INDEX. (Family surnames of value in genealogical research are printed in CAPITALS; names of places in italics.)

Abbatt, William, 383 Armstrong, Sergeant , killed at ADAMS, Major, 181, 183 , 105 Adams, Major Daniel Jenifer, 86 Armstrong, Gen. John, sketch of, Adams, Emma S., Tombstone In- 304; letter of, 306-307; men- scriptions in Baptist Graveyard, tioned, 62, 68 Cape May C. H., N. J., copied Arnold, Gen. Benedict, wounded at by, 356, 506 Saratoga, 80; thanks of Congress, Adams, Lieut. Francis, 75 on victories in the North, 175; Adams, John, subscriber to Kentucky mentioned, 399, 475 Academy, 354 Arnold, Margaret Shippen, 399 Adams, Lieut.-Col. Peter, 84 Ashmead, Capt. Jacob, 334 ALBERGER, Maria, 255; Philip, Askew, John, to , 254; Sophia, 254 247 Alden, Major Roger, 156, 179 ATTWOOD, Elizabeth, 255; Mary, 254 Alexander, Cosmo, artist, instructor of Gilbert Stuart, 444; paintings BACHE, Benjamin Franklin, 311; for William Franklin, by, 444, Sarah Franklin, 311; Mrs. , 445 398 Allen, William, sketch of, 441; em- BAIER, Anne Maria, 190 ploys Rev. William Smith with BAILEY, Sally, 254 others, to asperse character of BAIR, Catharina, 192 Benjamin Franklin, 441; John Ball, Major Burgess, 65, 156 Hughes, publisher advertisement Ball, Col. James V., 277, 278 for justification of charges Bankson, Capt. John, 335 against Benjamin Franklin, 442; Banquet by the Historical Society of verses of David James Dove in- to celebrate ninety- tended to vilify Franklin, turned fifth anniversary of birth of Major- against, 443 Gen. Meade, 1; guests at, 2-4; ALLISON, Major, 466 Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker pre- American and British Armies, A sides at, 4 Frenchman's Comments on, 1777, Baraian, see Berrien by Francis B. Lee, 365 Barber, Major , 183, 295 Amherst, Gen. Jeffrey, comes to Barber, Lieut.-Col. Francis, sketch of, America, 1758, 448; military rec- 338; mentioned, 178 ord in America, 448 BARCLAY, David, 503; Rachel Anderson, Lieut. Enoch, tried by Lloyd, 503 court martial, 471 Barclay, Mrs. R., to Mrs. Dickinson, Anderson, Capt. Patrick, suspended 248 from the army, 81 BARTHOLD, Dorothea Margretha, Angell, Col. Israel, 83 193 Anspack, Frederick, 337 BASELER, Esther, 194 Anthony, Jacob, sentenced by court BASSEL, George, 197; Maria Juli- martial, 185 ana, 197 APPELL, Elisabeth, Catharina, 197; Bates, Lieut.-Gen. John C, attends Johann, 188, 189, 193, 195, 197; Meade banquet, 2; address of, 40 Johann Martin, 197 BAUER, Johann Peter, 188 Arboe, John, biographical sketch of, BAUER, Peter, 195 254 BAUM, Johann Jacob, 189 517 518 Index.

Bayard, Major , 82, 175, 296, Bird, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin, tried by 342 court martial, 87 BAYLEY, Brigade Major, 466, 485 BIRKENSTOCK, Anna Maria, 195 Baynton, John, member of firm Bayn- BISCHOF, Maria, 198 ton, Wharton and Morgan, 449 BITS, see PITS Baynton, Wharton and Morgan, 445, Blanchard, J. P., makes first bal- 449 loon ascension in , 52; Bean, C. A., query regarding Michael Washington, Rush and Wistar, McNally, by, 121 patrons of, 52 Beaufort, Lieut.-Col. , 175 BLANCK, Johann George, 189 BBCH, Anna Blisazeth, 192 Bland, Col. Theodrick, President of BECK, Elisabeth, 190 court martial, 88, 167 ; mentioned, BECK, Margrethe, 192 87 Beckel, Clarence E., contributes Rec- BLANK, Adam, 191; Johann, 191 ords of St. Paul's Evangelical Bloom, John, tried by court martial, Lutheran Congregation, Lehigh Co., 490 Pa., 1750-1764, 188 Bloomfield, Ensign Jarvis, tried by BECKER, Ann Mary, 254; William, court martial, 486; sketch of, 486 254 Bloomfield, Major Joseph, sketch of, Beginnings of the iron industry in 340; mentioned, 60, 164, 335 Trenton, N. J., by William Nelson, " Blue Church," see St. Haul's Evan- 228 gelical Lutheran Congregation BEIL, Balthaser, 198; Elisabetha, Bluford, William, 87 198; Eva Elisabeth, 191 BLUM, Polly, 348 BEISCH, Bastian, 198; Benico Cath- arina, 198 BOGER, Anna Maria, 189 Benezet, Anthony, 406 BOHMAN, Anna Rosina, 189 Benezet, Major Samuel, 62 Boman, Major , to command ar- Benham, Gen. H. W., to S. A, tillery, 185, 186 Drake, 369 Bonnell, Isaac, sketch of, 459; men- BENNINGTON, Battle of, 175 tioned, 460, 461 Benstead, Capt. Alexander, tried by Bopst, Col. , 184 court martial, 491; sketch of, 491 Boston, a description of after-evacua- Benyane, Brigade Major , 465 tion in 1776, 112 BERNERT, Magdalena, 193 Bouquet, Col. Henry, 374 Berrien, Brigade Major John, 483 BOWDOIN, Elizabeth, 418 BEUTELER, Johann, 193 Bowman, Col. Abraham, 492 BEUTELMANN, Anna Maria, 198; BRACKER, Eva, 189 Elias, 198; John Jacob, 194 Braddock's Defeat, note concerning, BEVAN, Elizabeth, 42; John, 42 251 BIBER, Maria Magdalena, 191 Bradford, Col. , 292 Bicker, Col. Henry, Orderly Book of, Bradford, John, assists in opening Second Penna. Continental Line, first public library in Lexington, 1778, edited by John W. Jordan, Va., 352; establishes first printing 333, 463; biographical sketch of, ofilce and newpaper west of the 333; commissioned Jan. 4, 1776, Alleghenies, 352 Major 3d Penna. Infantry, 333; Bradley, Col. , member of court promoted 2d Penna. Line martial on conduct of Gen. Wayne, Infantry, 334; at Battles of Bran- 157; President of Court of Inquiry dywine, Germantown and White-^ on trial of Col. Josiah Parker, marsh, 334; President of court 174, 178; mentioned, 76, 83 martial, 495; mentioned, 467 Brandywine, Battle of, described by Bicker, Lieut. Henry, Jr., 334 Dr. Ebenezer Elmer, 104-106; con- Bicker, Adjutant Walter, 334 duct of Gen. Stephen at, 159; men- BICKLEY, Abraham, 42 tioned, 334, 344 Biggelow, Col. , 298 BRAUN, Daniel, 189 BILDHAUS, Anna Margretha, 193 Brearly, Lieut.-Col. David, member BINGHAM, Nancy Willing, 398 of Court of Inquiry, 171; sketch BINGHAM, William, 398 of, 466; mentioned, 86, 162, 178 Index. 519

Breckenridge, Hugh H., portrait of Capel & Osgood, James Pemberton Henry C. Lea by, 129 to, 250 BRENNER, Appalonia, 197 ; Johann Carleton, Gen. Guy, succeeds Sir Caspar, 197 Henry Clinton, 462 BRENNIG, Regina, 193 Carlton, Lieut.-Col. Samuel, 299, 494 BREUTZER, Anna Ursula, 198; Carnel, , 297 Christian, 198 Carnes, Peter, amateur balloonist, 51 Brewer, Col. Samuel, 479 Carson, Hon. Hampton, address at Brewin, Capt. Peter Bryan, appointed Meade Banquet, 5; personal recol- Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Sullivan, 173 lections of Gen. Meade, 6; remarks British and American armies, A of, on presentation of portrait of Frenchman's Comments on, by Henry C. Lea to Hist. Soc. Pa., 135 Francis B. Lee, 365 CASSLER, Christina, 255 ; John, BROCKDEN, Charles, 255; Mary, 255; Lewis, 255; Ludwig, 255; 255 William, 255 Brodhead, Col. Daniel, President of Casson, Ensign Charles, sentenced by court martial, 70, 86, 158. 160, court martial, 75 164 ; mentioned, 168 Caswell, Gov. Richard, requested by Brooks, Lieut.-Col. , 298 Congress to erect monument to Brooks, John Nixon, extracts from Gen. Francis Nash, 175 journal of Surgeon Ebenezer Elmer, Cedar Creek Hundred, Letter of J. Sept. 11-19, 1777, contributed by, Moore to Freeholders of, by Rev. 103 C. H. B. Turner, 382 Browne, Col. , 159 CERVAS, Anna Elisabeth, 189 ; Gott- Browning, Charles H., Isaac Wilson, fried, 190 Head-Master, by, 350 CERVING, Jacob, 193 BRUNNER, Anna Maria, 194, 197; Chamberlin, Mason, portrait of Ben- Heinrich, 189, 197; Johann George, jamin Franklin by, 433, 435 ; men- 195; Johann Philip, 194; Maria tioned, 437 Margretha, 191 Chambers, Col. James, sketch of, 339; Bruno, Dr. , 277 mentioned, 62, 89, 162, 299, 466, Brussels, , 338 470, 480 Bruster, Major , 78, 174 Chambers, Joseph, complaint of, BUCK, Elizabeth, 255 against Col. Josiah Parker, 174. Buckingham Meeting House, sick sent 178 to, 179, 182 Chandler, Col. , 72, 83 Buford, Lieut.-Col. Abraham, sketch Chase, Salmon P., General George of, 463 ; mentioned, 161 G. Meade, pupil of, 7 Burchardt, Major Daniel, 166 Chesterfield Township, Burlington BURGE, Beulah, 403; Sarah, 396, Co., N. J., town dockets of, 1692- 403 1712, by Dr. Carlos E. Godfrey, BURGER, Elisabeth, 191 211 Burgoyne, Gen. John, surrender of, CHRISTEIN, Peter, 190 at Saratoga, 79, 93, 175 Cilley, Col. Joseph, 483 Burlington, Vermont, barracks at, 288 Claiborne, Richard, appointed Brig- Burr, Lieut.-Col. Aaron, sketch of, ade Major, 181; mentioned, 185, 477 ; mentioned, 181, 183 294, 477 Bush Hill, Hospital, 349 Clark, Col. , member of Court of Butler, Lieut.-Col., 67, 169, 302 Inquiry, 71; mentioned, 65, 174 Butler, Lieut.-Col. Richard, 482 Clark, Sir Francis Carr, taken pris- oner, 80 Cabell, Major Samuel Jordan, sketch CLAUS, Johann, 190 of, 340 Cleaver, Nathan, 170 Cadwalader, Thomas, to John Dick- CLIFFORD, Anna Rawle, 389 ; John, inson, 498 389 Calderwood, Capt. James, 78, 294 Climer, Daniel, appointed Deputy Camble, Major , 465 Commissary of Prisoners, 297 Campbell, John, Earl of Loudoun, 417 Clinton, Sir Henry, succeeded by Campbell, Major Richard, 59 Gen. Guy Carleton, 462 520 Index.

