The Crusader Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia #331 Read inside: January 2019: Month of the - The Little Flower p. 4 Holy Family - Eucharistic devotion p. 6 - The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary p. 8 - English and Welsh Martyrs: Venerable William Carter p. 10 For Catholic - Kindness: the Bloom of Charity p. 12 - Holy Souls Corner p. 13 - My Catholic Faith - The Nativity p. 14 Families 2 The Crusader January 2019 The Saint Saint Martina of the Martyr month († 226) aint Martina, a Roman virgin, her hands was the child of a noble Chris- and feet to S tian consul, of whom it was posts. When, said that he was extremely one day lat- merciful towards the poor, and very er, she was zealous for faith in the Most Holy taken to a Trinity. His daughter lost both her temple of parents while she was still very Diana, the young, and for love of Christ she demon left amid horrible screams. distributed all she inherited to the Fire from Heaven fell and burnt the poor, that she might be more free to idol, which in tumbling crushed hasten towards martyrdom, during many of its priests and pagan wor- the persecution which had recently shippers. Saint Martina, after suf- begun. fering other tortures and being spared by an en- Under the emperor Alexander raged lion and a fiery furnace, was Severus she was discovered in a finally beheaded. Her death oc- church one day by three officers of a curred during the fourth year of search party, and commanded to Alexander Severus. follow them to a temple of Apollo. She cheerfully agreed, saying she Her relics were found in 1634, would do so after praying for a short during the papacy of Urban VIII, time and taking leave of her bishop. near the Mamertine Prison, with The officers reported their important those of several other martyrs. All capture to the emperor, believing were placed in a beautiful church she would readily renounce her dedicated to Saint Martina in the faith. But when he ordered her to Roman Forum. Urban VIII spared speak, she replied that she would no efforts in promoting her sacrifice to none other than the true veneration; and through his God, and never to idols, the solicitude the Office was enhanced handiwork of men. She was tortured with hymns for Matins and Lauds. by iron hooks, but her executioners In these we read that her soul rose were thrown to the ground amid a to Heaven, where she was seen great light as she prayed, and arose afterwards upon a royal throne, converted, like Saint Paul, to the while the Blessed sang praises to Christian faith. God. She was tormented again the Saint Martina’s feastday following day before the emperor, is on 30th January cruelly scourged while attached by January 2019 The Crusader 3 FROM THE CHAPLAIN you where asked to do; but Jesus and Mary will know Dear Crusaders and Friends, and will smile upon you. No one has to know that you I hope that you have all had a truly happy and picked up after them when they have left things untidy blessed Christmas. It really is amazing to think that Je- or out of place; but Jesus and Mary will know and sus came all those years ago decorate your soul with to save poor sinners. Let His goodness remind us of the choice graces. No one has to know that you did their good that we might do for sinners as well. It is nice to chores for them when they were being lazy or disobedi- get, get, get, but when we see Jesus giving up ent; but Jesus and Mary will know and will help you car- “everything” to make us spiritually happy, we can’t ry all of your crosses with help but want to do the supernatural joy. No one has to know…. same. You however will not be able to give up as much So many things that I can think to say. So many as Jesus or Mary. Neverthe- less, I pray that you may be things that you can think of that I would never think of. quick and generous in mak- ing little sacrifices for Jesus Be generous in making these sacrifices with Jesus and Mary during these holi- days. and Mary and they will al- No one has to know ways be generous back to you in spiritual treasure for that you denied yourself a biscuit or lolly when every- your own soul and for the souls of poor sinners that one else was having one; but Jesus and Mary will know you wish so much to help. May God bless you and and will draw you closer to their hearts. No one has to keep you this Christmas sea- son. know that you obeyed right Yours in Jesus & Mary, away with a smile even Fr. Campbell though you disliked what 4 The Crusader January 2019 THE LITTLE FLOWER The story of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus By Mary Fabyan Windeatt PRECIOUS CROSSES his was a dreadful cross, one full of could spend many hours every day with her “Little suffering and humiliation. Their beloved Mother.” Alas! The new duties brought an T father was no longer himself! From now on unexpected sorrow. Carmelites may speak with he would have to be cared for by strangers! one another only twice a day, at recreation, and Immediately, Thérèse thought of the words Papa now it became very difficult for her not to break had spoken only recently, the words that had told this rule. How her heart ached for the chance to them he had offered himself as a victim for talk with Pauline, particularly about Papa! Had she sinners. She thought of something else, too—of heard any news? Did she think he would be well that far-off day when she was six years old and again some day? Was she still interested in her? had seen the old man walking in the garden with a Was she doing well as a novice? heavy veil over his head. Had the time finally come for her to understand this strange vision? But Thérèse said nothing. Although the Prioress Yes, she told herself. Papa had joined them in the would readily have granted permission for the two Carmelite vocation, and therefore they should not of them to speak, she did not ask for the privilege. grieve over his holiness. Rather, they should pray Wasn’t perpetual sacrifice the mark of life in for an increase in faith, so that they might Carmel? Wasn ’t it the coin with which sinners welcome this cross for the great treasure it was. could be ransomed? Yes—and she had no desire to let this wonderful coin slip through her fingers. Thérèse tried to express these feelings in a letter to Céline: There was another sacrifice which fell to her lot, one of a totally different nature. It concerned an “Far from making any complaint to Our old nun, Sister Saint Peter, who was badly crippled Saviour of the cross He has sent us, I cannot and needed help to arrive at the refectory. Each comprehend the infinite love that has urged evening as they knelt in prayer in the chapel, Thé- Him to deal thus with us. Our father must be rèse would watch for a sign that Sister Saint Peter greatly loved by God, since he has so much was ready to be taken to supper. As soon as she to suffer. What a delight to share in his saw her shake her hour glass, she would hurry to humiliation!” her side. Shortly after her Clothing Day she was given some She needed a great deal of courage for this task. new duties. No longer was she to work in the linen Sister Saint Peter suffered from rheumatism, which made her cross and irritable, and she was not at all sure that Thérèse could lead her safely to the refectory. “You’re too young,” she would mumble. “Sixteen years… a mere child! You’ll walk too fast and I’ll fall.” Thérèse would smile at the poor old soul and gently help her to her feet. “I’ll go very slow,” she promised. “Just wait and see, Sister.” room with the Novice Mistress. From now on her Alas! Sister Saint Peter was never satisfied. Either tasks would lie in the refectory, or dining room. she went too fast and she feared she was going to She was to assist Pauline in keeping this room neat fall, or she did not go fast enough. and clean, in seeing that places were properly set “You’re not holding me!” she would exclaim at mealtime, the glasses filled with water, and suddenly. “I don’t feel your hand! Oh, Sister Thé- bread distributed to each Sister. rèse, I knew you were too young to take care of me Because the will of the Prioress was for each of us properly!” the Will of God, she made no comment on this In such a fashion they made their way to the change of tasks. Indeed, some might have thought refectory before the other nuns. But even then her she had been given a real favour, for now she January 2019 The Crusader 5 task was not finished. Sister Saint Peter had to be Christ’s sufferings and death on Calvary. Then one helped into her place in a certain way. Then her night she found that someone had taken the little sleeves had to be turned back, also in a certain lamp from her cell.
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