Hydraulic Conductivity and Shear Strength of Dune Sand–Bentonite Mixtures M. K. Gueddouda Department of Civil Engineering, University Amar Teledji Laghouat Algeria
[email protected] [email protected] Md. Lamara Department of Civil Engineering, University Amar Teledji Laghouat Algeria
[email protected] Nabil Aboubaker Department of Civil Engineering, University Aboubaker Belkaid, Tlemcen Algeria
[email protected] Said Taibi Laboratoire Ondes et Milieux Complexes, CNRS FRE 3102, Univ. Le Havre, France
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT Compacted layers of sand-bentonite mixtures have been proposed and used in a variety of geotechnical structures as engineered barriers for the enhancement of impervious landfill liners, cores of zoned earth dams and radioactive waste repository systems. In the practice we will try to get an economical mixture that satisfies the hydraulic and mechanical requirements. The effects of the bentonite additions are reflected in lower water permeability, and acceptable shear strength. In order to get an adequate dune sand bentonite mixtures, an investigation relative to the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour is carried out in this study for different mixtures. According to the result obtained, the adequate percentage of bentonite should be between 12% and 15 %, which result in a hydraulic conductivity less than 10–6 cm/s, and good shear strength. KEYWORDS: Dune sand, Bentonite, Hydraulic conductivity, shear strength, insulation barriers INTRODUCTION Rapid technological advances and population needs lead to the generation of increasingly hazardous wastes. The society should face two fundamental issues, the environment protection and the pollution risk control.