Cochran, Dr. John, 87, 182 Cropper, Major John, 86 Cole, Patrick, death of, 481 Crump, Capt. Abner, sentenced by Colonial Dames of America, Laurel court martial, 86 Hill and Some Colonial Dames Culp, Philip, tried by court martial, Who Once Lived There, paper by 490 William Brooke Rawle read be- Currie, Rev. Dr., headquarters of fore, 385 Gen. Stirling at house of, 490 Commissioners from the two armies Curtin, Andrew G., appoints General to meet at Germantown, 1778, 465 Meade Brigadier-General of Penna. Congress, resolution of, appointing Reserves, 9 Dec. 18, 1777, a day of thanksgiv- Cutting, John Brown, sketch of, 492 ing and praise, 291, 300 Conner, Col. , 301 DANNERHAUER, Abraham, 197; Connor, Col. Morgan, 65 Andreas, 195; Anna Catharina, Converse, Capt. Thomas, sketch of, 197 341 DASSER, Elizabeth, 255; Henry, Conway, Major John, sketch of, 473 ; 255 ; Paul, 255 mentioned, 492 Davers, Sir Robert, killed by Indians, Conway, Gen. Thomas, member of 429 court martial on conduct of Gen. Davies, Lieut.-Col. William, sketch Wayne, Oct. 20, 1777, 157; men- of, 338; appointed to command tioned, 59, 65, 74, 77, 84, 88, 164, 14th Va. Regiment, 475 480 Davis, Col. , member of court Cook, Col. , 59 martial on conduct of Gen. Wayne, Coudray, see Du Coudray 157; mentioned, 75, 172, 302 Cougan amd Mallard, extracts from Day, Major , 59, 65, 163, 172, letters of, to John Perry, by Fran- 299 cis B. Lee, 116 Dayton, Col. , member of court Courtland, Col. , 290 martial on conduct of Gen. Wayne, Courts, Lieut. William sentenced by 157; mentioned, 61 court martial, 86 Declaration of Independence, first Cox, Brigade Major , 71 anniversary of, celebrated in Cox, Capt. William, 491 Philadelphia, 372 Cragg, Lieut. Robert, tried by court Dehart, Col. , member of court martial, 61 martial on conduct of Gen. Wayne, Craig, Dr. , 79 157; mentioned, 162 Craig, Capt. Charles, captures British De Hart, Lieut.-Col. C, 487 soldiers, 173; mentioned, 64 De Kalb, Major-Gen. Baron, 184, 292, Craig, Lieut.-Col. Thomas, sketch of, 294, 298 477; President of court martial, De Lisle, , letter of, extract from 487, 495 ; mentioned, 62 N. J. Gazette, 365 Crain, Lieut. James, tried by court Deloyant, M., offered a Colonelcy, 92 martial and acquitted, 160 Dennis, Henry, to , 116 Crane, Col. John, sketch of, 469; Denny, Gov. William, correspond- sentenced by court martial, 484; ence of, with John Hughes, 442 mentioned, 161 Dickenson, Lieut. Richard, to be Crawford, Major , 63 tried by general court martial, 335 Crawford, Col. William, Brigade of Dickinson, Major Edmund B., sketch Militia under command of, of, 488 73; mentioned, 70, 77, 81 Dickinson, John, notes of, for con- CREUTZ, Daniel, 255; Elizabeth, tractors for his house in Wilming- 255; Johanetta, 255; Margaret, ton, 115; note of, concerning busi- 255; Maria, 255; William, 255 ness at time of Stamp Act, 116; Croghan, Col. George, Robert Lettis Thomas Cadwalader to, 498; Dr. Hooper, surveys tract of land in Benjamin Rush to, 501 Ohio for, 450, 451; mentioned, 375 Dickinson, Col. John, Charles Thom- Croghan, Capt. William, appointed son to, 499 Brigade Inspector, 478; sketch of, Dickinson, Mrs. John, Mrs. R. Bar- 478 clav to. 248 Index. 521

Dickinson, Jonathan, slaves of, 148; Drury, Lieut. John T., 279, 280 John Askew to, 247; Richard Hill Du Coudray, Gen. Philip, death of, to, 497 92 Dickson, Capt. Henry, promotion of, Duffy, Capt. Lieut. , wounded by to Major, 75 Major Howard, 293 ; tried by court DIEMER, Andreas, 190 martial, 293, 294 Dixon, Major Henry, sketch of, 485 Dulles, Charles W., M.D., extracts Dodd—Holland and other family rec- from the diary of Joseph Heatly ords from Bible of Mrs. Charles Dulles, contributed by, 276 Jones, by Rev. C. H. B. Turner, Dulles, Joseph Heatly, extracts from 380 the diary of, contributed by Donop, Count Carl von, of Hessians Charles W. Dulles, M.D., 276; bio- attacks Port Mercer, 159; killed graphical sketch of, 276 at, 345, 365 Duncan, Robert, appointed paymaster of 4th N. C. Line, 291 DORFFLINGER, Maria Oatharina, Dunn, Lieut. Abner M., sketch of, 196 475; tried by court martial, 476 DORN, Caspar, 193 Durgee, Col. . 83 DORNGLASER, Paulus, 195 Durkee, Col. John, 158 DORSTLINGER, Anna Margaretha, 195, 197; Anna Maria, 189, 197; EBERHARD, Johann Ahrenhold, 191 Catharina, 189; Friedrich, 197 Edmunds, Albert J., translation of Dove, David James, schoolmaster and letters of a French officer, writ- political writer, 315; comes to ten at Easton, Pa., 1777-1778, Philadelphia and obtains position 90 in the Academy and College of Elliot, Lieut. , 114 Phila., 316 ; opens school for young Elliott, Robert, Chaplain, 279 ladies, 318; leaves academy, 319 Ellis, Col. , 187 opens private school in Phila., 319 Ellison, Major , 174 methods of punishment of, 320 ELMER, Rev. Daniel, 103 caricatures and pamphlets by, 323- ELMER, Dr. Jonathan, 103 325, 329-331; makes acquaintance Elmer, Surgeon Ebenezer, extracts of Joseph Galloway, 323; sides from the Journal of Sept. 11-19, with Galloway against academy, 1777, by John Nixon Brooks, 103; 323-325; appointed English mas- biographical sketch of, 103; de- ter in Germantown Academy, 325; scribes Battle of Brandywine, 104— dismissed, 328; school of in School 106 House Lane, 328; opens school in Elouis, Henry, portrait of Gen. An- Front Street, 332; will of, 332; thony Wayne by, 258; engraving death of, 332 ; employed to write after portrait of Gen. Wayne, by, verses vilifying Franklin, 443; 259 ; biographical sketch of, 259- verses of, turned against William 262 ; paints miniatures of George Allen, 443 Washington and Mrs. Washington, Dove, Nathaniel, 317 261; instructs Eleanor Custis, 261; DOWNES, Elizabeth, 311, 415, 419, to Washington, 261 421; wife of William Franklin, EMMERICH, Jacob, 192 312, 415, 416, 419, 421; death of, Emory, Richard, appointed Brigade 421 Major, 79 Drake, S. A., Gen. H. W. Benham ENGELERT, Jacob, 190 to, 369 ENGELHARD, Michael, 191 Draper, Dr. , 297 ENGLAND, Charles, 505 DRAUB, Jacob, 196 ERDMANN, Abraham, 194 ; Andreas, Drayton, Col. William, 278 189, 197; Anna Catharina, 196, Drexel, Mrs. Joseph W., presents 197; Anna Dorothea, 194; Doro- portrait of Anthony Wayne to the thea, 197; Johann Jacob, 194 Hist. Soc. of Pa., 257; elected an ERLEBACH, George, 193 honorary member of the Hist. Soc. Erskine, Brigadier-Gen. Sir William, of Pa., 263 character of, described by De Lisle, Drinker, John, 402 365 522 Index.

