th 7 MAY 2020 TA TABLET

Inside this issue: Two events this Thursday evening…Pop Up Pot and Surplus Stall under the bunting this Friday VE Day…Facemasks – make your own…Social History and the Wars… Still serving you… Scammers have come local… New chat services…Plant Sale coming up soon…Another great potato recipe…Have you heard a cuckoo?…VE Day this Friday…TA contacts

Two events for this Thursday evening

At 8.00 pm, our own orchestra will say thanks to all Key workers.

This will be followed at about 8.45 pm. by the emergence in the night sky of a Super Moon, known as the Flower Moon. The May full moon is traditionally known as the Flower Moon simply because it appears at the time of blossoming flowers. During a supermoon, the diameter of the moon can appear to be about 14 per cent greater than an average full moon. It will be in the sky all night, and will not set again until about 6.10 am the following morning, offering plenty of time for you to catch a glimpse.

Pop Up Pot and Surplus Stall VE Day Friday 8th May 2020 11.00 – 13.00 Fern Hollow, 5 Balls Lane Come and browse under the bunting!

Collect some of Pete’s potatoes and other surpluses Bring along any surpluses you may have Enjoy a poured glass of cordial! No exchange of money Social distancing rules apply Pick up a pattern for a Face Mask, with instructions on how to make it as well Any food left after the stall will be taken to Food Bank Any plants left will be taken to the BFC Plant Stall

Joke of the week

Come along to the Pop-Up Stall on Friday and pick up a pattern and instructions on how to make a face mask. It need not be clinical in its appearance – you can make it a fashion accessory!

Social history and the wars Commonwealth countries. The medal (Eds note: details kindly provided by Henry’s was instituted in 1854, during the grandson, a resident of Thursford. He only Crimean War. knew part of this story before contact was made by the medal collector.)

Henry was born in 1890 and died in 1971, he lived in Sunderland. He had a distinguished campaign in WW1 and his war medals, all 5 of them, have just popped up in an auction in the United States. He was initially in the West Riding Regiment where he received a pair of DCMs and an MM. All were forfeited when he deserted in 1917. However, the story continues as he re-entered the war in February 1919 and lost no time in winning a replacement DCM and MM. He was recorded as still serving in 1921. The DCM is an extremely high- level award for bravery. It was a second level military decoration awarded to ranks of the British Army and formerly also to non- . commissioned personnel of other The bravery story continues as only 13 and just walked south as he Henry’s son, born in 1921 could not wanted to avoid working in the mines fight in WWII as he was badly burnt as of the north country. He settled in St a child and most of his body was Albans and died in 1999. covered in scars. He left home, age

Still serving you! Something Special Unit A Feathers Yard, Holt. This amazing little Aladdin’s Cave packed with material, haberdashery and knitting wools is currently closed. However, you can always give them a call and as well they are open on a Friday morning. Note that you have to knock on the door and wave! Tel 10263 804165 Strawberries A 148 on the way to Holt They are now open every day. [email protected] Tel 07775525817 and Fakenham Thursday Market We asked Fakenham Town Council (they have the market rights in the town) if they had any plans to reopen the market. The market is being discussed at a meeting next week and we will be told if and when it will re-opening. County Council have recently announced that they will be opening some of their larger recycling centres next week.

Scammers are everywhere – hear someone’s experience. A phone call received – trying to obtain personal information The website to report this is This links directly into the National Fraud and Cyber Centre where they log all attempted frauds and scams. Tel 0300 1232040 and you will be given a crime number and this will be followed by a letter concerning the crime.

New Chat Services available The Pandora Project, which offers advice, support and information to adults and children affected by domestic abuse, working across West and , have launched a new on line live chat service to support victims of domestic abuse. The service is currently available Monday to Friday, 1-3pm with 3 operators working simultaneously to offer advice and support around domestic abuse issues. Victim Support launched its new Live Chat service at the end of April. This 24/7 online support service will be available to all victims of crime in . This will meet the support needs for all victims of crime such as those impacted by Hate Crime, Scams & Fraud and Domestic Abuse. Visit for more information.

A reminder about the May 16th Plant Sale being organised by the Food Production Club Anyone who has grown or prepared plants for the Plant Sale and would still like to donate them to the Club - please leave them on my driveway at 89, The Street, Barney at any time between now and 14th May. A list will be sent round of all plants received and if you would like any, you can ring or telephone regarding what you would like. The plants will be set aside with your name on them and the cost. You will receive an email or telephone call with a time to collect. There will be a box for you to put your money. This will maintain social distancing, save plants from being binned and allow them to be shared among members of the Club and friends. Make sure you name the plants you are donating! Telephone number to ring is 01328 878822583

For Pete’s potatoes Here is the most delicious potato recipe from Australia. It has been used many times and is not only tasty but goes superbly with fairly plain main courses - grills, fish and cold roast meats.

Italian (Roasted Garlic Parmesan) Potatoes Serves 4 - as a side dish Ingredients: Butter for greasing the dish 900 g old potatoes; 60 ml olive oil; 1 tsp Italian seasoning; 4 crushed garlic cloves 35 g grated Parmesan; Salt and pepper; Parsley to serve (optional) Seasonings can all be adjusted to taste. Method: Preheat oven to 200 degrees C (fan) and generously butter an ovenproof dish. Peel potatoes, cut in half lengthwise, then lay each half flat and slice lengthways into centimetre wide moons. (No wider in order to get well cooked in the time). Place potatoes in a mixing bowl and toss with 30 ml (2 tbsp) olive oil, seasoning, garlic, 1 tsp salt, half tsp black pepper and half the Parmesan. Pour into the dish, scraping out the bowl. Sprinkle 1 tbsp Parmesan over the top and drizzle with 1 tbsp oil. Bake for 30 minutes, then remove from the oven and sprinkle the remaining Parmesan on top, and drizzle with remaining oil if necessary. Bake 25 minutes more. Toss well and season to taste with more salt and pepper if needed.

Have you heard a cuckoo this year? We would be interested to know when you heard your first cuckoo call. The cuckoo flies from Africa and generally arrives mid-April. Eds Note: I heard my first cuckoo call on 4th May and the earliest I have ever heard a cuckoo is 16th April

VE Day on Friday 8th May The Union Jack will be flown on the Village Green. Some houses will decorate their front gardens with bunting. With members of the public unable to attend VE Day 75 events, The Royal British Legion is playing a central role in the delivery of a range of remote activity, including a live VE Day 75 livestream at 11.15am; a Two Minute Silence at 11.00; a UK-wide singalong to Vera Lynn’s ‘We’ll Meet Again at 9pm; an evening of memories and music in partnership with the BBC from 8pm on BBC One

Thursford Assist (TA) is publishing this regular newsletter (TA Tablet) during the Coronavirus pandemic. We will send this to you but you will also find it on the website. It is currently not possible to deliver a hardcopy but if you know of someone who would like a hard copy – let us know. Also, we look forward to your comments and feedback for our newsletter so contact [email protected] (editor). Just need a telephone chat or shopping? Call 01328 878476 or 07826067035