INDEX. (Family Surnames of Value in Genealogical Research Are Printed in CAPITALS; Names of Places in Italics.)
INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics.) Abbatt, William, 383 Armstrong, Sergeant , killed at ADAMS, Major, 181, 183 Battle of Brandywine, 105 Adams, Major Daniel Jenifer, 86 Armstrong, Gen. John, sketch of, Adams, Emma S., Tombstone In- 304; letter of, 306-307; men- scriptions in Baptist Graveyard, tioned, 62, 68 Cape May C. H., N. J., copied Arnold, Gen. Benedict, wounded at by, 356, 506 Saratoga, 80; thanks of Congress, Adams, Lieut. Francis, 75 on victories in the North, 175; Adams, John, subscriber to Kentucky mentioned, 399, 475 Academy, 354 Arnold, Margaret Shippen, 399 Adams, Lieut.-Col. Peter, 84 Ashmead, Capt. Jacob, 334 ALBERGER, Maria, 255; Philip, Askew, John, to Jonathan Dickinson, 254; Sophia, 254 247 Alden, Major Roger, 156, 179 ATTWOOD, Elizabeth, 255; Mary, 254 Alexander, Cosmo, artist, instructor of Gilbert Stuart, 444; paintings BACHE, Benjamin Franklin, 311; for William Franklin, by, 444, Sarah Franklin, 311; Mrs. , 445 398 Allen, William, sketch of, 441; em- BAIER, Anne Maria, 190 ploys Rev. William Smith with BAILEY, Sally, 254 others, to asperse character of BAIR, Catharina, 192 Benjamin Franklin, 441; John Ball, Major Burgess, 65, 156 Hughes, publisher advertisement Ball, Col. James V., 277, 278 for justification of charges Bankson, Capt. John, 335 against Benjamin Franklin, 442; Banquet by the Historical Society of verses of David James Dove in- Pennsylvania to celebrate ninety- tended to vilify Franklin, turned fifth anniversary of birth of Major- against, 443 Gen. Meade, 1; guests at, 2-4; ALLISON, Major, 466 Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker pre- American and British Armies, A sides at, 4 Frenchman's Comments on, 1777, Baraian, see Berrien by Francis B.
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