"Les Misérables," of Victor Hugo
VICTOR HUGO. SCENES AND CNARACTEES PHOTOGRAPHED BY A. A. TURNER, AFTER THE ORIGINAL DESIGNS OF G. "JBRION. NET YORE : Carleion, Publisher, 41 3 Broadway. PAEIS: PAGNEERE. III DCCC LXIII. Entetbd according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by QEO. TV. CARLETON, in the Clerk's Omce of tho District Court of the United States for the Southeln Disttict of New Pork R CRAIGLIRAD, Pr~nter,Stereotyper, al~dZRI~ctrotyper, Ezrtolt j3utIbu1g, 81.83, nnd 85 Cer~lreSlrecl The American Publisher of Les blidrables feels that in tho reproduction of the admirable drawings of ill.Brion, he is but fulfilling a portion of his undertaking to afford to the American people as nearly as possible the same facilities which the French people enjoy for the exhaustive study of the master-piece of the century. These magnificent designs, multiplied by the most perfect and costly process known to the graphic art, are not mere illustrations of the immortal work; they are its authoritative interpretation, as is attested by the following letter received soon after the publication of Marius from Victor Hugo himself. Letter from Victor Hugo to tho Publishers, HAUTEVILLEHOUSE,July 19th, 1862. J~ESSIEURS:-I continue to applaud the admirable work of 3. Brion. His latest designs: Little Cosetts, Father Fauchelevent, Jean Valjean in the Grave, the Death of the Colonel, the Two Children under the Truck, provo aprofound and successful study of tlie book. A grand effect, very striking, and very melan- choly, is that of Napoleon returning towards Waterloo. In my opinion 31. Brion is becoming more and more successful in this translation, for wllich he unites a multitude of diverse qualifications His is a fine talent ;tlle success which he has obtained is deserved, and I am 11:q)pyto be tho occasion of it.
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