Evans, John, tried by court martial, FRANCK, Wilhelm, 197 491 FRANCKENFELD, Philipp Peter, EVERTS, Adam, 190 198 FRANK, Peter, 193 Farmer, Lieut.-Col. Lewis, member FRANKE, Elizabeth, 255 of Court of Inquiry on trial of FRANKE, Jacob, 255 Col. Josiah Parker, 174; sketch FRANKE, Maria, 255 of, 482; mentioned, 171, 294 FRANKEN, Dorothea, 190 Farndon, John, sentenced by court Franklin, Benjamin, endorsement of, martial, 67, 68, 70 on note of William Plumsted to Febiger, Col. Christian, 180, 297 Overseers of the Poor, 251; makes FEGELE, Anne Elisabeth, 190 acquaintance of Deborah Read, FENSTERMACHER, Barbara, 255; 308; visits England, 309; marries Christmann, 255; Christian, bio- Deborah Read, 309; quoted from graphical sketch of, 254 his autobiography and letters, 308— Fenwick, Col. John R., 283, 284 312; appointed on a committee to FERGUSON, Elizabeth Graeme, 416 inquire into conduct of David FERGUSON, Hugh Henry, 415 James Dove, 319; portrait of, by Ferris, Lieut. Nathan, sentenced by Benjamin Wilson, 430 ; portrait of, court martial, 158 by Mason Chamberlin, 433, FIDOE, Elizabeth, 505 435 ; , employs Rev. Field, Charles, sentenced by court William Smith with- others, to martial, 87 asperse character of, 441; John First Balloon Hoax, The, by Joseph Hughes publishes advertisement for Jackson, 51 justification of charges against, FISH, Hon. Hamilton, 340 442; David James Dove writes FISH, Major Nicholas, 340; sketch verses vilifying character of, 443 of, 340 FRANKLIN, Deborah Read, 309 Fish, Lieut. Joseph, sentenced by Franklin, Deborah, quoted, 311-313; court martial, 158 death of, 310 Fishborn, Hannah, Letitia Penn to, FRANKLIN, Elizabeth Downes, 311, 251 421 FISHER, Samuel W., 402; Sarah, FRANKLIN, William, 310, 311, 415, 402 ; William, 402; sketch of, 402 419, 421 Ford, Lieut.-Col. Benjamin, 89 FRANKLIN, William Temple, 310, Ford, Ensign Dennis, 75 420 Foree, Major , 69 Franklin, William, quoted from his Foreman, Gen. , 60, 62 letters, 310-311; marries Elizabeth Forman, Col. David, sketch of, 484; Downes, 312, 419, 421; letters to mentioned, 185 William Strahan from, edited by Forrest, Col. Thomas, 57, 58; tried Charles Henry Hart, 415; bio- by court martial, 75, 469; sketch graphical sketch of, 415; letter of, 469; mentioned, 484 of, 417; becomes acquainted with Fort, Lieut.-Col. , 183 the Earl of Bute, 418; with Lord Fort Mercer* attack on, 159, 365 Halifax, 419; appointed by Lord Fort Mifflin, attack on, 159, 365, 176 Halifax, Governor of N. J., 419; Fort Pitt, site of Pittsburgh, 450 arrested as a Loyalist, 419; ex- Fort Schuyler, 175 changed for John McKinley, 419; Fort Washington, construction of leaves America and resides in Eng- under Col. Rufus Putnam, 333; land, 419; English government re- mentioned, 334 munerates losses and grants a pen- Foster, Capt. James, interred with sion, 419; bequest of Benjamin honors of war, 181 Franklin to, 420; portrait of, by Foster, John, tried by court martial, Benjamin Wilson, 420, 422, 426, 495 430, 435, 444; to William Strahan, Fothergill, John, lodges at house of 421, 422, 424, 427, 429, 431, 433, Joseph Richardson, 43 436, 437, 439, 440, 444, 446, 453, FRANCK, Daniel, 255 454, 456, 457, 459, 460; arrives in FRANCK, Peter, 255 Philadelphia, 425; becomes Gov- Index. 523

ernor of N. J., 425 ; correspond- GEBERICH, Johann Michael, 189 ence of, with Wills Hills, Lord GERHARD, Magdalena, 192 Hillsborough, 447-449; writes to Germantown Academy founded, 325 William Strahan regarding the Germantown, Commissioners from Ohio settlement, 419-451, 453 two armies to meet at, 1778, 465 Franklin, William Temple, Secretary Germantown, Battle of, 64, 66; by to Benjamin Franklin while in Congress, 74; conduct of Gen. France, 420; died in France, 420; Stephen at, 159; mentioned, 94, mentioned, 310 334, 345 FRANKS, Rebecca, 455 GERNER, Henrich, 197 FRANTZ, Anna Margaretha, 198 Gettysburg, poem by Charles Leonard Fraser, Gen. Simon, killed at Battle Moore, 26 of Saratoga, 80 Gibson, Capt. , 344 Fraze, Benzona, 87 Gibson, Col. George, sketch of, 336; Frazer, Lieut.-Col. Persifor, prisoner mentioned, 337 of war, 489 GILBERT, Margaret, 255 Fretz, Mrs. C. D., query regarding Gilcrist, Adam, tried by court mar- Scholl, 121 tial, 491, 492 FRIDERICH, Jacob, 189 ; Anna Mar- Gillilan, Major , 298 garetha, 189 Gillingham, Joseph E., Orderly Book FRITSCHMANN, Hans Adam, 191 of the Second Penna. Line, pre- FRITZ, Elizabeth, 255; John, 255; sented to Hist. Soc. of Pa., by, 335 Sebastian, 255 Glover, Gen. John, 187, 473, 478, FUCHS, Anne Maria, 192 480 FURLONG, Betsey Leach, 348; Godfrey, Dr. Carlos E., Town Dockets John, 348; Thomas, 348 of Chesterfield Township, Burling- ton Co., N. J., 1692-1712, by, 211 Gage, Gen. Thomas, to Sir William GOOS, Elizabeth, 255; John Adam, Johnson, 373, 375 255 Galloway, Joseph, elected to Assem- Gordon's Ford, 41 bly, 322; makes acquaintance of GOTZ, Maria Elisabeth, 192 David James Dove, 323; one of GRAEME-, Elizabeth, 415 ; biographi- the founders of Germantown cal sketch of, 416 Academy, 325; with Samuel Shoe- GRAF, Anna, 189 maker, takes charge of civil affairs GRAFF, Adam, 192 in Philadelphia, 392; declared Gragiers, Lieut. , tried by court guilty of high treason, 392 ; friend martial, 115 of Benjamin Franklin, 459 ; sketch GRAMLICH, Hans Adam, 188 of, 459; becomes Tory and joins Graves, Thomas, sentenced by court Gen. Howe, 459; mentioned, 461, martial, 185 462 Gray, Lieut.-Col. , 179 GAN, Regina, 194 Gray, Lieut.-Col. Ebenezer, sketch of, GANGEWEHR, Christopher, 197; 490 Jacob, 191, 196, 197; Christina, Graydon, , pupil of David James 191 Dove, 320 GANN, Elisabetha, 189 ; Johannes, 188 Grayson, Col. William, President of GARTER, ANNA Marcathar, 192 court martial, 88, 156, 293; men- GARTNER, George, 192 tioned, 486 Gates, Gen. Jtioratio, surrender of Gregg, (jren. David McM., letter of, Gen. Burgoyne to, 79, 93 ; thanks read at Meade Banquet, 16 of Congress extended, 175; Con- Green, Lieut.-Col. John, sketch of, gress presents gold medal to, 175 471; appointed to command of GEIGER, Gertraut, 189 10th Va. Line, 475; mentioned, George III, pre- 76, 83, 84 sented to, 409; interview of, with, Greene, Major-Gen. Nathaniel, Presi- 410-411; presents engraving of dent of Court of Inquiry, 81, 159, one of West's portraits, 411; por- 160; at Battle of Brandywine, 105 ; trait of, by Alexander Ramsay, 434, order of march of, Nov. 2, 1777, 444 168 ; mentioned, 59, 60, 62, 67, 68, 524 Index.

72, 78, 85, 89, 157, 159, 163, 168, William Strahan, edited by, 415; 171, 172, 174, 176, 178, 180, 185, query regarding Adam Hoops, by, 290, 294, 297, 301, 492 512. Greenwood, John, to George Wash- Hartley, Col. Thomas, 470 ington, 110 HARTMAN, Philip, 195; Regina, 190 Grier, Lieut.-Col. David, 163 Haskell, Major Elnathan, sketch of, GRILL, Anna Margaretha, 190 467; mentioned, 487 GROSS, Johann Caspar, 192 Haskell, Lieut.-Col. Henry, 475 GUEST, Henry, 255 Hathaway, Col. , 187 Gurney, Lieut.-Col. Francis, 84 HAUSER, Verona, 193 Gutekunst, Frederick, presents photo- HAUSMANN, Martin, 192 graphs of General Meade to guests HAWS or HA WES, 122 at banquet of the Hist. Soc. Pa., 4 Hay, Major , 71 Hazelwood, Commodore John, Con- Haest, Betsey, 347 gress presents sword to, in appre- Haight, Col. , 187 ciation of services, 176 Hail, Major , 492 Hazen, Gen. Moses, 77, 84 HALBERSTADT, 255 Heath, Lieut.-Col. , 88, 160 Halifax, Lord, appoints William HEISCH, Catharina, 193 Franklin, Governor of N. J., 419 HEISER, Felix, 196 Hall, David, printer, partner of Ben- HELD, Johann Martin, 195 jamin Franklin, 425; founder of HELDEBRANDT, Maria-Anna, 192; firm of Hall and Sellers, 425 Eva, 191 Hall, Col. David, 88, 171, 181 HELFFRICH, Anna Maria, 196; Hall, Capt. Henry, 277, 278 Johann, 196; Johann Michael, 196 Hall, Col. Josias Carvill, tried by HELLER, Catharina Dorothe, 190; court martial, 468; sketch of, 468 Maria Elisabetha, 196 Hall and Sellers, 425 HENCKE, Johann, 189 Hamilton, Capt. , 278 Hendricks, Col. James, 59 Hamton, Gen. , 77, 84 HENINGER, Christina, 192 Han, Lieut.-Col. , 82 HENZ, Borchert, 191 HANBURY, Mary Lloyd, 503; Os- HERBOLD, Johanna Margaretha, 188 good, 503 HERDER, George, 189 Hand, Gen. Edward, Gen. George HERMENN, Elisabeth, 190 Washington to, 115 HERRGUTH, Christina E., 255; HAPPEL, Nicolaus, 192 Hannah, 255; John H., 255 HARDIN, 120 HERRGUT, John, 255 ; Justina, 255 Hardy, Josiah, Governor of N. J., HERTZ, Andreas, 198; Anna Catha- 425 ; succeeded by William Frank- rina, 198 lin, 425 Hess, Mrs. Francis Hardin, query re- Harmar, Col. Josiah, 334 garding Reed,-Schrack-Hardin, by, HARMER, Major , 163, 172 121 Harney, Lieut.-Col. Selby, sketch of, Heth, Lieut.-Col. William, 184 339 HEUMACHER, Gerhard, 194 Harris, Ensign , tried by court HEUMAN, Catharine, 255; Johan- martial, 115 etta, 255; John, 255; Wilhelmina, Harrow, Isaac, purchases lot in Tren- 255 ton, 236; mill of, 237; will of, HEYL, Barbara, 255; George, 255; 237; property of sold, 239 John, 255; Maria, 255; Philip, Hart, Charles Henry, Anthony 255; Susan, 255; Thomas, 255 Wayne, presentation of his por- Hill, John, copy of non-cupative will trait to the Hist. Soc. of Penna., and probate of, 381 on behalf of Mrs. Joseph W. Hill, Richard, to Jonathan Dickin- Drexel, by, 257; to Hon. Samuel son, 497 W. Pennypacker, 257; discovers HILLER, George, 198 portrait of Gen. Anthony Wayne Hills, Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, in Washington, 258; Who Was the correspondence of, with William Mother of Franklin's Son, by, 308; Franklin, 447-449; enemy of the Letters from William Franklin to Colonies, 447 Index. 525

