Holocaust-Denial Literature: an Additional Bibliography

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Holocaust-Denial Literature: an Additional Bibliography City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works Publications and Research York College 1996 Holocaust-Denial Literature: An Additional Bibliography John A. Drobnicki CUNY York College How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu/yc_pubs/24 Discover additional works at: https://academicworks.cuny.edu This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact: [email protected] Holocaust-Denial Literature: An Additional Bibliography John A. Drobnicki This bibliography is a suppiement to one published in the March 1994 Bulletin of Bibliography. During the intervening time, Holocaust revisionism has continued to be discussed both in the scholarly literature and in the mainstream press. The Holocaust deniers, who prefer to call themselves “revisionists” in an attempt to gain scholarly legitimacy, have refused to go away and remain as vocal as ever— Bradley R. Smith has continued to send revisionist advertise- ments to college newspapers, generating pubiicity for his cause. Holocaust denial, which is used interchangeably with Holocaust revisionism in this bibli- ography, is a body of iiterature that seeks to prove that the Jewish Holocaust did not happen. Although individual revisionists may have different motives and beiiefs, they ali share at least one point: that there was no systematic attempt by Nazi Germany to exterminate Eu- ropean Jewry. Hence they ciaim that the Holocaust is a “hoax” perpetrated by Jews (“Zion- ists”) in an attempt to blackmail the rest of the world for sympathy, money, and legitimacy for the state of Israel. This bibliography includes both works about Holocaust revisionism and works ofHoiocaust revisionism. Although Holocaust deniers write in many languages, the scope of this project has been limited to works in English. While this bibliography has been divided into many sub- ject areas, it is acknowledged that many of the entries cross several categories, especiaily the works in the “Generai Overview” section. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank Rick Eaton of the Simon Wiesenthai Center; Paul Tallarico, in- terloan librarian. Queens Borough Public Library: and Hope Young, interloan librarian, York College/CUNY, for their assistance in obtaining materiais essentiai for the preparation of this bibliography. GENERAL OVERVIEW An annual, country-by-country survey of anti- Ain, Stewart. “The Bright Shining Lie: Despite the New Semitism around the world; includes a section on U.S. Hoiocaust Museum and ‘Schindler’s List,’ the “Denial of the Holocaust” for most countries. Holocaust Denial Movement Is More Visible Than Aronsfeld, C. C. ‘The Big-Lie Historians: Rewriting the Ever. How Dangerous Is It?” New York Jewish Holocaust.” Australia/lsrael Reviews (April 1980): Week, 14 Apr. 1994, 24. 26-28. ---------- . “They Claim: ‘6 Million Did Not Die in the Gas Barnes, Ian. “Anne Frank: Forty Years On.” History Chambers.’ Holocaust Deniers Are Rewriting His- Today 35 (Mar. 1985): 48-50. tory, Refuting the Survivors’ Past.” Inside 15 (Winter ---------- . “Neo-Nazi Attempts to Rewrite History.” Jewish 1994): 62-63, 88-93. Chronicle, 1 Oct. 1982, 20. Alexander, Edward. “Controversies.” In The Holocaust ---------- . “Revisionism: The Lessons for Britain.” Jewish and the War of Ideas, by Edward Alexander. New Chronicle, 8 Oct. 1982, 21. Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 1994,181-219. Bartov, Omer. “Intellectuals on Auschwitz: Memory, Antisemitism World Report. London: Institute of Jewish History and Truth.” History and Memory 5 (Spring- Affairs, 1992-. Summer 1993): 87-129. Bulletin of Bibliography Vol. 53, No. 4 Bauer, Yehuda. “Contemporary Antisemitism: Basic Henry, Frances, and Carol Tatar. Holocaust Denial: Big- Facts and Trends.” Encyclopedia Judaica Year Book otry in the Guise of Scholarship. Ed. Sol Liftman. Los 1983/5. Jerusalem: Keter, 1985,119-127. Angeles: Simon Wiesenthal Center, 1994. Braham, Randolph L. “Revisionism: Historical, Political Herman, Edward S. “Holocaust Doers and Deniers.” Z and Legal Implications.” In Comprehending the Holo- Magazine (Nov. 1993): 7-10. caust: Historical and Literary Research, ed. Asher Hirsch, Herbert. “History and the Politics of Memory: Cohen, Joav Gelber, and Charlotte Wardi. New York: Rewriting the Holocaust." Australian Journal of Jew- Peter Lang, 1988,61-96. ish Studies 8, no. 1 (1994): 95-111. Breitbart, Aaron. “The Nature of Holocaust Revision- Hitchens, Christopher. “Cultural Elite: Whose History Is ism.” In The 1986 Jewish Directory and Almanac, ed. It?" Vanity FairS6 (Dec. 1993): 110,117-118. Ivan L. Tillem. New York: Pacific Press, 1985, Holocaust Denial: A Pocket Guide. New York: Anti- 122-123. Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, 1994. Clarke, Tamsin. “Denying the Holocaust.” Australian Jonassohn, Kurt. Some Antecedents of the Holocaust Journal of Jewish Studies 8, no. 2 (1994): 103-142. Denial Literature. Montreal: Concordia University, Crawford, Fred. ‘Th e Holocaust and the Big Lie.” Mar- 1994. tyrdom and Resistance 8 (Jan.-Feb. 1982): 10. Knoll, Enwin. “Beyond the Fringe." The Progressive 50 Repr. in Emory Studies on the Holocaust: An Inter- (Apr. 1986): 4. faith Inquiry, ed. David R. Blumenthal. Atlanta: Knoller, Rivkah. “Denial of the Holocaust": A Bibliogra- Emory University Press, 1985,163-167. phy of Literature Denying or Distorting the Holo- Dalrymple, James. “Holocaust Lies of the New Nazis.” caust, and of Literature about This Phenomenon. British Journal of Holocaust Education 1 ( W i n t e r Ramat Gan, Israel: Abraham and Edita Spiegel 1992): 202-212. Chair in Holocaust Research, Faculty of Jewish Dreisinger, Batsheva. “Dealing with Denial: The Book Studies, Bar-IIan University, 1989; rev. ed., 1992. behind the Fight to Expose Revisionism.” QC Quad, Especially valuable in its coverage of materials pub- 22 Feb. 1994, 3. lished in Western Europe, Canada, South Africa, Dreisinger, Rebecca. “Speaking Out against Denial: and Australia, as well as in Hebrew and Yiddish. Hillel Packs the House for a Talk about the Holo- Kulka, Erich. “Another Face of Anti-Semitism: Deny- caust.” QC Quad, 22 Feb. 1994,12. ing the Shoah.” In International Seminar on Anti- Drobnicki, John A. “This They Can’t Deny.” New York Semitism in Post-Totalitarian Europe, Prague 1992, Newsday, 24 Mar. 1994, A48. May 22-24: Papers (Working Materials). Prague: Edelheit, Abraham J., and Hershel Edelheit. Bibliogra- N.p., 1992, 15-28. phy on Holocaust Literature. Boulder, CO: Westview ---------- . “Fighting Distortions and the Denials of the Press, 1986; Supplement, 1990; Supplement, Vol- Holocaust.” In The Voice of Auschwitz Survivors ume 2 ,1993. in Israel: Forty Years After, ed. Shira Nahari. Jerus- Each volume contains a section on “Distorting the alem: Public Committee in Israel of Survivors of Holocaust.” Auschwitz, 1985,13-37. Edelman, Sylvia. Attempts to Deny the Reality of the Labedz, Leo. “Holocaust: Myths and Horrors.” Survey Holocaust. With an addendum by Lucy Dawidowicz. 30 (Mar. 1988): 240-263. New York: American Jewish Committee, 1977. Leo, John. ‘T h e Junking of History.” U.S. News and Fischel, Jack. "Holocaust Denial and the Conspiracy World Report 116 (28 Feb. 1994): 17. Theory of History.” Jewish Spectator 59 (Fall 1994): Lipstadt, Deborah E. “A Clear and Future Danger.” 8- 10. TikkunlO (May--June 1995): 17. ---------- . ‘The New Anti-Semitic Axis: Holocaust Denial, ---------- . “Holocaust Denial and the Extreme Right.” The Black Nationalism, and the Crisis on Our College Sydney Papers 6, no. 4 (Spring 1994): 81-90. Campuses.” Virginia Quarterly Review 71 (Spring ---------- . “Holocaust Deniers Want to Be Thought of as 1995): 210-226. the ‘Other Side.’ ” Moment 19 (June 1994): 18. Fleisher, Marc. “Holocaust ‘Revisionism’: An Analysis.” ---------- . “Packaging Hatred.” Jewish Spectator 59 (Win- M.A. thesis, Washington State University, 1988. ter 1994-95): 65-66. Foster, John. “Fabricating History.” In Anti-Semitism Mclver, Tom. ‘The Protocols of Creationism: Racism, and Human Rights, ed. Serge Liberman. Melbourne: Anti-Semitism and White Supremacy in Christian Australian Institute of Jewish Affairs, 1985, 27-30. Fundamentalism.” Skeptic 2, no. 4 (1994): 76-87. ---------- . “Holocaust Revisionism.” In The Gift of Life. Miele, Frank. “Giving the Devil His Due: Holocaust Re- Randwick, N.S.W.: Australian Association of Jewish visionism as a Test Case for Free Speech and the Holocaust Survivors, 1989,101-105. Skeptical Ethic.” Skeptic 2, no. 4 (1994): 58-70. Goertzel, Ted. “Holocaust and Genocide Revisionism: Miller, Scott. “Denial of the Holocaust.” Social Educa- Skepticism as Denial.” In Turncoats and True Believ- tion 59 (Oct. 1995): 342-345. ers: The Dynamics of Political Belief and Disillusion- The Neo-Nazi Network.” Washington Post, 11 May ment, by Ted Goertzel. Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1995, A31. 1992, 305-325, 402-406. Neuberg, Joel. "Denying the Holocaust Deniers.” North- Gutman, Yisrael. “Denying the Holocaust.” In Present- ern California Jewish Bulletin, 6 Aug. 1993,32. Day Antisemitism: Proceedings of the Eighth Inter- Palmer, Allen W., and D. Jeffrey Welch. “Covering national Seminar of the Study Circle on World Jewry Xenophobia: Mass Media and the ‘Holocaust Denial' under the Auspices of the President of Israel, Chaim Controversy.” In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting Herzog, Jerusalem, 2 9-31 December 1985, ed. of the Association for Education in Journalism and Yehuda Bauer. Jerusalem: Vidal Sassoon Interna- Mass Communication (77th, Atlanta,
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