there was ancient periods the hearts of men were in the physical, social, industrial, no judgment." Isa. 59 : 14, 15. The engrossed with the physical and the political, and religious worlds, and we conditions we see in society to-day con- materialistic. They ate, they drank, see these signs to-day.