Hinckley, Robert H., selections from HUGHES, Hugh, 442; John, 442; the diary of Christiana Leach, of publishes an advertisement for jus- Kingsessing, 1765-1796, contrib- tification of charges against Ben- uted by, 343 jamin Franklin, 442; sketch of, Hinly, Archer, sentenced by court 442 ; appointed chief distributor of martial, 165 stamps for Penna. and Delaware, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 442 ; one of a commission to erect banquet given by, to celebrate the a fort at Wyoming for Indians, 95th anniversary of the birth of 442 ; sells Walnut Grove to Joseph General Meade, 1; descendants of Wharton, 442; appointed Collector General Meade at, 2; guests at, of Customs at Portsmouth and 2-4; presentation of portrait of Charlestown, 442 ; death of, 442; Henry Charles Lea to, 129 ; mem- mentioned, 443 bers of, for over fifty years, 254; Hulings, Major John, sketch of, 341 extracts from the Report of the Hull, Major , 340 Librarian of, 1910, 376; officers of, Hunt, Isaac, 57, 58 513 Huntington, Gen. Jedidiah, member Hitchcock, , appointed Brigade of court martial, 157; mentioned, Major, 79 ; mentioned, 83, 161, 178, 73, 78, 83, 86, 163, 294, 299, 478, 183, 196, 292, 301 480 HOFFMAN, Betsey, 345; Catharine, Hupper, Major , 61 344, 346; Jacob, 344, 345; Katy, 346; William, 344 ILLIG, Amelia, 255; John Philip, 255. Hogan, Col. , 170 Indian^ or Indiantown Ford, 41 Hogg, Major Thomas, sketch of, 492; Indian affairs, Gen. Thomas Gage mentioned, 181 writes to Sir William Johnson Hooper, Robert Lettis, extract of let- concerning, 374, 375 ter from to William Franklin re- Indian Atrocities in Lynn Township, garding the Ohio settlement, 450; Lehigh Co., Pa., 1756, 372 sketch of, 450; surveys tract of INDORFF, Augusta Catharina Mar- land for Col. George Croghan, 450, garetha, 197 451 INDORHT, Kilian, 194; Catharina, Hoops, Adam, query regarding, by 188 Charles Henry Hart, 512 Ingram, Col. , 75 Hopkins, Edward, 170 Innis, Major , 59 Hopkins, Capt. Samuel Goode, 277 Innis, Lieut.-Col. James, 168 Hopkinson, Francis, credited with Iron Industry in Trenton, N. J., having contrived the first balloon Beginnings of, by William Nelson, ascension in America, 52, 53, 54, 228 56, 58 IRVIN, Anna, 255 HORLACHER, Daniel, 191 Irvin, Capt. John, sketch of, 334; HORNECKER, Maria Catharina, 188 First Lieut., Second Penna. Line, Howard, Major , tried and sen- 334; wounded at Paoli, 334; Or- tenced by court martial, 293, 294 derly Book, Second Penna. Line, Howard, Major John Eager, 88 kept by, 335 Howe, Gen. Robert, promoted to rank Irvine, Lieut.-Col. , 60 of Major-General, 162 Irvine, Gen. William, order of march, Howe, Gen. Sir William, at Battle of Nov. 2, 1777, 168; mentioned, 173, Germantown, 94; character of, de- 176, 180, 291 scribed by De Lisle, 365 Izard, Gen. George, 278, 279 HOWELL, Catharine Warner, 401; Joshua, 401; Joshua, with Francis Jackson Joseph, The First Balloon Rawle, purchases Laurel Hill from Hoax, by, 51; A Philadelphia Joseph Shute, 387 Schoolmaster of the Eighteenth Howell, Major , 59 Century, by, 315 Hubley, Lieut.-Col. Adam, President JAHN, Johann Zacharias, 191 of court martial, 480, 481, 482; Jameson, J. Franklin, contributes mentioned, 166, 467 Letters of a French Officer, written HUDSON, William, 42 at Easton, Penna., 1777-1778, 90 526 Index.

Jaime, Dr. , 54, 55 Kirk, Ensign Robert, tried by court Jeffries, Thomas, 436 martial, 486; sketch of, 486 Jennings, Samuel, Receiver-General, KIRSCHENER, Maria Christina, 193 William Penn's account with, KIRTON, Olive, 504 1690-1693, 199 KISTNER, Ludwig, 198 JOHNSON, Francis, 255 KLEIN, George, 188 JOHNSON, Col. Henry, 455; Re- KLEIN, Peter, 198 becca Franks, 455; Col. Henry in KLEINTAP, Christopher, 192; Jo- command at Stony Point, 455; hann, 191 sketch of, 455 KNAUSS, Anna Margaretha, 189 Johnson, Brigade Major , 60, 88, KNEPLE, Peter, 191 162 Knox, Gen. Henry, member of Court Johnson, Amandus, " The Swedish of Inquiry, 71; mentioned, 174 Settlements on the Delaware, 1638- KOCH, Maria Margretha, 191 1664," by, 223 KOHLER, Francisca, 196; Martin, Johnson, Sir William, Gen. Thomas 196 Gage to, 373, 375; sketch of, 437 KRAMER, Hinrich, 190 Johnston, Col. , 83 KRATZER, Anna Margretha, 195; Jones, Mrs. Charles, extracts from George Friedrich, 189 Bible of, 380 KRAUSE, 255 Jones, Elias, Grammar Master of KREISCHER, Maria Catharina, 191; Transylvania Seminary, 351 Ann Sophia, 190 Jordan, John W., Orderly Book of the Second Pennsylvania Line, Col. KUCKER, Daniel, 192 Henry Bicker, 1778; edited by, KUCKERT, Johann Adam, 188 333, 463; extracts from Report of, as Librarian of the Hist. Soc. Pa., La Fayette, Major-Gen. Marquis de, 1910, 376 to command Gen. Stephens' Divi- Joseph Richardson's Road, by Hon. sion, 294; mentioned, 296, 298, 335 Samuel W. Pennypacker, 41; sur- Lamb, Col. , 166, 297, 488 veyed by Hendrick Pannebecker, Lambert, Thomas, deed of Richard 45-47; Isaac Norris objects to Newcome, for tract of land in West same, 47-49; modern description New Jersey, 228; partner in first of, 50 company for manufacture of iron JUNGHEN, Heinrich, 190; Johann in Trenton, 230 192 Lancaster* important post during Revolutionary War, 481 KAUER, Barbara, 194 LANE, Edward, 42 Kearsly, Capt. , 78 LANG, Elisabeth, 192 KECK, Henrich, 198; Wilhelm, 194 LAUBACH, Johanna Elisabetha, 188 Keen, Gregory B., review of " The Laurel Hill and Some Colonial Dames Swedish Settlements on the Dela- Who Once Lived There, by William ware, 1638-1664," by Amandus Brooke Rawle, 385; built 1748 and Johnson, by, 223 owned by Joseph Shute, 387; pur- Kentucky Academy organized, 353; chased 1760, by Francis Rawle and contributors to, 354 Joshua Howell, 387; sold at public KEPLER, Jacob, 193 sale by the State agents for confis- KERSCHNER, Anna Margaretha, cated estates, 394, 404; occupied 197; Johann Jacob, 197; Maria, by President Joseph Reed, 400; 193 purchased by Major James Parr, KILICHER, Catharina, 192 404; occupied by Chevalier de KILIERS, Maria, 190 Luzerne, 404; conveyed to William KING, Anna, 255; James, 255; Rawle, 406; purchased by Dr. John, 255 ; Samuel, 255 ; Susanna, Philip Syng Physick, 414 255 Laurel Hill Cemetery Company, in- Kinkaid, Adjutant William, tried by corporated, 1837, 388 court martial, 61 LAWAR, Maria Barbara, 192; Wil- KINZING, Abraham, 255 " elm, 192 Index. 527

