Soweto Urban News
.,1*'20'2256 *$5$*('2256 6(&85,7<'2256 0XOWLORFNLQJ6WHHO6HFXULW\'RRU ,GHDOIRULQWHUQDO 1RZ 'HV DQGH[WHUQDOGRRUV ,QFOXGHV 0XOWL/RFNLQJ3RLQWV ($&+ +LQJH6HFXULW\.H\V 50,1,080385&+$6( 6HFXULW\)UDPHV+DQGOHV 125(78516125()81'6 6L]H : [ + 25(;&+$1*(6 /(1$6,$ (9$7213/$=$ Friday 21 August, 2020 926/22586&5266,1* Alleged cough syrup thief get served mob justice Vicky Mabotha jured. Just when the suspects were mak- ing their way out, they were met with With reports on codeine abuse, the po- concerned community members and one lice are left with no choice but to suspect managed to flee while the other one was any robbery involving flu and cough caught and beaten up by an angry mob syrup to be a potential criminal activity outside the Pharmacy,” he added. related to Codeine abuse. Codeine is a The female employee received med- prescription opioid drug that treats mild ical attention whilst the suspect was pain and acts as a cough suppressant. rushed to Chris Hani – Baragwanath Male suspect was beaten and wounded Hospital in a critical condition. badly by the community for robbing a “At the time of the release it was not pharmacy at Nhlanzani Train Station yet clear as to how much medication Complex on Thursday August 13. was robbed but, on the scene, next to the According to a statement released by injured suspect the medication could be Jabulani SAPS, two of their officials, estimated at about R900,” said Mabizela. received the complaint and responded “The motive of the Robbery is not quickly and on arrival, yet known but due they found a male sus- to recent cases and pect who had suffered “He started putting complaints about a severe head injuries new trend called Lean with one bag of medica- medication mostly or Codiene mixtures tion next to him and the flu and cough with soda drinks can’t mob dispersed.
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