LIFE WOLFALPS CONFERENCE Participation is open to the public and free. THE WOLF POPULATION IN THE ALPS: Due to the limited availability of seats, STATUS AND MANAGEMENT registration is compulsory. Cuneo – 22nd of January 2016 The LIFE WolfAlps Conference Centro Incontri Provincia di Cuneo, is also organized in collaboration with the For registration send an email to:
[email protected] Corso Dante 41 Italian Delegation of the Alpine Convention, which for the occasion will host a meeting of the indicating name/surname/institution Platform WISO (if applicable) (Large Carnivores, Wild Ungulates and Society) or call + 39 0171 97 68 20 that will take place on 20th – 21st of January at the Marittime Alps Natural Park in Valdieri. WITH THE COLLABORATION OF PROJECT PARTNERS: The event is organized in partnership with the 21° Memorial “Danilo Re” by Marguareis Natural Park and Maritime Alps Natural Park, a sporting event that will take place on the 21st - 24th of January 2016 in Chiusa Pesio, which involve the staff of Alpine protected areas. A video, testimony of the commitment of some Alpine Protected Areas in wolves’ monitoring and conservation programs, will be presented later in the day. IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Initiative realized thanks to LIFE contribution, a financial instrument of the European Union. Ph: Gabriele Cristiani CONFERENCE PROGRAM 1ST SESSION - MORNING 2ND SESSION - AFTERNOON Italian language with English translation English language with translation in Italian / French / German / Slovenian THE LIFE