Lawrence, John, appointed Aide-de- Letters from William Franklin to Camp to Commander-in-Chief, 66 William Strahan, edited by Charles Lawrence, William, 165 Henry Hart, 415 Lawson, Col. , 158 Lewis, Col. , 99 Lawson, John, appointed Brigade Ma- Lewis, Ensign Meriwether, tried by jor, 79 court martial, 114 Lea, Arthur H., to Samuel W. Penny- Lewis, Capt. William, appointed Brig- packer, 129 ade Inspector, 478; sketch of, 478 Lea, Henry Charles, presentation of Lexington, Transylvania Seminary portrait of, to the Hist. Soc. of Pa., opened at, 1788, 350; Grammar 129; remarks of William Brooke School founded by Isaac Wilson, Rawle on life and works of, 130- 351; merged into Transylvania 135; elected Vice-President and Seminary, 351; first public library Honorary Vice-President of Hist. at, 352; first printing office and Soc. of Penna., 131; meeting in newspaper west of Alleghenies, memory of in Hall of College of 352 Physicians, 131; work of, during Lincoln, Gen. Benjamin, wounded at Civil War, 132 ; President of Wis- Saratoga, 80; thanks of Congress tar Party, 133; remarks of Hon. extended to, 175 ; mentioned, 62 Hampton L. Carson, on presenta- Linley, Lieut.-Col. , 178 tion of portrait of to Hist. Soc. of Linnard, Major , 335 Penna., 135; acceptance of portrait Little, Lieut.-Col. , 162 of, by Hon. Samuel W. Penny- Livingston, Col. , 293 packer on behalf of Hist. Soc. of Livingston, Col. Henry Beekman, Penna., 140 sketch of, 473 LEACH, Betsey, 344; Catharine, LLOYD, Ambrose, 503; Charles, 503, 343; Christiana, 348; Deborah, 505 ; James, 505 ; John, 503 ; Mary, 349; Henry, 343, 344, 346, 347; 503; Nehemiah, 503; Rachel, 503; John, 344, 345, 347, 348, 349; Sampson, 503, 504; to Elizabeth Joseph, 343, 344, 347, 349; Katy, Norris, 502 344; Maximilian, 344, 346, 347, LOCK, Catharine, 255 ; Englebert, 255 349 ; Molly, 349 ; Polly Blum, 348; Lockhart, Major Samuel, promo- Winiam, 344, 345, 346, 349; Bet- tion of, to Lieut.-Col., 75; men- sey Haest, 347 tioned, 84, 183 Leach, Christiana, of Kingsessing, LOECHLER, Anna, 256 ; Anton, 256 ; 1765-1796, Selections from the Elizabeth, 255; George, 255; Diary of, contributed by Robert Henry, 256 ; John G., 256 ; Justina, H. Hinckley, 343 256; Maria, 255 Leach, John, taken prisoner by the LOESCHER, George, 255, 256; British, 345 George, Jr., 255; Franz, 256; Leach, William, taken prisoner by Jacob, 256; William, 256 the British, 345 LOFFLER, Catharina, 198; Johann, Lear, Tobias, to , 198 108 Logan, James, to John Penn, 252; Lee, Capt. , 488 to Thomas Penn, 264, 265, 267; Lee, Francis B., extracts from let- to Richard Peters, 270, 272; to ters of Cougan and Mallard, con- Isaac Taylor, 273, 274 tributed by, 116; mentioned, 365 Logan Papers in Historical Society Lee, Gen, " Light Horse" Harry, of Pennsylvania, Five Letters George Washington to, 108 from, selected by J. C. Wylie, 497 Lee, Capt. Henry, 64, 66, 173 LOHREN, Anna Barbara, 195 LBFEBER, Christina, 188 Loudon, Earl of, see Campbell LEISENRING, Conrad, 190; Johann Ludley, Judah, sentenced by court Conrad, 197 martial, 165 Letters of a French Officer, written Ludwell, Col. Philip, 433 at Easton, Penna., 1777-1778, 90 LUDWIG, Jacob, 189 Letters of Two Distinguished Penn- Luzerne, Chevalier de, occupies sylvania Officers of the Revolu- Laurel Hill, 404 tion, 304 Lydald, Major , 480 528 Index.

LYNDALL, 255 Martin, Col. Alexander, tried by Lyne, Charles, appointed to act as court martial, 164 ; mentioned, 164, Commissary, 185 184 Lynly, Lieut-Col. , 78 Martin, Col. Ephraim, 82 Lynn Township, Lehigh Co., Pa., In- Masonic Hall, Philadelphia, destroyed dian atrocities in, 1756, 372 by fire, 1819, 372 Lytle, Lieut. Andrew, 335 Maybien, Lieut.-Col., 477 Maxharm, Lieut.-Col. John, sen- McClanachan, Col. Alexander, mem- tenced by court martial, 160 ber of court martial on conduct Maxwell, Gen. William, Court of In- of Gen. Wayne, 157 quiry on charges against, 81, 160; McClintock, Major Nathaniel, 298 at Battle of Brandywine, 104, McClure, Major , 297 105; acquitted, 170, 172; men- McCormick, Capt. George, tried by tioned, 77, 84, 159, 172, 178, 181, eourt martial, 160 294, 298, 467, 478, 479, 492 McCormick, Adjutant Henry, 162; Brigade Major, 463, 482 Meade, General George Gordon, ban- McCRACKIN, 255 quet given by the Hist. Soc. of Pa. McDonough, Commodore Thomas, to celebrate the 95th anniversary of 279-281 birth of, 1; descendants of at McDougall, Gen. Alexander, member banquet, 2; swords of, 2; portrait of court martial, 71; promoted to of, by Thomas Hicks, 2; head- rank of Major-General, 162; order quarters and Fifth Corps flags of, of march, Nov. 2, 1777, 168; men- 2; early life of, 6, 37; pupil of tioned, 62, 63, 68, 72, 83, 85, 157, Salmon P. Chase, 7; enters West 162, 163, 169 Point, 8; military record of, 8-15; McDougall, Banold Stephen appointed joins Army of the Potomac, 9; Aide-de-Camp to Gen. McDougall, wounded at Battle of Frazier 164 Farm, 9; commands Fifth Corps, McGowan, Major John, 86, 162, 169, 9; takes command of Army of the 175, 181, 2&1, 298, 341; tried by Potomac, 9; at Battle of Gettys- court martial, 481, 482 burg, 10-14 Mclntosh, Gen. Lachlan, succeeds Meade, Iieut.-Col. Matthew, sketch Gen. Nash in command of N. C. of, 473; mentioned, 172 troops, 463; mentioned, 465, 471, Meath, William, tried by court mar- 478 tial, 488 MACK, Anna Maria, 197 Medical graduates of the University McKinley, John, President of Dela- of Pennsylvania, query regarding, ware, William Franklin exchanged 244 for, 419 MEIER, Catharina Elisabeth, 191; McKinney, John, teacher at Lexing- Johann, 190 ton, 350 Meltz, Lieut. Jacob, suspended from McKinney, Lieut. John, sketch of, the army, 81 492 Melville, Rear Admiral George W., McKnight, Dr. Charles, 296 attends Meade anniversary ban- McMichael, Lieut. James, to be tried quet, 2 ; address of, 32 by general court martial, 335 Menbys, Major , 168 McNALLY, Michael, 121 Mennis, Major , 170, 176, 185, Macomb, Gen. Alexander, Jr., 283 293, 302, 475 Magaw, Col. , 334 Mentges, Major Francis, 184 Malcolm, Col. William, 74, 78, 162, MERCKERT, Anna Christina, 196; 294, 495 cnristina Margaretha, 197; Jo- Marshall, Col. , 71, 169 hann Philip, 197; Peter, 197; Marshall, Lieut. John, appointed Rosina Catharina, 197 Deputy Judge Advocate, 182 MERSCH, Nicolaus, 198 MARSTELLEB, Anna Margaretha, Mervin, Brigade Major , 473 189, 197; Catharina, 196; Elisa- METZ, Conrad, 256; Henry, 254 beth, 197; Elizabetha, 188; Joh. Meyer, Jeremiah, 434 George. 194, 197 MICHAEL. George. 189 Index. 529

Michael, , appointed Grammar Morris, Mrs. Robert, 398 Master of Transylvania Seminary, MORY, Jacob, 196 351 MOSER, Elisabetha, 198; Michael, MIES, Anthonius, 188 198 Mifflin, Charles, items relating to Moylan, Col. Stephen, President of school days of, 379 court martial, 81, 87; tried by Mifflin, Gen. Thomas, 333 court martial, 165 Miles, Lieut-Gen. Nelson A., at- MUENZER, David, 255 ; Mary, 255 ; tends Meade banquet, 2; address Marx, 255 of, 28 Muhlenberg, Rev. Henry M., letter MILLER, Peter, 254 of, 117 Miller, Lieut-Col. Henry, sketch of, Muhlenberg, Gen. John Peter Ga- 477 briel, Orderly Book of, March 26- Miller, Major Henry, 65, 156, 178, Dec. 20, 1777, 59, 156, 290; mem- 297 ber of Court of Inquiry, 81; mem- MOLIG, Johann, 188 ber of court martial on conduct of Monckton, Gen. Robert, sketch of, Gen. Wayne, 157; mentioned, 65, 429 66, 72, 84, 162, 170, 185, 186, Monmouth, Battle of, 345 292, 297, 475, 478, 487 Monroe, James, appointed Aide-de- Mullens, Thomas, appointed Brigade Camp to Major-Gen. Lord Stirling, Major to Gen. Conway, 66; men- 182 tioned, 159, 168, 178 Montgomery, Capt. Samuel, sketch of, MULLER, Catharina, 189; George 495 Henrich, 191; Johann, 193 MOORE, Fanny, 256; Jenny, 254; MUNTZER, Adam, 256; Barbara, John, 256; Martha, 256; Mary, 256; Catherine, 256; Englebart, 254 ; Thomas, 254 256; Joseph, 256; Sarah, 256; Moore, Charles Leonard, Poem William, 256 " Gettysburg," by, read at Meade Murray, Major Francis, 71, 296 banquet, 26 MYRTETUS, John A., 256; Christo- Moore, J., to Freeholders of Cedar pher, 255 ; Elizabeth, 255 Creek Hundred, contributed by Rev. C. H. B. Turner, 382 Nagel, Lieut.-Col. George, 79, 176, Moore, Rev. James, Grammar Mas- 294 ter of Transylvania Seminary, 351, NAREGANG, Michael, 190 353 Nash, Gen. Francis, interment of, 69; Moore, Major James, sketch of, 490 camp equipage of to be sold, 83; Moravian Congregation, Oldman's at Battle of Brandywine, 105; Creek, N. J., 1777-8, extracts from Congress requests Gov. Caswell, of diary of, 378 N. C, to erect monument to mem- Moravian Congregation, Philadelphia, ory of, 175; death of, 463 ; men- register of members and their chil- tioned, 61, 62, 68, 84 dren, 1757, 254 NAUMANN, Margaretha, 190 More, Lieut. Thomas, tried by court NEFE, Maria Margaretha, 188 martial, 160 " Negociator," query regarding, Morgan, Col. Daniel, 178, 187 wreck of, 383 Morgan, George, member of firm of Nelson, -, 171 Baynton, Wharton and Morgan, 449 Nelson, William, Beginnings of the Morgan, Lieut. Simon, tried by court Iron Industry in Trenton, N. J., martial, 87 by, 228 Morgan, William, tried by court mar- Nelson, Lieut.-Col. William, 72 tial, 471 Neville, Lieut.-Col. John, 59, 83, 492 MORRI, George Wilhelm, 188 Nevin, Capt. Daniel, 294 Morris, Major, 83 Newcombe, Richard, deed of, to Morris, Anthony, partner in first Thomas Lambert for tract of land company for manufacture of iron in West New Jersey, 228 in Trenton, 230 Nichol, Col. Lewis, 296 Morris, Herbert, query regarding Nicholas, Lieut.-Col. George, 168 Haws or Hawes by, 122 Nicholls, Major Francis, 62. 67, 488 VOL. xxxv—34. 530 Index.

