Shakespeare and the Nobility: the Negotiation of Lineage Catherine Grace Canino Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87291-1 - Shakespeare and the Nobility: The Negotiation of Lineage Catherine Grace Canino Index More information Index Abergavennys 114 Battle of Agincourt 229 Abrahall, John of Gylough 130 Battle of Barnet 107 Adams, Simon 27 Battle of Bosworth Field 7, 12, 181, 186 Adamson, John 232 Battle of Calais 97 Admiral’s Men 1 Battle of Flodden Field 154 Aeneas 166 Battle of Harfleur 222 Anderson, Andrew 72 Battle of Northampton 34, 205 Anstis, John 148 Battle of Orleans 131, 139, 140, 142 Archbold, W. A. J. 198 Battle of Ronuray 139 Ardens 24, 30, 115, 125, 205, 223 Battle of St. Albans 120, 121, 164 Arden, Barbara 115 Battle of Shrewsbury 222 aristocracy 227, 228 Battle of Stoke 86, 132 attire of 225 Battle of Zutphen 189 celebrity status of 39–40, 224–226 Beauchamps 8, 23, 125 economic effect of 225 Beauchamp, Anne, Countess of Warwick 105, Elizabeth I and 232 125 entertainments of 225 Beauchamp, Margaret, Countess of feuds between 169–170 Shrewsbury 130 importance of family 3–5 Beauchamp, Richard, thirteenth Earl of importance of lineage (see also genealogy) 5 Warwick 105, 110, 126 legal rights 231–232 in 1HenryVI109–111, 113, 117, 127 portrayal in chronicles 14–15, 29 Beauforts 7, 8, 34, 52, 103, 155 portrayal in history plays 2–3, 15–18 Beaufort, Edmund, Duke of Somerset 34, 76, power of 222–223 77, 78, 81, 84–85, 109, 110, 117, 123, 125, recreation of medieval aristocracy 226–227 131, 134, 165, 205, 206, 207 titular lineage 8–10, 230 Beaufort, Henry, second Earl of Somerset 9, under Tudors 11–12, 227 10 Arston, Peter 158, 174 Beaufort, Henry, Cardinal, Bishop of Armada of Spain 43, 116, 158, 166, 200 Winchester 80, 81, 82, 112–113 Ascham, Roger 13 in 1HenryVI109, 110, 113, 207 Aspall, Robert 151 in Contention/ 2 Henry VI 112–113, 117, 120, Atkinson, Ant.
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