An Analysis of Romanticism in Victor Hugo's Les Miserables
AN ANALYSIS OF ROMANTICISM IN VICTOR HUGO’S LES MISERABLES A Thesis By Yayang M. Naibaho Reg No. 020705038 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY OF LETTERS UNIVERSITY OF NORTH SUMATRA MEDAN 2008 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Praise, honor, and glory to the Lord who has given me a great opportunity to study in University of North Sumatra and helped me to accomplish this thesis. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to my supervisors, Dra. Martha Pardede, MS, and Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M. Hum, for their constructive critics and suggestions in supervising this thesis. I would also thank all lecturers in the Faculty of literature of University of North Sumatra. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude and love to my family: T. br Sitohang (grandmother), Asiah (mother), G. Naibaho (Uncle), D. Naibaho (Aunt), Martina Samosir (cousin), and my lovely sister Lina Naibaho. Thank you for every support, care, encouragement, advice, and love. I would like to thank my friends in small group “Metanoia-Megumi” (K’Selly, K’Fristianty, Timbul, B’Rudi, Luther, Maringan, K’Anna, K’Astri, K’Mega, and K’Melda). It is a blessing for me to have you in my life! Thank you also for my sisters in small group “Wonderful Grace” (Ane, Asna, Emmy, Pink-Pink, Putri, and Swarni). Thanks for the warm friendship and wonderful time we spend together. Thank you for lots of friends in KMK FS that I cannot mention all here, especially for K’Novi (Thanks for not give up in encouraging me to accomplish this thesis), Ika, Era, Juwita, Lely, Lita, Juleo, Ganda, Hotman, Febri, Shera, Mona, Ivan, and Santa.
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