Nicholson, Lieut.-Col. John P., mem- Parker, Col. Josiah, President of ber of committee on Meade ban- court martial, 75; Court of In- quet, 1; address of, 17 quiry on complaint of Joseph NICKEL, Catharina, 191 Chambers against, 174, 178; report NICOLAUS, Johann, 193 of same, 179; mentioned, 168, 487 NOLFF, Philip, 197 Parker, Capt. Paul, appointed Bri- Norris, Elizabeth, Sampson Lloyd to, gade Major, Gen. Wayne's Bri- 502 gade, 74 ; mentioned, 79,156,171,180 Norris, Isaac, objects to survey of Parr, Major James, purchases Laurel Joseph Richardson's road, 47; Hill, 404 meets Richardson and Pannebecker PARSONS, Hannah, 255; Juliana, to go over same, 47; presents pe- 255 tition to the court, objecting to Paschal, Dr. , 344 Joseph Richardson's road, 49; Pastorius, Francis Daniel, Joseph Henry Dennis to, 116; death of, Richardson's sons pupils of, 42 250 Patterson, Gen. John, 339, 466, 477, North, Major , member of court 478, 490 martial, 291; President of court Patterson, Capt. John, President of martial, 301 court martial, 480; sketch of, 480 Notes and queries, 112, 244, 365, 512 Patterson, Robert, settles in Lexing- Notes of court martial, sub-legion of ton, Va., 1775, 354; founder of U. S., 114 first Presbyterian Church, Lexing- NUCHTERN, Johannes, 189 ton, Va., 354 NuNN, Major , 294 Patterson, Gen. Samuel, 184 Nutt, Samuel, founder of the iron Patterson, William, sentenced by industry, 41 court martial, 165 Patton, Col. John, sketch of, 475; Officers of the Hist. Soc. of Pa., 513 mentioned, 161, 180, 494 Ogden, Major Aaron, 339, 479 Paulus Hook; capture of, 455 Ogden, Col. Matthias, President of Peers, Major Valentine, 65, 75, 89, court martial, 291, 296, 463, 471; 164 sketch of, 463; mentioned, 162 Peisley, assistant to David James Ohio settlement, William Franklin Dove, 318 writes to William Strahan regard- Pemberton, James, to Capel & Os- ing, 449-451, 453 good, 250 Oldman's Creek, N. J., extracts from PENINGTON, Edward, 403 diary of the Moravian congregation PENINGTON, Sarah Shoemaker, 403 at, 1777-78, 378 Penn, John, to, 252 OLDT, Matthias, 197 Penn, Letitia, to Hannah Fishborn, Olethgo, Joseph Richardson pur- 251 chases tract of, 42; petition of Penn, Thomas, James Logan to, 264, inhabitants of, for road to Phila- 265, 267 delphia, 45 Penn, William, account of, with Olney, Col. , President of court Samuel Jennings, Receiver-Qoiwiul, martial, 185 1690-1693, 199; a slavo-ownor, II! Orderly Book of Gen. John Peter Pennsylvania Gazette, advortlNoinontM Gabriel Muhlenberg, March 26- appearing in, 1760, 118 Dec. 20, 1777, 59, 156, 290 Pennsylvania, militia nt Ilnttti< of Orderly Book of the Second Pennsyl- White Marsh, 308, Hinti' (ttinrd vania Continental Line, Col. Henry of, 1814, 369 Bicker, 1778, edited by John W. Pennypacker, Samuel W , m<iM of Jordan, 333, 463 Committee on Monde Hnnquot, 1 ; Organ, David, tried by court martial, presides at sump, 4 , JoHcph Klrh 87 ardson's road )>v, 11 , pirwMon nt OSWALT, Johann, 192 meeting of IIlHt Nor of I'n , I'M), OTTO, Matthias, 193 Arthur H. Lon to, 120. neropt- ance of portrnlt of floury ('harlot* Pannebecker, Hendrick, surveys Jos. Lea on behalf of thi» HlHt. Hoc. of Richardson's road, 45 Pa. by, 140; ChnrlcH Honry Hart Park, Lieut.-Col. , 65 to, 257 Index. 531

Penrose, Col. Joseph, 334 Potter, James, classmate of Joseph Percy, see Piercy Heatly Dulles. 276 Perginer, Lieut.-Col. , tried by Potter, Gen. James, 297 court martial, 4G4 POWELL, Martha, 255 ; Samuel, 255 Perry, John, extracts from letters Powell, Lieut.-Col. Levin, 172 of Congan and Mallard to Francis Pownall, Thomas, sketch of, 432 B. Lee, 11G Prentice, Col. , 83, 156 PETER, Christian, 255; Elizabeth. Price, Col. , Court of Inquiry on 255, 25G; Johanetta, 255 ; John, conduct of, 180 255, 25G ; Juliana. 256 Price. Col. Thomas, 86, 174 Peters, Major Andrew, sketch of, 477 Pringlc, Sir John, sketch of, 424 Peters, Richard, James Logan to, Proctor, Col. Thomas, 495 270, 272 ; appointed on a commit- Pulaski, Brigadier-Gen. Casimir, 65, tee to inquire into conduct of 164, 165 David James Dove, 319 Putnam, Col. Rufus, 333 Peters, Richard, Jr., student of David James Dove, 319 RAIIN, Anna, 196 ; Johann Henrich, PFEIFFER, Franz, 255; Margaret, 19S ; Johannes, 196 256 ; Margaretha, 255 Rains, Lieut. Giles, tried by court PFIXGSTAG, Jacob, 255 ; Michael, martial. 87 255 ; Rosina, 255 Ralston, Adjutant , sentenced by Philadelphia Schoolmaster of the court martial, 301 Eighteenth Century, by Joseph Ramsay, Alexander, portrait of Jackson, 315 George III by, 434, 444 Philadelphia, occupation of by the Ramsey, Lieut.-Col. , 295 British, 94, 344; taking of, by Ramsey, Charles Frederick, delivers Howe's army an advantage to the an address before Hist. Soc, of jra. country, 367 ; first anniversary of on " West," 152 the Declaration of Independence, Randolph Mansion, paper read by celebrated in, 372 William Brooke Rawle before Phillips, Major-Gen. William, 93 Colonial Dames of America, Chap- Physick, Dr. Philip Syng, purchases ter II, on opening of, 385 Laurel Hill from William Rawle, RAUB, Barbara, 196 ; Christian, 196; 414 Maria Sarah, 196 Pickett, Major , 68 RAUP, Andreas, 196; Anne Maria, Piercy, Lieut. Henry, sketch of, 480 191 ; Maria Sara, 198 ; Philip, 198 Pinckncy, Col. , 278 RAWER, Jacob, 191 PIOU, Maria, 1S9 RAWLE, Anna, 3S9; Francis, 3S8; PITS, Barbara, 189 Margaret, 3S9; Rebecca Warner, PITZ, Anna Maria, 192 3SS; Sarah Burge, 396, 403; Platt, Richard, appointed Aide-de- William, 3S9, 396, 403 Camp to Gen. McDougall, 184; Rawle, Francis, with Joshua nowell, mentioned, 67, 78 purchases Laurel Hill from Joseph Plattsburyh, description of, 2S2 Shute, 3S7 ; sketch of life of, 3S8 ; Plumsted, William, to Overseers of marries Rebecca Warner, 388; the Poor, 251 death of, 3S9 Polk, Major , 168 Rawle, William, accompanies Samuel Pollen, Major , 473 Shoemaker to New York as refugee Poor, Gen. Enoch, sketch of, 463; 393; Laurel Hill conveyed to, President of court martial, 477, 406 ; sells Laurel Hill to Dr. Philip 484, 485; headquarters of, 477; Syng Physick, 414 mentioned, 295, 467, 472, 473, 478, Rawle, Lieut.-Col. William Brooke, 485 member of Committee on Meade Pope, Lieut.-Col. , 156 Banquet, 1 ; address of, 18; re- Porter, Major , 463 marks of, on presentation of por- Porterfield, John, partner in first trait of Henry Charles Lea to company for manufacture of iron Hist. Soc. Pa., 130; Laurel Hill in Trenton, 230 and Some Colonial Dames Who POSSERT, George Peter, 192 Once Lived There, by, 385 532 Index.

Read, Archibald, appointed paymas- Richardson, Samuel, Provincial ter 8th Penna. Regiment, 208 Councillor, father of Joseph Rich- Read, Deborah, makes acquaintance ardson, 42 ; property of, 42 of Benjamin Franklin, 30S; mar- Richardson, Col. William, President ries Rogers, 309; marries of court martial, 468; sketch of, Benjamin Franklin, 309 468 Read, Col. James, 59 Richcdson, Major Holt, 79, 181 Red Bank, Battle of, 345 Ricker, Lieut.-Col. , 184 REDMAN, Martha, 233 Rignier, Lieut.-Col., 465 REED, 120 RITSCIII, Maria Catharina, 198 Reed, Lieut-Col. , 298 Rittenhouse, David, credited with Reed, Major , G9, 294 having contrived the first balloon- Reed, Joseph, sketch of, 431 ascension in America, 52, 53, 54, Reed. President Joseph, occupies 56 laurel Hill, 400; death of wife of, Ritter, Lieut. William, tried by court 400 martial, 495 Reed, Thomas, appointed assistant Roberts, Hugh, 254 paymaster, 4C5 Roch, Thomas, sentenced by court REICH, Johann Jacob, 197 martial, 161; execution of, res- Reid. Lieut.-Col. George, sketch of, pited, 163 ; pardoned, 167 485 Rodney, Sir George, suocess of, in Reigart, Adam, sketch of, 337 West Indies, 461; sketch of, 461 REINER, John Peter, 19G ROGERS, , 309 REINIIARD, Barbara, 197; Johann ROGERS, Deborah Read, 309 George, 198; Maria Barbara, 198 ; ROIIN, Elisabeth, 190 Valentin. 197 ROSLER, Francisca, 188 REINI1ARDT, Clara, 193 Ross, Brigade Major , 162 REXER, Catharina, 190; Christina, Ross, Lieut.-Col. James, 69 192 ; Johann Jacob, 190 ROTII, Anne Elisabeth, 191 Reynolds, General John F., killed at Rudolph, Capt. , 344 Gettysburg, 10 RUMETSCII, Caspar, 192 Rhea. Lieut.-Col. , 162 RUMFELD, Barbara, 197; Henrich, Richard, Capt. , 163 197; Margrethe, 193 RICHARDSON, Ann, 42; Aubrey, Rumney, Col. , 65 42; Edward, 42; Elizabeth, 42; Rush, Dr. Benjamin, to John Dickin- John, 42; Joseph, 42; Mary, 42; son, 501 Samuel, 42 Russell, Col. , 84, 172 Richardson, Col. , member of Russell, Joseph, letters of, 1776, 112, Court of Inquiry, 81 ; mentioned, 113 Ruther, Michael, sentenced by court 03, 1G6 martial, 185 Richardson, Joseph, Road of, by Hon. Samuel W. Pennypacker, 41 ; St. James Church, Kingsessing, 383 buys land on the Schuylkill and St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Perkiomen, 42; of Olethgo, 42; Congregation, Lehigh Co., Pa., son of Samuel Richardson, 42; 1730-1764, contributed by Clar- marries Elizabeth Bevan, 42; sons ence E. Beckel, 188 of. pupils of Francis Daniel Pas- Sanford, Capt. William, 165 torius. 42 ; Friends' Monthly Meet- Saratofja, Battle of, 79, 93, 345 ing at house of, 43 ; John Fother- SAXER, Jacob, 198 gill lodges at house of, 43 ; slaves SCHADE, Matthew, 255 of, 43; advertisement of run- SCHAFFER, Johann George, 192; away servants, 43; with others Elisabeth, 193; Hinrich, 190; Jo- unites in a petition to Court of hann, 189, 197 Quarter Sessions for a road from SCHALL, Nicolaus, 192 Olethgo and neighboring parts, to SCIIANTZ, Maria Barbara, 192 Philadelphia. 45; appointed over- SCHANT, Jacob, 189 seer of above road, 45; meets SCIIERER, , 190; Hinrich, 190 Isaac Norris to go over same, 47 SCHILP, Catharina, 198 ; Peter, 198 Index. 533

