Benthic Invertebrate Fauna, Small Streams
Benthic Invertebrate Fauna, Small Streams J Bruce Wallace, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA S L Eggert, USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station, Grand Rapids, MN, USA ã 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Introduction invertebrate taxa have been recorded in a mountain stream on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea. Small streams (first- through third-order streams) Incredibly, there are many headwater invertebrate spe- make up >98% of the total number of stream seg- cies that remain undescribed in both isolated and popu- ments and >86% of stream length in many drainage lated regions of the world. networks. Small streams occur over a wide array of With the great diversity of foods available for con- climates, geology, and biomes, which influence tem- sumption by invertebrates (i.e., deposited and retained perature, hydrologic regimes, water chemistry, light, on substrates, or suspended in the water column), it is substrate, stream permanence, a basin’s terrestrial not surprising that invertebrates have evolved diverse plant cover, and food base of a given stream. Small morphobehavioral mechanisms for exploiting food streams are generally most abundant in the upper resources. Their diverse feeding behaviors have been reaches of a basin, but they can also be found through- lumped into a broad functional classification scheme, out the basin and may enter directly into larger rivers. which is based on mechanisms used by invertebrates to They have maximum interface with the terrestrial acquire foods. These functional groups are as follows: environment, and in most temperate and tropical cli- scrapers, animals adapted to graze or scrape materials mates they may receive large inputs of terrestrial, or (periphyton, or attached algae, fine particulate organic allochthonous, organic matter (e.g., leaves, wood) matter, and its associated microbiota) from mineral from the surrounding plant communities.
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