SCIILAGEIIAUP, Anna Maria, 197 394; sails for England, 395; SCIILOSSER, Anna M., 250; Anna friend of Benjamin West, 407; Maria, 253 ; Ernst, 256; George, presented to King and Queen, 409; 253 ; Maria Eva, 191; Mary M., 250 describes interview with George SCIIMEL, Michael, 190 III, 410-411; engraving of one of SCHMIDT, Abba Barbara, 198; West's paintings presented to, by Elisabeth Margretha, 192; Mar- George III, 411; returns from gretha, 193; Michael, 198 England, 411; death of, 411 Schmidt, Rev. Frederick, pastor Mo- Shrieve, Col. Israel, wounded at Bat- ravian Congregation, Oldman's tle of Germautown, 105-107 Creek, N. J., 378 Shute, Joseph, builds Laurel Hill, SCHNEIDER, Johann George, 188 174S, 387 SCIIOLL, 121 SHUTTEHELM, Christian, 256; SCIIRACK, 120 Elisabeth, 256; John, 256; John SCHUMACHER, Catharina, 198; Jo- Adam, 233 ; Margretha, 255 ; Peter, hann George, 198 255 SCI1UTZ, Job. Philip, 192 SIGMANN, Barbara, 197; George, Schuyler, Col. Peter, 333 197 : Leonhard, 197 SCIIWARZ, Conrad, 255; Susanna, SILCKERT, Wilhelm, 193 23<3 Sill, Major , 172 Scott, Gen. Charles, 63, 65, 71, 84, Simmons, Lieut.-Col. , 483 1G1, 1G2, 169, 170, 175, 180, 472, Simms, Lieut.-Col. Charles, member 478 of court martial, 291; mentioned, Scull, Major , 158, 180, 297 59, GO, 1C3 SEBOLD, Magdalena, 189 Skinner. Capt. William, 333 Second Pennsylvania Continental XkipiKick Road, order of march of Line, Orderly Book of 1778, troops on, Nov. 2, 1777, 168 edited by John W. Jordan, 333, Slait, Major , 158 4G3 Slaughter, Major , 17t) Sedgwick, Major John, 159 Slavery in Colonial Pennsylvania, by Seely, Brigade Major Isaac, sketch Edward Raymond Turner, 141; of, 490 in Pennsylvania in 1G77, 141; laws Seely, see Cilley passed in colony imposing a duty Selections from the diary of Chris- on, 142; Friends and Germans tiana Leach, 1765-1796, contrib- oppose, 142; ceases among uted by Robert II. Ilinckley, 349 Friends, 142; origin of, 144; SEYDER, Eva Dorothea, 197; Jo- laws of, 144-146; abolition of, hann Heinrich, 195 ; Michael, 197 ; 17S0, 151 Susanna, 195, 197 Slaves, introduced into Penna., 141; Shank, Ensign Thomas, sentenced number of in Penna., 142, 143; by court martial, 75 prices of, 144; laws governing, Shaylor, Major Joseph, President of 145; punishment of, 146; adver- court martial, 114, 115 tisements for runaway slaves, 147, Shoad, Major , 298 148, 149 ; treatment of, 148, 150; Shede, Capt. Henry, sentenced by advertisements for sale of, 148, court martial, 87 149, 150 ; religious welfare of, 149 Shee, Col. John, 333 Smallwood, Gen. William, order of Sheldon, Col. Elisha, 1G5 march, Nov. 2, 1777, 168; men- Sheriff. Col. , 4G9 tioned. 62, G7, 68, 75, S9, 162, 164, SHILLING, Mary, 255 174. 180, 183, 290, 301, 46S, 469 SHOEMAKER, Benjamin, 397; SMITH, John, 348 ; Mathias Newton, Samuel, 3S9, 397; Sarah, 403 347 Shoemaker, Samuel, sketch of life of, Smith, Major , 61, 88, 290 389 ; signs non-importation agree- Smith, Capt. , 340, 349 ment, 390 ; with Joseph Galloway, Smith, Lieut-Col., 161 takes charge of civil affairs in Smith, Robert, 166 Philadelphia, 391-392; declared Smith, Lieut.-Col. Samuel, Congress guilty of high treason, 392; goes presents sword to, in appreciation to New York as refugee, 393; of his defence of Fort Mifllin, 176 property of, sold at public sale, Smith, Major Thomas, 162, 164 534 Index.

Smith, Rev. William, 424, 430, 431, Steuben, Baron, 338 441 Stewart, Col. Walter, member of Smith, William Alexander, presents Court of Inquiry, 81, 157; men- letter of George Washington and tioned, 477 two letters to Washington to the STIEBER, Maria Barbara, 188 Hist. Soc. of Pa., 108-111 STIER, Jacob, 190, 197 Snead, Major Thomas, 59, 159 Stirling, Gen. William Alexander, SOIINS, Peter, 191 Lord, President of court martial, Some Family Expenses of a Century 71, 73, 76, 82 ; at Battle of Bran- Ago, 37G dywine, 104 ; order of march, Nov. SOMMER, 255 2, 1777, 108 ; sketch of, 438 ; head- Sonot, Dr. , tried by court mar- quarters of, at Valley Forge, 490; tial, 493 mentioned, 60, 02, 03, 68, 84, 85, SONSTET, Dorothea, 193 175, 178, 179, ISO, 181, 183, 291, Spencer, Col. Oliver, member of Court 294, 295, 298, 302 of Inquiry, 71; mentioned, 162, STOCKER, Anna Margaretha, 188, 174 197 Sproat, Lieut.-Col. , 301 Stockton, Richard, 444 SPROGEL, 255; Mary, 255 Stoddard, Lieut.-Col. , 291 Sprogell, Ludwig, Muster Master- Stoddard, Major , 180, 296 General at White Marsh, return STULZE, George, 191 of, Nov. 24, 1777, 368 Stoner, Capt. John, sentenced by Sprout, Lieut.-Col. EbenezeF, sketch court martial, SG of, 340 Stony Point, capture of, 455 STADLER, Jacob, 255; Mary, 255, Stout, Capt. Joseph, killed at Battle 256; Robert, 256 of Brandywine, 105 Stamp Act Incident, 116 Stoy, Lieut. John, sketch of, 480 Starr, Licut.-Co4. , 174 STRAITAN, George, 452 State Guard of Philadelphia, 1814, STRAIIAN, William, Jr., 452 360 Strahan, William, Letters to, from State Ilouse Bell, Philadelphia, items William Franklin, edited by in account rendered by Hugh Rob- Charles Henry Hart, 415; bio- erts for, 254 graphical sketch of, 420; friend Staten Island, Court of Inquiry on^ of Benjamin Franklin, 421; conduct of Gen. Sullivan at, 71, 82 William Franklin to, 421, 422, 424, STAUTER, Catharina, 192 427, 429, 431, 433, 436, 437, 439, STECIIER, Adam, 193 440, 444, 446, 453, 454, 456, 457, Steel, Capt. David, 78 459, 460; mentioned, 310, 311, STEESER, Eva Christina, 197; Mel- 418 chior, 197 STROII, Margretha, 192 STETN, Jacob, 255 Stnbblefield, Major George, 88, 295 STEINMETZ, Anna Elisabetha, 198; STURGEUS [Sturgis], Cornelius, 255 Eva Elisabetha, 189 ; Valentin, 198 STURM, Anna Barbara, 198 Stephen, Gen. Adam, at Battle of Sub-Legion of U. S., notes of court Brandy wine, 104 ; Court of Inquiry martial of, 114 on conduct of at Brandywine and Sullivan, Major-Gen. John, Court of Germantown, 159; order of march. Inquiry on conduct of, in Staten Nov. 2, 1777, 1G8; court martial Island, 71 ; report of Court of In- for trial of. 160, 182; declared quiry on, 82 ; at Battle of Brandy- guilty and dismissed from the ser- wine, 104 ; President of court mar- vice, 1S2; mentioned, 60, 61, 62, tial, 157, 160, 166, 169, 170, 182; 65, 68, 69, 75, 79, 83, 85, 156, 158, order of march, Nov. 2, 1777, 1G8; 162, 164, 170, 294 resolution of Congress concerning Stephens, David, headquarters of opinion of Court of Inquiry rela- Gen. Varnnm, at house, 483 tive to, 176 ; mentioned, 60, 62, 65, Stephens, Col. E., member of court 68, 71, 76, 77, 82, 85, 86, 88, 15$ martial on conduct of Gen. Wayne, 157, 161, 162, 166, 170, 172, 173, 157 ; mentioned, 78 181, 183, 293, 297, 299, 466 Sterrett, Major William, 76, 176 Sumner, Major , 72, 472 Index. 535

Simmer, Col. Jethro, 156 Tryon, Gov. William, of North Caro- SUSSHOLTZ, Adam, 255 lina and New York recalled, 456 Swedish Colonial Society, founded, Tupper, Col. Benjamin, sketch of, 1909, 226; officers of, 226 340; mentioned, 294 Swedish Settlements on the Delaware, Turner, Rev. C. H. B., contributes 1638-1664, by Amandus Johnson, records from Bible of Mrs. Charles review of, by Gregory B. Keen, 223 Jones, 380; letter of J. Moore to Swift, Col. Heman, President of Freeholders of Cedar Creek Hun- court martial, 464, 469; sketch of, dred, contributed by, 382 464; mentioned, 69, 83, 158, 298 Turner, Edward Raymond, Slavery in Colonial Pennsylvania, by, 141 Talmadge, Capt. Benjamin, 165 Tyler, Major John S., 486; tried by TANNEBERGER, Barbara, 256; court martial, 486 John, 255 Tynick, Brigade Major , 472 Taylor, Major , 71, 170 Taylor, Francis, 165 UHLER, Valentin, 198 Taylor, Isaac, James Logan to, 273, Union School in Germantown, see 274 Germantown Academy Temple, Sir John, biographical University of Pennsylvania, query sketch of, 418 concerning data of medical gradu- Tenant, , 338 ates of, 244; pioneer of " higher Tenny, Dr. Samuel, appointed to act education" west of the Alle- as Surgeon-General, 186 ghenies, 350 TEUTSCH, Anne Marie, 190 Thackston, Col. James, member of court martial on conduct of Gen. Vancortland, Nicholas, appointed Wayne, 157; mentioned, 89 Aide-de-Camp to Gen. Sullivan, 172 THANI, Ludewig, 193 Varnum, Gen. James M., member of THEBI, Solomon, 193 Court of Inquiry, 81; sketch of, Themper, , Deputy Clothier- 483; mentioned, 73, 76, 83, 156, General, 178 185, 186, 298, 339, 472, 478 THEOBALD, Johann, 192 Vascher, Dr. John Francis, tried by Thompson, Hannah, 398 court martial, 486; sketch of, 486 Thompson, Col. William, sketch of, Vaughan, Major , 67, 180 304; letter of, 304-306 VEHLER, Adam, 198 Thomson, Charles, assistant to David VEIT, Sibilla, 190 James Dove, 318; to Col. John VELT, Maria Clara, 197 Dickinson, 499 Vernon, Major Frederick, sketch of, Thomson, John, 165 471 Tombstone inscriptions in the Baptist Vennoh, Robert, portrait of Henry Graveyard at Cape May Court Charles Lea, by, 129 House, N. J., copied by Emma Vose, Col. Joseph, President of court S. Adams, 356, 506 martial, 463, 471, 475, 486, 487, Toolmin, , Grammar Master of 488, 490, 493: sketch of, 463; Transylvania Seminary, 351, 353 mentioned, 472 Tower, Hon. Charlemagne, member of Committee on Meade Banquet, 1 Waggoner, Lieut. Henry, sketch of, Transylvania Seminary, opened, 1788, 480 350, 351; Wilson's Grammar School WAGNER, Philip, 193 merged into, 351, 352 WAKE, Baldwin, 457; William, 457; TRAPP, Friderica Dorothea, 197; Sir William, 458; Baldwin, 457, Philipp, 197 458, 459 Trent, James, partner in first com- Walker, Capt. Benjamin, appointed pany for manufacture of iron in Brigade Major, 340; sketch of, Trenton, 230 341; mentioned, 492 Trenton, N. J., Beginnings of Iron Walker, Joseph, headquarters of Industry in, by William Nelson, Gen. Wayne at house of, 481 228 Walker, Lewis, Friend's Monthly Trevior, Capt. , 78 Meeting at house of, 43 536 Index,

Wallace, Major Gustavus Brown, WEISINGER, Barbara, 255; Jacob, member of court martial, 291; 255 sketch of, 337; mentioned, 340 WEISS, Anna, 256; Benedict, 255; " Walnut Grove" sold to Joseph Christina, 255; Elizabeth, 256; Wharton by John Hughes, 442 Jacob, 255, 256; Ludwig, 255; WALP, Johann Jost, 192; Maria Peter, 256; Rebecca, 255, 256 Catharina, 197 Welcom, Major , 182 WARNER, Anna, 401; Catharine, Weltner, Lieut-Col. Ludowick, 156 401; Edward, 401; Rebecca, 388 WERLES, Anna Maria, 193 Washington, George, to Gen ." Light WERNE, William, 256 Horse" Harry Lee, 108; Tobias Wesson, Col. James, sketch of, 475 Lear to, 108; John Greenwood to, West, Major , 162, 181 110; to Gen. Edward Hand, 115; West, Benjamin, exhibition of collec- miniature of, painted by Henry tion of works and manuscripts of, Elouis, 261; Henry Elouis to, 261; 152; Charles Frederick Ramsey de- a subscriber to Kentucky Academy, livers an address on, 152; portraits 354; description of troops under, by, in possession of the Hist. Soc. 367 ; mentioned, 368 of Pa., 152; portrait of, by Sir Washington, Martha, miniature of, , 152; engraved by Henry Elouis, in collection of portraits of, 152; original sketches Mrs. Drexel, 261 by, 153; letters and manuscripts Washington Almanac, 1818-1819, in handwriting of, 153; letters Ito, notes from interleaved copy of, 372 154; receipt for funeral expenses Wayne, Gen. Anthony, Court of In- of, 155; friend of Samuel Shoe- quiry on conduct of, October 20, maker, 407 1777, 73, 76, 157, 166; acquitted, West Collection of the Historical 167; at Battle of Brandywine, Society of Pennsylvania, 152 104; order of march, Nov. 2, 1777, WnARTON, Isaac, 389; Margaret 168; presentation of his portrait Rawle, 389 ; Samuel, 445 ; Thomas, to the Hist. Soc. of Penna., on be- Jr., 445 half of Mrs. Joseph W. Drexel, by Wharton, Joseph, purchases, *' Walnut Charles Henry Hart, 257; portrait Grove " from John Hughes, 442 of, painted from life by Henry Wharton, Samuel, introduced to Elouis, 258; other portraits of, William Strahan by William Frank- 258, 259; headquarters of at Val- lin, 445; member of firm of ley Forge, 481; mentioned, 68, 69, Baynton, Wharton and Morgan, 77, 83, 84, 85, 162, 166, 171, 176, 445, 449 ; mentioned, 446, 449 183, 296, 342, 465, 471, 473, 475, Wharton, Thomas, one of founders of 482, 489, 490, 494 Germantown Academy, 325; men- Weaver, Capt. Jacob, 171 tioned, 481 WEBER, Anna, 256; Anne Margreth, Wheaton, Dr. Walter V., 277, 281 191; Catharina, 197; Elizabeth, White, John, appointed Aide-de-Camp 198, 256; Eva Christina, 191; to Gen. Sullivan, 59 Friedrich, 197; Jacob, 188, 189, Whitemarsh, Battle of, 334, 368 197, 198, 256; Johann, 193; Maria, Who Was the Mother of Frank- 256; Margaret, 255 ; Sarah, 196; lin's Son, by Charles Henry Hart, Susan, 255 ; Tobias, 255 308 Webster, Peletiah, appointed English Wilcox, James, 53, 54, 55, 56 Master at Germantown Academy, WILLIAMS, Prudence, 188 327 Williams, Major William, 61, 69, 82, Weedon, Gen. George, member of 158, 166, 174, 181, 297 court martial, 157; mentioned, 79, WILLING, Nancy, 398 83, 84, 165, 170, 185, 186, 293, Wills, Major , 293 297, 302 Wilson, Benjamin, portrait of WEIHER, Susanne, 190 William Franklin by, 420, 422, WEILAND, Anne Margretha, 191 426, 430, 435, 444; portrait of Weisenfels, Lieut.-Col. Fredirick, 298 Benjamin Franklin by, 430; men- WEISER, Adam, 190 tioned, 438 Index. 537

Wilson, Isaac, Head Master, by Wyoming, commission to construct a Charles H. Browning, 350; estab- fort for Indians at, 442 lishes the Lexington Grammar School, 350, 351; Grammar Mas- Yard, Benjamin, purchases Isaac ter of Transylvania Seminary, 351; Harrow's mill property, 239; steel Grammar School of, merged into works of, 240; first steel works in Transylvania Seminary, 351, 352; New Jersey, 241 Head Master of Transylvania Sem- Yard, William, iron works of, Borden- inary, 351; dismissed from same, town, N. J., 239 353; Trustee of Transylvania Sem- Yellow fever, account of in Philadel- inary, 353 ; military and land office phia, 1793, by Christiana Leach, records concerning, 355 349 Wilson, Judge James, a subscriber to Yellow Springs Hospital, 492 Kentucky Academy, 354 Yorhtown, surrender of Cornwallis at, Wilson, Mrs. James, 398 described in diary of Anna Rawle, WINDT, Anna Regina Catharina, 195 400 WINDT, Maria Barbara, 194 YOUNG, Elizabeth, 345; William, Winslow, Major Nathaniel, sketch of, 846; Capt. , 344 479 Young, Lieut.-Gen. S. M. B., attends Wiominkj see Wyoming Meade banquet, 2 ; address of, 35 Wisson, Col. , 291 Young, William, receives title of WOLFF, Johann Philip, 189 Botanist to the King and Queen, Wood, Col. James, President of court 343 ; death of, 346 martial, 61 Woodford, Gen. William, 68, 156, ZELLER, Maria Magdalena, 189: 158, 162, 170, 172, 178, 181, 294, Franz, 197 298, 472, 478 Zielinski, John de, 165 Wooster, Gen. , 284 ZIMMERMANN, Ludwig, 198 Wright, Lieut. Clinton, 277 ZIMMERMANN, Margaretha, 198 Wylie, J. C, 497 ZION, Luise, 193